#yandere carla tsukinami
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Can I ask NSFW headcanon for Muzan? Thank You 😊
What would the reaction be like if Yoriichi, Muzan, Carla and Reiji with a s/o who had an extremely complicated pregnancy, they almost lost their s/o and the baby, pls pls 🤧
I am no doctor so I would appreciate any corrections of errors I might have made. This might also be somewhat more extreme but I went with what I found on the internet.
Tw: Yandere themes, possessive behavior, obsession, toxic relationship, abduction, manipulation, gaslighting, clinginess, controlling behavior, pregnancy, forced pregnancy, labor, high-risk pregnancy, premature labor, birth, cannibalism, illness, cardiac arrest, C-section
Tags: @leveyani @kanaosprotector
Extremely complicated pregnancy
Reiji Sakamaki
☕️A life with Reiji is thoroughly scheduled as he always needs to have control over every little thing in your life. The already tight leash you had on you only becomes tighter the moment you manage to get pregnant with his child. He oversees everything strictly in your life from that day on from the food you consume to the drinks you choose. He’s very adamant that you stay healthy and deliver him a healthy child. A child that he has been planning to have with you for a longer time now. He has read every available source, he has created a diet schedule for you and he feels validated in his speculation and research when you actually find yourself craving occasionally blood which he immediately provides you with since you carry a vampire baby. You normally refuse the consumption of blood from humans because you’re still human yourself which leads always to him forcing it past your lips and down your throat. Consider the health of your baby before being such an unreasonable and neglectful mother-to-be. His own mother always ignored him so Reiji is extremely dedicated to ensure that you are a good mother to his own child.
☕️The first few months of the pregnancy go rather well. Besides the common morning sickness, some headaches and mood swings the baby develops healthily inside your womb. Reiji monitors everything extremely closely and you have him checking on your condition and the condition of the little one almost daily. Whenever you lash out on him due to his restricting schedules, he always quickly puts you back in your place by sharply scolding you for your immature behavior. He's designing the nursery room for the baby, accompanies you whenever he deems that it's time for you to take a walk outside and get some fresh air. The baby starts visibly moving around and kicking your insides when you are 19 weeks along and from that day on Reiji even starts observing the movements of the baby because any lack of it or very frequent movements can also indicate whether the baby is feeling fine or not. He has even already chosen a handful of names although he decides to wait until the baby is born and he can see them for the first time.
☕It's within your fifth month that you start experiencing complications. There is an increase in your headache, you suffer from shortness of breath, your vision is blurry or you see dark spots dancing in front of your eyes and you also experience abdominal pain. You would like to think that this is normal but you can't deny that some of those symptoms scare you and the way Reiji's eyes narrow when you are forced to tell him about it only adds to your growing anxiety. When he runs some tests on you and realizes that your blood pressure is elevated, he starts getting worried. This shouldn't happen. He has always hated it when something didn't go according to his plan but your current pregnancy only heightens the stress he is feeling because right now he can't afford that anything goes wrong. The slight panic he initially feels manifests itself into accusations against you as he questions if you have done something that has caused your high blood pressure. His preparations should have been perfect. It is not his fault.
☕Soon he is too busy closely monitoring your increasingly worsening condition to put the blame on you though as your symptoms have worsened. Your vision randomly blurs or darkens, your headache has led to increased nausea and has made it difficult for you to stomach food, your hands and face have swollen and Reiji has even started suspecting that the blood supply to your placenta doesn't work as it should. The baby doesn't grow and develop as it should due to the lack of blood supply and with each passing week he starts worrying more and more about it. He tries everything he can think of to cease your dizziness and your nausea, the abdominal pain and the lacking blood supply to your placenta but nothing seems to really work. There is no medicine or cure to your symptoms and when Reiji realizes that he can't do anything, the only choice he is left with is trying to prolong the pregnancy long enough to guarantee the survival of his darling and his baby. He starts mentally preparing himself to perform a C-section on you if worst should come to worst.
☕The worst case scenario happens in your 30th week when premature labor starts together with intense abdominal pain. You are weakened from weeks of dizziness, nausea and stress and the sheer exhaustion from labor proves too much for you as you faint after a few hours. This leaves Reiji with pretty much no choice but a Caesarean section, especially since the fetus is in breech position. Normally he would be pretty confident in his skills but there is too much on the line for him and this stops him from staying as level-headed as he would like. The little girl he pulls out from your womb during the surgery is worringly small even if she is a prematurely born baby. The most difficult step should have been overcome but instead dread fills him when he notices that she isn't breathing. Suddenly he feels like he is carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders as he spends minutes trying to keep the baby alive until his daughter finally manages to breathe independently and starts weakly crying and even then he can't allow himself to relax. Neither you nor the baby are out of health risks after all.
☕You are quite weakened after the difficult pregnancy and the surgery and it takes you a few weeks until you feel somewhat healthy enough again to walk longer distances without any help and do certain tasks without experiencing any pain. Just because you can theoretically do it though doesn't mean by a long shot that Reiji will let you. He has become overly cautious after the birth. He's extremely skittish whenever he monitors the health of the baby due to her breathing issues upon birth and worried for any lasting damage she might have suffered due to her restricted development in your womb. You find yourself spending the first few weeks after the surgery mostly spending time with your daughter whilst Reiji is doing everything else. He monitors the health of his darling and their daughter, he cooks for his s/o and he assists whenever and however he can. He feels stressed out even after the condition of you and the baby stabilize because in his mind he can't stop agonizing over the fact that he could do little to nothing to help you in any way.
Carla Tsukinami
🔮If you wind up being Carla's darling and can biologically bear children, prepare yourself for giving him a child. Carla expects his darling to give him a healthy and strong heir and there will be no room for discussion. You will bear him his child and you will be a good and attentive mother to his baby. All of this happens only after Carla has already broken your mind down enough for you to be completely putty in his hold. Pregnancy is the final step, the final claim he can lay on you to mark you for all eternity as his and at that point you will happily accept his wish of wanting a baby with you. You love him after all and you're sure that you'll love a child with the same golden eyes as his just as much. It is extremely pleasing to see your quick embrace of the idea and he wastes very little time after he has told you about his plans to see it through that you are pregnant as soon as possible. It doesn't take long for him until he senses the new life deep within your womb. He couldn't be more pleased in that moment.
