#yakov vasilyev
yakov-vasilyev · 8 months
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ms keeper and her introvert boyfriend 💕
tysm to akairt (twt) / 4kairt (insta) for this amazing commission <3 here are the links to their ko-fi + commission info
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amewillie · 2 years
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comrade 🫡
yakov vasilyev from @keeperofthesunandmoon
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grapecaseschoices · 1 month
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i love yakov so much.
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incorrectkeeper · 2 years
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i never would have thought i’d be rooming with such attractive people!
here’s a small break from regularly scheduled posting for my take on the kotsam suitemates in the sims 4 (minus kol; can we get an f in the chat for photo limit? 😔). others to follow xoxo 
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Yakov’s entire romance is like.
MC: I’m worried about these McCartney trials getting you in trouble or putting you in danger.
Yakov: I’ll be fine. My parents prepped me not to admit anything, even under mind control. I won’t break.
MC: ….Funny. But not funny “ha ha,” funny “child abuse.”
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wayhavensecretsanta · 5 months
It has been a while since the event, but it seemed like a nice idea to still make an overview of all the gifts. I hope that going through them will bring you as much joy as it did me ^^
Thank you to all the wonderful participants, your work has been amazing to see and read! Thank you for putting in the time and effort to make a lovely gift, and for your kindness towards each other <3
A special thank you to @wifebeast-s for jumping in as a back-up writer, even though not taking part otherwise. It was much appreciated!
I'm wishing you all a wonderful year ahead and maybe see you again at the end of it. Much love <3
Arcadia by @ejunkiet & @evilbunnyking for @crownleys
what power art thou by @evilbunnyking for @fujinstorm
All is Bright by @wifebeast-s for @hypnostanatos
Beneath the Surface by @delucadarling for @lovelyfoolish
For lonely people, rain is a chance to be touched by @hypnostanatos for @callmebeem
Into the Unknown by @sunshineandviolets for @yakov-vasilyev
tremendous tasks, dear friends by @agentnatesewell for @delucadarling
Wintery scenes with Petra and Ava, and Nate and Holland by @crownleys for @thee-morrigan
Mason and Samir relaxing together by @callmebeem for @mewsly
The art of losing by @sustainably-du-mortain for @nsewell
the unspoken dialogue of borrowed books by @nsewell for @dottiechan
Theo and Mason close together by @mewsly for @apenapaperandadoofus
A New Year’s Eve Surprise by @apenapaperandadoofus for @agentnatesewell
Trust between Lucibello and Morgan, and Suzume and Nate by @fujinstorm for @bitchyybabyy400
in any universe by @thee-morrigan for @evilbunnyking
An intimate moment between Lizzie and Ava by @dottiechan for @ejunkiet
dans mes yeux ça se voit by @lovelyfoolish for @sunshineandviolets
Madeleine and Morgan decorating together by @yakov-vasilyev for @sustainably-du-mortain
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ambrosykim · 2 months
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got tagged by @dumortains to make some pairings in this cute picrew! thank u for tagging me pearl <3
i am back on the mind blind grind so i had to make my fave girlies (gn) and ofc some da pairings <3
alex x ambrose | evie x glitch
helle x solas | ysolt x alistair
tagging @griffin-wood @rosykims @mrs-theirin @yakov-vasilyev and @nerdferatum <33
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sunshineandviolets · 6 months
Into the Unknown.
Happy (late) holidays to @yakov-vasilyev, I was your secret santa <3. Much enjoyed learning all about Devon, esp her relationship with Farah and Bobby! Hope I did your girl justice and this new year has been treating you well!! 🥰🤗💕 Fandom: The Wayhaven Chronicles Characters: Devon Kang x Farah Hauville (& Bobby Marks) @wayhavensecretsanta
The chill of the winter evening would be enough to make time slow down. From the small prickly hedgehogs curled up asleep within a pile of leaves till the warmth of spring was ready to greet them again, to the silent awes and faint twinkle in a young child’s eye as they witnessed their first snowflake. Jack frost nipped at their nose and in return heard the softest giggle as the confusion shifted to intrigue then finally pure wonder. 
