#ya'll had 2 decades in the spotlight
jaythelay · 2 months
Why do Dems seem to think we need Genocide to protect trans and gay people?
One day people will understand that anti-genociders withholding or voting third party isn't necessarily them trying to get politicians to listen
It's to get You to Listen and Demand Better.
The fact is, you're demanding Genocide and That Is Wrong. You should oppose Genocide no matter Who.
If ya'll were to demand they do anything else, we'd have a shot at progress. But ya'll are too tied up in insulting people for reasons ya refuse to understand on the grounds of fear. Criticising the administration's involvement is seen as opposing democrats.
Sucks. But I value human life and don't arbitrate that depending on country or personal situations. I don't view Genocide on a party basis. Just a cult one, which is why All Republicans keep saying they want Genocide. The word itself is used multiple times in a positive manner by R's. Why the fuck are Dems agreeing with them???
Be Anti-Genocide and ya get the anti-genocide crowd back. All this "I gotta smuggle my hormones!" is you saying your hunger supersedes that of anyone's starvation. Sorry I'm trans too, but I don't think anyone's medicine supersedes a Fucking Genocide???????????
You can, and nobody is denying the possibility, of you voting dem. What Anti-Genociders want, is a party that isn't Pro-Genocide.
If ya want the Anti-Genocide voter, then start being Anti-Genocide. Everything else is genuinely embarrassing. Imagine defending Genocide by saying it simply has to happen so you can get medicine. Ever consider you could change that situation instead of allowing it to play out?
If republicans put "kill all gays" as a bill, and dems put "kill all whites" do you really think there should be a decision made as a voter for either party? Who should I vote for?
Or should you Demand Dems drop the fucking "kill all whites" bill so white people aren't scared into voting to kill all the gays?
This shit is so uncomplicated I explained it in child's terms. Cmon dems. Fucks sake. If someone puts a gun to a child's head and says "choose yourself or the child" YA DON'T DEFEND THE MAN WITH A GUN.
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unikron-kitten-kat · 1 year
after that i dont want. i need a part 2 >:) give us the goods!
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Oh my Zalgo ITS DONE!! Ya'll wanted some part 2, and you shall receive!! One of my previous posts clears something up about [the reader] in this one, so you can find that if you end up getting confused about a certain something mentioned in here!
Slenderman x Male Reader, Smut this time!
Kinks may include: mpreg; tentacles; praise; nicknames: slender maybe calls you stuff like pet or little spiderling, or stuff like that; overstim;
No tws that I know of in here.. I dont think anyway... Now enjoy!!
His Dearest
Mine Nøw
It has been a while since you have become a Slenderbeing.
A long while.
You are now completely adapted to the warped time of the dimension your Boss keeps you all in, your internal clock warped when you transformed completely.
It was the next day, after your completion.
The others saw you.
And oh boy..
Were they jealous.
They despised you. They hated how you, a total outsider to them, ripped the spotlight off their stage, and held it over yourself.
But they knew how oblivious you were to it all. They knew. And they hated your.. Naivety. They hated the favoritism.
And don't get me started on the Big Boys, the.. The Proxies Slender favored before he brought you home. Before he introduced you to his other servants finally.
Toby, Masky, and Hoodie were slapped in the face the hardest. They no longer had the large favor they used to have with Slender, and Toby even got into serious trouble with Slender for messing with you.
But now that you were... Like that!?
God, being that close with Slender was only something any other Proxie could dream of now.
But, they don't know the full extent to your closeness. At least, the fondness Slender has for you, anyway.
You see, ever since you started... Blooming.. Really fitting into your new body.. He had slowly become infatuated with you. He slowly started to find you adorable.. Cute.. So naive... Fuckable... Breedable... His to have.. His.. To own.. His.. His...
And lo and behold, after being under his wing for the few decades you were, the universe finally let him have you..
In the form of the results of your receiving a piece of Slender's magic and powerful essence to grow more powerful with... In the form of a Slenderbeing Cadaver.
The perfect chance to finally make you his.
And he took it without hesitation.
If he didn't find you so cute as a tiny little human, he certainly found you cute and gorgeous now.
