#y'know what else shinji's never done?
godstrain · 1 year
♤ Has your muse developed to be different from their canon selves through roleplay?
✘ Any unpopular opinions about your muse?
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as mentioned in my other reply, yeah of course he has! i also don't think i've ever been "canon" in my life on any blog ever. you've been following me since my fate fandom days, i still remember the "isn't it messed up a goblet is a tiny cup instead of a baby goblin" "you worry me sometimes, shinji" meme u made for me... and thus you know my long track record of looking at canon and grabbing a blowtorch.
wesker's characterization in canon is ... well, campy (endearing, terrifying, sometimes cringe) hes my pathetic meow meow and his RE1 dialogue lives rent free in my head STOP DONT OPEN THAT DOOR! ... chris??? stop it!!!! unforgettable horrible campy dialogue is what makes RE iconic, and wesker has been a staple of the franchise and we all know it. but he also went from a guy dual wielding jobs to the calculating mastermind to unhinged social darwinism and it felt sorta sloppy in the end, how capcom handled his final arc?
so i made it better lmao. because that's what i specialize in. i've learned to hone my craft and humble brag, i'm pretty good at what i do- and what i do is expand on characters by delving into possibilities in psychology, because also that's my JOB irl (psych nursing, maybe i should go into research). wesker's behavior, from a clinical standpoint, is fascinating to write out- his untreated mania and psychosis, the delusions of granduer, and the inevitable crash from the manic state? still line up with a great deal of what capcom gives.
it could be that deep, is what i'm saying, and even if it isn't, i'm making it that deep
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idk uhhh is it unpopular to say that wesker's rather inexperienced in relationships? i know there are plenty of arguments for wesker being the suave "can get anyone in bed just by looking at them" sort of guy, but in my heart i know he's rather terrified of intimacy ... no doubt i'm sure he catches on very quick and would be able to blow any partner's mind, but! it just doesn't feel like his priority?
also i think that there isn't enough exploration done into who wesker could've been if umbrella hadn't like uhhhh legitimately groomed him??? as he is, he's awful. a garbage fire of a person. but i'd like to think that he may not have been the worst if he had just been able to grow up in a not fucked up environment, y'know?
also is it just me or does anyone else think about how things like. subliminal messages ... maybe even weird ass shit like improper use of treatments like ketamine therapy ... were involved on top of ... everything else that happened to the wesker children to make them believe that rhetoric... like did wesker never think "oh huh this was sorta fucked up wasn't it" when he was exposed to people (eg. members of S.T.A.R.S.) who didn't have like fucked up upbringings???? people in the army who were just like. decent people??? there's gotta be something even deeper that made it harder for him to escape that shit? i think about this a lot.
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smilingperformer · 2 years
Finally rewatched JN113 AAAND JN114, I still don't like JN113, you can't make me ashjgfsjh, but I do pretty much like what they did with JN114. It was pretty much a Gengar episode disguised as Shinji episode sajfhgsfhgsf.
But anyway, I kinda like that they showed a more matured, kinder version of Shinji here? Like, at the end of DP he's shown to be going that way already, but the biggest difference is from how he was at the start of DP vs now. Like, it's a HUGE difference. The fact that Satoshi holds no ill thoughts over him, nor does Goukazaru, shows that they both see his growth. He even compliments his 'mon after losing battles, HE HAS NEVER DONE THAT!
And the fact that he accepted the battle against Satoshi on a condition that he could indirectly help him prepare for the Masters 8 Aces is like... man, Shinji. You're an asshole in DP, but I can see you've grown during this long absence. Wish the Gym leader route wasn't so "ohey here's what he's asked to become and forget aaaaall about his Battle Frontier stuff" jahsfgsf (think TPC just said no to mentioning Battle Frontier at all lol), but like, it kinda shows his change at heart too? The old Shinji would NEVER be fit to be a Gym Leader. Now he actually went to Okido to learn about Pokémon too. Is this REALLY the same Shinji? Oh wait, he's not. Physically and personality wise he's the same, but growth wise, no.
I'm not even a big fan of Shinji because his writing is all over the place in DP, like I believe his writing in DP is supposed to show that the only Pokémon he treated badly were the weak ones and the timid ones he saw most potential in, while rest of his 'mon actually liked his training style. Hikozaru just wasn't fit for it and that WAS abuse. But it does seem like that, seeing Hikozaru grow that strong helped Shinji see all the errors in his way, and he's no longer that person? It's what I hoped to see, and boy am I glad to get it.
