briefbestiary · 1 year
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The nocturnal demon that wanders the countryside, his appearance is that of a wild man or troll.
Interestingly, his candle-holding hand has been compared to the Hand of Glory legend.
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By the way, what's your favorite Breton or French legendary creature?
oh, i have weakness for morvac'h (the fire breathing black as night horse that walks on the sea, if you don't know), but my favourite is probably Yan-gant-y-tan! He's a demon that is functionally like a will-o'-the-wisp, in that he uses the flames on his hand to get people lost at night (although i think there are some stories of the opposite happening where he helps people find their way? i need to find the source though). I made an entire OC based on this myth because I think it's so very cool lmao
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imclicheyo · 1 year
The Dictionnaire Infernal Demon Sigil's aren't all recorded but we sure do have Depiction artwork for every mentioned demon from A to Z:
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𖤐 Abbadon/Apollyon
𖤐 Abigor/Eligos
𖤐 Abraxas/Abracas
𖤐 Adramelech
𖤐 Aguares
𖤐 Alastor
𖤐 Alocer
𖤐 Amduscias
𖤐 Amon
𖤐 Andras
𖤐 Asmodee
𖤐 Astaroth
𖤐 Azazel
𖤐 Bael
𖤐 Balan
𖤐 Barbatos
𖤐 Behemoth
𖤐 Beleth or Berith
𖤐 Belphegor
𖤐 Beelzebub
𖤐 Bhairava / Beyrevra
𖤐 Buer
⛧ Caacrinolaas
⛧ Cali
⛧ Caym
⛧ Cerbere
𖤐 Deimos / Deumus
⛧ Eurynome / Euronymous
⛧ Flaga
⛧ Flavros
⛧ Forcas
⛧ Furfur
⛧ Ganga / Gramma
⛧ Garuda
⛧ Guayota
⛧ Gomory
⛧ Haborym
⛧ Ipes
⛧ Lamia
⛧ Lechies
⛧ Leonard
⛧ Lucifer
⛧ Malphas
⛧ Mammon
⛧ Marchosias
⛧ Melchom
𖤐 Moloch
⛧ Nickar
⛧ Nybbas
⛧ Orobas
⛧ Paimon
⛧ Picollus
⛧ Pruflas/Busas
⛧ Rahovart
⛧ Ribesal
⛧ Ronwe
⛧ Scox
𖤐 Stolas
⛧ Tap / Gaap
⛧ Torngarsuk
⛧ Ukobach
⛧ Volac
⛧ Xaphan
⛧ Yan-gant-y-tan
⛧ Zaebos
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balzabul · 6 months
diverging today from solomonic demons with Yan-gant-y-tan, a Breton equivalent to Will 'o the Whisp who roams the night delivering misfortune (or a guiding light if you're lucky and he's feeling nice). I don't know how lights work.
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petrvyhlidka · 20 days
Breton will-o-the-wisp, native to the department of Finistère. It is said to be distinguished from other large hairy woodland men by the five candles in its right hand. A quick twist of the palm and one sees a wheel of fire. It is bad luck to see him unless you bribe that bogeyman: just leave a small bag of gold coins unattended and Fire John will grab it and disappear.
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doompop · 4 years
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asmaroth · 3 years
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karis-spencer · 5 years
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Lurking deep in the woods in the dead of night is a sorrowful women. Dressed in off white, she carries a lantern searching for someone.
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postpunkindustrial · 3 years
Anatomy of the Heads - Jungle Cult Terror
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thegodwhocums · 3 years
pulled some new year's resolution inspo cards on Friday
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what to issues to focus on - Lubanko Tarot, what to do about them - Herbcrafter's Tarot, and just a little guy - Daemon Tarot
Dog was very helpful
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4 of pentacles: stability through care and planning, security through control. tight grip on finances and life.
the hermit: quiet knowledge and understanding. time apart for self examination and growth. withdraw from the daily noise. walking meditation. learn from those with greater knowledge and peace.
queen of wands: intimidating, fearless, strange charisma, inspiring, unstoppable. boss bitch.
wheel of fortune, the kitchen garden: the promise of a garden is change. some things are beyond your control - find the pattern in the chaos. responsive diligence. create a living altar!
the hermit, usnea: rest and stillness are good medicine. clarity in places free of others' ideas. listen for own voice.
three of fire, calendula: take joy in play! playful creativity is infectious. these are exciting times: explore, be decisive and expressive. commit to goals and step into leadership with passion.
yan-gant-y-tan: his candles can aid lost travelers, or lure them from the path. if you are already on the right path, little good can come from wandering off of it, but if you're already lost, any light in the darkness may be of some help
I love the "did I fucking stutter" hermits. note taken, thank you
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laurasimonsdaughter · 4 years
I’ve grown up witnessing signs of big foot or hairy man around my mountainous backyard but have never been able to ask anyone for actual facts about him... wanna lay some on me? ( USA)
Oh darn, I actually don’t know a lot about cryptids!
From a folklore perspective Bigfoot is interesting to me, because he seems to be a strange melting of stories.
My knowledge on the matter is limited, but I have read that most of the Native American and First Nation tribes in North America have information in their oral tradition about specific creatures, spirits or apparitions that are described as particularly large, hairy and either extremely shy of humans or actively antagonistic towards them. I specifically saw references to the Lummi, the Sts'ailes, the Nlaka'pamux, and the indigenous peoples of the Northwest Plateau. Moreover, the alternative name “Sasquatch” is apparently an Anglicisation of the name Sasq’ets, from the Halq’emeylem language spoken by First Nations peoples in southwestern British Columbia.
