#yandere engie x reader smut
Can I request yandere engineer (after a long chase/ escape attempt) taking his darling s/o for a ride.
*wink wink ;)*
Sure thing!
GO! Yandere Engineer x GN reader almost smut
CW: Curisng, smut, non con, dismemberment, detailed descriptions of gore, obsession, condescention, gaslighting, car "accidents", improper use of power tools, imminent sex Dead dove do not eat.
Authors note: Theres no PNV, or PNA, rather the "smut" occurs with the afforementioned power tools. Please let me know if you want me to make a less violent version. Also its kind of implied Dell is a robot... soyeah
@virginstoner666 (tagging bc you might like it)
The moment their feet hit the sandy ground beneath them the alarms blared. Its moments in fact like these, where scientists would marvel at the capabilities of the human form. To run injured across dangerous, unyielding terrain to escape much bigger adversaires. The moments when humans as a species , fueled by their adrenaline, only make it so far, so fast, because they were fed with their natural chemical superpower.
Dr. Conagher didnt see it that way as he hauled ass in his busted bright red '64 Chevvy. He could hear buzzing in his ears the more irritated he got. Lizards wheezed about eerily in the pitch black desert, alerting the man of just where to look.
Pissed wasn't nearly a strong enough word for the emotion Dell felt as he picked up to a speed his poor truck shouldn't have been running at in such a harsh climate. No...just that morning he'd been the living definition of kind when they first tried to leave, naked body half alive crawling weakly a foot away from their quarters. He granted them the mercy then of not ripping their fleshy ears of their head when he dragged them back sobbing.
They acted like he beat them or something... he did of course, but it wasn't anything undeserved.
Claiming you don't love your spouse is a sin with a capital SIN after all, Dell only served as device to put them in their place. Oh, and it did hurt the engineers cold steam-powered heart, but he couldn't think of a better treatment for the unfaithful.
And still they ran.
The backs of his bottom teeth ground the plaque on his upper incisors as his jaw set, mechanical hand holding the wheel steady as his lights glinted harsh off the broken electric collar on their neck. He was just happy this was close to over as he spun the wheel, sending his truck into a circle of dust, and throwing the car into reverse.
A solid noise followed by a wavering yelp of pain told Dell he accomplished exactly what he wanted to. With a sneer his foot held down the clutch as he roughly shoved the shift into park. The head of his freshly sharpened axe broke the soft, sandy rode as he trudged boredly over to the lump sobbing by his rear tire. "Now sugar, what in gods name are you doin all the way the hell out here?" The night air cracked like a whip in the heavens as the drizzling rain covered the light footprints... all the effort they'd made to get this far. They tried to curl up, to shield themselves from the almost cocky blur of the yellow flashlight Dell had in his left; but with two broken ribs the action was excruciating. They tensed as Dell sneered and took the tip of his steel toed boots up to their tear stricken cheeks. "Much safer inside aint it? And I warned you... didn't I?" He asked, kneeling down above their wheezing display, a look of cruel pity shadowed across his boxy face. "Now you know what Ive said about the world baby, and you know I hate hurtin you... but what have i said before? I said repeatedly, 'now honey you're not gonna like what I do to you if you keep trynna leave.' And you STILL disobeyed me." The grip on their chin bruised abit as he tried to still himself from hurting them. Only a sigh escaped his lips as he stood again, leaning back steadied by the axe held behind his leg.
"Now baby I really dont want to do this--" "Dell please we can ta-"
"No no no. We cant talk! Clearly, if talkin worked youd be back at home pleasin me, stayin safe like youre sposed to! No, talkin aint working, clearly, so Im trying am more holistic approach." He groweled darkly as he rolled his shoulders. "Dell, baby no! Please- it wont- its not going to-" "I know sugar, i'll make sure it doesnt happen again."
Rain poured down harder now as Dell dramatically crossed himself, cap falling to the ground as his leg took a step back to swing.
With a sharp THWACK, the axes blade tore through the flesh and muscle as blood rose back as high as Dells tense shoulders before he went to take another swing. Harsher this time... the pain registers, and the love of Dells life screamed with the pained wails of an injured bird. The sounds only mocked them as they echoed throughout the deep emptiness of the desert. Again the axe came down.
Again the bone broke, oozing all kinds of metallic fluid that mingled with the blood in the shredded muscle, fat tissue catching the blades nicks as Dell had to jostle it out of the pebbly femur he'd decimated. Connective tissue snapped back like tight packaging tape against the warm steel as Dell dropped to his knees. He held his love by the shoulders, tears against their neck as they tried with tired, nerve wracked muscles to writhe and fight their way away.
"No no baby shh,shh its okay, Ive got you..." he looked into their eyes earnestly, cupping a side of their neck in worry as the other held their cheek. He pulled their head down to kiss, holding them against his soft, hairy chest as his gloved hand stroked their head, the other slipping behind to rub their back. "Shh, dont worry Dells got you... you aint gotta cry! It aint that bad, its like pulling teeth with a door yeah?" They shook their heard through tears, refusing to look into his grey eyes as he pulled them back and nodded. "Yeah thats right... it only ever stings a bit, it'll be okay baby, shh."
The metal fingers of one arm soon trailed down their side as he sighed and tried to make right what hed just done.
"What can I do to make it better my love? You want me to love on you a bit?" He asked, chuckling as if what he said was charming."Want me to do it like we did when we first met?"
Scruff scratched their neck as they tried to lean away from his kisses, hands stabilizing theirs as he tried his damndest to make the situation less serious. They shook their head as his skilled mouth left damp hickies across their skin, their squirming drawing ants and dirt into their severed leg. "Hold still sugar I cant... keep you up if you're squirming."
Just the push of the bright yellow button on his wrist sent them into hysterics as they quietly begged him not to do anything, to just take them home. He cooed, chuckling lightly as his drill of arm quickly ripped hole in their pants... well... his pants. But the details werent important, and with their new little injury they could spend their recovery sewing that right back up.
Their little pleas got louder as Dell searched his pockets for the 'right bit'.
"Now baby- baby youve got to stop worryin, its...3:am and we're in the dead centre of the desert, who in their right minds would be out right now. Especially at a time like this?" He asked cheekily, treating all of their words like jokes as he undid the large phillips head with a strange industrial steel bolt shaped bit. He only scratched his head. "Aint much of anything safer I have right now sug'." "Then stop!" "Oh please-" he scoffed playfully as he rolled his metal arm around a 'yada yada' motion, "like youve not done more dangerous with me before. Just sit back and enjoy it."
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5eraphim · 4 months
I have a request for a short little one✨ But only if you have the time and want to👍
So darling is like this smart, classy, intelligent woman spy meets and gets obsessed with and makes plans to manipulate her. But she ofcourse catches on and the next day she's gone, so spy has to hunt her down. When he does find her he has a completly new apperance due to his discuises and reader is genuinly interested in him. So one night they drink or something and darling gets drugs sliped in her drink so spy gets to fuck her un-discuised and she gets to have high, amazing sex with the person she dispises the most without even realizing it. Darling doesen't really know she's practicly been raped or find out it this man was spy all along! Yay!
Men will truly display some of the lowest depravity imaginable and then grab a shovel. (<- support class behavior)
Title: Unspoken Alliances
Character: Spy 🐍 (Team Fortress 2)
Content Warnings: yandere, x reader, dubcon/deception, toxic relationship, drugging/forced intoxication (MDMA, ecstasy and alcohol), sensory deprivation, restraints, AFAB reader, mind games, revenge sex, marking/biting, teasing
Word Count: 7.2k
"Love goes by haps; Some Cupid kills with arrows, some with traps." Much Ado About Nothing, Act 2 Scene 3, Shakespeare
"Any one who has common sense will remember that the bewilderments of the eye are of two kinds, and arise from two causes, either from coming out of the light or from going into the light, which is true of the mind's eye, quite as much as of the bodily eye." Plato's Republic Book VII
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"So beautiful. What a tragedy you can't see it for yourself." His voice was low and breathy, almost purring. Close enough to feel his breath against your cheek as he stretched out beside you, but from your position, blindfolded and restrained by ropes laying on your back, just out of reach from the man in bed. 
Ever since you shared a cocktail with the mercenary you believed to be Medic earlier that evening, you felt something special spark between you both. The moment that last sip of alcohol passed your lips, something awakened, aroused, and unrestrained by former inhibitions; in a matter of a few hours, the two of you wound up in the same bed. A touching act of intimacy overshadowed by two factors unknown to you. Firstly, it wasn't just alcohol you consumed, and second, the one who gave you that drink wasn't Medic.
Blindfolded, your hands were bound over your head with a soft, stiff black rope, the same rope which wound around both your ankles, pinning them down flat and securing them to the bottom bed legs. Keeping them fully extended and spread, you didn't need the ropes to comply, but he insisted. Annoyingly, you were still clothed, incredibly turned on, and unable to do anything to solve that problem yourself, forced to wait with agonizing anticipation for your partner to make the next move.
But that was your own problem, as the man was in no rush now that the hard part of the evening was over. After a rough start, Spy lured you back to his place to spend the evening with him, of your own free will- with just a bit of incentivizing from him. Exactly how he wanted you.
Spy tried to play fair at first, planning to court you civilly. Far be it from him to fall fast for a stranger, but it had been too long since he shared his bed with a woman, making Spy act a bit impulsively, almost desperately. However, even with sex on his mind, Spy didn't want to come off too imposing too soon. Better to appear mysterious, magnanimous, and charming to attract you closer rather than risk scaring you away by making his real intentions known. 
He thought he was playing all his cards right. He'd been in this situation before more times than he bothered to remember. Spy invited you to an innocent cup of coffee with him during your lunch break to discuss work, his treat, of course. But despite Spy's best efforts to play things safe, after waiting fifteen minutes past the agreed time at the cafe, he understood with grim bitterness that you stood him up. 
It hurt to be blown off like that, but Spy refused to allow this to be the end of it. He returned to work later and discovered you left hours before. He heard you complained about some kind of illness, but Spy knew you were likely just trying to avoid him or any confrontation. Fortunately, Spy was tipped off that you were planning on heading to another coffee house on the other end of town to finish your work, the kind open late into the night and was accustomed to customers occupying space for hours while chain-drinking caffeinated beverages.
It was naive to assume you could just run off to some cafe for a few hours while hiding from him. 
It was all too easy for Spy to find you under the disguise of another, offer you a spiked drink, and watch you fall into his arms. Spy spared no precaution. Even with the MDMA pumping through your system, scrambling your sensory information and reasoning, he was too close now to risk you waking up. You were so needy and cute when you were drugged out of your mind. It made bringing you home and back to bed with him so easy. Letting him walk you upstairs to his bedroom while hanging off his arm, giggling, wearing the intoxication on your sleeve. If he wanted, Spy bet he could push you up against the wall and take you in the hallway, and you'd let him; you'd love him for it. But he had better things in mind for tonight.
During the drive home, Spy shed his disguise, carefully ensuring he had the cover of the darkness on his side before doing so, but when he checked on you using his peripheral vision, you were too out of it to notice a thing. Quiet jazz hummed through the static-softened radio, the scrape of windshield wipers against soft rain, and the quiet ambient sounds of traffic, all softening and melting together in your mind, making you feel like you were in a cozy dream.
If you were beautiful when Spy first met you, where you were focused, headstrong, and in "work mode," seeing you all tuckered out and woozy sprawled out in his passenger seat made you all the more desirable. So innocent and at peace, at this point in your drug-induced haze, you were beginning to detach from reality, your mind unraveling as a pleasurable brain fog began to roll in. But it was only a matter of time before the alcohol and MDMA really hit your system and, subsequently, your libido.
In a haze, you were brought from the front door to the one in his bedroom. To his surprise, you were somehow aware you were in his bedroom, and using a wall to support yourself, managed to peel away from Spy enough to wobble your way over to the bed, not bothering to turn on a bedroom light to find the bed. He felt a throb, watching the smile on your face as you sat on the edge before going boneless as your limp shoulders and spine made contact with the luxurious sheets. Conflicted, Spy wondered if you were so desperate to get into bed because of drowsiness or lust, but judging by the kisses shared before the ride over, Spy refused to believe you wanted this any less than he did.
Using his own body to support yours, and his shoulder to rest your head on, Spy lead you inside. It was a miracle he didn't accidentally uncloak himself before getting you home. You were so trusting to accept his drink and even allow him to goad you into drinking it so fast. Ever the sadist, Spy felt quite a stir watching you begin to nod off. Rubbing in the cruelty a little harder by skimming over the top secret documents you were working on before he showed up, the ones you were in charge of protecting, knowing he could use this as blackmail later. 
As you slid into a comfortable spot in the center of the bed, making sure to slip off your shoes before entering, lying comfortably on your back, taking a moment to appreciate having somewhere so comfortable to stretch out. A sound halfway between a yawn and a sigh passed your lips as you lethargically made yourself comfortable. The bottom hem of your top just barely pulled upward as you stretched out, exposing the skin beneath to the comfortably chill bedroom air. Without thinking, you were about to pull your shirt off from over your head when Spy spoke from a few paces to your side. He stalked closer to the bed, his hands finding yours, thin fingers firmly wrapped around your hands, keeping them still. If you were clear-headed, you would've instantly detected how small the hands holding your own were, far smaller than Medic's ought to have been.
But logic and suspicion didn't matter now. You could hear your heartbeat in your ears. Your entire body felt like an overextended tendon, full of anticipation just seconds away from snapping. 
The excitement made you giddy. And childishly, you tried to fidget your hands out from his grasp while he kept you pinned in place without budging. 
"C'mon- it's too hot in here, I wanna take everything off." The voice you heard hardly sounded like your own, so slurred and pouty.
In a far more measured voice, Spy responded, "Whining will get you nowhere. You're in my house now. You follow my rules here."
