#ya i modded my 3ds what of it
halflitglowstick · 1 year
cool rt1 3ds theme i made + banner art!!!
hasnt been approved on theme plaza and i dont have the file for it, but it should be avalable on tp pretty soon i hope!!!
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caruliaa · 10 months
i thuink i might finally be mentally stable unphased by horror and gore enough to actually play ddlc for myself
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bluefuecoco · 2 years
🤔 wondering if i could theoretically....get a *completely legal* copy of pokemon x on my 3ds and transfer pokemon from there into bank (and eventually to home) so i can have the full xy dex...
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paluding · 2 months
Please, please, please, I know it was just a teaser, but pleeeeeease tell me more about our loved psp puppy 🤩!
Hi! Of course, how could I deny such thing to a fellow Sims 2 PSP enjoyer. So far I have managed to reshape the werepug model to a T pose.
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I also swapped the lowpoly hands with the Bigfoot ones, which were the ones that made the most sense from Sims 2 PC, I think. I'm considering adding 3D claws to them, just to complete the look. And for the stuff that's left to do, here's what I have planned for this project: -Fixing the bones assignments and reshaping where needed, right now it's a bit of a clipping mess. -Fully repainting and retexturing it all to a higher resolution. -Adding face morphs so the face is animated.
... and that's it for now! Quite the conversion process. I do have some extra ideas I would love to try before sharing it, but I'm not so sure I'll be able to actually make them, so for now I'll just keep them for myself. Ya know, modding is not my best skill in this game lol.
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c0smodrom-sims · 7 months
Making your own career/NPC outfits (and attaching them to custom and default careers)
Tutorials I’ve used that helped me understand this a little bit more: SuperFly’s „Attaching custom clothes to careers” @rio-sims „Adding extra options to NPC and Career Outfit Templates” @itsdiamondeyesuniverse mini-tutorial on random clothes and hair and some general knowledge from Hat’s Simpe Tricks
I’m just compiling them and adding results of my own experimenting. It will be pretty long, so everything is under the cut.
Download Template files [SFS] or [Google Drive]
First step is to understand what makes an outfit template.
Looking at my empty template (OutfitTemplate-Empty.package), you can see 4 files. You don’t touch the BHAV and OBJf, they control the behaviours and functions and such. Good practice is to change the name of the OBJD and NREF to something unique. For custom outfits, you will have to change the GUID in the OBJD, but I will touch on that later in the tutorial.
But that’s just an empty template to fill with your own outfits. Every variation of an outfit is made of 2 files:
3IDR (3D ID Referencing File) - This one contains skeleton resource and hair/clothes property sets. AGED (Age Data) - This one pretty much contains instructions on how to read the 3D ID.
In my 3D ID template files you can see the first line is a Resource Node - that’s the skeleton. It always has to be there, don’t delete it. Second line is a property set - that’s the outfit that you will be replacing. 3D ID can have many lines of property sets in particular order, depending on what Age Data is saying.
(My SimPE shows Age Data in CPF, which reads hexadecimal, but sometimes can also show it in XML, which reads decimal. If some lines are different in decimal, I will put it in brackets.)
If you open up any of my Age Data templates, you can see a lot of lines that may make sense intuitively, and some that make no sense at all. Here are lines that are actually useful and how to change them:
AGE 2 - Child (also 2 in decimal) 4 - Teen (also 4 in decimal) 40 - Young Adult (64 in decimal) 8 - Adult (also 8 in decimal) 48 - Young Adult + Adult (72 in decimal) 10 - Elder (16 in decimal) 58 - Young Adult + Adult + Elder (88 in decimal)
I think it’s better to always include Young Adults with Adults. If for example you don’t use mods that enable jobs for YA, then nothing happens and nothing breaks. But if you do, then your YA can wear their job uniform.
GENDER 1 - Female 2 - Male 3 - Unisex (only for children!)
STRETCH It’s only important in teens - they use adult skeleton, but smaller. For adults/elders stretch will say 1, for teens - 0,94. Children use their own skeleton, so their stretch is also 1.
VALIDPARTS 3e4 - If you want to add hair to your outfit (996 in decimal) 3e0 - If you don’t want hair in your outfit (992 in decimal)
LISTCNT Number of elements in your 3D ID. Technically counts from 0, but as the first item is always a skeleton, for ease of counting - it’s the number of property sets used. For only fullbody outfits it will be 1, fullbody + hair or top + bottom = 2, hair + top + bottom = 3.
SKELETONKEYIDX Position of the skeleton in the 3D ID. Always 0, as it’s the first item, counted from 0.
LS, LK, LE All 3 needed together. They are counted from 0. So the first 3 lines will be named ls0, lk0 and le0_0. If you add another item to your outfit (eg. hair + fullbody clothes), next 3 lines will be named ls1, lk1 and le1_0, then ls2, lk2 and le2_0 etc.
LS Always 1.
LK The numbers are already in decimal, so the same in CPF and XML. From what I’ve tested and I’m sure of:
65537 = Hair/hat 65544 = Fullbody 65540 = Top 65552 = Bottom
LE Which line in 3D ID corresponds with this item, counting from 0. As line 0 is always a skeleton, and dealt with in the „skeletonkeyidx” line, you can just count property sets.
If you use my Age Data templates - you don’t have to worry about all that, but I made this tutorial only because I really wanted to know that. So maybe someone else would want to know too :P
Now that you can understand what makes a working outfit, lets make one! This will be split into 4 parts: part 1 - making a new, custom outfit; part 2 - replacing existing outfits; part 3 - attaching outfits to careers; part 4 - testing if it works.
Part 1 - Making a custom outfit
In this example I will make an outfit for adults only, for the sake of shorter tutorial :P
First step: Open „OutfitTemplate-Empty.package” in SimPE. I will change my OBJD and NREF names. In the OBJD you have to change the GUID (the one with all zeroes in the template) - how to make a GUID? Click here to generate 8 random characters in hexadecimal (refresh for a new string), delete any spaces, then put „0x” at the start. Then check with this spreadsheet if it conflicts with any Maxis objects. My new GUID will be 0x1234ABCD (only for tutorial purposes, yours should be more random to avoid clashing with CC objects too). Save the file as a copy.
Now we’re going to add actual outfits. First, one for female adult sims. You have to add a 3D ID template (in this case for teens/adults/elders) and an Age Data template that includes your preferred combo. For this one, I will get AF-Hair-Fullbody.
If you look at the Age Data, you can see here that it’s for Young Adult and Adult female sims (age = 48), it has hair (validparts = 3e4) and contains 2 property sets in 3D ID (listcnt). In the ls/lk/le lines you can see that it contains hair (65537) in the first property set and full body (65544) in the second one. (Though the order of the property sets is in the names of the template files, so you don’t have to check every time!)
