#yandere Tserriednich
after-witch · 1 year
All That Is Real is Reasonable  [Yandere Tserriednich x Reader]
Title: All That Is Real is Reasonable  [Yandere Tserriednich x Reader]
Synopsis: You were looking to read a rare artist’s manuscript, and found your luck when the employee of a wealthy collector offers to let you read the real deal in his hotel room. What could go wrong? 
Word Count: 2000ish
Notes: yandere themes, implied fate worse than death for people (not reader); art pretentiousness; link to the painting referenced in the fic
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“I’m sorry, but that collection isn’t available to the general public.”
You press your lips together, a desperate attempt at a smile. The man in front of you does not look impressed. “But if I could just--”
“Ma’am,” the man interrupts, holding the side of his glasses to get a better look at you--or to intimidate you, like some sort of predator staring down its prey. You couldn’t decide which. “I’ve already informed you that it’s simply impossible for you to read the manuscript. Our collection is only open to certain academic institutions, and your credentials simply don’t suffice.”
The sting of his not-so-thinly veiled insult is quickly washed over with a heavy, overpowering disappointment. All this way. You came all this way for nothing. 
“Okay.” Your voice cracks, and you clear it. You’re an adult. Adults don’t cry because they were told they aren’t allowed to see a copy of the personal letters, do they?
You turn around as quickly as you can, heading back towards the atrium of the museum. Your cheeks burn hot and you can feel your chest constricting. Don’t cry, you think--not until you get back to your car. 
“Ah… miss?”
You freeze, almost stumbling over your feet due to the sudden stop. You hear footsteps from behind you, and turn slightly to see a man in a crisp black suit walking up to you. It looks like he followed you out of the library section. But why?
“I hope you don’t mind my eavesdropping,” the man continues. You said you were looking to read the museum’s transcript of Jean-François de Troy, yes?”
The man straightens up, as if he’s proud of what he’s going to tell you. “My employer is currently in possession of the real manuscript. He sent me here to arrange an appointment with the museum today to discuss donating the real papers to the collection--for preservation, of course. But perhaps… well, perhaps you would like to come see them first? My employer is an avid lover of the arts, and I’m sure he wouldn’t mind assisting a student in their research.”
Your eyes must look wide enough to set a teacup on, because the man lets out a short, easygoing laugh. You stutter out something like assent, and he only shakes his head in a good-humored way that puts you right at ease.
“Follow me.”
The hotel you follow the man into is swankier than anything you’ve ever seen in your life. Even the elevators are fancy, complete with an elevator attendant who politely asks the man which floor and holds the door open while you exit to avoid any unwanted auto-closures.
And if the hotel itself looked swanky, the room--or rooms, as this is not simply some dinky hotel room but a series of elegant suites--is practically a palace. Tapestries and paintings, bookshelves, antiques… 
And then there is a man, sitting on a high-backed chair reading a book, who rises when the two of you enter.  He looks at the man with something that seems to slide between them, silent but sure. A question, or confirmation of something. You can’t quite discern any of it, and the man next to you is merely dismissed with a nod of his head. He doesn’t even say goodbye. 
The strangeness of the moment makes your skin prickle but all of that gets washed over by the sheer magnitude of the art surrounding you. And one painting in particular has you aimlessly walking towards it, eyes wide. It’s by the very artist you sought out at the museum. It’s a painting of a woman in an elegant blue gown reading in a window. One you had seen in picture books, but in person? It was bought by a private collector ages ago, and presumed lost… 
“Do you think it’s pretty?”
Your body jerks, and you feel a little dumb for not realizing the man--Tserriednich, the man from the museum had said, but it’s best not to call him that unless he gives you permission--had walked right up to you while you gaped. 
His voice has a touch of a sneer in it. Not enough to be rude, just enough to pick up on, especially given your already frayed nerves. You’re used enough to that--being dismissed in  your field is nothing new. 
“I… well… it’s… ” What do you say to someone with a hotel room stuffed with treasures worth millions--no--billions? When you glance at the man, you see a look, almost too subtle to be noticed, of annoyance. That you’re wasting his time and might as well leave. You can’t blame him. You sound ridiculous, stuttering over yourself. 
