#y’all can thank my friend Oli for that one lol
duncans-idahoe · 5 months
I already made a post with a link to my Reiner playlist but here are links to all of my AOT character playlists!
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n-anon · 3 years
Fallout (Chapter 1)
Disclaimer: I don’t know how long this will be yet in terms of chapters, BUT THIS IS A SEQUEL SERIES. If you’re planning to read this, Please read My multi-chapter series of Ready Aim Fire, this will have spoilers to that! I’m linking it down below just so y’all can do so.
Ready Aim Fire Chapters: 1 2 3 4 5
Okay done? All good? Then lets go.
Description: And as the ashes settle, everyone tries to return to what’s normal....And what’s left.
(TW: mentions of death, burning, and self-blame)
“Its been two weeks. His funerals on Tuesday. Are you coming?” Marvin stared at his hands. Still imagining the fire as it leaked through is fingers, he sighed, staring up at Schneep. “....Yeah. Of course.” Schneep nodded, jotting it down, he then set down the notepad, and grabbed  the cup of coffee, drinking from it eagerly, “Okay. Now talk to me.”  Marvin scowled, “I-I can’t. You know that.” Schneep hummed, “Can’t? Or Won’t? Jackie told me you will hardly speak to him. Hell, you can’t even look JJ in the eye. You did what you needed. It doesn’t make it any easier, yes. But locking yourself up for it in your own little mind prison and not talking is going to make it worse.” Marvin grit his teeth, the urge to just-burst out. Let it all burn.....let it go. He couldn’t. Not now. “Also. Jackie says the police need an account, they want it to go well with the public....That you didn’t mean to burn it down.” Marvin opened his mouth angrily, but Schneep cut him off, “I know you meant to burn it down, we all do. But ze people don’t. They want assurances that as Jackie’s new sidekick you weren’t trying to burn it down. That’s what their calling you by the way.” 
Marvin snorted. He was hardly a sidekick. He was the whole damn show...but the show was a mess. He nodded silently, “Can I go now?” Schneep sighed, then took another sip from his coffee, “Yes. Again, if you ever need to talk....well-You know.” the Magician nodded and with that he stormed out, unintentionally slamming the door as Schneep winced, and turned back to his work. He grabbed his pencil and began working, yet again. Of course, Marvin wasn’t the only one going through something right now...they were all suffering. The pieces were on the floor, and he didn’t know who was going to pick them up. Not without.....Nein. They would make it. It would be hard.....But they had to. His phone rang and he answered. “Dr. Schneeplestein’s office, how can I help you today?” 
JJ stood at the pier, staring at the spot. His fists were clenched, remnants...ashes. That’s all it was now. No heartbeat. Nothing he could do. The blaring yellow of the caution tape surrounding what little was left of them....He was happy. Sad.....All mixtures of emotions he couldn’t express out loud. He thought that when he died...It would return. That he could finally....But that was a dream, a false hope that kept him going. And now? All that was left was just the rubble. He felt the hand on his shoulder and the familiar steps. “Jameson? If you’re not ready we can-” He shook his head, and walked forward, glancing at the crumbled warehouse, “I just want to make sure there are no weird temporal differences...is all. They still found the knife, like you-made....them do. I’m just...worried, call it double checking.” Jackie told him that afternoon, JJ was eager to at least get out of the house, seeing boxes piled up near his door was too much to bare. If he was just stronger-No. They would’ve eventually found out. At least, that’s what he told himself. Jackie motions to the security guards, he had told them that JJ was a private investigator friend, he just wanted to double check, what little the police force knew of Anti-before...this, wasn’t much, but they understood he was dangerous, and could probably kill everyone in town if he wasn’t actually dead. He walked, looking around, what was left of the body of Chase had been removed. He sighed, closing his eyes as tears came up, he couldn’t think of that right now. He had to focus. He reached out for anything. Any sign, looking at his wrists he remembered the connection that was there before everything went wrong. Nothing. Not even a yoink. He turned to Jackie, and shook his head. Jackie seemed to relax, as he patted JJ on the shoulder, and the man left in a daze, he needed to get out. To breathe. Jackie stayed behind to talk to the cops, as he made the long journey home.
Stacy Brody wasn’t sure if she should be relieved or just dying inside, but she cried anyway. Finding out that Chase did none of the things he thought he did, Jackie’s final explanation filled with words of vitriol and persuasion, her mind swam as she tried to wrap her mind around it all, but one thing was clear. Chase had died a hero. And she was going to do what little she could to make sure he had a funeral like one. “Mommy?” She turned to see their-her youngest son, still wearing that hat Chase gave him, he looked so much like-She wiped the tears from her eyes and turned off the sink, “What’s wrong?” She asked, turning to him and pulling on her best smile, “Nothing, honey. Just remembering your dad.” The boys expression grew muted, sad, quiet, “Oh.” She had surmised he would know what was happening soon enough anyway, and what kind of mother would she be if she kept that from them? They deserved to know what happened...what kind of person their dad was, before they started forgetting, anyway. “Is...Are Uncle Jackie and the rest gonna be at the funeral?” Her son asked in a quiet voice, “Of course honey, they’ve assured me they’ll make it.” She knew the kids all loved their adoptive ‘Uncles’ “Now, where’s your sister?” The boy crossed his arms, “She’s still in her room.” Stacy sighed, “Okay. I’ll go talk to her, its time for both of you to get to bed anyway. Its late.” The boy pouted, “But mom-” Stacy walked up and picked him up, he was just 8, and she was tired. “C’mon, help me go get your sister to bed, alright, Grayson? You gotta be strong for mommy. If you go to bed early we can read that story about sharks you love so much.” Her sons eyes lit up and she smiled softly, as he ranted on about sharks, she closed her eyes, we’ll be fine. I think.
