#yall needle felting is so fun if i want to make a little guy i can just pick up my needles and stab them to life
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averaillisa · 17 days ago
Celebrated Valentine's by needle felting ratiorine duckies!!! 🦆
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jinwoosbabyboo · 14 days ago
EEEEE I LOVE YOUR WEITING AND THOUGHTS AND SELF SO MUCH!!!! <3333 so, I'm curious....about what you think about the fact that mc had to be killed multiple times in this time line...when she was a child...that's darker than a usual ask sorry but I can't stop thinking it. Do you think the lads know about it? Cause I suspect that Caleb definitely does, and some how I also think Raphel does too 😬
And if they didnt...how would they react?? Cause I forget if mc knows or not but she's much too chill for her situation like......ma'am......
You're gonna make me blush ☺️🩵 I had a day from hell yesterday and it rolled over into today a little which is why I wanted to just talk to you guys and this made my day better thank you nonnie
Now what do I think.....
I think MC being killed over and over in this timeline is insane bro especially as a child when they were experimenting on her and realized she could die and come back with no memory. I've always thought child experimentation is insane because why are you doing that to a child? My mother actually allowed doctors to study me consistently from the age of 6-17 (they paid her for it) so I've been poked and prodded for a good chunk of my life and it's not fun. I've had so many mri scans, X-rays, needles, treatments, and tests run on me I actually hate hospitals now. I wasn't even sick and I still to this day don't know what they were studying. The only reason they stopped is because I turned 18 and could make my own medical decisions. I could go on and on telling yall what they did to me, but lets not go down that rabbit hole.
Do I think the lads men know?
Caleb definitely remembers everything and im a firm believer this is why he's messed up in the head. He probably watched her forget him time and time again meanwhile he's also being experimented on and those scientists probably pushed him to the brink of death to see if he was like MC. Im sure he's pissed about it which is why he is hell bent on keeping her safe and I commend him for that his love is from a pure place even if he has trouble expressing it
Thats his whole premise of trying to save MC because he's had to watch her be sacrificed to Philos which is why he doesn't have a good relationship with his dad and also why he doesn't want to be king. He literally will let his planet die to save his baby.
Rafayel - YUMP 100%
He's made comments to MC about her bad memory and how she's forgetting something, but he keeps coming back to make her fall in love with him over and over because he physically, emotionally and mentally can't go against her. He's a lemurian they live and die for love I understand why he cries when he's alone my shayla ☹️
Sylus has his soul is tied to hers I feel like he might've felt her die over and over throughout the years and he was definitely hurt bad when the shopkeeper told him she was disgusted/afraid of him when they finally met again
Zayne - Im not sure actually
I feel like Zayne knows something, but just isn't saying anything because in the 'gift' option for him when he gives mc the jasmine made of ice it feels like he's trying to ask her "are you having dreams of another life like me?"
If they didn't know....
The crash outs - Xavier & Caleb The silent assassin's - Sylus & Rafayel The one that tries to find a way to cope - Zayne
Side note: MC is chill about her situation because she don't know shit literally sis has no memory of shit
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saksukei · 4 years ago
mermaid yeosang au
[plenty of curses lol and also this is hella long ,,,,, so I'm sorry] This was once again inspired by warmau, please check them out! I love their writing.
other mermaid aus; yunho san
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when your friends said you were a dumb fuck you begged to differ but now you just agree
because really– you have proved how low your IQ level is when you went to the beach
It was a cloudy day and it was supposed to rain later on but you and your friends were already at the beach– so you decided you might as well enjoy
you wanted to go for a swim but all your friends refused and said that they preferred to stick to the shallow water
you went in for a swim in the deep water, where the waves form because you go out to swim pretty often ,,,, especially this place
but then it started raining cats and dogs
and the current started becoming stronger
your grade A swimming skills couldn't save you because even as you were trying to swim against the current, the water was just sweeping you away
The only thing you could hear were your friends screaming for the one second you managed to get out and then you were back in
salt water going through your nose
and you felt like this was it
because getting out of the water is impossible and you've heard countless stories of people drowning, never thinking you were going to go be one of them
and this isn't some movie where you get washed up on some shore on an island and find your way back home
and so you just let the water take you with itself
Till you felt a strong grip on your wrist
you couldn't see clearly because the salt water and the sand was hurting your eyes
but you felt something wrap it's arms around you tightly and drag you away with full force
you felt everything fade away as you lost consciousness
you eyes fluttered open and you jolted up
you found yourself on this flat rock on some unknown shoreline?
“oh good– you're up,” you heard someone say from behind you.
You turned around to see a white haired boy, prominent cheek bones, angular face, melanin skin, a weak smile on his lips
and then you noticed–
the huge gash that went from his ankle to almost his knee
“w-what ,,,,, how did this happen? Are you okay?” you asked, worryingly, as you inched closer to him.
“oh I'm a hundred percent fine!” he replied in a sarcastic tone, pointing towards his leg
“rude,” you hissed, as you tore your sleeve, wrapping it around his leg to cover the wound
“please stop– this ,,, it won't help,” he pointed towards the bandage.
“i know it's not great but it'll be worse if I don't do this now,” you answered.
“no you don't understand,” he interrupted, his tone stern.
“what do I not understand? This is one of the things I've been taught to do in case someone gets wounded and this prevents bacterial infection from happening–”
“I'm a mermaid,,,,,,” he confessed.
and you stopped dead in your tracks
“y-youre a ,,,,, what?” you asked him again
“don't tell anyone please,” he grumbled. “I don't want a fanclub”
“oh my god ,,,, you're a mermaid but you're also a dick, congrats!” you replied, clearly annoyed.
and he just rolled his eyes
“why don't you just tell me how I can help because I don't want to be responsible for murder,” you hissed.
Yeosang scoffed and kept thinking of a solution, till an idea popped into his mind, a smile on his face
You could see the light bulb over his head
“well- there are these things we use to heal and keep ourselves strong ,,,,, they're a type of seashell.....”
“oh god– this will be like finding a needle in a haystack,” you sighed.
“no actually the shell is the color of my tail which is emerald green, with white lines and we don't carry these shells with us, but rather– they find us when we are in need,” he explained.
“so can't it just ,,,,,, I don't know pop out of the ocean right into my arms?”
“if that's how it worked, do you think I would have entertained you all that long?”
“fine, you win,” you admitted, gritting your teeth
“dont hit your head on the rocks or drown like you did before–” he jabbered.
“you know ,,,,, I really miss two minutes ago when I didn't know your existence,” you retorted, as you dived into the water, missing the smirk on his face
After several minutes, you found the shell and you swam back to the silver haired boy
“y-you found the shell?” he gulped
“yeah, why do you sound so panicky?” you asked, as you handed it to him, noticing the change in his tone
“nothing,” he scoffed. “I thought your intelligence quotient was so low that you would drown again,”
You only huffed in annoyance as you watched the gash on his leg disappear in an instant
“how did you get hurt anyway?”
