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КЪДЕТО ИМА ВЛАСТ НЯМА ЛЮБОВ (WHERE THERE IS POWER THERE IS NO LOVE) — an environment of words, created by Stefan Ivanov and Rosie Eisor.
size: 90cm x 122cm x 2cm
medium: 100% acrylic yarn
year of production: 2022
This artwork was part of the project WITH YOU, that emerged during the first edition of Center For Social Vision and its public program NEGOTIATION, and that was on view at Swimming Pool gallery, in Sofia from April 16th to June 18th, 2022.
Stefan Ivanov about WITH YOU: "Words and questions in the air and on walls, on record, cloth and paper – about the possible conversation and the desired meeting. About caring and hating, about responsibility and the lack of it. About the difficulty of seeing the face of a person, known or unknown.”
photo: Yana Lozeva
#Rosie Eisor#Stefan Ivanov#stefanivanov#rugs#textileartists#textileart#textile#tapestry#swimmingpoolgallery#exhibition#centerforsocialvision#sofia#contemporaryart#words#poetry#tuftedrug#tuftingart#yanalozeva#килими#стефан ивано��#роузиейзор#текстил
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Какво може да видите в Swimming Pool до 18 юли всеки понеделник, 18:00 – 21:00 вход свободен
През следващите дни ще ви запознаем с проектите, които са резултат от първото издание на “Център за социална визия” и публичната програма "Договаряне".
Проектът С ТЕБ на Стефан Иванов в сътрудничество с Rosie Eisor добива формата на среда от думи, включвайки текстилни произведения, както и поетично изследователско есе, което може да прочетете или чуете.
Стефан Иванов за С ТЕБ:
"Думи и въпроси във въздуха и по стени, на запис, плат и хартия – за възможния разговор и желаната среща. За грижата и омразата, за отговорността и липсата ѝ. За трудността да видиш лицето на човек, познат или непознат."
Повече за ДОГОВАРЯНЕ и проектите тук!
What’s on view at Swimming Pool until July 18 every Monday, 6 pm – 9 pm free entry
In the coming days we’ll introduce you to the projects that emerged during the first edition of the Center for Social Vision and its public program Negotiation, and that are on view at Swimming Pool.
WITH YOU by Stefan Ivanov and in collaboration with Rosie Eisor takes the shape of an environment of words. It includes textile works as well as a poetic essay that can be read or listened to.
Stefan Ivanov about WITH YOU:
“Words and questions in the air and on walls, on record, cloth and paper – about the possible conversation and the desired meeting. About caring and hating, about responsibility and the lack of it. About the difficulty of seeing the face of a person, known or unknown.”
More about the projects and the public program NEGOTIATION here!
Stefan Ivanov & Rosie Eisor, With You. © Swimming Pool and the artists, 2022. Photo: Yana Lozeva
#negotiation#centerforsocialvision#swimmingpoolprojects#swimming pool sofia#Stefan Ivanov#stefanivanov#Rosie Eisor#rosieeisor#rosiedoesrugs#yana lozeva#yanalozeva#exhibition#rugs#textileart#text
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