He sounded so cold and detached that you couldn't help but mope, trying to focus your gaze up at the smear of non-descript shadow where his face ought to be.
Spy felt a twinge of regret for being so harsh, "I promised I'd bring you here for a good time, didn't I? Be patient, and I will make it worth your time."
From your spot in bed, you stared up at Spy with wide, unfocused eyes and nodded once. Crouching down much closer to the bed, Spy's face was close enough now that you could feel his breath as it fanned against your own face. "Allow me to be the one to undress you tonight."
It wasn't a request. It was a definitive statement. Your eyes drift shut, as the mere thought of him undressing you made you throb. You wanted it so damn bad, but the best you could do to communicate such a want was a timid little nod and a vague noise of understanding. 
"Tonight, we're doing this my way. Now lay nice and still for me." Without Warning, you felt his hand make contact with the side of your face, holding something soft and sleek in his hands.
Spy, holding a long, thin cloth with both hands, made an effort to secure the fabric over your eyes, but for just a moment, the trance was broken as you pulled away a bit confused and slurring, "Blindfold?" You tried to focus on the mass of shadows where his face was, trying to formulate a complete sentence was too hard, but you hoped he understood what you meant and would explain himself. 
Rather than an explanation, Spy remained absolutely still but responded in a voice far less soft than before, practically growling, "As I said before, you're in my bed now. Now lay back and obey. I will not warn you again."
Without another word, you clenched your jaw shut and held your head as still as possible while he worked swiftly. Spy pulled away to sit upright in bed, "Give me your wrist." he ordered.
You knew better than to question him again and compiled without a word. Feeling a sick thrill for being ordered around like this. If you were sober, you might find such unquestioning obedience shameful, but if logic was already forgotten, shame followed soon after. You couldn't be bothered. It felt too good to allow someone else to take control after so much stress at work. There was no need to think; your body knew how to respond to his touch, obey commands, and submit.
It wasn't long until Spy managed to restrain both wrists together at the headboard and ankles to the bottom corners of the bed before you felt the bed dip beside you as he returned to his seat beside you. 
Blindfolded and spread, you were a vision he'd never forget, even while fully clothed. And he couldn't help but smile as he crawled into place on all fours about you, hearing your breath deepen and how you couldn't stop fidgeting beneath him, feeling too hot under the layers of fabric that separated your body from his.
The feeling of his body so close to where you needed him the most, you tried to buck your hips upward where you thought he would be, only to come up too short below to get any friction, unaware of the pathetic little sounds you made tring to get any kind of stimulation from the man in bed.
Spy whispered, his voice dripping with faux sympathy, "Poor thing, you're looking so flustered. Is something wrong?"
You nodded and tried to speak but couldn't get any actual words out to urge him on. Spy snickered to himself as he rebalanced his weight onto one arm while he used his other to skim his hand over your shirt, just above your belly, stopping over your belt buckle as you stiffened up, expecting him to undo it for you, but he kept his hand irritatingly still, making you shutter almost panting, under the strain of forcing the muscles in your core to keep from grinding against his hand.
"I'll undo the belt for you, but only if you ask properly." The smug bastard.
Not a full second later you murmured out a needy "C'mon, please! Please just do it already!" To which Spy responded by pulling his hand further away, much to your frustration.
"You can do better than that. You're a smart woman. Use your words." He sounded almost bored, but you could feel him smirking down at you without needing to see his face. If there was one thing you could count on from men of the support classes, it was ceaseless sadism. You should've known he was going to draw this out.
"Please, please undo my belt, I'm too hot- F-feels like I'm dying down here!" It was hard to speak due to the vague numbness of the face and how your tongue felt too heavy in your mouth. You knew the words were garbled; you wouldn't be surprised if you were drooling and your voice hardly coherent over the sound of your own labored breathing, but worse of all, he still didn't seem convinced.
"Hm. Not bad. But you're rather amusing when you're begging for me. Too amusing for your own good. Perhaps I should keep you here a little longer."
You were ready to sob from the frustration of it all. "C'monn, it's not fair, I wanna touch you too! I wanna feel your body with mine- I wanna make you feel good too!" 
Apparently, you said exactly what he wanted to hear as he pressed a soft kiss to the side of your face, whispering, "You already are."
Shifting back to sit on his knees, Spy could now use both hands to take off your belt before pulling the zipper down. You sigh with relief at the cool air against the exposed and overheated skin. 
For a moment, you were able to take a deep breath to enjoy this before saying, "Please, take the rest off- you're killing me down here!"
Spy wasn't done yet. Rising from the mattress, he walked to the side of the bed, cupping your cheek, making you nuzzle against the stiff leather glove; you'd never felt so starved for the contact of another. Using his free hand to draw his knife, kissing the side of your face with the flat of the blade. The cold steel against your cheek made you shiver, "You want your clothes off so bad; you don't mind if I use this little thing, do you?. You aren't afraid, are you?"
If he had any lingering reservations, you would break out of your ecstasy-fueled trance; they were entirely gone. Not even with his signature butterfly knife pressed directly against your face did you realize who you were dealing with. 
The slight sting of the knife felt like heaven, and you sighed, knowing relief was so close you could taste it. "Cut them off, I don't need them anymore- just you. You're everything I need." Aside from the spike in libido, your emotions were significantly heightened, and you could feel your heart swell as the words left your mouth, and you felt in that moment, you truly loved the man beside you- whoever the hell he was anyway.
Spy too felt distracted for just a moment at the sincerity in your voice. He expected you'd gone entirely cum-brained by now and didn't expect you to say something surprisingly touching. Starting at the bottom of your pants, he pinched the fabric taught with one hand and used the other to start cutting with the knife with surgeon-like precision, then making likewise work to your shirt, leaving you almost entirely bare. Thankfully, he knew what he was doing because you refused to make this easy for him, constantly wriggling in place, distracting him by sighing as the clothes were practically peeled away.  
Feeling a few layers of clothing peeled away felt like a massive weight off your chest. It wasn't long before you were left in nothing but undergarments, which were promptly cut away like the rest of your clothes. 
You hardly realized the fabric was gone or that Spy was back between your legs until you felt an ungloved hand tracing up your inner thigh lightly, taking his sweet time before his hand eventually found your sex. Spy applied almost no pressure to his fingers, but the contact alone made you go giddy, unable to stop squirming as Spy's fingers began to move slowly and without much pressure.
Feeling the slick coating his fingertips as his eyes drifted shut, he grinned with satisfaction, feeling how fast you were coming undone. Allow his fingers to move on their own, and his thumb placed firmly against the skin over your clit. You tried to buck upwards and angle your hips to feel his thumb where you needed it, but he knew exactly what he was doing and didn't budge until you settled down. You knew without having to say anything or even look at him to understand the message he was trying to send you, be good, and he'll give you what you want, but not until he's ready. In other words, "Sit, stay, and beg."
Using his other hand, still gloved, he pushed your thighs open a bit wider, massaging the soft, sensitive flesh of your upper thigh. With his help keeping your thighs spread and pressed down against the mattress, you found it much easier to remain stable, keeping your motion limited to your back arching up from the bed, your knees buckling with such tension, you swore you could feel the nervous tremors making your legs shake and head pull back and forth in rhythm with your heavy, labored breathing. Spy was pleased to see how well you managed to hold steady, content enough to use two fingers to stroke up against your slit, just hard enough for his fingertips to slip in before slipping back out as he traced upwards. Gaging your reaction, he dropped his thumb to connect with your clit as he slipped a finger inside, watching you jolt a little in surprise. 
Spy didn't need to move too long to find where he was looking for, his single finger curling up, feeling every inch of warm, slick softness he could while you struggled to stay still. Spy could feel your struggle, and with a tone of slight mockery, Spy hummed, "It's alright if you want to grind against me since you've been so good at being docile. I'll give you permission."
It was perfect timing, too; as he slid a second finger in, you felt yourself tense up, your own body overjoyed at the stimulation, before you began to roll your hips in rhythm with his hand as his fingers curled inside, trying to find that spot he found earlier. Before long, you were trying to choke back a moan- slightly nervous Spy would decide to punish you if you got too loud while he pumped his fingers inside. You tried your hardest to keep up with his pace, but as he moved faster and harder inside, you were too tense to move much on your own and let him play with your body as he wanted. All of the tension and heat building at your core felt like it was getting too much to handle, you could feel the oncoming climax, and you were ready for it.
Spy planned on making you wait longer for your first orgasm of the night, but now that he was here sitting in the moment, he felt almost as excited as you were to let it happen. And with one more roll of his thumb, timed perfectly with the fingers inside, it happened.
Despite the heavy restraints, you felt like you were flying. When you felt yourself coming against Spy's hand, your mind was lost in a drug and pleasure-induced euphoria that made you whimper and groan as you rode out the high as long as you could. You could hear Spy saying something but couldn't really understand. You weren't entirely back to your senses, but when he swiped his thumb against your forehead to wipe some of the sweat away before planting a loving kiss, you beamed, knowing whatever he was saying, it must've been good! 
After such an intense experience, you clenched and unclenched your hands into fists, curling your toes, trying to gently work the feeling back into them. The past few hours were a blur, the past few days were painful, but now nothing mattered to you but this moment. As you stewed a bit longer in a soothing afterglow, comfortably recalling the events of the evening before, which brought you here.
You should've finished your work before heading out for the night. But when your intuition told you to avoid men, you found it best not to question it. Spy wasn't the type to offer anyone kindness without wanting something in return, and you had a bad feeling about exactly what he wanted. You hardly knew Spy but weren't surprised to learn he was the type to think a few charismatic advances entitled him to easy access to you whenever he pleased. And as soon as you got the chance, you packed up your work for the day and left base. The distance from base gave you the comfort to believe you'd escaped Spy for the evening, but for someone like Spy, who made a living of hiding and stalking, you could only do so much to remain undetected, and if he wanted to find you, there wasn't much you could do to protect yourself. It was hard to keep from watching the other patrons of the coffeehouse closely, and you couldn't help looking over your shoulder, expecting to see someone else watching you. But no one was there waiting, and hardly anyone noticed your staring. You were beginning to think you wouldn't feel safe again until you were back in your own bed.
It was mid-afternoon when you arrived at the small, decently secluded cafe lounge to get work done. Still, you were so distracted thinking about Spy, and the general noise and bustle of a public location kept you from much productivity. By now, the sun already set, the work day technically ended hours ago, and you had little to show for it, and your frustration only made it harder to focus. 
Your eyes wandered from your screen to the empty mug beside you, and you considered if another drink would inspire some more progress or at least justify occupying your space in the cafe for so long. Before you could decide your next move, a hand on your shoulder brought you back to reality. 
"Good evening!" You stiffened visibly upright in your seat at the sound of someone close behind speaking, gently squeezing your shoulder to get your attention. Your head whipped over your shoulder to see Medic, chipper as ever, standing less than a breath away behind you, still in his work attire, though thankfully clean of any bloodstains or crusted bits of entrails or bone that might've clung to him during combat.
"Hey, Medic, I didn't see you there!"
He grinned, "Did I frighten you?"
Relaxing at the sight of a friendly face, you mirrored his grin, "Not at all, old man." 
Without waiting for an invitation, Medic turned to the largely blank Word doc on your screen and the pile of documents beside the laptop, "Still at work?"
You weren't supposed to let any of the mercenaries get a peek at confidential documents, but if you were honest, there was almost no information for him to steal. Shutting the laptop, you gathered the papers, organizing them back into their folder while he watched. 
"I was on my way out, actually. Though a change of scenery would make me more productive, I think I better call it a night." You realized it seemed rude to pack up as soon as he showed up, but you were far from home, and if you wanted to catch the bus back to town, you needed to head out. 
"Leaving so soon?" Medic questioned.
You picked up your dirty mug, keeping your eyes on it as you drummed your fingers against the ceramic, "Sorry, I wanted to make it home before dark. I really should head before it gets too late."
He nodded, "You came pretty far out of your way to get a little work done. Is something troubling you?"
Your first instinct was to play it off as nothing, to lie and give some lame excuse about always wanting to visit this longue, but why bother? Odds were, if you couldn't focus here, rushing home wouldn't do your productivity any favors. Checking the time, you confirmed it wasn't all that late and decided to go ahead and tell him the truth.
Sitting back in your seat, you set the mug back onto the table, staring out the window at the streetlights piercing the winter night fog. "It was another mercenary on your team. He was acting weird, and I didn't want to run into him again today, so I came here."
Not a full second later, Medic replied, "It was Scout, wasn't it."
You smiled, "Surprisingly, no." 
He looked at you expectantly. Despite the nearly empty coffee house, you quickly scanned to see if anyone was listening in on this conversation, which obviously none were, before replying in a quieter voice, "It was Spy. I can't explain it, but he was being so nice to me. I don't trust that, not from him anyway." 
Medic nodded, "You think he wanted something from you?"
"I think I know exactly what he wanted." You grumbled.
He put a hand on your knee, trying to express sympathy. "You're smart to get away so fast."
"I want to think so, but I just know he's going to be all bitter the next time I see him! And I can't even relax now because I know he could be anywhere!"
Medic settled back in his chair a little, folding his arms across his chest with an odd, amused look on his face. "You must really hate him, don't you? You can tell me, I won't say anything to him, I promise."
You sighed through your nose, unsure how to reply, "That's just it. I'm really not so sure if I do or not."
Medic looked at you skeptically, not anticipating that response, "Pardon?"
You laced your hands together in your lap, fidgeting slightly in your seat as you kept your gaze focused out the window beside you, "Well, to be fair, it's never fun to care about someone more than they care about you. Yeah, Spy can be a real creep, but it's not easy to feel unloved like that, who wouldn't feel sorry for someone in that situation. Or, like, you need to love someone enough for the both of you, I guess? I'm sorry, I'm not sure this is making much sense, is it?"
