#ya muntaqim benefits
islamicremedies · 3 years
Dua to punish someone
Dua to punish someone
Dua for justice from Allah Wait. The purpose of this dua and Wazifa is not to make your relationship with your husband bitter. Dua or wazifa to take revenge from husband It’s actually quite the opposite. The purpose of this practice is to make sure that your husband will start respecting you. Sometimes, a wife often finds herself in a situation where her husband is either constantly tormenting…
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Not a lecture, I know. But I had to share this ethereal poem by Baraka Blue with you. Pls listen to it via the link):
Baraka Blue. New Poem. Just incredible:
The 99 Names (New Poem)
The Messenger of God, told us with his blessed lips
peace upon his soul, his noble family, and his friends
that God has many names, in fact that 99 are His
and whoever preserves them will attain eternal bliss
Ya Wahhab, we turn to you
you truly are the giving
Ya Fattah, grant us your openings
and free us from our prison
Of illusion and confusion
For al-Haqq, you are the Truth
Unique, Allah, you're al-Wahid
and also, al-Wadud
The source of love, you made from love
loving that we knew
the treasure that was hidden,
you're the Wajib al-Wujud
Al-Wajid you are watching all,
as-Shaheed, to our shuhud
We bear witness to your Oneness
May we witness this in Truth
Through the eye of the heart
Ya Hayy Ya Qayyum
The Living and Sustaining One,
there is no god but You
Ya Sami', Ya Baseer!
Be aware that God listens
through the ear of our being
and all sight is God's vision
Ever Present, All-Living
Al-'Alim, the Omniscient
al-Hakim is All-Wisdom
al-Kareem, the All-Giving
And remember your salat is to be offered with khusu’
Al-Wasi’, Al-Shaheed
knows and watches what you do
His Majesty, The King of Kings is sovereign in His rule
Dhul Jalâli wal-Ikram
For He's the Malik of the Mulk
Ya Ghani, we are your fuqara
The creatures are but need
You are the source; and all that is
comes from your treasury
All harm and benefit come from ad-Darr and an-Nafi’
All is perishing except the face of al-Baqi’
al-Awwal and al-Akhir,
and all moments in between
That day will show your Mastery
Maliki yawm al-Din
The reckoning is yours
Please be gentle Ya Haseeb
Nothing escapes your grasp, all’s accounted Ya Muhsee
Guide us to your righteous path
Siratul mustaqim
for we are blind without your light
Ya Nur, Ya Hadi
You have named yourself Rahman
Ya Ra'uf, Ya Raheem
You have called yourself Compassion
So please show us what this means!
All praise is yours, and glory
Ya Hamid, Ya Majid
Ya Salam, upon that Day
we pray to taste eternal Peace
As you made us, Ya Mubdi
Please restore us, Ya Mu’id
You’re the friend that is relied upon at all times, Ya Wali
al-‘Afu: He who pardons
From al-Muntaqim, vengeance comes
so there is no one to run to
but the One from who you run!
Ya Lateef, Ya Khabeer
You’re aware of what we've done
so shade us with your shade
for we can’t bare your blazing sun
Ya Khaliq, our Creator
al-Bari means Originator
al-Musawwur gives all things their forms,
indeed He is the Maker
In fact, He is the Artist
And the cosmos is His art
You're not only Ghaafir and Ghafur, Allah,
but also, you're Ghaffar
Forgiving, All-Forgiving, Oft-Forgiving, yes you are
A forgiveness greater than all of our sins combined, by far
You are the one supreme in might and power Ya Jabbar
You vanquish who you will and overcome them Ya Qahhar
So help us with our egos in submitting to your will
Grant us honor Ya Mu’iz
Don’t disgrace us Ya Mudhil
Like one who boasted proud as he refused the truth revealed
Protect us from that one who thought that he was better still
Al-Rafi' will exalt the ones who bow their heads down low
Al-Khafid, He will humble those who arrogance did show
All will then be shown what they’d been doing all along
In judgement He is just, not a soul will then be wronged
al-Hakim, al-Adl your justice is complete
But ata al-Afu, tuhib al-Afu’, fa'afu'ana
You're the Greatest, The Supreme
Ya Kabir, Ya ‘Ali
You are the true protector
So preserve us Ya Hafidz
You're the one who feeds and gives
so please sustain us Ya Muqeet
Show your bounty Ya Razaq
To every single one in need
Ya Mujeeb, you answer prayers
Watch over us Ya Raqeeb
You witness, Ya Shaheed
The needy state from which we plead
al-Wakil, you are the one
that we depend for everything
Take us from the 'ilm
to haqq of your yaqin
You’re al-Ahad and as-Samad
The One and Absolute
You're al-Dhahir and al-Batin
like the branches and the root
You’re the Hidden and the Manifest
The Outer and Within
So all of this is simply signs
to point us back to Him
Ya Mu'min you're the fortress
that we flee to to be saved
al-Muhaymin is the guardian,
that guides us to the Way
Ya 'Aziz, you are our source of strength,
our worth it comes from you
Al-Mutakkabir, The Greatest One
we do not grant His due
Infinite in Presence, The Tremendous, Ya Adheem
Yet your tender love and gentleness envelops, Ya Halim
ar-Rahman, ir-Rahim are inscribed on everything
Even Your Names of rigor
bear their fragrance in between
Ya Qabid, Ya Basit
You contract and you expand
We feel you in our heartbeat
and our lungs, and in our hands
The Majestic One is al-Jaleel
All Beauty, Ya Jameel
al-Ba'ith, sent the Prophets with truth that He revealed
Ya Qawi, Ya Matin
strengthen us upon your Deen
And bring our hearts to life with your remembrance Ya Muhi
May we die before we die & awaken Ya Mumit
so the illusion falls away, and we attain the self that at peace
Ya Qadir, Ya Muqtadir, you determine what you will
and no one may have a say at all, no matter how they feel
Ya Muqaddim, Ya Mu'akhir, you are the Lord of Time
when sooner comes or laters here
we'll see your grand design
Ya Muta'ali, let us ascend to you
Ya Barr, grant us the good
Ya Tawwab let us return to you the way we know we should
Ya Jami' when you gather us, gather us to you,
enrich us with your love, Ya Mughni,
in everything we do
Ya Mu'ti, you have gifted us
existence from your Being
Protect us from all harm, Ya Mani'
Ya Rabbil-Alameen
Ya Warith you'll inherit everything when said and done
Ya Rashid guide us back to you,
exactly how you love
No matter all the times we fall
Still you are al-Gaffur
No matter that our deeds are few still you are as-Shakur
Envelop us in light, Allah
we turn to you Ya Nur
And let us meet you, after all, in Jennah
Ya Sabur
The Messenger of God informed us with his blessed lips
peace upon his soul, his noble family, and his friends
that God has many names, in fact that 99 are His
and whoever preserves them will attain eternal bliss
yes, whoever preserves them shall attain eternal bliss
so write them on our hearts and on our souls and on our limbs
By your Names Allah, we raise our hands and ask for this:
Let us know you as you're loving to be known, as we submit
The Way of your Beloved, let us die and let us live
and when you resurrect us then we ask you to forgive
and take us to his Hawd and from his hands to let us sip
and enter in your Garden with our loved ones and our kin
and greet us with Salam, and let us taste eternal bliss
to gaze without a veil upon your noble countenance
So by Your Names Allah, we raise our hands and ask for this:
Let us gaze without a veil upon your noble countenance
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