#y’all know the arrow verse? do what they did
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“there wasn’t enough plot for a 3rd season”
then save the end of the world threat bullshit for spin-offs. cut it. keep the second season cohesive and grounded so it can actually flesh out the story and themes and characters its first season was trying to explore. don’t shove in your end of the world threat bullshit to derail your previously grounded story when you obviously don’t have time for that. keep the foundational, grounded, character driven nature of arcane and save end of world threats for big crossover series/spinoffs
#y’all know the arrow verse? do what they did#personal stories for the individual tv shows#end of the world crisis on infinet earths level shit for big crossovers#it’s not that ludicrous an idea#arcane critical#paracritical#that dumbass end of the world plot should NEVER have TOUCHED Arcane
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I’m still so fascinated by how easily and comfortably they move into each other’s space???
... When your bff sticks his EBay purchased broomstick in your face while looking like a Professor of Medieval studies at a small university where he also runs some sort of obscure trivia team.
And then they were like “yeah, let’s test out why this vibrating toy that ended up in a*ult stores, ended up there.”
Rhett’s gorgeous hands holding a long piece of plastic wood, feat. Dom ! Link
Link staring directly at this totally PG display...
...only to watch him through the camera, so he doesn’t appear as obvious, wondering if Rhett’s ever used two hands to shake the pope’s hand.
As if Link could really keep his eyes off of Rhett’s hands tightly gripping what might vaguely be suggested as a cleaning implement positioned between his legs. If it had been a Swiffer Sweeper Mop, Link’s reaction would have had to go on the Mythical Society.
Link’s expression here while he eyes Rhett’s caboose with a face like :o
OMFG my cursor turned from an arrow into a hand right on the cheeks I am just...I FREAKING CAN’T. Link is just hear taking in allllllllllll the details.
Link trying to gauge Rhett’s grip when he’s...sweeping.
...Y’ALL. LIKE...
Rhett looking like a Renaissance painting as he asks the question that’s plagued me since middle school.
“Yeah there’s nothing between us, we just like playing with the tension on the show” my a*s.
. This is the face fic authors write about before they give into their UST.
Rhett looks so inviting and Link looks so eager and the amazing crew they have that manages to keep relatively quiet while this is going on...jfc.
Like...it isn’t that long. They are pressed flush against each other. And with the part of the broom Link is holding, it looks less like a broom and more like his MAGIC WAND.
Rhett’s hand curled around Link’s shoulder, with his other curled around the plastic piece of wood so that his hand is up against his...well, you know.
I...I have no words.
Excuse me.
WHAT did you just ask him???
LIKE, the combination of Link saying this with Rhett’s FACE is just fantastic.
The layers, the intricate rituals, the...;lksjdf;lksajdf;lkdjsa;.
Lol sorry I just had to include this pic of Rhett looking so disheveled while imagining how this looks out of context.
...w-what? I mean, I know what *I’m* thinking but idk how well-versed Link is, in the world of --
...OH OKAY. SURE. YUP. OKAY. (And WHY the visual demonstration?!?!) I mean, not like I’m complaining obviously but also like al;ksjdf;kasjd;fasdffasdf???
Another Renaissance painting with Link modeling in a way Rhett’s sure to have seen him before ;)
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💖 What do you like most about your own writing?
I really like the character interactions the most. Sometimes that's just dialog, sometimes it's dialog combined with describing what they're doing at the time. I think specifically I just like finding different ways to convey the emotions of the moment and how it plays between the characters.
👨👧👧 Do you tell people in real life that you write fic?
Yes and no. Some of my friends know I write fanfic but they don't read it since they're not really in the same fandoms as me... or as into reading fanfic as I am. My parents know I used to, but to avoid them actually anything I've written since high school I've let them have the impression I only read fanfic these days. Because I definitely do not want them reading my fanfic.
🌈 What inspired you to write [insert fic here]?
Since no fic was specified, I'll pick one. :D How about the recent fic, Electric Connection.
So it started with me re-watching the start of the episode Power Outage because I intended to add Farooq to Timeline Poker (I really need to finish editing and post the next chapter). I really loved Farooq's interactions with his friends, Jake and Daria. (I did have to look up their names on the Arrow wiki.) Since the episode is Farooq's roaring rampage of revenge over Jake and Daria's deaths, it got me thinking shippy thoughts and the next thing I knew, I had a new rare pair.
Gotta stop doing that to myself.
So while they're included in Timeline Poker, I wanted a story that was all theirs and thus Electric Connection was born.
🍰 Name one of your fave comfort fics (doesn’t have to be your all time fave).
I have many comfort fics, so while I already answered this one here, I have more recommendations to give. :D
Atlas ~ by distractedKat
An eventual Kirk/Spock fic set in the Kelvin-verse, only including the 2009 movie in it. It's respectful of all the main characters, re-aligns Kirk's characterization closer to his Original Series counterpart, includes Archer and his dogs, and it's got some great found family vibes going on. I really love the take on Nyota Uhura in this one - though she and Spock break up early on, they remain dear friends through the whole thing. And the friendship she develops with Jim is quite fun too.
👩🏭 If one of your fics was going to get you arrested, which one and why?
Maybe Road Trip? I'm setting some not so legal shenanigans in a real hotel in Salt Lake City (that I visited once myself a few years pre-pandemic) though I haven't gotten that part posted yet.
I can't think of anything I've researched for fics that's particularly illegal/would get me side eyed too badly. So Road Trip definitely comes to mind first.
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Okay for real this is the fastest growing blog I’ve ever had hehehe. Never expected Grundy to get this popular this quickly!
Freaking love this zombaby and I’m so glad y’all love him too! As promised, gonna shout out some fantabulous bloggos that helped get Grundy to where he is today. XD
@akasupergirl/ @azombieme (I FREAKING ADORE GRUNDY AND KARA AND LIV. I swear Grundy’s loyal to Kara like he was to Shayera and Jade and Liv is totally his baby sister and is gonna protect her from.....everything. :P
Even pigeons, because they’re legion.)
@thecatgoddessbast (A blast from the past! Glad to see you again after I rampaged and caused chaos as a certain deranged pincushion of a mushroom way back in the time before present. XD
Now I get to do that as a zombie. :D Win/win!)
@starcityvigilante (OLLIE. FFFFFF-okay for real I’m HYPED to plot wacky ideas with you. Grundy has a MASSIVE grudge against Green Arrow and I’m like......*push these two together* you both get along right now.)
@folcire (We literally just started talking and I’m loving your Ivy already! Can’t wait to see how Grundy grows to see her the more he talks to her because they’re both sassy plant people that way. XD)
@themartlans (FFFFFF-J’ONN. Everyone’s favorite green uncle :D I freaking adore him and I HATE how the most he ever interacted with Grundy was him being tossed into the bay. >_<
They really need to talk more, and MAN! That Injustice verse of yours is SICK. Definitely hyped for making Grundy into an insurgent and a good zombie instead of Supes’ lapdog.
( Look at this face....LOOK AT IT.)
@blackwingsbluedings (One of the best Dick Grayson’s out there and definitely loving seeing Grundy be less smash and more “......hug?” They both need hugs I swear.)
@marvelousdamsels (We haven’t talked much but I adore your muses and I just hope Grundy doesn’t come off as too weird or clingy.......wait.......that’s......literally Grundy.....
@theirfirstexperiment (GRUNDY ON A RAMPAGE YOOOOOO! Better run fast. XD)
@amazonexile/ @gothamprens/ @captainstevertrevor ( Freaking love your muses and I love seeing Diana and Bruce actually WANT to help Grundy. It’s too easy just beating on Grundy and I love seeing them actually bother to try to get to the gentler side of the Hulk’s crazy cousin. XD)
@justiceebound / @nighttfight ( *slams fist on the table* YOU ARE AWESOME! Your Shayera is awesome, your Bruce is a national treasure and I can’t wait to throw Grundy at Supes and Diana, because these guys need a big reconciliation thing after all the chaos from literal years of slugging it out.
And I LOVE it. >:D)
@theamazondiana (Both of you are AWESOME Wonder Women and MAN I love plotting ideas. I’m tired of seeing Diana being turned into too much of a warrior while negating her role as a peace-maker and y’all NAIL her kindness and wisdom and need to give everyone a chance. Freaking LOVE IT!)