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Now we go to the 3D ID. If you want to attach Maxis clothes or hair, use Scenegraph Resource Finder. Set it to Property Set Search and type your hair/clothes name there (found through the default database or the debug mode in CAS). I’ve chosen afhairupdoweddingveil_black. Doesn’t matter if you choose _black, _blond, etc, your sim will automatically wear the hair in their own hair colour (for CC hair - only if it was binned correctly). Let it search. When you’ve found what you’re looking for, note the group and instance. Now open the 3D ID. Select the property set in it and change the group and instance to the ones of your chosen hair/clothes. Commit and save.
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For the fullbody outfit, I’m gonna use CC clothes (AF Lolita Dress and Boots by animera at MTS). First, make sure you have a mesh and a recolour in your Downloads folder so the game can access it. Then open the recolor and find the corresponding property set. Write down group and instance and close the file. Open up your outfit template file again and go back to your 3D ID. Click on the property set line that you set up before and click „add” to clone that line. Now change the group and instance as you did before. Commit and save.
Remember that any hair and clothes used in an outfit has to be enabled for Everyday!
That’s all for the female sim, now onto the male sim.
As before - add the 3D ID template and Age Data template. I will choose AM-Hair-Fullbody.
As you can see, my new 3D ID and Age Data have the same instance as the previous ones - they will clash. So we have to change each new 3D ID and Age Data’s instance to one higher. So change instance to 2 and click force commit on both.
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Next steps are the same as before - add property sets. I’ve added a propeller hat and a fig leaf, classy! Commit and save.
That’s pretty much it. If you want to add other age/gender combos? You can, just each new 3D ID and Age Data pair need to change their instances to one higher. You want to add like 20 options for every age and gender? You sure can, same thing as before - instance number goes up (remember, it’s hexadecimal so after 9 you got A - F, then 10 etc). You can have one outfit with hair, other without hair, one top and bottom and one full body, one for female adult and 10 for male adult, doesn’t matter, all combos work, as long as the property sets in the 3D ID are in the same order as in corresponding Age Data.
But right now, my custom outfit is done.
Part 2 - Default replacing existing outfits
While you can attach custom outfit to any career, default replacing outfits is the only (known to me) way to change NPC outfits without digging into BHAVs (which I don’t understand lmao).
First step is to clone the outfit you’re replacing. Open Object Workshop, click Start and wait a bit as it loads. Then go to Other > Outfits and find your chosen outfit. I’ll use „Outfit_NPC_Maid_test”. Click Next. Then if it says Recolour, change it to Clone. Uncheck every box!!! Click Next. Save the file.
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If you look into the Age Datas and 3D ID - they almost always look like a mess, so we’re going to replace them entirely.
Doesn’t really matter which age/gender combo you replace with which, but I’m going to check. In my example, instance 1 is for an adult female, instances 2, 3 and 4 are for an adult male.
Right click on the 3D ID, instance 1, then click „Replace” and choose my 3D ID template. As you can see, group and instance remained unchanged, this is very important! Now right click on the Age Data, instance 1. Replace it with an Age Data of your choice. I will use AF-Hair-Fullbody. As I explained the process in part 1, I won’t go into detail here. I will also replace instance 2 with a 3D ID template and Age Data AM-Hair-Fullbody. I will replace female outfit with pink gorilla suit and male outfit with diver suit, because why not.
If you want to add more options: as stated in part 1 - when you add new 3D ID and Age Datas, instance numbers go up, but in this case you also need to change the group to the same as your default (in my case, the maid outfit has group 0x7FE81E93).
Maid outfit has 1 version for an adult female and 3 for an adult male. Of course you can add more, but what if it has more, and you want less? I want to have only 1 version for each gender. How to go about that? You need to replace all of the 3D IDs and Age Datas, but nobody said some of them can’t be identical. So I will replace my instances 2, 3 and 4 with the same outfit - diver suit. If I only replaced instances 1 and 2, I would have a chance to get a diver sut man maid, but also a chance to get 2 variations of vanilla man maids. Now I have 3 variations for male sims but they are identical, so all of them will spawn in diver suits.
You don’t need the OBJD, OBJf, NREF and BHAV, as we didn’t edit anything there. You can delete them from your package.
Save the file and you’re done!
Part 3 - Attaching outfits to custom and Maxis careers
If you replaced a default career or NPC outfit, you don’t need to do anything else, it just works. But for a new, custom outfit - you need to attach it to a career. Remember the GUID that you set in the OBJD? Mine was 0x1234ABCD. Write down yours somewhere.
For a custom career, open it up in SimPE and open Bidou’s Career Editor. Choose the level you want. On the bottom left, under the description, you can select some of Maxis outfits, or just type your own GUID. Do that, and your selected outfit name will change to Other. Close the Career Editor and save your file. You’re done :P
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For a Maxis career, use Object Workshop. Choose Other > Sim Type, then select your career. Be sure to pick the one you need, as most careers have an Adult and Teen/Elder version, and in Object Workshop it just shows 2 identical names. I’m choosing the adult version of a Criminal career and clone it (with all boxes unchecked!!!). Save the file!! Now the steps are identical as in custom careers - open up Bidou’s Career Editor and change the outfit GUID for your chosen level to your own GUID. Close the Editor, but don’t save the file yet. Now you can see one little file that has been changed, as indicated by the italicised name. This file is named „Outfit GUIDs” and it’s the only file we need - delete the rest. Save the file and you’re done!
You can also edit the „Outfit GUIDs” file manually (if you, for example, don’t want to clone a career and start from scratch every time you need to make an edit). Lines 0x00 and 0x01 have to stay empty (0x0000), as they are reserved for Unemployed. Level 1 is represented by lines 0x02 and 0x03. You put your GUID there, but split in 2 halves and in reverse order. My GUID was 0x[1234][ABCD], so it will look like this: Line 0x02 - 0xABCD (level 1, 2nd half of GUID) Line 0x03 - 0x1234 (level 1, 1st half of GUID) Next lines work the same - 0x04 (2nd half) and 0x05 (1st half) for lvl 2, 0x06 (2nd half) and 0x07 (1st half) for lvl 3 etc.
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Part 4 - Testing!
When all your needed files are in your Downloads folder, open the game and choose a testing hood. Make sure your boolprop cheat is on! Open a lot with at least 1 sim (we will be spawning more of them).
