#y'know‚ they're cute! what else is there to say? the only reason i usually don't use them in playthrus of sinnoh games is just bc grotle
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front-facing-pokemon · 2 years ago
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manofmanymons · 1 year ago
thanks so much for responding to my ask about Ryo x Minoru!! the stuff you wrote was so cute, especially the “this could be us”picture (I 100% could see Minoru sending that) also the idea you had of them kissing because they thought they were gonna die…your mind omg. I could also see them doing one of those “thank god we’re alive” kisses where they thought they were gonna die but when they live they’re so happy and that the other person is happy that they just. smooch lol
also I did see that other post you made about them and I loved it! but it’s funny that you see everyone being shocked when they say they’re together because I hc that they’d both be super obvious even when they try to hide that they like each other (esp Minoru, the word subtle isn’t in that boy’s dictionary). if either of them confided in Kaito for whatever reason, I can 100% picture him saying in the most deadpan voice, “congrats, you’re officially the last one to know.” I think it would specifically be obvious because they’d talk about each other all the time, even if it was about things that “annoyed” them and then trying too hard to play it cool by immediately following up with “not that I care about him or anything!!!1!” or something like that.
I just think they’re neat and I’m honestly surprised that there aren’t more people who ship them. like they spend a good amount of time together, they both have come running when the other one is distressed, and I also noticed that falcomon is the only kemonogami who can understand kunemon, and since the kemonogami represent their partner’s hearts, I feel like it shows that they both understand each other. also if Minoru gets captured by dokugumon in chapter 1, ryo will complain about Minoru being a pain, which makes Minoru mad, but falcomon reassures him that Ryo’s just making such a fuss because he was worried about Minoru (which Ryo denies and gets embarrassed over ofc).
on a less serious note, I feel like they would be kinda like those two old guys from the muppets once they start dating where they bond over roasting other people/each other. I also get reminded of them when I see that one post where it’s like “I had a crush on someone in my class and didn’t know how to deal with it so I just wrote a letter that said ‘get out of my school.’” like they both are soft™️ on the inside but have such a hard time expressing it.
sorry i totally rambled about them but it’s just nice to see someone else who ships this rare pair!! i wish more people enjoyed it/wrote about it! I literally made one of those dumb comic sans powerpoints about them one day because I was bored and because digimon survive hyperfixation™️ and because i freakin love them. so thanks so much, i really appreciate it!! 💕
Y'know what anon, I see the vision. I see the poorly concealed crush disguised as annoyance. Them thinking everyone would be surprised only to be met with "guys we literally all knew." I love that we both decided they would not shut up about each other though XD
Also 100% in love with the idea of their partners being a reflection of how well they get each other. You're so big brained aaaaaah.
They absolutely would talk shit together lmao. Mean old ladies on a porch swing except they're both teenage boys XD Also why are they actually both the "he's bullying you because he likes you" one in the relationship ToT
I am dying to know about this powerpoint lakdjfakj I also am surprised more people don't ship it tbh like at least for me they are like THE pairing from the game that falls the most into my usual preferred tropes. Annoyances to friends to lovers. Sunshine x grumpy except they're both a little grumpy. "He's an idiot but he's MY idiot." Rowdy boys. "I hate you (affectionate)." They're so good together. They should kith.
I should provide further context that she has a point redeem for talking in a high pitched voice so that's why we were talking like that lmao.
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no-psi-nan · 3 years ago
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@mycatisabunny thank you so much for this question! 🥺💜 "Sounds in-character" is one of the greatest compliments for a fanfic writer so I'm super super happy to receive this question!
So first of all, I know there's some debate about honorifics in English fanfic and tbh it's my first time using them, but in the case of Saiki K, those honorifics are absolutely load-bearing. Even though the cast is huge, if I just write
you already know it's a P.K. Psychickers chapter.
Actually in Extra Love Stories, Saiki should technically update the way he refers to Akechi and Aiura since he's closer to them. I've allowed "Touma-kun" since it would still be a unique form of address, but had Aiura request to keep usage of her first name to when they're in private. She introduces herself as "Miko-chan" so I have a lot of characters call her that, and if Saiki calls her Miko-chan as well, then it won't stand out. And similarly, Akechi should technically switch to calling Saiki just "Kusuo" but Aiura already calls him that. Toritsuka doesn't ever get to upgrade to "Saiki-kun" either, because his "Saiki-san" is too recognizable lmao.
There's also Kuboyasu and Kaido, who are the only ones who call each other "Aren" and "Shun", and Aiura's silly nicknames like "Teryu-koko" and "Chiyopipi".
It's hard to keep track of honorifics for more minor character interactions (does Chiyo call Mera "Mera-san" or "Mera-chan" at the end of the series?), and I've been tempted to go through the manga and make a matrix because that's the kind of person I am, but generally if I can't remember then I'm guessing most readers aren't going to remember either and I shouldn't be depending on it for characterization lol.
