#y'all know that post is like five months old right??
bts5sosempire · 1 year
the tyrant (viii)
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𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: sukuna ryomen x reader 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐬: 5,852 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭: old time period, mention of arranged marriage, polygamous marriages, slow-burn yandere, power imbalances, peer pressure, mentions of infertility, etc. 𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: "you were the apple of Sukuna’s eyes, the one who brought him solace and everything. The only thing you were incapable of was giving him a child, an heir he wished to spoil like he did to you." 𝐚/𝐧: I AM FINALLY DONE! Went pass the word limit istg. But hope y'all are ready what y/n is planning. 👀 btw, please like ❤️, comment in the "comment" section 📝 for tagging, and reblog 🔄 if you wish. Forgot I edited some parts in different chaps too, so if you see minor changes in them then I was fixing them.
𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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Another few more months with the year ending, and another would mark the end of five years. Despite being bedridden, it had made you uneasy since spending the luxury time doing nothing had made you naught. Yumi and the personal servants who you had personally hired for your inner circle inside the castle had been keeping you posted up about your businesses from the outside. Everything was going well.
Holding the reports over the fire, it lights up when the corner catches, "I'm gonna leave for a bit." You told Yumi, who was alarmed by you.
They started to panic, "You already received your reports saying all is well; you shouldn't move around a lot." Yumi tried to sway your mind, but you had already stood up from your bed and in front of your long mirror.
With your arms stretched out, the personal servants you hired from the outside who knew about your secret come to your aid. They swiftly took off your attire and replaced it with your pseudo outfit. You rarely snuck out, but today you feel rebellious. Staying in bed may get you sick in staying in bed.
You turn around to grab Yumi by the arms and put her in your futon, "Stay here and be good." With a soft smile, you open the door and poke your head out and look around for a particular male valet. Outside, your room was quiet; everyone was prepping for dinner now and cleaning the dining area to feast later. "Where are they?" And right on cue, their eyes met yours when appearing from a corner, and they understood immediately when you nodded at them.
With the quick perception of their view, their feet race towards you. "Everyone is busy; it should take about two hours at most." They informed you with a bow, their gaze not meeting yours.
"Good," coming out of your room, your feet glide across the polished wooden boards as they tail closely behind you. Behind every castle are secret walls; you happened to know it by accident during your research days as becoming Seijuro Hajime. It somehow comes in handy now.
After making swift turns around the halls, you stop right in the middle of a wall that is made of a stack of jagged stone slabs building on top of another; its color that was once in the shade of grey birch is now darkened with tints of green. Its gap of lines was filled with green and yellow moss and heavy, unruly vibes hanging from above. The area you'll frequent quite a lot is an abandoned wing rumored to be a gorgeous garden but is now defiled by aging neglect. The large pond that was filled with colors of Koi fish is now empty with weeds and putrid water that is left behind by the rain. Chip redwoods of a bridge leading to a roofless gazebo that represents the heart and main attraction of the pond. Overall, everything is in bad condition.
Your fingers smoothly ran along every crevice and protruding bump of each slab, and it wasn't until you reached the smaller rock with a small mark that could go unnoticed under the human eyes if no one was paying attention to it. Faintly remembering the details at the back of your head, you push the rock, which caves into your strength.
There was a low rumble from within the walls, and debris fell from above the shaking forces. The wall split into two, and faint mechanic whirring gears could be heard. Torches mounted on the wall spring into life as each illuminates the dark long descending stairs ahead of you. Red wooden beams were worn for ages, also holding the tunnel. A faint smell of wet, sticky residue lingers in the air.
Well, that's ominous. You turn around to face the valet, and they bid you a half farewell, "Stay safe." Nodding at them, they press another adjacent block to the opening block, and the doors come sliding close.
You descend the stairs and follow one pathway until you reach the middle, where it diverges to three; if you remember, you should take the one on the right. It also says in the blueprint that there is a trigger for activating traps; right in the center is a hanging bell above. If the bell is cut loose, all the mechanisms within the walls will run. You eye the old rusted bell that is darkened with a barely color of copper resembling it.
"Did you miss me?" Someone throws themselves and wraps their arms around your neck behind you. You place a hand on top of the table to save yourself from toppling forward face-first into the food. The cup of warm tea of amber liquid spilled over your nimble fingers. Their scent entered your nose, and it was the same person you bumped into before. "You know you're very hard to find; I scoured the whole city." Sliding their arms around, that now occupied your arm, they sat beside you as if they were your lover.
Personal space for you is also gone.
You patiently set the cup down and grabbed the rag near the portable stove that warmed the teapot. Wiping away the spilled remnant, you inch away from the clingy woman by loosening your arm, but she only tightens it with a pout. For some reason, you don't think you understand the choice a young woman like her makes to try to be cute to get their way. I mean, you're a woman. That's why you're probably immune to it.
In the first place, you only came out here to be a spectator since, within your report, there should be two high clans born male heirs trekking through the city that Sukuna rules from Yuichi. But you doubt you can complete your task today if you don't do anything.
"It's rude not to look at the person talking to you. Do you know who I am?" They tugged your arm. "My older cousin runs this city, and I could have your head, too, you know?" It looks like it will be hard to get your attention, "My cousin is Sukuna Ryomen."
Upon hearing his name, you tried to remain indifferent, but you only let out a small huff of a laugh. 'This should be interesting to pass the time.' The woman thought throwing her cousin's name around would add weight and make her cave in, but it seemed to be doing the opposite effect. Without her knowing, you decided to amp up a charming facade. "The Sukuna Ryomen?" You turn your head to face her, and the coy smile that split across your lips made the woman frown. Why aren't you scared of her? "Do you know," you stare into those pomegranate eyes that share the same color as Sukuna, "throwing your cousin's name around isn't safe too? You're making yourself a target for-" your eyes roam around the room. A few people were looking your way, and the woman noticed it too and flushed red, "-those to take advantage of."
"If only you looked at me when I asked!" Kiriko fumbles out an excuse, and her face becomes hotter and red.
This makes you decide to toy with the woman. Since she has a relation to your supposed husband, it would be easy to probably get the information right if you knew how to ask. Although you think you wouldn't be able to, it's not hard for you to play around with her. "From what I heard, he isn't a good man."
"What do you know about him?" She bites back.
"He plays favorites with certain people, and there's this special wife he's rather fond of." You quip to get a reaction from her, and it seems to hit the mark. "I saw her a few times, and she's lovely that many of these city and village folks adore her. Got to say she's a woman after my own heart if she wasn't married."
"You shouldn't like her!" Kiriko jealousy spouted, and with a tug of your arm towards her, you thought she might yank it off its socket. "She might be pretending to be nice to make people like her! You should like someone genuine like me!" She declared, and this made you snort another laugh. A woman jumping the horse, it seems. You don't know what she has heard about you, but it is pretty amusing. "What? You don't believe me?" Now she sounds offended.
"It's not that I don't believe you," wanting to tease her more, you swoop in closer to her, "but I don't believe in tarnishing another person just on baseless rumors or what they have or heard against her." Kiriko shrinks back from the sudden closeness. She was quiet, and then you turned your attention away from her. "Sir," you raise a hand to pay for your tab. Once they're near, you drop the payment into their outstretched hands.
Sliding your arm out of their hold, you lighten up your pace with the woman chasing after you. "Wait!" They shouted after you, and you made eye contact with a nearby seller who understood what you indicated. The seller grabbed a bucket of water and poured it onto the ground right after Kiriko was close enough to be after you. Kiriko shrieks out when the lower half of her attire is wet. "Watch where you throw that dirty water, you peasant!"
"Ah, I'm sorry, Miss." They awkwardly apologize.
Kiriko bites the bottom of her lip and looks at your back; you don't even turn around to check if she's alright. She watches your figure disappear into the heads of an endless crowd with a little bit of resentment. She'll make you look her way no matter what since she wants to take you back to her homeland as a spouse by the end of her stay, even if it's by force.
[at a random inn]
"So what's the deal?" You suddenly appeared by Yuichi's side, who got slightly spooked.
"You got to stop doing that," the man told you; he put a hand over his chest. You only laugh and cross your arms before looking below from the second floor. Yuichi saw you spectating two males who stood out like a sore thumb in the crowds of primary cotton colors clothing of grey, dark grey, and brown. "I thought you weren't going to come?"
"And miss this glorious sight?" You humor Yuichi but cut it short too. "I must return to the castle soon, or my covers blow. So who are they?" Motioning the two rich strangers talking lowly to one another, Yuichi tilts his head slightly toward you.
"The one in deep indigo is Totsuwa Iriyu; from my sources that I have people gathered around, his family used to serve the Emperor before they fell from grace. The funny thing is your husband was involved with their family, and there were speculations that he took them off from the Inner Circle of the Emperor Hoshu." Yuichi explains, and you thought that might be something Sukuna would do. "And the one in dark green is Mugetsu Rintoru, and he's that buddy, in the deep indigo best friend too. He also has a problem with your husband too."
"Everybody seems to have problems with Sukuna; I'm unsurprised." Amusement dances across your lips, "How long are they planning to stay?"
"Approximately up to three weeks since they did get an invitation from Sukuna." Now that made you raise an eyebrow.
"Guess invitation isn't what is going in their mind too; nobody comes here in Sukuna's land with no pure thoughts since he is the most sought after when it comes to wealth. And revenge." You then un-latch your arms and pat Yuichi's biceps. "I'll approach them in my time, but keep an eye on them."
Your servants all scamper away when Sukuna walks through the hall; they all refuse to look up but still greet him in acknowledgment. But the one that felt like they were getting a heart attack was the one who was your spies. Sukuna had come to pick you up for dinner quite early. They all gave each a look to see who would intercept him. There was a back-and-forth motion of 'No, you' between the servants. But it wasn't until Sukuna positioned himself in front of them they all hesitantly looked up.
"L-Lord Sukuna, Lady (Name) is still resting." One squeaks out in fear; despite being hired by you, they still fear Sukuna.
"Move aside," he commanded.
"She wishes not to be disturbed, My Lord." The same person quickly interjected.
Sukuna clicked his tongue, "Do you wish to die?" He glowers down at them, and they all shrink back. "Now. Move. Aside." Sukuna said each word with heavy and daunting syllables, and the servants sidestepped demurringly. If their heart could leap out of their chest, this would be the best time.
Before Sukuna could open the door, it slid open, and there was you. "What's with all this commotion?" You don't need to look at your servants who tried to stop Sukuna lets out breaths of relief. Sukuna peaks over your head and sees books lying on your table.
Sukuna: "Thought you were resting, no?"
You: "I did; I woke up a while ago."
Without further ado, you try to bypass Sukuna, but he takes good of your hand. You wanted to rip it from his hold without causing much fuss, but he tightened his grip. "You seem well enough now; your colors are back." He took steps with you side by side.
"You are already starting to make me sick," exasperation released from your voice when you tugged your hand again, and Sukuna tutted at you.
"There's that tone that I've missed," he purrs, and if he's successfully getting under your nerves, he's doing a great job. You were clenching your jaws. "I've got something to show you after dining too." From his tone, Sukuna was rather excited; it was only a slight pitch lighter.
[excution field]
A heavy fur coat was draped around your shoulders. You don't understand why he brought you here right after eating. Most of all, the execution ground. You got a hand to cover the smell. Sukuna leans heavily behind you with his arms encasing you; somehow, this feels familiar, like that one day. Once again, you attempted to shrug him off, but it always made him want to be closer to you.
There was fresh blood over the dried blood; even the stench of death couldn't be erased from this place. You never really visited the site; this was the first time in five years you had set foot on the ground where innocent sinners came to die by Sukuna's final resolution. "I like you to be the first to witness something that could lead me to more winning conquest." He said, leaning his head low and letting his lips touch your ears; Sukuna's breath fans over one side of your face. You silently tilt your head to look up at him; questions linger in your eyes.
Sukuna was jittering in excitement, and this was something. You rarely see him like this; he can be proud and loud within his moments. This is something new. He's barely contained.
Sukuna lets himself be away from you, which makes you inwardly happy. "Bring it out!"
It didn't take two frightening retainers to bring out a wooden craftsman box. Sukuna flipped the lid open, and inside, it was presented to be some long metal rod with wood attachments. You were observing not too far away from Sukuna. Sukuna lifts it out of its case and settles an aim. "Get the prisoners too." You recognize that black powder from anywhere when Sukuna pops the lid open and pours it into the opening of the barrel. Then he used a rod to push the powder more profoundly into the narrow tunnel before setting the breech on fire.
"What are you doing?" You ask him; somehow, dread-filled your chest when you saw three people lined up and tied to a thick wooden pool. You can hear their whimpers from where you're at.
"You'll see," was all he said; Sukuna leveled the weapon up and above over his shoulder as he aimed again, then pulled the trigger with a steady finger.
The sound made you jump; you instinctively covered your ears in fright with your heart hammering, as did the people far and near to witness. Smoke came from the weapon, but it was pushed away and dissipated into the atmosphere by the wind. What you were looking at wasn't the weapon itself but the person tied to the wooden stake. Their head was blown clean right off, just from this distance where Sukuna stands.
Is this what he wanted to show you? The future? How it's going to be in his hand?
"Did I spook you? Sorry," Sukuna carefully put the weapon back into its case and walked toward you; he took your hands from your ears and slotted them into his own. Your eyes wouldn't move away from the headless corpse; it was stuck wide open, witnessing the scene. It wasn't until you blinked again and pulled your hands back from his hold then your curiosity overtook.
You: "What did you do to them?"
Sukuna: "It's obvious what I did, didn't it?"
You: "Yes, you did. I'm asking what kind of weapon was that."
Sukuna glances over his shoulder before covering the view by stepping to the side when you try to take another look. "I must admit, the Portuguese did come with something this time. It's a Matchlock rifle. It's one of the prototypes, not permanent yet."
"A rifle? You can kill someone from this distance?" Your furrowed brows and contorted face of confusion almost make Sukuna lose composure. This is undoubtedly the first time in a while that you have been interested in something and was willing to talk with him, without sassing back, of course.
"Even further, too," Sukuna confirm. "But like I said, this is just a prototype, not yet decided. I want to talk to the Portuguese and have a room ready for one of their men to stay behind and modify the rifle with me."
You: "Why modify it when it's already deadly enough as it is?"
Sukuna: "Not deadly enough to my liking."
You were back to your room and became a sitting duck again. 'If Sukuna could get that weapon, then we're screwed.' When evolution for weapons couldn't get any better or worse, you almost felt worried. Sukuna would indeed be able to conquer land much more and faster, but with that rate, even the death of others he's going to take isn't going to remain stagnant anymore.
More bloodshed and the lives of others will continue to bleed over this land of Japan.
"Get this letter to Yuichi as fast as possible tomorrow during your shift outside; we need information." You fold the letter with deft hands and give it to a male retainer. "Be careful."
"Lady (Name), you have a gift from Sultana Aida." Yumi hands you a box, and it is wrapped neatly. "It was sent earlier when you were in the...field."
You took the box and unwrapped the red sash around it. Sultana Aida has sent you self-care items, especially body oil, and cream. The scent was sweet and fresh, not overpowering enough to give you a headache. The oil inside the clear bottle was in a rich hue of gold, and the body cream was sealed tightly in a jar too. Sultana Aida had a penchant for making perfume and women's essential needs. You met them over a year ago during a foreign meeting.
"Send a gift back to her." You told Yumi, who nodded and went outside to where there is a room where you store all your possession and gifts.
[night time]
There was a fluid snap of your doors being open and closed; the person who always comes into your room as they please is Sukuna himself. Through the bronze mirror, you could see Sukuna in his loose attire, which exposed the skin of his partial chest once he was close enough to where the lantern light could reach. You applied the body cream you received today to your neck before Sukuna settled himself behind you and wrapped an arm around your waist and chin upon your shoulder.
You froze for a quick second. Sukuna closes his eyes in bliss to take in the scent. "This smells nice." Even if he notices your discomfort, he doesn't care at the moment, not right now. He nuzzles his nose closer until it presses against your neck, and the warm breath of his seeps through your skin and into the thinness of your night clothes. You close the lid over your body cream and set it aside.
"What do you want?" Your eyes remain on the mirror, which shows how relaxed Sukuna is; he got you in between his legs as they were propped up to where his knees were bending. There was a deep inhale from him.
"I can't even be here in my own home?" He inquired, "I'm here to spend the night with you." That made you decisively rip his arm off around your waist.
"No, you're not," you shot back and marched away from him to create a distance. "You have plenty of women in your harem who wanted to spend time with you," on the other side of the room, you defiantly look at the man, who gives you a lop side grin.
"I'm not bedding you, not right now." Sukuna restates your thoughts, "Just sleeping side by side." Your face was stoned, but it was enough for Sukuna to tell that you didn't believe him when your brows twitched. There was a 'huh' from you, and you were gunning for the door, and in a flash, Sukuna had you in his embrace again. Another momentarily struggle from you when you start to kick and tell him repeatedly to let you go. "Don't," he whispered huskily into your ear, "I won't do anything, I promise." The man carried you by the waist with both arms and settled down with you in a slump onto the large futon.
Sukuna loosened his arms, and you slithered away to the other side of the bed and got under the cover with your back turned to him. He wanted to push the boundaries, but he wouldn't. Getting under the surface, too, he remains still watching the slope of your curves highlighted by the sheet and your back rising and falling. Sukuna gathered your hair that was pools around the gap in between you both and played with the ends; he let them loop around his forefinger before running a thumb over the silk feeling of it. He then brings the strands to his lips and kisses them to bid good night to you.
Then the light went out.
You roll over in bed and bring the blanket under your chin to snuggle in deeper. But why did something feel heavy around you? There was difficulty opening your eyes, and when you did, sleep didn't completely fade away as drowsiness was still evident. If it weren't for the hand patting your back to lull you back to sleep, then you would've done so. "Go back to sleep." With a heavy grave tone that slinks into one of your senses, the haze of sleep washes away. Angling your head up, you see the fondness in Sukuna's eye and push him away in shock with an 'ack,' and Sukuna only rolls onto his back in bed. The man almost laughs at your reaction. Quickly sitting up in bed, you didn't realize how bright the room was when your face was scrunched up and brought the bed sheet up to your chest. Even outside was quiet.
Sukuna almost forgot you make so many faces during sleep and even when you wake up, although not this much. There was a yawn from you as you covered it with both hands, then you swept your hands through your hair. "It's almost near ten if you're wondering." He repositioned himself again on the futon, laying on his side with one leg propped up while he used one hand to support his head under his chin.
