#yandere ew matt
Oblivious (Matt x Edd)
A/N: Not my best work so far TT
TW: Toxic Relationship, and Unhealthy Mindset.
The remnants of the argument lingered in the air as Matt stood in the dimly lit kitchen, Tom and Tord had left, their departure marked by slammed doors and harsh words, though their words cut through his skin—he took a deep breath and tried not to care so much.
"Matt, you can't just choose to make us cut ties with him!" " Matt could still hear Tom's voice, loud and clear about his lover's freedom. As if! He knows that Edd willingly stayed with him— they act as if he's trapped.
"What are you saying? He chose me, didn't he?!" The taller male retorted, the kitchen counter shook from how furious he was. Matt was rarely the type to get angry, mostly oblivious to his actions and happy-go-lucky at every given situation but when the situation involved his relationship, especially being torn apart then something inside him sparked— that it made his anger go haywire.
"I can decide what's good for him."
"This is unhealthy, Do you know who helped you—" But the horned man, wasn't able to finish his sentence as Matt was quick to cut him off.
It worsened the tense situation but in his innocent sky blue eyes, the ginger believed that he was acting like his lover's knight in shining armor by protecting him by unwanted actions from their so-called called 'friends' that tried to rip them apart.
"I appreciate your unwanted opinion, Tord but leave me and my relationship alone."
And hence, the door slammed; the hinges almost breaking off by how loud the slam was. The two were forced to leave as Matthew pushed them away, he saw how Tord almost punched him right in the face but his blue hooded friend immediately interjected, he knew that violence wouldn't be a good thing — yet.
Now he sat on his couch, his shared couch with Edd, old but gold.
He turned to Edd with a cautious look, who was quiet during the whole ordeal, who sat on the worn-out couch, staring at the carpeted floor. Being the middleman, the brunette was always the one trying to stop arguments but it was understandable to Matt, why he was acting so reluctant and quiet when the argument was based on him, choosing which side he was on.
Edd seemed to be deep in thought, and stared up with open eyes, completely caught off guard, with Matt trying to converse with him.
"Edd? Are you okay?"
The brunette didn't seem to respond, he didn't know what to say next, but it worried the ginger greatly, his heart tightened whenever Edd gave him silent treatment, he yearned for his voice, his praises— all the affections.
Matt took a deep breath, his heart pounding as he knelt to stare at his brown glossy eyes, the silence between them stretched, heavy with unspoken words.
"I did it, Edd. I kicked them out," Matt finally spoke, his voice a mix of triumph and uncertainty.
The brunette looked up, his eyes reflecting a complex array of emotions – surprise, sadness, and perhaps a hint of relief, maybe because the argument finally ended.
Matt gently held onto the plump man's chin, softly pulling his face forward, and leaned for a kiss, feeling Edd's chapped lips against his soft pink lips. It was slightly uncomfortable, feeling the dryness of his lips but the pale-skinned adult didn't care so much— just the feeling of their lips against each other sent a nice feeling to his mind.
He deluded himself to believe that Edd, also felt the same, the distance between them suddenly feeling like an unspoken chasm.
"Edd, I need you to see me. Only me. Aren't I beautiful, Edd? Please say I'm beautiful," Matt's voice wavered, his desperation laid bare. His grasp on Edd's face only tightened, his eyes searching for a sign, any sign that he was the one Edd wanted, instead of staring at those dimmed brown eyes.
His expression remained guarded, but a flicker of vulnerability crossed his eyes.
After every stressful situation, he craved any sort of praise, begging to receive compliments even when he seemed desperate.
As Matt continued to plead, his confession spilled out like a torrent. "I want to be the only one you see, the only one you love. I can't stand sharing you with them, my dear. I've loved you for so long, and I can't bear the thought of losing you to anyone else." The room seemed to close in, the weight of his words hanging heavily in the air.
Edd's gaze softened, remembering how this relationship felt so warm yet now it suffocated him.
He didn't say anything and went to the guest room to sleep for tonight, Matt soon followed after but that face Edd made; his usual upturned smile was a deep grimace with his brows knitted together and it made him stop in his tracks.