It was just past 5pm and the sun had already started to set, however the crowds of townspeople on the street still remained as lively as before.- regardless of the loud honks from a vehicle that was on the verge of collapse. The night sky was lit up from the endless colourful string lights that decorated the streets. No order, just chaos spurred all over the surrounded homes. 
Devon squinted as she glanced up towards the car’s rear view mirror and grumbled once noticed the increased number of civilians that kept ‘mistaken’ the main road for a damn walkway. Her dark eyes ached with the continuous flash of lights directed towards her. The shine highlighted noticeable dark eye bags that had been one of the few consistent variables in her life thus far.  A child or even an naive adult would describe the first snowfall to commence the winter season as ‘magical’ but for someone whose car’s heating would not turn on - despite the amount of times she had punched the button to no reward - Devon was not feeling to share those same reactions as she pulled her coat furthered into herself.
 “Only a few more blocks to go”, she thought as she gripped the steering wheel tight and clenched her teeth to forcibly stop the chatter. A few more blocks till she would arrive back to a place that was once familiar and now is but a stranger. 
Devon never wanted to become an officer in the first place, that was a position forced upon her as punishment for acts of delinquency. Devon Kang - the woman who had a promising future laid out in front of her when she was growing up. She was meant to gain a successful career as a lawyer, being on top - exceeding far from other’s expectations of her. That was until he came into her life. Took her trust, her heart and had let her lay her armour down, only from him stabbed her from behind. The single revelation of the betrayal from someone she once could call hers, led to her eventual down spiral. A fallen angel , knocked off her pedestal and into a string of bad choices and decisions. Her downfall was his fault. She let him in, to drop her guard and only for him to - urgh. It was his fault.
“ So why can’t I - ? ”
Devon let out a low grunt at the nuisance of the thought of those strikingly blue eyes flashed before her, but it was another that they changed out for. Eyes as bright as the sun that rose up from the darkness, like an unexpected gift from under the tree - the reason why Devon cannot fully regret becoming the detective… if it had meant she got to meet the terrifying surprise that tipped her world upside down.
Thoughts of the sunshine vampire whirled into her mind. A bitter laugh left her as she reminiscenced their first kiss all those months ago. Strange yet needed, as through it’s what she had been missing despite never thinking to look. The vulnerable expression of Farah as she asked her for the kiss - did Farah expect her to say no? Should she have? Any doubt that remained was erased once Devon’s mind shifted to the taste of Farah’s candy scented lip gloss. It happened in almost an instant, yet remained gentle and soft like a touch of a sunny clear day.  Felt the sweetness of newly bloomed roses. After they both moved apart, that blissful kiss still lingered on her lips. The deeper she delved in thought about her new girlfriend, the increase of a chill crept along her back. This is new territory for her and one that Devon has yet to believe or understand that she even deserved. 
A few moments passed and Devon eventually arrived at the station. It was once a home away from home, but ever since her forced promotion at the agency she had found herself hesitant by the foot of the stone steps. She watched as the light shined brightly through the windows from the cold shadows. She never understood how her old co-workers could just easily stroll in a place and make conversation without a stumble. All it had taken was a single look from Devon and the others would avoid and cower like she had the plague. She certainly never smelt bad - always remained rather pristine and put together with style, she thought whilst she smoothed down her pressed shirt. 
A ping from her phone broke her chain of thought. Devon does not save people's numbers usually. A small contact list, less names to remember - only those that she actually cares about. 
Tina Poname, 5:12pm. Seen. 
“Dev! You coming to pick your things up or what?”
Tina Poname, 5:13pm. Seen.
“Don’t make me throw your shit in the trash - I will do it 😤”
Devon rolled her eyes, typed out a quick response then shoved the phone back into her coat pocket. Tina’s threats are not some to dismiss. 
Devon Kang, 5:13pm. Sent.
“Try it and I will break your plant.” 
She sighed whilst taking the steps back into a place that felt more as a distant memory. Devon brushed past individuals that made their way out of the building, ignorant of the pleasantries that were thrown her way. 
In and out. 
That was all it was supposed to be.
Get in, grab her stuff then leave. In and out. As easy as that. So, why was she stood in front of a bare naked pine tree with a box of cheap plastic ornaments in her hands. Devon wrinkled her nose when she remembered Tina’s big and bold pleading eyes. Devon was about to shrug her request off before Tina pulled out her trap card. 
