#y'shtola cosplay
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rizzyun · 1 year ago
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I will not hold back~
Yshtola by me, WoL by @rachasakawa, @/ibraim.elias, Photo by @ronaldoichi
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maruwins · 2 years ago
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Summer Y’Shtola
Photos: Drew Fronda Photography, Marshalmalloww, TKFire
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driftward · 6 days ago
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sonrycosplay · 4 months ago
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Y'shtola • Scion Sorceress
photo by EkaterinaMorpheeva, cosplay by me
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jojowentbananas · 2 years ago
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Truly an unforgettable moment for all of us. Last weekend we managed to finally meet up for a 10+ people photoshoot from FFXIV in Germany, gathering people from four different countries and the results are breathtaking. I’m so happy that we managed to make it work, the weather was not kind to us on that day, but we persevered and made it work nonetheless. I’m so happy I can call all of you my friends after this experience ♥ 
Check the hyperlinks for the instagram @’s of our wonderful crew!!
Photo by baumography
Alisaie - Jojo (me!) Lyse - Kristin Venat - Mana Urianger - Cerb Alphinaud - Chris Y’shtola - Sun Thancred - Illua WOL - Chezah G’raha - Lorien Ryne - Jess Gaia - Sigli
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sentienceee · 6 months ago
don't leave me in a craft store unattended.
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emiliegauvincreations · 1 year ago
First post on this blog. I dunno how I'll be approaching this platform but I didn't wanna leave it completely empty.
Please enjoy my latest cosplay; Y'shtola from FFXIV ✨
Costume made by me
3D unfinished props from DangerousLadies
Ears by Gothic Goddess Designs
Photos by KameraNinja
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aerialsquid · 1 year ago
Dungeon Meshi Characters as FFXIV Players
Laios -FC leader because no one else wants to do it -Started at Paladin, swapped to Samurai once Nemari and Shuro left the FC and Senshi joined. Senshi won't play anything but Warrior and they needed another DPS. -Owns every lore book -Always in the chat during hunt trains -Working on blue mage but it's going slow because nobody wants to help him -Ask him about his Lightwardens designs (do not) -Favorite Character: You think it's gonna be Hermes but it's Midgardsormr. The next ten minutes are him infodumpng about dragon lore.
Senshi: -Warrior main just so he can do stuff solo, but his gathering/crafting is maxed out - God tier omnicrafter but doesn't really care about glamours - His apartment at the FC is designed around sustainable building and farming practices. He has opinions on these. He will tell you the opinions. -Hangs out in the Diadem for fun -Has not been paying any attention to the MSQ -Favorite Character: "I dunno. That girl from the new content has a good appetite?"
Marcille -The only one playing for the plot. Laios lets her design the FC house -Ask her about her Azem (do not) -Strong shipping opinions -White Mage 4 Life -Favorite character: G'raha Tia. Don't ask why she has a lot of suggestive Y'shtola/WoL and genderwap Raha/WoL fanart commissioned.
Falin -Plays Black Mage so they can have a caster in the team -Isn't actually muted in the voice chat but speaks so quietly nobody hears her - Originally played as a Hyur but her account got hacked for a while and she came back as an Au Ra later. -Listens politely to Marcille's shipping opinions -Favorite character: Alisae
Chilchuck -Plays the market board like it's the stock market -Shot-caller during raids but doesn't want to be FC lead so Laios does it -Palace of the Dead/Heaven on High veteran -Ninja main -Mad people call him cute things just because he plays as a Lalafell -Favorite character: Thancred, 'because he's cool, I dunno.' (This is lies, he cried during the dad arc in Shadowbringers.)
Kabru -Always knows the spiciest FC drama -Multiclassing - has Scholar as his healer, Paladin for tank, Bard for DPS. -Favorite character: Will pick what he thinks your favorite is to relate to you better. (The true answer is Ardbert.)
