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kiyyunkaiwan · 4 months ago
While lurking in the Twitter wasteland, I came across a few Japanese posts which talked about this guy.
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A demon from the Dictionnaire Infernal called Yan-gant-y-tan and apparently he became something of a meme with either the pose or the demon being drawn.
If you want to see things, try using either of his Japanese translations
The Japanese don’t know how this trend started and honestly, most things don’t make sense nowadays but going with the flow seem to be the best way to live nowadays.
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greatkingrib · 4 months ago
Craig but it's a Yan-gant-y-tan
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briefbestiary · 2 years ago
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The nocturnal demon that wanders the countryside, his appearance is that of a wild man or troll.
Interestingly, his candle-holding hand has been compared to the Hand of Glory legend.
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unearthzine · 13 days ago
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Final previews have begun. Take a look at the happenings of Unearth 🌱
🌲Yan-gant-y-tan as depicted by @dreorcaul, found inside the Unearth zine. You can preorder March 24 through April 21. 🌲
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By the way, what's your favorite Breton or French legendary creature?
oh, i have weakness for morvac'h (the fire breathing black as night horse that walks on the sea, if you don't know), but my favourite is probably Yan-gant-y-tan! He's a demon that is functionally like a will-o'-the-wisp, in that he uses the flames on his hand to get people lost at night (although i think there are some stories of the opposite happening where he helps people find their way? i need to find the source though). I made an entire OC based on this myth because I think it's so very cool lmao
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imclicheyo · 2 years ago
The Dictionnaire Infernal Demon Sigil's aren't all recorded but we sure do have Depiction artwork for every mentioned demon from A to Z:
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𖤐 Abbadon/Apollyon
𖤐 Abigor/Eligos
𖤐 Abraxas/Abracas
𖤐 Adramelech
𖤐 Aguares
𖤐 Alastor
𖤐 Alocer
𖤐 Amduscias
𖤐 Amon
𖤐 Andras
𖤐 Asmodee
𖤐 Astaroth
𖤐 Azazel
𖤐 Bael
𖤐 Balan
𖤐 Barbatos
𖤐 Behemoth
𖤐 Beleth or Berith
𖤐 Belphegor
𖤐 Beelzebub
𖤐 Bhairava / Beyrevra
𖤐 Buer
⛧ Caacrinolaas
⛧ Cali
⛧ Caym
⛧ Cerbere
𖤐 Deimos / Deumus
⛧ Eurynome / Euronymous
⛧ Flaga
⛧ Flavros
⛧ Forcas
⛧ Furfur
⛧ Ganga / Gramma
⛧ Garuda
⛧ Guayota
⛧ Gomory
⛧ Haborym
⛧ Ipes
⛧ Lamia
⛧ Lechies
⛧ Leonard
⛧ Lucifer
⛧ Malphas
⛧ Mammon
⛧ Marchosias
⛧ Melchom
𖤐 Moloch
⛧ Nickar
⛧ Nybbas
⛧ Orobas
⛧ Paimon
⛧ Picollus
⛧ Pruflas/Busas
⛧ Rahovart
⛧ Ribesal
⛧ Ronwe
⛧ Scox
𖤐 Stolas
⛧ Tap / Gaap
⛧ Torngarsuk
⛧ Ukobach
⛧ Volac
⛧ Xaphan
⛧ Yan-gant-y-tan
⛧ Zaebos
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balzabul · 1 year ago
diverging today from solomonic demons with Yan-gant-y-tan, a Breton equivalent to Will 'o the Whisp who roams the night delivering misfortune (or a guiding light if you're lucky and he's feeling nice). I don't know how lights work.
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clathita · 2 months ago
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petrvyhlidka · 7 months ago
Breton will-o-the-wisp, native to the department of Finistère. It is said to be distinguished from other large hairy woodland men by the five candles in its right hand. A quick twist of the palm and one sees a wheel of fire. It is bad luck to see him unless you bribe that bogeyman: just leave a small bag of gold coins unattended and Fire John will grab it and disappear.
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deepdreamnights · 3 months ago
How I summoned the Demons
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Bringing the Lesser Key of Solomon, Hieronymus Bosch, and a handful of oddballs into video:
Now, since every AI tutorial is someone's first, this was not a simple "type in what you want and get a video out." situation. The push-button-finished project is a myth. Today we're working with Vidu, Midjourney, and photoshop, among a handful of others.
