#yanan aus
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unifox · 2 years ago
PTG as Owl City Songs Pt.2
Part 2 is here!!! I'll repeat myself
IMPORTANT: This is purely out of my imagination, I do NOT know how the ptg members are and their true personalities. This is how I perceive them through the content they provide us on social media. Also, the songs interpretations were mine. They might not be what the artist intended but how I understood them.
None of the pictures are mine! Got them on Pinterest
happy reading! and maybe listening too ~Foxy🦊
Pt.1 | masterlist
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The Tip Of The Iceberg 
Cute, heartwarming and a bit fairy like, like Yanan. Like mentioned in other members, each song has its own unique traits just like the Pentagon members. Yanan and this song are no exception. Also, the title also fits the situation quite well, since the tip of the iceberg is always just a small part of the iceberg and theres a lot to discover under the water, and Yanan with his shy personality also has a lot hidden behind what he actually shows us. 2023 me - the songs also says how some actions are just the tip of the iceberg of things the protagonist would do to get back their loved one, and it also fits well with the relationship of universe and pentagon with Yanan. Even being away from him for so long, we’d do everything to see the boys together again.
Gold (2023)
Yanan is gold. The song tells about someone who is gold, someone who might not see their whole potential even though they are it. For the longest time as a Universe I saw Yanan being like this and slowly starting to become more confident as the years went by. Yanan! You’re gold, so shine forever! Also, CONGRATS ON 1st PLACE YANAN S2 YOU DESERVE IT
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Up All Night 
I really don't know but this song fits Yuto. Maybe is the beat that changes and shows many styles that reminds me of Yuto, of how he looks like something but acts as something else. The song is mysterious and beautiful and thats really Yuto. Its cute but serious and the guitar part... definitely something that fits Yuto. Also, just like Yu, this song has a special place in my heart. “I just can’t get you off my mind, now I’m gonna be up all night”
I'm coming after you (2023)
I’m not sure why 2020 me chose this song bc she didn't write anything, maybe it was the instrumental? I think the bass in the song gives off Yuto vibes. It’s a lightweight song that seems almost theatrical to me. “Woo woo woo- I’m coming after you” The siren sounds seem fun and something that cute and the rest of Mayonnaise would add to their songs haha
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Plant life 
Kino has a flower aesthetic so why not? The song is really artistic and that it would suit kino's style if he danced to this song, or even sang it. Both are gentle, creative and majestic, showing a really unique kind of power, that feels almost magical. The lyrics also has Kino's vibes to it. It’s full of metaphors and pretty sounds (I think it’s my favorite owl city song)
shooting star
Kino is a shooting star! Like the song, he seems like the type of person to encourage and support others whey they feel down or tired. Kino is comfort to others, someone really precious and kind. “So shine no matter where you are tonight”
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Dreams and Disasters 
The image this song makes me think of is always a young couple, careless and fun, driving in a road in the middle of nowhere. This free-spirited style remind me of maknae Wooseokie. The upbeat melody and free-spirited lyrics fit Wooseok who is young and seem adventurous. “I wanna feel alive forever after”
Strawberry Avalanche
I don't know exactly why, but i guess pink Wooseok fits this. Another fun and cute song that fits shy Wooseok. I have this image that Woo is a pretty cute and gentle 2m tall boy and the scenario created by this song would fit him well. 2023 me- The song sounds soft and childish and I feel like behind the serious aura and appearance that wooseok has, there is a gentle and dreamy person there.
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Good time
I don't really think I have to explain, but here I am anyways. Ptg is such a fun group. They are all very unique and display their individual charms throughout their journey. Every time we see them it's a good time, doesn't matter what they are doing. They turn the most normal things into something fun to look forward to.
I feel like this song talks about hope and, as cliche as it seems, pentagon simbolizes that to me. "When its all said and done, we'll shine like the sun so don't let the fire die." It simbolizes well the groups history and it works for their fans too, since seeing their journey Universe might feel inspired to just keep going too. It’s like Eternal Flame!
The Technicolor Phase
Support. Another word I think of when it comes to Pentagon. Thought the song you see how the lyrics say how they’re the support, how they are there to accompany wherever you are. “I am the green in the grass, That bends back from underneath your feet (...) I am the black in the book, The letters on the pages that you memorize” Pentagon and their songs are there for the fans whenever and wherever, it’s what keeps us entertained, hopeful, happy… you name it. 
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lanaheels-socmed-aus · 5 months ago
💍 Put a ring on it - seongjoong au 💍
Hongjoong perde uma aposta com San e tem q postar nas redes sociais q está solteiro, mas seu namorado Seonghwa não gosta nada de saber disso e pede como reparação um vale night, pq afinal de contas, se ele gostasse, era só colocar um anel
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💍 avisos 💍
- mini au de dia dos namorados
- totalmente focada nos seongjoong
- por ser mini, não tem grande desenvolvimento, era só pra tirar uma ideia da minha cabeça
- inspirado num edit do TikTok, mas eu não salvei o vídeo e perdi
- sem revisão, então relevem alguns erros
- por causa das limitações do Tumblr, tive que juntar alguns prints
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— Hongjoong!
O Kim escutou a voz irritada assim que fechou a porta do próprio apartamento. Lembrava de ter combinado de Seonghwa de dormir ali por ser mais perto de onde iam trabalhar no dia seguinte, mas não esperava que fosse o encontrar parecendo extremamente bravo sem motivo aparente.
— Hongjoong? — perguntou manhoso com uma careta. — Cadê o “meu bem”?
— Você não tem nada pra me contar, não? — colocou as mãos na cintura.
— Acho que não, por quê? — terminou de tirar os tênis deixando no móvel da entrada e se levantou, encarando-o.
— Por que você postou que tá solteiro?
Hongjoong congelou no mesmo instante. Okay, ela sabia que tinham grandes chances de Seonghwa ver que ele tinha mudado o status de relacionamento nas redes sociais, mas ele tinha dito que estaria ocupado todo o dia, tanto que nem conversaram por mensagens. Isso o fez acreditar que a brincadeira com San seria algo inocente que passaria despercebido, mas pelo visto não foi.
— Eu? — tentou se fazer de sonso, ainda existia a possibilidade dele estar jogando um verde.
— Tem mais alguém aqui, Hongjoong?
A raiva ainda presente na voz fez o corpo do menor se arrepiar inteiro, mas não era do jeito bom, então desistiu completamente de continuar a fingir inocência.
— Meu amor, eu te explico, mas por favor, não me chama de Hongjoong. — implorou com as mãos juntas. — Odeio quando me chama assim, cadê o “meu bem”?
— Dependendo da sua explicação, eu penso no seu caso. — cruzou os braços e bateu o pé, impaciente.
— Foi uma aposta que eu fiz com o San na academia. Quem não conseguisse fazer o desafio, ia mudar o status por uma hora. — apontou para o celular que estava na mão do namorado. — Se não acredita em mim, pode ligar pra ele aqui agora.
— Hum… — murmurou incrédulo, fazendo um gesto com a cabeça para que continuasse.
— E não tem nada também, meu amor. Só tenho olhos pra você. — pegou o próprio celular no bolso e ofereceu para o namorado, que nem se moveu. — Pode olhar no meu celular, não mandei nem recebi mensagem de ninguém.
— Você não recebeu, mas eu recebi um monte. — comentou como se não fosse nada, desfazendo a pose.
— O quê? — Hongjoong praticamente gritou completamente desacreditado.
— É, dos seus amigos da academia. — entregou o celular para o Kim com a página inicial do chat aberta, com as últimas conversas sendo pessoas que ele conhecia bem. — Todos me mandaram mensagem para me dizer que eu estava solteiro. O único que não me mandou mensagem foi você me explicando isso aí.
— Amigos… da academia?
— Mingyu, Soobin, BM, Yanan…
Enquanto Seonghwa ia para dentro continuar cuidando de suas coisas, Hongjoong abriu as conversas e leu cada uma delas, ficando cada vez mais enfurecido em como seus próprios colegas que viram tudo tiveram coragem de fazer aquilo.
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— Que bando de filho da puta!
— Hongjoong! — repreendeu de onde estava.
— Meu amor, eles estavam lá. — seguiu o namorado para dentro, ainda falando suplicante. — Todos eles viram a aposta, eles fizeram de sacanagem.
Seonghwa se mantinha ocupado com algo que não parecia muito importante, como guardar algumas coisas que não estavam necessariamente fora do lugar, só não queria encarar Hongjoong que continuava o seguindo em cada passo que dava.
— Não sei se foi de sacanagem ou não, mas foi muito desagradável saber de outra pessoa que meu namorado tava solteiro.
— Meu amor, eu já expliquei. Por favor, me perdoa. — implorou prestes a ficar de joelhos, mas foi impedido quando o Park foi para outro canto da casa. — Não fica bravo comigo, eu faço o que você quiser.
O maior parou ao ouvir aquilo. A oferta de fazer o que quisesse saía tão fácil da boca de Hongjoong que decidiu fazê-lo se arrepender só um pouquinho por ter aceitado aquela aposta sem sequer pensar em si.
— Deixa eu ver… — tocou o queixo pensativo. — …do momento que você postou até agora que eu descobri o que realmente aconteceu, passou 2… 4 horas.
— Eu sei que foi muito tempo, ma-
— Então tenho direito a 4 horas de solteirice também. — concluiu com um sorriso singelo.
— O QUÊ?????? — se não tivesse apoiado na bancada da cozinha, teria caído no chão naquele instante.
— É, uai. — deu de ombros. — Eu quero 4 horas de solteirice.
— Não, meu amor. — voltou a implorar. — Qualquer coisa menos isso.
— Você disse que faria qualquer coisa. — virou de costas para que o outro não visse o sorriso divertido que surgia em seus lábios com seu desespero. — Você não tem palavra?
— Sim, mas não tava incluso te entregar de bandeja pra outra pessoa. — gesticulava muito com extrema indignação.
— A gente namora há mais de 5 anos, você acha que o quer que aconteça nessas 4 horas vai mudar alguma coisa? — olhou-o erguendo uma sobrancelha, como se fosse o Kim que estivesse colocando sua fidelidade à prova.
— …não… — respondeu com voz e cabeça baixas.
— Até porquê, se você não quisesse insegurança, você já teria mudado o status do relacionamento pra outra coisa que não faria as pessoas acreditarem de primeira que a gente terminou.
Hongjoong abriu a boca para retrucar, mas não encontrou palavras. Desde que San e Wooyoung tinha decidido morar juntos depois de dois anos de relacionamento, Seonghwa sempre jogava indiretas sobre já estar pronto para dar o próximo passo, mas todas eram esquivadas pelo Kim, que ainda não tinha confiança para isso.
Ele sabia que sua falta de atitude irritava e muito o namorado, mas queria que tudo fosse perfeito e não só tomar uma atitude precipitada porque um dia acordaram com vontade de juntar as coisas.
— Mas você não vai realmente sair com esses caras, nee? — ergueu a cabeça e falou mais alto, esperando uma resposta positiva.
— E qual o problema se for com eles? — perguntou colocando uma mão na cintura novamente.
— É que… — começou aflito — É que… — baixou a cabeça novamente. — Deixa pra lá.
— Estamos resolvidos, então. — encerrou meio seco. — O dia que eu for usar, eu te aviso.
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Seonghwa abriu a porta do apartamento de Hongjoong encontrando o local todo escuro. Imaginando que o outro deveria estar no quarto se arrumando, foi entrando sem sequer chamar, até que viu uma luz fraca vir da copa, e foi para lá imaginando que o namorado tivesse esquecido algo ligado.
— Feliz dia dos namorados, meu amor!
A voz do Kim soou animada assim que pôs os pés na cozinha, sendo recebido com uma rosa, um braço circulando sua cintura e um beijo singelo.
— Feliz dia dos namorados, meu bem. — respondeu com um sorriso. — Achei que a gente ia jantar fora. — comentou apontando com a cabeça para a mesa posta.
— É que hoje é especial, decidi fazer diferente.
Hongjoong deu um selinho no namorado e se afastou para puxar a cadeira que o outro iria se sentar, avisou que ia pegar a comida e voltou com a entrada.
— O jantar tá simples, não tive muito tempo de me preparar.
— Se preparar? Isso quer dizer que foi você que cozinhou?
— Então…
Os olhos de Seonghwa brilharam.
— Joongie, é sério?
— Sim. — respondeu tímido. 
— Own, meu bem. Tenho certeza que está delicioso. — comentou animado, era 
— E-Eu testei a receita antes e pedi para provarem. — explicou ainda se sentindo levemente inseguro. — Eu queria fazer direito hoje, porque é especial.
— E posso saber por que hoje é tão especial? — perguntou provando do prato à sua frente e soltando um som de satisfação.
— Só vou dizer depois do jantar, antes da sobremesa.
— Tem até sobremesa? — perguntou animado.
— A sobremesa eu comprei, não confio em mim fazendo doces.
Os dois riram e começaram a conversar sobre a semana que passaram pouquíssimo tempo juntos. Inevitavelmente o assunto sobre as horas de solteirice veio à tona e Seonghwa fez questão de garantir que não houve nada demais em sua ida ao bar e que Soobin era muito agradável. Apesar das caretas e reclamações, Hongjoong realmente não tinha nada contra o rapaz.
