#yaku morisuke x reader smut
pin-k-ink · 4 months
sweet tooth // yaku morisuke
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tw ⇢ mutual pining, kitchen sex, food play, teasing, grinding, dry humping, nipple play, squirting, unprotected sex, begging, dirty talk
wc ⇢ 8k
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From the moment Yaku first laid eyes on you, he was instantly captivated by the dichotomy of raw sin and sugary sweet innocence you seemed to effortlessly embody.
The cocky smirk curling those plump lips as you confidently strode up to the rowdy players promised endless sparks of mouthing off and defiant provocation. But coupled with the unmistakable flush of bashfulness tinting your cheeks and the slightly nervous bob of your throat as you drank them all in, it made for a dangerously alluring contradiction Yaku hadn't stood a chance against.
From that very first crackling moment, a reckless spark had been inadvertently lit within the compact libero's depths. One that progressively burned hotter and brighter with every subsequent sassing comeback or sidelong glimpse of thighs that went on for miles beneath those gloriously tiny athletic shorts you always wore.
Yaku wasn't oblivious to the open secret spreading amongst his teammates regarding his increasingly transparent preoccupation with the team's feisty manager. The way his gaze would linger a beat too long whenever you bent over with your hands braced on those glorious legs to shout drills or encouragement. Or how he always seemed to find himself drifting closer into your personal space than strictly necessary whenever you were riled up mid-rant, just to better breathe in the intoxicatingly sweet fragrance of your shampoo.
To their endless amusement, Yaku made virtually no effort towards maintaining any plausible deniability where his budding fixation upon you was involved. If anything, the reckless little devil mushrooming to life in his thoughts actively delighted in indulging your responsibly oblivious presence at every turn.
Whether it was lingering too long in locker room spaces as you bent over or carelessly stripped out of sweat-soaked workout gear. Or taking any and every available opportunity to deliver filthy, sotto-voce commentary about the various duties those lush lips and honeyed tongue could be put to if properly motivated. Yaku positively reveled in stoking those reckless flames licking hungrily at the edge of his subconscious restraint whenever you were around.
You, for your part, maintained a steadfast obliviousness towards the building storm of affected innocence clashing with sin Yaku was rapidly spiraling into around you. At least, on the surface level. Behind the warm, perpetually-flustered smiles and doe-eyed blinks you tossed his way, often in response to whatever deliciously-filthy innuendo he'd lobbed in your direction, lurked the faintest suspicion that you weren't quite as ignorant to his motives as you pretended.
There was simply no mistaking the way your eyes seemed to unconsciously trail after Yaku whenever he was bounding around the gym in those almost criminally complimentary shorts, all sinewy power and effortless grace. Or how you lingered far longer than necessary whenever bending alongside him to strap on those thin knee-pads that always strained so deliciously against his compact, muscular thighs...
It had been building towards an explosive precipice with each heated exchange and lingering look shared between you. Every snarky comeback or pointed flirtation you shamelessly tossed his way like gasoline on an inferno stoked the flames raging brighter and hotter inside Yaku. Before long, he knew the rationing threads of restraint dividing you would finally reach their breaking point under the sheer weight of that defiantly unchecked friction.
Which was likely why, on this particular endless night of the training camp from hell, found Yaku tossing and turning madly amidst a sweaty cocoon of tangled sheets and steadily spiraling frustration. The guttural chorus of Lev's foghorn snores didn't help matters, swiftly proving to be more grating than usual against Yaku's already frayed composure.
Rolling over with a muttered curse, he punched his pillow aggressively into a new configuration — only to immediately encounter your slumbering figure mere inches to his left. There you were, silky locks tousled into an adorably rumpled halo around your peaceful features and thin cotton top riding up to reveal a tantalizing strip of toned midriff.
Yaku swallowed hard against the instinctive flare of heat that molten glimpse ignited low in his belly. Even when utterly unconscious to the world, you possessed a gravity he could never resist getting drawn into for long. His heated stare traced the gentle rise and fall of your ribs as you breathed deeply, sweeping across the subtle curves that never failed to leave him lightheaded whenever glimpsed up close.
With a low, ragged exhalation, Yaku carefully eased up onto one elbow so he could better drink in your reposeful visage. In this unguarded state, the soft pout of your lips he'd daydreamed about far too often was somehow even more unforgivably lush and kissable than usual...
"Fuck," he growled beneath his breath as shameless want insisted on swirling molten paths through his already overheated veins. How many more times could he reasonably keep diving into those hazy fantasies of simply pinning you to the mattress and waking you with filthy, rough indulgence without going utterly mad?
Yaku forcibly dragged his gaze away from your peacefully slumbering form with a harsh inhalation. He couldn't keep torturing himself like this - drinking in every inadvertent temptation your softened features and subtly exposed skin provided. Lingering too long in that molten spiral would inevitably have disastrous consequences he wasn't nearly reckless enough to indulge just yet.
With a muttered curse, he carefully extricated himself from the sweat-dampened tangle of sheets, trying his best not to disturb your gentle rhythms of sleep. Yaku swept an admittedly hungrier look over the siren's visage you presented one last time before tearing himself away to make a hasty retreat. If he didn't find a way to douse these reckless flames flickering in his veins soon, he'd end up doing something unforgivably stupid before the long night was through.
The empty kitchen provided a much-needed oasis of relative serenity as Yaku slouched into one of the rickety wooden chairs with a groan. Trying to focus solely on the harsh rasp of his inhalations, he wrestled to shove all lingering thoughts of you from his fevers consciousness. It was pathetic how easily one flash of toned skin or glimpse of softened lips was enough to derail his composure into a tailspin of obscenities these days.
Before he could berate himself further down that spiral, a sudden muffled thump from the other room had Yaku tensing like a coiled viper. He immediately recognized the intruding sound for what it was - the telltale giveaway of you inevitably giving up on restful sleep in favor of seeking out nocturnal indulgences of your own.
Sure enough, it wasn't long before the kitchen door swung open to reveal your disheveled form padding inside - clad in an obscenely thin cotton tank and minuscule sleep shorts Yaku was convinced were little more than strategically-sewn blasphemy. The sight of you immediately derailed any tenuous grasp he'd managed to reclaim over his embered preoccupations in one harsh, stuttering breath.
"Thought I was the only one struggling with insomnia tonight," he heard himself remarking in a tone purposefully pitched to get your hackles rising. Anything to redirect attention away from the way his stare had immediately zeroed in on the sight of your cute nipples straining against your top.
You startled slightly at the low rumble of his voice unexpectedly filling the quiet before those luminous eyes blinked and focused in on him with a spark of adorable disgruntlement flickering to life there. Yaku's lips twitched in barely restrained humor at your trademark pout already taking formation - so easily riled even in your most softened, unguarded states.
"Don't act like you're shocked to find me raiding the kitchen for sweets at this hour," you shot back in a dry, snippy tone that never failed to stoke the flames of Yaku's want higher. "Pretty sure everyone on the team knows my late night cravings by now."
You punctuated those words by plucking a fresh bottle of chocolate sauce from the pantry and deliberately popping open the cap with a pointed look of challenge as if daring Yaku to comment further. His heavy-lidded gaze followed every flex and nuance of your movements with laser-sharp focus - from the way your hips canted in that subtly exaggerated sway he recognized as reflexive flirtation, to how your delicate throat bobbed with an audible swallow of anticipation.
"I could say something about you being an absolute sugar fiend," he mused aloud, voice low and rough with meaning. "But then again, I already knew how rampant those particular...'sweet tooths' of yours tend to get whenever I'm around."
The bold implication in his graveled observation hung heavily between you for a long, smoldering moment. Yaku could pinpoint the exact second his provocative insinuation truly landed based on the sudden flush staining those soft, rounded cheeks a bewitching pink.
"You...I..." you stammered faintly, any and all attempts to regain control over the heated situation utterly derailed in the wake of his suggestive rejoinder. Yaku felt his core tighten with a heady rush of dark victory as he continued to drink in your molten response.
"Don't strain anything trying to come up with a clever comeback to throw at me, beautiful," he practically purred, basking in the sight of you rendered breathless and wanting before him. "We both know you've got a very...specific appetite that's been getting harder and harder to properly satisfy lately."
He made a great show of languidly drinking in the sight of you, heated stare undressing every subtle twitch and squirm your body presented beneath the thin cotton fabrics. His tongue swept out unhurriedly to wet his lower lip, the unconscious display of sinful indulgence making your breath hitch audibly.
"Although..." Yaku rumbled at last in a thick, viscous rasp that immediately robbed you of any plausible ability to deflect or retreat. "If you're really that desperate for something sweet on your tongue, I'd be happy to start with a few...suggestions on learning to appreciate different flavors first."
The thick, charged silence that fell between you after Yaku's brazen innuendo was suffocating. You could only gape at him, lips parted around some half-formed rejoinder you couldn't quite vocalize through the dizzying spiral of inappropriate thoughts now ricocheting through your consciousness.
Yaku merely arched one eyebrow in a perfect facade of casualness even as those sharp, watchful eyes missed nothing of your overwrought response to his suggestion. He seemed to thrive off your stunned silence, lips curving in a slow, predatory smirk as he languidly raked his searing stare over your frozen form once more.
"What's the matter, beautiful?" he drawled in that same low, gravel-rough timbre that set every nerve ending alight. "You're usually so eager to run that smart little mouth at me. Don't tell me I've actually managed to render you speechless for once."
His words landed like a physical blow, igniting a fresh blaze of defiance that momentarily allowed you to find your voice through the smoldering haze of Want clouding your thoughts.
"You wish," you countered, proud at how your tone only wavered slightly as you struggled to regain some sense of higher footing. "I'm just trying to decide if indulging your clearly impaired sweet tooth for attention is really worth the inevitable indigestion it's bound to cause me."
The thinly-veiled barb seemed to delight Yaku rather than deter him, if the wicked glint that flickered through his heavy-lidded stare was any indication. He cocked his head slightly to the side in an almost curious manner, clearly entertaining himself by drinking in your every heated micro-expression.
"Well now, that kind of conviction simply demands I make my case as persuasively as possible, doesn't it?" he murmured, voice dropping into an impossibly lower register that seemed to vibrate straight through you in delicious waves.
You couldn't quite repress the full-body shiver that lashed down your limbs in response to his words. Yaku's darkening gaze followed the slight tremor greedily, clearly savoring whatever responsiveness you were unwillingly broadcasting in the face of his continued provocation.
"So by all means, go ahead and partake in that 'impaired sweet tooth' of yours to your heart's content," he continued smoothly, gesturing at the chocolate syrup bottle you still clutched with white-knuckle force. "Just don't be surprised when those empty indulgences leave you feeling...unsatisfied and craving something with a bit more substance instead."
The heated innuendo hung thickly between you as Yaku's stare slowly trailed down your torso in a pointed, covetous perusal. You felt abruptly, acutely naked beneath that blazing regard despite the thin cotton providing scant coverage. Every square inch of exposed skin now seemed to tingle with heightened awareness, as if hypersensitive to any and all possibilities of indecent exploration looming in Yaku's simmering depths.
You swallowed hard, unable to tear your gaze away from the sheer concentrated heat radiating off your teammate in palpable waves. Unwanted fantasies of him slowly advancing with that dark, leonine intensity he always exuded began flashing like strobelights behind your eyelids. Of those rough, calloused palms coasting over fevered flesh in sinful reclamation as he growled velvet persuasions for you to abandon your sweet but ultimately hollow vices at last...
The undertow of that reckless temptation seemed to strengthen with every labored inhale you struggled against. Yaku looked utterly unrepentant for the blatant provocation and disruption he was gleefully inflicting - too clearly intoxicated by the reactions he instigated to consider doing anything but doubling down at this point.
He cocked an eyebrow at you, the picture of sinful arrogance as if silently demanding you make the next escalating move now that your temporary composure had crumbled around you. You could only gape at him for another infinite heartbeat, utterly mesmerized and wanting despite your best efforts.
Finally, you managed a shaky inhalation in a bid to steady your wildly derailed restraint. Eyes sparking challenge, you lifted the bottle of chocolate syrup to your parted lips and deliberately swiped your tongue through the glistening ring around the opening in a display of brazen, molten taunt you refused to back away from now...
Yaku visibly stilled at your bold action, the sudden hitch of his indrawn breath audible even from across the small kitchen. You held his smoldering stare unwaveringly as you slowly, deliberately dragged your tongue through the sticky syrup once more - openly savoring the rich, decadent flavor with transparently exaggerated relish.
The fleeting glimpse of your pink tongue flickering out to chase every last indulgent droplet seemed to root Yaku to the spot momentarily. You watched his throat work convulsively as he swallowed hard, ravenous focus now entirely centered on the lush movements of your lips and mouth.
Encouraged by his rapt attentions, you allowed your eyes to hood with deliberate suggestion as you traced the chocolate-slicked contours of your lower lip with the very tip of your index finger. A low, rough exhalation finally stuttered from Yaku at the overtly provocative display.
"Now who's the one aching to indulge an impaired sweet tooth..." he rasped out at last, the words emerging slightly strained beneath the undisguised want bleeding into his tone.
You simply hummed low acknowledgment without breaking the heated tableau. Holding his burning stare captive, you brought the same sinfully sticky fingertip up to hover a hairsbreadth from your parted lips. A fleeting moment of challenge passed between you before your tongue darted out to lave the chocolate in one long, indecent glide.
Yaku made a strangled noise low in his throat that could have been either anguish or rapture at the sight. His hands flexed convulsively at his sides, as if only barely restraining himself from surging across the short distance separating you at that very instant. You couldn't resist delivering one final, molten prod while you held the advantage of his immobilization.
"I don't know...you seemed pretty adamant about helping me explore some new flavors just now," you responded at last, pitching your voice into a gravelly drawl dripping with sin. "You'd better not be losing your stomach for a challenge already, Yaku-san. We're just getting started on developing my...palette."
The final syrupy endearment landed like a physical blow based on the way Yaku's pupils blew wide at the sound. You watched his chest expand with an indrawn hiss of pure incendiary restraint barely leashed as every sinewy muscle ratcheted taut. For one dizzying, suspended moment you thought he might actually detonate past the limits of his control.
Instead, with what seemed like a Herculean force of effort, Yaku peeled his heavy-lidded stare away from your deliberately provocative display long enough to rake a harsh hand through his disheveled hair. The strands seemed to catch fire beneath the low kitchen lighting, highlighting the stark lines of his jawline and throat in a way that had you abruptly struggling for your next rasping inhale.
"Is that what you think this is?" he growled at last in a low, dangerous timbre vibrating with blatant accusation. "Just some infantile game of trying to rattle the other into caving first?"
Refusing to be cowed, you simply arched one brow in cool challenge - the very picture of feigned disaffected composure despite your thundering pulse.
"If that's how you want to play it," was all you murmured in response. The silky words hung thickly between you, loaded with all manners of salacious subtext and yet more layers of audacious temptation still left to explore if Yaku dared.
His burnished gaze snapped back to yours at the low, heated rejoinder like a physical craving to indulge whatever new escalations of sinful behavior you seemed prepped to deliver. The rapid rise and fall of his compact chest made it abundantly clear just how thoroughly he was struggling beneath the growing strain of your taunting provocations and bold displays - despite every desperate attempt at maintaining a veneer of restraint.
"You're treading some seriously dangerous ground here, beautiful," Yaku growled in low, grating warning that only seemed to summon a fresh ripple of gooseflesh across your limbs. "Keep pushing those buttons and see what you end up unraveling. I won't be held responsible for whatever delicious ruination you end up craving and begging for next."
The molten promise blazing in Yaku's stare as he issued that low warning sent a delirious shiver cascading down your spine. You could practically taste the undercurrent of restrained wanting vibrating in every husky rasp of his voice as it curled around your senses in dizzying waves.
Refusing to be intimidated, you met that banked intensity with a deliberate arch of one brow - an audacious, unspoken challenge for him to back up the dark delicacies his words seemed to vow. Instead of flinching from the provocation, the razor-edged smirk curving Yaku's lips simply deepened further.
"When she asks to play with fire..." he murmured beneath his breath in a tone rife with sin and foreboding weight.
Then, before you could fully process his next intentions, Yaku had snatched the bottle of chocolate syrup from your suddenly lax fingers and proceeded to upend it over his palm in one smooth, unhurried pour. The thick, velvety sauce gushed forth in an obscenely suggestive deluge, rapidly pooling and dripping between the parted vee of his compact fingers in sinfully languid rivulets.
Your breath stuttered to a halt in your lungs as you watched that rich indulgence cascade so wantonly over Yaku's calloused skin. The sweetly cloying aroma of dark cocoa and vanilla suddenly felt utterly cloying in the hushed kitchen as it washed over your heightened senses in dizzying waves. You swallowed hard, mouth gone abruptly dry as your stare followed the sticky rivers of chocolate slowly painting intricate paths down Yaku's wrist and forearm.
When the bottle was nearly half empty, Yaku simply tossed it aside carelessly - utterly unconcerned by anything beyond the molten tableau he'd so flagrantly staged between you now. Your eyes traced helplessly over the mesmerizing crimson of his tongue darting out to lave up an errant drip trailing down towards the sensitive skin of his inner elbow.
"Well then?" he prompted at last in a low, gravel-rough rasp that raised tingles across your feverish skin. "You wanted my help learning to appreciate different...flavors, didn't you?"
You managed a shaky inhale that did precious little to steady your rapidly spiraling comprehension. But there was no denying the feral, depraved promise burning in those blown amber irises now. Or the blatant, undisguised invitation being extended in the form of Yaku's shamelessly chocolate-slicked forearm held out before you in unrepentant dare.
Another scant pause stretched out between you as your hammering pulse thundered in your ears. Yaku said nothing, didn't shift from his silent issuing of temptation and the unapologetic dare simmering in every taut line of his compact frame.
Finally, as if in dreamy slow motion, you felt your body leaning forward of its own volition - every synapse seeming to bend and gravitate towards the delicious possibilities spread so unforgivably before you. Yaku held himself utterly still except to track your approach with heavy-lidded promise darkening his gaze all the more.
Your knees nearly buckled as the first molten waves of cocoa hit your senses at true proximity. The intoxicating fragrance of indulgence washed over your tongue in near tactile caresses, coaxing a broken whimper of pure, unabashed yearning from between your parted lips that Yaku clearly savored.
In the next breath, you found yourself instinctively reaching up to fist around that sticky, messy wrist to steady your rapidly derailing control. You choked down a fresh guttural noise of approval, practically vibrating with need as your fingers sank into the rich, heated glide of warm chocolate.
Your gaze cut higher to find Yaku watching you through a smoldering look that managed to appear both victorious and rapacious in equal measures. His own chest rose and fell rapidly now, each panted exhalation sending another dizzying waft of that heady cocoa scent swirling between you.
"Go ahead..." he rasped in a rough, viscous invitation that veritably dripped molten sin. "Take your first taste, beautiful. Show me how much you hunger for this indulgence I'm offering up."
Whether it was the heated endearment, the gravel-rough timbre, or simply every last thread of your restraint finally snapping fully, you couldn't be certain. But in the next breath, you found yourself finally closing those last scant inches to hungrily chase the first sinful trail of chocolate with your questing tongue.
You couldn't tear your eyes away as Yaku slowly, deliberately brought that chocolate-slicked forearm towards his lips. Your breath caught at the sinful sight of his pink tongue darting out to swipe through the mess of melted syrup in one torturously languid glide.
A low, guttural rumble of approval reverberated up from his chest as Yaku clearly savored the rich, decadent notes bursting over his palate. His hooded gaze remained locked onto yours throughout, silently daring you to do the same - to fully give in and indulge the reckless want coursing between you.
Unable to resist the blatant temptation any longer, you imitated his unhurried motions and leaned in to chase the next molten trail of chocolate with your own questing tongue. The thick, velvety confection seemed to explode over your senses as your laved up every lingering indulgence painted across Yaku's flexing forearm.
An incendiary growl rumbled up from the compact libero as he watched your every brazen indulgence through eyes blazing with naked hunger. You found yourself pushing closer into the scant space between you, craving that unbearable heat radiating off his solid frame as much as the addictive taste coating your tongue.
On instinct, your glide of exploration eventually led to your mouths grazing in a ghost of tantalizing friction that had you both stuttering out harsh exhales of pure yearning. The sweet remnants mingled between you in a rapturous burst of sin-steeped sensation that threatened to obliterate any remaining restraint in a supernova of unleashed wanting.
There was a pregnant pause where you remained suspended in that breathless new proximity, dilated pupils locked and daring the other to finally shatter control and fully surrender to the storm of indecency you'd spent so long stoking together. Yaku was the one who moved first - his free hand snapping up to fist in your hair as he growled your name in a voice made viscous and drugged by unveiled lust.
In the next searing moment, he had captured your pliant mouth in a branding kiss that quickly shed any remaining veneers of propriety as your desperate whimpers of approval spurred him into rapacious overdrive. With molten indulgence now comingling between your dancing tongues, the final threads of resistance swiftly liquified as you gave yourselves over to the maelstrom of aching rapture neither could resist any longer.
As your fevered explorations reached dizzying new heights, Yaku suddenly pulled back just far enough to catch his ragged breath. His eyes were utterly incandescent, burning with naked possession and dark promise as he drank in your thoroughly debauched state.
Without breaking that searing connection, he reached over and grabbed the bottle of chocolate syrup he'd hastily discarded earlier. You watched with thirsty fascination as he leisurely drizzled a fresh sinful rivulet over the map of your collarbones left exposed and glistening with a sheen of exertion.
"So greedy for those indulgences," Yaku rumbled in a voice gone low and grave-rough with restrained sin. "Let's see if we can find a few other spots to properly appreciate my favorite flavors, hmm?"
You whimpered faintly at the naked provocation vibrating through his words. But any coherent response swiftly shattered as Yaku brought the bottle higher, allowing the next velvety stream of chocolate to slowly drip and pool over your kiss-swollen bottom lip in a display so shamelessly indecent, you nearly combusted on the spot.
A searing whine escaped you as you instinctively surged up in pursuit of that fresh, cloying richness painted so tauntingly across your mouth. But Yaku simply tsked in mild rebuke, deftly snatching your chin between his thumb and forefinger to hold you immobile.
"Not so fast, beautiful," he growled in reprimand as you squirmed in delirious provocation. "You wanted me to teach you patience when it comes to savoring these long-neglected cravings of yours. So why don't you show me how well you can hold that delicious stillness while I reacquaint that sweet tooth of yours properly..."
On the last few words, Yaku deliberately angled your jaw to better expose the tantalizing rivulets of chocolate now streaking down over the curves of your chin. Then, with agonizing leisure, he began tracing every sticky, sinful path with the rough swipe of his tongue in a glide of unhurried reclamation.
You cried out sharply at the first molten connection, desperation and sheer blinding rapture swiftly liquifying what little sanity remained between you. All that existed in that heated vortex was the exquisite lap of Yaku's questing mouth against your flushed skin as he thoroughly indulged every smear of sweetness left glistening there.
