#yall want a man who acts like an 18 year old forever?????
praetorqueenreyna · 2 years
A little confused about how the bat boys are anyone's fantasy considering that "immature horny sexist jock asshole" is one of the most common types of man
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Spencer x Ghost?
Spencer x Ghost
(AAAAA- it has been months since you sent this to me, and all i can say is im so sorry) Side note I have my friend @lethalbreadkills helping me with this one!
For reference: Maddie (maddiefriendlovesbilly) is green, Jimmy (lethalbreadkills) is red (((its 4:30 at the time i have joined this so im dead braincell wise sorry yall))) and Orange is stuff we decided together :3
Also this is so very chaotic im so sorry for this anon but this has been in my fuckin drafts for SO LONG and this is the only way its getting finished (its now 5 am uwu) im so sorry for all the shitposting i do its a mess. I shouldnt have been allowed here. (we finished at about 5:30 am its hell <3)
Sphost? Ghencer?? Sphoster??? I adore and despise them all equally.
We have decided that it should be BeanieGhost
Anyway I think this ship is really cute
They’re both so neurotic I can only imagine the chaos that would ensue
One of them starts a rant on some topic and the other joins the hell in
And Ghost would let this dream come true???
I would die for both of them and if Spencer told me I had to die I wouldn’t even complain, no questions I’d just be like “Aight.” I trust him that much.
(Not sure I trust Ghost’s judgment enough to do that unquestioningly; sorry Ghost)
Back on topic
I can’t imagine these guys on anything that comes close to society’s definition of a date
It’d be more like “hey you wanna come on this hunt with us?” “maybe, depends if there’ll be snacks” or like chilling in Spence’s room binging the entire star trek: original series in one sitting or “oops sorry about that level 11 entity that attached to my soul and is now wreaking havoc in your house, wanna make out later to make up for it?” “Fine but you also have to play three rounds of Call of Duty with me afterward”
They wouldn’t be romantic often but like highkey? I can see them throwing themselves into the line of fire for each other with a recklessness only they could survive
We can’t forget that Spencer is a more than 60,000-year-old overpowered demon/god/entity/thing, which, yes, could throw a slight wrench in this ship for multiple reasons, but I choose to make angst out of it instead.
Side note: Ghost is a chronic conspiracy theorist (and you can’t tell me otherwise) and every once in awhile Spencer will offhandedly say something like “Y’know I helped the Egyptians build the pyramids” and Ghost just goes fucking feral.
Look, I’m not saying Spencer IS touch-starved and most likely has issues creating and developing relationships and therefore avoids interpersonal connection, especially offline, but I AM saying he is prime material for it. (thats a lie thats exactly what shes saying don’t believe it) (I’m projecting okay dont judge me) (loser imagine projecting)
Imagine with me for a second: Why does Spencer willingly stay with a family who locks him in their basement with only minor complaining? He’s a near all-powerful entity just released into the world for Spence’s-sake - If he wanted to, there’s no telling what havoc he could wreak! So why doesn’t he? Why would someone so powerful, so terrifying, so dangerous that a group of people decided to seal him away forever stay with the first family he finds in sub-par conditions for years - especially someone who’s seen to be as high-maintenance as Spencer? Let me hit you with a theory: He’s chasing the feelings of validation, safety, and love - no matter how rarely it’s shown - that a family can provide. Being socially isolated for even a few years can do a number to a person’s psyche (I should know, I’m projecting onto this character right now), let alone thousands.
Now maybe Ghost can’t match thousands of years in isolation, but damn if he doesn’t have a few years of crippling loneliness on his record too.
I can see the two of them learning how to be vulnerable around others together, emotionally and physically; learning how to open up and how to talk through issues; and some third point, because points are better in threes.
(May I suggest that these losers are both trans but thats just me adding in my own projection lmao)
(You absolutely may)
Imagine the conversation thats just “so i have a murderer in my head thats an ass” “rip to u ig sounds like a you problem :///”
imo spence has trouble expressing emotions other than like,,, annoyance and haughtiness, its like sort of his go-to defence, so showing Ghost his emotions is a big step for him
I hear you, and i say yes good. (found this one headcanon that i kinda live by where he was uh, either autistic or adhd i dont remember but theres that too) OH yeah that would be at thing huh. Spencer: *is emotionally vulnerable @ ghost* ghost: oh shit im trusted??? Oh fuck uh.