🔮Similar to Reiji, Carla will be very controlling as soon as he has confirmed that you are expecting his heir. You are always kept within his vicinity and you aren't allowed to go anywhere without informing him. He wouldn't want anything to happen to you, especially with his brother around. That rarely happens though as you are pretty obedient and listen to him which means that you allow him to lead you outside and go for a walk. You feel pretty sick quite often and spend a lot of time on the toilet whenever nausea grabs a hold of you. Shin has made fun of you once when he saw you hanging over the toilet which struck the wrong cord in you in that moment and actually led you to shed tears of shame. You only know that Carla wasn't too pleased when you started crying because of Shin and told you that he'd talk with his brother. Ever since Shin has been trying his best to not say anything within your presence although he looks like he has a lot of snarky stuff he could say. You spend a large amount of time only with Carla though, basking in his affection and joy due to your pregnancy.
🔮As soon as your bump really starts showing is when other symptoms start to appear. Your hunger increases significantly as soon as the baby bump shows and this makes it difficult for you since Carla has put you on a diet to keep you and the baby healthy. You have troubles keeping your temper under control when he initially always denies you your cravings but you try your best to stay quiet. Until the intense craving for blood starts one day and you start feeling sluggish and weak. That is when Carla starts paying more attention to your cravings. You’re only human, you would under normal conditions never want to consume blood. Is it the baby that makes you crave blood? He has obviously speculated how a pregnancy with a vampire baby would go for your mortal body but speculations don’t necessarily have to line up with the reality. He decides to give in to your new cravings this time as he notices how your energy gets drained. The blood seems to replenish your energy for a while.
🔮The bigger the baby swells though, the more it seems to drain your energy. You grow more tired and exhausted with each month that passes by no matter how much blood Carla lets you consume or how much you eat. Very little of the food you digest is actually used for your own energy as the baby seems to take all the nutrients it needs and leaves very little for you. You lose weight and feel dizzy and exhausted whilst the baby is thriving. Soon it starts getting so bad that you can’t even walk properly on your own anymore without the danger of collapsing. Carla has to assist you even when you go to the toilet and despite your weak protest and tears of shame, he doesn’t allow you anything anymore without his help. The baby sucks everything out of you, he can see your clear struggle everyday as your energy drops and your pain increases due to the heavy weight of the baby inside of you and its strong kicks that feel like it’ll burst out of you any moment. The closer you get to your due date, the weaker and thinner you become. This isn’t good.
🔮Miraculously you make it to your due date until your water breaks but it comes with a heavy price. You’re exhausted, you’re tired and you barely have any energy left to even push properly. All of this is made even worse by the fact that the baby has grown a lot whilst it was protected inside of you. They are big which makes the entire process even more arduous as your body tries its hardest to squeeze the infant out of your body and down your birth channel. When the shoulders of the baby get stuck though and prevent you from giving birth to the baby, everything takes quickly a turn for the worse. Nothing seems to help. That’s when Carla takes action, fully aware that being stuck could end up harming the baby. You can vaguely recall the burning feeling when he abruptly reaches his hand out into your vagina in an attempt to turn the baby around. It’s a painful and uncomfortable feeling that is the final push you need before you finally succumb to unconsciousness which leaves Carla alone to guide the baby out of your body.
🔮You suffer from a fourth-degree tear and malnutrition for weeks after birth which leaves you completely bedridden under Carla’s guidance. His son on the other hand suffered from fractures to his upper arm bone. All of this is rather upsetting and frustrating to Carla who didn’t expect a shoulder dystocia to occur during the birth of his own heir. He spends nearly all of his time in his chambers where he nurses you and the baby back to health. Shin rarely runs into his older brother for that reason. Every time he does spot Carla, he’s always tempted to ask him mockingly how you and his nephew are doing, considering that you went through all of this hell only because of Carla’s wish for an heir. The piercing glare Carla gives him whenever he opens his mouth to ask that question keeps him from doing so though. The younger Tsukinami brother isn’t allowed to visit you and the little boy either, especially not when neither of you has fully recovered. Until that day comes, no one will see you two.
Kibutsuji Muzan
🩸There have never been any records of demons and humans procreating. If there would have been, Muzan as the King of Demons would have known about it. Technically speaking he has no real need nor any interest in any children of his own. He doesn't need any heir for he is immortal and doesn't plan to ever give up his position to anyone else for he plans to become the perfect existence. Perhaps there is a spark of curiosity though as soon as he has you in his life as it is a thought that often crosses his mind when he dumps his cum inside of you. He has a fondness for science after all but none of it has ever led him to actively try for a baby with you. Then one day he senses the little heartbeat inside of you, senses the new life that has been spawned in your womb. Whilst he isn't actively thrilled about the pregnancy and might even consider an abortion, ultimately it is his scientific interest that manages to stop him from removing the thing from you. A part of him hopes that this child will be able to develop an immunity against the sun due to being only a half demon.
🩸Since Muzan has always gotten his way with you, you are left with little to no choice but accept his decision to keep the child for now. Your feelings about the little baby currently developing inside of you are confusing as you despise him for forcing you to keep it. Yet you bow down in fear whenever you are faced with his displeasure when he sees you expressing those feelings and thoughts in front of him. This little life inside of you has been directly created by him and perhaps this plays a large fact in why he won't tolerate you thinking about it in such a way. Because the baby will have more from him than any of the demons he has created throughout his entire life. Muzan views himself in the highest light, as a near god, so something that will have his genetics must be strong too. You don't seem to realize that your unwillingness to embrace the thought of having his child will only make him more determined to keep it since he won't allow you to reject something that has been directly created by him.
🩸Too prideful to show any lingering questions he has in regards of the unique biology his baby will have due to being created by a demon and a human, Muzan just monitors your pregnancy very closely. Partially because of his fascination to finally know that such a pregnancy will be like and partially because he doesn't know what might happen. It is this selfish mindset that soon leads you down a path of misery. Your body is unable to handle the creature inside your womb that seems to suck out all the energy and proteins meant for you whenever you force something down your throat despite your growing nausea. The growth spurt the baby has is abnormal for the first few months but all of this comes with the cost of your own decline of health. Everything is painful and everything is tiring and the little baby is incredibly strong starting from their first kicks. At this rate it is already far too late for Muzan to do anything. Through your pain and your exhaustion you sometimes bitterly blame him for what he puts you through but you never get any apology from him and you know exactly why. He would never admit it after all.