The freckled adult didn't want to leave Edd— after that whole ordeal, he just wanted to cuddle with the brunette all the time but perhaps, against his judgment, he'd leave him alone for now.
And watched as his lover closed the door, shutting him off the door.
Splashing his face with cold water, He gaze upwards to stare at his exhausted expression, from tossing and turning all night. He could barely get a wink of sleep, with his mind clouded with demeaning thoughts.
A deep sigh escaped the young man's lips, a frown glued to his chapped lips whilst he stared at his reflection in the mirror; simply uttering a few words of distaste just beneath his breath upon noticing the bags and dark circles that had developed just beneath his gloomy eye, which were caused by a visible lack of proper sleep.
Now here he was, looking like a mess—with disheveled hair, strands pointing everywhere and tried to comb them using his fingers, but alas, his attempt was futile; a clear contrast to his usual cherry appearance.
Another deep yawn came out, the green-hooded man woke up at early dawn as he quietly stuffed his bag with necessities, careful not to wake up his partner.
And opened the door, attempting to leave but Matt was already standing there with wide eyes, unreal eyes that scared Edd, half to death.
His shining blue eyes stared deep into Edd's frightened expression.
"How long have you been standing there?"
"I heard you tossing and turning. Are you alright? I can make your favorite food—"
"Matt Stop, please-!"
"You must be starving, you need to eat something"
"Matt, just please stop."
"Talk to me, please? What's wrong?"
A fragile smile tugged at the corners of his lips, remembering the events from last night, it was forever etched inside his mind.
"Matt, it's not that simple. Love isn't about possessing someone. It's about understanding, trust, and—"
"No, Edd! It's about being with the person who makes your heart race, who consumes your thoughts. And that person is me," Matt interrupted, his eyes pleading for reciprocation. The air crackled with tension, the room a battleground of conflicting emotions.
Edd took a moment, his eyes locked with Matt's. As Edd distanced himself, a heavy weight settled on his shoulders, and he couldn't shake the feeling that something was seriously wrong between him and Matt.
The feelings in their relationship gnawed at him, making it hard to breathe. Edd found himself questioning not just their relationship but whether continuing to live this way was even worth it?
It felt like an unbearable burden. It wasn't just their relationship that seemed toxic; life itself felt like an overwhelming struggle, and Edd couldn't escape the sinking feeling.
"Matt, love is complicated. I need time to figure this out."
Matt's shoulders slumped, the weight of his confession hanging in the air.
As Edd got up and walked away, the room echoed with uncertainty, leaving Matt alone with the haunting question of whether love could conquer all.
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scarletwaffles · 3 months
Im bored #4
I wanna do an x reader (Reader is female) which Eddsworld character should I use (I might do one shot or headcannons Idk yet)
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Idea list (Platonic Yandere Eddsworld)
(This is for myself but anyone may use it too!) Tattletale AU-Tom, (Child tom) opens his presents early to find, Tommee bear, remember Tord is now a weird bear machine. AngelMatt-Edds guardian angel is Matt, who goes insane over Edd. COTL AU-Tord is The One Who Waits, it's the bad ending where you give your cult and soul to the cat god with three eyes. Except for Tord being like "Nuh uh" to Edd dying (Edd is the lamb) and just takes his followers' souls and most of Edd's soul, and Tord keeps Edd around. CrazyNeighbourEdwardo-Edwardo wants Jon back after Tord kills him, goes into denial and kidnaps Edd after a battle with their superpowers, and attempts to make Edd believe he is Jon (I am aware that Jon is based on Tom, but superhero battle with a sad dude, who is having a horrible time with Edd trying to make Edwardo feel better and getting confused with Jon). (Again, anyone can use these ideas if they want, but I made this to remember when I write. I am going to make much more than these so do not be worried that I spoiled too much. Also I'm gonna write em, so you will see actual stories in the future, not just ideas, there is a difference. No I am not requesting anything from anyone, that is not what this is for, it is to remember now and write later, though I'm allowing people to use these ideas if they would like! I am perfectly fine with that.)
