#y/n x douma
vaseoflilies · 4 months
Elysian Fields Chapter 2: Forget It
warning: nothing too intense a/n: this is cross posted on AO3 if you're interested!!
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This time, you awoke screaming.  
Your leg felt like it was on fire, and while your mind was clearer, your body ached. The sight of your pale, tear-stained face in the large mirror in front of you scared you. Where were you? What happened? Why did everything hurt? Should you try to leave? No, you needed to leave.
Nothing in the room stood out except for the expensive-looking shoji doors and the IV stand, from which two bags of saline were hanging. The floor appeared to be hardwood, but there were a few red stains near the entrance. As you looked around, the doors slid open. You haphazardly grabbed your thigh in pain, making whimpering noises so pathetic that you couldn’t believe they were coming from you.
You felt a wave of fear when a person walked in - a diminutive woman wearing a familiar blue kimono. “I’m not going to hurt you,” she muttered, her voice as soft as a whisper. She gently closed the doors behind her and approached your side. “You’re safe. Everything is okay. Do you remember what happened?”
Her words brought a slight calm over you. However, your leg didn’t share the sentiment. “Fuck,” you groaned, clawing at the blanket with your newly manicured nails. When did that happen? “Why is it burning so badly?”
Her eyebrows rose, and she quickly moved to remove the blanket covering your leg. “My apologies,” she said, bowing slightly as she began to readjust your bandages. “The doctor tied them quite tight when she changed them earlier. How does it feel now?”
The pain decreased dramatically. “Thank you,” you managed to cough out, prompting her to bring a glass of water from the bedside to your lips. “Who are you? Where am I?”
She gave you a soft smile and gently brushed the wisps of hair from your face. Oddly enough, you let her. “You’re safe,” she reassured you. She helped you sit up slightly and took the braid out of your hair. You eyed her carefully in the mirror. “You have been rescued and are now in the hospital. I am your nurse, Jun.”
Rescued? Surprisingly, you couldn’t recall much about how you ended up here in the first place. “What happened?” Your brow furrowed as you contemplated the situation and examined your leg. “I was injured, wasn’t I?”
You only had a vague sense of your identity. 
You could still remember your family, your childhood village, and your name. A few familiar faces caught your eye, but you couldn’t associate them with their names. You remembered the sensation of mud in the rain and a burning rage. There was a flash of memory of you waking up for the first time and slapping Jun’s hand away. Beyond that, you were lost.
“Yes,” she slowly nodded, finishing the braid. “You’re very lucky to be alive right now.”
Taking a sharp breath, you said, “Just give it to me straight.” You crossed your hands on your lap, bracing yourself for the worst. “Tell me what happened.”
She moved to the corner of the room, where a large brass bell sat. “That’s not my place,” she said, picking up the bell and ringing it. You winced at the loud sound. “I’m just your nurse.”
Shortly after, an elderly woman with flecks of gray hair appeared. She was dressed in a considerably lighter kimono that bordered on being almost greenish-blue. Her obi was exquisite, featuring floral stitches and cream-colored silk. Despite her beautiful clothing, the woman entered the room with a sour expression, as if she had just eaten something rotten.
“This better be important,” she said to Jun, who bowed and apologized for the interruption. “Ah.”
Her eyes met yours, and she offered a small smile. However, the way her lips moved suggested that it wasn’t genuine, which made you wonder what was wrong. “You’re not planning to remove your IV and dash down the halls, are you?”
Her words helped you piece together some details from the first time you woke up. Nothing hurt except for the itch from the IV, but you remembered feeling almost paralyzed with fear. What had terrified you? Talking to Jun had helped alleviate your fear because she was gentle and seemed trustworthy. But remembering how you felt and not being able to recall why made the fear creep back up like a vine.
“No,” you sighed, lost in thought. “I felt like I was dreaming; I was so out of it. Yet, there was this piercing fear that told me to run.”
With pity in her eyes, Jun took your hand in hers. The woman, who you assumed to be the doctor, pursed her lips and wore a skeptical expression. “Fear, huh?” She adjusted your IV stand and moved over to your wounded thigh. “You may call me Dr. Isha. Now, tell me, what do you remember?”
You winced as she began unwrapping your bandages. You shared your name, your age, and basic details of your life before pausing. “I had to go somewhere, I think. Somewhere important. Somewhere that took me a long time by foot.”
You gasped slightly upon seeing your bandages undone, revealing a large gash running from your knee to your inner thigh. Stitches were woven between the cuts, molding the flesh together. A good part of it had already healed, but a section on the inner thigh looked fresher. “During your fun rendezvous, you broke the stitches,” she grumbled as she took out a thick gel and applied it to the wounds. “You’ve certainly been an interesting patient.”
Jun gave your hand a tighter squeeze at her words. For whatever reason, you liked Jun. Her presence was comforting. Though, in the back of your mind, you felt bad about swatting her hand away in the cafeteria. You made a mental note to apologize later. “I’m sorry.”
“It’s not your fault,” she said as she got out a bandage and began rewrapping your leg. “It’s my fault for not having someone watch you around the clock.”
“Is everything okay, sensei?” Jun asked, choosing her words carefully. “I’ve been practicing in the clinic. If you need me to, I can take it from here.”
“Nonsense,” Dr. Isha began, her tone tense. “My personal feelings will not interfere with my work, understand?”
“Yes, sensei.”
The room was unusually quiet as she worked, except for your winces and slight moans of pain as she tightened the bandages. Why was Dr. Isha so tense with you? What else had you done that made her dislike you? “Did Jun make you aware of your injuries?”
You shook your head as she tied the last bandage.
“You cut your femoral artery and struck your head,” she stated rather bluntly. “You were attacked by a bear in the forest. No wonder you were scared.”
You were not expecting that.
Attacked by a bear? That explains the debilitating fear. But why does it linger? Does it have to do with the injury? Jun gave the doctor a stern look before handing you another glass of water. “What she means to say is that you are very lucky to be alive and we are glad you are here with us today.”
Dr. Isha raised her eyebrows mockingly. “To be blunt, you have been in a coma for several months.” Jun patted you on the back as you choked on the water. “We do not have all of the technology in this hospital, so your case was difficult to manage. You awoke occasionally, if only for a few minutes, aggressive and unable to understand what others were saying.”
You remained silent. What could you even say to that? Jun seemed to understand and rubbed your back soothingly. Just how much have you let yourself go through?
“Where is this hospital anyway?” You attempted to sit more upright, your leg aching. “What area are we in?”
Dr. Isha moved to the IV stand again and began taking your vitals as Jun spoke. “You’re in Paradise now,” she said, giving you a big, dimpled smile. “I think you will be happy here.”
Paradise? You didn’t remember if that was on a map or not. “Is that near Okinawa?”
Dr. Isha laughed loudly as she removed the IV from your arm and applied a bandage. You let out a slight hiss. “We are in the mountains, but do not worry; Paradise can be found even in the harshest climate.”
She smiled sincerely this time, which you found unsettling. “What do you mean?” As she finished checking your vitals and removing your IV, you gently stretched your arms. You felt better, if not hungry. “Are we in…”
“No, we are in Aokigahara.”
“The forest region?” You questioned, your eyebrows raised. That was a rather dangerous forest, if memory serves.
“Yes, Lord Douma experiences the strongest spiritual connection in this region,” she said, her voice higher-pitched than usual and her features softening. Was she blushing? “Since Lord Douma personally saved you, you have been accepted as a new member; normally, we do not accept new members during the summer.”
Jun helped you sit completely upright, to which she praised you for your strength even though you’d been comatose. “I’m sorry but I need to go.” Dr. Isha’s face fell at your words. “I feel like there is something crucial waiting for me at home…” You trailed off.
You couldn’t remember what it was. 
What was so important that it had you traveling? What did you forget? “I understand, but you are still recovering,” Dr. Isha began, as she wrapped up the trash and discarded it in the bin underneath your bedside table. “Our founder will be arriving shortly. Jun, I expect this place to be tidy and the guest to be dressed before our arrival. Take care.”
As Dr. Isha’s words echoed in the room, you were left alone with Jun. Her comforting presence was a stark contrast to the cold, clinical demeanor of the doctor. However, you weren’t upset with the doctor. A part of you empathized with her. After all, if you were a doctor, you wouldn’t even know the first thing to do about someone ripping out their IV and wandering through the hall. Still, you couldn’t help but wonder, what else had made her seem angry with you?
“Jun?” you began, watching the petite woman busily organizing medical equipment. “Why doesn’t Dr. Isha seem to like me very much?”
She stood up, made eye contact, and continued her work before responding. “Dr. Isha has been here the longest out of everyone,” she explained, grabbing some glass cleaner and beginning to clean the already spotless mirror. “She was Lord Douma’s advisor for many years until your arrival. She was demoted a few days after you caused that scene in the cafeteria.” Her words hung in the air, adding a new layer of complexity to your situation.
Wow. Another thing you did not expect. You’d always been known for being a bit difficult to care for, but thinking back, who was it that told you that in the first place? A voice hidden in the mist of your mind spoke, “Even when injured, you and your brother are still as difficult as always.” The voice echoed in your mind—a ghost from the past. It was familiar, yet distant. You racked your brain, trying to place the voice, but it was like trying to catch smoke with your bare hands.
You perked up. Whose voice was that? What memory was that from? You saw fields of sunflowers and hyottoko masks and smelled the familiar scent of something burning. What was this? 
“Jun,” you began, your voice barely above a whisper as you placed your head in your hands. “What’s wrong with my head? Small fragments of memories come back to me, but I can’t piece them all together.”
Having finished with the cleaning, Jun moved closer. “Memory is a tricky, funny thing,” she said softly. “You were injured; please remember that. I wish we knew everything we possibly could, but Dr. Isha believes your memories will return with time. Won’t you stay so we can help?”
She had a point. 
Logically, you knew wandering about in the middle of the forest, especially in your current condition, was not the wisest decision. You were certain you were familiar with forests, but you didn’t know if you’d ever been to Aokigahara. Being lost while wounded sounded far worse than being cared for, hydrated, clothed, and fed.
“Alright,” you finally conceded, sinking back into the bed. “I’ll stay… for now. But you do need to explain what being a member means.” Jun’s face lit up at your words, and for the first time since you woke up, you felt a small sense of relief for making a decision.
This was the right one. Right?
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nejiverse · 1 year
Douma, Akaza, Kokushibo
In which Y/n sees everyone again after a long time. Based on the scene in the infinity castle. Fem! Reader
cw: nothing really, our boys here have a soft spot for y/n, suggestive if you squint really hard, reader is upper rank 2 and everyone else is pushed down a rank except for Kokushibo
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850 words
"Where's my Y/n-chan~", Douma whined, looking around the infinity castle.
"Your Y/n?", Akaza clicked his tongue. "She doesn't even like you".
Gyokko nodded to the corner. "She's over there taking a damn nap", he shook his head at her hopelessness. "Upper rank two my ass".
Douma looked at where Gyokko was nodding towards where he saw Y/n, who was sleeping in a fetal position with her hands tucked against her chest.
Douma snickered with a hand up to his mouth. "I know what'll wake her up!".
The blondie approached her and squatted down.
His hand gripped her jaw, gently squeezing her cheeks which caused her mouth to fall open.
He proceeded use his index and middle finger to prod her mouth open before sliding them into her mouth.
Douma giggled as Y/n furrowed her brow as he stuck them all the way to the back of her mouth.
Once Y/n felt his sharp nails graze her throat, he eyes fell wide open, only to be met with Douma's sultry smirk that she knew all to well flashing down at her.
Y/n bit down hard on his two fingers. Really hard. To the point where she bit them off.
"Ouch Y/nn!", Douma frowned albeit his fingers regenerating immediately after.
Y/n sat up and let out a yawn before observing her surroundings. Everyone was here now except Muzan. She stretched her arms up, making her kimono fall off her shoulders a bit.
"You're so mean to me!", Douma sulked.
"Oh my sincerest apologies lord Douma!", she exclaimed, standing up and clasping her two hands together. "I'm not sure what came over me, but I should know my place", she inched towards the man, her chest against his and her eyes locked on his own, a pleading look plastered on her face while Douma looked down at her in amusement.
"I'd do anything for your forgiveness!", a grin slowly grew on her lips as she relaxed her eyebrows. "...Is what you would've wanted me to say, right?".
She laughed and backed away from him, the fact that his smug look was still plastered on his face annoyed her. "I'll leave that to your cult members".
Douma narrowed his eyes. "Got quite a mouth on you, don't you? Someone should teach you what to do with it".
Gyokko scoffed. "I can't even tell if they're flirting or arguing".
Y/n decided it was best to ignore Douma's comment and her eyes brightened upon seeing Akaza.
She enveloped him into a hug that made him unsteady on his feet, a blush immediately coating the apples of his cheeks.
"Akaza! Long time no see”.
Douma folded his arms childishly as Akaza looked at him with an overconfident, smug look as he spat his tongue out. Everyone knew Akaza was her favourite.
Despite this, poor Akaza was still weak to the touch of any woman.
“Oh yeah, I got you a present”, Y/n reached into her kimono, Akaza averting his gaze at anything else he could find.
She lifted his arm from his side and opened up his palm, placing the box into his hand.
“Open it! Open it!”.
When he did just that, he blinked at her. It was a hairpin.
“Are you sure this is for me?”, he sweatdropped.
“Of course it is! It goes with your hair colour so I got it for you”, she took it out of the box and stuck it in his hair.
Akaza smiled sweetly moving to stand behind her smaller figure. He took the hairpin out of his hair and put it in hers.
“I appreciate it but I believe it’ll look better on you”.
“Aw but lord Akaza, it suits you! It really brought out your eyes too~”, Douma burst out into laughter, holding his stomach.
“Don’t piss me off”, Akaza seethed between his clenched teeth. Suddenly, Douma’s bottom part of his face was destroyed by Akaza’s fist.
Douma smiled as his face regenerated. “Whoa! That was some punch! A bit stronger than before, would you say, lord Akaza?”.
The same fist Akaza used to hit Douma was severed by Kokushibo.
“Akaza”, he spoke. “You always go too far”.
“lord Kokushibo!”, Y/n bounced happily around him.
Kokushibo turned his head to her and brought his hands up to her chest, fixing her kimono so that it was up over her shoulders again.
“You shouldn’t let your kimono slip down like that, you’re a lady”.
She placed her hands on her hips. “Alright dad”, she mocked before smiling again.
“Aw it’s like a family reunion seeing all of you again!”.
“W-where have you been all this time?”, Hantengu asked.
Y/n hopped onto Kokushibo’s shoulders, patting his head which took the demon’s by surprise at the fact that he was allowing it.
“It’s a secret”, she brought a finger up to her lips.
It was evident that Muzan had arrived when Kokushibo lifted Y/n down and teleported back to where he was sitting originally.
“Family reunion over!”.
Masterlist :)
a/n: also the last episode was a damn masterpiece, as an anime only for demon slayer i was genuinely scared nezuko was gonna die 😭
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berrygrls · 11 months
men who eat you out like they have been starving for a millennia, who eat it like madmen, your juices all over his chin, even after you finish multiple times, even when you writhe and squirm, trying to escape the relentless treatment of his experienced tongue, he doesn’t stop, ever. As he stakes his claim over you, and you let him, because it’s just too good not to, mindlessly submitting your body, your very being to him.
SUGURU GETO!!! eren, jean, satoru, nanami, dazai, chūya, tengen, KYOJURO , douma, sanemi, sanji, shanks, jake sully
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muzansfangs · 2 months
Imagine Douma’s first real emotion is jealousy and/or anger (alongside some horniness), and you being the cause of it, meaning he will be letting it all out on you.
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Starring: Douma x f!reader; Akaza;
Format: drabble;
Warnings: nsfw, jealousy, lust, first time Douma actually experiences a human emotion, possessive behaviour, dom!Douma, sub!reader, rough sex, biting, fear play, unprotected sex, mention to bruises, vaginal sex, dirty talk;
Plot: He had always desired to feel something. From the dreadful emotions to the blissful ones. When his multicolored eyes landed on you back then, Douma knew you might have helped him to feel less of an empty shell. Surely, he did not expect to feel sick at the sight of his ‘best friend’ conversing with you.