🩸Then everything suddenly stops though. The growth of your bump and the kicks and hits of the baby inside. There is suddenly no movement anymore at all and despite your not so positive feelings, you slowly start to worry about it. Your own condition isn't improving too greatly though as your food either gets thrown up by you or still seems to be received by the fetus instead. Muzan has already noticed it too. He can still sense the heartbeat within but to his own growing dread it seems to get weaker by the days. His mind is racing as to why and the steadily weakening condition of you and the baby only seem to be a reminder that the time he has to find a solution is limited. Eventually he starts considering that the baby you bear is technically still a demon too. He starts considering that the baby might have reached a phase within their development where the current food you consume isn't sufficient enough anymore. Maybe they need some human flesh. Even though you refuse when he first brings up his theory, Muzan doesn't care as he shoves it from that day on down your throat and to his satisfaction his idea was right.
🩸Yet he can't enjoy the fact that his theory was right for too long. Your body, unable to handle the large amount of energy and nutrition the baby steals from it, goes into premature and sudden labor in the seventh month. Neither of you two two are prepared for it and even the baby seems to be unhappy about your body giving up on them as they start making a ruckus inside your womb, only adding to the pain you are already feeling. Muzan is unable to calm the irritated baby down. Everything happens too fast for him to even prepare anything. Your body is in a rush to expel the baby from inside you and their frequent and wild movement only cause them to slide down your birth channel faster. The frequent activity of your baby soon comes to a hold though. Their umbilical cord got flattened and Muzan is met with deafening silence when the bloody infant lays in his arms. It is this silence that makes him suddenly lose his composure as the motionless child reminds him vividly of his own birth. Not his own child too. He spends minutes frantically reanimating the infant before she finally lets out her first weak cries.
🩸If your own condition should have worsened any more, Muzan probably would have turned you into a demon. Somehow your fragile body pulled through though and in a way he’s relieved about that. Because for now it would be more beneficial to let you stay human and care for the little girl you gave birth to. With her black hair and her red and bleary eyes she looks a lot like Muzan and perhaps it’s her visible similarity to him that fills his heart with pride. She recovers quicker than you from her troublesome birth, probably because she is half demon. Her appetite is as insatiable as it was during her time in your womb though and to your slight horror she still has her preferences to the taste of human blood and flesh together with your breastmilk. Muzan gives her what you don’t want to give her as he has realized that she probably needs the different nutrients to develop properly just like she needed whilst being in your belly. Now that the baby is born, he forbids you from expressing any hesitation and confusion when you’re taking care of her. This girl is his own flesh and blood and he won’t tolerate you not loving her who is so much like him.
Tsugikuni Yoriichi
☀️Pregnancy should be a joyful occasion for parents yet despite the expected happiness and joy Yoriichi feels when it becomes known that you are expecting his child, there is also a gnawing fear that haunts him. He can't help but recall the heart-wrenching fate that befell Uta and the unborn baby. Even if he has you now in his life, this is a memory he is unable to forget as he often still blames himself for their deaths through the hand of a demon. The slow growth of your bump triggers those haunting memories and sometimes he dreams of the same scene he saw when he returned home to Uta, only that it is now your body torn apart with the precious child murdered before it even had the chance to live. Yoriichi becomes very protective and paranoid over you as he doesn't think that he could bear a repeat of what has already once happened to him. There is always this underlying fear and paranoia that make him much more aware of his surroundings even as he rejoices when he witnesses the first kicks of his baby. His katana is always kept close, especially when night comes where he finds himself often lying awake.
☀️As winter is already awaiting, Yoriichi makes an effort to keep you warm and protected and your home as cozy as possible. He never leaves you as soon as the sun goes down as he now knows better. All tasks are usually finished within the day so that he can stay by your side and protect you as soon as it gets dark. Despite his efforts to always keep you warm and healthy though, you seem to catch a cold. It is nothing to be worried over though. You have a light headache, your throat hurts whenever you swallow and you cough. You are not really worried though and even assure Yoriichi that it'll pass by soon. Despite feeling already a bit more fatigued due to your pregnancy and now your illness, you still feel fine. You decide to stay inside nevertheless as he fetches you a doctor to monitor your condition. After all you know of his loss of his first pregnant wife so you try to make him feel better and calmer by letting a doctor tell him that you are fine and that you will be fit in a few days again. When Yoriichi returns with the doctor, you feel slightly febrile.
☀️What should have been only a mild cold soon turns into a serious condition though. Maybe it is because you are pregnant and are just more prone to bacteria yet such explanations do nothing to help Yoriichi's terrified heart. Despite your weak protests to leave the room so he doesn't catch what you have, he stays faithfully with you as your fever soon feels like it is burning your skin and sweat coats your skin. Every swallow is a small challenge as it brings you uncomfortable pain and you are often thrown into coughing fits, your throat coated with phlegm and constantly itching in a dry way. With your worse condition, Yoriichi has asked the doctor to come by every day. He does whatever he can do to help you. He cooks for you and feeds you even if you should have no hunger or simply feel too tired and he heads the advices of the doctor when giving you the medicine that should help your condition. His chest is tight with fear and worry as he feels anxious whenever he sees your bump and wonders how your sick body may also negatively impact the baby.
☀️Perhaps it is just his fate to watch helplessly as he loses everyone he loves in his life. First his brother, then Uta and his unborn child and now you and the baby you are carrying. Yoriichi can only watch helplessly how you grow weaker and weaker as the days pass by. Your lips are chappy and dry and your skin coated in ill sweat as your whole body is uncomfortably hot due to your fever. Yet even in this condition you try to soothe Yoriichi in his silent despair and promise him that it'll soon get better even as he has to support your weak body when you want to walk around. Your sick appearance always tears his heart apart, his sorrow growing by the day yet he tries to stay strong for you. But this thin threat snaps when your contractions start at only 30 weeks. His whole body is shaking and silent tears cascade down his face as a the doctor and a midwife he brought with him try their best to help you to deliver the baby. He feels small, insignificant and terrifyingly helpless as he stays by your side and with every scream and cry you let out he thinks he is more desrving of death for not being able to save anyone in his life.