Shuro -Samurai obviously -Had a crush on Falin and somehow nobody but Marcille noticed -Mahjong champion but doesn't tell anyone about it -Favorite character: Lord Hien (yes he's got a cosplay)
Namari -Pugilist main -Also does crafting but only to get the best armor sets - Does not give a fuck about glams -Will grind for relic weapons like no one's business -Favorite character: Estinien
Izutsumi -Shuro's cat who gets on the keyboard during raids
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rizzyun · 8 months ago
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Are you enjoying the new FFXIV expac? Because I'm having a loooot of fun with Dawntrail!
Y'shtola by me Photo by @ronaldoichi
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mmorpg-escapism · 10 months ago
I have just enough energy in me tonight for my favorite solo duty. This one's a doozy, and the final thing that stands between us and Endwalker! ...which I'll start tomorrow. There are also some Thoughts on the expansion as a whole at the end under the cut.
For those of you who have been keeping an eye on this journey, thank you ❤ It's not over yet and is most definitely going to loop back to stuff I did before starting here: there will eventually be another run through ARR to current sometime after the graphics update hits every expansion, so likely late next year. I've got a hrothgal waiting in the wings for that one... and do plan to do this to Dawntrail on my main with appropriate spoilers tagged as well as the usual one. We shall see how that goes.
Now, into the duty!
Alphinaud's character growth is so very visible to us after Arenvald's pep talk. The kid is a natural-born leader, and despite his mistakes he has enough confidence to really use his gifts... after a little push from his friends and family.
And now, we fight! The Scions take the field in full force - first as a group, and then splitting up across the field to take charge of several enemies. Our first stop is us clearing the field of a LOT of tempered Imperials... then splitting up to find and deal with Lunar Primals wherever we can while G'raha holds the fort.
And now, the real fun: We get to cosplay as a few of the Scions! Starting with Alisaie! RDM is my favorite caster, and this simplified take on it is very much faithful to my experience with it itself. Lots of little enemies, one big one, and a very fun slice-n-dice playground.
Development: "Random" magical glyphs that are pointed at the heart of a massive "aetheric confluence" - which is just a fancy way of describing a spot where several aetheric currents meet - and Y'shtola's guess is that they're there to enable some seriously nasty disasters should one of the Grape-flavored Primals reach and destroy one. Cool, the stakes have risen.
Split #2 has us afield as Urianger's Astro, facing Lunar Odin - which I did NOT do in my original playthrough nor this one, so I had no idea what to expect. I'm not an Astro player, but after some experience with one of my static members being... particularly annoyed with it, this wasn't quite so bad. Odin down!
Split #3 is back to G'raha and Alisaie, but now we're playing as G'raha who is some combo of BLM and WHM, facing off with Lunar Ravana. Big stabby sword bug. Woo. He's just as cool as the original fight, if a little toned down for story and "2-man" reasons. Big stabby stuff, and even an excuse to use G'raha's Break spell! Bugman down!
Now, back to the WoL with Estinien and Alphinaud facing down the monster that crippled Arenvald: Grape Ifrit. This one's personal. And boy howdy wthat one was the most intense of the three. Fire everywhere, a big LB3-like thing out of Estinien, the works. But it's the last of the primals, and we're all still alive.
I love this duty so very much. Not only because we get to spend some time as our Scion friends. Not only because we get to fight primals in a more one-on-one style that helps me imagine how to write it when I get there. It's also because there are stakes going in - stop the crazy person with lots of power who's trying to end the world - that become more specific during the fight, and then when the evil plan is thwarted, they don't just gloss over the aftermath.
We get to see our friends being VERY human. Alisaie is exhausted and berating herself for not doing enough. Alphinaud cannot stand losing anyone, and we have to watch him fight that when his healing isn't enough to save the man in front of him. We see the Grand Company of Eorzea at work - city-state leaders and beastmen tribes alike working together to cure the tempered. We cannot save everyone, an Amalj'aa warrior reminds the Scions, but those we have saved would not have been if not for you.
"So please, hold your heads high." The entire bustling field stopped and listened. Every single country we have visited, from the Alliance to Doma, is represented here. Standing behind the Scions, who gave everything they had to win the day, despite the cost. The moon breaks through the clouds above, and one last time we hear the Shadowbringers main theme break through as everyone gathered stares up at it, and the credits roll.