Yeah so like…. Ghost and spence showing emotion at eachother is kind of :flushed: ghost be like: whats an emotion. Imagine having emotions fuciiing loser hhaha,,,, *laughs nervously*
Ghost is also very emotionally distant with most people so it would probably be like “what??? The fuck?? Emotions?????? You have those???”
Ghost and Spencer be like *gay*
So another idea is that maybe Spencer realizes Ghost doesnt play any games [like the uncultured SWINE he is] and decides he must [remedy] this and so he introduces him to like, nintendo first. (some bitches thought that said nintendo fortnite. Im bitches) and theyre playing like, mario kart or smash or smth and Ghost gets really [fuckin into it]
Ghost and spencer: *literally in eachothers laps playing fucking wii tennis*
Spooker: what are the- *TOAST FUCKING SLAPS A HAND ACROSS HIS MOUTH* shut up you dont wanna know what happens when its mentsonssbfdjfsd (sorry i had a stroke uwuwuwuw)
(Theyre in denial we don’t judge in this house)
They will not hesitate to play dirty either, they will straight up push each other over and vaguely flirt
Ghost is losing and straight up fucking goes “ur hot” and spencer actually dies and boom ghost is the winner. sparkle emoji Magic sparkle emoji
“I am Not a HomoSexual:™:” “Yeah, sure you aren’t” “Screw off”
Pet-names-ish: Asshole, Gaymer-Boy, casual insults, Mr. Spirit Bitch, Mistake, Loves Ghosts More Than His Boyfriend What A Fucking Loser aka Gay-ass
They both open up a lot most likely. Gain someone to trust since they’ve sort of been through the same things (though on much different scales)
I can see soft hours of hanging in each other’s bedrooms
Spencer is a tsundere you cant tell me otherwise youre just a coward if you disagree
So is Ghost so this can only go well
Every time Ghost has to solve a case at the Acachallas Spence is just peaking out from his basement like “the fuck is this?? Hot Man??????”
Enemies to lovers 500k (Gets Hot and Steamy :flushed: NOT CLICKBAIT!!!!11!!!!! 18+!!!!!!! GAY LOVE StORY!!!!!!) Lemonz!!! Made from teh Sexiest of Wattpaders UWUWUWU YAOI Boys Love don’t like don’t read!! (this is so fucking stupid jkfnd) I hate this with a passion Q^Q. All my years of being a basic watpad fanboy have helped me to the moment i bring maddie to tears
The steam is just like,,,,, holding hands and being angy all the fuckin time the steam is literal because their anger translates into actual steam
Their angst has nowhere to go and it just sits between them like two raccoons at a dumpster-style mexican standoff
They really start off hating each other huh. Like, I know this can still lead to healthy relationships but neither of them are very good at healthy relationships with people he hasn’t known for his Whole Life so that’s an Oh No.
They totally feed off of each other’s stupidity (but this could be seen as a pro too so take that as you will) as well as anger - im talking one-upping each other kinda shit
Its ridiculous honestly how intense it gets, like they straight up need intervention sometimes because they dont realize they can just STOP
I think this would be a relationship that would that a lot of time and hard work to make work, but i think in the end it would be really super cute!! Like it would make no fuckin sense to anyone else but somehow they’d understand each other and help each other through their similar issues. Also theyre both big nerds in different ways and i think they’d have just ranting sessions back and forth over and over and it would be soft!!!!! So yeah, i think it would work, at least, i want it to :D
So. Maybe?? I feel like it could, but they’d need to work pretty hard to make it healthy and not constant fighting. Could be stupid amounts of cute and wholesome but also could be stupid amounts of oh no and pain, depending on how the two act. If they learned how to get along with each other and work past their differences it could be super cute and soft. Just a very, er, bumpy beginning. And middle. And end. (this makes me very nervous,,,,why did you mention an end) (wouldnt you like to know weather boy) (TvT) UFDUNS bumpy but soft . Agreeing with the loser gay, want this to work it’d be interesting :3
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jxckspxcer · 5 years
Can be used to get to know a bit about the person behind the screen!
TAGGED BY: @skulldxddy​​ AYYYEEEE TAGGING: @pcrticlvcid​, @flos-timore​, @ofspoons​, @chainsxwsmile​, @builtperil​, uhhH YALL
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1. FIRST NAME: Adrian
2. STRANGE FACT ABOUT YOURSELF: I collect hats. I own 54 hats. I wear like 4 of those.
3. TOP THREE PHYSICAL THINGS YOU FIND ATTRACTIVE ON A PERSON: This HARD. On one hand bein ace doesn’t mean I can’t think people are attractive, on the other I experience all things in extremes so most people are really boring to look at to the point I never remember any details about their appearance (”like my hair cut?” “you.... you got a hair cut?”), or they’re very very noteworthy and I can no longer function in their presence (cause i wanna stare at them but thattts weird). 