(Inspired by @obsessivelyloved and @altbloggobrrr. I'm okay with posting this because my ideas may change a bit in the future.)
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glamoureddreamer · 2 years
Eddsworld (Tom x Tord)
Warnings: Dark themes, swearing, weapons, violence, death, blood/gore, Yandere themes, and vomiting (please let me know if I’ve missed anything)
If you or a loved one is in need of help in anyway please get help from one of the multiple help hotlines. You matter and you deserve help. Thank you everyone, have a great day and know it gets better <3
Translations at the bottom
"Hey, Edd?" Tom asks, Edd hums softly slightly turning his head still staring at the tv. 
"I'm going to go out for a bit." Edd nods taking a drink of his coke. Matt smiles and waves bye to Tom.
"Have fun." Tom walks over to the door and glances at the guys. His eyes caught Tords, he quickly opens the door and left. Tom slides down the door and sits there for a moment taking a few deep breaths.
He runs his hand through his hair, pulling slightly. Once fully calm he stands up and slowly begins to walk down the street, he shoves his hands into his pockets.
'What the hell is with Tord lately?' He thinks to himself.
'Yeah, the guy is a freak all the time but lately, it's...different.' 
The cold air seemed to do nothing to him, frost covered the ground. His breath was visible in the air.
"Tom has been acting weird lately. Do you think he's okay?" Matt asks no one in particular, he glances at the door.
"Yeah, I'm not sure I've never seen him act like this." Edd pauses the movie, Tord looks up from his phone slowly.
"You don't have to worry about that." He says before getting up. Matt and Edd look at each other then Tord.
"What does that mean?"
"He's mine, so stop worrying about him," Tord says, hate laced in his voice. 
"He's yours?" Matt asks "Aw are you two together?"
"No, we're not because you're both standing in the way," Tord growls in a low voice, he pulls out two pistols. Edds and Matt's eyes go wide, Edd stands up holding his hands out. Tord aims for Edd and Matt.
"Wait Tord old friend- we're friends remember- we can talk about this can't we?" Tord pulls the triggers, Matt slumps over in his seat.
"T-Tord..." Edd groans in pain now on the floor, choking on his blood.
"You're stronger than I thought, two bullets huh." Tears fall down Edds face looking over at Matt.
"Tom is mine- you both got in our way." Tord walks over to him and steps right where the bullet wound was. Edd screams in pain, and Tord aims for his head.
"Goodbye old friend, I will take good care of him, don't worry." Tord pulls the trigger.
Tom checks his phone, and he huffs.
"Midnight, I should probably go back before Edd freaks out." 
He makes it to the block, he sees the neighbors standing outside looking at their house.
"What the hell are you guys doing over there? Tell them to shut the fuck up some of us want to sleep!" Tom rolls his nonexistent eyes.
"Whatever." He ignores the rest and keeps walking.
"I'm serious! We heard screaming and loud bangs! It's annoying!" Eduardo yells after him, Tom pauses for a second. Screaming? Loud bangs? Tom runs to the door and throws it open. 
He walks inside and looks into the living room. He sighs seeing Matt slumped over on the couch. The movie was still going, Matt must've fallen asleep. 
The neighbors must've heard the tv or something. Tom walks over to the entrance of the living room and leans on the wall.
"Hey Matt, you should wake up and go to bed. Edd will go mother bird on us if he sees you out here in the morning." Tom chuckles a little.
"Matt? Come on don't make me shake you, I know your not a heavy sleeper." Tom huffs and walks into the living room.
"The neighbors want us to-" he stops dead in his tracks. Edd is on the floor blood pooling under him. Tom drops down to him frantically checking for a pulse.
"Matt call-" he looks at Matt and also sees a bullet wound. Tears filled his eyes as he hurries over to check his pulse.
"They are already dead." Tord smiles. Tom nearly gives himself whiplash from turning around so fast to face the red devil. Tom's face instantly turns into one of anger.
"What did you do!" He yells, tears starting to fall.
"I got rid of the problem Tom, now I have you all to myself." Tord smiles and takes a step forward. Tom's eyes widen as he takes a step back.