As I sit and process this entire expansion one more time, it's clear... Shadowbringers fundamentally alters your brain chemistry. That's from one of the posts going around the week I wrapped this up, and it is extremely accurate. We started all the way back in ARR as an adventurer with a gift, but little else, and got used. We slowly turned into something else on our way into Heavensward ("What are you?" - Thordan VII after we beat him) and used the power we had to liberate two entire countries from the Garlean empire alongside our friends, then watched them get snatched away from us for some unknown reason.
And then we went to where they were and found ourselves embroiled in a world that flipped the script on everything we knew. Light was bad, Dark was good, and everything we thought we knew was wrong. Discoveries with ripple effects that will be felt through Endwalker and beyond were made, and two entire worlds were changed as a result.
I'm not that good at analyzing story, or at least I didn't think I was when I started. All I knew is that this expansion was The Best that FFXIV had to offer, and I wanted to find ways to articulate why I thought that. I think I've succeeded, at least a little. I'm very excited for Endwalker and Dawntrail and beyond. Maybe I'll even get some creative spark going and write more of ARW for your enjoyment and my own - I want to do more than think about my blorbo :)
One more Arenvald Appreciation post tomorrow, most likely, and then into Endwalker!
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keicordelle · 1 year ago
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Remember that time when Y'shtola cosplayed as a miner?
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multiipl · 7 months ago
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Henlo I know I was kinda Radio silence a long time (thanks Final Fantasy XIV) but I have a thingie to share!
I've been working on this Y'shtola Cosplay for the past like 7-8 weeks non stop and I am happy to announce that I have qualified as a finalist for the world's biggest gaming convention's Cosplay Contests.
I would be super happy if you could vote for me or share this if you can't vote. Thank you!
- Luwucy
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eorzea80 · 1 year ago
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As it is Solstice, and as I am wont to [stay up until dawn and worry the heck out of my living spouse, daroga], and wait for some House of Ill Repute to pay out its winnings, I suppose I will weave a yarn. I had always set out for my WoL...if I can call "her" that, to be "the older but wiser [girl]"
[From here on out, I'm going to dispense with qualifiers. While I have a rather casual relationship with gender, my character, despite their obvious Mary/Boy Named Sue qualities uses she/her pronouns. Anything beyond that is for her to figure out in time.] I didn't want her to be a chipper 17-year-old HS senior featured in so many fantasy and sci-fi narratives.
[Please ignore my Sukeban Deka cosplay in the thumbnail].
On the other hand, I didn't think she could carry a hardened Ripley-esque facade. A Merlwyb I am not.
I did want to integrate a few circumstances from my life and reflect the fact that I do have a partner whom I love and respect, but for whom MMO's are kind of a no-go. I want to be able to RP, but avoid some of the complications I've heard about. Please keep in mind that I do not possess the "smells like lore"...ya know, ...lore? I just looked on Amazon for those books and I think I'm going to be sick at the price. I'm just going off of what little I've played over 10 years. Remember, dungeons make me break out in hives, so I only ever got the courage to attempt them in Shadowbringers/Endwalker. [Deep breath] Pryne Caris is the child of researchers on Sharlyan, with family ties to Gridania and Ishgard. As is usually the case, once her mother was with child, she set aside her ambitions in favor of raising her daughter and supporting her husband's research [true story]. Pryne was a quick study. Beyond knowing *of* Y'shtola, who was a few years above her, *of* G'raha, who was a few years below her, and maybe babysitting the Leveilleur twins [THRICE, NEVER AGAIN, true story], Pryne had few academic contacts outside of her year [In theory, Krile should have been a bestie, but I can't find THE LORE to support that]. Nevertheless, she still rose through the the ranks, buoyed by her parents' confidence and competence. It seems to me that she would have sought out the opportunity to become an Archon and possibly been a Student of Baldesion...but a few circumstances intervened. In the years preceding the Seventh Umbral Calamity, Pryne's father began to go