“What did you do to me, huh?” Douma rasped out, hands pinning your twitching ones above your head, whilst his hips smacked against yours in a steady and brutal tempo. He demanded an answer, he wanted to hear an explanation from you, he yearned for coherent words to roll out of your tongue and not those high-pitched cries and moans filling the air as he occasionally hit your cervix.
You witch, you had clearly casted a spell on him. If it was not for your human nature, he would have probably blamed it on a demonic technique. He felt so sick.
If only he knew what your proximity, what his lust over your pretty face and body would have caused to him, he would have probably ignored you at the local festival the infamous night you met. He should have devoured you. After all, it was what demons did: they ate humans. Then again, he had not felt that urge, primal desire to consume you to the bone back then. Something had stopped him and, naturally, he took it as a manna from the Heaven.
Years of clinical apathy, centuries spent in observing people interacting and chattering in ways he could not comprehend, eager to mimic their emotions, to experience them too for real. He thought he had grasped the essence of them all, the feeling they caused. Why? Faking them should have been the equivalent of manifesting them.
It all turned out to be useless, in the end. He had always wanted to feel something, whatever it was that life had gifted him with. The salty tears streaming down his face, when he pretended to be heartbroken in front of his followers, had never actually tasted bitter and found himself hoping they did now. He had never felt the typical pang of sorrow in his chest, prelude to a meltdown, or the lump in his throat hard to swallow for the very first time before bursting into a desperate cry. He had always feigned his emotions, especially the dreadful ones people tried to escape. Still, he had tried to imagine what those sensetions would have felt like for real.
But, oh dear, did it feel horrendous now that he was affected by one of them.
You writhed underneath him, squirming, sweat beading your forehead as he thrusted into you with a cold brutality he had never showed before. You knew he could not be in love with you, his heart had never been blessed with the capacity of feeling that surge of positive energy and dizzying emotions all people did. Yet, you did love him and you had chosen to stay by his side. For that, Douma lavished you, he showered you in exepensive gifts, he gave you honors, he treated you with care.
The beast hovering over you now, though, was not your loving boyfriend. It was a pissed off Upper Moon, whose fangs were bared and claws were scraping your tender flesh. His cock, engorged and twitching, was bullying your gummy, delicate walls with ferocity to get answers from you. He was going insane.
“I did n-nothing!” you choked out, screwing your eyes shut as he scoffed and shook his head.
“Don’t lie to my face! You talked to him! You sang! You treated him the way you treat me! How dare you?” Douma seethed, a vein popping on the side of his head as he brought his mouth down to yours in a searing kiss. Your blood had run cold for a split second. Those pearly fangs, sharp enough to rip out your throat, had dangerously grazed your jaw and finally bit down onto your bottom lip. The metallic taste of blood on your tongue a warning to take matters in your hands.
You knew what had happened, what was going on with him right now. It took you by surprise, but he was going through the different stages of jealousy. Currently, taking it all out on you was the last one.
The root of his envy and anger was the way you, his companion, were beaming at his so-called best friend. You had heard so many stories about Akaza that you had been dying to know him. He was a kind demon, at least to women. Striking up a conversation with him came natural to you, therefore you had offered the Upper Rank Three to sing for him like you did to Douma.
A smile, a sweet and innocent smile of yours had been the final straw.
The sound of pottery smashing, your look of concern when Douma coldly demanded Akaza to leave, and the way he had easily sliced his arm off of his body at his refusal to leave you with him in his moment of instability, were all you could recall before he had you moaning out his name onto his bed. You were struggling to endure this pleasurable torture. You had lost the count of how many orgasms he had denied you. With a blurry vision, you arched your back to lock your legs behind the small of his back.
“J-Jealousy! You’re feeling something! This— Ah! This is jealousy, D-Douma!” you blurted out, only for him to still his thrusts and push further down onto the mattress.
Jealousy. Disgusting feeling, a lame one. Out of everything he could learn to experience, Douma had been sentenced to endure such a deplorable emotion.
He snorted, hand grasping your jaw as his tongue lapped at the small cut on your lower lip, still bleeding “Jealousy, huh? If that’s the case, you can fix it, right? Be a dear and stay away from any man in the Temple, at the village, down to the cities and at the Infinity Castle” he snarled, the glint of malice making his kaleidoscopic eyes even more mystical in the dim light provided by the candles on the nightstand.
His, permanently, caged and strangled by his consuming love. This was your fate, for you were his and no one else’s.
Hello there! Oh, how dearly I had missed writing for my favorite upper moon. Thanks for this thirst, anon! I hope you enjoyed the meal!
Likes, comments and re-posts are greatly appreciated!
TAGS: @doumadono @mrskokushibo because we started a cult with the upper moons✨
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vrystalius · 14 days
Hello hello, I was wondering if you could please write a story (Short scenario) with the Hashiras and maybe the three upper moons. Where the reader aka their S/O had a small fight and is currently ignoring them but then she needs something from them that makes here go there like "Can you please open this for me/help me with this". I just think it would be cute to see their reaction to the reader being all flustered about having to ask them for help.
(Take your time and stay safe i luv you~) 💛❤️💛❤️
Giving your boyfriend the silent treatment…
…until you need help opening something. (Includes both Hashira and Upper Moons)
Pairing: Sanemi, Kyojuro, Gyomei, Giyu, Tengen, Kokushibo, Douma, Akaza x fem!human!reader
Sanemi Shinazugawa
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Sanemi would grow incredibly frustrated when you use the silent treatment against him. He’d try to ignore you as well by crossing his arms over his chest and sit in a different room, back facing the door at all times. He can’t stop thinking about you brooding and being upset with him, wich in return, makes him even more angry! Gods, you’re infuriating sometimes.
But once you come up to him and ask him to open a new jar of jam, he’d try to look mad, even though he wasn’t.
“You sure got some nerve to ask me now.”
He tries to show you that he still is kinda pissed with you, but still loves you. Sanemi would grumble about your timing and attitude from before while wrestling with the lid. After struggling for multiple minutes and failing, he got upset again and just gave it back to you, grumbling.
“Ask someone else, damnit! Don’t annoy me.”
Kyojuro Rengoku
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Arguments are the worst for him. Kyojuro will feel and look like a distraught puppy who just got denied love for the rest of his life. He understands that you need space and will provide it, but the silent treatment is really breaking his heart. Kyojuro would sometimes try to start a conversation by asking about you what you’re doing or how you’re feeling.
He will feel absolutely delighted when you talk to him again. Of course he’d open a bottle for you! Happily so!
“Give it to me, I got it!”
Kyojuro popped the lid with ease and handed the bottle back to you, giving you puppy eyes and a bright smile. You seriously can’t ignore him anymore, it’s just too sad to see him depressed…
“Oh! You’re talking to me again! I’ve missed you, my flame!”
Gyomei Himejima
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Although he’s not fond of your methods of resolving conflict and considers them a little childish, Gyomei will oblige, for now.
He will give you the same treatment you’re giving him, but will still remain around your person. Gyomei’ll silently meditate or pray while you continue your antics, being just as quiet as you are. He’d ponder about arguments he could deliver to you to break your silence and resolve this issue, but before he could come up with anything, you come up to him with a jar of honey. After you ask him to open it for you, Gyomei would softly smile and take the jar.
“Of course, my pearl.”
He opened it with ease and handed it back to you, but before you could go back to whatever you were doing, Gyomei’d speak up again.
“How about we resolve our argument now? I do not want to continue to fight.”
Giyu Tomioka
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Giyu would unintentionally give you the silent treatment after arguments, and you decided to give one back. After noticing the lack of conversations and the sound of your voice, he’d feel more sad and try to avoid you all together to avoid even more conflict or your silent side glances. Giyu jumps slightly when you ask him to open a jar of fermented foods. He was incredibly surprised that you’d want to talk to him.
“Mhm. Give it.”
He… struggled with opening it. He tried around for two more minutes until he managed to open it with a spoon and using 80% of his strength. He feels embarrassed for failing opening something for you.
“You’re welcome.”
Tengen Uzui
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How unflashy of you to ignore him like this. Do you know how bratty you look like? Sometimes he just wants to stick out his tongue at you when you’re not looking. Tengen would sulk and complain to the other girls about you, but Hinatsuru, Makio and Suma stick to you and your petty silent treatment, but they’d stick to you and would ignore him as well. You’re all ganging up on him at this point.
But once you come back to him and ask him for help opening your favourite drink, Tengen would feign being helpful.
“Gimme that, I’ll open it for you, beautiful~”
He’d open the glass for you and then proceed to chug everything down in one go, right in front of you while making sure to stay out of your reach.
“That’s what you get for being bratty!”
(He was not allowed back into the bedroom that night)
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You are being very immature. Kokushibo can give you the same silent treatment you are giving him, and he will outlast you by far. He will act very nonchalant about you ignoring him and will stop attempting making conversation after two tries. Kokushibo would return to his training or meditation, or sometimes even go on long missions to punish you even more for acting this petty.
Once you come back to him and ask him to open a jar of jam for you, Kokushibo will just stare you down silently.
He proceeded to give you the silent treatment and not open the jar for you. You were left to fend for yourself. But at somepoint, Kokushibo could not watch you struggling to open the jar by using a sharp knife in hopes to get the lid loose. He snatched the jar out of your hands and opened it with ease.
“Here. Take it. Don’t try that again, you will injure yourself.”
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Your silent treatment is very entertaining to Douma. Is this your way to punish him? How funny! He will try everything to make you break your silence by annoying you. Douma will nuzzle into your neck, kiss your most sensitive spots, whine into your ear, complain about your behaviour, poke against your cheek and pinch your skin. C’mon, do something with him! Anything! Stop ignoring him! Douma just kept following you around, whining around like a child.
Finally, you he saw you struggling with opening a jar of tea herbs and offered to help.
“Need help with that, lotus?”
Douma snatched the jar out of your hand and opened in a matter of seconds, but didn’t hand it back. He wanted you to say “I love you” before he hands it back. You gave in while heavily rolling your eyes, but Douma wasn’t satisfied with that. After a back and forth, you finally satisfied him by saying “I love you my dearest, lovely Douma” in a sincere tone. In his eyes, he won your silent treatment game.
“I won! Awww, why do you look so mad? Here, take your herbs back…. No thank you? What, are you ignoring me again?! Come ooooonnnn…”
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He was hurt and slightly scared by your silent treatment. Are you planning to leave him? Akaza would understand that. He’s rough, angry, a demon, prideful, not good with expressing his thoughts… the list of his flaws go on. Your silence is making him incredibly nervous and he let his nervous energy out during training and against the walls of the infinity castle until his knuckles bleed.
Then, finally, you approach Akaza with a problem: you can’t open your jar of candies. He felt himself smile slightly at your defeated face.
“So now you need me? Hm.”
Akaza casually tried slipping the lid off, but it was stuck. He felt his pride crumble bit by bit with everytime he tried opening the lid and failed. His anger rose and he slammed the jar against the corner of the wall, shattering the top of the glas jar off. The glass fell in onto your feet.
“… There.”
This was one of my favourite requests so far! Thank you so much for requesting!! I’m currently working on How the Upper Moons would react to your affection, similar to what I posted with the hashira, so I was kinda switching back and forth between this and the other fic. Somehow, when I feel stressed, I’m the most creative and productive xD
Also, I absolutely love reading all of your comments and reposts. Some made me laugh out loud in public, so thank you for that!
Anyways, make sure to EAT, SLEEP and DRINK enough!! <3
Take care of yourselves <33 I appreciate you all.
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thee-horny-thicky · 10 months
upper moons *incuding muzan* with a fem S/O who has a hyper sensitive pussy???
The Upper Moons with a Sensitive S/O
Before I begin, I'd like to say the Upper Moons has no business being so fine. Like, after writing this, I'm so tempted to write a gangbang fic 😭
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Starting from the bottom, we have Gyutaro, since he’s the reason he and Daki are upper moons. Chances are, you met him when you became employed at the brothel Daki worked at, and he was quickly enamored with you. He’d watch in the shadows as other men enjoyed your cunt, fascinated with the sounds you made, and with how responsive you were. Your moans and whimpers had an authenticity that the other women lacked, and it didn’t take long to figure out why. You were a sensitive little thing, and all it took were fingers rubbing over your clit to make you soaked.  Gyutaro took note of the things that made you scream and memorized the fastest way to make you come. He knew he wasn’t a looker—at least in his eyes—and that he was scary to most humans. So, he’d make up for his lack of looks by learning to please you.
Surely, he could get you off better than those creeps that pay to fuck you.
When he finally gets his hands on you—I’ll let you decide the method—he’s testing everything that he learned. He’d start off tame, rubbing your pretty pussy with his fingers until you came. It didn’t take long, and that was a huge boost to his ego. Then, he’d crawl between your legs and lap up your juices, shoving his tongue inside you and then angling it upward to stimulate your G-spot, his sharp teeth scraping your clit. He’d quickly grow addicted to your taste and stay between your legs for a while. Only when his hard-on became too bothersome to ignore would he impale you with his length, drawing another orgasm out of you by the time he bottomed out.
By the time he’s done ravishing your cunt, you’d barely remember your name.
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I would like to use this moment to say that I found Gyokko’s true form finer than I wanted to admit, so that’s what I’m basing this on. And, his true form has big hands, which he’d happily use on you. He’d get off on seeing how many of his fingers your sensitive cunt could handle, laughing as you started to whine about it being too much. Instead of it being a deterrent, he’d continue fingerfucking your stuffed pussy, teasing you as you come all over his hand.
But his fingers aren’t the only way he’d get you off.
 His cock happened to disappear when he became a demon, and the location of his mouths are too inconvenient to get you off.  But worry not, because his hands aren’t the only option, as he had rippling abs. He’d encourage you to rock yourself against his rock-hard abdomen, giggling maniacally when you orgasm just from grinding against him.
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 So, this man basically has split personalities, and each one will treat your sensitive pussy differently from the others. But for the sake of brevity, I’ll speak about what they all have in common; they practically worship your cunt. It’s so easy to get you riled up and knowing that they’re the cause of that slick dripping down your thighs is an ego boost to them all. Playing with you calms Sekido’s anger and fucking you nice and hard is a surefire way to put him at ease. Slurping up your juices makes Aizetsu feel twinges of joy, and he never feels happier than when you’re calling out his name. Urogi giggles like a maniac as he teases you. He’s mindful not to do too much, knowing how easily you come, forcing you to beg for the orgasm that you desperately need. And Karaku makes a game out of making you come as many times as possible. He likes to give himself a time limit to give you a certain number of orgasms. As the clock ticks, he’ll finger, lick, and fuck you to climax repeatedly, until you’re a sobbing, overstimulated mess.
Hantengu’s main form, Zohakuten, and Urami are not included. Zohakuten has the form of a child, Urami would be a pouty bastard as how easy it is for you to come, and inflict pain on you as a result, and Hantengu himself would be jumping and yelping the moment he sees your pussy, as it’s just too much for him to handle.
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First, let’s be clear. Whether you’re a demon or a human, this man will not let any of the other upper moons near you, especially Douma. You’re his woman. Not only does he want to protect you, but he doesn’t want anyone else to have you, and your sensitive cunt only makes him more possessive of you. Your pussy is magic to him, and he refuses to let anyone else experience it. You and what lies between your legs is his second chance at happiness, and he won’t let it go.
Moreover, he doesn’t think anyone else can please you as he can, and you only deserve the best.
This man lives to worship you, and when he’s not on a mission for Muzan or hunting, he’s likely caring for you. Caring for you obviously includes fucking you, and bringing you orgasm after orgasm.  He’ll treat you like the most precious thing in the world, and making you feel good is his way of showing how much he adores you.
Akaza refuses to eat women, but he’ll eat pussy like it’s his last meal. The taste of your juices is the sweetest thing to him, and only when you’re begging and pleading for him to stop does he cease licking your glistening folds and sucking on your swollen clit. But that doesn’t mean he’ll stop. No, he’ll simply tongue your asshole, as human conventions don’t apply to him.
If that’s a little too much, he has no issue fucking you. His large size means you have to be well-stretched and lubricated to take him without pain, so unless you’re absolutely dripping, he’ll refuse to put his dick in you. Luckily, his oral skills and your sensitive pussy mean that’s an easy task to achieve. And once he’s pounding you into the mattress, you’ll be drooling, and cock drunk in record time.