You are sitting on a log, fiddling with your magic, letting the sparking, ribbony lengths of sickly-green and gold wrap and twine between your fingers, even motioning for it to flow around the chest claws you had.
There was something about the colour that entranced you. Something was off about it. And, you very soon learned what it was. Your magic, green and gold as it was, had some semblance of His. There was a hint of a dark maroon that cracked and sliced through your magic.
You wonder if it had anything to do with the fact it was his magic that made you like this. That his magic gave you your own.
You inhaled sharply, startled, whipping your head to see it was only him who touched your tentacles.
Yours, unlike his, looked like long ropes of whispy cobweb, bundled up. They had your magic coursing through them as well, giving them a green and golden glow in some parts.
"Hello Little Spider.."
"H.. Hey.."
His hands were on your shoulder. Your face flushed, the dark green that was your blood now painted your face a different colour than a human.
He pressed his body against yours. His face rested in the crook of your neck.
Both sets of his arms wrapped around you, and he hummed in contentment. His tentacles wrapped around yours, some even trailing to your body, and wrapped around your thighs or chest.
His arms moved to lift you off the log, him then moving himself onto the log behind you, you now sitting in his lap.
His arms are back around you, holding you against him. He is warm. His arms and tentacles were trailing and rubbing their touch all over, not leaving an inch of you untouched. He wasn't applying any pressure either, just touching you. His touch still felt hot even through your clothes.
His hands, one pair, trailed down from your neck, to your abdomen, and they stopped. The rest didn't stop though. Just the one pair on your abdomen.
You let out an inquisitive whimper, looking down to his hands resting there.
"... Would be.." He paused, and moved his face to the back of your neck, "Would be endearing to see you..", his hands resting on your abdomen rubbed it in circles, "full.. Of my children..."
Your face lit up bright green, your eyes widening, your other eyes even opening in your shock at his statement.
"Wh.. What?"
"Wouldn't you like that, [Name]?"
"You can't deny it, [Name]. I know.. What you dream about.. I know what makes you wake up wet in the pants.."
Your face might as well be a lamppost with how deeply coloured your face was now, the green glowing bright with the help of your magic, which seemed to.. Imitate your emotion with brightness and fluidity.
"I.. Could see what you dreamed of, you silly little thing. I saw what you thought of when you tried your hardest to keep those... Filthy thoughts to yourself."
You made a small noise, your body tensing with embarrassment at the realization his hands and tentacles were getting more.. Antsy.
The ones on your abdomen trailed down to rest on the inside of your thighs, rubbing the sensitive skin in circles very close to your crotch.
You hadn't realized that your hands, the four, had grabbed onto his arms, your embarrassment leading to quite a grip that human bones wouldn't be able to withstand.
"I mean.. Even if you weren't a Slenderbeing at this current time..", he trailed off, his upper hands slipping under your shirt and trailing up to rub and grope your pecs, his palms would rub over your nipples, "I would still be rewarding you for being such a good servant for me..."
His voice was right next to your ear, his mouth opening to nibble at your jaw.
You were trembling, and your crotch was throbbing, so was that spot on your neck that Slender licked with his tongue a while back. The feeling seemed to only ebb away when Slender got close to touching them.
This made you subconsciously move your throbbing areas against him, chasing his touch there.
His other hands and tentacles were getting more sensual with their touches, squeezing sensitive areas of your flesh, flitting over the ridges of your neck, ribs.. His fingers would ghost over your mouth, his tentacles wrapped around your limbs, opening your legs, and wrapping your arms behind you to pin them to your back.
One hand came up to grasp your chin, his fingers splaying slightly, and his palm gave enough force to push your head back, you now facing up.
The little whimper that scrimped past your trembling lips made Slender chuckle.
"You like this, [Name]? You like my hands on your body? My tentacles on your body?"
You let out a trembly affirming hum. He chuckled again, and he used to fingers to trail down your neck from your chin, and back up.
"Use your words, my pretty mate....." He whispered, his voice trailing off.
Your voice wavered as you spoke, "Y-yess... Mm.. I-I do like it..." Your voice trailed to a whisper.
