#xuxa reis moreno
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laopiniononline · 3 months ago
Con los "Reyes del Festival", vuelven las coronas a Viña del Mar.
Nueva publicación en https://ct2.cl/ha
Con los "Reyes del Festival", vuelven las coronas a Viña del Mar.
Considerando múltiples solicitudes para recuperar el acervo y la historia de la querida elección, la organización acaba de anunciar que desde el próximo año la “gran tradición de Viña” retomará su denominación y volverá a llamarse “Reyes del Festival”, escogiendo por votación a la Reina y Rey más populares de Viña 2025 (y en gran medida del verano nacional…)
Reyes del Festival es una tradicional y masiva competencia de popularidad, creada históricamente para generar contenidos satélites en el marco del Festival de Viña del Mar, escogiendo a través del voto del público y la prensa acreditada primero a la Reina y años después al Rey de cada edición del certamen.
Se trata de la elección más querida de Chile y una de las noticias más esperadas de cada verano, con una historia de 45 años que ha vivido tantos cambios como los que ha experimentado el país durante el mismo período de tiempo, incluyendo mutaciones de organizadores, participantes, reglas y hasta de nombre, según fue pidiendo el contexto nacional.
Como buena tradición, todo nació a pedido del público, cuando en 1979 la animadora María Graciela Gómez fue elegida a viva voz y por el mismísimo Monstruo como la primera Reina del Festival. Los asistentes a la Quinta Vergara siguieron a cargo de la definición, hasta que en 1982 un grupo de reporteros acreditados se organizó para elegir a través de un voto más “especializado” a la máxima representante del evento, en esa ocasión la italiana Raffaella Carrá.
Juntos, los periodistas también escogieron al notable locutor ecuatoriano de la época, Guillermo Zurita Borja, de radio Nuevo Mundo, como líder de la organización, lugar en el que se mantuvo durante largos años pasando por diferentes medios de comunicación.
Poco antes del cambio de milenio y ya con otra generación de reporteros, el periodista decidió cederle la dirección de la campaña al entonces editor de espectáculos de diario La Cuarta, su compañero Gabriel Flores, quien agregó la participación de figuras de la farándula en la votación y se mantuvo en el cargo hasta el 2006, cuando le entregó la organización al periodista Jorge Ruz, quien hizo crecer el proceso a varios días de eventos y hasta la actualidad se mantiene como director, compartiendo rol desde el año 2011 con el actual director de diario La Hora, Sergio Maraboli, y desde el 2020 coproduciendo la competencia de popularidad con la Asociación de Comunicadores de Hispanoamérica (ADC).
Además de las mencionadas triunfadoras, fueron coronadas Reina del Festival figuras tales como María Conchita Alonso, Myriam Hernández, Xuxa, Yuri, Lucero, Gloria Trevi, Sofía Vergara, Patricia Manterola, Thalia, Celia Cruz, Natalia Oreiro (quien inauguró los “piscinazos”), Kenita Larraín, Carolina Pampita Ardohain, Luciana Salazar, Tonka Tomicic, Diana Bolocco, Catherine Fulop, Carolina Arregui, Sigrid Alegría, Nicole “Luli” Moreno y María Francisca “Kika” Silva, entre otras.
En tiempos de pandemia, post estallido social y en medio de diversas suspensiones, el año 2020 la organización decidió adaptarse al contexto social y cambiar momentáneamente el nombre de la votación a “Embajadores del Festival”, con el objetivo de abrirse a la comunidad recuperando la votación del público en la elección, aunque esta vez de manera on line y representando el 50% del total, complementado con el definitorio y fuerte voto de la prensa acreditada. Así, se sumaron a la lista de ganadoras la cantante Denise Rosenthal, la periodista Isidora “Tita” Ureta y la influencer Nayadeth “Naya” Neculhueque.
Por el lado de los Reyes, la competencia comenzó el año 2005 y ha consagrado a ganadores tales como Javier Estrada, Juan Falcón, Felipe Avello, Jorge Alberti, Leo Rey, Américo y Matías Vega, entre otros; a los que se sumaron Pancho Saavedra, José Luis Repenning y Nicolás Solabarrieta.
Considerando múltiples solicitudes para recuperar el acervo y la historia de la querida elección, además de otros factores, la organización acaba de anunciar que desde el año 2025 la “gran tradición de Viña” retomará su denominación y se volverá a llamar “Reyes del Festival”, escogiendo por votación a la Reina y Rey más populares de Viña 2025 (y en gran medida del verano), convocando una vez más a todos los participantes que le dan vida al evento, es decir, por el sólo hecho de ser parte del certamen musical a TODOS los artistas, animadores y jurados estelares de la edición, junto a sus respectivas comunidades digitales, además de figuras transversales invitadas exclusivamente en representación de medios masivos que participen de la cobertura de prensa oficial de la muestra internacional.
Actualmente la campaña es organizada por el diario La Hora, la Asociación de Comunicadores Hispanoamericanos ADC (organización creada el año 2012 y con personalidad jurídica desde el 2020, que agrupa a socios y adherentes que dan cobertura periodística al Festival de Viña) y Walker Group, e implica la creación y desarrollo de contenidos positivos abiertos para todos los medios de comunicación acreditados o no al Festival de Viña del Mar, contando todos los años con amplia cobertura en medios de comunicación y redes sociales, siendo así el principal contenido satélite externo del certamen musical.