Enquanto o Park se deliciava com o prato principal, reparou que o namorado parecia comer mais lentamente que o normal, e de quando em quando passava a mão pelas coxas, como se estivesse secando o suor. Aquele comportamento estava deixando-o ansioso, mas não queria deixá-lo ainda mais tenso tocando no assunto, então continuou conversando e recebendo algumas poucas palavras de confirmação e alguns acenos de cabeça.
Assim que terminaram de jantar, olhou para o Kim com expectativa, mas ele estava apenas em silêncio, evitando olhá-lo nos olhos. Esperou mais alguns instantes, mas nenhuma palavra e muito menos um movimento, então começou a juntar a louça e chegou abrir a boca para falar, mas foi interrompido.
— Seonghwa, meu amor. — Hongjoong começou a falar com finalmente o encarando. — Eu sei que isso pode parecer um ato desesperado por causa do que aconteceu essa semana. — começou a mexer nos próprios aneis. — Mas eu pensei bastante e achei que fosse a melhor hora para isso.
Hongjoong se levantou e caminhou até o Seonghwa fazendo um gesto para que não se levantasse, então ele apenas se virou para ficar de frente para o namorado, que segurou suas duas mãos e se ajoelhou, fazendo-o se exasperar.
— Meu bem, por que você está ajoelhando? — tentou puxá-lo para cima. — Vamos, levanta.
— Não, tem que ser assim.
O Park tombou a cabeça confuso.
— Seonghwa, meu amor, eu tentei procurar palavras para dizer isso, mas elas não são o suficiente para expressar o quanto eu te amo, então eu decidi criar um símbolo desse amor. — soltou as mãos para pegar algo no bolso. — Seonghwa, você aceita se casar comigo?
A pergunta foi feita enquanto abria uma caixinha de joia revelando um anel de diamantes, e fazendo o Park cobrir a boca com as duas mãos em surpresa e ficando imóvel enquanto seus olhos se enchiam de lágrimas.
— Meu amor, fala alguma coisa. — Hongjoong pediu com a voz baixa, receoso.
— … sim… SIM! SIM! SIM!
Seonghwa pulou em cima de Hongjoong, enlaçando seu pescoço e beijando-o profundamente. Após o susto, o menor abraçou a cintura do namorado se ajeitando melhor no chão, enquanto o posicionava em seu colo. Ao se separarem, uma mão foi esticada na frente de seu rosto.
— Coloca em mim, por favor. — o maior pediu balançando os dedos.
Hongjoong sorriu pegando o anel da caixinha, colocando em seu dedo anelar e beijando com devoção. O mesmo foi feito pelo Park que beijou o anel e ficou encarando por alguns segundos para logo depois segurar o rosto do menor com as duas mãos e beijá-lo novamente.
— Eu amei, meu bem! — disse dando pequenos beijos pelo rosto do outro. — É lindo! Lindo!
— Fico feliz que gostou, meu amor.
— Você sabe que eu não queria que você necessariamente me pedisse em casamento, nee? — falou rápido tentando se explicar.
— Eu sei, meu amor. — respondeu com um sorriso.
— Eu poderia pedir também, mas eu não sabia se você ia querer porque você nunca comentou a respeito. — continuou desviando o olhar, naquele momento a ideia de que poderia ter forçado o namorado pairou em sua mente.
— Eu sei, meu amor. — disse ainda com um sorriso, entrelaçando seus dedos. — Me desculpe por nunca falar sobre isso. — beijou sua bochecha. — Eu sempre quis me casar com você, se você me pedisse eu ia dizer sim sem nem pensar.
Seonghwa sorriu se aconchegando no colo do outro.
— Nós nem podemos casar no papel aqui. 
— Então a gente casa em outro lugar. — propôs como se fosse algo simples. — A gente não precisa casar no papel também. Podemos fazer uma festa com nossos amigos e é isso.
— Hongjoong, você é louco. — comentou negando com a cabeça e sorrindo. — Eu te amo tanto.
— Eu também te amo muito.
Voltaram a se beijar, dessa vez com calma, transmitindo todo o sentimento que tinham acabado de expressar em palavras. Naquele instante todos os desentendimentos que tiveram ao longo da semana desapareceram e restaram apenas os dois e a promessa de um enlace.
Aos poucos os beijos foram esquentando, com mãos passeando por seus corpos com saudade, como se tivessem passado tempos sem se encontrarem. Mesmo que estivessem pensando a mesma coisa sobre onde a noite iria terminar, quando o ar se fez necessário, afastaram minimamente seus rostos e se encararam por alguns instantes com um sorriso. Hongjoong deu dois tapinhas na coxa do namorado que tinha sido promovido para noivo. NOIVO.
— Vamos levantar.
— Não quero. — respondeu com um biquinho adorável.
— Eu tenho que pegar a sobremesa.
Com um sorriso sugestivo, Seonghwa deslizou os dedos pelo peito do outro, entrando pela gola da camisa aumentando o contato de pele com pele.
— Eu pensei que você fosse a sobremesa. — sussurrou mordendo a orelha alheia.
Hongjoong parou a mão do Park no mesmo instante e o fez levantar ouvindo suas reclamações manhosas. Assim que ficou em pé, passou o braço por trás dos joelhos do maior e o ergueu, posicionando-o em seu colo como uma noiva.
— Acho que a sobremesa pode esperar.
Seonghwa riu e passou seus braços pelos ombros do namorado — agora NOIVO — e começou a distribuir beijos por seu rosto, maxilar e pescoço, enquanto era carregado até o quarto.
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multiphandomunnies · 11 months ago
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accidentally seeing their gf naked
found out the wrong way social media au intros
found out the wrong way part one
found out the wrong way part two
found out the wrong way part three
found out the front way part four
s.o getting shy when they kiss
365 so stress
how cute
yeo one
too much effort
something special (*M*)
technology free
lovers night
give it a rest
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mizugucci · 1 year ago
hiii everyone im finally posting this after ignoring all my tags for two weeks lmao. i love these kind of games though its fun to look back, so thank you for tagging me:
@floweruna / @hongberries @gnanii @yangsminho and @honeydewtual
rules: link your favorite and/or most popular post from each month this year <3 (it’s totally fine to skip months!) and tag some CCs you love!
im sure most people have already done it, but ill tag some people just to say hi @taegyunie @ambivartence @awek-s @flops @strhwaberries @hwichanis
i added way too much commentary, so this will go under a readmore lmao. also i included ALL gifs including from my gg and fandom sideblogs, not just bgs.
favorite: obviously my favorite was my magazine/gif thing i made for kenta's birthday (6th year in a row, this year will be 7) unfortunately it doesnt load very well lol
most popular: these txt gifs (sugar rush ride) and taehyun+stickers
favorite: i cant deny i still think about this set of sebin during snuper's rain of mind era... the sparkles will always have a chokehold on me. ps check out my pixy wings set
most popular: this joshua set (for whatever reason lol)
favorite: i have several but im rly happy at how the wjsn + butterflies set turned out, its so nice. also my two harry june sets have a soft spot in my heart
most popular: this set of svt aju nice, its not a surprise that when i post svt it gets way more notes lol. i do like it a lot though
favorite: by FAR my fav (excluding macarena) is my loona as witches gifset. its one ofmy best im not gonna lie but also.... yuma sunshine...
most popular: actually i had a couple that were fairly popular but uh another joshua gifset has the most but ALSO this blitzers macarena post is nearing 200 notes??? i would consider that a fave too. and apparently tumblr loves big yuto/little yuto the same i do
favorite: i outdid myself in my dkz 9 to 5 set here. like idk how it ended up looking good but i love it sm.
most popular: ANOTHER joshua set??? im not even joshua biased. hes just so pretty LOL this is boring ill mention the 2nd most popular too. which is also another boring svt set. NEXT is big yuto/little yuto again <3
favorite: i made a gifset pretending fly me to the moon had a m/v and it flopped SO HARD i forget that i actually made it. also not to sneak this one but bitsaeon is SOOOO beautiful
most popular: campus crush junseo was my most popular this month, AS IT SHOULD BE. everyone should love that teddy bear
favorite: mmm two horror-adjacent gifsets!!! a set for dreamcatcher's chase me and an au that set kino (ptg) as a horror protag. lol it was so niche but i enjoyed it
most popular: omg i didnt think it would be but junghwan in the move m/v... as it SHOULD BE (again) i was let down a lot by trsr this year but this song kept me interested
favorite: mmm probably changsun in heartbeat. i LOVE that song and also it brought me back to 2017. nostalgia is.. very strong lol
most popular: im ignoring yet another joshua set. sorry josh but lets let others have a spot lmao. actually after that, a gifset of jaechan in his pre-release solo has the most notes. thats crazy!
favorite: my fav is OBVIOUSLY the set of snuper + sparkles. supposedly i was going to turn it into a series of boys+sparkles but we'll see.
most popular: its kind of funny, it seems like there arent a lot of ptg stans on tumblr but they always crawl out of the woodwork to rb my ptg stuff. i love u guys. and i miss yanan.
favorite: another installment in my women+horror series was my fav for this month. girlies gotta love vampires
most popular: i am SO glad. if it is any of my sets to be popular, i would never be disappointed if its omega x. they deserve the WORLD and ill personally give it to them. btw my pics with jaehan and taedong turned out soo well but i look AWFUL with sebin lmaooo
favorite: ahhh definitely anthonny in magic hour jacket behind. hes an ICON and i really liked him in bp
most popular: ohhh this was a surprise, i guess bc i only did 4 gifsets in november, but this seowon in wonderland m/v has the most notes. totally valid, hes beautiful
favorite: baby... yuma... sunshine loml obviously is my fav. hes sooo cute in that beret. and his smile. oh im gonna cry hes so cute LOOK AT MY SON!!!!!
most popular: i guess kpop has less of a reach on tumblr now because my one and only fandom post has the most notes lol. anyway if you havent seen a journey to love, you really should
a few thoughts:
well, its not a surprise that my most popular were seventeen and txt but it was interesting to see the variety of groups that i did gif besides them
peak time really had (has) a chokehold on me lmaoooo so many sets spawned from that show.
i also giffed more than i thought i had, so that was very neat to discover. although it was funny i posted 4 gifsets in the entirety of november
i talked so much and i apologize but thank you to anyone who even scrolled down this far, thanks for bearing with me!!
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tinyverse-writes · 1 year ago
(1:53) yanan
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pairing: royalty!yanan, twins au
genre: historical
warnings: may contain violence and mentions of bl0od
word count: 792
a/n: hi there! i know i have mentioned that i will be posting an atz fic next but since i remembered these yanan update, i clutched this prompt before my mind decided to go on a writer's block for an indefinite time. there's no proofreading so bear with me :'>
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he is in fact unprepared although he expected that this time would come.
yanan gritted his teeth each time he hears an update from his advisor especially when it is a bad news. one of the news saying that his soldiers that are stationed at the gate are down just by the enemy's one blow.
"he's more violent than what i remembered" he thought.
he really is considering that the last time they saw each other was when they had fought for this very throne that he's currently sitting and it was when they were 15.
yanan rose from his seat as he ordered to deploy the troops and make use of the weapons that they kept just to stop him which is still useless as the troops ended up with more fatalities and casualties.
the enemy in question is just a small army of hooligans, as what the people of the town has described, and is being led by a man which made the townspeople raise their brows in confusion and panic at the same time while keeping themselves safe upon seeing his presence especially his appearance.
the last group of troops has been deployed. he gripped his one and only sword firmly before he went and slashed anyone who gets in his way. some soldiers are either losing their blood or their limbs. he then went straight to the general who was shaking deep inside upon knowing this man's existence. poor general tried his best but ends up losing an arm as he tries to combat him and stop him from getting further into the castle. the general was unable to do something to be honest as he was taken aback by the enemy's face which reminds him so much of the emperor that he swore to serve with for his entire life which sadly ends at the moment he gives him a final slash of his sword on his back.
"y-your majesty, general cho is.." yanan raised a hand, not letting his advisor finish as he already knew that this is going to be another bad news.
"where is he right now? is he close?"
"actually-" a loud crashing noise echoed through the end of the hall which basically answers his question.
the main door of his throne room shattered into pieces, smoke and dust coming into the area. yanan's personal guards who are stationed in the same room as him clutched on their weapons while others are holding their crossbows, aiming to a shadow that's getting prominent in the smoke as it steps further inside.
as the smoke gets thinner, the more visible the person is. yanan rose from his seat, gesturing his guards to ceasefire which made his advisor concerned.
"b-but your majesty-"
"i'll take it from here." and with that, the advisor confirmed to the guards to ceasefire.
the man who owns the shadow did the same thing to his minions, leaving them by the entrance before he walks to the center of the room. he walks in with blood stained face, the blade of his sword which is also covered with blood dragging against the floor.
"you could've just told me that you want a reunion" yanan said while rolling his eyes instead of greeting him.
the other snickered at how he was greeted. "you can't call it a reunion if somebody's here to take what's theirs. still an asshole i see."
"you're right. this could be a reunion if father was here.. but then, if he's here or not will he give this place to you?"