An odd look crossed Medic's face, almost one of disbelief. "Do you really feel sorry for him?"
Shrugging but maintaining eye contact, you nodded, continuing, "I mean, it's a lot of pressure to try and love someone enough to make the other person reciprocate the affection. I understand how it makes someone feel so trapped. I know it's hard, but I believe it's for the best to keep my distance. For both our sakes." As you rambled, you shifted a little in your seat. "I mean, even if it is just sex or whatever, no one likes feeling turned down or unwanted like that, you know? Maybe I don't like him personally, but I really can't help but feel for him here, you know what I mean?"
Clearing your throat and sitting up straighter in your chair, you felt a bit awkward after your little tangent, "Anyhow, all that to say, I feel bad about skipping out on him like that. I guess I'll owe him one next time I see him."
Medic's easygoing smile returned, nodding to you in understanding, "True, but you'd better be careful next time you meet him. Wait and see where all that sympathy gets you next time, whether you meet his love or hate."
"I didn't think about that. God, this sucks." You had no idea if you felt any better after getting this off your chest, but you were just about certain any chance of finishing your work tonight was out of the question. No way you could focus on all that now.
Just as you were about to get ready to depart for the evening, make some lame excuse about needing to get home urgently or something when you heard Medic's voice again, "You look tense. How about something to drink?"
You couldn't help but chuckle a little, "Is that advisable? Mixing stress and alcohol?"
Medic shrugged, not appearing to see any issue, "All in moderation."
A drink did sound like just the thing, but you had a bad feeling if you didn't leave now, you'd regret it by morning. "I'm not so sure. I have to catch the bus soon."
He brushed off your words as soon as they left your mouth, "Let me drive. I insist."
Hell, if he was so intent on something to take the edge off, you weren't about to stop him, "If you really want to…"
Needing no further incentive, he was off while you busied yourself to ensure your confidential documents were tucked away and back in your work bag. Medic returned shortly after with some kind of cocktail in a highball glass, slightly rose-colored in one hand, and a cup of black tea in the other. He handed you the one that looked like a cocktail. You accepted, raising your glass a little thanks, "To good company."
Medic tapped his cup against your glass before taking a small sip of his drink, watching you do the same. The drink was much sweeter than you were expecting; it wasn't precisely a luxury-tier location, but the flavor of your cocktail tasted particularly artificial and syrupy. Still, a free drink was a free drink, and you made sure to give thanks before trying another sip. It tasted much better on the second try, now that the sweetness didn't take you so off guard.
You closed your eyes a little, trying to decipher the taste. "What kind of flavor is in this?"
He stared at you over the rim of his teacup, "Try and guess."
Forcing another sip down your throat, you answered, "Mango?"
Medic shook his head, his eyes never once leaving you as you enjoyed the cocktail, "Not quite. Try a little more."
The more you drank, the faster it went down. It was intense; you could already tell that much, but it didn't taste like strong liquor. It was like some kind of miracle potion! "Is it grenadine?"
Medic wasn't even drinking anymore. His teacup was abandoned on the saucer while his full attention was on you. "Not that either. Take a big sip and see if that helps."
You tried to take as big of a sip as you could manage but ran out of drink before you could do so. Still, you were curious to know what was in the drink and how the flavor seemed to change and warp the longer it stayed on your tongue. "Guava?"
Medic clapped a hand on your back, pulling you into a tight hug, making your head spin slightly from the sudden movement, "You got it! How do you feel now?"
"Drink was amazing! And I, uh, I do feel a little better, thanks!"
Keeping one arm wrapped around you, he took the glass from you with his other hand, "Almost done!" He poured the last concoction you didn't even realize was left into your mouth while you swallowed obediently, feeling warm and giddy with Medic's arm wrapped around your shoulders, keeping you upright."
"There you are, good job!" His praise sounded eerily like what a doctor would give a 5-year-old after enduring their first shot, and weirdly, it didn't embarrass you. You were too warm and full of levity from the alcohol to care about feeling patronized.
Helping you back down to your seat, "Wait right here, I'll return the glass for you."
While he was gone, you stared blankly ahead at your screen, watching the line blink on a predominantly white Word document until Medic returned, leaning down with one hand on the back of your chair to shut the laptop. "Didn't I shut that already?" You thought before he spoke, "Ready to go?"
You knew you weren't done, but for some reason, you couldn't exactly remember what you started in the first place and didn't complain as Medic helped gather your notes and put away your device. While it was impossible to stay focused, you were still largely coherent, feeling somewhat affected by the alcohol, though not in a way familiar to you. Heavy eyelids made the world around you dark and blurry. The spinning in your head made you bob forward in your seat, unable to find your posture. The taste of sweet artificial fruit clung like a thick syrup to your tongue and in the corners of your mouth no matter how many times you swallowed. 
A fuzzy, warm feeling deep in the pit of your gut made you shift in your seat as you found it more and more difficult to mask this sudden drowsiness. Fortunately, Medic was more than happy to help you pack up the work bag you thought you already tucked away and hold the door open for you, leading you by hand to his car through the dark, hopefully not unsafe roads. 
Medic led the way effortlessly. For a split second, you were too timid to lean on him for support; you were a grown woman and had no right acting so sloppily after a single drink. But whether or not you wanted his help, by God, did you need it. And he could sense it, too. Leading you with one arm wrapped around your waist to help keep you upright while leading you to his car before helping you inside.
You sat back, your eyes drifting shut, feeling Medic leaning over you to help fasten the seat belt, and with his shoulder so close, your head tipped forward to rest against it. If Medic wanted you to stop acting so clingy, he wasn't about to say so, allowing you to keep your head resting against his shoulder as he patted the top of your head. "There you are, nice and safe." 
Just as he was about to pull away, you leaned a little harder against him, shaking your head, trying to keep him close despite your absence of communication skills. "Not home… Scared to go back-" 
Thankfully, he was close enough to understand the mumble that was your voice. Using one hand to ruffle your head playfully, "You don't have to be alone; come home with me." 
He didn't need to assure you, nor was he scared he might have to; by now, your mind was entirely overtaken by fuzzy neediness. Any concerns about trusting another person to get you home while you were already so out of it were gone. All you knew was you wanted Medic to stay, to keep you feeling safe and comfortable. As long as he was there with you, none of the potential dangers of the world outside mattered. 
Childishly, you clung to his coat with clumsy, weak fingers, keeping him close as you buried your face in his chest, "Need you- Need to be safe." It was too hard to bother with complete sentences. Not only was your mind spinning, but your tongue felt too big for your mouth, and though you could hear and understand Medic well enough, communication on your end felt impossible.
For a while, he didn't pull away; instead, he used both arms to support you in a secure hug as you remained nestled into his chest. "I've got you." 
Eventually, you managed to pull away enough to look up at him, blinking, unable to entirely focus or see him clearly with dilated eyes. "Let's go home."
But before he could pull away further, you planted a gentle, open-mouthed kiss against his lips. Instantly, you felt him returning the kiss, and he cupped your cheek with one hand to help keep your head table and deepen the kiss, giving you butterflies. His tongue slid against yours so smoothly it helped soothe your agitation and confusion over how you managed to become so sloppy over a single drink. Medic's mouth against your own made you feel like nothing but he mattered, a feeling which never once went away the drive over; even as your eyes drifted shut, that comfortable smile never went away as you replayed the kiss over and over in your head.
Never before had a ride home at night felt so intense and relaxing. Fluorescent lights passed in dull flashes, and the windshield wipers clicked to clear the rain with a soothing rhythm. No doubt if you tried to take the bus home, you'd catch more than a little unwarned attention with your loopy behavior. But none of that mattered because you weren't in a crowded bus, and you weren't going home alone; you were with Medic. Even if you couldn't see him in the dark car, the presence of another nearby soothed your worries, and made your heart throb.
Thinking about the car ride over was enough to remind you- and bring you back to the present moment, especially when the blindfold was pulled from your eyes. It didn't make much difference; the lighting was so low, and you doubted you could see your hand in front of your face. You had no idea if he could see your face either, but you smiled up at him regardless, the least you could do to thank him for all he'd done for you tonight.
But you didn't need to see an entire face when you felt your lips against yours, and you didn't need to see who the lips belonged to kiss back. One kiss on the lips became one on the neck, and you could feel hands all over your body, getting greedier, wanting to feel all of you against him. You didn't even realize he was already naked until you felt his head probing against your clit.
The sensation of hot skin grazing between your legs, preparing to align with your core, made you flinch, unable to suppress your own whining. Feeling so needy and overwhelmed was agony. Fortunately, Spy was completely sober and ready to give you precisely what you needed. As if you even deserved it after leaving him high and dry earlier- but for you alone, Spy was willing to show some mercy. 
His own raging hard-on, throbbing as his head connected with your sex made Spy sigh, watching you with half-lid eyes as he prepared himself to thrust forward. You were feeling far less coordinated, haphazardly trying to roll your hips against him, all while he remained still as a statue above, waiting for you to tire yourself out enough to let him take control. 
It's incredible how Spy didn't need to see your face or speak with you to communicate; he knew exactly what you needed. When you finally settled down enough to let him move again, Spy lowered his head to the crook of your neck, nipping at the thin skin as he fully entered your body. 
The ropes creaked lightly as your body strained to accommodate his anatomy while inundated by so many other sensations.
You were just coherent enough to say, "Feels… Feels so fucking good."
After those words left your mouth, you were uncommunicative for the rest of the night. Present, aware, and even responsive to Spy, but unable to speak. One round of sex stretched into two, or maybe more? One of your last memories of the night was the feeling of something running down your thigh and a needy kiss against your neck, which morphed into a harsh bite- but even that wasn't enough to fully awaken you. It wasn't long until your body couldn't take anymore and passed out, still fully restrained in the bed of another.
By the time Spy fully unwound the restraints from around your wrists and ankles, you were too sleepy to realize Spy was directly in front of you. Spy could feel himself swelling with pride, staring down at your helpless body curled up comfortably in his own bed, naked and spent. The effects of the MDMA and alcohol were beginning to subside; you were past your climax, and now it was time to rest. 
It was dangerous to mix drugs and alcohol. Initially, Spy told himself he was alright with doing this because, if you accidentally had a bad trip or unforeseen adverse reaction, you brought it on yourself for rejecting him. Watching you suffer was an outcome he prepared for, but seeing you unravel and completely give in to pleasure was far more rewarding.
Spy watched your breathing become heavy and slow, curling into the fetal position on your side, to drift off into a deep rest. He was pretty drained from all the excitement as well, but forced himself from the bed, switching on a lamplight as he made his way down the hall to fix himself some black tea.
Perhaps he'd regret staying awake all night in the morning, but for now he was more than happy to ride out the sweet triumph of conquest a little longer. The situation wasn't new to him. Spy was blessed with great fortune with the opposite sex, and even those who initially tried to brush him off, it was only a matter of time before he got what he wanted. Usually, not even the satisfaction of victory lasted long after the lay, but as Spy sipped his tea, watching you naked and deep asleep, he knew it'd be a shame to move on so soon. Whether it was affection or sadism that made him want to keep you to himself, Spy wasn't sure, but he knew it had been ages since he'd felt such a fondness.
It was so cute how you thought you could run away fast enough for him not to suspect you would try to brush him off earlier. Trying so hard to plan a way out from behind his back, entirely ignorant of the way his eyes followed you, reading you from a distance. You had no idea who you were dealing with, and the idea of keeping you here, showing you the extent of his depravity and an entirely new meaning of the word held Spy with wrapt interest. And he realized what a shame it would be to end all the fun tonight because you weren't awake to feel it yourself.
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5eraphim · 1 year
Oof sorry for another one but can you do something where engi and you have your first date together at his house, but you have a tiny bit of an odd feeling about him. He's very sweet, but almost overly nice. He offers to make dinner for you and you say yes, but what you don't know is that he put aphrodisiacs in your food.
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These prompts were so fire! So freaking fun to write for, thank you for these!!! I feel like ever since I've been writing short stories I've wanted to write a "you don't love me, you love how being loved make you feel" confrontation between reader and their yandere- very cathartic to finally get that scene out of my head and into a finished work!
Title: Birthday Cake
Content Warnings: MAJOR daddy kink, dub-con, spanking, aphrodisiacs, yandere, toxic relationship, forced intimacy, fingering, possessiveness
Word Count: 7k
"In my dreams I am kissing your mouth and you're whispering 'where have you been?' I say, 'I've been lost but I'm here now. You're the only person who has wver been able to find me.'" unknown title, Sue Zhao
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You should've known better than to give in to the kindness of strangers. Well, perhaps not strangers, but the excessive displays of affection from your teammate Engie had long since worn out their novelty. You'd only been a member of the team for a few months yet, ever since then, Engie'd taken a certain special liking to you, something which bothered you right away. It wasn't your style to accept being fussed over by anyone, but no matter how you tried to politely push him away, he never seemed to take the hint. 
What really surprised you was his latest act of kindness, inviting you to his place to share a meal together. A birthday dinner, his treat. You knew you never told him your birthday or anyone else for that matter, and you couldn't even guess how he found out or how long he'd known, and honestly, you weren't sure you wanted to know. You initially tried to politely decline, planning to make up some lie about plans to call family after work to celebrate. But he was stubborn, absolutely refusing to take no for an answer.
Something about his forwardness bothered you, but still, there were worse ways to spend a birthday, and you agreed to meet up at his place later that night. Giving you a comfortable amount of time to get cleaned up and changed out of your work clothes before you found yourself at the address he provided you earlier. Knocking at the door, you tried to ignore your rising anxieties and let yourself believe Engie was your friend and you had no reason to be so skittish. Perhaps a little too friendly sometimes, but not someone who would ever hurt you.