By the time he finally reached your syrup-slicked lips once more, you were utterly undone—boneless and whimpering as a new conflagration of want roared to insatiable life throughout your veins. Yaku seemed to delight in your rapturous unraveling, a low predatory growl of satisfaction rumbling up from his chest as his piercing gaze finally met your own again.
"That's it, beautiful..." he rasped in a tone made viscous and drugged by unveiled lust. "Give in to those depraved little cravings you've been denying for far too long now..."
With those molten words ringing in your ears, Yaku sealed his mouth back over yours and proceeded to kiss the very air from your lungs. Any remaining sense of decency or inhibition burned up in the blistering wake of his ravenous, unapologetic claiming.
You felt his strong hands roughly gripping your hips, hauling you up until you were straddling his firm thighs with a keening whine. Those same sinful palms swiftly slid around to knead greedily at your ass as he proceeded to grind your clothed pussy against his straining erection.
A broken groan escaped you at the feel of him —hard and thick and demanding all manner of unapologetic ruination— pressing incessantly against the slick heat throbbing between your legs.
Yaku's answering growl of appreciation reverberated deep within his chest as you instinctively rocked against him again. The friction and pressure was dizzying in the wake of your fevered explorations thus far, rendering you even more lightheaded and desperate than before.
"Fuck," Yaku hissed against the slick curve of your jawline. His calloused palms continued their ruthless exploration as he rutted against you, the thin layers of cotton and elastic between you providing little barrier against the molten pleasure already ratcheting tighter and hotter in your core.
"Such a filthy little thing, aren't you?" he murmured in a gravelly rasp, nipping sharply at the tender juncture between your throat and collarbone. "All that teasing and taunting, only to unravel the second I make good on those threats of defiling you right here on the kitchen floor."
A broken sob tore free at the dark, decadent images his words conjured up. You clung to him even harder, arching your spine in a way that had him cursing and grinding harder still.
"I think this might just be a bigger sweet tooth than I originally thought..." Yaku husked, punctuating the statement by abruptly pinching and twisting the pert nipple straining against the thin fabric of your tank top.
The sharp edge of pain instantly ricocheted down your torso, sending another bolt of white-hot pleasure crashing through your veins. You whimpered, grinding yourself against him in frantic search of some relief from the pressure mounting and mounting within you.
"Yaku..." you managed to choke out between labored breaths. "Yaku, please..."
His answering smirk was downright salacious, a sinfully arrogant twist of his lips that made you want to simultaneously beg and bite. Without a word, he reached over to grab the half-empty chocolate syrup bottle.
You swallowed hard at the blatant intent flickering in his gaze as he tipped the decadent sauce in a slow drizzle down the column of your throat and beyond. Yaku watched the dark rivulets slide over and below the cotton material still concealing your chest, the molten hunger blazing in his eyes making you whimper and writhe with need.
"What do you say, beautiful?" he purred in a tone that immediately had you melting further beneath his ravenous attention. "Want me to get you messy and sticky and properly indulge your appetite for my favorite flavors?"
You couldn't find the strength to reply verbally, too consumed by the sight of him watching you with such shameless intent and desire. But Yaku clearly saw enough affirmation in your wrecked expression and the way you arched your spine in blatant offering.
In the next instant, he had shoved the flimsy hem of your tank top up to expose your bare, heaving chest. Then, without further preamble, Yaku proceeded to pour a fresh, sticky river of chocolate straight over the curves of your breasts.
You cried out harshly at the feel of those sweet rivulets cascading over sensitive flesh and peaked nipples. Yaku made a low, guttural noise of appreciation as he watched the sinful indulgence coating every dip and swell.
Before you could fully process his intentions, Yaku was surging forward to drag his warm, rough tongue in a languid stripe over one breast. You swore aloud, fisting one hand in his hair as he proceeded to trace the same path with deliberate slowness.
He made sure to collect every last drop of syrup left glistening on your flushed skin, the sinfully decadent glide of his mouth making you writhe and whimper beneath the onslaught. Yaku's answering hum of approval reverberated through every nerve ending, his lips and teeth soon following as he proceeded to suck and bite at the sensitive bud in ways that had you gasping and writhing against him.
Your fingers dug even harder into the thick locks of his hair, holding him in place as you ground against the thick length of his arousal still pressing so insistently against you. The combination of his wicked, talented mouth and the pressure building within was quickly sending you spiraling towards the edge of oblivion.
Just when you were sure the sensory overload was going to consume you entirely, Yaku finally tore his mouth away from your chest with a ragged growl. Your breath hitched at the sight of him, cheeks flushed and eyes blown wide with pure, unrepentant lust.
"Don't move," he growled at last, the command reverberating straight through you in a shuddering ripple. Without breaking eye contact, Yaku reached over and upended the bottle once more.
A sharp gasp escaped you at the feel of those molten waves sliding over and around your other breast, pooling in the dip of your cleavage and trickling lower still. You could only stare in helpless fascination as Yaku watched the rich, cloying confection slowly painting your body in an obscenely lavish display.
You swore as his free hand came up to tweak and roll the nipple he'd so recently devoured. Yaku's answering rumble of approval was pure, unrepentant sin.
"So fucking beautiful," he murmured, almost absently. "Gonna lick up every last drop, then fill you up with something much richer and sweeter."
On the last words, Yaku was surging forward to capture the other stiff peak between his lips once more. Your fingers clenched and flexed against his scalp, the sensation of him lapping and suckling at you while simultaneously rutting against your dripping center nearly obliterating any lingering sense of self.
You could only cling to him, whimpering and whining as the pleasure built and built until it became impossible to ignore. Just when you were sure your heart might give out entirely, Yaku wrenched his mouth away with a harsh curse.
"Shit...that's it, beautiful," he groaned, the gravel-rough sound of his voice only ratcheting your own desperation higher. "Ride my cock until you come. Don't stop, not even when you're screaming my name and begging for more."
Yaku's filthy command sent you barreling towards the razor's edge in the space of a single heartbeat. Without further prompting, you began grinding and rolling your hips against his own in frantic, uncoordinated pursuit of that blessed release hovering just out of reach.
"Fuck, just like that," Yaku growled, voice going strained and thready as his grip on your hips tightened to bruising force. "Let me see you fall apart. Want to watch you come for me, all wet and desperate and aching to get fucked."
You let out a strangled cry, the last threads of control rapidly unraveling. Yaku was still rutting against you with renewed fervor, the hard ridge of his cock pressing so insistently against the soaked fabric clinging to your core.
"Fuck, beautiful," he ground out, sounding equally undone. "You're dripping, I can feel you soaking through the material. You gonna soak my cock, too? Gonna show me how much you ache for this indulgence?"
Your only response was a high, keening whine, the sensations coursing through you reaching fever pitch as you desperately chased that precipice hovering just out of reach. It wasn't until the telltale tingles began radiating up and down your limbs that you finally surrendered to the inevitable.
"Yaku," you sobbed, clutching at his shoulders and hair as if he were the only solid ground left amidst the maelstrom. "Yaku, I'm close, I'm so fucking close—"
He cut off your delirious litany with a branding kiss, swallowing your cries of release and sending you plummeting into a blinding supernova of oblivion as the orgasm tore through you. The white-hot rapture pulsed through your veins in a blistering torrent, reducing you to a boneless, whimpering mess as gush after scalding gush of your juices sprayed out of your cunt like a geyser.
Yaku's answering growl of approval reverberated through every inch of you in a dizzying rush. You could barely breathe, much less respond to his filthy praise and demands for you to continue riding him, chasing every last drop of the sweet, sinful climax he'd coaxed from you.
Eventually, the last tremors faded, leaving you to collapse weakly against Yaku's chest and heaving torso. His arms came around you instinctively, pulling you close and stroking along your back as you both struggled to regain your equilibrium.
"Fucking hell, beautiful..." he husked at last, the rough, breathless rasp of his voice sending shivers rippling down your spine all over again. "That was the hottest, filthiest thing I've ever witnessed."
You couldn't resist the small, sated smile tugging at your lips as you slowly lifted your head to meet his blazing amber stare. Yaku's lips were parted, cheeks still flushed and pupils blown wide as he watched you with an expression that was both reverent and ravenous.
"You didn't finish yet, though," you murmured, shifting against him deliberately until you could feel the hard, unyielding length of his erection pressing against the soaked fabric of your shorts once more.
Yaku hissed at the contact, the muscles of his stomach contracting involuntarily as his fingers reflexively clenched around the soft curves of your ass. "It's alright," he managed to grind out between clenched teeth. "We can take care of that later, once we're upstairs and—"
You cut off his words by leaning forward and capturing his bottom lip between your teeth. A low groan reverberated up from deep within his chest, the sound turning to a low rumble of satisfaction as you proceeded to suck and nip the plush curve until he was squirming beneath you.
"I can feel how much you're throbbing," you murmured, dragging your mouth down the stubbled line of his jaw. "And you were so deliciously good at making me come. Can't you let me return the favor and properly appreciate you now, too?"
Yaku's breathing audibly hitched, his hands reflexively flexing around your ass in a way that made you shiver.
"I didn't do it to earn any favors," he finally growled, the gravel-rough sound shooting straight between your thighs. "And if you keep trying to persuade me like that, I won't be responsible for what happens next."
You simply hummed in response, tracing the curve of his earlobe with your tongue. "Oh, I'm well aware. You've already made me a bit of a sticky mess, after all. Only seems fair to clean up that last indulgence and show you how thoroughly appreciative I am for everything you've given me tonight."
There was a moment of weighted silence, punctuated only by the rapid rise and fall of Yaku's chest as he clearly fought to hold his composure in check. But the temptation had already been set, and you were nothing if not relentless.
"Please?" you added, pitching your voice into a throaty croon as you leaned back just far enough to meet his heavy-lidded stare once more. "Pretty please, Morisuke?"
Whatever tenuous threads of restraint he'd been holding onto snapped in an instant at the sound of his given name on your lips. With a low, visceral growl that could only be described as predatory, Yaku hauled you closer and crushed his mouth back against yours.
The kiss was ravenous and unapologetic, searing past any remaining defenses and scorching every corner of your consciousness with raw, unrelenting want. You returned it just as fervently, savoring the feel of his tongue stroking and sliding against your own as the need to consume and be consumed rose between you once more.
You could already feel Yaku's hips rolling in tiny, unconscious circles, instinctively seeking friction and pressure to help him stave off his impending release. You shifted with him, grinding down against his cock until he was gasping and swearing against your mouth.
"Shit," he ground out, hands clenching and flexing around your hips as his forehead pressed into your shoulder. "Fuck, I can feel you, you're still dripping for me. Wanna make a real mess between those gorgeous thighs and hear you scream my name again while you're coming all over my cock."
A breathless whimper escaped you at his dark, decadent imagery. You could feel another wave of arousal gushing forth, soaking your panties and likely his shorts in the process.
"Fuck," Yaku snarled, his hold on your waist tightening to the point of delicious pain. "If you want my cock, beautiful, you'd better start getting those shorts off right the fuck now before I tear them from your body."
The sheer unabashed hunger vibrating in his words and the unyielding grip he maintained on you was intoxicating. Without further prompting, you found yourself scrambling off his lap and stripping your shorts away in a messy tangle of sodden fabric.
Once you'd managed to kick them aside, you moved to straddle him once more. Your thighs were trembling, slick and glistening with evidence of your release and his continued wanting.
But Yaku was far too worked up and impatient for the slow tease of removing his own shorts. Instead, he reached down to yank his zipper open and shove the material down just enough to expose his cock and balls.
A fresh rush of arousal surged between your legs at the sight. Yaku was thick and hard and straining, his balls visibly heavy and swollen and his shaft flushed a dark, angry red at the tip. The veins of his cock stood out prominently, throbbing visibly and leaving a smear of precum gleaming along the shaft and head.
A fresh flood of slick escaped you at the sight. Yaku hissed at the feel of it, his eyes going impossibly darker as they darted back up to meet your own.
"Get on my cock," he ground out, voice low and dangerous. "Now, or I swear I'll fuck you straight into the floor."
With a shuddering exhale, you braced your palms against his heaving chest and slowly, slowly lowered yourself down until his cockhead was teasing at the entrance of your pussy. Both of you swore as the blunt, swollen tip slipped through the slick, swollen folds, nudging just past your entrance and stretching you wider.
Yaku's head fell back, the column of his throat and chest flexing with restraint. "Don't you dare fucking tease me, beautiful," he hissed, voice strained and thready. "Either ride my cock or let me pin you to the ground and pound that tight cunt into submission. Choose quickly, or I will choose for you."
You were sure there was a time when those words would have intimidated and alarmed you. But right now, all you could focus on was the molten lust thrumming between you and the way Yaku's hands flexed against your hips, clearly desperate to take control and drive into you hard and deep.
The idea of being dominated and claimed by him like that was almost enough to send you hurtling towards another release. But you were too greedy for the sensation of him throbbing and twitching inside of you - too hungry for the way his thick length would stretch and fill you until you couldn't remember anything but his name and the feel of his cock claiming every last inch of your cunt.
With a low moan, you sank down over him, taking him inch by agonizing inch until you were fully seated.
"Shit," Yaku snarled, his grip on your waist nearly painful. "Fuck, you're so wet and tight, I can feel every inch of that delicious, greedy little cunt. Ride me, beautiful, fucking use me. Take whatever you need to get off again."
You didn't hesitate, rising up and sinking back down in one long, smooth glide that had you both moaning brokenly. You quickly found your rhythm, setting a pace that was languid but unrelenting as you chased the pleasure spiraling higher and tighter within you.
"So fucking good," Yaku groaned, his calloused palms stroking greedily up and down your sides as he rocked his hips to meet each downward slide. "Your pussy feels like a fucking vice, squeezing me so tightly, I can barely breathe. Fuck, you're incredible."
You whimpered, his dirty talk sending you careening even closer towards the edge of oblivion. Your thighs were trembling, the pressure and friction of him filling and stretching you in ways that were quickly short-circuiting your higher thinking.
Yaku must have sensed your impending release, because his movements suddenly shifted. With one firm grip around your waist, he suddenly flipped your positions, pinning you on your back beneath him and driving into you at a relentless, unrepentant pace.
You screamed at the new angle, the feel of him hitting that spot deep inside you again and again threatening to obliterate any remaining rationale. Yaku was muttering a litany of curses, the words intermixed with a continuous stream of filthy encouragement and praise as he watched his cock disappearing in and out of you.
"Fuck, look at you," he rasped, his eyes hooded and molten as they drank in the debauched picture you made beneath him. "I'm not gonna last, not when you look this wrecked and wanton. But I want to feel you coming all over my cock again first, understand? I want to feel your pussy squeezing the life out of me as you drench me with another flood of that sweet release."
Your nails raked down his back, his words alone threatening to push you over the precipice. Yaku groaned sharply, his eyes fluttering shut as his thrusts gained renewed intensity.
"You close, beautiful?" he panted, voice raw and desperate. "You're throbbing around me, I can feel how fucking close you are. Gonna let me fill that greedy cunt up? Gonna soak us both while I paint those walls with my cum?"
With a cry, you shattered apart, your release gushing from your pulsing, throbbing center and coating him and the kitchen floor alike. Yaku cursed harshly, his grip on your hip and hair painfully tight as his rhythm abruptly lost all coordination.
You could only cling to him, your keening wail of ecstasy rising in volume as you felt him twitch and pulse within you. The feel of his release filling you up and mingling with your own was nearly too much, reducing you to a writhing, whimpering mess as his name fell from your lips over and over again.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck..." Yaku ground out between clenched teeth, the cords of his neck and shoulders straining as he fought to keep himself braced above you. His arms were shaking with exertion, sweat glistening across his flushed cheeks and the dip of his throat.
You could only stare, your own chest heaving as the last vestiges of your orgasms rippled through the both of you. Eventually, Yaku slumped against you, burying his face in the crook of your neck as he struggled to catch his breath.
You couldn't help the small, contented sigh that escaped you, relishing the feel of him warm and heavy and so intimately pressed against you. He must have felt it, because his lips curved up against your skin.
"Mmm," Yaku murmured, nuzzling the delicate skin of your throat. "You alright, pretty?"
"Mhmm," you hummed, turning just far enough to place a chaste kiss against his temple.
Yaku shifted to prop himself up on his elbows, his warm, sated gaze finding yours. "You okay with us staying here like this for a bit?"
You hummed your approval again, wrapping your legs more securely around his hips. "I'd like that. Unless you're worried about the chocolate stains we'll both have to scrub off the floor later..."
Yaku snorted, his expression softening as he took in the mess painted across the floor, your bodies, and his clothes. "We've made quite a mess, haven't we? Guess that means a shower is in order once we're both capable of standing again."
"Oh?" you couldn't resist arching a brow and smirking. "And are you offering to help me wash off, Morisuke?"
The full-bodied shudder that coursed through him was answer enough, as was the molten promise smoldering in his amber eyes.
"That, and much more," Yaku murmured, sealing his mouth against yours in a deep, branding kiss that left no doubt in either of your minds just how much you intended to savor your shared, unabashed sweet tooth...
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tsukimirecs · 30 days
nekoma // fic recommendations
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note: remember to read the tags! + i do not own any of these works + the synopsis for each fic belongs to the author who wrote the fic
kuroo tetsuro
taste test - kaientai
synopsis: when you taste the same thing as your soulmate, things get interesting
red all over - meldve
synopsis: you are trapped in an elevator with your work rival, kuroo. what else could go wrong?
your name - tsukisemi
synopsis: kuroo finds you really cute, too bad you keep giving him a fake name every time you come into the coffee shop he works at
public transit - orphan_account
synopsis: your heart pounded, knowing you were being touched, and he was watching you.
but when he loves me - sweetcandyliar
synopsis: there are so many ways that kuroo tells you he loves you.
somewhere only we know - wanderwithme (wanderlustt)
synopsis: four times kuroo proposes to you - and the last time he does
meeting the boys - orphan_account
synopsis: in which no one really believes kuroo could get a girlfriend as incredible as you
落葉 | rakuyou - deltachye
synopsis: maple leaves are most beautiful in which they have died, falling slowly, waiting patiently to be reborn
riverbank - itsleese
synopsis: you're reminded of the little boy you loved way back then, the riverbank you played at together. maybe you should go see it?
caring cats - haikyuu_philia
synopsis: nekoma is family
disrupted meetings - sansos
synopsis: dr. tetsurou kuroo’s research group has transitioned to hosting meetings online. what could go wrong?
cat ears - just__j
synopsis: kuroo approaches you, captain of the girls club, with a proposition of a bet for the losing captain
kozume kenma
change the channel - alkale
synopsis: "i want to buy your game from you"
kodzuken does not have a girlfriend - bunnytime
synopsis: it has been a running joke that kodzuken lies about having a girlfriend for years now. needless to say, his fanbase is convinced he doesn’t really have a girlfriend
second place - yourqueenhasarrived
synopsis: kenma forgets your anniversary and once again pushes you aside for his gaming career. how much can you take?
an inconvenient crush - the_only_iris
synopsis: kenma has had the biggest crush on twitch streamer, (y/n). what happens when their paths cross?
learning process - nomazee
synopsis: you and kenma always had an interesting dynamic. kuroo found it nice for everyone involved
thank you for being a friend! - heichoe
synopsis: ”if it helps: when you gave kuroo head in high school, he said it was great"
yaku morisuke
who dares speak aloud these words (intended for the heart to speak) - sunmoonstarsrain
synopsis: yaku bursts into her life like a hurricane, even whilst akaashi lingers on like the memory of a summer breeze
artists eyes - teapots_and_teacups
synopsis: yaku was used to being ignored on the court
if only i were selfish - this noodle writes
synopsis: yaku was anything but a selfish man, but being selfless had cost him you once before. so, when he gets the chance to see you again, will he finally be selfish enough to try?
note: as you can tell, i'm trying a different recommendations style- what do you think? do you think i should switch back to the first one or is this one better? would love to know your thoughts
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hoejosatoru · 8 months
Roster Hopper - Nekoma edition
The Nekoma version of my original Karasuno roster hopper fic. That version can be found here
Pairings: Fem!Reader x Kuroo, Kenma, Yamamoto, Yaku, and Lev (all separately) I know this isn’t the entire roster like Karasuno, but I feel like I don’t know any of the other Nekoma players enough to write about them so we had to improvise adapt and overcome. Players named are bolded in their part of the story if you’d like to jump to a specific player.
Summary: You make a bet with you friend that you can sleep through the members of the college volleyball team you manage. Once again y/f/n = your friends name bc I didn’t feel like making one up<3
Word count: 5.4k
Warnings: sex with multiple characters (separately), fingering, raw sex, semi public sex, mask play, a little biting, (fake) blood mentioned, drinking, mirrors, face sitting, light ass slapping, finger in ass, squirting, scratching, a little over stimulation idk if I missed something lol also not proof read 
“How long has this volley been going?” you asked, as you watched the ball fly over the net again.
“I lost count after 15,” your friend replied, equally as mesmerized as you were. It was both of your second years managing Nekoma University’s mens volleyball team and you still weren’t used to how good they were. Especially when it came to defense. Whenever they played against themselves it went on forever because they were so good at keeping the ball from touching the floor.
Finally, though, the ball dropped with a definitive thump. Coach Nekomata declared that everyone had to drop and do 20 push ups for sloppy play, earning a chorus of groans and grumbles.
“They act like somebody’s died when they have to do push ups,” you friend commented, “Especially Kenma.” You both snickered lightly at the grumpy look on the blond’s face as he half-assed the push ups. Which, of course, the coach called him out on.
“To be fair, I’d act the same way if I had to do push up,” you replied. Your eyes flittered over the men as they worked out. You had to admit, it wasn’t a bad view.
Your friend stepped closer to you, her voice dropping. “Would it be wrong to say I wish I was under some of them right now?” 
You grinned. “You just read my mind.” You tried to be professional in your role as manager, but you couldn’t deny there were some very attractive players. You were too scared to hook up with any of them in your first year, thinking it could mess up your position. As a second year, you realize it was not that serious at all. You hoped this was the year you found out if anyone on the team was good at things, ahem, outside of volleyball. “I’d ask who you think is the cutest, but the way you’re staring at Kuroo I think I’ve got my answer.”
Your friend smacked your arm and hushed you even though you were not being loud at all. “Shut up. But yeah, can you blame me?”
You shook your head. “Not at all. Kenma’s cute, but you know how I feel about gamers.”
Your friend rolled her eyes at you. “Of course you’d think Kenma’s cute. I have to say, though, that first year Lev is hot. And he’s super tall.” 
After a bit of chatting, you both agreed that the 5 hottest players on the team, in no particular order, were Kuroo, Kenma, Lev, Yamamoto, and Yaku. A very wide range of men, indeed, but all hot in their own way. 
When you guys were in the safety of the hallway filling up the water bottles, you couldn't help but take the conversation a step forward. “So who do we thinking is the best in bed?”
“Hmm,” your friend made a thinking face. “Kuroo. It’s gotta be. But I’m curious about Yamamoto. I mean he obviously is girl crazy, but does he know what to do when one is in front of him?”