mad. As his work became increasingly useless to the cause of Etheirys, he was stripped of his duties and institutionalized in a facility within Labyrinthos. His family, not being current or vested researchers within Sharlyan, were given a choice: Stay in their home and work to subsidize his care, with almost nothing left over for their own needs; or leave and have his care fully funded by the institution. It really wasn't much of a choice. Pryne's research was left behind unfinished; a torch for other students to carry [true story, that's how it works in academia sometimes]. I haven't the foggiest clue what she was specializing in, as she came to her fighting class later in life, but I imagine she was trying to find some woo-woo link between magical and physical classes; something that G'raha may have picked up on as he became our favorite All-Rounder. She and "Ma Mère" left for Gridania, stayed with kinfolk in Central Shroud for a spell, and then splurged on an apartment in the Lily Hills complex. Beside doing academic spec work for Gridanian government and guilds, they established a bar, "Salutations" [Cheers], which is where they turned most of their gil. Within a year, they went from sleeping in a double-bed behind the bar to each having an apartment of their own, one floor apart [true story...you're going to see a lot of those *cough* Mary Sue *cough*] Around the end of their first year in Gridania, as conditions worsened, a regular patron invited her to the Lancers' Guild in town.
"You know, just so you can defend yourself." "I can defend myself just fine, thank you!" "I'm sure you can, but it's much more convincing with a pointy stick!"
Again, she was a quick study. He tutored her and when her researcher's mind absorbed all he could give, he referred her on to the guild leader; and then on to Coerthas.
"Come back to me when you are a Dragoon. Come back to The Shroud and we will be married."
In her head, the peace of The Sanctum and the fires of Carteneau flash back and forth, strobing, blinding.
"We were both there, side by side, hand in hand, ready to meet our uncertain future. We moved but a finger and one of us vanished."
Like most afflicted with post-Calamity amnesia, Pryne cannot remember the fate of her husband on the fields of Carteneau.
Unlike those afflicted, a new vision has cropped up to take the place of those irradiated memories.
Pryne was not asking for someone to kick her in the pants and out of mourning for her husband. Her mother certainly wasn't going to go there, having barely mourned her own husband's loss as well. Oh, no, no. Our dear Hydaelyn, our Friend From Another End[walker], was there to show us the way out of our grief. Show us = SEND US ON A MESSIANIC QUEST WITH A BUNCH OF OLD CLASSMATES. So now she's here. Saving suicidal bird girls and trying not to see all the similarities between her husband [WHO MIGHT STILL BE OUT THERE] and this five-foot-three flagon of charged Hawaiian Punch. Who may or may not be a former classmate. Who she may or may not have saved from being a giant quartz statue. ----- [I WON THE LOTTERY! I NEVER WIN CRAP! It's kind of a life-changing amount of gil. I have no clue what I'm going to do with it [nothing, I'm doing nothing, I'm saving it for a nest egg and never touching it like in real life].
And now she's back at Salutations, watching careworn former soldiers make terrible jokes on her stand-up stage. Keeping Alisaile from raiding the bar ["Why do I never have this issue with Alphinaud?"]. Keeping gil in the jukebox. Keeping it all from slipping through her fingers a third time.
----- Please be kind to my lore that is not lore. A lot of it is left ambiguous so that I can maybe write my partner in at a later date, if they care to join. Also, because I DON'T HAVE THE LORE BOOKS BUT NOW I KNOW THEY EXIST AND I WANT THEM.
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sentienceee · 6 months ago
y'shtola cosplay update!
staff is almost done but still needs to be put together. I have a wig and amazon cat ears - I'm hoping these can look better if I spend a couple hours arranging/connecting them.
still haven't started the outfit because procrastination!! I should have all the fabric though
oh, did I mention this needs to be done in two weeks? oops.
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maruwins · 2 years ago
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FFXIV Valentione’s babes <3
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okcosplaycollective · 3 years ago
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New year, new cosprog!
Y'shtola staff arrived from Phoenix3Dcraft on Etsy. It’s perfect, taller than Eliza, and GLOWS
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