"Get out," voice groggy; you stood up from the bed to prepare for the day, but Sukuna reached across the bed and brought you back down.
"You should sleep in more; you look adorable when sleeping." Sukuna teases you, and by instinct, you try to tear your wrist away, but this further fuels him to bring you into his arms and lock you up. Cradling you, he brushes a few strays of hair out. The push and pull you both had is almost desirable to other women in the harem. Sukuna in the morning looks different, nearly too humane for your liking. When he brushes the hair aside, he lingers his hand on the apple of your cheek and brings his lips to kiss the top of your head. Your reaction was like a cat sprayed with water, always struggling. "I almost forgot; good morning to you too." The body scent you had acquired sticks to you so well that it is only what pheromones entirely throughout the night. Maybe this is the scent he likes, besides your natural scent.
"I took some time off from my affairs and decided to tend to you." If you look offended, you do indeed; anything he does for you sounds like an offense. The foreign topic of him trying to soften you up always seems helpless, but Sukuna has time to try everything; a man like him is never out of ideas.
"I don't need you to," glaring at Sukuna, his smiles widened even more, and you took the liberty to push his face away when he closed up again with your other free hand.
He was serious when he said he wouldn't leave you alone. You wanted to be by yourself, but he made it difficult. Not only had he dismissed everyone who served under you and told them that their service wasn't needed for the day, but he was also hand-hogging you.
Sukuna grabs your hand, and you forcefully pull it away; he does it again, and you repeat it. This childish play continues until he grasps it tightly, forcing you to walk side by side. "Let go." You wiggle your hand, trying not to lose composure, and Sukuna swiftly plays with your fingers and separates them from interlocking his with yours to tighten the hold.
"No," that one-word answer from him had you wish you could disappear into the air magically. "I made a promise, and I intended to keep it." Sukuna brings you even closer as you bump into his arm.
You both were walking to nowhere, only letting your feet guide you and him around the fortress ground. It wasn't until Asuna's head appeared in your view that Danzo's tugged his mother's hand to tell his mother he wanted to visit you quickly.
"Danzo?" You call from a few feet away, and the little boy brightens. He lets go of Asuna's hand and runs toward you at full speed, and knocks himself into your legs. Danzo smiles happily at you, and you use your free hand to pat the boy's head. Asuna greeted you and Sukuna while lingering where she stood. Her eyes trail to your and Sukuna's hands which are interlocked tightly. As a spectator, the scene ahead of her almost makes it seems like a perfect family of three should be if Danzo were yours, even though you were awkward in showing affection to Danzo in front of Sukuna. She kept seeing you side-eying the taller man, who was observing every millimeter of interaction. Asuna's son was very fond of you during the first meeting, even if he had misunderstood you for being a character from a book. Although you don't mind interpretation, you were rather genuine in your exchange with Danzo.
"Have you been good?" You readjust the multiple layers of collars of Danzo's clothing, fixing any creases. Danzo nodded rapidly with a hum.
"Use your mouth," Sukuna spoke up, and you again side-eye him. Danzo's little body tensed up at the sound of his father. You pretended to wiggle your hand in Sukuna's and elbow his side purposely, and he saw a subtle disapproving eye and a frown from you. You were peeved with his tendencies. Why be a grown man picking on a child, especially his own? Even his half-brother was treated almost the same.
Before you can open your mouth to comfort the child, multiple voices enter the yard. Out and emerge from the corner is Eisha with her daughter and Sena accompanying the crown matriarch along with a few minor concubines. Everyone was locking eyes with each other and stopped their idling talking. Eisha (along with Sena) picked up on how close you were to Sukuna, and a knot formed in her chest when the apparent physical contact of hand-holding was the first thing she saw. A tight-lipped wry gambol set on her lips as she greeted Sukuna and ushered her daughter, Eri, to do the same, so the rest followed suit. But her eyes flickered to Danzo's last second; he was also close. Eisha knew that Asuna's son wasn't a thought in Sukuna's mind as he was just one of the many children he sired. Still, it tickles her interest why he was so close when her daughter wasn't granted the same physical closeness but a mere glance.
"Greetings Lord Sukuna/ Father." Then the rest greeted you, besides Eisha, due to ranking. You give the rest acknowledgment with a thin nod and adequately greet Eisha only. "What brings you all out here, Lord Sukuna?" She inquires with pique curio sitting at the back of her mind.
"Thought it would do Lady (Name) good for some fresh air." Then Sukuna turns the question to Eisha, "And what are you doing out here? You are frail and susceptible to the cold, which could worsen your health."
"I'm glad that you ask Lord Sukuna," she then pulls Eri forward in front of her by the hand gently. Almost as if she wants Sukuna to acknowledge the child. "I came out here with Eri for a walk after her studies." There was only a flat 'oh' from Sukuna, and from how he sounded, it lacked interest. Even Sena picks up on the tone, and that pricks a nerve. If Sukuna doesn't even care about her two previous children, then why would he care about Eri at all? Even in your presence, he doesn't seem to show filial affection towards them.
"I see; carry on with your walk then." Sukuna quickly dismissed them, but Eisha wasn't willing to let go.
"If I could, would Your Lordship, Lady (Name), and Concubine Asuna allow us to join your route?" Eisha wouldn't allow you and Asuna to be alone with Sukuna. And behind her back, she made a hand sign which the lower-ranking concubines understood and made a quick excuse to leave the yard. So now that only leaves her, Eri, and Sena. What Eisha did, didn't escape Sukuna's vision; that only made him take a deep and intolerable sigh inwardly.
All he asked for was one day with you without interruption.
For Asuna, she thought this timing couldn't be any worse with the visible tension brewing. She could tell that Sukuna's mood had floundered a bit since, after all, he was only out here to be with you. Then she focused on you, which she could say for once; your mood seemed to be in sync with Sukuna, although you wanted to get rid of him.
Two weeks later, two figures on separate horses rode up and stopped by the entrance.
"So this is Sukuna's mighty castle, huh?" Mugetsu's keen eyes search every nook and cranny of the building to see how well the fortress is built. Then there's Totsuwa, who already feels the regret setting in. He only accepted the invitation out of sheer impulsiveness and hatred for the pink hair man, and now the feelings somehow dissolved once he made it to Sukuna's Hell doorstep. It was easy for Totsuwa to imagine himself slaying the demon and reclaiming all his honor, power, and glory that Sukuna had muddled; he even talks significantly about it in his drunken stupor at an inn a week back.
"Don't be a chicken now, Iriyu," Mugetsu teases his best friend, "we might be able to learn more about our enemy." Somehow that doesn't sound comforting to Totsuwa, even when their tone is meant to lighten him up.
Getting off their horses, they handed the reins to a stable boy and looked for someone with deep pink and white hair. It wasn't hard to spot them when they were wearing their white garment. "Hello, Lord Mugetsu and Lord Totsuwa; I am Uraume, Lord Sukuna's retainer." They greet the two men with a proper bow, "If you would please follow me, I'll guide you two."
Mugetsu tapped Totsuwa's arm a few times, "They look pretty," he whispered, eyeing Uraume's back, "if only I wasn't married and they weren't your buddy's retainer, then I would've gotten them."
"Please, for the love of God, shut up!" Totsuwa whispers right back to his friend. "You always say that to every pretty woman you walk by!"
Mugetsu: "I can't help it, though."
[sukuna's office]
"Whoa..." Surprise color Mugetsu and Totsuwa when they saw not just the room but you seated a foot away from Sukuna. Rumors about the favorite wife do hold.
"Stop ogling at my wife," the pink-haired man snapped, brows drawn together into a scowl with the corner of his lip quirking up, and a tongue click could be heard. Sukuna wasn't sure why you insisted on being here; he would let you join any other meetings, but why this one? He doesn't know. There was a smidge of hesitation presenting at the back of his mind even though he tried to push it away logically; it always came back up. However, Sukuna wouldn't let it show. During the last two weeks, you and he had an on-and-off time together, the same usual push and pull. Still, you somehow had inserted yourself into his schedule willingly today with the promise of being interested in politics.
Sukuna had warned you it would be boring to dissuade you from this meeting, but you brought up a point, "You were the one who allowed me to visit your meetings, but now you won't let me?" Point taken, and now here you are. In the logical aspect, this allows Sukuna to spend time with you. Albeit not the way how he wanted it. But he couldn't brush away the nagging thought that it didn't feel right for you to be here.
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Taglist: @sukunasobject​ @lilliansstuff @lucyrocks86 @ladywolf44005 @watyousayin @sandronebabyy​ @pinkrose1422​ @skepticalleo​ @please-help-therapy-needed​ @whatsonthemirror​ @krispsprite​ @loser-alert​ @saturnknows @samdric @littlemochi​ @akigoat​ @mxghostbee​ @rose4958​ @shadowywizardarcade​ @huicitawrites​ @baji-keisukes-wife @choso-wifey​ @jovialeggsbailiffsoul​ @sanderaen​ @peonnnny​ @tiredlattes​ @waytomanyhusbands​ @whatamidoing89​ @utena-akashiya​ @outrofenty​ @welcometodemonschoolfan​ @im-a-killer-queen​ @loverisa @bubera974 @sashaphantomhive​ @chaoticstrawberryland​ @onetwo123three @sxftiebee​ @bbrrose​ @gretel-gravain​ @slasherflickchick​ @floraroselaughter​ @kikis-art​ @21yumna​ @lifegosoana @sob4​ @unknown-204 @dathoe @dellalyra​ @noot-noot-noooooooot @goldenglow149​ @sukunabitch​ @guccirosegold​ @aesthetic-faye @kakeruko14 @roseki​ @levisbadbitch​ @divxnee​ @dvmekarina​
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rottmnt-residuum · 1 year
Any other LGBTQ+ Headcannons that are canon is the comic??;)
*patiently awaits Cupioromantic Donnie*
hmm... had to think about this for a while and talk about it with co-author, but here's what we got. we mostly base this stuff on how plausible it is in show/if there's evidence for it. with a dash of personal experience. This only applies to residuum, btw. I have different personal headcanons for these characters outside the comic.
april: lesbian. this is mostly based off of the fact that most aprils get with their caseys & the comment she said to dale. which could be taken as disinterest in dale specifically, but she seemed more concerned with impressing that popular girl earlier and that reads as more... saphic, i suppose. or at the very least homoromantic.
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raph: raph is just raph. we look at him and basically just *tv static*. go crazy. all we got is jokes or stuff that has too little evidence to support. so, yeah, he's whatever you want him to be i guess?
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leo: trans. already said my reason in the other post. also, gay. if gay were a power source he could power the entirety of the united states for five months straight without a single power outage. failing power grid notwithstanding (< thats the actual word. its supposed to be mushed together like that. wack.).
donnie: as much as i'd like him to be ace/aro spectrum rep, he just doesn't have the evidence in show for us to apply it to him in this comic. it's funny, for being hc as ace so often he sure is the most outwardly romantic/sexual turtle in the show lmao. one! cherry: "you're so cute, but you're so mean! why do i always go for your type?" two! astrogirl?? (whatever her name is) he is very very romantic with her. he has a type y'all. also just look at those two, he's a leg man lmao (bootyyshaker9000 anyone? ha!) anyway. and with the bromance/instant chemistry he had with that one guy in the purple dragons... Pan. or possibly Omni as he does seem to favor... cute brutal femme... Yeah. Omnisexual.
(you have no idea how fucking bad i want this boy to be ace spectrum. hes got the colors y'all!! The Colors!!!!! but alas... i am bound by my canon plausibility creed for this comic)
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mikey: ace. possibly ace/aro. he shows interest in literally no-one. we're aware that the common hc is pan but... we know a pan 13 year old, and let me tell you ahahahaha, kids going through puberty are very uncomfortable to be around sometimes, especially around their partners. or crushes. and mikey... well, that boy is ace behavior personified lmao. aces in the back you get what we mean right?? right??? anyway commiting to aroace
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#residual asks#rottmnt#i really get a kick out of he/him butch lesbian raph and ghostbear-sexual raph#but i'd never use those seriously. or at least in this comic#co-author says what they get if they really had to choose for raph is ace homoromantic#but otherwise...#he's just raph#like we can't apply any identity to him. and we really mean ANY identity. not even straight or umbrella terms like queer#its a very odd feeling#i also really like trans april but we don't have enough evidence for it#in fact there's actually counter evidence- but don't let that stop your dreams y'all. it just stops ours :P#sorry for stepping on your donnie dreams anon#but honestly i think that label applies more to 2012 donnie imo#i really do personally prefer ace/aro donnie. but i'd make everyone ace if i were able lmao#co-author would also do the same thing ahaah#i just don't like depicting romantic relationships. or attraction ahahaah#with mikey... we get why people hc him as pan... but like its a fandomism stereotype#that literally every fandom applies to optimistic friendly characters. and honestly i really don't like the fandomism stereotypes#i just find them... unenjoyable i guess#cuz like y'alll... your sexuality isn't inherently determined by your personality or vise versa#cuz like i know for sure that in fandom spaces- if i were a character- i'd be stereotyped as pan or a hypersexual cis het#to which i am neither. at all.#and co-author would be stereotyped as the demure femme book lesbian#which they are VERY much not#and i know this because i've been fandomified by people in my life more than once#it is a very uncomfortable experience y'all#whoops rant in the tags#residuum#rottmnt residuum#residuum wb
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kotemf · 2 months
Codywan week - day 6
I'm posting this late but I hope y'all can still enjoy reading! It's my fill for day 6 of the @codywanweek. You can read the story here, on Wattpad or Ao3. Thanks to the all of you who give it a try!
  Prompt: créchemaster Obi-Wan, quiet love, touch starved
Cody never dared to plan what he was going to do after the war. He never dared to hope that he will survive until the very end. So, when the war ended abruptly and he actually had a choice, he had no idea what he wanted to do.
  He ended up working as a security guard in some gallery. He didn't like it there all that much, it was boring, but it was the best he could find. He didn't have any education besides military training. And he needed money.
  Sometimes, Cody wished he stayed in the army. Rex had and he got to guard the Jedi temple sometimes. Maybe if Cody chose the same path, he could still see his general sometimes. Just a glimpse of the man would be enough. Or maybe it wouldn't.
  Obi-Wan was still a topic that Cody wasn't able to figure out. He wanted. He wanted to see his former general, wanted to touch him, to kiss him, to undress him and so on. Just like he did during their shore leave. Only it wasn't real. It was just a way to distract themselves, just a way to keep their minds busy when not on the front lines. Because forgetting about the casualties of the last battle was so much easier with his general on top of him. That's how it started.
  Now, months later, Cody was still in love with his general. Obi-Wan probably already forgot Cody still existed. He made it pretty clear that there was nothing between them, no attachment. That all their relationship was about was some entertainment. And Cody, in his foolish, so, so, foolish mind, made it something more. Even if he had the guts to go visit his general, he was too afraid that the Jedi would pick up on his emotions.
  So he didn't. He built himself a routine, he couldn't live any other way. Wake up from his dreams about Obi-Wan. Workout, while imagining his general being next to him, doing the same. Think about Obi-Wan while eating breakfast. Go to work. Still think about Obi-Wan. Wander the halls of the building, keeping his eyes open. Still with clear pictures of his very naked general in his mind. Going back from work. Still dreaming about coppery hair and pale skin. Going out with brothers. Finally forgetting the damned Jedi after his eleventh drink.
  This day was no different. Until it was. Because hey, his daydreams were never this real. There was no way his imagination was so good. Because the Obi-Wan he was looking at right now was perfect, more perfect than any of his imaginations. 
  This Obi-Wan was real, showing something on an abstract painting of an ocean to a bunch of tubies - no, not tubies, children. Why the actual kriff was Cody's former Jedi general in a gallery with a bunch of children? And why was Boil there too, catching a Pantoran boy before he could get lost among the crowds of people?
  Cody's time to think about it and order his thoughts was cut short. Boil noticed him, of course he did. He waved at Cody. It would be far too awkward if Cody ignored him. This left Cody with no choice but to join the group.
  "Uh... hello?"
  "Hey, Codes, it's been a while." Boil greeted Cody with a half hug. It's been exactly eight days since they saw each other the last time. Cody wouldn't exactly call it long but whatever. "Ad'ike, this is Cody, my annoying big brother."
  "Cody? Like commander Cody?" a Mikkian girl asked. How would she even know that? She looked to be five standard years old at most, there was no way the Jedi taught her about the war and much less the clones.
  "I used to be a commander, yes." Cody nodded, because there wasn't much else he could do.
  "Master Obi told us a lot about you," a Rhodian boy told him. Now that was interesting. Obi-Wan told a bunch of random Jedi - at least Cody assumed they were Jedi - tubies about him. Why?
  Boil gave Cody a look. Cody didn't like it all that much but before he could really think about what that particular look meant, Boil was already talking to the tubies. "I know Cody is fun and all, but did you know there is a play area for children somewhere? Do you want me to take you there? Cody can wait."
  Apparently, Boil was good with children now. He left with all of the tubies. And that meant... Cody was alone with Obi-Wan. So that was what Boil's look meant.
  "Hello, Cody."
  "General." Cody nodded to Obi-Wan who rolled his eyes.
  "Drop that. I'm not even a general anymore."
  "So you take Jedi tubies to galleries now?"
  "Sometimes." Obi-Wan shrugged. "The council was looking for a créchemaster and I took the job. They are sweet."
  "And you told them about me?" That probably wasn't the right thing to say.
  Cody's question made Obi-Wan blush. It was adorable. Cody wanted to kiss him. It was like one of the fake scenarios he imagined before falling asleep, the one where he bumped into Obi-Wan while walking the halls of the gallery, like in some sappy novel, and Obi-Wan blushed and then they kissed and then they magically teleported to Cody's bedroom. It could still happen, if Cody took a step forward, leaned closer-
  "Well, of course I told them about you." Obi-Wan's words cut through Cody's so very professional day dreams. "They like to hear stories about heroes. Besides... I missed you."
  To say Cody missed Obi-Wan would be an understatement. Cody said it anyway.
  Obi-Wan blushed even more at that and his pale skin did exactly nothing to hide it. Cody loved it. "Is that so?" Obi-Wan looked like he wanted to touch Cody for a moment but then he pulled his hand back and firmly clasped his hands in front of him.
  Cody just wished Obi-Wan touched him.
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halfmoth-halfman · 1 year
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y'all know what time it is! it's monthly fic rec time!!!
i decided to move this to the first so i wouldn't miss any fics that might be posted on the last day of each month!!