Next is each character's particular quirks (it's the Homestuck in me lmao), in rough order of how much I've written them so far:
Saiki's default emotion should always be exasperation. Now, I refuse to use "yare yare" in an English fic, so I've replaced this key phrase with a rotation of "good grief", "what a pain", and "seriously?". I don't count how often I'm using one of these three, but probably a reasonable estimate is that he needs to say at least one of these every 5 lines lmao. I avoid doubling-up because then it gets annoying (though in times of peak annoyance he might use 2 or all 3 in the same text box), so I actually end up spending some time reviewing Saiki's dialogue to make sure it's well-seasoned lmao. Also Saiki generally talks in short sentences, probably because in the manga his boxes take up a lot of space on the panel so it becomes a matter of practicality. This is not how I normally tend to talk as you might have guessed by now lmao, so I usually put in extra effort to keep his sentences terse. If he's giving a longer explanation, I'll break up the paragraph into several boxes, generally no more than 2 longer sentences per box. He's also very tsundere, and while he's working towards being more open with his feelings in my fic, he'll still be a little reluctant to be sappy or experience emotions, especially when he's not expecting to and hasn't prepared himself mentally for it. Also if someone else does something Saiki approves of, don't forget his cute habit of saying "good job". Not as funny when the rest of his dialogue is already in English, but y'know.
Akechi is so easy for me to write because I'm already long-winded as hell by nature. But when writing his dialogue, I do go for fancier longer words, and after I've written it, I actually go back and add in useless filler words and phrases like I'm a high schooler trying to pad out the word count on an essay lmao. I also use paragraph starters like I'm writing an actual essay, like "in addition". For longer comedic sequences like in his picture day monologue, I actually did some research on Wikipedia to find a sort of rabbit hole conclusion for him to come to after starting with the topic of "saying cheese". I actually kept going back to add more length to it for hilarity, and it wasn't until almost posting time that I realized I'd written SO MUCH funny Akechi monologue but hadn't talked about piss even once lmao, so I went back in and threw a mention in there 😂😂😂 But otherwise I tend to minimize his pee talk lmao, let's call that character development as he starts hanging out with Saiki more and Saiki keeps giving him disapproving looks when he gets on the topic.
Aiura is easy because she uses a lot of funky unique slang already. She's also always upbeat unless shit's REALLY going down or Toritsuka's being a little bitch. Her sentences should usually have at least one "like" or "ya know" or other bit of silliness in it. I naturally type like this as well so I actually have to take out some "like"s sometimes 😂😂 I also have a running list of Aiura's nicknames for characters, including some I made up because there wasn't a canon one. Usually the names seem to be a 4-syllable, fun-to-say mashups of first and last names, except Chiyopipi lmao, so it's not a hard+fast rule. Aiura is also hilarious by nature, so if there's a naughty joke available, she's going to go for it!
Toritsuka is a horrible rude little gremlin, so he talks in a very blunt way except when he's being whiny, then it's all "Saiki-saaan" and indiscriminate begging lmao. He also usually refers to Aiura by some sort of derogatory nickname every time, so usually I come up with a new one each time to keep it fresh because if Toritsuka is horrible AND boring then he's going to ruin the rest of the chapter lol.
Teruhashi is a tough one because she doesn't have any easy quirks to her speech so I was pretty nervous when publishing that chapter where it's just her and Saiki having a conversation. When she's being a perfect pretty girl, her dialogue will usually be very much peace-keeping and polite, she'll smooth over any awkwardness or rudeness and make sure everyone is feeling good and happy. But when the glow turns off and she's being more genuine, she's a lot more like a normal teenage girl and gets easily flustered. We actually don't see much of this in canon except when she's with Chiyo essentially, it's usually just perfection or her less charitable inner thoughts. But she's not going to talk exactly like her inner thoughts because even if she's not being perfect, she's not going to be rude either. She does stammer when she gets flustered, and she's really smart and quick on the uptake, so I try to keep those in mind when writing her as well.
Saiko is a hilarious character and he has a funny habit of calling everyone peasants, which makes him easy to distinguish. He uses big haughty words but is generally kind of rude lmao, and he'll reference the disparity of wealth at every opportunity lol. But still, he has a soft spot for his friends, white is why I've come up with a list of silly phrases for him to call the collective friend group, like "my penniless pals". Alliteration is just funny and has a good mouth feel to it! Can't wait to write the chapters he stars in, he's really fun lol.
Hairo is just the embodiment of "ganbatte" so I try to pepper his speech with fiery upbeat nonsense and cheering. Hairo sees everyone equally so there's not much difference in how he talks to different characters... EXCEPT for Kaido 😂😂 Pretty sure Kaido is the only person Hairo just doesn't have much respect for lmao, he's always just like "uhh... sure" whenever Kaido goes off about some shit lmao.
