#y/inu got her yellow hair from him though!
erigold13261 · 2 years
what suit do papa and esther have [as mama is hearts and yinu is clubs]
I at first had Papa with diamond, only to realize he wouldn't have one because he is not biologically a part of Mama's family.
I am still deciding on if I want Esther to have the face marking or if I want Mama's father to have the face marking. I kinda like the idea of Esther being a plant person and then her husband being a human, or at least whatever species has the face marking.
I'd probably go with Mama's father having the face marking, and it would probably be the diamonds or also the clubs! I don't have much about him in my head yet, but I see him as a farmer or at the very least someone who gardens a lot (which got him and Esther together).
Apparently card suites have meaning to them! The meaning changes depending on the source, but one that I saw is that the Heart symbol stands for the struggle to attain inner peace, and the Club symbol represents strength and achievement, which do really sound like Mama and Yinu respectively.
So I don't really know what Grandpapa (Pap Pap maybe?) would have right now. I know he would be a hardworking man who tried to provide a good life to his family, paying for Mama's music lessons and to go to a good school. But I can also see him as being tough sometimes.
I can see him accidentally scaring the shit out of Papa when he found out Papa was dating Mama, kinda like that "You mess with my daughter you are gonna regret it boy." Which of course he didn't have to worry about with Papa, but it still was something that happened lol.
So yeah! I'll try to get back to you on what symbol Grandpapa has one day! After some research on card suites! :3
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