☀️Even after you have made it through birth and have delivered a little boy does his torment continue. Your health plummets down after labor as your body is left severely weakened after the physical exertion that leaves you in a nearly unconscious state as you are too exhausted and sick to even leave. Your sickness soon spreads out to his newborn son and even if his heart is already tattered and torn enough, Yoriichi only continues to suffer. Wherever he goes, he is only reminded of his cursed fate. He spends his time either catering to your needs, his heart screaming whenever you ask in your weak condition for your son or he silently watches over the baby whose little body is desperately battling against the deadly cold. He is too terrified to fall asleep anymore at night, too afraid to wake up one morning to your cold body or to the motionless body of his baby. Instead he lays awake at night, his heart beating anxiously as he listens to your troubled breaths and the breaths of the little baby. Sometimes it becomes too much for him and he is left muffling his sobs with his hand at night.
☀️Many days pass before you finally start feeling better. You're still feeling slightly feverish but you are able to move by yourself anymore. Yoriichi, who is feeling an overwhelming urge to hug you, kiss you and show you how grateful he is that you are still alive, has to hold himself back as you aren't fully cured yet and still need recovery. You're finally able to interact with your son and the sight of you holding the child that both of you created is a small remedy for his bruised and broken heart, even if the baby is also still sick. He slowly starts recovering though together with you as he receives all the love and care he could possibly get from you, Yoriichi and the doctor. It still takes weeks until his son as well as you are fully recovered and well again and for the first time in a while he feels like he can see the light again. Despite his own exhaustion and tiredness from all his fear he is especially attentive and loving with you and his little son. He just wants the both of you to know how much it really means to him that both of you are still alive and with him.
#yandere diabolik lovers#yandere dl#yandere reiji#yandere reiji sakamaki#yandere carla#yandere carla tsukinami#yandere demon slayer#yandere kimetsu no yaiba#yandere kny#yandere muzan#yandere kibutsuji muzan#yandere yoriichi#yandere tsugikuni yoriichi#yandere x reader#diabolik lovers x reader#dl x reader#demon slayer x reader#kimetsu no yaiba x reader#kny x reader
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Maybe a reaction for Carla and Shin who have Tomie!s/o
she has same powers, story ec.. with her.
Thanks in advance, dear! <3 ^^
Note: Welcome dear! You don't need to say thanks you waited so long for this ask. Instead of writting reaction, I decided to go for headcanons. Tomie is a fun character! She is scary and interesting.
🌹 _____________________________________ 🌹
🔮 Carla Tsukinami 🔮
At first Carla will like the way. She has beauty as well as power. She proves to be a good Queen as her powers gives her a plus point.
One thing that annoys him is that not only she seduces him but also seduces anyone who can be characterize as man.
He still doesn't respect her but sees her above normal human women but still she is way too inferior to what he posses as king.
Carla is also curious about her history? What is her origin? How does she posses such power eventhough she is a human.
His curiosity further increased when he sees her coming back to life again and again he lowkey freaks out but this will provoke his sadistic side.
Carla enjoys tourturing her as in this way he can clearly shows who is actually in charge of their relationship.
Carla in terms of power is stronger than her but her manapulating tricks and her intelligence always caught him off guard.
Carla internally will realize that she is provoking his jealousy and rage just so he could go crazy at first countless men head roll because he is stronger than any victims of her.
But Carla is also smart. He isn't dumb, he will start to realize the way she plays game with him and will start reading her pattern of doing work.
Carla knows he has upper hand over her and won't hesitate to degrade her verbally and physically to keep her in place.
He isn't going to let her do what she pleases with other men. He hates sharing or seeing slightest of her attention going to other men as it boils his blood.
Carla doesn't fall her succubus acts and her manapulating tricks but he did feel irk whenever he sees her with other man.
It will take Carla a bit off time to understand her tricks the more she interacts with Carla the more Carla gains dominance over her.
He starts to reads her acts the way she behave in order for the man to kill each other. At first this used to frustrate Carla but the moment Carla manged to acknowledge her abilities, he will become immune to her powers.
Carla laughs internally whenever she gets frustrated for not getting her way with him. She can try her best to be authoritative but Carla will easily put her in place by dominating her verbally.
Carla sometimes will use her own tricks on her. He will manapulate her to think that Carla is most powerful and that she should obey if she doesn't want to lose her head.
"Huh! Haha!! Hah.... It's funny you think you can beat a Founder King with your cheap tricks?! You really think you can manapulate and control someone as superior and strong as me?!! Make no mistake women I am not like the other pest you came across in past! I will make you submit to me!!
🌹 _____________________________________ 🌹
🐺 Shin Tsukinami 🐺
The moment he noticed her beauty he got whipped. He felt a great amount of lust and attraction towards her.
Shin loves the way she looks, the way she sways her hair, the way she bat's her eyelashes etc etc. He is whipped for her!
Shin loves that his s/o isn't a weakling and has power.
At first he will test her power to see if she by an small chance has upper hand on him but he realized she is very weaker than him.
This increased his ego. He will degrade her by using their power difference whenever she tries to use her power.
Shin literally gave a shrill scream the moment he realized that she can come back from dead
When he realized that she actually isn't a loyal one that's when he starts to go into yandere and his possessive side awakens.
Shin isn't smart like Carla he does falls for her tricks but this all backfires as Shin will not only kill her lovers but will torture her brutally.
Shin is known to love violence and his s/o provoked a dangerous side of him by giving him a reason to kill.
He will be laughing while killing all thoes victims as he is stronger than all of her victims and none of them can even touch his single hair.
Shin will definitely is enjoying all this. He doesn't knows he is being manapulated by his smart s/o neither does his care he is just enjoying this too much!
His s/o will literally regret trying to mess with him because she isn't safe too as after getting done with her lovers he goes to tourturing her since she can come back from dead.
Shin will use this to his advantage by tourturing her too much to the point she gets killed and smiles whenever she returns.
If she tries to run away he won't hesitate to drag her back to have fun with her.
Eventhough she is intelligent but compare to Shin brutal strength and his craze for violence she is nothing instead of being dominant she will be forced to become shin play thing.
Their relations ship will be filled with abuse with Shin never getting bore off her and not letting her go.
Unlike Carla, his relationship with her is brutal as he always compete with her in strength his jealous side makes him more sadistic.