“i was trying to save your dumbass from drowning.....”
he stood up and mans was taller than you
“the wound is fixed, the attitude comes right out huh?” you snapped.
“this isn't attitude, this is just–”
“no, you're just a jerk face” you interrupted, getting up.
Before you could utter another word, in one swift motion he grabbed your wrist and pulled you towards him
“first of all, it's not jerk face– it's Kang yeosang and second of all, I didn't have to injure myself just to save your petty ungrateful ass, but I still did.”
“well, god wanted me dead and now you get to find out why,” you managed to choke out, hoping he wouldn't notice how fAST YOUR HEART WAS RACING
He let go of your wrist as he rolled his eyes for the umpteenth time
“do you want to get back home or not?”
“yeah, so that I can forget your existence.”
He mumbled a ‘fine’ and jumped into the water
and you jumped after him
you could see his dark emerald green tail and as it came to the middle part, it become almost white, similar to his hair color
“hold on tight and pray that I don't strangle you,” he wrapped his arms around you and held you close to his chest
I mean ,,,,,, dude was a dick but he looked hELLA FINE AND YALL SEE HIS CHEST??
he swam at literal lightning speed like you were there before you even knew it??
the storm had passed and you could see lifeguards, friends and family on the shoreline
You were in still water, small waves here and there but nothing too strong
“the coast guard is going to come here for another round to search for you–pretend you're unconscious and just let your body float,” he instructed.
“what if I get only farther and farther away from the shore?” you asked and he rolled his eyes
“you need to stop asking me stupid questions ,,,,, and- I'll be here to supervise.”
“okay then um- thank you ,,,, yeosang.”
“you're welcome–” he let go of your body and you let your body float on the water, till you felt a boat near by, eventually taking you out of the water
you eventually pretended to regain consciousness and was happy to be reunited with everyone
you also got scolded by everyone but you felt as if something was missing
sure you didn't like yeosang but he still saved you and you just ,,,,, kinda liked having him around even if he was annoying
I mean he made your heart race and get you all giddy for some ,,,,,, reason
this incident happened a little over a month ago and you spent all your time missing yeosang?? even though you like barely knew him and he was a dick lol
you went back to the beach, without anyone around and just walked along the shoreline till you felt your foot hit something
it was emerald in color?
yeosang's shell??
was he in trouble?
you panicked internally because you hoped he was okay
you picked up the shell and looked around,
but you still couldn't see him
you saw a rather large rock so you decided to swim towards it in hopes of trying to spot him from the top
and you got there but unfortunately the rock was too steep and slippery and so you were trying to find an edge where you could get on top from
unaware that Yeosang was watching you struggle and grinning at your stupidity
“you do realize– I have been looking for that ,,,, every where,” you heard someone say, making your heart race and you ended up bumping into his chest ,,,,, again
“you dick– if you were here ,,,, why couldn't you help me?”
“sorry it was fun watching you struggle–” he smirked
“rude– but I found your shell so- are you okay?” you asked with geniuine concern
He sighed, “oh god- I have to tell you something....”
“you see ,,,,, I had originally sent you on a wild goose chase when I sent you to find my shell–”
“what do you mean?”
“actually no one except the mermaids themselves can find their own shell,” he scratched the back of his head. “unless–” he paused.
“unless they are your significant other....”
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dadplagg-mamatikki · 6 years ago
Posted the next chapter of Behind Bars on AO3! Hope you guys enjoy! Let me know what yall think? I’m intrigued to know yalls opinions!
~Warning! This story contains Season 3 Spoilers!~
Chapter 2: Insomnia:
Something wasn't adding up and it was irritating Marinette. Adrien said the book belonged to his dad. So why wasn't his dad still a suspect as Hawkmoth? Cause he was akumatized as Collector. But Hawkmoth never talked to him. That in itself was strange. She paused with her homework in front of her, setting the pencil down and leaning back in the chair.
   “Huh.” Marinette said softly, pulling on her lower lip with her teeth. “I wonder.” Quickly, she flipped to a new page in her notebook and began a bullet list.
“What are you doing Marinette?” Tikki asked, noticing the sudden change in her charge.
“Writing down a list of things that Gabriel Agreste and Hawkmoth has in common.” She explained to Tikki, who nodded and say down, nodding her head solemnly.
“Ok. What commonalities do you have so far?”
“So far, butterflies. It's all over the Gabriel logo. They also appear to be the same height.” She explained, recalling her times being around Gabrielle and on Hero's Day when Hawkmoth showed his face for the first time. “Same face structure. Hawkmoth and Gabriel are never seen at the same time, as in whenever there is a akuma that can communicate with Hawkmoth, Gabriel is not present.” Marinette begins to explain as she uses the pencil to point the points out to Tikki. “Adrien was taken during Hero’s Day by the Gorizilla who is his Bodyguard. Showing that he wants Adrien to be safe.”
“But during Grozilla, didn't he drop Adrien?” Tikki asked.
“Yes but did you notice that Gorizilla let me go after the butterfly outline on his face. To save Adrien.” Marinette explained, looking at Tikki who eyes just widened.
“Oh wow….” She whispered. “Should we tell Master Fu?”
“Not yet. We need more solid proof.” Marinette narrowed her eyes causing her eyebrows to furrow. “Need more proof…” She whispered softly, nibbling on the eraser.
“Well, what about some reasons he is not?” Tikki suggested. Nodding, she jotted down a bullet, thinking of what else to write.
“Hmmm. Eye colors are not the same.” She looked at the second one she write. “And Hawkmoth said that he had nothing to lose.” Her eyes looked towards Tikki. “That would mean to him, Adrien isn't important.” She felt the wetness on her cheeks before she realized what was going on. Tikki was attempting to wipe away tears she didn't realize she had shed.
“Shhh. It's ok Marinette.” Tikki whispered. “There is still a chance…” she trailed off, realizing that the chance is smaller than either of them had first realized. 
   Marinette curled up in her bed, Tikki sleeping on the pillow beside her. She couldn't fall asleep. Glancing at the clock, she saw it was almost 4:45 in the morning. She got the feeling she wouldn’t be getting any sleep before school that day. Sighing, she grabbed her phone and began scrolling through Pinterest looking for things that she could create for her friends. A few ideas that she could transform into something truly unique for each of her friends. It was a favorite pastime of hers. A wristlet would be great for Alya, one that was Ladybug themed would be perfect. Maybe even themed after the Ladyblog? Sneaking out of bed as to not disturb Tikki, she gathered some supplies that would be the biases for a idea about the design and shape of the wristlet. She made a few notes here and there, one being to make sure she had the right phone of Alya’s, but also to make it where she could go back to it another time and edit the size of it for it to be used even if she got a different phone. Making it adjustable would be a fantastic thing. And making it a unique addition to her list of items she’s created and could re-create with necessary adjustments. She studied her fabrics, deciding that none of them would work for this, she would have to stop by the shop later to find some new fabric.