But lemme tell ya, I compliment people regularly, so here’s 3 things I notice and point out about people: Cool Hair, Unique Aesthetic (fashion, be it a singular accessory or every goth/gnc i ever meet--), Height (tols impress). 
5. A FOOD YOU HATE: Mushrooms. Neurhg,,,
6. GUILTY PLEASURE: the devils lettuce................ And idk K-D.rama? 
7. WHAT DO YOU SLEEP IN: Depends on the temperature. COLD: Leggings, pajama pants, sweater, beanie. HOT: shorts tanktop.
8. SERIOUS RELATIONSHIPS OR FLINGS: uHGHUHGH,,, every relationship I’ve ever had was short and terrible. let’s go with fliiings! thats what I need in my life. a commitment free cuddle buddy. 
9. IF YOU COULD GO BACK IN THE PAST AND CHANGE ONE THING ABOUT YOUR LIFE, WOULD YOU AND WHAT WOULD IT BE: You know there’s a lot of shit in my past that can’t be stopped, but RECENT PAST? WHY DID I SPEND ALL MY SCHOLARSHIP MONEY LIKE I DID. I COULDA MADE HELLA SAVINGS!! I WAS GETTING 5K A SEMESTER!! AND I SPENT IT! ON! FOOD AND SHIT! i had a job at the same time, my parents were still working, I do not see why I was spending any of that semester money man I smh I oughta kick my past selves a ss.... 
10. ARE YOU AN AFFECTIONATE PERSON: I yearn to be. I’m incredibly repressed and insecure currently, and I’m not sure if that’s going to change when I’m less depressed or if I’m gonna have to rebuild that skill. But I used to be the kind of person to hold hands with my best friend, snuggle during sleepovers, give hugs and kisses, sit close and link arms, generally just be super cuddly-- It’s how I like to be, but I think at some point I just started to assume people didn’t like it so I stopped. SUCKs Butt. 
11. A MOVIE YOU COULD WATCH OVER AND OVER AGAIN: I watched mimzy over and over again as a kid, but nowadays, none, no, I can’t, I don’t have that aTTENTION SPAN--- 
12. FAVORITE BOOK: UHhhhhhhhhhhhh,,,,,,,, i have not read a book in a while, my old favorite book might not be as good as I remember. 
14. TOP FIVE FICTIONAL SHIPS [IF YOU ARE AN RP BLOG, YOU CAN USE YOUR OWN SHIPS AS WELL]: Lets go nonxs based on my recent media consumption--- Chel.lDOS (redemption tailoring), Zifeng/Yanuo, Kirk/Spock, HarleyQ/KickinAss, UhHhh, okay and ClayJack my ultimate Jack ship I will crave for infinity...
15. PIE OR CAKE: Cake. Cheesecake specifically, but CAKE. Pie only has so many flavors I’ll actually eat. 
16. FAVORITE SCENT: OOHhh GoDdd... I’m doing aromatherapy right now (another strange fact), so there’s a lot of good scents in my life... I really like sweets? Like I have a cotton candy body mist, and I like my smores candles.
17. CELEBRITY CRUSH: UHhhh....... UHHHHHH????? That feeling when you are so far out of the cult of celebrity.... Like I know some, mostly ones from Marvel, but I wouldn’t call em crushes. Can I say Whoopi Goldberg in the Sister Act? She was really pretty in that movie (so was the red haired nun). And I really liked those movies as a kid. 
18. IF YOU COULD TRAVEL ANYWHERE, WHERE WOULD YOU GO: The easy one to say would be Japan.... but to visit some of my online friends would be even better! Honestly, I find just going grocery shopping with my friend to be an adventure, I am sure visiting any of my friends in their hometowns, be they cities or small towns, I would find every day exciting. I have deep puppy energies. 
19. INTROVERT OR EXTROVERT: Introvert. I get so tired, my friend has told me to take a nap mid-party before. But like, as you hear, I love parties. I super love socializing, but oof I do get drained. If I could sit with people, no-energy, no-obligation, free to chat or chill, that’d be the dream. And I have a lot of those with my best friend, except with the minor energy obligation of transportation and sometimes other people....
20. DO YOU SCARE EASILY: Incredibly. I’m a huge baby, incredibly squeamish, easily startled, easily paranoid. I’m scared of the dark still, I don’t watch horror movies unless the monster is sexy. 