Engie held the door open for you as you entered, leading you through the kitchen; the smell of well-seasoned food cooking on the stovetop and roasting in the oven overtook you before you entered. While you'd never actually stepped foot in Engie's home, it looked exactly how you'd imagined. A cozy rustic kitchen with a wood stove, gingham-printed curtains and tablecloth, and a grand wooden table in the center, modestly set for two. You could hear the lazy strumming of some folk song on the small radio on the dark wood of the kitchen counter over the crackling of the low fire burning in the furnace on the other side of the room. Engie lived alone, but you knew he regularly invited family over; the dinner table alone could easily sit 10, but something about the sight of the massive table set for only two made it look so lonely, and you couldn't help but imagine how empty it must look set for only one as Engie was no doubt used to.
Out of the corner of your eye, you could see Engie's eyes following you as you made your way inside, and you wondered when was the last time he'd had non-blood-related company over. While you were still a bit uncomfortable with his forwardness, you wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt and believe he was just nervous, and you had no reason to feel uncomfortable around him. He was your friend, an ally, surely not one who would mean you any harm. 
You sat at one of the seats set for dinner, watching as he prepared two plates. Before he even opened the oven, the smell of Texan comfort food hung heavy in the kitchen and dining room. He kept the dishes he'd made in the oven to keep warm until you showed up, and judging by the considerable pile of dirty bowls and utensils piled by the sink, you reckoned he must've spent hours cooking. Watching from the table, you heard Engie humming as he pulled out a few deep dish bowls, unlidding them before loading up the two plates. He piled on roasted vegetables, mashed potatoes, and thick cuts of meat you couldn't quite identify coated in a rich dark sauce, which were just the first things you noticed him dishing. 
He said to you from over his shoulder, "There's biscuits on the table for you if you need something to nibble while you're waiting." Like you were even that hungry. But if the biscuits were half as appetizing as what he was dishing out, you were certainly tempted. You pulled one from the cloth-covered basket in the center of the table and bit into the still-warm biscuit, watching him approaching with two full plates in hand.
"I made sweet tea fresh this morning; care for a glass?" Before you could say yes, he was already turning back around to fetch the pitcher from the fridge.
"You really pulled out all the stops tonight, huh?" You were joking, though simultaneously were genuinely overwhelmed by his generosity. He just chuckled, and you thought you heard him muttering something under his breath along the lines of, "Anything for you."
For a few minutes, you chatted politely, listening to the radio, enjoying the home-cooked meal, and feeling the stress of the day melting away as you genuinely enjoyed the taste of his cooking. 
"You made this all yourself?"
"Sure did! But it's all mamma's old recipes. You oughtta be thankin' her... How'd I do?" He smiled and tried to look modest, but the look in his eyes said, "I know it's perfect." 
"It's amazing; she must've taught you well." You saw a light blush coloring his cheeks and the tips of his ears as he looked down with a big smile. You hadn't expected he would get so flustered over such a simple statement. Though now that you thought about it, Engie was a bit friendlier this evening than normal, which for him was saying something. Perhaps it was for the best you tried to leave now before he got too carried away. Pulling away from the table slightly, you pushed your plate forward.
"Well, this has been wonderful, but I've had enough. Thank you so much for all this; you're so sweet." To your surprise, Engie's smile faltered for just a moment.
"You didn't finish…" He didn't look mad, but his face didn't entirely mask his disappointment. 
"It's been a long day, Engie, but I'm about ready to crawl into bed… You aren't upset, are you?"
He perked right up after you said, "Aw shucks, of course not! I understand! I'm not upset. I just hoped I'd get the chance to give you one last thing." 
Engie stood from his chair before you could ask what he meant by this, pulling something from the fridge, hiding it close to his chest, and out of sight from you. While you didn't know exactly what he was hiding, you consoled yourself by acknowledging, at least, whatever it was; it must've been quite small. He fidgeted with the thing for a moment before shutting the door to the fridge.
Engie smiled sheepishly, turning around, holding on to a little teacup saucer holding a miniature cupcake so small it could fit in the palm of your hand. A single little yellow birthday candle flickering on top.
"Engie, I can't accept this-'' You forced a nervous laugh while you felt guilty for letting him spoil you with dinner earlier; the cupcake made you feel even worse. 
"Sure I did; it's your birthday, ain't it?" He drew closer, depositing the little treat before you as the candle continued to burn, little trails of wax dripping down the sides. You were conflicted, feeling a combination of obligation to accept the gift he'd been saving for last and not wanting to take anything more from Engie after he'd done so much already. While you admittedly didn't eat too much of the dinner he prepared, just enough to show gratitude for his efforts and to keep him from noticing how you kept cutting up the food into tiny pieces, pushing them around on your plate. While you felt bad about wasting the food, you knew you'd be sick if you tried to force yourself to eat it all. 
There was no way you could get away with doing that with this. But you had to admit, it was pretty cute, and you didn't have the heart to turn him down now that that cupcake was right under your nose. Closing your eyes briefly, you inhaled before blowing out the candle, wishing silently to yourself out of this charmingly claustrophobic kitchen as fast as possible. Pulling the candle from the top of the cupcake, you held it in your hand for a moment before taking a bite.
You could've sworn you felt an oddness in the cake's texture for a split second when you swallowed. The cake was denser than you expected but tasted just as appetizing as it looked; you finished the tiny cake in a few bites. 
Engie smiled warmly, reaching over and squeezing your shoulder, "Happy birthday, buddy'." 
You were about to say something when you felt a bizarre warm feeling in the pit of your stomach, not unpleasant, just a little tingly. You took a deep breath, repositioning yourself in your seat, feeling a bit hot under the collar out of nowhere. Clearing your throat, you thought maybe the cupcake went down wrong, and there was a perfectly valid reason you felt so heated out of nowhere, but internally you felt a twinge of panic. 
If this were a sudden sickness, it was like nothing you'd felt before. You tried your hardest to keep composure, telling yourself this was all in your head, there's no way you were genuinely so suddenly weak out of nowhere, but your body wouldn't listen. Once again, you found yourself fidgeting in your seat, unable to find a comfortable position. So distracted by the warmth spreading from deep in your gut through the rest of your body you almost didn't notice how heavy your head felt or the dryness in your mouth. Placing both elbows on the table, you clasped your hands together, resting your head on top of your fingers to keep yourself from losing balance. 
Fortunately, Engie didn't seem to mind, or maybe didn't even notice, how quiet you were as he cleaned up the kitchen, humming softly to himself along with the radio. You heard his footsteps close behind. 
"I'll get this out of your way."
You cleared your throat again, nodding a silent "thank you" as he took the saucer away. While you knew there was something a little off about the taste of the cake, you couldn't put your finger on what.
Forcing yourself to take another steady breath, you scooted back in your chair a little bit to press your back harder against the back of the chair, rolling out your neck slightly as you started panting. Much to your dismay, however, this did nothing to extinguish the odd warm sensation in your gut, which felt like it was spreading so quickly to spite you. Thankfully, due to the room's low light, there was no way Engie could see the way your face had begun to heat up. You didn't know if you were blushing because of the new found warm feeling between your legs, the strain of trying to appear emotionless and unbothered, or the embarrassment of being caught in such a situation in the first place, or likely an unbearable combination of the three. 
You couldn't stop fidgeting, unclasping your hands to grip the chair's armrests as you backed up a little harder into your seat. Under the table, your legs, already crossed, began to squeeze a little tighter together, and you had to bite the inside of your cheek to suppress a sound of frustration as you felt the skin of your breasts and nipples tingle a little, becoming more sensitive on account of whatever the hell it was going on inside your body."No, no, not the body- just in your head. It's all in your head; just take a few deep breaths, hug him goodbye, and you'll be out in no time. you've got this." You could feel your hands white-knuckling your chair's armrests as your head dipped forwards, eyes shutting as you tried to maintain composure. 
By now, your breathing had become rapid, and while you knew it was best to keep your head back to let in as much oxygen as you could, you no longer had that kind of inner strength. The best you could do now was pant as quietly as possible as that awful warmth intensified deep inside. You were scared, wondering what the hell had gotten into you, but to a lesser extent didn't care and wanted nothing but to grind your legs together even harder or slip a hand between your legs. To do something- anything, to satisfy the awful neediness between your legs. There was no denying it now; you were wet for sure.
This was agony. Your jeans felt a size too tight, the cotton denim like sandpaper against your legs, chafing your poor sensitive skin, to say nothing of the inseam of your jeans you were painfully aware of against your clit. Swallowing hard, had no idea you'd been salivating so notably. While the intensity of your arousal began to plateau, focusing on anything else like this was impossible. 
Before now, you tried to keep your eyes open, spotting against random objects you could see in the room to try and keep yourself grounded, but by now, your eyes were fluttering and shut against your will, and the room seemed to spin when you tried to focus on anything. The feeling of Engie's hand suddenly touching your shoulder, his fingers barely making contact, caused you to jolt fully upright in alarm. 
You had no idea how he got back to you so fast, nor how long he'd been standing over you like that, but you were rendered functionally speechless in surprise, looking up with him wide-eyed, your neck still bent forward slightly, unable to support the full weight of your head, forcing you to turn your face to make eye contact, feeling pathetic as he looked down at you from this position.
"Hey, did ya hear me? Are you feeling alright? You're looking a little, uh… warm." It was hard not to cringe hearing him speak like that. Engie could sense you were extremely uncomfortable, but you silently prayed he just thought you were feeling ill. Trying desperately to convince yourself he couldn't detect your sudden unexplainable arousal. He knew something was happening with you, and it was humiliating to hear him trying to be so polite about it. 
You managed to lean away from his touch; you tried to force yourself to straighten back up in your chair and were about to answer when a spontaneous throb of arousal caused you to tense up and shrink into yourself. Engie had to grab both your shoulders to keep you steady and prevent your head from crashing forward into the table. Despite this, you tried to wriggle away again but couldn't manage to shake his hold on you. 
You can hear him saying your name, his voice heavy with worry, only making you feel sicker. But your head felt too fuzzy to speak, no matter how hard you try to respond. Your mouth won't work, and you were forced to stay held in place until you manage to center yourself well enough to answer. Taking a shaky breath, you speak in a rasp,
"I'll be fine; I just need rest." You hardly sounded like yourself, so trembling and hoarse.
"Honey, c'mon now, you can tell me what's wrong." He tried to squeeze your shoulders a little to relax you, but you only whined slightly at the feeling of his strong fingers, feeling so supportive and stable against your limp, overheated body. You knew if his hands were enough to make your head spin like this, you needed to get out as fast as possible.
"Engie- I'm going home now." Even though your words were slurred, you managed to speak clearly enough to express that much, still fidgeting in your seat to try and break free from his hold on your shoulders. Your eyelids felt so heavy, your face so warm, all you wanted to do was change into your pajamas and get a little sleep. Wanting more than anything to get back in your own bed and get rid of the awful burning inside your body. But thinking like that was dangerous, and you didn't dare let your mind wander while you were already feeling so turned on.
"You can rest upstairs in my room, c'mon lemme help you up."
"No!" Your eyes shot open as you tried to lurch out of his grip like a cornered wild animal; you were already scared, and thinking about what would happen if he brought you up to his room only made things worse. 
"Don't take me up there! Wanna go home- please, please, not upstairs- I don't want to!" It was humiliating to hear yourself begging like a child being sent to bed early, but you couldn't stop. You tried to use your grip on the armrests to pull yourself away from Engie, but he was too strong, and all you would do was tire yourself out fighting like this. You couldn't tell if you were actually crying or if you just felt like you were. Trying to fight against the wicked desire quickly sapped all your inner strength; it hurt to try and keep up like this; you just wanted it all to be over.
"Hey, easy now, I've gotcha. I'm not gonna hurt ya-" Engie spoke to you like he was trying to calm a spooked mare. He let go of one of your shoulders to turn the chair you were sitting in away from the table so you were facing him before returning the hand to your shoulder. You were too embarrassed to look him in the eye, keeping your line of sight straight ahead on the wall behind him. Feel sick listening to him patronizing you like you were his little pet, not another grown adult, much less his own comrade.
"Then let go!" You meant to sound immature, but the meat you could manage was another childish pout. 
"I ain't lettin' go. You're not looking too good there, honey; if I let ya go, you're gonna hurt yourself. I ain't about to let that happen." Despite having to physically wrangle you like this, Engie sounded as calm as ever. You whined as your muscles went limp, as you finally gave in and let him hold you upright.
"Engie, I don't wanna- Please, just take me home…." Surely he could feel how you continued to tremble under his hold, maybe even picking up on how your skin was practically hot to the touch, but you didn't care. 
"Listen, I know you don't feel well, and you're lookin' even worse. My room is right upstairs; I want you to sleep in my bed until you're feeling better." Despite his syrupy-sweet voice, you still felt too disturbed to let your guard down.
"Don't make me go to your bed…" To your surprise, you could hear Engie laughing gently about this before feeling him help you up. You wrapped your arms around his forearms to help brace your weight a little while you struggled to find your footing before wrapping one of your arms around his neck, leaning entirely against him to support yourself. Your face was now painfully close to his, all while he merely regarded you with his easygoing smile.
"Aw honey, I wasn't gonna make us share the bed!" He winked before continuing, "Temptin' offer though it may be." Feeling your body pressed close against him like this was doing nothing to help your situation, you grit your teeth, forcing your face to turn from his to the stairs across the room. Without another word, he helped you make your way to the stairs.
A part of you wondered if he was going so slowly up the stairs to prolong your misery as long as he could; at least, that's what it felt like to you. You used one arm to grab his arm around your shoulders while the other white-knuckled the handrail; not once did his arms budge from either around your waist or from your shoulders, the side of his body crushingly tight up against yours. While the feeling of helplessness and discombobulation was wretched, you hated yourself for clinging so tightly against Engie, letting him lead you upstairs to his bedroom, despite your trepidation. 