Kaido has three modes: blunt, flustered, and delusional. Delusional is the most recognizable, so I usually try to squeeze in some edgy angsty teen nonsense in his dialogue and invent things using several "goffic" words like "Demon's Hellsight Beam". When he's caught out on his bullshit or is in front of someone he's intimidated by (his mom, Teruhashi, Kuboyasu at first), he'll stammer and mumble and be absolutely unintelligible. The rest of the time, like when he talks to Nendo, he'll be pretty blunt and rude. Actually now that I think about it, Kaido has a fourth mode: childish enthusiasm, usually when he's talking about his hobbies or favorite shows. I'll probably have more solid thoughts on Kaido once I write one of the Moving Forward chapters in which he stars lol. There's one coming up in Chapter 3 so we'll see how that goes lol.
Kuboyasu is an ex-gangster. He's usually pretty polite actually, though he'll have the occasional "bro" or "yo" and he's kind of casual and laid-back in how he talks. Unless something pisses him off (a lot of things do), then he'll be very aggressive and curse and use his interrobang ⁉️ It's not technically canon but I'll also sometimes use the double exclamation ‼️ for him sometimes to differentiate him a little more. Again, I'll probably have more solid thoughts when I write more of him. 🤔
Nendo is one of the hardest characters to write. There's his trademark "Oh" but it's a normal thing for other people to say as well, so it's not easy to differentiate with over text. He's also a wild mix of incredibly stupid and super wholesome, so it's hard to figure out what he would say at any given moment because half the time he's off on another topic for comic relief or to introduce chaos.
Kusuke is fun as hell, he's going to condescend to everyone because he doesn't respect anyone except his little brother lmao. He has a fake casualness about him, so his speech is actually kind of easy-going and honest, except he's also calling everyone monkeys. Looking forward to writing more of him too lmao.
Chiyo is full of girly enthusiasm, she's always got exclamation points and will make silly noises like "uwaaa" and generally act like an anime girl. Unless you show the slightest interest in her chosen mediocre man, at which point she's ready to fight to the death.
Mera is tough... Gotta mention food because she doesn't really have any other strong quirks. 😓
Hii is shy and goes "umm" a lot and is polite and apologetic. She's doing her best lol.
Okay I think that's it for most of the characters but if I forgot someone you're curious about, hit me up with another ask! As you can see, I love to chat 😂😂
Thanks again for the ask!! 💜
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dailydoseofserotonin · 4 years ago
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Word Count : 949
Notes: I tried to keep Bakugo as in character as I could, I'm sorry if to you he's not. I'll work at it. Also there's a bit Sero/Kami sprinkled. Just a heads up
Pronouns: None except for those given
Beta Reader(s) : @special-simp
Warnings: Bakugo swears as usual, but that's about it
"So then I said, you can't pass me! You just can't and then-"
"I passed him"
The group snickered as Kaminari groaned. Gathered around him were Ashido, Kirishima, Sero and Bakugo. They were all gathered in the latter's room for a study session, but the group was doing everything but studying.
What had started off as a study session, quickly dissolved into the group just goofing off. It was as expected as it was annoying for one explosive blonde.
"Will you fuckers at least try to study for ten minutes before you decide to waste my time!" Raged said blonde.
Bakugo Katsuki was anything but patient. How he became friends with those four was a complete mystery.
"Chill out Bakubro. We're just having a good time"
"Yeah blasty, you should try it sometime"
Scowling, Bakugo launched a pillow at the pink menace. "I can have a good time. I just don't choose to with you damn idiots"
Gasping, Kaminari placed a hand over his heart dramatically. "You wound us!"
Chiming in, Sero draped himself over Kaminari's shoulders. "Woe is me!" He says, before the two guffaws with laughter, tears gathering in their eyes. Their cackling must be contagious because it isn't long before both Kirishima & Mina are giggling along with them.
Stifling her giggles, Mina looked up to the scowling blonde. "If you don't have a good time with us, who else could you possibly have a good time with?"
"Yeah man, we're your only friends"
"Right! No one else would willingly put up with your attitude"
"Except Midoriya, he's an angel"
"Bless Midoriya" The four voice in unison.
Bakugo explodes, literally.
Anything he can get his hands on he throws at them. For their part the four just laugh and take cover, well used to the blondes explosiveness. It was what made him so fun to tease.
Popping his head up from behind a chair, Kirishima attempts to diffuse the situation. "Okay, okay. But we are genuinely curious who else besides us you would hang with"
"Yeah!" Piped up Kaminari, popping his head out from under Sero. For some reason, the boy had decided to shield Kaminari with his own body from Bakugo's onslaught. Off to the side, Mina eyed their position and smirked causing Sero to blush slightly. "Or maybe your fun time is with yourself when you-"
He got a pillow to his face before he could even attempt to finish that sentence.
Kirishima winced. No doubt that'll bruise, especially since Bakugo wasn't exactly known for his restraint.