@raininginkyxto (LOL I always love imagining Grundy in Marvel and now poor Weasel is kind of stuck with him. XD Man, if the Hulks meet Grundy then that poor bar is going to really get smashed.....)
@notatomo (GIANT. Man I loved that movie as a kid and I LOVE the subsequent giant robot and tiny kid works inspired from it (example being the CRIMINALLY under-appreciated Sentinel series by UDON.) Can’t wait to see what happens when Grundy talks more to someone bigger than him. XD)
@liminalstctic (GRUNDY HEARTS TINY GIRL. XD Yeah he’s trying his hardest to help her. ;A;)
@yellowskinnedwackyman (CREEPER! I’ll forever ADORE these two butts because they’re team Tree Lobsters.)
@collidingxworlds/ @thecursedhellblazer (I. Love. Your. Constantine. I swear I have so much fun writing Grundy trying to get drunk (and failing) and learning to cuss up a storm while still being a mad lad ready to throw down with mega-zombies to protect his tiny friend.
DC, make this friendship canon or so help me Grodd...)
@chaosmultiverse (I love your Klarion so much! He’s so much fun! XD And Teekl for the epic win!)
@raichoose (Herbert West and Solomon Grundy? THAT aIN’T GOOD! D:>)
@gctjinxd (Freaking LOVE your Jinx! LOL how she manipulates Freeze and how Grundy isn’t even REMOTELY phased by her powers. Like he is TOUGH. Even bad luck won’t stop him.)
@killcrcroc (BIG BAD KILLER CROC! I love your Waylon and I adore how he has a collection of watches and that awesome suit. XD Croc definitely deserves more love since he’s much smarter than he looks, and tough enough to even get Grundy to back down in a serious fight.)
@babydxhl (Baby Doll is criminally underappreciated and I love how she’s the opposite to Grundy. She looks child-like but is very crafty, mature and knows how to get what she wants, while Grundy is physically strong and big enough to bully his way into anything he wants, but is very simple and child-like and would rather watch the birds. XD)
@theednygma (An awesome Ed Nygma and I love how Grundy is so unsure of everything yet still goes along for the ride as a support. XD)
@sleightlyoffhand (BUNNY MAN! Okay the idea of Josiah monching on carrots in Grundy’s pocket makes me smile so much. XD)
@thanagrian (BIRD-NOSE! Honestly every time I think of Grundy and Shayera I get the feels big time. These two definitely deserved more than just two episides to give them a unique friendship.
(I love that STAR Labs mission so much in Injustice. XD)
@the-arkham-librarian ( I love Eliza so much! She’s crafty, stubborn, sweet and kind and just cares about everyone so much when few don’t. Grundy grew so attached to her I swear she’s like his little sister at this point. XD And he’s totes the best uncle along with Eddie.)
@fatherdamned ( I LOVE YOUR RIDDLER OMG! He’s so snarky but man he is SO DAMN FUN to write with! Grundy is there for his green friend, no matter what!)
( I freaking LOVE Artemis and Grundy, especially in the Injustice Society stuff. Yeah Grundy’s been a butt before but he genuinely likes and cares about her and the rest of the team and I’m like....
Look at these bunch of a-holes. Yeah they’re a family and even if they’re bad.....they’ve got each other. And that’s what counts. C:)
@powerhours/ @lastofmars (Green dad? Green dad. I love your J’onn so much and I’m like *throws Grundy at green dad* Here give this disaster some love. XD)
@redsleuthed (TIM! I love Tim and I swear these two should talk more because Grundy doesn’t WANT to fight and I think just letting someone hear him out would help him immensely.
Plus that stuff with Freeze? Poetic cinema.)
@12thlevel (On this blog we stan socially awkward green boi with angery grandpa genius mastermind. XD)
@seekthedarknesswithin (SHADE! I love Shade in Justice League where he constantly throws Shade at everyone so you can imagine how excited I was to see Shade on Tumblr! We haven’t done much but man.....even Grundy was excited to see an old friend from the Injustice Society/ Injustice Gang.)
@youstolemycoat (Okay, hands down, Nick Necro is so much fun to plot with. His Robin verse is so fun too and poor Grundy tries to help but a certain birdy won’t let him. XD)
@ufotm (Tiny alien baby. :3)
@partcfyouruniverse/ @diamondcladclown ( An awesome mun and my goodness her Harley is EPIC! I love the metas about Harley too and you just GET HER. And that????? Is the sign of an excellent writer and mun.)
@bigbadkillercroc ( I love your Croc and the brotherly bond he has with Grundy! It’s so refreshing to see these two bonding instead of Grundy tearing off Waylon’s face like he did in the Solomon Grundy mini-series. :C)
@blizzardmuses (I LOVE YOUR MUSES OMG. Your Batgirl?????? I ADORE HER. I love Freeze as a member of the Birds of Prey and I love tossing Grundy at your muses because the guy needs love and an excuse to smash.....and I really love both lol.)
@starfirechan (You’re Starfire is so freaking CUTE! I love how she and Grundy get along so well since they’re kind of two misfits that aren’t very well-versed in city life. XD)
@gotham-crusader/ @maximummuses (One of the best Batman and Damian Wayne RPers out there! I have a lot of fun with our threads and even if they fizzle out there is so much heart to them that they’re some of my absolute favorites no matter what muse I put on. C:)
@teufortsquidman (PRAWN! Okay, a giant mega-zombie and an Eldritch abomination? Yeah they’re gonna be good pals lol. XD)
@tragedybcrn (Hands down one of the BEST Batman RPers I’ve talked to and plotted with. I love how Bruce helps Freeze and even Grundy try to be better than just crooks. Grundy though has had so many bad experiences that he can’t trust anyone anymore unless there is some SERIOUS help. But he’ll learn to at least try to trust Batman.....because Batman was genuinely nice to him.)
@krygothite ( I freaking LOVE your Bane! We haven’t written much but FFFFF0yeah he’s epic. XD And Grundy is kind of nervous about bringing Bane to Slaughter Swamp because Bane is tough but not kaiju-sized gators and snakes tough....
Or....maybe he is.....let’s test him. >:D)
@redwinefangs (VAmpire Batman? Vampire Batman. We have an epic trifecta of vampire Bats, Freezy-wolf and zombaby Grundy and I LOVE it. These three are so much fun to plit ideas around. XD)
@titanicscionofthestars ( I freaking LOVE Sara! All across my blogs I love her and the way you write her! And I swear her reaction to Grundy being impaled????? MY HEART. ;A;)
@jcinthedance (JERVIS! Okat for real I love the image of Hatter and Grundy just enjoying a tea party at the asylum and being weird dorks. XD)
@adventurepunks (I absolutelky LOVE your Zatanna! She’s so fun and I’d love to plot more with her! :D)
@laughter-in-white (YOU????? Are??? Like the BEST Joker. Hands down. Your Croptop J is so much fun to plot with and he’s funny and being dramatic for Bats. And Grundy is like ‘yeah he’s crazy but he’s my crazy.’)
@smartvulpix (* glomps on you for being epic*)
@thehouseofivo (Your Freeze and Julian are AWESOME! Love throwing my guys at them both lol)
#Rave to the Grave (Out of Character)#TOOK ME HOUIRS BUT I DID IT#Even if I didn't mention you you are STILL VALID#Love you all!
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Everything Awesome about COIE Hours 4 & 5
My other posts were very specific, mostly-chronological run-downs of the episodes, done after I’d watched each episode at least twice.
This? This is just happy nerd rambling. SO HERE WE GO:
So I guess I’ll start at the end and work back, maybe? Because that’s what I remember best so: SUPER. FRIENDS. SUPERFRIENDS. GLEEK. HALL OF JUSTICE.
I’m just so happy that the DCTV universe version of the Justice League entered the world, NOT with weighty, somber allusions to the dower Snyder-verse, but instead to the technicolor nonsense of Saturday morning cartoons and the friggin’ SPACE MONKEY y’all.
CLARK AND LOIS HAVE SONS! I had a feeling they’d age up li’l Jon, given that a show was in the works (which has been officially ordered to series HECK YEAH, HECK YEAH) my money is on the boys being Jon (obviously) and Chris Kent. But I suppose WE SHALL SEE.
