#yandere esmeralda genderbent
Ooh, Yandere genderbent Esmeralda! Yandere genderbent Esmeralda!! Please
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Yandere Genderbent Esmeralda x Reader
You knew you shouldn’t have been out there. Shouldn’t have been the center of his emerald gaze. But you were…and it was no one’s fault but your own. You had spoken with your faceless friend in the bell tower.
“Quasi, why don’t we go out during the Topsy Turvy festival? We wouldn’t be judged…if we say that we’re wearing masks.”
“...No (Y/n) we can’t…its more than just a festival..”
“Then what is it? I’m tired of no one telling me why we can’t go?! We’re the same aren’t we? All humans aren’t we?!” 
You heard no response, further angering you as you stomped to your feet. Everyone was like this: avoiding questions, speaking cryptically. Could you really blame yourself for wanting to sate your curiousity. It didn’t matter now, not when the dancer’s eyes lit up at the sight of you. Somehow it stirred something in your eternal soul that something truly horrible was going to happen. You chalked it up to supersitition…the nuns of the church did plenty to exaggerate…that’s all it was….hopefully. The feeling never left even when he found you again, on your way out of the cheering crowd. He was gorgeous up close more so than  when he was dancing limber on the stage before. 
“Well hi there! I see your a new face!”
Hiding his face under a scarf did nothing to hinder his shining smile and the waft of jasmine that filled your nostrils at his proximity. You dumbly nodded, stuttering out something as you tried to remind yourself of your objective–getting back to the church. You swerved past him with a polite excuse me before continuing to push past the crowd. 
“Where ya going precious? The festival’s just started!”
You fought the willingness to go with his invitation, continuing to escape the crowd ducking into an alleyway. As if to taste your last bit of spntanaiety you stopped yourself. Turning back to the festival colorful and bright in the daylight, uncovered from the shadows of the alley it lit up the pained visage of the gypsy dancer. Despite the tug of his emerald gaze your desire to return home was greater. 
Esmerald watched as you disappeared within the darkness between the buildings. Letting his sadness fade into an angered scowl. He breathed inhaling to himself he plastered his smile discarding his hood to join the festivities once more. 
You took the scenic route already being avoided by any who weren’t apart of the festival. Spying at the guards at the door you also looked to the entry the bell tower provided. Hyping yourself for a climb you began to feel the side of the church, lifting your leg to climb.
“I hope you do not plan to enter your home that way!” 
You turned in shock as you were dwarfed by the shadow of the judge on his horse. Beside him the head nun who mirrored your expression. Shrinking into the cold stone of the churches walls you allowed your arm to be snatched by the judge, who had dismounted his stead, flinging you into her waiting arms.
“That solves your missing person case! At the very least you can be proud they returned to their senses before nightfall. We can only hope…that the other will do the same.”
“Other?” You whispered, unable to question as the nun checked you over quickly ushering you inside, sending you to your room. Easily you made your way to the bell tower eyeing the sheet that you’d usually use to talk through on the ground; revealing a table full of wooden carvings. Not just any wood carvings but carvings of everyone in the city, including a hunched figure representing Quasimoda. 
“Oh Quasi.” Holding the figurine in your hands you looked at the display–decorated in colored rags and the crowd gathered to represent the festival. Among your watchful gaze you spied the dark and faraway members of the church. Looking among them you found none that had any resemblance to your image. Finding it strange you looked all throughout the wooden town beginning to search in case it had fallen; bending down to find a peculiar scene. 
Copies of the citizens were gathered together huddled around a pile of red and yellow rags seemingly having another festival. But a little farther from the wooden crowd was a figurine that resembled yourself laying on the floor, you wished you could dismiss it as a mistake if it weren’t for the figure with green dots for eyes standing above you. It guarded your downed piece from a copy of the same wooden friend you were still tightly clutching in your hands. 
“Do you know what it means?”
The question had you reeling back and out from the table, looking to see Judge Frollo with an uncharacteristically sullen look on his face. Standing in the darkness of the bell tower he waited until you rose to face him.
“Maybe…she thinks something might happen in the waterways…maybe another festival?”
You feared to voice anything more letting the judge walk further into the orange light of the setting sun. His silhouette towered shadowed you as he looked to the town below with a grimace.
“I fear Quasimoda has done something…regrettable and is calling on you to correct it.”
His words hung heavy as your mind raced to reach a veritable conclusion. Stomach churning at the sight of the flare that the rags raised to represent and your downed wooden copy. You opened your mouth for guidance…only for Judge Frollo would know only for a raised hand to quiet you. 
“I’m not going to tell you what to do, this is a decision for the curious to answer. And it was not I who left the comfort of the church to pursue something more.”
You didn’t know if he was speaking about you or Quasimoda but it didn’t matter. Whether it was your hubris or hers it wasn’t a debate. You were going to her be there for her.