"Neh!? Isn't it so fun!?? I love all this thing you do but don't misunderstand I will never let you go to another man you are my plaything since you are powerful how about we fight?! I am sure I will win but still it's so pathetic the way you try to use your weak powers against me!! "
🌹 _____________________________________ 🌹
#diabolik lovers#dialovers#carla tsukinami#tsukinami carla#yandere carla tsukinami#shin tsukinami#tsukinami shin#yandere shin tsukinami#diabolik lovers headcanons#yandere diabolik lovers
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One thing I absolutely adore about Diabolik Lovers is that every male lead is a yandere in some way. Some are more prominent than others, but still. Though the most apparent yans are definitely Kanato, Laito, Azusa and Kou.
I really wish more otome follow Dialovers lead when it comes to yandere. We desperately need more yans in otome games

What are your thoughts?
#diabolik lovers#yandere diabolik lovers#dialovers#otome#yandere otome#yandere visual novel#yandere vn#yandere#carla tsukinami#kino sakamaki#yuma mukami#ayato sakamaki#azusa mukami#ruki mukami#reiji sakamaki#laito sakamaki#kanato sakamaki#shu sakamaki#subaru sakamaki#kou mukami#diaboys#diabolik brothers#yandere x reader#male yandere#yandere male#shin tsukinami
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Before you play DIABOLIK LOVERS
#diabolik lovers#diabolik lovers fandom#dialovers#otome#otome game#diaboys#🥀nox memes#ayato sakamaki#laito sakamaki#kanato sakamaki#diahell#diamemes#diabolik lovers memes#subaru sakamaki#reiji sakamaki#shu sakamaki#ruki mukami#kou mukami#yuma mukami#azusa mukami#carla tsukinami#shin tsukinami#kino#kino sakamaki#yansim#yandere simulator
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Diabolik Lovers

Sakamaki Brothers
Brothers with reader who behave like shu
Mukami Brothers
Kou x Siren Reader (headcanon)
Nothing yet (Request are open)
#female reader#anime#x reader#manga#yandere#platonic#request are open#diabolik lovers#shu sakamaki#reiji sakamaki#ayato sakamaki#laito sakamaki#kanato sakamaki#subaru sakamaki#ruki mukami#kou mukami#yuma mukami#azusa mukami#shin tsukinami#carla tsukinami#karlheinz sakamaki#richter sakamaki#cordelia#yui komori#diabolik brothers#fandom
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Yui Komori and Carla Tsukinami yandere headcanons
Yui Komori
🌸Growing up with adopitive father who was pretty much absent in her life, Yui wants to be loved.
🌸And one day she finds her love intrest to be like her new family.
🌸Because Yui wants to have someone by her side.
🌸Starving to have someone in her life to love her.
🌸Despite her kindness, she wants to keep them all to herself and doesn't like the idea of them being away from her.
🌸This turns intro an obsession for Yui to have them.
🌸She would to anything for them, but also manipualtes them emotionally, so they can't leave her.
🌸She believes that God blessed them to be together, mistaken everything for love.
🌸If she is with Sakamakis, Mukamis or Trukinamis, she won't share with them.
🌸If she ends up to be possesed by Cordelia, things would turn intro nasty.
🌸Yui depends them emotionally, even thought that she knows that what she is doing is wrong.
🌸But she can't help it but doing this instead.
🌸This makes her to run away form her fate of being the "Eve", chossing to run with them.
🌸Just because she wants to be happy.

Carla Tsukinami
🔮Being one of two reamining Founders, seeks to find someone to bring First Blood back.
🔮So when he sees the girl that (if somehow has the First Blood) he takes intrest.
🔮Carla at first prerands to be friendly with her, luring her to the trap.
🔮But that would make sure that she won't escape.
🔮Carla would use harsh methods on her, forcing to do things against her will.
🔮Even to toture her that without him, she is nothing.
🔮With those gaslighting tricks, Carla puts her intro her place.
🔮Then he starts to put her under the spell, forcing himself on her.
🔮Carla would make ssure that she would get preagnant with his children.
🔮Forces her to marry him and makes sure that Shin has to whach 24/7 on her and not daring to touch her.
🔮So when she discovers that she is preagnant with Carla's child, she can't do pretty much anything.
🔮This turns her intro more like a broadmare to reproduce more Founders, having pretty much no choise.
🔮Carla might show his soft side to her if she listens to him.
🔮But more for sake of his children.

(Note: Because both win the poll vote, I decide to do both.)
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The transformation of becoming a pure blood vampire






#sakamaki shu#reiji sakamaki#ayato sakamaki#kanato sakamaki#sakamaki ayato#sakamaki subaru#shu sakamaki#sakamaki laito#carla tsukinami#shin tsukinami#dialovers fandom#anime fandom#vampire knight fandom#diabolik lovers fandom#yui komori#yandere oc#soundcloud#spotify#storytelling#youtube#kianna komori pretty girl
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Hi again! Thanks for answer my question <33. My request is Yandere or normal Carla Tsukinami x Yui headcanons. Btw, I love carla x yui too <33
Firstly, I would like to express my gratitude for your kindness and enthusiasm towards my content. Therefore, I will fulfill your request to the best of my abilities and I hope you enjoy it!
To be honest, I am not a big fan of the character Carla Tuskinami, my favorite couple in this franchise is definitely Shinyui.
However, I cannot deny that Carla is an interesting character, his dynamic is truly endearing.
I thoroughly enjoyed writing these headcanons, and I am considering the possibility of writing about Yui and Shin too.
Cuteness overload;

Yui initially fears and is intimidated by Carla's cold and mysterious demeanor, but gradually starts to see his softer side as their relationship progresses.
Carla's soft side towards Yui becomes more apparent as their relationship progresses, and he becomes more protective of her.
Carla is initially reluctant to show his softer side to Yui, but her kindness and warmth eventually breaks down his walls.
Yui's strong belief in God resonates with Carla's sense of duty to his race and family, and they find common ground in their faith.
Carla becomes more protective of Yui as their relationship deepens, even going so far as to put her needs above his own.
Despite his cruel tendencies, Carla is capable of deep love and devotion to those he cares about, and Yui becomes one of the most important people in his life.