His sensual touches continued. His hands would squeeze your arms, your chest, your thighs, and rub back up again, his fingers ghosting their touch along the lines your muscles made as his hands traveled. His tentacles resigned to holding you, their slimey cold touch moving as they pulsed and slithered against your skin in the places they held you.
Your pants were interrupted with trembly moans and gasps at his touch and the stimulation.
One of his hands groped your crotch, soon slipping into your pants, his palm rubbing against the wetting slits of the flaps covering your dick, your back arching and a gasp leaving your slightly drooling mouth at the touch.
His fingers rubbed at the slits to your flaps, another hand of his slipping your loose pants off your legs and down to your ankles easily.
Your hands, now held behind your back, tensed into fists with the new attention to your aching, pulsing wet.
Your dick was pressing against the flaps, making it easier for Slender to slid a finger in the middle of the four flaps, sliding them apart, trails of slick and pre covered his fingers and stretched between the flaps. Another hand came down to help his other seperate the flaps, all four now splayed, your throbbing dick out for him to see.
Slender pressed his palm to the base of all your tender flesh, a moan drawled out your mouth, his fingers wrapping around the base of your dick, gently squeezing the knot you now had, and another moan shook your throat.
He stroked you, up and down, your legs shaking, breath shuddering, body trembling. Your tentacles wavered, them finding his own arms and legs to weakly wrap around. Pre beaded at your tip, Slender's thumb rubbing over it to smear your dick with it.
Your back arched more, your shoulders pressing into Slenderman, his upper hands slid down to your hips, to rock you against his own excitement. You settled after he stroked you a few more times, trying to and failing to roll your hips against his touch to your dick.
He kissed your neck. Not where you needed him to though. He scraped his teeth against your skin, gently biting you. He nipped your jaw, trailing bigger bites down. He found sensitive areas you'd shiver at, and sucked them black and blue.
One of his lower hands traced the wet, tender flesh of your unhidden dick lower, to your begging tunnel. He kissed your neck hard, resting his face into your neck as your body arched in his lap again, a quick moan escaping your drooling mouth, his fingers dipping into your dripping hole. His fingers gently and slowly rubbed along your entrance, sliding in and out against your walls, a breathy chuckle came from him.
"You are doing so well [Name]. So good.. Keep being good and I'll give you a bigger reward~" He whispered into your ear.
He hummed at the following shudder that shook your body against him. Your cunt quivered around his fingers, you whimpering, squirming at his touch. Slender dragged the length of his fingers against your entrance, the tips dipping into you briefly. He brought his slick coated fingers to his mouth, where he tasted your essence.
"Mmm, you are tasty, [Name].."
You shuddered, exhaling.
Your clothes were feeling hot against your skin. You needed them off.
You were in quite the daze, so it took you a moment to register that Slender was pushing the both of you up into standing.
Once you both were though, he had to hold you against him. Your legs were wobbly. You weren't used to the increased stimulant of being touched places in this body.
It was the faint but sudden breeze that made you realized he had removed your coat. He was starting on your shirt then too.
He suddenly turned you around, and you were suddenly against a tree. He was removing his suit jacket now.
It was your mouth he wanted open. And you opened it, exhaling slightly when you did.
The force of the kiss had you whimpering, his upper pair of hands roughly grabbed your wrists, a pair of tentacles grabbed your lower ones. His sudden roughness had you squirming in between him and the tree, your crotch was also unbelievably hot, and was leaking with slick and pre.
Your upper arms were held against the tree, level with your head, and your lower ones were "cuffed" with his tentacles behind your back, making it arch into him.
He was rough with you. He was grinding his leg in between yours, his pants getting wet with your excrement, he was hardly letting you breathe with the messy kisses with tongues.
Your squirming against him riled him up. Jeez, he can't restrain you enough can he?
He pulled away, finally letting you breath in short, moaning gasps.
You froze and shuddered, a low growl emanating from him. The sound only made you chitter weakly, a groan left your throat as he started trailing nibbles down your neck.
His tentacles were holding your thighs apart.
His mouth was resting on the spot that was oddly throbbing now. You were (trying) to push your neck up into his mouth.
Slender hummed.