“Well this could be a rather difficult task, if you think you won’t be able to handle it then I suppose I could have another - ”
Devon sneered at her past self’s foolishness to fall for such a low blow trick that had landed her to decorate a tree over twice her size. Devon dealt with worse, she knew she didn't need help to assist with such a mindless task. Anyone around her knew better to ask or dealt with the agent’s stone cold glare that could rival Adams. 
Like a blur, time sped up whilst Devon concentrated with the decorations. Volunteers, co workers, guests flew around and past her in all directions - but her focus remained on the tree. No time for pointless greetings or goodbyes, she had a system and it would be followed.
The moment she was unable to find the star topper, Devon decided it was a decent time for a break. That and her stomach betrayed her. She headed for the vending machine, typed out the number, tapped her card and waited for her chips.
And waited.  
… Still waited. 
Devon inched closer with anticipation whilst the bag started to tilt forward and … nothing. It just remained still, mocked her from behind the glass. She kicked at the machine, once or perhaps multiple times, but the chips still refused to budge. How was it that she could shove over an old powerful supernatural, but it was a single bag of chips that held its own against her? At least most people had already left for the day to not see a grown woman’s beef with a mechanical box.
“Oh angel, take it easy on the machine. You are going to leave a dent.” 
Devon groaned and the hairs on the back of her neck stiffened up at that dreadful name. Not even needed to glance away from her new inanimate enemy, she already knew exactly who arrived. She let out another low grunt as she gave the machine one last hard kick, yet the chips remained attached on the rack. 
“Need some assistance there, before you break company property - oh! I meant your ex - company’s property.” Devon made the fatal mistake and shifted her gaze to glance up at the taller man with his smug grin that pierced a burnt feeling in her chest. Bobby Marks leaned against the vending machine with a journalist pass displayed around his neck.
“Ah great. Just when my headache was thought to have gone” She rolled her eyes and spoke in a neutral tone, “the detective is not present, you have no business here.” “Who said I was here for business and not pleasure?” He winked and Devon just barely managed to hold in another groan. He already used that line once before in the past.
She was tired, she had a very brief moment of weakness and it was late - way too late. Devon was usually quite pragmatic, but in that moment, her mind betrayed her when she held the door open for him. Without a second to process, she felt a rough wet collision between their lips. An overwhelming scent of his cologne scraped against her nose. The kiss itself is as she expected. A fight for control. Urgency or desperation? Doesn’t matter. It was over as quick as it had started. After the sounds of betrayal, almost used once again for nothing more than a scoop - she will not allow herself to fall for that same mistake again. 
“But really what a surprise to find you here after your sudden promotion, must be a christmas miracle - “ “It’s the fourth of December.”
Bobby continued as though she never interrupted, “and here I worried that agency of yours had kept you locked up and you’d tragically never see my handsome face again.” Devon noted the venom laced on his tongue at the slight mention of the agency. She managed to array Bobby’s suspicions of her new workplace and unordinary colleagues for the past couple of months, but how long will that secret last? Knowing Bobby for as long as she does, he won’t stop till he figured out the truth. 
Devon rolled her eyes again at his comment, but stopped at the sound of a bag drop. Her eyes darted towards the row ‘035’ and that very same chip bag had indeed fallen onto the tray. When her gaze moved towards the control panel, her surprise quickly shifted to a glare towards her conversation partner who was in the process of putting away his card.
“I did not need your help.” Bobby scoffed lightly, “Bold of you to assume these were for you.” He reached down faster enough to beat her for the winning prize. He opened her bag. He took out her chips. With the usual smirk drawn on his face, crunched down on each chip. One by one. However, it did not last as that nauseating smirk faded into a knowing grimace.
Bobby let out a loud cough and tossed the bag onto an empty desk, “Kale? Who on earth would choose to eat kale flavoured chips?” Devon scoffs with a small quirk of a smile “it’s called being healthy, why don’t you try it some time?” Bobby rubbed a hand on the corners of his mouth, “it’s called being pretentious, Kang.”
“Takes one to know one, Marks.”  
Bobby took a few steps closer towards Devon, leaned down to match her height “we always had much in common, hadn’t we? Shame truly we don’t spend nearly enough time together anymore to explore - “
Devon was about to snap back at him, if it wasn’t for her surprise wrapped up in all colours of the rainbow. 