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The. Biggest. Menace. Douma can’t take shit seriously, and he’s strong enough to do what he wants without consequences. That includes fucking with you, no matter how much you protest. The moment he discovered how sensitive your pussy was, you’d never have a moment of rest. He enjoys seeing what can get you off and especially favors teasing you with his mouth. Greedy man he is, Douma has to taste your slick every day. He'll force you to starve off your orgasm for as long as possible, before suddenly switching to drawing orgasm after orgasm out of you. When you beg him to stop, one of three things will happen.
He’ll impale you with his length, the lubrication your previous orgasms provided making his large dick slide in with ease. How quickly you get cock drunk amuses him, and his stamina means you’ll be there for a while. When he’s done, he’d push his cum back into you.
He refocuses his attention on your ass, rimming and fingering your tight hole to compare how sensitive it is to your cunt. Your whines for him to stop only encourage him, and once he's done with his evaluation, he’ll fuck your loosened hole, before cleaning off and restarting the cycle all over again.
He’d push you to your knees and start using your mouth like a fleshlight, making you swallow every drop of his cum.
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Like Akaza, Kokushibo will guard you with his life, and keep you away from the other moons. He rarely shows himself, and he expects you to follow his lead. He values privacy for a multitude of reasons, and when you came along, playing with your pretty pussy became one of them. When you’re laid in front of him with your legs spread, Kokushibo has never been thankful for so many eyes. He’d savor the image of your throbbing clit and gleaming folds, the way you shudder as the cool air grazes your cunt driving him wild.
When it’s too much for him to bare, he’ll trail a finger along your slit, testing how wet you are, before pushing two fingers into your needy hole. As a swordsman, he’d be good with his hands, and have you coming undone quicker than normal.
 When he craves a test of you, he’ll bury his head between your thighs, keeping all eyes on you as he slurps up your juices. The faces you make as he unravels you with his mouth drive him wild, and it won’t take long until he’s putting you on all fours to fuck you, thrusting into you until your puffy folds are dripping with slick, before filling you up with his seed.
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Last but certainly not least, the mastermind behind it all, Muzan. Now, Muzan has an array of personalities and personas, but I’ll focus on his true form and his feminine form. Muzan, being the manipulative bastard he is, would employ tricks to keep your devotion. That includes rewarding and punishing you. You’re lucky he has a soft spot for you because he’d still want you to be intact, no matter how mad you make him. So, his punishment of choice is building up orgasm after orgasm, an easy feat considering how sensitive you are. After he’d spank you until your ass is red, he’d keep you laid over his lap and finger fuck you, ordering you to hold each climax until he tells you otherwise. If you disobey, Godspeed.
He'd spear you with his cock, fucking you fast and hard, forcing you to come on his dick over and over again. His position of choice is doggy, as he can easily spank you or switch to anal. If you’d been very bad, he has a whip in hand to flog your back as he splits you open. If he noticed you giving too much attention to another upper moon, he might just fuck you in front of them to assert dominance. He’d want them to know that your cunt is his, and just to prove that he'll cum in you. As your folds drip with his seed, he’d spread your lower lips so the inspiration of his jealousy could see that he’d marked you from the inside, slapping your puffy pussy as you whimper out complaints.
He tries to hide this fact, but he does feel pleasure in his feminine form. And yes, Fem!Muzan does have female anatomy. In this form, Muzan likes to experiment and is especially fond of 69 and scissoring. As you lap at Muzan’s cunt or rub yours against his, Muzan can understand how you unravel so easily, as something about his pussy being played with always makes him orgasm harder. He can also better understand how sensitive you get after coming. If he’s angry with you, he’ll use this knowledge against you. But if you’ve been a good pet, he’d go easy on you, and allow you to eat him out instead of playing with pretty cunt.
I hope this satisfies your curiosity 🥰
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mizading · 1 year
Upper Moon Yandere Headcanons 
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Characters: Douma, Akaza, Aizetsu, Kokushibo.
Description: If I’m being honest, I suppose this is how some of the upper moons would express their love normally, but a lot of it is unhealthy. For that sake, I’ll classify this as yandere headcanons for the upper moons with a female reader.
Warnings: Verbal abuse, death, forced affection, unstable behavior, paranoia, etc. 
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Once Douma declares something his, it belongs to him until he says otherwise.
Douma’s love is sincere but expressed in a twisted way.
As a cult leader does, Douma provides a facade of a perfect life with him if you stick by his side.
The lack of love and nurturing from Doumas parents causes an insatiable desire for the foreign feelings within him.
Douma uses you to replace the love he never received as a child.
His affection begins in a controlled manner. Consisting of little things such as random hugs, quick kisses, or asking you to hold him for a little while.
Over time, Douma would get a bit possessive. You were lucky if you managed to go more than five minutes without Douma forcing you into hour-long cuddle sessions.
One of his favorite things to do is cling to your body and nuzzle his head into your chest.
The feeling of your body's warmth is the only thing that calms his nerves.
Denying Douma’s love is like stabbing him in the heart from his perspective.
"You don’t really love me, do you..? You're just like my parents."
Denying Douma only makes your situation worse.
In Douma’s world, if he forces enough of his affection on you, you’ll eventually love him.
There are periods when Douma is severely mentally unstable.
During these periods, Douma made it clear that you could not and would not leave his side.
You're extra careful when he’s unstable. Any wrong move, and Douma’s threatening to end everyone close to you.
It’s hard for Douma to understand human emotion. Due to his lack of feelings, he can’t possibly understand why you would want to ever leave his side after he’s provided you with a perfect life.
Regardless of how you feel, Douma needs you too much to ever let you go.
Over time, Douma may possibly turn you into a demon to trap you with him for eternity.
He can’t risk losing something that he may never find again. Your love. 
Akaza would kill for you in a heartbeat if it came to it.
The word love itself isn’t nearly enough to convey how much he loves you.
He would love to buy you little things, such as hair pins, just to see your face light up a bit.
Every time you leave, Akaza must be accompanying you.
Akaza always keeps at least one hand on you.
He wouldn’t mind if you didn’t have much physical strength; that’s what he’s there for.
Akaza would rather die than ever see you hurt.
He has a tendency to hurt anyone who causes you just the slightest bit of inconvenience.
Nobody should ever dare gaze upon you with any ill intent.
The other upper moons avoid interacting with you; they know how Akaza can get when it comes to you. 
You're sacred in Akaza’s eyes; he’s practically on his knees for you.
Akaza can become delusional about your love for him. If you don’t hold the same feelings for him, he’ll convince himself otherwise.
Akaza will literally spend hours kissing every inch of your body to prove himself to you.
With night comes Akaza’s paranoia.
There's much more danger for you once the sun sets.
He won’t leave your side for a single second.
In bed, you're always in Akaza’s arms; he’ll refuse to sleep any other way.
Once the sun rises once more, his nerves calm just a bit.
He simply can’t bear the thought of a life without you.
Akaza will pursue your love until the end of time. 
Aizetsu is pretty sensitive. Please don’t be too harsh on him.
He craves your affection constantly; it’s the one thing he needs to keep going.
Aizetsu can get aggressive when you refuse to show affection.
He won’t hurt you, but he might get verbally abusive.
Once he’s calmed down, he’ll cry at your feet, wrapping his arms around your waist begging for forgiveness.
He always regrets his behavior once he’s rational again.
Aizetsu sees the world as a depressing place, and you are the only light in his dull life.
One of his many nicknames for you is Sun. 
When Aizetsu gets deeply depressed, he tends to get distant.
He’s running back into your arms soon enough. 
His favorite thing to do is hug you from behind and follow you around.
Aizetsu is excessively clingy on a normal day.
If he is not all over you, something is wrong. 
He’ll ask you to hold him when his anxiety gets hard to bear; you're the only one who can get him to calm down.
He struggles immensely with his mental health.
You happen to be the one to handle Aizetsu when he’s at his lowest.
A lot of it is taken out on you, and he hates himself for it.
A few hours of being in your arms is usually enough for him to be able to function again.
Aizetsu will always do anything he can to make it up to you the next day, starting off with flowers in the morning.
If you don’t forgive him immediately, he’s on his knees once again choking on his own sobs. 
He can’t sleep without you next to him, helping him keep his depressive thoughts away.
At night, he’ll often rest his head in your lap and ask for you to play with his hair.
The feeling of your hands touching his scalp takes his mind off of the billions of things running through his head.
Aizetsu depends on you, don't fail him.
Kokushibo is always lurking in a corner, watching your every move.
He prefers to watch you in silence rather than interact with you.
Kokushibo is aware of his unhealthy attraction to you.
Small gifts, such as earrings or handwritten notes, would be left by Kokushibo on most mornings.
He manages to find something to give you each time he goes out.
Kokushibo secretly has a soft spot for you; you're the only one who knows this, of course.
Any affection coming from you stays on his mind for at least a day or two.
Don't upset him. Kokushibo is quick to completely disappear for a few days to teach you a lesson.
Leaving without Kokushibo by your side is forbidden. Once night falls, you can’t leave at all.
His rules may be harsh, but they're for your own good.
On nights that he’s feeling extra stressed, he may ask you to play with his hair.
There's not too much physical contact between you and Kokushibo, despite his hidden obsession.
He has to have a lot going on within himself to flat-out ask for your touch.
Kokushibo will die protecting you. He vowed to keep you protected, always.
You’ll be kept secret from everyone except Muzan. He won’t have you around the upper moons, especially Douma.
If you're feeling particularly stressed, Kokushibo will sit you down and tell you stories from all throughout his 480 years of living.
Kokushibo deeply appreciates your simple presence since he’s been alone for so long. Knowing that you're there is enough for him.
He spends hours watching you sleep at night; he doesn’t sleep much at all himself.
It brings him a sense of peace to watch your sleeping face, knowing that you're at ease.
Kokushibo can live in some type of peace knowing that you're safe and his.
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tonixe · 1 year
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☆ KNY DEMONS x fem! upper moon reader
n.o.t.e.s - the sword arc was so delicious to watch literally, I just wanted to write something tbh. 📢
w.a.r.n - some crack energy, fluff, doma being a menace to society,
w.c. - 753
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The strings of the biwa ranged throughout the infinite castle, summoning the upper moons to the castle.
From those few, you were already there due to Muzan's orders. You were trying to busy yourself playing with your h/c hair, waiting for the upper moons to span in.
It was pretty boring for you; you couldn't sit on the floor because of how uncomfortable it was because you managed to disobey his orders by helping some hashira. It was even a miracle that you didn't die because you managed to do it every time; some demons thought you were in a relationship with Muzan, so it wouldn't be surprising.
You were bored out of your mind, trying to converse with Nakime, "So Nakime wanna go out after this meeting" you chimed, clapping your hands together, looking at the biwa lady.
You lifted your head to see a upper moons before you, "That was quick," you murmured; you heard a familiar annoying voice saying your name.
"Y/N-chan," Doma's voice ranged out, his hand touching your shoulder; he irked everything in your body, "Did you miss me, y/n-chan" he gave you a toothy smile, and you looked at him with disgust.
"Don't be like that, Y/n-chan. Maybe we can go to my place and-' Soon, you found Doma's head on the castle's floor, thanks to Akaza.
His whole body was irked by Doma's presence, "Thank you, akaza" You gave him a smile that made Akaza blush, and his once-white face turned red.
You heard Doma's whines in the background calling your name
"It was no problem" he placed a hand behind his back, looking away from you.
You soon saw Daki and Gyutaro span in the castle, "Y/N!" Daki yelled at you before tackling you into a hug.
"Hey Daki" you smiled, patting her head.
"Y/N, I missed you," she sang out, burying herself into you, "Maybe if you're not busy, you we have a makeover," she exclaimed, "Sure," you smiled, "Daki, what about me" Doma whined.
"Go kill yourself, you perv," Daki yelled while protectively holding you, "Oh, hi Gyutaro" You smiled at him, and you waved at him supporting Daki's weight.
Gyutaro's cheeks turned light pink, and you giggled from the reaction.
Soon Daki got pulled away from you by her brother; the upper moon one caught your eye, and you walked up to him, "Hi, kokushibo" you exclaimed, he was mostly quiet, but you manage to get the word out of his mouth.
He looked at you briefly before muttering a 'hello' and walking away. You eventually saw Hantengu on the floor, cowardly to himself, and Gyokko talking to Doma with his regrown new head.
A swift wind made your h/c hair blow back as all the upper moons bowed to their demon lord, which appeared out of nowhere. You just stood there looking stupid, "Oh, Muzan finally you here; I was getting bored," you muttered still standing, crossing your arm, cocking your head at him.
The uppermoons were astonished at what you just said to Muzan, you're probably the only one that manage to get away with disrespecting Muzan without getting punished or even dying.
You saw Muzan's eyebrow switching at your comment; you smiled from the reaction.
He shot you a glare before your hand was force by what it felt like air to sit down but, which led to your face buried into the tatami floor.
It earned from sniggers from the upper moons before everyone was silenced by Muzan.
The meeting was quick and short by Muzan degrading all the upper moons except Kokushibo; your head was still stuck as you struggled.
You manage to get your head help by someone grabbing onto your waist and pulling you out of the floor. Whoever this hero was you were probably grateful, because Muzan manage to get your head really stuck to the floor.
But unfortunately for you, it was Doma, holding your waist. "Y/n-chan, we should do this more often" he exclaimed before you punched his head away from you.
Forcing his grip on your waist away before you whipped your head to the loud voice of Daki and Akaza charging to Doma's headless body.
"Get your hands off her, you pervert" Daki and Akaza yelled before jumping Doma.
There were crushing the stronger demon; you deadpanned at the sight. While the upper moons was busy, Gyutaro was laughing at seeing Doma being attacked by Akaza and his sister.
It was pure chaos.
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muzanswaifu · 2 years
Hashira & Uppermoon hcs (18+)
Anon: Reader trying to crawl away when her orgasm is approaching due to intense feeling
Fem/Afab! Reader
Warnings: Smut, some suggested dubcon/noncon situations, doggy style, missionary, cunnilingus, fingering, tribbing, 69, mating press, ect, breeding kink, squirting, yandere themes, suggested violence, overstimulation, edging
Gyomei (Doggy style)
Hes so big, its no wonder you get so overwhelmed
You wait for the moment his massive length stops pumping his release in you, threads of cum stretching between your swollen cunt lips and his leaking slit, you push yourself up from your spread position on your tummy, hands clawing at the sheets desperately to get away
The fucking you could handle, it was difficult, definitely taking a toll on your delicate body, but what you weren’t expecting was for him to finish before you, filling you up so much that the hot pool of sperm pushed tightly at your belly from the inside
You’d finally reached an end of the mattress before monstrously large hands grabbed around your waist, tugging you back and forcing a sob from your throat
He gives a soft apology for finishing so quickly and not giving you a proper warning, promising to make it up to you
You beg him to give you a break, pleading for him to use your mouth instead, anything
He denies your offer, insisting that he bring you to climax once more, twice more, a thousand times more
You’re strong, he insists, you can take it
Tengen (Missionary)
Hell, hes used to it, your so goddamn sensitive all the time its not like hes suprised
A chuckle fills your ears as your weak limbs claw away, exhausted but adamant about escaping
He humors you, letting you get at least a couple feet away from him before pouncing on you again
His voice is sickening sweet as he picks you up once more, molding your hips against his in a steep arch that allows him to sink into you, your insides promptly taking shape and milking him for all he's worth
You whine aloud, muttering soft pleas and begs for him to go easy on you, for him to get you off gently rather than ripping them out of you one after the other
He laughs manically
Fat chance
By the time he's done with you, you better be dumb and pliant, begging for him to unload inside you until he's fully satisfied, don't be selfish
Shinobu (Cunnilingus and fingering)
Rolls her eyes as you try to push her way and escape, her lips and fingers only working faster on your twitching pussy in retaliation to your little rebellion
She honestly thinks you're being a tad bit dramatic, don't you think? She's only had her mouth on you for a couple minutes and your already squirming and crying
She pretends to care though, cooing at you to just bear through it a bit longer, you're so close aren't you?
