#ya dumb hoes know i don’t wear makeup
dayamore · 1 year
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I’m back in my tumblr h8t era this is so cunt
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You walked in the front door, tripping over shoes and silently cursing. Harry always left his shoes right in the door for you to trip on. You reached down to pick them up but were surprised when you noticed they were a pair of heels, and not your pair of heels. You set the bag of food down on the counter before walking into the bedroom, shoes in hand. “Harry who’s shoes are-” your voice stopped. Harry looked up, panicked, and guilty. The girl in your bed rolled off the side, pulling her pants up and throwing her shirt on. You dropped the shoes and stared. She grabbed them and ran out the front door while Harry got up, walking towards you with his arms in the air.
“(y/n) wait, just please..I can explain.” You didn't say anything, you looked at the red hickey plastered on his neck and turned around walking out. “Baby wait.” He grabbed your wrist and you smacked him across the cheek, tears falling from your eyes.
“Get out. GET OUT HARRY!” you screamed. He stood in front of you shocked. You pushed your hands into his chest. “Harry get out.” You pushed him towards the door.
“Dont do that. Don't you dare call me baby.”
“(y/n)...” You looked at him, tears falling down your cheeks. 
“You need to leave Harry.” You grabbed his keys off the counter and threw them at him. “I don't care where you go but it needs to be somewhere far away from here.” You turned away from him, walking into the bedroom and locking the door. You collapsed against the door, holding back your sobs in until you heard the front door close. You got up and reached for the bed, freezing when you saw her bra laying in the sheets. You knew you couldn't stay here, you knew thinking about what just happened in YOUR bed would actually make you sick. You also knew that driving was not an option seeing as the tears were clouding your vision and you could barely breathe between the sobs escaping your mouth. You grabbed your phone. There was only one person who lived close enough and wouldn't judge the situation. “Gemma..” you cried into the phone.
“Oh god. What did the idiot do now?”
“Can you come get me? I just don't think I can stay here...”
“Say no more sister, I’ll be there soon.” You quickly threw some clothes into a bag, grabbed your toothbrush, phone charger, and hairbrush. Gemma pulled up, walked in and hugged you. She grabbed your bag and carried it to the car as you locked the door behind you. Thankfully Gemma didn't ask too many questions, she made you a cup of tea and wrapped a blanket around your shoulders. You quietly thanked her and sipped the tea, trying not to think about what had happened. She sat across from you and waited for your breathing to return to normal before talking. “So what do I need to kill Harry for?”
You took a shaky breath, tears returning to your eyes. “He- he” you were crying again and Gemma scooted closer placing her hand on yours. “There was another girl-”
“You don't have to talk about it (y/n)...” Gemma softly smiled at you. “Not until you're ready.. and I won't mention to Harry that youre here or that I know what happened. Stay as long as you need. I really mean it when I say that, you are my sister whether youre with Harry or not.” That made you cry more. You hugged her tightly and smiled.
“I love you so much.”
“I love you too girl. Forget my brother, he's an asshole anyway.” You laughed and she smiled. “You can have the guest room, its the door on the left. Make yourself at home, seriously.”
You told her you would as she walked away answering her phone that had been ringing. You grabbed your bag off the floor and dropped it on the bed in the room. You were exhausted at this point, your eyes were so puffy from crying they felt as if they weren't able to stay open. Your throat hurt, your nose was so stuffy you couldn't breathe, and you had a killer headache. You sat on the edge of the bed, tossing your phone on the floor. Harry and texted and called more times than you could count. The door cracked open and you looked up confused, but Olivia ran in jumping on the bed and laying on your lap. Olivia was Gemma’s cat. You and Harry had watched her a few weeks ago when Gemma went out of town, and clearly she remembered you. You scratched her ears before getting up, changing into pjs, and climbing under the covers. Olivia rejoined you, purring slightly as she snuggled with you. You were grateful for the distraction, the soft purr, and the feeling of something snuggled next to you. You didn’t do well sleeping apart from Harry, in fact when he wasnt with you, you barely slept at all. Having Olivia was helping a little though, you were able to fall into a distracted and restless sleep. 
When you woke up the next morning, you felt worse than you had the night before. You felt hungover even though you hadn't had a sip of alcohol. You stumbled into the kitchen where you found Gemma eating a bowl of cereal and scrolling through her phone. “Morning.” you mumbled grabbing a bowl for yourself.
“You look like shit dude.” she said looking up from her phone.
“Well I’m glad because that pretty much how I feel.”
She frowned and held up her phone. “This might cheer you up..” You looked at the article of Harry. He was in his boxers standing on the street, tears streaking down his face, and getting into a car. You just shrugged and sat down. “Come on (y/n) perk up we are doing something fun today.”
“We are?”
“Yes. We are not letting you sulk around the house questioning my brothers dumb life decisions. We are going shopping.”
“In public?”
“Well that's where shops are so yes.”
“I don't think I’m ready.”
“Oh I know you aren't ready. Thats why we are going. Youre not about to feel sorry for yourself all day. Nope. You are going to get Harry off your mind, which is why we will no longer be talking about him, reading about, or thinking about him okay?”
You ate another bite of cereal and nodded. “Fine.” you grudgingly said. She grinned. 
“Good, go get dressed then and wear something cute. You can borrow clothes if you need too.” You finished off your bowl and jumped into the shower. You took a nice long shower, soaking in the hot water and letting your mind relax. You quickly got dressed, applied some makeup and fixed your hair. Gemma was waiting for you in the living room and she smiled when you walked in. “Now that is what I’m talking about. You look like a person!” You laughed and rolled your eyes.
“No whatevers. Now, hand me your phone.”
“What? Why?”
“Because Harry has been calling and texting you all morning and all night. Today is a no Harry day. Your phone can stay here.”
“(y/n) youre never going to focus on shopping with him calling and texting. Take a break from the media, the rumors, the-”
“The rumors? There are rumors about this now?”
“Technically they are the truth but obviously no one has confirmed it which is why they are rumors still. But anyways everyone is on your side of the argument.” She shook her head “no no, this is a no Harry kind of day. We are not talking about this right now. Now leave the phone.” You followed her instructions, a girls only day is what you needed and you were definitely not ready to think about or talk about Harry. You tossed the phone into the couch and followed her out the door.
You and Gemma spent all day shopping and were finishing the day off with dinner. You had a really great day. Your mind hadn't wandered to Harry once and you hadn't even had the urge to cry once either. It was a winning day. Gemma had ordered you a bottle of wine and the two of you were going to town, laughing and singing at the table. It really was the perfect end to a perfect day. Until in walked Harry’s hoe. You wouldve recognized her anywhere, the fake eyelashes, the dead dying hair, the slutty composure. You stopped laughing and frowned. Gemma followed your gaze and shook her head. “Is that her?”
“What a prick. She's not even cute.”
“Im cute, she's ugly, and yet she still slept with Harry.”
“Harry’s a real disappointment. We should talk to her.”
“What? No.”
“Come on (y/n). Go tell her off.”
You stood up. “Youre right. She ruined everything.”
“There ya go.” You took a step forward, your breath catching in your throat. Tears falling down your cheeks. You turned and sat back down. “Im proud of you.”
“Its not her fault. Its Harry’s.”
“Damn right it is.”
“Im not ready to talk to him Gem”
“You don't have to..you need to heal a little before you talk to him. Otherwise youre just going to cry when you see him.”
“Ugh...give me the bottle.” you said reaching your hand out. It was safe to say that you and Gemma were wine drunk by the end of the night. You had finished almost 3 bottles of wine by the time dessert came out and you were having a great time. Gemma had called an uber and the two of you could barely control your laughter at the fact you were wine wasted. When you got home, the two of you were stumbling up the stairs together, leaning on each other and laughing at each others laugh. You opened the front door stepped in and smiled at Olivia. “Olivia!” you shouted through a laugh, Gemma following suit.
“(y/n)..” Harry’s voice whispered. You and Gemma stopped laughing. Harry stepped out from the kitchen, he looked terrible at least from what you could tell. He looked a little blurry, but his face was very red. Gemma stepped forward.
“Harry..you need to go.”
“No what I need is to talk to my girlfriend.”
You started laughing again, earning a confused look from Gemma and Harry. “Girlfriend? Is that what you think we are?”
“I’m not that dumb. I wouldn't date someone who cheated on me.”
Gemma seemed to have sobered up real quick. She grabbed Harry’s arm and pulled him towards the door. “Harry you need to leave.”
“Yeah.” you said stumbling forward. “Leave.”
“Are you drunk?” Harry asked leaning in closer to you.
“I’m wine wasted.” you laughed looking at Gemma who smiled.
“You like rarely even drink though.”
“Clearly not, she had almost 2 bottles at dinner.”
“2 bottles?” Harry look concerned.
“You've driven the girl to drink.”
“(y/n)” Harry’s tone had changed. He seemed to be very concerned.
Youre expression changed. You looked at him closer, you remembered the previous night. Tears formed in your eyes, sobs starting to echo through your chest. Gemma pushed Harry towards the door again, coming to your side. “Harry go. Cant you see you being here is upsetting her.”
“I just want to talk.”
“You can't talk your way out of this one little brother. She needs time.” You dropped to your knees, looking up at him. You were crying again, you couldn't tell if it was because you were drunk or because it had clicked again that Harry had cheated on you, and that he wasnt even yours anymore. Harry watched with a pained expression on his face. “Harry youre upsetting her, just please leave. We were having a great time until you showed up.”
“A great time?” Harry asked turning to her. “You got my girlfriend wasted Gemma.”
“She’s not your girlfriend Harry. You ruined this one. Im trying to fix it, to fix her. But you had to go and screw it up like always.” That made you cry harder. You didn't want them to fight just because of you.
Harry turned and stormed out not saying anything and Gemma kneeled at your side. “Its okay...shhh (y/n) breathe.” You tried breathing but were struggling. Gemma pulled you to your feet and escorted you to your room. She set pjs out and told you change while she was getting some tea. A few minutes later she returned, placing a cup of tea on the bedside table. You had changed and were sitting with your knees to your chest in bed, tears still falling. She sat on the edge of the bed and sighed. “I’m sorry (y/n)...I really didn't think he would shoe up.”
“Its not your fault. He probably tracked my phone and anyways it was bound to happen eventually.”
“It shouldn't have happened tonight. You said you weren't ready.”
“I don't know I ever will be.” Gemma looked at you surprised. “I love him Gemma. I love him more than I love anything else. But he broke the one promise he swore on. He broke my trust. He killed everything we had. I don't know how to forgive that..”
“You just have to give it time. Time will make it hurt less.” You nodded and yawned. Gemma yawned in response, standing up and saying goodnight. For the first time ever, you picked up your phone scrolling through his texts, listening to his voicemails, reading tweets and catching up. Turns out Harry had made a statement. He had admitted the whole truth to his millions of followers on twitter. Management probably loved that, you thought. He had tagged you in apology tweets, photos, and then of course fan accounts had stepped in. There was a hashtag associated with everything too. Of course, the thing that got you was his last voicemail. He was barely speaking clearly, tears clouding his voice. You could hear the snot in his voice. 
“(y/n)..I’m so sorry. I can't- I can't even apologize enough but baby I love you so much. That was a mistake, a drunken mistake. I broke your trust, I hurt you, but (y/n)...I can't live without you. I don't think I can go on without you. I-I don't know what I need to do to help you forgive me...I don't know if you ever will but baby I won't live in this world without you. I know what I did was screwed up. I know I’m a terrible person. I deserve to put in hell for what I did but just tell me-just tell me theres hope. That theres hope one day I’ll have you back..that one day you could love me again.”
You couldn't breathe. The pain in his voice killed you. You missed him, you wanted to comfort him, and yet you also wanted to kill him for what he did. Your phone buzzed again and you looked down reading the text from Harry. *Just know that I will NEVER stop loving you baby, you will always be my person. Sleep tight, don't let the monsters bite.* You dropped the phone and groaned. Of course he had to tuck you in..he had to be cute. You wiped the tears from your eyes, washed your face, brushed your teeth, of course you spilled water all down the front of your shirt so you also searched for pjs. You couldn't find any. You rummaged through the dresser and came across a large white tshirt. When you unfold it the familiar font caught your eye. It was Harry’s tshirt. It had the heart with his name inside, the album cover on the edge and an arrow going through the heart. You put the shirt to your nose, breathing in his smell. You quickly threw the shirt on, climbing in bed, and falling into a peaceful sleep, Harry on your mind.