“Dev!! Honey! I saw your car outside, are you in here?”
Farah’s booming voice echoed through the office, a pleasant chime to the ears. She had a peppy spring to her steps, with her poofy skirt bouncing along with her and colourful rainbow stockings proudly on display. She swung around a small woven tote bag, whilst she skipped with a beaming smile towards Devon. 
“You would not believe what I managed to score, and for free as well!” Farah’s excitement could radiate an entire room with how much twinkle would shine from her amber eyes. 
Bobby let out a loud cough and Farah’s bounce halted and finally realised his existence in the scene. He was not amused, “We were having a conversation here.” Farah threw him a disinterested gaze up and down with a shrug “emphasis on ‘were’. You are no longer needed - not when the real gift has arrived!” She gives a small twirl of the skirt and sent a wink at Devon. Devon snorted at the man’s insulted face. She hesitated at first but reached over for Farah’s hand and gave it a small squeeze. 
Bobby glanced between both women then at their joined hands, gave a slight roll of the eyes before he plastered a tight smile. “Oh! It seems I am getting a call,”  He whipped out his phone and very obviously typed out a number. He kept his gaze locked onto Devon as he spoke, “Hello there Harriet, did you miss me?” Devon just scoffed at his antics. 
Farah stuck her tongue out at the man when he headed out of the station, then shook her head and sighed, “What a total weirdo. Good thing you totally upgraded from that, right honey?” She glanced towards her with an anxious smile. Farah has always been rather open, going through life, her heart on her sleeve, even a hint of insecurity can easily slip past that smiley façade. However, without the necessity of words, Devon lifted their joined hands to press a faint kiss on her knuckles and those once anxious thoughts simply faded away. 
Farah’s cheeks darkened and sputtered out a soft laugh “oh gosh - wow. Gotta say babes, I'm never truly tired of finding these surprises of yours hidden within.” Devon showed a small inch of a smile and Farah’s grin widened, then blinked for a second “Wait, what was I going to say again?” Devon glanced at the tote bag and raised a single brow, Farah clapped her hands “Oh right! Check it.” She opened the bag and revealed a small box of freshly baked mince pies. “Some old human was selling a bunch on the street and she ended up giving me a box with no charge! Must have been hypnotised by my adorable face, haha!” Devon purses her lips in slight confusion, “firstly I am not going to argue about ‘adorableness’ of your face as that’s obviously true to a fact,” Farah blew her a kiss. “But you are a vampire, aren’t you not? You don’t need to eat actual foods.” Farah flapped her hand, “Need? No. But I heard these small pie things are a big deal this time of the year, so I was curious what all the hype was about.” Farah shuffled near, their hands still joined, the sudden closeness caused a warmth to bloom on Devon’s cheeks. “And I thought you might appreciate the snack.”
Devon hadn’t told anyone she was heading to the station. Hadn’t told anyone if she was eating out or staying in. But despite not knowing if they were going to meet, Farah still thought of her. She used her free hand to gently cup her girlfriend’s cheek. Examined her for any possible ulterior motives, tricks or tomfoolery - but what she deduced was nothing but the earnest truth, as she has always been.
“You are forever on my mind, honey. I hope you know that. If not, I do not mind getting to remind you every second of every day.” Left speechless, Devon responded with a slow nod. She leaned up slightly for a gentle kiss with a short breath of relief that escaped her lips. Farah’s leg propped up with her arms around Devon’s waist, kept her close and near. A picturesque portrait with the newly decorated tree behind the blossoming couple and seemingly Devon finally found the star. 
All she wishes for this Christmas season is not to lose her shooting star anytime soon. 
The End.