“It doesn’t matter if it’s pretty,” you finally say, rushing out the words and feeling like your tongue has unstuck from your roof for the first time today. 
Tserriednich raises his eyebrow. “No?”
Your gaze turns back to the painting, and you continue. “Well, no.” Your hand goes up to the painting, not touching, but gesturing towards the book in the woman’s hands. “See how the light in the painting is directed towards the pages? We’re meant to focus on the act of reading, not the woman herself.” 
He stares at you, and it’s strange to say, but even the way he blinks feels judgemental. As if he wants you to notice the slow timing of each blink, the way his eyes seem to say: You are a silly thing. But you’re over-analyzing his body language, aren’t you? You’re being a stereotype of an art student, really.
He lifts his own hand, gesturing to the woman’s exposed back. “And yet he took the time to position the woman so that her shoulders, neck and upper back were displayed to the viewer, almost in the same highlighting as the book.” 
You shake your head, a smile, a little laugh in  your voice.
“You’re wrong.” 
You’ve never seen someone visibly bristle before, but there’s no other way to describe the way that his back straightens up, or the way that his mouth sets itself in an impatient frown as you continue, jumping into something you’ve already argued about with professors and one not-so-patient teacher’s assistant.
“He highlights the shoulders, yes. But I think de Troy was tempting us--well, by us I mean his contemporaries who would have viewed the painting--for focusing too much on the implied sensuality of a woman being viewed in such an intimate moment.”
You take a quick breath, and you can’t help but get a little excited, voice rising, as you spill out the contents of your latest thesis on his work. 
“Yes, her neck and shoulders are exposed, and yes the light plays on them…” 
Your hands gesture over the left side of the painting. 
“But look at how her dress and these curtains are almost the same color, like she’s being swallowed up by them. She doesn’t matter… It's the act of reading, the pursuit of knowledge, that we should be focusing on. If you focus on her prettiness, well. You’re wrong. Or… no,” you nod your head, affirming your thoughts to yourself. “Not wrong. But you’re missing the point--looking at the painting via the surface only.”
There is a heavy silence that follows. And you know you’ve spoken out of turn, and you wait for him to ask you to leave for being rude and combative. 
Because Tserriednich is looking very seriously at the painting. Studying it. And then he is looking down at you, and something shifts in his expression. It’s so subtle, that if you weren’t always hyper aware of little details, you might have missed it. He looked at the painting with reverence, analysis, with a keen eye--and now he looks at you like a particularly troublesome thing that doesn’t quite fit. Did you talk too much? Too little? Or maybe you just came on too strong. It wouldn’t be the first time. 
“Sorry,” you mumble, eyes downcast. “I get a little carried away sometimes when it comes to art.”
“Art is your passion,” he says, and it’s not exactly a question. He’s looking you up and down in a way that feels too familiar. It makes you feel like the woman in the painting. You wish you didn’t leave your cardigan in your car--your shoulders feel exposed. 
He huffs out a sigh, and whatever heaviness was there seems to lighten a little. 
“The manuscript, then?” He nods in the direction of an open doorway to your left, and you follow him, eyes darting here and there to take in more of the art in the room.  “What do you plan to do with your degree?”
“I want to publish,” you tell him. “I’ve got so many thoughts I want to share with the world.” You look around the library you’ve been led into, and it’s hard not to gape here, too. More art, shelves and shelves of books… and doors. Including a rather  unusual door with a hefty electronic lock on the side. Something even more priceless than the paintings on the walls, perhaps?
While he heads off to a shelf, presumably to grab the manuscript you came all this way to see, you can’t help but take a peek at the book laid out on an ornate desk near the window. 
“The Phenomenology of Spirit?”
He returns from the shelves, and there’s nothing in his hands, but you’re too distracted to really give it much thought. He has something like amusement on his face, and you know it all too well. He thinks you don’t know what you’re looking at and he will condescendingly explain it--in big or short words, time will only tell--to you. 
“It’s by--”
“Hegel,” you interrupt. “I know. I’ve read it.”
This time, when his eyebrows raise, there is no annoyance but something much simpler. Curiosity mingled with a bit of disbelief. 
You find that you like it. Who doesn’t love surprising someone arrogant, after all?