You made your way to the waterways, refusing to look back at the church where you knew Frollo was watching. You would be strong…if only for your friend. Ventured further letting the cold nip at your skin as you moved through the empty streets of the town. 
It wasn’t until you made your way to the underside of the grand bridge already displaying the shadows of bodies dancing. Flickering light that must have been made by a large source of fire all that was left to see was if it fit the image Quasi had made. Silencing your steps you crept slowly hugging the corner as you peeked over the corner. In a horrifying display a group of masked people danced around a pile of fire holding unrecognized flags and goat skeleton’s head on pikes. The whooping of the group let your fearful breathing go unnoticed. With no sight of your hunched friend you backed away, turning to run back to the church only to be fallen by the chest of someone familiar. 
“Well hello again beautiful! Happy you could make it.” 
The joyful greeting was given by none other than Esmerald sporting a warmer version of his dancing outfit, still looking as radiant as ever. His smile and lidded eyes had a devious glow as his shadow danced with the flickering fire. You moved to side step him preparing to sprint out of the waterways only to be stopped by Esmerald’s hand. Holding a cloth in front of you he smirked before beginning a dance. Shaking his hips and keeping eye contact with you he stretched his single cloth to many waving it in tandem with his body. You had to shake yourself out of the trance attempting to sidestep once again only to find yourself restricted. In the wake of Esmerald’s dance you were slowly being tied up by the unexpectedly sturdy string of clothes leaving you to buckle falling to your knees and thusly on the ground. Feeling the cold concrete against your cheek you could only look up at the smiling gypsy. 
He bent downm, bringing his face close to yours as he searched for something. You flinched at the warmth of his thumb tenderly rubbing the curve of your lip. Trying to back away you didn’t get very far as you pulled you close, whispering in your ear.
“I’ve been waiting for the longest time.”
He pulled away intensely looking over your face before moving to kiss you. 
“Stop! I won’t let you harm them!”
You looked past Esmerald’s head smiling at your dear friend’s appearance only to reduce to a grim look of fear as you watched Esmerald’s visage change. Eager bliss scrunched into an ugly snarl as he reluctantly released your head to turn to Quasimoda.
“You? It was you who thought it best to interrupt me?!” 
He growled startling Quasimoda but she held her ground standing as tall as she could. 
“Aye! I was wrong to make such a deal with you…especially before I knew what your kind does…” 
Deal? What deal? You wanted to ask but it didn’t as though you were apart of this conversation. 
“Ha,”Esmerald laughed dryly still sporting an angry scowl. “You want to go back on our deal do you? Than what will you give me in exchange?”
Quasimoda turned in on herself.
“What? Did you think I would let you jip me out of my proper prize? We outcasts need a Fool who do you bring in the absence of one.”
With a sorrowful look in her eye she mouthed an apology to you as she stepped forward.
“I will do it. I will be your fool…” 
Quasimoda’s pained confession against Esmerald’s joyful one was sickening to watch. Not being soothed by the way the previously dancing party now surged forward menacingly as they filter around Esmerald and you. With jeers and laughs the crowd parted to reveal a wooden headlock around her neck, looking defeated as Esmerald waltzed up to her. 
Angled to the side so you could see you watched the pure joy that radiated off of emerald eye’d dancer as he mockingly bent to Quasimoda’s level. Grasping her face he let his nails dig into her cheeks as spoke, squeezing for emphasis.
“That’s real noble of you Quasi. Sacrificing your life for their’s! All for our dear (Y/n)!” 
He jerked her head to look at you, eyes full of shame and humiliation. You could only look on in bewilderment as Esmerald turned her away to look into his gleeful face.
“Just so you know…it was always going to be you.” 
The revelation triggered the crowd to pull her away resisting all her struggles to attack despite her bindings. Roughly pulling her past the corner towards the bonfire creating a horrible shadow along the walls. The big black mass that must have been the crowd seamed to heave before chucking, what must have been Quasimoda into the fire. You could hear her screaming confused and in pain you were unable not to imagine the true sight as you turned away from the shadow’s view, now looking to the beaming Esmerald. 
With her screams still persisting a chant began to which Esmerald hummed along as he worked to scoop you up, forcing you to rest upon his chest. Hearing the quick beating of his heart reserved joyous occasions you let the man carry you out of the water ways to an old building. Tossing you on a surprisingly soft matress, he quickly followed suit. Caging your tied self he made sure to get close; close enough for your noses to be touching before speaking oncemore.
“So darling? What shall we do with you? The festivities have all ended and you didn’t even get to witness the Fool’s burning?” He mockingly pouted pulling at the fabrics the church provided, his face looked at them with spite before lighting up in a wicked smile. 
“Oh I know darling! How about I show you a favorite dance of mine, huh baby? A dance I’ve been waiting to show you since I had your little figurine!
Don’t look at me like that baby, now pay attention! This is going to be our first dance together, it’ll be best if we both enjoy it!”
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