"No, stay back you freak! Your crazy!" Tom grabs whatever he can to protect himself. Which ends up being an empty bottle he left from earlier. He smashes the end and points it at Tord.
"Oh love, don't be like that." Tord smiles backing Tom up into a corner.
Once Tom couldn't move anymore he held the bottle out swinging it at Tord. The red devil stops and grabs Tom's wrist getting cut in the process. 
Tord grabs the bottle and throws it to the other side of the room, it smashes against the wall. Tord grabs onto Tom's jacket and with a wicked grin forces Tom's mouth open and smears his blood in. 
Tom pushes him away, he double downs and vomits. Tord bends down with a smile as he lifts Tom's chin. Tom was crying, his friends are dead and Tord is a monster.
"Tom aren't you happy? Now you can be with me and only me." Tom felt the anger boil in his blood, he punches Tord knocking him over. Tom quickly jumps up and tries to run, Tord gets up and grabs his neck quickly.
"My dear, we don't want to start our eternity like this do we?" He squeezes hard. Tom punches; claws, and tries to pull his arm away. Tom's vision started to go, he tries getting gasps of air in. His arms drop but Tord doesn't stop.
"That's what I-" A gunshot rang through the air, and a splash of wet and warm liquid covered Tom's face. Tom drops to the ground, he grabs his neck breathing heavily. 
His vision was blurry, he sees three figures. One of them bends down and gets closer- it's Tord. Tom kicks him and backs up, whimpering.
"Tom it's okay, I'm not going to hurt you," Tord says setting down his gun, Toms kicks at him which did nothing. The Norwegian grabs his feet making him stop.
"What- your-why?" Tom's voice was raspy and only managed to get a few words out.
"I came back to get something I left behind and I saw that my clone..." Tord looks over his shoulder at Edd and Matt.
"Our friends..." Tom's eyes welled up with tears, he couldn't stop himself from crying this time. Tom begins to sob, he was so fucking scared and didn't know what was going on. He hoped to whatever god out there that this was just a bad dream. Tords eyes widen as Tom makes his way over and hugs him. 
Tom buries his face into Tord's shoulder, and Tord rubs his back.
"Paul, Patryk. Clean up." Tord commands quietly to not scare the Brit in his arms. Tord stands up picking Tom up along with him.
"Yes sir." They both say.
"What?" Tom asks scared, he tries to push away. 
"Tom it's fine, I'll take you back to our base- it's safer- that's if you're okay with that," Tord asks, Tom glances around his eyes drift over his friends. Tom hides his face in the others shoulder crying again.
"My stuff...their stuff..." He whimpers, the image of his friends forever burned in his mind.
"Paul and Patryk will take care of it." Tord rubs his back gently in circles. Tord nods at Patryk and Paul who heard Tom. Tord walks out the door and to the car.
Tord looks at Tom crying on his shoulder still, he grins evilly.
"Din min nå min kjære."
Translations (in order) (I know very little Norwegian I'm using google translate so sorry if some of it's wrong.)
"Din min nå min kjære"- You are mine now my dear
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dgknightblue · 2 years
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Tord is not who he seems to be and Tom’s misunderstanding will get him in troubling situations.
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I saw ur pinned post! I was wondering if you could do yandere headcanons for EW Edd x reader (fem pleaseee :33) can they also be sfw and nsfw??
I’m prob gonna come back a lot LMAO
whoa.. finallty getting to my rwqeuests also the layout gonna be lazy and not as pretty cos im still not feeling too good!!?!!!!!! yes sir ok anyways onto the hcs
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" You drive me insane. "
warnings; dead dove don't eat, yandere, sexual stuff, Edd being a creep Headcanons
Alone time? When EDD is obsessed with you? HAH LMAOFDSUAHDDSAHSAS
yeah, no, you don't get alone time anymore.
He loves being around you. I mean, c'mon, he's in the presence of an angel, right?? Why wouldn't he adore it
And why wouldn't he get hard simply from watching you?
Moving on from that
He does his best to never let you lift a finger. You're hungry? He'll cook for you. Need laundry done? He'll do it for you. Groceries?- you get the idea.