"if you didn't forge the papers, will he give this place to you brother?" yanan chewed on his lip at the sudden revelation especially knowing that his guards and his officials are present in this room, just hiding for their safety. "although you're just 6 minutes older than me i'm quite impressed that you managed to learn how to fake everything. fake it til you make it i guess.." he added
yanan clenched his jaw. he then pulls out that sword that he stashed close to him.
"ooh~ did i tick your nerve brother? i am just telling the truth."
"the audacity of you to say that and to come here bringing the very sword that ended our father." yanan balls his fist as he grips the sword. the younger one just chuckled lowly with his head hung down. he then looked back up at yanan with dark orbs and hooded eyes.
"that's the entire point brother." he sprinted towards yanan while dragging the sword with him. yanan was quick enough to whip his sword and block his younger twin's attack.
with gritted teeth, the younger twin continued, "this very sword will take this life of yours."
- by tinyverse-writes
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kdrama-preferences · 11 days ago
Groups I'm using in my Kpop Royal AU
Bias and Bias Wreckers will be () and Biases will be in bold, Bias Wreckers in italics
2PM (Junho, Wooyoung) A.C.E (Junhee, Wow) AB6IX (Donghyun, Woong) Astro (MJ, JinJin) ATEEZ (Hongjoong, San, Jongho) B.A.P (Yongguk, Jongup) Big Bang (G-Dragon) Block B (Jaehyo, U-Kwon) BTOB (Eunkwang, Minhyuk) BTS (Yoongi, Hoseok, Namjoon) CIX (Yonghee, Jinyoung) Day6 (Wonpil) DKB (Heechan, D1, GK) E'Last (Baekgyeul, Rano) EXO (Suho, Baekhyun, Kai) FTISLAND (Hongki, Jaejin) Golden Child (Daeyeol, Tag) GOT7 (Mark, Jinyoung, BamBam) Highlight (Yoseob, Dongwoon) iKON (Jay, Song) Infinite (Sungyeol, L) Monsta X (Shownu, Jooheon, Hyungwon) N.Flying (Seunghyub, Jaehyun) NCT (Yuta, Renjun, Hendery, Doyoung, Haechan, Ten) NU'EST (Aron, Minhyun) Omega X (Jaehan, Junghoon) Oneus (Ravn, Keonhee) Onewe (Dongmyeong, Giuk) ONF (Hyojin, Minkyun) OnlyOneOf (KB, Rie) Pentagon (Jinho, Yanan, Kino, Hongseok) Seventeen (S.Coups, Hoshi, Jun) SF9 (Zuho, Taeyang) SHINee (Onew, Taemin) Stray Kids (Changbin, Felix, Hyunjin) Super Junior (Leeteuk, Heechul, Donghae, Yesung) The Boyz (Sangyeon, Jacob, Juyeon) The KingDom (Dann, Arthur) The Rose (Woosung, Dojoon) Treasure (Jihoon, Junkyu) TXT (Yeonjun) VAV (Ace, Jacob) Victon (Seungwoo, Byungchan, Seungsik) VIXX (N, Leo) WEi (Yongha, Yohan, Seokhwa) Winner (Yoon, Mino) ZeroBaseOne (Zhang Hao, Jiwoong)
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sovyetiksosyete · 10 months ago
Der Titel geht auf eine Zeile aus dem Gedicht Kızçocuğu (“Das Mädchen von Hiroshima“) des türkischen Dichters Nâzım Hikmet zurück, das für Sadako Sasaki, eine der Überlebende der Atombombenabwürfe auf Hiroshima und Nagasaki, geschrieben wurde und mit „das Kind, das wie Papier brennt/brannte“ übersetzt werden kann.
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read the statement on Sonic Agency here
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ultadachi · 5 years ago
Hey could I request something with Yanan or Yuto reacting to their s/o having a nightmare? 💕 I love your writings! Keep up the good work uwu
Your eyes flew open, your heart beating rapidly in your chest as your mind continued to play the nightmare you’d just woken up from. While it definitely had you shaken up from how real it seemed, you didn’t want to wake your--
“Are you okay?” Yanan’s sleepy voice was laced with concern, feeling his arm drape over your body and pull you closer to him.
“Did I wake you up?” you asked, your voice breaking a bit as you rolled over to face him.
“You were kicking me a little,” he admitted with a small smile, trying to lighten the mood a bit. “Did you have a nightmare?”
“Yeah... It felt so real, and I was being chased by this killer, and he caught me and I thought I was going to die and--”
“Shh,” Yanan quietly hushed your babbling, following your arm with his hand so he could intertwine your fingers, “it was just a dream. You’re safe.”
“I know, but it felt really real,” you mumbled.
“Do you want me to try to help you fall asleep?” he offered, and you just knew that despite being sleepy, he was blushing.
“Yes please.”
Yanan softly began humming, giving your hand a gentle squeeze as his thumb stroked the back of your hand. You nuzzled your face into his chest and closed your eyes, doing your best to go back to sleep. Thankfully, the warmth of your boyfriend, and his soothing humming had you falling to sleep in no-time -- and this time, free of nightmares.
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all-about-kyu · 2 years ago
𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝙽𝚒𝚗𝚎𝚝𝚎𝚎𝚗
𝙿𝚊𝚒𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚐 ➪ 𝚈𝚊𝚗𝚊𝚗 𝚡 𝚏𝚎𝚖!𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛
𝙶𝚎𝚗𝚛𝚎 ➪ 𝚏𝚕𝚞𝚏𝚏, 𝚑𝚞𝚖𝚘𝚛, 𝚊𝚗𝚐𝚜𝚝
𝚁𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐 ➪ 𝙿𝙶 𝟷𝟹
𝚂𝚞𝚖𝚖𝚊𝚛𝚢 ➪ 𝚐𝚘𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚝𝚘 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚜𝚊𝚖𝚎 𝚞𝚗𝚒𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚜𝚒𝚝𝚢 𝚊𝚜 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚋𝚘𝚢𝚏𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚗𝚍 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚊𝚕𝚕 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚏𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚗𝚍𝚜 𝚒𝚜 𝚏𝚞𝚗... 𝚞𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚕 𝚜𝚘𝚖𝚎𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚐... 𝚘𝚛 𝚛𝚊𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛 𝚜𝚘𝚖𝚎𝚘𝚗𝚎 𝚞𝚗𝚎𝚡𝚙𝚎𝚌𝚝𝚎𝚍 𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚜 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚕𝚒𝚏𝚎
𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚆𝚊𝚛𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚜 ➪ 𝚕𝚊𝚗𝚐𝚞𝚊𝚐𝚎
໑˖ ݁، ݁ ˖ 𖥔 ࣪ ˖ 𖤐ʾ ̨𖥔 ִ ་ ، ˖ ࣪◞ ໑˖ ݁، ݁ ˖ 𖥔 ࣪ ˖ 𖤐ʾ ̨𖥔 ִ ་ ، ˖ ࣪◞ ໑˖ ݁، ݁ ˖ 𖥔 ࣪ ˖
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໑˖ ݁، ݁ ˖ 𖥔 ࣪ ˖ 𖤐ʾ ̨𖥔 ִ ་ ، ˖ ࣪◞ ໑˖ ݁، ݁ ˖ 𖥔 ࣪ ˖ 𖤐ʾ ̨𖥔 ִ ་ ، ˖ ࣪◞ ໑˖ ݁، ݁ ˖ 𖥔 ࣪ ˖
𝙲𝙾𝙿𝚈𝚁𝙸𝙶𝙷𝚃 𝚂𝚃𝙰𝚁𝙻𝙸𝚃𝙼𝙰𝚁𝙺 𝟸0𝟸𝟹© 𝙰𝙻𝙻 𝚁𝙸𝙶𝙷𝚃𝚂 𝚁𝙴𝚂𝙴𝚁𝚅𝙴𝙳 — 𝚛𝚎𝚙𝚘𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐/𝚖𝚘𝚍𝚒𝚏𝚢𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚘𝚏 𝚊𝚗𝚢 𝚏𝚒𝚌, 𝚘𝚛 𝚙𝚒𝚎𝚌𝚎 𝚘𝚏 𝚘𝚛𝚒𝚐𝚒𝚗𝚊𝚕 𝚠𝚛𝚒𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚙𝚘𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚍 𝚘𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚋𝚕𝚘𝚐 𝚒𝚜 𝚗𝚘𝚝 𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚘𝚠𝚎𝚍. 𝚃𝚛𝚊𝚗𝚜𝚕𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜 𝚗𝚘𝚝 𝚙𝚎𝚛𝚖𝚒𝚝𝚝𝚎𝚍.
𝙿𝚛𝚎𝚟𝚒𝚘𝚞𝚜 ➪ 𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝙽𝚒𝚗𝚎𝚝𝚎𝚎𝚗 ➪ 𝙽𝚎𝚡𝚝
໑˖ ݁، ݁ ˖ 𖥔 ࣪ ˖ 𖤐ʾ ̨𖥔 ִ ་ ، ˖ ࣪◞ ໑˖ ݁، ݁ ˖ 𖥔 ࣪ ˖ 𖤐ʾ ̨𖥔 ִ ་ ، ˖ ࣪◞ ໑˖ ݁، ݁ ˖ 𖥔 ࣪ ˖
𝙽𝚎𝚝𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚔𝚜 ➪ @kwritersworld @k-vanity @kdiarynet
𝚃𝚊𝚐 𝙻𝚒𝚜𝚝 ➪ @ericssmile @jaehunnyy @brattybunfornct @notbeforelong @spiderrenjunfics @umbralhelwolf
𝚃𝚊𝚐 𝙻𝚒𝚜𝚝 𝚂𝚒𝚐𝚗 𝚄𝚙 ➪ 𝙶𝚎𝚗𝚎𝚛𝚊𝚕
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kyswoo · 4 years ago
Pentagon reaction
having a kid with them
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pairing: yandere!pentagon x reader
genre: yandere au, fluff(?), some angst idk???
request: "can you do a yandere pentagon reaction to having a kid with their s/o?"
masterlist 🌸
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the kid is like the physical representation of your love, so he will cherish them as much as he cherish you, the kid basically shows everyone that you are his
usually he treats your child really well and gives them everything they want, so they might become a little spoiled
but if the kid do something that annoys him he might yell and ground them
you have to tell him to not be so harsh on them since they're just a kid
since he doesn't want the kid to be afraid of him or something, he will give them something to make them happy
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you know he can get violent sometimes so you are afraid he might do something to your kid, so you are always around them
he gets jealous you give your child so much attention so he just ignores the kid whenever they come to him
your child might ask you something like "does dad hates me?", hearing it makes you feel so bad, so you try to make Hui pay more attention to them, he might give them some gifts from time to time but that's it
your kid ends up getting scared everytime you two argue because he can be really loud, so eventually they get afraid of bothering him and try to stay away from him
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he doesn't hates neither loves your child,
if they ask him something, like if they want to eat something or buy something he will gladly do it
but if they try to make a fuss he will just say something to scare them making your kid run to you crying
when you tell him to not say such things to your child he will just say he didn't said anything like that and tell you to control your kid better
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just like Jinho, he thinks the child is like a extension of you
so he will actually take good care of your kid, showering them with love
he would be like a very overproctive dad, not letting them out very often and controlling everything they do and every step they make
he will do everything he can to make them happy as well, because he knows you care about them a lot so if they are happy you will also be happy
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°•Yeo One
he will try to take good care of your kid, but he does get jealous whenever you give more attention to your child than him
he would get all pouty and you have to give him a lot of attention later
or else he would think it's all your kids fault and ignore or say something mean to them
besides that he would spoil your kid a lot so you think he is a good dad, but if you are not around he would just ignore them as well
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he won't pay a lot of attention to your kid too, if he is in a good humor he might buy them a gift or something
but he doesn't likes seeing you give them so much attention and leaving him aside
so if the kid does anything that annoys him he would take it out on you
"if you didn't spoil them so much I wouldn't have to do this" your kid starts being afraid of him doing something to you, so they are always quiet when he is around
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he is always taking care of your kid so you wouldn't give them too much attention and forget about him
so this way he can get more your attention than your child
if your child misbehave is all your fault because he treats them well, so you are the one that have to be punished
but he still tries to make you stay away from them as much as he can
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he actually likes the idea because it's one more excuse for you to stay with him
"I mean it's our kid, they need both their parents right?" he keeps saying this so you won't even think of leaving him
he is always close to your kid because that makes you stay close to him too
he tells your kid about how everything changed once he met you, so they might think it's a normal behavior to do what he does
(I wouldn't be surprised if your child became a yandere too)
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he doesn't really know how to take care of them so he usually just do what you ask him to do
he knows you would be upset if he didn't treat them well so he tries to spoil them as much as he can
if the kid throws a tantrum or something he will just ignore them and leave it for you
but whenever the kid needs something he will do everything he can to satisfy them
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milkybonya · 3 years ago
order 024, anon: large banana milk tea with grass jelly and pudding
word count: 1k+
summary: college!Yanan and y/n share the same elective class and have to work on the same assignment despite 'hating' each other
[a/n] do you ever just stop and think about how pretty Yanan is cause i just did that and now i feel faint,, he's so pretty that i'm light-headed and dizzy wowee
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"Yanan. Yanan is your partner. did you not hear me?" the ta says as you blink back at them in response.
they sigh and run their fingers through their hair, and you finally snap back to reality.
"Yanan... right," you say, looking down.