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atimefordragons · 5 years ago
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Please behave! You're making Nii-chan cry! || EHS
☾♔; May 24, 2020 ☾♔; 4:17am ☾♔; sotd: C'est La Vie (ZOË) ☾♔; cotd: Izumi Uchiha ☾♔; Elite Highschool ☾♔; Storyboard or something like that
𝐓𝐢𝐭𝐥𝐞: Was gonna have that somewhere near Kenshin (Yuki Kimisawa), but there wasn't any room, so I used it as the title.
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【𝕀ℕ𝕊ℙ𝕆 ℂℝ𝔼𝔻】@.maybones
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𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐑𝐚𝐦𝐛𝐥𝐞: Me, an adult: takes a nap in the middle of the day like a toddler, even if I slept adequate hours (for once). Anyway, I am a special kind of stupid. I turned on the AC 'cause it's getting too hot, but as usual, I cranked it to the lowest possible temperature (16 degrees celsius, idk what that is in F, I think 60 something), but, because I'm getting old, the cold does actually bother me now (TTwTT), but instead of just raising the temp a little, I'm using two blankies, 'cause obviously, that's the best solution.
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Tada, a storyboard or something. Idk. I guess I'm gonna go forth with the twins, but make them a little less psychopathic than my usual ones. I also gave them an onii-chan 'cause Gakuen Babysitters and Itachi got me weak for that shit. Besides, Ryoma is too pretty. Oh Ryoma-kun, you sure are an ikemen!
➤ The Moreno ⋆ Xuxa Amalia Reis Moreno FC: Emanuelle Araújo Relation: Biological Mother Has zero contact with Katarina, has not kept any tabs on her either.
➤ The Raevsky's ⋆ Vasily Sergeyevich Raevsky FC: Lars Mikkelsen Relation: Biological Father Has no contact himself with Katarina, but is aware of her location (curtesy of Vitya)
⋆ Polina Nikolayevna Raevskaya FC: Emilia Fox Relation: Mother of Katarina's half-brother, wife of her biological father Not really interested in the topic of Katarina, Vitya doesn't mention it to protect his mother's feelings.
⋆ Viktor Vasilyevich Raevsky FC: Sebastian Stan Relation: Half-brother, secret benefactor Has no contact himself with Katarina, but keeps track of where she is and how she's doing. 100% uses shady FSB, etc contacts to fuck up anyone who hurts her.
➤ The Kamiya's ⋆ 神矢 謙信 (Kamiya Kenshin) FC: Yuki Kimisawa Relation: Elder brother of love interests Head of the Kamiya family, practically raised his younger brothers, is tired.
⋆ 神矢 イザナ (Kamiya Izana) ⋆ 神矢 臨也 (Kamiya Izaya) FC: Ryoma Takeuchi Relation: Love Interests
Fucking weirdos. I haven't really figured out their personalities much, but they're like non-murderous psychopaths I guess. Idk, I guess watered down Izaya Orihara, and amped up Izana Wistaria. Still figuring that shit out, lolz. They definitely cause a lot of trouble though, and poor Kenshin-onii-sama is dying. You're killing your brother boys.
Headcanon: Izana and Izaya started watching Naruto 'cause they realized Katarina liked it. Were moved and cried at Naruto's flashbacks and the few moments he got with his parents.
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tasksweekly · 7 years ago
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Shout out to anon for inspiring and @olivaraofrph​​​ for helping compile this task! There’s a masterlist below compiled of over 950+ Brazilian faceclaims categorised by gender with their occupation and ethnicity denoted if there was a reliable source. If you want an extra challenge use random.org to pick a random number! Of course everything listed below are just suggestions and you can pick whichever character or whichever project you desire.
Any questions can be sent here and all tutorials have been linked below the cut for ease of access! REMEMBER to tag your resources with #TASKSWEEKLY and we will reblog them onto the main! This task can be tagged with whatever you want but if you want us to see it please be sure that our tag is the first five tags, @ mention us or send us a messaging linking us to your post!
THE TASK - scroll down for FC’s!
STEP 1: Decide on a FC you wish to create resources for! You can always do more than one but who are you starting with? There are links to masterlists you can use in order to find them and if you want help, just send us a message and we can pick one for you at random!
STEP 2: Pick what you want to create! You can obviously do more than one thing, but what do you want to start off with? Screencaps, RP icons, GIF packs, masterlists, PNG’s, fancasts, alternative FC’s - LITERALLY anything you desire!
STEP 3: Look back on tasks that we have created previously for tutorials on the thing you are creating unless you have whatever it is you are doing mastered - then of course feel free to just get on and do it. :)
STEP 4: Upload and tag with #TASKSWEEKLY! If you didn’t use your own screencaps/images make sure to credit where you got them from as we will not reblog packs which do not credit caps or original gifs from the original maker.
THINGS YOU CAN MAKE FOR THIS TASK -  examples are linked!
Stumped for ideas? Maybe make a masterlist or graphic of your favourite faceclaims. A masterlist of names. Plot ideas or screencaps from a music video preformed by an artist. Masterlist of quotes and lyrics that can be used for starters, thread titles or tags. Guides on culture and customs.
RP icons [of all sizes]
Gif Pack [maybe gif icons if you wish]
PNG packs
Dash Icons
Character Aesthetics
Graphic Templates - can be chara header, promo, border or background PSD’s!
FC Masterlists - underused, with resources, without resources!
FC Help - could be related, family templates, alternatives.
Written Guides.
and whatever else you can think of / make!
Ruth de Souza (96) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - actress.
Dona Ivone Lara (96) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - singer.
Tônia Carrero (95) Brazilian - actress.
Fernanda Montenegro (87) Brazilian [½ Italian [including Sardinian] / Portuguese, possibly other] - actress.