You snorted with laughter. “I could see him being a minute man, but I want to have more faith in him. I’m interested in Kenma, I just get a vibe there could be a freak in there somewhere.”
Your friend snickered. “I bet he’d make you wear a maid outfit.” 
A voice silenced your laughter. “Um, are the water bottles ready?” You both colored, finding the subject of your laughter standing behind you. He gave you both a strange look, not understanding why you were both acting so weird.
“Oh! Yes sorry, Kenma. Here. We’ll take the rest in.” You shoved a bottle in his hand before yanking your friend back towards the gym to get out of that situation.
“Do you think he heard us?” y/f/n half whispered half laughed. 
“Don’t think so,” you replied, “But, hey, maybe we shoulda just asked him what he’s into. I’m curious.”
“I guess we’ll never know who's the best,” your friend sighed. You were about to agree when an idea hit you. A very stupid idea.
“Maybe we could,” you wiggled your eye brows.
Your friend frowned. “That look is never good. What do you mean?”
“I’ll hook up with the 5 of them and then I can rank ‘em so we’ll know for sure.” 
“Are you joking?” 
“I should be, but I’m not.” Your friend gave you a look. “Oh come on!! You said you were curious. It’s not that crazy.”
“It absolutely is that crazy,” your friend replied. “There's no way you could get through all five.”
“Is that a challenge I’m hearing?” 
“Yes, only because I am very curious and will get to laugh at you if it doesn’t work. It’s a win-win for me,” your friend teased.
You and your friend drew up the rules. You had to have sex with Kuroo, Kenma, Yaku, Lev, and Yamamoto without anyone on the team finding out. If anyone figures it out, game over. And to make things a little extra challenging, you agreed to do it before the semester ended. Given the school year just started, you figured it should be enough time. You put $300 on the line. And your pride, of course.
“Who are you gonna go for first?”
Your eyes flickered over to a certain mohawk-haired player with a smirk. “I’ve got an idea.”
There was one challenge you would have to deal with with almost all of the players on your list, save for Lev. The second and third years live in the team house, meaning you had to be strategic about where you hooked up with them. Going to them would be difficult, so you had to come up with ideas to inconspicuously get them to you. Luckily, Yamamoto gave you an in.
 “Ugh, I bombed that essay so bad,” he groaned after practice. “The professor said I could do corrections, but I wouldn’t even know where to start.”
Yaku gave him a pitiful look. “Well, I’m not gonna help you there.” The rest of the team filed out, not wanting to get stuck with that job.
“I could help you, Yamamoto,” you piped up from behind him. By the time he turned to face you, his cheeks were already tinted.
“R-really? You'd do that?” He asked. Though he was girl-crazy, he was still quite nervous around them. It was cute, though.
“Of course!” you replied. “Why don’t you come by my dorm tomorrow? My roommate will be out so we can work on it without distractions.”
Yamamoto couldn’t believe the manager he harbored a huge crush on was inviting him to her dorm room. He was suddenly very grateful for failing his essay. “That’s perfect, thank you so much!” You smiled. Too easy.
Yamamoto was in your dorm the next day, right on time. He looked a little nervous, as if he’d never been in a girl’s dorm room before. You thought he was gonna faint when you asked him to sit on the bed with you.
“Are you sure?”
“Of course!” you replied sweetly. “It’ll be easier to look at the essay together if we can be next to each other.” He didn’t argue, hopping up next to you, thighs brushing. You reckoned you could go for it right now and he wouldn’t even care about his essay, but you still wanted to help him out.
You skimmed the essay, which wasn't as bad as you thought it was, but definitely rough around the edges. You pointed out corrections and Yamamoto dutifully made the edits. It had been just about hour when you were certain his essay was perfect.
“This great, y/n,” Yamamoto stated, giving the paper one last read. “You saved my grade. I don’t know how I could thank you.” 
You smiled. “I’ve got an idea.”
Your tone made his eyes flicker up. “What's that?”
Might as well just go for it. “Wanna hook up?”
Yamamoto looked dumbfounded. “Are- are you serious?”
“Yeah I’ve been thinking about it since you got here,” you laughed with faux embarrassment, “Sorry if that’s weird. I just think you’re cute. We definitely don’t have to though.”
“No, I would love to,” he corrected you quickly. His eagerness made you giggle. 
“Let’s get this out of the way then?” You moved his laptop off his thighs and climbed on to them. Yamamoto didn’t even pinch himself because if this was a dream, he didn’t want to wake up. 
You kissed like that for awhile, allowing him to feel you up as you rocked against his strong thighs. He was an eager, deep kisser, as if he couldn’t get enough. He seemed a little timid to move things forward so you did it for him, pulling off your shirt and bra. 
“Fuck,” he groaned under his breath upon seeing you. 
You smiled. “You can touch them, you know.” He wasted no time taking your boobs in his warm, rough hands. He squeezed them as he kissed you before work his mouth down. He flicked his tongue over your nipple before sucking on it lightly. You rolled your hips into him as he alternated between sucking and squeezing your boobs.
“Feels good,” you encouraged, getting antsy for some relief for the tension growing in your lower tummy. You pulled Yamamoto down so you were lying down on the bed. His hand slid down your body and into your leggings. He let out another low curse feeling your wetness. His finger found your clit, rubbing circles as he continued to suck at your tits. You pressed your body closer to him as your pleasure heightened. He responded to you by slipping a finger inside you, curling into your g spot.
“Yamamoto, fuck-” you gasped as you came. Yamamoto groaned against you, nearly dizzy with how your boy responded to him. 
“Shit,” Yamamoto panted when he finally pulled away. He was looking down at his boxers, which had a wet spot on the front. It took you a second to realize he came in his pants. His cheeks went bright red. “Shit, I’m so sorry. You must think I’m a fucking loser.”
You gave him a soft kiss to calm him. “Not at all. You were really good, I enjoyed myself. And I’m glad you did too.” You couldn’t help but tease him lightly, but he appreciated that you were laughing with him, not at him. “I was just thinking, though, we should keep this between us. I don’t want the team to be weird if they found out we hooked up.”
The thought of the team finding out he came in his pants in front of the hot manager was enough to make Yamamoto take a vow of silence forever. “Don’t worry, I won’t say a thing.” 
One down, four to go.
The last week of September meant two things. One, you really needed to get another hook up under your belt if you wanted to complete this bet. And two, you had to do an inventory of the team equipment room. Your friend usually helped you, but she picked up a nasty cold leaving the task to you. You thought the team had cleared out when Yaku popped his head in.
“Hey, y/n, would you like help?” he asked. That could solve both your problems. 
“That would be awesome, if you don’t mind,” you replied with a smile. Yaku joined you in the small room. Despite the long practice he smelt nice, like fresh mint. He took stock of the poles and nets, while you ensured there was the proper number of balls and jerseys. With the help and conversation, the task wasn’t so bad. However, as it started to wind down you realized you needed to make a move or you’d lose an opportunity.
“I was going to ask you something, but I realized it would be super weird,” you dropped the bait. 
Yaku’s eyes flickered with curiosity. You got him. “Oh yeah? What’s that?”
“Promise you won’t think I’m a weirdo?” Now he was really interested. 
“Of course not.”
“Have you ever wanted to... hook up in the storage closet?” you asked. 
Yaku laughed. “That's not weird at all. That’s every athlete’s dream.” 
“Really? So you've done it?”
Yaku frowned a little, “Well, no, I never had the opportunity.”
“You have the opportunity now,” you replied with a coy smile. 
“Seriously?” He replied. “This isn’t a joke the guys put you up to?”
You shook your head seriously. “Not at all. In fact, this can be our little secret. It would probably be better if they didn’t find out. You know how they can be.” Yaku knew exactly how annoying his teammates could be and didn’t want to put you through their nonsense,
“Of course, I won't tell anyone,” He promised. There was a beat of silence in the small storage closet before you were on each other. Yaku was strong, despite his smaller stature. He had you pressed up against the nearest wall, his hips pinning you in place. He kissed you confidently, squeezing at your thighs as he tongue slid into your mouth. 
You moaned into his mouth as you felt his cock hardening against you. You hooked your leg around his hips, pulling him closer. You weren’t sure if it was the potential of being caught, but you felt desperately worked up. By the way Yaku pulled at your leggings, you knew he felt the same.
He slid himself out of his boxers, giving his length a few strokes. “Please, need it,” you panted. He was bigger than you thought, but you knew you were more than turned on enough to take him. Yaku obliged your request, pressing up into you. Your head feel back against the wall as your body adjusted to him.
“Taking me so well,” He murmured into the crook of your neck. He was slow at first, letting you adjust as he kissed the sensitive skin. “Can you take more?”
“Please,” you breathed. Yaku gripped your hips, giving him leverage to thrust in you harder and faster. You gasped, his strong thrusts reverberating through your body. Your body felt like jelly, but Yaku held you perfectly. Your clit rubbed against him with each snap of his hips, pushing you over the edge. You buried your face into his shoulder to stifle your moans as you came. 
“Fuck,” Yaku groaned, as he released. He was louder than he probably should have been, but both of you were too fogged in pleasure to notice or care. Yaku set you back down, allowing you both to catch your breath. You both laughed a little in the aftermath of your desire, redressing quickly to avoid getting caught. 
“Thanks for that,” Yaku said as you got ready to leave. “Can finally check that off my bucket list.” 
You smiled. “No, thank you.” Two down, three to go.
It was Halloween and you were at Nekoma’s annual party. It was the biggest party they had all year, opening the team’s off campus house to people outside the team. Normally you wouldn’t try to hook up with someone at the team house because of the risk, but given it would be crowded and everyone would be in costume, you figured now was a good time to strike.
This year you went for something simple, but sexy: a vampire. You were in a deep red corset and a black mini skirt, some fake blood dripping down your neck and the side of your lip. You even opted for fake fangs, which were securely attached to your own incisors. You felt as hot as you looked.
You scanned the crowd, trying to figure out which if the men remaining would be the best next target. When you spotted Lev, you knew it would be him. He was in the kitchen, his ghost face mask propped up on his forehead as he poured himself a drink. You’d seen a few other ghost face masks at the party, which added another layer of protection if you were seen with him. 
“Y/n, nice costume,” Lev greeted as you approached him. You didn’t miss the way his eyes lingered on your chest. “Do you bite?” Out of all the players, Lev was one of the biggest flirts, which worked to your advantage. 
You flashed a sharp grin. “Only if you’re into that.”
Lev continued the flirtatious conversation you opened up. “And what if I am?” 
You grabbed his cup, taking a sip before passing it back. “Hmm,” you feigned contemplation, “I guess I’d say it’s a good thing I’ve always been into a man in a mask.” You took a step closer to him so you were practically flush against him., batting your eyes up at him.
“Into it enough to go upstairs with me?” Lev tried. 
“You lead the way.” You pulled his mask down in what would look like flirting to him, but was an attempt to cover his identity. Lev was a first year, meaning he didn’t live at the house. Luckily, though, there was a bathroom on the third floor that nobody really used during this parties, which is exactly where he led you.
Lev hoisted you on to the counter, slotting himself between your tight. He pulled the mask up again so he could kiss you. He was a little buzzed, so his kiss was sloppy, but not unpleasant. In fact, you liked the way he kissed you deeply while his hands roamed your scantily clad body. You nipped at his soft lips, making him groan.
“Told you I bite,” you said. Lev’s eyes larked with desire, but you pulled back as he tried to kiss you again. 
“Something wrong?” 
“I just wanna make sure you can keep a secret. I don’t want the guys finding out about this and you sorta have a big mouth,” you replied. You knew with Lev, the best way to get him to do something is to insinuate he couldn’t do it. 
His brow furrowed, just as you expected. “I absolutely won’t tell,” he said seriously. You smiled approvingly going in to kiss him again, but this time he pulled back. In a flash you were flipped around and bent over the counter. He leaned his body over yours, whispering in your ear. “But I might make you scream my name so loud they find out anyways.” 
You let out a little whimper as he pushed your skirt up, rubbing your slit through your underwear. He kissed your shoulder, your neck, this time giving you a little bite. Lev’s lanky body was deceptive; was much stronger than he looked. You squirmed under him, desperate for some relief in your aching core. Lev read your body language, pulling back to slip himself out of his boxers. His eyes connected with yours in the mirror, smiling wickedly before he pulled his mask back down. 
One hand gripped his cock, pressing teasingly at your hole, the other gripped your neck. “Ready?” You nodded eagerly and pressed into you. You let out a low moan as he stretched you out, easily the biggest you’ve been with so far. 
“Fuck, Lev,” you gasped, gripping the counter top as he rolled his hips into you. Your head dropped down as his tip hit your g spot, panting breathlessly. 
“Nope,” Lev yanked your head back up by your hair so you had to look in the mirror. “You gotta watch.” His voice was a little muffled by the mask, but you could still hear the smirk you were certain he was wearing in his words. Lev continued his fast, deep thrusts into you, not giving you a chance to catch your breath. 
The image you saw in the mirror was sinful. Your lipstick was smudged, your pupils wide with desire. A small hickey was blooming on your neck from wear he nipped at you. Something about him being in the mask made the sight of him fucking you even hotter. It was long before your orgasm hit you, squeezing his lengthy cock as you came. 
“Lev,” you cried out. Maybe not quite loud enough for the whole house to hear, but certainly loud enough to make Lev lose his composure. His hips stuttered, a groan seeping out from behind his mask as he emptied himself inside you.
It was a tournament in November when you made your move on Kenma. He was sitting in a quiet corner of the gymnasium playing on his switch between matches. Normally you didn’t bother him during his down time, but you needed to get to him while he was alone. 
“Hey Kenma.”
“Hey,” he mumbled, not looking up from his screen. 
“Sorry to bother you, but I was wondering if you could help me with a game?”
Kenma’s eyes flickered to you with curiosity. “A game?” 
“Yeah, I’ve been playing this game on my switch, but I can’t beat this level. I was wondering if you could come over and help me beat it next time your free?”
Kenma considered your words, wondering for a second if you were teasing him. But the look on your face told him you were sincerely inviting him over to your room to play video games. It was an offer he couldn’t resist. Even though he didn’t join in on his teammates annoying chatter about how hot you are, he absolutely thought you were attractive. 
“Sure,” he agreed. You made plans on what day to meet and that was that.
“Wow Kenma, you’re really good at this,” you complimented. Your excuse to get him over wasn’t fabricated, you really were struggling with this stupid level. Kenma, however, played it with ease. You observed him as he played, the light from the screen illuminating his face in a flattering glow. His fingers moved deftly over the controller, which you couldn’t deny was turning you on. 
“There you go,” Kenma stated, “Cleared it for you.” He passed the switch back to you, the screen flashing with success.
“You made it look so easy,” you complimented, smiling brightly. 
Kenma turned his head, hoping you wouldn’t see him blush. He doesn’t often meet girls that are into his specific set of skills. “I’ve just played that game before, that’s all.” 
“Well you certainly did it faster than I thought,” you replied, leaning closer to him. “Maybe we could fill our time another way?” You rested a hand on Kenma’s thigh. You knew you were laying it on a little thick, but you were a woman on a mission. 
Kenma was surprised by your blatant flirting, but then it clicked. “Did you invite me over just to hook up?”
You blushed. “That obvious, huh?” 
Kenma smirked, happy to have figure out the real game you were playing. Well, at least what he thought was real, you still had your secret. “You coulda just asked,” Kenma replied, “I wouldn't have said no.”
You took that as an invitation to crawl into his lap, wrapping your arms around his neck. “Yeah, but then I’d still be stuck on that level. You really did help me, so I owe you one. Is there something in particular you’d like?” You played with he hair at the pack of Kenma’s neck, making him shiver. 
He knew what he wanted instantly. “Sit on my face.”
Your lower stomach flipped with arousal. You easily agreed, shedding the lower half of your clothes while Kenma laid down on the bed. He gripped your hips and pulled you on to him, setting your pussy on his mouth.
“Mmm feels good,” you sighed as Kenma’s tongue flicked over your core. He your thighs tightly, loving how they felt against his face. He teased your entrance with tip of his tongue, making you ache with need, before switching to your clit. His tongue swirled deliciously, making your hips buck. Kenma groaned under you, loving the feel of your fucking his face.
Fuck he was good, really good. You wouldn’t have guess Kenma would give you the best head you ever had, but he worked up more than you ever had. Your fingers knotted through his hair, pulling at the roots as he sucked your clit. 
“Fuck Kenma,” you cried out as your orgasm washed over you, making your body shaking. Kenma flicked his tongue over you, drinking up your release. When you finally pulled off him, he wore a smug grin that shone with your wetness. 
“You also made that look easy,” you panted, still a bit in shock at how good that was. Your eyes flicked down to the tent in his sweats, feeling a jolt of desire again. “Can I help you with that?”
“Only if you ride me,” Kenma replied, propping himself up comfortably on the pillows. Kenma was incredibly skilled at pleasuring while also exerting the least effort. That’s why he loved when girls were on top. 
“That can be arranged.” You slid his sweats and boxers off, greeted by his flushed and leaking cock. You went to position yourself on him, but Kenma tutted, twirling his finger.
“Other way,” he instructed. Somehow Kenma had become the one calling the shots, but you were complaining. You turned yourself around so you were facing away from him then slowly sank on to his cock. You let out a little gasp as you bottomed out. You began rocking your hips, slowly at first, but then faster as you found your rhythm. 
Kenma slapped your ass lightly, kneading the soft skin. He pulled you apart slightly, allowing him to watch himself disappear inside your dripping hole. Kenma wasn’t super vocal, but he did let out a few low groans and pants as you gripped his cock like a vice. 
“Do you trust me?” he asked. You nodded vigorously, not trusting your words as your second orgasm was rapidly approaching. You vaguely her the sound of spitting behind you before feeling Kenma’s saliva slide down your ass. His thumb was at your hole then, rubbing it slightly before pushing into your ass.
“Fuck!” you cried, the added digit multiplying your pleasure. You only lasted a few more moments before your body succumbed to another wave of pleasure. The sensation of your pussy pulsing around his cock made Kenma cum, cursing under his breath. 
You slid off Kenma, catching your breath. Kenma looked thoroughly pleased with himself, as if this was his win. Little did he know that you were internally celebrating being one away from completing your game.
It was the last week before the semester ended and you were panicking just a little. Not just because you had a bunch of finals, but because you were running out of time to get with Kuroo. When you found out that he, like you, had a final on the absolute last day of the semester, you felt you had a chance. All the other guys staying at the house were finished up early and would be home for the break, leaving the house empty save for Kuroo. And when Kurro invited you to study? You knew you had it in the bag. 
You enjoyed study with Kuroo, who was always one of your favorites on the team. Not only was he incredibly good looking, but he was also funny and easy to talk to. You helped each other cram for your final tests, agreeing to celebrate together after. Neither of you stated what that would be, but you had a very good feeling about it.
“Thank god that is over,” Kuroo huffed as he collapsed on the couch next to you. You finished up your final in the morning and waited at the house for him to return from his late afternoon exam.
“Think you passed?”
“God I better have,” he replied, “But I don’t even want to think about that now.”
“Just like I don’t wanna think how everyone’s already on break having fun and we got stuck here till the last day,” you said.
“Maybe we should have our own fun,” Kuroo suggested flirtatiously. He has been flirting with you since you came over yesterday and you had been waiting for you opening.
“Oh yeah? How might we do that?” you replied, playing coy.
Kuroo smirked. “I prefer show over tell.” His hand drifted closer to your thigh, looking at you for permission. 
“Go ahead and show me then.” Kuroo pulled you into him instantly, you lips connecting with a jolt of satisfaction. He had your straddling his lap, hands very comfortable exploring your body as he kissed you. It was a little surreal, not just because you were about to win your bet, but because you’d always fantasized about kissing Kuroo. It was better than you’d imagined.
Kuroo stood up, holding your body up with ease. He walked you to his room, barely having to break the kiss as he went. He dropped your gently on the bed, climbing on top of you. His body weight pressed against you pleasingly as he stripped clothing off. 
“Pretty,” he complimented your tits. He sucked on them while you played with his hair, scraping at his scalp. Kuroo’s free hand slid down between your legs and teased your through your leggings. You moaned in response, your body filled with need.
“Don’t tease,” you breathed.
“Whaddya want?” Kuroo asked with a lopsided grin. His finger was hooked in your leggings already.
“You,” you replied.
He was sliding your bottoms off. “Need you to be a little more specific.”
“Fuck me, Kuroo, I want you to fuck me.” You were exasperated, desperate for some relief from the ache between your thighs.
“Didn't know you had such a filthy mouth,” he half chuckled as he stripped himself. He was big and thick, making your thighs clench. Despite his size, he slid into you easily, on account of desire for him. “Feels fucking heavenly.”
Kuroo thrust into confidently, easily find a long, deep stroke. He propped himself up on his forearm, keeping him close enough to kiss you. You ran your fingers down his back, feeling the muscles flexing beneath his skin. With each passing moment, he increased his speed.
“Fuck don’t stop,” you gasped, feeling yourself teeter close to the edge. Kuroo didn’t miss a beat, fucking into you until your orgasm finally hit, making you whine his name. You expected him to slow, but he didn’t stop.
“Not done with you yet,” he stated, “Want you to cum on my cock one more time.” His hips snapped faster into you, making you squirm with sensitivity. Kuroo slid a hand between the two of you, rubbing circles over your clit.
You gasped, fingernails digging into his back. The pleasure you felt was so intense, building with a strange pressure. “Fuck I’m going to- oh,” you broke off into a sinful moan as your release gushed out of you, covering Kuroo’s cock and thighs.
“Fuck that’s hot,” He groaned, his hips finally stuttering as he came at the sight of you. You were still sensitive as he slipped out of you, making you wriggle.
“I’m so sorry about... the mess,” you said awkwardly. 
Kuroo waved you off. “Are you kidding? That was hot. I’m just glad you enjoyed yourself.”
You smiled, relieved, “Oh I definitely did.”
“Before I hand over the money, I need to know where everyone ranks,” your friend said. Despite losing, she was very excited for an update.
You told her that Yamamoto was last, just because of the whole summing in his pants thing. “Don’t tell anyone I told you that, I don’t want to embarrass him.”
“Of course not. Can’t say I’m surprised though.”
“He was still good with his hands, so I can’t complain.”
Next was Yaku, who you were still surprised about the size of him.
“Shit in the storage closet? You better have sanitized it after,” your friend teased. You rolled your eyes and continued to tell her that Lev was in the middle.
“He could have been higher if there was more foreplay, but still super good. The mask thing was fucking hot, I can’t lie.” Your friend nodded, agreeing he looked really good last night.
Next was Kenma, who was honest the biggest surprise for you. Not that you thought he would be bad necessarily, you just hadn't expected it to be that good.
“I’m kinda disappointed there was no maid costume involved,” your friend sighed. 
You laughed, “Honestly, same. Woulda been number one if there was.”
“Let me just say I am not surprised at all you’re putting Kuroo on top.”
