#yall…ever heard of depth of a plot? a character?
inklore · 4 months
people complaining about colin having the ‘beauty filter’ on in the first couple of episodes is annoying only because: that’s the point. he’s not supposed to look like himself. he’s supposed to look like this brand new suave man, he’s perfected his act, his wardrobe, his expressions to be what society wants. but after he kisses pen you can see him start to slowly look like himself again as he slowly descends into the depths of his true feelings for pen and realizations he’s making for and of himself.
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ddreamzee · 4 years
My Thoughts on Still2gether
this isn’t gonna be really professional or in depth, i just wrote my initial thoughts after finishing the last episode.
okay so i was so confident we weren't gonna get a sequel to 2gether but  out of nowhere, still2gether is announced. i nearly lost it when i heard about it. but for some reason i kept hearing that it would take place 10 years in the future,??? so it made me kind of paranoid about it at first. but obviously that's not the case so i am really happy about that. now still2gether wasn't the most exciting, or most ideal sequel, but at least it's something. idk the whole plot primarily focuses on their clubs, which i mean i guess makes sense but it was just ehhh in my opinion. DON'T GET ME FUCKING STARTED ON DIM AND GREEN. i can't stand dim oh my god please remove that man from the premises. he done graduated already, get him out. green sweetie you can do so much better, do yourself a favor and get a new man. oh yeah and milkong is finally a thing, which i never really cared for but it was still cute. big brother sarawat tho lmao. one thing i find kind of funny is that we were all convinced that ohmfong was gonna happen, we the whole damn circus. they really had us believing that shit. anyways, i kind of feel like im the only one who likes the idea of bosspear. like they hinted at it at the end of the first season so we shouldn't be that surprised. boss deserves someone, i love that dork so much. also why manboss lowkey married tho. man and type are so cute as well, but how the fuck does type find the time to come see him all the time, them plane tickets can't be that cheap js. but that little kiss caught me off guard ngl, i was not ready.  okay i realized i haven't talked about our boys, sarawat and tine yet. all i have to say is, I FUCKING LOVE THEM. they just, oh my god. like in the first season i adored them obviously but like this season just increased that adoration to MAXIMUM. like deadass i would do anything for them.  they really weren't playing around, but it is expected for a couple that's been together for a year sooooo. now to talk about one of the most anticipated moments in this sequel, THE FUCKING KISS SCENE. like they were really spoiling us with the cute sniff and cheek kisses, so i kind of thought that's all we were going to get. but nO THEY PROVED MY ASS WRONG. like while watching the finale kiss scene i kept thinking it would cut away or they'd get interrupted again but when it kept going i had a heart attack. it still kind of feels unreal, like sarawatine did THAT, IN THIS ECONOMY.  i really have no words. best kiss scene 2020. can i get an amen. i'm not even religious but that scene deserves it. from a high five to THAT, glow up of the century. ALSO THE SONG TINE WROTE FOR SARAWAT I WANNA CRY. the cutest thing i’ve ever seen. win’s voice is sooooooo pretty, it’s so nice and soothing to listen to. okay im done. i really hope this isn't the last time we see these characters but yall i think this is it. i think this was the end of 2gether, as sad as it is to say. this series is by far one of the most, if not the most popular bl's i've ever seen. the amount of views it gets, trending worldwide on twitter, all the new fans, it's insane. i'm really proud of bright and win and i wish all the best for whatever comes their way next, i hope they keep working together for a long time. thus, we end the story of our nuisance and handsome prince.
My Rating: 8.5/10
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2gether review
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macklives · 5 years
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i dont technically hardcore ship kids buuuut i will say “fuck thats hecking cute” to any and all pairings and join in on the fun wholesome content. for example, if you give me fanart, give me fics, give me headcanons, then im already sold on how adorable that specific pairing will be bc theres now some quality content to explore. as long as its not toxic, disgusting or impractical.
god okay, get motherfucking ready guys.
now, i may rant a bit on the matter to further explain my point of view on shipping in this comic and how i will go around it lol. sorry for the long note. there’s a tldr at the end.