When the two of you finally made it to the top of the staircase, you were about to step foot on the second floor when you felt Engie mumble something into your ear as you bit down on your lower lip to keep from moaning at the feeling of his lips grazing against your ear, breath fanning over the side of your face, and tickling your neck without warning. 
"Almost there now, honey. You're doing so good, just a little longer." You nodded, feeling as though your knees were about to give out at any second. 
By the time you reached the doorway of Engie's bedroom, you didn't wait for him to get the door first. You turned the knob yourself and pushed open the door, too blinded by the idea of finally getting to lay down to worry about waiting to be invited in first. Engie helped push the door open wider as the two of you staggered inside. You refused to stop moving until you were in bed, and with almost drunken, unsteady steps, you finally found your respite, crashing into the soft flannel sheets the moment your shin connected with the edge of the bed. 
Finally lying down, you lay, sprawled out on your back for a moment, giving yourself time to catch your breath. At last, you were lying down and in bed; nothing in the world mattered right now except for the cozy cotton sheets that provided you with a little nook to curl up inside of.
For just a moment, you felt better, the burning wasn't gone, but at least now it was a bit less uncomfortable. 
"Usually, I'd make the bed before the company shows up, but you look pretty cozy down there. Are you feeling any better, darlin'?" You didn't answer; rolling onto your side, away from the side of the bed where he stood, you buried your head in the pillows, twisting the sheets and blankets in your hands, pulling them closer. Not exactly to cover yourself with, but just to have something soft and comfortable to grip onto, something much better than the hardwood of your chair's armrest. But it was more than that. Something about being in his bed like this felt so perfect like you were exactly where you needed to be in the universe. You were hyper-aware of Engie's scent trapped in the bedding, shamelessly nestling your face directly into it, wanting to feel it all over you. No matter how embarrassing it was to be watched in a state like this for a moment, you allowed yourself to indulge. Writhing into the blankets, using them to wick the sweat from your forehead and neck, nestling your head into the nook where the pillows met the bed. 
You thought you could hear him chuckling from above, but you weren't sure, but the idea of him getting so much enjoyment watching you nestling into his bed made you self-conscious, making you whine in irritation, the sound almost entirely drowned out by the pillow. Still, the shame wasn't enough to keep you from wrapping both legs around the top blanket of the bed, spooning the fabric, feeling blissful but frustratingly unsatisfying on account of your jeans keeping the blankets from rubbing up against your bare skin. Despite the bed's softness, you somehow couldn't manage to get comfortable and couldn't stop from kicking and thrashing like a fish out of water. The smell of Engie flooding your senses was the only thing going through your mind, but it still didn't feel like enough. You could feel the bed dipping as Engie sat on the side of the bed, his hand against your shoulder, making you shiver and your nails dig into the blankets.
"Can't get comfy down there? You need me to grab you something to drink?" With a snicker, he continued, "Need daddy to read you a bedtime story?"
You frowned, looking up at him over your shoulder, "Don't talk to me like that."
"Aw c'mon, you know I'm only-" He tried to laugh it off, but for some reason, you found yourself more agitated than usual at his ribbing. 
"You know what I mean!"
"Pardon?" He lifted his hand from your shoulder as you rolled from your belly to your side to look at him. Something about the awful heat coursing through you made you more brazen than usual, and you could not stop yourself from acting confrontational.
"I hate when you act like that- When you look at me like you know better than me! You're not responsible for me. I don't need you to take care of me!" His brow creased as he looked at you, hurt, confused, and completely taken aback by your sudden attitude. Your breathing was ragged, and it was hard to keep your voice from rising. You didn't know where this anger was coming from, but it felt as though you were finally telling him how much you hated when he babied you. The suddenness and intensity confused you, but the catharsis was there all the same. Telling him how you really felt. For so long, you'd been forced to be professional and mild-mannered around your comrade while he would condescend and coddle you; to finally bear your emotions like this felt damn good.
Engie tried his best to force a small smile to mask the hurt you could still see in his eyes, "I don't do this because you're weak; I never said you were weak-"
You laughed bitterly, "Right, it's because you're just such a nice guy; how could I forget?"
Engie spoke slowly, "I only do this because I care about you; I only want what's best. You know that."
"You don't love me. You love how being needed makes you feel!" By now, you were certain you were crying and weren't even really talking to Engie; now, you were talking to him. In your heart, you weren't really mad at him, but you hated how weak you felt when he prioritized you over the rest of the team. You slackened a little, pulling the blanket up to bury your head in it, sobbing. After a moment, you felt his hand putting the top of your head.
"Of course I love you-" 
"No, you don't! You just want to protect the weak, isn't that right? That must be why you're always focused on me, right? I'm nothing but the weakest of the team to you! I'm nothing but a charity case; all you care about is making yourself feel better." You were helpless to stop all the awful insecurities you tried so hard to hide from the rest of the world from surfacing now. Engie huffed a little, moving his hand from your hair to your chin, forcing you to turn and look at him.
"So I'm the selfish one, is that it? I spend all this time with you, cook for you, let you sleep in my own bed, and that makes me the selfish one?" You had to bite back a moan at the feeling of his fingers gripping your face so tightly.
"You slipped me something, didn't you?" It was a surprise to hear your voice so level after screaming and crying. Engie looked more surprised than offended by your words but didn't say anything to his defense.
"I bet you did this, didn't you! Fucking hell, you'd do anything to be the hero- to just come to everyone's rescue. You don't care about me; I bet you don't even like any of the rest of us!"
His eyes narrowed. "Don't say that."
"That's the only reason I'm here, isn't it? You wanted to get me all alone, slip me God knows what so you could take me here and wait till it knocked out to start touching yourself over my unconscious body. You've been planning this, haven't you!" Despite your harsh words, Engie didn't look offended. Nothing worked, no matter how you tried to anger or convince him to kick you out. He merely sighed, face softening as his fingers gently caressed the side of your face.
"Let it out, sweetheart; you've had a long day. Just get it out of your system; you'll be alright." You didn't say anything in return, and for a moment, you wondered, "Would it really be so bad to let him have his way?" Your eyes drift shut as you feel Engie's fingers brush away your tears, smoothing back your hair. No matter how you tried to deny it, letting, him treat you like his little girl felt good. Why had you fought him back for so long? Now that you weren't fighting back, his touch no longer felt smothering but soothing. And you felt in that moment that he was the only thing in the world that could satisfy your desire.
"I'm gonna get you a change of clothes, just lay back." The bed creaked a little as he lifted himself from the mattress.
You spoke in a broken, pitifully small voice, "I shouldn't have said that."
"I know you didn't mean it." He was in the same room but sounded so far away you wanted him back in bed.
"It was still wrong to say.." As he returned to his perch by your side, you twisted in bed, laying on your side.
He smiled, "I forgive you." You wanted to say you didn't deserve it, but at the moment, you couldn't find the words; all you could manage to do was stare at him with puppy eyes.
"Do you want me to help you out of your clothes?"
At first, you were about to question why he was acting so brazen, but then you realized at some point during your fight you'd started to wriggle in bed nervously, mindlessly pawing at your bottoms, trying to pull them off while your fingers were too numb and awkward to work the buttons or the zipper. Time felt like it slowed down for a moment; the two of your eyes locked as you understood the weight of his question. You nodded. 
"I need to hear you say it." Engie's soft voice is as assuring and gentle as ever, yet unmistakably firm. While you were putting up a fight for a while there, you both knew who was really in charge here. Forcing yourself to keep eye contact, you managed a "yes, I would." Engie's sweet smile betrayed his dirty mind. 
"Roll back over onto your stomach." You didn't understand why he wanted this, but you immediately complied. You bit down on a pillow to muffle the sounds you made when you felt Engie's fingers find your jean's button, undoing it and pulling the zipper all the way down just as easily, while you couldn't help but whine and twitch at the feeling of his fingers brushing against your bare underbelly, and the sensation of his fingers over your clothed pubic mound for just a second as he undid the zipper. You took a deep breath after the zipper was undone, feeling the most relief you'd felt all night. He gave you a moment to breathe deeply before his hands made their way to the waistband of your jeans and, with a few tugs, pulled them past your hips as you kicked your legs to try and help him remove the awful denim from your body. Your thighs spread wider, blessedly now unrestricted against Engie's blankets while he looked down at the beautiful sight. You couldn't help but sigh audibly into the pillow; at long last, you were free.
"Shirt too?" You mumbled, but Engie understood what you wanted, grabbing the bottom hem of your top as he pushed it up and over your head with your bra while you slid your arms through the sleeves. Leaving you stripped down to nothing but your underwear. The feeling of his sheets, his smell now directly below your skin, felt heavenly, your tits perking up a little, still tingling from earlier as you rubbed yourself over the bed, breathing heavily in through your nose and out through your mouth. While Engie was more than excited to finally get a chance to get his hands on you, he wasn't about to rush you here.
You were entirely right to call him out for planning this, and despite a few snags along the way, the evening was shaping up exactly how he hoped it would. And while he expected your hesitation and your near-certain anger when you realized he was responsible for your current situation, Engie had every confidence that in just a bit of time, you would be thanking him for all this. All he had to do was wait, and for you, he'd wait forever if he must.
He trailed his feeling hand down the curve of your ass as you felt the rubber glove brushing against the swell of your hip. His fingers playfully drummed along the flesh of your ass while you shivered and bit down a little harder on the pillow in your mouth.
"I forgive you, and I love you- but you outta know how to watch that mouth of yours." 
" 'M sorry, it won't happen again." You babbled, half talking to him, half speaking into the pillow. You weren't strong enough to look him in the eye, but you were just horny enough to tell him whatever he needed to hear.
"Oh, I'm sure it won't. But someone ought to teach you a lesson." You felt his ungloved fingers squeezing against the flesh of your ass, assuring you of exactly where his attention was. Knowing you had his full attention elicited another stir of excitement inside you.
"Mhm?" He spoke softly, but you could pick up on the dark edge of his words even in such an inebriated state.
"Maybe this is my fault. I've been spoiling you all this time, and I haven't even laid a hand on you." Using his gloved hand, he gave a little testing pat against your rear, not hard at all, but enough to make a sharp smacking sound fill the room. You sighed at the feeling; he was right; he was being too soft, and you needed more. Needed his attention now more than ever before.
You were about to say something, anything to urge him on, but he literally beat you to it, his glove slapping against your ass again, a little bit harder this time, forcing you to bite down onto his pillow to muffle your little shriek of surprise. The residual soreness didn't have time to set in fully before you felt another blow, followed by another and another and another. Not harder or softer, he set a steady rhythm for the two of you. You could feel the blood rushing to the sore area and couldn't imagine how red you must've looked.
It felt good to be used like this. To feel held accountable for taking advantage of "the nice guy" for so long. Now he wasn't going easy on you, and it was exactly what you needed. By accident, his hand struck a little closer to your cunt than he intended; maybe he didn't aim right, or perhaps you accidentally spread your legs too wide. You didn't know. In response to this feeling, you spread your legs even wider.
"Maybe I ought to bring you off the battlefield and back home with me. Set ya to work on the old Conagher farm. I know it'll do ya real good to get outta the city, give ya a 'lil perspective. You'd fit right in; I can see it now." He was mostly rambling to himself than actually speaking to you, but you followed along all the same. In any other situation, you'd never let him get away with implying he could so easily take you home and "tame you," but given how horny you already felt, you were ready to tell him everything he wanted to hear if it meant you would finally get some satisfaction.
"I'll go anywhere with you! Please, Engie, please keep going; I fucking need it! I-I need you so bad, Daddy!" You peeked your head over your shoulder and felt your heartthrob at the sight of his face softened with love and eyes twinkling like little stars. Good Lord, would you give anything to cum on that beautiful face of his. You weren't aware of the wet spot of drool he could see from where you were biting down on the pillow and the mess of spit around your lips. 
He used his thick fingers to brush against the soaked fabric covering your sex; the feeling of at last getting a bit of friction between your legs made your head roll forward, crushing your face into the pillow, mindlessly rocking your hips against his fingers.
"You're gonna be good for me from now on? No more attitude?" He was moving too slow, intentionally shying his fingers away whenever you tried to get closer, mocking your neediness. While you were reduced to a wet, mindless mess sobbing incoherently, "Yes, I will! I promise I'll be good; I promise I'll be good! Please, Daddy, please, Daddy- I need it so bad, please!"
His fingers paused, directly over exactly where you needed them, his glove gripping the curve of your hip, keeping you from grinding against him, forcing you to remain painfully in place, the strain of staying in this position its own hell on Earth. "You promise you'll behave?"
Without missing a beat, you kept, "I promise!" 
You can hear his proud smile without looking back at his face. "All right, darlin', if you promise." He sounded just like a proud father; no wonder he stepped into the role so well. 
He continued to grope at your ass with his gloved hand, pushing your underwear to the side as he finally slipped his fingers inside. By now, you were practically too weak to keep grinding against him, but fortunately, you wouldn't last much longer. You felt like you were on edge for hours, and feeling Engie's fingers working their magic inside your body was that last little push you needed to send you over the edge. His thumb worked in sync with his fingers, a thick coating of your slick messily seeping from inside, helping him to go even faster. 
You wished you didn't have to be on your stomach, Engie sitting off to the side, so far away. You wanted to wrap your arms around him, feel his naked flesh against your body, but inhaling his smell and grinding against his sheets would have to do for now. You spread your thighs wider as you felt yourself clenching against his fingers, your climax so close it hurt. Back arching as you mindlessly pushed yourself even harder against his fingers, the intensity building until you finally came. Seeing all white as relief washed over your entire body, the tension easing up as pleasant little after-shocks began to set in. The awful burning desire inside satisfied as you went limp, settling heavily into his bed with a heavy sigh. 