“I know it sounds biased, but fuck it was so good. Better than I ever imagined,” you told her. “And there you have it, Nekoma’s hottest players ranked.” You grinned, both proud and incredibly satisfied with your accomplishment.
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kiesbrainjuice · 2 months
hi! req- hq charaters reaction to finding out yn sleeps always hugging a pillow
please feel no rush/pressure for this and take care of yourself :)
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syn : hq boys seeing you hugging your pillow as you waited for them at night
wc : 6.5k
tw : none ! pure fluff
a/n : thanks for your request and support !! I love the idea ! I dunno if what I did was what you asked precisely but enjoy reading <3
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The room was dark, the only light coming from the moon peeking through the thin curtains. The soft hum of the city outside was a constant lullaby, a distant reminder that life continued even as you lay alone in bed. You had been waiting for him, but sleep had crept in like a thief, stealing the time you intended to spend awake, waiting for his return. The bed felt vast and empty without him, a hollow space that you tried to fill with the embrace of your pillow. It wasn’t the same, but it was all you had in his absence.
Half-asleep, you clung to the pillow, its soft fabric a poor substitute for the warmth and solidity of his body. Your mind floated in the strange space between dreams and wakefulness, where thoughts and images blend into an incoherent but oddly comforting haze. In your dreamlike state, you could almost feel his presence, imagine his arms around you, his breath against your neck. The thought made you smile even in your semi-conscious state, a fleeting expression of contentment that lingered on your lips.
Then you heard the soft click of the front door, the creak of the floorboards under his familiar weight. He was home. The thought cut through your drowsiness, stirring you enough to be aware of the moment but not fully awake. You kept your eyes closed, pretending to be asleep, savoring the anticipation of his touch, the reassurance that he was finally here.
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You felt the bed dip as he sat down beside you. His movements were careful, considerate, as if he didn’t want to wake you. But you were already awake, your senses attuned to him in a way that felt almost instinctual. He leaned over, and you could feel his gaze on you, a soft, loving presence that enveloped you even in the darkness.
“You’re always hugging your pillow,” he whispered, his voice a gentle murmur that brushed against the edges of your consciousness. There was amusement in his tone, a fondness that made your heart swell.
You felt his hand on your shoulder, a light, reassuring touch that sent a ripple of warmth through you. He gently pried the pillow from your grasp, replacing it with his body as he slid in behind you. His arm wrapped around your waist, pulling you close, and you nestled into him with a contented sigh. The pillow forgotten, you let yourself be enveloped by his warmth, his presence, the familiar rhythm of his breathing.
“I missed you,” you mumbled, your voice thick with sleep. It was a simple statement, but it carried all the weight of the hours spent waiting, the moments of loneliness that melted away now that he was here.
“I missed you too,” he replied, his voice a soft rumble that vibrated through your back where it pressed against his chest. He kissed the back of your neck, a tender gesture that sent shivers down your spine.
You lay there in silence for a while, wrapped up in each other. His hand traced gentle patterns on your skin, a soothing motion that lulled you back towards sleep. You could feel the tension of the day melting away, replaced by a profound sense of peace. With him beside you, the world felt right again.
“Why do you always hug your pillow?” he asked after a while, his tone curious but light. You could hear the smile in his voice, feel it in the way his body relaxed against yours.
“It’s a poor substitute for you,” you admitted, turning your head slightly to catch a glimpse of his face. Even in the dim light, you could see the affection in his eyes, the gentle curve of his lips.
He chuckled softly, the sound a warm caress. “I’ll have to make sure I’m home on time more often, then.”
You smiled, closing your eyes and letting his words wash over you. “I’d like that.”
His grip tightened slightly, a silent promise that he would. You settled back into the comfortable silence, your breaths synchronizing, your hearts beating in time. The city outside continued its endless hum, but in your little cocoon, everything was perfect.
As you drifted back to sleep, you felt his hand slide up to cover yours, his fingers intertwining with yours. You squeezed his hand gently.
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You felt the bed dip as he sat down beside you, his movements deliberate and gentle. There was a pause, a moment where you could sense his gaze on you, taking in the sight of you hugging the pillow like it was a lifeline. You stayed still, savoring the comfort of knowing he was there.
A soft chuckle broke the silence, and you felt his fingers lightly tap your shoulder. “You’re always hugging that pillow,” he said, his voice a mix of amusement and affection.
Before you could respond, he leaned over and winked at you with a mischievous twinkle in his eye. His grin widened, and suddenly, he wrestled the pillow from your grasp, pulling it away with a playful flourish.
“Hey!” you protested, your eyes fluttering open, more awake now from the unexpected action. You reached out, trying to grab the pillow back, but he held it just out of reach, laughing softly.
“What’s this?” he teased, holding the pillow up like a trophy. “Is this my competition? Am I being replaced by a pillow?”
You couldn’t help but laugh, the sound mingling with his in the dim room. “It’s your fault for being late,” you shot back, trying to snatch the pillow again.
He deftly moved it aside, leaning down to plant a quick kiss on your forehead. “Oh, really? And here I thought you’d be waiting up for me.”
“I tried,” you admitted, your voice softening. “But I got sleepy.”
He finally relented, tossing the pillow aside and sliding into bed next to you. “Well, I’m here now,” he said, wrapping an arm around your waist and pulling you close. “No more pillow hugs. Only me.”
You snuggled into his embrace, the warmth of his body a welcome contrast to the coolness of the pillow. “I guess you’ll do,” you teased, your voice muffled against his chest.
His fingers traced lazy circles on your back, a soothing motion that made your eyes flutter shut again. “Just ‘do,’ huh?” he murmured, his tone playful. “I’ll have to work on that.”
“You’re perfect,” you whispered, feeling a wave of contentment wash over you. “I missed you.”
“I missed you too,” he replied, his voice a soft rumble that vibrated through you. “Next time, I’ll try to be home sooner.”
You lay there in silence for a while, the city’s distant noises fading into the background. His presence was a balm, soothing the restlessness that had plagued your sleep. You felt his breath against your hair, the steady rise and fall of his chest under your hand.
“So,” he said after a while, his tone light and teasing, “do I need to be worried about that pillow? Should I be jealous?”
You laughed again, the sound low and sleepy. “No, you’re safe. The pillow’s just a poor substitute for you.”
“Good to know,” he said, his voice filled with mock seriousness. “Because I’m not about to lose to a pillow.”
You smiled, the corners of your mouth lifting as you settled deeper into his embrace. “You’re irreplaceable.”
He kissed the top of your head, his lips lingering for a moment. “So are you,” he whispered.
The pillow lay forgotten at the foot of the bed, a silent testament to the playful moment you’d shared. As you drifted back to sleep, you felt his hold tighten slightly, his presence grounding you in a way nothing else could.
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The bed dipped slightly as he sat down beside you. There was a pause, a moment of stillness where you could sense him watching you. You lay there, half-asleep, hugging your pillow in the absence of his embrace.
A soft sigh escaped him, and you felt the faint brush of his fingers against your shoulder. “Really?” he muttered, his voice tinged with a mixture of amusement and something else. He crossed his arms, and you could sense the shift in his mood even before he spoke again.
“Hey,” he said, louder this time, jostling your shoulder gently. “Wake up.”
You stirred, your eyes fluttering open to find him looking down at you, a slight frown creasing his brow. His arms were crossed, and he was pouting in a way that would have been comical if not for the underlying seriousness.
“Why are you always hugging that pillow?” he asked, his tone a mix of complaint and curiosity. “Am I that easy to replace?”
You blinked, still groggy from sleep, and tried to sit up. “What? No, of course not,” you said, rubbing your eyes. “I just… I was waiting for you, and I fell asleep.”
He uncrossed his arms, but the pout remained. “And the pillow gets to be your cuddle buddy? I’m feeling a little jealous here.”
You couldn’t help but smile at his playful complaint, reaching out to touch his arm. “I missed you. The pillow was just… it’s not the same.”
He sighed, but his expression softened. “You know, I come home expecting a warm welcome, and here you are, all cozy with your pillow.”
You laughed softly, the sound still thick with sleep. “I’m sorry. I promise it’s not as good as you.”
He shook his head, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips despite his attempt to stay stern. “You better mean that.”
You reached out and grabbed his hand, pulling him closer. “Come here. Show me why you’re irreplaceable.”
He allowed himself to be pulled, sliding into bed beside you. His arms wrapped around you, and you nestled into his familiar warmth, the pillow forgotten at the edge of the bed. “I guess I can forgive you this time,” he said, his voice softening.
You leaned into him, the steady beat of his heart a comforting rhythm against your ear. “I’ll make it up to you.”
His hold tightened slightly, his breath warm against your hair. “You’d better.”
You lay there in the quiet, the earlier tension dissolving into the darkness. His presence was a balm, soothing the restlessness that had plagued your sleep. You felt his fingers gently stroke your back, a familiar and comforting gesture.
“So,” he said after a moment, his tone lighter, “why the pillow, anyway? Am I not cuddly enough?”
You smiled, closing your eyes and savoring the feel of him beside you. “You’re perfect. The pillow’s just a stand-in until you get home.”
He hummed softly, his chest vibrating against your cheek. “Well, I’m here now. No more pillow hugging.”
“Deal,” you whispered, feeling a wave of contentment wash over you.
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The bed dipped slightly as he sat down beside you. There was a pause, a moment of stillness where you could sense him watching you. You lay there, half-asleep, hugging your pillow in the absence of his embrace.
After a moment, you felt the bed shift as he sat down beside you. The faint glow of the moonlight revealed the hesitant look on his face. He was fidgeting with his hands, his fingers twisting together nervously.
He sighed softly, his voice quiet and hesitant when he finally spoke. “Do you not like cuddling with me?” he asked, his tone filled with uncertainty. “I hope I haven’t done anything to make you uncomfortable. Let me know if there’s something I can do to make it better.”
His words cut through the haze of your sleep, bringing you fully awake. You opened your eyes, finding him looking down at his hands, his expression a mix of worry and vulnerability. Your heart ached at the sight, and you reached out to touch his arm gently.
“No, it’s not that at all,” you said softly, sitting up and turning to face him. “I love cuddling with you. I was just waiting for you, and I fell asleep. The pillow… it’s not a replacement for you. It’s just something to hold onto until you get home.”
He glanced up, his eyes searching yours for sincerity. “Really?”
“Really,” you assured him, taking his hand in yours. “You’re irreplaceable. I’ve missed you so much tonight.”
His shoulders relaxed slightly, but the worry didn’t completely leave his eyes. “I just… I don’t want you to feel like you have to turn to something else because I’m not enough.”
You squeezed his hand, shaking your head. “You’re more than enough. You make everything better just by being here.”
He nodded slowly, a small smile beginning to form on his lips. “I’m sorry for doubting. It’s just… seeing you like that, I worried I wasn’t doing enough.”
“You’re doing more than enough,” you said firmly, pulling him into an embrace. “You’re perfect just the way you are.”
He held you tightly, his arms wrapping around you with a newfound determination. “Thank you,” he whispered, his voice filled with relief. “I don’t want to lose you.”
“You won’t,” you replied, resting your head against his chest. “We’re in this together.”
You stayed like that for a moment, the silence between you comfortable and reassuring. His hand gently stroked your back, and you could feel the tension leaving his body as he relaxed into the embrace.
“Can we… can we just stay like this for a while?” he asked quietly, his voice hesitant once more.
“Of course,” you replied, leaning into him. “I wouldn’t want it any other way.”
You lay down together, his arms securely around you, and you nestled into his warmth. The pillow lay forgotten at the edge of the bed, its presence no longer needed. In his embrace, you felt safe, loved, and complete.
As the minutes passed, you felt sleep begin to claim you once more, but this time it was a peaceful, contented sleep. With him by your side, the world felt right again.
“I love you,” he whispered, his breath warm against your ear.
“I love you too,” you replied, your voice soft and full of emotion. “Always.”
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After a moment of quiet, I felt his gentle touch on my shoulder. When I opened my eyes, I found him looking down at me with a soft, dreamy smile. His eyes were warm, filled with affection as he brushed a stray strand of hair away from my face.
“Hey,” he said softly, his voice tender. “You’re so beautiful.”
I blinked up at him, surprised by the intensity of his gaze. “I was just waiting for you,” I murmured, feeling a bit self-conscious under his attentive gaze.
He shook his head slowly, his fingers continuing to brush my hair back with a loving, almost reverent touch. “I’m sorry I’m late. I didn’t mean to make you wait. But seeing you like this… you’re just so cute, and peaceful.”
I felt a blush rise to my cheeks, warmth spreading through me at his praise. “You’re making me blush, what happen today?” I said, smiling shyly but confused.
He chuckled softly, leaning in to press a gentle kiss to my forehead. “I can’t help it. You’re just so amazing. I love seeing you like this, even if it’s only with a pillow.”
“It’s not the same as having you here,” I said, reaching up to cup his face with my hand. “I missed you.”
His expression softened even further, his eyes sparkling with tenderness. “I missed you too. You’re the most beautiful person I know, and I don’t say it enough. Just seeing you here, like this… it makes me realize how lucky I am.”
He settled beside me, his arms wrapping around me with a warmth that instantly chased away the chill of the night. His touch was gentle and reassuring, a perfect contrast to the emptiness I had felt earlier. “You make everything better just by being you,” he whispered.
I snuggled into his embrace, feeling the tension of the day dissolve as his warmth surrounded me. “Thank you,” I said softly, resting my head against his chest. “That means a lot.”
“You’re welcome,” he murmured, his voice filled with a deep, genuine affection. “I’m just glad I’m here now, and I want you to know how much I cherish you.”
We lay together in the quiet, his fingers tracing gentle patterns on my back, the earlier worry replaced by a deep sense of peace. The pillow, now pushed aside, was a forgotten relic of the time spent waiting. In its place, I had the real thing—his warmth, his presence, his love.
“Promise me you’ll always tell me if you’re feeling lonely or need anything,” he said quietly, his breath warm against my hair.
“I promise,” I replied, feeling a wave of contentment wash over me. “And you promise to come home on time more often?”
He laughed softly, pressing a kiss to my hair. “I promise. I’ll do my best.”
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A soft chuckle broke the quiet, and you felt a gentle hand on your shoulder. You slowly opened your eyes to find him looking down at you with a playful grin. His eyes crinkled at the corners, clearly amused by what he saw.
“You look so adorable hugging that pillow!” he said, his voice light and joyful. “I might get a little jealous.”
You blinked, the sleepiness slowly lifting from your mind as you turned to face him. “Jealous? Of a pillow?”
“Absolutely,” he replied with a mischievous glint in his eye. “It seems like that pillow’s got a pretty good gig going here.”
You couldn’t help but laugh, the sound mingling with his. “Well, it’s not exactly the same as you.”
He leaned closer, his smile widening. “I should hope not. I wouldn’t want to be replaced by a pillow, after all.”
He reached out and gently took the pillow from your grasp, tossing it aside with a playful flourish. As he settled beside you, his arm slid around your waist, pulling you close.
“You know,” he said, his voice softening as he rested his chin on the top of your head, “seeing you like this—so cute and cozy with the pillow—it just makes me want to squeeze you even more.”
You snuggled into his embrace, feeling the warmth and security of his presence. “Well, I’m glad you’re home,” you murmured, your voice filled with contentment.
“Me too,” he said, pressing a tender kiss to your forehead. “I wouldn’t want to miss out on moments like this.”
You smiled, feeling a sense of complete peace as you settled into his arms. The pillow lay forgotten at the edge of the bed, no longer needed now that you had him.
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Ⓡ kiesbrainjuice all rights reserved. please to not plagiarize, repost, or translate !
tag : @haechansbbg
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samubytheocean · 3 months
that thin line of making out
You want it, you’re pretty sure he wants it too. So what do you do when nobody has the courage to make the next move?
Suggestive fluff, maybe smut
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His hands are gripping your shirt, so tight just enough for it to wrinkle and ride up your soft skin. It’s funny, because at the same time he is laying down facing you, with this some wall between. But his tongue feels so desperate, and that thin line of sanity you can feel it on his lips. It’s been how long? Hours? You don’t even know. There’s chills along with spit running down your jaw of constant making out. Correction; just. making out.
The feeling of numb lips, an unfamiliar feeling, shoots down into your spine. The fact that you can now recognize his heavy breathing- for it’s basically yours at this point- makes the warmth between your legs pool, and you’re just praying that it’s not seeping through your shorts. He hasn’t even touched away from your shoulders yet.
Your hands are gripping his face, and you can feel every vibration from his throat on your fingertips. Soft hitches of groans escaping into your mouth, it seems to echo back to his, however hard you’re even to keep it down. There’s sweat all over- shit, it might be the spit, you don’t know- and the room feels so hot it’s dizzying. You carefully experiment your fingers- tiptoeing down to his neck, hoping your slow movements won’t give away what you’re thinking.
It’s a weird feeling. You’re so content in this moment, feeling him all around you. Your hands are glued where they are, and you’re holding onto your sanity for dear life, not even knowing why you’re holding back in the first place. In all honesty, you’re sure he feels the same. If you grabbed off his shirt, you know he would be thanking you. The burning twitching in his thighs, every time you bite his plump lips, bucks into yours messily.
You’re curious. The thick layers of sweatpants- something you’ve never even considered before- limits the warmth, and the hardness to be felt from your thighs, where all your senses seem to be focused on. The realization of it- that the fabric is limiting you from him, a part of him that you’ve never explored before, makes your face burn. Yeah there’s no doubt about you wanting to go further. But something in you stops you, as it does him. Shit, you never knew being so similar to each other could make this so frustrating.
He pulls away from you, and the feeling of him taking a shaky warm breath makes you hesitantly open your eyes. And you swear you could have devoured him right there- rolled him over and climbed right on top- by his sinfully blown eyes staring right at your puffy glossy lips. You tense up a little, and glance down to look at his, bitten all cherry red and so pretty. He looks back into your eyes, and you’re not sure what’s in that look. You’re not sure because you feel the exact same way. His eyes are begging with pure adoration and devotion, but of what? Permission? Dismissal?
At this point you wish he would just undress you, or just push you off. Anything, anything to make this situation something else. Anything else than this pure anticipation. Your hands are still on his pulse point, the skin now searing hot and drumming of adrenaline. His hands are gripping your arms, now the sleeves all ridden up and the tense skin touching- quite the courage, by your and his standards, but fuck. You wanted much more. Or a definite less. But oh, so desperately more, if only possible.
“Just so we’re on the same page here, I’m like really hard right now” he spurts out, and the random confession makes you blurt out a blushy laugh. Especially because the vocal expression of a vulgar word to you made his neck glow red. And that bulge in his pants visibly twitch. Huh, would that be the same shade?- hell, the thought makes you look away from his eyes, barely keeping your amused expression. The tension seems a little eased. You sink back into the bed, and God, it hits you that you’re so close to this handsome boy who you’ve got this crush on. And he’s so, so turned on by you. Lucky you.
“Yeah? I can tell.” you giddily whisper back, and for a second you catch the frustration seep out and a adorable mix of embarrassment and relief into his face. Cute. He’s so close, but he’s also so far away. The shallow breathing fans your face, and it smells like lemon candy, along with your chapstick. It’s a dearing combination, you make the mental note to ask about it later. His hands rise a little to fiddle with the edge of your elbows. It’s the most he can do right now, pretty much the only part of your skin that won’t bend his sanity into two. Yet the slim sweat on your arm is really testing him.
“It’s so hot in here” he breaks the silence again. You turn your head to look at him, and he shoots you a sweet puzzled face. To you it looks like a question. Almost a suggestion, a test, maybe a request. And you can’t help but very slowly blurt out, a trembling answer to your darling boy. You already know the answer. It’s almost like you’re asking this to yourself, to convince yourself that you’re in safe, loving, careful hands.
“Ca- can I take your clothes off?”
As soon as the words leave your mouth, he nods almost absentmindedly with the dumbest nervous smile forming on his lips. But judging from what you’ve seen under the dark lights, his pretty eager face flushing furiously, glittering mouth slightly agape and dark eyes for the tiniest second rolling back- fucking hell-
he almost came right there, in his pants. By your words only.
Yeah. You’re going to fucking devour your man.
YAMAGUCHI, LEV, YAKU, ASAHI, KUROO, OSAMU (come over babe one chance)
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dlscenarios · 3 months
Can They Find It? - Haikyuu Edition
Can they find the clit? Ik I did TR & DL versions like a year or 2 ago. Can’t believe I haven’t done one for HQ.
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Obviously -> Kuroo, Yaku, Daichi, Sugawara, Tsukishima, Ukai, Akiteru, Akaashi, Iwaizumi, Tendou, Semi, Suna
Has a Vague Idea (Got it first try) -> Oikawa, Osamu, Asahi, Yamaguchi, Kenma, Terushima
Has a Vague Idea (Needed help) -> Bokuto, Atsumu, Tanaka, Nishinoya
No -> Lev, Yamamoto, Kageyama, Hinata
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clawsdevour · 26 days
❥. * yaku bf hcs
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wc: 0.5k content warning: fluff, slight smut, aged up, mention of praise, post-time skip, my shitty writing, not proofread
˚ ۪⁀➴🐈
-Yaku, the type of boyfriend to work his way into your heart if you struggle opening up to your relationship boundaries. He'd spoil you endlessly for sure, with his love and with gifts.
-Yaku, the type of boyfriend to love cuddling with you, just holding you in his arms makes him feel so safe and content. He'd also enjoy giving you neck kisses if he's big spooning.
-Yaku, the type of boyfriend to give his all when he sees you in the stands at one of his games. He'd be extra pumped up and try his hardest, not to impress you, but to show you the prize you scored when you started dating him.
-Yaku, the type of boyfriend to be very good at communication. If you end up arguing with Yaku, he'd work it out with you while being the most patient he's ever been. He'd acknowledge your feelings, making you feel heard, and help you through any hurdles you may encounter.
-Yaku, the type of boyfriend to be your gentleman. He's gonna be walking a step ahead of you to open the door first, holding your bags or clothing, and even following with the sidewalk rule. If someone mistreats you, he'd absolutely turn his head around and clap back.
-Yaku, the type of boyfriend to have words of affirmation as his love language. He's excellent when it comes to teamwork with his manmade confidence on court, helping out others even if he does tell them that they suck. With you, he'd do the same but with tons of compliments and more gentle care.
-Yaku, the type of boyfriend to absolutely show your parents the best version of himself through his loving words about you and his kind and proper actions. Your parents find him to be a very respectable man that enjoys just being in your presence. Yaku also loves to listen to the stories about you that your parents tell him.
-Yaku, the type of boyfriend to be definitely whipped on that pussy. He's pussydrunk, eyes half-lidded while he's biting back his moans. When a few words slip off his tongue, he's praising you on how good you take him profusely, and how your tight plush walls clamp down on him every time his cock twitched inside you.
-Yaku, the type of boyfriend to love when you sit on his lap with his dick just inside you. He loves the way your arms wrap snuggly around his shoulders while his hands are on the flesh of your dough-like ass, gazing at your lewd expression as you adjust to his length.