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link to my AO3
I used to live alone before I knew you
Adam x Nate x m!detective (Jonah Rafferty)
Hallelujah: Post | AO3
Au deuxième temps de la valse tu es dans mes bras: Post | AO3
Lucky Escape: Post | AO3
Where one's meant to be: Post
Those nights when you crave someone: Post | AO3
Comfort food: Post
But I'll wait for something more: Post | AO3
I'm not afraid of you: Post
Oh, how you undo me: Post
Some days aren't meant for celebrating: Post | AO3
Familiar: Post (the masterpiece written by @/itsren-again for the wayhaven fic exchange)
OC content:
Intro Post for Jonah
Asks masterlist
Our gentle sin
Morgan x f!detective (Madeleine Kingston)
Staying up 'til sunrise: Post | AO3
It looks better on you: Post
Your hugs are nice: Post
OC content:
Intro post for Madeleine
Asks masterlist
This absolutely stunning piece of Mads and Morgan by @/yakov-vasilyev for the wayhaven secret santa
Pinky promise
Felix x nb!detective (Côme Hawthorne)
currently in the process of writing content for them
Misc. fics
Rub a dub: Post | AO3 (Nate x gender neutral detective)
Campire woes: Post (Adam & detective | wayhaven fic exchange for @/hypnostanatos)
The art of losing: Post (Unit Bravo & f!detective | wayhaven secret santa for @/nsewell)
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griffin-wood · 3 months
something new.
ps: just thought of it and now I'm yearning to write sum siblings dynamics, let's freaking go. also implied, rus x apollo; the babies. and the second gen of kaia. (also, rus is sarah's oc, ty for letting me explore them heehe) forgive the grammar mistakes, this is literally written immediately without no proofcheck. :") AND uni is killing me a little bit, but some..treats in between the stress cause sob, i hope ur well <3)
tags: @yakov-vasilyev @wayhavenots @ambrosykim
The day isn't too busy for one apollo zarneki, he sits by the counter and went through his recent read. Something about the folkloric tales, and finally continuing his reading of the illiad that he borrows from his dad. The scribbles and annotations in the book was special, as he reads and did some quick research during his downtime at work.
To him, working at a bookstore feels equivalent to living a simple life. He adores being surrounded by books, and from time to time; he find it endearing seeing couples and group of friends come in to discuss the books in between the shelves and nooks of his tiny little haven.
There's always an old couple would sit by the window of the shop, they both can be seen reading together, spending their mundane time together. He always longed for a love like that, someone that shared the same interest in books as he does, to whispers sweet nothings in between the bookcases and reading in each other's grasp. A dream he always wanted to reach, as he saw the dream can be possible through her parents, Kent and Maia. They made his believe that love was real, yet when he's close to finding it everyone just wanted something lesser than him, and it made him stop believing at some point. But, he never stops wishing for it despite his twin keep teasing him about it.
He continue to read his book, only to hear some sighs in between the shelves. He wonders if he can lend a helping help, as the book was left upside down to the place where he left off and makes his way to the shelves. A particular shelve was his location, where he saw a stranger, looking quite stressed in finding a particular book from the shelves.
"may I help you?" He smiles politely, trying his best to help a customer in need. Thankfully the store is not as busy as it always is at the moment.
The customer turns around with a small smile, the demeanor he's giving off to Apollo was a shy quiet looking fellow. "I'm looking for a particular.. tale of Deucalion and Pyrrha. Some friends of mine recommended to come here since the selection is..a lot."
His eyebrows raised in surprise, that's the first he heard someone ever been so specific.
"Duecalion and Pyrrha? That's the first actually I've heard someone acknowledge their existence." He quips in surprise but not in a bad way, it's the best surprise.
The stranger just smiles at that suprised as well at finding someone who is familiar, "It's actually for my thesis, I'm writing on the folklorian myths of the Greek Gods."
Now he's intrigue, as the golden retriever boy says excitedly "god, that sounds amazing. I would love to read your thesis someday!" And then he realizes, he's too excited. He mentally scolds himself at that and smiles.
The stranger seems shy by the outbursts but presented a small smile, as Apollo notices and mentally scold himself again and again. "I am so sorry for the outburst, but I think I know what exactly you're looking for."
Apollo immediately grabs the ladder and climbs on top of the shelves grabbing a particular book, that was written specifically on that tale. He managed to befriend with most of the indie book publishers and many of them manage to give some of the rare copies to his shop.
"I believe this is the one you're looking for." He passed the book to the customer, who's smile widens at the sight of the book. It seems like he hit the jackpot. He wants to say something more, but he couldn't help noticing how in the midst of six billion people in the world, he met someone who actually has something in common with him. He has to say something, he have to!