‘Oh, so you’re new? Welcome to the group chat! You got a name or nickname you use?’
‘You can just call me Blip for the moment, I usually go by that lol. Sorry to hear about your dad D: that really sucks. If you need someone to talk to, I’m here. We all are, I think. Anyway yeah I know we’ve just met but hey, if you need someone to talk to...’
‘Absolutely! We’ll help you in anyway, if you need anything, we’ll be here for ya Oli.’ 
‘Thanks guys... I might honestly just take a quick break from....everything, ya know?’
‘Understandable, take all the time you need!’
‘Yeah. I think I can figure out how this place works before too long :P’
Oli laughed at the comment, and smiled, she was glad her friends understood that, she let out a hiccup and wiped the tears from her eyes. She just didn’t know what to think right now, Everyone online was saying it was an accident. She wasn’t stupid. She knew Uncle Marvin had something to do with it, and the funeral was the best place to confront him about it, they needed to know the truth, if not for her for Grayson...at least. She sighed as a knock on the door came, and she exited the chat without much of a goodbye, and laid in bed, “Olivia honey, are you awake?” Her mothers voice creeped through, she let out a very fake snore, hoping she’d take the hint as her mother sighed, “Okay...Love you honey.” She heard the door close as she just buried her face in the pillow, and eventually she fell asleep for real, dreaming of fire.
(A/N: THIS IS A LONG BOI. Also sorry for this very sudden, very out of nowhere sequel series, @rogue-of-broken-time’s post about posting fics we never thought we would make really got me thinking, and eventually thinking got me to go like ‘lol what if I wrote a sequel series based in this uni about the aftermath. And yes the sons name is Grayson cuz haha references, and if you get that reference, you get a gold star. Hope you enjoyed, and as for how long this series is gonna be-Uh...No idea lol We’ll see. This is just mostly set-up. If you want to be added to the tag list, as always, send me a DM, comment below, or ask, and I’ll get right on it!)
Tag List: @segernatural @pyranoia @caithesavage777 @vwoop-prince @antis-gauge @heely-um @therealtiger77 @a-bnana @randowaffle @sharkyg @miishae @innocent-angel3  @darcywillfindyou @asexualerror
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spikey-boiii · 7 years
Alright I’m on 3% battery but here we fuckin’ go.
Tagged by @entethedragonduck (Thanks man!!)
Rules: Answer the questions and tag 20 of your followers you would like to get to know better (I can garuntee you it wont be 20 lol)
•Name: Oliver
•Nickname: Oli (More common than my real name, tbh), Grey (My middle name) and Minty Boi (I just really love mint, okay??)
•Zodiac Sign: Libra by the old ones, Virgo by the new ones.
•Height: Idfk. Taller than 5′3 beacuse that’s the height of the friend I always make fun of for being small, but I don’t know outside that.
•Orientation: As in sexual? I’m asexua, panromantic and polyamorous :)
•Ethnicity: Err... Irish/ British / Northern Irish? Look, unless you live here you don’t realise how awkward a question that is :/
•Favorite Fruit: It changes. I go through phases of craving different kinds of fruits, but right now I’m on a pineapple phase.
•Favorite Season: Autumn. It’s pretty, it’s like my perfect temperature, autumn gale-force winds are best winds, my birthday AND halloween. I love autumn.
•Favorite Book Series: Skulduggery Pleasant (I mean like. Duh.)
•Favorite Flower: French Lavenders, just because I pointed one out to my dad once when I was seven years old and he was so impressed I knew its name. So they’re really nostalgic in a good way.
•Favorite Scent: Campfires (I grew up camping.)
•Favorite Color: I used to be a die-hard lover of green, but I’m more of a blue/purple dude right now. Galaxy-esque colours (I just really freaking love space)
• Coffee, Tea, or Cocoa: Tea. Peppermint tea. Green peppermint tea. Green peppermint softmint tea. Man, I want tea now...
• Cat or Dog person: Dog person. I used to have two border collies growing up, but we can’t get any other dogs because my mum runs a cake business from home and it’d drop her hygeine rating. But my heart just absolutely melts when I see dogs. Me and my girlfriend literally spend half our time sitting in parks and waiting for dog walkers to go past so we can pet their dogs. I LOVE DOGS.
•Average sleep hours: Used to be like 3, but since summer started, like 8. I’m still constantly tired though :/
•Favorite Fictional Characters: You can’t ask this question! Uum... Jesper Fahey (Six of Crows), Kaz Brekker (Six of Crows), Saracen Rue (Skulduggery), Finbar Wrong (Skulduggery), Rosa Diaz (Brooklyn Nine-Nine), Genya (The Grisha Trilogy), Kelly (Demon Road) and I’m gonna stop there before I get carried away.
•Number of Blankets you sleep with?: One, which I usually kick off during the night anyways.
•Dream Trip: A road trip across Europe, no plan or anything. Just drive from one country to the next, busking my way for money and seeing where the world takes me. It’s been my dream for years.
•Blog Created: Maybe, like, just over a year ago??? Maybe???
•Number of Followers: 859 (Which is crazy like dude, whoa 0.0 )
I tag @theunconventionalking @marfach @iamnotcreativeokay @laurennnevanss @kulibrisk @the-crystal-queen (Told y’all it wouldn’t be 20 lol)
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