Oh, let's not forget about the clear-as-day build up with Kairyu ending up being the ace for eventual vs Shirona (he's lost to Gablias AND Sandstrom, Shirona has those two elements combined, he's got the ultimate chance of "redemption" by defeating that Mega Evolution monster lol), how Gengar was actually the focus of the ep in learning a new move alongside the fire types, gosh they're such good buddies, and we got to see ALL of Satoshi 'mon! That made me so happy, hearing BUIBUI melted my heart AH I love you Buizel <3333 Tsutarja didn't make any sounds it seems and that did annoy me lol. But I digreeess. Also Lucario STILL learning new moves jhasfgjsfhg.
Anyway. I enjoyed JN114 and what it did with Shinji to show that he's not the same person he used to be. He actually acted like a gym leader. :'D Anyway. Those are my thoughts. Now I'm tired lol. And excited for Masters Tournament starting next week, WOHOO! Only to go to a two-week break after it asjgfhsfg, WHY-
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hiyorisarugaki · 2 years
“Girl story time! How long did it take for noodle brain and you to hook up?”
"WEll... depends how long ya have. This ain't some story that'll take six minutes! I mean... we got loads'a years 'ta cover!"
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"I've known him for at least 250 years. And I've liked him for at least 200 of them. Not that I'm countin' or nothin'. It started the moment he started tutoring me when I was in the academy. He'd tutor me, a gifted student- obviously- who had trouble with reading kidou and well... he was roped into lookin' after me. Back when he was a green bean shinigami in the twelfth division. Anyway, I treated him 'ta a meal cuz I'm a generous god and had passed the academy with his help durin' examinations, but when the order arrived, his plate looked better. He swapped ours round and well... I mean... nobody's done that for me before. It's not just the way he's casually feedin' me... but like givin' me something he was looking forward to as well. Who does that? Only... only like family does that. And I'd never had a family. Not a proper one, anyway. Certainly none enough to care 'ta give me a full portion of what they wanted. So... so I guess... I started thinkin' and noticin' him more. Seein' how popular he was. How strong he was. His talent was gonna take him far. More than just a seated officer. I had 'ta catch up if we could still be friends. It meant working my ass off every day. Especially when he became a captain and left the 12th division. I was desperate 'ta catch up and become someone important in the gotei, too. So I worked hard 'ta be lieutenant. I know some people think Hikifune-Taichou just gave me the position, but I never got anythin' just given 'ta me in my life except for my cute fangs. So yeah. I worked for everything. I made all the budgets and rotas and even filled in every position when a shinigami needed days off or wanted'a visit their family. I was relied on by Hikifune-Taichou. But yeah, I became a lieutenant. And that way, I was almost closer to Shinji too. But it still don't mean... he noticed me. Not like a woman, anyway. Like, he didn't sweep his cape of hair and go wow, that's a strong and cute woman right there. Let's make her my bride! Tch. As if. He was too busy going around flirting with so many girls. Geez. I don't even remember their long legs and stupid, swooshy hair." She obviously does remember them. Probably even better than Shinji, because she's grinding her teeth. If it wasn't for her bothering and pestering him for meals, she'd never have got his attention. And of course... she grabbed his attention in violent ways, too.
"Anyway... he never noticed a damn thing. So we get 'ta the night of the hollowfication where Sosuke reveals his slimy ass plan. We survive his experiments, but then... I kinda knew, that even if I did have a chance with him, I couldn't get with him. I mean, what.. he's stuck with me in exile, we actually got a chance now since there's no other competition... but, it ain't easy 'ta confess. Especially when Aizen's out there and we're all... dealin' with a mountain of shitty inner hollows. And then, on top of that... he's got this guilt about what happened since Aizen was his responsibility. It's too much for him. Being responsible for us and the situation and to put my feelings on top of that...?? That's... not good. Plus, I'd changed too. I... I'd lost my rank and prestige and... really anything I could offer him. I wasn't a good prospect for him. I also... had planned on killing Aizen or die trying. And... I almost did die trying. I wanted 'ta confess then,too... y'know when Gin got us. But... that would also have been shitty. Who would say no to the feelings of a dying girl?"
She takes a breath then. The things after that were murky. Or Hiyori had purposefully blanked them out because... Shinji had left. She has believed that there was nothing else she could really lose, other than her life. She'd lost her home already, her rank, her position, her ability to form rational thoughts... even her strength after the bifurcation. Really, nothing else was left for anyone to take.
But Soul Society decided it wasn't enough.
They took Shinji and her friends too.
Hiyori swallowed hard. She still does, hate Shinigami...
"Well... I guess... I guess he missed me when he became captain again. And I behaved less violently too. I mean, how can ya really smack a guy that lives a dimension away? He gained a thousand new friends in Soul Society. I was left with minus three. I think... he must've started worrying and thinking of me more then. That's how he came by often 'ta check on me. Then he kissed me. And we started courting each other and now we're married after I said I'd start looking for houses in Soul Society again. I was happy when he asked. It's like a dream come true..."
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