& a small, kinda sad update:
usually this is where i'd link to my fic-recs blog, but i hit the character limit on my filter page where i have my recs organized and when i made a new page it saved over the first one.
all of my filters and recs on that page are now gone and have to be manually re-done. you can still find my recs by scrolling through the blog, but the filter page is going to be under construction until i can get everything fixed and re-added!!
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Alex Keller
❀ click click boom - @writeforfandoms
i don't see a lot of alex fics, so this was already a fav as soon as i saw it, but then i read it and ???? hello???? this was so good??? the characterization of alex alone was amazing, and the rest was like the cherry on top!!
❀ convallaria majalis - @nightingale-ghost-writer
19.2k words of absolute perfection. a fic i have been looking forward to and now that it's out, i just can't get enough of it! did i have to take breaks while reading so i could twirl my hair and kick my feet? yes. was it worth every second? yes.
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Arthur Morgan
❀ the fire in your eyes || part VII: horseshoe overlook iii | part VIII: horseshoe overlook iv | part IX: horseshoe overlook v - @cowboydisaster
if there's one character i love more than anything in the world, it's arthur morgan and this series has only made my love for him that much stronger. so beautifully written, i couldn't stop reading-the whole time with a smile on my face. the entire bar scene in part vii??? i was crying with laughter. this is def one of my fav series i've ever read and i am on the edge of my seat waiting for more!
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Carlos Oliveira
❀ the way we let it stay - @uselsshuman
this is a fair warning right now that most of the resident evil fics on this list are going to be from em. she has single-handedly ignited my hyperfixation for RE and all of her fics are incredible. including this one!
❀ old wounds new loves - @uselsshuman
i love little cute domestic fics, and carlos is so real for not liking cereal. “Waking up and eating a bowl of cold soggy food? No, thank you.” i feel that on such a spiritual level. also protective!carlos is just the best!!
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Javier Peña
❀ arepas - @mvtthewmurdvck
i know i already went feral over this fic, but i'm going to do it again because i love this fic so goddamn much!! this fic is incredible, the way everything feels so natural between javi and reader, the teasing, the friends to lovers trope, everything about this is just so beautiful!!
❀ a broken sight - @mvtthewmurdvck
i don't understand how you can write a character so perfectly. i will never not be amazed by the way you write javi. and the angst??? ugh "He’s here. Like you needed him to be." don't mind the noise that's just me sobbing in the corner.
❀ the dreams we made - @mvtthewmurdvck
there's nothing like a good ol' helping of jo angst. this hurt in all the right ways, completely ripped my heart out and shattered it only to put all the pieces back together again and fill the cracks in with gold.
❀ nowhere to run || file room + accusations | sunshine yellow | a new day - @mvtthewmurdvck
the series that got me into narcos, i actually started watching the show just so i could read the perfection that is this series!! am i potentially spoiling things for myself a little bit? yes, but it's absolutely worth it because this series has me by the throat.
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Joel Miller
❀ want. - @mvtthewmurdvck
literal poetry best described by this gif:
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John "Soap" MacTavish
❀ none lacking sins - @halcyone-of-the-sea
listen, i like soap. he's not my fav, but he's a really good character. this fic though? it's moved soap up to my top five favorite characters. this made me want to read nothing but soap. i must've read this a dozen times, i was immediately sent into a soap hyperfixation. every aspect of this fic is just amazing. stunning. perfect.
❀ the hanging tree - @writeforfandoms
had me on the edge of my damn seat trying to figure out what was going. the worry and the tension built up so wonderfully i was dying to know what was about to happen and omg i was not disappointed. and the way jen writes soap is just *chef's kiss*
❀ i will wait - @mvtthewmurdvck
this fic had me realize how much i crave soft!soap and just fluff with soap in general. the tender moments warm my heart up something fierce and make me all giddy. like waking up to the perfect sunrise.
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John Price
❀ puppy love || one | two | three | four - @writeforfandoms
puppies and price? what more could someone ask for? these two are so cute together and with the added cuteness of the puppies (and gaz lol) it's just an overload of cuteness in the best possible way!
❀ scratches in the surface - @halcyone-of-the-sea
was not expecting a part two to one of my favorite price fics, but damn if this wasn't a fantastic surprise. the angst is top-tier here and as much as it hurt, i couldn't stop reading and will probably read it again a million more times.
❀ neon medusa || part 1: static in the airways | part 2: warning signs - @yeyinde
CYBERPUNK!AU????? WITH PRICE????? WRITTEN BY YEYINDE???? SIGN ME TF UP!!! i am feral, consumed by how excited i am for this series and how utterly fantastic it's been so far. i will never get tired of lev's fics, and how gorgeous her writing is.
❀ untitled - @lunarvicar
okay this was adorable. the way price drops everything to get to her apartment, immediately ready to protect her is just sooo perfect. and her being freaked out by ghost adventures?? asdasljlsjd relatable.
❀ untitled - @yeyinde
i live for domestic bliss, and this fic just scratched that itch so well. there's something so comforting and homey about this fic, just the quiet intimacy between price and reader, the cute back and forth, this line: “Gaz said I looked like an Edwardian lord—” an absolute comfort fic if i've ever read one.
❀ comforts of home - @halcyone-of-the-sea
this fic had me weak, literally struggling to read cause i was too busy looking like this at my phone
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❀ barking dog - @yeyinde
jealous!price is not something i see often, but damn if i don't want to see more of it after reading this. i am obsessed with the way lev writes price, how real and natural and captivating he is in her fics.
❀ wicked pyre - @yeyinde
you can't just give me dragon!price and expect me not to love it. i am so feral for monster!au's and this is saldkjaslda i can't be normal after reading this, i am feral, so enraptured by this fic and the entire concept of dragon!price.
❀ origami boats - @halcyone-of-the-sea
a sequel to the best price fic of all time???? say less. this fic was in my top three before i even started reading, i just knew it was going to be good. well, it wasn't just good, it was great. stunning. heart-breaking in a way that gives you the best kind of hurt.
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Kyle "Gaz" Garrick
❀ high hopes - @writeforfandoms
gaz my sweet mans. as one of my favorite characters, i tend to be picky with my gaz fics, but this fic right here? loved it. adored it. read it six times with a bigger smile on my face each time.
❀ cult of vagabonds || prologue | landless gull | snail & thrush - @halcyone-of-the-sea
not only is this a gaz series, but it's one written by halcyone who can never write a bad fic. this is immaculate. i can't even describe how much i love this series so far and how much i can't wait to see where it goes!
❀ boom - @sleepiexx
ok but like this was so good?? the tension, the desperation, the way gaz was so ready to die with her. i'm shook. and that ending???? i’m giggling, i’m blushing, i’m re-reading this fic a million more times.
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Leon Kennedy
❀ leon kennedy masterlist - @uselsshuman
i'm gonna be real here for a second, this entire section was 99% made up of em's leon fics. i couldn't choose which ones to add, which ones were my favorite, because i loved them all. so i'm just putting a link to her leon masterlist, because every single one of those fics deserves to be seen and read and given all of the love that they deserve.
❀ enough || one | two | three | final - @uhlunaro
i have one word for this series: wow. just wow. i have never been more thankful to find a series after it was already done because i would've gone crazy waiting to see what happened next! which part was my favorite? all of them. every single one. the hurt, the dialogue, just the way leon is written. i'm speechless.
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Simon "Ghost" Riley
❀ exit row || exit row, part iii | exit row, part iv- @lunarvicar
the phrase "post-dick flashback" will live rent free in my head until the day i die, i was wheezing. i'm convinced there isn't a character nat can't make me love, because her portrayal of ghost here?? 🔥🔥🔥
❀ happiness || diamond ring | fearless | - @lethalchiralium
more of my favorite family man!simon series!!!!!! yesssss!!!!! i swear with every new addition, i just love this series more and more. i am so stressed reading it, but i love every second of it.
❀ the effect you have - @mvtthewmurdvck
screaming, crying, throwing up. how do you do it, jo? how do manage to make me hurt and heal my heart so beautifully in every single fic? how dare you, but also thank you so much.
❀ the captain || part 6 | part 7 | thunder - @as-is-above-so-below
omg i can't. y'all can't just keep giving a+ quality family man!ghost fics and expect me to be normal. you can't just give me cute shit like:
“Gaz frug.”
and not expect me to be like:
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also, i am absolutely in love with freyja. the way her relationship is written with ghost and the kids is so lovely and has me kicking my feet and twirling my hair.
❀ ghost at the beginning of your relationship - @angelltheninth
cute. adorable. sweet. i love me some good fluff and even more so soft!ghost and this was the perfect combination of both of them! and simon having "guard dog energy" is so funny and so correct.
❀ ménage || refuge | resolution - @lilywastaken
my new go-to for simon fics. the relationship between simon and reader and between simon and the 141 are both so great. and oh my god that wild ride of emotions i went during part five had me stressed tf out i couldn't stop reading! such a great and fun series.
❀ making progress - @constantcrisis19
"dragged into the CoD fandom kicking and screaming" and still delivering an absolutely amazing fic. the teasing, the small talk, the faint smile?? incredible. the entire conversation about powerful music?? fantastic.
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strawberryicebreakers · 6 months
HELLO i hope this ask finds u well :]
so not to be annoying or anything but out of curiosity (and immense unending passion for the topic and also your fanfic) is there a chance the uhf fic will finish? not like, right now or in a month, but just in general :)) sorry ive read the draft like 10 times by now and yknow lol :)) have a lovely day from the weird al fans of tumblr!!
hello!!! your ask finds me in one of my labs, hunkered down between classes.
it's completely alright to ask! there's always a chance I'll go back to any of my drafts [including anything I've posted to ao3 and unfortunately abandoned over the years], but I'm still working on my longer ted lasso fic [which is now at 123k! very weird to know I wrote that much] and I'm a bit worried that trying to revisit an older draft might knock me out of my groove before I finish it.
that being said! I still do incredibly appreciate all the love you + others have given the draft so far; it's so sweet to see people so passionate about something I'm playing around with [and I think of the one comic that was drawn nearly every day]. there's a scene or two that're further down the plot of the story than I wrote in the draft [ergo, doesn't take place right where the draft stops] but I'd still love to share it as a thank-you. as always, it's very unedited, very rough, but hopefully something to y'all will enjoy. :) have a nice day as well!
Sinatra wasn’t the worst to listen to, but when it seemed as though all the radio stations in Oklahoma could loop through were the man’s Christmas albums, Robert could understand why some people would have a grudge against the guy. It’d been an hour and a half of Sinatra, Sinatra, and even more Sinatra, slowly driving a wedge into whatever Christmas spirit he still had at the ripe-old age of twenty-five. 
Teri’s parents lived all the way in the suburbs of Oklahoma City, a far cry away from his and George’s apartment in Tulsa. Usually, the traffic would make him wish for a day where faster-than-light travel was the norm, but at two in the morning on Christmas Day, I-44 had been all but deserted.
Even with the lights strung ‘round each house, little reindeer pulling plastic sleighs that gleamed back under his headlights, Robert had to turn his brights on to see the house numbers. His car slowed to a crawl, creeping through the picture of perfect suburbia. 
Each house was perfect in its own right; a blanket of snow on each lawn, a wreath on each door, a brand new car or two in each driveway. He’d bet his life savings that all (save one or two) of the houses had perfect families, too. A husband and his wife, their two kids, an overexcited dog or a temperamental cat. 
It used to nauseate him, seeing places like this, knowing this would be his life. That he’d be the father waking up on Christmas to a wife wrapped around him, that he’d have to -, do things with her that he didn’t want to think about doing. 
He shuddered, chilled despite his heater working overtime and then some. Usually, his car was on the colder side ‘cause Robert ran hot, but George was more delicate than he was. He hadn’t grown up in Oklahoma, wasn’t used to how cold the winters got. If George had it his way, they’d live in a damn blast furnace from the second the temperature began to drop. 
He parked, an inch from the curb of the nicest house he’d ever seen, staring at a mailbox that someone’d painted “The Cambells” on in curly, vintage font. 
With a pre-emptive cringe, he honked his horn, quick as he could. It was what he’d told George he’d do when he got here, letting him know he was good to run out. 
Robert stared at the door, waiting to see the familiar head of curls he’d grown fond of. He didn’t know what to expect, not after getting a frantic phone call at half-past midnight, begging for him to pick him up. 
There was a joke somewhere in there, that George got lucky that Robert’s a night owl, but before he could hoot down the phone, he’d realized George was serious. It wasn’t some midnight worry, not a kid asking his mom to pick him up ‘cause he can’t sleep without a certain blanket. 
George knew how far the drive was, how miserable it’d be to drive in the middle of the night. He knew how bad it’d be for him and Teri if he disappeared without goodbye.
And yet, he called.
Robert didn’t think there’d ever be a time in his life where he wouldn’t answer.
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gintokiu · 1 year
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love ❤
love love love getting Tumblr messages, especially if they come from Rena! thank you so much for thinking to tag me and get me back on this ye olde blog. I will do my best to answer since most of my favorites are unfinished and waiting for me to have time to complete them asdfgh anyway, starting from the bottom:
5. Unfinished, unposted work: Worth the Wait
This one is fun because it's something I'm currently working on and I am soo obsessed with it; it's an AU of a fantasy game that I've put way too many hours into recently. I think that the overall premise of the story is something akin to finding things in places that you wouldn't expect them to be, which I always love when it comes to Gintoki and Hijikata, because that's kind of like, their thing? It's set right now to be three or four chapters long and ahh I can't wait for it to be done. I hope, like usual, that the AU doesn't shy people away because they might not know about it/played the game. :') I can't help I only like writing AUs I'm sorry adsfgh
4. Fahrenheit
This story has such humble beginnings and such a warm place in my heart. It was actually the first ginhiji fic I ever wrote and oh god, it was fucking horrible. Rewrote it when I matured more as a writer and am hoping that I figure out where exactly I want this one to end because it's a bit of a toss-up. Right now, I am simply enjoying writing all the modern-day fluff and antics (and sex) until the plot decides to cement itself properly in my brain.
3. Hirudinea
The big one, the one that my brain refuses to write even though I have the plot all there waiting for me to write it. The powerpoint for this story is crazy. I'm looking forward to one day getting to tie this one up with a nice little bow and give it the proper love it deserves, but I want to finish other things first. Forcing myself to write things only ever ends in me hating them and I refuse for that to be the case with this story because there is so much love for it in me and seemingly in the community <3
2. Ninety-Nine and The Flight, the Fall, and the Forsaking of a Crow
There are two for this spot because I can't make up my mind. The Flight is another one with very humble beginnings. I wrote this, god, six or so years ago originally? Rewrote it when I started posting my work and fell in love with the new rendition of it so much. I'm such a sucker for transformations and gaining new understandings of the world, which is exactly what Gintoki gets to go through, which is why it means so much to me. The pacing is there, the emotion is there. Truly one of my favorites of mine that remind myself that I can write sometimes, LOL.
Ninety-nine I love because it is so easy to write. It's the child that never backtalks, never gets in trouble-- it's just golden. The plot for this is fleshed out all the way to the end and the powerpoint is thirty slides longer than Hirudinea's at a whopping 91 slides. It's a beast. I have end chapters completely written, just waiting for the rest of it to catch up. While definitely not my most popular piece, it's the one that I love to work on the most and I hope I can give it the ending that it deserves :') ahhh there's so much I want to say but can't so I'll just leave it here and talk about it later when it gets closer to being complete.
Things That Happen During the In-Between
Certainly did not expect this work to get the recognition that it did when it was posted. When I tell y'all that I hated this story for the longest time because I reread the same scenes fifteen, twenty times over, edited each one at least three or four times super in-depth to the point where it became beyond predictable in my mind. So then I post this, and people are all like "I cried!" I'm like HUH what do you mean you cried? this work sucks?? So then I waited like a month, reread it, and understood that yeah, okay, I actually didn't do that bad of a job with this one. My personal favorite aspect of this story is the characterization, because there are so many parts where I can read through it and say with confidence that that's a very "them" thing to say/do. (I also just love and adore the second movie, it's such a good film and I'm glad that I was able to do it some justice with this story.)
this was such a treat to do, once more thank you @renamusing for tagging me <3 I'll send a few out to some authors who I think are active on my tumblr so if you get one then consider it a little forehead kiss mwha
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hummingbird-games · 7 months
Dev Diaries
March 5th, 2024
So. We're 3 months into the new year. Huh.
Updates from me? I started a new job! I've been reading/catching up on a toooooon of manga lately (I'm also sloooooowly making my way through a nonfiction read and can't help thinking how Corey would heavily sympathize with me. Sigh.)
I also got another free month of Spotify (lol, I think I'm the only person I know who only uses the free plan because I'd rather spend that money elsewhere??) so I've been on a listening spree and flagging songs for a writing playlist I will use for the majority of the HSDJY 2 drafting process moving forward.
I still have yet to play BG3. My family gifted me the physical edition, so I've been impatiently waiting for it to ship out. It's been 84 years JFJEHFJHJF!!
Hmmm...nothing else interesting has happened to me (that I can publicly share ☠️) so on with the game development updates!!!!!
What Has Gemini Been Up To? -> TKD (again)
March 16th!!! Y'all, this is the deadline the team and I are working towards for a finished and published game 😭 unfortunately my plans for full voice work won’t be realized by then (but they will be realized. Just in a few months. Honestly, it wouldn’t surprise me if y'all get the updated HSD 2 demo before the fully voiced TKD….)
What Has Gemini Been Up To? -> HSD:JY and Ko-fi
Ko-fi first!!
It’s only been a few months (since November??) but I’m super proud of my posting consistency! Granted, I’m a little anxious about how posts will look moving forward once I start moving major updates and general silliness to Tumblr. But. We shall cross the bridge when it appears.
March snuck up on me and I only have the free and any-paid-support ready, but the subbies are just There™️. That being said...when I'm quiet or posting non-Hummingbird content here, there's 99.9% chance I've made a free post on ko-fi.
Tumblr is looking like the other social media platforms right now with its flagrant support of AI, and it gives me a headache trying to decide how to keep everyone informed as well as share posts from my peers and new kids on the block. Anyhoo!!!
High School Daze goodies??
At the time of this post, a couple things have been happening that I haven't had the time (or the energy) to talk about. The obvious? HIGH SCHOOl DAZE: JUNIOR 2 HAS AN ITCH.IO PAGE!! I...have no idea when the full game will be out. I have an idea...but I don't want to say it and feel obligated to make that deadline just so I don't disappoint players. (I'm well aware that some people took one look at Crushed, went "Aww, that's nice, Gemini. Now where's HSD??" 🤣)
The first round of sprites have been commissioned!! If you peeped the key art (also done by my sprite artist, heehee she's lovely) you might notice some new outfits, some new hairdos. Fingers crossed I'll be able to update the page--to mirror the debut game's page--at the same time the new demo goes live (which will showcase all of or at least 75% of the common route of the full game. Stay tuned to find out if we'll focus on the friendship route or if I can defeat the Coding Monster to include all the variations for the romances too aha).