Let me know what you think :)
Cheated (part 2)
Message me requests! And as always thanks for being awesome with all the support and love! You guys are the best! xoxo
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fleeting-sanity · 4 years
OC Talk #9
My OCs as 2020 songs.
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There’s a LOT of releases this year but this is all I’ve listened to so far? Post is long as always.
PS: LOL I struggled to find suitable songs for some OCs that 2020 ended ahhaha I’m slow as always-
Rina Sawayama - Comme Des Garçons (Like the Boys)
Yeah, oh, girl, it's okay You should never be ashamed to have it all Yeah, yeah it's gonna be okay Yeah, you've come a long way
Don’t fuck with me hoe Take you down like Judo Elevate your vision when you put me on the cover
Hot like a fever Make you a believer Write my name up in the sky  From Paris to Shibuya
Lady Gaga - 911
Holding on so tight to this status It's not real but I'll try to grab it Keep myself in beautiful places Paradise is in my hands
My biggest enemy is me Pop a 911 
Taylor Swift - mad woman
What did you think I'd say to that? Does a scorpion sting when fighting back? They strike to kill and you know I will You know I will
Every time you call me crazy I get more crazy What about that? And when you say I seem angry, I get more angry And there's nothing like a mad woman What a shame she went mad No one likes a mad woman You made her like that
Ariana Grande - shut up
My presence sweet and my aura bright Diamonds good for my appetite Guess it fuckin' just clicked one night All them demons helped me see shit differently So don't be sad for me
I vibrate high and my circle lit We ain't really with drugs and shit Love the game so I never miss Keep opinions muted for the hell of it 'Cause I like my shit
Harry Styles - Adore You (From Arcann)
Your wonder under summer skies  Brown skin and lemon over ice Would you believe it?
You don't have to say you love me You don't have to say nothing You don't have to say you're mine
Oh, honey I'd walk through fire for you Just let me adore you
Taylor Swift - mirrorball (To Avery, Avelyn, Saxan)
I want you to know I'm a mirrorball I'll show you every version of yourself tonight I'll get you out on the floor Shimmering beautiful And when I break it's in a million pieces
Hush When no one is around, my dear You'll find me on my tallest tiptoes Spinning in my highest heels, love Shining just for you
Chloe x Halle - Tipsy (To Arcann)
I've been crucified, darling Ghost haunt me like New Orleans I've been charged with murder 'Cause some wanna push me further I'll hit you where it hurts, yeah If you don't put me first, yeah And I don't give no apologies If you lose a life that's not on me, yeah
I might be a little tipsy on your love Makes me a little crazy but so what You're strumming on my heart strings, don't be dumb If you love your little life then don't fuck up
Dua Lipa - Future Nostalgia
I know you're dying trying to figure me out My name's on the tip of your tongue, keep running your mouth  You want the recipe but can’t handle my sound
No matter what you do, I'm gonna get it without ya I know you ain't used to a female alpha
Katy Perry - What Makes A Woman
Is it the way I talk sweet? The way my skin is soft? Or how I can be a bitch? Make you keep your fingers crossed? 
Is it the way I cut my hair And put no makeup on? I feel most beautiful Doing what the fuck I want 
Rina Sawayama - Dynasty
I'm a dynasty The pain in my vein is hereditary Dynasty Running in my bloodstream, my bloodstream Dynasty And if that's all that I'm gonna be Won't you break the chain with me
I'm gonna take the throne this time All the words all mine, all mine It's been way too long, too far Too gone, to carry on You can't hide it in the walls Sweep it under marble floors It's been living in our lives Best told damn family lie
Chloe x Halle - Overwhelmed
Holding my breath till my face turns blue Head underwater Breathe deeply they said I need a weekend again Looking for bright sides Low on the high types Running so fast, I done worn my shoes Head on the pavement I'm just trying to win Pushed in the river, I swim Nothing can blind side  Me like the high tide I don't do well under pressure I don't know at all I wish I had all the answers Fix it all myself (Oh) I feel overwhelmed
Selena Gomez - Dance Again
Happiness Ain't something you sit back and you wait for Vulnerable Ain't easy, believe me, but I do it
Feels so, feels so, feels so good to dance again With my emotions, I just start going in With everything To dance again 
Katy Perry - Resilient
'Cause I am resilient A full flower moment Won't let the concrete hold me back Oh no I am resilient Born to be brilliant You'll see me grow right through the cracks Yeah, 'cause you're gonna watch this flower grow right through the cracks
Childish Gambino - 19.10
I remember back when I was six years old Daddy said "the world's so cold" "There is something that you should know", "You're so gorgeous", (thank you daddy) "Nothing's really worth your time" "But someday soon you just might find" "The truth about the world's design", oh
“To be beautiful is to be hunted I can't change the truth, I can't get you used to this”
Ariana Grande - my hair (To Ezekiel)
It’s got body and it’s smooth to touch The same way as my skin Don’t you be scared 
To run your hands through my hair Baby, ‘cause that’s why it’s there Come run your hands through my hair Ooh baby, so don’t you be scared So come run your hands through my hair 
It’s been way long overdue Just like these inches down my back Usually don’t let people touch it But tonight you get a pass
Miley Cyrus - Midnight Sky
I was born to run, I don't belong to anyone, oh no I don't need to be loved by you See my lips on her mouth, everybody's talking now, baby Ooh, you know it's true See his hands 'round my waist, thought you'd never be replaced, baby Ooh, you know it's true, yeah
You should know right now that I never stay put in one place Forever and ever, no more
Dorian Electra - Gentleman
I'm a gentleman Take my gentle hand Off to a gentle land I'm a gentleman
I pick you up I put you down I say the perfect thing then I make you spin around Yeah I'm lighting you up Throw you around This is a conquest a war is going down 
Thundercat - King of The Hill
A king in his castle A king of the hill Wasting his time Chasing cheap thrills He knows it's gonna cost him God knows how much
Billie Eilish - Therefore I Am
Stop, what the hell are you talking about? Ha Get my pretty name outta your mouth We are not the same with or without Don't talk 'bout me like how you might know how I feel Top of the world, but your world isn't real Your world's an ideal
I don't want press to put your name next to mine We're on different lines, so I Wanna be nice enough, they don't call my bluff 'Cause I hate to find Articles, articles, articles
Childish Gambino - 32.22
I'm a funky motherfucker, man Don't fucking call me I been the man, don't fire me Things ain't all bad
We are the, we are the warlords We are, are you ready? Firelight, got it, warlords Pick it up, no, pick it up Firelight gonna clean it up Firelight's goin' way up Red light's on fire
Harry Styles - Treat People With Kindness
Maybe we can find a place to feel good And we can treat people with kindness Find a place to feel good
Givin' second chances I don't need all the answers Feelin' good in my skin I just keep on dancin'
Childish Gambino - Time (ft. Ariana Grande)
Seven billion people Tryna free themselves Said a billion prayers Tryna save myself I can see it coming But it's moving fast
Maybe all the stars in the night are really dreams Maybe this whole world ain't exactly what it seems Maybe the sky will fall down on tomorrow But one thing's for certain, baby We're running out of time
Running after something But I don't know what Am I running to? Too afraid to stop Hundred miles an hour With no seatbelt on Time is everlasting I can't wait that long    
Selena Gomez - Let Me Get Me
Like a prayer surrounding us, moving effortlessly  Every word is relief  No self-sabotage, no letting my thoughts run Me and this spiral are done Burn this camouflage I’ve been wearing for months Tryna let a little happy in for once
Don’t get me down, I won’t let me get me I’m good right now, I won’t let me get me Take that tired heart and go and turn it inside (out)      
Diving in ferociously, dancing intimately I’m so connected to me In the dark I’m letting go, so anonymously I guess this is what it feels like to be free
Troye Sivan - Take Yourself Home (To Rionnic)
Talk to me There's nothing that can't be fixed with some honesty And how it got this dark is just beyond to me If anyone can hear me switch the lights
Who you really tryna be when they see your face? Is it worth it trying to win in a losing game? Well it's all waiting for you And, boy, I know you're eager But it just might destroy you Destroy you 
Arca - Calor (From Arcann)
Rio, me tienes Rio, me tienes
Eres el premio que más deseaba Eres el sueño que no me atrevía a tener Eres el premio que más deseaba Eres el dueño de todo mi ser
Lady Gaga - Stupid Love (From Vaylin)
You're the one that I've been waiting for Gotta quit this cryin' Nobody's gonna heal me if I don't open the door Kinda hard to believe, gotta have faith in me
Now it's time to free me from the chain I gotta find that peace Is it too late or could this love protect me from the pain? I would battle for you, even if I break in two
Look at me now 'Cause all I ever wanted was love I don’t need a reason Not sorry I want your stupid love
Taylor Swift - marjorie (To Vianiel)
“Never be so kind, you forget to be clever” “Never be so clever, you forget to be kind”
“Never be so polite, you forget your power” “Never wield such power, you forget to be polite”
And if I didn't know better I'd think you were talking to me now If I didn't know better I'd think you were still around What died didn't stay dead You're alive, you're alive in my head 
Lady Gaga - Sine from Above (ft. Elton John)
When I was young, I prayed for lightning My mother said it would come and find me I found myself without a prayer I lost my love and no one cared When I was young, I prayed for lightning
When I was young, I felt immortal And not a day went by without a struggle I lived my days just for the nights I lost myself under the lights When I was young, I felt immortal
Thundercat - It Is What It Is
When the gold becomes dough And the magic starts to fade When it all comes to an end When there's nothing left to say It is what it is I tried to make it work My best just wasn't enough It couldn't be helped, the end The things I would do for you
After all is said and done And I'm all alone When I sit back and reflect From a broken heart Sometimes there's regret It is what it is
Taylor Swift - peace (From Jaesa)
Our coming of age has come and gone Suddenly this summer it's clear I never had the courage of my convictions As long as danger is near And it's just around the corner, darlin' 'Cause it lives in me No, I could never give you peace
And you know that I'd Swing with you for the fences Sit with you in the trenches Give you my wild, give you a child Give you the silence that only comes when two people understand each other Family that I chose now that I see your brother as my brother Is it enough?
Rina Sawayama - Chosen Family (From Vette, Katei)
We don't need to be related to relate We don't need to share genes or a surname You are, you are My chosen, chosen family So what if we don't look the same? We been going through the same thing Yeah, you are, you are My chosen, chosen family
Dorian Electra - Edgelord (ft. Rebecca Black)
We live in a society That's always lashing out at guys like me They pushed me to the edge, you see Never, never, never gonna come down One question, why so serious? Did I offend you? I'm so curious Ha, my identity's mysterious Never, never, never gonna come down 
Taylor Swift - this is me trying
I've been having a hard time adjusting I had the shiniest wheels, now they're rusting I didn't know if you'd care if I came back I have a lot of regrets about that
They told me all of my cages were mental So I got wasted like all my potential And my words shoot to kill when I'm mad I have a lot of regrets about that
The Weeknd - Save Your Tears (To Linnea)
You could've asked me why I broke your heart You could've told me that you fell apart But you walked past me like I wasn't there And just pretended like you didn't care
I don't know why I run away I make you cry when I run away
I made you think that I would always stay I said some things that I should never say Yeah, I broke your heart like someone did to mine And now you won't love me for a second time
Taylor Swift - gold rush (From Linnea)
I don't like a gold rush, gold rush I don't like anticipating my face in a red flush I don't like that anyone would die to feel your touch Everybody wants you  But I don’t like a gold rush
What must it be like To grow up that beautiful? With your hair falling into place like dominos My mind turns your life into folklore I can't dare to dream about you anymore At dinner parties I won't call you out on your contrarian shit    
 Katy Perry - Daisies
They told me I was out there Tried to knock me down Took those sticks and stones Showed 'em I could build a house They tell me that I'm crazy But I'll never let 'em change me 'Til they cover me in daisies Daisies, daisies 
Billie Eilish - everything i wanted
I tried to scream But my head was underwater They called me weak Like I'm not just somebody's daughter
Coulda been a nightmare But it felt like they were right there And it feels like yesterday was a year ago But I don't wanna let anybody know 'Cause everybody wants something from me now And I don't wanna let 'em down
Selena Gomez - She
'Cause she was a girl with good intentions Yeah, she made some bad decisions And she learned a couple lessons Wish I could tell her
She didn't know all of the hurt she could take Her world was crumbling and so was her faith Wish I could talk to her, 'cause what I would say "Oh baby, you're enough to get you out of this place"
Taylor Swift - tolerate it (To Jurbiend)
I greet you with a battle hero's welcome I take your indiscretions all in good fun I sit and listen, I polish plates until they gleam and glisten You're so much older and wiser and I
I wait by the door like I'm just a kid Use my best colors for your portrait Lay the table with the fancy shit And watch you tolerate it If it's all in my head tell me now Tell me I've got it wrong somehow I know my love should be celebrated But you tolerate it
Rina Sawayama - Paradisin’
Paradisin' Living my best life, drivin' Drivin' you crazy Paradisin' Living my best life thrivin' You say I'm misbehaving But I'm just a kid, so save it Let me have an unforgettable time of my life
Lady Gaga - Free Woman
I'm not nothing without a steady hand I'm not nothing unless I know I can I'm still something if I don't got a man I'm a free woman 
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artificialqueens · 5 years
paris in the rain (when i'm with you) (Branjie) - ohhthereuare
AN: Rainy days and comfy clothes. Brooke and Vanessa just being happy and soft.