Your fingers trace over the cover--and you can see him bristle, out of the corner of your eye, and it’s only your inherent good nature that wills you to take your hands off his book.
“The spirit is never at rest but always engaged in ever progressive motion, in giving itself a new form.”
“And?” You can’t shake the feeling, when he looks at you, that he’s sizing you up. Maybe it’s a test to see if you’re worthy of reading the manuscript or something ridiculous like that. 
You shrug. “I prefer Rousseau.” You don’t wait for him to respond to continue, reciting one of your favorite Rousseau lines. “Life is not breath, but action, the use of our senses, our mind, our faculties, every part of ourselves which makes us conscious of our being.”
He hums, and perhaps there’s something akin to approval in it, but doesn’t say anything more. And then he turns, gesturing towards the myriad of art pieces around you.
“What do you think of my collection?” 
Honesty is not always the best policy, and you’d hate to be rude. His collection is expensive, sure. But that doesn’t mean it’s something you find particularly worthwhile. 
“It’s… nice.”
“Nice?” He scoffs, and there’s another moment where you think he’s going to tell you to leave. But instead he looks down on you again, disdain mingled with seemingly genuine interest. “Explain.” 
“I... can't say I see the appeal,” you offer. You don’t want him to make you leave, but--you get the feeling lying would be somewhere worse. You glance at the works, and think about the ones you saw in the other room.
“Most of them are so lofty, big, symbolic. Famous events.” You shrug, and try to meet his eyes, but something about him makes you want to look away. He’s too analytical. Like you’re an object or painting yourself, and he’s not sure if he finds you artistic enough to frame or deems you better left in storage. 
“I find works depicting ordinary life to be far more worthwhile. Anyone can paint a scene from mythology, but…” You think back to the woman reading, to your favorite paintings depicting simple scenes. “Life's little moments? I find them more valuable than anything. The promise or disappointments of life, captured on canvas.”
You expect him to look angry when you’re finished, but instead he looks amused. He smiles.
“That’s cute. You don’t see the bigger picture in any of it, do you?”
It’s your turn to bristle now. “Excuse me?”
“It can’t be helped.” He’s too close to you now, and his hand reaches out and catches your chin. You find yourself blushing, terrified, and flattered at once. “It’s not in your nature to see the big picture. It’s simply impossible.. Not without someone superior instructing you, although even then, I’m not sure you'll be able to do more than parrot what I tell you...” 
He turns your head from side to side, like you’re some sort of prize at the market. Finally, he speaks with a sense of decision. Only you don’t know what decision he’s made, and it makes your stomach turn. “Yes. I want to see more from you. I think you’ll be… transcendent.” 
You get the nerve to jerk away just as he lets go of your chin. His words barely register with your heart hammering in your chest. “I don’t know what you mean.”
He ignores you. Instead, he turns, and walks toward that elegant door with the strange combination lock on it. “I have another collection.” There’s a thickness to his voice--a terrible anticipation. “I want your opinion on it.”
Your feet refuse to move. You know, somehow, that whatever is behind that door is not something you want to see. So you’ll decline. Easy as that, right? This really was a silly decision, to come here, to some eccentric art collector’s hotel room. 
“I… think I’ll pass.” You swallow hard and tight. “In fact, I think I’ll get going.”  Your legs seemingly gain the ability to move again, and you take a step backward. “I’ll try my chances at the museum again. I don’t want to waste your time. But thank you--”
He turns--just turns, a little, and stares at you with an expression that pins you to the floor. 
He leans his head back a little, staring at the ceiling and cracking a smile. “It’s inevitable. It’s not like you can help it, right?  You are what you are, even if you aren’t a complete waste.” 
He finally does cross the room, and grips your upper arm with an ease that leaves you gasping. 
“What--” Your legs do find the will to move, but you can’t get anywhere. Struggling doesn’t even budge him, and it’s like you can feel a hole burning in your stomach as uncertainty and realization of a bad situation flood into your senses all at once. You force your voice to stay steady, force your breath to come in slow. “I-I’d like to go, please.” 
He doesn’t let you go. All he does is sigh and shake his head. 