Snarling, Bakugo leaned back against his headboard his hands crossed tightly across his chest. "There's… well" Scowling as a small flush settled on cheeks, he glanced down to his feet. "I've been… seeing someone"
"What, like a therapist?" Sero questioned.
"No!" His hands were practically smoking at this point and it took everything in him not to blow the boy up. Don't get him wrong he wasn't going soft or anything, he just really didn't want to damage his room. He could blow up these losers somewhere else, but not his room. "Fucking dunce-face, I meant… relationship-wise"
That got everyone moving. Soon they were all gathered on the blonde's bed, each of them screaming something in the boy's face.
"Who?! When?! What?!"
"And you didn't even tell me???? Bro.. "
"You're dating someone?!"
"Who did you beat up to get them to date you??!?!"
Screw it. His room looked a little bland anyways.
Roaring, he attacked.
During the commotion no one heard the knock on the door nor said door being opened. They did however notice the sound of someone clearing their throat.
"Um, am I interrupting something? I can come back"
Quickly they de-tangled themselves, hoping to at least bring back an air of normalcy. It was a little too late for that, but it was the thought that counted.
"Y/n? Why are you here?" Voiced Mina.
At her question you raise the textbook in your hand. "I borrowed this from the gremlin. I was just returning it"
Said gremlin was staring at you, a confused frown settled on his lips.
"What are you looking at?" You ask, a little irked by his blatant staring.
"Is that my shirt?"
Arching a brow, you scowl at him. "Hah? Your shirt? You mean our shirt"
Never one to back down, he scowls back at you. "Our shirt? You didn't fucking buy it, I did"
"Oho?" Throwing the textbook to the floor you move to take off the shirt.
Eyes widening, Bakugo quickly crosses the room and grabs your hands preventing you from stripping right then and there. "What the fuck are you doing?!"
"I'm giving you your stupid shirt back!"
"You're giving these losers a gotdamn show!"
"It's not like we mind-"
"Shut the fuck up, Pikachu!"
Yanking your hands out of his grip, you glare up at him. "Do you want your shirt back or not?"
Dragging a hand down his face, he sighs angrily. "Fucking keep it" He bites out. "Looks better on you anyways"
Pleased, you smirk at him. "Damn right I do"
"The fuck you say?!"
"You heard me!"
So lost in your fighting, the two of you don't notice the gossiping group in the background.
"Sooooo, Y/n & Bakubro huh?"
"Looks that way. It's kinda cute"
"Tch. They're too good for him"
Glancing to the side at Kaminari, Sero wrings his hands in his lap. "Y'know….. I could help you get over that crush Kaminari"
"Really? How?"
Rubbing the back of his neck, Sero smirks a little "We should head to my room. It'd be better there. More chance of a success and all that"
Exchanging glances, Mina & Kirishima smirked.
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mammonology · 5 years ago
Literally drawings⟨All 7 of them⟩
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—A fem!MC that fangirls over anime/otome game characters
—WC; 1k
—A/N: First of, sorry for the inactivity for the last 2 days but here is a thank you for 300 followers! ily all sm, and I tried to pick anime/otome game boys that kinda have the same personality as them? So hopefully that was okay
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❥Your husbando: Jumin Han
➷He looks at you as if you're literally deranged when you squeal at your phone
➷Can you be anymore annoying? You're literally talking to your phone as if someone was calling you.. oh shit someone was
➷He didn't know that it was a game okay! He was just listening in on the convo not really knowing what the guy was saying as it was in Korean
❝MC, who's that?❞
➷You start fangirling and roll all over his bed, hugging your phone, totally ignoring Lucifer, okay it was starting to annoy the hell out of him
➷You better stop or he'll bring out the red ribbon ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
❝It's nothing, just Jumin~❞
➷He'll have to confiscate your phone, he is not having any of that today, no sir. And if you disobey? It's the red ribbon for you kitten~
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❥Your husbando; 707/Saeyoung
➷You're into jokesters? We'll get ready cause every group chat will be filled with Mammon's attempts of jokes that just ends up being super corny
➷ *Lucifer has left the chat*
➷Insecurities will start to creep up to him, is this your ideal type? Does he not meet the standard?
➷You'll have to convince him that No! You are enough! And you're just playing it for fun
❝Huh?! The great Mammon doesn't need reassurance! I already know you wouldn't leave me, I mean who would? You won't right?❞
➷Yeah, you would tell him that Mammon reminds you of 707 that's the reason why, and he'd be over the moon cause even with a fictional guy the person you think of is him!!
➷He'll still send you jokes and try to make you laugh tho! He's the only one who can do that, no 707 or other fictional characters
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❥Your husbando; Levi Ackerman
❝Levi! You're so hot!❞
➷He'll blush cause he thinks it's him you were talking about, as he was gonna reply he turned around to you kissing the screen
➷With an anime character in the screen, he immediately recognizes it as Levi from AOT, he rolls his eyes as he sighs
❝Next time can you say their last name too? I'll get confused❞
➷He'll start sulking cause he really thought you were talking about him!! Say sorry >:(
❝Ahh, but Levi you're hot too~❞
➷You'd wrap your arms around him, peppering his face with kisses, he would blush but turn his face away
❝Hmph, you mean the other Levi
➷Jealousy cranked up to 1000, he thought he was the only Levi for you!