Inspired by the song “Paris In The Rain” by Lauv which became my official branjie song
This is me getting emotional over B looking soft in her comfy clothes and the fact that V liked the tweet when I sent her this song and said it made me think about branjie. If there’s any possibility that she listened to it and thought about them as well then I am a dead woman Here’s the link, listen to it and feel the vibe https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JZELmUooBlY Leave a comment, cry with me if you’d like because these two dumbasses literally own my dumb, drunk heart now Jenna I’m dedicating this thing to you bc you make me so happy and I can’t wait to actually cry and yell into your face in person
The rain was tapping gently against the windows of the van as the contestants were halfway to the studio for yet another day of stressful challenges. The clouded sky cast a grey glow onto the city, everything seemed to be a little bit more mellow and sleepier than usual. Even the queens were not as chatty, be it stress, unresolved drama or the weather. Vanessa and Brooke occupied their usual spot at the very end of the van, limbs impossibly tangled so no one could really tell when one ended and the other one began. The taller queen had her arms wrapped around Vanessa from the back and was looking out of the window, absently drawing circles with her thumb on her boyfriend’s small palm and placing soft kisses to her temple from time to time. Neither said a word, listening to the comforting murmur of conversation around them and each other’s calm breathing. Vanessa felt so warm and safe, tucked in the crook of Brooke Lynn’s neck, she would have easily said no to the whole show for the day if it meant being able to spend a few more private moments with her man. Especially since Brooke was wearing Vanjie’s favorite outfit- the white hoodie, that always smelled like aired out cigarettes smoke, Brooke’s cologne and a laundry detergent, and her worn-out grey beanie. As lovely as seeing her in tight-fitting pieces was, all put together and so gorgeous it took Vanessa’s breath away sometimes, she liked her best like this. She knew now it was mostly a dancer thing for Brooke, staying slightly uncomfortable and always professional on stage, only to change into comfortable and loose clothing as soon as she was done. She was always so soft like that, all grey and white cotton, sleeves a little too long so she held them in place with her fingers, too much material to show off her toned body but just enough to keep her warm and relaxed. It somehow made Vanessa feel like she knew and understood her better, who she really was as a person behind all the makeup and perfect composure. It made her love her even more. 
“You’ve been staring, boo.”
“Yeah, for the past ten minutes. You’re not as sneaky as you’d like to believe.”
“Maybe I’m just admiring the view” Vanessa shifted a little to place a small kiss to the spot where Brooke’s jawline dipped towards her neck. She stopped for a moment to press her nose closer, relishing in the smell of her boyfriend being the strongest there. A sweet blooming feeling spilled like hot ginger tea down from her chest and into her bones. She could melt right then and there. “Especially since the view’s all mine to admire.”
A slight pink blush painted Brooke’s cheeks like a summer sunset and she smiled before she reached her hand to adjust her beanie. Vanessa beat her to it, pulling the grey material down her face to cover her eyes. Brooke’s lips briefly parted in surprise and Vanessa captured them in a kiss. She tasted like menthol cigarettes, maple syrup that she had for breakfast with her pancakes, and toothpaste.
“As soon as this shit’s over, and we send both of your asses packing, we’re getting you a room!” A’keria shouted from the front of the van. Shuga and Nina laughed but they were both smiling kindly, excited for their friends’ happiness, even if it was making them nauseous at times.
Maybe on another day they would have shouted something back, a joke or a bit of harmless shade, but today they didn’t care about anybody’s opinions. Vanessa snuggled in closer, her back pressed against the taller queen’s chest, shielded safely by her arms. She noticed absentmindedly how well Brooke’s look went with the weather; looking like rain on the concrete, sipping on coffee with whipped cream, listening to chill indie music, feeling so at peace and like the raindrops separated you from the rest of the world. Vanessa could swear being with Brooke was like sitting in their own bubble with everything else soaking in an icy spring drizzle. Or maybe these feelings were turning her into a sappy piece of ass. Not like she cared much to be honest.
The blurry streets behind the window changed into a well-known by now parking lot. The rain showed no signs of stopping. Brooke sighed heavily, her mouth right next to the shorter queen’s ear so the puff of breath sent chills down the other one’s spine.
“I wish we could just stay like this” One last kiss on the cheek, lingering this time, leaving a ghost of a touch, a squeeze to their intertwined fingers, before she started untangling herself to get up “Too bad I have a crown to win.”
“Oh hoe, feeling confident today, aren’t we, Miss Brooke?” Vanessa laughed, her voice changing from quiet, low and relaxed to her regular rough self. She missed the feel of Brooke’s body instantly but the warmth where they had been touching remained. They started getting out of the van and into the unforgiving weather, Brooke walking first but reaching her hand behind her for Vanjie to grab. It was not much but it was somehow enough.
 Brooke was already on her second cigarette in the span of ten minutes, hanging by the balcony’s doors and listening rather than watching the ongoing rain put Los Angeles to sleep. They had an hour left before the PAs made their round around the building making sure all the queens were respectfully in their own beds, like children during summer camp. Vanessa walked into the room silently without knocking, her flip-flops slapping wetly and bare chest pulling Brooke’s attention for a second. She made her way to Brooke’s bed and grabbed the white hoodie that was thrown into a bundle of other clothes before putting in on. The sleeves were way too long but she didn’t bother with rolling them up, instead letting them hang over her wrists and reaching the tips of her fingers. The overall length was too much on her tiny body as well, ending somewhere mid-thigh. She looked exhausted, moves too slow for her usual frantic energy, back hunched and eyelids heavy. Brooke thought she had never looked more beautiful.
The Canadian queen finished her cigarette, putting it down in a small glass of water she kept outside and joined Vanessa on the bed. She left the balcony doors ajar so they could still hear the raindrops swishing calmingly outside.
“I like you in my clothes, you know.”
“Oh yeah?”
There was a teasing note in Vanessa’s voice, a promising growl that would normally ignite a fire in both of their bodies if they weren’t this tired.
“Yeah but I like you in everything so…”
They both snickered at how lame that sounded, but neither cared. Brooke was glad she had someone like Vanjie, someone who didn’t make her worry whether she said the right thing or not. She could be herself in her presence and after so many hours of anxiety, keeping yourself in check and watching your every move, it felt like more rewarding than anything she could win. Vanessa laid on her back and Brooke was there beside her propped on her elbow. After a moment she started tracing light patterns over Vanessa’s arms, shoulders, jawline, lips, nose, and closed eyelids. She watched her fluttering, dark eyelashes and how her lips parted with a huff when Brooke brushed her finger against the shell of her ear.
“Don’t fall asleep on me now, Papi. The PAs will have to kick your ass out of my bed if they find you here like this.“ 
“Mmm, yeah, whatever. Now shut up and cuddle me, bitch.”
Brooke laughed but obliged, wrapping herself all over Vanessa’s sleepy frame, arm thrown across her stomach and legs tangled together. She smelled like her own shower gel and Brooke’s hoodie, which was strangely arousing. The shorter queen turned her head and placed a messy, off-center kiss somewhere to the corner of Brooke’s lips. It still amazed her how just simply being with Vanessa made her so happy. It didn’t really matter what they did nor where they were as long as they were together.
“I think it’s time for you to go, you know.” Her heart squeezed painfully when she said it and she hoped Vanessa could hear that in her voice. There was nothing she wanted more than for them to stay like this forever. Maybe only a crown and scepter at their feet would be a nice bonus.
Vanessa sighed heavily before she opened her eyes and rolled onto her side. Brooke only had a moment to register the new fire shining in her eyes before Vanjie put her hand on the taller queen’s jawline and pulled her in for a goodbye kiss. This time her lips were already parted and hungrily possessive, making Brooke keep up with their pace, her fingers tingling with the sudden urge to explore and touch. Their quickened breaths and quiet whimpers mixed up with the sound of raindrops falling outside.
“Miss ya already.”
“You’re literally still in my bed.” Brooke huffed out a laugh but all she wanted to do was to get back to whatever was just happening between them.
Vanessa sat up on the bed, still wearing the hoodie and apparently leaving with no intention of giving it back now, took Brooke’s hand for the last time and brushed her lips against the other queen’s knuckles lovingly. The look of pure love in her eyes was almost too much for Brooke to handle. She hoped her own eyes conveyed the same emotion for Vanessa to see before either one of them dared to put it into words.
“Sweet dreams, boo.”
“See you in the morning.”
They never wished for the clouds to clear out and for the sun to rise faster.
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yaachtynoboat711 · 6 years
At First Glance: Ch.1 ✨💃🏽
A/N: Get ready to learn about the journey out favorite couple has gone on before the Gala! I struggled with this chapter all week. Thank you, @great-neckpectations and the group chat for helping me get out of my block. Love y’all 😭.
Pairing: Winston Duke x Black Plus-Sized! OC
Word Count: ~2.8K
Warnings: language, fluff, Yaa won’t let that petty go 😭
The annual Black Yale Alumni Association Benefit Ball was in full effect.Every year, the BYAA hosted this event to raise funds for their scholarship fund to help Black undergrad and grad students. This was the most anticipated event for Black Yale of the year for both alumni as well as current students. With the event always falling around Halloween, the Ball was a costume party and had a different theme. This year’s theme was “Music’s Icons”.
Even though she had just graduated Yale Law School in the spring and was slated for graduating with her Ph.D. in the December, Khalida Abdullah was NOT missing her first Black Alumni function. Since Yaa had been at Yale, she’d been one of the best-dressed people at the ball. She was always slaying the theme, no matter how vague or specific the theme or the guideline’s would be. It’d helped to have an interest in historical fashion and a sister in the fashion industry. The process for that one night was a strenuous process that lasted for months, with most time being spent in researching ( Yaa’s undergraduate was after all in History, so research came naturally to her in all facets of life). When the theme was announced in late June, Yaa knew she was going as Selena.
The easiest part of Yaa’s decision was picking which musical legend she was going to be for Ball; the hardest part would be which iconic outfit to choose from. Anything Selena put on her body would be replicated by fans and stans for the next 20+ years after her unnecessary death. Either you slayed Selena’s fit or it slayed you; most would fall victim to the latter. Yaa decided on Selena’s outfit from her last concert. It was definitely one of her most iconic and most difficult outfits to pull off. Months of preparation continued until an email was sent regarding the ball. This year’s Best-Dressed would not be granted so easily.
October 26, 2013.8:49 pm, Yaa’s AirBnB.
It was finally time for the turn up. Everything was laid out: the earrings, the custom wig adorned with Selena’s signature bangs, the makeup, even a replica of her lipstick-adorned microphone (Yaa practiced her routine while wearing red lipstick for the effect) were ready for Yaa. Yaa was precise with every detail of the ensemble. In the midst of all the preparation, Yaa’s best friend Tanisha, offered her nervous friend some comedic relief. “
“DAAAAAAAAAAAMN, K.D.! The way you looking and the way this tight ass suit is fitting on ya, you gon’ fuck around and hook a nigga!”
“What are you talking about, Neesh? You always say I’m getting wife’d up at any function I go to. The hell they lookin’ for? I’ve come to this every year since I’ve been in New Haven and nothing. Well, besides being with Quin, but that’s the same as saying nothing. Only reason I’m going is to take pictures, socialize, and say ‘thank you’ to the board and other people for helping me make it through Yale...that’s it. Ain’t no husbands coming this year!” Yaa yelled from the bathroom as she was finishing up her makeup and making her way back into her room. She watched Neesh as she transformed into Donna Summers.