Her lips suck harder at your clit, her fingers digging deeper in your g-spot, stars sparking in your vision
You don't wanna come again, you don't wanna "squirt" or whatever she called it when your juices sprayed out and made a mess last time
Sobs echo through the room as she continues, her tongue swirling over your little bead over and over again, right under the hood where it almost hurts how good it feels
Its a good thing she tied you to bed this time, otherwise you probably would've gotten away since Shinobu probably wasn't strong enough to stop you, but she planned this, schemed this
She moans shamefully loud when you finally drench her face in your sweetness, liquid shooting all over her mouth and neck as your legs shake violently in release, she licks her lips of the delectable nectar
Oh that was so beautiful - again?
Iguro (fingering)
Couldn't give a shit, did you have to be so loud and annoying about it? Just shut up and take it
He does go a little slower though, dragging out the agony that builds in your gut with every fucking second
His fingers are devilishly skilled, each digit curling painfully perfect against your g-spot and creation such a delicious stretch against your walls, but each sensation just built one atop the other, making all of it just that much more unbearable
He doesn't even give you a break, instead holding you down with his legs keeping your thighs spread for his torturous touch
It honestly turns him on how desperately you're trying to escape, though he'd never admit it given he disproved of his own sadistic desires, but if he could he'd want it like this always, you tied down and begging for release of both kinds while he denied you of either
Before you could reach the end, however, he tears his hand away, letting you wallow in the pit of frustration and despair, hell it was probably his fault you were so painfully sensitive since he'd been edging you like this for what felt like several hours now
But god did you look so hot like this, so irresistible, he wondered if you could come from just a breath on your delicate little clit now as he pet along the side of your labia, making your hips jump against his hand for one more second of touch where you needed it the most
After a few moments he returned to the peak of your sex, rubbing softly and relishing your sniffles as he wondered how many more times he should tease you
Mitsuri (Tribbing)
Oh lord she's so sweet
Apologizes for being too much for you and forcing you to have to crawl out from under her just to get a break
Promises she'll be softer, better, and will take care of you like you, her princess, deserves
You sniffle at her kind vow, nodding your head stupidly with what small amount of brain you have left and she giggles
She resumes position, tribbing your cunts together reverse cowgirl while your thighs are pressed out over your sides under the weight of her ass, your juices mix together like a fine wine, flowing down onto the sheets in a dewy puddle that has mitsuri mewling
You can hear the slick sounds the friction makes, her wet sex against yours, her lips sliding against your clit like a carnal whisper, each rock makes you shiver, your climax building up so slowly and torturously you cry
she looks over her shoulder with a gentle expression, a glowing redness spread across her cheeks, admiring the roll of your eyes to the back of your skull as you finally, finally, shatter
Your so cute like this, she thinks, so adorable and precious
She can't help but continue, rolling her hips atop yours to bring out several screams from your shrill throat, she just can't help it
Tomioka (Grasshopper)
Ignores it
He doesn't at all mind when you try to flee from him, as he quickly catches you without any effort at all and brings you back down to bed with him, though he does find it rather inconvenient when he knew you were so, so close to sweet release
It had been quite a while since your last coupling so he was confident this was well needed for you, and he'd be damned if he let your own naive body keep you from satisfaction
He'd pull you back down to his embrace, making sure to securely wrap his arms around your waist this time so you couldn't move an inch, and absolutely go to town, thrusting so hard and fast that you were sure your insides would bruise
None-the-less, you would be forced to take it, unable to break through his strength, each stroke hitting your sweet spot near your cervix with crippling precision
Your sobs rose in volume as your body was forced over each wave of pleasure, rising and rising and rising but not yet allowing you to tumble over even though you so desperately needed to
But Giyu was merciful, taking care of you so viciously and forcing your greedy little cunt to succumb to bliss even as it rebelled against what had to be your strongest climax yet
Only when he'd bottomed out, grounding his base into yours in deep swivel did you finally break, crying with hot tears and clenching at the sheets, your stubborn body screaming as he continued pumping
Did you think he was done?
Rengoku (Cunnilingus)
He finds your attempts absolutely adorable, so amusing, even if they were futile since he'd tied each of your hands to the bedpost and had your ankles and thighs knit together to keep you bent and exposed, his own powerful arms curled around your hips to keep you spread for him to feast on
Pure ecstasy filled him every time you came into his mouth, with the occasional spurt of sweet honey all over his jaw and face when he was being especially eager
But it was only a matter of time before your little pussy would reject the need to finish, being so used to satisfaction that you were kept at a constant of sensitivity and edging
Perhaps it was his fault for making you finish so many times (it was), but he'd be awful if he left you in such a state with no end, even if you begged him over and over to just leave you be and give you rest, he knew you couldn't possibly mean it
He'd make sure to give you attention where you needed it the most, flicking his tongue over your dripping folds, wrapping his lips around your throbbing bead, licking into your convulsing hole
Each sound you make is a gift from god, your pained cries for mercy only edging him on further to lavish your little kitty with attention, she was begging for it
Eventually, after several long whiles of eating you, you start to feel the draws of climax creeping up on you, but this one felt stronger, more pain than pleasure with how horribly sensitive you were, with clenched fists pulling at his locks you begged him to stop, the plea falling on deaf ears, honestly even if he were to listen how would he hear with your thighs squeezing his head?
Pain seared through your veins as your nethers clenched, his tongue never ceasing its vigorous swiping even as you screamed out your demise, juices gushing out of your and staining his face in such a lovely sheen, he licked his lips and yours clean
Sanemi (69)
Its absolutely infuriating that you were being so finicky
Hell, you hadn't even made him come yet and were already trying to ditch? Yah, fuck that
He should've known you'd get all fussy after he'd made you come the first time with his tongue, your own stuttering on his cock before grazing your teeth as your jaw began to lock with the overstimulation
Honestly how was he supposed to react when you tried to crawl off of him to freedom? Was he supposed to beg you to come back? Comfort you and give you a break? Fuck that weak shit, if he needed attention, you were gonna give it to him, and take it
With a strong thigh wrapped over the back of your head to keep your throat impaled on his length and thick hands anchoring your pussy to his face, he was in absolute paradise
He almost laughed when he felt your teeth whisper against his cock again, you no doubt having the urge to bite down as he lathered his tongue all over your cunt over and over again, paying careless and heady attention to your little clit
He rolled his hips on occasion to jostle his dick in your mouth, thoroughly enjoying the way your throat would tighten around him and your bud would twitch between his lips
It was only after you'd finally relaxed on top of him, likely having lost consciousness from the combination of pleasure and lack of oxygen, that he filled your mouth with seed, but even then, why not another round?
Kokushibo (Mating Press)
Upper 3 finds great offense to your lack of gratefulness and pursuit of escape, who were you to deny him?
With a deepening hold, he only pounds into you harder, sending sparks upon sparks of pleasure through your body despite the bruises forming on your abused bodice
His cock slams hard into your cervix, bruising the delicate tissue and bulging out of your stomach in a overwhelming sight, you're comparably smaller frame can't even begin to take it, each thrust pushing you closer and closer to the ledge of a release that quite honestly scares you
But each time you beg for him to be more gentle, to stop, to let you go, he only becomes more vicious, unforgiving, cruel
You're lucky, had he cared about you any less he would've broken a limb or two to make you stop struggling, but being the generous man he is, he allows you to continue making a fool of yourself, your weak little hits doing nothing but drive him further off the wall with rage
Your sobs only increase in frequency as you get closer, your eagerness to get free becoming more desperate
Pushing the backs of your knees further into the ground, he quickens his already hellish pace, his pelvis slapping into yours violently and abusing your tender clitoris that, regardless of everything, throbbed for attention
When your pleasure pain finally peaks with a hot rush of juices squirting out to drench his pelvis and thighs, only then does he ease on you (hardly), slowing his pace slightly to ride out the delicious clench of your cunt around his member, your reward being a generous few flicks to your clit, making the hypersensitivity just that much more unbearable
Douma (Thigh job)
He finds grief with your overstimulated cries and grasps for relief, chastising himself for overindulging on such a poor creature as yourself, he apologizes sincerely, hoping he didn’t hurt you too much
Its not your fault, you poor thing, he can hardly handle his own carnal needs himself, and he much less expected you to be able to keep up
Truly he’d thought such a position as this would be easier for you, with the lack of penetration and gentler handling, though perhaps it was a bit much considering how teasing each pass of his shaft was over your sensitive little bundle of nerves
He tries to ease up, he does, but how can he contain himself? Your thighs and pussy feel oh so good wrapped around his swollen cock, the perfect mixture of slick and friction, second to that of your insides of course
So eventually he chooses to ignore your tries of escape, instead opting to coo down at you, comforting you through the waves of pleasure that he knows will soon lead to your orgasm
He can feel how your holes convulses, your clit twitches, your thighs tighten, its nearly painful how hard you're pressed around him, not even a gap of space left between your legs other than the one his cock is occupying
Finally he feels it, your shudder of tension before your body seizes in a tantrum of euphoria, he can see the way your hands grip the sheets, the way your spine quivers, the way your mouth gapes open in scream after scream, hell his followers must think he's murdering someone in here!
He eventually follows suit, cum spraying across your body in thick ropes that he pumps out with each pass of his hips into your spent ones, your body twitches weakly and you whine as he continues to use your oversensitive folds
Who can blame him? You feel so good!
Akaza (Spider-man)
He laughs manically seeing you trying to escape, your weak little body looking so pitiful between his powerful thighs
Honestly it was a miracle you'd lasted this long with him, but he found satisfaction in the fact that the pleasure he'd brought you was so overwhelming that your stupid little brain thought it'd be a good idea to flee from a god such as himself
He'd had half a mind to let you and watch you run away with so much cum running down your legs that you'd likely slip in it, stupid thing
But he'd trashed that idea when he'd heard your cries rise, more tears and saliva pooling down your face, he wanted to hear what your voice sounded like when you came again, what your face looked like, what your cunt felt like
He thrust into you faster, trailing a hand from where it was hugging your thigh to his chest down to where your little clit lie
He brushed over it quickly, relishing your shrill cries of grief and despair as your nerves lit on fire, more laughter filling your ears
It wasn't long before you finally snapped, your pussy chocking around him and spewing hot liquid across his thighs, it was bliss feeling you milk him and hearing your broken voice scream so loud his ear drums nearly burst in time with his seed that flooded your insides
Yes, he rather enjoyed this, perhaps he should let you escape next time and see how that plays out as well
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reine-uls · 3 months
Drawing request of Douma telling LF how many children he wants
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They’re terrified and Douma got horny… 🫤
441 notes · View notes
mrsshabana · 4 months
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𝐍𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐨𝐨 𝐋𝐚𝐭𝐞
ꔫ‧₊ Content Gyutaro x female!reader, age difference, angst, fluff, daddy issues, mommy issues, modern au ꔫ‧₊ Note 5k words. I want to thank everyone who was so excited for this fic, your kind words really encouraged me to write so much! I hope you enjoy it and keep an eye out for chapter two ♡ ✧:・゚→ Part two ✧:・゚→ Part three
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This is the most exciting thing that’s happened in Gyutaro’s pathetic life since his sister was accepted into college. 
His life is nothing special really, and it never has been. Always taking care of his little sister was his number one priority so his needs and wants were always put on the back burner. Not like he had much of a choice anyway. With a face like that, how are you supposed to get anywhere in life? He’s thirty-five and has never had a romantic partner, but no surprise there. His personality is unpleasant and he doesn’t have much going for him. His job is alright and he can afford to support himself and his sister but that’s about it. 
By now he’s come to accept the fact that some things just aren’t in the cards for him. Things like a wife and maybe even kids. As he got older he found himself longing for these things more and more. Especially when he witnessed all of his friends getting married and starting families of their own. But now at his age, no woman would want to get with him, let alone start a family.
At first, he was mad at the world and everyone in it. It wasn’t fair that he was denied love just because he had a few spots on his face, crooked teeth, and was a bit rough around the edges. The jealousy and anger ate at him for many years, causing his personality to become bitter and cold. On the outside, he seems like the kind of guy who wouldn’t care about love, but it couldn’t be further from the truth. Since he grew up without receiving any love from his mother, it was always something that he craved, even as an adult.
But he grew up, and he had no choice but to realize this was his reality and there was no changing it. It was hard to accept, but he’s finally come to peace with it. At least he has Ume, and honestly, he’s grateful for that. 
But now, you came into his life and things are beginning to take an interesting turn. 
You’re Ume’s friend from college, she’s a year older than you but you got to know her well in one of your math classes. Ume hates math so she waited until her senior year to take it, which she is starting to regret now. The only upside to the situation is that she met you.
Having gotten pretty close to Ume over the course of the semester, she would often invite you over to her place. You’ve heard her talk about her brother before but you had never met him since he was usually at work when you came over. But when you saw him for the first time, he wasn’t what you had expected. He looked a lot different than the image you had in your mind and he was a lot less friendly than Ume had described him. But even though most of the time he was in a bad mood, he’d be polite to you for the brief moments he was around. 
The first thing you noticed about him was how tall he was and how deep and raspy his voice sounded. It was oddly attractive, especially when paired with his messy black hair. You knew he was older than Ume but he didn’t look that old. The only thing that maybe signified his age were the dark circles around his eyes, probably from being overworked. 
Gyutaro never expected to get close to his little sister’s best friend. It’s something he never would have considered, but your actions are causing him to rethink his stance on your almost nonexistent relationship.
One night you’re studying over at Ume’s place again. The two of you sit in the dining room, with notebooks, pens, and textbooks spread across the table. Midterms are coming up so you’re trying really hard to get some studying done. Even though Ume keeps getting distracted and scrolling through TikTok.
You’ve almost lost your sanity with this study session when you hear the front door unlocking. 
Gyutaro, looking as tired as usual, walks into the house. Kicking off his shoes and throwing his bag on the floor. He barely even acknowledges you as he walks past saying, “Girls, can you please clean the table.”
“Mm hm,” Ume hums as she continues looking at her phone screen. 
He knows she isn’t going to do as he asks, but he always asks anyway. Today has been a long day and Gyutaro just wishes he could go to sleep but he knows he has a household to take care of. So he hurriedly rushes over to the bathroom and takes a quick shower. Coming out with messy damp hair and a towel wrapped around his waist. He goes straight to his bedroom, but you manage to catch a glimpse of him through the hall. 
The way his long hair sticks to his muscled shoulders and back distracts you. And even after he’s gone from your sight, the heavenly image is still stuck in your mind. 
“Will I ever get a break?” he thinks to himself as he puts on a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt, “As soon as I’m done cooking I’m passing out.” It’s only 8 pm but after another overtime shift, he’s pooped. Ume’s lucky he loves her so much, or else he would just make her eat a Lean Cuisine for dinner.
He doesn’t even bother to brush his hair and just heads straight towards the kitchen. But on his way, he’s met with something that surprises him. 
“You actually cleaned the table?” he says in shock.
“No, she did,” Ume points to you without even looking up from her phone. 
Gyutaro scowls and hits Ume in the back of the head with a rolled-up newspaper, “What’s the matter with you? It’s rude to make your guest clean!”
“Hey!! Cut it out!! I didn’t tell her to, she did it on her own!” Ume whines.
“Still, you should have cleaned it yourself,” he grumbles and throws the newspaper to the side, “Y/N, I’m sorry. Please stay for dinner, that’s the least I could offer you for helping my sister since she’s too lazy to do anything on her own.”
“No no, it’s ok! I don’t want to put more work on your plate -”
“I insist,” he smiles and begins preparing the ingredients. 
Ume pays no attention to the matter, as you admire her brother while he works away in the kitchen. Grabbing a beer from the fridge, he takes a sip and sighs before he begins washing some vegetables. 
You sit there and stare at his muscles, admiring the way they move along with noticing the tattoo on his upper arm. The way his hair falls in his face, and he tries to push it away with his wrist while his hands hold ingredients. 
This is something you’ve never had before. A man who takes care of you. It’s something new for you, and quite frankly you’re a bit jealous of Ume. It must be nice to have someone who takes care of her like Gyutaro does. Especially since your father was never around, it feels comforting being in this kind of atmosphere with Gyutaro and his sister. 
The loud clattering of metal hitting the floor snaps you out of the trance you were in. It seems that Gyutaro dropped a knife because he had almost fallen asleep. You can see his eyes closing slowly as he shakes his head in an attempt to wake himself up. Even though you barely know him, the sight makes you feel bad for him. He must be so exhausted, yet he’s determined to make dinner for his little sister. 