The opening to hour five was perfect, A+ Supergirl content. We got: ASKEW GLASSES, ACCIDENTAL HEAT VISION, KARA RAMBLING, A SWEET SISTER MOMENT, and oh maaaaan, that Lex reveal was a delight.
So JUST LIKE WITH BARRY they teased Kara’s comic death and you know what? I ain’t even mad, bro.
Within a crossover that has to serve like, four other shows.
Score was great. Across the board. Lovely. Wonderful. 15/10. Would buy a soundtrack.
(Particularly the bits where Barry was exploring the Speedforce)
SPEAKING OF: Good work-around, for scheduling the actors, and it looked pretty good.
Look, I know I’m in the minority here, as far as SG fans go but I really, really liked all of the Oliver stuff.
Season 8 of Arrow has been really awesome. All of the Ollie stuff, therefore, feels really earned and fittingly emotional, because you’ve got the meta stuff going on in the background: This is it for Oliver. For REAL because the show’s ending.
When he’s lying in the crater looking up at the birth of the new Multiverse?
Also man it was the perfect level of cheesy, wonderful, earnest superhero nonsense when all of the Paragons just...FOCUSED real hard to help Ollie kickstart the new universe LIKE. WHAT? BUT ALSO ODDLY TOUCHING????
I just loved this crossover, alright?????
Even if my extremely short list of demands wasn’t met, how dare. XD
And they did the thing! The thing I was sure they would not do!
They done merged them there Earths!
Not sure how I feel about that just yet; I really do feel like the separate Earths were to the Arrowverse’s advantage, and I’ve never felt like, ‘make it easier to crossover’ was a good reason to toss aside the creative freedom afforded by that separation, but I suppose we’ll see how it all shakes out.
But just like with the fake-out tease of Kara’s death, am I mad about it? NOPE.
Also, Ryan is wonderful! I hope he sticks around!
And man oh man, that cameo. I was, unfortunately, spoiled by YouTube (CURSE YOU, ALGORITHM.) but it was pretty long? And as anyone would expect of two Barrys meeting, just so much fun to watch.
They also got a lot of the comics stuff in there--splitting the teams, sending one group to stop someone from traveling to the dawn of time, sending the other group TO the dawn of time.
Also, the Anti-Matter universe being at a quarry works pretty darn well, as the Anti-Monitor’s ship/homeworld/whathaveyou was like, a big rock fortress.
Also! All of the heroes scrambling to make sense of the newly merged Earth! Comes right outta the comic! (Oh, oh, and! In the comic, it’s Earth-2 Superman who first notices something is amiss when he tries to go to work at the Daily Star, only to discover that SOMETHING IS OFF. So it’s neat that they had Kara discover the same thing via reporting as well.)
(And, awwww, the Wolfman cameo was cute!)
The Anti-Monitor being dead, but not really, but then dead, but not really, and then DEAD AGAIN is also a comic thing.
Alright that it’s for my nerd rambling....for now.
Wait I just gotta say it one more time: THE AGE OF HEROES WILL CONTINUE WITH...THE SUPER FRIENDS!!!!!
#stranger geeks out#COIE spoilers#crisis on infinite earths spoilers#long post#stranger speaks#DCTV#SG post
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So, can we hear your thoughts on TS7? I remember your breakdown for the Ben Platt album and wanted to hear what you have to say about Lover
oh man, i already know this has to go under the cut. i have,,, so many feelings
i forgot that you existed - this song is such a good opener for the album. both the lyrics and production are so light and carefree, which makes it the perfect transition from the intensity of reputation to the softness of lover. she’s not reinventing herself, she’s growing. i love the way she plays with harmonies in the chorus! and i adore how the last line of the verses swells ominously before releasing into the playful staccato of the chorus, i think it’s really indicative of the anxiety surrounding the situation vs the simple and relative ease with which it was all forgotten
cruel summer - tbh i’m glad this wasn’t a single in the place of ME! or yntcd because listening to this was literally a full body experience. it would’ve killed as a lead single, but it definitely hit harder for me hearing for the first time in the context of the album. i read the lyrics of the first five songs when they leaked and genuinely thought i wasn’t going to like this song, but i went absolutely feral at the bridge. (also upon listening i adored the lyrics, so i will no longer be trusting my opinions based on lyrics alone.) if i wasn’t sold on the rest of it, the bridge is what solidified this as one of my favorites on the album. the way the synths build and then cut out for HE LOOKS UP GRINNIN LIKE A DEVIL,,, i lost my shit. astral projected. if this song is playing, i will not turn it off before i get to scream that line. also “i love you, ain’t that the worst thing you ever heard?” is incredible.
lover - words cannot describe my love for this song. my friend veronica described it as the love song of our generation and honestly? she’s not wrong. lover’s lyrics are simple, but hit like a ton of bricks regardless. the key to simple lyricism is finding the words that everyone has always wanted to say (lean on me is a really good example of this but i’m not going to get into songwriting theory on this post) and lover does exactly that. simple descriptions of simple acts are her window to how all-encompassing this love is. the 6/8 timing (a fucking WALTZ y’all) gives it the 2 in the morning kitchen dance feel. it’s a love song in every aspect. i’m never gonna be over it.
the man - a bop. the low notes in this song? incredible, especially in the bridge. those low harmonies took me OUT! the first line of the chorus is so killer as well. and she says bitch twice! taylor said i am 29 i curse and have sex, get over it. there’s less to analyze in this song, but that doesn’t mean i’m not in love with it.
the archer - i am telling you i heard the first goddamn synth note and KNEW jack antonoff was all over this song. i really needed this song to come out when it did, because after those two singles,, i needed some hope for this album. it did not disappoint. the slow build of the synths into one massive crescendo at the bridge instead of the usual rise and fall of most pop music. every single note builds to the bridge, to the anxiety of that repeated they see right through me, to the cause all of my enemies started out friends / help me hold on to you. it swells like the slow draw of a knocked arrow, like an archer taking aim. and then all at once, it fades like the string was released. i adore every single aspect of this song.
i think he knows - my percabeth loving ass needs to take a second to talk about the line i am an architect, i’m drawing up the plans and how it sent me to the fucking moon. but anyway. different post. it is physically impossible for me to stay still when this song plays. the harmonies on that AH in the chorus made me lose it. i want you, bless my soul is so southern and absolutely beautiful. she’s straight up pining in this song, and she knows it. that way she closes the song with that line on loop? sets the tone so well.
miss americana and the heartbreak prince - i have no idea why i didn’t like this song upon first listen, but now i like it! still not my favorite on the album, but the bar is high.
paper rings - god i cannot believe that she said his friends were high at the met gala i’m fucking dead. this whole song is peak old taylor, just grown up. it’s got the same catchiness as stay stay stay, but with a more grown (but still fun) outlook. this one is real experience talking, and it shows. she’s got the love she always wanted to write about! i’m not okay!
cornelia street - her delivery really makes the song for me. you can physically feel how much she loves joe and how real that fear of losing him. that stripped down chorus after the bridge where her voice breaks? she’s so in love. i’m so in love.
death by a thousand cuts - GOD i love this song with everything in me, even more since watching Someone Great. it’s the perfect narrative song for that movie. it also contains the single most Taylor Swift^tm lyric of all time: but if the story’s over, why am i still writing pages? ALSO? WE WANNA TALK ABOUT BRIDGE CITY?? this bridge goes so hard. i can’t convey my love for it unless we’re in the car together so i can scream it properly. ultimate car song.
london boy - so fun! people who are upset over this song gotta calm down, it’s a fun, catchy song. i don’t have much to say about it, but i enjoy it! i won’t go out of my way to queue it, but it’s cute and cheeky and i like it.
soon you’ll get better - i knew from the first goddamn guitar lick that this was going to wreck me, but once i realized what it was about,,, i didn’t stand a chance. i literally went back after my first listen through the whole album and listened to this song on loop for at least half an hour and just. sobbed. it hits home way too hard for me. again with that devastatingly simple songwriting. you’ll get better soon / cause you have to absolutely destroyed me. also, this is a really small detail, but that breath at 2:41 really does me in. it’s so defeated, i can’t. her delivery in this one is an absolute gut punch.
false god - jack antonoff is all over this one and i love it for that. taylor swift said i fuck and i respect that. the sax? get out of here. it’s so perfect. it’s horny, but like,,, emotionally horny. perfect fit for this album. i adore it.
you need to calm down - okay ngl i don’t like this song or ME!, but i’m really glad they were singles because if i heard them on this album for the first time i would’ve been :/ about it. instead we got that right out of the way and now i can appreciate the good parts of them. the oh’s in the chorus are really pretty! i don’t actively dislike this song, but i don’t actively like it either.
afterglow - i love that taylor put a song about fighting on this album. i think this made the album feel so much more real. it’s about love, and fighting is a part of that! we break a little from the picture perfect aspect of songs like paper rings and get a little grittier. people make mistakes, but the love guides the choice to stay, to ask for forgiveness and promise to do better. this makes the entire narrative of lover so much stronger.