honestly, idc who gets together, bc i just want the kids to be happy and if the pairing is happy together, thats all that matters to me. i just dont like taking shipping to the extreme, yknow. (which means having nsfw stuff for kids and flipping out if one ship is canon when another really should be. similar to many other fandoms who have those problems and i just.. dont get why?) anyways, thats not to say i will freak out if a cute pairing of mine becomes canon and especially if the rep is nice. and honestly? ill probably freak out for any canon ship as long as its healthy and theyre both happy - as ive mentioned. keep in mind im still a fan lmao, i will prob participate in the recurring ship talk and discourse bc ugh it can be so fucking cute.
anyways, regarding what we have now, i honestly like all pairings atm (obviously between the kids only and not some cursed ones ive heard about which i refuse to get into). all their interactions are so unique and cute and quite adorable. davejade is wholesome. johnrose is valid. i also like jaderose, daverose and johndave. which technically is almost every possible pairing lmfao. sometimes my opinion can vary, sometimes things could happen to make my view on that specific pairing to change. and sometimes new people come into the picture which allows me to explore more potential candidates that i think would be better for that characters rather than just having a ship to progress the plot further. if that makes sense. it always depends, doesnt it? (so keep in mind you can ask me if i ever have changed my opinion on a specific ship, character, ect in the future)
and of course, there’s a big difference between who i think are going to get together and who i wouldnt mind getting together despite canonical evidence that it wont happen. which i wont get into unless yall want me to talk about in depth who likes who and how it will probably impact the relationships of the characters vs how it should be.. well, not “fixed”, but what could be another alternative if a specific relationship seems to have its downfalls. 
however, i doubt there’s going to be any “endgame” ships bc homestuck is more prone to story telling than romance. it’s a webcomic for plot and probable character growth rather than making people’s ships come true. meaning shipping is a concept that andrew will give you, and he will give you all types of interaction so you’re free to ship what you want. however, he’ll leave it open without giving us an ultimate pairing. which is where i think this comic will go. i may be wrong. but it seems the most likely situation.
so shipping is all fun and games but things happen, not everything becomes canon and even if i have theories on future relationships, i will only analyze what we were given and not necessarily based on non-canonical evidence. so as much as i like crackships (and boy do i have fun in crackships, lets be real), because this is a liveblog, i wont be able to get into depth with false claims on a ship if there’s literally nothing to go on. however, pls expect joke ships to happen. if i say cake #42 wants to be with john’s fake arms, so be it. that was a fun time on the discord, man. i love joking around but then again, they are just jokes. im not actually shipping them. its similar to how i view dave and AT. they got married duh. yet thats a joke. something i will bring up again, but that never means im serious about it. (besides imp soap opera. thats becoming massively real now, isnt it. a liveblog inside joke that got way out of hand and is now canon.)
anyways, romance is a nice bonus treat for everyone as they read a webcomic which is not centered around it. and of course ill analyse the possibilities of what we could get and how characters will go through it based on their personalities and past experiences, but i dont think itll become a main part of homestuck as of now. perhaps something.. could happen in the future? and ill keep my hopes of some pairings getting together. but, overall, i will be happy with whatever we get and i refuse to bitch about how some ship is better than the other and be mad at homestuck in its entirety. because andy here is not trying to portray a romcom, he’s making an actual story.
wow, i kind of went off a little on what you were trying to ask in the first place, but i feel this was a nice place to get that out there and explain how ill perceive shipping in homestuck. all so i wont have to explain this for the future when characters potentially start getting together. which is to say, ill enjoy shipping characters on my hs experience, hell, ill even participate in it, but they are 13 and i have my limits.
cool. i feel like i just wrote a philosophy book.
tldr; shipping is a nice gateway in a fandom, i like pretty much anything as long as its not toxic and theyre happy together. expect character/relationship analyses in the future. 