For testing careers, make sure you have enough sims to see your desired results. My career outfit had 1 version for adult females and 1 for adult males, so I only need 2 sims. If your outfit has more variations for the same age/gender combo, you will have to spawn a lot of sims to make sure you will get all of them! As you know, this game is famously not very good at being random, so you can have two variations of an outfit and you can get 10 sims with the first version and only the 11th will spawn with the second :P For spawning new sims, shift click on a sim and select Spawn > Tombstone of L and D. I clicked „New Adult Male” and got a random dude.
Now to get them jobs easily, I shift click on a newspaper and choose a job. You can also set their job level. For my sims, I need to test Criminal career level 1.
Now give them a wardrobe (or a few, if you have a lot of sims to change) and make them dress for work. As you can see - my sims are wearing their new pretty outfits! (Excuse my "I use lowest possible graphical settings so my laptop doesn't explode" ass screenshots)
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To test NPC outfits, shift click on a sim and select Spawn > NPC and Townie Maker. First choose a gender, then find the EP of the NPC you want to create, in my case it’s the basegame, so I select Make NPC > Maid. It will spawn a random NPC of your chosen gender. You can cycle it a bit, clicking on the NPC maker again and selecting Repeat Last. If your outfit has many variations, cycle as many times as needed to make sure all your options appear correctly. When you’re done, click on the NPC maker and choose Kill. Now choose the other gender and repeat. Cycle as many times as needed. I only needed to see 1 female maid in a gorilla suit, but I needed to cycle a bit to see if nothing slipped through the cracks with the male maids. Everything works great and they were all divers :P
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After all that testing we’re done! Have fun with making all of the outfits your heart desires! ♡
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jils-things · 9 months
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But if you give me just one night You're gonna see me in a new light Yeah if you give me just one night To meet you underneath the moonlight
happy first anniversary to my beloved pookie bear and champion husby 🍎🍏
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careful, incredibly corny and romantic lovemail coming through.... (you don't have to read it, i just love expressing myself.)
y'know part of me felt kinda bad for glitchy red because he was quite literally the reason why i ended up liking sun and moon red and he basically overpowered him ahuhudsa but i guess i can kinda thank the mod for being the catalyst for me to really get into pokemon again because before this i was not even touching pokemon since... i was a teenager.
the moment i saw red, i just knew i was gonna like him. no rhyme or reason apart from the fact he's super handsome and adorable as an adult (and my silly taste for brunets <3) and im absolutely here for it :] i'm really thankful i have friends who really supported my goofy admiration for him and helped me create what would be known today as appleshipping~ i have so much funny and heartwarming memories with him (like that time i fell asleep to his battle ost on discord calls many times 😭😭😭)
i remember dreading the fact, learning that i may never meet red properly in sun and moon (emulator on pc isn't really my preferred place to play unless i have no choice) but ohh man, what a blessing my classmate was to be a pokemon fan who had a 3ds with all sun and moon (and ultra) copies with him and since he had already finished all games years back - he happily allowed me to borrow his 3ds and reset his ultra sun file for me to play <3 i can't thank him enough for it, and it was simply because he wanted me to experience it. not only was it my first time to use a 3ds, but my first game would also be where i get to meet my hubby in game, and in a REAL console. it feels so cool, it definitely beats that feeling of using emulators.
i also remember eagerly making my way to the battle tree and even recorded my live reaction when he was actually there aeheheh im shy to share it but trust me when i say i was so squeaky and audible when he appeared... all im saying, im just happy i had a fun experience as a fan and as a selfshipper :]
alright, anyways - i like love red so much, as a character and someone i find pretty appealing eahudhuahf he looks so huggable and warm like a cozy snorlax sleeping in the winter night. i love his quiet but determined demeanor. it stands out from the rest of the characters and even if he was a protagonist at first, he's treated as a really cool legendary trainer that many characters respect and it just adds to the appeal (for ya girl, at least ehe). while many prefer his battling prowess, i love thinking of his emotional side, i think there's a lot to dissect there especially as a character who's silent most of the time, and of course when you're in a relationship its all about the connection and communication amirite ehhehafs ... while i'm a bit sad he's not really a popular character at the moment, at least he and my friends would know i'm (definitely) his biggest fan ehehee (twirls hair)
hooray for appleshipping! thank you for keeping my mood in high spirits this year, red 💚❤️
dividers: (x) (x)
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ask-daves · 2 months
hey! for davesprite:
you mentioned photography! how’s that coming along? well, i hope. and also, do you take photos on your 3ds? i personally think it’s pretty fun!
( directed to mod: your stuff seems awesome so far! maybe expect a little art your way? either way, you’ll see me around. )
- ⚠️ anon (for recognisability purposes.)
the camera clicks on. “i’m not sure why dave wants us to do videos for pretty much all of these, but, i mean. here i am. so, you know.” he seems a little more relaxed now that the aforementioned dave isn't in the room with him, but the difference is so marginal that it doesn’t matter.
he pauses, and moves to grab something off screen. “photography’s going… alright?” then he sets multiple things on the table, lifting up a small, black point-and-shoot film camera. "it's kinda been too hot for me to want to go outside and take pictures, even if i want to." he looks out toward his window a little wistfully, and then he's back on task. "so i figured i'd just show you all of the cameras that i have. tools of the trade or whatever."
“i just got this film camera—i have a lot of cameras, but, this was two dollars. so i’d be retarded if i didn’t, you know. grab it. it's a minolta freedom-tele. it's got a 38 and--" he turns it over to look at the lens, squinting a bit behind his shades. "an 80 mm lens. and then i have, uh.." he sets down the first camera, and then picks up the second, a solid, digital point and shoot one, one that isn't exactly massive, but it still is rather hefty for what it is. "and then this is my nikon coolpix p100. it's pretty nice, uh. i like.. shooting wildlife with it. because it can zoom pretty far in, you know." he turns it on, takes off the lens cap, and demonstrates. he turns it off and the lens naturally retracts. "i kind of prefer point and shoots, considering you really don't have to bust your balls for lenses, or whatever." a shrug.
"and then the last of the point and shoots that i still have. i actually sold one recently, just because i didn't like it, so yeah, last one, a fujifilm finepix a205." he shows the camera the small, compact silver camera. "i'm not the biggest fan of fujifilm, if i'm honest. this one's pretty sick though. easy to bring around with me whenever i go out or whatever. even though i prefer the coolpix, it just, it's so bulky that i feel lame as shit bringing it around."
a shrug, and he's tapping his fingers on the desk. "they're pretty cool. one of these days i might post a few photos i take. maybe. i wouldn't count on it though."
"that's it. thanks for the asks. see ya."
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m39 · 3 months
Doom WADs’ Roulette (2009): Legacy of Suffering
Hey, kids. Ya wanna play some Deum 3 on Doom 2?
Okay, it’s not really Doom 3, but… eh… that will do.