ME! - same sentiment as yntcd in terms of it being the lead single, except i’m really not a fan of this song. i can handle it up until the spelling is fun part. i cannot believe “can’t spell awesome without me” is so close to daylight. i appreciate the point of the song and what she sets out to do with it, but i just. can’t get over that damn bridge.
it’s nice to have a friend - i really didn’t like this song at first and i’m still warming up to it, but i definitely am! it’s such a percabeth song. i’m not sure why i didn’t like it, probably because it doesn’t escalate or go anywhere, but i think that steadiness contributes to the meaning of it
daylight - i could literally write an entire essay on this song alone. it’s the perfect closing song for this album. i don’t want to see anything else now that i saw you / i don’t want to think of anything else now that i’ve thought of you are literally the most tender lines i have heard in my whole life. the comparison between this and her notes from red make me openly weep. the bridge of this song literally feels light daylight, it shines and feels warm and god i love love! i once believed love would be burning red, but it’s golden made me cry when i heard it. i can’t stop thinking about that quote that says “lover is the sound of a songwriter getting to write the album she’s always wanted to write”. i could literally cry just thinking about that. she got to write the album about golden love! her whole career is based around singing and writing about love, and now she has exactly what she’s been grasping at all this time. it’s downright poetic. the monologue/outro only did me in more. she’s spent so long being defined by other people, and here she makes that definition for herself on an album that she owns every part of. it’s perfect.
#please do not ask me how long i spent on this#ts#music#anon#iris messages#bless u anon i would die for u#it makes me so happy to know that people want to hear my thoughts on music okay this is my love language#i mean i'm gonna give em either way but its nice to know they're wanted
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Hello, and welcome to my blog/first post/etc. I am a humble 27 y/o who has not done anything you would have heard of, but I’m here for a place to talk about how and why I have decided to change my habits. This is meant to be a space for people to find an easy way to navigate changing their habits too, and I hope that I can help. You should know that I am not under any circumstances an expert, or even knowledgeable about a lot of these things. I haven’t studied them, I haven’t been paid, and I am doing all of this on my own time and in my own way and that might not work for everyone.
TL/DR: I have no idea what I’m doing. You shouldn’t listen to me, but I need a place to organize my thoughts on this project.
For this blog, my goals are simply this: REDUCE.
I think that a lot of people feel really good about recycling. AND YOU SHOULD RECYCLE, don’t get me wrong, BUT *and this is important* there are more that one step to helping our environment and it’s multitude of issues. In fact, there are THREE. The first one is, you guessed it—Reduce. In my opinion, being the first arrow in the cycle, the first listed, the first named, etc, that makes it IMPORTANT. So without further ado, here’s how last year I started becoming a more aware person.
It all started with a nature documentary. I watched, I cried, I awoke. I was very upset by the prospect of a mother whale’s milk poisoning her baby because of the environment she lives in. It’s fucking tragic and I think that point is beyond being debatable. So in 2019, I made myself a promise that I would try to do my part. Up until that day, I need you to understand, that I felt as if my decisions could not POSSIBLY matter in this issue. It felt stupid that little ‘ol me in this GIANT world giving up water bottles would even matter at all. How could one person really make a difference? I know, what a cliched and boring question, but I still to this day feel like there are some things that are just too big for me to try and solve, fix, think about, prophesize, etc. To be frank, I just felt like it was all not enough, like, no matter WHAT I did it couldn’t POSSIBLY make a difference. I think a lot of this stems from my issues in math and numbers and how they make me feel inferior, but I digress, with a little help from a very math-positive friend, I felt an impact. Small though it may be, an impact nonetheless. So I am going to share some statistics with you that inspired me. So, before you get overwhelmed, I’m gonna start big and then break it down into what made me go, “oh.”
Ok, so scientists think that somewhere around 8 MILLION metric tons of plastic are dumped into the ocean every year. For reference on what this looks like here is what a 6.8 metric tons look like:

SO. Imagine about 1.1 million more of those swimming around in the ocean. What I’m getting at is it’s A LOT, and that’s uninspiring. So of that 8M number, I needed to know how much of it my ONE water bottle really impacted. So....
Americans drink 10 BILLION gallons of plastic bottles every year, and in 2016, less than HALF were collected for recycling. What’s half of 10B...? Idek. I don’t think that number really matters to most people, and for most of my life it certainly didn’t matter to me because that is FAR too much for me to fathom. Most people can’t even fathom 10B of ANYTHING.
I’ll be transparent here, none of these numbers meant a damn thing to me. Watching that baby whale die...that’s what did me in, y’all. I’m not heartless even though I like to pretend to be. So, what made me feel like I was doing something important? Doing it. I just started reducing. It started really really small. I stopped buying water bottles, I got a water filter, and I filled up my cups, and I was like, “SURELY that is enough and I can stop there.” And that’s when it happened. It all started crowding in around me. I started to see how much plastic I was using just to EXIST. Suddenly I realized how MANY things were made of plastic. You guys....it’s like EVERYTHING. Do you remember that time when you were a kid and someone was like, “haha check the labels on your things and see if it says, ‘Made in China,’ lol it’s like China owns us lol so funny.” It was like that. I was like suddenly I realized plastic owned me and I had been living with my eyes closed the whole time. So I started frantically changing like everything I did, and running around looking for new solutions to the things I used every day. It was insanity. It still is. For 2020, I kept my same resolution as last year. It’s reduce. Surprising, right? Anyway, how could I not I still have all this plastic to get rid of, and no, the earth probably doesn’t notice that I don’t use waterbottles anymore, but I sure fucking do. I notice when other people use them, too. I notice when people don’t recycle. I notice when I’m not in LA, and there’s no recycling bin in sight and I am forced to either throw away a recyclable OR litter...it makes me cringe. I now have a PHYSICAL reaction to the inability to decide how I impact my own environment, and for anyone that knows me AT ALL, taking away my right to options is just not a thing you should do to gain my favor.
I want for this to be something that someone reads and thinks about. Just thinking about it was enough for me, and maybe it will be enough for someone else, too. I also want to help be a resource for those people who are just starting out like I am and need help. I am well versed in research as a historian, and sometimes I do it for fun, but other times I do it because I need to know who is profiting from my funding, or what is the best no-waste toothpaste option because my partner gets mouth ulcers from the chemicals in our toothpaste and I’ve suddenly realized that the toothpaste we use is far more impactful than just the risk the chemicals are posing to our bodies. So, without further ado, please enjoy this place as an informational safe space where I can research without judgement, answer questions to the best of my ability, let people know what works or doesn’t work in my life, and to ultimately have my own impact here on tumblr.
Here’s a link from oceanconservancy.org where I found some of this information.
#environment#reduce#reduce reuse recycle#plastic pollution#global impact#environmental action#environmental awareness
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well versed in etiquette, extraordinarily nice
Title: well versed in etiquette, extraordinarily nice
Rating: PG
Pairing: Nora Darhk/Ray Palmer aka Darhkatom
Warnings: Some pretty anti-arrow feels are in this one, sorry y’all.
Summary/Notes: Ray and the rest of the Legends are invited to another wedding of their allies. After the Nazi invasion from Earth X, Ray is hesitant to go. Nora encourages him only to find out that Team Arrow will be there and Nora is not sure she can be held responsible for what would happen if she were left unsupervised near Oliver Queen
Day nine of 25 days of Darhkatom! Feel free to click the through my blog to see the others! Basically, I will be posted all loosely related (unless stated otherwise) fics for 25 days straight!