21. IPHONE OR ANDROID: fuck em both, i still have iphone
22. DO YOU PLAY ANY VIDEO GAMES: I’m primarily a simulator/rpg/sandbox kind of gamer. Animal Crossing, Minecraft, WoW, Starbound, Sims 4... Yeah. I can’t even play Mario or Left 4 Dead very well but like I like them?? Game with meee, I don’t do that much, it would be fun tho,,,
23. DREAM JOB: If I’m god damn honest I hate the idea of a job deep down in my soul. Call it bein’ lazy but man I want my life to involve somethin more than making money to survive, that’s all I’ve ever done and I’d like to stop. But being able to help others, being a resource, brightening peoples day, being involved in something that enriches the world somehow. These kind of things make a good fit for work, and if it pays good, and I can build a routine around a solid schedule, then I guess I could live with whatever. 
24. WHAT WOULD YOU DO WITH A MILLION DOLLARS: Do the math for how much I need to survive for the rest of my life, bare minimum style, then cushion that a little. Buy myself and my friends some nice things. Start giving money to strangers. Funnel it into important things that need to get paid for. Quit my job, travel, get extensive therapy, join fucking causes I wish I had the physical & mental resources for now, finally be able to put my passion into things again. Lmao money can’t buy happiness my a s s.
25. FICTIONAL CHARACTER YOU HATE: hmmmmmmm........ hate it such a strong word. I just keep thinking of characters I LOVE to hate or like characters who are obviously hateable (intolerable villains). But I wanna pick one I genuinely dislike, deep down, for reasons. 
Lum.py from HTF,,, I just don’t like his design next to the rest. I mean I haven’t watched HTF in literal years but he came to mind.
26. FANDOM THAT YOU WERE ONCE A PART OF BUT AREN’T ANY LONGER: The Walking Dead / Game. Zombies just don’t really ??? click with me unless they have a gimmick now.
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fuck-customers · 6 years
Fuck my coworkers
I work as a dishwasher at a local pizza and deli. The food is fairly decent and while we do get a few asshole customers, it isn't that big of a deal. I don't work with any customers so none of that really is my problem.
However, I do get to see plenty of my coworkers. While I get that food service is a nightmare, my coworkers insist on making my nights fucking hell.
A little bit about me: I am a quiet person and like to do my work and leave. I am social, but not in work enviroments, especially when Im fucking trying to clean dishes that are absolutely disgusting and clean giant pizza dough trays for a seperate business. I also close every night I work, and I need to get EVERYTHING done before it closes. I leave work literally drenched in water and food. My coworkers love to act shocked when they see my drenched clothes and i just gotta be like "yeah its no fucking different from the past few months but thanks for the funny joke". Despite this, I try to remain outwardly positive and push through it. No point in bringing others down, right? Well, my coworkers dont feel the same way (all of them are about 10+ years older than me too btw)
I come into work later in the day, and when I am not dish washing, it is up to the delivery drivers who aren't driving (we have many drivers, so that happens often) to dish wash. It is THEIR JOBS. The owners and my manager have made this clear. When I walk into my room, all the dishes manage to get more fucking dirty than before. The sinks are filled with wet food and the water is sometimes bright red and smells of fish. Like, HELLO? THIS IS NOT WHAT CLEAN MEANS. Not to mention, there is food on the floor and no clean dishes, and if there ARE clean dishes, they are so disorganized nobody can find them. Those "clean" dishes are usually covered in food and grease, anyway. So I have to spend extra time cleaning up other peoples' messes, which really makes my night that much better. Especially when I get there and my coworkers demand dishes from me and complain they arent clean yet. Like, yall want dishes so bad? clean them your fucking selves.
Now, I am a jumpy person with anxiety. I work in a tiny room and the sinks are incredibly loud. People realized that approaching me from behind startles me. This one coworker comes up from behind me now on purpose (It is literally impossible to see somebody approach me while I am cleaning) and yells in my ear to scare me. Like wtf??? Her response always is "it is the only way I can feel happiness." and usually also adds "it only gets worse". Like yeah, thanks for the anxiety attack. One of these days Im going to break a glass and I will have no issue blaming her but for now I just go ":) can i have your fucking dish please?"
Some of my other coworkers are down right miserable. They walk into my room just to tell me how much they hate their lives. Like, I get it. Working here sucks. But I barely know you and you are making me feel awkward??? See a therapist, not me. Some of them also love throwing filthy ass dishes into my generally clean sink water and get it completely filthty- instead of the empty sink or literally anywhere else in the room. So now, their dishes are going to be less clean unless I drain and refill the fucking sink which takes forever. So thanks asshole.