By now, the sheets were dampened by your sweat, though you were too tired to care much, feeling no real discomfort while laying in a little puddle of your own sweat. While Engie's handiwork had mercifully taken care of the burning inside, you could tell your head wasn't quite clear yet. The loopy, needy feeling now morphed into comfortable drowsiness, making your afterglow feel all the sweeter. You winced a little while Engie withdrew his fingers and the vague sensation of your wetness sloppily trailing his hand. You could hear him wiping the slick off onto the bedsheets before petting the top of your head gently.
"Feelin' better now?" Your tongue felt too heavy in your mouth to formulate any words, but you nodded, making a quiet sound of affirmation while your head remained buried in the pillows. 
"And what do we say when someone does something nice for us?" He sounded easygoing, but you knew he wanted a real answer out of you. Turning your head to rest a cheek on the pillow, you sleepily half-opened one eye to try and focus on him.
"Thank you, Daddy." It was a dull mumble of an answer, but it appeased him well enough. He ruffled your hair before you could hear the sound of Engie undressing, letting his button-up shirt and stiff work pants join your jeans on the floor. By the time he nestled up in bed with you, wrapping your limp body up with his strong arms, you were already more than half-asleep. Maybe the excessive fatigue was a side-effect of whatever slipped earlier. For a moment, you wondered if you would wake up with a hangover or not, but the thought left your head almost as quickly as it came. Even without the mystery drug in your system, it was certainly possible that your brain was better off trying to shut down and try not to think too hard about what just happened and even less about what the morning might bring.
Within your final moments of coherency, you could feel your body pulled against Engie's bare chest until you were close enough to rest your cheek against his flesh. He tucked your head under his chin as he muttered to himself.
"I wasn't lying' when I said I love you, honey. I love you more than anything else; I'd never lie about that." 
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5eraphim · 1 year
omg i have a request... like a scenario type with vampire mercs (norm or yandere i dont mind either) and a vampire hunter s/o? I am THINKING very normally about this hehe
Ahhh, love this! I'm so weak for all things vampiric and gothic, but in general I keep my requests 4 characters max. Sorry if this is so few, but I'd prefer to really go in depth with a few than to shallow-ly touch on all the mercs, (with very rare exception) but you're free to asks for others when requests open back up,. I hope you're ok with the characters I chose to feature here! :) (Also note, I refer to demo and Engie as living with demons who, for the sake of the story are meant to stand in for Medic's medical equipment/weapons and Engie's machines respectively.)
Characters: Demo 🐏, Engie 🦫, Heavy 🐻 and Medic 🕊️ (Team Fortress 2)
Rating: M (MINORS DNI)
Word Count: 2.6k
(Song Inspo- See the Light, Ghost)
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One of the elders of the vampires Medic's all too familiar with your type. He's been targeted by countless hunters over the years and managed to survive every encounter. He was never shy about killing and feeding and made many enemies with humans over the centuries. No one's managed to kill him yet though he had to admit you came closer than any he had remembered before. But Medic felt far more shaken than usual, discovering the demons you slaughtered to get to him.
He'd always been so fascinated by mortals and loved pursuing them at night, to watch the precious fear which tempted him onward before overpowering his victims with his enhanced strength. As a powerful, supernaturally charged vampire, he hardly considered mortals much of a threat, just a bit of a challenge keeping him from his next meal. When he was transformed into a vampire, he was blessed with a mystical charm, the ability to hypnotize humans who let their guard down around him and compel them to do as he pleased. Many vampires possessed the power of "suggestion," but Medic brought this to a new level. Typically he'd use this charm to instigate things to get mortals alone in a vulnerable, more suggestive state of mind before going in for the kill. Luring and stalking his victims just long enough to know what they feared and desired most, using that to his advantage.
Unlike so many misanthropic vampires, Medic was quite captivated by humans; he was turned into a vampire ages ago and, under the conditions of how he was turned, forgot all about what his life was before he became a vampire.
He regrets the lack of memories of his time among the living but tries his best to make up for it by learning all about humans in their lives now and is quite fickle in this regard. Finding a new obsession every time he dwells among the living to feed. His obsessions come and go as soon as he has his fill. It wasn't until he met you that he genuinely felt like he had met his match.
Not physically, of course; his sparring matches with you were more to stave off his boredom and for amusement than to actually try and kill you, but still, you had his attention all the same.
Sure, if he really wanted to best you, he could compel you to obey his sinister will and eliminate you in a matter of minutes, but where was the fun in that? You were prey unlike any he knew before, and he wanted to give you a violent and gruesome end worthy of the time the two of you shared together.
What Medic wants more than you under his total control is for you to come to him of your own volition. He wouldn't dare try to corrupt a mind so sharp and captivating as yours. While he dreams of being the one to deal your killing blow, he can't help but imagine how charming it would be for you to join his side. To become one with him, living in the night as his mate. Until then, this little ongoing battle would have to do.
Medic deluded himself into believing all your fighting and animosity was your unique way of trying to get his attention. Like you were only acting out because you were jealous of the others he spent his time with and fed upon.
You were so precious to him, and truly loved him deep down. You merely had an unconventional way of showing it. Medic would be the type to see you getting ganged up on by other monsters before jumping into action to save you, tearing the vile creatures to pieces, covering the two of you with the gore, only to stroke your hair and comfort you afterward. To ensure that you are all right and don't sustain any damage. He'd hold you tenderly in his arms as though cradling a baby bird while he whispered,
"The only one who gets to kill you is me. Is that understood?"
Heavy has been out on his own for so long now, living in his eternal purgatory in isolation. He doesn't remember much of the past. It hurts too much to try and remember what he once had. But he knew he gave his life to protect his family from a vampire ages ago. Though in a cruel twist of fate, he managed to survive the attack only to wake up cold, alone, and ravenously hungry.
Unlike some vampires, Heavy had to slaughter a living creature every night to sustain this unbearable hunger. It wasn't exactly that he felt guilty for killing more that this was all a part of the balance of nature. It wasn't his fault he was so large, so capable of killing. The fact of the matter was that Heavy needed an awful lot of blood to survive, and it was the job of smaller prey creatures to provide for him.
So long as he mostly kept to himself, Heavy wouldn't worry about anyone bothering him, and he wouldn't bother anyone else. Animal blood kept him alive well enough, even if he gave into temptation, slaughtering masses of human livestock in a bout of gluttony, so long as he didn't drink from the living, everything was fine.
The fact that you managed to hunt him down and tried to target him in the first place was quite curious. He couldn't understand why one so small would bother trying to pick a fight with him of all vampires.
Heavy forgot how long he'd gone without interacting with another intelligent lifeform, and you caught him completely by surprise the first time you ran into him. It hurt all over again, remembering how long he'd been alone. How long it'd been since he'd seen the last of the family he knew as a living mortal, he tried so hard to forget for centuries, but you wouldn't let him.
When he was a younger vampire, he was so cruel and bitter, taking his frustrations out on his food, tearing whatever poor creature was his dinner that night to shreds leaving trails of carnage behind, but now he was more efficient. Though it still required a great deal of blood to sustain a creature of his size, he wasn't so careless anymore. Encountering you was a break from the regular routine it had been sometimes since he met prey that managed to put up such a fight.
While he wasn't blessed with otherworldly charms or powers of hypnosis, his already powerful physical abilities were somehow the only things amplified by vampirism, and trying to take you in a fight felt cruel. But if this was a fight you wanted to pick, he supposed he had no choice but to satisfy you.
At first, he was mainly apathetic to your existence. You were stubborn and hard to kill, but you were still just a tiny human fighting a supernatural entity, and it was only a matter of time before that caught up with you. During a particularly heated battle, you finally slipped up, realizing too late you were out of silver arrows and defenseless when you felt his hands drawing around your neck. But when he finally got close for the first time in his life, Heavy decided to spare his prey. And just a moment away from dealing the killing blow, he hesitated, halting for long enough for you to escape.
Later that day, he lay restlessly wondering where this change of heart came from and couldn't stop himself from dreaming about what it would be like to take you under his wing. Thinking about sharing a more domestic, peaceful life with you. In his eyes, you were the last remaining tether he had to the human world, and killing you would sever that bond for who knows how long.
He dreamed of harnessing your fiery human spirit, training you to work at his side, and showing you how to hunt from the shadows, creeping silently and evading human attention.
From then on, he'd be anticipating your arrival. Wondering if it was wiser to jump right into the action and turn you into a vampire the first chance he could or to wait for the hunter to come to him. The time spent awaiting your return was agony, painfully aware of his loneliness while you were no doubt back home, licking your wounds, hopefully regaining your strength enough to rechallenge him. He desperately missed the feeling of your warm skin against his cold body, your precious blood pumping away, practically begging for him to take a bite.
He was a vampire with a fearsome reputation known for his explosive anger and the bloodshed he brought with him. However, the supernatural powers he was blessed with were almost more akin to a werewolf's than a vampire's. Demo was blessed with the gift of rage, the ability to manifest every ounce of his anger and lay ways to whatever poor soul was stupid enough to invoke it.
But it wasn't just rage which captivated Demo, but hedonism in all forms. Unlike many vampires, Demo liked to keep around a few humans to amuse himself with. Not precisely to a consensual agreement, but a mutually beneficial one. He would keep his captives fed and safe, and they would provide him sustenance in return, and it wasn't long until the hostage began to grow comfortable and compliant. Demo found blood tasted much better when laced with pleasure, far better than fear, and he loved to wait until the last moment, when his captives were comfortable, before draining them of their delicious blood.
Even when Demo feeds from his harem before going in for the kill, the man is well-practiced and knows how to make the feeding sessions as pleasurable for the victim as it is for him.
All this was quite familiar for Demo, humans were easy prey at the end of the day, and even the holiest and most righteous would eventually succumb to the flesh's temptations. The process was familiar, but the pleasure was sweet all the same. When he did have to fight back, it only made the inevitable meal all the more precious. He loved when people played hard to get, and there wasn't a human alive who managed to escape him and his temptations.
You were so adorably feisty and stubborn the first time he crossed you. A cute little mortal who wanted to play Van Helsing, using your little toys of pure silver, holy water, and scriptures to keep him back.
Though Demo was amused, he was impressed at how well you managed to keep him away. After all, holy relics and verses only worked against the supernatural if you really believed and put all your faith into your words calling upon your deity to protect you. You were a fighter, that's for sure, and the way you were so confident God would protect you from demons like him. It was almost enough for him to spare you, but how could he deny himself a feast such as yourself?
Not only were you pious, but you could also physically fight him back, a rare combination greater than any he'd encountered. Most who tried to protect themselves with holy relics would begin to doubt when he really let out his rage, but somehow, you didn't falter. Not even for a moment. It would be an honor to be the vampire who finally managed to conquer your pure heart and turn you into one of his own. The only issue is how hard it would be to catch you.
While your faith appeared, unshakable Demo would still plant seeds of doubt in your mind whenever he could. Promising you pleasures beyond your wildest dreams, endless time to spend pursuing knowledge of whatever you wanted, powerful supernatural abilities you could conjure at will, and trying to use a bit of materialism to sweeten the deal. Promises, more specifically, to convince you to align with him. Demo telling you about how he would spoil you with riches, the most beautiful clothes, the finest of jewels, anything your heart desired would be yours. All you had to do was submit. It was meant to be, so why resist?
Out of all the vampires, he was the least happy to be sought out by a hunter.
He didn't want to end up like this. He didn't want to kill to survive, and being hunted down by you was just another cruel reminder of how far he'd strayed from humanity and how no matter how hard he wanted it, there was no place left for him among the living.
Furthermore, unlike Medic, who was apathetic to the slaughter of his demons, he felt personally offended as he was much more compassionate and personal with the demons who lived with him. Engie hated you before he met you, wanting to kill whoever was responsible for damaging his property slowly and painfully.
But you were far from easy prey. And no matter how hard Engie tries to take you down, you somehow always manage to remain just a touch out of reach. The game of cat and mouse is far less endearing to Engie than it was to any of the other vampires.
Eventually, he became increasingly obsessed with the hunt, spending his waking hours preparing for your next ambush, dreaming about the night he would capture and slaughter you. Avenging all his creations you destroyed before now.
As much as he didn't want to admit it, his obsession with you grew as fervently as the hunt itself, culminating with the day Engie decided to try to stalk you during the daylight. Engie was a younger vampire, native to a sunny climate. He never found sunlight to be as unbearable as it was to other vampires, so long as he didn't linger in direct light. Direct sunlight was unpleasant, but it wouldn't burn him to ashes as it would to elder vampires. The real reason he stayed on his own more was to stay away from crowds and give into a feeding frenzy.
He wasn't prepared to be so taken aback by your human vitality. The freshness of life pumping through you, giving you a rare kind of beauty he never saw from any sort of prey before now. You were nothing less than radiant in the light of the sun, a deity incarnate. Your skin flushed with life, your voice pleasant and calm, and your smile all appeared ethereal as though he had seen you for the first time. Engie never thought he'd see you as anything but a mortal enemy, yet at this moment, he was undone. All his resentment and hostility felt so trivial now. He didn't want your hatred. He wanted your adoration. He needed to have you all to himself, but not to kill.
If he couldn't kill you, he thought it was only just to turn you into a vampire.
Only then would his loneliness and resentment for being a vampire be satisfied, and you would be forced to rely on him to survive the strange new existence. All newborn vampires were fragile, and it wouldn't be hard for him to keep you from running away.