➷So with a lot of consultation and cuddles he'll forgive you, but whenever he sees Levi on the screen, he'll just scoff and look away cause MC likes him and only him
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❥Your husbando; Bakugou Katsuki
➷You have a type for hot heads don't you? Is one hot head not enough?
➷Doesn't understand your attachment to these drawings, but vibes with it nonetheless
❝I don't get it, he's a blond angry boy? Me? It's like me? Y–You got me there❞
➷He finds Bakugou's screaming and constant swearing unbearable and just wants to shut him up, but his quirk to him was interesting, sweat that's explosive? That's hella cool
➷Would spend time watching the anime for 'experiments' but honestly he's just looking for what Bakugou has that he doesn't, surely not looks
➷It's quite adorable seeing passed out Satan with the TV still turned on, on the table he'd have a notebook open, 'Satan VS Bakugou' was written, what a dork
➷You'd kiss his forehead, thinking he was asleep but he just pulls your wrist to lay in the couch with him
❝Say I'm better than Bakugou MC then I'll let go❞
❝You're way better than Bakugou❞
❝Good girl, just kidding I'm not letting go, you're stuck here with me❞
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❥Your husbando; Oikawa Tooru
➷You're calling another guy pretty? It should be him only! Would not stand for this slander
➷If he catches you watching Haikyuu and sees you fangirling about Oikawa, he will roast him, no mercy
❝He's not even perfect! Look he has no cake, how absurd❞
➷Would list off why Oikawa is not fit for you, mostly saying you're out of his league and you're better with him
❝Asmo, don't worry, they're just drawings besides you're right here with me❞
➷He's not the avatar of pride but he is very prideful with just that sentence, okay maybe Oikawa is pretty
➷After a while he'll be the one fanboying about Oikawa or any other Haikyuu character, you're not jealous or anything cause at least he knows how you feel
❝MC! Akaashi's super pretty too! Oh my! Also Kageyama!❞
❝He likes my diamonds and pearls, I said thank you I designed it ❞
➷Is what you'd say when one of the brother's ask why Asmo is fanboying over anime characters
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❥Your husbando; Tamaki Amajiki
➷He thinks that his quirk is cool, whatever he eats gets to be superpower
➷He wants to have that kind of power too 🥺
➷He would watch BNHA with you cause it seemed interesting, his second favourite would be FatGum
❝So if Tamaki eats chicken wings, he'll gain wings? That's cool❞
➷He doesn't mind when you compliment Tamaki, he thinks it's quite cute actually
➷He has a soft spot for you that's why 😌
➷He usually eats whenever you two have a binge watching night, I mean what else should he be doing?
➷ (Sorry Beel's is so short ;;)
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❥Your husbando; Todoroki Shouto
➷Another edge lord captured your heart?
➷Not in his watch nope. He would say things like
❝Wow, he doesn't even look that good that half and half hair looks stupid, and he has a grudge on his dad? Sounds like someone I know❞
➷You explain you like the quiet and mysterious type of guys, and he'll stay quiet, if that's your type then so be it
➷But do you really have to compliment Todoroki right in front of your boyfriend?? Are you trying to get a reaction out of him?
➷He'd rather sleep with you y'know, not waste energy on watching anime like Leviathan
➷He would cling on you at bed and try to make you sleep but you had to much energy, and he hates when you ignore him whenever Todoroki was on screen
➷He'll shut the TV off so quick, his mouth forming a small pout, you knew if you kept ignoring him he'll start ignoring you
➷So you gave in, knowing you'll just have to watch later, and dove right into Belphie's arms, which he gladly enveloped you into
❝Don't ignore me like that again, I'm way more important than that Todoroki guy❞
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bluerosewritings · 5 years ago
Tarts and Kisses | Riddle x Fem!Reader
[Originally posted on “The Heart Mirror” on Wattpad]
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Riddle stared at his phone, biting his lip. The red head wasn't usually one for late nights - if things were going his way, he would have finished going over his notes half an hour ago and would now be sleeping. Unfortunately, things were not going his way.
Because of rule 373 of the Queen of Hearts - 'if one is unable to be near the person of their affection, they must partake in a form of communication at the 9th hour of the 5th night' - the two of you always called each other at nine o'clock every Friday. The two of you had also decided to alternate who called who each week, this week being your turn to call.
Yet you hadn't called.
At first, Riddle had brushed it off as you being distracted. Sure, he was a little annoyed that you hadn't properly adhered to the rules, but whenever you hadn't in the past you usually had a proper reason.