“Lucky you. That degree isn’t entirely useless. You’re much better than the others from this city.” A frown, to himself more than to you. He mumbles something, you can’t be sure what--you only hear the words shoulders and books and Rousseau. “But you need to be corrected on some things before I can be sure what to do with you.” 
You think, as he pulls you toward the room with the combination lock, that you’d have been better off staying at the museum.
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skyyletai · 8 months
"I ate his liver with some fava beans and a nice Chianti."
jade leech, chrollo lucilfer, lilia vanrouge, tserriednich hui guo rou, hisoka morow, sasori akasuna, dire crowley, sanzu haruchiyo, rook hunt, fyodor dostoevsky, nikolai gogol, ran haitani, orochimaru
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aspoonofsugar · 3 years
hello ! What's your top 10 HXH characters, and why do you like them ?
Hello anon!
Sorry for the wait! Here is my list so far!
1) Killua Zoldyck
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I have explained why here and here there is an analysis of his ability and foiling with Illumi.
I love his growth and the themes he explores. His is basically the story of a child freeing himself from an abusive family. At the same time, he is also challenged not to leave said family behind (especially when it comes to his younger siblings).
Moreover, he is also called out on his tendendy to define himself through creating codependent relationships.
This is something I really enjoyed and that gave his relationship with Gon and his character in general more depth.
2) Alluka (and Nanika) Zoldyck
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Alluka/Nanika does not have a very complex psychology nor an arc so far. However, the idea behind her and her thematic resonance is so great that I still adore her!
Alluka is a great example of how to write a symbolic and metaphorical character that is still important for the story.
A lot of themes are entangled in her. She is the child nobody wants and is very fittingly trans and mentally ill coded.
At the same time, Nanika’s ability is nothing, but the wish of a child to make her loved ones happy and a way to show how children imitate and learn from adults. It is a representation of conditional love taken to the extreme.
The way her story is solved in the Auction arc might have been underwhelming plot-wise, but it is perfect thematically. The fact that Nanika is not who Alluka is, but is still important for her and so must be accepted is a deep and wonderful message.
I am also curious to see how the theme of codependency linked to her will be explored in relation to her bond with Killua.
3) Palm Siberia
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I love Palm!
She has one of my favourite arcs because it is so refreshing to see the stereotype of the yandere being subverted.
She starts as a mix of different female character stereotypes, but as she gets more focus she blooms into her own character thanks especially to her relationship with Killua.
I love that she is the one that ends the CAA!
3) Meruem
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I think he has my favourite arc in the series and his is surely one of the best written (if not the best).
I love how he seems hateful and boring at the beginning of the CAA only to break the readers’ hearts at the end of it.
His growth thanks to his love for Komugi is great because he does not lose the root of his characterization. He remains prideful and competitive and it is specifically this that draws him towards Komugi aka his strongest opponent. Thanks to her he becomes able to appreciate life and humanity and chooses to give up his identity as King to only become Meruem.
He is an example of how a “redemption arc” does not really have to follow a formula and how it can simply be... a normal arc aka a story where a character grows because he is challenged.
5) Morena Prudo
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Morena has appeared for like... one chapter(?), but she managed to conquer me thanks to her backstory, her nen ability and this:
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I adore her! She is a child who has been refused by society and as a result she wants to tear the society down. She is clearly being set up as a foil to this arc’s major players aka Chrollo, Kurapika and Tserriednich.
Her power is also extremely interesting and already incredibly rich symbolically to the point that I have thought multiple times if I wanna wait or if I wanna start making a Nen and Characters post about her!
6) Chrollo Lucifer
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I have discussed him multiple times, so you can just check his tag :)
Here are some metas.
Chrollo is like a devil that steals pieces of others’ identities because he himself is not sure of who he is.
This coupled with intelligence and powers, his foiling with Kurapika and his bond with the Spiders make him an incredibly interesting villain!
7) Hisoka Morow
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Hisoka is a great example of how to write a joker character.
He is a man from nowhere and lacks any kind of backstory or root. This makes him perfect to play the part of the joker and so far... he has literally played that part in every arc he has appeared in.
There has been no time he had been completely loyal to a side he has joined.
He acts as a Spider only to fight Chrollo.
He helps Kurapika, but also threathens him.