G5: Legacy of Suffering
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Main author(s): Logan MTM
Release date: November 28th, 2009 (original release)
Version(s) played: updated
Required port compatibility: GZDoom
Levels: 10 (8 regular ones, 1 post-credits and something called LOSINV01)
Now here is something weird from Brazil – Legacy of Suffering, AKA another one of those WADs that released its first part, and nothing else after promising more. In the case of this stillborn WAD series, we also have mixing original Doom games with elements of Doom 3. That, and the shotgun with four barrels (I’ll get to that in the longer moment).
This project started as a combination of two old projects, one from 2006 by Logan himself and 2007’s Dark Base by Maurício Rocks. The plot was different from what we got, there was supposed to be more artwork and even some 3D stuff; so basically, typical stuff that was changed in production.
The plot, meanwhile, happening right after Doom 3, focuses on a super soldier bloke, who got arrested because he was going insane, is now on a moon base, and that base ends up attacked by demons.
Since we will be tackling one of those ZDoom WADs that likes to use a huge chunk of the source port’s features (you know, those smelly wankers), I can only hope that it won’t annoy me as much as many others before it. Let’s take a look.
Disclaimer: Review based on two playthroughs without secret hunting.
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You know how Doom 3 was around 75% walking through some dark tech base with occasional trips outside and in hell? Well, in this WAD, it’s, without counting the post-credits map along with taking place on the Moon instead of Mars, always walking through some tech base crap, except it doesn’t feel as dark as the original release of Doom 3.
That doesn’t mean the base looks bad; it looks good, and it has some nice details here and there, I especially like the sixth act with a monorail. I just wish it had more map styles.
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The music is… good, I guess? I recognized tracks from Painkiller (I need to replay that game one day) and the remix of Sign of Evil at Act VIII fits like a glove; I just wish it wasn’t that loud (turn down the music volume just in case). Also, and it’s a more personal problem, I listened to so many great MIDIs from the past and future WADs that listening to the music with actual instruments in Classic Doom mods feels off. It doesn’t boil my blood as much as MIDIs.
The design of the levels doesn’t really feel that complicated. Even though the automap doesn’t show the layout (yep, it’s one of those), it was still a far cry from some of the bigger moon-logic crap I’ve played. I still recommend using IDDT on the map (at least on your second playthrough); I don’t think there is a shame in doing that in cases like this.
Our protagonist has regenerating health, so if you want to, you can wait in the corner like it’s another Gears of War or Call of Duty to come back to full health (although it’s kind of slow). I don’t really mind it.
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I feel like the ZDoom cutscenes might be the least obnoxious ones I have experienced in ZDoom WADs. Sure, there are moments where it takes control out of you, but these are rather short, there is no annoying, pretentious dialogue, and most of the time, these are rather dynamic; they actually show stuff. You can even outright skip some of the longer cutscenes. It’s like the cutscenes evolved into being passable at worst, and if they are worse, then they almost evolved into this state.
As I mentioned earlier, there is a secret map that you can play after the credits roll. It’s good, I guess? It kind of reminded me of the first trip to hell in Doom 3 (maybe it inspired that map).
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Despite its name, Legacy of Suffering won’t really let you suffer with its difficulty. It is challenging, don’t get me wrong (mostly because projectiles are now faster -_-), but it’s not really a ball buster.
It gets interesting since the enemies have some new moves on their sleeves. Shotgunners and Chaingunners can now dash-attack after being hurt (luckily, the latter start firing much later), Pinkies barely feel pain and have a chance to ram at you (spectres don’t get these bonuses), Revenants fire two missiles instead of one (and can fire after throwing a punch), Barons have a chance to shoot three fireballs instead of one, Arachnotrons drop cells after they completely disappear (like all of the other demons), and Lost Souls have reduced health (and new, more annoying sound effects).
The WAD also adds three new enemies to the roster. One is the regular mob – Super Shotgunner, wielding its namesake and having more health than any other zombie (from what I’ve experienced).
The other two enemies are bosses; there is a super Hoovy that has an upgraded chaingun that occasionally fires rockets as well. The other is called Shadow Guardian, which is basically a digitalized Hell Knight from Doom 3, that can be only hurt by plasma, and fires a deadly AOE attack after getting hurt.
Typically for such WADs, you also get new weapons. I mentioned a shotgun with four barrels at the beginning of the review, and that’s what the cannon shotgun is. You can fire from one barrel or from all four at once with the alt-fire; it is also the only weapon that requires manual reloading.
The second new weapon is launcher chaingun (or what the fuck is it called), which you steal from the uber Hoovy. It’s basically a chaingun on steroids with a small rocket launcher attached to it.
Like the old enemies, the old weapons get some changes. You reload the super shotgun slightly faster; there is a small delay before the regular chaingun starts firing; you punch faster but weaker (you can also kick); you can swing your chainsaw now with the alt-fire; and the plasma gun now fires a blue BFG ball with the alt.
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Legacy of Suffering is an interesting specimen. Out of all of the ZDoom WADs from the 2000s that sacrifice the fun and gameplay to focus more on the source port’s features, this one feels like it could age the least poorly.
Do I still recommend it? Kind of? It’s worth taking a look at it but not for more than one or two playthroughs at once.
The next WAD on the list is an interesting case since it requires Skulltag to play. I’ll see what I can do with it. If the first map breaks down, I’ll let you know and probably cancel the review of the next WAD.
We will see.
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virtual-scallop · 9 months
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Well well... well well... One last week; one last round Let's close out this year, with one last brand new chapter...!! THIS WEEKEND'S SCHEDULE: ------------------------------------- - TOMORROW: There's a reason I did a marathon of the Toree games last week: recommended prep for Lunistice. It's time for more cozy looking 3D platforming adventures~ - SATURDAY: Ah Sonic Forces... A game with infinite potential, yet such a phantom of what it could have been... but this isn't Sonic Forces; this is Sonic Forces Overclocked. I'm not sure what's in store with this recently released overhaul mod, but it's caught my attention~ ------------------------------------- Both coming at ya live @ 2PM PST, over at https://www.twitch.tv/virtualscallop
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ideahat-universe · 1 year
How I fell down the Emulator Pipeline (or Rabbit hole, whichever you prefer)
It all started with moving away and leaving 90% of my stuff behind. Two of these things included my 3ds and my copy of Personal Trainer Cooking.
I needed some recipes for a meal I was doing, and I didn't have that hardware handy and I had no idea where it could be, so I just installed an emulator on my computer and ran the program on my PC. I needed the recipe to be mobile, so I can read it in the kitchen, so I installed Drastic on my phone and went from there.
Once I did that, I figured, "Let's emulate some of the games I've wanted to play again on my phone."