So when Riddle watched the clock hit ten, he began to worry. Surely you wouldn't have taken this long to call? As menial as the calls were, you'd told him often how you "loved just hearing his voice". Maybe you fell asleep? But wouldn't you have told him how tired you were?
Unable to take it any longer, Riddle left his room. As he passed by the dorm lounge, he caught a glimpse of Trey out the corner of his eye.
"You're back late, Trey," Riddle said, slowing down his pace, "are you finished with the food for tomorrow's Unbirthday Party?"
"Hmm? Oh, Riddle. Thought you'd be asleep by now." Trey replied.
"Unfortunately, no. I'm on my way to check on (y/n)," Riddle frowned, "she missed our Friday call, and I... need to make sure that she has a proper reason."
Trey smiled, knowing how soft Riddle could be when it came to enforcing rules on you. Then realisation dawned on him.
"Ah, Riddle, she won't be in her dorm," Trey explained, "I asked her to help me with the last of the Unbirthday Party food, but we had an accident... nothing major. But it probably distracted her."
"I see... thank you, Trey. Make sure nothing happens while I'm gone."
"W-Wait, Riddle...!"
You pushed the tart to the back of the fridge. After closing the door, you looked over at the other treats lined up on the cafeteria kitchen's windowsill. Trey had said that they would be better there instead of the fridge.
Next, you walked over to the oven and peered at the tray of cookies. Rows of hearts, spades, clovers, diamonds and roses were hardening nicely from what you could tell. Since you'd left them until last, Trey had said to just let them cool and he'd ice them in the morning. That just left...
You turned around and grimaced. The giant pile of flour and the wrapping they exploded from taunted you. Where did they keep the broom again...?
Before you could begin your search, a pair of arms wrapped themselves around your body. You turned around to see who it was only to have a pair of lips crash against yours mid-turn.
At first you panicked, then your eyes noticed a familiar heart-shaped cowlick. Relieved, you relax into the kiss, wrapping your own arms around your boyfriend. When you sadly pull apart, Riddle presses a kiss on your cheek. You smile and nuzzle your face into his neck, allowing him to press a third kiss on the top of your head.
"You worried me." Riddle mumbled, stroking the back of your head.
"Worried?" You frowned. "Why?"
Riddle sighed. "(y/n), it's nearly 11."
"Wait, what?" You pulled away from the hug and went over to your bag. Once you fished your phone out, you cringed at the time on the display. "Oh, Riddle, I'm so sorry..."
"As you had a genuine reason, I'll let you off the hook this time," Riddle said kissing your other cheek, "however, next time it'll be off with your head. Understand?"
You giggled. "Yes, my Queen."
Before you could lean in for another, the oven timer went off. Remembering the cookies, you cursed and grabbed the oven mitts.
Riddle watches as you start unloading the cookies onto a cooling tray, his eyes brightening with amusement as you start moving the rose-shaped ones.
"Did you do these one?" He asks.
"That obvious?" You chuckle, feeling your cheeks light up slightly.
Riddle shakes his head, smiling. "We don't usually have rose-shaped cookies for the Unbirthday Party, so I figured you must have thought of it instead of Trey. They're cute."
"T-Thanks." You stammer.
You push the rack backwards towards the rest of the treats. Riddle takes the oven mitts off you and puts them away as you make room for all of them.
"Is everything meant to be on the side?" Riddle asks when he's back by your side.
You nod. "Trey said only the tarts had to go in the fridge. Everything else was better off on the side to cool - I was just making sure the cookies were easy to reach, since they need to be iced in the morning..."
Riddle hums in response. "If you want, I could help you move everything to Heartslabyul. That way-"
"No!" Riddle looks at you, confused. "I-I mean, I don't wanna risk dropping anything! Since, y'know, w-we won't have any time to remake it..."
"Are you sure?"
You nodded quickly.
"Very well..." He said, not full believing you but deciding not to push it. Maybe you were just tired.
You sighed in relief. Riddle already seeing the rose cookies was already a bit of a let down, but as long as he didn't see what was in the fridge, it wasn't all for nothing.
Your eyes caught sight of the flour pile again. "Oh, shoot, I forgot about that... Riddle, do you know where they keep the cleaning broom?"
Riddle followed your line of vision and saw the pile. It was almost up to his ankles, with parts of their bags sticking out. This must of been the accident Trey was talking about - flour bags all exploding on the ground.
He took a look at your face and decided it was best not to ask. Now that he got a good look at you, there were bags under your eyes. You really were tired.
"Allow me." Taking out his magic pen, Riddle chanted a short spell.
The flour and paper bags lifted off the floor. With another flick of his wrist, two of the bins opened and the levitating items sorted themselves into them.
You let out a sigh of relief and kissed your boyfriend's cheek. "Thanks. I really didn't want to deal with that..."
Riddle chuckled, catching your hand in his. "I could tell. Was there anything else? Or can I walk you back to your dorm now?"
"You may." You say with a smile.