Writing wise? Five of the six total routes are outlined. (Florence's I've…barely started 🥲…this pre-production thing is kicking my ass). I’ve started drafting out the friendship route too, as seen by the random posts I’ve made about HSDJY 2. Well, a combination of friendship route + the common route with its lovely variations that aren’t a nuisance at all. Nope. *eye twitch*
I alsooooooo discovered that all the raw and edited music I created for HSD and for personal projects over the years using GarageBand were deleted. And I never backed them up. So. The tracks I made, the jingle for the splash screen, the main theme and it's 2 variations, and alllllll the little cute things I made that are as old as my own high school days are....gone.
If I sound very calm about this, what an astute observation! But my anxiety is being used elsewhere, and I decided that I while I can't go back to the original files to tweak them, I've backed up the other files. And I don't mind starting from scratch with this.
But also y'all, please back up your shit. Please. Don't be caught slipping.
That poll I made a while back that now has results and I totally didn't forget about?? The boys won!! And I'm not surprised 🤣 I haven't decided yet if I'll do a live developer stream or a prerecorded one, but either way it'll happen closer to October, the 2nd anniversary date.
What Will Gemini be Up To?? -> Rest?!?!?
I assumed a lot of things about what would be done or not done by March, and that led me to loosely block out March as a 'rest' month. I wouldn't work on any projects, and instead would read, play console and computer games, and basically take the break I didn't take in December.
Well. The Knight Dance is still in production. And I commissioned sprites earlier than expected. And I didn't plan enough ko-fi content to be scheduled in my absence. LOL and I started a new job!? 🥹
But!!! But but but, I do need to take some type of break so I'll do my best to be scarce in this space (and lower the temptation to work because I see y'all are working LOL). Cool? Cool!
- Gemini 💛
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quillinhand · 1 year
here goes nothing- a shameless self promo
A few months ago, I had the intense craving for some good Runaway Harry fics. Preferably with a side of Severitus. I searched ferociously, and read many fics that joined my Harry Potter Hall of Fame(Off the top of my head, a few examples
(I could make a rec list if you want- lemme know)
The point is, I found gems, but I had a vision and you know, these fics and series only temporarily satisfied my itch for the trope. So, I decided to take Tolkien's advice, and now, after weeks of amateur plotting and afternoons of my muse finally listening to me, I have published:
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It's a Canon Divergence fic that explores what would happen if Harry ran away from that hotel in Cokeworth. It explores themes of abuse, mental health, and what these things mean for our main characters. I wanted to explore the psyche of 31 year old Severus Snape, who, to his knowledge, lives in peace and has mostly come to terms with the events of the war. I wanted to explore the parts of Harry's story that are either over dramatized or passed over all together; the abuse he went through, his bravery, and the positive and negative effects of a different introduction to the Wizarding World. I wanted to explore the Death Eaters and Wizarding Politics without the use of an all-knowing Gringotts goblin, and I've tried to the best of my ability to explore all of that in this fic.
I've only posted one chapter for now, but I have five more written and I'm working on editing two of them right now. Posting schedule is every three weeks - monthly for now, though that is very flexible. Chapter lengths are going to vary, and I know I'm not the best writer out there, so I would love any tips and feedback you have for me. Writing this fic has been the best part of my life for the past few months, and I hope y'all like it too. :)
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maryellencarter · 2 years
So I've been tussling with how to write this post for some time now.
Uh, the background good news first? I appear to have worked almost an entire pay period and also March is a three paycheck month, so I'm making some very solid progress on getting caught up on my bills, and it seems like this might even continue. I know I tend to be more optimistic than is usually warranted, but 70 hours in my time clock when working all my scheduled hours would put me at 72 is pretty damn impressive, especially compared to how I've been doing for a really long time.
So then I was poking around and trying to figure out what one even does with disposable income. I've been going to a knitting group at a local yarn shop recently (I forget if I mentioned here but a friend was able to get me some KN95 masks and some helpful information about transmission rates so I can socialize safely again! This is probably a big factor in me being less depressed and more worky again also), but I don't really enjoy owning yarn I don't have A Plan for, so right now I've got a cable sweater for Leia, a fancy silk lace scarf, a puffy hexagon blanket, and a crochet baby blanket going, and I just really don't want any more yarn until I finish with one or two of these projects.
Recently, though, as y'all have probably seen, there was an announcement going around about the American Girl doll brand announcing a pair of 1999-themed Historical Character dolls. Because Tumblr is the "we are getting old" website at this point, there were Noises. (They have a Pizza Hut "Book-It" reading program playset. I have never been smacked in the face with nostalgia so hard in my entire life.)
As some of y'all may also remember, I used to have a whole collection of American Girl dolls and furniture and whatnot, because I was trying to do the whole "believe you can be safe and stable now and have the things you were never allowed to have as a kid" thing with a reasonable part of the money I'd inherited from my then recently deceased grandmother (a lovely human being, and by extreme genetic good luck the relative I take after physically, so that I don't have to deal with the whole "growing up to look exactly like my abuser" thing that some people have to suffer through). Then the 2016 election happened, I had a horrible depressive spiral, was unable to work, sold 90% of my collection to pay the rent, eventually became homeless anyway, and lost the other 10% by trusting the wrong person to keep my stuff safe when I had no other options.
ANYWAY! Not the point. The point is that I started poking my nose back into the American Girl website, and then the wiki in order to try to figure out what all I'd missed, and I'm kind of being like "hey, I could hypothetically afford some of this stuff again now".
(I personally find it hilarious that the brand is trying to walk a line between "Addressing trans and nonbinary identities in our helpful book on puberty for preteens? Sure, we'll do that, we're progressive! Also did you say Harry Potter collaboration? That's a license to basically print money from customers who are nostalgic for the same era we were most popular in, let's do this", which is exactly the kind of seesawing I expect from Disney -- who owns American Girl via Mattel.)
So *anyway*, and this is the part of this post I'm really struggling with: I also used to be heavily involved in the part of the American Girl adult collectors fandom that describes itself as "queer-friendly and socially conscious". That part of the fandom runs the wiki (which is an extremely useful and well-constructed resource). I don't know who-all from those days may still follow me on Tumblr, and I'm actually not looking to cause drama, just sort of thinking out loud as I so often do on the tunglrs, but after five years away from the fandom and having poked my nose back in, I'm running into a royal shitton of memories (and a little new information) that's making me go "Holy fuck, this place was *incredibly* toxic, no wonder I got utterly burned out on trying to interact with the dolls and items the way they demanded everybody should. No wonder I still feel like I'm walking on eggshells to even say anything or post a picture related to this fandom."
So. Let's be real. I'm saying "the way they demanded". It's one person, backed up by other mods who don't create their own separate demands. This particular section of the fandom is ruled with an iron fist by one self-described Angry Black Woman who... the very kindest way I can find to describe it is, she's a walking talking demonstration of how you cannot create a single safe space that's safe for everyone. I made a post several years ago that went a little bit viral, where I pointed out that being uncomfortable with a very verbally aggressive black authority figure can actually be because of the "very verbally aggressive authority figure" part, say if you're a survivor of emotional abuse *koff koff*, and doesn't have to mean you're "uncomfortable with black anger" Because You're Racist. That post was a direct reaction to multiple instances of seeing this person tell people "you're pushing back against me being verbally abusive, that's a racist action on your part".
That's the kindest, most nonconfrontational way I can come up with to talk about the situation. Less tactfully, after going to look over the forum rules for this subsection of the fandom -- hoping to realize I'd just been an extremely sensitive tortellini at the time and they weren't that bad, because I know I was an extremely sensitive tortellini in other matters -- in actual fact, I've been reminded very loudly that these rules are a 13k essay on topics such as You Must Be Okay With Verbal/Emotional Abuse If It's Directed At You By People Of Color, All Cultures Of Color Are Closed Cultures Now (So Don't You Dare Put This Black Doll's Clothes On Any Other Doll), and the real kicker for me, Only Selected Queer Identities Are Suitable For Public Discussion (subsection We're Redefining Queerness To Exclude Polyamory, new since I was last here, with sub-subsection Oops We Didn't Mean To Exclude Asexuals Only Those Icky Cishets, and fun guessing game Are We Excluding Aromantics Or Did We Just Forget They Exist, Ask And See If You Get Banned).
I... genuinely didn't mean to go on that long. But this is exactly why I'm making this post. Because I have a *lot* of trauma from trying to figure out what's actually racist or offensive and what's not, while being in a community where anything the main mod doesn't like can suddenly be declared an offense against social justice, and if you ever step on her toes, you're likely to be relegated to the ranks of the damned (aka the white Christian mommybloggers who own more than six white dolls or less than 50% dolls of color). And as probably all of you know, I do a lot of thinking out loud about trauma. Which is a PROBLEM, because this person definitely still follows me here (I don't know who else from the fandom does), and Tumblr blocks don't keep people from seeing your posts, only interacting with them.
So. Uh. There's probably going to be... more of this. I'm making this post now because I'm almost done sewing a doll skirt, I want to show it off here, and I'm also having a really nasty anxiety attack over how this person is definitely going to metaphorically rip it to shreds in the dedicated forum thread for mocking homemade doll clothes (mostly from Etsy) that don't live up to her exacting standards of Historically Accurate Doll Costuming. (The skirt is gathered instead of using 1800s-style "cartridge pleats"! The horror!)
Yeah. So. Um. I guess... if you follow me from when I was last in AG doll fandom, here's where I stand, at least right now. I'm not going to name any names, but you likely know who I'm talking about. I'm not going to go after anybody or cause trouble on their blog, but I'm not going to pull any punches when I'm talking about the ways they and their policies have made me feel unsafe in the fandom. And I'm not going to follow their byzantine rules based on the concept that a single doll can only have one ethnicity and one backstory. A doll, in its essence, is a shapeshifter the way a character actor is a shapeshifter, and not all of us want to create 50+ fixed individual characters that can't wear each other's clothes.
If you can't live with any of that, feel free to go commiserate with each other. I'm not planning to go back to the forum, so don't worry that I'll see anything you say there. (I'm not even planning to publish the rules publicly, since they're not viewable when logged out, although they are a trip and a half to read without the context of the dramas that shaped them.)
If you're scared what will happen to your standing in the fandom if you like my posts or keep following me, though... maybe that's a place to start thinking.
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wildcatofgreen · 2 years
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((hi! local catmun here. by now it has ALREADY BEEN new years about a couple hours over on my side of the world. and i wanna be a sentimental little MF for a little bit
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((these past couple months. getting the chance to come to this wonderful community, to meet all these wonderful people, to make all these new friends, to make all these wonderful experiences and to share the silly little adventures of a bisexual green cat from a chinese inspired world
((it just. it warms my heart. it makes me so happy. it makes me SO fucking happy.
((i dont know how many words ive written for this blog, but i will say
((in these past couple months, from the start of this blog to now, i have overtaken the amount of pages that were on the original wildcatofgreen blog. sitting at 157 pages of content here. compared to the old blog's 121.
((121 pages that were intermixed between hiatuses and long stretches of things happening.
((it's not like i didnt have passion for the blog--i started it right before freedom planet 2 was announced. the passion was there, the dripfeeds of content filling my brain were already set in motion and i did little blurbs questioning these characters we had never heard of before
((in the old blog's canon, askal was lilac's and carol's teacher. there was this overarching plot point about askal's training with these two to make them stronger and better, just in case a new threat were to occur (([if it wasnt obvious, i was setting up for fp2, of which i thought it wouldve been coming out Soon™. lmaoing at my old self she did not even have a sliver of a guess]
((i figured out reasonable dates for lilac's, milla's and carol's birthdays by scouring ziyo-ling's deviantart for the dates the characters were originally posted! (([lilac aug 19th (([milla may 28th (though with recent revelations her birthday might as well be the-day-they-found-her] (([carol dec 27th] (([and to complete the quadrio, neera's birthday would obviously be fp1's release date--july 21st]
((back then i even imagined a weird, strained relationship between carol and her sister. i had thoughts about how shitty the scarves were. i had ideas and headcanons about a LOT of stuff [and i still have to sift through all of it at SOME POINT i SWEAR IM GONNA DO IT]
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((but i think the thing that... probably got me to stop doing it in the first place was... the lack of people to do it with? the lack of people to build these stories with and to make these things happen
((this isnt to say i wasnt rping with people back then--i obviously was. there's 121 pages to prove i was. and i remember hitting the milestone of getting 200 followers on that blog. it's probably not sitting at that number anymore with all the deactivated blogs and such ((but at it's peak! i had people who wanted to interact with me. i had probably a lot of the same things i do now.
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((maybe, just... i was the problem, back then. i can see it from how standoffish i was--how my rules were written, how aggressive i wrote x y and z thing. and maybe someone who goes back to look at the previous blog wont get these same vibes i get ((but youre your own worst critic, right? i know myself--i know how scared i was to be friendly with people, to show myself and to kind of... have fun with things. i still have that fear now--to be more ooc than ic. that people dont care about ooc because the blog isnt about me--it's about carol!
((i still kind of hold that philosophy. y'all ain't follow for catmun y'all followed for carol, and i dont wanna flood up my blog with a bunch of unnecessary posts, no matter how much i wanna archive that stuff and keep it for prosperity's sake it kind of feels like i flooded up the blog from what's supposed to actually be there.
((i wasnt nice to myself much. i was kinda awkward but i can forgive myself for that. its been seven-to-five years since any of that. i didnt allow myself to be... well, me.
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((but now. its kind of overwhelming, to see how much love and support this little blog gets. how people who i feel i can truly call my friends are so into the things that happen here. how people can enwrap themselves into this little silly lore i have. there's this passion here from... so many people i write with. its. its exciting!!!
((ive never felt so confident about my writing. ive never felt so happy about writing. ive never felt so excited to move on with another crazy wacky thing.
((i still think long time no see dragon girl is my magnum opus on this blog--something that ive tried to build up a while through hints about lilac's thought process without actually just, letting you see as her, and stuff through carol's thought process. the moment where it hit, the moment where lilac went on her little monologue about being the scarf's princess, the moment where lilac looked at carol and asked "Would you?" is, i think, one of the best things ive written on this blog hands down. ((and that all spawned from the funny question of ''what if lilac was homophobic and gay''. like that idea was just a funny joke to myself for a while, but the more i thought about it the more i went ''this could actually be something''. ((and then i started rping with azure and their lilac obviously influenced that lilac and now the two lilacs are one in the same ((it helps that past blog's lilac didnt DO much and i didnt have these thoughts about the love angle back thing. made everything more free form now (([though tbh if i DID i could just RETCON WHATEVER I WANTED HAHAHAHA]
((that's all not to say that i dont think the other things ive written on here werent good--not at all
((the first big plot with sonarmun, that all spawned off because an anon said "get married already" (([btw anon carol is currently getting married right now because of YOU. THIS IS YOUR FAULT, WHOLEHEARTEDLY <3]
((the date night, which TOOK A WHILE TBF but it was still loads of fun ((the first bapho/carol thread, which ALSO TOOK AWHILE but is still one of my favorites ((tangle/carol interactions give me life i love these two idiots so anything with THEM ((that first lilac/carol thread with azure [that is still unfinished, i intend to go back to it SOMEDAY] with all their cute interactions and all the neat things like carol's bike being decidedly not-as-cool as it is now and lilac's earpods being SHITTY and all the other things to show just how fucking far theyve come
((those are just some notable ones but there's so many things i think are just. GOOD. so many interactions i just. LOVE.
((big RECENT highlight? the most recent lilac/carol thread--carol's little tirade took. a while to write. but it all flowed off the page. and like, reading lilac during that thread genuinely made me wanna cry
((if you want another big recent highlight its the fights in the battlesphere blitz arc--just for the fact that i was going into something i had. NO confidence in [fight scenes]. and here this was gonna be a whole fucking arc just ABOUT fight scenes, built up for WEEKS at this point. ((i was so scared to do any of it. scared to write the fights, scared to do the character interactions, scared to pull off the cordelia plot point. but the fears werent warranted--because it all came out good. ((i am especially proud of the askal fight and the second spade fight--the one AFTER zao was an asshole. i think those two are real fucking highlights and im so happy with them
((point being...! its. all of this, all of this
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((it makes me so happy!!!! this is the most fun ive had in years with writing!!!! this is the most passion ive had in years with writing!!!!! this makes me wanna do it for as long as i possibly can!!!!! im so fucking happy!!!!!!
((and a lot of it, a LOT of it, is thanks to you guys
((the people who follow me and want to interact with me and want to see more of the stuff i do and more of the ideas i have and
((all of it! i
((i didnt think i could be so happy about rping. i didnt think people like this would exist, frankly.
((i wouldnt be able to do awesome EVENTS like this. i had this lingering anxiety in the back of my head that the wedding would be too imposing on other writers and i didnt want to make it this big, grand, amazing event that it should be because like
((i was scared people wouldnt be down for it
((but everyone i sent in an ask for was... totally down for it!!! and even now people are doing things and interacting and just
((im so happy. im crying. im fuckin' crying because all of this feels impossibly awesome and i dont even know what to say
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((thank you, all of you, from the bottom of my heart. no matter who you are, no matter if i interact with you a lot or dont interact at all, no matter if youre just a personal blog who sometimes reads my stuff, no matter what.
((thank you so much
((i didnt think anything about making the carol blog again, other than to get some stuff done with sonar and carol, and to maybe throw a silly cat at some people
((but all of this? all of this?
((i cant express how grateful i am. i cant express how happy this really makes me feel. i cant express how glad i am to be in such an amazing community full of roleplayers. i love you all, i really, really do.
((this blog has barely been up for three months. and ive already made memories and stories i know ill keep until the end of my days.
((i cant wait to continue writing with you all. i cant wait to see what the new year will bring us. because, fuck it
((its gonna be really, really fucking fun
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((i love you all. i really, really do.
((thank you.))
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toiletwipes · 3 years
simpbur's college roommate
tw: obsession, possessiveness? not really tbh, simpbur is caught, overstim, vibrator, afab body, vaginal penetration, pretty boy is thrown around and so is good boy, praise, maybe a tiny bit degrading, im just a little bit scared to look through this to check for anything else. its not bad but im just scared i'll delete this if i dont post it now.