Well, she could at least move on to another project. Something for Nino would be a bag-case for his headphones. That away when he was in gym class or sleeping there would be a protective place for them. And so that Chris doesn’t get his hands on them either. The bag was going to be simpler project than the wristlet. Marinette just needed to figure out exactly how big the headphones were. But that didn’t exactly have to stop her from beginning the outline. She figured that a reversible bag could be pretty neat, so she would need two different patterns and fabric. She got up and headed to where her fabric was stored, more than the quick access by her desk. Opening the storage quietly, she peered inside. Finding a simple black cloth right off the bat settled the outer design problem. Now, for the inside, that’s where she should have fun with it. Nothing was catching her eye for the exciting bits, so she was going to have to check in the store when she went for Alya’s. She headed to where her thread was, looking for the closest match to the fabric in hand. Who knew there could be so many shades of black? Studying them as best as she could, she figured out which one was the closest shade. Setting down the required supplies, she began to thread her beloved machine with the black thread. It was soothing, the process of threading the machine was engraved in her. She could probably complete the task with her eyes closed. But eyes closed and a needle present was not a good idea. Time went by as she began laying out the pattern, making adjustments here and there where they were needed. A yawn overtook her body, showing her that ‘Hey, you’re tired enough to sleep now Marinette’. And with that cew, she completed the current task she was doing before heading up to her bed, plopping down as gently as she could as to not wake up her sleeping kwami.
“Marinette! Marinette! You’re going to be late for school again!” Her mother's voice rang out what felt like two seconds later. A large yawn engulfed Marinette as she sat up, rubbing her eyes.
“I’m up Mamon!” She called out, stretching a arm above her before looking up out of her skylight. Did she sleep any?
“Alright! I have your breakfast and a few leftovers from yesterday's bakery in a basket for you to take to school. Keep an eye on the time!” Her mother's parting words rang throughout her sleepy loft.
“Did I get any sleep Tikki?” She asked her Kwami that was floating towards her, she seemed to have been gathering her stuff for the day.
“You were out when I woke up at 5.” She responded with a slight shrug.
“Well, I went to bed around 4:30 I think…” Marinette mumbled more to herself than to Tikki, climbing out of bed and starting to get ready for school. Honestly, if her insomnia got worse, she could probably just stay in the same clothes if they weren’t dirty. Apply fresh coat of deodorant and a few squirts of perfume and that would make a few of things a lot quicker when she’s not had any sleep. She pushed the idea to the back of her mind as she finished getting ready, rinsing her mouth out before heading down the stairs to where the gifts her mother had called about were left.
“Thank you!” She called down into the bakery as she left for school, hurrying across the street and up the stairs. At least she was going to probably get there in time. She took the first step into the classroom when the bell rang, a sigh of relief escaped her lips as she sat down next to Alya for the first round of classes to begin. Her eyes drifted from the board to her notebook, seeing that her notes were following the lesson, she began doing doodles on the side of the paper, thinking about measurements and when she’d be able to go to her fabric shop. She made a mental note to ask Nino for his headphones once class was over with. Her attention to the class was drawn back when Lila was explaining how she and Ladybug had been hanging out the day before, how this was relevant to the class Marinette didn’t know.
“So in a way, you could say Ladybug is my best friend. And with her knowing the inside scoop about the Akumas and how to defeat them, you can try and figure out how to make a foreshadowing thought process with the information regarding the lucky charm and her spots left on the earrings.” She was explaining, causing Marinette to roll her eyes. She was most definitely not best friends with the fake fox. Marinette tuned out the liar and resumed on the list she started the day before about gifts for her friends.
“Wonder what the inside scoop is about the akumas…” Alya mumbled to her best friend. Scribbling something down on a piece of paper.
“Do you really think that Lila is best friends with Ladybug? Chloe has always said she was Ladybug’s best friend.” Marinette whispered back to the reporter, not looking up from a sketch she had started to design for Rose.
“But that’s Chloe. We all know she’s a major fangirl. Although not as major as Adrien. But there’s been numerous sightings of Lila with Ladybug.” Alya peered over her shoulder at the design.
“And so has Alix, Adrien, Nathaniel, even you.” Marinette’s eyes shot towards her best friend. “Just being spotted with Lila” even though none of them were actually her. “Does not mean that she is her best friend.” Marinette sighed, expraserated. This caused Alya to shrug.
“Well, a good reporter always checks out all the sources.” She explained, a odd glint in her eye. “Besides, Chat Noir is probably Ladybugs true best friend.” She snickered. “Poor boy. Ladybug won’t give him the time of day though.”
“She does!” Marinette said a little bit above a whisper. “She values him and wouldn’t be where she was today if it was not for him. They are a team, partners. That is a perfect reason as to why he is her best friend AND that she does value his friendship even if she doesn’t reciprocate his feelings.” Marinette scoffed, leaning back in her seat, crossing her arms.
“Mmm. Sounds to me like you ship LadyNoir.” Alya smirked, nudging her best friend with her shoulder. Ahead of the two best friends, a certain blonde haired boy was blushing, causing his ears to turn a slight red tint.
“I do not.” Marinette shook her head. “Be quiet, I’m trying to pay attention to the lesson.” Her response caused a snicker to escape her best friend.
“Sure, Marinette.” She spoke with a shake of her head as she compared the notes on the board to her paper. Marinette chose not to respond, not wanting to dig herself into a deeper hole. What she said was the truth and there was no arguing that. She did not ship herself with Chat, nor did she not value him. You could be bestfriends with a guy and not have any fuzzy feelings towards him. Besides, her heart was reserved for the blonde in front of her. 
   Lunch went without a hitch. Almost. As Marinette was headed back to the school from devouring some fresh goods from the bakery, a akuma had appeared out of nowhere. Groaning, she quickly jumped behind a bush, other people were scattering in more odd places, she quickly transformed, crawling a few bushes down before swinging into the Paris skyline. Landing on top of a building a few blocks away, she surveyed the area.
   “I am Caffined!” A booming voice alerted the city, shooting up into the sky on a… coffee cup? Ladybug shook her head, jumping and running across the rooftops to try and get closer to the akuma. She looked across the street to see Chat Noir jump up from between two buildings, running along and saluting to her before they continued to run towards the akuma. “There is never too much caffeine! If I demand more, I get more!” He shouted, pointing a straw cannon at citizens of Paris. Once a blast of brown light struck them, they seemed very energized. Great. Chat really didn’t need to be hit with that light. As they stopped and arrived at a meeting point to discuss the game plan, she watched Caffined refill his cup before blasting down the street a little.