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nothingneverforever · 4 years
Captain Fantastic (2016)
Okay I avoided watching this for the longest time because I knew I’d hate it but also I just couldn’t find it in me to give a damn about an off-the-grid bearded man and his unsocialized children but then a friend asked me to watch it so okay fineeee challenge accepted or something I suppose
The first point I want to make about the film is also my main and most likely my only point: MALES. Literally – Captain Fantastic is only ever about males and nothing more. Middle-aged dad, elder granddad, adolescent boy, late-teens / young adult boy, fuck, we hear more about Noam Chomsky than we do about ANY female character. Males males MALES MALES MALES and that’s about it tbh
Hang on, sorry, the film is meant to be about the mom right? She’s the actual plot mover right? It’s meant to tell the story of how Viggo Mortensen’s wife dies, leaving things in disarray, it’s meant to be about her funeral and burial and subsequent excavation and cremation right? Funny that, cos the only time we EVER see her is in the few highly romanticized flashback scenes here and there, shown purely from her husband’s pov… hmm okay nvm
Oh wait, shit, the guy has three daughters too? Oh okay, hmm lets see, younger sister can climb roofs and stuff and older sister uhh says maybe 5 words during the whole film and youngest baby sis is obsessed with knives and likes to shank things I guess ? Ohh yea I just remembered - middle sis ROLLS AND TUMBLES AND FALLS OFF A FUCKING HOME ROOF and smashes down hard on the pavement driveway and just about nearly fuckin dies, but does it do anything for HER character arc? Does it add a single millimeter of depth to her personhood? Haha of course not!!!!!! Of course it’s a plot point that serves only to induce pathetically ego-centric reflection within her dumbass dad!!
Meanwhile, older son gets intimate shots and elaborate scenes where he confronts his burgeoning sexual desires and gets to scream at his dad to tell him that he does in fact want to go to college even if his dad thinks it’s a crap idea and we get to see him moved by the experience of his first kiss, get to se him passionate about his dreams for this life. Younger son too gets his screen time and we see how he wants to be free to yell at video games and eat sugared cereal and do everything a dumb little kid should have the privilege to do, and we see this conflict grow in him until it explodes and we are right there with him through it all. Each son gets their various “raw” conversations with their father, and in turn their grandfather gets involved BECAUSE HEY GUYS DID YALL KNOW, THIS ENTIRE FILM IS ABOUT MEN AND BOYS?!?!?!!?!???
Oh yea there’s a grandma character but it’s like she was literally created by screenwriters who sat together and said yo let’s throw out every single grandma stereotype we can think of, 3, 2, 1, okay go – gives good hugs, cries, loves her daughter, knows her husband is pigheaded but doesn’t really have the power to do anything differently, wants nothing more in this world than to be with her grandchildren cos she has absolutely zero fucking life or character or identity of her own… k done! Grandma character sorted, best movie ever.
By the way, I’m not saying any of these things because I feel compelled to or because I think society should have moved beyond giving so much of a fuck about a story written by men for men about men. These two points are accurate, but I’m saying these things because I genuinely could not find anything in this dumb film to emote or relate to, because I genuinely felt annoyed each time we heard about something from a male character’s perspective yet again, and because I could tell that it had no awareness that it was doing any of this at all –  “wait, you mean our female characters got close to zero screen time and zero dialogue and zero character growth or exploration? Huh, I literally hadn’t noticed.”
I suppose to most people, this is a normal story. In fact, it’s not a normal story – it’s a cool one. It’s an epic one, it’s a unique one, it’s an inspiring one.  It’s normal that we see a dead wife through her dumb husband’s eyes; it’s normal that daughters are stoic and predictable and unwavering in their loyalty; it’s normal that the male characters in the form of sons and fathers and grandfathers in families are given the most challenging conflicts they have to overcome and hey we’re all supposed to relate ok!!!! It’s the story of the human experience!!!
Oh lol also, the dad character uses the word “whore” and teaches his pre-teen children to parrot it as a metaphor and yea that scene was like at the 5 min mark or something so pardon me for not being able to give him one fucking second of respect or sympathy after
Anyway, I enjoyed this whole process, in case you thought the opposite. Watching the film and smashing this er, “review”, out in like the grand total of 5 minutes it has taken me helped bring me back to some parts of my 2016/2017 self that I’ve left dormant for a long time. Reminded me of all the things I am, and why. Overly-emotional hater and proud :’)
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