#yall are actually just luther XD
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itsjustaphase-mom · 6 years ago
Luther Hargreeves
ok listen. i know he is certainly not a fan favourite and i absolutely hated him the first few times i watched ua. but this time, i rewatched it specifically to try to sympathize with luther and guys there are so many things at play here
he doesn’t realize the extent to which his siblings were abused. he brushes klaus off and doesn’t think twice about locking up vanya again because he just assumes they had the same experience. he’s not being an asshole (on purpose), he just never stopped to think about the fact that being Hargreeves’ favourite made life a lot easier for him.
similar to the first note, he never stopped to consider the implications of having powers that hurt to use. he has super strength, something that, compared to some of the other powers in the family, is nothing. he just doesnt realize what seeing corpses is like, which is why he doesnt get klaus’ addiction (and to be fair, neither do the rest of his siblings). Same with Vanya. He doesn’t think about what it’s like to learn you have powers after being told you’re horribly boring and average your whole life, nor what it’s like to find out your memory was erased. he had it a lot easier than his siblings, but he doesnt think about that. that leads to some poor decisions and awful seeming actions, but keep in mind that we know a lot more than he does about his siblings. we’ve seen their pain but he hasnt. no one in this damn family communicates, so he just doesnt get it. i wish hed stop to think about how other people feel every once in a while, but itd also help if they just straight up said “hey being high keeps the gory corpses out of my field of view, im not a fan of this either” to help him understand. he wasnt taught empathy, but he tries for the most part. honestly, the fact that he turned out that nice considering what he grew up with? kind of incredible
hes not just obsessed with the moon. and to be fair, he has a right to it? i mean i havent stopped talking about this show for 2 months and ive had other things happening in my life. he was alone up there for 4 years. that doesnt give you much conversation material. and also, bringing up the idea that the apocalypse could be caused by the moon makes sense because, yeah, he was sent up there by their dad who knew about the apocalypse (whether luther was aware of that or not). He was up there to look for threats, so its not that odd to consider that the threat he was watching for could have caused the apocalypse...oh speaking of which HE WAS RIGHT ABOUT THE MOON IT DID CAUSE THE APOCALYPSE
i think a lot of people like to ignore the fact that he was also abused. sure, it wasnt to the extent of klaus or vanya but he had a horrible childhood nonetheless which messed him up too. he wasnt taught a lot of the things we take for granted so like i said earlier, the fact that he’s not completely deranged is astonishing
also can we mention the horrible trauma he went through? like lmao monkey man but oh my gosh can you imagine? he almost died (in a horribly painful way) and woke up months later with a fucking gorilla body. he’ll never look like a normal person again. he probably will never be able to look in the mirror and like what he sees (you can find out first hand what its like to be me so GATHER ROU-) yes everything Klaus went through was horrible but Luther has lived through some fucked up shit too and i think we like to ignore that because he’s not very likeable
the scene with vanya. it hurts me every time i think about it. HOWEVER. i understand why he did it. do i think he made the right choice? fuck no. but i get why he did what he did. Vanya was extremely dangerous. She caused the apocalypse. she literally killed everyone on earth. these arent things we should brush over. (and yes i love vanya but that’s not what we’re talking about here) she very nearly killed Allison, and he doesn’t know her well enough to know if she’s here to genuinely apologize or finish the job. He just knows he has a responsibility not only to his family, but to the entire world. so he makes a tough decision. it hurts him too, look at his face. he doesnt want to do it but he doesnt think he has any other options.