Not to mention the bond shared between vampires and their scion would help do away with all the hatred you held for Engie in life. No matter how hard you thought you hated him, once Engie sank his fangs into you and infected you with his venom, it was only a matter of time until your will crumbled as you gave in to the surreal newfound devotion you developed for your vampire mate. All resistance was futile, your rational mind silenced as your primal vampiric urges began to take over.
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5eraphim · 2 years
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Yandere!Engineer NSFW Alphabet
Link to the NSFW alphabet //Link to Spy’s Alphabet //Link to Sniper’s Alphabet
Character: The Engineer 🦦 (Team Fortress 2)
Rating: M (MINORS DNI)
Content warnings: Yandere, NSFW, toxic relationship dynamics, baby trapping, cock warming, primal kink
Word Count: 2.9k
(Last Edited 1/3/2023)
Aftercare, what are they like after sex?
Even as a yandere, the Engineer can be a softy, well above average regarding aftercare. Even if he were a bit crueler or harsher with you during intimacy, he wouldn't dream of kicking you out of bed to sleep on the floor or anything like that. Chances are, if he were a bit brutish during intimacy, he'd be all the softer in the aftercare. God did not give this man his beautiful, strong arms not to scoop you up in and keep your naked body nice and warm in the after-glow. Aftercare is his way of feeling like everything is alright, and he can pretend the two of you have a normal, non-obsessive relationship, nothing less than sacred to him.
Body part: what is their favorite body part and their partner's?
Engie is an ass man, full stop. His love for a great ass transcends the limits of sexual gratification into the realm of pure-hearted adoration. He loves nothing more than post-sex cuddles where he lays on his back with you resting against his chest. Your head resting contently over his heart, his hands on your ass, lightly caressing the flesh of your hips, rubbing little circles with his fingers.
Cum, anything to do with cum, basically.
Considering his cock is well proportioned with the rest of him, on the thicker side, nice and heavy his cum output is about similar. That said, the poor man is a touch out of practice and can be a little sloppy. He just can't help himself. He's not trying to fluster and leave you splattered with his seed. It was all an accident! Well, at least that's what he'd tell you.
Dirty secret: what is a hidden, dark fantasy of theirs?
He's not one to keep many secrets, but he does have a few fantasies about you he'll try to keep to himself. Not counting the fact he's kidnapped you and is holding you against your will as his secret lover, of course. Engie likes the idea of fucking you knightly until you're eventually knocked up with his child. The idea of breaking someone who was once so free and independent and turning them into his obedient and attentive wife and mother to his children gives him an intense sense of power.
Experience, do they know what they're doing? How much experience before now?
When he was a bit younger, he definitely got around. He may be a small-town boy, but he was still popular with the ladies. That "southern gentlemanly charm" doesn't come to one overnight, and he was fortunate to practice this charm with many lovely, quite willing bachelorettes. He may be a bit rustier, given he hardly has the time for romance or pleasure, though Engie is wise and eager to please all the same. But, now that he has you, someone he truly loves with all his heart, someone who makes him burn like never before, Engie feels more invigorated sexually than he's felt in a long, long time.
Favorite position goes without saying.
(Cowgirl, lol nah- too easy) Engie's probably rather old school when it comes to things like this and is likelier to opt for missionary style at the best of times. He likes to see your pretty face all flushed and sweaty as he pounds into your body from above. Especially the way he can feel your little hands gripping against his back, and he especially loves when you leave long scratches along the length of his back without even realizing it. He'd let you hop on top every now and then, though, at times like this, it's more to indulge you and satisfy your pleasure over his own.
Goofy, are they more serious in the moment, or how would they lighten the mood?
Well, he's made it this far- might as well have some fun with it! Even when he's acting more hostile or rough to keep you compliant and in line, he's not above a little dark humor. He'll do anything to provoke cute little emotional reactions from you, and it's at times like this when he's the biggest tease. Especially loves to flusher you in public, letting you know he's moments away from pulling you aside and getting dirty right then.
How well-groomed is their hair?
Gives no fucks. Engie's pretty hairy all over (well, almost all over) and wouldn't bother grooming unless you specifically asked him to. He also doesn't really care about your body hair situation. It's just not something he's ever worried much about. Might be slightly hesitant to shave body hair because he likes the "burly" feeling, but again, if it meant that much to you, he'd oblige.
Intimacy: how are they romantically speaking during the moment? 
While it was mentioned prior he's a softy even as a yandere, the difference between gentle and rough sex with Engie is like night and day. (This is expanded on in the kink section) If he's feeling gentle, he'd prefer to face you during sex and mutter out the occasional praise, calling you "his girl." Saying things like, "you're so beautiful like this'' or "God, you feel so good," as well as planting kisses along your neck and chest.
If it's rougher sex, he's a whole 'nother breed. His hands, once gentle, now bruisingly rough on you, soft, almost shy praises replaced with low moans and grunts, drowning out any noises of resistance or pain coming from your end. Not to mention the biting. Watch your fingers.
Jack off masturbation headcanon.
He's only for it if you aren't around, honestly. In his opinion, it's strictly utilitarian, and while it may relieve a little tension and help him focus and all, it's far less compelling to him than sex with you. Engie may be the type to not masturbate when he's alone, so he's more pent-up, and everything feels all the more intense with you.
Kink one or more of their kinks.
(Taking you home and introducing you to his parents and siblings, what a freak.)
Engie is the poster boy for not only having a primal kink but excelling at said kink. If you didn't know, a primal kink means one who gets off acting more animalistic during sex, especially the closer one is to climaxing. Imagine Engie not holding back his brute strength against you, scratching and biting your flesh, his breathing heavy, almost labored, occasionally broken by an animalistic grunt and moan of satisfaction. While this is one of his biggest kinks, it's unlikely you'll see this side of him when he's not in the mood for rough sex.
When in the mood to keep things light between you two, he's far more vanilla. Even in these moments, he gets a kick out of straddling your waist and pinning your arms. Getting you as helpless as possible under his groin while you're a sweaty, needy mess trying to grind against him for any friction or relief while he just looks down at you and smiles.
Likes the idea of you cockwarming him while he's alone in his workshop late at night after everyone's fallen asleep. If you couldn't tell Engie loves overstimulation and can't get enough of the feeling of your overheated, bleary-eyed face pleading with him to let you cum. All the while, he's humming to himself, happily working away, as though he's unaware of the way he throbs listening to your begging.
Location, where is their favorite place or places to do the do?
Before he decided he needed to kidnap you and keep you locked up under his control, Engie loved getting you flustered where other people could see the two of you. All the hotter if you were in another relationship with another at the time. Likes to mess with you by sliding a hand up your skirt or otherwise up against the bare flesh of your leg. Shamelessly squeezing your ass when greeting you with a bear hug, simply shrugging while smiling, saying, "Sorry, I'm a hugger." Knowing you wouldn't want to accuse someone like him, one with such a "nice guy" reputation, of something so skeezy. Making you sit on his lap, slithering his arms around you to keep you extra close whenever the two of you were working together. (So he can help supervise and make sure you're not making any mistakes, obviously.) All in good fun to him, but likely wouldn't actually fuck you anywhere but home. For Engie, it's all about the little power moves and the build-up, which makes the main event all the more satisfying.
Motivation, what turns them on or gets them going?
Most people know Engie as such an easy-going sweetheart. Almost no one would assume he'd be such a horndog, considering how well he keeps this side of him under wraps. But if you ever test him when you sit on his lap in public or give him one of those little surprise hugs from behind followed by a kiss on the cheek? It's all over for him. Loves when you dote on him so much, he's far from high-maintenance, but it's more about feeling cared for than anything else. He's gotten in trouble before for circumventing the Medbay because he wanted to feel you patching up his wounds instead of Medic. 
No, what is something they wouldn't do, and what are their turn-offs?
Even though he knows your relationship isn't precisely consensual and far from an equal partnership, he still sees himself as a "nice guy." So he wouldn't be into severe degradation or something that would make you insecure. In his twisted psyche, this would potentially cause you to question his love for you, and he can't allow that! And while, as a yandere, he might be one to use physical punishments to keep you in line, any kind of physical activity which could genuinely threaten your safety or leave you permanently affected is off the table. 
Oral, what is their preference in giving or receiving, and what is their skill level?
While he isn't the most experienced per-say, you had no idea until he told you. This man is addicted to the feeling of holding you down, the sense of totally undoing you with little more than the flick of his tongue. He likes to feel your hands on his head, but he's more focused on the joy he feels holding your thighs down, keeping you locked around his head. Obsessed with how he gets a front-row seat to the tension rising in your body and how your climax leaves you a panting mess before his eyes. 
However, he will expect you to return the favor, so don't get too comfortable. Sure hope you have some experience because Engie is a face-fucking veteran, and while he loves the act, he loves to look at how you look after he's done with you even more. The humiliation over being forced into such a compromising position, the mess gathered in the corners of your mouth, the way your roughed-up hair frames your face, nothing better.
Pace, are they fast and rough or slow and sensual?
He'll do his best to start slow, to try and get you nice and warmed up before going all in, if you're being good, that is. If you were already testing his patience or acting more withdrawn than usual, he wouldn't beat around the bush. If he's in the mood to be rough and leave you bruised and sore, he won't think twice about it. If he's feeling a bit more playful, he may consider going easy on you and edge you until you're begging for release, only to leave you high and dry. Holding your heated twitching body against his as he rolls over to fall asleep. If you want to come, you'll have to dry-hump against him, nothing more. The satisfaction of reducing you to a sweaty, horny mess sloppily grinding against the (as far as you know) sleeping maniac holding your captive. He likely won't actually nod off until you manage to get yourself off or until you eventually pass out yourself.
Quickie, what are their opinions on quickies, and how often?
This guy loves quickly. But what he loves even more than that is to intentionally get you all riled up. It's much more fun for him to tease you and leave you hot and bothered, far more so than a quick in-and-out.
Risk, are they game to experiment, and do they take risks?
Overall he's not too driven about trying something different or crazy unless he could see it made you all excited. Though all that said, his only rules here are to keep things strictly between the two of you and behind closed doors. Likely even if he isn't too hot on whatever idea you're proposing, knowing how excited it's making you is enough to entice him. He may have one or two dirty scenarios of his own he would want to play out with you, but even as a yandere, he wouldn't want to scare you over some silly fantasy.
Stamina, how many rounds can they go for? 
Not something he's too happy to admit, but when he first started sleeping with you, he didn't last long. He can't help it, though! He's been pining over you for so long now, and now that he finally has you, it's all just too perfect, and he's coming well before you, maybe more than once. He may even fall asleep without satisfying you if he feels you deserve it. But all he needs is a little time to get to know your body and get a little more practice. After that, it's practically effortless for him to get two or three rounds with you a night before kissing you goodnight. Of course, if you were in the mood for extra attention, all you'd need to do is ask.
Toys, do they own toys? Do they use them on a partner or themselves?
While he may be an Engineer, it's hard to see him owning many toys, considering how non-utilitarian they are, but this is with one big exception. Engie has a very soft spot for handcuffs and adores using them on you. As mentioned before, he just loves the idea of his partner being needy and helpless and submissive, and handcuffs are the easiest way for him to achieve this. He also likes to rile you up by saying things like, 
"You know, maybe if you're a good girl, I'll even let you out of these when I'm done with you." or "I could get used to the sight of you like this. Hell, maybe I ought to keep you here 'till tomorrow night." (Also, you just KNOW his corny-ass will call you his favorite toy.)
Unfair. How much do they like to tease?
While he may be a little rough around the edges, Engie was still brought up as a respectful southern gentleman… outside the bedroom, that is. He loves pushing your buttons and watching how pent-up you can get until you burst. It's nothing short of sacred to Engie, feeling so special that he, and he alone, gets to watch you in such a state of decadence. From the bottom of his heart, Engie really does see you as nothing less than his soulmate, and it's truly a religious experience to watch you. 
Volume, how loud are they, and what sounds do they make?
He's a real dirty talker and can get easily lost in the situation and get loud with his grunts and moaning. Partly because it's just what comes most naturally to him, as well as insanely rewarding to see you all flushed and embarrassed at his lewd behavior. 
Wild card a random headcanon for them.
He likely keeps a lot of industrial equipment around your holding site and has perhaps more than jokingly mentioned how beautiful he thinks you'd look all strung up and chained down. Not that he's waiting for you to test him to indulge in this fantasy or anything…
X-ray what's going on under those clothes?
As mentioned earlier, he's a hairy guy, not entirely from head to toe, but all the same. His dick is definitely proportional to the rest of him. It's sturdy and thick. Good length, not anything special, but he's always been the type to get you off with hands, mouth, and dick rather than solely his cock. But it's gonna leave you very comfortably stretched, so he doesn't have to worry about hurting you or leaving you excessively sore the next day. He prides himself on knowing he doesn't need to be hung like a horse. He just knows how to use it to get you to come.
Yearning, how high is their sex drive?
Once you were firmly and unquestionably within his care, he felt more sexually charged than he could ever remember. Engie never fancied himself the "grand romantic" type, but now that he has someone who brings out that part of him, he considers it his calling to make sure to be the best lover he could be.
Zzz, how quickly do they fall asleep afterward?
He's a simple man. Once he's shot a good load or a few, he's spent and ready for the night. And once he feels your weight and body heat resting on his chest? It doesn't take more than that to send him off.
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5eraphim · 1 year
traveling priest Engie 🥵✝️🥾
content warnings: priest kink, smut, gender neutral reader, stomping, heirophilia
Think about being bare chested beneath @fatgumsurpremacy-remastered ‘s traveling priest Engie who is wearing his dirty heavy-duty work boots while he crushes your sternum against the floorboards to “press out your demons”. And there’s nothing but a rosary around your neck, arms bound behind your back, feeling the oxygen crushed from your lungs every time he applies a little more pressure. Your mind starts to go a little fuzzy from the lack of oxygen, you could swear you feel tears in the corners of your eyes from the strain, but you aren’t entirely sure, and you’re starting to see black spots, but you can still make out the smug look on his face leering down at you, as he presses almost all his weight square in the center of your chest with one foot, the other right at your side. Your head forced to stay perfectly upright, looking at him.