"and by the way, I'm Apollo, and fun fact, was named by one of the Greek gods." He introduces himself with a funny looking grin, as the customer finds it quietly endearing but his reaction didn't give it away.
"I'm Ruslan." He says softly, a polite tone from him made Apollo smiles. The silence that follow was a bit awkward, but he couldn't help but want to know more about him but there's this fear of actually looking overbearing and terrified of scaring him away.
"nice to meet you ruslan, and hey let me check the book out for you." He says and leads Ruslan to the counter, where Apollo begins to do his duty of the cashier of the quiet bookshop alone, as Ruslan notices the books on his countertop. The Iliad and the tales of Orpheus and Eurydice, and this particular edition was limited.
He notices Ruslan eye-ing the books, and he smiles at that. "I am still half way through the Iliad, Homer had too much to talk about apparently." His words seems to poked fun and tease as he made Ruslan chuckle quietly.
"Homer's thoughts were unique, but some historian does question the authenticity of it." Ruslan adds seemingly an expert in the area of study, making Apollo smiles at the familiar knowledge.
He passes the paper bag, after putting some freebies and bookmarks from his shop as Ruslan pays. He gives him one last smile before he disappears from the store, leaving an awe-struck Apollo sighing happily. He maybe has found a new crush, which is quite early to tell. But he hopes someday their paths will cross again.
After his shift is over, he made his way back home to his parents for the weekend since his siblings are finally coming back home. Atlas is back from a backpacking trip in Spain, and Maria is back from college for the week. While his own twin, is also back from her abroad adventures for the semester holidays.
"you're late for dinner." Atlas says as Apollo steps in the house, earning greeting from Kent and Maia as well.
"Forgive me brother, there was a whole accident by the side of town. I had to take a detour." He says happily before sitting by his twin, before nudging her at the shoulder.
"miss me?" He prompts to Ari with a grin.
As she rolls her eyes, "Nope, I already missed the London air."
"Good to have you back too, sis." He says smiling as they all ate the food together as a family.
Once the night has grown late, the siblings decide to have a movie night of their own. He is tucked in within the blanket of the couch but his thoughts still follows the customer from earlier, he hoped his thesis went well. And their conversation keeps on replaying in mind.
"earth to apollo!" His thoughts were interrupted by Maria looking worried and a grinning Ariadne.
"you okay?" Maria asks softly, her hand squeezing his shoulder a little.
He quietly sighs, "you guys can see right through me huh?"
"of course, one of us got telepathic powers, and i literally live with you in the womb. So, we do." Ari says, nudging him a little.
Atlas observes his little brother for a moment before chuckling, "somebody's got quite a new infatuation huh?"
The younger one feels his cheeks redden, as the girls break into laughter. "Oh my god, you are crushing on someone!"
"I am not!" "You are so, who is this new fantasy man of yours huh? Didn't Rooney from last month supposed to be a good lesson mister?"
Apollo feels his cheeks redden, as Maria just gives him a quick squeeze. Despite everything, he knew his twin came from a kind spot, its just what they did. The banter.
"Okay fine, there's...this guy. He literally knows one of the rarest greek myths and he was so cute!" He exclaims excitedly and sighs, remembering their little encounter.
"and what's the myth about?" Maria voices squeak in between the conversation, all of the siblings are filled with curiosity at this point.
"Deucalion and Pyrrha!"
Maria's eyebrows perk in intrigue, "i remember that one, dad mentioned it years ago."
Apollo nods excitedly at that, "I mean, maybe he's one of the many that knew...but, something about him. I feel like I can burst into song right now."
Atlas just shakes his head at that, as Ari rolls her eyes at the enthusiasm.
"Well, did you even try to get his number?" The twin quips in curiosity, before apollo shakes his head.
"I..well, I didn't think it through and panicked, so I didn't."
Atlas pats his back at that, "hey, maybe one day; you'll meet him again. All that fate and stuff happened to me and Jaime, maybe another miracle can happen to you too."
Maria pushes a strand of her hair before smiling, agreeing what Atlas is saying. Ari seems to be reluctant to agree, "Do you really think the guy's legit? What if its just another repeat Rooney."
At the mention of the cursed name, he shives slightly.