My manager also knows I'm jumpy and I hate how dirty my water gets, and he decides to combine the fucking two and literally THROW dishes into my sink and yells "SPLASHDOWN" as I get terrified and soaked in more water. It fucking makes me so mad.
Ironically, though, one of my biggest issues with working there is coworkers who are TOO friendly.
First off, there is our pal JT (not his real name).
He is a 30 year old man and literally finishes every sentence with "bro". Not even joking, I kept track. He is a delivery driver and sometimes would come and "help me clean" (they dont help at all) if I am backed up. The first time I meet this guy, he starts talking about his motorcycle and then proceeds to talk about his European vacation and how he plans on fucking this girl he fucked before on the streets of Paris. Like, thanks for the heads up about your sex life??? we just met??? He then proceeds to ask me if I have kids (I am 18 and literally look 12) and i was like "uh... no?"
Then, he decided to come up with a "handshake" for us. Most of the time, I try to be as nice as I can and be like "dude im working plz go" but im so close to snapping at him. No, dont touch me. I dont know who you are and you are bothering me. Fuck off.
Another coworker, we will call him B, who is on leave for whatever reason, was similar. B was friendly enough I guess. Kinda weird but whatever. Finds out I go to the church he used to go to. Sure enough, next Sunday, B showed up in the middle of mass. I go to church by myself, it is one of the few safe places I have (They are LGBT affirming and shit and I need that), and this guy I barely know sits next to me and starts invading my space and literally being obnixious. I brushed it off and he never showed up again - but it was a horrible moment in my life.
I think I like, 2-3 of my coworkers. But even then, they all manage to actually suck the energy out of me (I have been told I am the ONLY person who is not a total soul sucking bitch there) or just make me weirdly uncomfortable with asking personal questions or talking about graphic sexual content in front of me (once again, nobody wants to hear about your sex life)
Luckily I got a new job and I can quit soon, but god damn it I fucking hate my coworkers
tldr: my coworkers purposefully scare me, splash water on me, tell me about how horrible their lives are or their sex lives, make my work room a mess before i get there then complain nothing is clean, and try to make handshakes with me and show up at my church to "hang out" with me at mass.
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chickenfetus · 7 years
ALL!!!! (also the gemini sqUAD LOL)
im gonna enjoy a nice cup of water while doing this bc idk a tea (update i didnt drink water at all and now im dying of thirst,, also undercut bc many)
1: Golden mornings or peachy sunsets?
i dont wake up early enough to see the sunrise and when i do i never manage to take pics bc of school so peachy sunsets
2: Sugar cones or waffle cones?
idk what a sugar cone is but i like waffle cones!!! havent eaten ice cream with a cone in forever though,, i rarely eat ice cream now
3: Do you wear scarves often? do you have a favorite?
listen…. its about 33 degrees everyday but even if im in a colder country i dont wear scarves
4: How long do you lay in bed before you finally get up?
this depends?? on how motivated im feeling lmao never more than 10 minutes though because if i lay awake for that long ill just fall back asleep
5: Is there a food you’ve never had but always wanted to try?
i dont think so?? im bad at trying new things especially food
6: What does your umbrella look like?
i dont.. go outside often and whenever i do i take public transport so basically everythings sheltered so i never had a need for umbrellas
7: Do you listen to ASMR?
ive only listened to one everybody please listen to this gift
8: Rain storms or a light drizzle?
both, preferably when im indoors
9: What’s a little thing in life that you love?
hm??????????? my tags lmao 
UPDATE: i also really like reading other people’s tags and their rambles that is all
10: Favorite color aesthetic?
does the word aesthetic make this question any different from a normal favourite colour question???? if it doesnt then sky blue 
11: Wobbly lines or using a ruler?
in this house we draw lines with no ruler like men (but also because even if i did use a ruler it wouldnt be like… straight idk i cant use rulers
12:  Bright colorful living room or neutral cozy living room?
neutral cozy living room but i also love basking in sunlight 
13: Do you have any candles? what scents are they?
im not a big fan of heavy smelling products so i dont own any candles
14: Have you ever rode a horse?
i dont think so??????? ive seen horses before though
15: Do you have glasses?
without my glasses i wouldnt be able to read these questions lmao and . .. theyre also a result of watching pokemon too closely to the tv at a young age… its been like 10 years since i got glasses
16: What’s a language you’d like to speak?
japanese i tried speaking it but i got 2 embarrassed to say anything properly while i was in japan (i cant even speak english properly to a friend whyd i think i could speak another language to a stranger beats me) 
17: What’s your favorite season and favorite month in that season?
my singaporean no season ass: ? but autumn and november (is this cutting it too close to winter? idk my seasons)
18: Do you have a favorite pair of socks?
hm not really i just wear blue ankle socks a lot but my friend did give me a pair of pokemon and gudetama socks before and i adore those although i lost the gudetama ones in the uk last year she got me another pair whatd i do to deserve her?