   “Hope I’m not to latte.” Chat smirks, landing beside her. Oh great. Already with the puns.
   “Avoid getting shot by the beam of light, please.” Ladybug looked at him, a exasperated expression on her face.
   “Sure, sure, my���lady.” He bows, watching the akuma. “I think his akuma is in that straw of his.” He explains, observing the victim.
   “Agreed. Now, just how to get to it. If we could somehow get him to slow down, you could easily cataclysm the straw and I’d be able to get back to school on time.” Ladybug mumbled, her eyebrows stitching together under her mask.
   “Will do. Maybe your charm is just what the brew needs to be the perfect blend.” He winked, his smile widening. “Ok. That wasn’t my best one. Sorry.” He spoke with a shrug, hands flying up by his head.
   “Just go distract him.” Came her reply as she grabbed her yoyo from her belt, getting ready to toss it into the air and call upon her lucky charm. Hope flared in her chest that it would be over soon as a bag of coffee grounds landed in her hand. She raised a hidden eyebrow, looking over it, on the front in big bold letters it said ‘Decaf’. How exactly would decaf work? It was still coffee even though it wasn’t caffeinated. And it didn’t have anything in it to put people to sleep with. Looking around, she tried to find clues to piece together a seemingly contradicting puzzle.
   “What’s our creamer for this blend, buggaboo?” Chat called out as he bounced from a light post to a car, ducking behind it as the flash of light shot through the window.
   “I’m trying to figure that out!” She exclaimed, looking around to see a floral shop with a herb section. “I got it!” She called out and gestured him over, Caffined needing to refill his storage.
   “What’s the plan?” He asked, standing on guard as she looked through the herbs. “Can I just say, Buggaboo, that you mocha me very happy!” He said with a smirk, glancing over his shoulder at her.
   “Shut up. And the lucky charm was a bag of decaf coffee”
   “And so what’s going to happen is I’m making a signature blend of sleepy herbs to hopefully make Caffined a little drowsy.”
   “But it doesn’t appear to go through him.”
   “That’s a part when you come in. You’ll get close to him, make him think he’s got you. Just as he shoots the light at you, you duck and the beam rickashays off of the mirror of that car’s side view mirror and onto him. Then you can cataclysm his straw.” Ladybug explained the plan quickly, eyes searching the area. “I’ll use the mirror to reverse the beam.” He nodded as she finished adding the herbs to the grounds.
   “Lavender and Chamomile?” He checked, sniffing the bag.
   “You’re good with your herbs, tomcat, aren’t ya?” Ladybug smirked at him with a knowing giggle, before nodding.
   “What can I say? A cat doesn’t just have nine lives but also a keen sense of smell.” He winked before jumping to distract the akuma. Rolling her eyes, Ladybug went through the shadows around the building, going up behind Caffined and pouring the mixture into the coffee pot backpack he had. A thumbs up to Chat let him know it was game time. Quickly, as he started the plan, she ran to get the mirror that would be used to bounce the light back against him.
   “Once I’ve blasted that barista with my blast, I’ll get your miraculous!” Caffined yelled at Chat, reaching for him.
   “Oh, I don’t think you’ll have any luck with that. My brew-ti-ful partner is already a step ahead of you!” Chat Noir calls out, smiling as he heard a groan from where Ladybug was.
   “Enough with the puns! I’ll make you so energized you won’t be able to think straight! So no more puns!!” Caffined let out loudly, lifting the straw and aiming it towards Chat Noir. He released a dark brown colored light, that grew lighter as it transported through the air. Chat leaped up and out of the way, casusin the beam of light to hit right in the middle of the mirror Ladybug was holding. “Nooo!” Caffined yelled, turning and trying to escape his beam when it failed and slung him in the neck. “Hah!” He called, looking at the superhero duo. “You just gave me more energy!” He turned with his fists extended by his hips, awaiting to embrace the ‘energy’ he thought he would be consuming.
   “Have I ever told you my lady, you’re the cream to my coffee.” Chat slung his arm around her shoulders only to have her shrug it off.
   “Really? Enough of the puns Chat.” She said as she watched Caffeined slowly drop his arms to regular stature by his side, his blinking slow. “Alright. Action time.” She said, nodding to Chat Noir as he called upon his special power, running towards him and swiping the straw, making it break in half and a dark butterfly flew out from the broken parts. She swung her yoyo, capturing the akuma and purifying it.
   “Bye-bye little butterfly.” She said, grabbing the now empty bag of decaf and tossing it in the air. “Miraculous Ladybug!” She called out, the bag dissolving into ladybugs and spreading around Paris, returning people back to normal. Her earrings beeped, warning her she had two minutes left. “Chat, do you think you can take care of him? I’m about to transform back.” He nodded, extending his fist.
   “Pound it!” They said excitedly, jumping and separating their ways. She jumps and lands on the roof, looking around and figuring she should just head on to school and detransform there while she could. She could easily drop down, and claim she’s fallen again. One side of being a klutz, falling is normal for her. She arrived at the school, looking around before jumping onto the second floor, entering the library and one of the corners where no one was and releasing her transformation. Straightening herself, she exited the room, looking around to completely make sure she was alone before completely exiting the room and heading to the locker, waving at Alya as she arrived.
   “Hey!” She said happily. The interactions with Chat Noir had brightened her mood a little, even through the puns. “Did you get the homework done for Ms. Mendeleiev class?” She asked.
   “Yeah, almost. I didn’t answer one question because I couldn’t figure it out.” Alya explained, slinging her backpack over her shoulder so that they could head to class. “You?” She asked.
   “Yeah, all of them! I couldn’t sleep last night so I ended up finishing it.” Which wasn’t a complete lie.
   “Awesome. Could you help me with the question?” Alya asked as they linked arms and headed towards Ms. Mendeleiev class.
   “Of course!” Marinette smiled happily at her best friend. “Why would I let my best friend suffer over a question that I completed.” She winked causing Alya to laugh, shaking her head.
   “Good. I may wish that Ladybug is my best friend, but you are my forever bff.” She stated with a smile at Marinette. “I mean, for one, you both do so much good for people, you both have the same hairstyles.” Alya trailed off for a moment thinking. “But you are most definitely more clumsy than she is!” Oh the irony of this. “Adrien was right when he called you our Everyday Ladybug. You really are. Man, you could probably cosplay her really well! Like in the music video for Clara Nightingale!”
   “Yeah? Well maybe I’ll be Ladybug for Halloween.” Marinette snickered. “I’ve got plenty of time to create the perfect costume.” Or she could just transform. But that wouldn’t work out for her favor if there wasn’t a akuma around.