"yes, Yanan. i think i lost you there for a second, [y/n], but i'm glad you're back with us. Yanan is absent today, so i'd recommend contacting him somehow before next week's tutorial, because this assignment is due soon."
you: hi Yanan, this is [y/n] from that elective class we both have. we've been partnered up for assignment 2, wanna meet up sometime?
when days pass without a reply and the weekend comes, you get angry and decide to call him.
"hello?" a sleepy voice responds.
"yes, hello Yanan. good-damn-morning! it's 3pm!" you snap.
you can hear him move his phone away from his ear to check who's calling him.
"[y/n]? what's up, why are you calling me?"
"cause you're not answering your messages and we have a group assignment due in two weeks!"
"just let me know what i have to do and i'll get it done," he says.
"that's not how this works, you idiot. this is a theatre class and both of us need to be involved."
Yanan sighs.
an hour later, you're sitting across from him at a local café, angrily sipping your drink as he rubs his eyes and yawns.
"so what's the assignment?" Yanan asks.
"why didn't you check before coming?" you ask.
"did you?" Yanan retorts.
when you're silent, Yanan raises his eyebrows at you.
"okay! you've got me there! but i was there for tutorial and heard the ta explain it, at least," you say.
"okay, know-it-all," Yanan says, sticking his tongue out at you.
"anyways... we need to come up with a two person, one scene, one act play," you explain.
Yanan nods along.
"yeah okay sounds terrible, i am not doing this with you," he says, snorting.
"you can be the one to childishly beg to our ta for new partners, then," you say.
Yanan rolls his eyes, sighs, and leans back in his seat.
"you write the script and we can meet in two days to go over it?" Yanan suggests.
"me? Write it? Alone?"
Yanan nods.
"you're the good writer here, so i trust your judgement."
you can't tell if he's trying to push all the workload onto you or if he genuinely is complimenting you.
"i'll pay for the coffee in return. see you in two days," Yanan says before standing up to leave.
two days later, just as Yanan said, you find yourself sitting across from him on the ground in your cramped dorm room. his eyes scan the script you handed him just moments ago, and you feel nervous waiting for his reaction.
you want him to like it... why? why do you care so much about this boy whom you also hate so much? well, hate is an exaggeration, but...
you've always just had beef with Yanan for... not really any reason. he was cold to you when you first met him, ignoring you and being rude, teasing you and sometimes hurting your feelings with his jokes that went too far... so you're not fond of him.
Yanan has just always naturally felt the need to act that way around you, and he's not sure why. you're easy and fun to tease, and he likes seeing your reaction. it isn't fun for you, though, of course.
so, you wrote a script to get back at him for everything.
"so... i'm playing a dumb, clueness nerd and you're playing the smart popular person who is nice to me and helps me come out of my shell?" Yanan asks, pushing up his glasses.
"yes. i'm the hero of this story."
"of course you are. your ego is huge."
you sigh and push Yanan, telling him to stop fooling around and start reading the script aloud, already.
"okay, here i go," he says, clearing his throat.
he opens up one of your books that are laying around and acts like he's reading it. you nudge him, just like the script tells you to, and he looks up.
"not another person here to make fun of me for reading," Yanan mumbles with a pout.
you throw him a smile and pretend to lean in to see what he's reading. Yanan catches a whiff of your sweet scent and... why is the world spinning for him suddenly?
"ah, this book? i've read it before, it's so good!" you say.
"you... have read this?" Yanan asks.
you nod and pat Yanan's head. his scalp tingles at your touch.
"i know the class makes fun of you for reading, but don't listen to them. they're just picking on you because you're so pure and innocent. if anyone hurts you again, just come stand by my side, okay?" you say, grabbing his hand.
his heart skips a beat. or two. maybe three.
you let out a deep breath suddenly, letting go of his hand.
"damn, that was pretty good for a first run-through!" you say, smiling at Yanan and finally feeling like the two of you could get close.
"uh, yeah, but... i don't think i can do this anymore," Yanan mutters before standing up and leaving your dorm.
confused, you try to chase after him, to no avail. the hallways are empty and there's no sight of the tall, eye-candy (according to everyone) boy. you call and text him, but there's no reply.
he keeps up the silent treatment for days.
you get so worried that you try to find his dorm, and when you do, he won't open up no matter how much you knock and yell for him. it reaches a point where you get kicked out for being so loud in front of his dorm room.
you tell yourself you're only this worried because if he doesn't stop this then you'll fail your theatre assignment, but you're starting to feel like it's something else. is he eating well? is he sleeping? has he gone out for air? your mind thinks of questions like these and you can't focus on anything.
the day comes for you to present your theatre assignment, and Yanan isn't there. your heart hammers in your chest as one by one your classmates present and Yanan still hasn't showed up.
"[y/n] and Yanan?" your ta calls out.
you stand up, wondering how to tell your ta that Yanan isn't here, until someone calls out to you from the doorway of your classroom.
"[y/n]!" Yanan calls out, running towards you with a smile.
"let's present, and i'll explain later. i have everything memorized, so let's do this," he says, walking to the front.
you nervously trail along behind him, taking a few deep breaths before you start. it's just like that day in your dorm room, [y/n]...
you don't even know how you finished your presentation, but the applause snaps you out of your daze. hand in hand, you and Yanan bow before the class as the ta tells you that you'll receive your grade a week later.
after class, Yanan pulls you aside to have a word.
"[y/n], i'm sorry..." he starts.
"yeah, you better be! do you know how worried i was?" you say.
"you were... worried?" he asks, smirking slightly.
"but seriously, [y/n], i'm sorry. i was too preoccupied with myself and my own thoughts and i'm sorry about that... but i think i know now."
"you know?"
"that i like you," he says suddenly.
you look around and sigh in relief when no one's around.
"Yanan! you can't just say that."
"why? what's wrong with it? i like you, [y/n]," he says, even louder.
you lightly slap his shoulder and he giggles.
"but... why... do you like me all of a sudden?" you ask, and Yanan shakes his head.
"it's not sudden. i've always liked you," he says.
when you give him a confused expression, he smiles.
"i know.. i've treated you terribly. i think i was... kind of embarrassed of the way i felt and covered it up by teasing you, and i'm sorry about that," he explains.
"Yanan... how are you so honest?" you ask.
"because i reflected for 2 weeks about what to say to you?"
you laugh and Yanan laughs along, grateful for the release of tension.
"i... don't know what my answer is right now," you say, despite the fact that you feel like you're on cloud 9 and you're buzzing with energy.
Yanan nods, shifting in his spot.
"i'll wait for your for as long as you need. in the meantime... wanna go to a café with me or something? so i can make it up to you?"
"i doubt that'll be enough, but i'll gladly take you up on the offer," you say, following Yanan down the hallway.
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hansols-yoda-boxers · 4 years ago
Camp North Star - July 10th
AFAB!Reader x Yanan x Kang Hyunggu x Adachi Yuto
Word Count: 4814
Contents: dance studio sex, Yanan is an instigator, oral (giving and receiving), fingering (on reader and another member), protected sex, anal (not involving reader)
You and Yuto cheered as Hyunggu finished showing you the choreography he had been working on. He looked a little nervous but a cute grin spread across his face at your encouragement, first meeting you in the mirror and then turning towards you.
“I’m still working on it. I think it’s good but, you know.”
“I know that it’s great!” You said.
“It was really good,” Yuto agreed.
“Yeah, pretty cool,” Yanan added. “Could use more floor grinding though.”
You snorted while Yuto and Hyunggu laughed.
“Yanan, just because it can be sexual doesn’t mean it has to be.” You said.
“Au contraire,” He said. “It makes it much more fun.”
“You just want to see me grind on the floor,” Hyunggu snickered. Yuto and you burst out laughing at the surprised, even impressed, look on Yanan’s face. Quickly however, it melted into a smirk.
“Maybe I do.”
Hyunggu was still giggling as he walked closer. “Maybe I should do something about that.”
Whether Yanan was playing along or actually flirting you didn’t know. There truly was no way to know with him. Either way, he was giving Hyunggu a sultry stare which had Yuto and you leaning on each other as you giggled uncontrollably.
“Be careful what you start,” Yanan said as Hyunggu came within reach.
“I know what I’m doing.” Hyunggu reached down for Yanan’s hands. But Yanan moved too quickly for him, grabbing at his hips and trying to pull him onto his lap.
Hyunggu’s face went red and he stumbled back, falling to the floor as Yuto and you cackled. Yanan chuckled to himself as he stood from the couch, stretching his arms out a little as he looked down at Hyunggu who was still recovering.
“Well as fun as that was, I say it’s about time we get some music going.”
“I’m game,” you said, getting to your feet. 
Yuto followed suit. “Now I’m curious how you’re going to dance.” 
“It’s a treat,” Yanan grinned, wiggling his eyebrows before turning to the sound system. Yuto helped Hyunggu to his feet and you stretched out your arms as if you really knew how to warm up. There wasn’t much of a point to dancing. It was simply for fun, for goofiness. But Hyunggu let you into the studio, and Yanan and Yuto wanted to join. It was a plus to see Hyunggu’s choreo too, he was better than he gave himself credit for being.
The three of you turned your attention to Yanan as a particularly suggestive song started playing on the sound system. Yanan gave you all a suggestive look as he dimmed the lights a bit.
“Yanan if I didn’t know any better I would think you’re trying to start an orgy,” you chuckled.
“I would not put it past him,” Hyunggu said.
“Hey wherever it goes is where it goes,” Yanan chuckled.
You snorted but still started moving to the music. Hyunggu was quick to join in, seemingly recovered and ready to be cheeky again. As Yanan and Yuto started moving to the slow jam Hyunggu put his hands on his knees and threw his ass back. You all let out a laugh at the slow sensual twerk he was attempting but quickly you were joining him, giggling the whole time. Yuto couldn’t stop laughing at the sight while Yanan snickered before pulling Hyunggu up to standing.
Yanan rested his arm over Hyunggu’s shoulder as Hyunggu got closer, dancing up on each other. You couldn’t help but smile at the way Hyunggu kept giggling as you grabbed Yuto’s hand and pulled him up behind you. You swayed your hips, feeling his hand land gently in a sweet touch on your waist. You sunk into a squat as you danced, amused by the surprised look that crossed his face in the mirror.
Your attention went back to Yanan and Hyunggu as Yanan tilted Hyunggu’s face towards his and leaned in. For a moment it seemed that Hyunggu was going to kiss him before his face broke into a smile and he ducked out of the way with a laugh.
You stood back to your feet just before Yanan stole your dance partner. You felt Hyunggu come up behind you, taking your hips. You ground back against him while looking back over your shoulder.
“You’re bold for someone who chickened out on a kiss,” you chuckled.
He giggled into the back of your neck. “Shut up.”
“Oh! Looks like you’re the only chicken.” You said as you caught the sight in front of you. Yanan had been dancing with Yuto, a hand on his hip. But he had pulled him closer and despite the blush on Yuto’s face, he had let his eyes flutter closed as he locked lips with Yanan.
“What?! Awh man,” Hyunggu mumbled as he looked up and took in the sight.
You chuckled at him, swaying your hips a little more as he pouted on your shoulder. Still, he kept dancing with you, grinding against your ass, even if he was a little moody. His hands gripped your hips just a little tighter as he moved to the song, pressing a light kiss to the back of your neck.
Yanan pulled away from his kiss with Yuto looking very satisfied with himself. Yuto clung to him, catching his breath and a little reluctant to let go. Yanan leaned in, murmuring something in his ear. You couldn’t hear it from where you were but you could gather that it had to be suggestive from just how flustered Yuto became.
Yanan managed to get out of his grip, setting his sights on you. You heard Hyunggu let out a small whine as Yanan got closer, not quite ready to let go of you yet.
“Can I cut in for a moment?” Yanan asked.
“Sure,” Hyunggu mumbled. 
“Don’t worry,” Yanan chuckled as he took a hold of your waist, pulling you closer. “I’ll give them back, eventually.”
Hyunggu fully let go of you as Yanan pulled you, wasting no time in kissing you. You let your hands trail up his arms as you leaned into him, letting his tongue past your lips. You had to admit, he was a good kisser.
Yanan’s hands slid down your back and to your ass. You grinned slightly into his kisses as he grabbed at you, pulling you closer against him. And a laugh almost bubbled it’s way out of your throat when he pressed his hips into you and you felt that he was undeniably getting hard.
“You really are trying to start an orgy,” you murmured against his lips.
“I mean I’m banking on you being down, even if the others aren’t.” He replied.
“I’m down,” you hummed, meeting his eyes for a moment before he looked over your shoulder and snorted.
“I don’t think we’ll have trouble getting them involved,” he chuckled.
You spun around and let out a laugh as you caught sight of Yuto and Hyunggu pulling each other closer in the midst of a heated makeout. You felt Yanan wrap his arms around you, pressing against you and grinding subtly against your ass. He leaned his lips near your ear.
“I was hoping this would happen when I left them both frustrated.”
“You are something else, Yanan,” you chuckled.
“I know,” he purred before letting go of you. You followed him as he moved closer to them. The two broke apart, both blushing and flustered once they realized the attention was on them. Yanan let a hand trail down each of their arms.
“What do you say we turn the heat up?” He proposed.