19: Favorite Ghibli and/or disney movie
m .. um? big. hero 6?????? 
20: Disney, Dreamworks, or Pixar?
my dumb ass didnt know they were different
21: What snacks do you usually get at the theater?
i rarely go and watch movies anymore but when i did watch a lot of movies with my friend at the theater we’d get afternoon shows and sneak mcdonalds in lmao
22: What’s an underrated video game/ movie/ show you love and think it needs more recognition?
how about band? day6 i only ever play pokemon + sif + bandori so i cant say much and i rarely watch movies and a show? if its an anime id say the one i mentioned before in my one text post 
23: Would you fill your house with plants if you had a green thumb?
not really rip 
24; All plants are great but do you have a favorite?
HM mmmmmm there was this one but i forgot the name lmao pass
25: Do you have a favorite type of art style? (eg: soft looking, no to little color, sketches, crisp and clean, minimalist, pixel art etc.)
when im the … audience? what do u call it???? i like seeing all kinda of art styles!!! everyone has their own unique art style and i love it all :o
for ME,, , ive been doing art for 6 years maybe and i still cant do shit
26: What would you do if someone gave you flowers?
i would die straight up die thats such a soft concept i cant imagine myself receiving flowers thats 2 sweet oh my god wtf id combust??? i prefer leaves though is that weird i picked some nice leaves recently and im gonna give those to my friends
27: Do you like nicknames?
giving and having nicknames is my favorite past time
28: Do you still watch shows you watched when you were a kid? even from time to time?
pokemon lmao thank u 4 not ending it…. the animation has only improved and im so proud to have been watching it since the start pokemon is my special thing i love it so much!! an interest that never died down, with an anime that stays super like idk to my preference? i tried watching the new digimon stuff but i just couldnt :^( im glad they made ash stay the main character 
29: Do you still like old memes? (tell the truth)
never forget dat boi
30: Favorite Halloween costume you dressed up as? (if you don’t celebrate halloween have you ever cosplayed or would you like to? who did you cosplay as?)
we dont celebrate halloween and i would never cosplay, big shoutout to cosplayers though!!! they put in so much effort and just, respect!!!!! 
i dont know if this is an actual memory because i dont remember well but when i was younger i thiNK? i had to dress up as a swan thing i have no clue i dont even remember the performance but i might have had to ?? and dance??? or act i dont remember everythings fuzzy but i dressed up a swan once? in kindergarten ????? 
31:  Are you a fashionable person?
i have the worst fashion sense and even though jeans are nice once again the weather here doesnt allow me to be as fashionable as i can be
32: Do you like watching holiday movies?
not realyyy??? the jack frost (rip) movie was ncie????
33:  Cookies or brownies?
i live 4 chocolate chip cookies but too much is . . not preferable
34: Do you blow in the cold air just to see your breath?
no i hate breathing in & out from my mouth
35: Do you find the crickets chirping outside your window relaxing?
WELL from the great cockroach ordeal last night id probably die bc we live in an apartment building so the only way id be hearing crickets would be if they were in the ROOM 
36: Do you like cobblestone streets?
my only knowledge of cobblestone is from minecraft so idk
37:  How often do you doodle?
when school was still relevant i would doodle as soon as i picked up a pencil lmao i try not to anymore bc i doodled on my math assignment and forgot to fucking erase it and my math teacher called me out
38: When was the last time you blew bubbles?
a year ago?? i dont remember but i do remember when i was younger id try and blow bubbles at the void deck do yall kno what that is its just a space near the lift lobby anyway i swallowed the soap thing idk u know how ur supposed to blow? well i sucked the soap in yum
39: What’s your favorite random piece of decor in your house and room?
in my room its the bed and in the house its the water bottle that contains water
40: Do you bite your fingernails off or clip them more often?
i………………………… i dont actualy kno how to clip my nails and my mum would kill me if i tried but i dont bite my nails either
41: Any birthmarks?
not that i know of
42: Thoughts on freckles?
ive never actually seen someone with freckles in public before but theyre good stuff i gueess?? i dont actually have an opinion on them? everyone says theyre cute and all but im just ??? not that i hate freckles tho if u have freckles? thats cool! 