“Hey, do you need any help?” you ask as you walk into the kitchen. 
“N-no, thank you though.” He tries to brush you off and continue cooking but you stop him, grabbing his wrist and taking the utensils out of his hand. “It’s ok really, you seem exhausted. Plus I like cooking so it’s no biggie!” You smile and try to lead him away from the kitchen.
“What? No! You’re our guest it’d be rud-”
“Onii-chan just let her do it! She’s offering, stop being so stubborn!” Ume chimes in.
“Don’t worry, I don’t think you’re a bad host. You’ve been nothing but welcoming to me, I just want to help out,” you lead him over to the couch and force him to sit down, “Everyone deserves a break once in a while.”
“But I-” his sentence trails off as he watches you walk away, not giving him any say in the matter. He feels incredibly guilty for letting you cook. But his body is too tired to fight it, and you no longer hear any complaints from him.
Looking around the kitchen you scan what Gyutaro had set up. There’s a pot of boiling water on the stove, a pan with oil in it, some half-cut tomatoes, a box of pasta, and an unopened package of meat. You can only assume that he was trying to make spaghetti. Luckily for you, it’s easy enough and something you’ve made countless times before. 
After about 30 minutes you have all of the food prepared. You make a plate for yourself, Ume, and Gyutaro. 
“Thanks, Y/N!” Ume exclaims as she finally puts down her phone and takes her plate. 
Next, you walk over to Gyutaro to give him his food, but he’s already passed out on the couch. The bottle of beer still in his hand, half full. 
“Poor thing,” you whisper to yourself, “Guess it’ll just be Ume and I for now.” You take the plate to the table and eat with Ume, opting that it’s probably best to let Gyutaro sleep. 
His stomach rumbles and his eyes are heavy as he slowly opens them, looking around at his surroundings. Confused for a moment as he forgot where he was. The living room is dark and quiet and he can’t quite remember why or how he fell asleep here. 
But then he looks over at the coffee table and remembers everything. His bottle is placed aptly beside a plate full of delicious looking pasta. Neatly wrapped in plastic wrap with a note reading, Enjoy! :)
“No way,” he mumbles as he tears off the plastic and begins to dig in. His eyes roll to the back of his head when the delicious food hits his tongue. Things taste so much better when someone else makes them. And honestly, he can’t recall how many years it’s been since someone has cooked him a meal. Five? Possibly ten? Either way, he savors the moment.
That meal has been on Gyutaro’s mind for days now. Never forgetting the taste and the gratifying feeling of eating a meal that was carefully prepared by someone else. It was amazing. And you’ve been on his mind ever since that night.
He told Ume to thank you since he didn’t have your number, and he really hopes she actually did it and didn’t just blow him off like she usually does.
As he drives home from work he can’t help but think of how nice it would be to come home to one of your home-cooked meals. It’s become a fantasy of his to imagine this on his drives home after a long shift. The thought brings him some comfort even though he knows it will never become a reality.
And just as he was driving through downtown he saw someone familiar. It was you, standing beneath one of the street lights as a strange man loomed over you. He appeared to be talking to you, but your body language looked as if you were very uncomfortable with the situation. 
The strange man appeared to be around Gyutaro’s age and all he could think was, “C’mon man, you’re too old to be doing this shit to a young girl. You should know better.” He rolls his eyes and pulls over next to the sidewalk. 
With a deep, tired sigh, he gets out of the car and yells, “Hey Y/N! I’ve been looking everywhere for you!” 
At first, the sudden voice calling out to you startles you, but as soon as you see that it’s Ume’s brother you feel like you’ve been saved. The strange man looks over at Gyutaro too, giving him a confused look.
“We’re gonna be late for that movie,” Gyutaro smiles as if everything is normal and walks up to you, “Oh, who’s this? Do I know this guy?”
“Uh n-no, I don’t think you know him,” you say nervously. 
Gyutaro nods and takes your hand, “Sorry man, but we gotta go. We’re gonna miss the premier if we don’t get going now.” 
The stranger seems convinced and walks off as Gyutaro leads you back to his car. Opening the door for you, as he watches the man walk away. Making sure he’s gone for good. 
You don’t hesitate to get into his car, a huge wave of relief washing over you once you’re safely inside. 
As soon as Gyutaro gets into the car he scolds you, “What the hell were you doing out here by yourself?” His eyes scan your form, and he notices you’re wearing a short dress.
“I was out with some friends,” you say shyly, “and I wanted to go home, but everyone else wanted to stay out…” 
He sighs and starts the car, “You can’t walk around like that, creepy guys are gonna flock towards you. It’s dangerous.”
“I know, I was so stupid for doing that… B-but thank you so much for helping me, Gyutaro! You really saved me there,” you feel tears well up in your eyes as you imagine what might have happened to you if Gyutaro never showed up. 
“Hey hey, it’s alright,” his expression softens, “You’re ok now, that’s all that matters. And from now on if you need a ride just call me, ok?”
“R-really? I don’t want to inconvenience you or anything…”
“Don’t worry about it, you’re Ume’s friend. I’d do it for Ume so I’d do it for you too. Besides, I work around here so it’s no big deal,” he smiles and hands you his phone so you can put your number in.
“Thanks. Ume’s really lucky to have a big brother like you,” you say as you finish creating your contact in his phone.
“I try my best I guess, heh if only Ume heard you say that. Anyway, where do you live?”
“Oh, right! It’s super close to here,” you type the directions into his phone navigation, “I really owe you for this, Gyutaro! What can I do to make it up to you?”
“Wh-what? No no no, you don’t have to do anything,” he gets a bit flustered as he begins driving towards your place. 
“Come on! You did so much for me, it’s the least I could do! Ooh, how about I cook something for you?” You raise your eyebrows and smile, trying to convince him. 
When he hears your plea, it’s like his prayers were answered. 
“... well, I can’t say no to that.”
The long-awaited day has finally come. The day that you will bring over some home-cooked meals to Gyutaro’s house. He’s been anticipating this ever since you promised it to him.
You come over holding tons of containers of food, much more than he had expected. 
“Woah, let me help you,” he says as he holds the front door open and takes one of the bags out of your hand.
“Ah, thanks. I didn’t realize how much food I made until I had to pack it all up,” you laugh and walk into his home. Placing the food on the table, you neatly snack boxes of prepared meals. 
“What’s all this?” he asks, a bit confused. He was expecting you to bring over a big container full of food, not a bunch of small ones. 
“I know you work a lot and stuff. So, I thought it’d be better if I packed everything up into individual meals so you can just grab them and take them to work. Less prep work for you. I hope that’s alright…”
Gyutaro is truly left speechless, unable to believe that you not only put so much effort into this but also so much consideration as well. Still in disbelief, he takes one of the neatly packed boxes and opens it up. Inside he’s met with a delicious meal separated neatly, and even a small dessert tucked into the side. The sight is beautiful, but the smell is what really makes him salivate. 
“Wow,” he smiles, “I-I don’t know what to say. This is amazing, thank you.” 
He begins to choke up. After so many years of taking care of his sister, always worrying about her needs, caring for her, stepping up and being that guardian that she needed, never once did someone stop to ask him what he wanted. Let alone go out of their way to take care of him. And for once, just once, he gets a taste of what it feels like to be cared for. Nurtured. And it’s a feeling he wishes he never had to let go of.
All of the emotions he’s kept in for so long finally pour out of him. Your kindness and consideration force his walls to crumble. And his eyes begin to water as he pinches the bridge of his nose, closing his eyes in an attempt to stop his tears. 
“Hey, are you alright?” You ask as you immediately notice that something isn’t right.
It takes him a moment to compose himself, “I-I’m ok,” he rasps, “Just… I really appreciate you doing this. It’s been so long since someone has done something for me…”
“Well, you deserve it,” you smile and try to comfort him by rubbing his back, “I can tell you work really hard. My mom is the same way. So I understand.”
“Thanks,” he smiles and quickly composes himself, “A-Anyway, I’m going to try one right now. It smells great.” He quickly tries to change the subject partially because he’s embarrassed, but also because he genuinely cannot wait to taste your cooking again.
The food still feels warm so he rushes into the kitchen to grab a fork, and he sits at the table and digs in. Immediately as the food hits his tongue he lets out a groan of satisfaction. 
“Mmph, ooh my god,” he says right before he shoves another spoonful into his mouth, “so good!”
“I’m glad you like it,” you smile and sit beside him at the table, “These recipes are super easy and budget-friendly, so I can give them to you if you want.”
“Please! Mmph, that’d be great,” he swallows another big bite, “Where’d you learn to cook so well?”
“I just learned over time. It’s always just been my mom and I, my dad was never around,” you sigh, “So I kinda had to learn how to take care of myself since my mom always had two jobs. I would always make food for us to ease her workload. And I’ve always enjoyed cooking so I never minded.”
“Wait, for real?” he looks surprised, “My mom was never around! Man, it fucking sucks doesn’t it?”
“So you understand how I feel!” you smile despite talking about something upsetting, “So, your dad was the one that raised you?”
“Basically,” he nods as he licks his fork clean, “My mom wouldn’t let my dad come around much, even though she wasn’t around much herself. I was pretty much on my own till my mom  died and my dad took us in.”
Watching him talk about his past, you get the impression that it’s something he doesn’t often talk about. His body language alone is enough to tell you that. But the two of you feel some type of connection having shared a similar childhood experience.
“Your dad sounds like a good man,” you smile, “I think he’d be very proud of you.”
He looks up at you, his eyes shining with a mixture of sadness and appreciation. “Thanks… he really was the best. But sometimes I just wish I could have had a normal family.”
“Yeah I totally get it,” you sigh, “That’s why I always told myself I’d try to give my future kid the best life I can.  I want to give them the childhood I never had…” You trail off, thinking about the future you hope will become a reality one day. 
“Exactly!” he shouts, “That’s exactly what I told myself too! I always wanted a family so I could do things right.”
He seems excited at first but his expression quickly shifts to one of sadness. 
“But it’s too late for me to have a family,” he continues, looking down as he opens up about one of his biggest failures, “Oh well, if Ume ever has kids I’ll just try to be the best uncle I can.”
“Why would you say it’s too late?” you tilt your head to the side, confused.”
“Y/N, I’m thirty-five years old. I’m too old to start a family… Besides most women my age are done having kids. Not that any woman would want to be with me anyways.” He frowns, being reminded of how he failed to fulfill one of the only dreams he’s ever had. 
“Why not just start a family with a young girl, like me?” You ask without completely realizing what you’re saying. 
“Wh-what?” his eyes widen, completely taken aback by your statement. Could you be insinuating what he thinks you’re insinuating? He’s not sure whether you’re just naive or completely delusional. 
“W-Well um,” you blush as you begin to realize what you’ve said, “I think you’re a really great guy. Any woman would be lucky to-”
“Get out,” he cuts you off. 
“I’m sorry-”
“GET OUT!” He raises his voice, striking fear into you to the point where you feel your eyes begin to water. 
You feel utterly embarrassed and ashamed. Just when you were starting to get close to him too, you had to say something stupid to ruin it all. Honestly, you have no idea what you were thinking. You will admit you did have a crush on him, so maybe your heart just got excited and took a risky leap of faith. But unfortunately for you, it backfired. 
Without another word you rush out of his house as fast as you can, balling your eyes out. 
It’s been a few days, and Gyutaro has been ignoring your texts. They stopped coming after that first day, and even though he didn’t respond he still read them. Reading your apologies over and over. He couldn’t get the situation out of his head no matter how hard he tried. So he decided maybe he needed an outside opinion. 
He finds himself sitting at a bar, drinking a beer. Rubbing his rough hand across the stubble that’s grown on his face as he’s been too stressed lately to bother shaving. Honestly, he looks pretty rough. He’s caught up in his self-sabotaging thoughts when he hears a familiar voice call out to him.
“Gyutaro! How’ve you been, man?”
He turns around with a smile on his face, “Hey Kai, what’s up?” He stands and gives his best friend a side hug. 
“Gyutarooooo, do I get a hug too?” an annoying voice chimes, a voice that instantly gives Gyutaro a headache. This voice could only belong to one person. 
“I hope you don’t mind that I invited him too,” Kaigaku laughs nervously.
“Douma…” Gyutaro deadpans.
“What? Aren’t you happy to see me?” Douma smiles wide, giving Gyutaro a one-sided hug. “So, spill the details! Kai said you had some juicy gossip to talk about!” He says as he sits beside him at the bar, placing his hand under his chin and batting his long eyelashes. 
Kaigaku takes a seat on the other side of Gyutaro and mumbles, “Maybe this was a mistake.”
“It’s fine,” Gyutaro sighs and takes a drink from his bottle, “I really just wanted some advice. Just promise you won’t make it weird.”
“When do I ever make things weird?” Douma asks. 
Gyutaro just stares at him, thinking of all of the times he has indeed made things weird. 
“Come on man, just spit it out already!” Kaigaku nudges his shoulder. 
Gyutaro groans and slumps over in his seat, “Alright alright. So, there’s this girl-”
“A girl?!” Both of his friends say in unison. 
“Shut up!” Gyutaro growls, knowing exactly why his friends are so shocked. Because out of all of the years they’ve known him, he’s never once brought up a girl. 
“Anyway,” he continues, “There’s a girl I kind of like… she’s really sweet and we have a lot in common but…” he trails off, hesitant to tell them the truth, “She’s only twenty-one…”
Kaigaku chokes on his drink.
“I don’t see an issue,” Douma says, genuinely confused.
“Of course, you don’t,” Gyutaro mumbles under his breath. 
“How the hell did you get into this situation?” Kaigaku coughs.
“It wasn’t on purpose! I didn’t pursue her at all!” Gyutaro scowls, “Listen, she’s one of Ume’s friends. She comes over a lot and she’s been really nice to me. She even cooked a bunch of meals for me too…”
“And? Spill it, Shabana!” Douma pouts, getting impatient. 
“AND, we were talking about what we want for our future. I told her I wanted a family one day but I’m too old… and she said why don’t I have a family with a young girl like her. I immediately told her to leave. I’m starting to think maybe I overreacted…”
“Well, girls that age are very fertile!” Douma chimes as if his statement was completely innocent.
“STOP!” Gyutaro shouts, “That’s fucking weird, man! Don’t say it like that!” 
“Maybe I shouldn’t have invited him…” Kaigaku mumbles. 
“Hey, it’s true! I am a gynecologist after all, it’s just medical facts! And she’s right, having children with someone your age will be much more difficult and there could be complications!” Douma asserts confidently.
“The fact that you’re a gynecologist disturbs me,” Kaigaku says. 
“Me too,” Gyutaro adds. 
“Come on guys! It’s not as weird as you think. Why would it be so wrong to date her?”
“For starters, she’s fourteen fucking years younger than me! That’d be creepy right…? I don’t want people thinking I’m a weirdo or a creep,” he frowns, starting to feel like maybe he is a creep for even considering something with you. 
Kaigaku takes a sip of his drink, thinking long and hard about what advice he should give his friend. Especially since Douma is useless. 
“I mean, it’s not that bad,” he shrugs, “At the end of the day you’re both consenting adults. And since when did you care about what other people think of you anyway?”
“You have a point,” Gyutaro replies, “But she should live her life instead of wasting her time with an old guy like me.”
“First of all you aren’t even that old,” Kai rolls his eyes, “And second of all, she’s an adult who is fully capable of making her own decisions. If she wants to be with you, then she wants it for a reason. Maybe she wants a guy who is at a more stable point in his life. Who knows?”
“Exactly, Kai’s right. I see age gaps much larger than this all the time, it’s more common than you think,” Douma adds. 
“And besides, it would only be creepy if you were talking to her when she was a minor,” Kaigaku states, “Like if you’re an adult talking to a minor, then wait till they’re an adult to pursue them romantically it’s a little creepy if you ask me. But you didn’t even know her at all until now. So don’t worry man. You aren’t creepy or weird for liking this girl.”
Gyutaro feels a wave of relief wash over him as he listens to his friend’s explanation. It's the first thing he’s heard that actually made him feel a bit better about the situation. “So, you really think it’s ok for me to pursue her?”