-Yaku, the type of boyfriend to cuddle you to bed while holding your hand. When face to face with you, he's peppering the surface of your face with his most gentle kisses until you drift off to bed. A slight tired smile on his face while he takes one more look before sleeping.
masterlist here
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pparadiselost · 2 years
various (haikyuu) x fem reader how they like to make you cum warning(s): nsfw minors do not interact.
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on their mouth!
Nothing riles them up more than pushing your thighs back with their big hands, nose prodding at your drooling slit while they use their tongue to tease your fluttering hole. They could keep you there for hours, hips pinned back and tongue flicking in and out of you, lapping up your cum and rubbing slow circles into your swollen clit. They’ll tease you endlessly: licking up and down suggestively, using the broad of their tongue to press up against your leaking cunt, chin drenched with your juices while you tug at their hair. The possessive gleam in their eyes is unmistakable when they glance up from between your legs, your body trembling violently from the relentless overstimulation, cooing about how they know you can give them one more. 
HINATA, tsukishima, yamaguchi, nishinoya, asahi, iwaizumi, osamu, SUNA
on their fingers!
They love planting you down on their laps and coaxing your legs apart, two fingers spreading apart your puffy lips while they murmur about how wet and pretty you are for them. They’ll prod at your desperate cunt with one finger, circling your soaked hole while you squirm and beg for them to push their fingers in and stretch you out, and it’s only when you look up with teary eyes and slurred words that they’ll oblige. Pumping two fingers in and out of you slowly, they swear they’re utterly addicted to the way your pussy squeezes and clenches up around their fingers. It’s like you’re begging to be edged and fucked—cumming all over their fingers until you can’t even remember who you are. 
kageyama, ennoshita, sugawara, DAICHI, kenma, OIKAWA, akaashi, terushima, sakusa
on their cock!
You feel heavenly, all wet and stretched out around their thick cock. Nothing beats being able to thrust in and out of you slowly, hips meeting and watching the way you squirm and arch your back. Isn’t this the ultimate act of love: a mimicry of procreation? All they want to do is shove you down onto their bed and split you in half on their dick, hearing you mewl and whimper about how good it feels, how good their cock feels, how you’re gonna cum all over their cock—they can’t get enough. They’re going to keep fucking you senseless, until their cum is dripping down your thighs and that sweet cunt of yours is stuffed to the brim with their semen. They can’t help it. It’s what they love doing most.
tanaka, UKAI, kuroo, lev, yaku, bokuto, ushijima, kita, ATSUMU
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realcube · 2 months
a/n → inspo x y @4unnyr0se. ik his bday isn't until august but really everyday is his bday!!
tws/tags → age gap (yaku is 30, reader is ~20), vaginal, breeding, foodplay (kinda not really) & impactplay
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hearing his footsteps hobble down the stairs, in a typical lazy morning fashion, you hide behind the table, peering over the top of it so that when he turns the corner to enter the kitchen, you can jump out and yell,
"surprise!" while blowing into your party horn.
yaku appears to be mid stretch, but falters when he hears your cheer, a small smile creeping onto his tired features. "what's this?" he rasps.
you motion proudly to the cake you had made that sat in the centre of the kitchen table, adorned with a single flickering candle. "birthday stuff! come, make a wish."
he sheepishly hides behind his palms as he makes his way over to the cake, "honestly, i forgot about my birthday."
"that's alright. memory loss is normal part of aging." you blow into the horn again as encouragement for yaku to proceed, but the sudden loud noise only causes him to wince, along with your cheeky comment.
"i'm not that old!" he argues, and you simply nod.
"you're right. you don't look a day over forty." you pinch his cheek and he rolls his eyes, glancing between you and the cake, subcontiously trying to decide which looks more delicious.
you hadn't changed out of your pyjamas because you wanted to be quick in preparing his surprise, and of course he wasn't expecting this at all which is why he was also still wearing his night shirt and shorts.
your hair was a mess too, you hardly had time to do it so it was currently thrown into a loose updo, with strands hanging down in front of your face. it was so sweet, and you were so cute even when dimly illuminated by the weak light of the candle; it was like you were glowing.
yaku was lost in his thoughts, staring at you, until you pulled him back to reality by asking, "make your wish. you're not getting any younger." you giggle, and he exhales sharply in huff.
"you're not getting any younger either, y'know."
"but i'm already young so that doesn't really matter."
"are you saying i'm old?" yaku tried his best to seem offended, but he struggled to suppress the wide grin that gave him away.
you shrug, averting your gaze, also doing your best not to burst out into laughter. "if the shoe fits."
"well let's see if the shoe fits up your ass!" he roars, stepping around the table to swing his leg up in your direction, to which you promptly jump away from, defensively swatting your arms at him.
"yaku!" you yelp, stumbling back against the kitchen counter.
he chuckles and you wear an expression that is a mix of irritated and amused. "make your damn wish!"
in between wheezy cackles, yaku hunches over a chair and blows out his candle, an steamy darkness engulfing the room as he does so. it's 5AM, so it's not especially bright outside, but the moon shines just enough that you can make out his toned silhouette in it's light.
he saunters towards you and captures your lips in his for a kiss charged with passion and love, he pulls you in close by your waist, and lets his hands wander downwards to grip your thighs. his soft lips work against yours in a rhythmic yet desirious manner, only parting for a gasp of air.
you meet each other's heavy gaze for a moment, until you lean forward and rest your head against his strong chest. he whispers into your hair, "thank you, baby."
you smile, eyes fluttering shut as you feel his hands trail over your supple skin, "don't thank me yet. i haven't even gave you your present."
"oh, sweet girl." he momentarily tightens his holds on you and presses an open-mouthed kiss against your neck, "i don't need a present. you're all i want and more."
you can't help but blush a little at his kind words. your hand finds his and you interlock fingers, as you slowly guide him under and up your shirt, so he gets a feel for your lacey undergarments. "i think you need this present."
he perks up at the realisation, a sly smirk tugging at lips as he feels you up, "you're right."
upon hearing his agreement, you keep a hold of his hand but pull away from the embrace, in order to guide him to the bedroom. however, he jerks you back towards him, his firm hold your lower back keeping you in place.
"no, baby. here." he commands, lifting your top up, and you instinctually raise your arms. once it's off, he tosses it onto the floor and bites his lips at the sight of your new lingerie. how it holds your tits so nicely, and covers just enough to make him want to rip it off.
naturally, he squeezes your waist as he pounces at your tits, indulging in the soft sensation against his cheeks and getting high off your intoxicating scent. he kisses up from your tits to your neck, occassionally stopping to leave love bites. one his hands eagerly slides down your shorts, and you kick it away, leaving you in the skimpy lingerie panties.
he takes a greedy handful of your ass, kneeding the flesh while his mouth keenly works at leaving a deep hickey on your neck. you moan, arching your back against the table and pressing your tits against his chest. "yaku.."
once he's satisfied with the mark he's left, he stops, only to grip your chin and force you to meet his gaze. "(y/n)?"
you're barely able to stay off of each other for a second, as you insantly slam your lips against one anothers again. he leans into your with such vigour and utilises his grip on your thighs to spin your around and push you down against the kitchen table, right beside the cake.
you moan into the heated kiss as your back makes contact with its cool wooden surface. he pries away, so he can stand at the edge, with your legs situated on his shoulders. two of his fingers delve between your folds, rubbing widely through your labia to soak up your juices and hooking around the fabric of your panties to move it aside.
"s' wet.." he muses, admiring your exposed figure beneath him, "such a good girl. dressed up all sexy for me." he prods at your enterance, pressing down to tease you without slipping in yet.
"got me so hard." he says while pulling down his shorts to free his length, aligning it with your pussy. "you gonna help me, (y/n)?"
you nod silently in response, but then shut your eyes tight and whine as yaku squeezes his tip inside your aching hole. a low grunt is brought out of him in response to your tight walls enveloping him, so snugly. it's like he couldn't breathe, you've truly knocked the wind out of him. he's inclined to force himself all the way in, he wants every inch of you, but he likes seeing you squirm when your desperate for more.
"since it's my birthday," he pants, watching heave of your chest and twitch of your neck. "can i cum inside?"
you nod again, and this time a shriek is prised from your throat as he pushes himself in all the way, his thick cock piercing into you. "perfect." he groans, establishing a steady yet zealous pace, "so good t' me."
even with each forceful buck of his hips, his weary smile doesn't waver, as he's entirely enamoured by the way your tits bounce with each thrust, how your nipples threaten to escape the confines of your black lace bra.
that's the least of your concerns though, as your focussed on coping with the sheer amount of pleasure yaku sends surging through you. his cock drills relentlessly into your pussy and you find yourself out of breathe at how your walls have to contort to fit him all inside you. you can feel every movement; each drag of his dick and jab of his tip.
it's so addicting, your eyes flutter shut and you throw your head back, starting to lose yourself in the fog of lust and bliss. though you're hastily snapped back by a harsh sting of pain against your thigh, brought on by the swift slap of yaku's palm.
"fuck." he groans, biting his lip to prevent the further stream of profanities and mindless comments about your gorgeous body or the obscene things he wants to do to you.
he continues to pound into you, observing your lewd facial expressions with a smile, "feels good, baby?"
the only intelligble reason you're able to give is a brief nod of your head, and a meek, "yes.." which is likely drowned out by your moans. yaku gets the message, though, there's not a sign on you that he'll ever miss.
something heavy grows in the pit of your stomach, until you felt like you were on the verge of exploding. "yaku, 'm close." you mewl, to which he rapidly nods in agreement. "me too."
his pace becomes wild and feverish as he nears an orgasm, the way his dick hungrily slams into you draws you closer to your own climax. his thick tip, leaking with precum, scratches an itch inside your tender walls that you didn't know you had.
soon enough, the heavy pool inside you begins to overflow; it's euphoric, your eyes roll back into your head and your entire body tenses to cope with your sweet release, accompanied by an elongated moan.
and of course, watching you come undone around his firm cock resulted in yaku spilling his seed into you shortly after, grinding his teeth togther as it happens. the sensation of your homey walls encasing him and his own fluids was like nothing he's ever experienced before, and his breath hitched as he was forced out.
being the first time he's ever left his load in your pussy, he wants to make sure he does it right. thus, he reaches down between your legs and pushes his cum deep into you, not risking any of it leaking out. once he's done, and notices his fingers are coated, he hovers them in front of your lips and watches as you lick them clean. observant as ever, he notes the slightly grimace that crosses your features at the taste.
he chuckles and digs his finger into the cake that's right beside your head so it is covered with frosting, which he then shoves into your mouth. he slowly drags it back out, amused by how thorough you are. "that taste better?" he inquires.
"mm." you furrow your brows in thought, "no. too much sugar."
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4unnyr0se · 2 months
❥ sfw & n$fw headcanons - yuu nishinoya & morisuke yaku
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warnings: timeskip! characters, fem! reader, they're sweetiepies, noya is actually a freak, roleplay, switch! noya, hickeys, spanking, mentions of unprotected sex, dom! yaku, slight breeding kink with yaku, cowgirl, doggystyle, they love you so much
MDNI | 18+ content
word count -> 2k
a/n: im sorry if yaku is ooc i wrote this at 2am and i do not feel like editing anything. n$fw is censored because i would like to keep my blog lmao
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Yuu Nishinoya - SFW
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❥ Absolutely whipped for you the second he lays his eyes upon you. You could be doing anything, literally anything, and he knew right then and there that he would die for you, no questions asked.
❥ He doesn’t really care what qualifies as a “date” as long as he gets to spend time with you. You could be folding laundry together, and he thinks it’s the most romantic date you’ve been on because you’re with him and you’re his entire world.
❥ Spontaneous. Gifts. He’ll send flowers to where you work, give you cool rocks he found while hiking or doing some other such thing, making you a care basket full of your favorite chocolates and snacks, contracting Sugawara to help him write love letters (writing is not his strong suit but he still wants to do it.)
❥ So much food, like…just so much food. You’ve been to every restaurant in town at least twice because that boy loves to eat. Even if you aren’t a big eater, he’ll still make sure you get three meals a day plus snacks. And if you struggle to eat, he’ll be so happy even if you only eat a little bit off your plate.
❥ Quality time and physical touch are his love languages, so expect to be getting kisses often. Pecks on the cheek in public, his arms wrapped around your waist from behind as you wash dishes in the sink. And if he’s jealous? He has no problem making out with you in front of people because you’re his, and the world should know.
❥ Speaking of physical touch, this man will not stop holding your hand. At least one part of him is touching a part of you at any given moment when you’re together as if he’s afraid you’d float away if he let go.
❥ Hella clingy, this man is incredibly clingy. If you get up to use the restroom when you’re cuddling, he’s waiting outside the door for you to come back so he can kiss those beautiful lips of yours. He just can’t get enough!
❥ Obsessed with you and everything that you do. Did you sneeze? He’s on the verge of tears because you look so fucking cute when you sneeze. Did you buy a new outfit? He’s throwing a tantrum until you model it for him so he can shower you with praise. Noya worships the ground you walk on and them some. 
❥ Lowkey possessive but in a good way. Deep down, he’s worried that you’ll leave him for someone taller or better than he is, so he gets a tiny bit jealous when he sees someone talking to you that he considers a threat. Of course, you’re free to do whatever you like. He would never tell you what you can and cannot do. He respects you too much for that. But he will talk to you about his feelings because he’s mature like that.
❥ So. Many. Hickeys. This ties into the part of him being possessive. He wants to let everyone know that you’re his, and what better way to show you off than by parading you around town with your neck and chest covered in little red and purple bruises? You’ve nearly gone bankrupt on buying just concealer because once a hickey fades away, a new one will take its place in no time at all.
❥ Literally anything the two of you do will end in him fucking you or vice versa. If you bend down to pick something up, his hands are groping your ass, and he’s pulling down your panties and shoving his fingers into your pussy, all the while whispering the filthiest things in your ear. 
❥ This motherfucker whines and whimpers, and he’s so incredibly loud about it. The second he shoves his dick inside, he becomes a babbling, pussydrunk mess that’s only focused on you cumming all over his cock.
❥ Noya is 100% a switch who doesn’t lean towards being submissive or dominant. He just does whatever you want him to. Do you want him to fuck you stupid for hours on end? He’s down for that? Do you want to tie him up, blindfold him, and ride him until he can’t think. Also completely down for that. 
❥ Endless stamina. As long as you’re up for it, he can fuck you for the entire day. He simply doesn’t believe in a recovery period on his end. He’ll fuck you from sunrise to sunset. All you have to do is ask.
❥ Tits man 100%. Noya loves tits, no matter the size or shape. If you have huge tits, he’s fondling them as he takes you from behind. Medium-sized tits? He sucks on them as you ride his cock, relishing in the taste. Small tits? He plays with your pert nipples as he fucks you missionary. All tits are good tits in his eyes
.❥ Highly experimental in the bedroom. He’ll try anything and everything if it means you both get to feel good. From you pegging him to him filming your third orgasm of the night, he’s down for whatever. The only things he isn’t okay with are hitting you (impact play) and sharing you with others. He will casually slap your ass but that’s as far as he’ll go. He just can’t bring himself to hit you, even if it turns you on.
❥ Could eat you out for literal days and not get tired, not even for one second. He wants you cumming on his tongue and pulling on his hair as you beg him for more, and he’ll give it to you.
❥ Focuses on your pleasure, not his own. You’re his goddess and he’d do anything to serve you, anything to make you cum again and again.
❥ Has a whole index of kinks, but his top ones are roleplay and passionate sex. Dress up as a teacher, and he’ll cum in his pants, begging on you to punish him for failing your class.
❥ Loves to make love to you.
❥ “Yeah? You like it when I fuck you with my fingers, angel? M’gonna make you cum so fucking much for me, my perfect angel.”
❥ “Fuck, you’re so fucking tight. Can’t get enough of this dick, can you baby? Gotta fuck you stupid.”
❥ “More, I want more! I’ve been so bad, I deserve to be punished, ma’am!”
❥ “Talk to the camera for me, angel. Tell the camera how many times my cock made this pussy squirt all over the sheets.”
❥ “Gonna fucking cum inside, can’t pull out. Oh, fuck, baby, you’re fucking milking me dry, shit.”
❥ “Faster, fuck me faster! Wanna fucking cum so bad, please! I’ve been good, right?”
Morisuke Yaku - SFW
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❥ Loves when you get an attitude with him because he also has an attitude. He loves when you talk back to him and when you tell him how you really feel, it’s just so refreshing. Honesty is very important to Yaku.
❥ You and Yaku basically continue to mother Lev well after you’re both graduated. Lev will call and text you for advice and you’ll gladly help him, even if Yaku gets a little jealous that you’re paying more attention to the oversized Russian than you are to your own boyfriend.
❥ Takes you on the most romantic restaurant dates ever. He has professional athlete money, so order whatever the hell you like! If you want five lobsters, get five lobsters. As long as his baby is happy.
❥ Spoils you rotten, but he won’t ever admit it. If you point out a cute necklace that you saw in a magazine, it’s there when you wake up the next morning. Yaku will pretend to not know how it got there, but he knows, obviously. Expect lots of expensive gifts when you’re dating, especially from designer brands. Half of your closet is Chanel and you sure as hell aren’t complaining.
❥ Not that big on PDA, but will wrap an arm around your waist in public. Since he’s a well-known libero in the Russian Volleyball League, he gets approached on the street sometimes. He doesn’t want to draw too much attention to himself (especially if you hate getting attention from strangers, so he holds off on kissing you until you’re in the privacy of his penthouse apartment.
❥ Pleads and begs until you adopt a cat together. He just wants a cat with you, any cat will do. It can be a cat you found in a dumpster or a cat that cost someone’s entire yearly salary, he just wants a cat to raise with you by his side.
❥ Wraps his arms around your waist as you cook and leave kisses on your neck. Whether you’re taller or shorter from him, get ready for hugs and kisses from behind.
❥ If you struggle with your body image, he’ll kiss away all your insecurities. His lips will be on yours for hours as he tells you how perfect you are, and how much he loves you. He’ll kiss away your tears as you start crying as well, because to him you are perfect.
❥ Not very vocal in bed, but he does make plenty of grunts and groans. The only time you’ll ever really hear him moan is when you bite down on his incredibly sensitive neck, which will make him cum on the spot.
❥ Advocate for safe and healthy sex but prefers to hit it raw. He’ll use a condom if you want him to, he isn’t a monster. But the way you react when his cum fills out of your womb makes him want to wife you up and fuck you every single day.
❥ Designer lingerie is his weakness, especially the ones with garters that squeeze your thigh beautifully. If you wear red lingerie around him, be prepared to not be able to walk tomorrow because he will ruin your pussy.
❥ 100% a pleasure dom. Nothing makes him happier than knowing that he fucks you so good each and every night that you can’t even get off without his help anymore because that’s how much he loves to fuck you.
❥ Ass man. His hands will be on your ass all the time and you just have to accept it. He loves to fuck you from behind because he’s mesmerized by the way your ass moves as he fucks you. His favorite position is doggystyle.
❥ A weird turn-on for him is when you walk around wearing his jersey. He fucking loves it when you wear his jersey, and he can see your lacy panties poking out under the shirt, it drives him wild. If you wear his jersey, he gets an instant boner.
❥ Sit. In. His. Lap. Sit in his lap and dry hump him. He needs it so badly. He loves watching as you struggle to get off on his thigh. You look so cute when you’re desperate.
❥ Definitely a brat tamer. He loves it when you have an attitude because he gets to fuck it out of you later, spanking you as he tells you how much of a brat you are and how you need to learn your lesson. You never do.
❥ Mirror sex. He’s mesmerized by how adorable you look in the mirror as your pussy struggles to take his girthy cock.
❥ “Yeah? Look at yourself in the mirror, princess. Look at how your slutty little pussy is taking me. You’re such a little slut, you’re my little slut.”
❥ “Did you think you could just walk around in my jersey and nothing else? Bend over, princess, right fucking now.”
❥ “I’m so fucking close, shit. You want me to cum inside you, princess? Want me to fill you up and give you my babies? You’d like that, wouldn’t you?”
❥ “Fuck, you know what red does to me. So fucking slutty for me, babygirl. Now get on the bed and spread those legs nice and wide like a good girl.”
❥ “Take it, fucking take it. That’s my good girl. I love it when you behave for me, princess. Can I get another one of you, my love? I think you can handle another orgasm.”
❥ “You look so pretty when you cum, princess. Do you like how your Morisuke makes you feel? Use your words, princess.”
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pin-k-ink · 5 months
possessory // kuroo tetsurou
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tw ⇢ rivals to lovers, sexual tension, possessive kuroo, fingering, begging, finger-fucking, locker room sex, dirty talk, unprotected sex, getting caught, marking, some yaku x reader if you squint
wc ⇢ 9.3k
a/n: my love for yaku shining through this fic. i’d to bite my knuckles trying to not write a threesome. luckily i’ve already planned something for my baby
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The whistle pierced the heavy air like a gunshot, signaling the end of the heated practice match. You barely registered the shrill sound over the thrumming of blood in your ears as you panted harshly, chest heaving from exertion.
Your narrowed gaze remained locked onto the tall, rangy figure across the net - those sharp, watchful eyes that always seemed to glitter with something more feral than simple competition whenever you squared off. Kuroo's lips curved in that all-too-familiar razor's edge of a smirk as he raked his sweat-damp hair back from his forehead in one long pull.
The casual arrogance of the gesture made you grit your teeth against a low snarl. As if he didn't already know full well how obscenely distracting the subtle ripple of his arm and shoulder muscles could be when--
You viciously derailed that wandering train of thought before it could lead somewhere utterly unacceptable. There'd been enough heated incidents between you already without indulging a treacherous fixation on the physical. Even if Kuroo seemed hellbent on upending your restraint at every turn.
"Nice effort out there," he drawled loudly as the teams began separating to their respective benches. "I can definitely see some improvement from the last time we played."
The words were seemingly innocuous enough. But the low, gravelly delivery dripped with Kuroo's typical infuriating condescension. You felt your hackles rising instinctively at the spark of challenge banked in his goading stare.
"You're really working those compliments for all they're worth today, aren't you Kuroo?" you shot back acidly, pointedly raking your gaze over his sweat-soaked jersey with obvious disdain. "Need me to send you a thesaurus so you can freshen up that material a bit?"
Kuroo's eyes flashed briefly at the barbed retort, but the edges of that smirk only deepened further in a way that made your jaw tighten.
"If it ain't broke..." he trailed off with a one-shouldered shrug that you refused to let your eyes linger on.
Just like that, the thick undercurrent of animosity and unresolved tension reasserted itself between you. The energy sizzling in the air took on a distinctly more charged quality, like the first building pressure of an oncoming storm about to break. You could practically taste the torrid stirrings of heat and restless aggression prickling along your limbs.
This was nothing new in the undeniably volatile dynamic you and Kuroo had cultivated over innumerable practice matches and heated encounters. That endless cycle of provocation and denial destined to build towards...what end, neither of you ever seemed to acknowledge. But the friction generated by your clashing wills could be damn near scorching at times.
