#yakko tbt
pennedbybuttercup · 3 years
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Shaking. Yakko's hands were shaking, his whole body was shaking, even. Fear took over as every awful possibility flooded his mind, horrible thoughts of what could happen if he didn't make it. Sirens blared and flashlights shone at him, shouts and demands being thrown his way as he stood, stuck in place and shaking.
...Wakko and Dot...
No, no! He had to get away, had to get back to them. At least for enough time to say sorry and leave. He couldn't abandon them, but he couldn't stay now that he'd been caught. Either way, he couldn't stay where he was, either.
The stolen goods left his arms, hitting the ground with a thud as he hit the ground running. Yakko leapt up and over the fence behind him, jumped from once car to the next, and ran as fast as he could.
Soon enough, the very cars he'd sprung across began their pursuit.
"Geez, I know I'm famous, but a car chase? That's a bit kuch, even for paparazzi!" Yakko shouted back, trying to keep calm, to be funny—he couldn't put his toon powers to use unless it was funny.
Keeping his limitations in mind, the eldest Warner reached within his hammerspace. He produced a large anvil and tossed it behind him to start, then kept up the momentum with pies, sticks of dynamite, and whatever else he could think of, slowing down his pursuers and laughing while doing it. At least, he figured, they were getting their comeuppance.
He ran, they pursued. He jumped across obstacles, they swerved around corners and found any shortcut they could. Still, eventually, it seemed that Yakko had lost them. He jumped over the gate, zoomed around the lot, and hurried in the direction of the water tower. Now he just had to climb up and—
He came to a sudden halt before he finally reached his home, nearly bumping into Dot and Wakko.
They were awake. Why were they up, and so far from the tower? Did they know what he'd been doing? But how—
Something caught his eye; the two were standing with their arms full of plastic balls, no doubt from the ballpit he'd turned into his bed. Their eyes said it all; they were confused, angry, even, but just before either could interrogate their older brother, they were cut off by the shouts and demands of the approaching officers.
Yakko didn't waste a second. He grabbed his sibs and hurried to the tower, up inside.
"Pack essentials," he'd said, giving no elaboration for once in his life. His siblings listened well, for the shouts of their pursuers and lack of words from their brother were more than enough to indicate that the situation wasn't a joke. So they packed as much as they could in time: whatever money they had, food for Wakko, and any valued possessions they had.
Just as the authorities had reached the tower, the Warners made their way out, looking down in horror at how many people surrounded them. Yakko scanned the ground for any good escape route, grasping hands of his siblings tightly as his eyes locked onto the ground. There was one spot with less people—just enough to make the jump over if they managed to distract the crowd. Eyes narrowed, he produced a stack of pies, launching them toward the faces of the officers.
He grabbed his siblings' hands once more, as he hurried over to the ideal spot, warning them to "hang on tight!" before jumping all the way down to the lot's concrete ground. Yakko gave then each a quick, worried look before leading Wakko and Dot away.
"Don't let go of me, we gotta run for it!"
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tcthinecwnself-a · 4 years
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Since Yakko knows very well that Wakko doesn’t like / remember the name “Walter” he makes up knew names to shout when he has to pull out the ‘dad yells your full name from across the house, so you know youre in trouble’
the most popular are “Wakko Quincy Warner!” “Wakko Chandler Warner” “Wakko Witaker Warner” and so on and so forth.
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heldentrio · 4 years
@dollhousemuses sent in;; ❝ do you ever just go “wow, i have a lot of repressed anger”? ❞ [ fr. yakko to malcolm <3 ]
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‖ 🥁 ‖ — ❝ Yeah, sure, but I that's what music is for, no? ❞ he moves his headphones to his neck to show he's paying attention, an eyebrow raised at the toon. He's gotta say, he's honored to meet the guy. Walking off on a school field trip didn't usually get him into such wild situations, but hey, he had no complaints. This was far better than a lecture on the production of Batman Vs. Superman.
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‖ 🥁 ‖ — ❝ Gotta say, I'm a big fan of what you do. Annoying anyone who's got it coming... wish I had the energy for that. Most I can do is Rickroll 'em into silence. But, speakin' of energy, you seem kinda down, my guy, what's up? ❞
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warraigoe-a · 4 years
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   ❝ time to go to bed knowing I’M the best warner sibling. ❞ she’s in the top 3, at least !