You can feel your naked skin taking on the imprint of the sole of his boot, the dirt marring your chest, while you wonder what it would feel like for him to move his foot from the center of your chest to between your legs. He’d oblige if you asked, but at the moment you’re unable to do anything but cough and wheeze, trying your hardest to rush oxygen back into your lungs while Engie smiles and continues to use your chest like a welcome mat. The Texan, a little on the shorter side, known for such a welcoming disposition coming off as lethal and intimidating, making you feel so powerless, and utterly at his mercy in this moment. Would he make you kiss his boots after this? Who were you to say no?
Perhaps before he lets you up and undoes your arms he’ll remove all the weight from your chest and give you just a moment to catch your breath. Before taking his boot and letting just the weight of his foot rest over your esophagus, knowing how sensitive the thin skin is compared to the thicker flesh of your chest. The threat of impact is enough to make you freeze, the feeling of ice in your veins making the sensory experience all the more intense as you stare up at Engie, his compassionate smile never once wavering. 
“You’ve got the loveliest voice honey, and you’d never ruin it with blasphemy, would you? It’d be a real shame if something were to happen to this pretty little throat of yours.” 
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5eraphim · 7 months
Freaky Deaky Sneaky (TEASER)
(Red!Scout x Blu!Reader x Red!Sniper)
(Context: This is the unofficial sequel to The Bunny Under the Bridge, not much of a plot to speak of, but Reader has snuck onto Red base after hours to meet up again with Scout for practice. It's not long until hearing a Red Engineer in the distance scares Reader who runs and hides, accidentally finding the Red Sniper along the way, learning he saw everything that went down during the match Reader and Scout met)
This is sort of like "story's second act" but I haven't posted actual writing here in ages and i wanted to post at least this much.
Rating: M (MINORS DNI)
Content Warnings: yandere, x reader, exploitation, sex-bargaining, blackmail, smut, mild humiliation
Word Count: 1.7k
"Sniper!?" His name came out in a gasp, louder than you intended. His bony, sullen face watched you, obscured by shadows, making him look almost ghoulish, a sight that made your skin crawl. Goosebumps prickled under your heavy white coat and across the back of your neck and forearms as you instinctively clamped a hand over your mouth, craning your neck to look over your shoulder at the door behind you, half-expecting the Red Engineer to be right behind. But from the sound of it, Engie hadn't noticed you, nor were there any other Red mercenaries close by, all but the Sniper, that is.
After another moment of painful silence, you strained your eyes to glimpse Sniper out of the corner of your eye. Sniper hadn't moved from his camping chair. You weren't sure if you found his motionless calmness assuring or disquieting. "Sniper, what are you doing here so late?" 
He raised an eyebrow, looking at you incredulously, "What am I doing here?"
Your lips parted to say something to your defense, but your mind went blank, and no words came.
After an awkward pause, Sniper mumbled, "Van's getting weatherized. I had to find somewhere else to crash. I can't sleep around the other guys; there's too much bloody noise."
"I'll leave you to it." Whirling around to make an escape, you tried to dart for the door but stopped dead when you heard Sniper say, "In an awful rush to get goin', aren't ya? Looking for another snog with the little bunny-boy?"
You felt your stomach flop and your mouth go dry, "You saw...?" Your heart raced, but Sniper didn't say anything back, watching with satisfaction as you put the pieces together. He must've been hiding around the bridge before you brought Scout there, and it made all too much sense he wouldn't intervene; situations like that don't just happen every day around here. "You mean you saw… everything?" You hardly recognized the sound of your own voice, so frail and weak. All the shame you tried to repress rushed back at once, forcing you to remember exactly what went down between you and the Red Scout during your first match.
Hugging your arms around yourself to ease your shivering, you stared at Sniper, feeling like a bug in a spider's web. Sure, you were overcome by shame, but something about the way he looked at you, knowing he knew what you knew— that he saw what you did— made your face and body heat up uncomfortably. 
"You were watching us?" Hearing those words come out of your mouth felt so dirty. After what happened between you and Scout, your shame had you avoiding him like the plague, but even then, you couldn't ignore the thrill of it all. The thrill of getting away with something so vulgar brought back sensory memories. The phantom-sensation of his cock pressing against the back of your throat, the way you felt the slight bend of his shaft in your mouth, and how you could taste and feel how he throbbed and dribbled precome against your tongue. His hands fisting your hair, and the way he moaned as he came. You knew it was wrong, downright treasonous- but God, the feeling of getting away with it turned you on, but paradoxically, now that you knew you were caught in the act, it felt even hotter. In a morbid and humiliating way.
Sniper shrugged. "Nuthin' personal, it's always best to go for you Medics. Just how it is, mate."
You nervously scratched at the back of your neck, still summoning tremendous effort to speak. "But I don't understand—you say you saw everything and clearly did. Why the hell didn't you take the shot while you had the chance?"
Sniper couldn't help but snicker a little under his breath: "What can I say? You're easy on the eyes; you gave a good show. It would've been a shame to end it all so soon." 
"Hold on, do mean you were…" Your voice trailed off, for some reason too sheepish to ask Sniper outright if he was touching himself watching you go down on Scout.
Sniper knew what you meant, even if you weren't strong enough to say exactly what was on your mind. "Can ya blame me?"
While your outright fear of being spotted by the enemy sneaking around on his base had slightly worn off, your anxiety had only grown. You hardly knew the guy, but Sniper always gave a 'sleazy' air about him. Learning he was a voyeur wasn't much of a surprise; you just wish you didn't have to find out this way. 
If you tried to dart out of the room, you'd be instantly spotted, assuming Sniper didn't get to you first. Sheepishly, you inched closer to the wall beside you to put a bit more distance between you, never letting him out of your sight once. "Alright, I get why you didn't kill me then, but why not now?" It was his shed, after all; you knew he had a kukri or bow and arrow stashed somewhere to defend himself with. 
Resting his elbows on his knees, Sniper leaned forward in his seat, resting his chin in his palm as he responded with a wolf-like grin: " It would be a shame to let you go now. Only got to watch for a minute, but bloody hell, I can't get that image of you on your knees out of my head."
You had a bad feeling it would come down to something like this. Once again degrading yourself and allowing a Red mercenary to have his way with your body in exchange for not killing you outright. Was this all you would ever come to?
Pressing your back a little harder against the wall, you lowered your head slightly, glaring at him as though a baby Medic like you had a chance of intimidating the likes of him. "If anyone finds us, they'll kill us both. C'mon, you know it's not worth it!" 
Sniper paused to consider this momentarily, tilting his head a little in mock-deep thought, "They won't kill us both. Sure, they'll hate me- but when your team finds out, they're gonna tear you apart. Assumin' the Red team won't get to ya first."
Fighting the urge to cower in fear, you responded with meek hostility, "Maybe so. But I'd take them over you any day."
Bad move. While your resilience was cute before, Sniper's patience was beginning to wear thin. The corners of his lips twisted down as he bore his teeth, snarling at you as he got to his feet. "Be good, stay hidden, and I'll get you home faster than the twitchy little freak. Sound good?"
He was coming closer, but you knew better than to try and get away now. Hearing him order you to obey like that gave you a stir, and you prayed he couldn't tell how turned on you were.
"How am I supposed to trust you'll take me home after this?" Now close enough to press a forearm on the wall inches away from your head, leaning in close enough for you to feel his breath fanning against your face and neck. 
"Like you said, we're dead if we're found. But right now, no one but me gets to touch you."
With his free hand, Sniper cupped the bottom of your head, running his callous-hardened fingers against your cheek and chin. Your eyes were squeezed shut, but you shuddered, feeling his skin against yours, knowing how close and defenseless you were before your enemy.
"Watchin' the show's nice and all. But God, I've been waitin' for the chance to feel you up myself. You're so much softer up close."
You didn't resist or flinch when you felt Sniper leaning close enough for his lips to brush against you. "Now let me feel that soft mouth myself."
A beat later, you felt Sniper open-mouth kissing against your lips, letting him suck against your lips, dip his tongue into your mouth, and hum with contentment mixing his saliva with yours. While you were a bit too stunned to properly return the affection, you felt his hold on your chin force your face harder against his, deepening the kiss.
He must've been pretty touch starved because you'd never felt such a hungry, needy kiss before. It didn't take long for his hands to latch onto your body, roughly palming you up over your clothes while his mouth was still connected to yours as he pushed you hard enough against the wall to make the air rush from your lungs.
You knew what came next, and the fear keeping you from doing exactly that made you feel light-headed and a little tingly. The tingles intensified into a steady buzziness deep in your gut as Sniper tore his lips from your mouth to the side of your neck, dragging his sharp teeth against the thin skin, sucking in between bites, slathering saliva against your skin. The back of your head crushed against the wall behind you as your head tried to roll back even further and allow him even more space to nip at. Sniper pawed against your tie for a second but was too distracted to undo it himself. Regaining control of your own hands, you managed to undo the knot, pulling the strip of fabric away as his hands were back on the collar of your shirt, popping the buttons, desperate to free your uniform from your body. 
Sniper was so needy to feel you up he didn't bother shedding his own clothes, preferring to madly pull yours off first. He was a man obsessed; all he could think about was how hot it was watching you go down and degrade yourself like you did with Scout and how he replayed that memory over and over in his head, imagining your body against his. Now that you were finally here, Sniper couldn't wait any longer to fulfill his horny fantasies.
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Welcome folks-
My name is Festen Martinez, you can call me Festen. I am an actor above all else and a writer second. I write and draw for Team Fortress Two, as well as the Batman Rouges, (Some Hazbin), and FNAF. If you spark up a convo with me and I know the property and character you have a good chance at me writing for them too.
Feel free to send me requests and I’ll have a look. Current count (41, with 3 more in drafts).
Follow my second blog @faire-of-fictition
My hazbin oc blogs: @mc-tooley-tobias-toby , and @magnum-pritchard-repro
Other info:
American (West Virginia, and Texas)
You can send me requests for your OCS or you can ask for mine as well. Don’t me shy, make yourself at home. 🧡
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Requests open!
I am a Fandom Writer:
I write for:
Btas villains: Riddler, Twoface, Mad Hatter, Scarecrow, Harley, Ivy. Batman also
I will write:
•Should be obvious but chubby (or fat) reader
•Yandere (preferred)
•Smut (preferred, just reference what you’d want in the ask and I’ll give it to ya.)
•Non con/ Dub con/ CNC
I’ll draw any of the above as well
I won’t write (or draw)
•Age Regression (dkh)
Demo joining a LARP group!
Yandere Demo w/ an s/o who doesn’t like dancing
Yan demo w/ bartender S/O
Yandere Conagher Brothers x oblivious reader
Dell x trans husband smut
Yandere Engie and forced affection
Traveling preist Engie Art by @virginstoner666 💗
Go! Yandere Engineer x GN reader (almost smut)
Yan heavy cuddles!
Yandere Platonic Emesis py Reader
Semi unmasked art
Ms. Pauling
Yandere Ms. Pauling
Semi Marriage proposal
Platonic Ms. Pauling and new trainee
Yandere medic smut
Yandere medic with a captive that goes missing
Yandere medic and a partner w/ stolkholm
Yandere medic lap dance
Yandere medic Cycle of violence smut
Get bonked
Yandere scout, kissing practice
Platonic scout
In my style
With a bratty so smut
Nsfw thoughts
Platonic Solly and overstimulated hugs
Yandere spy egg vibes
Yandere Red Octoberfest drawing
Would I trust them with my pets?
Demo and heavy x reader Head-cannons
Mercs reacting to a love letter
Yandere emesis Blue x reader
Yandere medic and sniper w/ clingy s/o
Emesis character comfort
Yandere mercs and if they’re comforting or not
Yandere mercenaries and how scary they are when jealous
Yandere Angel au with Sniper, Solider, and Medic smut
My my mercenaries
Merc Headcannons
Memed science party
Spy and Engie dad stance
Cornelius Stirk:
Stirk img.
BTAS Eddie nsfw snippet
Yandere Arkham asylum riddler w/ shy and anxious reader
Yan telltale riddler with a reader who tries to escape
Yandere telltale Eddie
Yandere Arkham Eddie hcs
Handling it (smut)
Caked up Eddie img.
Eddie frame redraws💚
In my style: Ed and Jerv 💚💙
Nightmares img.
An Ed Kento for Sunny 💚💛
For Arkhamverse simps
Scantily clad ed
5’2 Au pt 1
5’2 suited up
5’2 Au ground img.
5’2 classic mv
5’2 smut pic
There’s a light img.
BTAS Insp. Art
Indulgent riddlebat
More fancy Eddie Art
Dilf Eddie?
Flashy Eddie ing.
Yandere platonic Eddie teaching riddles
Au art
Harvey and insert art
Tasteful nudity
Joinker au
More whore clown img.
Bonkers img
Jervis img.
Wonderlan img.
Reading img.
Johnny img.
Scarecrow design img
BTAS scarecrow yandere head-cannons
Comp drawing w/ batman
Yandere BTAS headcannons
Oswald Img.
Au Squad: Jervis, John, Jack, and Edd
5’2 height matrix img (WIP)
Batman Vigilante Squad Au
Hazbin/Helluva Boss
Under the Same Young Sky (male reader, ao3)
Yandere Vox housespouse
It Takes Time to See a Doll, Yandere Vox x Cis!Fem Reader P[1] [1.5]
Vox x chubbyfem reader wip
Maddox x reader play fighting
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