Although, he's usually the reason you want to do laundry yourself, since you find your panties are often missing, and Edd looks quite guilty when you ask him about it.
To be honest, he only fully trusts Tom, Matt and Tord to be around you alone. Anyone else, no matter what gender, he will need to be there with you. NSFW (both sexual, and things that would need a heavy TW. Proceed with caution, lovely<3) ONLY HCS BELOW
Would carve your name/initials into himself, getting hard at the feeling of "belonging" to you
I feel like he's a bit of a sadiomasochist, so he'd want you to put out a cigarette on him, he'd also like to choke you out when he's jealous, relishing in the way you'd gasp for air and beg for him to stop
Anything below the waist is off-limits if he doesn't have consent. If you don't want a kiss, he'll tell you to suck it up. But if you don't want him to touch you in that way, he won't
But if you did want that kind of thing, he is ready 24/7.
Pace is deep and slow. Loves hearing your whines and pleas for him to go faster
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grajgjjhshhs i hope you like it mwa mwa mwa
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ew-headyhearts · 1 year
EW HeadyHearts Masterlist
Body Headcanons (1) (2)
"Go piss girl" (Crack Hcs)
S/O Sleeps in abnormal positions
General Edd w/ a S/O
Edd bullies his partner (lovingly)
Edd bullying short S/O
Tom the sappy drunk
Tom w/ black cat energy
Main 4 Topping
Aftercare (Slightly NSFW)
Squid gets high and writes general NSFW headcanons (1)
Yandere Main 4
Rock Me to Sleep (1)
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obsessivelyloved · 3 years
requests are open sooo,
Edd, Matt, Tom, and Tord realizing they all have the same obsession crush?
Maybe a small scenario at the end where you choose each one? and maybe all of them? I mostly want headcannons of the first part of I wouldnt complain if you made this part to
I would like to apologize in advance for the monster I've unleashed. This is so close to being 2,000 words in my google docs skjdvbdsbfsdj. Thank you for the request <3 <3 <3
- This would be such a mess. After they all realize that they have the same crush on someone, it’d turn into a competition. They’d all do wherever they could to get their crush to like them back. At first, they’d all work alone.
- Edd would do whatever he could to get into the person’s good graces. He’d do things like draw them, do art pieces of their favorite characters or things he knows they're into. Be as sweet to them as possible and constantly give them things whenever they run into each other. If he has their number, he constantly sends them little doodles or puns.
- Tom tries his best to be sweet. He has lists upon lists of jokes written in his notes app on his phone to tell the person. Making them laugh works best to get them to want to be around him more and if he gets their number, he’ll record songs with Susan for them. Some are things he created himself and some are songs he knows are their favorite. When they hang out, he buys them their favorite drink and snack and just listens as they talk about their day.
- Matt will spend every second he can complimenting them whenever he runs into them. It sounds odd but it works since he sounds so genuine when he tells them that their outfit is so nice and where did they get that jacket? He thinks that if they know how much he knows they’re beautiful and amazing to him, that they’ll like him more than the others.
- Tord is. He has a plan. Does anyone know what this plan is? Absolutely not. One second he’s riling them up with flirty tones and casual touches, and the next he’s got them rambling to him about a topic he knows they’re really into. He’s very quick to get into their good graces. He’ll casually build them things. Or fix stuff they’re having problems with. They mention their phone is glitchy/slower than usual? He’s plucking it out of their hands and quickly fixing it right afterward. Gives them lots of cool stuff.
- If any of this is enough for their crush to pick them, then:
Edd has never been more delighted and happy in his entire life. Perhaps he was being a little dramatic, but how could he have not? You chose him! Out of his friends, you decided you loved him the most and now he could spend every second he could with you in his arms.
“I like you too,” he said, with a large grin on his face. “Can I…. May I kiss you?”
Your face flushed and he wanted to burn that image into his mind forever. Your head barely gave the tiniest nod before he was pulling you close to his chest and kissing you.