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partiallystcrs · 4 years
                                    @hoopsheartthrob​  liked  !!
          he’s been running for what feels to him like centuries .  it’s only been about two minutes , sure , but those paparazzi are something else !  poor toon’s ducked into building after building , coffee cups & hidden himself in a poster , but nothing helps .  he’s probably a little rusty at this , but don’t tell him that .  & that’s when he sees some familiar ears .  relief ! oh sweet relief !!
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               ❛  lola !!!  catch !!  ❜     that’s it , that’s the only warning .  he’s leaping into her arms . 
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wiseguypuppychild said:"Boy, Roxanne's brother really let himself go, huh?"
     There's a small moment where Omar just STARES blankly at the other male. "Excuse you ? " It wasn't a particularly nasty tone of voice, but it was clear the musician was confused & maybe showing signs of a possible small anger infestation building up. He manages to keep his cool, though, thankfully.
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"Look ... kid ? I dunno who you think I am, but I can tell you right now. I know nothing of this 'Roxanne' you speak of, nor is she my sibling."
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compatiissante · 3 years
" Heeeey, are you new around here? Not that I know everyone around the studio but I definitely would have noticed someone as pretty as you are~ " / have a yakko <3
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give her a minute, she's kind of trying to process everything that was just said. ". . . maaaaaybe? maybe not? i tend to blend into the background a lot." a pause and a slow blink. "wait, you think i'm-- i-- what."
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braeprint · 3 years
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Dot 💁‍♀️ #animaniacs #yakko #wakko #dot #nostalgia #nickelodeon #foxkids #cartoonnetwork #animation #art #artist #artwork #cartoon #cartoons #draw #drawing #fanart #illustration #saturdaymorningcartoons #throwback #tbt #fbf #throwbackthursday #flashbackfriday #retro #braeprint https://www.instagram.com/p/CT4vCmphrT7/?utm_medium=tumblr
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abbyj22 · 6 years
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#tbt I remember this night 👹 (at Yakko-San) https://www.instagram.com/p/BpD7TS9ggm2/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1pk6rson84vb3
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tcthinecwnself-a · 4 years
Max: “No prob, Bob!”
Yakko: “...it’s Yakko.”
Max: “....right.”
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tcthinecwnself-a · 4 years
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Max: covering his mouth to suppress his laugh around Yakko
Yakko: ‘shoot, he doesn’t think I’m funny?? what am I doing wrong???’
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tcthinecwnself-a · 4 years
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remember that one part in star vs when Jackie was teaching Marco how to skate??? yeah, yeah that has Max/Yakko vibes
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partiallystcrs · 4 years
                     @narrativeplaced said : yakko + felicity!
i swear this started off smaller , anyway read more for length . 
multi muse ask meme !!  //  accepting .
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their general personality *  yakko is childish .  he was designed that way . he loves popping out of places he literally shouldn’t be , & poking fun where fun is to be poked . he doesn’t do it to be mean , & readily apologizes when he should . he’s always trying to put a ‘ happy - go - lucky ’ face out , but he does in fact have his serious moments .  these moments are rarely , if ever shown to strangers , & if shown AT ALL , he deflects as quickly as he can .  
their hobbies *  yakko really loves to read , secretly knits , & karaoke 
things they like * he loves pop music , taking strolls down hollywood blvd & terrifying celebrities , disney princes bc they have That Look , & breaking the fourth wall . 
things they dislike * shrill noises , adults that treat him like a child ( a note : he’s nearly a hundred years old ( no really , he was created in the 1930′s )) when he’s NOT acting like a child , corporate america . 
some things people do that annoy them * children under five grab at his tail , that’s a big thing .  he also loathes being talked over. 
how easily they form friendships * very easily .  might be your friend way before you ever are his friend .  he’s a very caring toon , it takes a lot for him to make enemies . 
how easily they get crushes * easily . he’s a daydreamer , & also was designed to look for attractive people  (  times have changed since the 30s , he’s working on not catcalling & leaping into the arms of & kissing every attractive person he sees ). he’ll hold onto a crush for a long time .
the kind of person they get along with the best *  kind people . he really gets along best with those who are understanding of his situation . being locked in a water tower for most of your life stunts most forms of growth , & though he looks & sounds like a child , the people who treat him like an adult are the best kinds of people in his book . 