   “Oh girl, I would love for you to make one for both of us!”
   “Oh really?” A smirk played on Marinette’s lips. “And here I thought that you’d do a good Rena Rogue cosplay.” Alya paused before laughing.
   “What makes y-you think that?” Her eyes shifted sideways.
   “You two look alike is all.” She shrugs.
   “Well, if we were playing the roles of best friends, I’d be more fitting to be Chat Noir.” Alya covered herself quickly. If only the girl knew.
   “Maybe I want to be Chat? You’d be such a better Ladybug than I would be.” They entered the class and went to their seats, starting to gather the materials needed for class. Adrien and Nino came in a few minutes behind, laughing as usual at something. Marinette watched them both, glad she had asked Nino earlier for the measurements. Adrien abruptly stopped before he turned to his chair to bend down and tie his shoe… Which was his typical orange Gabriel brand shoe. But something caught her eye and brought back flashbacks. His shoe had a butterfly shape on it. Why, in the world, would Gabriel include the logo butterflies? It didn’t make much sense. It was a logo before his wife disappeared so it couldn’t be in honor of her. She remembered that it was similar to the shape of the Moth miraculous, remembering from the book that Master Fu had. The realization struck her deeply, trying to piece together the little fragments of what was left to clarify that Gabriel Agreste, the father of Adrien Agreste her classmate and love of her life, to not be Hawkmoth. It wasn’t fitting together anymore. More and more reasons were appearing for him to be    Hawkmoth instead.
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quitetommy · 7 years ago
the pain we share
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well hello again, babes!! i felt bad that i wasn’t gonna update for another week so i did this quick little thing. it’s a story based off @softspideys. i know it obviously wont be as good but!! i had fun writing it so :)) i hope you guys enjoy and i’ll see yall again on the 14, with another chapter of fighting for you!!
It was something that had happened to her. It was a year or two ago, it was something the young girl lived with now; taking people’s pain. She was taken in by none other than Mr. Tony Stark. He had helped her through it all, getting everything in order. And Y/N couldn’t imagine it happening any different. She was okay with her curse, it was helping people.
She first noticed her powers when she was walking down the street. There was a young woman, maybe around her mid-twenties. She was holding her arm near her chest, tears going down her face. It was when the woman bumped into Y/N that she felt it. It was a pain in her arm, hot. Y/N grabbed her arm as the woman’s tears slowed and she lowered her arm. Y/N yelled out, the pain leaving her arm after a moment, she straightened and then fled from the scene. She had heard about the heros in her city being looked at like a freak. She was scared, she didn’t want to be a freak.
Tony Stark never treated her like a freak. No, he looked at her like family. Since the young girl’s family exiled her after finding her to be different, he took her in. Although he kept her in hiding, not wanting it all to be too much. He kept her in the tower and only let her talk to the avengers. He kept her locked away until he felt she was ready. And he finally felt she was, so he sent her the only place he thought.
Midtown science & tech. Alongside Tony’s best 15 year old. Peter Parker. It was a mission for both of them, he had brought them to the tower so that they could go over everything. And it wasn’t like they didn’t know each other, they had met before, knowing of each other for about a year now.
Peter’s mission was to watch over the girl, make sure she didn’t get into trouble and Y/N’s was to just be a kid.
Tony knew that she had grown up to fast and he wanted her to just have a little bit of childhood left, he wanted her to have what he never did. So, he made her go.
Y/N and Peter were on the subway, bright and early on the next Monday morning. They both awkwardly held onto the subway pole, she made sure to keep her hand away from his. She didn’t want to have to explain herself to him. She had Tony promise to keep it away from Peter. When she met him a year ago, she liked him and she didn’t want to be looked at like a freak. Not by him.
“Y/N? Are you listening?” She heard him speak, pulling her away from her thoughts. She laughed, “Y-Yeah. Of course, what were you saying?”
Peter’s eyes widened once she made eye contact with him. He thought she was so beautiful, seriously. Sure they’d known each other for awhile, but he could never get over her beauty. “Uh, I was just saying h-how, once we get to school we should probably go to the office so you can get your schedule.”
Y/N nodded, bouncing on her feet, “Tony said that he pulled some strings, so I think we’re gonna have a lot of classes together.”
“That’d be nice. You can meet Ned,” Peter smiled and Y/N wracked her brain, trying to put a face to the name. She vaguely remember hearing about him.
She leaned back a bit, tired of standing, she started to speak but was cut off once she came in contact with the man behind her. Her body froze and she sucked in a huge breath, hunching over. She felt it all, all the pain he was carrying. It wasn’t too much for her to handle and she could tell she took a weigh off her shoulders, but she wasn’t expecting it so it caught her off guard.
Peter furrowed his eyebrows, he reached out to touch her, gain her attention. Seeing the boy’s hand, she sucked in a breath and sobered up. “No! Don’t touch me!”
Peter took his hand away and straightened up like he was burned. A few people looked over but she didn’t care. She was just ready to get off that stupid subway. And lucky her wish was granted when it stopped and Peter waved her out. He quietly mumbled, “About two or so blocks.”
Y/N just nodded, she cursed herself. It was awkward now. Peter looked at her, a frown on his face, “What happened back there?” He had noticed that she sometimes acted like that, but he wasn’t ever sure why.
They crossed the street, “Back where?” Y/N was playing dumb and they both knew it. Peter pointed his thumb over his shoulder, “On the subway, remember?”
Y/N just shrugged and let a weak smile fall onto her lips. “It doesn’t matter. Just forget it, yeah?” She nodded at him before pointing to the building she was looking at, “Almost there right?”
The pair had gone through half of their day now. Y/N had met Ned and they instantly hit it off, she was right about Tony, as well. He had pulled some strings and Peter and Y/N had all of the same classes. Thankfully. They were at lunch now and Y/N was listening to Peter and Ned talk about some lego set they wanted to do, when she saw a girl at the end of the table.
She interrupted, “Hey, Peter, who’s that?”
“Who? Oh, that’s Michelle. We don’t really talk to her.” He shrugged and Y/N studied her for a moment. Her hair was in a messy ponytail and she was hunched over a book. When Peter spoke, she swore she could see the poor girl fold into herself even more. Against her better judgement, Y/N stood up, walking over.
“Hey, Michelle, yeah?” Y/N questioned once she reached the obvious bookworm. Michelle looked up, confused. “Yeah?”
“I’m new here and I thought I’d introduce myself.” Y/N smiled. Michelle tilted her head still, “Why?”
“Don’t know, you seemed lonely. Want some company?” Y/N outstretched her hand, knowing what it meant. “I’m Y/N.”