You threaded your fingers between his as the two of you set off. While you tried to listen to what you boyfriend was telling you, a mix of tiredness and thoughts of tomorrow were making it near impossible. Even as you kissed Riddle goodnight and waved him off, all you could think about was his future smile at your present.
The horns sounded off. "Our great leader! The Crimson Ruler! Announcing Dorm Head Riddle!"
"Dorm Head Riddle! Hip hip hooray!"
He really did look like royalty, you thought, watching Riddle walk down to the head table, crown balanced on his head and cape fluttering behind him. As according to the laws of the Queen of Hearts, Trey as vice dorm leader was to his left and you as his girlfriend were to his right. Not wanting to risk any chance of him seeing your gift, you shifted your legs slightly to block the bag as best as you could, Riddle luckily being too preoccupied with checking the decorations to notice your fidgeting.
"You all have your teacups?" Cater nudged you and you quickly grabbed your teacup's handle. "Today is nobody's birthday, so to this Unbirthday Party! Cheers!"
"Cheers!" Rang out across the field.
You took a sip - earl grey for this month - and looked over at Riddle. His gaze was directed towards the selection of tarts Trey had made; berries and cream, raspberry almond crumb, brown butter apple. You saw the flicker of confusion in his eyes. Figuring now was the perfect time, you placed down your cup.
You pulled the bag onto your lap. "Riddle?"
Riddle turned to you. "Yes?"
Surprise lit up his face when you emptied the bag. Carefully, you held out a strawberry tart towards him. The tart was slightly smaller than the others, with the strawberry slices carefully arranged into the shape of a heart.
"Sorry if I seemed a little off yesterday," you said as he takes the tart off you, "I just didn't want you to find out. You're always so kind to me, helping me out even when we weren't dating... I wanted to do something for you in return."
A soft smile grew on Riddle's face. You swear you could feel your heart jump out of your chest when you two made eye contact, the adoration in his eyes making you melt. The kiss he pressed against your cheek didn't help.
"Thank you." Riddle seemed to whisper in your ear.
Riddle pulled away and placed the tart on a plate. Carefully, he took out a knife and cut out a slice, placing it on his plate.
"Shouldn't Ace do that for you?" You asked, remembering the Queen of Hearts rule 41.
"I'd rather do it myself." Riddle replied, prompting a small blush grew on your cheeks.
While Riddle tried to keep his adult composure, inside he was like a gleeful child. Cutting away part of the tart, Riddle couldn't stop his heart rate growing at the thought of you making this especially for him. It tasted different from Trey's - a little heavier, but somehow sweeter. So sweet. It was addicting.
He glanced over at you. You were watching him nervously, smiling when he caught your eye. Spearing another part of the tart, he brought it to your lips.
"Say 'aah'." Riddle wasn't usually one for public affection, but he felt it was only right to share the tart with you. The red glow on your face was nice too.
The tart hadn't tasted exactly how you thought it would, but watching Riddle immediately return to finish off the slice before cutting off another. As he offered you another taste, you wondered if Trey would let you help with baking again.
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tamaki-amajiki-is-my-baby · 6 years ago
Finally got the girlies done! :D!! Click for better quality!
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This is Karite Shinsoroki, Hinagiku Bakugo-Midoriya, and Tami Togata!
I definetly did not do Tami's adorable ass outfit justice here-
There's a lot of things wrong with the outfits, but I couldn't really change;
Karite usually has a greenish color sweater she wears around her elbows, but that's very hard to draw and I didn't know how to layer the hair and everything, and not hide her!
Hinagiku should be wearing All Might merch.
Tami almost always is wearing the same cape that Tamaki wears. It just goes down to her knees, so I obviously didn't draw it since I want you to see her.
Karite ~ Loan
Whenever she brainwashes someone, either her ice or her fire gets transfered to them. She can't use the person's original quirk, she has to give one of her's up.
She can't choose whether she gives them ice or fire, it's a 50/50 chance, and so she usually won't make plans that aren't flexible in that aspect.
She can't use whichever quirk she gives up.
She activates the brainwashing the same way Shinso does.
Hinagiku ~ Explosion
Her sweat, tears, and pretty much everything else is the same nitroglycerin like substance as her father.
Smells even more like caramel than he does.
Tami ~ Permiation/Manifest
Nothing special; just both her dad's quirks. She has a lot more trouble using both at the same time, however, and she much prefers Permiation.
She has tanned skin, blue/purple and grey/purple eyes, and dark purple hair with red and white at the tips on the left and right sides respectively.
She really likes high waisted shorts with tank tops, and those are usually in greyscale, with a poofy greenish jacket to add some color.
Rocks those moccasins.
She has green eyes, pale skin, and green hair at the top with pristine blond further down, worn in two ponytails that she drapes over her shoulders.
Almost always seen in All Might merch. She's still holding onto him after over a decade.
When she's not, she doesn't have the best fashion sense and will throw a shirt under one of the many cute suspender-skirts she has.