I did that for a bit, worked out fine. I then remembered the Jontron video about Pokémon. Ya know, the one. Jontron downplayed the Moemon hack, basically calling the creator of it a pedo which is unfortunate because Moemon is just Gijinka. It is not a hentai mod or a loli mod. It's just the reverse of turning a human into an animal. I'm very pro anthropomorphism, it's basically my whole deal. I like that term more than furry, even though one is way easier to spell than the other, the former is way more inclusive and is not an implication of sexuality.
In any case, I installed that mod. Actually, I had to patch a specific version of fire red to do that, but I figured that out and ran the Moemon mod which included Mega evolutions even though it's a mod of a game that came out many years before that was a thing.
Then I saw that there were more Pokémon ROM hacks, like a ton more. So I installed them. Not all of them are good though, we got edge lord mods, unfinished or glitchy mods, mods requiring patches from original game files that don't exist online anymore, and mods in different languages. There's a demake community that use fire red as the base for making a version of the current Pokémon games in a much older engine.
Complete overhaul mods, adding in content in the newer games, creating unique and often interesting fakemon (some of which are technically canon but not official).
So I went crazy and started downloading ROM hacks for Pokémon. Then I thought, "Surely there are romhacks for other games?"
The answer to that was, "not really." There are translation mods and glitch mods, but there are not a lot of "Let's add a lot of genuine gameplay to this old game" that's done in the scene.
After I obtained several dozen romhacks for Pokémon games from Crystal to Black, I thought to myself "I can't play all of these back to back, half of these are just Emerald mods. I'll burn myself out at this rate." So I decided to pace myself by playing every other turn based RPG in between any given Pokémon Rom hack.
So I grabbed every game boy ROM in the RPG category and went to town.
I had another thought, though, "if my phone can emulate Game Boy games and DS games, maybe it can emulate psone games or even PSP games.
So I installed every RPG that came out for the PSP and PSone that I could think of and added those to the list of games I'd emulate.
I got tired of using the virtual game pad, so I bought an entire controller and paired it.
After a couple of years, I returned home and dug up my old hardware. Found out that the server of basically every game I played was dead, so in order to make use of my old game consoles and handhelds, I had to jailbreak all of them.
So I did, from Mcfreeboot to Godmod9 I jailbroke my devices and any services like community servers or a romhack gift shop opened itself up to me. I reformatted a handful of 64 Gigabyte SD cards and gave my devices the storage I would have only dreamed of back in the day.
But I was worried, what if my PS3 games are lost forever due to my console dying? What if I want to continue playing Little Big Planet 2 even after my PS3 dies?
So I bought a PC specifically optimized for emulation and I started emulating PS3 and PS2 and Psone games. I figured out how to convert, export, and import save files for all those devices and the PSP and now the save file my friend made for his play through of Digimon World in 2003 can now be played on my PCSX2 system in the current day.
My phone is tiring out on me. It can't handle streaming videos, handling various misc apps that I use on top of streaming videos, and me playing games on it all at the same time. Half the time my progress in a game is dropped because my phone can't process all of that.
So I bought an AYN Odin Pro, and now I emulate almost everything on this one device, and the rest I run on my Beelink.
None of my devices can emulate PS4 or Xbox Series S games, but I genuinely have no idea what's worth playing beyond that point because I don't buy first party games, so those new games come out on steam. Don't need emulation or a new console there now, do I?
Steam Deck is doing gang busters, and I feel like the future of gaming is handheld emulation devices playing games long abandoned by its original creators.
But what do I know? I'm totally indoctrinated by the seven seas of piracy. Now, if you don't mind me. I'm going to figure out whether I can turn a bricked PS4 into a Linux machine...
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azzysflowergarden · 2 years
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(Hello note from me, Azzy. I made this account on June 1st of this year because I felt like making a new one XD so. All 35 565 posts that are mostly reblogs? They're from the past 6 months, not a year XDDD)
I posted 35,565 times in 2022
That's 35,565 more posts than 2021!
92 posts created (0%)
35,473 posts reblogged (100%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 2,745 of my posts in 2022
#keeping for later - 246 posts
#pla - 190 posts
#azzy grows - 97 posts
#posts that made me audibly laugh - 92 posts
#posts i must always reblog - 69 posts
#pkmn - 55 posts
#eyestrain - 40 posts
#unreality - 40 posts
#questionable breaking bad knowledge - 30 posts
#dc resources - 28 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#i love being mentally ill its so fun to be screaming and cryong and having a panic attack which makes u whip ur phone at the nearest noises
My Top Posts in 2022:
How does one express non-romantic attraction??
Like I'm making a list of hot pkmn trainers but I'm not attracted to them in the crush/romantic/sexual sense. I think it's like... Aesthetic attraction? But I don't know how to express it :(
I'm just like "awooga hot person they r so sexy mwah mwah" but I'm not attracted to them in a crush/rom/sx kinda way!!! And obviously people misinterpret what I mean because of the language I'm using :(
How the heck do ppl verbalize those kinds of feelings properly ( TTⁿTT ) /genq
45 notes - Posted July 6, 2022
Hey yalls, guess who wrote a Danny Phantom one-shot (4k words) that I'm extremely proud of!!! Even if ya ain't into DP, I'd appreciate if you read it & dropped a kudos and commented, because I'm honestly in love with this so much!!!!
Focuses on a confrontation between Danny and Wesley Weston involving Danny's secret identity woooo~
Warning for; panic attacks, descriptions of inhuman appearances (Eldritch!Danny my beloved), & mentions of death!
It's the longest fic I've written to date (I thought a multichapter WIP I wrote in 2018 was longer. I was wrong. That was only 3.5k), and I'm thrilled at the outcome!!
I'm the kind of person who enjoys their own writing (and forgets what I've written after a few days), so when I read it over pre-posting, I was smiling and giggling the whole time. I even screamed from excitement at it (I was on call, and my friends gotta hear me freaking out as I read my own writing XD)!
So, yeah. I really hope you enjoy, because I sure as hell did!
51 notes - Posted September 15, 2022
I just discovered «Ridgeside Village» (a Stardew Valley mod) and oh my gods it looks so good!!! The mod adds so much to explore, both new areas and new villagers!!!
Plus, it's compatible with Stardew Valley Expanded (Expanded edits the existing valley for the most part, while Ridgeside Village adds a whole new map outside of Pelican Town)!!!
(If y'all like SDV Expanded, or mods that do similar things, please check out Ridgeside Village if you haven't already!!!)