These indigenous beliefs decidedly did not include the “looks like an ape but with really big feet” description that American miners, trappers/hunters and later loggers reported, but it is certainly close enough to make the mental leap.
The idea of an imposingly large, (mostly) wild and often hairy wanderer in the woods is present in folklore from all over the world. There is Enkidu from the Mesopotamian Epic of Gilgamesh, who ends up being much more man than wild. But some, like the Leshy from Slavic mythology, were absolutely inhuman, spiritual protectors of the forest. Others, like the Breton yan-gant-y-tan have more specific attributes besides being large and hairy, such as always carrying a light.
The point is, the feeling that Something Big Is In This Forest With Me is a very prevalent one. Later this became specifically linked to the idea of “wildness” in some places. Stories, but specifically art of a “wild man” or “forest man” were spread liberally around Medieval Europe. They usually did not do much more than being imposing and an obvious opposite to what was expected of society. As such they were often depicted naked, but with lots of hair, and said to be exceptionally strong.
It’s probably this type of images that the European colonisers had in the back of their mind when they ended up in America and found themselves in an environment that must have seemed particularly suited for this kind of creature. I have no idea how much crossover occurred between this European imagery and the indigenous beliefs, but it is certainly fascinating!
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lonelyleliel · 6 years
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#autumntarot Day 30: In what ways can I best inspire others around me? Answer: Yan-Gant-Y-Tan - you have the ability to guide others, but balance this by making sure you aren’t distracted. Shine a light for others if you feel it’s right, but beware of distractions Day 31: I wish to look upon my world with a new perspective, and feel a greater sense of connectivity. In order to make this my reality, where must I focus my energy? Answer: Trust your internal wisdom, your intuition, fully. Pay attention to your clairvoyant abilities (vision and dreams) and consider the way their true meaning should be applied to reality. I forgot the tarot I was using when I was going on a trip lol but that’s okay because this is a nice ending to this #dailytarotchallenge ! The daemon tarot is so awesome lol and I am grateful to the spirits who have joined me during these readings granting so much wisdom with honesty. 🖤 https://www.instagram.com/p/Bpmsqa3nFOp/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1kbk9971m38kf
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duwynaidh · 5 years
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𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐢𝐬 𝐚 𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐞𝐞𝐤!
Of all in Victini’s court, if any of his fae could be described as malevolent, it would be Yan-Gant-Y-Tan. Despite Victini reigning in his more ruthless traits, Yan-Gant-Y-Tan is frustratingly obtuse and often haunts houses that attempt to inhabit areas too close to Victini’s territory. His appearance is usually seen as an evil omen, one that heralds misfortune. When his candles are spun like a great wheel, they say that someone in the home will soon meet a grisly end.
Not all of Yan-Gant-Y-Tan’s actions are wicked, though. He sometimes makes his appearance to travelers in the woods, and offers them his five candles as ways to light their way in the darkness. Childishly cruel, Yan-Gant-Y-Tan is never to be trusted, for there is no way of knowing if he intends to light the way, or send a poor soul into the woods, never to be seen again.
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hiddenpeople · 7 years
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altamontpt · 7 years
A noite passada, um trio maravilha levou-nos ao céu por uns momentos. Yan-Gant Y-Tan, Gregg Kowalsky e Jon Porras tomaram controlo da Galeria Zé dos Bois durante duas horas e meia para a levar a níveis estratosféricos.
Noite sensasónica na ZDB. Para ambientar os tímpanos, o português Yan-Gant Y-Tan fez uso de guitarra e pedais para tecer uma malha de texturas líquidas e apaziguadoras, a fazer lembrar William Basinski no seu genial Watermusic II (2003). Brechas de luz, vislumbres sombreados, o som respirado e sereno de um verão calmo. Vento, água, lentamente as partículas se agitando num uníssono luminoso. Yan-Gant Y-Tan maravilhou e brilhou, fazendo-nos entrar num caldeirão tranquilo de memórias esbatidas e esvoaçantes.
Na apresentação do recente L’Orange, L’Orange (2017), Gregg Kowalski synthonizou os nossos ouvidos, apresentando-nos diferentes propostas de sons e silêncios ambientalmente unidos. Calmos drones eram pontuados por ocasionais ruídos e interrupsons cor-de-laranja, essa cor tão própria do género fundado por Brian Eno. “That’s the color I started to hear when I mixed these tracks”, diz-nos Kowalsky na apresentação do seu último trabalho. E pelas linhas turvas da sinestesia vimos e ouvimos esse laranja.
Por fim, a John Porras coube a tarefa de nos dar a estalada final. Um drone antropológico iniciou a viagem, pontuado por notas madeiradas, vindas de uma marimba perdida numa floresta tropical. A chuva na floresta foi-se intensificando até chegar a um apocalipse gentil e lentamente desolador. A água que pacientemente aguardava em cima das folhas das palmeiras caiu e fez estrondo, fez estrilho e reverberou. Torrentes de um rumor gentil faziam também estremecer e vibrar as paredes da sala e dos corpos. Completamente absortos nos sintetizadores que nos rasgavam, Porras suspendeu-nos no som com um vibrato ruidoso que oscilava ora mais rápido ora mais lento, até alcançar a calmaria.
Coros digitais futuristas trouxeram-nos finalmente ao mundo real, no qual tentámos digerir tudo aquilo que nos tinha sido oferecido durante duas horas e meia. Saímos gratos, inevitavelmente contemplativos e serenos. Que bonita noite.
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Fotos gentilmente cedidas por Laís Pereira.
Gregg Kowalsky + Jon Porras + Yan-Gant Y-Tan || Galeria Zé dos Bois
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