I started with a Suno song that I generated, using parody lyrics I wrote for Carol of the Bells. I wanted to do a project involving a demon Christmas, but not Christmas demons (so no Krampus, Grýla, Yule Lads, Yule Cat, Mariah Carey, or undead pickle boys)
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So Barbatos and Yan-Gant-Y-Tan from the Dictionnaire Infernal (which I manually remastered back in 2019) will be our examples.
Midjourney added overpainting through their "edit" feature about a month ago. It's highly limited, has much stricter censorship controls than the standard generator, and you can't iterate the images in the normal way, but it is useful for extending image edges or getting a very specific character design from one style to another.
Starting with Barbatos, I used the "retexture" option, with the following prompt:
photograph for casting, a demon with green skin and a gray beard and hair, he is dressed as a 15th century noble huntsman, in vibrant silken clothes (black, violet, yellow), he carries a long musket, two golden trumpets fly near his head, he is standing on a snowy hillock, a Christmas village in the far distance
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The illustrations by Louis Le Breton were not in color, and the text is light on description, giving me room to play with the concepts while still keeping them (hopefully) recognizable.
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I liked the idea of Barbatos as a green figure with a gray beard, and one of the results hit very close to what I wanted, but some photoshopping of the gloves was needed.
For an image post I would edit the final version a lot more, but he wasn't going to show up except from the waist up, so giving him proper old timey stockings wasn't high on my priorities list. That, and Vidu's object reference feature is rather broad and doesn't require the polish a finalized image does.
Yan-Gant-Y-Tan, on the other hand, was a more elaborate combo because I had a direct idea for what he'd look like. The demon is a french will-o-wisp spirit (a 'John with the Fire'), with a hand of candle-fingers hand-of-glory style that it uses to lure enemies in. A literal "Candle Jack."
So immediately I wanted something that was made of yellowish candle wax made semi-translucent by heat.
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I wound up not having to put him in longjohns like I feared I would, and out of a large stack of results, three had aspects I specifically liked. The heads did not, however, turn out remotely correct, so I clipped out a closeup, and did that separately.
Then came the photoshop compositing and editing, including manually adding candle flames.
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Resulting in this handsome devil.
The resulting images served as "actors" that I could drop into Vidu. A lot of video AI systems have a "starting/ending frame" feature (Vidu included), and when you want more control over the shot that's often the way to go (along with longer, more script-format prompts).
But Vidu's object reference makes things a lot easier. Things are still "soft" in a lot of ways. Fine details will change, asymmetry can give it problems, but it lets you use a single character image, or a model sheet, without the exact pose or location starting the shot.
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So having Barbatos shop for gifts and then take those gifts to an apartment can be done with the same "actor image."
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Other shots, like the Bosch ear-knife, required a starting frame. The robot has no idea how to handle something this weird.
I started by retexturing the ear-knife from the original painting several times, then I composited that together, did color changes, and removed the background, placed another generated background under it, then used that as the starting frame.
Even then the ear monster mostly stayed still because every time it moved it became an unholy(er) abomination.
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Which while somewhat cool didn't fit the vibe of the project.
Speaking of Jankenstein's Monster
The stuff that gave me the most problems were most of the bosch-creatures, Buer, and King Charles Ba'al. The sled-riding blob demon and funnelbird were exceptions for Bosch, being generally cooperative, but everything else was a lot of trial and error.
And Ba'al? Vidu didn't know what to do with Ba'al.
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To be fair, neither did Midjourney (or Louis Le Breton, for that matter)
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Demonology Ba'al is very clearly built from a bunch of creepy things with no real understanding or concern about how they'd mesh together (making him the most biblically angelic demon in the batch, IMHO). In the end I wound up photobashing him together with some AI touchups.
I wound up using a start-frame for Hailuo for him, because Hailuo will default to minimal movement it doesn't understand what's going on.