Marina MIranda (87) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - actress.
Etty Fraser (86) Brazilian [Polish-Jewish, English] - actress.
Danuza Leão (84) Brazilian - model, socialite, journalist, writer, and actress.
Eva Wilma (83) Brazilian [German, Ukrainian Jewish], Argentinian - actress.
Maria Alice Vergueiro (82) Brazilian - actress.
Alaide Costa (81) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - singer.
Elza Soares (80) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - singer.
Aracy Balabanian (77) Brazilian [Armenian] - actress.
Suely Franco (77) Brazilian [Argentinian] - actress and singer.
Marilu Bueno (77) Brazilian - actress.
Tia Surica (76) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - singer.
Neusa Borges (76) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - actress.
Helena Ignez (75) Brazilian - actress and filmmaker.
Dja Marthins (74) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - actress and singer.
Leci Brendao (73) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - singer.
Zeze Motta (73) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - actress and singer.
Eliana Pittman (73) Brazilian - actress and singer.
Gal Costa (72) Brazilian [Spanish] - singer.
Wanderlea (71) Brazilian [Lebanese] - singer.
Edyr de Castro (71) Brazilian - actress and singer.
Maria Bethania (71) Brazilian [Unspecified African, possibly other] - singer.
Rosa Marya Colin (71) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - actress and singer.
Susana Goncalves (70) Argentinian / Brazilian - actress.
Regina Braga (70) Brazilian - actress.
Catia de Franca (70) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - singer.
Marília Gabriela (69) Brazilian- journalist, interviewer, actress, singer, television presenter and writer.
Imara Reis (69) Brazilian - actress.
Alcione (69) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - singer.
Ana Maria Braga (68) Brazilian [Portuguese, Italian] - television presenter and journalist.
Isis de Oliveira (67) Brazilian [German, Unspecified Indigenous] - actress.
Sônia Braga (67) Brazilian [Portuguese, Unspecified African, Unspecified Indigenous, possibly other] - actress.
Sônia Braga (67) Brazilian-American - actress.
Simone (67) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - singer.
Elba Ramalho (66) Brazilian - songwriter, performer, poet and actress.
Maria Zilda Bethlem (66) Brazilian - actress.
Bruna Lombardi (65) Brazilian [Turkish, Italian] - actress and model.
Baby do Brasil (65) Brazilian - singer.
Watusi (65) Brazilian [Unspecified African, Unspecified European] - actress and singer.
Vera Fischer (65) Brazilian [German] - actress and beauty pageant titleholder.
Veluma (64) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - actress and former model.
Tânia Alves (64) Brazilian - actress, dancer, singer and businesswoman.
Angela Correa (63) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - actress.
Sandra de Sa (62) Brazilian [25% Black Cape Verdean, 71.7% Unspecified Other African / 2.1% Unspecified European / 1.1% Unspecified Indigenous / 0.1% Unspecified Other Race] - singer.
Maria João (born in 1955) Brazilian - former model.
Solange Couto (61) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - actress, model, and singer.
Iara Jamra (61) Brazilian [Lebanese] - actress.
Fafa de Belem (61) Brazilian [Portuguese] - singer and actress.
Nádia Lippi (61) Brazilian - actress.
Mii Saki (61) Brazilian [Japanese] - actress.
Christiane Torloni (60) Brazilian [Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Unspecified Indigenous] - actress.
Lília Cabral (60) Brazillian [Portuguese / Italian] - actress.
Velina Hasu Houston (60) African-American, Pikuni Blackfoot, Japanese, Chinese, Native Hawaiian, Cuban, Argentinian, Brazilian, Armenian, Greek, German, English - writer.
Elisa Lucinda (59) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - actress and singer.
Catarina Abdala (58) Brazilian [Lebanese] - actress.
Luci Pereira (57) Brazilian [Unspecified Indigenous] - actress.
Carla Camurati (57) Brazilian - actress and filmmaker.
Fernanda Abreu (56) Brazilian [Portuguese / Unspecified African, Unspecified Indigenous] - singer.
Daude (56) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - singer.
Tássia Camargo (56) Brazilian - actress, director, and producer.
Lisa Ono (55) Brazilian [Japanese] - singer.
Margareth Menezes (55) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - singer.
Luíza Brunet (55) Brazilian - former model.
Xuxa Meneghel (54) Brazilian [Italian, Portuguese, likely Polish, possibly other] - presenter, actress, singer, and businessperson.
Zezeh Barbosa (54) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - actress.
Claudia Ohana (54) Brazilian [Jewish] - actress.
Bianca Byington (54) Brazilian [French] - singer, songwriter, classical guitarist, and former model and actress.
Débora Bloch (54) Brazilian [Ukrainian Jewish] - actress.
Gloria Pires (54) Brazilian [Unspecified Indigenous, possibly other] - actress.
Debora Blotch (54) Brazilian [Ukrainian Jewish] - actress.
Andréa Beltrão (54) Brazilian - actress.
Izzy Gordon (54) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - singer.
Patricia Pillar (53) Brazilian - actress.
Marcélia Cartaxo (53) Brazilian - actress.
Regina Casé (53) Brazilian - actress, comedian, television host, and director.
Virginia Rodrigues (53) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - singer.
Juliette Binoche (53) French, Belgian [Walloon], Polish, 1/16 Brazilian [Portuguese] - actress.
Fernanda Torres (53) Brazilian [Italian] - actress.
Miwa Yanagizawa (52) Brazilian [Japanese] - actress.
Roberta Close (52) Brazilian - model. - Trans!
Luma de Oliveira (52) Brazilian [German, Unspecified Indigenous] - actress and former model.