the kind of person they get along with the worst * greedy people . again , he was literally locked in a water tower for decades . though canonically it was because ‘ they were too zany ‘ it’s not a stretch to say it was the animator’s & studio greed that did this to them . bullies he can handle , he’s literally always carrying a mallet , but those certain , hateful , greedy people are those that get under his skin so badly he can’t even look at them . 
whether or not they could get along with your muse(s) *  abso-froot-ly.   he’s a very kind soul , just childish .  his human verse ( carlos valdes fc ) differs only in , you know , he’s not 90 - odd years old , & thus , he can get along with nearly everyone in your muse list ( aside from your twilight muses .   he can’t acknowledge twilight as a thing ). 
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their general personality * felicity is a quiet , kind soul . she’s also very chaotic . not in a bad way , but in a ‘ sitting in a diner wearing the spider suit without the mask ‘ chaotic .  she’s also once accidentally kicked off her boot mid swing . it hit a pedestrian . 
their hobbies * fighting crime , making care packages for people , reading declassified SHIELD files . 
things they like * the adrenaline rush of plummeting fifty stories only to yeet yourself up seventy more ,  once was a pole vaulter & now enjoys watching others , strawberry milkshakes .  showing off how physically fit she’s become since becoming spiderman ( search youtube for  video proof , an anonymous avenger posts weekly workout videos , felix bench-pressing avengers is a recurring thing ). 
things they dislike * ‘ hey it’s spider girl / woman ’. converse ( no real support !! ) , buildings with no wifi ( she is a Literal Student & no wifi = no classes ), vanilla milkshakes 
some things people do that annoy them * there’s the occasional person who tries to take a picture under her skirt while she swings by , a villain who monologues , the occasional heckler . 
how easily they form friendships * she’s the kind of friend you don’t realize you have as a friend because she slips into your life so easily .  she’s also the kind of person who really depends on her friendships & the trust built bc she’s so ? loose ? with her secret identity .  too many people know who she is , but she doesn’t realize this , & the people who care end up being her best friends , since they keep her secret better than she can . 
how easily they get crushes * she once got hit in the face by one of scream’s hosts’  & she still daydreams about her to this day .  she gets the type of crush where you think about them for every second , but never actually do anything abt it bc she’s so busy. 
the kind of person they get along with the best * people who can ground her , remind her to care about herself .  she spends an exhausting amount of time putting others first , & the people who help her to eat , sleep , get patched up , are the people she unintentionally sticks around with most .  
the kind of person they get along with the worst * is it a cop out to say villains / bad guys ?  
whether or not they could get along with your muse(s) * specifically she’d love to meet wanda , her universe’s scarlet witch died before she could really know her . also her universe’s bucky lets her bench- press him  , would yours ?  realistically , i think she could get along great with your muses , she’s a pretty friendly person , even under the mask .
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partiallystcrs · 4 years
         @badgedfox​ said : “let me take care of you, for once.”
               RECORD SCRATCH . FREEZE FRAME .   how did he get here ?  this isn’t right , he’s the one who takes care of literally anyone else but himself ! he’s not sure how to say this nick , but he’s NOT enjoying this .  
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                         ❛  i highly doubt the odds of me asking you to not are good .   don’t make me change scenes ,  i’m fine .  i’m a toon , i’ve bounced back from much worse .  i’m  RESILIENT .  ❜
                                          caring for stubborn muses  //  accepting .
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partiallystcrs · 4 years
               @hoopsheartthrob​ said : ‘ I am attractive, yes. ’ 
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                well he’s never argued this , what’s prompted it ?   was it the not so casual heart -eyes he threw at the handsome disney actor across the street   (  uh oh , did it sound too much like a cat - call ? LORD help ! )  ??  
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                         ❛  sorry , forgot i’m supposed to HELLO NURSE !  ya every few hours .   i got distracted , but don’t worry , i’ll pop outta your mirror next time you’re in a dressin’ room .  ❜ 
                                        this isn’t the good place !  //  accepting .
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partiallystcrs · 4 years
                        @badgedfox​  said  :  ❝ I love it when you talk dirty. ❞ 
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               ❛  what can i say , it’s a gift .  ❜     an extremely useless gift , but a gift nonetheless .
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               ❛  so what’d’ya say , you wanna go find a discreet corner & find out what that mouth do ?  ❜
                                                silence of the lambs.  //  accepting
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