43: First video game you ever played?
pokemon pearl?? either that or megaman on my ps3 OR the bomb square guy????? idk the game name but.. ya
44: what type of bird do you hear most often outside your door?
i dont know what the bird species are but theyre small black birds not crows idk
45: Do you use gifs/ memes a lot when replying to people?
memes yes gifs no bc im not lame like jen
46: Thoughts on spring?
no comment?? i mean? its nice??????? i guess ??? if we had a spring
47: Ideal temperature outside?
oh boy 20 degrees would be enough for me but its never gotten that low before sunny island’s life
48: Cloudy, partly cloudy, or clear skies?
i like clear skies when its bright! but not too sunny and not too warm!!!!! clouds are nice to look at too though
49: How often do you hear airplanes outside?
yeah we live near an airport i dont think anybody uses????
50: Do you enjoy windy days?
windy days are my SHIT back in school our basketball court was open spaced and whenevr wind blew we could feel it man thats the life right there but i hate windy days when im sitting at home bc it flows the curtains rigth into my face i like the feel of the wind and the smell of fresh air but… curtains in my face? not 2 great so rip i close all the windows lmao
okay thank u so much 4 asking falen i love you and wow this was a lot
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fragiilexa · 8 years
Get To Know The Mun!
1. Who is your hero?
this is so hard i have so many, like it depends on like what type of hero bc like, i got one 4 everyhting ok, like I have so many? So many people who mean so much to me like, jesus?!? ( both literally and in exasperation lol ) no but really there are so many but uhm I think If I had to pick a person it would have toooo… it would have to be my Mom. I know that’s cheesy, or something, probably as cheesy as the jesus thing but literally she keeps the house together and she does so much & I don’t think I’ll ever be able to explain to her how much she’s done for me & :/ I just love her. She’s my hero. But, like… I could pick more, I could also easily pick Demi, or Taylor or maybe Stevie Nicks, or fricken Julie Andrews??? Iconic. Hero. Bless. Dolly Parton???? Goals aF. I could go on for hours but those are like the tippy top ones. 
2. If you could live anywhere, where would it be?
Oh well, I mean I really do love Michigan? Like, being able to be by the big lakes is amazing & the views are just?? Incredible. But I think if I had the chance of anywhere without needing to worry about money or the fact I’d be super far from family I’d pick California? or ? I don’t know I just,…. maybe not the ritzy bits of it like it’s a huge state ya’ll have some not so populated places but being close to the ocean & also semi-sort of close to somewhere that is just incredibly alive & fresh would be really cool ( plus bumping into celebs l maO ) I would also say NYC or something but lmao sO much traffic & such little spaces.
3. What is your biggest fear?
lmao uh idk either driving or just people leaving idk 
4. What is your favorite family vacation?
We have only really had one huGE one where we went to Disney World together and it was AMAZING it wasn’t v busy cause we went in their off season and it was literally so fun I’d love to go again tbqh
5. What would you change about yourself if you could?
hmmm I’m tryin’ to love myself more so I feel like I defeat the purpose if I say what I wanna change, but also I’m trying to get healthier this year so maybe just so more strength & also clear skin bc those are what I’m working towards right now.
6. What really makes you angry?
I think what really gets on my nerves is & makes me angry is peoples unwillingness to listen to one another. Like I don’t wanna get political bc i hate ( hate ) politics but like seriously. Treat people as humans. Both sides have wrongs in this and it bothers me that both sides act like they’re ‘holier than thou’ but are both, at times, wrong. No one gets anywhere and we won’t get anywhere if we assume things of one another & also if we don’t stop to realize we are all, in fact, humans who just want to live a happy & healthy life. Unless someone is pointedly a bad person and wants to cause destruction, hate, discourse, ect. then just either try to have a conversation or let it go if there’s none to be had. Being an activist is an amazing thing to do & is mostly always a selfless act but unless you fully accept you’re never actually going to fix everyone & change everyone’s views to your own then you’re just going to be unhappy & bitter for the rest of your life. 
also tumblr callout culture. yall need to get the friCK over yourselves & go like, to church or smthin or at least go to a etiquette class like damn ya’ll make me angry & I’m not??? even an angry person? ?  ? 