Daniela Mercury (52) Brazilian [Italian, Portuguese] - singer and actress.
Sandra Corveloni (52) Brazilian - actress.
Cristina Sano (52) Brazilian [Japanese] - actress.
Linda Perry (52) Portuguese, Brazilian - singer, songwriter, and record producer.
Mart’nalia (52) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - actress and singer.
Sophie Ward (52) English, Scottish, 1/16 Brazilian [Portuguese, possibly other] - actress.
Maria Ceica (51) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - actress.
Malu Mader (51) Brazilian [Lebanese, Portuguese] - actress.
Bebel Gilberto (51) Brazilian - singer.
Rosalia de Souza (51) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - singer.
Iara Lee (51) Brazilian [Korean] - filmmaker.
Badi Assad (50) Brazilian [Lebanese / Unspecified Other] - singer.
Paula Burlamaqui (50) Brazilian - actress.
Bianca Byington (50) Brazilian - actress.
Helena Fernandes (49) Brazilian - actress.
Olga Souza (49) Brazilian [Unspecified African, Italian] - singer.
Simone Moreno (48) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - singer.
Alexis Dechamps (48) Brazilian [Belgian, Russian, German, Argentinian] - actress.
Lica Oliveira (48) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - actress and model.
Dira Paes (48) Brazilian [Portuguese, Unspecified Indigenous, Unspecified African] - actress.
Paula Lima (47) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - singer.
Leona Cavalli (47) Brazilian - actress.
Eda Nagayama (47) Brazilian [Japanese] - actress.
Karina Barum (47) Brazilian [Unspecified Arab] - actress.
Ana Carbatti (47) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - actress.
Luciana Gimenez (47) Brazilian [Lebanese, Spanish, Portuguese, possibly other] - model and show host.
Cláudia Abreu (47) Brazilian [Portuguese] - actress.
Adriana Lessa (46) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - actress and singer.
Vivianne Pasmanter (46) Brazilian [Argentinian] - actress.
Valeria Valenssa (46) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - model and dancer.
Maxine Bahns (46) German / Brazilian [Portuguese], Chinese - actress and model.
Fernanda Takai (46) Brazilian [Japanese / Portuguese] - singer.
Leticia Sabatella (46) Brazilian - actress.
Christiana Kalache (45) Brazilian [Unspecified Arab] - actress.
Ivete Sangalo (45) Brazilian [including ¼ Spanish, Portuguese, minor Unspecified African and Unspecified Indigenous] - singer, songwriter, actress, and television show host.
Gabriela Alves (45) Brazilian - actress.
Vanessa Lóes (45) Brazilian - film and television actress.
Guta Stresser (45) Brazilian [German] - actress.
Marina de La Riva (44) Brazilian / Cuban - singer.
Isabel Fillardis (44) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - actress.
Leticia Spiller (44) Brazilian - actress.
Maria Fernanda Candido (43) Brazilian [Italian] - actress and model.
Adriana Bombom (43) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - actress and dancer.
Eliana Michaelichin Bezerra (43) Brazilian / Ukrainian, Russian - actress and singer.
Thalma de Freitas (43) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - actress and singer.
Juliana Martins (43) Brazilian - actress.
Flávia Alessandra (43) Brazilian [Portuguese] - actress.
Márcia Imperator (43) Brazilian - actress, model, TV-personality and adult actress.
Angélica Ksyvickis (43) Brazilian [Italian, Croatian, Portuguese, Russian, Polish, Romanian, Moldovan, Lithuanian, Ukrainian, Piquerobi] - presenter, actress, and singer.
Danielle Winitis (43) Brazilian [Polish, Russian] - actress and singer.
Preta Gil (43) Brazilian [Unspecified African, Filipina] - singer and actress.
Ana Paula Arosio (42) Brazilian [Italian] - model and actress.
Vanessa Pascale (42) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - actress.
Maria Clara Spinelli (42) Brazilian [Italian] - actress - trans!
Gilmelândia (42)Brazilian - singer, actress and TV presenter.
Cacau Protasio (42) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - actress.
Camila Morgado (42) Brazilian - actress.
Carla Cristina Cardoso (42) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - actress.
Giovanna Antonelli (41) Brazilian [Italian] - actress, television presenter and producer.
Nivea Soares (41) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - singer.
Sheila Mello (41) Brazilian [Unspecified Arab, Portuguese] - actress and model.
Karina Bacchi (41) Brazilian [Italian, Spanish, Unspecified African] - actress and model.
Simone Zucato (41) Brazilian - actress, theater producer, translator and medical doctor.
Joana Prado (41) Brazilian - model.
Vanessa da Mata (41) Brazilian [Unspecified Indigenous, Other] - singer.
Maria Rita (40) Brazilian [Portuguese] - singer.
Maeve Jinkings (40) Brazilian [Unspecified African, English] - actress.
Vivi Fernandez (40) Brazilian - model, actress, dancer and former adult actress.
Susana Werner (40) Brazilian [German] - model and actress.
Camila Pitanga (40) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - actress and former model.
Fernanda Lima (40) Brazilian [Catalan, Portuguese, possibly other] - actress, model, businessperson, journalist, and television host.
Carla Cabral (40) Brazilian - actress.
Camila Pitanga (40) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - actress and former model.
Pitty (40) Brazilian [Italian] - singer.
Cris Vianna (40) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - actress.
Tania Khalil (40) Brazilian [Syrian, Spanish] - actress.
Nega Gizza (40) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - rapper.
Daniele Suzuki (40) Brazilian [Japanese / Italian, German, Unspecified Indigenous] - actress.