“Hell yeah! Be happy, man. I know you’re not the kind of guy to go after a girl just because she’s young. She sounds like a really nice girl, and I’m happy someone finally sees what a great guy you are.”
“Thanks, Kai,” Gyutaro smiles, “Alright, I guess I’ll go for it.”
Gyutaro feels a newfound confidence overtake him. His friends are right, he shouldn’t be so caught up in the details when the fact of the matter is that a really amazing woman is interested in him for the first time in his life. And he cannot let this opportunity slide, as it may be the last chance he has at happiness. 
“Who knows, maybe she’s one of my patients!” Douma chimes in out of nowhere.
“Shut up, Douma! God, I can’t take you anywhere!” Kai growls. 
That night you receive a text from Gyutaro, “Do you want to go to the botanical gardens with me this weekend?”
When you first read the text you had to pinch yourself in case you were dreaming. Why would he say that all of a sudden? Did he suddenly have a change of heart? Or maybe he’s inviting you out just so he can tell you off in person. 
You aren’t sure which one, but you’ve been so stressed over this situation that you’ll do anything to make up with him. So you hastily respond, “Yes! I’d love to :)”
Immediately you regret how eager you sound in the text, thinking that it might make Gyutaro think you're even more childish. But in reality it makes him smile knowing that someone is excited to see him for once.
“Ok. I’ll send you the details,” he responds a minute later.
Is this a date? That’s the only question that keeps replaying in your mind. A date with Gyutaro, your best friend’s older brother. The whole thing feels taboo, but you’d be lying if you said that it didn’t make you feel even more excited.
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Taglist: @gyusimp @mistyychann @cherrysxuya @angelicsaiko @hoshigafuru @matsukaah @merryclaus @whisperhug97 @dawn-rays-dingo
(I tagged people who showed interest in my previous posts. If you'd like to be added or removed from the taglist just let me know. The next chapter will have smut so if you want to be tagged make sure you have your age listed on your blog ♡)
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sanemisstalker · 1 year
NSFW // KNY characters who take their pussy rare.
CW / Period blood / blood play / degradation/ (DOUMA) reader is viewed as livestock/ BDSM dynamics (Dom+submissive)
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-Of course Douma eats it bloody. That's like, his whole character theme.
-I think Douma has a particular fondness, in fact, for bloody pussy.
-He can smell your hormones pulsing with each cramp. You're aching and pleading not to be touched too rough, and Douma is just shaking with excitement.
-he would never. Have you no faith?
-He's certain blood is actually better than your typical wetness. Says you're tighter when you're cramping. His dick slides better in your lining.
-Has an array of things set up to catch your blood for later. He has jars of it at this point. Keeps it on ice. You don't see him use them ever- You just know they're there, and notice when one dissapears.
-The worst part is that he assures you he doesn't drink them. Those would never be for him, absolutely not. He doesn't have leftovers, silly.
-You don't know where your blood is going, or who it's going into, but he keeps you too fucked out to care regardless.
-'Ah- Another one? Did you know, when you contract, You're pushing all the good stuff out of your womb?'
-He's saying this with you sat on his face. You don't quite hear him, and it takes a moment for you to grasp just what he's saying.
-If you knew him better, which you don't, you'd know he's talking about the actual lining of your wall. He views a womb as a particularly sacred delicacy. As if he's eating a holy relic of sorts.
-So of course he'll take whatever comes from it. It's like a cow with milk. When you stop bleeding, he'll eat the rest of you, but you've got quite a bit of life left to live cushy and pampered.
-He believes this bizarre little practice keeps him at upper two after all. Your bloody cunt is the closest he gets to religion, in a way. Women are so fascinating, with your ready to eat buffets for demons, and that dumb little button you have that makes you crave that?
-If he believed in God, he would be sure the menstrual cycle was a divine design, made especially with him in mind. Not only are you lethargic and aching, but he gets to bully you, and you're supplying him food?
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-One of them has to batter you back into submission when you're like this, and none of them seem anywhere near as capable as Sekido. Or as enthusiastic.
-You're a bit nippy during your period. The four understand this much. The other three seem content, in some capacity, to let you run your mouth. Sekido doesn't like being disrespected in any capacity.
-His clones encourage him to behave... not kindly, but mean in other, more helpful ways.
-It's really hard for him to not eat you whole, starting with the meat of your inner thighs. Your moans ground him, but also bring him dark thoughts.
-Would you moan if he started tearing through your flesh?
-He becomes the only one allowed to fuck you on the first day of your period. That's his bull to handle. His pussy to make a mess of. He plays it off as though he's handling an unwelcome task, but he's very quick to deny anyone else the right.
-Will degrade you if you enjoy it even a smidge.
-'Are you moaning? Disgusting! This isn't the time for hysterics!'
-Shocked and amazed when your cramps actually do lessen. Was entirely lying for the bit and doesn't believe you when you say you're feeling just slightly better.
-Is driven to a near frenzy when you cum and a drop of blood slips down to your taint. He's not wasteful.
-He's more upset at how much he enjoys it compared to how much you enjoy it. He shouldn't enjoy something so disgusting, and he assures you he's not, but his lips are covered in your blood, and it's really hard to take him seriously.
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-four wives, one for each blood type. He jokes he knows how each tastes and can tell the difference by smell alone.
-Very public about this. Not shy to admit to his tastes. He pleases his wives constantly, let it be known that something as small as blood would never prevent him from such an important task.
-If he sees even one of you cramping, he's got you on the ground or the flat of the nearest surface to fix it. He hates seeing you in pain and will do anything in his power to circumvent it. His tongue is definitely within his power.
-Tells you that his seed really is a cure all, he isn't wrong. The warm liquid splattering up against your sore cervix- It's almost comforting in a way. Cooling, even.
-Loves fingering you, too. Places the softest, warmest hand just barely on your stomach, because it hurts so bad, but you tug it to your uterus everytime. A nice heating pad while he works out all the awful things.
-'Ah, does that feel better? I know it hurts, let your lord take care of it.'
-Such a service top it's almost sickening. Living with the three others, and having you sync up? Tengen has had more than one busy day.
-Will cockwarm you if need be. The sex is gentle in comparison. It can get rough if so desired. After the really bad cramps, he's willing to push aside any mess to let you chase your high.
-His thighs look really pretty covered in blood.
-He's his wives personal fuck toy, and he takes pride in that. Especially if they go from aching and exhausted to cumming and overjoyed. Helps them get back on the job.
-Tengen actually enjoys the blood as well. Thinks it adds a certain- artistic flare to your pussy. And to his dick.
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-Eats pussy for his own enjoyment. At your service, hand and foot, 25/8- Does not care what state your vagina is in, he's just grateful to be here.
-A very calm lover. A very calming lover, as well. Doesn't care about taste, smell, visual- barely even cares how he got there. All that matters is that he's doing his job, and he's fulfilling your wishes.
-Such a service bottom it is UNDENIABLY sickening. Zero regard for his own pleasure, entirely subservient.
-See Guard dog and wounded master. Willing to lick the blood from any given wound if he believes it to help. Wishes his spit was healing because seeing you like this is gut wrenching to him. He isn't sure why, but he know it hurts.
-Kitten licks to your clit. He doesn't care if his tongue gets tired. His thumbs massage your lips, keeping your ass elevated at just the right height to make all of it fade away.
-Begs you to come even if he knows how hard that must be given the circumstances. Can't bare to see you in pain anymore than this.
-The head boarders on high. He's chocked you full of any and every pain killer from the time. As it works it's way through your veins, the soft pampering to your pussy becomes borderline overstimulating.
-He thinks you're squirming from pain, so he tries even harder to make it feel better. You can't stop cumming once you start.
-You're in tears under his tongue, and he's lapping up every drop of blood your pussy has to offer. It's euphoric for him, in a way. This was a large point of contention between the two of you. Never wanting to be eaten, and yet being satisfied in such a gluttonous way.
-When you push his head away, he looks up at you with a cakey, pink face. His eyes wide and wondering.
-'Was I too rough?' And when you shake your head no, and your voice sounds all too content, he can't help but smile. With his reddened, cum and blood covered lips, he looks a little too perfect.
-'That makes me happy.'
2K notes · View notes
Upper Moon 1-3 + Muzan with an Affectionate S/O
(A/N- This was a request, and to the person who requested this I really hope you enjoy!!)
(Characters Included- Kokushibo, Douma, Akaza, and Muzan)
(Warning: FLUFF and a little swearing)
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- Doesn’t mind it at all, though if you’re with him in an Upper Moon meeting then he’ll ask you to tone it down a little.
- When he reciprocates the affection, he does it in small but thoughtful gestures. Like holding hands, wrapping an arm around your waist, giving you his haori, acts of service, etc.
- His favorite thing that you do is when the both of you are laying down together and you’re cuddled up into his side. It makes him happy that you trust him enough to be so vulnerable around him.
- He loves it and he makes sure that you know it too. Happily reciprocates it as well, with a big smile on his face.
- He always makes sure to vocalize his appreciation for the loving gestures (very loudly too). Sometimes (majority of the time) if Akaza’s around and Douma is talking loudly he’ll get so pissed. Though he refrains himself from attacking him because he’s fond of you.
- Whenever you hug him he loves to wrap his arms tightly around you in a bear hug and then lean back real fast to lift you up.
- He likes your affectionate personality. It’s one of the things he loves about you (well he loves every single thing about you-) and he cherishes it. He’ll only ever tell you that if he’s feeling really sentimental.
- Gets a little embarrassed by all the affection in public. Though he does get used to it over time.
- One of his favorite things to do when you’re showing affection is when you’re hugging his side and he wraps his arm protectively around your waist.
🩸Muzan Kibutsuji🩸
- He grows fond of the abundance of affection over time. Sometimes he’ll even smile a little at it. Also if he’s ever upset about something, your physical affection helps calm him down a little bit.
- Doesn’t mind PDA, he doesn’t give two shits about what others think about it. Even during meetings.
- He’ll subtly reciprocate the affection. He mainly likes to give you gifts and compliments as a sign of appreciation. On occasions when he’s feeling flirtatious he likes to tease you physically and verbally.
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muzansfangs · 3 months
Mojito + Douma & Kokushibo
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Starring: Douma x f!reader; Kokushibo x f!reader; Douma x f!reader x Kokushibo; mention to Gyokko and Muzan;
Format: one-shot;
Warnings: nsfw, threesome, public sex, dom!Kokushibo, dom!Douma, sub!reader, vaginal sex, vaginal fingering, anal penetration, double penetration, bitemarks, hair pulling, reader is a demon, manhandling, blood drinking, violence in battle, consuming humans, dispicable use of blood as a cosmetic, kind of sacrilegious scenary (sex in the shrine area);
Plot: As one of Douma’s most loyal followers, you had some privileges. One of those was being turned into a demon and trained to climb the ranks of the Upper Moons. When Gyokko died, Muzan chose you to take his place. In the middle of a training session with the leader of the Eternal Paradise Cult and the Upper Moon One, you accidentally hit them with your blood demon technique: aphrodisiac blood. Pinned down by your comrades, you were demanded to show them your devotion.
Drink chosen: MOJITO (double!penetration, threesome, anal sex, vaginal sex, marking the partner);
The Moon glowed solitary in a starless dark sky. Under the pale light provided by the satellite, you were sitting on the cold stairs of an ancient shrine, forgotten by the neglectful humans who had built it centuries ago to probably appease the divine wrath of their god. Ivy and dirt blanketed the abandoned building, now deemed a pit of demons and curses by the local folklore. Pitiful. It was nothing but pitiful. You grimaced at the thought of the typical human inconsistency and stupidity.
Still, not long ago, you were a human too. Some memories from your past life still flashed in your mind. Who were you before you turned into a blood-thirsted creature? You were a devoted young girl, living in a Temple in which people disappeared mysteriously from their beds in the dead of the night. It was a ritual, or this is what the Leader of the Cult wanted his followers to believe. Those humans were doomed. Their naivety and faith were their downfall. However, while he deliberately manipulated the whining mass of people seeking protection and blessings from him, he had never tried to hide his identity, his nature, to you. Loyal to him, you had always stood by his side, not manifesting horrified expressions, when he devoured people in front of you. Your fingers were usually threading through his silky platinum blond hair, whilst he fed. Humming sweet melodies for him, helping him to bathe, you had gradually become his life companion, or something close to it. Along with the favors and attentions he required, he did not abstain from asking you to indulge into the bed with him.
Satisfying your Lord, though, did not feel unpleasant. There was something enthralling about the way he broke you down and built you up.
To show you his gratitude, Douma had therefore turned you into a demon to preserve your beauty. It was amusing how you had inheridated some of his characteristic. Your nails, pointy and lilac, were among them. Your devotion intensified. By the time you had trained enough to be capable of not shaking in front of Muzan Kibutsuji, Douma had suggested him to make you one of the Twelve Kitsuki. You felt on top of the world, the glory of finally standing at the top ensnared your senses and you gladly complied to the King of demons’s order to show your loyalty to him.
Standing up now, you detected the subtle attack coming from your left. Dodging it was easy, the golden tessen aiming at your neck cut a mere strand of your hair. You smirked, kneeling a few feet away from your opponent. Pearly fangs shining under the moonlight, Douma waved his hand at you casually.
“Ah, you’ve become so agile, Y/N-chan!” Douma stated, as you casually approached him with a soft smile on your red-painted lips. He, only he or another demon could say what it was smeared over your mouth.
His hand gripping your hair and straining your neck made you wince. His tongue darted out of his mouth, lapping at the dried blood you used to decorate your lips. Your clawed hand gripped his cheek, nails digging onto the smooth flesh enough to pierce his flesh and draw blood. You had become so much rougher with each other since you had become the new Upper Rank Five. Your animalistic and savage nature had kicked in, surprising your carefree friend to some extents.
“And you are perpetually needy” you whispered, lips hovering over his, before you ungraciously shoved him off of you and caused him to tumble onto the ground.
Douma was fascinated, watching as you rested your bare foot on top of his broad chest and bit down onto your wrist. Oh, how much he loved feeding from you. The sight of your crimson blood dribbling down your skin and splattering onto his face made his cock throb into his pants. The need to be inside of you was unbearable. The Upper Moon Two diligently opened his mouth, tongue welcoming the drops of blood you were so generously letting drip from your wound. Once again, you were subservient, indulgent.
His hand slided up your naked calf, squeezing it suggestively, rainbow-colored eyes locking with yours as you sighed and decided to cruelly deprive him of your proximity, of your intoxicating blood.
Douma groaned, pushing himself up on his elbows as your skin regenerated quickly “Ah, come on, what did I say to piss you off now?” he asked you, but he did not receive an answer from you, because the air around the shrine suddenly became asphyxiating. Your eyes grew round, your knees almost buckling under the pressure, upon ascertaining the Upper Moon One had joined you two. You were expecting him to come; whenever Muzan gave orders, he was the only one who never failed his expectations.
Bowing your head respectfully at the highest rank of what remained of the Twelve Kizuki, you greeted him “Kokushibo-dono, it’s a joy to welcome you here. We were just waiting for you to begin” you cooed, breaking the eeare silence enveloping the area.
You knew nothing about him, beside his sense of honor and an incommensurable admiration for the progenitor of your specimen. A rational, taciturn man who hardly ever barged into the unimportant squabbles taking place among those below him. What mattered to that man was the impertubable balance of powers.
An high-pitched gasp from behind you, caught your attention and, in a blink of an eye, Douma was standing right next to you “Ah, Kokushibo-dono, it’s been so long! You have declined all of my invitations to visit my residence… It’s a shame, really! Recently, I’ve taken in a couple of lovely girls. I looked forward to share them with you” the Upper Moon Two ranted, that fake overjoyed smile curving the angles of his lips upwards, while he sneakily swung his arm around your waist, yanking you against his side.
You sighed, a pout on your lips, before you searched for Kokushibo’s gaze to begin your training session. While you were more than capable of taking down a Pillar on your own, you still had some troubles in controlling your blood demon technique and, with the incoming war, Muzan wanted you to be extremely proficient, impeccable. Letting you train along the two strongest demons alive was the best way to improve your skills.
The former Demon Slayer sized you up, hand resting onto the hilt of his katana out of habit “Y/N. — he greeted you, his six bloodshot eyes then darting on the tall man at your left — Hard times require total concentration. There is absolutely no time to slack off and indulge into sordid, deplorable activities. Get in position” he sternly said, causing the younger demon to sneer and plant a kiss on your cheek before distancing himself from you leisurely.