He helps Gon and Killua in Greed Island, but hides he is working for Chrollo.
He assists Illumi, but lies to him and is about to betray him.
In the current arc he is, as per usual, a wild card.
It is precisely this that makes him such an interesting character to observe.
8) Kurapika
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Kurapika’s arcs are among my personal favourites because of the focus being on politics and planning rather than pure fights.
At the same time, Kurapika is an incredible character and I am looking forward to see where his story goes in this arc.
He is self-destroying because he is unable to overcome the grief over losing his tribe and his family.
This leads him to make violence on himself, so that he is turning into someone he is really not.
His nen power is among the most interesting because of how complex and calculated it is and because it is clearly an attempt not to lose his morality to revenge.
9) Gon Freecs
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Gon’s development in the CAA is heartbreaking, but incredible and it perfectly deconstructs all those traits that had been praised up until the previous arc.
Gon’s stubborness and willingness to overcome limits are why he is able to make it this far, but the CAA shows also how they can be dangerous and destructive for both himself and others.
10) Illumi Zoldyck
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Illumi is hand down a disaster.
He is a terrifying foil to Killua, but also an entertaining character to watch.
I hope his relationship with Hisoka receives more focus because it is honestly hilarious and is strangely working for me :’’’)
Thank you for the ask! It was fun and it reminded me why I love this series so much! 
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What your HxH waifu says about you
Since quite a few responded to the post "what hxh crush says about you" that featured guys (let's admit it, hxh is a damn sausage fest). I was thinking I should do one for the ladies.
Disclaimer: This is just for lame-ass comedy + sarcasm and not meant to offend anyone. Ehh… bonus if you know which two girls I simp for.
Bisky: I only have two questions that can lead to two VERY different conversations - which version of Bisky are you attracted to? Her original muscular form or her petite form? 🧐🧐
Machi: You like tsundere or tough girls. Her cold bitch ice queen attitude (but sweet princess on the inside) turns you on. You like how she has a nice thighs. You want her to do some weird bondage with you with her Nen threads.
Pakunoda: You probably don't look at her face most of the time. "hey, my eyes are up here perv" (she got real nice jugs though so I can't blame you) 🥵🥵 Horny-ness aside, she's loyal to death and that's a bonus for you too.
Shizuku: You're into sub girls that have huge tits and doesn't say much. You like the shy quiet ones. Cause ya know, you don't like women with loud opinions. Pfft.
Neon: Are you into DDLG? You like girls with a princess syndrome and high maintainence + daddy issues. You think her eyes has the "pls ruin my innocence". High likely you are a brat tamer. She reminds you of Botan who is such a charmer too. She has a high-pitched voice so... Naughty naughty.
Menchi: Probably wants a girl who can win your heart through your stomach. This woman can kick ass and cook meals for you, while looking hot. Real keeper there. You got good taste bro.
Mito: You probably wouldn't mind dating an older woman, maybe even those with kids. You like someone who is caring, waifu material and wants to settle down.
Baise: You like women that is confident and you might even have a "step-on-me" masochist kink. You don't mind being a slave to your mistress. You probably never cared about girls' hairstyles given that her hair looks like Hisoka's dick.
Komugi: I know it's you, Meruem, King of Ants. [I actually have real bad jokes about this but for the sake of peace, I will shut up]
Palm: You're into crazy yandere bitches and do not mind if your date changes her whole face with makeup. You probably proudly announced that you'd bone her even when she became an ant. Aye if bestiality is your thing then... go off hun.
Pitou: Uhh... No one really knows if Pitou is a dude but you don't care. You just assume Pitou is a she. You have some Neko catgirl fetish and that's what's important. You'd fuck whatever hole is available with Pitou. MEOW. Maybe you played Nekopara before? If you haven’t, I recommend it if you down real bad for cat girls. 
Cheadle: You like girls who are smart, responsible and generally righteous. Independent and a leader-type too. Back in school, you probably have a crush on that one studious girl and kept annoying her to get her attention.
Cluck (Rooster Zodiac): Ok back off. That's my wife. Just kidding, she belongs to Togashi. Anyway, YOU LIKE EM FEISTY. Yum. She may get pissed at you but you find it cute when she's mad. You might also have a thing abt her outfit with the nice feathery tail (it drives me horny so maybe you two too). Anyway, you got good taste.  