Patricia Abravanel (40) Brazilian - presenter and businesswoman.
Adriana Alves (40) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - actress and former model.
Valesca Popozuda (39) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - singer.
Leticia Birkheuer (39) Brazilian [German, Austrian] - model and actress.
Gaby Amarantos (39) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - singer.
Michelle Alves (39) Brazilian - model.
Dani Ornellas (39) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - actress.
Carolina Dieckmann (39) Brazilian [German] - actress.
Gaby Amarantos (39) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - singer.
Regiane Alves (39) Brazilian - actress and former fashion design model.
Juliana Baroni (39) Brazilian [Italian] - actress, dancer and singer.
Amandha Lee (38) Brazilian [Unspecified Indigenous, Portuguese, Unspecified African] - actress.
Tati Quebra-Barraco (38) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - singer.
Kiara Sasso (38) Brazilian - actress and singer.  
Daniela Cicarelli (38) Brazilian [Italian] - former fashion model and TV show hostess.
Negra Li (38) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - singer and actress.
Ana Carolina da Fonseca (38) Brazilian [Portuguese] - actress.
Karin Hils (38) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - singer and actress.
Liliana Castro (38) Brazilian / Argentinian - actress.
Samantha Schmutz (38) Brazilian [Unspecified African, German, Austrian] - actress and singer.
Daniela Freitas (38) Brazilian - model.
Luciana Mello (38) Brazilian [Unspecified African, Japanese] - singer.
Morena Baccarin (38) Brazilian [Italian, possibly other] - actress.
Caroline Ribeiro (38) Brazilian [Portuguese, Unspecified Indigenous, Unspecified African] - model.
Taís Araújo (38) Brazilian [Unspecified African, Austrian, Portuguese, possibly other] - actress.
Amanda Francozo (38) Brazilian - model.
Juliana Paes (38) Brazilian [Unspecified Arab, Unspecified African, Portuguese, Spanish, Unspecified Indigenous] - actress, television presenter, and former model.
Ellen Rocche (38) Brazilian [Italian] - actress and model.
Katiuscia Canoro (38) Brazilian - actress.
Anelis Assumpcao (37) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - singer.
Fernanda Tavares (37) Brazilian [Portuguese, possibly other] - model.
Rita Cassia (37) Brazilian [Portuguese, Unspecified African] - actress.
Geovanna Tominaga (37) Brazilian [Japanese, Italian, Unspecified Indigenous] - actress.
Priscila Sol (37) Brazilian - actress.
Simone Spoladore (37) Brazilian - actress.
Marina Glezer (37) Brazilian [Argentinian] - actress.
Tracy Trinita (37) Chinese, Brazilian, Indonesian [Kalimantan, Minahasan] - model.
Jordana Brewster (37) English, Scottish, Irish / Brazilian  - actress and model.
Viviane Porto (37) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - actress.
Milene Uehara (37) Brazilian [Italian, Japanese] - singer and model.
Mariana Aydar (37) Brazilian - singer.
Camila Guebar (37) Brazilian [Unspecified Arab] - model and actress.
Mary Sheila (37) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - actress.
Fernanda Machado (37) Brazilian [Portuguese] - actress.
Cinthya Rachel (37) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - actress.
Ceu (37) Brazilian - singer.
Adriana Lima (36) Brazilian [Portuguese, Unspecified Indigenous, Swiss, Unspecified African, Japanese] - model and actress.
Bruna Ferraz (36) Brazilian - adult model, pornographic actress and TV-personality.
Roberta Santiago (36) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - actress and singer.
Fernanda Motta (36) Brazilian [Italian, possibly other] - model, actress, and television host.
Quelynah (36) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - singer and actress.
Marcelle Bittar (36) Brazilian [Lebanese, Portuguese] - model.
Vanessa Jackson (36) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - singer and actress.
Lea T (36) Brazilian [Italian] - model. - Trans!
Renata Sayuri (36) Brazilian [Japanese] - actress.
Ana Cláudia Michels (36) Brazilian [German] - model.
Mariana Nunes (36) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - actress.
Gianne Albertoni (36) Brazilian [Italian] - model and actress.
Sabrina Sato (36) Brazilian [½ Japanese / ¼ Swiss-German, ¼ Lebanese] - presenter, actress, comedian, reporter, model, and television personality.
Ana Hickmann (36) Brazilian [German] - model, TV host and businesswoman.
Nadja Haddad (36) Brazilian [Lebanese] - actress.
Cleo Pires (35) Brazilian [Spanish, Portuguese, Unspecified Indigenous] - actress.
Marina Elali (35) Brazilian [Unspecified Arab / Unspecified Other] - singer.
Julia Melim (35) Brazilian [Italian] - TV host, actress and producer.
Ana Beatriz Barros (35) Brazilian [Portuguese, Spanish, Italian, German] - model.
Marcelle Bittar (35) Brazilian [Lebanese] - model.
Cristina Lago (35) Brazilian - actress.
Roberta Rodrigues (35) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - actress and singer.
MariMoon (35) Brazilian - youtuber.
Aparecida Petrowky (35) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - actress.
Dani Calabresa (35) Brazilian [Italian] - actress.
Ildi Silva (35) Brazilian [Unspecified Indigenous, Unspecified African, Dutch] - model.
Ana Braga (35) Brazilian - model.
Aline Nakashima (35) Brazilian [Japanese / Portuguese] - model.
Yzalu (35) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - singer and rapper.
Taina Muller (35) Brazilian [German] - actress and model.