“Do you even wanna get me started?” Neesh inquired as she helped her best friend put on her silver bootie heels, “ Sis, at 22, you were the VALEDICTORIAN of 2013’s Yale Law School class. It was like damn near 700 folks in that hoe and you was the smartest bitch in that bitch, not to mention the fact that you still gotta whole Ph.D. coming in December. You the shit and I just hate that you don’t relish in that. It’s a nigga right now gettin’ ready as we fucking speak going into this function totally oblivious to the fact that a thick ass angel in a tight ass purple sparkly catsuit and a damn wig is finna ‘Bidi Bidi Bom Bom’ her way into his simple ass life. Give it a chance, I know you a young genius but live a little,bitch. He’s gonna be there.”
Yaa chuckled in confusion, “Neesh you dumb as hell for that. Also, you sound pretty confident that he, whoever he is, is going to be there. Please God don’t tell me you’ve played matchmaker again. Bitch I swear to God I’m slappin’ the shit outta you and that’s on muvas.”
“I’m sorry,sis, but I couldn’t let this one pass. He’s the sweetest and most down to earth guy ever. He just graduated with his Master’s in acting in the spring.” Neesh replied.
Yaa’s reluctant spirit began to soften. “How did I miss him? Is he Black?”
“Bitch, I oughta choke you. Of course he is! Now I must warn you, he, too, just got out of a relationship and he’s never been with a Black woman before.”
Yaa side-eyed Neesh. She knew deep in her heart that Neesh was trying to help. While she appreciated the notion, Yaa was very reluctant to throw herself back into the dating market after her break-up three months ago. “Ok, but please know that you’re still on indefinite suspension from the position of matchmaker.”
The last time Neesh played matchmaker, Yaa’s ex, Quincy ended up being bout crazy as hell. He was very charming, yet manipulative. Yaa was many things, but being to put up with Quincy’s shit wasn’t among them.
At this point, Neesh was begging: “I promise you, K, this one is so much different from Quincy. I’ve been observing him since we started the program. He’s amazing; if I wasn’t such an amazing friend and he hadn’t been in a relationship, I woulda kept him for myself. But I decided not to and we wouldn’t have worked. I know I fucked up but please give this guy a chance.”
When Yaa met Neesh , Neesh was in her final year in Yale’s Theatre program. Neesh was a graduate assistant and the creative genius behind every Yale production. She mastered everything: makeup, costuming, wigs, lighting, you name it. However, she loved costuming and makeup. The two met at an Alpha party the semester Yaa arrived to Yale. Being that they were both SGRho’s and had much in common ,the pair had basically been inseparable since their first conversation. Since graduating, Neesh moved to New York where she became the Creative Director for an off-Broadway theatre company.
Yaa felt sorry for her friend pleading the way she was. Yaa wanted to be stubborn but something was telling her to meet this mystery guy. She finally broke her contemplative silence: “What’s his name,sis?” Neesh was radiating with joy. “His name is Winston. Winston Duke.”
Yaa’s eyebrows went up in curiosity. “Hell kinda name is Winston?” Yaa asked as her head fell back in laughter. Yaa was now wondering what this Winston character looked like. He clearly had to be attractive, or else Neesh wouldn’t have given him a second thought. This was definitely a move of redemption. As the two friends took pictures, Yaa began to get excited about meeting that Winston fellow? Was he tall? Was he Greek? She’d figure out at the ball.
10:54 p.m., The BYAA Ball
The function was going up by the time Neesh and Yaa arrived; that was the plan all along. The vibrations of the loud music pulsated against the walls and floors of the venue. Waves of excellence and Black splendor filled the room.The pink and purple lights juxtaposed the white curtains and couches throughout the club in which gave the space an inviting and jovial energy.
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The DJ was blasting that good shit and everyone was going up.
All eyes were on the pair; Donna and Selena were in this bitch and everyone took notice. They took pictures at the photo booth and went their separate ways to socialize with their separate circles. Yaa was the belle of the ball; the moment she walked into the room, Winston saw her and let her and her tight ass purple ass catsuit Bidi Bidi Bom Bom her way into his heart. He watched as she basically floated across the room,socializing with everyone that knew her. Then she smiled. Winston was slightly turned on by the warmth and calming beauty in this Cinderella girl’s candy apple red-colored trillion dollar smile and angelic glow of her caramel hue.
“Wow”, he thought to himself, “She’s a vision of beauty...is that—is that a dimple? GAH!!! It’s just one? My God, she’s perfection. She’s so fuc—GET IT TOGETHER, DUDE!” If there were a control center operating his brain right now, they’d be in overdriven crisis mode. Never had Winston ever felt butterflies for anything other than maybe an audition, but here he was, falling madly in love with a girl that just walked into room. Then she turned around—my God. Winston just about died. Winston wasn’t a guy that obsessed over body features on a woman, but trust Khalida Abdullah’s ass was too much for him.
“Well,I’ll be damned; this tree ass nigga here fine as hell! If he keep looking at me like I’m a jug of water, he gon’ have to buy me dinner. Mmm! Chocolate ass. ” Yaa mentally stated.
The man in question was a rather tall individual. He was clean-shaven, a beautiful milk chocolate toned and had a rather ambitious,yet shy energy about him. Judging by the outfit, Yaa figured he was dressed as Don Cornelius. While he was looking away, she saw him smile and saw only one thing: a gap. Yaa was mysteriously obsessed with gapped teeth, especially on guys. She didn’t know this man from Adam, yet she was feeling him from a distance.
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Completely entertained by the mutual eye fucking before them, Neesh and one of Winston’s colleagues and friend, Lupita, smirked to themselves as they mentally devised a plan to get Yaa and Winston together. “Peet, we better not be thinking about the same thing.”,Neesh remarked with a smirk. Lupita chuckled,”Yes. They need to be next to each other. She’s perfect for him!” The friends gravitated towards their gentle giant of a friend. Winston looked at them with confusion,”What’s up, ladies?” Lupita and Neesh looked at each other before Neesh spoke:
“ You remember that lawyer friend I was telling you about?”
Winston nodded,”Yeah, I remember. You never confirmed nor denied if she was cute. I’m still waiting on your answer,Tanisha.”
Neesh rolled her eyes, “ Boy, shut up and follow me.”
The thought of finally meeting Neesh’s lawyer friend made a usually calm Winston a little anxious. The walk across the venue made his chest tighter the closer he got. He still didn’t understand why he was so nervous. His loud friend didn’t settle his nerves either as she practically yelled towards her lawyer friend.
“AYO, K.D.!” Yaa almost got whiplash from turning her head at the rate in which she did. Her eyes widened as the fine guy she was looking at earlier was coming towards her. Her heart almost stopped when he stopped in front of her. He was much taller than she’d imagined, but you wouldn’t catch her complaining. Sis was completely shook. Neesh cleared her throat louder than normal to break the two from the trances they were in.
“Wow. You’re tall.” Yaa stammered.
“Nah, I’m Winston.”, he replied as he smiled and shook her hand. She was NOT about to be out-pettied by this man. If it was a petty war he wanted, then by all means a petty war is what he was going to get.
“Wow, that was corny. That’s what they teaching y’all in the theatre program now?” Winston’s heart fluttered as Yaa’s Southern accent got the best of her. It only came out when she said certain words or phrases.
“Ok, Elle Woods, I see you got jokes, too.”
“One, my name is Khalida Abdullah. Two, coming from a nigga named Winston, I know you got jokes.” Both Lupita and Neesh were damn near on the floor laughing at the exchange. They both knew Yaa was going to win this fight.
“I’m glad they taught you how to be observant in law school.”
“Yeah, of fucking course. You seem to be pretty damn good at observations too, nigga.” Winston was shocked. His train of thought stopped as he realized his attempts at sneaking looks at her failed. He hid his shame and defeat with a rather stoic stare; Yaa returned his stare with a petty stare. After what seemed like forever of staring at each other, Yaa walked closer to Winston and signaled for him to match her height. “You actin’ like I didn’t see your tree ass eye-fucking me all night from all the way over here. Yes, I’m short, but that doesn’t mean I don’t peep shit, Big Fella. I’m about to head to this here cash bar. You coming or not?” Yaa whispered in his ear. She walked away with an extra pep in her switch. She wanted him to know that the ass he was staring at all night wasn’t restrained by the confines of a Spanx. He followed her like a little puppy.
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After getting drinks, they began talking; their connection was instant. He found himself making jokes just to hear her infectious laughter. She found herself falling in love with his gap-toothed smile and hearty laughter. They discussed each other’s costume and found many common interests.
“So you’ve really been a Selena fan your entire life?”, Winston inquired, “ I just saw the biopic two years ago and I’ve been a fan ever since. I don’t speak Spanish, but her music is everything.”
“Yeah. When my dad was teaching me Spanish, my personal goal was to translate Selena songs without a translator. It also improved my Spanish skills before I needed them.” Yaa answered.
“So you’re fluent now, yeah?”
“I’m fluent in four languages.”
Winston was shocked, “Seriously?!”
“Yeah, there are a lot of things, you’ll learn about me.” She winked.
Suddenly, “Bidi Bidi Bom Bom” came on. The DJ acknowledged Yaa as she made her way to the dancefloor, mic in hand. The DJ started the track back again. Yaa transformed into her idol and the force of the Tejano Queen was with Yaa. She glided as she danced around the dancefloor. Winston watched in amazement. When she finished, the crowd erupted into applause and cheers. Winston was the first one to greet her she left the floor. He told her how amazing she looked and how he felt like Selena was on the floor.
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For the remainder of the night, Yaa and Winston talked on the balcony of the venue in the cool nighttime October breeze. They exchanged numbers and social media handles as they walked towards Yaa’s car. He almost stepped on her to get the door for her. “I’m sorry, but you won’t touch that handle, at least when I’m around.” Yaa looked at him with a shocked expression on her face. “You sound pretty confident you’re staying around, Mr. Duke. Tanisha didn’t tell you I drop niggas like a bad phone call?” Winston smirked. “She did,but that doesn’t apply to me.” He closed her car door and waved as she drove away.
When Yaa finally got home, Tanisha was on the couch waiting for her.
“BITCH! You got that nigga in love with your little ass.” Neesh interjected as her head fell back in laughter.
“Whatever. I hate to say it, but you were right: he ain’t that bad. Quincy could never.”
“Yeah,yeah. Thank me at y’alls wedding.”
Yaa rolled her eyes. “Bitch, fuck you.” she laughed. “We have a date in three weeks.”
Neesh’s eyes and grin grew wide. “A WHAT?! Does he know you’re in D.C. now?”
“I mean, I wouldn’t have said yes if I didn’t know how my situation would be.”
The two talked about their night and how boo’d up Yaa was. Though she wanted to deny it, her glow and goofy grin were saying otherwise. “I think it’s him.”
The The peanut butter to my jelly:
@great-neckpectations @randomwordprompts @blackgirloneshots @babygirlofwakanda @kumkaniudaku @royallyprincesslilly @eriknutinthispoosy @teheeboo @texasbama @wakandan-flowerz @soldierandawar @summertimesadnesswithadashofsass @vanitykocaine @sarahboseman @niquelafleur @blackpantherismyish @pastelastronomy24
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kdfrqqg · 7 years
A Very Deonna Thanksgiving
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Summary: Dean and Donna get ditched at Thanksgiving and end up making the best of it.
Warnings: lots of pie, mostly fluff, Dean flirting like crazy, a smidgen of smut (female receiving oral), a few cuss words
A/N: I smiled so much writing this because I think they are so freaking cute together.
Word count: 3.9K
Pairing: Dean x Donna
Deonna Holiday Series
“So that was Jody, she’s not doing Thanksgiving this year at her house.” Dean replayed his conversation to Sam.  “Alex and Claire convinced her that they need to go on vacation.  The girls are going to Lake Tahoe.”
“That sounds nice but I have some bad news as well.” Sam replied.
“What we gotta case?” Dean asked.
“No no. It’s just…” Sam stuttered. “Marie wants to introduce me to her family at Thanksgiving. I’m sorry man.  I meant to tell you sooner.  I’ll call and cancel.”
“Dude, I understand.” Dean sighed, his facial expressions showed his disappointment.  “She’s your girl.  Go meet her family.”  
“Are you sure?  I don’t want you here all by yourself drinking all day.  Why don’t you come with us?” Sam tried to make him feel better.
“I think they’ll barely be able to handle one Winchester let alone two.  I’ll be fine, Sam, we’re together all the time.  We can spend Christmas together. Ok?”