Pyon (Rabbit Zodiac): BOI. You down real bad for a bunny, huh? You’re just horny for some anime version of a Playboy Bunny. You probably looked at some furry porno from beastars or zootopia. Please join the rest of them Hisoka stans. Period. 
Alluka/Nanika: Why you reading this bro? You wanna die by Killua’s hands? 
Camilla Hui Guo Rou: Aight. She’s a sadist. Your mind probably saying “no” but because of her beauty, your hormones says “yes”
Gel (Snake Zodiac): You were probably captivated by her nice body. I don’t know if there’s x reader fics of hers but man I hope you didn’t look at her snickety-snake arm and be like “hey I want her to wrap it around my-” Yes, we know you into some tentacle porn or something. 
Kite (ant form): You never simped for Kite when he was a dude but now you see her and go head-over-heels. Can’t blame you though, she’s cute. High likelihood you into red-headed girls with freckles and big eyes. 
Canary: You love her dreadlocks and she has nice lips. You like Canary because of how she tries her best for Killua. Maybe you’re a Canary x Killua or Amane x Canary shipper too? She’s really loyal to Killua and likely you fell for her during the scene with Gon in the Zoldyck Family arc. You hate Kikyo because she zapped Canary with her freaky cyborg eyes.
Kikyo: I don’t know why this shouldn’t even be here. 
Oito: You have a MILF kink. Seriously dude, she has a kid that is signed up for death. But man, if child support is your thing...then no one’s stopping you papa
Amane: You saw her cuteness in that one episode and that was all it took for you to decide that you’d be a simp for her. 
Theta: You either ship her with Tserriednich, or you hate Tserriednich. There is no in between. You are scared of Theta’s fate, you’re scared she might die in the current arc because Tserriednich will kill her or force her to be his lover. You’re always praying that Tse’s Nen beast won’t screw her up. 
Melody: You love her voice. If possible, you want to listen to an ASMR of hers. You like her because she has a big heart.
Ponzu: You're heartbroken after the CA arc
Retz: FINALLY. Someone who appreciates this pretty girl. You're the best!
Zazan: Go to a bar, get laid cause you need it if you wanna fuck someone with a scorpion tail. You’re deprived. I do NOT want to get into what you fantasize regarding that scorpion tail. 
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just between you and me... who do you want to Fuck, Marry, and Kill to?
any anime/real life characters is fine
Hmmmm, tough one, not gonna lie 😂
I'm going to choose from HxH because this is the one I'm truly invested in right now ♥️
Also, very long because I like to explain my choices so no one misunderstands or anything 🙇
Kill: Pariston or Shaiapouf (maybe even Tonpa) edit: Tserriednich (I can’t pronounce his name, so I call him Terror Sandwich like someone else said)
Fuck: Hisoka, Razor, Machi or Pakunoda
Marry: Chrollo, Melody, Knuckle, Shoot or Mizaistom
For 1), the reason I chose those is because I don't really get to truly hate a character that easily. I can almost always find at least one thing that I like about them, but I just can't find anything about them.
Shaiapouf's only redeeming quality (if you can even call it that) is the fact that he looks attractive - at least in the manga I really think so.
Tonpa is just a dick and I'd probably push him off a cliff.
While Pariston just creeps the hell out of me. He smiles too much and I just can't understand him or his reasons for being the way he is. Compared to him, Hisoka is a sweetheart. I hated him before I even read about him in the manga and I haven't changed my mind.
edit: Terror Sandwich is just despicable. I don’t know if he’s just as bad as Pariston or even worse, but I can’t stand him. I hope he dies. Again, Hisoka = baby compared to this dipshit. I don’t care. I hate this guy. End of story.
@Chrollo, baby, please, kill him.
When it comes to 2), man... I can't lie. Physically, Hisoka is extremely attractive. He was the first character from HxH that I knew about before I even got into it and I find him really interesting. Plus, I have a feeling that he's really good in bed, very experienced and maybe, big maybe, also aims to show his partner (whether serious or a one night stand) how good he can make them feel 😏
Razor just grew onto me, especially after seeing how... good he became because he was given a chance. I really like how he looks and also how competitive he is. Very driven towards his goal and respecting the rules. I have a feeling he'd be very good with his partner and treat them well.