His phone was blowing up in his pocket, constantly vibrating from the messages that were no doubt from his friends. However, Edd would deal with it later. Right now, he wanted to savor this moment. He never wanted to let you go.
Tom is almost in a state of shock. Him? You really chose him? Wow.
His chest felt fuzzy and his face was warm. Without even giving you an answer, he leaned forward to cup your face and kiss you. You didn’t hesitate for a moment to kiss back.
Immediately his phone started going off like crazy in his pocket.
“Got somewhere to be?” You ask as you pull away from him.
Tom silently curses his friends for interrupting his moment like this. “No. It’s probably just my friends starting another dumb argument in the group chat.”
But just in case it’s something he’s actually needed for, he pulls out his phone to check the chat.
Tord: oh my god you did it. You fucking asshole I am going to shatter every bottle of alcohol you have in the house
Edd: Don’t listen to Tord. Matt and I are sitting on him and he can’t do shit. However. we are all going to fist fight you >:(
Matt: aw they’re kissing you???? I wish it was me :((
Tord: thomas once I get free of this prison I will cross the street and prove that they want to kiss ME
Matt: y’all I think we are.
causing a scene
People are staring at us
Edd and Tord are typing…….
Ugh Tom really should have just muted his phone before he met you at the cafe. He closes the chat and mutes his phone before shoving it back into his pocket.
“Sorry about that. It was nothing.”
You chuckle and hesitantly, you wrap your arms around his waist.
“Can we continue?”
Honestly there was never a moment that Matt doubted that you wouldn’t pick him. Mostly. He was a little afraid that Tord would pull you in with his charm and flirts but! Nope! Matt has proved that he was better than his friends. Not only had you confessed that you liked him, but you were also holding his hand!!!
He actually really wanted to kiss you but he didn’t want to push his luck. Your hands were warm and they fit so nicely in his. Maybe he could kiss you on the first date? Yes, that would be great! He’d bring you flowers and chocolates and you’d say “Oh thank you Matt” and you cup his face to-
Oh you were actually cupping his face right now with your other hand.
“You're so cute when you get lost in your thoughts,” you say.
You close the gap between the two of you to press a short, sweet kiss to his lips and pull away.
“Can we do that again?” he blurts out.
You laugh and let go of his hand to cup his face again, but with both hands, and just as he once saw from a glimpse of one of Tord’s magazines, he wraps his arms around you to pull you close.
“Oh? You really like me, huh?” Tord slides his hands down to your hips and squeezes. He pulls you close, basking in every expression you make. The way your cheeks flush, the way you switch between embarrassment and interest. “Care to prove it?”
Despite him being the one to say that, he leans forward to kiss you. He holds you tight against him and only lets go once you start to push against his chest. A thin line of saliva hangs between the two of you and Tord almost loses it.
He wants to take you home so bad. He wants to press kiss after kiss against your heated skin and really show you how much he loves you. How good of a choice it is that you picked him.
But rushing things might send a bad message. Might tell you that he only wants to get into your pants and not cherish and love you like he actually wants you to know he will do. So he waits a minute for you to catch your breath before he pulls you into another kiss.
“I’d be delighted to go on a date with you,” he murmurs.
From a distance, he can hear a faint “FUCKING COMMIE BASTARD” and he throws his head back to laugh. Tom means nothing of it, he’s very sure of that. Just like how there will be no hard feelings with Edd or Matt either, who all have a good view from inside the restaurant across the street.
But just to rile Tom up, even more, he pulls you into a tight hug. He smirks in the direction of the tinted restaurant window and leans down to press a kiss against your neck.
More faint swearing and to his joy, he sees his friends being shooed out of the restaurant.
“How about we go back inside the cafe and enjoy a pastry? My treat.”
His arm is around your waist and you’re being pulled into the cafe without getting a single glimpse of his friends.
- If none of their advances are working, then they start to work together. It starts small, with Edd helping Tord rile them up. He gives them “joke” art of them blushing with Tord’s flirts floating in a speech bubble.
- Tom and Matt work together to get them to relax and tell them about their day. Encourages them to ramble on about the stories they’ve built up from having no one to really talk to. Matt compliments them and Tom runs one of his hands through their hair to ask what hair products they use.