Yui's naivete and indecisiveness sometimes frustrate Carla, but he learns to be patient with her and guide her towards the right decisions.
Yui's kindness and compassion towards Carla help to bring out his better nature and challenge him to be a better person.
Yui's influence on Carla also causes him to become more compassionate towards vampires, even though he still harbors some resentment towards them.
Carla's willingness to put Yui's needs above his own sometimes causes conflict with his own sense of duty and pride as a First Blood.
Yui helps Carla to let go of his desire for revenge against Karlheinz, and they work together to create a better future for their race.
Carla and Yui are dating and Shin is still a part of their lives. They make an effort to include Shin without leaving him out.
They might sneak secret glances and gentle touches when Shin's back is turned or when he is otherwise occupied.
Carla might make an effort to include Shin in their activities or conversations, as a way to alleviate any tension between them.
Yui might become more hesitant to express affection or initiate physical contact when Shin is around, feeling self-conscious or nervous about being seen.
Carla and Yui often have lively debates about the themes and meanings of the books they read. They challenge each other's interpretations and explore different perspectives.
Carla sometimes helps Yui with her schoolwork, explaining difficult concepts and encouraging her to do her best.
Carla and Yui often read books or watch movies together in the evenings, snuggled up on the couch.
Yui and Carla have a special ritual where they brush each other's hair before bed. It's a calming and intimate moment that helps them relax after a long day.
Yui loves how soft and silky Carla's hair feels under her fingertips. She's always careful to be gentle and not pull too hard on any tangles.
Carla enjoys having her hair brushed by Yui because it feels like a soothing massage. She often falls asleep while Yui is brushing her hair, feeling safe and cared for.
Yui loves to play with Carla's hair, running her fingers through it and braiding it into intricate styles.
Sometimes, when they're in a rush, Carla and Yui will brush each other's hair at the same time, standing in front of the mirror and giggling as they accidentally get their brushes tangled.
Carla loves to watch Yui sleep, finding peace in just watching her breathe and feeling grateful to have her in his life.
Yui cook Carla's favorite meals, clean up after him, or do little things to make his life easier such as packing his lunch or preparing his clothes for the next day. These acts of service demonstrate her love and commitment to him.
Carla could surprise Yui by leaving small love notes for her to find throughout the day. He could leave them in her bag, on her pillow, or in her lunch box. The notes could be sweet and romantic, or silly and playful, depending on what he thinks Yui would enjoy.
In contrast, Yui could plan a surprise picnic for Carla in the Banmaden gardens, complete with all of his favorite snacks and drinks.
Yui could also surprise Carla with tickets to a play or musical he's been wanting to see.
Carla's love language may be acts of service and physical touch. He may not be the most expressive with his words, but he would likely show his love for Yui through his actions, such as doing things for her or making sure she is taken care of.
In terms of physical touch, Carla may show affection by holding Yui's hand or placing his hand on her shoulder or waist. He may also enjoy cuddling and physical intimacy as a way to express his love for her.
Yui might initiate cuddling, hold Carla's hand or lean into him during a movie, or give him a massage after a long day to show her love and affection.
While not as high on her list as physical touch and words of affirmation, Yui also appreciates when Carla does little things for her.
Carla could surprise her by cooking her favorite meal, doing the dishes for her after dinner, or even just taking care of some household chore she's been dreading. These acts of service show that Carla is thinking of her and wants to make her life easier, which can be incredibly meaningful to Yui.
Yui loves it when Carla reads to her in her deep, velvety voice. Sometimes, he will put on different accents or voices for each character, making the story come alive in a new way.
Carla and Yui enjoy quiet nights at home, simply enjoying each other's company and conversation. They often talk about their dreams for the future and make plans together.
When Carla and Yui talk about their future together, the topic of having children naturally comes up.
Carla is excited about the idea of starting a family with Yui and often talks about their future children.
Yui is initially supportive of Carla's desire to have children in the future, but becomes a little freaked out when she learns about Carla's expectation of having more than four children, she starts to worry about the practicalities of raising such a large family.
Carla and Yui have a heart-to-heart talk about their expectations and plans for the future, and come to a compromise. They decide to start with a smaller family and see how things go before making any firm decisions about having more children.
In the end, Carla and Yui have two children, and both of them are happy with their decision. Carla still occasionally talks about having more children, but they both know that they are happy with the family they have.
My favorite part of this writing was exploring the different ways Carla and Yui expressed their love for each other, as well as how they navigated their relationship with Shin still being a part of their lives.
Thank you for trusting me with your request, and please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any further requests!
All my written content is original, however, I do not claim ownership of the characters depicted. ©2023-Present.
#diabolik lovers#tsukinami carla#diabolik lovers carla#carla tsukinami#carla headcanons#carla tsukinami headcanons#diabolik lovers headcanons#midnightglasses headcanons#diabolik lovers headcanon
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Hear me out yandere Carla with kianna
Mood board please


Kianna Komori and Carla Tsukinami yandere moodboard
Thanks for the request ٩(◕‿◕。)۶
#pinterest#moodboard#teemataulu#vampire moodboard#carla tsukinami moodboard#carla tsukinami#carla moodboard#dialovers#diabolik lovers mb#diabolik lovers#diabolik lovers carla#diabolik lovers carla tsukinami#diabolik lovers moodboard#diabolik lovers fandom#diabolik lovers oc#diahell#yui komori#kou mukami#ruki mukami#yuma mukami#azusa mukami#ayato sakamaki#laito sakamaki#reiji sakamaki#subaru sakamaki#shu sakamaki#kanato sakamaki#kino sakamaki#shin tsukinami#vampire core
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Wow! I love these quizzes so much! I’m always surprised by the results, and true to form, I didn’t expect Carla to be driven mad by my....well, niceness.
Though not the first time someone has told me I’m “too nice,” it might be the first time there were serious unintended consequences! To think my offerings of sympathetic camaraderie (because I, too, suffer from a chronic autoimmune condition) and a ham-laced lunch would push him over the edge...truly, I had no idea. I mean, I was just being myself. And he doesn’t really show his feelings, it’s not like I knew he, you know, had an obsession.
On the bright side, I’m an artist, too. Maybe that first dinner together after he kidnaps me won’t be totally awkward since I have an excellent conversational topic of mutual interest at the ready. You know, I’ve always wanted to see Carla’s paintings...and I think I may have no choice now.