He dragged the tip of his tongue along the achy spot, making you shudder and squirm. He pressed against you after hearing the whimpery moan you made.
His skin was smooth, and in your sex-numbed daze you saw prominent veins of magik pulsing with his magik colour along his arms and body.
You gasped as you felt him press against your weeping tunnel.
"You ready, [Name]?"
You whimpered an answer, shuddering at the huskiness of his voice.
You yelped as you were both suddenly down, on a floor, him on top of you, but you weren't able to process that much before his dick started sliding into you.
You were so wet he didn't need to stop until he was completely inside you.
His lower arms were holding your hips as your back arched, his upper ones each had both sets of yours in their grasp, still pinning you down.
He had finally bitten that spot of your neck that ached for it, it sent a pulse of something through you.
You gasped, and moaned sweetly as he started rocking slowly into you, pulling out till just his tip was hitched on your entrance and then pushing back in.
He had you pinned down to the carpet covered floor completely, still slowly thrusting into you, and kissing you roughly, his tongues playing with yours.
As his hips rocked against yours, his body rubbed against yours.
His kisses didn't waver in their passion, and he didn't neglect your 'mark', the specific spot of your neck he bit.
Your moans filled the room. His groans and quiet grunts were stiffled by them. Your cunt would squeeze him, blinding you with stars and filling you with pleasure, making your arch into him. His tentacles were stroking your dick in between your bodies.
The sounds of his dick slipping into you were wet.
"Fuck, [Name], your so tight... And wet... So warm too..."
You whined, his dick felt so large, even despite your new size compared to him. You thought it wouldn't feel as tight.
It was pulsing inside you, the ridges it had rubbed along your walls, making you shake and fat tears well up in your eyes.
He was thrusting very deep into you, you swear even being around his size and height he was filling you much more than you were supposed to handle. But you loved it. His dick was warm, and thick. And hard. Its ridges rubbed against your gummy walls whenever he moved inside you, making pleasure reverb through you.
Despite being pinned, you still squirmed, and pressing into him.
He had let go of your lower arms, the hands of which were tightly gripping his lower shoulders.
He was thrusting so deep. So so deep. You felt him squeeze his way further into you, you felt him in your tummy. It made that area of your body feel tight.
His teeth were marking any place he could bite down on; your shoulders, your collar, neck, nibbling on your jaw, your chest. Anywhere. The moans and sobs of pleasure eminating from you made him warm and riled. He was close to going feral on you.
The crotch tentacles you both had were wrapping around eachother and were trying to pulling your hips closer.
He thrust into a particular area that made moans get caught in your throat, and he didnt stop hitting it.
His rough but soft thrusts would drag his dick along that spot, making your legs turn to jelly, and the breath leave your lungs. The hot, pangy and painful pleasure the motion spazzed through your body made you go limp against him.
He hugged you to him as you arched into him again, his mouth next to your ear.
"You are doing.. So, so good [Name].."
He shuddered as your sopping cunt squeezed him. His tentacles squeezed your dick when it pulsed in their grasp.
Your moans wavered, his hand grabbed your head.
"That's it [Name], be a good little spider. Be a good little spider and spill. Come on, little spider.. Cum for me.."
His deep and gruff words sent you ober the edge, your moans loud, his tentacles pumping you even as you came all over the both of you. His tentacles slithered in spirals around your dick, moving as they climbed and sank, one rubbing over your slit as cum continued spilling from it.
You felt your cunt was quivering, and he laid you completely down to the ground again, hugging you still, as he sped up his thrusts, bringing quick and loud moans out of you.
Your cunt clamped around him as you spilled there too, your claws scratching at his back you came around his cock, and your loud, wanton moans echoed in the room a bit. The pressure from how tightly you were squeezing him made your vision darken and stars appear.
He didn't stop thrusting into you, however. In fact, he did quite the opposite, thrusting harder into you, his dick roughly rubbing along your sweet spot now, the ridges pulling small squeals of pleasure from you.
Two pairs of large tentacles messaged your chest muscles, and smaller tentacles slithered along your body and found ares to suction to to leave dark bruises on your now moon-pale skin.