1.7k words, so not that long but I promised you guys content so here it is!
it was the smaller things, really.
you wouldn’t notice them, if you weren’t looking for them, type of deal. a shirt that fits you just a little bit too snug so it sits in the back of your closet, or did. an old polaroid with an older friend, faces smiling into the flash of light, it had sat in the bottom of your old memory box, said box gone untouched by you for months. an oversized, raggedy hoodie that you had ditched for a newer, softer coat.
you didn’t want to believe it but at the moment you had bigger fish to fry with schoolwork.
the coat from before sat in your lap at the moment, you parked yourself in the library as you studied with a close friend for some government essay, and you were just nearly finished with the second to last page, when your friend spoke up.
she taps on your arm, pulling out your earbud, “hey, your roommate is will, er, wilbur, right?” you stopped in the middle of a word, lifting your head to meet her eyesight.
“yeah, why? he being creepy or something?” you ask, hoping for a no, he wasn’t bad, but you knew that if anybody else had been his roommate, he would've found himself in trouble during the first week alone.
“no, actually, it’s just- it’s just that, um, are you guys dating?” you snorted, really? you and him? dating?
“he’s cute, but no, why d’ya ask?” you laugh to yourself as you look into your notes as you start typing again.
“well, he’s just been wearing your hoodie, like a lot.” you still, eyebrows furrowing. your hoodie?
“how do you know it's my hoodie?” you look her in her eyes, folding your arms together as you lean back.
“i know for sure its your hoodie because it has that one bleach stain on the front and on the shoulder from when you said you could wear a hoodie and bleach your hair, and the time that you spilt bleach directly onto your hoodie and panicked for five minutes before doing something about it. i know it's yours so why is he wearing it?” your mind is blank as you stuff your things back into your backpack, her sputtering with questions and your lack of answers leaving much to be desired.
but as you exit the building, you shrug your coat as it starts to pour and the dark sky flashes for a moment. you rush in your walking to get to the dorms as soon as possible. just your luck that your dorm is on the other side of the campus. its still about five minutes before you bang on your dorm room. the music blasting on the other side silences as your roommate opens the door, his mouth drops into a round circle and you stare at his chest as you push past him.
“where the hell have you been? it’s barely been pouring!” he sounds off like a rattled hen but you head straight to your room, dumping your backpack and coat on your bed. without an answer, he follows you but any questions he has dries in his mouth as he watches you dig in your closet. pulling a ratty tee shirt and shorts you shrug your soaked shirt over your head.
will has to force himself out of the room but it's not a second later when you come out, hair wet and skin damp when you grab onto his head of hair and pull as you drag him to his room.
throwing him onto the bed, you barely glanced at his face, seeing it already being covered in tears, hands grasping for yours as it leaves him.
you glance around his room before you see the one clean area, his nightstand and dig through that. you found not only items you knew were missing but more, underwear you thought you'd thrown away, a vibrator that you'd thought had gotten stolen by a petty friend, not an obsessive roommate.
and then throwing his closet open, you saw it balled up and thrown in the corner, your hoodie.
taking it out, you push it into will's chest. "dude, literally, what the fuck?" you go to shout at him more but he moves onto his knees, tears dripping and pouring down his cheeks, begging for you to not leave.
"i know i'm a creep, a disgusting one at that, but please don't- please don't leave me, no one's been this nice and stayed with me for this long," he begs and continues to beg as you stand at the foot of his bed, watching as he took a hold of your forearms, rubbing circles into them.
you clasp a hand over his mouth as you coo, shushing him and smoothing over his hair with your other hand.
"my dirty, little stalker doesn't want me to go, but who said i was going to let you leave?" you then pull back on his hair, relishing in the guttural moan that is ripped from his throat, attaching your lips to his neck and climbing into lap, grinding down into the growing bulge in his sweats.
he moans out your name, hands finding purchase wherever he can, gripping your hip and your shoulder, trying to thrust up and meet your hips but you move your hands to hold his hips down.
"no, no, no, good boys take what they're given, that much you've proven, will," you murmur in his ear, slowing the rolls in your hips and watching him writhe beneath you.
"be a good boy for me, huh? are you my pretty boy?" he sobs out a yes as you grind down hard on his cock, the praise going straight to his dick as you mouth bruises into his neck. sucking particularly hard his hands come and circle around your waist, his head hanging onto your shoulder.
"please, please let me-"
"oh no, baby, tonight, it's all about you," you pause, standing up and hearing that beautiful whine pulled from his throat, "your punishment for being a dirty, little whore who wanted all my things for yourself, all of me without me." he shook his head, eyes barely opening as he reaches for you, but you've gone to his nightstand and pulled out the vibrator, turning it on and off and finding it surprisingly still working. well, not that surprising.
"now, you're gonna be a good boy and let me take care of you, or you can be alone," he reaches for you, begging you not to leave him and you can't say you weren't that affected.
something about this tall, greasy simp of a man, who stole your things and wears your old hoodie, begging for you not to go, it just settled nicely in the bottom of your stomach.
you weren't denying you were absolutely soaked by now, shoving your shorts off.
"please, i'll- your good boy, be so good for you-" he cuts himself off as you climb back to straddle his lap, this time rolling your hips once before you turn your vibrator on.
"good, so good for me," you hum as you place the vibrator between your panty-clad folds and his sweatpants-covered-cock. the vibrations sent you to a different plane as you grind into him, listening to the way he cried and the way his legs trembled.
you could tell the next moment, he was about to cum and well, you can't have that, not so soon. "ah, ah, ah," you breathe out, taking the vibe away as you lean back and away from his dick.
he lurched forward and his legs shake again as he's denied an orgasm, he cries out and into your neck.
"is my baby ready for ten more of these?" you ask him and his eyes snap wide open, meeting yours and when a moment passes and you press the vibe back against his dick, he whines.
you weren't kidding about before, it's been about an hour, you think, and he's buried his face in a pillow, crying from the over-stimulation and from not cumming.
you, yourself, have occupied your time with stretching yourself out, three fingers buried deep into your pussy and the sounds coming from it has will peeking out from the pillow, eyes sparkling with that crying glow.
taking your fingers out, and sticking them into his mouth, you move yourself over his lap, taking his cock in your hand as you rub it in between your folds. moaning, you move away as his hips jerk upwards, him biting and crying into his fist.
"my pretty baby, doing so well for me, gonna let me make you feel good? you gonna let me make you cum?" will nods his head and lets out the loudest moan you heard that day when you sink down on his cock.
buried to the hilt, he twitches inside you, and he's begging to cum, "'m gonna, 'm gonna cum, please, plea- need to, i need to cum in you," he begs and who are you to deny your pretty boy that?
"cum for me baby," you say, out of breath as you bounce on his cock, reveling in the slick sounds coming from between y'all. he does cum, hips thrusting upwards to bury himself in you, and you let him. but when you know he's all spent, you start to bounce on his cock, him crying from the over-sensitivity.
"just- just let me cum," you breathe out, balancing yourself with his shoulder and one hand rubbing circles into your clit, moans coming from your mouth as sobs leaves will's.
"oh- oh fuck, fuck, fuck!" you cry out, squeezing around will and falling on top of his chest.
breathing together, you let yourself have this moment before you get up and moves towards the bathroom. you hear him calling out for you as you grab a damp towel, some water, and a dry towel.
"did you think i was going to leave you, baby?" you ask, mostly not expecting an answer but turning to him as you run the damp cloth over his face and neck, he bit his lip.
"a little bit, yeah."
"well, don't think about that again, because as much as you're weird and steal my shit, you're still important to me," you tell me, "you're my pretty boy and you're going to stay that way."
when you finished cleaning him up and then cleaned yourself, you take the spot next to him and pull the covers over you two.
he leans into your side, pulling you into him, trying to get closer than close.
"you promise?"
you smile to yourself, thinking about having him all to yourself, "i promise."
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harryforvogue · 3 years
Baby Blue (Harry and Safiyya’s Christmas Blurb)*
HELLLOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! Welcome to Harry and Safiyya's Christmas Celebration Fic!!!
Just a little helpful guide for y'all. The name Isa is pronounced "EE-SA." It's Arabic :D
i hope you enjoy it! this fic is 5.5k words and it has smut so of course, as always, read with caution.
here is the link to my ko-fi. i won't lie, i'm putting my all into these fics, so i would really appreciate it if you gave me a little something something in return.
happy reading :)
Harry’s in the midst of cradling his son to sleep when the phone rings and Safiyya jolts awake from where she’s resting on their bed. The jerk frightens their 3 month old child, Isa, who’s eyes reopen, lower lip wobbling as he glances around. Harry’s not too concerned about it, however. Isa’s already had his bottle so he won’t do much except shed a few tears and then return back to sleep.
Because of Isa, Safiyya’s become a very light sleeper, waking at every sound just in case it’s him. Right now, she’s laying on her stomach, unwashed hair whipping around as she tries to locate the sound. Harry gently nudges her shoulder with his elbow.
“Your phone,” he murmurs softly, careful not to wake Isa who’s returning back to sleep without, thankfully, crying. “I can’t reach it.”
Safiyya glances at the phone on the side table and quickly reaches for it, unplugging it. “Hello?” she whispers, cupping a hand around her mouth.
Harry watches his wife’s face curiously. She listens for a long time, dropping her face back into the pillow. Since she’s been able to sleep on her stomach again, that’s all she does when she tries to relax. Eventually, Harry becomes less intrigued in whatever monologue that person on the other side is giving his wife, so he slowly gets up and heads to the crib. They thought a lot about whether to make a nursery or to just set up Isa’s crib and necessities in their room, and they ended up doing the latter.
Post-partum hasn’t been treating Safiyya very nicely and it helps for her to know that if Isa ever needs anything in the middle of the night, his parents are only a few steps away. Harry kisses Isa’s forehead and then gently lays the baby into the crib, tucking small pillows around his frame. Isa has been trying to roll over for a week now and the last thing Harry wants is his kid rolling over right into the bars of the crib.
He’s in the middle of tucking Isa in and securing his pacifier into his mouth when his wife hisses into the phone, “Tell them to go fuck themselves.”
Alarmed, Harry turns around and raises his eyebrows, but Safiyya’s head is facing the other way. “I don’t care,” she says. “He’s my fucking child.” And then she hangs up.
Harry cautiously strides back to the bed. He sits down and taps her head. “Hi. What’s going on?”
Safiyya whips her head towards him and he’s immediately taken aback by the fury in her eyes. All that emotion wasn’t there five minutes ago. “They want to see him,” she says tightly, sitting up. “My parents.”
“For Christmas?”
“Yeah. They want to come over.”
Harry considers this for a minute before saying, “Saf, I don’t mean to be disrespectful, but I don’t want your parents to come here.”
“I know,” she answers, turning her phone on silent and letting it rest on the side table. “I don’t either. They are not allowed to see him. He’s our baby. He’s ours!”
His eyes soften as he reaches over and softly takes her hand in his. “I know. He’s all ours. I don’t want them to see him, just like you don’t. They’re your parents so they have to hear it from you, don’t they? Did Ahmed call?”
“Yeah. He’s been a real dick lately. Ever since Isa’s birth, he’s been trying to patch up things between me and my parents. Nobody even considers that I don’t want to patch things with them. I am his mother. They are not his parents.”
Harry trails his fingers up her oversized maternity sleepwear and then cups her jaw. “I completely agree. It’s completely up to you.”
For a moment, Safiyya lets him caress her cheek with the back of his hand. Then, she leans into him and places her head on his shoulder. He’s tentative about holding her. Things have been a little different since she gave birth. She doesn’t always want to be cuddled or touched by Harry, but right now she craves it. She shuffles closer and presses her nose into his collarbone.
“It’s up to us,” she softly corrects, hiking a leg up his thigh. “We created him. He’s your son as much as he is mine.”
Harry smiles, still stroking her cheek. “Before sunrise, he’s my son?”
Safiyya picks her head up. “Is that from The Lion King?” Harry nods. “Well, you had that duty yesterday so this morning it’s my turn.”
But Safiyya’s dark circles and the eyelids that barely lift say otherwise. He bends down and kisses her forehead gently. “I’ll take the first two. And you can take any after that.”
His wife finally smiles, tilting her head up. “Is this how two gross, unshowered parents flirt these days?”
“Hey, it’s what you wanted. I merely fit the part you needed.”
She reaches up and presses one chaste kiss to his mouth and then slowly pulls away. “I want to sleep. Can we sleep?”
“Yeah, love.”
He releases her as she pulls away. Safiyya groans softly as she slides down onto her stomach and buries her face into her pillow. Harry lays down as well, turning off the lamps, resting on his side. He softly rubs Safiyya’s back, wrapping her up in the blanket.
She begins to softly snore just two minutes later.
Harry continues to play with her hair, pulling her curls apart and then tangling them with his fingers again. She doesn’t budge an inch, nor does she show irritation when he takes a small strand of her hair and gently tugs on it, enough to cause discomfort.
He then turns his head and looks at the baby in the crib, already motionless and asleep.
“You two are the same person,” he whispers, half in awe, sliding his arm down her waist and draping it there, cuddling closer to her. When he takes a deep breath, he smells baby milk on her and powder. It causes a small to spread across his face and he falls asleep, content.
Isa wakes up four hours later. He’s been getting better at sleeping for longer hours, but it’s still not enough for either of the parents. Harry’s eyes open first, but Safiyya is already moving before him, half asleep. He tucks a hand into her shoulder blade and gently pushes her back down, murmuring, “S’my turn.”
Harry yawns, attempts to stretch, and then heaves off the mattress.
“Alright,” he whispers, rubbing his eye with his palm as he strides to the lavender crib. “What’s the matter, now?”
Isa’s cries are just beginning to increase when Harry reaches into the crib and retrieves the baby, cradling him easily in one arm. Harry presses his finger to Isa’s mouth. “You’re hungry again? I’m not sure we have any of Mama’s milk left.”
Safiyya’s face is still buried in the pillow, but Harry hears her sleepy, muffled voice, “There’s no more.”
“That’s okay.” Harry pats Isa’s bum and carries him out the room. With each step, Isa becomes more quiet.
When they’re in the kitchen, Harry reaches for a bottle and fills it with warm water. “I know the other stuff isn’t so great,” he says through a yawn, tucking Isa further into the crook of his elbow. “Let’s see if Dada can do this with one hand.”
He pulls out the formula and slowly measures out the right amount, tapping the scooper against the top of the bottle a few times. He twists the top on and then shakes the bottle. Isa is getting restless once more so Harry pushes the bottle into the baby’s mouth and silences him. As expected, Isa makes a content noise and his eyes flutter until they’re half open.
“Wanna hold the bottle yourself?”
Harry releases the bottle and waits for Isa to hold onto it, but Isa can’t catch it quick enough, so Harry holds it up. He then walks back to the bedroom and sits on the edge of the mattress, leaning his head back against the headboard. Isa’s eyes are closed and only a few moments later, he expels the bottle from his mouth and hiccups.
Harry lays Isa on his shoulder and gently rubs the baby’s back, his own eyes closing. Safiyya is still softly snoring beside him and he smiles at the sound, smiling only wider when Isa burps and lays in his father’s arms, nearly asleep.
Harry can’t help but raise his baby higher and press his nose to Isa’s wispy hair. He laughs. “You smell like your mom.” Eager to head back to sleep, Harry lays Isa back into his crib, tucks him in and softly runs his finger down his son’s cheek.
“I’ll see you in two hours,” he whispers as he backs away, heading to Safiyya. She’s completely unconscious to the world. He suspects she won’t even wake to the sound of a marching band passing through their room.
Harry ends up sleeping through Isa’s cries the next time. When he finally wakes again, it’s when his alarm goes off and he groans, squinting against the sunlight as he glances at his phone. He has a remote book tour date today.
His family is supposed to come over for the weekend, which means that after the book tour, he needs to clean the house until it’s spotless.
After he makes a cup of coffee, he walks to the living room where Safiyya is on the phone, Isa fast asleep against the crook of her elbow as he’d been just hours ago with Harry. Although her voice is low as she hisses into the phone, Harry can hear the rage in her tone.
“I don’t care,” Safiyya growls. “I don’t care at all. If you show up at my house, I will leave you out there in the cold. Don’t you dare try to ruin this for me.”
Harry makes himself known in the room with a whistle. She turns her head towards him and gives him one hell of a fake smile.
“No,” she repeats firmly over and over. “I will change my house and call the police on you.”
Wary, Harry places his cup of coffee on the table and bends down in front of Safiyya, reaching for Isa. She easily hands him over and gives him an odd look to which he answers with a soft kiss to the top of her head.
“Your parents?” he mouths.
“Brother,” she mouths back and then audibly replies to said person on the other side of the phone, “I said I don’t care! Do not tell them to call me or I will block everyone’s number. I don’t care if I’m being a bitch! They do not enter my house or see my child or try to make amends with me.”
Safiyya pulls the phone away from her ear and ends the call, immediately turning her phone off afterwards, tossing the device away.
Harry has an amused look on his face as he kisses Isa’s face generously. “Your mom is very very mad.”
“I have every right to be. Imagine just giving birth, your emotions are all over the place, you’re trying to settle down again, and your parents who disowned you years and years ago now want to come back into your life just because of your kid.” Safiyya stands up and begins angrily pacing. “And you know what? I’ll be damned if I let them make their way back into our lives. If they didn’t love me as their daughter, they do not get to fucking love our child as their grandson.”
Despite the rage straining her tone, Harry detects a different emotion too. Sadness, he realizes as he steps in front of her to stop her pacing. “You did the right thing,” he murmurs, raising Isa slightly. “Even he thinks so.”
Safiyya looks at Harry and then Isa, her eyes eventually softening. “I know. I know I’m doing the right thing, but I don’t like that I have to be doing it. I always knew they’d try to slide back into my life when I had a child, but now that it’s happening, I feel… I feel like--”
Harry nods, bumping his head against hers. “It’s very overwhelming.”
“So fucking overhwelming.”
Safiyya’s shoulders fall and she stands there in silence, leaning against him. When she picks her head up, she glances at the time. “You have something in 15 minutes.”
“I do,” he says, pulling away. “I can take Isa until he starts crying.”
She shakes her head. “No, Harry, I’ll take him. You do your thing in peace.”
Harry slowly nods. “I’m sorry for sleeping through the night, by the way. I’ll take the first duty tonight.”
She suddenly brightens, straightening her back. “Oh, no. Both of us will be getting some good sleep because your mother is going to be on baby duty tonight.”
Harry’s eyes widen. “You’re right. Oh, Safiyya. We’re going to sleep tonight!”