On the sidelines, you were vaguely aware of teammates shooting knowing looks back and forth, clearly no strangers to the blazing intensity you brought out in each other. Every subtle interaction between you and Kuroo seemed to bleed with unspoken tension and unsettled cravings that simmered just beneath the surface.
It had long been an open secret that your rivalry extended far beyond just the court itself. Though openly admitting as much remained strictly taboo.
Kuroo suddenly moved as if to step closer, an unreadable glint flickering briefly through those penetrating eyes. For a dizzying heartbeat, you thought he might continue provoking this simmering confrontation between you in a different, more incendiary direction.
Instead, Kuroo simply hooked his thumb at you in a deliberately casual gesture dripping with unearned arrogance, as per usual. "Keep telling yourself those little lies, kitten. I've still got plenty of ways to shut that smart mouth of yours that we haven't explored yet."
The heated innuendo landed like a physical blow, stealing your breath as your pulse kicked up a staggering notch. You refused to let your imagination indulge even a second's consideration of what depraved "methods" Kuroo could possibly have in mind. Some lines could never be uncrossed between your rivalry without irrevocably shattering everything.
So you settled for a derisive snort, turning on your heel and stalking away from that dark, all-too-appealing promise burning in his gaze. You refused to be the one to cave first and give Kuroo the satisfaction.
Just like always, the explosive friction between you would remain unresolved. No matter how urgently it simmered and begged for combustion, you would hold the line of restraint...
For now.
The charged encounter hung thick in the air as you tried and failed to shake off the lingering effects of Kuroo's taunts during the cool-down stretches. No matter how you willed your focus elsewhere, you were persistently, maddeningly aware of his presence across the gym floor.
Of the way he moved with that deliberately careless, arrogant swagger - all long, powerful limbs and sinuous grace as he bent and extended through the stretching forms. Every motion seemed calculated to snag your wandering attention, to goad your eyes into tracing the sculpted contours of muscle shifting fluidly beneath sun-kissed skin that glistened with a fine sheen of exertion.
You grit your teeth and averted your gaze stubbornly each time you caught it straying. But the phantom echoes of Kuroo's sinful murmurs about "shutting that smart mouth of yours" reverberated through your heated thoughts in an endless torrid loop.
Unbidden, your mind provided tantalizingly vivid flashes of just what form that insolent threat might take if he ever dared carry it out. You imagined the hot brand of Kuroo's mouth crashing against yours in a searing, breath-stealing kiss born of too much aggression and too little restraint. His calloused palms mapping out every whisper-soft inch of feverish skin as you both finally surrendered to the smoldering madness of your rivalry entirely.
The mental images proved so viscerally potent that you nearly missed the loud clatter of a water bottle being knocked to the floor a few feet away. You startled, cheeks flushing guiltily as you realized Yaku was eyeing you from the next mat over with clear amusement wrinkling the corners of his eyes.
"You're sure looking pretty spaced out over there," he commented far too innocently. "Everything...okay?"
Willing your features back to a carefully neutral mask, you shot your teammate a pointed look. "I’m fine, Yaku. Just still feeling it from the second set. Not sure where my head's wandering."
The lie felt hollow even to your own ears. But Yaku seemed wise enough not to press any further, simply nodding before continuing his regimen.
On the far side of the gym, you caught the briefest glimpse of Kuroo straightening up from his own stretches, running one long-fingered hand through his disheveled hair in a way that really shouldn't have been so distracting. His eyes found yours unerringly through the gaps and bodies between you. You tensed despite yourself, awaiting Kuroo's next inevitable flare of provocation.
For a long, heated moment he simply held your stare in silence, making an exaggerated show of slowly dragging his appreciative gaze over your flushed features and down the lines of your sweat-sheened torso. When next he met your gaze, his expression glittered with an utterly indecent gleam that made your pulse skyrocket unwillingly.
It was like he'd seen straight through your feeble attempts at restraint and composure. Like he knew with piercing clarity exactly where your wandering thoughts had gotten derailed just now, and was silently goading you to surrender that illicit trail entirely. The challenge issued in his heated stare was clear – keep denying this combustible charge smoldering between us and find out just how far I'm willing to push those boundaries.
You refused to be the one to break eye contact first, even as the air between you grew thick and heady. Even as desire bloomed like wild embers in the pit of your stomach in a way it absolutely should never have. Not for Kuroo, not your sworn rival and human catalyst for antagonism on and off the court.
And yet it burned there nonetheless, unconcerned with the rigid compartmentalization your common sense kept insisting upon. That insidious heat threatened to scorch you from the inside if you persisted in denying it outlet through even the most inconsequential of actions.
Another minute ticked by punctuated only by the harsh rasp of your breathing and Kuroo's cat-like observance. His eyes narrowed infinitesimally as if gauging the level of unraveling restraint behind your impassive front. Waiting to see if you would finally be the one to blink first.
You lifted your chin subtly in silent defiance. Daring Kuroo to escalate this latest confrontation between you to more scorching heights if he dared. You'd weathered far worse maelstroms of his undisguised provocation than this before, no matter how potent.
The hard line of his jaw flexed in mild approval at your steadfastness before at last Kuroo's lips curved in a sharply amused smirk. The one that never failed to slice through your serenity like the sharpest of blades.
"Don't hurt yourself, kitten," he drawled suddenly in that graveled rumble of a whisper that carried easily across the gym's stillness. "I know all about holding my breath for the things I really want."
The barely veiled innuendo in Kuroo's rasped words hit you like a physical gut punch, forcing you to strangle down the instinctive flare of molten heat that twisted low in your abdomen. He knew, that insufferable bastard knew exactly what effect his grating taunts had on you despite your best attempts at impassive defiance.
You bit the inside of your cheek hard enough to taste copper, refusing to grant Kuroo the satisfaction of watching you react overtly. But the way his hooded gaze slowly raked over you made it clear he didn't need histrionics to read your body's traitorous responses loud and clear.
Kuroo's tongue swept out to drag deliberately along his bottom lip as you glared daggers back at him. The unhurried, vaguely obscene motion drew your eyes helplessly for a scorching second before you wrenched them away. You could have sworn you heard the low rumble of an amused chuckle from across the gym at your faltering composure.
The sudden jarring impact of a balled-up towel hitting your shoulder made you jolt violently. You whirled with a snarl already curling your lips, half-expecting Kuroo to have somehow slithered closer undetected just to continue provoking you.
Instead, it was simply Kenma eyeing you with that familiar half-lidded look of sardonic indifference - one earbud already dangling loose as he'd clearly sought to disengage from whatever this latest maelstrom of tension was between you and your so-called rival.
"You two need a cold shower or something?" he remarked flatly, seemingly oblivious or uncaring of the molten quality his observation took on. "Cut the foreplay and just fuck already. Could smell the unresolved sexual tension from across the gym."
You choked on a shocked inhalation at Kenma's blunt assessment, heat flooding your cheeks in a dizzying rush. The dull roar of abruptly resumed activity within the gym filled your ringing ears as others seemed to freeze mid-motion at his crass outburst. A quick glance towards the other side of the court revealed Kuroo staring back with eyes comically wide, lips parted around what was probably intended as a reflexive denial.
The awkward tension expanded with each passing second it went unacknowledged until finally Kenma rolled his eyes tremendously and simply stuffed his earbud back in, unmoved. The courts slowly came alive again bit by bit, the disjointed sounds of squeaking sneakers and voices just on the edge of too-loud once more filling the air.
Out of the corner of your eye, you caught Kuroo straightening his shoulders beneath the weight of your heated stare, almost like steeling himself for your answering volley. But rather than issue another round of barbed taunts, you simply clenched your jaw, grabbed your jersey and spun sharply on your heel to stalk from the gym before anything else could further test your tenuous grip on restraint.
Once in the empty locker room, you leaned against the blissfully solid surface of your locker and allowed yourself a shaky exhale. Your heartbeat felt like it was rabbiting out of control as you ruthlessly quashed the wanton direction your thoughts insisted on straying.
Kenma's crass remark shouldn't have landed with such searing effect, you told yourself sternly. Shouldn't have made your imagination conjure up such deliriously vivid fantasies about Kuroo pressing you up against the cool steel at your back right now as you finally surrendered to--
"Fuck," you growled harshly, pressing the heels of your palms against your traitorous eyes until spots of color burst across your vision.
You couldn't keep allowing your bitter rivalry with Kuroo to careen so perilously close to the edge of oblivion repeatedly. To let your cataclysmic friction continue escalating to such a razor-sharp precipice every time he proved insufferable enough to provoke every simmering frustration and desire boiling over inside you.
No matter how infuriatingly, inexplicably attractive you found the insufferable prick, you simply couldn't keep indulging these...what? Wild, indecent fantasies about him pressing you up against rough tile as you finally --
You took a deep steadying breath to abort that train of thought before it could derail completely off the rails into utterly forbidden territory. Again. Some lines could never be uncrossed between you and Kuroo without shattering the foundations of whatever this frenzied push-and-pull dynamic existed upon.
No matter how tempting the prospect sometimes felt.
The scalding shower spray did little to rinse away the lingering haze of heated frustration still clouding your thoughts. If anything, the punishing jets of water needling over your taut muscles seemed only to amplify the electric tension still humming beneath your skin in the wake of your latest encounter with Kuroo.
You grit your teeth against a low growl bubbling up your chest as your mind unhelpfully replayed the smug curl of his lips around those parting taunts - challenging you, practically demanding you admit some undeniable undercurrent still burned white-hot between you despite your constant denials.
Beneath the thundering spray, your hands clenched and unclenched in a vain attempt to rein in the roiling mixture of bitter antagonism and darker, more primal cravings that invariably got stirred up whenever Kuroo slipped beneath your defenses. You couldn't seem to prevent flashes of slick skin and molten friction from battering against the shattered remnants of your restraint.
The memories felt so viscerally potent in the aftermath of his provocation that you swore a strange staticky charge was building along your limbs. Like thunderheads rapidly converging toward their inevitable lightning strike. Wild, pent-up energy begging for release in an unbridled eruption you knew better than to give voice or form to.
With a sharp exhale, you braced your forearms against the shower tile and allowed the scalding spray to rinse over your neck and shoulders as you hung your head, trying in vain to steady your ragged breathing and derailed composure. Try as you might, you couldn't seem to shake the persistent imagining of Kuroo's larger, rougher hands replacing yours in mapping the slick trails of water over your overheated skin.
You swallowed hard against the vivid fantasy, against the wanton direction it kept trying to careen down despite your best efforts at restraint. Kuroo's shadowed silhouette would be so infuriatingly at home behind you like this - a predatory prowl straight from your most fevered subconscious yearnings as he pressed himself flush against your back with a low rumbling exhale that resonated to your very core.
The intrusive daydream flickered with dizzying lucidity behind your tightly screwed eyelids. Every slick inch of heated muscle rippling beneath your hands as you pivoted to seal your lips against his in a searing collision of unleashed desire. Kuroo's rough palms branding blazing paths down slippery expanses of soft skin as you arched into his maddening caresses in silent, desperate plea to finally explore those molten hungers to their conclusion...
With a choked groan, you whirled and pressed your forehead against the cool tile in an attempt to forcibly evict your tormentor from weaving his provocation into such a deliriously vivid fantasy. But the afterimage of his taunting silhouette remained burned onto the backs of your eyelids alongside the whispered promise of indecent transgressions, should you ever finally yield to that unchecked inertia carrying you straight towards them.
A dizzying shudder lashed through your overwrought frame as an anxious noise close to a whine escaped your trembling lips. You couldn't do this, couldn't keep allowing Kuroo to effortlessly provoke you to such maddening heights of frustrated longing and combustible lust with only a few heated looks and expertly wielded taunts.
It was like battling the inescapable allure of a riptide, the seductive siren call of its irresistible pull growing stronger and more irresistible every time you slipped beneath its churning rip currents before somehow wrenching yourself back to the surface at the last gasping moment. How long until even the most monumental force of will proved too feeble to keep dragging you back from the brink?
Kenma's crass words about cutting the "sexual tension" echoed unwanted through your whirling thoughts. You tried to swallow back the imagery his crude accusation summoned up, but some details still crept in past your battered restraints.
You. And Kuroo. Tangled up in a fevered, inevitable conflagration of slick heat and molten friction, napalm-bright desires burning until you were utterly consumed in a blast of searing rapture…
With a snarled curse, you reluctantly killed the shower spray - unable to escape your own torturous libido in the steamy confines any longer. Perhaps some fresh air might finally clear your head enough to dull these relentless indecent urges before Kuroo inadvertently provoked you into fulfilling Kenma's crass prediction at last.
The locker room feels oppressively warm and stifling as you emerge from the showers, skin still tinged pink from the scalding spray's futile attempt to rinse away your lingering frustrations. A thin sheen of perspiration almost immediately rekindles across your flushed chest and brow.
You swipe your forearm roughly across your hairline, trying and failing miserably to ignore the way rivulets of water trace tantalizing paths over your collarbones and breasts, down the taut planes of your abdomen. Each shimmering droplet's wake seems to leave pinprick trails of heightened sensitivity in its wake, maddeningly conspicuous against your overheated awareness.
With an annoyed grunt, you pull open your locker and reach for the thin cotton undershirt draped over the top shelf...only to freeze as an unmistakable, heady musk suddenly wafts up to assault your senses.
That rich, earthy, and utterly masculine fragrance feels like a physical blow lancing straight through your already compromised restraint. Instantly, you're assaulted with a barrage of unshakably vivid imagery unlike anything that has plagued you previously beneath the showers.
Kuroo looming over you, eyes hooded and lips parted around harsh exhales of barely leashed hunger. The heat of his solid frame pressing you back against unforgiving chill steel as electric shockwaves of friction build to maddening crescendos between you. His body branded like a searing brand against the sweat-slicked expanses of your bared skin as you arch and writhe beneath the exquisitely rough mapping of his hands, thighs parting reflexively in a wanton entreaty for deeper indulgence—
"Fuck," you snarl, hurling the offending garment across the small space like it has bitten you. Your breath saws harsh and shallow as you recoil from the vivid flashes still bombarding you from all sides.
That obscenely provoking scent...it hadn't been your shirt you'd started to pick up at all, you realize with a delayed sort of horror rapidly turning your belly to soured granite. The realization brings with it a whole separate series of incendiary imagery you are utterly powerless to prevent from sparking behind your tightly screwed eyelids like the world's most sadistic filmreel.
You, burying your face against that thick knit of soft fabric and breathing deeply of the headily masculine notes lingering there. Of salt and skin and vaguely woodsy musk as you try in vain to chase memories of their original source, to resurface those haunting fantasies like some lecherous addict chasing their next molten hit.
Perhaps even allowing one hand to trail slowly down your slick torso, fingertips blazing scorching paths southward as lurid shadow-flashes of Kuroo's sharply angled features fill your mind's eye. Of his heated gaze darkening to feral approval as you unapologetically surrender propriety to slake those smoldering cravings he's systematically and expertly stoked within you past all possible willpower to deny.
With a violence that belies you, you wrench your eyes back open to inspect the contents of your locker more closely. Sure enough, hanging carelessly amongst your own neatly folded pile at the very bottom is one of Kuroo's unmistakable crimson team jerseys. Your fingers spasm against the urge to reach down and tunnel into the temptingly soft knit, to willingly soak in that unholy musk until you're dizzy and molten with the imprint of him in your most forbidden fantasies.
Instead, you squeeze your eyes tightly shut again as a broken gasp rattles from between your clenched teeth. This just keeps getting worse, that tantalizing scent rapidly proving itself your own personal brand of siren's call towards crashing into the deepest pits of sin and self-indulgence—
The sound of an opening door freezes you like a stunned animal in your tracks. Your entire body snaps rigid with tension as your pulse kicks up several panicked notches, utterly dreading whoever might now bear witness to your clear unraveling.
Heart thundering in your ears, you slowly crack one eye back open with trepidation...only to feel the weight lift somewhat as Shizuku, one of your teammates came cautiously around the corner, cheeks slightly flushed in embarrassment.
"Oh! I'm so sorry," she stammers, clearly flustered at having stumbled upon you in this state. "I didn't realize anyone was still in here. I can come back later!"
You wave a dismissive hand before she can retreat, not quite trusting your voice not to come out incriminatingly wrecked just yet. Trying to regain your composure, you attempt to slow your ragged breathing as subtly as possible.
Shizuku nods hesitantly, not seeming entirely convinced as her sharp gaze continues raking over you with growing concern. "Are...are you feeling okay? You look really flushed."
The obvious worry in her tone makes guilt churn unpleasantly in your gut. You can only imagine what sort of indecent, overwrought state she's finding you in right now. A vivid flash of her somehow catching you red-handed while giving in to your wanton urges ricochets through your mind, making you swallow thickly against a rising blaze of heat.
Desperately, you shake your head in an attempt to physically dislodge the utterly unacceptable fantasy before it can take seed. Pushing a tight smile onto your lips, you wave Shizuku forward reassuringly.
"I'm fine, really!" you insist in a voice that thankfully doesn't waver as much as you'd feared. "Just...stepped out of a really hot shower is all. Probably going to head out soon anyway."
Shizuku visibly relaxes at your answer, offering a relieved smile. "Oh good, I'm glad it's nothing serious then!" She steps over to her own locker and begins digging through her gym bag without a second thought.
You let out a shaky breath, using her presence as a convenient excuse to turn your back and refocus on getting dressed and out of here before another intrusive fantasy tries to take root.
You stare at the rumpled crimson jersey with a sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach. Of course his scent had to linger cloyingly around the fabric in a way your senses couldn't seem to ignore, even after that shockingly scalding shower.
Heaving a frustrated sigh, you reluctantly snatch up the borrowed top and give it another inspecting look. There's a faint smear of deodorant along the collar line and a few scattered strands of short black hair stubbornly clinging to the soft cotton weave. Unmistakable signs of repeated wear and the masculine essence now permanently embedded into every delicate thread.
Your pulse immediately kicks up as new waves of heated compulsion crest over you at being surrounded by Kuroo's intimate essence like this. But grinding your teeth hard, you resolutely refuse to feed the treacherous undercurrents of want that seem insistent on cresting to the surface at every provocation from him.
No, you're determined to get yourself under control here. To put some distance between the unwelcome distraction he's become and regain a clear head once more. If putting on Kuroo's clothes helps provide any sense of closure regarding these increasingly indecent preoccupations...well, you're desperate enough to try just about anything at this point.
Before your resolve can waver any further, you slide the jersey up and over your head - the soft knit sliding easily over your still-damp skin and clinging to every curve of your torso like a second skin. Almost immediately you're enveloped in the smoky, vaguely citrus-tinged aroma of Kuroo's body wash and deeper musk. The disconcertingly familiar scents seem to drape you in a suffocating veil of molten heat that licks dangerously at the edges of your restraint.
You stagger back a few steps, chest heaving as fresh waves of phantasmic imagery come swarming like sharks to chum. Reveries of Kuroo's heated stare boring into you as he takes in the sight of you in his clothes with dark, burning approval. Images of him advancing with leonine grace, callused hands slipping beneath the loose hem to sear scorching trails over the naked, sweat-slick expanses of your--
With a frustrated growl, you grasp fistfuls of the offending fabric and yank it vigorously away from your sticky skin in a desperate attempt to gain some reprieve. But the damage is already done - the mere suggestion of being swathed in anything bearing Kuroo's personal essence is enough to trigger the instantaneous mental avalanche of indecent cravings and salacious fantasies you struggle so mightily against.
You pant harshly, feeling uncentered and perilously close to coming utterly unraveled like never before. How are you supposed to withstand this constant barrage of molten provocations from your sworn rival? How much longer can you even remain within your own right mind before surrendering to the siren's call towards combustible freefall?
Riding on the crest of that maddening spiral of thought, you make a desperate decision. With horribly shaky fingers, you grab at the button seam of your soaked gym shorts and frantically tear them open. You don't dare look down, don't want to see what sins your hands might inadvertently commit beneath the allure of Kuroo's infused jersey.
Instead, you squeeze your eyes shut tight and exhale a steadying breath as you shimmy out of the last of your clothes. You have to get a grip, have to focus your spiraling thoughts on literally anything else in this instant before you find yourself sleepwalking towards the edge of a point of no return.
It's only once your traitorous, damp gym wear lays discarded on the tile floor that you finally find the courage to crack one lid open hesitantly. When no fresh barrage of illicit visions immediately assault you this time, you gradually allow your death-grip on the jersey's hem to loosen.
There's still no question that wearing this small piece of Kuroo's essence so intimately against your naked skin feels nothing short of debauched. Like you've willingly attired yourself in sin made fabric in an act of lurid indulgence. But whether it's the cortisol dump from your panic, or simply that you've now grown painfully accustomed to the potency of his scent and provocation, you're no longer drowning in the tsunami of wanton cravings from only moments ago.
In fact, the steady drape of the already sweat-dampened jersey now feels refreshingly cool and grounding against your heated flesh. Like the familiar, lived-in scents enveloping you no longer hold the power to summon such incendiary visions - at least not in the sheer vast torrents they previously wrought.
You take a deep, cleansing breath and instantly feel some small fraction of clarity beginning to return. With it comes the growing certainty that letting Kuroo and your relentless rivalry send you careening down such lascivious mental spirals is both self-destructive and foolish.
The hard choice crystallizes with that clear-eyed realization - by putting your own scent and essence directly over his, you can gain back the upper hand in this personal battle toward retaining your restraint. By making Kuroo's jersey unequivocally yours through sheer force of intimate proximity, you neuter its power to continually push you towards mental unravelings of indecency.
You nod decisively at that plan of attack, already feeling some grounded sense of self-possession return.
Your first order of business after dealing with this inappropriately tempting distraction is returning Kuroo's clothes, of course. But damned if you won't savor a small sense of petty victory over regaining sovereignty over your turbulent thoughts and want first.
Then you can return to plotting ways to get deliciously even with your callous tormentor for all the maddening provocations and heat he's incited within you lately...
With your fragile sense of restraint regained for now, you quickly gather up your discarded gym clothes and shove them into your duffel bag, not wanting any more lingering reminders of Kuroo's scent messing with your hard-won clarity.
You move with renewed determination, trying not to dwell too long on the deliciously deviant thrill of simply existing in nothing but your rival's loose jersey while you prepare to leave the locker room. There's no point denying how utterly and deliciously illicit the sensation feels against your bare skin. But rather than unraveling you towards indecency once more, the mere fact that you've asserted control over the intimate situation helps keep those more prurient impulses at bay.
Still...that doesn't prevent the faintest tendril of heated want from curling low in your belly at the unmistakable mental flash of Kuroo's expression should he happen to stumble upon you like this. Of the blazing trail his gaze would no doubt scorch across every inch of visible skin as his eyes hooded with smoldering surprise and primal, undisguised hunger.