Lucy Ramos (35) Brazilian [Unspecified African, possibly other] - actress.
Paola Oliveira (35) Brazilian [Italian, Portuguese, Spanish] - actress.
Aline Wirley (35) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - singer and actress.
Giselle Itie (35) Brazilian / Mexican - actress.
Nancy Randall (35) Brazilian [Unspecified African] / African-American - beauty pageant titleholder.
Marjorie Estiano (35) Brazilian - actress and singer.
Camila Alves (35) Brazilian [Unspecified African, Portuguese, possibly other] - model and designer.
Ana Paula Araújo (35) Brazilian - model.
Juliana Alves (35) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - actress and model.
Mariana Weickert (35) Brazilian [German] - model.
Ellen Oleria (34) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - singer.
Vanessa Giacomo (34) Brazilian [Unspecified Indigenous] - actress.
Cris Noronha (34) Brazilian - model.
Suyane Moreira (34) Brazilian [Unspecified Indigenous Amazonian, Unspecified African] - actress and model.
Letícia Persiles (34) Brazilian - actress and singer.
Sandy Leah Lima (34) Brazilian - singer-songwriter and actress.
Gracyanne Barbosa (34) Brazilian - model.
Alice Braga (34) Brazilian [Unspecified African, Portuguese / Unspecified Indigenous, Unspecified Non-Portuguese European] - actress.
Tata Werneck (34) Brazilian [German, Spanish] - actress.
Yaya Dacosta (34) Brazilian [Unspecified West African] / African-American, Cherokee, and Irish - model and actress.
Isabeli Fontana (34) Brazilian [Italian, Portuguese, possibly other] - model.
Natalia Nara (34) Brazilian [Japanese, possibly other] - actress and model.
Priscilla Meirelles (34) Brazilian [Portuguese, possibly other] - model, host, actress, environmentalist, and beauty queen.
Marli (34) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - singer.
Flávia de Oliveira (34) Brazilian - model.
Priscila Marinho (34) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - actress and singer.
Alinne Moraes (34) Brazilian [Italian] - actress.
Carol Nakamura (34) Brazilian [Japanese] - actress.
Raquel Zimmermann (34) Brazilian [German] - model.
Lidi Lisboa (33) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - actress.
Thaís Pacholek (33) Brazilian [Polish] - actress.
Fernanda Andrade (33) Brazilian-American [Italian, Spanish Portuguese, Spanish, Swiss, and possibl Native Brazilian] - actress and model.
Daniella Sarahyba (33) Brazilian [Lebanese, Spanish] - model.
Cintia Rosa (33) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - actress and singer.
Fabiana Semprebom (33) Brazilian / Italian - model.
Sheron Menezzes (33) Brazilian [Unspecified African, possibly other] - actress.
Juliana Martins (33) Brazilian - model.
Paula Fernandes (33) Brazilian [Portuguese, possibly other] - singer, songwriter, and arranger.
Carol Castro (33) Brazilian - actress.
Raica Oliveira (33) Brazilian [Portuguese, Unspecified African, Unspecified Indigenous, possibly other] - model.
Fernanda Vasconcellos (33) Brazilian - actress.
Lovefoxxx (33) Brazilian [Japanese / German] - singer.
Luiza Possi (33) Brazilian [Italian] - singer.
Li Martins (33) Brazilian [Japanese / Unspecified Other] - actress and singer.
Daniella Sarahyba (33) Brazilian [Lebanese, Galician Spanish, Portuguese, possibly other] - model.
Cindy Mendes (33) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - singer.
Débora Nascimento (32) Brazilian [Italian, Unspecified Indigenous / Unspecified Black] - actress and model.
Natalie Nunn (32) African-American, Brazilian, Mexican - television personality.
Tasya Teles (32) Brazilian [Portuguese, possibly other] / Ukrainian - actress.
Erika Januza (32) Brazilian [Unspecified African, possibly other] - actress and model.
Jeisa Chiminazzo (32) Brazilian [Italian, Portuguese, German, possibly other] - model.
Bruna Surfistinha (32) Brazilian - blogger.
Leilah Moreno (32) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - actress and singer.
Natalie Morales (32) Puerto Rican / Brazilian - journalist.
Izabel Goulart (32) Brazilian [Italian, Portuguese, possibly other] - model.
Luiza Valdetaro (32) Brazilian - actress.
Ariela Massotti (32) Brazilian - actress.
Juliana Schalch (32) Brazilian [Swiss, Portuguese, Italian] - actress.
Juliana Imai (32) Brazilian [Japanese, Portuguese] - model.
Thaila Ayala (31) Brazilian - actress and model.
Camilla Belle (31) Brazilian [Portuguese, Italian, Unspecified Indigenous] / English, German, French, Unspecified Native American (Unconfirmed) - actress.
Lucy Alves (31) Brazilian - actress and singer.
Rafaela Zanella (31) Brazilian [Italian, German] - model.
Nanda Costa (31) Brazilian [Lebanese, Unspecified Other] - actress.
Giselle Batista (31) Brazilian - actress.
Monique Alfradique (31) Brazilian - actress.
Aisha Jambo (31) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - actress.
Michelle Batista (31) Brazilian - actress.
Alice Dellal (30) Iraqi Mizrahi Jewish, Ashkenazi Jewish / Brazilian [Portuguese, possibly other] - model.
Sthefany Brito (30) Brazilian - actress.
Elisa Volpatto (30) Brazilian - actress.
Cintia Dicker (30) Brazilian [German] - model.
Akemi Katsuki (30) Brazilian [Japanese] - model.