The hands Slenderman didn't have occupied with keeping you pinned were used to slide and rub across your body, squeezing other sensitive areas.
Your moans quivered and wavered, and your lungs desperate for air, pulling even more desperate pants out of you, and yet he wasn't letting up. You tried to find words to plead for less, to beg him to go easier on you, it was too much, but your voice couldn't muster the words, nonetheless form them in your head.
Drool and tears were ebbing from your mouth and eyes, your eyes were heavy and lidded with the pleasure, your upper ones closed because you were beginning to grow tired and exhausted from how much at once your body was experiencing.
Slender could tell you were getting tired. Your grip on him was softening, your body was practically going limp beneath him, your voice was wavering and stuttering, your pretty song was fading.
The slick and sloppy sounds his dick made as it slid in and out of your soaking cunt were now loud with the added slick from your orgasm, making a mess.
Your dick was beginning to hurt, it was being overstimulated beyond belief. Your hadn't made yourself cum more than once at a time before.
You choked as you felt a second pair of orgasms building inside you, the feeling spreading warmth and making you exhale shakily.
You whimpered feeling him drill into you as hard as he could. He was looming over you, no longer needing to pin you down himself anymore.
He chuckled, the sound making you lazily look at him.
"You look so cute like this [Name].. Had I known you would look so good, I'd have done this to you at least once while you were still human..."
You couldn't react to his statement as the orgasms that were building finally released. Your back weakily arching as both your throbbing dick and swollen pussy released cum at once, your jelly legs weakily moved too, and your upper hands were grabbed by his as they closed from the immense wave of pleasure that shook your body.
When you body went limp again from the end of it, he was still going. Your hands weakily closed around his.
You sobbed as your dick was painfully brought back to life from Slender's tentacles, and your tired pussy was also pushed beyond its limits.
Your body was loosing its strength seemingly. The orgasms came much quicker, a third already sneaking up on you, and your loud wanton moans were reduced to whimpers and whines.
You whimpered loudly as you felt the third orgasm.
"Don't worry, [Name], we'll have.. a nice hot bath when we're done here.." His words were interrupted with his quiet grunts.
It didn't take long for a third set of orgasms to shake your body, tears spilled from your eyes, and drool from your mouth as you let out weak little moans.
It was now you were feeling his movements become sloppy. His lower hands softly grabbed your thighs and folded your legs, giving himself a much better angle to fill you.
But this new angle had him reaching deeper into you, somehow. You looked, a shuddery gasp escaping you as you saw the small but noticeable bulge that showed. Your dick was red, and painfully throbbing.
You let out a pained moan as a fourth pair of orgasms slienced you, your meak moans getting caught up in your throat.
Even more so when you felt the sudden hot spread up into you. You shuddered, whining with pleasure.
He was still inside you, his knot inside you as well.
He was beathing deeply, you were panting.
He thrust slow and gentle a few times, to lessen the mess.
You squirmed, gasping and whining at a bigger lump forcing its way into you.
"Shhhh, it's okay [Name]."
Slender held you cheek.
"It's just my eggs~"
You let out a meak whimpery moan as the lump slid all the way into you, down to where his tip was in you, right up against your.. Ah.. Uterus? Did you have one of those if you had a pussy? Yes. You do have one, and Slender was filling it.
"Fuck, you look so cute all fucked out like this... We should do this more often [Name]."
Your body felt numb, and limp. It felt so warm to, the hot from Slenderman's seed spread through you.
It took a moment before he was done. He had trouble pulling out though. You were very tight now, something all Slenderbeings did when they got their fill. It was a way to keep it all inside.
He pulled out, finally, your cunt actually closing up. He pulled you down, level with him.
He was gentle in pulling you up. And slow.
Your legs were completely jelly. You couldn't even stand with them.
He picked you up though. Bridal style.
"Looks like someone's too tired for a bath..."
You were pretty much asleep in his arms.
You inquisitively whimpered feeling warmth cover you.
You felt him cuddle up with you. Ah, you were in a bed, under some blankets.
"Sleep well, [Name]... I love you, my pretty mate.."
One of his hands stroked your cheek.
"L...love you too..."
You fell asleep in his arms, wrapped up in eachother.
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