Her smile matches his. “We are. We are so pathetic.”
“We’re not pathetic,” he corrects her with a click of his tongue. “We are parents. I’ll see you in an hour, alright?”
She nods and takes Isa from him, latching him to her chest. “Have fun.” And as Harry’s walking away, he hears his wife murmur to the baby in a sweet, soft voice (completely opposite to how she hissed at her brother mere moments ago), “Come on, albi. Let’s go lay down.”
Harry’s mother has saved Safiyya’s life. Not only has she taken over baby duties since she got here, but she’s also made all the people who came with her help Harry and Safiyya out with host duties. So setting the table took no more than 23 seconds and dinner took less than a minute to be served.
Isa’s asleep in his rocker right now, but as she steals glances at the baby, she feels he’s about to wake up.
Under the table, Harry rests a gentle hand on her knee, tapping softly every few seconds. But her attention remains on Isa. Is he comfortable? Is the beanie making him too hot? Is the rocking seat too fast? Should she have pre-made bottles already?
Finally, the only thing that makes her sigh with relief is when Isa stirs and releases gurgling cries. She’s immediately standing up, eager to head to her baby. “Harry, make the bottle,” she says, heading to Isa.
But Harry’s mother stands up and shakes her head. “It’s alright. I’ve got him.”
Safiyya’s eyes widen. “Oh, no no, it’s okay! I’ll put him back to sleep--”
“Love, you need to rest. It’s fine.”
Safiyya could kiss this woman right now. This is the reassurance she needs. “Are you sure?”
“Of course. You go make the bottle, Harry. Safiyya, seriously, my dear. Sit down. I’m here now.”
Overcome with emotion, Safiyya nods slowly and sits back down. However, she doesn’t stay seated for too long, standing up and excusing herself to go help her husband though she trusts he knows exactly what he’s doing.
Harry’s waiting for her in the kitchen, leaning against the counter. “Just couldn’t help yourself, hmm?”
He holds his hands out for her and she notices the bottle of formula besides him. She immediately walks into his arms and holds him tight for a long time. Isa’s soft cries eventually dwindle to an occasional sound of discomfort. The pacifier must be in his mouth.
Harry pulls away and presses kiss after kiss to her face and neck, trapping her in his arms with nowhere to go. Safiyya feels something in her chest, something that’s been happening more recently when she has the time with Harry and when his kisses are as enticing as the ones he’s laying on her over and over again.
Her hands grab his shirt and she raises herself to her tiptoes, leaning on his firm body for support as she kisses him back. He begins the kisses innocently, but when Safiyya’s mouth latches onto him more hotly, he’s taken aback and his grip around her tightens.
“Really?” He chuckles against her mouth. “Here?”
“Shush. Just a few more.”
Harry obliges. When he finally pulls away, his cheeks are slightly flushed. “Not here,” he whispers, thumbing over the bridge of her nose. “Later.”
The bottle of milk rests forgotten on the counter.
She sighs and pulls away, wiping the edge of her mouth softly to fix her lipstick. Then she does the same to Harry’s mouth “We should get back to him.”
“We should.”
Nobody makes a move. Harry laughs and stares down into Safiyya’s warm eyes. Pregnancy has made her cheeks fill out a bit more, her hair thicker and longer. She looks different at times, but also completely the same. He’s in awe.
“After dessert,” Harry starts in a low voice, brushing his lips over her cheek, “we can give Isa to my mom for a few hours and go take a nap.”
“I already napped today though. I’m ready for night duty tonight.”
His mouth twitches. “We’re not really going to nap, Safiyya.”
At the sound of her full name, her eyes widen as a thrill runs up her spine. “Oh.”
“How’s that sound?”
“Good.” She quickly grabs the bottle of milk and steps back. “I’ll take this to Isa.”
He laughs at her eagerness and nods as she leaves the kitchen. Before heading back to the dining room, he sticks his hands in his pockets and adjusts himself.
Safiyya arrives an hour later, dramatically entering their bedroom where Harry’s been for the past ten minutes. She leans herself against the locked door and narrows her eyes at him. “You.” She points at him, humor in her eyes. “Pants. Off. Now.”
Harry’s lounging on the bed, his legs crossed. He raises his eyebrows. “Wow. That’s how we’re doing it, Saf?”
Safiyya walks to him, and then lets him guide her waist down, her thighs straddling his hips. “I can’t wait.”
He can’t help but chuckle when she rests in his lap, wrapping her arms around his neck. “Your dark circles are so sexy.”
“Yours too,” she murmurs, leaning down for a kiss. Right before their lips touch, she brings her head back and holds his jaw. “Should I shower?”
Harry’s eyes are already a bit glazed over with need, so he blinks at her. “Why?”
“Isa spit up on me a while ago. I changed my shirt but he got a bit of my hair too.”
“I don’t mind it.”
He pushes against the hold on his face but she tightens it, as well as narrows her eyes. “Are you lying to me?”
Harry grins. “Of course not.”
“Saf, I really don’t care.” He shrugs and reaches out to grab her face in the same manner she’s grabbed his. He squeezes her cheeks together.
“Are you sure?” she says, enunciating the words horribly.
She releases his jaw then and then leans down for a kiss. It’s messy and warm. Harry tastes apple pie on her and Safiyya tastes chocolate pudding on him, both of them immediately attracted to the taste. When Harry releases Safiyya’s face, his hands drag down to her sides, squeezing and tugging her closer until her center rests on the bulge of his trousers. She lets out a soft groan against him and tilts her head when he begins to press kisses down her neck and over the tops of her breasts. When his hands go to her chest, she brings in air through her teeth and gently rests her hands over his.
“That hurts,” she whispers, and Harry immediately removes his hands.
“Sorry,” he murmurs, kisses her neck as an apology. “Keep your shirt on.”
Safiyya shakes her head and catches his mouth with hers again, kissing desperately. “No,” she whispers against his lips. “Leave the bra on, but not the shirt.”
“You sure?”
He keeps his arms around her torso and below instead, running them over her thighs and calves as if warming her. Although it’s usually a bit cold in their house, right now he feels hot and Safiyya feels just the same. Despite it all, when Harry moves out from under her and rolls her onto the mattress, he pulls up the sheets around them.
“Harry,” she whispers, staring up at him. His hair has gotten longer so he needs to tuck it behind his ears. “I’ve missed you.”
He smiles, pressing a loving kiss to her forehead before beginning to unbutton his shirt. Her gaze immediately falls down to the exposed skin, taking in every inch of him as it becomes visible to her. He tosses the shirt away and unbuckles his belt.
“I’ve missed you,” he answers back. “How long has it been?”
“Months? Weeks? Eons?”
He laughs shortly. “I think five months.”
She picks her head up when Harry passes the material of her shirt over it. “Really?”
“That’s insane.”
“I know. Must have been so hard to keep your hands off my body, right?” He kisses her forehead again and then lets her begin undoing his button and fly. “Bet you wanted to just love all over me.”
“Oh you have no idea,” she admits, sitting up a bit. Harry’s on his knees in front of her and she glances up at him through her lashes before pushing his pants and briefs down. She waits no time, gently wrapping her hand around him, watching him tilt his head back and groan. “Shush. We’re supposed to be napping.”
He stares at the ceiling for a moment before bringing his gaze back to her face. She’s taunting him, with that curve of her mouth and slight scrunch of her nose. She slowly passes her hand over the length of him, twisting her hand carefully as if reteaching herself how to touch him.
Without warning, she leans forward and envelopes him in her mouth, startling him. He immediately holds her hair, groaning softly again.
She pulls off and wipes the corner of her mouth, her eyes dancing with mischief. “Shhh.”
“Don’t you dare say that to me,” he whispers, pushing her carefully onto her back before leaning down to undo her own pants. He pulls them down with ease and pokes her thigh. “Nice underwear.”
“I’m scared of leakage.”
“It stopped a week ago, but I’m still wary about it. Be lucky I’m not wearing that big pad.”
“I wouldn’t have minded if you did. I still would have taken it off of you with nothing but very very dirty thoughts in my head.”
“Can we talk about something more sexy than the underwear I happen to be swimming in?”
Harry smiles for another time. “This is a very sexy conversation indeed, Saf. But fine. As you wish.” He tucks his fingers into the waistband of the underwear and brings them down, passing them over her legs.
“You know,” she says suddenly, her face brightening. “I didn’t see anything past my belly for a good month after I gave birth.”
Harry gently runs his fingers over the light stretch marks on her lips and lower abdomen. “Yeah? And what were your thoughts afterwards?”
“That I had too much hair.”
“This counts as sexy talk, right?”
“I’m just telling you. It was also a bloody nightmare. Literally.”
“Safiyya,” he murmurs, bending down to kiss her inner thigh. She immediately becomes quiet after that. “You’re so beautiful and soft. Do you know that sometimes I look at you and I can’t believe how far we made it?” He touches her cheek. “We had a baby, for fuck’s sake.”
“One who looks aggravatingly like his father rather than the person who carried him for 9 months and continues to breastfeed him,” she shoots back, tucking his hair behind his ear again. “Hope you’re happy about that.”
“Oh I am.” He presses kiss after kiss to her inner thighs, occasionally biting down softly and then soothing the pain with a pass of his tongue. “As happy as I’m going to make you.”
Safiyya sits up a bit to watch him as he presses his tongue flat against her and softly licks. She gasps and bits her lip with excitement when Harry raises his eyes towards her and wraps his arm around her thighs, tugging her closer to him.
“Never thought I’d see you between my legs again,” she whispers, tenderly pushing curls off his face.
“Mm, why’s that?”
“It’s a little scary down there. Thought you’d run away.”
Harry breaks off with a laugh, pressing his forehead to her thigh. “Safiyya! It is not!”
“Yes it is,” she says. “I checked with a mirror a few weeks ago. Maybe it looks a little better now, but I’m serious. It was horrible.”
“Habibti, you have no idea what you’re talking about. Everything looks fine to me.”
She raises her hips without realizing, wanting his mouth back. When he notices, he relieves her ache and gently laps over her again. Safiyya sighs deeply and rolls her head back against the pillow, hands finding her husband’s hair again. His mouth causes warmth to pass over her body, making her shudder despite the hot flashes she feels at the wonderful treatment she’s receiving.
“You’re so soft,” he murmurs, trailing his fingers up her sides until she chokes out a laugh and bats his hands away. “Missed you on my tongue.”
He brings his hand back down between her legs and pulls away gently, placing two fingers in his mouth. Safiyya groans at the sight of him, throwing her head back. He hasn’t heard her noises in months, so he’s going to try his best to keep them coming. They are delicious, addictive, and music to his ears.
Harry presses two fingers to her and gently pushes in, watching her face carefully. He’s read up about how to be intimate with your wife after she gives birth. He’s expecting some changes, but he won’t know him until she tells him about the differences in how she feels now. When she gasps at the intrusion and whimpers, he thinks that maybe things won’t be so different.
Except when he presses his fingers in completely, Safiyya releases a different noise, a distressed out that makes him glance up immediately. “That hurts,” she says, wincing, opening her eyes to look at him. “It feels weird.”
Harry kisses her thigh. “Do you want me to try one finger or take them both out?”
“Try one. It’s been 3 months. I should be good.”
Harry removes his ring finger and pushes his middle finger in slowly, inspecting every inch of her for any signs of discomfort and when his finger is completely buried in her, she tenses. “I...I don’t know why it’s hurting,” she says, hurt on her face. He slowly removes his finger and wipes his hand on the sheets.
“It’s alright,” he tells her with another kiss to her thigh. “The doctor said things wouldn’t be the same, right?” He offers her a smile. “If you think about it, 3 months isn’t enough for your body to recover. Especially if you bled for two months.”
Safiyya’s jaw tightens and Harry lays on his front beside her, shifting her hair out of her face. “So,” she says softly, “you probably shouldn’t try to be inside of me, right?”
Harry shakes his head. “I don’t think I want to try that.”
He presses a faint kiss to her cheek. “We can do other stuff if you want. I can get you off with my tongue.”
Safiyya doesn't say anything for a long moment and Harry simply waits patiently, pressing kiss after kiss to her face until she finally softly pushes him away and sits up. “I wanted to have sex,” she says, disappointment clear in her voice. “I know you can get me off with your tongue, but I wanted to be close to you. So close.”
Harry nods, eyes softening. “I know. But we can be close in other ways.”
She turns her head to him, staring at him. “Yeah,” she says. “I still want to.”
He smiles. “Good. Me too.” He pushes himself up and sits against the headboard, reaching for her. “Sit between my legs.”
Safiyya does as he says, and she rolls her head back against his shoulder. He softly presses warm kisses to her neck and collarbone, licking and gently biting whenever she arches her back against him. His hands join between her legs and his ears drink her soft whimpers when he parts her thighs and slowly begins to rub her. Safiyya shudders out a breath and takes the hint when he softly nudges her head with his nose, reaching to the side to wrap her own hand around him. The rumbling of the groan in his chest makes her smile for a brief moment before her eyes shutter close and she allows the pleasure to envelop her once more.
She gets lost in the excitement often, Harry’s ring and middle finger rolling over her with such precision, she wonders how she ever stayed away from his body for months. His body is what got both of them into the mess anyways, but she pushes back the thought, not wanting to ruin the moment with a chuckle.
“You’re beautiful,” he murmurs, causing her to slightly jump and begin moving her hand slowly over his again. He hums approvingly and lifts his hips. She tugs on him a little harder, the way he likes. He muffles his groans against her soft neck, his warm breath coming out in gasps, her own accompanied with more vocal sounds.
She tries to keep her own hips against his, but when the speed of his fingers increase, she finds herself growing hotter, body heat rolling off her like a furnace. She presses herself harder against him and his only reaction is to continue kissing her neck.
“There’s no way your mom thinks we’re taking a nap,” she whispers through a whine.
Harry’s frame trembles as he laughs. “Probably because you’re so loud.”
Safiyya gasps. “I am not loud!”
“Normally, I would not mind, but it’s a bit concerning right now.” He nuzzles his face into her side. “Have you missed me?”
“Of course I have. More importantly, I’ve missed being able to be touched by you.”
He bites down on her earlobe. “How nice of you to say. Anything else you missed?”
“You know exactly what I missed.”
“Sorry, that’s still unavailable.” To make up for it though, he increases the speed of his fingers.
“Fuck,” she draws out, throwing her head back against him once more. “That feels so fucking--”
“Shhh,” he murmurs, biting down on her ear again. “You have to stay quiet, my love.”
At the sound of his rasping voice, her breath hitches and she whines, her legs gently trembling. Harry pulls his hand away briefly, licks his fingers, and continues to rub small circles on her clit. When she gasps he tells her to be quiet again.
His tongue has already made her incredibly aroused, so much that she's dripping onto the sheets, and he knows exactly how to rub her to make her cum. Judging by the way he’s only focused on her clit, he intends on making her orgasm quickly. His movements are just as desperate as her raised hips.
“You are so beautiful, Safiyya,” he says for the third time in the past few minutes. “So beautiful, you make my heart ache. Everything you do makes me ache, habibti. You feel so good, you make me feel good.”
“Harry, please.”
He feels his own orgasm begin in the pit of his stomach, his eyebrows pulling together in concentration, trying to work through the pleasure and provide his wife with the first orgasm. It doesn’t seem like it’ll take her much longer, and he makes matters more intense by slowly biting down on her jaw and quickening his fingers.
“Fuck,” Safiyya whispers, her eyes shut tightly. “Fuck. Fuck’s sake. Don’t stop that…”
Harry replies with a soft kiss to her neck and when she releases Harry’s dick, Harry wraps his free arm around her tightly and works her through her orgasm. Safiyya’s head is turned in towards his neck where she muffles her cries, her nails digging into his bare thighs, hard enough to make him wince, but not nearly enough to make him remove his fingers before she’s finished.
Safiyya takes deep breaths, her frame shaking as she rests for barely half a minute in silence before reaching for Harry’s length again. He watches her hand move over him, building up his orgasm once more until his own head is pressed against the headboard, his breathing shallow and labored.
“I’ve missed you so much,” he whispers, voice laced with arousal as he runs his large hands between her thighs soothingly. She whimpers a bit at the sensitive area. “Just like that, my love. Just like that. A little faster. Perfect. Fuck. That’s perfect.”
When he finally releases, he buries his face in her hair to smother his own grunts, holding her tightly to him, his entire body straining as he attempts to hide his sounds. Although they’ve done well with staying quiet, the evidence of their adventures is clear on the sheets.
Safiyya releases him and wipes her hand on the sheets, making matters worse. She turns her head and softly kisses his mouth, wary of both of their difficulties breathing. She turns and straddles him, eyes mischievous.
“Would it be romantic if I said that I’ve missed your ability to make me orgasm?”
Harry’s cheeks are flushed, his chest rising and falling quickly. “Would it be romantic if I said that your hand feels a lot better than mine?”
Safiyya softly laughs, tucking her head between his shoulder and neck, inhaling deeply. “Ha! Mom and Dad still got it.”
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everywishway · 2 years
Mighty Nein Next Gen AU, Part Two
This is part two of my Mighty Nein Next Gen AU where the Mighty Nein have kids. This is the link to the master list, right now it's just parts one and two but I will individually add every kid later on and their wacky hijinks in fanfic form:
Veth and Yeza spend a few years getting back in the swing of things before having another kid
They reopen Yeza's alchemy shop and Veth starts to also do some tinkering and sells it there too
Veth enjoys her family time, inviting all of the Nein to weekly dinners and making sure everyone stays connected
They also visit the Blooming Grove every couple of weeks because all of the Brenatto kids love their Uncle Cad
About three years after the finale, they get pregnant at the same time as Fjord and Jester's wedding
They give birth to a baby girl too and, five years later, another baby boy
The baby girl was born one day after Essek/Caleb/Molly's kid, sparking the rivalry the two girls would have till the day they die
Veth and Beau continue their rivalry by having their kids be rivals but that backfires horribly
Mostly due to the fact that Luc and TJ are similar ages and are chill, Veth's daughter is in an active rivalry with the ShadoWidoMauk daughter, and the youngest Brenatto is dating BeauYasha's youngest
Speaking of Beau and Yasha, these two had a small wedding with just the Nein and close family
Also immediately after the trial they adopt TJ, obviously
They go traveling for a while afterwards, showing TJ the world
Afterwards, Caleb offers Beau a teaching position which she does while also helping the Cobalt Soul
Yasha stays as a stay at home mom, taking care of TJ and her many, many, house plants
It was like a decade later, while on a mission for the Cobalt Soul, Beau saw a tiefling boy hiding in the back of a crime ring she was in charge of cleaning up, only like four or five years old
Beau and Yasha wanted another kid but were having trouble finding the right one
That and combined with the fact that she saw so much of herself in this little one, she took them home
All of the kids had to volunteer time at the Cobalt Soul, like when parents make their kids volunteer at the library lol
Finally, we have Cad
Cad is just vibing for the years, being the fun, chill uncle to all of the Nein kids need
Then, one day a little before Fjord and Jester's triplets are born, they have to bury a mother who died due to health issues a month or so after child birth
It leaves the Clay family in possession of an Air Genasi baby girl
Cad felt an extremely holy energy coming off her and decided to adopt her, naming her Cirrus Clay, like the clouds
When the Nein find out about this and meet her, they all start calling him Cad Dad
It takes him ten years to get the joke, I'm not kidding
The two are extremely close, telling each other everything
One problem though: she loves water and floating in it
Due to her being a bit airheaded at times, she has nearly drowned and her dad had to save her
She is extremely close with her aunts and uncles, her aunts Clarabelle and Calliope help her dye her hair pastel colors with moss
ALRIGHT, let me know in comments, asks, etc, which of the Nein's kids you want a detailed post on first! Thank y'all!