Looking at her hand, Michelle placed her own into Y/N’s, shaking it. “I’m Michelle. You can call me MJ.”
And Y/N felt it. The heartbreak, the sadness. And that’s when she understood; MJ was a quiet girl, not because she loved to read but because she was scared of it all. The heartbreak and the sadness, it was a lot. Y/N cringed but tried to hide it, as she sat. She was successful hiding it from two of the three people watching her. MJ and Ned were clueless, not Peter though. Even though it was the smallest movement, he saw it. He knew something was up and he was determined to figure it out. No matter what.
Y/N took a big breath, forgetting the pain. She was just happy she could help. She could tell that the young girl felt better. She sat straighter and held a small smile on her face now. That was all Y/N could hope for.
And the day continued on, the trio was in Chemistry now. Since Y/N was the “new” girl, she got to pick where she wanted to sit. Obviously she picked to sit with the boys. Ned sat in the middle and Peter and Y/N on his sides. It was perfect, he was going to test her. He’d accidentally poke Ned with the needle he was holding, hoping Y/N would work her magic. He was sure that she was something.
Minutes passed with no one talking, everyone working. It was time, he took the needle and pricked his friend. He jumped and yelled out, startling Y/N and the class. Blood quickly oozed out of the small needle hole and Ned groaned, “Dude!”
Peter’s eyes were on Y/N, watching, waiting. He was sure. So sure. She felt it, his eyes. Meeting his gaze she raised an eyebrow, frowning. She didn’t move though, not with him watching her.
Peter sighed, backing down. “Sorry man, wasn’t paying attention.” He patted his friend’s shoulder, a frown playing on his lips.
He was so sure.
Once the day was over, Peter met Y/N at her locker. He leaned onto the one next to her’s. “Hey,” she smiled, forgetting about the incident in Chemistry. Peter smiled too, remembering, “Hi, ready to go?” Y/N nodded as she closed her locker and they headed out. Peter was going to try again, he made his mind up. He was going to prove that she was different.
“How was your first day?” He asked, breaking the ice. Y/N smiled, “Good! MJ is really cool, so is Ned!”
“That’s great. . .” He brushed against her. Y/N noticed and pulled away a bit. He didn’t let up, moving closer. She frowned and pulled away again, only to have him roughly grab her shoulder and hold her. Y/N started to yell out, “Hey, man! What the hell—“
She was cut off, she couldn’t talk anymore. The air was sucked from her lungs as he held her. The pain was different that she’d ever felt. It was so much more than she’d felt. She felt it all. It was so overpowering she was sure that it would take awhile to pass.
The grief. The guilt. The physical and emotional pain. She felt it all. Of course she’d felt it all before but never altogether, never. It was too much, she couldn’t breathe, her chest was too full with the pain she was absorbing.
Peter’s eyes frantically looked all over her suddenly rigid body. He didn’t understand at first, then it clicked. He felt it; he felt the pain leaving his body. He felt the pain of his uncle leave, he felt the pain in his ribs leave. He felt the psychological pain leave. He felt lighter. He gasped, eyes wide in horror, and still held her.
He was too shocked to let her go. She talked past the feeling in her stomach. She felt like she had been sucker punched, “P-Peter, let me go!”
He dropped her. He fell back a few steps, acting like she had burst into flames. “H-How did you do that?”
Y/N felt all the pain, everywhere. She dropped to the ground. It was so much.
“Y/N. How did you do that?” He asked again, more forceful. Y/N snapped her head up to look at him. There was no more hiding.
“I— can’t, you won’t—“ She took a breath, “I have these powers. I take away people’s pain.”
He stepped closer to the now broken girl, “M-My pain? You can’t!”
She shrugged, sniffing, “It’s too late. I told you not to touch me.”
“Y/N, that’s not— You can’t take people’s pain! Especially not mine! It’s mine not yours!” He was yelling now. His face was red and he had his hands balled into fists. Y/N scoffed, pushing past the pain that was still running through her veins and standing up. “You think I wanted your pain?! No! I don’t want any of it, if I could give it back I would! Trust me!”
Peter laughed, though he didn’t find it funny at all, “It’s not yours to take. It’s mine and you took it from me. It’s mine to deal with.”
Y/N narrowed her eyes pointing at him, screaming, “I don’t want it! Just leave me alone, Peter!” She threw her hands up and walked away from him. He followed, quick on her heals. He grabbed her arm, spinning her around. She gasped and ripped her arm away, “I said don’t touch me! Just let me go!”
Peter frowned as she turned again. He yelled out, “I-If you go, i’m calling Mr. Stark!!”
She stopped in her tracks, laughing. She turned, “You’re such a fucking child! You’re gonna tell on me if I leave? Nice, Peter!”
“Can you just stop for a second?!” He called at her. She stepped towards at him as he continued, “Look, I’m sorry I touched you okay? Just forget it.”
Y/N shook her head, “No! I can’t, because now I have all your fuckin’ pain and I’m what, just supposed to pretend that I don’t know? I’m supposed to let you go around with all this?”
He shook his head, “Y-Yeah, it’s mine. You don’t have to deal with it.”
She avoided his eyes, “I can’t pretend.”
“I won’t let you take my pain.”
“That’s not your choice!” Y/N threw her arms around, making eye contact now.
“Yes, it is. It’s my pain. I deal with it my way. I don’t need you.” He nodded and she understood. “Okay. I won’t take your pain.”
“You promise?” He questioned, a eyebrow raised. Y/N nodded, “Of course, Peter.”
taglist; @rainbow-marvel @holland-boys
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dazzlingfantasiesblogs · 7 years ago
Happy Home P13
Happy x Reader
Warnings: Swearing?
Sooo... I got so into writing this tonight. Very long. Lol. Took me a bit to get my groove back for this one. Much love yall!
Happy sat at the bar stool, playing the scenario in his head. He just stood up and it went down from there. There was no doubt in his mind if he would have just pushed your sister slightly that you would have shot him. He fucked up, he knew that. He needed to talk to you, even if it meant him leaving in a body bag.
You woke up in an odd apartment. Rubbing your eyes, getting the morning off of them. Looking over you seen your next-door neighbor drinking coffee as he read the paper. “Morning sunshine. You blacked out last night. I couldn’t find your keys so I had you sleep here.” He took a sip of is coffee. “Thanks.. where is my mother and Grace?” “At.. SOA club house..” Your face contorted a bit with disgust. “James.. can I borrow your cell phone?”
Twenty minutes later Luke arrived at James apartment. “Here is your keys. You left them with me last night and your phone.” You nodded to Luke giving him a hug. “James, thanks for being so sweet.” You kissed his cheek and walked out of his apartment. Walking a few doors down to your penthouse, you opened the door. It was empty. For the past few weeks, your mother and Grace had made this a happy place to be. Now they where at SOA and you were going to kick every members ass once you got there.