It was almost comical how quickly the two started nodding. Yanan took Yuto’s hand and you wrapped an arm around Hyunggu, leading him to the couch. Yanan took Yuto to the barre that ran along the wall, kissing him and pressing him back against it.
Hyunggu had his bottom lip caught between his teeth as you pushed him back to sit on the couch. You leaned down over him, one hand braced on his thigh and the other landing in his lap. Your lips brushed against his and you smirked, staying just out of reach of a kiss as you started to palm his half hard cock through his sweats.
“You’ve been getting needy,” you murmured.
“Can you blame me?” He mumbled, his voice already a little breathy.
“Not at all,” you gave him the smallest of kisses before sinking to your knees. “Just sit back and enjoy.”
“I can do that,” a ghost of a grin was on his lips as he replied. You smirked up at him as your hands found the waist of his sweats. He lifted his hips, allowing you to pull them down along with his boxers. He sunk back into the couch as you moved between his legs, meeting his gaze as you wrapped a hand around his cock.
He let out a little sigh, but it was overshadowed by Yuto’s low whine. You pumped Hyunggu’s cock as you glanced over at them. Yanan was on his knees, a hand wrapped around Yuto’s cock as he moved his head, taking him into his mouth. Yuto was gripping the barre, knees a little weak as he leaned back into it heavily.
You brought your gaze back to meet Hyunggu’s as you took him into your mouth. The way his face contorted in pleasure, eyebrows knit and mouth hung open in a moan at the sensation had a rush of arousal running through your body, down your spine to your core.
You brought a hand to his thigh, squeezing the soft skin as you moved at a steady pace, hand around the base of his cock getting a little tighter. Hyunggu let out a steady series of moans as you took your time, not moving too fast. His eyes fell shut and his hand traveled to your head, tangling into your hair.
Hyunggu tried to urge you to move a little faster but you kept your pace slow. He let out a whine and you moaned around him in reply. He tried to press his hips towards you but you dug your nails into his thigh before pulling back off his cock.
“I told you to sit back and enjoy.” You teased.
He gripped your hair a little more strongly. “You’re going too slow.”
“I want you to savour it.”
“I’ve savoured enou-” his words broke off into another moan as you took him back into your mouth, humming around him. You moved just a little faster but slow enough to keep him frustrated.
His moans grew more and more whiny and desperate with each passing moment. His hips kept trying to move and each glance up at his face gave you the sight of pleasure on his pretty features.
Yuto’s moans were no better. They were still low but they were growing louder and louder. The tone was filled with so much desperation. And the sounds of your own mouth moving on Hyunggu’s cock were nothing to the sounds Yanan was letting. Lewd, wet sounds and gagging as he took Yuto’s cock into his throat.
You pressed your thighs together, so preoccupied with the sounds filling the studio. The symphony around had tremors running through you and your cunt aching for any kind of attention now.
Your gaze shifted back to Yuto as he shakily pushed Yanan back. From the edges of your view you could make out the smirk on Yanan’s face and the mess his lips had become, a string of saliva still connecting them to Yuto’s cock.
You brought your attention back to Hyunggu, watching the look on his face as you heard Yanan get up. He and Yuto came closer. Yanan sat next to Hyunggu on the couch and wasted no time in slipping his hand under Hyunggu’s shirt while kissing up the side of his neck. Hyunggu let out a particularly needy whine as Yanan started to tease his nipples.
You didn’t notice Yuto was behind you until you felt the gentle touch on your hip and then his chin landing on your shoulder.
“Do you want some attention?” His voice was still breathy but his tone was so sweet as he spoke. You gave him an “mhm” and felt his hand dip down. You let your legs press open a bit as Yuto ran his hand over your inner thigh, squeezing while pressing kisses to your shoulder. He brought it up to your waist before slipping it into the waistband of your shorts. His hand stayed over your panties as he started to rub slowly. 
You let out a moan around Hyunggu’s cock at the pleasurable feeling. Your hips pressed forward into his touch, aching for more of the sparks that shot through your body. The touch was everything you needed in that moment as you listened to Hyunggu’s whines, moving a little faster.
Hyunggu’s whines had climbed higher in his voice. You glanced up at him to see his head had fallen against the back of the couch. His chest was heaving with heavy breaths, Yanan’s hand still under his shirt, teasing his nipples, and lips on his neck.
You wrapped your hand more tightly around his cock, pumping the base faster now. Your hips were rocking into Yuto’s hand and the pleasure rushing through your own body had you moving faster, more desperately as you took Hyunggu as deeply as you could manage into your mouth, his moans only spurring you on more.
“F-Fuck,” Hyunggu’s hands pushed at your head, pushing you back off his cock before he could cum. “O-Okay, I-I don’t want to cum yet.”
“Why don’t we switch positions then?” Yanan murmured.
You all agreed quickly. You moved back to let Hyunggu get up. Yanan took his hand, pulling him around in front of him. Yuto helped you up onto the couch, staying on his knees and shifting closer. His hands ran over your shorts as Hyunggu kneeled in front of Yanan.
“Can I take these off?” He asked sweetly.
“Absolutely,” you hummed, lifting your hips. He pulled off your shorts and panties. You watched as he bit down on his lip while spreading your legs. His eyes flickered up to look at you.
“Can I?”
You grinned down at him, threading your fingers into his hair and pulling him a little closer. His hands found your hips, pulling them closer to the edge of the couch. He kept his gaze looking up at you sweetly while he leaned in, gently running his tongue through your folds with a quiet moan.
“Mmm, just like that,” you hummed. Yuto kept a slow, gentle pace and you let yourself enjoy the sensation while Yanan next to you let out a breathy moan. 
You gazed over, seeing Hyunggu between his legs, already taking a lot of Yanan’s cock into his mouth. His hands were wrapped around the base of Yanan’s cock and his eyes were trained up on Yanan’s, taking in his heated gaze. The sight alone was arousing and had you tightening your hold in Yuto’s hair.
You looked back down at him, feeling him move a little faster as his tongue lapped at your clit. You let out moans of your own, pressing your hips towards him. You could feel and hear every moan that he let out. His eyes had fallen closed and he had one hand squeezing at your thigh while the other trailed closer and closer to your core.
“I want to feel your fingers,” you murmured down to him, knowing he was already thinking the same thing. Yuto gave you a quick gaze, slightly smiling against you as he brought his finger to your entrance, teasing you a little.You keened forwards, hips pressing closer until he dipped his finger inside.
“Mmm fuck yes,” you moaned, letting your eyes slip shut. You rocked your hips forwards as he started to finger you, moving in slow thrusts at first but quickly starting to speed up. His tongue kept its steady movements over your clit and you reveled in the pleasure that was coursing through you, the coil starting to curl in your core.
You felt Yanan’s hand pulling up the edge of your shirt. You looked over at him, finding his heated gaze now trained on you.
“Can I take this off?” He purred.
“Mhm,” you nodded, sitting up a little bit. Yanan reached over and pulled your shirt up over your head. He threw it to the side and before you could tell him to take off his own, he’d captured you in a kiss. 
You gasped at the way he gripped your jaw, pulling you in for a messy kiss, both of you moaning into each other’s mouths. Your hands gripped at his shirt, Yuto keeping your hips from moving away from himself too much, eating you out a little more quickly now.
Yanan let his hands shift around your body to undo your bra. You grinned against his lips as you shrugged it off before bringing a hand back to Yuto’s hair, and the other slipped up under Yanan’s shirt.
He let out a breathy moan against your lips that had you feeling smug as you started to tease his nipples. The kisses between you were messy and full of moans but it made it that much hotter as you took in the sounds of both Yuto and Hyunggu going down on you both.
Any smugness was wiped from your system though, and you cursed against his lips, as Yanan pinched one of your nipples between his fingers, rolling it roughly. You pressed your chest closer to him, attention only pulling away as Yuto pressed more fingers into your cunt.
“Oh fuck,” you moaned, the only thing keeping you close enough to kiss Yanan’s hand on your jaw again. Your head was spinning and the coil in your core had grown tighter and tighter from Yuto’s movements. His fingers were moving faster now, lips wrapped around your clit, sucking harshly as Yanan teased your chest.
You cried out as you fell back against the couch, your orgasm washing over you. Your thighs pressed in around Yuto’s body, his fingers still moving into your dripping core. Yanan pulled his hands away from you, letting you fall away from him as your body trembled until you started to push Yuto back, then pulling him up to kiss you.
“That was so good,” you murmured breathily against his lips, hands holding his cheeks. You felt the couch shift as Yanan stood up.
“I-I’m glad,” even now he seemed a little flustered with the praise.
“You’ll have to do that again for me some time.”
Yuto giggled against your lips, nodding slightly. You kissed him a few more times before letting him pull back as Yanan came closer. He had a few things in his hands but threw a condom at the two of you. 
“Did you just have those?”
“I had one,” he chuckled. “I got the rest from your bag.”
“H-Hey!” You felt heat rising to your cheeks. Yanan rolled his eyes.
“You have them to use them, don’t you?”
You shut your mouth. He was right of course. That was why you had them in your bag. Still, you didn’t need the others to know you kept them in your bag.
“That’s what I thought,” he smirked. “Why don’t you two have some fun, I’m not quite done with Hyunggu yet.”
You watched as Hyunggu blushed deeply but took Yanan’s hand and got to his feet. Yanan took him over to the barre and you turned your attention back to Yuto. He still looked a little flustered but there was an eagerness to his gaze as well.
“Why don’t you sit down,” you said.
Yuto followed your suggestion. You were a little wobbly getting to your feet but it wasn’t for long. Just enough time to roll the condom onto Yuto while giving him a kiss before you kneeled on the couch, straddling his lap.
His hands found your hips, squeezing them a little as you took his cock in your hand aligning it with your entrance. You gave him another look, seeing the eager grin on his face. You held his gaze as you slowly sunk down on his cock, both of you letting out moans.
“Every part of you feels good,” you moaned against his lips. The way he giggled shyly was too cute and you pressed kisses to his face as you ground your hips down, still so sensitive from your first release.
A whiny moan caught both of your attentions and you gazed over you see Hyunggu holding onto the barre, already panting. His cheek was pressed against the wall and his ass pressed back as Yanan thrust a finger into him, already finding a quick pace. Yanan’s lips left bite marks on Hyunggu’s thighs and ass.
It was starting to work you up again. You savoured the feeling of Yuto’s cock moving inside you and how each movement sent pleasure shooting through your body. The sounds of his low moans mixed with Hyunggu’s whiny ones and breathy ones in the hot air, just making you all feel more and more turned on.
“C-Can you-” Yuto looked at you with heavily lidded eyes, hands squeezing your hips. You grinned at him as he blushed, pretty sure of what he wanted. Your hands came to his shoulders and you braced yourself before coming up and then fucking yourself down on his cock.
“O-Oh god,” He moaned, head falling back against the couch. “P-Please-”
“I’m not gonna stop,” you murmured to him. “This feels so good.”
 The sounds of your own moans were drowned out by Hyunggu whining out Yanan’s name. You gazed over to see his legs trembling a little as Yanan fucked two fingers into his ass. Hyunggu was pressing his ass back as much as he could and letting out yelps and cries as Yanan nipped and bit at his ass.
The more it turned you on the faster you fucked Yuto. His moans stayed low but grew louder as you came down on his cock, shifting your angle just a little until he was hitting just the right spot inside of you that had your eyes rolling back as you dug your nails into his shoulders,
“So f-fucking good,” your voice faltered as you moaned. “You feel s-so good.”
Yuto panted and moaned in response, squeezing your hips each time you spoke. His hips rocked up to meet you, making the sensation just a little better and you felt the coil slowly starting to curl in your core as your body edged towards it’s second orgasm, close to chasing your high again.
Lewd sounds filled the air. Each time you came down on Yuto’s cock you took in the sounds of skin on skin. The way he moaned a little louder when you came down a little harder. And the sounds of Yanan’s fingers fucking Hyunggu along with his desperate moans and cries of Yanan’s name.
Your legs trembled a little beneath you and you came down fully on his cock before grinding down on him quickly. You clenched around his cock, watching as pleasure contorted his features. His eyes were squeezed shut, mouth hung open in a series of moans and pants as you moved your hips.
You leaned down a little on him, your own eyes falling closed as you ground at just the right angle to rub your clit against his body. The feeling was heavenly and your head ended up against his chest as you started to chase your own high.
But your moment was cut short as Hyunggu let out a frustrated whine that drew your attention.
Yanan had pulled away from him and both you and Yuto were looking over at him. Hyunggu pressed his hips back but Yanan stood up, murmuring something to him before pulling him to the couch.
“I think it’s about time to swap.” Yanan grinned as you climbed off of Yuto’s lap. “Yuto, Hyunggu is dying for someone to fuck him.”
Both of them blushed and you held in your giggle at their reactions. Still, Yanan had Hyunggu bend over the arm of the couch, bracing his hands on it before he beckoned Yuto closer. You sat on the other couch arm and watched as Yanan murmured something to Yuto, making him even more flustered, but also giving him a certain fire in his eyes.
Your attention followed Yanan as he sauntered towards you, rolling a condom on. He pulled you up to stand, pressing your hips back against the couch as he kissed you roughly.
“I’ve been waiting for this,” he purred.