about dismissing klaus: he has good reason (at least in his head). klaus is intoxicated constantly, and like i mentioned before, he doesnt realize its because of his powers. he just thinks klaus is trying to have a good time, and to be fair, klaus tries to hide his vulnerability (for the most part) so luther wouldnt know any better. in the end when he tells him to be a lookout? justified. the man is heavily suffering from withdrawal (or intoxicated, to luther’s knowledge? i cant remember if luther knows or not or whether he believes him for that matter) which is gonna impact his reaction time, and he doesnt have powers that can help anyway (as far as luther knows). yes, he was trained alongside them and allison is allowed to help despite also lacking usable powers; however, she is in a clearer state of mind and a lot healthier. She can physically fight. Klaus just kinda...jumps on people’s backs for the most part. Did you see her fight Cha Cha? *swoons* no but seriously, Allison is still highly skilled and in far better shape than Klaus. He’s a liability and staying outside is safer for everyone (again, as far as luther knows) all this being said, the way he treats klaus when hes drunk is Disgusting, Abhorrent, and Unacceptable. i understand that he doesnt realise his own power but thats inexcusable
luther x allison is gross, i agree HOWEVER they were not raised as adopted siblings, they were raised more closely akin to a boarding school. their dynamic had always been romantic; they never saw themselves as siblings. yes, i do find it very odd that literally everyone else considers each other siblings, but im just saying that their dynamic has always been different and technically it’s not really incestuous (im not condoning it, i hate it personally i just can see why its not the worst thing ever? its still pretty yikes though. also shipping literally any other characters IS fucking gross because the rest of them see each other as siblings and always have so gtfo with klaus x diego or klaus x ben g r o s s)
those are the main complaints ive seen (and voiced myself)... basically it all boils down to the facts that 1. he was abused, just like his siblings 2. he doesnt stop to think about how other people are thinking or feeling 3. hes just trying to do what is best for his family (and the world). I sympathize with monkey man. He deserved better. I really hope in the next season he’ll pause to consider things every once in a while (and that klaus will open up because he’s not useless but he’s not explaining to anyone why he does the things he does and he needs to!!) so yeah was this basically just me yelling at me from a week ago? yes. does anyone care? probably not but i felt it had to be done. anyway im done ranting for now....if i missed anything lemme know
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7-seasof-fandom · 5 years ago
"I read a book-"
It was almost four in the morning and all of the Hargreeves siblings were, to their dismay, awake and all sitting in the living room, where they had just been herded together by Five, who had just awoken all of them, with the only information being that it was important and knowing Five, none of them had dared to protest too much. Now they had all found a spot, either on the couch or on the floor, and were fighting to stay awake for long enough to actually hear whatever Five had to say, which was apparently so important. Klaus shook his head, trying to shake himself awake, as he felt his eyelids get heavier by the second. Allison tried to hide a yawn behind her hand, as Diego didn't even try. Luther's head kept falling onto Vanya's shoulder every few seconds and Vanya kept lightly snoring before jolting awake.
"So," Allison's voice broke the silence, as she held back a yawn. "What's so important?" Diego nodded, yawning again. "Yeah, dude, it's 4 AM. Where's the fire?"
Five finally turned to look at them, a serious look on his face. "I read a book-"
"Fivey, that is amazing and I'm so so happy for you and proud of you, but- 4 AM??" Five snorted.
"If you'd let me finish-"
"Five, listen, I'm pretty sure we have a rule about not waking people up in the middle of the night for a forced book club membership, I mean, it's normal human decency." Diego mumbled through yet another yawn.
"Well, I wouldn't have if it wasn't important-" Five started, before he was again interrupted.
"Listen, Five, if it's not the end of the world, can't it wait 'till morning? A girl needs her beauty sleep."
"Sameee." Klaus nodded to Allison in agreement, as Five tried to ignore the building frustration, which, even thought he wouldn't admit it, was mostly caused by a lack of sleep.
"You can get your beauty sleep in a moment, I just need to tell you something."
"Sure, go on then." Vanya slurred, getting comfortable besides Luther (who was still fighting to stay awake), figuring this would take a while. Five had that determined look on his face, which he so often had, and she knew there was no use arguing, their best hope for sleep was to just go along until he was done.
Five took a moment to draw in a deep breath, fidgeting with his pajamas as he spoke. "So, as I was saying-" He recounted, almost sounding like a teacher. "I was reading a book on relationships and I was reading through the chapter of how to show affection. Super interesting reading and uh- I realize that I'm probably not the best with that..." He tugged at the collar of his pyjama, before continuing. "And uhmm... I just wanted to say, that I love you guys. You mean a lot to me." He rambled off the last part rather quickly, and looked rather on edge afterwards, as if he'd just revealed a big vulnerability and was now awaiting for someone to strike.
They all just stared at him, suddenly feeling a bit more awake after their brothers explanation. Klaus then jumped up, surprisingly fast for someone who had seemed half dead a minute ago, completely startling Five, before pulling him into a tight hug. Five stood there for a moment, frozen, not sure what to do. He had barely had any experience with hugs as a kid, and this... gosh, how long was it since he had been hugged... he hadn't been hugged for over 45 years, he had no idea how to react. As more arms joined in on the hug around him, he slowly melted into the hug more, enjoying the warmth and calmness from his siblings' presence.