Ten seconds later, Dean’s phone rang, “hey Dee!” He said surprising enthusiastically.
“Hey Dean, so you heard that Jody isn’t having Thanksgiving at her place.” Donna rehashed.
“Yeah I did and Sammy boy just told me he’s ditching me for his broad.” He teased Sam.  Sam just rolled his eyes, “I know whatever happened to bros before hoes.”
Donna chuckled, “that means you’re all alone for Thanksgiving too.”
“Yeah, I guess I am. What cha thinking?” Dean asked.
“How ‘bout we have Thanksgiving together?” She suggested.
“Sure, I could come up.” Dean nodded to the phone but she hesitated to agree, “what you don’t like my idea?”
“It’s not that I don’t want you here but I have some nosey neighbors and having a strange guy over would have them prying even more than normal.  Could I come to the bunker?” She explained.
“Yeah, yeah that would fine.” Dean agreed understanding her point. “but we’re making pie.”
“Oh you betcha!  How about we make a couple?”
“Now you’re talking. You wanna come in the day before and we can go to the store together.”
“You’re on.” Donna was giddy that she didn’t have to be alone this year and the two hung up.
“Sam, looks like you’re off the hook.” Dean slapped his brother’s back.
“Yeah, thanks for throwing me under the bus, dude.” Sam sassed.
“Anytime.” Dean said with a chuckle as he took a swallow of beer before he continued his reading.
The next few weeks Dean and Donna text each other photos of food and recipes they both wanted to try.  They were getting excited about the sheer amount of food that they were going to make.  Donna wrote up a shopping list and prayed that the grocery store had all the items they needed to make everything.  
Donna got up at four am the day before Thanksgiving, it was at minimum a six hour drive to Kansas.  As she packed her bag, she thought there were plenty of more depressing ways to spend her holiday than going to a good looking guy’s house, a man that always made her feel good about herself and making him a ton of food.  She let that thought sink in, she went to her dresser and pull out her sexiest bras and panties, placing them in her bag next to the simple black dress she wanted to wear at the actual dinner.  Dean was six foot one inches of real man that put dumb old Doug to shame.  Donna didn’t expect anything to happen but a good girl scout was always prepared for anything.  She shot Dean a quick text when she was about to leave.  Donna made decent time even with all of holiday traffic and a couple of pit stops and arrived around three pm.  
Dean was all smiles when he saw her, pulling her into a tight hug, “Damn Gorgeous, you are a sight for sore eyes.”  His low voice spoke next to her ear before ushering her to the room he set up for her.  
Once she put her stuff down, they were hopping in Impala heading to the store.  They grabbed a shopping cart and they started to fill the cart up.  Dean loved that Donna was only picking up items that were full fat and all the sugar.  Not once did they argue over reduced fat or no fat like he always had to do with Sam.  They arrived at the register and Dean noticed an older woman having difficulties pulling things out of her cart.  “Here let me.” He told the woman with blonde graying hair as he set the items on the belt.
“Oh thank you.” She said back to him. The woman turned herself to Donna, “he’s a keeper.”
“Don’t I know it!” Donna giggled looking over at Dean who smiled back at her.
“Do you two have children?” She asked making polite common chit chat.  
“No, ma’am not yet.” She addressed playing along, acting like a happy couple.
“Well you should get on that because y'all would make beautiful babies.” She looked at the both of you.
Donna couldn’t help but give her a toothless grin that showed her dimples before she told her “thank you.” Dean smirked at Donna overhearing the conversation.
Dean made his way back to Donna, “She’s right, we would make beautiful babies.” Dean whispered moving a piece of hair behind her ear.  His hot breath on her ear lobe made her nether regions quiver.  She breathed out before letting go of a nervous chuckle.  Dean thought she looked adorable when she got all flustered, he licked his lips at the thought of how beautiful she would be plump with his child.  He shook that out of his head knowing he could never have family besides Sam but a man could dream.  
After getting everything back to the bunker, Donna called it a night insisting they start early tomorrow baking and getting everything ready.
Donna woke up and wandered into the kitchen and started the coffee.  She pulled out ingredients for the pies.  Pie was essential for today and if she screwed up she wanted enough time to start over if she had to.  A sleepy Dean smelled the coffee as he staggered in, he stopped in the door frame as he gazed upon Donna in the cutest pair of pink flannel pajamas.  She had flour on the counter and her face, he smiled thinking back to his day dream from yesterday.  Doug had to have been the dumbest man alive to let her go.  Seriously, she was drop dead gorgeous, nice, smart, one bad ass hunter and hell she could cook, what was this guy thinking.
“Oh hey Deano, mornin’.” she smiled walking over to the coffee pot pouring him a cup of coffee.
“Thanks sweetheart!” He winked and gracious took the warm cup from her flour covered hands. She blushed, God that man knew just what to say and do to make her feel special.  She walked back to the counter and continued to roll out the dough.  “What cha working on, Dee?” He walked up behind her and placed his chin on her shoulder.  
“Just making the pie crusts.” she hummed with a big smile, he made her stomach flip with joy.
“Oh a woman after my own heart.” He placed a gentle kiss on her cheek, his lips lingered near her neck a little too long.  He needed to stop flirting with her, she was too good for him but he still liked the idea of her being his pretend pretty little wife for the weekend.  
They worked for hours, prepping and basting the small fresh turkey. Dean turned on the kitchen radio, he sang Led Zeppelin and Bob Seger to Donna as they diced vegetables for the stuffing.  He took the knife out of her hand and spun her to him, one of his hands was on her waist and the other held her hand in a traditional dance position.  They danced around the kitchen and he even dipped her surprising Donna a little.  She laughed and smiled with him, it was so easy for them to just to be themselves.  This was a side of him that she really could fall for.
Four finished pies sat on the kitchen counter, and Donna left the rest of the food on warm, “I’m going to get ready for dinner.”
“Yeah, I can’t wait to eat.” Dean informed.
“Put on something nice will ya.” Donna looked back over her shoulder addressing Dean.
She showered and took her time getting ready, putting extra curls in her hair and more makeup on than normal.  He made her feel sexy so she wanted to look extra sexy for Dean.  Her push up bra accentuated her already large bosom. She slid the dress over her head looking at herself in the mirror, it hid all of her problem areas and showed off her curves and legs.  Three inch heels clacked on the hardwood as she entered to the kitchen.  The turkey and a few other items were missing, she sashayed into the library.
“Oh my.” Dean gasped watching Donna’s long luscious legs saunter in.  “Sweetheart, may I pour you a glass of wine.” He was eager to see just where this evening would go.
The table was set and candles were lit.  “Dean, this is beautiful.” She was talking about the table but to the man before her was even more beautiful.  He was wearing a beige sweater with a blue dress shirt underneath with a nice pair of khaki slacks on.  He didn’t shave and his five o’clock shadow was doing something to her core that she hadn’t felt in a long time.
“No, you’re beautiful.” He brought her a glass of wine.  He couldn’t help himself, he placed his hand on her waist pulling her into his hip. Donna looked down, she couldn’t tell if Dean was just being nice or if he was really flirting with her.  She wasn’t use to this kind of attention from a man.  
He walked her over to the table with his hand still on her waist, he pulled out her chair and when his hand moved to the small of her back, she shuddered at his touch.  
He carved the turkey, she watched his skillful hands as a flush spread across her face.  They passed food around and poured glass after glass of wine, the laughter flowed as easily as the wine.  Dean was practically beside himself when Donna brought out two huge slices of warm apple pie with vanilla ice cream.
“Donna, this is so good.” He praised as he chewed a huge bite of pie.  
She giggled when she noticed crumbs and pie filling all over his mouth. She scooted closer to him, “you got something right to there” and took her napkin wiping his full lips.  She really wanted to lick it off but that would be a little inappropriate.  
Dean stopped her by gently touching her hand, “thank you.” He smiled, cupping her face.  She leaned into his touch closing her eyes, this was his moment, he pressed his lips to her’s.  She reached for him, drawing him closer, their tongues and lips danced.  Their lips were numb from all the wine, they pulled away laughing like teenagers.  “I’ve wanted to do that for so long.” He admitted.
“What took you so long mister?” She kissed him again.
“I don’t deserve you.” He told her honestly.
She stood suddenly, “What?  You don’t deserve me.  I don’t deserve you.”
He followed her movements, his large hands gripped her waist, tilted his head and firmly kissed her.  When he released her from the kiss his breath less lungs said, “Let me be the judge of what you deserve.” He took her hand and lead her to his bedroom. He was about to open the door, when he said “I don’t want…”
Before he could finish his thought, she sadly spoke, “I know you don’t want a relationship.”
“No, no, I was going to say, I don’t want you to think this is just a one night stand.  I know this will be hard to make this work but I’m willing to try.” He passionately said kissing her hands. Her lips were on him so fast Dean almost didn’t have time to react.  Her limbs tangled with his as they made their way into the room, she told him with her actions that she liked the idea of being his.  He played with the fabric of her dress, pulling it up her thighs.  His hands roamed over her bare smooth legs, he just wanted to touch and see all of her.  “I need to feel you, Sweetheart.” He nibbled on her neck. She raised her hands above her head, and he gently pulled her cotton dress off.  She looked down and saw how her stomach had extended because of all the food she ate.  She wanted to cover back up quickly and hide.  Dean stood back and looked at how gorgeous she really was.  She glowed like what he always thought an angel should look like but then he saw the shyness and all those inadequate feelings pull across her face.  He immediately placed his hand on her swollen belly, imaging a beautiful baby forming in her womb, he got down on his knees kissing her navel.
“Dean, what are doing?” She asked feeling his warm hands on her waist.
“I know this is silly” he looked up at her,  “but I can’t stop thinking about how much I want a family and how you would be such an amazing mom.”
“Really?” She smiled watching his lips kiss her belly.  
“Yeah, really.  I know you’re probably as full as I am but I still want to make you feel good.” He buried his face against her stomach. His stubble tickled her a little.
“Then just stay with me.  We don’t have to rush it.” Donna said, making love when you’re as full as they were might be a recipe for disaster.  She wanted her first time with Dean to feel amazing everywhere and stomach ache during an orgasm would kind of suck.
That night they didn’t have sex, instead they watched TV, feed each other pie, and made out until the tryptophan from the turkey kicked in and they passed out.  Dean held her tight and while she gently snored next to him, he told her she beautiful as he kissed her neck.  
The next morning, Dean was pressed against Donna’s curvaceous posterior.  His member throbbed in his underwear as biology took over, he rubbed himself up next to her.  “Good morning beautiful!” His voice was deeper than normal filled with sleep.
It sent an involuntary shock of electricity straight to Donna’s core. “Good morning handsome.”
She flipped to face him, neither one of them cared about morning breath or bed hair, all they cared about was the warmth of the other person and their bright smiles.  Dean magically unhooked her bra and pulled away the black lace fabric, her beautiful breasts were full and round.  He nestled himself in-between her tits, his weight was comforting to her as his hands groped her boobs and elsewhere.  He tweaked her nipples getting them hard because he wanted to suck them good before he made her moan and shake.  His mouth covered her large nipple, running his tongue over the bud making Donna squeal with pleasure.  A man hadn’t touched her like this in so long, all those lonely nights thinking about Dean and here he was.  Reality was turning out to be better than her fantasy, as he kissed down her chest and torso, two fingers on each side pulled her matching lacy boy shorts down.  He looked up at the pale beauty that laid in his bed, “you Sweetheart are so beautiful.” He praised, she was absolute jelly in his hands.  She bent her knees and Dean spread her thighs, he smiled at the idea of driving her crazy all day and maybe the rest of the weekend.  He wasn’t timid when he licked into her pussy.  He devoured her, pretending that she was the best tasting cherry pie ever, in his opinion she tasted better than pie.  
One of Donna’s hands gripped the white cotton sheet as the other one grabbed her own hair biting back her verging ecstasy while she pressed the side of her face into the pillow.  Dean’s stubble was causing the most lovely burn against her thighs and she wanted this to last but Dean kept hitting the most amazing spots.  She couldn’t hold it any longer, “oh holy jeez, Dean yes!” She screamed as her body was flooded with a feeling of euphoria. Dean worked her through until he felt that she was fully satisfied.
Her body was flushed with splotchy pink marks, Dean was proud of himself as he crawled up her body with a predatory smirk and gleam in his eye.  She looked away at his intense gaze, “Don, look at me.” He tilted her face towards him. “You are so sexy. Your ex was a fool but if he didn’t leave you I would never have you.  I just need to make you see just how amazing you really are.”  He shimmied out of his gray boxer briefs, and reached over to take a condom out of his drawer.