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Tsukinami brothers and Cordelia Sakamaki fell in love with a human maid girl. ♥
I love your blog and youu <3
Let's be real, none of them would make good lovers.
Tw: Yandere themes, toxic relationship, power imbalance, possessive behavior, obsession, delusional thoughts, abuse, clinginess, mocking, humiliation, bullying, sadism, isolation, abduction
Human maid
Cordelia Sakamaki
🟣As the only human in the Sakamaki estate, you have hell waiting for you since you're constantly either bullied, ignored or disrespected. Even some of the children there treat you rudely but you can't do anything against it. Cordelia is by far the scariest of all of them though as you notice that even the other vampire mothers are afraid of her. You fully understand why as you have been the one to receive her wrath and discontent. So you learn to keep your head low, never speak up against her and silently take everything if she lashes out on you. You make it your job to observe her and know what she wants without realizing that it is this very submissive dedication that manages to catch her eyes. It's been a while since she has had someone paying that much attention to her and listening to her every demand as at one point you can tell what she wants from you without actually having to talk to you. She still sees you as a pathetic, little thing but your effort to please her flatters her as you slowly upgrade to her pathetic yet adorable thing.
🟣And just like that you become her own personal maid who she expects to cater to her every need. Bellatrix and Christa start avoiding you out of fear to be bullied by Cordelia and if you even do as much as offer anyone else in the mansion your service, Cordelia punishes you. She's verbally and physically very abusive if you shouldn't act like she wants you to. You have scars and bruises all over your skin on such days, dizzy from the amount of blood she consumed painfully from you. She always says cruelly in such moments that you should be glad that she even pays attention to you at all and could easily kill you if she wanted to. Behave! Behave like a mellow and obedient doll and you won't get the worst of her. Follow her always around with your head bowed, only listen to her and she'll be a bit better. Sit perfectly still when she dolls you up with dresses, make-up and jewels as she tells you in a sweeter tone that you need to look presentable when you are with her and don't flinch when her fingers caress the lines of your face gently. Be perfect for her.
Carla Tsukinami

🔮Carla barely acknowledges you at first but you prefer that over Shin's taunting behavior. As long as you do your job, Carla doesn't care for your presence a lot. You don't even know what it is that eventually causes his golden eyes to be more drawn to you yet you notice it almost instantly. How his piercing orbs scrutinize your every move all of a sudden as you act as submissive and loyal as you are supposed to as a maid. It scares you but when he one day saves you from Shin who was just about to suck your blood again, you're too grateful to think much about it at first. From that day on he lets you spend a lot more time with him in his office where Shin isn't really allowed. He graciously takes care of your wounds as he bandages them and rubs ointment on all scars and open wounds. You're still grateful and thank him multiple times for his kindness to help you, although when you look up you can't help but shiver whilst looking into his eyes who seemingly drill into your soul as he takes in your form, your scent, those innocent and anxious eyes looking into his own.
🔮Suddenly you aren't allowed to leave his chambers anymore and whilst you initially assume that he just doesn't want you to run into Shin again, the possessive and hungry light in his eyes tells you another story. His presence all of a sudden dangerous and suffocating as he tells you once to head back into his room and you do as he tells you, your body so terrified that it's moving on his own. You are safe from Shin from now on but you have gone from one hell into another hell as you soon come to realize. You're punished for the slightest sign of disrespect as Carla doesn't tolerate any sign of rebellious attitude and so you spend days without food and water in a cold cell, chained to the wall and at the mercy of whatever Carla has in store for you. It's such a stark contrast to when you're instead cuddled up in his arms in his private chambers and he shares his knowledge of the world in a low tone with you. You fear the Carla who hurts you and acts so coldly towards you and do your best to please him so that you only see the gentler side of him. Slowly but surely, you break for him. And that is exactly Carla's plan.
Shin Tsukinami

🐺Shin makes his disrespect for you blatant as he sees you as little more than a plaything when you first arrive. You're a human after all, know your place. He doesn't let you do your tasks properly as he ruins your work for you. He pushes you around, bullies you, abuses you sexually, scares you and gives you a bright grin when he sees you breaking down in tears before he suddenly grabs your arm and yanks you up, demanding you to clean the mess he just created and prepare something for him. There is never a day where he doesn't give you a break as he is delighted to see your tears, although he also appreciates a bit of sass since it'll make it only more amusing to break you. He is a living nightmare and it is highly likely that you won't even notice that he has developed something for you because he acts exactly the same. He still sees you as a lesser being and you always will be. In fact he seems to be even more persistent now and you initially assume he just wants to torment you more.
🐺Until one day, he stops. He stops abusing you as badly. Sure, he is still acting like the worst dick you've ever met but there isn't as much abuse anymore. Instead he's clingy and whiny as he yanks you away from your tasks and insists that you spend more time with him. Then the next morning, he's acting like you expect him to act. He suddenly switches back and forth between clingy and entitled to sadistic and psychopathic. You can not predict him anymore as he can seemingly switch from one mood to another within a single second and it makes you paranoid beyond belief. He's unpredictable so you can't even adapt your behavior in hopes of never eliciting his bad side out of him because your own behavior never dictates his actions. It's his own mood and what he is feeling at the moment and you can not influence that. You are adorable like this though as you constantly walk on eggshells around him. You flinch when he wraps his arms around you from behind, his hot breath fanning your neck as you can only wait if he'll bite you painfully or instead just place a kiss on your neck.
#yandere diabolik lovers#yandere cordelia#yandere cordelia sakamaki#yandere carla#yandere carla tsukinami#yandere shin#yandere shin tsukinami
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Looking for friends (over 18) who is also interested in Diabolik Lovers. If you’re interested, lemme know!♥️
#diabolik lovers#diabolik brothers#diaboys#dialovers#diabolik lovers x reader#azusa mukami#laito sakamaki#yuma mukami#ayato sakamaki#carla tsukinami#kino sakamaki#kou mukami#kanato sakamaki#reiji sakamaki#ruki mukami#shin tsukinami#shu sakamaki#subaru sakamaki#yandere#yandere x reader#otome#otome game#visual novel
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Yandere Tsukinami brothers if their human s/o was so short (1.41 lol), innocent and beautiful.