“I don’t blame you,” you grinned.
“You’re too cocky,” he chuckled.
“I simply match your energy,” you teased.
He pulled back from the near kiss, eyes full of both lust and amusement. “Shut up and bend over.”
You couldn’t help the grin that tugged at your lips as you did what he said. You braced your hands on the couch, feeling him grind against you. A moan left your lips as his cock ground through your folds. You met Hyunggu’s eyes, nearly close enough to kiss him until Yanan and Yuto pushed into both of you at the same time.
Gasps left your lips and Hyunggu’s arms immediately gave out, chest falling against the couch. Yuto seemed to give him shallow, steady thrusts at first but as soon as Yanan bottomed out he pulled almost fully out before slamming back into you.
“Holy fuck!” you cried, head falling forwards and eyes squeezing shut at the quick bursts of pleasure that shot through your body. Every thought left your head as he fucked you much harder than you were expecting.
The sounds in the studio only made your head spin more. Hyunggu let out a series of broken moans, gasping each time he felt particularly good. His hands reached out, grabbing onto you for some kind of purchase as Yuto started to go faster.
“Y-You’re so tight,” Yuto’s voice was low and breathy and both of you had been so close that you knew he was chasing his own high now. You could hear the way his hips had speed up and he was fucking Hyunggu a little harder.
But it was still nothing to Yanan. His hands gripped your hips strongly, holding you up even as your legs started to tremble. He thrust into you fast and rough. He let out his own groans that just mixed in the feelings inside you, pulling you closer to your edge.
Hyunggu let out a cry of Yuto’s name. You managed to lift your head to see Yuto reaching down to pump Hyunggu’s cock quickly. Hyunggu’s body started to shake and he squeezed his hand around your, face pressed into the couch cushions as he came hard. Yuto kept his hips, moving just a little faster, so close to finishing himself.
You felt one of Yanan’s hands leave your hip. It slid under you and pressed between your legs, quickly rubbing over you clit.
Your own eyes squeezed shut and you screamed out as you came, only barely hearing Yuto’s own moans as he released as well. Your legs fully gave out but Yanan’s hand and the couch under you held you up as he fucked you through your orgasm, through the ocean of bliss rushing through every inch of your body as it shook.
You could barely make the words to express how sensitive you were as he gave you a few final thrusts before stopping with a groan, releasing. You felt the tremor that ran through his body with his hips pressed against your ass.
You felt the couch shifting around but you couldn’t manage to open your eyes. You felt Yanan’s hands on you, much more gentle as he helped you shift around to sit on the couch. You felt your body sliding down as you panted before he sat beside you, pulling your legs across his legs and moving your head to rest on his chest. You could tell Yuto was moving Hyunggu around as well and he was murmuring sweet encouragements to him.
“You doing okay, dude?” Yanan asked gently. His casual words with such a sweet tone made you laugh as you blearily opened your eyes.
“Yeah,” you managed, “Yeah, I’m alright.”
“Good,” he said, patting your back. “Glad to hear it.”
You snickered at how awkward he sounded as you snuggled into his chest. Behind you you heard Hyunggu mumbling.
“Are we gonna do this again sometime?”
Yanan and you couldn't contain your laughter.
“I think you need some rest,” Yuto chuckled.
Yanan reached over to ruffle his hair. “I’ll start another orgy for you anytime,” he snickered.
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julyarchives · 4 years ago
Thicker Than Blood || (M) || Ch. 01
Growing up in a tough neighborhood had you learning to deal with hard situations, the occasion leads you to cooperate with the mafia organization that took care of your neighborhood - Pentagon. Looking after yourself and valuing your safety brought you to adapt to the moment, but the line between working for them and protecting yourself is very blurry when you are forced to live under their roof.
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→ Pairing: Pentagon OT9 x Reader
→ Genre: Smut; Mafia AU.
→ Words:  2.2K
→ Contains: Mentions of Alcohol; Mentions of Violence.
→ A/n: So this is our Pentagon Mafia AU Series! This story will be multi-chaptered and we will add more tags as the story goes on, we have big plans for it! We hope you guys like it and it is worth the wait!
→ Index: 01 • 02 • 03
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Chapter 01 - The Collectors
The cute jeans and red t-shirt you wore barely matched the bar you currently were on behind the counter. The place was quite nice but it was still too rustic for your liking, too brown and dark. Usually, the customers were rustic as well, and had a certain grumpiness to them, just like the place. You shrugged for the nth time while lost in thoughts. Working at a bar on a Tuesday night was the perfect situation for boredom, and bored you were.
Thinking back, you barely understood how you got the job anyway, walking in there one day to kick your friend's ass for drinking while you had a job to do with him and the owner liked your style. He needed someone behind the counter, you needed the money, it was perfect. You were rather young and sweet, you knew that often resolving some complicated shit and arguments in the bar but you also knew how to answer when needed and to take no one's shit home, you still stood up for yourself. Ok so maybe working at a bar was the perfect job for you.
Not wanting to dwell on how you wanted a better paid perfect job, you busied yourself by watching the entrance. It was Tuesday, so you've been kind of anxious the whole day waiting for them to show up. You almost gave your excitement away when two figures entered the bar and sat in front of you on the bar stools.
"Hello, boys. The usual?", you asked them with a bright smile.
"Please, Y/N".
"Right away", you chipped as you turned to get them their cold drinks. It'd be funny to see them drink a sweet cocktail instead of anything stronger if you didn't know them a bit better.
Wooseok and Yuto were young. Sweet and awkward boys that most older people liked and wanted to pamper. That's what you heard anyway whenever you spoke to the neighbors. You also knew they were attached to the hip, always together and always messing with each other. They had a third part to their best friend dynamic and you only saw him a few times at the bar, but you knew they clearly loved each other as brothers.
But that information didn't add up to the other information you had on the boys. The reason you expected them every Tuesday was because of their work. And that was what confused you. As every person in the region knew, there was only one force to respect and listen and that was the Pentagon gang. No, not a gang. It was straight down mafia business and these two cute young boys were their collectors. So every Tuesday they went out to collect the fee from every block and at the end, they'd crash at the bar to chat and drink something.
Seeing them every week made you realize how nice they were and quickly put the whole mafia business behind them. You, better than anyone, understood that you gotta do what you gotta do to survive. Since then, Wooseok and Yuto became more open with you and always brought back gossip when they had a good day. After all, mafia men were still men. Well, boys.
"Here you go, guys", you placed the drinks down and smiled sweetly.
"Thanks, Y/N", Yuto had a deep voice and it always managed to startle you.
"So, any gossip?", you chuckled and the boys followed, lowering their heads as if to share a secret with you.
"Guy from the butcher shop was working alone", Wooseok said, "caught his employee with his girl".
"No way!", you truly were shocked at the irrelevant news.
"Yep", he said while Yuto nodded. "Oh, and someone's trying to get inside our territory. We saw a warning at a wall, directed at us and, well, at all of you".
"What?!", you shouted and they looked at you like you just offended their entire family. You were confused. One, why were they telling you information that may be confidential? Two, how could they speak about something dangerous so casually?
"We have orders to let you know, actually", Yuto said as if he was reading your mind. "We know who these people are but not their faces. We thought maybe they'd start by frequenting a place where they can get more intel on our people".
"Here then".
"Hm, yeah", Wooseok nodded. "The warning only said to be careful who is loyal to us or the community would show us. We guess they want to turn people against us"
"More people, more money. An entire neighborhood against us wouldn't be controlled by usual methods. So, that's when you come in".
"If you're suggesting what I think you're suggesting, then no way". You were bold enough to talk back and they only raised their eyebrows at you.
"We only need you to be on the lookout for someone different", Wooseok clarified, "if there's at least one person asking the wrong questions about the community, you gotta let us know".
"Helps if we can identify a face", Yuto shrugged.
"Do I have a say in this?", you already knew the answer.
"As much as you do about our fee, Y/N".
"Fine. But if they come for me, I won't wait for your boys to come to rescue me. I'll bolt", you said with a sigh in defeat.
"You won't be alone", Wooseok said as Yuto typed away on an old phone. "You'll be getting a visit from tomorrow on, he's our shapeshifter, blends in wherever".
"If you have a guy like that, why put me to watch anyone?"
"Y/N", Yuto sighed and looked straight into your eyes. "We could burst into any safe house right now and do whatever we pleased with whoever was in our way. But we do value our community, that's why we got hold of this business in the first place. The bar is where everyone comes for information and you know that. Don't forget why you're behind this counter, to begin with. We need the bartender to do her job and chat with her customers as she does. The info will come to you".
"I-", you were starstruck and kept glancing from Yuto to Wooseok, hands on the counter. "I- this is the most you have spoken to me since we met". It came out accidentally and you wanted to slap yourself.
Wooseok laughed and Yuto smiled at you. You could feel the heat on your cheeks but only nodded to yourself, still processing everything. They finished their drinks in one big gulp and got up, Yuto nodding at you still with a cute smile on his lips, one that didn't match his previous words. Wooseok watched as Yuto walked out of the bar and chuckled at your expression that slowly was turning grumpy.
"I know you'll do just fine. It's not like us to put people in our business but to protect people, we need you", he was leaning forward, as if to make you see him and only him. "So, congratulations, you got promoted!", he laughed.
"Yeah, I'm the lookout kid", you definitely were grumpy now. "You need me to protect people but who protects me?".
"Me", Wooseok said a bit too fast. "I mean, Pentagon does. And you'll have the right company for that, don't worry. He'll be here tomorrow night".
Wooseok smiled at you again and turned away from you, leaving you to your thoughts. Why the hell was this happening? You got why this way was safer to find out who was behind the threat but you still were unsure. Well, it's not like you could say no without a valid reason. And apparently, your safety wasn't one.
You watched Wooseok leave and sighed. Getting their glasses to clean up, you kept thinking about all the things that could go wrong but also all the things that could go right. Part of you wanted to impress them and come out as a hero, it'd give you something else to do instead of just being the bartender. You laughed at the absurdity of it all and quickly shoved it all in the back of your head, deciding to let the future self deal with the situation and this guy who'd meet you tomorrow, slipping back into the boredom of a Tuesday night at the bar once again.
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Laying on your bed, your mind raced nonstop and you couldn't sleep no matter how much you tried. Yuto's words kept coming back and you felt even more deflated each time. "Don't forget why you're behind this counter, to begin with". You knew your upbringing was shitty and you had to fend for yourself a long time but you honestly thought that it didn't matter much until now.
Your parents fled when you were eight. They had some issues with themselves and suddenly having a family became too much of a cage for them and they fled. They left you with your grandmother and never came back. Your grandma was a saint, she was sweet and loving but she was sick enough to not be able to work, so you toughen up and started bringing money home by twelve years old.
You smiled thinking about how she raised you with such care and love that you managed to get that trait from her even if the streets treated you like shit. You discovered soon enough that all the love your grandma had was all the love you could get because no one liked a little girl who put her hands on whatever she could find to sell and get hers. You met a few people while you grew up and managed to turn out just fine even if it bruised you more than you liked to admit.
When you were around seventeen your grandma passed, you thankfully blocked whatever memory you had of her suffering and only focused on her happy memories. Since then you got her small and simple house and got more involved in the community, everyone who respected your grandma finally understanding why you were a kid like you were. Fast forward a few years and you got the job at the bar and things got a bit better.
You got up from the bed and scoffed at how things were mostly shoved on your face enough that you had to go with the flow every time. Fucking Pentagon taking over the neighborhood when you were a kid and now this. You heard more than participated in the whole protecting mafia business when you were younger, but the situation wasn't strange to you. Getting around in the streets you knew things and the most important one was to follow the organization's rules.
When you were twelve and started to hit the streets, you knew very well to not mess with the men from the org. But also soon enough you learned that the best way to earn anything good was to be on their good side. So you started to run a few errands for them and earned a good amount. Of course, you had nothing to do with them but still, it was a good connection. You didn't know much about the members in the hierarchy but you were sure that no one from the time you were a kid was still in their ranks.
You were sure mafia business was very harsh and violent but the boss was too violent once upon a time and things got out of hand. The neighborhood they swore to protect was being targeted and they brought the fight to all people. Fortunately, it ended after a few months of much fear and blood around the streets and you heard they all changed members. Rumor had it that it was their kids that took over when the parents died during the more violent times, at least in the high ranks. But you had stopped tending to them a few months before it went down so you had no idea for sure.
You only knew that Pentagon had a hard time getting people's trust again and started a more gentle approach with the community, hence why Wooseok and Yuto were dear to some people under their wings. They went over to everyone who had helped them directly and formally thanked and apologized for their trouble. Of course, they still terrified people who walked out of line and when the community respected them again, it was clear they were in charge. But now it seemed like they only cared about their own business and getting richer with their schemes instead of getting involved in a bloody gun war.
You realized you were standing in the middle of the corridor getting lost in thought and laughed to yourself before finishing the path to the kitchen to get water. The cold water helped you calm down and soon you were too busy sitting on the couch looking for any silly reality show to get lost into.
Halfway through the episode, you felt the sleep taking over you but being comfortable on the couch made you just pull a cover you kept there over you and stayed there, falling asleep in seconds. It was a very rough and long day, so you welcomed the slumber gratefully. Little did you know that while you succumbed to sleep in the living room, your phone buzzed in your bedroom, a small text that should be completely out of line appearing.