You had no idea of the specific schedule he had chosen for you, yet the moment your nose was pierced by the fragrance of human blood, and your ears heard heavy footsteps rapidly consuming the road leading from the woods to the shrine, you put the pieces together. You looked at Kokushibo, not surprised by his lack of an explanation. Slayers. Those humans running straight to their death were Slayers the Upper Moon One had purposefully conducted to you.
“Oh, is that food? Please, tell me pretty girls in black uniforms are coming for us…” Douma chimed, his smile broadening as he tried to take a step towards the dark forest.
Kokushibo’s gesture of the hand, though, was enough to stop him from doing anything more than watching the scene unfold before his dreamy eyes.
Being the center of the attention had never been more difficult than now. Your eyes scrutinized the area, your nails ready to rip to shreds whomever had the audacity to attempt to slice your head off of your shoulders. A few seconds passed by before you spotted the group of young Slayers running towards you. Ready for battle, glaring at you, they unsheathed their blades. Six humans, not exactly weaklings, craved your head. But before you could just charge at them, Kokushibo spoke out again.
“Use your technique. Focus solely on it”.
His deep voice, for some reason, sent shivers down your spine. Probably, you were just enthralled by the massacre about to take place in the holy territory underneath your feet. Or maybe you were already losing control. Nevertheless, you quickly switched your attention back on the youngs group of humans in front of you.
“Good evening” you cooed, smiling faintly at the now shaking people looking at you and your frightening friends in horror.
“Upper ranks… We’re dead. Tell the crows to send a Pillar” a female Slayer blurted out, sweat beading her forehead as she frantically looked at both her sides in search for possible ways out of this situation.
“A Pillar? Are you fucking blind? We need more than a Pillar here!” her comrade said, eyes not leaving your frame as you sighed and shook your head. It was pointless. What could three Pillars do anyway against three upper ranks? Nothing.
Your eyes glinted, your hand caressing the cheek of the female slayer who had suggested to call a Pillar. You heard them gasp, when they realized you were standing practically among them, not fearing their deadly blades at all. You were blatantly challenging them, awaiting for the right moment to devour them. You giggled, before you disappeared from the small circle around you, holding the young fighter in your arms before you speaking again. Back in your original spot, you were running your fingers through the silky black hair of the girl, her body writhing under your touch as you leaned your face down to your let your lips graze her earlobe. It was time to satisfy your whims and you did not hesitate to activate your technique.
“Blood demon art: the human puppet” you whispered, the white sclera of your eyes fading into black.
Before your victim could even register what was happening, blood threds connected to her joints and she naturally dropped to her knees in front of you. Adoration in her eyes, she hugged your legs, the effects of your aphrodisiac blood driving her nuts.
“What’s happening? What did she do to her?” the head of the group snapped, trying to assess your reactions to figure out what your power could do.
Honestly, you were having fun. There was no pressure of ending things quickly for once. You had all the time in world to enjoy your minutes of glory and you did. You smiled at the girl at your feet, clasping your hands together as you listened to her words.
“How can I serve you?” she meekly asked you, cheeks flushing up as you hummed and gestured at her friends at her back, hunger for blood making your mouth salivate, albeit you tried to get a grip of yourself.
“Those people have offended me. Why don’t you kill them for me?” you asked, watching in glee as she hastily picked her sword back up and sprinted towards them. Ready to defend themselves, the slayers cursed your name as the group had apparently decided to split. You watched in interest three of them charging at you, homicidal instinct in their eyes, while the rest of them sparred with their comrade.
All the while, you had felt Douma and Kokushibo’s eyes on you, studying your moves, contemplating your choices and strategies. They had not bothered helping you out and they did not seem interested in it anyway, at least, until a disaster happened. Trusting blindly in your abilities, you had waited too long before activating your technique. The moment you did, you were forced to block the slash of a slayer with your forearm. The impact was powerful enough to cause your blood to spill, accidentally splattering on your two colleagues faces, staining their lips and inhebriating them.
Faltering, you had no time to apologize that a katana sliced through your opponent’s head. The thud of his body colliding onto the ground was followed by the screams of terror and agony of the others. Soon enough, you were surroundered by bunch of dismembered corpses, no more sounds echoing in the calm forest, if not… Heavy breaths, grunts of frustration. Affected by your technique, the upper moon One and Two were staring right into your eyes, their fangs protruding from their gums, ferally hissing to fight the primal urges of dominating the weakest prey in front of them. It was your fault. The second form of your blood demon technique was literally called ‘primal lust of the hunter’.
Taking a few impish steps back, you tried to comfort them “I promise the side effects are going to wear off in a few—”.
“How long?” Kokushibo growled, planting his sword onto the ground. You had never seen him like that.
“Kokushibo-dono, I… I—”.
A sudden grip on your forearm, yanking you towards them, made you gasp in sheer embarrassment. That look in their eyes, that way of staring you down in hunger promised nothing less than a long night of submission ahead of you.
“How long?” the Upper moon One hissed on your face, his grip on your forearm intensifying, until you confessed the truth.
“Until you reach the peak of your ecstasy” you blurted out, earning an hysterical laughter from Douma, who grasped a fistful of your hair and encircled your waist with a hand. His abs glued to your back, he rotated his hips against your rear, the clothed bulge underneath the layers he wore poking at you with unbridled hunger.
You shuddered, closing your eyes “I can help you! I can help you both!” you fretted, body on fire as their hands began to undress you with urgency.
Probably, this was the biggest mistake of your life, but the famous thing that happened once ever in a lifetime too. Lips devoured yours instantly, the guttural groan escaping Kokushibo lips made your disclose your lips automatically to let his tongue invade your mouth. Your hands threaded your the former Slayer’s hair, tugging at his ponytail to squash his body against yours. Fangs sank onto the crook of your neck, your whimper swallowed by Koksuhibo, as Douma hand slipped underneath your ripped kimono and masterly cupped your sex.
How many times had he done that to you? So many nights, so many nights but not a single one of them could compare to what he was making you feel right now. Douma always took his sweet time in tearing you apart, but his thumb did not indulge much on your throbbing clitoris.
You whined in protest, only for him to take a step back and unbuckle the belt of his pants “Sorry, Y/N-chan, but I feel… Oh, my sweet gods, I feel like I could burst into my own pants, if I don’t fuck that pretty hole of yours. Not much prep today, okay?” he rasped out, sweat running down the valley of your breasts along with the blood still dribbling down your collarbone in irregular crimson lines from his harsh bite onto your neck.
When the Upper Moon One pulled away, his hands discarding his robes onto the ground, finally granting you the celestial sight of his chiseled body, you struggled to keep your composure: the body of a warrior, the body of a divinity. The body of a man who had trained for centuries, in the desperate chase to proclaim himself the strongest slayer alive.
“Her womb is mine” he declared firmly, causing your knees to buckle, when he grasped your hips and made you straddle him easily. Douma surprisingly did not retaliate, kneeling right behind you instead as his hand slipped down between your thighs to collect some of your juices.
He growled, the pads of his fingers collecting the result of your wanton before smearing them onto the entrance of your puckered hole. You writhed, glancing at him from above your shoulder, before pulling him into a sloppy kiss “You better worship the ground I walk on after this” you whispered, only for a pathetic whimper to leave your lips as Kokushibo’s calloused band grasped your jaw unceremoniously and turned your head towards him once again.
“He’s your superior, but I personally don’t see the number one etched in his eyes” the man darkly said, pushing his hips against yours and witnessing to the way you came to realize his hakama were now loosely hanging down his hips. His cock, standing as a ramrod, was probbing at your entrance with arrogance, his free hand angling your hips to favor the penetration.
“I apologize, Kokushibo-dono. — you breathed out, arching your back as he lined the bulbous tip on you clenching hole — Douma and I are familiar with this kind of entertainment” you explained, breath hitching in your throat when the blond man at your back began to slide a finger into your backside to stretch you out a little. He was seething in anger, frustration of not having the chance to paint the welcoming walls of your pussy in white, as he always did.
The Upper Moon Two smirked “That’s right! I think Kokushibo-dono will absolutely love to hear how much of a slut you are when you are stuffed so full of cum that you twitch like a fish dying on the shore” he remarked, your eyes screwed shut as you felt your tight walls swallowing his fingers into your most private parts.
Were you going to be able to walk after this? If they actually injured you, was your demonic regeneration going to heal your wounds?
“Enough talk” Kokushibo flatly said, unsympathetically pinching your right nipple to hear you squirm under his ministrations as well.
And, gosh, you did. What made him groan out in pleasure, his stolid mask slipping, was the way your pussy squeezed him up perfectly when he entered you. Hands planted onto your hipbones, Kokushibo guided you up and down onto his length. The girth had almost made you regret your choice of taking care of their impellent needs, but the way he occasionally let the head of his cock kiss your cervix made you cry out loudly, shamelessly, your head lolling back on Douma’s shoulder as he also began to slide into you.
You had no idea how you had managed to, how your body had adapted to that tempo, to the way they were manhandly you, but when Douma had filled you up to the brim, his pelvis slapping against your arses, you knew you had showed your devotion to them.
“Fuck! I— O my God… — you whimpered out, vision blurry as tears ran down your cheeks copiously — K-Koku, Koku, I can’t” you inhaled sharply, only for him to snort at your face, a powerful thrust causing your whole body to collapse against his.
“It’s Lord Kokushibo to you”.
His words, vivid in your mind, were the only thing you remembered hearing from him after they were done with you. Panting, a mass of sweat and fluids, you were sandwitched between them. Kokushibo came deep into you, arms almost possessively keeping you in place, his gestures so cold and methodical. You wondered, you wondered if a long time ago he had been married, if he had fucked her with the only intention of impregnating her because you were damned if he had not given you that impression.
Douma was breathing heavily, tongue lapping at the umpteenth wound he had left onto your neck, as he softened into you. He had not pulled out as well, you could feel his sperm oozing out from your abused hole as you barely had the energy to nuzzle your head into Kokushibo’s chest.
He did not caress you, neither said a word, but he allowed you to rest like that for a little while. Your training had just begun.
A big thank you to the anon who had submitted this request! I said it once and I’ll say it again: writing threesomes is amusing! Also… I might have a thing for Douma, that’s pretty evident by now. Thank you for your support and see you in the next work!
Likes, comments and re-posts are greatly appreciated!
x o x o
Dt: @doumadono @mrskokushibo my angels✨❤️
TAGS: @axesfordays @flakeygod @tomatoeshater @areyouflying @bakugosgirl01 @crystal-freak24 @the-nex @squ4respace @akazas-left-tatted-butt-cheek @wooyugta @ilubplants @the-faceless-bride
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thepaperpanda · 1 year
The Offspring || Douma x female demon!reader
Summary: Despite all obstacles, you were able to grant Douma with a demon child
Warnings: None, just Douma teasing Akaza and Akaza being so done with Douma also soft Douma
Word count: 3853
Authors: Cass & Rouge
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Douma was taken aback by the news. He never fathomed the possibility of impregnating you. Did he feel remorseful about it? Perhaps slightly, but his intrigue and captivation overshadowed any misgivings he may have had.
Frequently, he would sit with you on his lap and caress your burgeoning belly with slender fingers, all while his iridescent eyes fixated on the stirring movements beneath the skin. The sensation of feeling a life growing inside of you was something he had never experienced before, and it left him entranced.
Upon the arrival of your little one, his fascination only amplified. 
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Six months passed. 
He stood there, beholding the small bundle in his arms with reverential awe. The baby’s eyes, like a burst of rainbow hues, met Douma's own gaze, as if recognizing the demon before him.
You stood in the hallway, your gaze fixed on Douma as he played with your child. The door was half-opened, allowing you to watch the scene unfold without disturbing them. 
You couldn't help but smile at the sight before you. Douma had a special way with children if he only wanted to, and you were thankful that he was a part of your and your child's life; instinctively, you knew he'd have done whatever it takes to keep the both of you safe and sound.
The little baby was looking at Douma, his chubby hands reaching out towards the man.
Douma's low hum interrupted the quiet atmosphere. The corners of his lips tugged up into a sly smile, his eyes fixed on you as he addressed his son. "You like to watch me, don't you, Y/N?"
You smiled as you slowly entered the room, improving the cardigan over your shoulders. "Hey darling, forgive me, I didn't want to interrupt. I also love to watch you two interacting."
You approached Douma, and looked down at the baby boy he held in his arms. You saw the boy's tiny finger curling around Douma's slender, index finger, his colorful eyes looking up at you with curiosity. He was dressed in a soft blue onesie; it made him look even more adorable. 
You couldn't resist the urge to interact with your son, so you lowered your head and rubbed your nose against baby's tummy. This playful gesture earned you a burst of laughter from the child, his little body wriggling with joy. You smiled as you continued to tickle and play with the baby, enjoying his infectious giggles.
Douma tilted his head to the side, his gaze fixed on the tiny bundle in front of him. "It's hard to believe we created something so precious," he mused, his voice barely above a whisper.
You looked at Douma and smiled warmly at him. The corners of your mouth curled up, and your teeth were visible; your cheeks lifted, and your eyes crinkled with joy. 
The baby boy's gaze shifted to Douma, and a smile spread across his chubby face. His eyes sparkled with delight as he puffed out his cheeks, and his little arms reached out towards the man; his fingers wiggled as he tried to grab hold of Douma's turtleneck. The baby's whole body seemed to radiate with happiness as he cooed and giggled.
"Keito is in love with you, there's no doubt," you chuckled, looking up at Douma.
Douma couldn't shake off the strange feeling that lingered within him. He kept replaying the events in his head, trying to convince himself that it had all actually happened. "Is he not the most precious thing you've ever seen?" Douma beamed, cradling the baby in his arms. "I played a vital role in his creation, after all. Without me, he wouldn't be here."
You rolled your eyes, but couldn't help but smile at the way Douma was cooing over the baby. "And without his mother, he wouldn't be here either," you countered playfully. "Douma, could you please place Keito on the ground for me?" You requested, watching as Douma carefully lowered the boy to the floor.
Meanwhile, you made your way across the room and took a seat on the floor on the other side.
As you watched your son sit confused on the floor, you couldn't help but giggle. Patting your knees, you said loudly, "Keito! Keito, love! Come to mama!"
As he settled into his spot, you couldn't help but notice the way he patted his knees in a playful, almost childlike manner. His voice, too, took on a tone of cheerful exuberance, as he cooed in a singsong voice, "Keito! Come to your daddy."
The baby boy was absolutely confused about where he should go, whether to his mom or to his dad. He looked around with a blunt expression glued to his little face, his little hands reaching out to both of you; he was turning his head as if searching for an answer. His eyes darted from his mom to his dad.
Douma viewed parenting as a competition, a game he was determined to win at all costs. "Come to papa, my little blessing," he cooed, his voice dripping with honeyed sweetness. "Come to daddy. Daddy's going to cuddle you just how you like it."
You tried to make little Keito look at you and crawl towards you by calling out to him, "Hey Keito, look at me! Come on, you can do it! Come to mama!" You waved your hands and made silly faces to get his attention, but he seemed more interested in his father crouching on the other side of the room. 
Eventually, after a few more attempts, the boy finally looked up and smiled at Douma before trying to crawl on all fours like a little explorer towards his dad.
Douma's iridescent eyes twinkled with sheer delight as he eagerly outstretched his arms, beckoning the little boy towards him.
As the child reached him, Douma let out a boisterous laugh, scooping him up into a warm embrace. "My little blessing!" He exclaimed, his voice brimming with affection. "Of course you would come to me, your beloved father."
You improved your position to sit on your butt while letting out a sigh full of sadness. "Of course! I could have predicted it! I'm getting jealous of you, Douma. Keito always chooses you over me."
Demon's eyes sparkled with joy as he gently bounced the baby boy in his arms. "Of course he does," he said with a chuckle. "I am his father, after all. And we share those beautiful eyes." He leaned in close to the baby's face and whispered, "You're a blessed child, just like I was… and am still."
You smiled a little to yourself, even though your heart ached, as you thought about how your son always seemed to prefer his father over you. It wasn't that he didn't love you or want to spend time with you, but there was something about his father's carefree demeanor that drew him in.  