Everyone who sees her thinks she is a child and this situation upset her very much.
anybody people: " oh! is she your daughter? she is so cute! *pats her head*
Everyone who sees you? What makes you believe they would let you into places where someone could see you.
Yandere Shin Tsukinami
Shin would definitely tease you.
He would be a really mischievous yandere.
Teasing would not always be benevolent.
His new favorite hobby is to put something too high and watch you try to reach it.
Yep Shin can be a pain in the ass.
Shin would take advantage of your shortness with penalties as well.
Running away is definitely not a good idea.
Unless you want to run.
Shin would like to chase you in his wolf form.
He also has a good sense of smell, so hiding isn't worth it either.
Okay, even though 90% of the time with Shin is a pain, 10% of the time he can be sweet.
Or in a sweet yandere way.
Hugs and kisses are the thing.
Whether you wanted to or not.
Sometimes Shin might just carry you somewhere and start cuddling with you.
Either his wolf or in human form.
Yandere Carla Tsukinami
Are you a woman?
If you are and you get a short child Carla blame you.
If you are not u just dodged a bullet.
He really enjoys how short you are.
It makes him even stronger than you.
You are even more dependent on him.
For some reason, all the stuff is so high that even a chair doesn't help.
A good example of sadistic use of power.
If you have been good Darling Carla will help you.
Otherwise, he will ignore you.
It's best for you to fend for yourself.
Carla also uses your shortness to her advantage during punishments.
Sometimes he starts treating you like a little child.
Or an idiot who can't make own decisions.
You better behave yourself.
If you do Carla may even be gentle with you.
He might even let you out.
With him, of course.
And so that others don't see.
Carla might just pull you in for hugs.
Whether you wanted to or not.
He might also pick you up in his arms if he wants to kiss you.
Carla doesn't start bowing.
Not even for you.
#diabolik lovers#diabolik lovers x reader#diabolik lovers x you#yandere diabolik lovers x reader#yandere diabolik lovers#Yandere diabolik lovers x you#yandere imagine#yandere imagines#yandere headcanon#yandere headcanons#shin tsukinami#shin tsukinami x reader#yandere shin tsukinami#Yandere shin tsukinami x reader#carla tsukinami x reader#carla tsukinami#yandere carla tsukinami x reader#yandere carla tsukinami#tsukinami carla#tsukinami shin
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“Beg for my forgiveness” - Tsukinami Carla x Reader
WARNING: kidnapping, abusive relationship, whipping, blood, sadism
REQUEST: Hi! Are you writing for Tsukinami Carla in Diabolik Lovers? the reader is a human and Carla falls in love with her, Carla severely punishes her in the dungeon for trying to escape (a whip etc.) And Carla regrets when tiny a/o is on the verge of fainting.
lil note:
this is part of a little series of yandere one shots of anime/genshin characters i did that you can find on ao3 here
The ground is sharp as you run across it, barefoot. You’re shivering, head frantically looking left and right in anxiety as you drag your body through the halls. This is the farthest you’ve ever gone, farther than you’d let yourself even imagine; a spark of hope emerges in your chest.
And then it’s gone.
Stood before you, staring down at you with that disapproving frown, is Carla.
“You didn’t think I’d let you leave, did you?” His arms are folded, eyes lidded as he looks down at you with an expression that sends a chill across your body. It's too fast for you to move when his hand comes out to slap your face with immense strength, sending you staggering to the ground with a cry. Carla steps forward, his shoe coming to rest on your calf. He presses down, and you wince at the bruising pain as you're trapped below him.
“You know that I do not tolerate disobedience. Must I break your legs in order for you to understand that you cannot leave me?” The pressure becomes a little more painful, before finally dissipating as you watch him step back from your pitiful form
"Stand." He demands, voice deep and powerful with eyes full of scorn. You try, but the fear has left you paralysed, and you freeze half-way, stuck on the floor, beneath him. He watches you for a moment, before reaching down quickly to yank on your arm.
His hand holds your arm with a bone-crushing grip.
“You will follow me.”
You're dragged along behind him at a pace that you’re unable to keep up with, feet stumbling with every step as your weight is held up only by the agonising grip he keeps on your arm.
There's no way to tell how long it takes for you to reach the dungeon, a matter of seconds, perhaps hours. But nonetheless, your body finds itself crashing onto familiar stone ground- the impact only adding to the blossomed bruises along your body, no doubt.
“Must you really defy me, every chance you get?”
You're thrown across the bed, your night-dress ripped from your body as Carla holds in his hand something black, and to your horror you come to realise it's a whip.
"You will obey me, Y/N, whether you want to or not. Beg for my forgiveness."
The first crack of the whip against your skin elicits a piercing scream from you. Tears sting your eyes and you immediately begin to beg.
"I'm s-sorry! I'm sorry!" The tears are falling as you cry out, but your words are in vain as you feel the burn of the whip against you once again, and your body convulses violently as you struggle to be free.
"I'm sure you could do better than that." There’s a familiarly sadistic tone to Carla’s voice as a third and fourth laceration hits across your back before you can even open your mouth. The cold air stings the cuts as you feel blood trickling down your back.
You're screaming frantically, blubbering a messy string of words that probably make little sense, in an effort to earn his forgiveness. But the sadist above you continues without mercy, and you feel dizzy from the pressure pounding through your head.
It burns with an unbearable pain as you lay, sobbing. Your voice is cracked and broken and there’s black spots dotting your vision. It’s too much. You can’t think, you can’t breathe. It’d be so much easier to just give up altogether and-
And then it stops.
You can barely open your eyes to look up and see Carla above you, staring at your face. His golden eyes burn into yours, and you can feel the sweat trickling down your forehead uncomfortably as you struggle to breathe. But this time, he seems confused- with a deep frown as he stares at you- before you realise what his expression truly holds. Concern.
There's a momentary silence, in the cramped room, save for your loud inhales. And then he places the whip down, gloved hand reaching out to grab your chin in a surprisingly gentle grip. His voice is deep and final.
"You are forgiven, Y/N. Do not give me reason to punish you again."
#diabolik lovers#diabolik lovers x reader#otome#carla tsukinami#carla tsukinami x reader#yandere#tw: kidnapping#tw: sadism#tw: abuse#tw: whipping#tw: blood#tw: vampires
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POV if Carla and kianna had children










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