Thank you so much to @timetravelingpalmer for encouraging me to publish this.
Ray honestly wasn’t sure whether or not he’d attend another wedding of someone in their general circle of allies after what happened the last time. Nazis. Losing a Legend. Everything that could go wrong, went wrong.
And yet he and the rest of the Legends were all agreeing to RSVP for the wedding of Wally West and Linda Park. He liked Wally, he’d been a part of the Legends for a short while and had saved him from being kidnapped in Berlin and had helped defeat Mallus. Wally was a cool guy and Ray couldn’t be more happy for him.
“Wally feels too young to be getting married. Isn’t he like 15?” Nora asked as they walked back to their room.
“No, I think that’s how old you technically are right now.”
Nora smacked his chest playfully. “So, who’s going to be your hot wedding date?”
Ray shook his head. “You, of course. Though I could always take Zari, she’s not the one with the history that may complicate the jolly festivities…”
Nora arched a brow. “And what’s THAT supposed to mean?”
“Well, Team Arrow is invited and you, for good reason, don’t like them.”
“Yeah cause Oliver Queen killed my dad.”
“Well Oliver Queen is probably going.”
Nora thought for a minute. Really thought if she could be civil and be in the same room as the man that killed her father. She understood from the day that she was free of Mallus that her father was not a good man, not even a good father, but he was still her father and he had sacrificed himself at the very end to give her a second chance. Knots formed in Nora’s stomach. She wanted to be there, with Ray, do something that made her feel normal. Normal people were their boyfriend’s plus ones to weddings.
“As long as I don’t have to talk to him I’ll probably be fine.”
“I’ll make sure we stay clear on the other side of the room of him at all times.”
Much like Barry and Iris, Wally and Linda held a party the night before after the wedding rehearsal at Jitters. Ray and Nora were thrilled to be back in the place they had their first date in. The space was a lot smaller than they had remembered and it definitely felt small when Nora spotted Oliver Queen walk in with a pretty blonde on his arm.
Nora tightened her grip on Ray’s arm and he looked down at her.
“What’s up?” Ray asked.
“He’s here.”
Ray followed her gaze to where Oliver and Felicity stood. He saw the ring on Felicity’s finger shine brightly in the fairy lights decorating the room and swallowed. He knew that when he and Felicity ended things she went to be with Oliver but he had no idea they had gotten married after the Nazi’s from Earth X had invaded.
“If you feel like you can’t do this, we can go. Wally and Linda won’t be upset. We’ll just say goodnight and see them at the wedding tomorrow.”
“No I need to do this. I’ve been able to grow so much mostly thanks to your help. I need to be able to at least stand in the same room as him. It was a long time ago for me, I can handle it. I’ll let you know if I can’t. So thank you.” She leaned up and pecked his lips.
They continued to mingle with the others, mostly keeping in groups with the other Legends, occasionally talking with members of Team Flash, congratulating Wally and Linda until two blondes made their way towards them.
Nora tightened her grip again on Ray’s arm. “Relax, I’ll handle it.”
“Ray!” Felicity held out her arms for a hug. “How are you? I’m sorry about Professor Stein, he was a good man.”
Ray nodded. “Thanks, Felicity, I think that there will always be a missing piece of the Legends because of his absence.”
“Yeah. We all saw how many lives he touched at the funeral…” realizing the conversation was dying she turned her attentions towards the brunette with Ray. “Who’s your date?”
Ray pretended to not try and deflect the conversation onto something other than Nora and facepalmed himself. “Of course, you guys haven’t met. Felicity, this is my girlfriend, Nora. Nora, this is Felicity and Oliver Queen.”
Felicity pulled Nora into a hug, which was probably the last thing Nora ever wanted, and thankfully Oliver was standoffish as usual and didn’t even offer a handshake.
“It’s… nice… to meet you guys.” Nora tried to regulate her breathing. She was just a girl, meeting old friends of her boyfriend’s.
Felicity crinkled her nose. “Wow, we have so many Nora’s floating around lately, now another, how fun.”
“Yeah… exhilarating.” Nora deadpanned.
“And your eyes are so pretty, they’re absolutely striking.”
“Thanks, I got them from my dad.”
Nora watched as the comment made Oliver almost visibly flinch. She tried her hardest to hide the smirk. If he had figured it out, watching him squirm at her kindness was going to be almost as fun as all of the things she used to plan to do him if she ever got the chance to see him again.
“Well they’re gorgeous. So are you a Legend?”
“I am. Have been for about three months now.”
“That’s awesome they’re a good group of people.”
“Especially Ray.” Nora leaned her head onto his bicep. “He’s made me a better person.”
“Ray sees the best in people.”
“That he does.” Nora replied in a sickenly sweet but almost ominous tone.
Oliver coughed. “Felicity let’s go get a drink. It’s was nice seeing you again Ray, and meeting you Nora. We’ll talk later.”
Nora watched them walk away and smirked.
“See that wasn’t so bad.” Ray grinned optimistically.
“No, you know, it wasn’t.
“Hey, we have drinks back at our table, why did you drag me away like you couldn’t me out of there fast enough? Don’t tell me you’re like jealous of Ray or something.”
Oliver made a face. “No. Something, something’s just off about what just happened.”
“What? The fact that Ray has a girlfriend? I’m really happy for him and Nora seems nice, a little on the dark side, but nice.”
It clicked. If Oliver were in a cartoon, a lightbulb would be turning on.
“Say that again.”
“She’s nice, a little dark but nice.”
“Yes. The absence of light but also when people act a little mysterious.”
“No. Darhk.”
“Still not following you.”
“I think that’s Damien Darhk’s daughter: Nora.”
Felicity laughed. “That’s not possible. Nora Darhk is about sixteen years old. That can’t be her, that woman is in her thirties.”
“Ray spends his days traveling through time. I don’t know how or why, but I’m telling you, that woman over there is Nora Darhk and she’s dangerous.”
“Oliver, come on. That’s not her. You’re being ridiculous and paranoid. Now can we go back to the party, to celebrate Wally and Linda. Fashion a smile, Mr. Grumpypus.” She pretended to pinch his cheek.
“Fine. But I’m telling you I’m right.”
“Sure.” Felicity patted his chest to appease him.
“Felicity… why does that name sound familiar?” Nora asked she stirred her drink while at a bar top table with a few of the other Legends. Ray had left to go talk with Cisco about something on the other side of the room and Nora didn’t trust herself to be left unsupervised.
“Like Felicity Smoak? That’s cause she’s Ray’s ex.” Zari explained and popped an olive in her mouth.
Nora almost choked on her drink. “What?”
“And you didn’t know that. Right well I’m going to exit the conversation now.”
Nora grabbed Zari’s arm. “What do you know about his relationship with her?”
“Brief cause now she hangs on Oliver Queen’s arm. It was right after he bought Queen Consolidated. I’m trying to remember other concrete details but honestly I only know this much cause Amaya and I got Ray super drunk one night and he kept crying about wanting to find love.”
Nora sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose. “Okay. Do you know if they’re still on good terms?”
“Oh yeah, they broke up amicably. Felicity knew her heart was with Oliver and Ray was being a little too Ray about the whole thing. That’s all. Can you let go of my arm now?”
Nora realized she still had it in a tight grip and released it. “Sorry.” She returned to stirring her drink. Oliver had hurt her. Felicity had hurt Ray. She needed Ray to come back before she did something really stupid.
Ray finally returned to her side and she kissed him softly.
“Hey, miss me?”
“Always.” She felt him drape an arm around her shoulders and smiled up at him. She was ready to grill his ass.
“Why didn’t you tell me Felicity was your ex-girlfriend?”
“Because we broke up amicably and it didn’t seem relevant and I didn’t want to add to the stress of you being in the same room with the man that killed your dad.”
Nora glared at him. “Your ex married the man that killed my father. It’s definitely relevant, babe.”
“Sorry… I’ll make sure to tell you the next time I run into an ex of mine.”
“How many exes do you have!?”
“Just two others and one died.” Ray squeezed his eyes shut, ready for Nora to hex him.
Nora took in deep breaths to calm herself back down. “Okay. Oliver and Felicity don’t know who I am. We are going to keep it that way because I will not be held responsible for what happens if he confronts me and knows I’m Damien Darhk’s daughter.”