“You know Dean, I want a family too.” She admitted repeating his own sentiments from the previous evening, removing the condom from his hand and placing it back in the drawer.
“Are you sure, Dee?” His eyes were wide not sure what he just heard.
“I’ve never been more sure. I thought I’d be a mom by now and I know you would be a great dad.” She kissed and wrapped her arms around him.  What she didn’t tell Dean was that she knew wasn’t ovulating and the statistical probability of her getting pregnant this weekend were really low but she was excited to try with him over and over again.  They made love most of the day, only taking breaks to shower, make turkey sandwiches and eat even more pie.
Saturday morning came and Donna and Dean were still all alone in the bunker.  Donna walked into the kitchen with just Dean’s gray robe just draped around her.  She was so comfortable with herself now that she didn’t even tie the front of the robe, her naked flesh showed through the opening.  The water from the faucet as she filled the coffee pot was loud enough for her to not to notice Sam putting up into the garage.  Sam walked to the kitchen, soon as he hit the door frame he saw Donna.  “Hey Donna! I hope Dean wasn’t too demanding for you.” He joked.
She instinctively turned towards his voice, her embarrassment didn’t sink in until she saw his eyes.  “Oh shoot Sam!” She yelled as she pulled the front of her robe close.  
Dean heard her yell, grabbing his gun he just ran down the hall in only a pair of white tube socks.  “Babe, you ok?” His naked form embraced her and she nodded simply a little stunned that her boyfriend’s brother just saw more of her than she ever wanted to show him.
“Hey Dean!” Sam greeted, raising his eyebrows at the situation.
“Oh hey Sammy!” Dean grinned not expecting that this was how he was going to tell Sam that Donna and him were dating.
“So your weekend was good?” Sam chuckled.
“We had an amazing weekend.” Dean addressed Sam, “Don, I’m going to put on some clothes.” Dean kissed her sweetly.
Donna didn’t want to look at Sam in the eye, she poured the water in the pot nervously.  She was finally brave and spoke, “how was Marie’s family?”
“They were nice.  I think they like me.” He paused, “so you and Dean?”
Donna bit her bottom lip as a devilish smiled spread across her face, “Yeah me and Dean.” she snickered lowly.
Dean came back in the kitchen now at least semi clothed with an undershirt and boxers on, “Hey Sammy, I’d like for you to meet my girlfriend, Donna.”
“Girlfriend?” Sam questioned.
“Yeah girlfriend. Is that so hard to believe?” Dean scoffed.
“No, this is good, Dean.” Sam walked over and hugged Donna.  “I’m happy for you two. I guess that means I’ll be seeing even more of you”. Sam pulled back and wiggled his eyebrows.
“Well maybe not that much more.” She giggled as Dean looked between them figuring out what happened.
It was time for Donna to go back to her normal life, she stood by the driver side door of her car while Dean placed her bag in the trunk.  She didn’t want to go back to her lonely little apartment, Dean reached around her waist and drew her into him, “Baby, I don’t want to let you go.” He breathed in the smell of her hair, memorizing this moment.  Tears formed in the corner of Donna’s eyes and he could hear her sniffle, “oh no Dee, Dee, Dee” he pulled her as close as possible.  “Please Sweetheart don’t cry.  Hey hey we’re goin’ to make this work.  I’ll come up there and you can come down.  We can even meet somewhere in the middle.  Maybe a nice hotel with an indoor pool?”
“Yeah!” She cried as happy tear rolled down her face.
“You know I’m going to come up in a few weeks to your office holiday party so you can show me off to all your friends.” He laughed. “It’ll work, baby, until I can get you permanently here.  Because, because…” he started to cry as well.  “You make me happy and I can’t wait to marry you.”
“You want to marry me?” she asked pulling away a little shocked.
“Yeah, I want to marry you.” He let out a quick chuckle. “What did you think I’d that try to knock you up and not want to marry you?  What kind of a guy do you think I am?”
“Well you’re a hunter and they aren’t known for settling down.” She shyly smiled looking into his green orbs that had now turned red around the edges.
Dean spun the ring on his finger, he needed to prove that he loved her.  “Don, I know this is not a diamond but this was my mom’s and it’s special to me like you are.” He pulled the silver band off of his thick finger.  “We can go shopping for something else later.” She listened, a couple of tears turned into the happiest downpour of tears she could ever remember, she gasped placing her hand over her mouth.  “Donna Hanscum, I love you.  Will you marry me?”
“Yes, yes, Dean, of course. Oh golly Dean, I love you too.” She excitedly said as he slid the ring on her finger.  It was a little big on her but she loved it, she loved Dean.
They held on to each other a little bit more, cherishing these last few moments before they finally said their final goodbyes.  
Donna’s smile was perfect as she got in her car and Dean couldn’t believe that just happened but it was probably the best decision he had ever made. He didn’t know how he was going to tell Sammy that he went from single to engaged in less than four days but she was the right girl,  this was the right time and he wasn’t going to lose her.
I love all the likes and reblogs but I really do want your feedback. Please leave me a comment; let me know what worked or what didn’t. If you hated it let me know what I could do different. It may determine how I write my next fic.
“Give it to me! You know you want to!” Writer winks at reader.
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Everything @bandobsession98, @greenappleeyes, @honeybeetrash, @chaos-and-the-calm67, @18crazybutcutealsopsycho, @xdifsx, @winchesters-favorite-girl, @queen-of-deans-booty, @notnaturalanahi, @justanotherdeangirl, @samwinjarpad, @jerk-bitch-and-an-angel, @drakkie-blog, @geekgirl1213, @sophiebobzz @emoryhemsworth
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uberff · 7 years
Chapter 9
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Everything had happened so fast. One minute, Jaylen was talking and then the next, he was on the ground unconscious.
He was bleeding like crazy before he was rushed to the hospital. They're doing surgery on him, and we haven't heard any news ever since and that was hours ago. I prayed and prayed that he was okay.
I took this as my time to go back home and break up with Kai's ass. As soon as the police sirens were heard, he was no where to be found and I know he's in my room hiding. He couldn't have went all the way to his house that quick and not have gotten caught. He's always saying how if he gets arrested then he's fucked.
I was pissed off that he would do such a thing to Jaylen. He would always say it, but I didn't think he'd actually do it. We all know that Jaylen has a disrespectful mouth, but that's just his personality. I didn't think he deserved to get shot.
"Man Robyn if you came to give me a lecture and shit, I'm bout to go back home." He sat up in my bed, standing up afterwards.
"You damn right I did, that's my fucking friend you just shot! Are you crazy?! This ain't your old lifestyle Kaiden, you can't just go around shooting people like it's nothing! What if he doesn't make it?!" I yelled as I managed to push his tall ass into the wall. If Jaylen didn't make it, I would personally kill Kai my damn self since he thinks it's okay to just kill everybody.
"I don't give a fuck if that was ya fucking dad, the nigga was talking crazy so he got what he deserved!" He yelled and I swear I got this feeling in my chest that stung and I started to get teary eyed.
How dare he?
"Really Kai." I looked up at him, with tears in my eyes. For him to even bring up my dad in a situation like this was so low on so many levels. This wasn't the Kai that I fell in love with, he'd never say something like that.
"Fuck Robyn, I'm sorry." He came over to me and wrapped his arms around me and I just cried, trying to push him away. I cried because I was confused. I didn't know what to do anymore. I didn't want to just throw away our relationship but I didn't want to just let him think it was okay to disrespect me either. I was torn.
"I don't think this is gonna work out Kai. We need space or something. Fuck space, maybe we need to bre-" my voice cracked as his head snapped as he let go.
"Space? Cmon Robyn, I might've did some fucked up shit lately, but I'm sorry." He sounded dumb.
"No Kai, I've had enough!"
"You not leaving me Robyn, ion care what you say."
"You don't tell me wha-" He came up behind me, softly sucking on my neck. He knew what he was doing and I hate that it made me fall under his spell every time.
"Kai plea-" he cut me off by kissing me passionately.
He pulled my dress off over my head. Since I wasn't wearing any panties this whole thing was just easier for him.
His hand quickly gripped my ass as he nibbled on my neck. I moaned with the affect he had on my body. Kai slowly slid me down onto his dick and I started to ride. Instantly my muscles gripped him tightly.
“Fuck,” He clenched his jaw, digging his fingertips into my thigh. “You so fucking tight girl.." he grunted in my ear.
“K-kaiden…” I moaned as I bounced on his dick like my life depended on it. This was the best ride I've ever been on. Suddenly, Kai lifted us from the floor and carried us over to the arm of the couch. Pulling out he turning me around as the side of my face was pushed up against the wall while he was blowing my back out.
I hissed at the pain but moaned at the pleasure. His body slammed into mine sending the sounds of smacking throughout the living room.
“Fuck, r-right there.” I moaned as my nails scratched the wall.
Kai gripped my neck and roughly spoke in my ear, “You think you gone leave me? You ain't going no where." He started to hit me with the fast, deep strokes helping my moans. This was too much. If we stayed in this position, I wouldn't be surprised if I ended up pregnant.
“Right there huh?” It felt so good that all I could do was moan and drool. I felt his free hand in my hair, tugging on it roughly.
“Bounce that ass and work for this nut.” I pushed my ass against him, bouncing my pussy up and down his dick.
“Yea work that shit.” He pulled my hair so that I could look at him  as I bounced on his dick. By now, my plan to scream and yell at him about earlier had went out the window.
“Fuck!" He let go of my hair but kept his hand around my throat before pumping into me hard and rough once again. I tried to keep up with his strokes but I just couldn't take it.
“Let it out baby.” Three more strokes and I was spraying like a faucet. I screamed in pleasure and pain as Kai fucked my pussy from behind with no remorse.
“Fuck, just like that." He grunted lowly. He was so deep.
“Just like this baby?” I taunted squeezing even tighter as I rotated my hips in a circle, doing the trick that always worked.
“Fuuuuuuck.” I moaned out trying my hardest to get away from him but there was no use. He held me down while deep stroking, until my juices were gushing out again. He didn't even give me time to catch my breath.
He flipped me over so that we were facing each other, he lifted me up and put my leg on his shoulder as he pushed deeply into me. Then start to pound into me as if this nigga done lost his mind. I was loving every bit of it.
"Fuck, I love you Kai!” I screamed.                                    
“I love you too, baby." He groaned in response.
“Fuck, yo pussy so fucking good." He was going so deep and I knew I was gonna be in unbearable pain in the morning.
“Daddy I can’t take it, it’s too much.” Kai rubbed furiously over my clít as if he were doing a crossover in 2k. “Kai please!" I móaned loudly, reaching out to try to push him away, feeling like my knees might buckle beneath me.
“Nah take this shit." He spoke harshly. The thick veins in his dick pulsed hard against my tight walls, as my pussy spasmed around his thrusting shaft. I could feel both the heavy beating of our hearts, pounding loudly in our chests. His arm draped over my chest and his hand locked around mine to keep my body from running away from him.
I screamed as he hit some unknown spot that felt like the beginning of the ending. I wasn’t sure if the feeling was pleasure or torturous pain but I felt that if it didn’t stop soon I would explode.  I felt my stomach tighten up, and I knew I was about to cum once again for tonight. I squeezed my walls tightly against his huge shaft as his dick became fatter. "Fuck Kai, you 'bout to make me c–” I was cut off by the powerful orgasm, that flowed throughout my body sending me on a ultimate high for the night.
“Fuck… I’m 'bout to bust.” He grunted as exploded inside of me. He laid his head on my chest, with me still in his arms and he rested against the wall, breathing hard.
"I love you." He kissed my forehead before getting up. He started to put on his clothes and not even a minute later, the front door slammed.
This is not how I wanted things to go.
Sighing lowly, I grabbed my dress and slid it back on before looking around for my shoes. Suddenly, a round of hard knocks were coming from the door and I knew it was Kai because his keys were on the table.
Swinging the door open, I was met with two police officers. "Good evening ma'am, would you happen to know this young man Kaiden Sanchez? He's been on the Most Wanted list for years and witnesses today have said they've seen him around here." They pulled out a mugshot of Kai. Fuck.
"No sir, he doesn't look familiar at all." I lied. I couldn't just snitch on him like that.
"Well if you ever do, give us a call immediately. This man is dangerous and is wanted for murders he committed years ago."
"I will certainly." I smiled as they nodded before stepping away.
"You have a good night ma'am." They both said before leaving.