Andressa Urach (30) Brazilian [Italian, German] - model, businesswoman and reality television personality.
Maria Casadevall (30) Brazilian [Spanish] - actress and model.
Adriana Birolli (30) Brazilian - actress.
Carol Abras (30) Brazilian - actress.
Caroline Trentini (30) Brazilian [German, Italian, possibly other] - model.
Jarina De Marco (30) Dominican [Taino, Unspecified African] / Brazilian - singer.
Isis Valverde (30) Brazilian [Italian, Celtiberian, possibly other] - actress.
Tigarah (30) Japanese / Brazilian - rapper.
Lua Blanco (30) Brazilian - singer and model.
Bruna Abdullah (30) Brazilian [Lebanese / Italian, Portuguese] - actress.
Maria Gadu (30) Brazilian - singer.
Karol Conka (30) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - singer and rapper.
Jacqueline MacInnes Wood (30) French, Brazilian, Cree (Unconfirmed) / Scottish - actress, DJ, singer, and television host.
Bruna Erhardt (29) Brazilian [German] - model.
Dandara Mariana (29) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - actress.
Luma Costa (29) Brazilian - actress.
Meisa Kuroki (29) ¾ Japanese / ¼ Brazilian - actress, model, and singer.
Lisalla Montenegro (29) Brazilian - model.
Kana Oya (29) Brazilian [Japanese] - model.
Renata Kuerten (29) Brazilian [German, possibly other] - model and television presenter.
Jacqueline Sato (29) Brazilian [50.41% Japanese / 32.9% German, Spanish, Portuguese / 11.47% Unspecified Middle Eastern / 4.95% Unspecified South Asian / 0.27% Unspecified Other Race] - actress and model.
Barbara Fialho (29) Brazilian [Portuguese, possibly other] - model.
Maddu Magalhaes (29) Brazilian - youtuber and actress.
Anna Tokiko (29) Brazilian [Japanese / Unspecified African, Unspecified European] - actress.
Mel Fronckowiak (29) Brazilian [Portuguese, Spanish, Polish, possibly Italian] - television host, actress, singer, fashion blogger, model, and writer.
Maiara Walsh (29) German, Irish, English, French / Brazilian - actress and singer.
Yasmin Brunet (29) Brazilian [Argentinian] - model and actress.
Angela Park (29) Brazilian [Korean] - pro golfer.
Flavia Lucini (28) Brazilian - model.
Louise D'Tuani (28) Brazilian - actress.
Solange Wilvert (28) Brazilian [German] - model.
Bruna Tenório (28) Brazilian [Unspecified Indigenous, Unspecified European] - model.
Pathy dos Reis (28) Brazilian - youtuber.
Caroline Francischini (28) Brazilian [Italian] - model.
Yani de Simone (28) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - singer and model.
Lais Oliveira (28) Brazilian - model.
Tammy Di Calafiori (28) Brazilian [Italian] - actress and television host.
Emanuela de Paula (28) Brazilian [Portuguese, Unspecified African, Dutch, Unspecified Indigenous] - model.
Juliana Lohmann (28) Brazilian - actress.
Sophie Charlotte (28) Brazilian / German - actress.
Luana Tanaka (28) Brazilian [Japanese, possibly other] - actress.
Aline Weber (28) Brazilian [German] - model.
Akemi Darenogare (27) Brazilian [Japanese, Portuguese] - model.
Mariana Molina (27) Brazilian - actress.
Lais Ribeiro (27) Brazilian [Unspecified African, Unspecified Indigenous, Portuguese] - model.
Letícia Colin (27) Brazilian - actress, singer, and presenter.
Gracie Carvalho (27) Brazilian - model.
Nathalia Kaur (27) Brazilian [Indian / Portuguese] - actress and model.
Bruna Schmitz (27) Brazilian [German, Portuguese, possibly other] - surfer and model.
Mizuho Lin (27) Brazilian [Taiwanese-Chinese] - singer.
Natascha Piva (27) Brazilian - singer.
Bianca A. Santos (27) Brazilian [Portuguese, Unspecified African, possibly other] / Cuban [Spanish, possibly French, and other] - actress.
Martha Streck (27) Brazilian - model.
Yanna Lavigne (27) Brazilian [Japanese, French, Spanish] - actress and model.
Bruna Hamu (27) Brazilian - actress and former model.
Eunice Baia (27) Brazilian [Unspecified Indigenous] - actress.
Bianca Bin (27) Brazilian - actress.
Catharina Choi Nunes (27) Korean / Brazilian [Portuguese, Spanish] - model.
Jasmine Tookes (26) African-American, Brazilian, Barbadian, Unspecified European - model.
Jéssika Alves (26) Brazilian - actress.
Bárbara Evans (26) Brazilian - actress and model.
Sophia Abrahao (26) Brazilian - actress and singer.
Angélica Kvieczynski (26) Brazilian [Polish, German, Russian, Italian, Portuguese, possibly other] - gymnast.
Mariah Buzolin (26) Brazilian - actress.
Aline Dias (26) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - actress and model.
Daiane Conterato (26) Brazilian [Italian, Polish, possibly other] - model.
Sky Ferreira (25) Brazilian [Portuguese] / Ashkenazi Jewish, Cheyenne, Scottish, English, French, Irish - singer, songwriter, model, and actress.
Mallu Magalhaes (25) Brazilian - singer.
Jessica Ellen (25) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - actress.
Daniela Braga (25) Brazilian - model.
Camila Finn (25) Brazilian [German] - model.
Kaya Scodelario (25) English / Brazilian [Italian, possibly other] - actress.
Agatha Moreira (25) Brazilian - model and actress.