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chubbymoongoddess · 3 years
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays
So, I wanted to finish this before I slept. It's really short and not super great, but I felt like I should write and post something for the holidays. It's definitely not my best and it's full of cringy fluff, but I hope y'all enjoy it anyway.
Oh come on, Jungkook, pleaseee?” Jimin pouted as he hugged onto his husband.
“Jimin, I told you no! I don’t understand why you can’t do it! It’ll make me look stupid.” Jungkook pouted back, brushing his fingers through Jimin’s dark hair.
“You know exactly why I can’t do it, Kookie.” The omega rolled his eyes and took a step back, gesturing toward his alpha. “Santa is supposed to be fat and jolly, not thin. If you haven’t noticed, I’m not the one who weighs three-hundred pounds.”
“You know that’s not my fault! I-”
“Yeah, yeah. Sympathy gaining. Don’t even start with that.” Jimin huffed quietly.
The two had met in college when Jungkook accidentally knocked Jimin into one of the fountains on campus. He and his friends were throwing a ball around, it was thrown toward the fountain, where Jimin was reading and Jungkook slammed into him while trying to catch it. The alpha felt terrible, offered to make it up to the omega and their relationship took off from there. A few years down the line, Jimin had gotten pregnant and due to stressing over his omega and eating whatever Jimin asked for too, Jungkook had begun to gain weight right along with Jimin. Now, being an omega, Jimin’s body was designed for weight gain. It was also designed to pop right back to normal a few months after having pups. It ended up with Jimin looking like his old self and Jungkook being one-hundred and fifty pounds heavier.
Over the next few years, the alpha ended up putting on a little more weight, making him an even three-hundred. Jungkook had gone from thin to having a large gut that all of his shirts clung to, tits that would make anyone envious and an ass that took up a whole chair. The alpha would always whine that it was Jimin’s fault whenever the omega would tease him about his weight.
“Come on! I made an outfit that’ll fit you perfectly and the pups will love it!”
With a sigh and a few more moments of Jimin begging his husband, Jungkook finally gave in.
"Fine! But I better get a good reward for doing this. It's humiliating." He whined softly, earning a soft kiss from Jimin.
"I promise I'll reward you handsomely, okay? Here, let me help you up and we can get you dressed. It's getting late. We can sneak you out the back door while the pups are getting ready for bed.” Jimin grinned, standing up to reach his hands out to Jungkook.
The alpha took them with a small huff and pulled himself off of the bed. Jimin helped him get undressed before pulling out the hand crafted Santa suit that he made. Just the sight of it had Jungkook groaning all over again. He didn’t want to dress up like this. He thought he’d look stupid, but if it meant he’d be able to bring his children joy, he’d deal with it.
It fit perfectly and Jimin was proud of himself for that. The last thing to do was to help Jungkook get the fake beard on. Once he was ready, the omega clapped his hands and grinned. “Okay, so I’m going to get the pups a little snack before bedtime. So I want you to come down to the kitchen in about..mm.. Five minutes okay?”
“Okay.. and then once they get into bed I can come back up and get out of this right?” Jungkook tilted his head as Jimin leaned up to press a soft kiss to his alpha’s lips.
“Mhm! I promise. Remember, five minutes, okay?”
With a small nod from Jungkook, Jimin turned around to leave the room, calling for their two pups. Their little boy, Minjun, and their little girl, Selene both came toddling over to their father. “Snack time, papa?” Minjun piped up, squealing when Jimin nodded his head and led them into the kitchen.
"Sit down at the table, loves." Jimin cooed as he got each of them a cookie and a small glass of milk. "Are you two excited for Santa to visit us tonight?" He asked, watching the two kids munch on their snack.
While the omega was listening to his children prattle on about how excited they were for tomorrow morning, Jungkook was slowly making his way downstairs. He wanted to make sure he was as quiet as possible, because the children had great hearing. One little squeak of the floorboards and the surprise would be spoiled. As he was walking toward the kitchen, Jungkook took a bite out of one of the cookies that were left for “Santa” on the mantle and took a small drink of the milk before waiting outside the kitchen door.
Once everything quieted down on the other side, he burst into the kitchen, taking on a whole different persona. When he spoke, he made sure his voice was deeper and he tried to sound as jolly as possible. “Ho Ho Ho! I heard there were two pups here who’ve been dying to meet me!”
Jimin bit back a giggle as the two pups screamed, getting out of their seats to hug onto Jungkook.
“Santa!! We’ve been really good so you’re gonna give us lots of presents, right?!” Selene bounced on her toes, her brother vigorously nodding at her sentence.
“We’ll see, hm? You have to be good tonight too. If you go to sleep when your papa tells you to and you stay in bed all night, I promise that I’ll reward you for being good, okay?”
The pups both nodded, hugging onto Jungkook harder for a little longer. “Where’s your sack at? And..and are the reindeer on the roof?!” Minjun gasped.
“My bag is in my sleigh and yes! The reindeer are on the roof~” Jungkook cooed, reaching to pet through each pup’s hair. “I’m here because your papa asked me to come visit you two while I was dropping off your gifts. I have to go now though so I can give all of the other good kids their gifts, alright? You promise you’ll be good for your papa and daddy for me?”
Both Selene and Minjun nodded, beaming up at Jungkook. “We promise, Santa! We’ll be good!”
“Good! Merry Christmas to you two.” He smiled, ruffling the pup’s hair before making his way out of the kitchen and back upstairs so he could undress.
While Jungkook was taking his costume off, Jimin carried both of their pups up to their room and tucked them in. “You sleep well, you two. Daddy and I wanna see you bright and early so you can open your presents.” He purred, pressing a kiss to each of their foreheads
He stayed in the room for a few moments, making sure the kids were falling asleep before he made his way back to his and Jungkook’s room, gently closing the door behind him. “You know, you did that pretty well for someone who didn’t want to do it in the first place.” He grinned.
Jungkook snorted, plopping down onto the bed with a small grunt. “It was worth it to see their faces light up like that. Plus.. I was offered a reward for it.” He hummed, giving a playful wink to the omega.
“And you’ll get it too. Just after we snuggle.” Jimin hummed, undressing himself before crawling into bed next to the alpha. “You know, maybe I’ll have you do this next year too.”
“Yeah, if I even fit inside the costume.” The alpha laughed, pulling Jimin close.
“I can always make a bigger coat, Kookie.”
“Yeah..yeah you can.”
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bonnymori · 3 years
𝐌𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐦𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐚𝐧𝐲
Word count: 2760+ (i'll try to keep bigger lengths such as this one!)
Synopsis: You meet a new classmate who's working along Nanami, you think he's fun to be around, it stands the same to him about you. Later, feelings unravel.
Contents/Warnings: (1) Itadori Yuuji x gn!reader (2) FLUFF, TONS OF FLUFF - and some comfort (3) With the small participation of... Ino Takuma!! I really like him too, that's why <33333 (4) This is pretty platonic, but also not? (5) Ending turned sorta cliché... but I liked it u.u
A/N: This boy made me run rampant... to fhe point it's not single attraction anymore I just wish him happiness (smh if only my parents knew...) also next post will be Toji's fic pt. 2! Y'all see the first part is almost reaching 100 kudos????? I'M SO HAPPY EHSODJWKDKSJD- thanks for all the new followers and the support!! <33
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Ever since his fake death, Itadori has been training alone with the help of Gojo - and now, he works along a freshly new face, who belongs to a senior, founds out ex-salaryman named Nanami Kento. He's far a thousand times more strict than Gojo. Itadori doesn't really likes the change, because Nanami is a person he can't get along. This whole guy's appearance scream "work 4 life"; he has proved different, now he screams "work is shit - but I gotta do it because others won't".
They've just finished cleansing the outside of a movie theater off a few curses, when Itadori hears shouting from far behind them. Two figures approach, waving excessively. He quickly picks on Nanami's tired sigh beside him.
"Nanami! We figured out you'd be here! Our mission has been finished and we wanted to catch up to have lunch together!" A male clad in a full black outfit shouts, he has brown hair and a beanie on top of his head, looking quite content.
The other person simply trots next to him in silence, approaching with a friendly smile. They notice Itadori faster than the male, smile widening and quickly waving hello, suddenly eager to reach up to them. The gesture makes the pink haired boy perk up, curious to why the other person looked so joyful. His question is easily answered, when they tug on the man's sleeve and motion to him.
"Ino, we have a third buddy!" The dude looks at him with widened eyes. "So nice to meet you, I'm Y/N L/N! It's great to see new faces around!"
Itadori smiles at your energy, knowing already he would click with you very well.
"I'm Ino Takuma, sorry for not noticing you before! Your uniform looks cool." Itadori exchanges a few compliments with Ino, before the man turns to talk with Nanami, leaving him and you together.
"Yes! I'm Sukuna's vessel, Itadori Yuuji-desu! My type of woman is Jenn-"
You turn to him. "So, are you a first year?"
"Geh? Weren't you dead though?!"
"I was!- I am!- Please keep secret."
"Ahem." Nanami coughs, drawing attention. "I requested you two to not come after me today. Itadori here is the reason why."
"That's no problem, we're very capable of keeping secrets." You threw your arm over Itadori's shoulder, him nodding along with you.
"Oh really, then remember to keep quiet about it. I'll let this slide." The group of students nervously at Nanami's intimidating tone. "But, I'll get to have my break alone."
"Gah!" Ino exclaimed, watching Nanami walk away; he also left the responsability of taking care of Itadori for you two, leaving without a word. "It really had to be today, when Nanami would take us to his favorite bakery..."
"Crybaby." You teased. "Itadori here can't go outside where anyone can see him, he's dead. So, we were to order food either way because he shouldn't be left out."
"Augh okay, it would be unfair."
"So, where are you staying Itadori?"
"At Gojo's state!"
"Whoa, I've never been there before." Ino commented, waiting as you sent a message to Ijichi to pick them up.
"He's my teacher, a very cool one!"
"I imagine! Ooookay, once we get there I'll get the food."
Itadori felt as his chest would burst of excitement, finally there was people around him again, he couldn't be less happy about it.
"Sharing is caring!"
Itadori laughed as you wrestled with Takuma for some fries, netflix long forgotten in the background, as watching the banter was way more entertaining. Most of the time, Ino rambled a lot about Nanami, while he rambled a lot about Gojo. The guy even showed him the cool scar under his beanie. He felt kinda upset after explaining the exchange was just temporary, his stay under Nanami's wing wasn't decisive, and therefore, he was more like a classmate than a partner.
Itadori also learned a lot about you. He was surprised to find out that you, although energetic, was the one to speak the lesser in conversations. His surprisement grew even bigger when you told him you're a exchange student from Kyoto, arriving Tokyo about the same month as him - thankfully, you were to say for good.
Conversations flowed easily in the air, until a voice from the doorway barged in.
"Yuuji-kun! Don't forget about your lessons! Hi kids! Bye kids!" Gojo said playfully, throwing the familiar punching bear to Itadori before leaving.
"What's this thing?" Ino asked.
"It's to help me control my cursed energy. So while I watch the movies, if I don't charge it with cursed energy it punches me square in the face. I thought I had mastered this thing already, but he insist I keep training with it." Itadori grumbles.
"At least it's cute." You commented, taking a sip of your drink.
"Until it punches you in your face without warning!" The pink haired boy barks.
The talks died down, the three of you eating quietly when another movie is played on the screen. Itadori didn't bother reading the title, it was a plain one about a zombie apocalypse that got him extremely bored, yet he kept watching still so the plushie didn't punch him in the face again; he's been keeping a record since all his last cursed energy training lessons were a sucess to this day. When his head started nodding and eyelids dropping Itadori can't remember well, about fourty five minutes of movie perhaps? Make it fifty, the second slumber took over his body completely.
When he awoke once again, it was near midnight, the clock on the wall told him so. He also noticed a soft and warm surface supporting his head, figures, it's your shoulder he's resting into, he feels an arm around his own shoulders and your cheek placed upon his hair.
"Hey, it's late." You immediately notices he's awake, calling out softly. "You should sleep on your room, or something, better to your spine."
He chuckles when you poke his side. "But I'm comfortable here."
"I'm surprised, you just met me today, and now is sleeping on my shoulder."
"I'm not, that happens often to me."
"Sleeping on people's shoulders?"
"No! Making friends quickly." Itadori likes your gentle warmth, your hug, everything makes him feel at home. "I met two more people before you for two weeks, but they can't see me, because I'm dead."
"So I'll keep you company, that's my new mission."
His eyes widen at that, a oh so little blush covering the tip of his ears.
"For how many time I slept anyway?" He asks.
"About two- no, three hours. You missed two movies, and this one is about to end."
"And you stayed here the whole time?" He motions to your shoulder.
"Yep. That reminds me I gotta pee."
Itadori grumbles, but quickly lifts himself off you, respecting your needs. That gives him some time to look around, he notices Ino is gone, and the plushie sits quietly at the other side of the couch, unmoving.
"Y/N! How did you manage to make it quiet down?" He's beyond bafflet.
"I said!" You arrive quickly at the doorframe, hands still wet from when you washed them. "I used my innate technique."
"Oh! How is it like?"
"It's kinda funny, gimme a moment." You left to wipe off your hands, coming back in a second. "So, just like Shoko, I produce reverse curse energy, but it's quite different than hers, I can't heal people. That's why we often call it positive energy instead. I can use it to soothe off negative energy, so the bear has no cursed energy right now."
"How does it works on people?" He felt very curious about everything, asking away like a kid.
"Since everyone has negative energy, it just makes you sleepy really. But when it comes to curses it's really practical, I can either weaken it or, if the curse is like grade three or four, I can slap them off existence completely by wiping all their energy." You were naturally proud of having a such versatile power, your own energy swirling with pride around you.
"That sounds amazing! Is it why I fell asleep though?"
"Nah, only if I did it on purpose. I guess you were just tired, hope you don't mind I decided to let you rest today."
"No way, it was a good nap."
You nodded. "By the way, Ino left to attend to a drinking party, he paid for our food."
"Drinking? Is he old?"
"Yeah, he's twenty." You chuckled, already expecting that kind of reaction.
"No way! He looks young just like us!"
"That's totally my reaction after I learned he's twenty!"
After that day, you started visiting Itadori weekly to daily, after exchanging numbers he made a little group with you and Ino, naming it the "Nanami trio". But really, he exchanges more texts with you in private, be them memes, cool images he wish to share, etcetera. Although, Ino wasn't left excluded, he ofter brough his xbox to connect to Itadori's tv room and you all would spend hours playing together; he just didn't spend much time with both of you as much. And that was okay.
For a few days, your connection with Itadori died down when he didn't reply to your texts. They would remain unread for some time, the longest being half a day, until he would spam apologies then move on with the topic. That became a routine until one day when you came over to check on Itadori unnanounced, needin to ease off your worries about the boy, only to find him sobbing in the middle of a hallway, staring ahead and beyond, his back to you.
"Egh!" Startled, he scrambled to wipe his eyes, turning to you. "H-hey, um, hi."
"What happened?"
"I- he-" His eyes didn't met yours, knuckles white in a death grip. You notice he has a few bandages thrown over his face and arms. The way his shoulders are drawn, as if he wants to shrink into himself is something you've experienced before.
"Something hard to talk about?"
He nods almost immediately, head still facing down.
"It's alright, come with me." You reach for his hands, grimacing slightly when his forceful grip is now on your hand, yet you don't comment on it. He follows you through the state wordlessly.
You two stop on the same tv room, sitting down on the couch. You then guide his head to your shoulder, gently massaging his scalp with the free hand.
"It's alright."
Those two words are chanted like a prayer for the next half hour, at some point, Itadori twisted his body towards yours and unknowingly caged you between him and the sofa arm. He embraced you with a force you didn't have in you, like he didn't want to lose one another. Painful or not, not a muscle moved on your body. He needed a shoulder to cry on.
Thirty minutes passed like seconds, you peered down only to find the boy confortably napping against your bosom; at some point you just became the cold side of the pillow to him. That's alright. It brings you joy to be the mom friend anyways. So you decided to join the sleepland aswell, arms still secured around his shoulders and the back of his head.
It feels like the nap hasn't been long, though, because you can feel Itadori's grip loosening and therefore, you're awake.
"Sorry if I broke any bones, in advance."
"Wow, and you only warn me now."
He laughs at your comeback, hands still secured around your waist.
"I'm surprised you let me uh, cuddle you for comfort - and sleep. I don't understand it? You just make me sleepy." He rambled, keeping eye contact with you while his head still rests on your chest.
"That's a piece of cake when you have younger siblings who seek for you every night they get a nightmare."
"Does that mean I can come to you again if I have a nightmare?" There it is, his togepi-kirby cutesy face.
"Are you four?"
"That's mean!" Itadori blushed, squeezing you on his arms. "I like the contact. It puts me at ease."
"Mm, do you want to talk about it?"
He gulped. "No, not really."
Your peach haired friend remained silent, and so did you. It seems he doesn't intend in letting you go soon, or he just really forgot to mention it. It gives them time to think, your younger sisted used to do that sometimes, back in Kyoto.
"Y/N, wanna watch anything?"
"Sure, have you watched Parasyte before?"
"No, let's give it a try then!" Itadori glances at the remote, then back at you - making you confused over his hesitation to move. He notices you noticed it, chuckling nervously. "To be honest, I don't wanna let go."
"It's hurting my back."