52 notes - Posted August 10, 2022
It's kinda sad to know a good handful of people who've played Stardew Valley haven't played (or heard of) Harvest Moon. Maybe it's just a generational thing, but whenever I've gotten my friends into SDV, I always ask if they know Harvest Moon first. Literally always no.
ANYWAYS if you like Stardew Valley, please check out the Story Of Seasons line (the new name for Harvest Moon games), the Harvest Moon games before DS, or Harvest Moon A New Beginning (3DS)
OR if you like the fighting in SDV as well as the farming bits, I've heard the Rune Factory series is pretty good :D
103 notes - Posted June 24, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Sometimes I wish I could love in the way others could.
To look at someone and just know. To feel the warmth and joy, and desire to be with someone forever.
But my feeling of love comes in different forms.
Sitting outside and playing my ukulele, while the squirrels and chipmunks watch, and the birds chirp along.
The tickle of eyelashes blinking against cheeks, and the fuzzy giggles that brew inside.
Telling someone a secret which you're sure they would never speak to you again over, only for them to tell you it's okay, and that they still care about you.
A stray (or just sassy) cat letting you pet them, no matter how brief the moment may be.
Walking around a night-fallen city with your friend, illuminated by the neon signs, and high on life.
Doodling something that turns out even a little better than you were expecting, brightening up the rest of your day.
Reading a story that overwhelms you with so many feelings that you have to scream, because the world deserves to know how you feel.
Maybe I can't feel love in the way others might. I think that's alright, though, because I notice all the other ways I feel love. And I think I love that even more.
633 notes - Posted July 30, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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sonic-colours · 3 years
ALRIGHT SO. srb2 (sonic robo blast 2) is a game VERYYYY dear to me, i met my current friend group on it and we have been friends for about a year now its basically like. a 3d classic sonic game. its made in the doom engine, it has its own zones and special stages and badniks its fucking AWESOME its been around for so long, its predecessor srb1 was regarded as one of the first sonic fangames made (iirc). the modern version im about to show has only been here since 2020 though it has the usual sonic, tails, and knuckles, with unlockable characters amy, fang, and metal sonic BUT there are TONSSSS of mods that add characters into the game. they go from classic characters to modern characters made classic to cool as shit ocs. a lot of them have fun easter eggs to find, like shadow's motorcycle ill show here are some gifs of my fave character mods
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1 2 3 4 download the game here!! NOW ONTO THE KART RACING FORK!! i gotta warn you this game is VERY unfair at times and VERY not beginner friendly, if u wanna play u gotta be willing to rage XP SRB2KART IS ONE OF THE BEST KART RACERS I HAVE EVER PLAYED. yeah okay its unfair as hell but its fun and FUNNY when u get fucked over. just like srb2 it has different character and map mods, though the char mods for this dont take as much effort there are a ton of videos displaying funny moments from this game, these initially inspired me to start playing this and then srb2. if you wanna know what the games like watch one of these, coraldev is the one who kickstarted them another round of gifs!!
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download the game here, and also learn some more about it thats all!! see ya
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a-lost-crow · 3 years
MCSM followers I’m drawing Lukas Night Funkin again :D! Though I edited the plot this time so this post is just my rambles about it, later on I will probably be posting the actual drawing
Ya know in the portal arc the characters go to the portal and go to other universes and sh*t? 
Yeah, it’s that but instead Jesse and the gang went to the FNF world because... FNF mod plot reasons.
If I ever have Adobe animate and good coding skills, the player can choose any version of Jesse as the Girlfriend-idle animation
Boyfriend and Girlfriend knows the plot of Minecraft Story Mode, and knows about the portal arc
Boyfriend is hyperfixated about MCSM
Girlfriend is into it and supports Boyfriend’s hyperfixation.
Being the demon girl she is, she does know where the portal to the portal room are since the FNF universe somehow has a portal itself
Boyfriend. Is. Frickin. Excited.
His hands stim in excitement and GF is just baffled at the existence of the MCSM characters
Jesse sorta breaks the 4th wall in how their appearance isn’t the usual MCSM 3D animation since they are drawn in a more cartoony way
BF went to Jesse and challenges to battle him
Jesse can’t sing for the life of him so Lukas volunteers instead
(And also, since I have sh*t coding skills, it will save me from choosing an option to choose the Jesse variations to sing in the male and female voice. If I ever make the mod that is)
Boyfriend is disappointed, but they sang anyways
The music will have Lukas’ voice as his voice bank
BUT at some parts he will sing in those Minecraft enchantment sounds
I just thought of it now and thought it is cute af
Lukas’ idle animation is him holding his journal and his mic as if it were a feather/pen and the dance being his head going left and right. His face expression is an angry face with a smile (not in a mean way because he likes to rap with BF)
Up, his head goes up
Down, his head goes down and the journal closes
Left, the mic turns to a feather and he’s writing on the journal
Right, is the feather pointing at BF
The song ends and the cutscene is Ivor wanting to sing
Odd choice but BF lets him sing anyways
It’s bad.
His idle animation is going side to side as he is flipping a potion bottle around
He is holding no mic because he is as loud as he is already
The animation before the song ends is Petra smacking the mic to the ground, making the ringing noise
Not sure what else is gonna be in the nonexistent mod but GF does show them the portal and Jesse and the others go and still have to find their home
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neoyi · 3 years
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I don’t think I’ll ever get to humorously commentate on KH2 piece-by-piece as I tried to do for the first two games (and god knows if I’ll wrap up Re:chain of Memories with the writing method I was doing, but I digress.) I like talking about this endearingly dumb series and replaying this game is a nice opportunity to revisit how I feel now versus how I felt back when I was a fresh-out-of-high-school Neo playing this game for the first time back in 2005.
So I’m going to surmise my current play session (this collects my thoughts up to the Hercules world) with easily containable bullet points.
*I kind of want to make a separate post about the infamous prologue and discuss how people felt Back in the Days (an understatement, let me tell ya), and ultimately what I feel it does for the game and whether I personally liked it, so I'm going to leave that in the back burner for the time.
I will say Twilight Town sounds like a nice, quiet place to live. I love the concept of a city that's always perpetually sunset. It's a beautiful place and like Traverse Town, sports an amazingly cozy soundtrack.
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*I'm sure there's some bullshit reason why, but I don't get why Sora's one year absence meant some of the people he's met just....forgot him. Like why? What purpose does this serve? This especially affected Kairi, but it’s ultimately negligible because she regains her memories of him during the beginning portions of the game.
Was this Namine's doing? Was it to protect Sora from the bad guys or something? Why hasn't Riku forgotten him? Was Namine just selective on who she erased Sora's existence from? Did Kairi forget just because she’s connected to Namine? Or Sora? What purpose does this narrative serve? What was the point?