You bite down on your bottom lip hard enough to taste copper at that vivid imagining, feeling fresh pinpricks of arousal lancing through you. As always, the merest consideration of Kuroo's intense, provocative presence proves to be like singeing tinder to your subconscious libido - threatening to spark into a conflagration of wanton thoughts and indecent urges if left unchecked.
Shoving down that dangerous trail before it can consume you utterly once more, you quickly shoulder your bag and stride for the exit with as much purpose as you can muster. You're so focused on wrestling back control of your derailed restraint that you nearly crash headlong into Yaku as he rounds the corner, clearly on his way in after practice.
You both freeze mid-stride, eyes going wide as you take in each other's equally stunned expressions. For a longmoment the awkward silence stretches out between you, punctuated only by the sounds of your harsh breathing loud in the tiled stillness.
Then finally, seeming to find his voice first, Yaku lets out a low whistle as his sharp gaze rakes over you in one long, assessing sweep. "Well well...don't you look pretty cozy there, babydoll," he remarks, pitching his tone somewhere between casual observation and wry insinuation.
You feel heat flood your cheeks despite your best efforts, suddenly hyperaware of just how utterly compromising this whole situation must appear to any outside observer. Kuroo's jersey barely grazes the tops of your thighs, leaving the long toned lengths of your legs completely exposed and tantalizingly on display when paired with nothing else.
"Yaku, I - it's not what it looks like, I can explain--" you begin hastily, shame and embarrassment vying for control in your rasping tone.
But he simply shakes his head with a knowing grin, cutting off your flustered protests before they can truly take root. "Don't worry 'bout it, babydoll. Not my business to judge, and it sure ain't my place to cockblock either. Just tell that smug bastard Kuroo I want my fucking jersey back sometime this year if he's gonna be loaning it out like this."
With a wink and a shit-eating grin, Yaku saunters around your frozen form and continues on into the locker room, whistling cheerfully beneath his breath all the while. You can only gape after him, dizzy with equal parts embarrassment, annoyance, and grudging amusement at just how casually he apparently accepts stumbling across what he assumes to be the aftermath of some secret tryst between you and your hated rival.
Yet despite the overall awkwardness of the situation, some profoundly petty part of you also feels an innate thrill at the idea of Kuroo finding out you've been traipsing around in his clothes like some deliciously insolent afterglow.
The thought of watching those sharp features of his cloud over with displeasure and jealous possession lights an undeniable flare of wicked satisfaction in the depths of your psyche. You can't quite smother the devilish smirk that quirks your lips at the mere idea of provoking such spikes of dark territoriality from your arrogant rival over you flagrantly disregarding the "boundaries" between you in such a salacious manner--
Your molten chain of thought is brought up short, however, as another familiar figure comes prowling around the corner with the sort of leonine confidence that immediately sends a frisson of electric awareness zinging down your spine. For a dizzying instant, it's like every scintillating erotic daydream you've been battling lately roars to vivid, lurid life right before your very eyes.
There's Kuroo, strutting in with that same loose-limbed cockiness you've come to expect, likely fresh from pushing his own training regimen to its limits as usual. His practiced ease falters perceptibly as he clocks the fact that you're not only still here, but...well.
You watch with thirsty relish as those piercing amber eyes blow wide in a potent combination of shock and molten male-appreciation - the unmistakable signs of desire and possessive outrage already warring behind them as they blaze over every exposed inch of skin you've left available to his perusal.
"The fuck, kitten?" he finally manages in a slightly strained growl. "You just couldn't resist helping yourself to what's mine, could you?"
You shrug one shoulder lazily, not even trying to feign innocence as you let your gaze blatantly roam over his frame in return. "Don't act so scandalized, Kuroo. It's not like you've never wanted to see me in this state before."
His nostrils flare at your brazen words. You can see the way his throat works as he swallows thickly. "That's a dangerous assumption to be making there, sweetheart," he bites out, clearly trying to regain some veneer of control.
Chuckling lowly, you hook a finger into the jersey's neckline and tug it aside just enough to expose a teasing glimpse of your collarbone and the swell of your breasts. "Is it though? Or are you just getting flustered by how easy it'd be to peel this off me and see what other bad decisions I've made?"
A muscle ticks in Kuroo's clenched jaw at that. He takes a single predatory step closer, movements tight like a compressed spring as his eyes darken perceptibly. "You never did know when to quit provoking things you can't handle, kitten."
You hold his smoldering stare boldly. "Maybe I'm just finally acknowledging things I've wanted to provoke all along."
The loaded suggestion seems to snap the final threads of Kuroo's restraint. A low rumbling growl reverberates from deep in his chest as he surges forward in one sinuous, barely leashed movement. You only have a split-second to react before his broad frame is looming over you, caging you back against the lockers as he braces an arm above your head.
"Careful what you wish for, babydoll," Kuroo breathes in a horribly tempting rasp right against the pulse point of your throat. His free hand skates up beneath the hem of the jersey to sear over the bare skin of your inner thigh. "I'm not feeling too generous with things that belong to me right now."
Any provocation or pithy response dies on your lips as those calloused fingertips drag a scorching trail higher. Instead, all that escapes is a shaky exhalation that Kuroo seems to drink in like a fine vintage as his lips curve in a predatory smirk.
"That's what I thought," he rumbles in that gruff, smoky tone that vibrates through you in delicious waves. "Now why don't you be a good little thief and show me exactly what sins you've been coveting, kitten?"
The low, carnal rumble of Kuroo's challenge hangs thickly between you as that large, calloused hand continues blazing a scorching path up the sensitive inner expanse of your thigh. You can't quite muffle the trembling whimper that stutters up from your chest as those questing fingertips dare to drift ever higher beneath the loose hem of the jersey.
"That's it, kitten..." he purrs in a voice made viscous and ragged by naked want. "No more pretenses now that we've reached the inevitable conclusion of those teasing little games of yours."
Kuroo's free hand suddenly winds into your hair, not quite gentle yet not overtly harsh either as he guides your head back with a subtle tug. The new angle leaves the long vulnerable expanse of your throat deliciously exposed and straining against the first delicate blossoms of bruising kisses he presses there like sin-soaked brands.
"This is what you were begging for all along, isn't it?" he rasps against your feverish skin between each indecent new imprint of his lips and tongue. "All those brazen little taunts and glimpses of temptation you couldn't resist flaunting right in front of me. Like some shameless siren calling out for her reckoning."
His wicked mouth has found that one spot just below your jaw that never fails to rob the strength from your limbs. You tremble violently as Kuroo laves his scorching tongue over that sensitive point in clear exploitation, surrendering a stuttering keen of pure rapture that seems to spur him on like a drug.
"Fuck, kitten...do you have any idea what it took not to lose control and take what's mine with my bare hands whenever you bared your slutty little neck for me?" he growls with heartfelt vehemence even as his free hand continues its molten trek higher and higher beneath the jersey's hem. "How many times I've had to wrestle down the urge to mark every single inch of you in ways you'd never forget just who those sweet little sounds belong to?"
That large, rough palm finally, blissfully finds its inevitable destination between your parted thighs. You shatter utterly at the first undeniable caress of deft fingers slicking through your embarrassingly wet folds. Kuroo growls deep approval at the state of utter ruin you've been reduced to by his carnal words and touches alone.
"Look at you...so fucking needy and desperate for me already," he rumbles with that unholy confidence only a man utterly assured in his dominance can possess. "And to think you tried to lecture me about teasing...you've spent who knows how long just aching to be taken apart like this."
You whine shamelessly, head thrashing against the unyielding steel of the lockers at your back as two thick fingers find your entrance and begin circling in maddeningly light, teasing strokes that scatter every coherent thought to the winds.
"P-Please..." you hear yourself whimper in a broken, debauched rasp that only seems to make Kuroo's eyes blaze darker with fresh coals of sin-steeped possession igniting behind them.
"Please what, kitten?" he demands in that low, ritualistic timbre that somehow reaches straight down into your very core and seizes every hidden erogenous zone in its grip. "Use that messy little mouth and beg properly for what a desperate little slut like you so clearly needs from me."
"Kuroo, fuck- I need you to...I need you inside me, please!" The words tumble from your lips in a heedless slurry of desperation that would have shocked your more restrained self into mortified silence. But here, now, with those large fingers still lazily circling your molten entrance as he raptly drinks in every debased plea, nothing else seems to matter.
In one smooth motion, Kuroo's hand leaves your sweat-dampened hair as he hitches the jersey's hem higher in a wordless command you swiftly obey - until the garment is rucked up to allow his searing gaze full view of the sinful ministrations he's reduced you to. Of just how wrecked and shattered you've become beneath his skilled touches and unrepentant provocations at last.
"That's it, open those gorgeous fucking legs for me and watch just how thoroughly I'm going to relieve you of these indecent little cravings once and for all," he vows in a growl dripping with decadent sin and virile promise.
A single broad fingertip finally, blissfully delves into your soaked folds - breaching the snug walls of your entrance with the sort of languorous, deliberate pace that speaks volumes of the unhurried plans Kuroo has for your ruin. A second blunt digit follows not long after, slowly and carefully working its way deeper into the tight sheath of your pussy, stretching the untouched muscles in the most toe-curling, obscenely exquisite agony imaginable.
"God, kitten, you're so fucking tight..." Kuroo growls, a raw note of lust and male-appreciation bleeding into his voice as he takes in the sight of his fingers buried deep in your fluttering, dripping core. "Just look at how eagerly your slutty little cunt is trying to suck me in even deeper...tell me, are you this starved for my cock, or just that desperate for a good hard fucking?"
"Fuck, Tetsurou, don’t talk like that-!"
You break off in a keening gasp as Kuroo's thumb finds your clit and begins working the engorged bundle of nerves with slow, precise movements. His other hand still holds the jersey's hem up and out of the way, giving him a perfect view of his fingers pistoning slowly in and out of your soaked depths.
"What's wrong, kitten?" he purrs with an evil chuckle, leaning in until his breath scalds hotly against your ear. "You don't like the truth being laid out before you like this? Admit it, you're soaking wet just thinking about me filling you up until I'm the only thing you can think about anymore."
"I-It's not like that, please, you're driving me crazy--!"
"That's exactly the fucking point, sweetheart." Kuroo punctuates his assertion with a particularly vicious thrust that makes you mewl and arch into him. "Now stop holding back and tell me exactly what I want to hear, or I'll keep making a mess of your pretty little cunt until you can't remember how to speak anymore."
Your eyes fly wide open at that threat. "Kuroo, I swear to god, if you don't finish what you've started, I'm going to--"
"What, kitten?" Kuroo growls, teeth finding the tender juncture of your throat and jaw in a savage nip that sends a shockwave of electric sensation straight through you. "Gonna try and fuck yourself on my fingers until you come? Is that what you want, to ride my hand and fuck yourself silly while I watch?"
"Then go ahead," he commands with a feral, carnal sort of relish. "Ride my fingers and prove how much you need this, kitten. Let me see just how depraved a slut you really are, and I'll give you everything you've been begging for."
"Y-you bastard, I swear, I'm going to kill you!" you choke out as your hips begin bucking up against his hand of their own volition.
But rather than taking offense at your weak insult, Kuroo simply flashes that wolfish smirk that's haunted so many of your lurid fantasies. His amber eyes bore into you with a burning intensity that makes something primal and instinctual twist and writhe within you.
"Oh, don't worry, kitten. I fully intend to fuck you into submission, right here and now, just the way you've always wanted. That is, unless you'd rather beg me on your knees like a good little girl to fill your pretty, empty cunt with my cock and fuck you like the greedy little slut you are."
At his filthy promise, an electric charge zings down your spine and pools like liquid fire low in your belly. You feel yourself tightening around his fingers like a vise, hips bucking wildly in search of that final, elusive threshold of release as Kuroo continues working your clit mercilessly.
"Come for me, kitten," he breathes in a guttural rasp that resonates with something far more fundamental and bestial. "Come for me now."
Like a puppet cut from its strings, your entire body seizes up. Your back arches almost painfully as a scream rips itself from the back of your throat - a sound so wild and animalistic, you scarcely recognize the wanton creature it's torn from.
The force of your climax rips through you with the same white-hot intensity of a lightning strike, making you buck and thrash wildly against the unforgiving steel behind you. The pleasure is so acute, so agonizingly blissful, it's as if every nerve ending has been stripped raw and exposed to the elements.
It feels as if your release goes on forever, wave after wave of unadulterated pleasure crashing through your trembling limbs and wringing a steady, high-pitched keen from the very core of your being. It's only Kuroo's free hand coming up to cover your mouth that smothers the wanton sounds of ecstasy tumbling from you without restraint.
The world narrows to the sensation of his strong, calloused hand pinning you down with easy dominance. To the feeling of his fingers pumping slow and steady within the spasming clench of your oversensitive walls, as if wringing every possible drop of pleasure from your spent body.
It's a full minute or so before the world begins to gradually filter back in through the haze of blissful release. As it does, you become gradually aware of the way your entire body is still trembling with small aftershocks. Of the way Kuroo's dark head is pressed into the hollow of your shoulder, his lips moving as if in prayer as he breathes you in like some rare perfume.
When he finally pulls away to meet your gaze, his expression is almost reverent. "There she is," he murmurs with a soft chuckle, eyes warm and fond as they roam across the slack lines of your face. "I've been waiting a long time to see you looking that undone, kitten."
You swallow past a suddenly dry throat, the last vestiges of euphoria still buzzing through your veins as you try to process the magnitude of what's just happened. Of the way the heat and tension between you has reached its inevitable, combustible conclusion at last.
But rather than being sated or even satisfied by the act, a fresh wave of molten want immediately re-ignites like a furnace in the pit of your belly. Suddenly the memory of his calloused fingers buried inside you feels like an itch beneath your skin that can't be satisfied with anything less than the fullness of his cock.
"Tetsurou, please..." you hear yourself rasp, the need thick and urgent in your tone as your gaze drifts meaningfully down his still-clothed form.
Kuroo follows the path of your gaze with a low chuckle. He slowly withdraws his fingers from your sopping entrance, drawing a soft whimper from your throat at the loss. You're too far gone to be embarrassed by the lewd, wet sound the motion creates, however, too consumed by the sudden, aching emptiness now gnawing at you.
"Easy, kitten, we're getting there," Kuroo soothes, reaching down to deftly unfasten the fly of his shorts. You feel a sharp thrill shoot through you as his large, capable hands free the swollen length of his cock at last, leaving it standing flushed and proud before your rapt gaze.
"Look at that, so greedy you can't even wait for me to take these off properly first," Kuroo chuckles, giving his stiff length a slow, leisurely stroke that makes something dark and possessive ignite in the depths of his gaze. "Tell me, are you going to be a good girl and take all of this for me, hm? Or am I going to have to remind you exactly who's in control here?"
"T-tetsurou..." you manage, already feeling that dark, viscous hunger unfurl within you.
The sight of Kuroo's cock, swollen and rigid with lust, is enough to drive any further attempts at coherency from your mind. All that matters is having the thick, pulsing heat of his cock filling the empty, aching void between your thighs at last.
Kuroo's gaze rakes over you ravenously. He looks like a man ready to devour every last inch of you without restraint. And right now, you'd willingly submit to anything and everything he demanded if it meant feeling the full weight of his cock plunging deep into the molten sheath of your pussy.
"Turn around, kitten. Face the lockers and hold yourself open for me," he commands, already guiding you with firm hands until you're braced against the cold steel. "I'm going to fuck you like this. Gonna make you take all of me at once, and leave you a mess of cum and debauchery. Then maybe I'll drag you home and show you exactly what it means to be mine."
The mere thought makes you dizzy. You quickly move to obey, spreading your legs wide and bracing yourself against the unyielding lockers as you bend over and expose the glistening pink folds of your cunt.
"Please, Tetsurou, I need your cock so bad, please," you hear yourself babbling without a care, so consumed by the maddeningly empty ache inside you, nothing else seems to matter. "Please, just fill me up and fuck me already, I'll be a good girl and do whatever you want, just please!"
Kuroo's responding growl of approval is nearly subhuman in its depth. In the next instant, the heavy, searing heat of his cock is finally pressing into the entrance of your drenched pussy. You choke back a sob as his length plunges mercilessly in to the hilt with one fluid thrust.
For a long moment, Kuroo remains perfectly still. It feels as if every muscle in his powerful body has turned to stone as he struggles to maintain some modicum of restraint. But when you begin clenching around him with short, desperate jerks of your hips, it's like a switch is flipped.
His hands find your hips in a bruising grip, fingers digging into your soft flesh hard enough to leave marks as he pins you in place and begins thrusting into you with ruthless intent. With the first powerful surge of his cock, all higher functions of thought seem to cease. The only thing you can focus on is the way his length fills you with such delicious friction, splitting you open and leaving you breathless and utterly wrecked.
"Fucking hell, kitten, look at the way your slutty cunt is trying to suck me in," Kuroo groans, sounding dangerously close to his own peak. "Feels so fucking good...can't believe I've been waiting this long to make a mess of you, fuck-!"
His movements are becoming more and more frantic, losing the careful rhythm of his previous thrusts as his hips buck into yours with the frenetic intensity of a wild animal. Every harsh, jarring slap of his pelvis against your ass, every inch of his cock stretching you to the limits, is like a drug straight to your system.
The pressure builds and builds until your body is practically singing with the sheer anticipation of release. Your vision is beginning to go blurry around the edges, the air thick and syrupy as it leaves your lungs in a series of helpless, mewling cries.
Kuroo's large, rough palm suddenly snakes its way around your waist, his thumb finding your clit and pinching it hard as he pounds relentlessly into your tight sheath. You scream as the sudden stimulation sends you plummeting off the edge, your entire body seized by a second orgasm that hits you like a tidal wave.
In the next instant, Kuroo's hips jerk violently against yours, his entire body going rigid as a drawn bow as his release finds him. The sound that tears itself from his chest is guttural, bestial, the kind of noise a man can only make when reduced to his basest, most primal instincts.
You can feel his cock pulsing as he shoots load after load of cum deep inside you, filling your womb and flooding your inner walls with the evidence of his pleasure. You're so far gone, your head spinning and your limbs quaking, it's like floating outside yourself, watching the scene play out from afar.
You don't know how much time passes like that. How long the two of you remain tangled together, sweat-damp and sated and panting as if you've both run a marathon. It feels like ages before you begin to surface once more, awareness gradually returning with each measured breath and the slow, deliberate way Kuroo's hand begins smoothing over your trembling flesh in lazy circles.
When he finally slips free, you can't quite stifle the faint sound of loss that escapes you. But before you can mourn the loss too deeply, Kuroo's already spinning you around to face him, capturing your mouth in a hungry kiss as his arms come up to band around your waist.
"Mmm, I could get used to that," he murmurs as he breaks away, resting his forehead against yours. His voice is still ragged and slightly breathless, but there's no mistaking the languid, decadent satisfaction dripping from his tone.
You chuckle weakly, unable to suppress a shiver as his hand begins idly stroking the curve of your ass. "You really are a bastard, Kuroo. What happened to showing a little self-control, hm?"
"I could say the same to you, kitten," he returns, not the least bit remorseful as his mouth twists into a wolfish grin. "But if you'd really rather be calling me a bastard than moaning my name, well. We can go right back to square one and I'll fuck you stupid again until you're screaming the right name."
"Oh god, shut up," you groan, burying your face in his chest.
Kuroo laughs, a dark, sinful sound that makes your pulse flutter even in the midst of your mortification.
"What the fuck?!"
A new voice rings out from the locker room entrance, making both you and Kuroo freeze mid-embrace. Turning slowly, you see Yaku standing stock-still with a stricken expression on his face. He takes in the two of you, the state of undress, and the obvious aftermath of a tryst with a look that can only be described as a mix of shock, disgust, and mild arousal.
"Seriously, Kuroo, in the locker room? You couldn't find a better place to fuck this shameless hussy?" he complains, making no move to hide the fact that he's blatantly checking you out despite the indignant tone.
Kuroo simply shrugs one shoulder, completely unrepentant. "What, jealous, Yakkun? You can always join us, I'm sure she wouldn't mind a second cock."
"Kuroo, for fuck's sake!" Yaku snaps, throwing his hands up. "This isn't a fucking gangbang! Go get a room somewhere, I'm trying to get dressed here!"
"I don't mind a little audience," you remark casually, reveling in the way Yaku's eyes go comically wide as he processes the implications of your words. "But if you don't hurry up and make a decision, I'll be riding Tetsurou's cock again."
"I can't fucking believe you," Kuroo breathes with a dark chuckle. "First the jersey and now this...you're really not going to give me a break, are you?"
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scaredy-katts · 12 days
" Not that he could reach it anyway, but I'll hand it to him - he ate me the fuck up. He stooped lower than the 5'5 mark he keeps on his door frame even though he's 5'4. "
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pairing : yaku morisuke x f!reader
content : comedian reader (think a mix of *inside* bo burnham and craig conant), journalist yaku, smau/some written parts, thank you @sandwhitches for this cracked ass idea, enemies to lovers, timeskipped characters
series content warning : MDNI, NSFW, some parts include smut, hate fucking, so much hate fucking, smoking/drugs, drinking/alcohol, crude/sexual humor, language, I will beat these short jokes to death, lev haiba [more will be added, check each chapter for warnings]
taglist : open, send an ask
extras ! playlist : this is when you laugh moodboards : series | yn | yaku
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did you hear this shit? read this from the chopping block!! is it possible to die from laughing? I think it is at the red nose
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green room : professional clown and her groupies | d1 haters set one : cracking up set two : stand up set three : disgusting set four : coming soon more to come. . .
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s1nk1ngst4rg1irl · 7 months
PROLOGUE◞ ꙳ ๋࣭ ⭑ `
₊˚ ‿︵‿︵୨୧ · · ♡ · · ୨୧‿︵‿︵ ˚₊₊˚ ‿︵‿︵୨୧ · · ♡ · · ୨୧‿︵‿︵ ˚₊
╰┈➤how you became nekomas manager, or how kuroo bullied you into taking the position.
╰┈➤NOTES: hehe
╰┈➤WARNINGS: boobi talk and surgery, also swearing!!
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Kai introduced you to him, or rather he shoved him into you. You were just walking though what you presumed to be a safe hallway trying to get by till graduation without dying, not a booby trapped danger zone where people got jumpscared by some lanky dude with a serious case of bed hair, but there you were under him. He wormed off of you and offered a hand, which you begrudgingly took in yours, pulling yourself up and adjusting your shirt.
“Have you ever thought about breast surgery?” Kuroo deadpanned, looking down at you.
“Dude, what the everloving fuck.” 
“Maybe you were too busy looking down at them to see where you were walking, i get it-their very distracti-” your fist connected with his face before you understood what was happening.
That's how you met Kuroo, with a breast reduction and a black eye. The counselor made sure you guided Kuroo around school during this ‘tough time’ for his vision. Dragging him around school and unknowingly allowing him to trip down small flights of stairs turned into study sessions which turned into meet ups for non school reasons. You'd even go as far to say, you and him were friends.