Of course, you can't forget her bright red shoes that go with nothing she wears, but refuses to change!
Tami is a mini Tamaki — dark indigo eyes, darker skin, and indigo hair that she wears like Mirio used to in high school.
She likes cute strapless dresses that go down to a bit above her knees, and will wear a lighter color long sleeve shirt over it. They usually have some other poofy transparent fabric over those sleeves, which she only wears cos she thinks it's adorable. And it is.
She's usually wearing sandals, and her usually color palette is warm colors with a bit of very whitish-greens as accents or backgrounds.
Fun facts! :D
- Tami's cape is made with the fibers of her hair, so it permeates with her just like Mirio's cosume does!
She's actually allowed to wear the cape + hood in school as long as it's not over her head, since it helps with her self-consciousness, most of her being covered up by it.
- Mirio finds it really funny that Tami's doing the same thing with her hair as he did. She used to wear it just like Tamaki does, and then she switched to a half ponytail, and she's gone back to the Tamaki look a few times.
- Tami is demisexual and currently questioning whether she likes Hinagiku back.
Despite her having.. Y'know... Two fathers, she's still nervous to come out and hasn't yet. It's alright, Tami, take your time.
- Since Tamaki is a name you could use for either gender, Mirio really wanted to name her Tamaki!
But Tamaki got nervous, and asked the what if's like 'what if we break up and you have to say my name?'
Other than that, though, it would be confusing.
So they took the first letter of each of their names and boom! たミ! Tami!
- She has an incredible amount of respect for both dads, and she designed her hero costume after both of them.
And her fighting style. She sinks into the ground, then seems to warp just like Mirio does. Go for the gut!
- She has the same anxiety as Tamaki, it's really bad. But she still tries to smile! She doesn't want people to worry about her, so she smiles!
It also helps her whenever she's heroing, by making her feel like she can get through anything, and making the people she's saving feel safer.
But of course, like everything, this has a downside.
She hates it whenever she can't force her smiles and will get overwhelmingly angry with herself if she can't find a reason to smile about a situation.
~ Hinagiku is actually kind of an asshole, she just doesn't realize she's being really mean sometimes.
It used to really hurt her, because she had trouble keeping friends, and she's very scared of loosing Tami now.
Though, she's getting better at pinpointing behavior, apologising, and keeping an eye out for it.
~ She's still questioning. When she got close to Tami, she realized that all her previous 'crushes' weren't crushes at all! She thought she was pansexual, but she's not sure now.
She doesn't know the term for only being attracted to one person. She doesn't find any other girls pretty in that way, or boys handsome in that way.
~ Isn't very good with her volume due to her quirk. Needs and has hearing aids. Blew her ears-
She can hear without them, but just barely, and she won't be able to decipher what you're saying. She does know you're talking, though.
~ for being Japanese, she's very touchy-feely!
She loves hugs and holding hands and never leaves Tami alone even when there in public.
However, she can recognize when Tami doesn't want her to, and will stop. She's very observant in this way.
~ She's a hero fanatic. She knows everything about them all, including their real names.
She's still in absolute awe of (who she seee as) her girlfriend being the daughter of the #1 hero couple!!
And of course she's in awe of hereself being the daughter of the #1 standalone hero.
~ Hina knows sign language! When she realized she was loosing her hearing, she quickly picked up some books and started learning for her life.
It's also to understand her best friend Ogoe-de, who developed a vocal condition called aphonia when they were around four. She has a lot of trouble understanding why he's so sad about that, but it's probably because of his quirk depending on hisbvoice and him being loud. Poor thing. I'll get to him when I drae the guys.
Them being her, Karite, and him. They've known each other for a while!
• Karite is like super smart.
She's got really good problem solving skills, planning ahead, and is just snarr in general.
Because of this high bar, anything even slightly below it leaves her on her knees.
Almost literally.
• She is bisexual with a preference toward men.
Loves Ogoe-de more than she loves herself-
She hasn't told her dads about her sexuality, but she's not hiding it at all. She doesn't see the need to make it a big deal, and do she doesn't. They've never properly had a talk about it and she doesn't feel they need to.
• She's very aloof and barely shows emotions. Just like her dads.
Only exception is around her friends, where she's surprisingly sassy.
• She keeps Hinagiku under control.
“Stop harrassing Tami”
“I'm loving her!!”
• She uses the same tricks that Shinso used when he was young.
“Dad can we get McDonald's”
• She doesn't use her power willy nilly, though.
• Whenever they train, Hinagiku is usually he one she brainwashes. Both because she's very agile and because... She's really damn easy to brainwash.
She does volenteer, though! Karite wouldn't do that to her if she didn't allow it.
Ogoe-de doesn't understand why she doesn't just use him, and she tells him it's because he doesn't need the help of her quirk to become a good hero.
He disagrees.
It's one of the only things they don't agree upon, but they're working on it.
The boys and villians are coming soon, as well as the girl's hero costumes!
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