I quickly closed the door and locked it. What the hell just happened?
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I was comfortable as fuck. Seconds away from a deep ass sleep until a round of soft knocks hit against the opposite side of the door. I jolted up and sucked my teeth, ignoring it so I could sleep off this pain. They kept knocking and I groaned loudly. I just wanted to fucking rest.
"It's a hospital my nigga, the door is fuckin' open!" I yelled, holding my side where the bandage was before closing my eyes and tryna get this sleep in, J. Lo been in my dreams for the past few nights and I wasn't about to miss my date.
The door opening ruined that shit though, I looked up and saw Robyn with tears streaming down her face. Her makeup went to shit, her hair was a curly mess, and there was something different in her eyes. She ain't never seen no shit like that up close.
While I kept talking my shit to this nigga, I expected him to face me like a man so we could shoot the fair one but nah, nigga pulled a gun on me and blasted. Pussy ass, non-confrontational ass, bitch-ass, lack of hand-eye coordination ass hoe. I was standing inches from the nigga and he got me in my side, shaking like Cardi B in her past life. He ain't bout that shit he brag about.
"Come on." I patted the empty spot next to me and she reluctantly came to sit next to me. She always smelled so fuckin' good. Her presence always made me feel a whole lot better. She was so shook though, I must've meant more to her than she led on.
"Wassup?" I leaned on her shoulder and looked up at her.
"You scared the shit outta me, Jaylen."
"How?" I etched my eyebrows together and she looked down at me with her big and beautiful ass eyes.
"You stopped breathing, there was blood everywhere. I thought I lost you."
"I'm coolin', don't remember half of that shit. Too much adrenaline, I guess." she shrugged and wiped her tears. The room went quiet. Old episodes of Ed, Edd, and Eddy was playing from the tv. I couldn't fuck so I needed entertainment.
"Jaylen, I-"
"Don't apologize for this nigga, ya'll two completely different people. You can't help who you fall in love with."
"Jaylen, stop."
"Wassup? He apologize and ya'll fucked before you got here?" I groaned, obviously in my fuckin' feelings. There was hickies and shit all over her that gave me my answer.
I belong in GQ wit' my sexy ass, not in no fights or death beds for no bitch.
"Jaylen, that shit is low. Even for you. I came to see if you were okay. You're my best friend-"
"Fuck that Barney and Friends shit! I got a hot ass bullet in me over you and you still wanna friend zone a nigga. My breath stink? I got boogers? Fuck he got that I don't?"
She sighed and shook her head. "It's complicated, Jaylen."
"What's so hard? You fuckin' with this nigga or you rockin' with me? The way we keep coming back to each other is so uncanny. If anybody else was jugglin' me with another nigga, I would've told her to kiss the ashiest and lightest part of my ass a long ass time ago."
She giggled and wiped some more of her tears with the help of me. "Keep it real with me, Robyn. The way your eyes light up when you hear my voice and the way my chest be cavin' when you come around ain't natural. My shit achin' without you."
"Jay, I know damn well you can't possibly stick to one girl for the rest of your life."
"You don't know what the fuck I'm capable of. Don't belittle me, my nigga. Issa heart beating in my chest and a brain thinkin' in my hard ass head. I could stick to yo ass though, you see me ever leave you alone after we fight?" she shook her head.
"Then why you can't give my crippled ass a chance?"
"Why should I?"
"Because I lo-" I couldn't hold this shit in no more.
I got cut off by the phone in my room ringing. I groaned and asked Robyn to hand it over.
"Wassup?" It was the nurse calling to tell me I had a visitor. Kayla, for that matter. "Aight, send her up." I mumbled. Shit...
"Because you what?"
"I lose everyone I care about. I don't want you to be one of 'em, aight?." Close enough to I love you, right? I played that shit off nice!
"I'm not. I'm here." I kissed her forehead and she kissed mine.
"Oh yeah, Kayla here, too." I said, shitting on our beautiful ass moment.
"Fuck her, I'll nap over here." She rolled her eyes before lying on the hospital couch and closing her eyes. She would literally be sleep in a second.
I watched her position herself to where her dress started rising up and tried to settle my dick down before Kayla got in here.
The thought of me getting this nigga's sloppy seconds was so fuckin' disgusting to me and pissed me off all over again. We definitely gotta talk. I gotta end this shit so I could be with who I really wanna be with.
The door had opened, cutting my thoughts short and Kayla slowly walked over to the bed, hesitating at first.
"Why you all distant and shit?" I looked at her weirdly. She didn't say anything.
I motioned for her to come here with my finger and she sighed before sluggishly sitting on my lap.
"I think Ima go home.." she tried to get out of my grip but I only held on tighter because I started to notice her whole body language was off like she just found out she had AIDS or some shit. Fuck was up with her?
"Look at me." I demanded as she continued to look at the ground. Sucking my teeth, I gently grabbed her chin making her face me. She had tears in her eyes, and I swear that was a nigga's weakness.
"Wassup with you? You know you can tell me anything.." After those words left my mouth, she immediately covered her face and started crying. Good because if she had the Kim K crying face, I was gone laugh.
"Jaylen.. I'm..," she started to say but her crying got the best of her. I rubbed her back to try to show her some type of comfort. She better not say HIV positive cause if she did, I wasn't gone be the only one in a hospital bed.
"You what?"
"Pregnant." She managed to get out and I sighed in relief. Wait, pregnant? That's just as worse!
I wasn't mad... I was more so disappointed at the fact that we slipped up like this. Look at us, we ain't ready for a kid right now. That was honestly the last thing on my mind. This what my dumbass gets for not using a condom.
I noticed that Odell quietly peeked through the door, recording from his phone and trying his best to hold on his laughter. This nigga was hella childish like was he 24 or 14?
My phone had vibrated and I knew it was a text from his immature ass.
Dell🏈: u trapped fam 😂
I sucked my teeth and put my phone down.
To make matters worse, Robyn had magically woke up from her nap and stormed out. I don't know what her problem was.
"Say something!" Kayla snapped, breaking me out of my thoughts as she sniffled. I sighed and adjusted her on my lap because my side was starting to hurt thanks to Kevin. I swear that nigga bet not let me catch him in the streets. I ain't a killer but this nigga really shot me.
I had been shot before, but not to the point where I was on the verge of not making it. If Robyn hadn't got me here on time, who knows if I'd be alive or not. The docs said there was a bullet inches away from my heart and hearing that made me realize how blessed I was.
I was thankful to still be alive and to have a dope ass best friend like Robyn. I was happy that I was her main priority instead of that nigga and that she had finally stopped being on that fake shit.
I gotta give Kayla her credit, too. She was with me this whole time. Not once has she went home or been to sleep and I've been in surgery for hours.
No matter how much O's ass get on my nerves all the fucking time, he was here too. I even caught him crying and it was the funniest shit ever but I couldn't even laugh because I was in so much pain.
"Fuck you want me to say Kayla?" I questioned as she shot me a look that read she was gone kill my ass. I wasn't about to sit here and play fake happy like I was ready for a big happy ass family. This ain't no lifetime movie and I wasn't no fucking actor.
"So you ain't got nothing to say?" She got an attitude.
"Look, I like you.. a lot actually and this shit  happened hella fast and I wasn't expecting it. At the position we in right now, neither one of us ready for a kid. I mean, of course I'm gone be a man and take care of it because I helped make it but I ain't bout to sit here and jump for joy when I know I ain't even happy. You know I ain't on no fake shit like that." I started to say as she was about to get up until I pulled her back.
"Buuuuuut... shit, we in this together. Throughout this whole pregnancy, not a day will go by that I won't be by ya side. As a matter of fact, you moving in wit-"
"Moving in? Don't you think that's a bit too much?"
She got pregnant after a short amount of time after us knowing each other and she talking about too much? Shit we done already crossed that line already so it a little late for that.
"Hell nah, you having my kid so I need to know what the fuck you be doing at all times."
"We can talk about this tomorrow, I'm tired." She got the blanket off of the couch and started to lye down but I stopped her. She wasn't bout to sleep on that rock hard ass couch.
"Come sleep wit me." I stated, patting the space next to me in the bed.
"You sure? I don't wanna hurt you." I was in pain but it wasn't too bad that I couldn't bare it. With the pain meds that the doc gave me, I should be out in no time anyways.
"Girl you ain't gone hurt nothing, you bout as lil as a fly." I laughed as she stuck her tongue out at me and climbed in the hospital bed.
As she made herself comfortable, she adjusted her head on the pillow because she couldn't lay on my chest. That's also where I had been shot and I know it would hurt like hell if pressure was applied to it.
She closed her eyes as I started to play in her long, thick midnight silky hair. Maybe her getting pregnant wasn't as bad as I thought it was. I guess this could bring us closer.
As she drifted off to sleep, I kissed her forehead before grabbing my phone again. I began to wonder where the fuck my Rob had went. She literally just up and left.
Me: wya
I had waited for seconds that turned into minutes and minutes that almost turned into an hour until my meds finally kicked in. By now, Kayla and I were both cramped up in this bed sleeping like babies.
Next Day
I was finally home and I swear I was the happiest man on the planet. I was hungry as shit, too.
"Um Jaylen I hate to leave you, but I have to see where Kai is because I was supposed to get my check yesterday." Kayla stated as I lightly chuckled.
"I should come with you so I can beat that nigga's ass."
"That isn't necessary. He's fucking crazy, I'll handle it myself."
"How you gone handle it?"
"I've known him for decades, trust me on this."
"Aight whatever." I told her as I heard the front door close. Fuck this shit, I needed a blunt.
Getting up to go look for my stash of emergency kush, I was successful. I needed this shit, people been fucking trying a nigga lately. Before I could even roll up, I heard Robyn's voice outside in the hallway. I needed to talk to her ass.
Setting everything down on the coffee table, I opened the door and peeked my head out to see her and bitch ass motherfucking Kalvin. He done fucked up. He caught me before I got to smoke? This nigga was bout to feel this shit.
"So wassup now? I ain't dead nigga." I spoke as the both of them turned around, shooketh. He had to be one dumb ass nigga to even show up here, thinking everything was gone be peaches and cream.
"Jaylen please don-" I was honestly getting tired of her shit. Like stop trying to be peace maker all the fucking time.
"Shut the fuck up! This nigga just blasted on me yesterday and you talking bout please don't?! Fight me like a man, pussy ass nigga." I spat, walking up to him.
I don't care if I just got out the hospital and was still sore, he could still catch this fade.
"Wassup then nigga? I'm pose to be sca-" Before he could say anything else, I socked the shit out this nigga's jaw. Robyn's annoying ass kept telling for me to stop but all I saw was red at the point. I was sick of this nigga always coming at me like I was a bitch. It's only one bitch in this hallway and it ain't Robyn.
"Jaylen stop! You're gonna kill him!" She cried as I kicked his bitch ass in the face.
I was hella fucking pissed that Robyn was forever defending his bitch ass. This wouldn't even have happened if I wasn't fucking with her. This nigga straight blasted on my ass, yet she still with him.
By now, everyone had came out of their homes and was being nosey. I knew 12 was bound to pop up, but I ain't give a fuck.
"Chill the fuck out Jay!" Odell's big ass managed to pulled me off of him.
"Who the bitch now?!" I yelled as I spat on him while O was pulling me back.
Robyn was crying and trying to help his punk ass, and I couldn't understand why.
Maybe Kayla was what I needed after all.
But shit at this point, all this drama was making a nigga wanna go MIA. This why ion get my feelings involved wit hoes now.
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"Be still, Kaiden." Robyn sucked her teeth as she wiped the blood from my mouth. I was so fucking livid that I couldn't stop shaking. The next time I see this nigga, he dead no questions asked. Best believe that shit.
I don't even know what the fuck is happening.
Everything was falling apart, just like I fucking thought. I mean yea the deal was still on, but that didn't mean a damn thing to me since I was slowly losing my girl. Not even slowly, I knew for sure she was gone leave my ass after I tell her what happened a few weeks ago. I wasn't shit.
I tried to just leave that shit in the dark and forget about it, which worked at first but now a nigga starting to feel guilty. I don't wanna hurt or lose her, but it seems like she gone be affected if I do or don't tell her.
Robyn is honestly somebody that I planned on marrying so I don't know why I fucked that up by making one little ass mistake. Besides my businesses, she was the best thing that ever happened to a nigga.
You could have everything you've ever wanted in life and still be miserable. I was suffering from depression before I met Robyn. It's like every time she around, all my problems go out the window. I need Robyn and I ain't afraid to say that shit.