 So when he asked for you to be manager of the Nekoma volleyball club on a warm sunny day while snarfing down more than his share a bag of chips what else could you say but
“hell no. Sweaty stinky guys asking me to carry around their shit and bandage their booboos? No thanks dude”
Kuroo buried himself deeper into the pile of plushies he was laying on- and getting crumbs all over, groaning.
“Come onnnnn, Y/NNNN, it'll be fun, plus we haven't had a female manager in forever, the upperclassmen will totally love me-and you!.”
“That's exactly what I'm afraid of, plus I don't feel like doing you any favors after what you did to my maths notes” you sniffled.
“I didn't mean to drop them, it just happened ok?? Plus I bought you that keychain you wanted so we’re even.”
“Kuroo, you could bring me Yaku’s diary and that still wouldn't make up for you dropping my notebook into a shit filled toilet.”
“Accidentally dropping your notebook into a shit filled toilet.”
“Who even studies in a fucking toilet??”
“Well first of all you could benefit from some toilet study sessions and second of all it was a shit, people do weirder things all the time when they shit.”
“Have I ever told you you're a huge nerd?”
“Yeah, like every day so will you be the manager already??” you mull it over for a few seconds, weighing out pros and cons, hard work, running, but also there might be a few cute guys, and you needed some boosts for a college resume.. what could be the harm, you needed something other than binge watching shameless to do after school anyway.
“.... fine. One condition though.” he perked up, sending potato chip pieces flying all over your carpet.
“Clean your crumbs off my shit, and get me a new notebook- a new set of notebooks.”
“That's two conditions, babe.” maybe this was a bad idea
“You want a manager or not dawg.”
“Ok! Calm your overly large tits, maybe its the back pain making you angry-” he dodges the empty cookie tin you chuck at him. stupid athlete reflexes. 
“Shut the fuck up loser.” 
“-there you go again! Ok- ok- i can always massage them iif they hurt that ba-ok!!!! Point taken! Wheres you dustpan?” yeah. This was a bad idea.
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sachirou-senpai · 4 months
A, D, and K for Yaku from Haikyuu ?
→ A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex.)
bro has ENERGY. he's somehow still pumped after sex, dunno how he has it in him. probably wants to watch a movie, have a snack, something that requires doing. he can't quite seem to understand that he just rearranged your insides and you don't really wanna do much of anything but sleep. he's soooo sweet though, definitely takes good care of you.
→ D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs.)
panties. used. he's stolen a few before and he's only slightly ashamed. something about it just... makes him feel like a pervert and he likes likes that.
→ K = Kink (One or more of their kinks.)
breeding? maybe. but creampies? fuck yeah. he loves grabbing onto your hips, holding you close, n just filling you up.
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NSFW Alphabet - Requests closed for now.
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asena-graywolf · 1 year
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Three Virgins
Lev and Yaku were your best friends since childhood. You spent your childhood together. What you ate and drank was indistinguishable. You would do every activity together. You went to the same schools from primary school to high school. Even though you went to different universities, your ties never broke.
You were doing various activities at every opportunity. On the weekends, you would either go bowling, play volleyball in the first empty gym you found, or swim in the indoor swimming pool. You had countless fun activities
You would occasionally organize barbecue parties and invite your other friends from university. You were actually having some kind of socializing party under the pretext of a barbecue.
Your friends from college looked up to you and considered you lucky because you were best friends with two guys. Because you always had friends who would support you. They would even protect you when necessary
You would meet at one of your houses every week you were available. This week it was Lev's turn. His family was already out of town. His older sister Alisa also went on holiday with her fiancée. So the house belonged entirely to you. You could be as crazy as you wanted and organize crazy parties among yourselves.
Before going to the meeting, you stopped by the store and bought a bag of junk food, even though you were probably going to watch a movie.
Then you headed to Lev's house. Yaku had arrived before you, and they both welcomed you very warmly when you arrived.
Just as you predicted, you were going to have a movie night that evening. Lev chose one of the most watched horror movies of recent times. It was a genre that all three of you loved
After preparing your snacks and drinks, you sat in front of the television. The movie started to get exciting from the first minutes.
You trembled with fear in some parts of the movie, and you were terribly nervous in others.
All three of you clenched tightly together when you were scared
After the movie ended, you started chatting for the rest of the night, trying to forget your fear a little bit. While chatting, Yaku came up with an idea
"Say what? Shall we play truth or dare?”
"Nice idea!" you confirmed.
It was also suitable for Lev. You found an empty bottle and placed it in the middle. Lev was the first to turn it and it stopped at you.
“Yes y/n-chan. Truth or Dare?"
“Truth” you replied
“So…when you were at Nekoma High, was there anyone on the volleyball team that you found sexy?”
You didn't expect to encounter such a question the first time. Yaku also agreed with you
“Isn't this question a bit quick?” Yaku asked.
“It will be your turn too, Yaku,” said Lev in reply.
Then it continued
“Yes y/n-chan. “We are waiting for your answer.”
“Hmm…well…I guess there was.”
“Who was it?” Lev insisted.
Your face turned to red. You didn't know how to say
"I thought you were going to say Kenma," laughed Yaku
“Kenma was cute too, but honestly Kuro is hotter. "I would die for him every time he passed by."
“Look! "If you had told us, we would have tried to adjust Kuro for you," Lev said with a grin.
“Never mind, it was just admiration. It's gone. "Yes, I think it's my turn."
You spun the bottle and it came to Yaku
“Yaku, truth or dare?”
“And I say truth”
“Okay then, have you ever read a porn magazine?”
Yaku's face turned red. Lev let out a loud laugh.
Unlike Lev, you asked a more tactless question.
“Lev! Don't laugh!” said Yaku, hitting Lev on the shoulder with one of the cushions on the floor.
Then he put his hand to the back of his neck and replied shyly:
“Oh…this is so embarrassing but, yes, I read it. "I got it from my cousin's secret stash."
“You're not innocent so much, Yaku,” you said, looking at him suggestively.
“I was a teenager then and such things were a matter of curiosity for me. Is it my turn?
Yaku spun the bottle. He was going to come across one of you and stopped at Lev
“Yes Lev, truth or dare?”
“Since you both said truth, I also say truth for this round.”
"Ok. Hmm let's see…are you a virgin?”
“Yes unfortunately…I came to university and still haven't had sex with anyone”
Yaku snickered. You also expressed your opinion quite boldly.
“Really Lev? I didn't expect that from you"
"Really. I would if I found a sexy girl. “I am an unlucky person.”
Yaku asked you both a question with a daring grin on his face.
“Since the subject has been brought up, let's all be honest. "I'm a virgin too"
"Bull! I am a person who has never even seen a porn magazine in my life, what happened to you?" Lev laughed.
"Believe it or not. "I've never had sex"
Lev then turned to you and asked
“What about you y/n-chan?”
Your face turned red too. If a game of truth or dare was being played, it was common for immoral topics to be brought up. But you didn't expect it to happen this fast
“I am a virgin”
They were both shocked by your answer. Because even though they didn't show it, they found you extremely sexy and were almost sure that you were not a virgin.
"WHAT!" they both said at once
"I mean it" you repeated
“I don't believe it y/n. We didn't expect this from you. You are very beautiful and sexy. "We thought you must have done it with someone," said Yaku.
“Yes,” agreed Lev.
You laughed, "If you say all three of us are virgins"
“Three unfortunates, we come together and console ourselves with obscene questions,” said Lev.
“That's right,” said Yaku.
“Let's continue. Let's see if you can say dare in the second round.” you said and encouraged your friends to continue the game.
It was Lev's turn and he spun the bottle. The bottle stopped at Yaku.
“Yaku, truth or dare?”
"Dare," said Yaku confidently.
“Okay, if you're so confident, cup y/n-chan's breasts.”
"WHAT!" you both said at once.
“But…” you said, feeling embarrassed.
"Word spoken is past recalling" Lev grinned.
"Ugh! Damn!" whined Yaku.
He moved closer to you and shyly grabbed both of your breasts. You suddenly shouted
"Ah! Yaku! “It hurt.”
“I'm sorry,” he said sheepishly, taking his hands off your breasts.
While Lev was watching you, feelings of lust were blooming inside him.
It was Yaku's turn. He spun the bottle and came across you
“Y/n-chan. Truth or Dare?"
“If we are going to call this tour dare, I say dare.”
“Okay…” he said, scratching his hair.
Then he gave a reckless order
“Rub on Lev's lap for 3 minutes. I will keep time. Come on!"
“Oh no! “This is truly a shame.”
“Am I going to have my first experience with you, y/n-chan?” he said to you indicating his willingness
“It's just a game, Lev,” you replied.
"Come on! "Since you have the dare, then do as I say," Yaku looked at you both suggestively.
You tried to hide your blushing face.
“I forgot something. Take off your trousers." added Yaku.
You didn't expect this
''What! Will I be rubbing naked? "Can't it be through clothes?"
Yaku slightly raised the tips of his eyebrows
"I don't think you can enjoy it that way." Besides, you are the one who chooses dare. "Then you will do as I say."
You were trying to fight the tension building inside you. As soon as you took off your pants, your pink panties became visible to both Lev and Yaku
Lev made fun of you by saying, "The color of your panties is so cute."
"Shut up, Lev!" you said, both sweetly and harshly.
You could see the bulge on Lev's lap. You couldn't even imagine how you were going to sit on that already hard thing. On top of that, you would have your first experience, even if it wasn't a full-blown sexual intercourse.
Lev held you by your waist and you spread your legs and sat on his lap.
Yaku took out his phone and entered the meter app.
"Alright, I'll start the clock. You have 3 minutes, y/n-chan." I expect you to cum in 3 minutes. If you can't cum…"
A chill came over him from Yaku's threatening voice. This chill, which made his heart beat faster, spread from the middle of his chest to every aspect of his body.
"What if I can't cum? Yaku-san?''
"You can see for yourself. Just start!"
The moment Yaku started the timing, you started moving your hips back and forth, moving your vagina over Lev's clothed cock.
Lev's hand on her waist went down to her hips and cupped her plump hips. You couldn't deny that you enjoyed this, even if just a little. So much so that a moan came out of his lips involuntarily.
Lev closed his eyes tightly and clenched his teeth. You were extremely embarrassed to make eye contact in such an embarrassing situation.
Your eyes were just looking at the ceiling, enjoying Lev's cock that was getting erect as you rubbed it.
You decided to pick up the pace and started rocking your hips back and forth a little faster. You could feel your panties getting wetter. Your horny pussy seemed like it wanted to take two huge cocks inside of it and it was literally begging you for it.
Yaku looked at the meter in his hand.
"You're doing well, two minutes left," he said, extremely pleased with the situation he'd put you in.
If you couldn't ejaculate, you would have to accept the punishment determined by Yaku. But you seemed to agree already. You could end the night as two virgins and a virgin, losing your virginity forever.
You wanted them both to fuck you. You wanted to be squeezed into any corner of the house and have a dick in your mouth, a dick in your pussy, maybe even a dick in your ass.
Waves of pleasure were spreading mercilessly throughout your body, from your clitoris to your toes.
Movie night was about to turn into an orgy and you were about to get fucked by your two best friends
Another minute had passed and you purposely didn't want to cum. An idol was cut under Lev. All the blood in his body was collected on his face due to contraction.
You screamed as your orgasm hit you. You settled completely on Lev's lap and took a deep breath.
Yaku mocked you, looking at the meter in his hand.
“I don't believe you y/n-chan. There's still half a minute left. "How quickly you cum!"
Lev took a deep breath and released himself.
“I…um,” you said shyly, looking over your shoulder at Yaku.
''What happened? "Your face is red," Yaku replied.
"I didn't cum"
"Didn't you cum?" Are you mocking me? "Then you will accept the punishment."
Yaku put the phone down and tried to peel off his pants. But you stopped it
You got off Lev's lap and took off the one piece of clothing you were wearing, leaving you in front of them in your bra and panties.
“Y/n? "What are you doing?" said Lev, who was watching you in amazement.
You looked at them both with a red face
“I want you to fuck me. That's why I didn't ejaculate on purpose. Let's all three lose our virginity tonight. Say what?''
A satisfied smile then spread across Yaku's surprised face.
"This is the punishment we will give you if you don't cum." But I see that you are ready to be punished, y/n-chan.”
Lev still hadn't gotten over the shock of the situation they were in.
''What? Really y/n-chan? "You're not kidding, are you?"
You replied, turning your head to Lev
"I'm more serious than I've ever been before. It wouldn't be fair if only you fucked me. I want Yaku to experience this pleasure too. The three of us enjoy it more together. Now…''
You turned to Yaku again and confidently stated your demands.
"You can do whatever you want to me. There are never any limitations. You can benefit from every bit of my body. "I want you to fuck me everywhere"
This sentence was enough for both of them to get their dicks up. You unclasped your bra and tossed it aside. Then, as you took off your panties, you noticed that your wetness was leaking into your panties. So much so that when you separated your panties from your pussy, you saw a prolonged wetness.
You were already ready to be fucked by two men. You couldn't remember ever being this wet and eager.
You put your hand between your legs and spread the wetness from your vagina to your clit to see how wet you were on them. You showed them your wet and sticky fingers
''I'm ready''
"If you're ready, we're ready too," said Yaku as he took off his pants.
He gave the same order to Lev.
"You undress too, Lev. "Y/n-chan will give us paradise tonight"
"Okay…I'm ready to surrender my virginity to you y/n-chan" he said and started to undress too
Now all three of you were naked. Two men were waiting around you with their cocks erect. Both of their dicks were perfectly suitable for you.
“Yes y/n. "Which one of us will you start with first?" asked Yaku.
You looked at Lev and then at Yaku. You had just had a beginning with Lev. Naturally, you wanted to get some pleasure from Yaku.
You kneeled in front of Yaku and started licking his thick and big dick like you were licking ice cream, starting from his balls.
Yaku seemed to enjoy it from the first minutes
"Good girl! That's it! Go on! You're doing great." he said and gently caressed your head.''
Lev was watching you, feeling left out and not knowing what to do.
"Don't be idle either, Lev. Do something''
"What should I do?" he asked curiously.
Yaku grabbed you by your hair and pulled your mouth away from his dick.
''Y/n-chan. "Bend over!" he commanded clearly.
You bent down on all fours and waited for what would happen. Yaku turned to Lev as he pumped his cock into you
“While I cum in your mouth, you will cum in your wet pussy. "We will change places later"
Lev nodded. You lifted your hips a little more towards Lev to gain full access to your vagina. Then you grabbed Yaku's dick and started moving your head back and forth
Since you were wet enough, it wasn't hard for Lev's dick to enter your pussy. Since it was large but thin, it did not put much strain on the vaginal walls. But you felt a pain and sting that lasted for a few seconds, similar to a pinprick feeling.
Yaku's cock covered her mouth. You couldn't shout even if you wanted to. Tears flowed from her eyes and flowed down her cheeks.
"Are you hurt, slut?" "You asked for this?" Yaku slapped you brutally.
Red fingerprints appeared on his face
"Suck it. "Take all my dick in your mouth." He grabbed your hair tightly and pressed your head hard towards himself.
Lev was the one who broke her virginity. Lev's cock was covered in your virgin blood.
"Jeez! "I never thought you'd be this willing the first time, y/n-chan."
Lev buried his dick completely in your cunt and started rocking his hips back and forth. Then you got a spank on your hips
You let out a muffled moan as you felt the spank on your bottom. In a short time, Lev and Yaku increased their speed, doubling the pleasure you had received. You were insatiable and wanted more
Lev was fucking you pretty hard. Your vaginal walls had expanded like a sewer pipe. The blood flowing from her pussy dripped onto the carpet and stained it.
The spankings you received on your face and buttocks made you more willing.
"Come on whore! Make a little more effort. I'm about to cum"
Yaku was pushing you so hard that the tip of his dick was pressing against your throat and you almost couldn't fit it in your mouth.
You were holding yourself back from gagging or vomiting. You were focusing on the pleasure you were feeling to forget about your nausea.
Lev's cock was hitting you like a whip. As he moved his hips back and forth, the sound of his hips hitting your hips could be heard.
At this rate they were going to cum in both your stomach and your pussy.
"I want to cum in your pussy," Lev said very eagerly.
At that moment, Yaku spilled all his seed into your mouth. You felt his hardening cock soften like a balloon on your tongue.
As he pulled his dick out of your mouth, you opened your palms to catch the semen flowing from the corner of your lips. You took a deep breath and gagged to vomit the cum.
Lev had also ejaculated inside you. You felt the white liquid flowing from your pussy. Lev came out and wondered if you were okay or not
''Are you ok?''
"You know how to lick, I wish you would swallow the semen I put in your mouth"
“The girl already has enough semen both in her mouth and in her womb, Yaku-san. "It doesn't need to be in her stomach."
Yaku placed a threatening look on his face
"It will be in her another side now"
You looked at both of them and parted your lips covered in semen.
"I wanna anal"
Yaku was prepared for this request, but it was something Lev didn't expect.
"Are you sure about this?"
Yaku replied without giving you a chance.
"Don't worry Lev. She's too sure. You already broke her virginity. Don't get excited about fucking her ass. "I'd rather fuck a tiny hole than fuck a used cunt."
"I'm not curious either. "I also want to cum in Y/n-chan's mouth."
You stood up and laid down on the couch. You waited to be fucked like a whore in need of cock
Yaku chuckled.
"Do you want to get your ass fucked like this, y/n-chan?"
"Put my legs on your shoulders, Yaku-san. Fuck me. "I can't be patient any longer"
Then Lev laughed at your insatiability
“Look at this, Yaku-san. She's a total whore. "A total sex queen"
"Then what are we waiting for?" We have to give this cum hungry slut what she wants.”
This time Lev moved to where your head was to fuck your mouth. Yaku spread her legs. He eyed your used wet pussy before sticking a finger in your asshole
''Unbelievable. "I wish I had fucked this horny pussy first," he said and spanked her pussy hard.
You were hurt. You didn't just moan, you screamed. But it gave you enough pleasure to want it again
"Oh Yaku-san. Once again''
"Do you want it one more time? You wanted your ass fucked. If you're doing it to avoid having your ass fucked, don't you dare. "Your ass will be fucked the same way your pussy and mouth were fucked just now."
''I want to get fucked. Fuck me! "Don't pity me!"
"God, I can't believe I'm hearing this," said Lev, grinning.
"Fill me. Do not leave an empty space. I want your cum all over me! I really need this! "Make me crazy!"
"What a babble whore" you said while Lev grabbed your head and put his dick in your mouth
Yaku kept slapping your wet pussy. You were experiencing both pain and pleasure at the same time. Having your wet pussy slapped was making you more eager.
Yaku lifted your legs while Lev fucked your mouth. He grabbed her hips and spread them apart, revealing her asshole as small as her little finger.
"I'm not going to ask you if you're ready, little slut."
He put his middle finger in your asshole and started drawing circles to get you used to it.
You were screaming muffled with Lev's dick in your mouth. It was the first time something entered her little asshole.
Yaku then added a second finger and then increased it to three.
You were screaming in pain, your body wanted even more. You accepted this from the very beginning. You would endure both pain and pleasure.
"Your asshole will be widened now honey, get ready for it" said Yaku with a grin.
On the other hand, Lev was putting his dick in and out of your mouth, leaving you breathless.
Yaku aligned the tip of his hardened cock with your asshole and pushed himself inside you.
You almost jumped out of your seat with the sudden sting you felt in your ass. Since there was no lubricant, this was going to be quite painful for you.
"Try not to scream too much, honey," he said and pushed his dick further into her ass.
You screamed and tears fell from your eyes. Lev sensed something was wrong and pulled his dick out of your mouth
"Yaku-san, you have to stop! The girl is hurting!”
As soon as Lev took his dick out of your mouth, you coughed and flatly rejected what Lev said.
"No, Lev. How long have I waited for this? "Let it come inside me"
"You heard what he said, Lev. "Go ahead," Yaku said, pointing at you with his eyes.
While Yaku made an effort to enter your asshole completely, Lev continued the work he had just done.
A dick in your mouth and a dick in your ass were literally taking you to the peak of pleasure.
Lev was going all the way down her throat, while Yaku was pushing her asshole.
You were making moans and purrs that showed you were extremely eager.
All three of you increased your speed to the fullest. Having your asshole widened felt weirder than when you lost your virginity.
Your second orgasm was approaching.
“Yaku-san? "Are you cumming?" Lev was out of breath. His face was red as if blood had rushed to his cheeks.
''I am cumming. "Let's cum together"
You also showed that you were about to come by making strange moans.
Then your orgasm hit you like a powerful bolt of lightning. The moans from all three of you, enjoying your orgasm, filled the room.
They both took their dicks out of her mouth and ass. The sofa and carpet were stained with your virgin blood. He had redness and bruises all over his body. You felt too terrible to stand up. You had a lot of fun having group sex, but at the end it looked like you were literally beaten.
You stood up, out of breath.
''This was a lot of fun. "I think we should do it again as soon as possible," Lev said.
Yaku sat next to him and held his hand
"Are you okay?" he asked you.
You nodded yes, but you felt a terrible pain below your waist.
"I hope we didn't force you too hard, y/n-chan," Lev said worriedly.
''No. On the contrary, I enjoyed it very much. "I want to do this again"
Yaku smiled and agreed
"We'll do it again. But first we need to take a shower together and then clean up. We don't want to get Lev into trouble, do we?"
"Will you take me between both of you in the shower?" you asked tiredly.
"Of course!" Lev happily agreed.
They both put their arms around your shoulders and carried you to the bathroom. The three of you showered together. You really enjoyed bathing among Lev and Yaku.
After getting dressed, you cleaned the house. You wiped the blood stains on the floor and the couch until they were gone, picked up the garbage in every corner, and folded your discarded clothes neatly again.
You had had a rough night, but the fact that all three of you lost your virginity on the same night gave it meaning and significance.
Hey hey hey!! ~~ I came back like a fireball. I guess this was way too obscene. But i hope you enjoyed this story
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lizzy06 · 2 months
Yaku Morisuke x Reader Fic Recs!! (Tumblr/AO3/Wattpad)
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Haikyuu! Fic Rec Masterlist
Nekoma Fic Rec Masterlist
Double Trouble ✨✨by @kaaytea Yaku insisted that he didn’t need your help, but the sound of glass breaking over the phone said otherwise. [COMPLETED]
Artists Eyes ✨✨by Teapots_and_Teacups (oneshoot, artist! reader, fluff)Yaku was used to being ignored on the court.You were drawn to him. You couldn't help but look at him.[COMPLETED]
Favorable Accidents ✨by chi (oneshot, soulmate au, fluff)[COMPLETED]
Coincidence✨ by EternalAlice24 (oneshot, fluff, humor)to: mom Please let me go get groceries more often[COMPLETED]
gimme one good reason by chimielie (oneshot, childhood friends, friends to lovers, fluff)when did he get hot?[COMPLETED]
beneath the kitchen lights✨ by Anonymous (oneshot, angst to fluff, post break up, getting back together. Yaku would say that the stars mocked him all the way to the bar. Yaku hadn’t expected to ever see you again, especially not somewhere as cliché as a bar.[COMPLETED]
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