For Machi and Pakunoda, it's not just the looks, but also how nice they seem to be. I know that they are part of the Troupe and everything that happened and what they were part of. But I really liked what we were shown and I just know that they'd love their partner and want them to feel good and loved 😳💕
For 3)... you can't tell me you didn't see Chrollo being #1 😂 But I'll leave the best for the last and explain the other choices.
Melody... a sweetheart from top to bottom. I didn't really feel anything in the very beginning, but I really got to like her a lot. I have a feeling she'd be very affectionate and understand her partner very easily because of her ability. The looks just fly over my head when it comes to her. I'm curious as to how she looked like, true. But she's so much more than that and awww, she's just really cute and sweet (ʃƪ^3^)
Knuckle and Shoot have become my favourites very quickly during the Chimera Ant Arc, along with Morel (who I see as a more fun uncle of sorts or a very good drinking buddy 😂). Knuckle is such a dummy sometimes, he likes animals and is very compassionate and empathetic and just wants to help everyone. While Shoot is so scared and anxious, but in the end he just proves to want to help as many as he can and just swallows his fears and charges in. I somehow see myself in both of them and know that anyone would be lucky to be married with any of those two.
Mizaistom weirded me out a bit in the beginning, especially because of the costume 🐮😂 But I really like how calm he is and just seems to think about what would be best for everyone. He seems very wise and experienced and is clearly the type of a person who can make quick decisions and actually be rational. He seems like the type of a husband and person you could just have a calm and interesting conversation and also have fun, maybe even make him a bit more... outgoing, let's say? He does seem pretty reserved. But I think in private and with the right person, he's a bit more relaxed. I really like him a lot and I can't wait to see more of him. 😍
And now, my #1... Chrollo!!! 💞🙇
Honestly, it's because of him that I actually started reading and getting interested in HxH. I was reading the HxH Kareshi Doujinshi (pretty much different HxH characters as boyfriends) and there are two stories for Chrollo in that book. I don't know what drew me to him. Maybe the looks, the tattoo, the way he talked or the fact that he was in a bookstore 😂 But I just searched his name afterwards and Holy God Damn, I was in love 😳
I can't lie and say that I was pretty disappointed but not really surprised that he was one of the villains and pretty... upset, let's say, after reading about the whole Kurta thing. All the bad things that he and the Troupe have done are still there, in the back of my mind. But I choose to focus on the aspects of him that I like and find attractive: intelligent, powerful, a great strategist, strong, likes books, is polite and also charming. He's very charismatic and no, I didn't forget that he's physically attractive (to me, he is; beauty is subjective, after all).
I feel bad for him because of the way he grew up and I sort of understand some of the things he does and says. That doesn't mean I condone them.
But with a partner (no manipulation, stealing, yandere or anything like that), I think he'd be a great boyfriend and even husband. I see him as someone who could come to care greatly for someone and do his best to make that person happy, loved and content with the fact that they chose him of all people. He might rely more on the material at first to impress his partner, but if his partner turned out to be someone who doesn't care about that and wants him and his love and time, I think he'd be more than happy to provide.
I don't think many people loved Chrollo or even showed him love, so if someone he cared and loved showed it back to him, I think it would actually make him extremely happy. He wouldn't want someone who would lie or cheat, mostly because he is very good at lying, so he'd know. No one wants someone like that, right? So the fact that he could be himself, all vulnerable and relaxed, around someone would feel refreshing and freeing. Him having a family, someone he could wholly trust, besides the Troupe, sounds beautiful.
I'd love to read and talk and debate with him for hours and days and actually even attempt to show or teach him things and get taught in return. I'd be so curious to know what he knows and likes 😄
Also, I love the fact that he's polite. Some people can be such jerks for no reason and with strangers and it irritates me a lot. I value manners a lot and always think that I'm talking and being polite because I'd like to be treated in the same way, no matter who it is. Of course I'll talk and act in a different way with friends and family, but that's because they know me so well. But with strangers? Politeness is key. Unless there's an actual reason why someone shouldn't be polite, then I'd prefer being civilised.