I try not to take my anger out on her as much, I just get frustrated when shit don't go as planned.
I heard things moving around in the closet and I realized that Robyn was packing up her shit. She was tripping, she ain't leaving me.
"What you call ya self in here doing?" I stood in front of her.
"What does it look like?" She spat, as she looked up at me. I noticed that her eyes were red and puffy, and  it's fucked up that I was the one that caused that. I ain't wanna just throw a bomb on her with what I was about to tell her, but I feel like if I waited she'd be even more mad.
She was real mad at the fact that I shot that nigga and I didn't understand why. I didn't feel no fucking remorse or all if he was dead or not, I was tired of that nigga.
"I need to talk to you bout some shit real quick."
"I think you've said enough for the night." She pushed my arm away.
"Seriously Robyn, just stop and listen for a minute." She rolled her eyes, and gave me her full and undivided attention. I mentally counted to 10 before saying anything.
"I had sex with Kayla a few weeks ago.." she chuckled a little. Fuck.
"Wait, I know you didn't just say what I think you said. Repeat that."
"I.. I had sex with Kayla a couple of weeks ag-" Before I could even finish my sentence, she had punched the shit out of me, making my face hurt even more. I deserved it.
"How could you?! After all that shit you talked about her just being your assistant!" She slapped me.
"No! I don't wanna hear shit else that comes out your lying ass mouth! Fuck you!" She screamed before picking up all her bags. That shit hurt for her to say that because I knew she meant it.
"Robyn, I'm sorry. Don't leav-"
"Kaiden get your hands off of me!" She pushed me away
"Man no! You not going no where!" I yelled, taking her bags and putting them back in the closet.
She just nodded and stormed out of the room, making me sigh out of frustration. As soon as I caught up to her, she had swung the front door open and there stood the fucking cops that been giving me hell for fucking years. Fuck.
"Kaiden Sanchez, you are under arrest - you have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law."
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pantasticannie · 8 years
1 - 50
fucking hell
1. Have you met your soul mate?
hopefully not
2. Favorite color when you were younger, and now?
i used to like pink a lot and now i don’t really have a preference
3. Do you wear eye-shadow? What color?
no i don’t do my makeup
4. Are you in love right now?
5. In your opinion, is love at first sight real?
yeah scientifically it only takes 1/5th of a second to fall in love with someone so yeah definitely
6. Are you an optimist, realist, opportunist, or pessimist?
7. First kiss details? (If you haven’t been kissed, reply how and if you would like to be.)
i haven’t had one yet and the “how you would like to be” is gay so im not gonna write anything
8. Do you own stickers, an stationary?
i probably do yeah
9. What’s your aesthetic?
art hoe that’s broke ready to be launched into the void
10. Do you wear dresses and skirts?
no but i wish i did more tbh
11. What is your hair like?
it’s kinda long now and the tips are a lighter brown because i lightened it during the summer
12. Does time go by fast or slow to you?
it depends on the situation i guess
13. What time do you go to bed? What time do you wake up?
i go to bed from 12-3 and wake up from 6:30-12 depending on if i have school or not
14. Favorite sweet food?
literally everything i have a huge sweet tooth
15. Tea, coffee, or hot cocoa?
all 3
16. Space, Ocean, City, or Forest?
space if i had to choose
17. Favorite game as a child?
probably soulcalibur which is like a fighting game i probably shouldn’t  have played when i was that young
18. Comfort book?
i don’t have one
19. Princess, Fairy, Mermaid, or Unicorn?
fairies seem like they’d be rad
20. Do you fall in love easily?
unfortunately ya
21. Favorite word?
there’s too many
22. Describe your life in 3 words.
fuck up cunt
23. Do you dance? Slow dance?
hahahaha no
24. Do you wear fake nails, or paint your nails?
i paint my nails but i don’t have fake ones
25. Has anyone ever confessed to you?
26. Do you lie?
everyone does
27. What makes you smile?
dumb shit mostly
28. Have you ever cried in a book or movie?
yeah i used to not to but then i became a pussy i guess
29. When and who was your first crush?
my first crush was a kid named anthony in kindergarten
30. Marriage or kids?
god no
31. Are you superstitious?
oh boy yeah i am
32. Who’s your 3 am thought?
death herself
33. Do you like candy? What’s your favorite candy?
i fucking love candy but i don’t have a favorite
34. Favorite holiday?
35. Favorite season?
36. Cat or dog person?
animal person
37. Are you quiet or loud?
it depends on who im with i sometimes don’t talk at all but sometimes im so loud it’s obnoxious
38. Favorite time period? (80′s, 60′s, etc.)
im not white
39. Favorite fashion fad that went away?
okay i really liked the poodle skirts for some reason not like i was alive when it happened but i like the way they looked i guess
40. The best dream/ worst nightmare you’ve ever had?
i dont really remember my dreams that well
41. Worst fear as a kid?
fucking everything
44. Do you flirt?
with everyone constantly but by accident
45. What’s your style?
broke student
46. Do you blush?
fuck yeah dude
47. Do you feel everything, nothing, or you don’t know what to feel?
48. Are you a crier? Do you smile?
what is this question yeah no shit bruh
49. First love?
no thanks
50. Last love?
no thanks
this is what happens when you ask me questions like this anon: you get half assed answers
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rayrayluv93 · 6 years
Gangster- Kehlani Killmonger X Reader Yes this song was in  the DC Movie “Suicide Squad”  but I fucks with this song heavy plus I love me a gangster  ass hood niggah.
“Yo E you see ol girl over there giving you the eye?”  Q says to Erick while nudging him, Erick looks up and is not impressed. “She ite” he responds taking a swig from his bottle of Hennessey.  It was a Saturday night at 803 lounge the two friends just finished a drop and wanted to get a drink; Erick and Q were well known in the city as the top dope boys, nobody dared to fuck with them and if the person was dumb enough to cross them wrong well  may  they rest in peace. “Man you buggin baby girl fine, if not gunna get that I am” Q says taking a shot and leaving the V.I.P section.Erick scans the club for something to do tonight, nothing caught his eye; just the same old same old. He sucks his teeth and counties to drink, he lays his head back on the couch with his eyes closed he drifts off where it’s just him even the music becomes muffled. His thoughts are interrupted by a tap on his leg, his eyes pop open only to see that it’s just Q. “Yo E this is Candy and Velvet.”  Q says while smirking and raising his eyebrow. “ wassup.” Erick said dryly “is he always likes this?” candy says rolling her eyes, “nah he’s ok once you get to know him.” Q said, the two girls take a seat; Candy sat next to Erick and Velvet next To Q. it seemed like Q and Velvet where  getting to know each other while Erick and Candy not so much, he was not interested at all to him she was just another chick that was looking for a come up.While Candy was talking away about God Knows what Erick’ eyes wondered around the club again, and then he stopped on you. He sat up, eyes locked on you I mean could you blame him. You had on a little red bodycon dress, a cropped denim jacket so your butt could show and open toe black heels; hair “ Fux locs” going down your back( I love Fux locs yall that’s my fav hairstyle) you didn’t need makeup just a fill in your brows and lip gloss. Erick has never seen someone like you before, you had his full attention without even knowing it; you walked to the bar with your best friend Indigo (Indigo was my best friend until she passed away so most likely you’ll see her name as the readers best friend). “Girl it packed in here tonight!” indigo says, “Its ite.” You respond, you just broke up with ya lame ass ex Monte and Indigo being the best person suggested going out and having fun.“Excuse me bartender can I have two shots of Hennessey please” She says. “Look (Y/N) I know you was in love and all but life is too short to be worrying about lame ass dudes, so what we bout to do is drink and turn the fuck upppp!” she said holding the two shots. “You right, here’s to a good ass night” you both cheers and take your shots. “CASH MONEY TAKIN OVER THE 99’S & 00S’S”.  “Sis it’s our shit!” Indigo shouts, you had two more shots before you knew it you were throwing that fat ass back to the beat. “Aye get that shit!” Indigo cheers you on.  Erick was watching you licking his lips and wondering if you could do that on his dick, then you hear from the speakers “SAID LIL BITCH YOU CANT FUCK WITH ME IF YOU WANTED TOO!”  “Aye!!” you and Indigo say together dancing and rapping the lyrics you both turn into Cardi B.Erick still watching you, he likes the way you having fun with your friend and just living life. “Ummm excuse me.” His thoughts are interrupted by Candy, “oh my bad.” Erick said with not much sincerity in his voice. Candy sucks her teeth and walks over to her friend who is in Q’s lap making out, “Yo ya mans is a cornball we out!” she says to Q, Erick hears her “Well I can be a corn ball but my skin on my hands matches my face!” he says smirking showing off his gold slug. Candy grabs Velvet by the wrist and the two woman leave. “Damn man I was so close to fuckin tonight!” “Yo fuck all that you see baby girl in the red.” He says leaning forward and licking his lips, “oh yeah she bad, I bet you can’t get that.” Q said laughing. “You on my niggah.” Erick said slapping Q’s hand and taking a big gulp of his bottle. He makes his way over towards you, at this point you turn into Meek Mills; you and Indigo are rapping the beginning of “Dreams and Nightmares”. That just turned Erick on even more a pretty girl that fucks with trap music he was plotting on what to wear to yall wedding.Before he could get to you some skin dark skin dude was in your face and did not look happy, it was Monte “ what are you doing here Yo?” say in disgust Erick stops in his tracks “ look Yo I told you it wasn’t what it looked like” he said. “Oh so I just thought I walked in on you fuckin some hoe in my bed?!” you yell. Indigo takes your hand to go outside walking right pass Erick, Monte follows you outside, “ look Yo I love you and this shouldn’t break us up!” he yells “ negro I don’t know who you think you yelling at!” indigo says standing in front of you. “No one’s talking to you Yo, this between me and my girl!” he shouts at indigo. “I’m not ya girl niggah that bitch you fucking is ya new girl go bother her!”  you yell Erick is now standing in the entrance of the club watching, you go to walk away and he grabs your arm; “ Get the fuck off me Monte!” you yell “Yo what the fuck!” Indigo yells. Before you knew Erick was over to you, you look at him then back at Monte.“Can I help you Niggah?” Monte said gridding his crooked ass teeth, “nah you can’t help me but you can help yourself by letting this beautiful young woman go.”  Erick said calmly “Niggah fuck you!” Monte said, “Wrong answer.” Erick said smirking before anyone knew it Erick had punched Monte in the face sending him falling to the ground, Monte got up and his boys rushed over then Erick was joined by Q, Q lifted up his shirt showing a gun, “ Do we have an issue gentlemen?” Q asked. Monte’s friends helped him up, “nah we don’t have an issue” Monte says in a low voice, he and his friends walk away.“You didn’t have to do that, but thank you.”  You say, “Nah boys like that sometimes need to get they ass beat” Erick says “well thanks again, I’m (Y/N) and this is Indigo.” You say shyly “yooooo my guy I fucks with you heavy!” Indigo yells while dapping Erick’s hand. You all laugh then you hear cop cars, “oh shit! Sis we gotta go!” Indigo says while grabbing you by your wrist “I’m Erick!” he yells after you.“Yo E we gotta dip!” Q yells and you both your separate or do Yo…
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daytermine · 7 years
I got tagged by @kacchan-pls​, much love to you <3
Name: megan
Nickname(s): meg, people call my by a portion of my last name a lot too but privacy Average hours of sleep: 5-6 hours  Coffee or Tea: coffee all the way! Why I made a tumblr: I made this blog 3 years ago, and i wasn't active on it until january. I don't really know but here i am Reasons for my URL: i LITERALLY do not know because I made this blog so long ago and its old URL was super dumb... so i shortened it and its still trash and i don't want to rebrand ya know Favorite Color(s) to wear: grey, sometimes green, and pastel pink Lipstick or Chapstick: chapstick (although im a huge hoe for makeup) Favorite Hobbies: working out (i’m a huge muscle head), hanging out w my friends, and sleeping lmao Last song I listened to: gods plan - drake Last movie and tv show: i literally do not remember the last movie i watched but I'm rewatching the bnha anime atm Top three shows: hunter x hunter, shameless, and my hero academia! (dead giveaways) Relationship status: single bc i mind my own business favorite colors: pink, grey, and navy blue! three bands/artists: uhhh nicki minaj, blackbear, and marina’s trench
currently reading: literally nothing but i should start the bnha/hxh mangas.. i just kinda read what i see off tumblr
tagging: any of my mutuals! 
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