We trust you to do this safely but count on me to help. -WS.
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mymoodwriting · 3 years ago
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4k, smut, drugs, needles, pills, grinding, blue balls, fingering, eating out, yandere, supernatural, aliens, mind control, non-con, idk wot this is
“Pretty girl, wake up.”
    You lifted your head off the pillow, squinting at the blob in front of you. As you opened your mouth to speak you felt something push past your lips and then quickly melt onto your tongue. It tasted good, and a warm feeling spread throughout your body, a content sigh leaving your lips. A light chuckle somewhat echoed in your ears, and a hand came down to pet you.
“That’s a good girl.”
“Did you sleep well?”
“Did you dream of me?”
“I don’t know… I don’t remember my dreams…”
“Maybe I can help.”
    You were pushed onto your back, someone climbing on top of you and pressing their lips against yours. Kissing back was just natural, and you felt hands trailing down your body, tugging up your shirt.
    You giggled when you heard Yuto get hit by a pillow, pushing him off you and sitting up. You smiled at Kino.
“Are you jealous?”
“Always baby.” Kino crawled into bed, shoving Yuto further from you. “I don’t remember him being allowed to wake you.”
“Why not?”
“Cause I wanted you to keep dreaming of me.”
“Who said I was dreaming of you?”
“If not, let me make sure you do.”
    This time Kino was the one to steal a kiss, moving closer and closer until he had you under him, his body hovering just above yours. His crotch achingly close to yours, and you could feel something poking you.
“Ya! Ya! That’s not fair.”
    Yuto took his revenge by tackling Kino off the bed, and off you as well. You broke out laughing, letting the two fight it out on the floor as you went off to fight the one who had yet to greet you. Wooseok was at his desk, working on either music or something you couldn’t possibly understand. He was listening to some music, and as you got closer, able to hear it, you got giddy again. Pulling back his chair and taking a seat in his lap was the best way to say hello.
“Good morning.”
“Well good morning to you.” Wooseok grabbed your hips. “What are you doing up?”
“Yuto couldn’t keep it in his pants.”
“You don’t smell like sex.”
“Kino couldn’t keep it in his pants either.”
“I think they stopped fighting.”
“And you want them to come hit me for getting a lap dance?”
“You want one?”
“How much would it cost?”
“You know my price.”
“Only the best for my girl.”
    Wooseok stole a chaste kiss from you before reaching into one of the desk drawers, pulling out a blank pill bottle. He shook it in front of your eyes.
“Does my girl want to feel good?”
“I don’t need that to feel good, you can make me feel good, can’t you?”
“Oh I can, but this just makes it easy to fuck your brains out.”
    The chair suddenly turned and a mouth was at your neck. The two other boys had stopped fighting and came down to hunt you. Now you sat in Wooseok’s lap, back pressed against Yuto’s chest, his lips eager to mark you.
“It was dirty to leave.”
“I thought you might want to fuck Kino first.”
“My good girl is quick to go bad.”
“Is that true?” Wooseok teased. “Have you been a bad girl? Cause bad girls don’t get treats.”
    You tried to reach for the pill bottle but Wooseok held it away from you. Yuto quickly grabbed your hips, keeping you seated, and then decided to have his own fun. His grip was firm, and he started guiding your hips, having you grind down on Wooseok. You bit your lip, giving in more than fighting it.
“I guess you are my good girl. You like this?”
“Wooseok, give her a treat.”
    It took a second for Wooseok to register the words as he was lost in his own enjoyment. He got a pill and pushed it into your mouth, watching it melt as you let out little moans. Once the drugs kicked in Yuto took the chance to kiss you, easing his hold on your hips, but you didn’t stop. Wooseok took the chance to finish what his hyung had started, pushing up your shirt and exposing your breasts. His lips were soon around one of your nipples, sucking and making you shiver from the cold.
“Hyung, we gotta go back to the bedroom.”
“Why? You think you can make it back there without cumming in your pants?”
“I’m not gonna do it on the desk.”
“Fuck, I can’t.”
    Wooseok managed to shove Yuto off you, and then push the chair over to the couch. It was easy for him to just lift you up and lay you down, unbuckling his pants although Yuto came over and tried to shove him away.
“She was grinding down on me.”
“Cause I got her in the rhythm.”
“I’m about to-”
“Will one of you two fuck me!” You whined. “Kino!”
“Ya! Ya! Why are you calling him!” Wooseok complained. “You’re really asking for it.”
“Yeah, oldest first.”
    Yuto shoved the other away, knocking him to the ground and crawling on top of you. His lips were greedily kissing every inch of your exposed skin, a hand reaching down into your panties.
“You’re so wet.”
“Do something about it.”
“Kino!” Wooseok yelled. “Kino, get over here!”
“You too now? You brat!”
    Kino dumped a box of condoms on Yuto, making you laugh. He pulled the other off you, winking at you and then throwing the empty box at Wooseok.
“You two can at least remember the basics, even when y/n is being a needy bitch.”
“I would have gotten some.” Wooseok defended, throwing the box at Kino. “Don’t lecture me.”
“Whatever, something came up, we gotta go.”
“Bull shit, you just want-”
“We got a lead on Rocky. Let’s go.”
“Who’s Rocky? I think you’ve mentioned-”
    You were cut off with another kiss from Wooseok, missing out on the silent agreement the other two made.
“It’s nothing you need to worry about.” Wooseok assured. “We’ll be back later.”
    Kino came up from behind you, wrapping a hand around your throat and exposing your neck. You only struggled for a bit before you felt a needle prick your skin, submitting out of some weird instinct, or habit. Kino kissed your head, gently setting your head down on the couch.
“Get some sleep princess.”
    The first thing you registered was the faint music in the distance. You found yourself back in bed, in the moment unassured as to how you got there. Somehow you managed the strength to get out of bed, a blanket wrapped around you, and stumbled out of the room. Although you jumped and screamed when you heard gunfire. You crawled over and caught a glimpse of the boys.
    Kino’s back was to you, meanwhile Yuto and Wooseok had some guy tied up and gagged on the couch. Your scream didn’t go unnoticed, nor did your little attempt at peeking. You locked eyes with the man tied up, feeling something strange in the pit of your stomach, although when Kino approached you, gun in hand, you freaked out a bit and scrambled to your feet. You wanted to run but you were grabbed.
“Sh, sh, sh, easy baby, I’m no gonna hurt you.”
“What… what’s going on…”
“It’s just business baby, let’s get you back to bed.”
“No one important.”
    You were ushered back into the bedroom, Kino shutting the door. He sat you down, putting on some music, some of your favorites, and tucking you in.
“You’re still tired, so sleep. We got a surprise for you later, okay?”
“Okay… you’re not gonna…”
“Sh. Sleep.”
    The next time you woke the music was much louder, and you could tell those boys were having fun without you. This time you had a better reason to get up. As you leaned against the door frame you could see them dancing around, celebrating, and the guy that was tied up was now free, dancing around with them. It was hilarious, and you were about to make your presence known when you noticed Kino drop.
    You weren’t so surprised, that happened, but then Yuto and Wooseok followed. The happy atmosphere quickly died as the once hostage looked at the bodies and started dragging them out of sight. You slapped a hand over your mouth, unsure of what to do, or how something like this could have happened. Once all the boys were out of sight you quickly moved forward, and when you peeked around the corner you saw them being stuffed into the trunk of their car.
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    You couldn’t help but think they were dead, but something in your heart told you that wasn’t the case. You had to do something, like call the cops, but before you could run off you were pulled out of your hiding spot. You screamed, fighting the one who grabbed you, but the were quick to catch both your arms and hold you still.
“Stop it! Y/n, it’s me!”
“Huh? Do I… do I know you?”
“Fuck… we can talk about this later, let’s go.”
“No! Let me go! What are you-”
“Please, just come with me. Don’t make this difficult.”
“Who the hell do you think-”
    You suddenly found yourself in a choke hold, desperately struggling until your world started going black. You didn’t pass immediately, aware that you were picked up and put into the backseat of the car. You tried to fight again, scream, do anything, but you couldn’t and that’s when darkness finally swallowed you.
    You jumped awake, your thoughts running a mile a minute before hitting a wall. You laid back down, taking a deep breath and trying to stabilize yourself. When you were good you took in your surroundings, you were locked up. The cell was white, one wall glass. You couldn’t see anything outside, only darkness. Then a figure came into view.
“You’re awake.”
“Who are you? What the fuck is this? Where are the others!”
“Y/n, it’s me. You-”
“I don’t know you!”
“You do! You just… fuck, please, you have to remember.”
“Remember what? Where are my boys!”
“Can you not worry about those assholes for five seconds.”
“Where are they!”
“Y/n, focus! You-”
“Shut up!” You stumbled back, feeling dizzy. “Fuck…”
“I’m sorry, this is my fault. I should have stopped you.”
“Make some fucking sense or shut up.”
“I don’t know if now is-”
“Talk or shut it!”
“Fine, fine… you don’t remember… but I’m Minhyuk, Rocky, we’re partners.”
“We’re investigating Cerberus.”
“Investigating Cerberus? Why?”
“They’re drug dealers.”
“Drug dealers don’t get kidnapped like this! Who are you?”
“Government intelligence, like you.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“That’s what worries me the most.”
“You’re not making sense again.”
    You sat down, grabbing your head. You felt nervous, a headache coming on, and you started to wonder when your last hit was, which brought up the question as to how long you were out for.
“This is gonna be a lot, but Cerberus aren’t your average drug dealers. There’s something about their product that just… hits different, like nothing we’ve ever seen.”
“They make good shit.”
“That’s the problem. They don’t have enemies, the cops don’t even bother them, and they’re not secretive about their shit either, yet they’ve been untouchable for over a year.”
“Until now I guess.”
“I’m sorry.”
“For what?”
“This… you don’t remember but… you’re an agent with me… since everyone is so happy with Cerberus, we couldn’t find anyone to help us investigate, so we had to go undercover.”
“We moved into the neighborhood together… and we got connected to Cerberus. We were just supposed to collect samples but… shit went south real fast.”
“What… what happened?”
“You went to get some samples, we had to keep up the cover of being regulars, but they were in the middle of a party. You got dragged into it, and to keep your cover… you had to take something… and then you were gone…”
“I… I…”
    Your headache got worse, and you were starting to feel very ill. You collapsed to the floor, twitching a bit. Minhyuk didn’t hesitate to come into the room, screaming for help and doing whatever he could to make sure you were alright. You felt like your head was gonna explode, but that’s when the memories came flooding in.
“I’ll go.”
“No, no, I’ll go.”
“Come on, I can do this, buying drugs isn’t hard.”
“Yeah, but these guys are already weird, it’s too dangerous.”
“Then admit it.”
“Admit what?”
“You know what. I saw their files, they’re hot as fuck, and you don’t want me near them cause you think I’m gonna fall for them.”
“And what’s wrong with me protecting you from that?”
“Nothing, but it’s been a month now, it’s gotta be suspicious if you’re the only one getting the drugs if they know you have a girl. They have to meet me at some point or else they’re gonna think you’re lying.”
“Ugh, fine, whatever, go, but don’t stick around. Those guys aren’t normal.”
“No shit, if they were normal I’d wonder why we were doing this. I’ll be back soon, order some take out.”
“Got it.”
    You took the car and drove to the warehouse. This Cerberus group was really cocky, not really doing anything to hide themselves from the cops, but at least it made it easy to keep an eye on them. As you approached you could hear the loud music, but didn’t think much of it, until you walked in and realized there was a party going on. This was absolutely the worst time to come, and you knew you needed to leave immediately, but then Wooseok had an arm around you.
“Well, hello there, and who might you be?”
“Uh, Jesse… I’m with Rocky.”
“Ah, you’re his girl? I’ve heard about you, nice to finally meet you, come in, you came at the right time.”
“It’s okay, I wasn’t invited. I’ll just be going.”
“You came for a reason, right?”
“Yeah, to buy, but you’re clearly-”
“You like our stuff?”
“Yeah, of course, it’s good shit.”
“Then stay baby girl, have fun with us.”
“I’m good.”
“Hm… alright, you came to buy, so let’s get you set. Come with me.”
    You followed Wooseok into the warehouse. He kept his arm around you, pulling you along to a room in the back. On the way over he made some gestures to his partners that you didn’t notice, and they followed you too. 
“I don’t need much, just-”
    You were grabbed and shoved into a chair, Yuto holding you down while Wooseok tied down your arms. You tried to scream but Yuto’s grip was fierce, and you were worried he’d break you if you pushed him hard enough. Once you were secured the boys stepped away.
“What the hell is this? Some fucken-”
“Who are you?” Kino asked.
“A customer! Is this how you treat-”
“All our customers are happy.” Wooseok commented. “You may be buying from us, but you’re not using. It was never weird with Rocky, figured he was buying for you, but this, who are you?”
“What are you talking about? I-”
“Baby girl, we know who’s using our product.” Yuto said. “And you aren’t.”
“That’s ridiculous.”
“Last chance.” Kino warned. “Tell us the truth, or we’ll get it out of you.”