It hurt, but you knew that it wasn't a reflection of your love or your abilities as a mother. Instead, it was just a phase that you had to accept and be patient with. Despite the sadness that lingered in your heart, you knew that your son was lucky to have such a loving and involved father in his life.
As you sat on the wooden floor, lost in thought, you couldn't help but think about how much Douma had changed since you had become pregnant. It was as if the presence of new life growing inside you had awakened something inside him that he had never known existed before. He was always a curious and intelligent man, but now he seemed to be discovering the world and its human emotions in a new and profound way.
In the past, Douma held a disdainful view of children. They were a nuisance, always getting in the way and making noise. He had no desire to interact with them and would have been perfectly content to live a life without their presence.
However, all of that changed when his own blessed son was born. As soon as he held the little one in his arms, he felt a deep sense of attachment and responsibility. Suddenly, the child became his everything, his one and only source of pride and joy. "I never thought I would care for a child," Douma confided to you. "But now that I have one of my own, I can't imagine life without him. He's the most precious thing in the world to me."
After getting up from the floor, you cleared your throat. "Hey, Douma, I needed to tell you something, and I've almost forgotten. Kokushibo announced his visit. As far as I know, he'll bring that other demon you spoke about a lot, Akaza, was it his name?" You rubbed your chin with your sharp nail. "I think that Muzan is sending them to calculate the possible risks, you know what I mean?"
Douma's eyes widened as he perked up, a glint of excitement sparkling in his gaze. "Akaza is coming to visit me? How delightful! I have been dreaming of this for decades!" His voice dripped with anticipation, his mind racing with thoughts of what he could offer his esteemed guests.
Suddenly, the booming voice of Kokushibo interrupted his thoughts, filling the room with its powerful presence. Douma wasted no time and eagerly slid the door open to reveal both demons standing before him.
"Kokushibo-dono, welcome, and Akaza-dono! I cannot express how overjoyed I am that you have decided to visit me!" Douma exclaimed, his tone effervescent with pleasure.
Kokushibo merely strode into the room with a nod of acknowledgment, his stoic demeanor in stark contrast to Douma's bubbling enthusiasm.
You bowed my head respectfully towards Kokushibo, acknowledging his presence and authority. You approached Douma and stood behind him, as if you were trying to hide a little.
Akaza was not at all thrilled about the visit that he was forced to take part in, but he stepped in regardless. As he looked around the room, his eyes eventually fell upon you, and he was taken aback by your beauty. He couldn't help but feel surprised that Douma had managed to find someone as seemingly pretty and cute as you.
Akaza quickly regained his composure, and continued with politeness, albeit with a hint of skepticism in his tone. "Interesting place."
"My followers come here to see me. And, well now, him as well," Douma smiled proudly, showing off his baby to Akaza. "They ask me for all sorts of stuff."
Akaza couldn't help but feel a little annoyed at Douma's boastful attitude, but he kept his cool. "I see."
"That's why we are here. The child," Kokushibo said, pointing at little Keito.
Although you felt the urge to take the boy out of Douma's hands, you resisted the temptation.
Akaza glanced over at the tiny bundle cradled in Douma's arms, his brow furrowed in confusion. "Is that it?"
You nodded a little, looking at the pale demon from behind your partner's shoulder. "This is Keito."
Douma couldn't resist adding his own comment. "Oh yes, Akaza-dono! This is my little Keito. A child as blessed as me," he boasted, a sly grin spreading across his face.
Kokushibo strode over to the trio, his eyes fixed on the tiny bundle in Douma's arms. Without a word, he reached out and plucked the baby from Douma's grasp, holding him up by the back of his collar as if he were a mere kitten.
As Kokushibo carelessly plucked your son from Douma's hands, you felt a sudden wave of dizziness wash over you; your vision began to blur, and you swayed unsteadily on your feet. You couldn't believe how casually Kokushibo had handled your precious child, as if he were nothing more than a mere object. Your maternal instincts kicked into overdrive, and you fought to stay upright as a rush of panic coursed through your body. "Careful, you're handling a baby, not some kind of doll."
Akaza took notice of your distress and turned his gaze towards you, his expression betraying a hint of concern. His eyes darted between you and Douma, assessing the situation at hand.
Meanwhile, Kokushibo glanced at you before expertly cradling little Keito in his arms, as if he had done it a thousand times before. It was clear that he was confident in his abilities to handle the child.
Douma noticed Akaza's expression and sought to reassure you. "You see love? No need to worry! It's Kokushibo-dono," he said, flashing you a reassuring smile. "Oh! Right! Akaza-dono, this is my one and only Y/N," he said, tapping your shoulder to get your attention. "Love, this is my best friend, Akaza," he introduced, gesturing towards another demon.
You let out a loud sigh full of relief when Keito was placed safely in Kokushibo's arms. After looking at Akaza, you bowed your head slightly.
As Akaza turned to face Douma, his curiosity piqued. "How did you manage to find someone like her?" He asked, gesturing towards you. "I had no idea that demons were capable of breeding, though."
Kokushibo, cradling a small baby in his arms, looked up at the conversation. "Because they aren't," he chimed in a stoic tone.
Douma, however, remained unfazed. He simply smiled, pulling you close against his side. "You see, my dear Akaza," he began, his voice smooth as silk. "It takes more than just biology to create life. It takes love, devotion, and a strong desire to create something beautiful in this world."
As you heard Kokushibo's words, you could feel your face flush with embarrassment.
As Douma spoke, Akaza scoffed in disbelief. He couldn't believe what he was hearing, and his expression made it clear that he was highly skeptical of Douma's claims. "Yeah, surely. I bet you were blessed after devouring so many women."
The infant nestled in Kokushibo's arms looked up at him with wide, curious eyes, studying him intently, as if he were trying to decipher his intentions.
Kokushibo's six piercing eyes scrutinized the child before him, his curiosity piqued as to why it wasn't cowering in fear. His gaze bore into the tiny creature, searching for any sign of weakness or vulnerability.
With a dismissive roll of his eyes, Douma waved a hand at Akaza, as if brushing off his words. "Come on, Akaza, you know how it is. I at least devour women and gain strength from them. And I was simply fortunate enough to come across this cute little thing," he gestured to you, "who was kind enough to give me a child."
Akaza's patience was wearing thin as Douma continued to speak in his usual arrogant and disrespectful manner. With a deep scowl etched on his face, Akaza finally spoke up, his voice low and dangerous. "If you don't stop speaking that way," he warned, "I'll be forced to give you a punch, like the last time."
To Kokushibo's surprise, the baby suddenly broke into a wide, toothless grin, his chubby cheeks dimpling with delight.
Kokushibo's gaze shot up from the infant in his arms at the sound of Douma's voice. The tension in the room was palpable, the air thick with unspoken animosity. "Akaza," Kokushibo growled softly, his voice low and warning. "I did not bring you here so the two of you can fight."
Douma merely rolled his eyes, a look of pure boredom etched onto his features. "I don't want any blood on those floors. It's hard to clean."
You just stood there, facepalming at the entire situation. "Kokushibo-dono, can I have my son back?" You asked.
Kokushibo nodded and carefully handed the boy back to you.
You set your arms in a little cradle, to make sure Keito was safe in them.
Douma couldn't resist the urge to taunt Akaza. With a sly grin, he presented the baby boy to his fellow demon, holding the child up for him to see, almost shoving Keito into Akaza's face. "Look at this, Akaza," Douma chimed, his voice dripping with amusement. "I made this."
"Douma, please," you said firmly, your tone serious. "You need to be on our best behavior here. Remember, you weren't the only one involved in making this child."
Without a word, you simply reached out and gently took the child from his arms, cradling him against your chest.
Akaza let out a deep chuckle, shaking his head in amusement at the entire situation. "Well, well," he said, looking at you with a wry grin, "It seems that your woman has some balls after all, Douma."
Douma gasped, feeling offended. "Well, I at least have a woman."
"Kokushibo-dono, can I have a word with you?" You asked the Upper One, handling the baby back to Douma after a moment.
Douma gladly accepted and hugged the boy.
Kokushibo nodded and followed you to the other room.
"Kokushibo-dono, forgive me for asking, but did Lord Muzan say anything?" You asked after sliding the door closed.
Kokushibo's words hung heavy in the air, his face etched with a deep sense of concern and apprehension. "Lord Muzan wasn't pleased about this development," he said slowly, his voice low and measured. "It was something that should never have happened, yet he's holding onto a glimmer of hope."
As Kokushibo spoke, you listened intently, calmed a little by his words. "I wasn't even aware that it was possible for a female demon to get pregnant," you said, your voice filled with wonder. "So, what does this mean for us? To me and Douma? I just hope Lord Muzan won't kill any of us."
"He said that getting rid of you or Douma would be a waste of his time, but he will need the child's blood to run some tests on it."
"Of course," you whispered, nodding your head. "Thank you for bringing the good news, Kokushibo-dono."
Meanwhile, Akaza observed Douma interacting with the baby.
"What are you looking at?" Douma asked, a small smirk playing at the corners of his lips. "You want to hold him?"
Akaza furrowed his brows, looking hesitant for a moment. "I don't know," he said, his voice uncertain, "I'm not really good with babies."
But despite his reservations, Akaza eventually relented, reaching out to take the baby from Douma's arms. As he held the child, his expression softened, and a look of wonder crossed his face. He gently poked the little boy's cheek with his finger. "Squishy."
As Douma observed the scene before him, he couldn't help but emit an amused chuckle. "Awwww! Akaza-dono! You two look so cute together! I never expected to see you looking so soft," he gasped, his voice laced with playful mockery.
"He's so small," Akaza murmured, gazing down at the baby in his arms. "And so fragile. Everything would be fine if not your scent lingering over him," Akaza looked at Douma, his face serious. "You don't deserve any of this, you do understand?"
Douma's grin never faltered as he spoke. "You may say that I don't deserve it, but I have everything I could possibly want. I have a woman I adore and a child that we brought into this world together."
Akaza's expression suddenly turned stern, and he glared at Douma. "Stop grinning like an idiot," he growled, "Or I'll wipe that stupid grin off your face. I have no idea why and how she got involved with you, and it's not my business. She seems like a decent demon, not that strong, yet still intriguing. I can assure you, that if anything will happen to any of them because of your careless behavior, I won't be that nice anymore."
The corners of Douma's lips curled upward as he watched Akaza interact with Keito. The sight was simply too precious to ignore. He couldn't resist the urge to tease his companion. "Aww! Are you going to be a good uncle, Akaza-dono? I always knew you had it in you!" Douma exclaimed, his voice light and playful as he wrapped an arm around Akaza's broad shoulders.
Akaza stood there, his fist clenched at his side, his eyes fixed on Douma's smirking face. He was trying his best to remain calm, to control the overwhelming anger that was bubbling up inside him. But it was difficult. So difficult!
Douma had always been a thorn in his side, with his arrogance, lack of respect for women and his self-assured demeanor. And now, with this baby in the picture, it was even worse.
As much as he wanted to punch Douma's face in, Akaza knew he couldn't. Not now, not when there was a child in the room. So he took a deep breath, closed his eyes for a moment, and tried to compose himself. "Whatever, Douma."
As Douma's fingers wove through the strands of Akaza's disheveled hair, a mischievous grin played across his lips. 
Soon, you and Kokushibo returned to the room and after exchanging some more courtesies, you thanked him and Akaza for the visit and assured them you and Douma were at Muzan's disposal at any time.
"Keep the boy safe," Kokushibo had reminded the two of you before leaving for good.
The baby smiled at him widely, blinking shortly after as the little hiccup kicked in.
Suddenly, Douma let out a low chuckle, his eyes glinting with amusement. "Look at this, a hiccup."
You walked closer and looked down at the boy, who had a clearly confused grimace glued to his little face. "He's adorable. He's perfect."
"Only because he has a perfect mother," he whispered.
You smiled at Douma briefly, kissing your son's forehead.
"Y/N? I was thinking...” He hummed.
You gave your partner a glance, tilting your head slightly.
"Well, since we made it once, and now we know it's possible..." he trailed off, biting his lip softly. "Maybe our boy would like to have a little sibling?"
"I'm not going through this ever again," you told him with a sweet smile. "Once was enough."
"Oh, Y/N, please!” Douma whined. "Making the baby is fun! So let's make another one."
After giving him another glance, you let out a sigh, massaging your temples. "Douma."
As he leaned into your shoulder, his voice low and sultry, you couldn't help but feel a shiver run down your spine. "Do you see him?" He murmured, nodding towards the young demon playing in the corner. "He needs a playmate, someone to keep him company while we're away. We could be the perfect family, two beautiful demons and two adorable little ones."
You let out a sigh. "Firstly, how will you explain this to Lord Muzan? Secondly, how can you be sure it'll happen again?"
"Well... We won't know unless we try," he smiled at you sweetly.
"Fine," you told him, taking Keito into your arms. "Fine. Let it be."
"Oh, I love you, my goddess!" He exclaimed, his voice filled with pure adoration.
You smiled at his words, feeling your heart swell with love for both him and your child. "I love you too," you said softly, leaning in to place a gentle kiss on his jawline. "You both are everything to me."
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thee-horny-thicky · 1 year
A/N: This season has made me simp for both Akaza and Douma, so here's a smutty headcanon thing.
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Akaza and Douma cannot stand each other. They’re complete opposites in almost every way, especially when it comes to their treatment of women. Akaza believes them to be untouchable, while Douma thinks that the most delectable flesh comes from beautiful young women.
However, they do have a single thing in common. Both men are huge fans of worshipping their partner’s body, in their own unique ways.
You see, both demon’s ideology steams from their adoration for women. Douma, being an egotistic hedonist, indulges his love for them by devouring their bodies, in my ways than one.
He enjoys making his partner feels good, as it's another way for his ego to be fed. Not only does he like their reactions, but he loves the taste of pussy. Yours in particular. He's a munch, your honor.
Getting a taste of your slick is a daily requirement, and when he's particularly desperate, he'll fall to his knees and pleasure you where you stand.
Given his sadistic streak, he adores blending pain and pleasure together. He’ll tie you up to make sure you can’t run from him, and when he’s feeling particularly cruel, he may blindfold you, so you won’t be able to guess his next move. The one thing he’ll never do, though, is gag you. He adores hearing your noises too much for that. He likes seeing you be pathetic, so he’s a huge fan of edging. He’ll play with you until you’re on the brink of orgasm, then stop his motions until you’re begging for him to let you cum. And once he does, he switches from edging to overstimulation. He’s a demon with stamina a human can only dream of, and he’ll keep going until you’re sobbing for him to stop. Often, you two are at it until the sun is peaking over the horizon.
And if you make him upset, he has an array of paddles and whips to spank you with.
On the flip side, Akaza despises the idea of inflicting pain onto women, making them completely off-limits when it comes to killing. When it comes to sex, he’ll treat you like the most precious thing in the world and draw orgasm after orgasm from you. He has a hard time expressing his emotions, so sex is his way of showing his love for you.
The only way he’ll taste a woman is when he goes down on her, and like any good munch, he’ll be licking and sucking for a while. His favorite way to eat you is when you’re resting on your forearms, ass propped in the air, and pussy on display. It gives him a great view of your glistening folds and throbbing clit, and when your pussy starts to get too sensitive from coming too many times, he’ll allow his tongue to venture to your ass. As taboo as it is, it makes you feel good, which is all he cares about. He doesn’t look like Sukuna for nothing.
Only when you’re well-prepared will he fuck you. He’s inhumanly large, and if you aren’t well-stretched and very lubricated, you have no hope of taking him. He’ll refuse to fuck you if your pussy isn’t dripping with your juices because God forbid that he hurts you.  There’s a reason those pants are baggy.  
Not only is his dick inhumane in size, but in appearance, too. His shaft has bulging veins and ridges that offer you some delicious stimulation. Instead of doming off, his cockhead is more of a pointed tip, providing you with an interesting sensation as he pounds into you. His unique additions make him even harder to take. But though the stretch may be a little painful, once you’re adjusted, he’ll have you drooling and cock drunk in no time ♥️
A/N: I might write a proper threesome with them because I'm down BAD 😩
Update: A year later, and I finally wrote a Douma/Reader/Akaza piece 🤭
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