#yaaaaaaaaaaall buckle the fuck up
semper-draca · 4 years
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Iustitia : Victory At Kuat
Cold, white lights shine through the Senate, casting the hundreds of booths in strange palor, neither fully shadowed nor fully illuminated. It’s difficult to make out the features of the other senators, the shadows darkening silhouettes, and one can only tell who is who so long as they’ve memorized which delegations sit where. Chancellor Saresh stands in the center of the massive room, the holo screens around her projecting her image so that even the senators far at the top of the room can see her perfect sabacc face.
The treaty is on the docket.
Tai Cordan, who has personally gone to Coruscant for this upon Celebris Iresso’s request to represent Balmorra, rises to his feet. The holos switch. The lights are on him. 
He prepares a tapdance.
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