    You scoffed, glancing at all of them. You had to get out, fast, even if it meant blowing your cover. At least you were lucky these guys were amateurs, you easily escaped the bonds, throwing the chair at Yuto and bolting for the door. Although they reacted just as fast, Kino caught up to you and kicked you to the ground. He pinned you beneath him, glaring down at you with a fire in his eyes.
“You stupid bitch, you have no idea what you’ve gotten yourself into.”
“Let me go, you freaks!”
“Wooseok, bring me something strong.”
“Get off!”
“It was so easy to tell you weren’t on our drugs, you want to know how we knew?”
“I said-”
“Cause you’re not our bitch.”
    A needle went into your arm and you screamed again, but the sounds of the party outside meant no one would hear you. Again you tried to fight, but you felt a strange feeling starting to overtake you, a fog rolling into your mind.
“That’s it, don’t fight it, cause you can’t. Just listen to my voice, got it?”
“Who are you? What are you doing here?”
“I… I…”
“Be a good girl and answer me.”
“My real name is y/n… I’m a government agent sent to investigate Cerberus…”
Kino scoffed. “I figured. What do you know?”
“Very little… you guys just appeared on the market and are seemingly untouchable.”
“Yeah, what else?”
“Your drugs… it’s dangerous… it’s more than what you say…”
“Good instincts, you should have stayed away if you didn’t want to get involved like this.”
“What… what are you… doing to me…”
“We gave you… the raw formula, it opens up your pretty little mind. That’s why you’re aware of all of this, the stuff we actually sell, that’s the fun stuff, but don’t worry, you’ll get to try it soon.”
    The days blurred into weeks, the weeks into months, and slowly you forgot yourself. The night you were discovered they packed up and moved. This time they weren’t so open about their business, not like before, but they certainly kept you a secret, something only they could have. You got used to that, the drugs, and the boys blowing your mind every other day.
“What are you working on?”
“Some music, why?”
“You sell drugs and make music, an interesting combo. I don’t get it.”
“You want to?”
    Kino pulled you into his lap, putting his headphones on you, kissing you as well.
“Our drugs put you in the right mood. So when I play this…” He played a certain clip and it just made you happy. “You melt, cause my voice is just that sweet, resonating with your mind and making me irresistible.”
“You were some big shot secret agent, and now look at you, our biggest accomplishment.”
“You so easily fell under our control. If you can’t resist, how can anyone else?”
“But… drugs and music… it still doesn’t…”
    Kino changed the music, and you giggled, leaning against him and cuddling. He pet your head, taking the headphones off.
“We don’t need the drugs or music to do what we want, it’s just more fun this way.”
    You gasped awake, out of breath. Minhyuk was still by your side, other medical officers there as well. You were still processing everything, unaware of the scene change.
“Y/n, are you okay?”
“You need to isolate them… no interaction… and mute them.”
“What are you talking about?”
“It’s not just the drugs… it’s not the drugs at all, they… they… mind control… has the government known this whole time? Is that what they-”
“Hold on y/n, take it easy. We’ve been studying their drugs, remember? We can counter-”
“It’s not the drugs!”
“What are you talking about?”
“It’s them… this is what they wanted…”
“They’re far smarter than we thought… they could take over so easily… but they just wanted to have fun… until we stuck our nose in their business…”
“Now you’re the one not making sense. Y/n, what do you mean?”
“How did you get them here?”
“I managed to get back on their radar and they came to me as I planned. They’re junkies so it wasn’t so hard to drug them.”
“That’s what you think… what was the fucken plan?!”
“To talk to them first and then maybe-”
“We have to go.”
    You got out of bed, but you only took a step before collapsing. Minhyuk picked you up, getting you back in bed.
“Easy, you’re going through withdrawal. They’ve really been pumping you full of drugs these last few months.”
“Months… I don’t…”
    The light suddenly went out, emergency lights coming on. Your mind was still swimming with memories of being with them, and what they did to you. It was freaking you out, but you knew you couldn’t stay put.
“We need to get out of here.”
“Don’t be stupid baby.”
    You swallowed nervously when you heard Yuto’s voice. It shouldn’t surprise you he had found his way to the infirmary, where you were. Minhyuk was quickly on the defensive side, standing in front of you.
“How did you escape?”
“It’s easy. Baby, hold him down.”
    Without really meaning to you grabbed Minhyuk’s arm and held it behind his back, shoving him onto the bed, holding him down.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I can’t-”
“Yes!” Yuto cheered. “It works like we theorized.”
“What did you do to me!”
“You think all those months with us was just fucking and fun, it was good to have a little guinea pig. Spend enough time with a subject and it seems you can deeply brainwash them. I don’t need to take full control to have you wrapped around my finger.”
“I’m assuming you remember somethings, right?”
“You remember the drugs are just our creation, right?”
“I don’t need to pop a pill into your mouth to turn you into a good girl.”
“Just a kiss…”
“I had something else in mind. Knock him out.”
“I’m sorry.”
    You did as you were told, hating every second of it. You didn’t even get the chance to feel guilty before Yuto pinned you to the wall. He looked you over, a hunger in his eyes.
“Should we just go back to having fun, or should we do what you humans are so afraid of.”
“Please… please let me go…”
“We didn’t just keep you cause we wanted to run tests, you’re good. Smart girl we can make stupid, a good little girl who will do whatever her oppas tell her. Sounds like a much better life, don’t you agree?”
    Yuto didn’t wait for an answer, ordering you to stay still. He tugged down the shorts you were in, along with your panties. His cold fingers rubbed between your folds, massaging your clit to get you excited. You were hating yourself for enjoying it so much, and he knew.
“Conditioned by pleasure too, such a good girl.”
“Sh, just a kiss, and you’ll be happy. Stay still and have fun.”
    When Yuto knelt down a million things went through your head, but it was too much for anything to get past your lips. He grabbed your thighs, his warm breath right against your core. You knew what came next and there was no stopping him. He teased, kissing your inner thigh, a nibble here and there before he dove in.
    You screamed out his name, your mind dropping into the bliss of submission in an instance. In the moment you focused on nothing but the pleasure, unable to stop yourself from grinding down on his tongue, wanting him deeper, wanting to feel more of him.
“Please… please…”
“Hm? Please what?”
“Cum… I wanna cum…”
“I know babe, but not here.” Yuto got up, kissing you so you could have a taste of yourself, of your own stupid submission. “There’s a lot to think about. Us that is, you don’t need that brain.”
“There you are.” Kino entered the infirmary with Wooseok. “Security has been dealt with, what about her?”
“I got our girl. She might be needy right now though, anyone got a condom?”
“Plenty.” Wooseok scoffed. “Let’s get out of this hell.”
“Right, come on baby, we’ll have more fun later. All of us together, sound good?”
“Yes please…”
“Good, that’s our good girl.”
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kpoppwriter · 4 years ago
We Got Married! First Date - Yanan
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❧ Genre: fluff
❧ Words: 907
❧ Tag List: @chanyeolol , @mashtons-unicorn , @brbkpop
❧ A/N: lmao it’s been 84 years since I’ve written for this series but I’m back!! I actually got some requests for this series and I will be doing those once I finish this first date part for each member
We Got Married Masterlist~
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As the fountain got into your field of vision, you stopped. You started getting cold feet, too nervous to keep going. You heard your phone chime.
? - I’m waiting for you, wife~
You kind of let out a squeak, the text catching you off guard. You siked yourself up enough to walk over to the fountain. You didn’t see anyone when you got there. You walked around, seeing if there was someone sitting on the other side. You spotted someone dressed in a suit on the other side sitting with a bouquet of flowers. You gasped quietly as they got up, recognizing them right away.
“Oh! Hello,” you said shyly
“Hi there.”
Stood before you was the Prince of Shanghai himself, Yanan of Pentagon. It was evident that he was nervous, the slight sheen on his forehead and the way he wouldn’t look you in the eyes made that very clear. He extended the bouquet of flowers towards you and you happily took them. 
“Thank you,” you smiled, “I’m Y/N of Y/G.”
“I’m Yanan of Pentagon.”
“I know. i’m actually a fan of you guys.”
Yanan’s eyes widened clearly taken aback by that admission. A soft pink blush appeared on his cheeks as he said a simple thank you. You both stood there for a moment in awkward silence. After what felt like forever, Yanan finally spoke up and suggested going to a cafe down the street that he knew about. You happily agreed, letting him lead the way.
The two of you left the park and headed towards the cafe. It was a rather quiet journey, neither of you talking on the way. You just chocked it up to nerves. You arrived at the cute little cafe a few minutes later. You sat down at a table in the corner of the cafe that was a bit away from the other patrons. Yanan asked for your order then went up to the counter. He came back a few minutes later with a drink for both of you.
“Thank you,” you said as you sipped the drink
“You’re welcome.”
You both sat and sipped on your drinks in silence. You could tell the producers were starting to get a bit antsy because of how quiet you both were being. Can they blame you though? This whole thing was rather intimidating and nerve wracking. One of the producers spoke up to clear the silence and start some sort of conversation between you.
“What would you be doing for a job if you weren’t an idol?”
You thought about it a moment. You hadn’t been asked that before and weren’t quite sure how to answer. Yanan, on the other hand, had an answer ready.
“I’d be an air steward.”
“Really?” you looked at him in surprise, “I would’ve never guessed that.” 
“I know it seems a little out there,” he giggled 
Seeing that smile paired with that breathy giggle made your heart flutter a bit. You mentally slapped yourself for actually getting charmed by him. This was just a show and he was just doing this for the publicity not to actually get into a relationship. You took another sip of your drink to calm yourself. 
“What about your love lives? Have either of you dated before?” the producer asked 
“I actually haven’t dated before,” Yanan admitted, “I was too busy with school and training to date.” 
“That’s very admirable. I was never good at studying. Then again, I didn’t like it very much,” you laughed 
“I never liked studying either.”
The rest of your time together was rather nice. The producer didn’t need to step in anymore to start conversations. The two of you were more than able to keep the conversation going on your own. You even forgot you were filming for a while. It wasn’t until the director called cut that you remembered you were filming something. You and Yanan were shuffled off to your cars and headed to your next destinations. For you that would be your dorms as you were done with your schedule for the day. You barely got to say goodbye to Yanan before you were being carted back to your home. As you were pulling up to the dorms you got a text. A small smile spread across your lips as you realized it was from Yanan. 
Y - Hey Y/N 
Y - I just wanted to apologize for earlier. I get nervous in front of the cameras
Y/N - Hey, no worries! I get it. 
Y/N - I was rather nervous myself 😅
Y - I really enjoyed today, by the way
Y/N - I did too ☺️
Y - ...
You watched the little three dots disappear and reappear on your screen. Even though it made you nervous to watch him continue to type and delete something it was also kind of endearing to see him nervous, like he was trying to impress you. You mentally smacked yourself again trying to get the idea of being something real out of your head. 
Y - I can’t wait to see you again
Your heart fluttered when you read the simple text.
Y/N - I can’t wait to see you again too 
You shut off your phone and shoved it into your coat pocket. Your mind was a whirlwind of mixed emotions as you walked up to the building where your dorms were located. What have you gotten yourself into? 
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adachicuto · 3 years ago
fall with yan an
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warning: food mentions
stocking up on your favorite flavors of tea and also trying a bunch of new flavors pretty much every week. you’d always start your mornings with a hot cup of tea and end your some of most stressful days with it, too
yanan would definitely be able to tell how you’re feeling after a long day and he’d wait at home for you with your favorite tea to lift your spirits. it would work but seeing his smile and having him comfort you would be what really helps you feel better
can you imagine visiting a pumpkin patch with him? i think it would confuse peopel and having them questioning if it’s a pumpkin patch or a fall fashion show even though he’d probably be wearing sweatpants and a hoodie bc he’s just so beautiful and yeah lol
running outside together when the first of the cool weather would finally come in and laughing like kids when he’d try to jump into a pile of leaves and the smile on his face would be priceless
sitting and taking in the warmth of your home and maybe he’d sing for you and it’d be the sweetest thing. his voice is just so soft and soothing and would always help you feel at ease
when it’d be too cold to go out, yanan would spend some of the day teaching you how to play the piano. he’d be very patient with you if you’d have trouble and would be so proud when you’d learn to play one of your favorite songs, even if you’d think it wasn’t that great
being wrapped in a pile of blankets on the couch while you’d watch a movie or show but one of you would end up falling asleep before the end of the show/movie but it’d be okay bc sweet little kisses would be placed on one of your heads
taking advantage of all of his hoodies and yanan would find it so cute how they’d all be pretty big on you. sometimes whenever he’d get home from work he’d find you asleep on the couch or in your shared bed with one of his hoodies on
whenever you’d have time, the both of you would try a few fall-inspired baked goods and the little sound of excitement that yanan would make whenever the recipe turned out okay would be so cute
you and the rest of ptg would plan a really nice birthday dinner for yanan and changgu would be in charge of keeping him away for a few hours. when they’d finally make it your place and yanan would realize what you all did, he’d have the biggest smile on his face
he’d appreciate everything so much and would make sure to thank everyone involved, especially you bc he’d love you so so much and not just for planning a birthday dinner but for always being by his side and helping him through tough times
fall with yan an would be so soothing and warm. it would feel like finally being able to lie down in the warmth of your bed after a long day and being able to rest
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