- Matt is the worst with Tord. And by that, I mean he works so well with Tord in getting them flustered. They’re a bright red and sometimes a stuttering mess, but both Matt and Tord tease them and compliment them. They both casually hold their hand as they cross the street. Take turns to cup their faces to tell them how pretty their eyes are. Matt and Tord reduce them to goo.
- Edd and Tom have so many jokes to tell. Hearing their crush laugh just makes the two of them feel so warm. It’s so easy to fall into a routine of buttering them up with drinks and food and quiet, relaxing days at the park.
- Tom and Tord don’t actually hate each other. Their friendship is more of a rival thing, where they like to rile each other up and banter with each other. Sure sometimes they take things too far, but they work well together when they want to. If even only one of them has their crush’s number both of them will record songs together to send to them. Tord surprisingly knows how to play a little of Tom’s bass guitar and with enough practice, he’ll take turns with Tom on who plays and who sings. Both of them are really good singers and have covered so many of their crushes' favorite songs to send to them.
- If you choose all of them, you'll never have a waking moment alone.
All of them:
“I don’t really know a good way to say this but, um.” You take a deep breath and fidgeting with the hem of your jacket, you stare at the wall above the guys’ heads. “I really like all of you. That’s what I uh, that’s what I brought you out here to say.”
Your throat is dry and you swear you’ve never felt so nervous in your life. You can’t even bring yourself to see their expressions.
“Is that all?” Tord asks.
You flinch. “I’m sorry, I’ll just lea-”
Multiple hands are pulling you onto the bench with them, each of them having a panicked expression. You're sandwiched between Edd and Tom. They both hold your arms and Tord and Matt are standing in front of the three of you.
“We really like you too!”
Right after Matt exclaims that to you, Tord is leaning down with a determined expression. He wraps his arms around your shoulders and kisses you. After a long moment, he’s pushed away by Tom and you’re barely given a second to breathe before Tom is kissing you.
And just like that, they’re all assuring you that they like you too. That they can’t wait to spend more time with you and they take turns kissing you and holding onto a part of your body.
By the time you’re frantically pushing all of them away to catch your breath for longer than a moment, your face is a bright pink and there’s at least one hickey on your neck. There’s honesty probably more but you won’t be able to confirm until you look into a mirror.
This went so much better than you imagined and soon, you were being walked to their house for a promised movie night.
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Imma just guess you put your decisions here?
If not, Srz for the Inconvenience ;-;
-Buy the Game
When you bought the game, you assumed it’d contain, ya know, a CD. Like any normal game you buy inside a store. You suppose this game was heavily discounted for a reason. But still, the very least the developers could have just stuck to an online release of their game if all the physical copy had in it was a paper giving a download link to the game. 
Darn, you were honestly looking forward to playing this game on your console.  Oh well. 
You open your laptop and type the link into your search engine. Immediately you’re greeted with a sketchy as all hell web page. The color scheme matched the package and the font was odd. In some places it was huge blocks of text. In others, it was warped and small.
Surely the game store wouldn’t have sold you something that would genuinely give you a virus? 
That was all you could hope for as you downloaded the game. The download bar popped up and your eyes widened. No way was this game incredibly big. Discount or not, no game with this much content would be so cheap. 
Aw hell this might be a virus. 
You close your eyes and put your head in your hands. At least you’ve been saving up for a new laptop if this does turn out to be a mega virus and destroys your computer. 
Not knowing what else to do, you grab your headphones and watch youtube until the files are down downloading. An hour in, you fall asleep. 
* * * * * * *
When you wake, the game is open. Bubbly music plays through your headphones and you rub your eyes. 
The title screen has four men on it, watching with smiles on their faces. They wore green, purple, blue, and red hoodies respectively. That explains the color scheme, you guess. Three options are all you have, and once you’ve adjusted the settings, you start the game. 
Unfortunately, the game does not let you name yourself or choose your pronouns. You’re greeted by the man in the green hoodie, his dialogue starting immediately. The box pops up at the bottom of your screen and you read along.  