*Speaking of, I forgot, did they ever explain why Riku disguised himself as Ansem? I don’t remember if they ever explained it when I played through this game, but also I haven’t touched KHII in six thousand years, so I don’t remember a lot of the more convoluted parts of the plot.
*It is comical to see Setzer of Final Fantasy VI fame turn from a risky, gambling sky pirate who doesn’t give a rat’s ass about the empire, only cares for the freedom of the skies, and enduring survival’s guilt over a tragic loss of someone dear to him into a...
Whiffle Bat Champion.
*My sheer excitement and obsession when they first announced Vivi as one of the FF cameo was astronomical. I remember keeping a DeviantArt journal detailing any news and screencaps of the little guy pre-release. Still my favorite character from the whole franchise.
Even if he suffers the same fate as Donald and has a zipper on his mage hat for absolutely no reason other than this game existing during Nomura’s Belt-and-Zippers phase.
*Someone’s going to get sued one day because these damn kids keeps sitting atop the clock tower that has yet to be grafted with bars to prevent their inevitable deaths when one of them slips and falls.
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*I swear I could play a six degrees of Kingdom Hearts with all the voice actors in this game. Or at least a "Whozit" and "Whatzit" they've done in other media (like Yuffie who is voiced by Mae "Katara" Whitman here. Pre-Avatar, even.)
Also I’m sorry, Will Friedle, you’re a fine voice actor, but you’re...Terry McGinnis. Batman told me he “totally owned all you lamers.”
*I love the Nobody enemy designs. The sheer creepiness and uncanny valley of them all lends credit to their existence as, well, non-existences. The Dusk enemy design alone is inspired with its unsettling belts wrapped around its fingers, or terrifyingly sharp teeth subtly hidden inside of its mouth. I can imagine the creature unzipping its mouth to reveal a set of flesh-eating teeth and the fear is real.
I love the way it flies and circles around its victim, almost like it’s trying to wrap itself around you, but I’m especially fond of that one attack where it essentially kicks you as while it sashays over to you upside down.
The Samurai Dusk also has my favorite reaction command. It’s just unspeakably badass.
*I never liked Squall in FF8 back then (don't know how I'd feel now if I ever replay FF8) and he was just okay in the first Kingdom Hearts, but I remember I really endeared myself to his reappearance in KHII. Squall in this game is what happens when he grew up, found good friends and family, and got some therapy for his issues. He’s stoic, but always a team player, and supportive of Sora and the people around him. KHII Squall is what FF8 Squall has the potential to be once he reaches adulthood and it’s nice to see that here.
*I really love the little changes the developers inputted for Sora, Kairi, and Riku's models to accommodate for their physical growth. Riku's is the most obvious (boy clearly ate his vegetables), but I like that you can tell Sora grew not just through story observations (Yen Sid points out how he outgrew his old garbs) but by comparing his height in relation to Goofy. Sora was shorter than him in the first game, but has since outgrown him in KH2.
Along with his better skill set during combat, this is a really nice way to visually shown how far Sora has come and how much time has passed.
This also goes in the opposite direction with Namine whom I think had to redo her mod when they remastered Chain of Memories for 3D. I notice she looks younger in that game than in KHII which would make sense at the time since it takes place a full year ago.
...Well, maybe. Can Nobodies age???
*Damn it, game, don’t give me a pouch containing 5,000 munny and treat it as an in-game key item that I can’t use even though munny is literally the currency I use to buy things.
*The retooling and emphasis on battle mechanics means the platforming element of the first really suffers and that’s a damn shame. I wasn’t particularly in love with exploring the Disney Worlds in the first KH, but I appreciate the effort put into so Sora could not easily get from Point A to Point B.
Even finding treasure chests is comical and if not for sake of posterity for anyone going for 100%, I wonder why Jiminy bothers to keep track of how many you find. There were literally like three out in plain view the minute I entered the Mulan world.
*Speaking of level designs, yeesh, the layout is not optimal for the skateboarding minigame.
*Trying to design a gummi ship in this game requires a masters degree in gummiology and metaphysical engineering, as well as the ability to tap into the 4th dimensional. The 45,000 page instructional manual they give you, the odd grid map used to piece together your ship (fair, the latter was also in the first game), and finicky button controller layout means it took me a while to fully grasp what I was suppose to do and I’m still not sure I got a full handle of it just yet.
*I don’t understand why Sora had to use a physical object as a conduit in each world to open up a metaphysical gate to the next world. He never had to use an in-between to close it. What’s the exception outside of unnecessary symbolic tie-in to the individual worlds he’s in?
*Props to the developers for recreating the ballroom. It’s actually kind of majestic to look at the beautiful ceiling and chandelier design from Sora’s perspective.
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*There are a couple of random gameplay elements I forgot completely existed and seemingly there for arbitrary purposes. I just find it unusual that Mulan’s world forces you to collect literal manifestation of morale. It’s like the developers decided they wanted to reuse the Struggle minigames’ balls into a repurposed Morale Ball because well shit, someone programmed these things they’re damn well going to put it to good use.
I guess if Sora and pals don’t literally collect morale, all the soldiers will be, I don’t know, sad and die in battle or something.
*I’m aware Disney villains using the Heartless as their personal army is the norm, but it’s tonally weird when it’s Shan-Yu of all characters doing it. The infamous Charge-In-The-Snowy-Mountain scene doesn’t quite have the leg up in terms of threat when his army consist of adorable Heartless bumblebees.
*You know what pointless shit I am obsessed with? The stupid puzzle pieces scattered throughout the game. This is the first time I’m playing the Final Mix game and I’m just seething at the lack of abilities I currently do not have that prevents me from reaching certain pieces.
*Auron was instantaneously my favorite character when I first played FFX twenty years ago, and his return in KH2 sent me in fangirlish squeals. How could I not? Look at this handsome bastard. He’s calm, collected, badass with a cool sword, has rugged good looks (he doesn’t have it here, but he rocks some killer shades), and a good dad. That’s prime DILF quality right there. Of course I can’t get enough of him.
Square Enix knows we can’t get enough of him; dude be all “fuck off hades” and gives the god the middle fingers and fucks off elsewhere. Auron is King Shit.
*Oh man, do I still have my old Sora figurine? I think I got him in Katsucon way back in 2009.
*So who’s done a drinking game every time the game introduces Sora, Donald, and Goofy individually to every character they meet?
*Hey, so I noticed Square Enix is finally moving their asses and bringing the Ultimania books to the US. I doubt they’re going to bring the older KH Ultimanias overseas (my kingdom for an officially translated FFIX one), but ya know. I kinda think that yeah, I might want the KHIII Ultimania.
...Just saying.
