#xvi. curiosity lies in wait for every secret. ( memes. )
kazakhfury · 6 years
“i’m in room 204, if you’re not engaged later.”
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Slowly, he lifted his head. Aleks stared at her; somewhat surprised by the bluntness of her statement. Tracy’s brusque manner wasn’t what piqued his interest though. ( He had observed that she was seldom delicate unless it served a purpose. ) It was her APPARENT change of heart regarding the Soviet – a man she frequently admonished, and even more frequently despised.
Once or twice, he had wondered what it would be like to give in. Tracy PESTERED HIM enough to imagine an instant like it. Still. The fact remained: her modus operandi made him suspicious, and Aleks would not let Tracy waylay his professionalism with a saucy offer. 
“…Am I going to be leaving with a concussion if I do decide to come by?” Aleks smiled, but it did not reach his eyes. He watched her. “What is it you’re really after?”
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kazakhfury · 6 years
♦ —what can ‘kill’ your muse / inspiration?
I find it hard to focus if I’m anxious or depressed irl. That’s probably the biggest muse killer of the lot. Though I’ll also lose interest if I have a more dominant muse in my head 'talking over' the current one, I’m given passive replies, or replies which make it apparent that the other writer didn’t do their homework on Aleks before addressing him. It just makes me feel like he’s filler until another muse comes along.
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kazakhfury · 6 years
☾ What (if any) birthmarks does your character have?
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He has a small ‘beauty mark’ in the righthand corner of his mouth, just above his lips, but that’s really it. Nothing else that could be considered distinguishable. 
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kazakhfury · 6 years
♀ ♂ ♠ ♣
♀ — what is an au you really want to play with your muse?
LOL. The one I was telling you about involving Aleks’ original character notes and the surgeon with a ceramic pink dick in his trophy room. Not going to go into detail here but it’s something I’d love to factor into more of his storylines.
♂ — is there any kind of music you hear while writing?
It depends on the atmosphere of what I’m writing, but usually it’s just rainymood or a movie soundtrack.
♠ — how many muses do you have?
Threeish? Ash, Aleks and another OC of mine I’ve been dabbling with lately.
♣ — can you play more than one muse, at the same time, or do you divide your rp-time between your muses?
I’m the world’s worst multitasker when it comes to dividing my time equally between all my characters, so it usually ends up with me focusing 90% of my attention on a dominant muse while the others chill in the background for the time being.
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kazakhfury · 6 years
7, 13, 18
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7. How dirty is your character willing to get in the name of a mission? Other than general lying and sneaking that the job requires, how far will they go? Has their time in the service dampened their morals at all?
The only time Aleks hesitates to kill anyone is when he’s certain that they’re innocent; whether they’ve been framed or it’s just a case of “wrong place, wrong time.” Even then it’s half morality and half impatience just because he hates dealing with mess and the paperwork with it. Apart from that? He’s KGB. They don’t lose sleep over their kill rate. They’re bred to be uncompromising. Aleks has been molded with an allconsuming ideology and, with that, a wholly different set of morals to most others, so it’s subjective. He’s never known anything different so he doesn’t see anything wrong with his actions, so long as it yields a result beneficial to him and “the greater good.”
13. What is your characters specialty in the field? Are they perhaps good at infiltration, interrogation, or reading others? Perhaps they have a skill in hacking, or being able to tail others? What is their ultimate proficiency, and how helpful is it in the field?
Infiltration is definitely a specialty, one Aleks is renowned for and subsequently assigned with whenever the service needs a top agent for an inside job. His other talent is tracking. If you’re in his little black book, sooner or later, he’ll find you. And he doesn’t give a shit how long it takes or who gets in his way.
18. Does your muse have any plans after the leave the service? Do they have some dream to pursue, or will they be happy just to live quietly after their time as a spy is over? Do they intend to make a career out of the service, perhaps being ambitious and seeking promotion?
Aleks doesn’t give much thought to life outside the service. The world of espionage is all he knows, and all he wants to know. Rather depressingly he hasn’t made any plans for the future, either, because he doesn’t expect to live long enough. 
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