( addendum : i hate when people treat others like pos just because they disagree with them it bothers tf out of me. ) 
7. What motivates you to work hard?
Music mostly, it just gives me a good vibe ( depending on the song ) and it just??? It’s like pressing play on a movie or something ‘cause if I have background music ( or not so background music ) then it’s like somethings supposed to be happening so I do more stuff.. but like, I am a super unmotivated person unless I actually have a task that needs to get done, like if it’s a personal motivation to do something it’s ten times harder lmao
8. What is your favorite thing about your career?
since I don’t… really have one I… idk I mean if I made writing a career I guess I’d say my favorite thing is when things click for a muse & you have a lot of muse for writing & it all just pours out & you’re happy.
9. What is your biggest complaint about your job?
I don’t got a job fam…. O.O’’
10. What is your proudest accomplishment?
When I was at camp one little girl in my cabin was just??? adorable??? and she said once when we were talking that I made her want to be a counselor because it looked like fun and it just??? me ??? inspiring a little girl ?? to want to do the funnest job ever??? i was happy. proudest moment. 
11. What is your child’s proudest accomplishment?
m m y  ch il d …. u me an m y cat?? He once swatted at our big dog i was proud of him 4 having the courage tbh.
12. What is your favorite book to read?
I haven’t read a book in forever but I really wanna re-read The Last Song so probably that one.
13. What makes you laugh the most?
Corny jokes. I’m a sucker for em, but also just jokes in general if u can make me laugh u basically have me in the palm of ur hand bc I love laughing but also puppies being clumsy & joe jonas. just fuckijng joe jonas ok he makes me laugh & all he has to do is smile ok.
14. What was the last movie you went to? What did you think?
Uh last movie I went to was Underworld: Blood Wars & It was better than I thought it would b tho it was a little awkward I was sitting next to an old bearded man while a girl got eaten out so that was like, O.O but it was good & I really loved one of the girls in it but I can’t remember her name soBS
15. What did you want to be when you were small?
 a dog ( bless the puppy filter ) no but really I don’t know I never really knew what I wanted to be I switched so much I mean I took ballet classes but failed I took art but I’m still meh, I wanted to be a vet but I can’t deal with the death aspect of it at all. I dunno fam I just wanted to be a dog & live a happy pure life as a pupper.
16. What does your child want to be when he/she grows up?
He want’s to be a lion. Rawr.
17. If you could choose to do anything for a day, what would it be?
Cuddling with Cass all day sounds v legit I’d pick that. ( or disney world again…  but with Cassandra, bc yes. )
18. What is your favorite game or sport to watch and play?
I want to get back into sims *side eyes kae* but also I think u mean just sports so I don’t know… I mean football?? It’s interesting to watch tbh but like I don’t really watch any other sport so it’s football as default.
19. Would you rather ride a bike, ride a horse, or drive a car?
I’d rather have someone drive a car for me ( sobS ) but also I’ve never ridden a horse so that’d be fun to try 
20. What would you sing at Karaoke night?
Uh, some Miley Cyrus / Hannah Montana stuff soBS or.… … ..  Hamilton oH GOD HAMILTON OK Fukc KME UP. H A M I L  T ON .
21. What two radio stations do you listen to in the car the most?
Either 105.3 or 104.5 ‘cause they’re the like, top 100 stations near us? that or we just shuffle all of my dads & moms saved stations which are like, old rock music & like 80′s - 00′s stations which are ok too. 
22. Which would you rather do: wash dishes, mow the lawn, clean the bathroom, or vacuum the house?
I do all of these in one day sobs but shit Vacuum, cleaning the bathroom is like some kind of level 10 hell spaces nothings ever actually clean & it takes forever even tho it’s the smallest room jfc. I wash dishes allthe time tho so I’d want a break & mowing the lawn is legit not that bad it’s just like, mentally I gotta get UP and then once I do I’m chill. It burns calories so im chilli. 
23. If you could hire someone to help you, would it be with cleaning, cooking, or yard work?
Yard work fam. I love cooking by myself ( or well baking… I don’t cook much I just make cookies  lmAO ) but also & cleaning I’m used to doing alone so it’s chill but outside work is just annoying & needs to be over asap.
24. If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?
this is super hard but my mom’s bbq chicken with red skin potatoes, it’s like the best thing ever, but this is ridiculous like- food is too good to give up. 
25. Who is your favorite author?
Okay I haven’t read anything is sO LONG so I’m not really sure but just on the premise of knowing a lot of his work I’m going to go with C.S. Lewis because I love the way he explains things & I love Narnia. 
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