“[Player] There you are! We’ve been looking everywhere for you!” Edd says as he grabs your hand. “We’ve all been so worried. Come on, let’s get back home.” 
ღ  Go along and allow Edd to take you home 
ღ  Pull your hand away
Interesting. You didn’t think the game would pull you in like this right away. You stare at your screen and think of which option you want to pick.
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obsessive-sin · 3 years
Hi! If you couldn't tell, this is a yandere blog and does contain Dark Themes, so please head that warning. I do not support or condone these themes in real life.
My other yandere blog is @obsessivelyloved and it's where my sfw fics are. I've noticed that there aren't many yandere ew fic writers active so I made this blog separate from obessivelyloved so I don't have to worry about minors interacting with my sinsworld posts.
Obsessivelyloved was meant to be a multi-fandom blog and kinda is, but this one will stay eddsworld themed. Requests are open! So is the inbox, so feel free to stop by anytime :D
Sinsworld Masterlist #1 (Fics posted on obsessivelyloved)
Masterlist #2 (Fics posted on here)
Rules: (Under a Read More so it doesn't take up so much space)
OKAY to request:
- x readers
- If you want a specific gendered reader, specify in the ask because I typically try to write readers as gender-neutral as possible when I get normal "character x reader" requests.
- character x character (ships)
- Nsfw headcanons
- I'll write out most kinks, just ask first please
- Specific nsfw scenarios as long as they follow the above ^^^
NOT okay to request:
- Pedophilia
- Anything to do with body fluids (besides maybe blood. Depends on how Gorey the request is and where blood comes into play)
- Yandere severely harming their person of obsession (ex: Yandere beats their love interest)
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1-800-hellraiser · 3 years
"could i rq headcanons 4 yandere matt eddsworld perhaps? :0 ((also could i stay anon lmao))"
Ofc! Sorry these were pretty late, I had to catch up on school :,)
Yan!Matt Headcanons
Requested by: Anon
Words: 342
Pairing: Yan! Matt x Reader 
!Tws!: Yandere/obsessive behavior, mentions of murder, y'all know the drill
💜 Matt may be self absorbed, but he's still kind of insecure in your relationship.
💜 He wants no one near you. Not even Tom, Tord, or Edd. 
💜 He won't hesitate to fatally harm or even kill people for you. 
💜 Usually, he would capture you and keep you in his room in Edd's house until he finds a place where he can move the two of you in.
💜 You're quite literally chained to the room. The chain is long enough to extend into his bathroom and that's it.
💜 No one is allowed to enter Matt's room other than himself for that reason.
💜 He's a very clingy yandere. He won't leave you unless he has to. He'll stay attached to your waist, laying his head on your lap.
💜 Fun fact! Matt has had multiple other s/o's, but they never lived to tell anyone about Matt's ways.
💜 He knows you're the one though, he'd never trade you for anything. Not even for a lifetime supply of mirrors!
💜 He's very tolerant surprisingly. He can take almost anything you'll throw at him. Literally and figuratively, he's very agile.
💜 He's a yandere that isn't afraid to hurt you emotionally (not physically). He's not afraid to yell or blatantly emotionally abuse you.
💜 Matt will take care of you when you're sick of course. He may or may not be a cause of your sickness....but that's not the point :)
💜 But seriously, Matt will make you sick enough that you will be forced to stay with him until you get better (this only happens if he can't kidnap you). 
💜 Yan!Matt reminds me of the song "Dollhouse" by Melanie Martinez.
💜 "Everyone thinks that we're perfect, please don't let them look through the curtains." That lyric specifically reminds me of what your relationship would be like. 
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angry-norsky · 3 years
Yandere Matt.
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Idk this was a quickie,,, so technically a doodle? Idkkk
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bloody-demi-boy · 4 years
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I got my tablet pen so guess who’s back to drawing!
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dgknightblue · 2 years
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Chapter tease
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eddsworst · 5 years
yandere tord?
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idanart · 5 years
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Yandere tord 7w7
Amo esa expresión de el tan malévola. Bueno espero les guste mis garabatos feos :v
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