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agentofmischief · 3 years
What I want to see in future Sims Games (Discussion)
I was just watching a video on youtube by Plumbella about Sims 4′s failings at launch, and what still is lacking versus the previous games. A lot of it I agreed with, because I didn’t start playing Sims 4 until 2 years after it’s release because they didn’t have toddlers and pools, which to me was sacrilege. Why would I play a sims game that took a huge step back by removing toddlers? And what sims game doesn’t have a pool mechanic? How am I supposed to mass kill my sims?
Anyway, after watching it, I began thinking about what I’d like to see in the next generation. It’s likely not far off, as it’s been 8 years since the release of Sims 4, and usually each generation has run 5 years. And as a simmer since Sims 1, here’s a list of what I’d like to see in the next edition, or Sims 5. I’d like to discuss this, so if ya’ll have any additions or points, I’d like to read them.
For Sims 5, what I'd like to see:
-Better semi-open world, so we can go within a neighborhood lot to lot with ease, but load for a different part of town maybe.
-3D world/town maps
-Auto-age toggling (like we have in 4)
-Build/design neighborhood lots and locations (like in Sims 2). *This was one of my favorite parts of the sims 2, and I've been missing it in recent base games. It's not exactly world building like Sims 3 had in an expansion pack, because from what I heard it was a bit much. But maybe I'd like to turn the island in Brindleton Bay into a small community town with 4-5 15x20 lots or 3 varying lots. It could work with a semi-open world because while you’d control the lot sizes in a neighborhood to a point, the size of the neighborhood is still the same.
-Set life story for townies/npcs. *As an adult, I'm appreciating the lore around the sims more than I did as a kid.
-Color-wheel, at least for CAS. *I don't think it's necessary for build, because while it was fun in sims 3, it was also bit much. I am preferring the swatch options for build and buy. It's a lot more realistic. But hair color, eye color, skin color, and makeup are all highly different person to person. There is no reason not to have a color-wheel for those.
-Zodiac and better personality system. *In 4, we have 3 traits and a life goal, completely ignoring the zodiac scales in previous games, which provided better character personality for gameplay. In 3, we had 5 traits that essentially covered it, as the zodiac scales always had 5 sliders anyway, but it did mean we lost the base personality aspects, and those sliders. I can understand EA wanting to steer away from Zodiac signs, but maybe move to an MBTI slider scale instead, which would still add a lot more dynamic character personalities, with 3 additional traits for preferences, hobbies, and lifestyles.
-Gender toggling *we have it in sims 4, and it should continue in future editions.
-Memories and want/fears system over whims *These were in 2 and 3, and were so much better for storytelling reasons. Emotions are fun sometimes, but can be annoying. Especially when a neighbor dies during the welcome wagon, and your sim is sad for 5 days for mourning when they didn't even know them. Maybe an emotion system that works with memories and a wants/fears system.
-Extensive family trees *In sims 2 and 3, you could see a full family tree on one page, rather than just one sim’s immediate family tree.
-Sims Gallery system *easily best part of sims 4 for the community on the whole.
-Bendable stairs *amazing sims 4 addition that needs to continue
-Automatic roofs *I miss this from 2 & 3, because it took me years to figure out how to make good roofs, and I'm too lazy to put in 50 roof pieces.
-Terrain tools *These were in sims 2 & 3 base game on release, but were added way late in sims 4.
-Cars! *They were in 2&3. Why they were never put in 4 is beyond me.
-Risky Woohoos and Fertility toggling *MCC mod allows this, and makes for better story-telling in my opinion. With the evolution of woohooing since the first game, and the evolution of where sim babies come from (1st gen was kissing a lot until *boom* baby. Woohooing was only with one certain bed or jacuzzi, and did not make a baby. It wasn’t until Sims 2 did that change.), it feels like a natural progression for that mechanic. And thanks to MCC, we know its possible within the game mechanics.
Most of these we have now in sims 4, but if Sims 5 had all but one or two at launch, I feel like that would be a generation worth buying at release. Some fun additional ideas I have that I think would make the game fun, but maybe not doable for a while (or maybe at all) would be:
-Reboot Sims City as a fusion game with the sims to allow simmers to bring over towns/cities as a neighborhood base. *Like take sim city back to the bare bones idea it was when it came out of Super Nintendo of being the mayor and building one city, but allow players to also play as the sims within that town.
-Add 2 new ages: Preteen and Middle-Aged *I feel like this would add a lot of game-play value as well as storytelling to the game. Preteen could be used to really experiment with likes & dislikes and hobbies, since that time kids are really discovering who they are. It’s weird to see sims go from literal children to pretty much young adults with the teen styles. Personally, it feels like the age body-wise jumps from 6-10 to 16-19, which is a serious jump. And Middle-Aged would add so much elder gameplay. YA = 19-29 Adult = 30-70 now, when it should be 30-49. With an addition of Middle-Aged would be 50-69, and you could still have work-life, while losing the ability to try for baby when your sims are practically grandparents already. You could also have a mid-life crisis mechanic. All without worrying that your sim is going to die of old age after 2 days.
I know this has been a long-winded list. If you’ve read this far, thanks. Leave a comment on your thoughts. What should be in the next generation of Sims?
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endmaske · 3 years
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Okay....my gameplay is ALL OVER THE CHARTS! Not gonna lie...I don't know what I want to do so I am doing many things all at once...
I'm like this irl, still not gonna lie.
Since I have watched ALL of Aiden (DevonBumpkin), and Jen's (SeeJenGame) vids I am catching up with Maddy(Deligracy) and found her Rags to Riches game play.
So now what am I doing? Ha! Rags to Riches!
My super cute, kind, manly man(cuz of the beard, ya know? Tis manly)here is Aden Post. I did not come up with his name, it was randomly generated and suits him well. I kept the default clothing the game chose as well, I only changed his hairstyle and beard to look like a guy who hasn't seen a barber in a while. I make him visit the Caboose to use the bathroom and we have locked the door so only he is allowed to use it. Is that so bad? Can't have peeps walking in while he's doing the do like a rock star, or fluffing himself up with the grapefruit body sprays, oh no! So far he has collected enough shtuff to build a shack. He eats food out of the dumpster... and even though he gags every time the delectable delights fill his tummy. I love his floral bike; it makes me laugh every time he gets on it, it's so flowery.
For Aden's look:
Clothing and beard is Base Game.
Hair - Simandy Lightweight Hair
Eyes - Miss Ruby Bird Aqua Trigger Eyes Naturals ND
Teeth - MellouwSim Highbeam 3d Teeth with gap
Ears - Luumia Mod Ear Presets
Extra mods:
Cien No Lashes mod
MD Better Sims mod
Get Aden Post HERE
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