“Don’t worry, I have it all under control.” Ray said and totally lied through his teeth, he did not have it all under control.
Oliver caught Sara’s arm and she batted him off.
“Can I help you with something, Mr. Queen?”
“Sara, I’m going to ask you this once and you better tell me the truth. Who is that.” Oliver pointed over to Nora as she and Ray chatted with Wally and Linda.
“That’s Nora, she joined the team three months ago and has been dating Ray for about as long.”
“And she’s really great, she makes really good baked chicken soup and makes Ray really happy.”
Oliver sighed, exasperated. “You know exactly why I’m asking you who she is. Sara, she’s the daughter of the man that killed your sister.”
“And you’re the man that murdered that man in front of her when she was twelve! She’s not dangerous if that’s what you’re wondering. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have a hot date to return to.” Sara caught Ava’s eyes from across the room and winked at her.
Oliver shook his head. “She’s dangerous. She’s a Darhk. She’s probably killed tons of people.”
“So have you and so have I. We’re already a team of misfits and felons, why not add another?”
“Because you guys have reformed.”
“You don’t know that she hasn’t. Look at her, really look at her. Remember the little girl you made watch as you killed her father. She’s only just now getting back to being the person she was before you did that. Ray makes her really happy and Ray has really really sad puppy eyes when she’s not around. Leave her alone, Oliver. I mean it.”
“I’m surprised to hear you defending Damien Darhk’s daughter but fine. If she causes trouble...”
“I’ll kill her myself.” Sara replied to appease him.
“Nora Darhk, you’re causing quite the stir.” Sara saddled up next to Nora and Ray.
Nora laughed. “Are you talking about Oliver Queen? Did you tell him who I was?”
“I did and I told him to leave you alone and that if you actually started causing trouble that I would kill you. Now that of course, makes him think I’m on his side when in reality I lied through my teeth and will cheer you on if something ends up happening.”
Nora choked on a laugh. “Thanks for the moral support?”
“Anytime.” Sara clapped Nora on the back and went in search of Ava.
Felicity hurried up to them as soon as Sara left. “Okay so Oliver just told me that Sara confirmed what he was thinking and I just have to say that…”
“I’m gonna stop you right there, blondie.” Nora held up a hand. “I might be Damien Darhk’s daughter but I think I am the first person in line ready to bury every atrocity with my father. Also. I stopped you because your opinion is pretty invalid given how terrible your taste is. You left Ray, a true gift to this world, for Oliver... oh what could be said about Oliver? Oliver, a man who thought it would be perfectly okay to murder a twelve year old girl’s father in front of her. That is why your opinion is invalid and I really don’t want to continue talking to you anymore.”
Felicity sputtered out words that weren’t actually words and turned on her heel, leaving the conversation.
Ray was shocked, turned on, and proud of Nora. He couldn’t decide which more he was but she could.
“What do you say we ditch this party early and head back to the Waverider since we’ll be the only ones on board?” She winked and pressed her back into his front further, feeling his need for her.
“I… yeah, that sounds like an excellent idea.”
Nora turned a little and grabbed him by his tie. She kissed him square on the mouth and when she pulled away, glanced over at Oliver Queen with a smirk and then led Ray to the door, ready to spend the rest of her night with the man she loved.
#darhkatom#ray palmer#nora darhk#antiarrow#antioliverqueen#antifelicitysmoak#25 days of darhkatom#fanfic
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To @stagemanagingsmh
From @beaniebaneenie I had so much fun writing this, thank you so much for the idea. In the future, I may even take this further and write a bit more with it, play in this little AU-verse some more. Thank you again, and I hope you have a lovely Valentine's Day!
Sometimes, Bitty wasn’t quite sure how he’d gotten so lucky. Well, all right. He knew a few things about how he’d gotten here. Applying to the baker’s job at the Boston Whole Foods on a drunken whim was the start of it, really. He’d only done it to get Shitty to shut up – and to procrastinate some more on writing his thesis. Only to get called in for an interview a week later. And get the job a few days after that. Sure, he’d spent months living in Shitty’s guest room, but he’d paid a portion of rent, and eventually, when Chicago had been opening eight new stores, Bitty had been asked how he felt about a move. And a promotion to head baker.
He’d taken it, of course. Chicago had winter, but hell, so did Boston. And it had been awfully nice to truly be on his own, to really stretch his wings. He loved all his friends, he did. But living with Shitty in Boston had felt so much like an extension of college that some days, he wasn’t sure if he’d ever be able to come into his own.
And now, here he was, sipping his coffee in Andersonville on a gorgeous sunny Chicago summer day. He’d left retail behind and had been a personal stylist for almost two years now. He had an apartment with a view of Lake Michigan. And he got to do things like this… just stroll down the street, having time to himself, able to be out of the closet and comfortable in his own skin at twenty-five years old. As he walked past the shops toward George’s – he felt like ice cream – Bitty’s eyes landed on a well-muscled guy in a tight grey tee-shirt and bright teal jeans. He could only see him from the back, but lord, Bitty liked what he saw. Andersonville had a well-deserved reputation as being a very gay-friendly neighborhood, and during the summer, the rainbow stickers and flags came out in full force.
As he got closer, Bitty could hear snatches of the conversation, and couldn’t help but listen a bit.
“-really nice of you, but uh, I’ve-” The guy in the teal pants took a small step backwards, but another guy – a bigger guy, Bitty noticed – put an arm around his shoulders, pulling him closer.
“What, you got somewhere to be that’s better?”
“I just- like I said, I’m flattered,” teal jeans guy said, “but I-”
“Come on,” and now Bitty was close enough to see that the other guy was sneering. “Baby, you’re obviously dressed for it. Are you really trying to tell me your twink ass wasn’t gonna get picked up?”
“I- please-”
Bitty heard the slight tremor in teal jeans guy’s voice. Oh no, this was not going to happen, not on his watch. Bitty caught the eye of one of the employees, who nodded and moved toward the pair. He knew Tim was a good guy, and he was huge… Bitty wasn’t stupid, he wanted to help, but if things got ugly, he knew he couldn’t really do much to stop the other guy.
Quickly sliding up to teal jeans guy, he let his voice get louder, putting as much force behind the volume as he could, and desperately hoping that teal jeans guy would understand that he was trying to help him.
“Oh, there you are sweetpea! I’ve been lookin’ all over for you! Definitely my fault, I thought you said we were gonna meet later, and then I was all rushed – but here you are!” He put an arm around his back, a bit higher than he normally might have if this guy were actually his boyfriend, but he didn’t want to make him any more uncomfortable than he already was. Bitty was halfway up on tiptoe to press a soft kiss to the guy’s cheek to really sell it when he froze. Bitty knew that face, even though he hadn’t seen it since his sophomore year of college.
Kent Parson.
Kent Parson was here. In Chicago. At George’s, getting ice cream. And Bitty had been about to kiss him. This revelation completely stopped him in his tracks, but for his part Kent went with it, his eyes widening slightly as he saw Bitty, but relaxing a second later as he leaned down and pressed a feather-light kiss to Bitty’s jaw.
“Hey babe,” he said softly. “Was about to text you, thanks for finding me.”
Bitty heard the unspoken thank you under this innocuous sentence.
The other guy scoffed. “Figures you’d find the one guy twinkier than you.”
Before either Kent or Bitty could say anything else, Tim growled up from behind the other guy. “We got a problem?”
Bitty smirked as the asshole went about four shades paler, and gently pulled Kent away. “Come on honey, let’s get out of here.”
Kent glanced back once, but quickly followed.
Once they were about a block away, Bitty dropped his hand, trying not to think about the part of him that missed its warm weight in his.
“Um,” Kent said, “that guy, um, is he…” he trailed off a bit, looking lost.
“Oh sure, Tim’ll be fine. He sort of acts as an unofficial bouncer, and he’s helped me out of a couple jams before. I’ve been where you were,” he explained, “honestly, it’s like men are determined to be trash across all sexualities. Ugh, I’m sorry you had to deal with that.”
Kent just gave him a soft smile. “Thanks for the rescue, Eric.”