Pulling into TM, you hurd the sounds of drills and Car Jacks going on. “Gemma, where is my mother and sister?” Gemma looked you up and down. “No hello?” “We are past hellos Gem.” You sighed leaning against the door frame. “What happened with you and Happy needs to stop. IT is in the past.” “I don’t give a fuck what kind of excuses you need to live by to get through there bullshit club act, but listen here, I don’t play those games. He was not on a run and treated me like shit for protecting you all. So next time, I suggest you get on my side!” You snarked at Gemma. “No reason to take it out on her y/n!” You looked behind you to see your mother and Chibs. “You know what mom, I don’t give a flying fuck what you do or who you do for that matter. But what I do know is” You pulled out your gun cocking it, pointing it at Chibs. “If he even slightly hurts you or gets you hurt, I will kill him and every club member associated. Without hesitation.” Chibs looked at you with a sad look. He could see the pain still held in your eyes. You felt betrayed by the only man you loved with your all. Chibs had always been the voice of reason, and he knew if he fucked up, that was no threat but a promise. “Y/N please.. I am fine, he listens and we have a good time together.” “Where is Grace?” You eyed your mom “With you know who.” “Time to threated that mohawk baby face.” Your mom grabbed your shoulder. “Juice knows damn well what will happen from the both of us. Your sister is an adult and went off on Happy last night again. Happy got so pissed off he stormed out of the club. He tried looking for you.” You furrowed your eyebrows together wincing. “Grace said your neighbor brought you home.” “He did.. Luke had the keys so he let me crash at his house.” Chibs nodded at the story. “Did you..?” Your mom wiggled her eye brows. “That Marine is mighty fine. Payback is a bitch at least for Happy.” Your mom chuckled. “No.. I didn’t sink that low, all I remember is tackling Happy and blacking out.” “Y/N..” You looked over to see Gemma standing next to you. “Happy fucked up, but don’t blame the club.” You nodded to the queen reluctantly. The hard act was getting harder by the second. These people were your family. “Well, you have keys when ever you want to come home.” Sighing you stepped past your mom and Chibs. “Y/N, mind helping on a few cars. I just need help with the accounting. We got a rush and you’re the only one who knows the method besides me.” Gemma smiled slightly at you. “Fine.. if Happy comes in here. I am killing him.” She nodded laughing.
Two hours later you where knee deep in files. “Gemma, what the fuck, it is hot as balls in here..” You sighed taking off your shirt so you where just in a sports bra and workout pants. “Air conditioning is suppose to be fixed later today.” Gemma looked up from the files nodding to you. “Found it!” you yelled showing her the document. “This is why your taxes is off. Some asshole put in the wrong numbers, messing up the order.” “Fucking A!!” Gemma screamed. “It was Tig..” you laughed a bit hard. “Someone say my name doll… or dolls?” Tig pulled his head in the office with a huge smile. “Y/N.. walking around here like that will get you in trouble.. I mean your not with Happy anymore sooo.” You picked up small tin of CarMax Gemma had on the desk and threw it at his head. “You fucked up the paperwork a month ago and it took Gemma and I two fucking hours to fix your mistake. Your lucky I don’t take your damn ass to the ring and knock you out!” Tig laughed at you and nodded.
“Want a beer and a cig?” Gemma stood up brushing the dust from the files off her jeans. “Sure.” You stood up following her to grab a beer and then out to the back yard on the pic-nick table. “That little sister of yours is feisty as hell.. Grabbed Happy by the collar last night. Everyone stood in horror. Happy was furious but didn’t dare move. I think he is scared of your sister and more importantly you. She told him that she would beat the hell out of him if she had the chance for his stupidity.” Gemma laughed a bit, lighting the cigarette and then yours. “Yeah.. she has always been a firecracker. I don’t think she has ever seen me this fucked up in the head over a guy. I stayed away from so many things, love being the big one. However that emotionless bastard weaseled his way in somehow..” You took deep breath in, feeling the smoke in your lungs. Looking up at the sky your seen the clouds pass over the sun giving you some shade. “Finally.. so damn hot out here.” Taking a swig of your beer. “OW FUCK!” Gemma and you hurd from he garage. Sprinting to where the yell came from you seen Kozik on the ground holding his head. Blood on his hand, squinting his eyes in pain. “Kozzy..” You knelt down infront of him pulling his large hand from his face and head. “Y/n..” he smiled up at you. “That is going to need stiches and some pain pills. Can you stand?” Kozik tried to stand up but wobbled over a bit. “Gemma, go grab one of the guys to help me carry him to his room.” Gemma nodded sprinting to the club house. Soon Chibs ran in, your mother next to him and Juice. “Help me get him to his room. Gemma can you get the first aid kit and the strongest liquor you got?” Gemma nodded a bit smiling. “Feels like old times.” You sighed with a chuckle following the boys.”
“Kozzy, relax and close your eyes. I need you to make a calm face or your stiches will be crooked.” You threaded the needle setting it aside on the silver tin. Soon you prepped some gauze with alcohol on it and poured a glass for Kozik himself. “Open your mouth Kozzy” He did trusting you. You slowly poured the drink and he swallowed it. “Geez that will put some hair on your chest.” Kozik opened an eye looking at you. “Oh Kozzy..” Shaking your head you looked at Grace. “Can you please put my glasses on my head.” Grace nodded going threw your purse putting them on. “One last shot Kozzy open your mouth.” “Geez,, Kozik your lucky she is not a man, she could be putting a dick in your throat..” Tig chimed in behind everyone. “Tig.. After this you and I , ring.” Tig groaned.. “But Y/N… No…” Grace laughed at Tigs upset face. “Everyone be quiet or leave please so I can take care of this.” Tig and Gemma left. Your mom sat next to Chibs and Grace sat next to you incase you need help. Juice not far behind. “Alright Grace hand me the shot with morphine please.” Grace did, you took off the cap, siding the needle above the cut. Kozik flinched feeling the slight sting. You pushed a finger close to the cut, “Can you feel that?” “Feel what?” You smiled down at Kozik setting down the morphine and grabbed the needle and thread. Slowly you pinched the two layers of skin together, doing small stiches so it would not leave a huge scar. After thirteen stiches, it was done. You put some guaze and medical tape over the wound. “There Kozzy, now rest and I will finish the oil change.” He nodded already falling asleep.