Anyhoo, here's some Christmas Demons for you to enjoy:
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Carol of the Hells (Scary Wicked Deadly Evil Christmas) The DeepDreamNights Robot Band Feat. The Trans-Stygian Orchestra
Even the unfathomable legions of the damned love Christmas, and like any musical act with a general disdain for mankind, the DeepDreamNights Robot Band was way overdue a Christmas Song.
So summon up these Christmas spirits and see how many demons, devils and evil spirits can you identify?
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doompop · 4 years ago
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asmaroth · 3 years ago
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postpunkindustrial · 3 years ago
Anatomy of the Heads - Jungle Cult Terror
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laurasimonsdaughter · 5 years ago
I’ve grown up witnessing signs of big foot or hairy man around my mountainous backyard but have never been able to ask anyone for actual facts about him... wanna lay some on me? ( USA)
Oh darn, I actually don’t know a lot about cryptids!
From a folklore perspective Bigfoot is interesting to me, because he seems to be a strange melting of stories.
My knowledge on the matter is limited, but I have read that most of the Native American and First Nation tribes in North America have information in their oral tradition about specific creatures, spirits or apparitions that are described as particularly large, hairy and either extremely shy of humans or actively antagonistic towards them. I specifically saw references to the Lummi, the Sts'ailes, the Nlaka'pamux, and the indigenous peoples of the Northwest Plateau. Moreover, the alternative name “Sasquatch” is apparently an Anglicisation of the name Sasq’ets, from the Halq’emeylem language spoken by First Nations peoples in southwestern British Columbia.
These indigenous beliefs decidedly did not include the “looks like an ape but with really big feet” description that American miners, trappers/hunters and later loggers reported, but it is certainly close enough to make the mental leap.
The idea of an imposingly large, (mostly) wild and often hairy wanderer in the woods is present in folklore from all over the world. There is Enkidu from the Mesopotamian Epic of Gilgamesh, who ends up being much more man than wild. But some, like the Leshy from Slavic mythology, were absolutely inhuman, spiritual protectors of the forest. Others, like the Breton yan-gant-y-tan have more specific attributes besides being large and hairy, such as always carrying a light.
The point is, the feeling that Something Big Is In This Forest With Me is a very prevalent one. Later this became specifically linked to the idea of “wildness” in some places. Stories, but specifically art of a “wild man” or “forest man” were spread liberally around Medieval Europe. They usually did not do much more than being imposing and an obvious opposite to what was expected of society. As such they were often depicted naked, but with lots of hair, and said to be exceptionally strong.
It’s probably this type of images that the European colonisers had in the back of their mind when they ended up in America and found themselves in an environment that must have seemed particularly suited for this kind of creature. I have no idea how much crossover occurred between this European imagery and the indigenous beliefs, but it is certainly fascinating!
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consistantly-changing · 2 years ago
[Image transcripts in order:
Ghost light
One should always leave a light burning in an empty theatre.
an exposed incandescent bulb,
mounted in a wire cage on a portable light stand.It is usually placed near center stage
when the theater is unoccupied and would otherwise be completely dark.]
["every stage on Broadway has a lamp".
playwright Clyde Fitch allegedly appeared onstage during the final curtain call on opening night for his last play, The City. He strode to center stage, took a bow, then vanished before the eyes of the startled cast and audience. (Fitch had died on September 4 of that year.) The Lyric was one of two theatres demolished in 1996
Olive Thomas is said to have appeared several times since her death in 1920. Thomas may be the most sighted ghost on Broadway, although to date she has only appeared to men.]
[every theater has a ghost, and some theaters have traditions to appease ghosts that reach far back into their history.
ghost lights provide opportunities for ghosts to perform onstage, thus appeasing them and preventing them from cursing the theater or sabotaging the set
there were several reports of props and other items that were mysteriously moved or went missing.
Some superstitions claim that the ghost light is in place to scare away ghosts, not to appease them.]
[A ghost light is
a ball of fire, varying in size from that of a candle-flame to that of a man's head. It is generally observed in damp, marshy places, moving to and fro; but it has been known to stand perfectly still and send off scintillations.
will-o'-the-wisp metaphorically refers to a hope or goal that leads one on, but is impossible to reach, or something one finds strange or sinister.]