For the second time in ten minutes, Bitty’s brain stuttered to a halt. “You- you remember me? I mean,” he added quickly, “I definitely know who you are, but back there didn’t seem like the place to say. You had enough unwanted attention and- lord, here I go rambling when I asked you a question-” A horrible thought occurred to Bitty. If Kent remembered him from Epikegster all those years ago, he probably didn’t have the best opinion of him for eavesdropping on what had been a very private conversation.
“Yeah, I remember you,” Kent said. His face has the slightest blush, but his voice seemed easy. “You were really nice about asking for selfies… and you were the only one who asked me something about myself at that party,” he said. “Well, something that didn’t involve hockey.”
Bitty didn’t want to leave the elephant in the room, but before he could say anything, Kent beat him to it.
“I uh… I also remember you from outside Zi- Jack’s room,” he said, and now Kent was blushing in earnest. “So, um. I know you probably don’t- well, thanks for helping me, especially since you probably don’t like me much.”
Kent shuffled his feet, and Bitty’s heart clenched. “Oh honey, no,” he said. Kent’s eyes snapped up to meet his from where they’d been examining a piece of gum on the sidewalk.
“You don’t have to lie to make me feel better,” he said softly. “It’s okay.”
“I’m not lying though,” Bitty said. “Sure, there was a while there where I hated you,” and as he said it, Kent winced, though he looked like he was trying to hide it. That wouldn’t do. Bitty kept talking, trying to get the words out fast enough that he could erase that look from Kent’s face.
“But as I kept thinking about it, I just… honey, I realized that whatever went on, I didn’t know everything, y’know? There was a whole history there, and a door between me’n y’all… and lord knows I’ve seen Jack be a jerk. He’s been one to me enough before. And I’d be a big ol’ hypocrite if I got mad at you for saying things in the heat of the moment, goodness knows that I’ve done that before when I got mad at someone. Jack even said once that y’all both owed each other apologies… honey, I couldn’t hate you anymore for that.”
Kent looked about as lost and confused as Bitty had felt a few minutes ago. “Wow,” he said. “I don’t think I’ve ever heard anyone be that nice to their boyfriend’s ex before,” he said, though his eyes had gone soft again and he looked grateful.
“Boy- what are you talking about, Kent?”
And Kent looked confused again. “Aren’t… you and Jack… I mean…”
Oh. Okay, now some things made sense, and as this last piece clicked into place, the knowledge that Kent was aware of Jack’s bisexuality from personal confirmation threw the Epikegster fight into clarity for him. “Kent, no… no, we’re not,” Bitty said gently.
“But – but I saw how he was looking at you. I know what that look means,” he said.
Bitty chuckled. “That makes one of us. I had no idea until he kissed me at his graduation.”
“He didn’t.”
“He did. Ran across campus and everything. But being honest? He’d never given me the slightest hint that he wasn’t straight as an arrow, and I’d gone and gotten over my crush a few months earlier. Plus, he hadn’t ever really apologized to me for all the trouble he’d put me through my freshman year.”
Kent looked like at least this sentiment he understood.
Bitty took a chance. “We’re still friends. But after a while, you know, once I was a few boyfriends into my own love life, I realized that whatever was between y'all – and lord, I am not fixing to pry into your business, that is between y'all two, not me – anyway, whatever it was, there was probably more happening than I realized. So I figured it wasn't worth dwelling on, y'know?"
Kent was looking at him with such a soft smile that Bitty felt stripped bare, open and vulnerable, but he didn’t feel exposed. The air around him felt strange, like something was happening, or beginning to happen, and whatever it was would put Bitty on a path forward.
Kent bit his lip, rubbing his neck. Then he gave Bitty a sort of hopeful grin. "So... I don't actually know what you do for a living, so feel free to tell me to fuck off... but do have any advice for how to spend my afternoon? I only ever get here for games, and like, this city is supposed to be really pretty this time of year?"
Bitty laughed. "So you visit hockey cities during the off season?"
Kent shrugged, looking a little embarrassed, but he didn’t deny it. "I don't really have anything to do until August, and I make more money than I'm ever gonna spend anyway. Might as well see the sights. I travel a lot for games, but we're never anywhere long enough to..." he paused, fingers grasping like he was trying to find the right word.
"To breathe?" Bitty supplied, thinking that if his earlier guess about Kent was correct, and he also wasn't out to his team, he could certainly understand wanting to get away from Vegas and just be another faceless tourist.
Kent nodded. “Is…” he started to talk, but then cut himself off, like maybe Bitty wouldn’t want to hear it.
“Go ahead hun,” Bitty nodded.
“…is it weird that I still kinda want ice cream?”
Bitty laughed. “No, not at all. But for obvious reasons, I think we oughta go somewhere else.”
“We?” Kent seemed more shocked by this than anything.
“Sure, hun. I was there for ice cream too.” Unless Kent wanted to be by himself? “I mean, I’m not trying to impose or anything,” he said.
“Eric, you live here.”
“Exactly,” he argued. “I live here, I can go wherever I want, whenever I want. You’re only here for a little while, I don’t wanna ruin your vacation.”
“You already saved it,” Kent said softly.
“Well then,” Bitty said, knowing by now that Kent would try to hide this unplanned admission under a layer of sarcasm, “let’s get goin’. I know another place that’s got great frozen custard and is only a half mile from the beach.”
Lord, how could anyone in the media ever think they’d seen Kent Parson’s real smile? Compared to this one, the Media Smirk™ was clearly pasted on and faker than a soccer mom’s blonde highlights.
They walked along, chatting companionably about a host of topics, both easily keeping up conversation. Bitty frequently found himself wanting to hold Kent’s hand again, which was weird, considering he’d only held it before for about thirty seconds, and that had all been a ruse anyway.
Roughly forty-five minutes later, they both had big cones of frozen custard. Bitty had chosen chocolate, but he couldn’t stop staring at Kent’s vanilla. Not because he wished he’d chosen that flavor… but because he couldn’t stop staring at Kent’s tongue as he licked long, swirling stripes around the twisted curly-que of his cone. He was positive that Kent wasn’t doing it on purpose. But lord, it was doing things to him to keep watching it. Things. Things like making him imagine what it might be like to kiss Kent.
“Huh?” Bitty shook his head, dislodging the glorious image of Kent pinning him on a long beach chair and giving him cold sweet kisses that tasted like vanilla until he couldn’t remember his own name. He shouldn’t be thinking like that.
Kent smiled, giving his ice cream another lick. “You said something about a beach,” he repeated. “I mean, we’re probably like, fifteen hundred miles from the ocean in either direction, but I could definitely get us plane tickets if you’re really that desperate.”
And there was a thought. Kent probably would do it too, if Bitty asked him to. For a fleeting moment, Bitty almost considered taking him up on it… but he knew he had a client meeting tomorrow afternoon.
“Oceans aren’t the only beaches in this country, Mr. Parson,” he said, bumping his shoulder against Kent’s, and feeling a flush of warmth when Kent blushed and bumped him back. “Come on, let’s go.”
The ice cream was finished before they rounded the last block, which was good for a few reasons. Bitty wasn’t sure how much longer he could handle watching Kent’s tongue, but he also wanted to be able to fully appreciate Kent’s face when he saw the lake for the first time. He pulled out his phone in anticipation, hoping he could get a decent picture. Bitty wasn’t disappointed. They curved around from Thorndale to Sheridan and there she was, laid out in glittering deep cerulean glory.
Kent gasped softly, and Bitty stayed half a step to the side as he clicked a quick picture of the look of absolute surprise and delight on Kent’s face as he looked out over Lake Michigan. He checked to make sure the picture had taken, and gasped himself. The look on Kent’s face was so – it was – it was perfect. Bitty looked up. He had to see if the real Kent was as beautiful as the photograph.
The photograph didn’t do him justice. The line of his shoulders was open and relaxed, and Bitty followed it up to Kent’s jaw, his mouth gently curving in a delighted smile, his eyes, soft and beautiful, reflecting the bright blue of the lake, his sun-kissed freckles on his nose, and his flyaway golden hair, sunlight made substance as it blew in the soft breeze. This boy… this beautiful boy.
Without quite knowing how it happened, Bitty found his hands closing around Kent’s, who finally looked away from the lake and met Bitty’s eyes.