Finishing up the oil change, you wiped the excess oil from your hands on the rag. Lowing the car, you pulled it out front. “Here Mrs.Glen, everything looks fine. Have fun on your road trip. If you have any questions just call and one of the boys, well men will help.” Smiling at her, she nodded to you. “Too bad you are not here more often Y/N, most of the boys (Men) are sweet but you always give a nice charm to this place.” Hearing a roar of an engine you looked up seeing Happy pull up. He had not noticed you yet. You wanted to run, every instinct told you too. But you could not be rude to the customer. “That is a heart broken face if I have ever seen one.” You looked at Mrs. Glen in shock. Was it that noticeable. “I will keep you busy.” She whispered with a wink. “Thanks..” You whispered back chuckling. “Y/N can you show me the oil thingy and then if I need to add oil how I do that?” “Sure Mrs. Glen, can you pop the hood again for me and I will show you.” At that time Happy put his helmet down, grabbed a cig and put it to his lips lighting it on fire. He was staring at the ground as he usually did when he was in thought. You pointed at the oil stick and explained the oil levels that a car should be at. He looked up from the ground hearing a familiar voice. Then he seen you. His heart was beating through his chest. He thought he would never see you here of all places, innless to get your mom and sister. Yet here you were showing a customer something on a car. He was confused and tormented by your very presence. If anything scared him, it was you. Both physically and emotionally. He walked past you, he looked over and your eyes met. He could feel the tension. It was like time stopped momentarily. You looked back at the car as he pasted on by you.  “Geez.. could cut that tension with a fucking knife.. He loves you still yah know.” You laughed a bit, a woman who was about sixty spoke boldly and honestly however for sixty she looked so young. You gave her a hug and thanked her. “Whatever happened. Time heals all Y/N. I have been married for 43 years. Love is hard, but worth it.” She smiled as she got in the car. You nodded taking her words to heart. “By the way, don’t wear a shirt when you see him. You look too damn good girl. Make him want it. Back in the day we wore shorts instead of jeans to make our men want us.” She winked as she drove off.
Walking into the club house, you walked past Happy as he sat at the bar chatting to Chibs. Opening Koziks door you seen him still sleeping. You sat next to the bed “Kozzy.. I need to check to make sure the stiches are still there before I head out.” “mmmphm..” Kozik nodded sleepily. You lifted the medical tape quickly and seen the stiches where still tight and in place. “If you need them fixed ask Chibs if an emergency, or call me and I will come over and re-do it. Tara is probably busy.” Kozik nodded, grabbing your leg. “Thanks…y/n.. I love you so much..” You smiled down at him and kissed his cheek. “I love you too sweety. I would lay next to you, but I gotta go work out and do some training.”  Standing up you grabbed a bottle of cold water from his minifridge setting it next to him and a bottle of Budwiser. You headed to the door and seen Happy watching you. You held a finger to lips so he would be quiet. He nodded moving to the side so you could shut the door behind you. “I gotta go.” You whispered, looking down. “Can’t we talk..” His voice was raspy and dark. “I can’t now. Tonight I will come to the party Tacoma is coming down I guess. I need to be here to protect Grace.” “Juice can protect her.” You looked up at him. “You know if you would have laid a hand on her last night. I would have killed you.” Happy had a slight smirk across his face. It ghosted quickly. “I know. I would never.” You walked away, your body feeling weak as you walked further away from him.
“ONE! ONE, TWO! THREE! THREE! FOUR, ONE!”  Luke called out as you hit the punching bag hard. “Geez. Your going to fucking take it off the damn chain.” Drenched in sweat you looked at the time. The party had started and you did not want to go. However, you do what you say you would do. “I gotta go Luke. I promised Happy I would at least talk to him.” You took off your gloves stretching out your fingers. Your knuckles bruised even through the gloves. “Need back up?” “Naw, thanks though.” You hugged Luke and walked towards your bathroom.  Walking out of your room about an hour later Luke whistled. “Geez.. if things go south come over later.” Luke winked a you, you flipped him off, kissing his forehead. “Are you just going to sit on my couch sweaty and eat my food. He nodded flipping though channels. You shook your head and grabbed your two hand guns from the table next to your door. Checking to make sure you had enough bullets. Shit always popped off when more than one charter was in the small club houses.
Getting off your motorcycle you seen the party was mostly outside. Your phone buzzed. It was Happy “Are you coming?”. You didn’t reply to his text. Instead walking around, you seen Grace all dressed up and sitting in Juices lap. His arm around her protectively. “Well if it isn’t the queen of hell.” Tig laughed putting his arm around you. “Well, well. You flatter me Tig. Because you don’t want me to kick your ass in front of two charters.” Tig laughed kissing your cheek. A song came on, smirking at the lyrics you walked around confidently. ‘All American Nightmare’ blasted, croweaters danced around. Some of them glaring at you as glided past them. Most of them previous ones you had to put in their place. Happy caught a glimpse of you before you seen him. Sucking in his breath, he knew you would play hardball. Wearing those fucking black boot heels that had lace. Your black diamond cut shirt and all of your tattoos on display and those damn ripped up jeans that made your ass look even more amazing if that was possible. “Lass is looking like she is here to kill..” Chibs chuckled to Happy. “Man.. my daughter knows how to get back at men. I taught her well.” Your mother smirked talking to Chibs.  
You stopped to talk to the Tacoma VP. He had been a friend of yours for many years. “I hurd about you and the Killer.” You shook your head and sighed. “Can’t everyone just shut the fuck up..” He laughed a bit and handed you a beer. “I have never seen his ice fade away from anyone besides you.” The VP smiled to you. You chugged the beer. “Can we not talk about that and talk about how my team end up saving your ass again last month.” Squinting his eyes a bit, shaking his head. “Yeah.. that went south quick.” He looked up at you. “Thanks for doing that though. Luke was awesome as usual. No casualties. All captures.” You nodded and stood up. He hugged you tightly around the waist. “Call me if you need anything.” “Always will. Someone needs to use your talents.” You shook your head and waved good-bye to him.
Meanwhile, Happy had his hand tight around the beer bottle. He could not march up to the VP of his old charter and kick his ass. He would not dare interrupt. Looking up you seen Happy at the outside bar next to the ring. Taking a deep breath you walked over there. You kept your eyes on the ground, trying to keep your breath even. “Hey SEXY!” You felt a hand on your ass. You stopped and turned around. “Oh shit..” Grace whispered standing up, watching her sister. She started to walk over there, she knew her sister might black out with anger. To her surprise Happy got there first. Before Y/N could raise her fist, Happy tackled the guy to the ground. “Don’t you ever disrespect her..” Happy rasped out. He pulled his gun putting it to his temple. The mans eyes went wide, not at the gun but at who went after him. “I … I ,.. am sorry Mr…. Tacoma..Killer.” Happy hit him once in the face, knocking him out. He stood up wiping off his jeans. You looked at him in shock. Taking a gulp of air, he stared at you. You finally seen it. The pain in his eyes. He was just as tormented as you. A man who always was concrete. Cold and so hard towards others. He was crumbling.
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