"Rooney was straight up, forgive my language. An arsehole." Maria agrees, as the guy in Apollo's past used him most than actually loving him.
"I believe this time would be different...it feels, different." He whispers slightly optimistic in his voice at that. He didn't know what to feel, since he's not a mind reader, or a future reader unlike his sister. But, something about this new guy, screams much better than Rooney ever would be.
Ari stares at him a moment, and knows how he always be. The optimism in the little guy never died. "Fine, I'll wish as well for the mystery guy to return. And also, what was his name?"
"Ruslan." He announces to the rest and sighs, maybe it can be something or nothing. But, he'll never know if he never tries.
And then, it happened. Fate was written within them once more, when he sees his familiar form in between the shelves of the bookstore. This is a sign, a sign of something bigger and better.
The start of something new, better.
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ot-hoe-me · 2 years
OC: Farah Noor
For IF: @keeperofthesunandmoon​
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Name: Farah Noor
Age: 18-21
Appearance: Farah has medium brown skin, violet eyes, and long straight black hair that she usually has tied back in a high ponytail. She stands at 5′9″ without shoes, and favours mostly human fashions with a style that could be described as “modern gothic” (see above outfit) and likes black and jewel tones the most. Of course, this is also supplemented by magi fashion designed specifically for drakaina. (Low backs to accommodate wings for partial shifts, and clothes that are made to withstand full shifts so the wearer doesn’t end up naked when they shift back to human form.) Her wings and scales are violet.
Orientation: Biromantic Demisexual
Species: Drakaina (Lightning)
Hometown: Chicago, Illinois
Family: Single Dad (Very Close relationship) and Roxana Castella (glad that she’s dead,) The Castella Family, Aunt Dru(silla) Anderson, The Anderson Family, The Noors (her dad’s adopted family.)
LI: (Alexei) Yakov Vasilyev
Job: Magical Creature Caretaker
Major: Battle Magic
Pet: Miette, a phantom cat
(As of the end of Book 2)
Cunning: 9 Fighting: 31 Elemental Manipulation: 44 Intelligence: 34 Ritual Magic and Potions: 7 Telekinesis: 25 Willpower: 53
(As of the end of Book 2)
Kind (82%) Emotional (58%) Lawful (65%) Acceptance (74%) Optimistic (67%)
(As of the end of Book 2)
Altair Adtaz 56%: You make rather nice company.
Astrid Adtaz 82%: She never knew it was possible to care so much for a person.
Cressida Monroe 63%: You’re not exactly what she expected.
Cyrus Monroe 55%: You’re not as intolerable as most people in NMC.
Dominic Blanchard 61%: You’re a good person to have around, really.
Gisela Hathaway 57%: Your continued existence will be tolerated.
Jarrod Lin 50%: Whatever.
Katia Meyer 61%: The world is brighter with you around.
Kol Foster 67%: Your existence makes his world a better place.
Leon Dalton 70%: He’s more fond of you than he’d like to be.
Marcela Sinclair 74%: She’s never known such uncomplicated affection.
Seraphina Delacroix 74%: Your existence is troubling. Why do you make her feel this way?
Thalia Sato 65%: You know how to live on the edge - with a little prompting.
Yakov Vasilyev 80%: He won’t be able to save you, but he’ll try even if it kills him.
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yakov-vasilyev · 2 years
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yakov vasilyev from @keeperofthesunandmoon​ 🌙
thank you so much to @kuramarty for bringing my boy to life <3
here’s their commission info
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lilacponds · 1 year
yakov vasilyev on the mind
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isabeladraws · 3 years
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the dream team 💜✨
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incorrectkeeper · 1 year
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Tagged by @mewsly :)
List 10 favorite characters from 10 different fandoms and then tag some people (at the top of my head, in no particular order)
Cyrus Albright, OCTOPATH TRAVELER (and AroAce king)
Roach, The Passenger
Farah Hauville, The Wayhaven Chronicles
Allana of Trebond, Song of the Lioness
Roxanne Richies, Megamind
Yakov Vasilyev, The Keeper Trilogy
A.J. Crowley, Good Omens
Zevran Arainai, Dragon Age
Dr. Neil Watts, To the Moon
Bill, The Last of Us
Tagging: @mintchois @brother-genitivi
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