[See also
Chir Batti
Corpse road
Foo fighter
Hessdalen Lights
Lantern man
Naga fireball
Omphalotus olearius
Orb (optics)
Simonside Dwarfs
St. Elmo's fire
The Spooklight
[As] a flame,
Which oft, they say, some evil Spirit attends, Hovering and blazing with delusive light, Misleads the amazed night-wanderer from his way To bogs and mires, and oft through pond or pool; There swallowed up and lost, from succour far. -9.631-642
The Latin name ignis fatuus
can thus be literally translated into English as "foolish fire" or more idiomatically as "giddy flame".]
["That which most enchants the Parisians is the new lighting by gas of the boulevards... From the church of the Madeleine all the way to rue Montmartre, these two rows of lamps, shining with a clarity white and pure, have a marvelous effect."
As you approach it, it will move on,/keeping just beyond your reach;/if you retire, it will follow you.
That these fireballs do occur, and that they will repeat your motion, seems to be established, but no satisfactory explanation has yet been offered that I have heard. Those who are less superstitious say that it is the ignition of the gases
in the days of gas-lit theaters/dim gas lights were left burning to relieve pressure on the gas valves.]
[A ghost light is
sometimes known as equity lights or equity lamps, possibly indicating their use was originally mandated by the Actors' Equity
Many theaters forced to close have renewed the tradition of ghost lights as a way of indicating the theaters will re-open.
observations of interconnectedness of species are shared through the undulating light on an empty theatre stage".
included a show called Ghost Lights where famous theater characters perform on the empty stages of the world.]
[A beacon light's function is to say "here I am" and even a dim light provides enough contrast against the dark night to serve the purpose.
The practical use of a ghost light is for safety.
to avoid accidents such as falling into the orchestra pit and stepping on or tripping over set pieces. There is an unsubstantiated story of a burglar who tripped on a dark stage, broke his leg and sued the theater for damages.
that theatre was thought to be cursed.]
[Before the development of clearly defined ports, mariners were guided by fires built on hilltops.
placing the fire on a platform became a practice that led to the development of the lighthouse.
the number of operational lighthouses has declined due to the expense of maintenance and has become uneconomical
The most famous lighthouse structure from antiquity was the Pharos of Alexandria, Egypt, which collapsed following a series of earthquakes
that theatre was thought to be cursed.]
[A ghost light is
A brightly lit figure out of the audience's sight below the stage reflected in a pane of glass placed between the performer and the audience. To the audience, it appears as if the ghost is on stage
The core illusion involves a stage specially arranged into two rooms or areas, one into which audience members can see, and a second (sometimes referred to as the "blue room") that is hidden to the side.
An early favourite showed an actor attempting to use a sword against an ethereal ghost, as in the illustration. To choreograph other actors' dealings with the ghost, Pepper used concealed markings on the stage floor
since they could not see the ghost image]
[Some superstitions claim that the ghost light is in place to scare away ghosts
Stray voltage
can accidentally electrify lampposts and has the potential to injure or kill anyone who comes into contact
Light pollution can hide the stars and interfere with astronomy.
Let there be a chamber wherein no other light comes, unless by the door or window where the spectator looks in.
outwardly, and clearly and certainly,/he will think he sees nothing but truth.
The Devil provides him with a single burning coal with which to warm himself, which he then uses to lure foolish travellers into the marshes.]
[One should always leave a light burning in an empty theatre.
One should always leave a light]
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alicielalone · 6 years ago
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#autumntarot Day 30: In what ways can I best inspire others around me? Answer: Yan-Gant-Y-Tan - you have the ability to guide others, but balance this by making sure you aren’t distracted. Shine a light for others if you feel it’s right, but beware of distractions Day 31: I wish to look upon my world with a new perspective, and feel a greater sense of connectivity. In order to make this my reality, where must I focus my energy? Answer: Trust your internal wisdom, your intuition, fully. Pay attention to your clairvoyant abilities (vision and dreams) and consider the way their true meaning should be applied to reality. I forgot the tarot I was using when I was going on a trip lol but that’s okay because this is a nice ending to this #dailytarotchallenge ! The daemon tarot is so awesome lol and I am grateful to the spirits who have joined me during these readings granting so much wisdom with honesty. 🖤 https://www.instagram.com/p/Bpmsqa3nFOp/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1kbk9971m38kf
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