"SORRY I'M SORRY!" He jumped away from you like a cat would jolt away from a cucumber, making you snicker.
"It's okay, I just wanted to change positions."
And to tease you, but he didn't need to know that part.
He glared at you with a small pout, typing the initials of Parasyte on the search bar. Outside his line of vision, you were grinning like a idiot, his sweeteness took a tow on you. All the people of Tokyo you met really held a way different spirit from your classmates in Kyoto, Itadori being the nicest of all. It's surprising him being Sukuna's vessel to begin with; being honest, you felt drawn by it.
"Y/N, it's startiiiiing." He cut your daydreaming short, slumping on your side and propping his head on your shoulder.
"This again?" You throw an arm around his shoulders, very much like the first time he cuddled himself on you.
"Don't blame me, you're the one who wanted to change positions. Guess I'll just make some alterations since I'm awake this time!" One of his arms went behind your back and circled your waist, hand resting at your hip.
"It's definely different, since the other time you drooled on me."
"Hhgh, okay okay! Let me enjoy this." For perhaps the actual first time, you're able to watch without exchanging words with one another.
And this time, it's you who's head loll to the side, nose buried on his soft rose perfumed hair. Itadori doesn't comment on it yet, his free hand moves under your legs to lift your whole body up efortlessly when he senses you have fallen asleep.
"I remember you said it's bad for my spine, I wouldn't mind it... yours however."
The boy makes a beeline to the guest room, he sighs when there is no choice but open the door with his foot. Inside, he places you carefully in the soft bed.
Before he could leave, a hand reaches up for his sleeve.
"Itadori," He turned, looking at you. "Make me company?"
He giggles softly - you think it sounds like a highschool girl. "You should start calling me by my first name!" Itadori rambles as he climbs on the bed, arms wrapping around your waist in a motion you're familiar with.
"Yuuji, I'm tired, let me sleep."
"But I wanna talk more..." He pouts. "Also, are we, um, dating?"
You wriggle around, bringing his head down to peck on his forehead, teasing. "Correction, I want to date you."
"Uh, oh." A blush coats his face so quickly, you'd say someone dumped a bucket of red paint on his face.
"Is that a no?"
"So it is a no."
"Christ, will you stop teasing for a second, I'm trying to talk here." He makes an angry version of his togepi-kirby face, you can't help but grin.
"You amuse me, but okay. I'll do it for you."
"Thanks." He blinks, the blush slowly fading away. "You know, I lied, not about the contact, I like the contact nonetheless-"
His hand moves to play with yours, such as tapping his tips against yours, or meassuring the palms.
"-it's you who brings me comfort."
It's also your turn to blush, that line was seriously charming.
"Yes, we're dating now." You respond, a little eagerly. "Can I kiss you?"
This is the best person I could ask for, Itadori thinks, keeping his eyes open as yours shut during the kiss, whom I won't change for anything else in this world.
When you both separate, Itadori feels drowsy and sleepy. His face fits perfectly on your shoulder as always.
"Goodnight, my favorite person."
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maddiwrites · 3 years
The Hybrid (Prologue)
Pairing: JJ x Reader
Summary: The Pogues rekindle their friendship with their old childhood best friend and JJ’s first crush, Y/N. Old feelings resurface for JJ and Y/N, possibly leading to a summer neither one of them could ever forget. Due to past trauma, Y/N is reluctant to let anyone into her heart, but JJ never backs down from a challenge, even if he knows it will come back to haunt him in the end.
Note: So happy to be back with another series!!! I honestly really missed posting. Unlike Secrets of the Shore, updates will be slower because I don’t have them all written out yet. A couple things I wanted to let you know before you read. I based Y/N’s family off of Gilmore Girls. I thought they were the perfect fit for this story and the show in general and I just love their dynamic. (Including Luke who I renamed Steve for obvious reasons). Chapter 1 will explain more obviously but I wanted to give you guys a little snippet of the characters and relationships. So let me know what y'all think!
Word Count: 3.3k
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Outer Banks. Paradise on Earth. It's the sort of place where you either have two jobs or two houses. Two tribes, one island. As you know, the Outer Banks is essentially divided into two groups. If we want to be blunt - it’s the rich and the poor. Figure Eight is home to the rich. Aka the Kooks. With houses bigger than necessary with extra rooms that go untouched, boats the size of homes on the Cut - the other side of the island. Most people who live on Figure Eight are your naturally raised assholes. People who don’t know the value of a dollar and take advantage of people who do most of their dirty work that lets them prance around the island with perfectly manicured fingernails. These hard workers are the Pogues. They live on the south side of the island where most Kooks wouldn’t be found dead. They serve fancy meals at the country club for shitty tips, mow lawns, and work their asses off at any other job for minimum wage. The drastic difference in lifestyles tend to cause many spats and arguments between the two communities. Especially between the teenagers who still don’t know how to control their raging emotions or know when to bite back their tongue. For the Kooks, every fight is a fight for dominance where as the Pogues fight for equality - to put the Kooks in their place. Many of these fights happen at summer parties where the two groups clash to find a good time with their friends filled with alcohol, drugs, and good music.
That’s where they find themselves tonight. The infamous Pogues. John B, JJ, Kie, Pope, and now Sarah Cameron. Although born a natural Kook, she’s earned her spot next to the adventurous teens and her boyfriend. Unlike her brother Rafe who basically is the leader of his notorious group. Topper and Kelce are his best friends who follow him blindly.
The Pogues watch them from their spot surrounding the keg. Kie purses her lips in distaste as the boys cat call for the ladies around them. Somehow most of them finding it flattering. Sarah sips on her beer to hide her embarrassment, often wondering how she and her brother grew up to be so different. Pope and John B stay mostly disinterested, only worried if they try to make a pass at an unwilling girl or fire a degrading comment at their short tempered friend. JJ Maybank is known around the island for his trouble making behavior. Usually if he gets in trouble for fights, no one ever asks who the other people were in the scuffle. Because if JJ Maybank is in the fight, he’s the one who started it, right? Wrong. In fact, JJ usually is never the one to start it. He’s good at keeping his head down and only speaking when spoken to when it comes to the Kooks - the only form of advice worth taking from his father. But his short temper is something the Kooks his age loved to take advantage of because they liked getting a rise out of him. It was like an adrenaline rush.
Luckily, tonight both groups were keeping their distance, either only talking to each other or random Tourons that have found their way to the party. This is usually JJ’s favorite part of a boneyard party. Finding his one fish in a sea of many that he can reel in just for the night and never have to worry about seeing them again.
He has his eyes set on a beautiful blonde making her way to the bonfire when all of a sudden Kie’s voice pulls him out of his trance.
“What’s she doing here?”
JJ follows her line of vision, spotting you walking down the wooden steps that lead to the beach, pulling your best friend behind you by his wrist. He first notices your smile and how it brightens up your entire face. Then of course his eyes scan down your slim but athletically toned body. You’re wearing a pair of jean shorts and a cropped white T shirt that says UNC across the chest. Who knew someone could look so good without even trying?
Well JJ did. He’s known it for a while.
“Careful. I think you’re drooling,” John B whispers in his best friend’s ear.
JJ pushes him away and mutters, “Shut up. No I’m not.”
But maybe he was.
Y/N Y/L/N is a unique resident of the island. Unlike majority of the island, she doesn’t fall in either Kook or Pogue category. She’s what everyone calls the Hybrid.
People who work hard for what they have but haven’t fallen to be Pogue status. Quite literally living in the middle in a place they call the Crest.
Your story is well versed among the gossipers of the island (which tends to be just about everybody).  And mainly that’s because of who your grandparents are.  Claude and Doris Y/L/N. Two of the riches people on the island, living in a three story house on the beach. Many people fear them, others envy them. Most feel both. Even Ward Cameron walks on egg shells around them, which is quite often, considering he works for Claude. They’re the kind of people who have never heard of Barefoot wine or Walmart. They keep their noses up and turn a blind eye to the suffering communities around them. Thirty four years ago, Doris gave birth to a daughter that couldn’t be more opposite than them. Lorelai Y/L/N was a wild child. A rule breaker. She snuck out at nights, dated boys her parents would never approve of, dabbled in breaking the law here and there. It didn’t matter how many times her parents disciplined her. She always managed to make her parents’ life a living hell. 
No one was surprised when word got passed around that Lorelai had gotten pregnant at eighteen. Although it was with another Kook, she brought shame upon her family name when she refused to get an abortion, even when her mom tried dragging her by her hair. 
Lorelai risked everything by running away from her parents’ home in the middle of a windy night. With only one suitcase, the baby daddy out of the picture, and less than a grand in her pocket, she managed to make a life for herself on the South side of the island. She worked two jobs, found an affordable apartment for cheap rent, and managed to save some money before her babies were born.
Yes, babies. As in more than one. Five months after running away from home, she gave birth to twin girls and they instantly became her entire life. With the help of her best friend Steve, who she met one month after being on her own, meeting him at his automotive shop when she very much literally rolled her junky car into the garage, she raised you and your sister on the Cut. The two of you are her greatest accomplishment. Every now and then, she mentally throws up a middle finger to everybody who doubted her, proud of who the two of you have become. 
Right before you turned ten, your mom took a business risk and opened her own Cafe. The Bikini Beans cafe, very popular amongst both Kooks and Pogues. The business did so well that she was able to move the three of you out of your shitty apartment into a beautiful one story home with three bedrooms in between the Cut and Figure Eight, aka the Crest, the summer going into your freshman year.
You actually used to be best friends with John B Routledge, JJ Maybank, and Pope Heyward. It was easier being friends with them than the girls, finding more joy in sports and rough housing than makeup and gossip. 
Doing the same summer that you moved, your mom pulled you out of Kildare County High and placed you in Outer Banks Private Academy. Aka Kook Academy. Around this time, your grandparents had also become more involved in your life, and you wondered if they had somehow bribed your mom into forcing you to transfer schools. You tried asking her during one of your many fights that started with you begging her to keep you at Kildare County High, but she quickly shut you down and told you to be grateful. That was ironic coming from the woman who ran away from the people giving her an expensive high school career. 
You had no choice but to do what your grandparents wanted and attend Kook Academy. Making friends was a lot harder there than it was in Kildare County High. You managed to make one friend in your freshman year. Andre Cortez. Due to an incident a couple years back, you built thick walls and Andre was the only one able to break them down. You were grateful for your friendship, but hanging out with him was nothing like hanging out with the Pogues. 
When you transferred schools, you lost touch with the Pogues slowly. Your life became busy with school and playing dress up for your grandparents and the boys were starting to work. Eventually all contact was cut and ever since, you’ve felt a void in your heart.
“Look,” You tell Andre. “I told you I would be your wing woman and I’m not backing down from what could possibly be the most important role in my life.”
You didn’t notice the Pogues or any of the stares around you. It’s true you’re not much of a party girl. I mean, you’ll go out here and there, have a drink or two, but you felt more comfortable at places where you weren’t surrounded by drunk and horny teenagers. 
“He’s probably not even here,” Andre says. He’s trying to look nonchalant but you notice the way his eyes dance from face to face of the people around him. 
“He told you he was going to be here, right?” You ask him with one brow raised. Andre nods. “Then, we’ll find him.”
Sarah and Kie never made any effort to talk to you at school, but to be fair, neither have you. You’ve heard mixed reviews, some people call them spoiled brats, ungrateful...some even go as far as calling them ‘The Cut Sluts.’ Of course you never take any of those things to heart. You can’t judge a book but it's cover. Plus, they’re friends with your old best friends. They can’t be that bad for John B and JJ and Pope to be hanging out with them, right?
“You think she'll come over here?” Kie asks. No one’s ever said it out loud, but her friends wonder if deep down, Kie was a little jealous of you. Because you were their first real girl friend. You were the first girl they ever let in and opened their heart too. That was a tough pill for Kie to swallow when she originally thought she was that girl. Of course the boys don’t like you any more than Kie and vice versa. But sometimes Kie wishes she could have grown up with the boys the same way you had. 
“Probably not. Unless she’s drinking,” Pope says and motions towards the keg they’re near. 
“I have an idea,” John B says and fills up a red solo cup. He hands it to JJ. “Why don’t you go offer her a cup.”
JJ snags the cup out of John B’s hand and glares at him. “Fuck off, dude.” 
“Do you guys ever see her around at school?” Pope asks the girls.
Sarah shrugs. “Not really. She doesn’t really get a long with my old group of friends.”
Kie rolls her eyes. “No one gets along with your old group of friends.”
Sarah playfully shoves Kie by the shoulder and they laugh. 
“I heard she turned down Raymond Easterling a couple weeks ago and he didn’t take it very well,” Pope says, remembering the words he heard from the kids in his class roaming the school hallways. 
Raymond goes to Kildcare County High with the Pogues. He’s known to be a trouble maker and a class clown. He works with JJ at the country club. The kid can make JJ laugh sometimes, but he wouldn’t necessarily say he likes him all that much. He can be an arrogant asshole with an ego bigger than it should be.
“She turns down everybody,” Sarah says. “Some people at my school call her ‘The Heart Sucker’ because she can pull people in with the snap of her fingers and break their heart just as quickly.”
Something stirred in the pit of JJ’s stomach.
“Hey! Where you going?” John B calls out to JJ who’s making his way deeper into the sea of people on the beach. 
“Taking advantage of a good boneyard party, my friend,” JJ calls back and slugs the rest of his beer. Looking left and right, he searches for the blonde he had eyes on earlier. Because right now, he needed a distraction. 
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 
The party starts to die down a little after midnight. Some people leave to find another party, some are passed out in the back of their cars, and others had already found what they were looking for - someone to leave with. 
The boneyard party wasn’t as bad as you expected it to be. You had found a couple of kids from your school who were nice enough to make small talk with you while Andre left to find a guy named Devon, a Touron he’s been talking to who’s renting for the entire summer. 
Now you’re waiting for Andre to come back so the two of you can walk home. You find comfort under a slanted palm tree towards the back of the beach, scrolling through random apps on your phone to pass the time.
“Y/N?” You look up from you phone and smile when you see your former best friend inching closer to you, squinting in the dark to see if it’s really you. 
“Maybank? What are you still doing here?” You stand up and pat the sand off your hands on you thighs. 
Your heart skips a beat in your chest when you look at him. He’s beautiful. Lucious blonde hair, perfectly tanned skin, piercing blue eyes. You always knew JJ was going to grow up to be gorgeous. He was cute when he was younger. At least you always thought so. 
“I was just leaving, but I thought I saw you sitting here and wanted to make sure you were all right.” He knows it’s not like you to stay this late at a party, especially all by yourself. When he first saw you sitting there, he didn’t know if he should say something. Mostly due to nerves of seeing you again. But the other Pogues had already left and he didn’t trust anyone else at the party to be near you alone late at night. It didn’t matter if you were sober or not. 
“Aw. Was JJ Maybank worried about me?” You tease. Talking to him felt easy. As if you never stopped being friends. A few years ago, you and JJ had the best banter. Despite constantly bickering back and forth, John B always swore the two of you would get married one day. The two of you just always clicked like a natural connection. And even now, when only seeing each other every now and then for a few minutes at a time, it felt normal. You smirk when JJ rolls his eyes. “I’m kidding. Yeah, I’m okay. Just waiting for my friend to come back from his little rendezvous,” You say. 
JJ nods. “Did you have a good time? I feel like I never you see at these things.”
“Yeah. Parties aren’t really my thing. But Andre was nervous to meet this guy he’s been talking to for a little while so I came for moral support.”
“Looks like he didn’t need much of the support.”
You shrug. “It’s better that way, anyway. I don’t mind waiting for him. What about you?”
“What about me?” 
“Did you have a good time tonight? I hear your quite the ladies’ man at these things.”
“Come on, Sparky. You know better than to believe everything you hear.”
Your face lights up at the mention of your old nickname. You use to always be busting out the seams with energy. On days where the boys just wanted to chill and play video games, you would drag them to the park for a game of kick ball. Or when they wanted to sleep in after a long week, you showed up at 8 am to drag them out of bed to catch the morning waves. So one day JJ started calling you Sparky, and it stuck with the rest of your little gang. You always pretended to hate it, but secretly you loved it. 
“Oh I don’t believe everything I hear. I do, however, believe what I see. And your arm around that tall blonde in the little black dress looked quite convincing.”
You first saw JJ at the party when he was making his way to the pretty girl by the water. Your teeth involuntarily clenched and there was a twisted feeling in your stomach you couldn’t shake whenever you looked at them. 
In that instant, JJ felt grateful for the dark sky. He felt the rush of heat rise up his neck to his cheeks before he could stop it. He knew the motivation to see that girl was because of you. He just wished you never saw it. But he didn’t know why. 
“I walked her home. She wasn’t my type,” JJ plays it off. 
“I didn’t realize you had a type,” You giggle, but a small part felt relieved to hear this. “So what is it? Your type?”
Hybrids with a Pogue attitude, bright smile, beautiful eyes, and a mouth that could make any sailor turn around, JJ thought. 
“I don’t know. Haven’t figured it out yet.”
You roll your eyes playfully. “Well, when you figure it out let me know.”
“Why? So you can transform into my ideal girl?” He teases.
Now you’re the one thankful for the dark sky. “In your dreams, Maybank. But so far, I do have the perfect wing-woman track record, so if you needed help -”
“I don’t think I need any help in that department. Thank you very much.”
You throw your hands up in fake surrender. “Ooo. Touchy subject.”
JJ rolls his eyes at the same time your phone pings with a text message. You pull it out of your shorts pocket and open the text from Andre, telling you to leave without him because he’s gonna stay out late with Devon and won’t know what time he’s going to be done.
“Everything all right?” JJ says, watching you read the message.
You lock your phone and stuff it in your back pocket again. “Like I said. Perfect wing-woman track record.”
“That was Andre?” 
“Yeah. He’s most likely not coming home tonight.”
“Lucky bastard.”
“At least one of us is,” You joke. 
JJ’s grin slightly falters but you don’t catch it. You have no idea how much he wishes the two of you could be equally as lucky. Together. 
“Well, I should probably go,” You say and bend down to grab your flip flops.
“Let me walk you home,” JJ offers. 
“Oh no. It’s okay -”
“You’re cute. It’s wasn’t up for debate. I’m not letting you walk back by yourself.”
You scoff lightly. “I’ll be fine.”
“Just humor me.”
You roll your eyes and smirk but choose not to argue. In fact, you’re excited to spend more time with JJ. It’s been so long.
“And here I thought you might’ve grown out of your stubborn phase by now.”
You shove him playfully by the shoulder. “Shut up!”
And just like that, it felt like old times.
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