“Thank you,” Kent murmured. “Thank you so much, Eric. I- Today’s been-”
“Can I kiss you?” The question came out in a whisper, Bitty having asked without consciously deciding to.
Kent’s eyes went wide, his face flushing, though with embarrassment or want, Bitty wasn’t sure. Bitty watched as his eyes shifted, first going a bit grey, then green seeping in. When Kent spoke, it was in a voice even softer than Bitty’s.
“You really want to?”
He sounded so hopeful, but wary, like he expected to hear Bitty change his mind, to offer something he desperately wanted only to take it away.
Bitty couldn’t make the words come out, so he just nodded, bringing one hand up to gently brush his fingers through Kent’s hair.
Kent didn’t wait any longer, leaning down and meeting Bitty’s lips with his own, tentative and shy at first. Bitty’s eyes dropped closed as he let his fingertips slide through Kent’s hair, down his neck, gripping his shoulder. He wanted to hold Kent, to pull him closer, but he also didn’t want to lose the warmth of Kent’s hand in his.
Kent didn’t seem to want to lose it either. One of his hands found its way to Bitty’s waist and curled him closer. Bitty took the hint and pushed himself up on his tiptoes, wanting to be closer, to feel himself entirely pressed up against Kent, to feel every one of his muscles as Kent held him in turn.
After a minute – or several sunlit days, Bitty wasn’t sure – they broke apart, foreheads touching, fingers still intertwined, both breathing a bit heavy. Bitty broke the silence first.
“You got plans for dinner?” he asked, voice a bit husky.
Kent’s answering chuckle was just as deep. “Whatever you’re doing is good enough for me.”
“How long’re you here for?” he asked, meaning Chicago. But Kent’s response sent a thrill through him down to his toes, and Bitty knew that his earlier feeling had been right. This was definitely a new path, but he knew he’d be on this one for good.
“As long as you’ll have me.”
“An awful long time then.”
Kent’s kisses did taste like vanilla.
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@eidetictelekinetic tagged me on my personal blog to talk about my WIPs, so I’m directing it over here for neatness’ sake! (Also, for my own sanity, I’m only going to discuss stuff I’m actively working on/planning)
Chapters for Already Published Stories:
Too Wise to Peaceably Woo, Chapter 22 (or 23, if you’re on FF.net): pretty sure most of y’all are familiar with this one, but I’ll give you a little snippet just to be fair!
“I am well-versed in my brother’s tendency to revert to a childlike state when he is ill, and I do not want to force any serving girl to deal with that.”
“A wise woman and a kind one,” the housekeeper chuckles. “Although I feel I would be remiss in not telling you that it is not just your brother who becomes a man-child when sick.”
“Eothred?” Lothiriel guesses.
“Of course. And Gamling as well. Even a certain king is known to behave less like a man grown and more like a petulant child when afflicted with a head cold.”
Lothiriel cannot help but laugh at that particular thought: Eomer, curled in his bed, frowning mightily at a bowl of soup. “I can only imagine.”
“I can imagine you’ll one day see it for yourself,” Merthwyn retorts, grin widening when Lothiriel blushes.
with urgency, but not with haste, chapter 5: aka my poor neglected MCU WIP in which Steve Rogers has a habit of meeting beautiful dark-haired women with mysterious backgrounds in coffeeshops
She chuckles as she sets their coffees down on their usual table. “There are worse things than being interested in the woman you’re on a date with, Steve. I’ve seen plenty of bad blind dates and awkward elbows in my time. It’s refreshing, seeing a couple get along so well.”
“Did you take her to dinner?” Andrew interrupts, his eagerness taking years off of his face. “Escort her home? You young folk don’t do that enough now, but I expect you’ve got more sense than most--”
Steve never met his father, and the memory of his mother’s face fades more every day, no matter how much he tries to hold on to it, but fending off Maria and Andrew’s well-meant meddling feels...familial.
Stuff To Be Published:
None Left to Protest, aka the Sequel to Too Wise to Peaceably Woo: which I can’t tell anymore detail about without spoiling the current story. Just know there’s going to be one!
Something Good: aka the Eomer/Lothiriel Sound of Music-based AU nobody asked for but by God I’m going to write it anyways.
“What’s your name?” She asks, keeping her voice soft. Lothiriel knows a shy child when she sees one, and the way the boy fidgets and keeps his gaze from staying on hers too long all but screams shyness.
“Eodric,” he says, quietly, and then, with a stutter, like he’s only just remembered, “m-my lady.”
The King’s bastard, she realizes. No wonder he had been looking for some peace in the garden, away from the curious and often cruel eyes of the court.
“Hm,” Lothiriel says, “let us agree that here, in the gardens, you need not call me lady. Most ladies do not get dirt on their gowns or keep leaves in their hair.”
The small but bright smile he shoots her is a lovely thing, made even lovelier when he ambles closer and asks her to sing another song.
Being the Sun: aka the Theodred Lives!AU in which there will be Pain and Angst but also Fluff and a Mostly-Happy Ending
Orcs come. And come. There are too many, he knows this, Grimbold knows this, and yet they cannot surrender.
At least I will die a noble death, he thinks, when the second arrow pierces his leg, at least I will die a worthy son of the House of Eorl--
Darkness descends.
A voice, familiar and beloved--”I do not care what it takes, save him, spare him, for I cannot, the Mark cannot--”
He wakes, at last, and finds his cousins looking down at him.
tagging @grannyweatherwaxofficial @essayofthoughts @mithrilstarlight @tobermoriansass
#my writing#themightypen#Niamh has already yelled at me like 20 times about the Theodred Lives one#which is mostly her fault anyways
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tag meme take two
I was tagged by @jeffersonjaxson - thank you babe :)
1. what was the first fandom you remember being a part of?
harry potter. I joined it when I was about 13, embarrassingly for the hinny fandom, and left it at about seventeen when I was at my peak shipping the weasley-potter cousins together, lol.
2. who would your Dream Team of characters be?
laurel lance, iris west, amaya jiwe and james olsen. the unappreciated and badly treated faves of mine.
3. what is your opinion on AUs?
I used to avoid them at all costs when I considered canon this sacred thing that I could never go against. but since I started learning to criticise canon things have changed, a lot. also I’ve realised multiple earths can exist, which means aus can be canon-compliant, technically. and I also have such a weakness for soulmate and coffee shop aus.
4. favourite potential ship. you know the one where one half died or left before they could become a THING, but in your heart they were/should have been.
LAURYSSA. they were going to be canon but then idk exactly why but they changed their minds and I will forever be bitter because they were literal soulmates. also laurel’s not dead nope
5. fave poly ship/ot3s?
MERLANCEQUEEN. I could write a freaking novel about their funtimes as young adults.
also westhallen, killerflashvibe, killervibestorm, atomic hawkmates, smoaking canarrow, smoaking flarrow, westallenqueen, constancanarrow.
6. are you the head, heart, or hands? how much do personality tests fit you?
head or heart, probably. personality tests hardly ever fit me tbh.
7. odd habit or thing you do?
according to you I swallow pills weirdly because I drink the water first and then take the pill. which I did not think was wrong?
8. favourite Dead Character
tommy merlyn. my MAN. I miss him.
9. fave thing you’ve ever written/giffed/stanned?
maybe the chase, an earth-7 lauryssa fic, because I love writing green arrow dinah. it’s the best thing ever. and I know it didn’t get much love but I really enjoyed writing and all I want is that you extend your hand to me (nsfw) because smoaking canarrow rocks my socks.
I like this lot one and this olicity one (nsfw) because I just think the lyrics/verse goes really well with the images.
10. notps? (go off y’all)
I’m too exhausted to say much, but k@ramel is the most vile ship ever and I hate it with every fibre of my being tbh. she hated his guts and so did we. why they decided to have her tell him she loved him when he literally called her arrogant and full of herself and she called him a fucking dudebro I have no clue. it makes me so angry that they threw away karolsen - a healthy and beautiful and wholesome interracial ship - in favour of this garbage.
11. Hollywood Chris ranking.
I honestly can’t think of a single film I’ve seen any of the chrises in, and that’s me being serious. (I know. I can’t believe it either) let’s see - probably hemsworth, pine, evans, pratt.
I’ve already done my share of the questions, but if anyone wants to answer these questions and say I tagged them, feel free!
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