"It's not that this hug isn't nice, but I'm about to pass out." Luther interrupted after maybe a few minutes of them standing like that. "Me too." They all agreed, before collectively crashing onto the couches, Five getting dragged into the cuddle pile by Vanya.
They lay like that for a while, having almost drifted back into sleep when Allison's voice breaks the silence. "We love you too, Five."
He smiles against someone's shoulder, ignoring someone else's elbow in his back. "I know."
It's late, I'm too tired to proofread? But uh- I hope it's okay lmao
Good night yall XD I hope you enjoyed this
As always feedback and constructive criticism is much welcome and appreciated :))
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luckycheesefoodie321 · 5 years ago
SO... I’m about to watch ep 10 on my rewatch of TUA... got more Hargreeves sib stuff to discuss...
Just watched the maddening actions of one Luther Hargreeves, which I could take the opportunity to defend bc of all the recent blows to how he has always perceived his life and his father and Pogo, as well as Allison being the one to get hurt...and how he’s reacting to the situation is just how he’s been conditioned to do so by their father (take down the threat, no questions just do it) which has been exacerbated by current events... and that would be perfectly valid...
but equally valid is the fact that he was told by Diego, Klaus AND ALLISON to let Vanya go, and he stubbornly deemed himself in the right... like when he essentially accused Diego of killing Reginald early in the season and it took physical proof of an alibi before he attempted to apologise...
So I’m just hoping Luther has actually actively tried to apologise to Vanya at some point in the 60s/during S2 bc that weird switch in tension where they’re all trying to take down Vanya in ep 10 (from what I recall??) and then Allison shocks Vanya with the gun shot and then suddenly they’re all checking up on her and Luther is carrying her (the ending was very confusing when I first watched it) DOES NOT COUNT....
Ok obligatory rant about Luther: done... onto more nice things...
When they find Allison wounded and bring her back to the Academy and Grace says one of them has to give blood (are they just casually all the same blood type???) and then WITHOUT HESITATION NOT EVEN A BEAT PASSES ALL FOUR OF THE BOIS VOLUNTEER TO GIVE BLOOD IN THE SAME SECOND MY HEART YALL IT IS SO SOFT...
Like Luther is obvious, but while I know this is very in character with all of them, Klaus is skittish and chaotic but he clearly cares, Five is snarky and sarcastic but he’s proved time and again that he loves his family, and Diego is a brooding lil shit but he also loves his family... the speed and readiness and the almost squabble (not quite) they have to be the one to give blood was friggen adorable and so sweet... and then ofc Diego, the dork, just faints at the sight of the needle XD I love it...
I’m super bummed about Pogo... he was also forced under the thumb of Reginald to keep secrets... so it’s such a bummer how Luther keeps treating him...
I love the fact that when the bois were driving to get Allison, there had to have been a discussion on who would drive and somehow they landed on Five??? Like they and we all know he can drive but that’s still hilarious to me that it ended up that way XD
Yknow what the whole talk with Diego and Klaus and Luther when they realise Luther locked Vanya up was nice... annoying neither of them thought to try and open the door (except Klaus for that one second)... but like we’ve seen plenty of the dynamic between the Academy kids with each other but it’s only really been Vanya and Allison having ups and downs, and then Diego being hostile in general but also in a “ok I hate you spilled all the family drama and also you don’t have powers so try not to get caught in the crosshairs of all this dangerous shit we got going on” type of way? Angry but not uncaring... Five being the only one whose had any real consistent success connecting with Vanya, albeit for only one or two scenes...
So when they’re looking at Vanya trapped and Klaus actually talking about her being the type to cry when they stepped on ants, or Diego saying that instead of locking her up, they needed to help her with her powers... yeah really really nice...
Ultimately they didn’t do anything which is an even bigger bummer but yknow... it was nice for a second...
ALSO Vanya is the reason they got Grace, their mom... who was probably one of the only bright spots in their childhood... Diego especially, who’s been shown to be closest to Grace of the sibs, should appreciate that...
Anyway... that’s it...
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