Anyway, those are my theories and observations.
Phew, I'm tired 😂
I hope this answered your question. And if there's anything else, just tell me and I'll be glad to answer. 🙇
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charming-2d-boys · 4 years
I only have a few rules here, but I would ask that you especially pay attention to the ones written in bold:
Please be polite and respectful. A “please” and/or a “thank you” doesn’t cost you anything.
When requesting something, please, use the Ask button, NOT the Submit one or the comments section of posts.
Also, please be aware that I might refuse your request if it goes against the rules or if I feel too uncomfortable to write it, but I will never ignore a request, whether I accept it or not, I will give you an answer, so don’t worry.
I won't write requests where the reader has a certain nationality, religion, political views etc. due to the fact that it might lead to misunderstandings and inaccurate portrayals (especially in the case of nationalities).
I will also try to write every request as quickly as I can, but certain requests and/or events might take a while to be completed, so please be patient - I will get to them as soon as possible.
If you have a specific idea, please write all the details you have, even if you have to send multiple asks. In that case, please write the number (1/5, 2/5 etc.) so I can make sense of them, especially if you send them anonymously.
I can write NSFW-ish things, but I would like to mainly focus on fluff, angst, AUs etc. and write... softer stuff, since there are other writers who write smut better than me and seem to understand the characters better.
If you do request something NSFW-ish, please be aware that it might be suggestive/hinting at NSFW at best (meaning nothing too graphic).
For NSFW, please refrain from asking for anything that has to do with drugs/being high/intoxicated in any way, yandere, rape, non-con or dub-con, pain or any sort of punishment. There might be other NSFW-related things that I won’t write about, so if you’re unsure, please ask first.
Everything that needs warnings will have them, with the most common ones being: NSFW-ish/suggestive, mentions of death/injuries etc., but if there’s anything else, please let me know.
If there’s something you’re not sure I might write about, please ask first.
Please specify if you want a scenario, drabble or headcanons, otherwise I'll choose.
Please, before requesting something, make sure to check the Masterlist and see if it’s been written before. Unless I can expand on it, I will not write the same thing twice if there will be no major differences.
I try to write everything for a gender-neutral reader, but there might be slip-ups here and there - which is why I don’t really write NSFW nor make it too graphic/specific.
You can always vent, rant, talk about other things and you can consider this place a safe space. I will try to answer everything as soon as I can.
I don't write for the following characters (might change in time):
Hunter x Hunter
Tonpa (no. Just...no)
Ging (gone from his son's life and gone from my blog as well; he could’ve at least sent a card for his son’s birthday... asshole)
Pariston (dude scares the hell out of me for some reason and makes me really uncomfortable; yep, I still don’t like him, he’s a creep. Hisoka seems like the sweetest compared to him)
Shaiapouf (pretty physically, but a drama queen who I'd probably strangle at one point; after finishing the CA Arc, I can say that I’m glad he died)
Youpi (wtf was that form even?!)
Pitou (will never forgive him for what he did to Kite and how much that damaged Gon)
Tserriednich (never in a million+1 years)
Jujutsu Kaisen
Mahito (excellent villain, but I just don’t like him nor really understand his character too well also poor Junpei)
Todou Aoi (I don’t really know what to say about him. I just don’t really like him that much)
Panda (ummm, yeah, I don’t know, but no)
Mei Mei (too materialistic for me to even try to like her)
Mai Zen’in (she’s pretty as hell, absolutely! But also too mean :/)
in Suguru Getou’s case, I will write for him with the personality from before he was... changed (AKA before the Brain Parasite)
   17. I currently write for:
Hunter x Hunter (especially Chrollo, still trying to get a grasp on the other characters and if there’re any characters I won’t write for, I’ll write them here)
Jujutsu Kaisen
Thank you for reading and if you have any other questions, please don’t hesitate to ask! (*´▽`*)
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trashscenariihxh · 4 years
Have you ever wrote for Tserriednich? Like, I know he is disgusting, awful and ugly, but, he seems like a fine yandere material. Though, he might be a little boring to write.
I’ve never written for him!  I’ll have to brush up on his character first!
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