Jamily (25) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - singer.
Kefera Buchmann (24) Brazilian [German, Portuguese] - actress and vlogger.
Barbara di Creddo (24) Brazilian - model.
Iane Cardoso (24) Brazilian [Macuxi] - beauty pageant titleholder.
Jessie Rogers (24) Brazilian - youtuber, former porn actress.
Anitta (24) Brazilian [Unspecified African, Portuguese, possibly other] - singer and songwriter.
Luisa Arraes (24) Brazilian - actress.
Malu Rodrigues (24) Brazilian - actress and singer.
Vivian Amorim (24) Brazilian [Portuguese] - model and youtuber.
Gizele Oliveira (24) Brazilian - model.
MC Carol (24) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - singer and rapper.
Laura Neiva (24) Brazilian [Portuguese, Italian, possibly other] - actress and model.
Bruna Linzmeyer (24) Brazilian [German, Portuguese, Spanish, Unspecified Indigenous, Unspecified African] - actress.
Giovanna Lancellotti (24) Brazilian [Italian] - actress.
Mariana Santana (24) Brazilian [Unspecified Indigenous, Unspecified African, possibly other] - model.
Nah Cardoso (24) Brazilian - actress and youtuber.
Laura Neiva (24) Brazilian [Portuguese, Italian, possibly other] - actress and model.
Juliana Paiva (24) Brazilian - actress.
Manu Gavassi (24) Brazilian [Italian] - singer and actress.
Jeniffer Nascimento (24) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - actress and singer.
Camila Queiroz (24) Brazilian [Portuguese, Japanese] - actress and model.
Lini Kennedy (23) Brazilian - model.
Karol Queiroz (23) Brazilian - model, instagrammer, and youtuber.
Angelica Erthal (23) Brazilian - model.
Camila Mendes (23) Brazilian [Portuguese, Italian, possibly other] - actress.
Elen Santiago (23) Brazilian - model.
Bruna Vieira (23) Brazilian - beauty guru youtuber.
Ani Mondjardim (23) Brazilian - singer.
Mia Goth (23) English, possibly other / Ashkenazi Jewish, Brazilian - actress and model.
Bruna Lirio (23) Brazilian - model.
Bruna Rocha (23) Brazilian - singer.
Habiba Da Silva (23) Brazilian, Lebanese, English - beauty guru youtuber.
Caroline Ferreira (23) Brazilian - singer.
Ana Julia Dorigon (23) Brazilian - actress and model.
Luma Grothe (23) Brazilian [German, Japanese, Unspecified African, possibly other] - model.
Isabelle Drummond (23) Brazilian - actress.
Ari Westphal (23) Brazilian - model.
Julia Goldani Telles (22) Mexican [Spanish, probably other] / Brazilian [Italian, probably other] - actress and ballet dancer.
Raissa Santana (22) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - model.
Cindy Mello (22) Brazilian - model.
Marina Ruy Barbosa (22) Brazilian [Portuguese] - actress.
Flavia Pavanelli (22) Brazilian - beauty guru youtuber.
Ana Hikari (22) Brazilian [Japanese, Portuguese] - actress.
Isabella Santoni (22) Brazilian [Italian] - actress.
Ludmilla (22) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - singer.
Isabella Ridolfi (22) Brazilian  - model.
Heslaine Vieira (22) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - actress.
Marcela Ohio (22) Brazilian - beauty pageant titleholder. - Trans!
Larissa Murai (21) Brazilian [Japanese] - actress and singer.
Alice Wegmann (21) Brazilian [German] - actress.
Isabella Scherer (21) Brazilian - instagrammer and actress.
Marina Nery (21) Brazilian [Unspecified Indigenous, Spanish] - model.
Hanna Romanazzi (21) Brazilian - model and actress.
Julia Abe (21) Brazilian / Japanese - model.
Marina Moschen (20) Brazilian - actress.
Barbara Valente (20) Brazilian - model.
Louane Emera (20) German, Polish / Brazilian [Portuguese, possibly other] - singer and actress.
Letícia Medina (20) Brazilian - actress.
Giullia Buscacio (20) Portuguese, Brazilian, Italian - actress.
Barbie Ferreira (20) Brazilian - model.
Valentina Sampaio (19) Brazilian - model and actress. - Trans!
Sasha Meneghel (19) Brazilian [½ Jewish, at least 1/16 Italian, Portuguese, likely Polish, possibly other] - actress, model, and athlete.
Samile Bermannelli (19) Brazilian - model.
Ariel Moura (19) Brazilian - model. - Trans!
Maju Trindade (19) Brazilian [Italian, Portuguese] - model and youtuber.
Waleska Gorczevski (19) Brazilian - model.
Alissa Salls (19) Brazilian - model and instagrammer.
Monalysa Alcantara (18) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - model.
Yogi Keira (18) ¾ Japanese / ¼ Brazilian - singer.
Aira Ferreira (17) Brazilian - model.
Ana Giulia Zortea (17) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - actress and pro swimmer.
Larissa Manoela (16) Brazilian - actress and singer.
Livia Inhudes (16) Brazilian - youtuber.
Giovanna Chaves (15) Brazilian - actress, singer, and model.
Júlia Gomes (15) Brazilian - singer and actress.
Giovanna Rispoli (15) Brazilian [Italian] - actress.
Any Gabrielly (15) Brazilian - singer and actress.
Dhu Moraes (born 1953) Brazilian - actress.
Camilla Amado (born in 1942) Brazilian - actress and teacher.
Giovanna Ferrarezi (?) Brazilian - youtuber.
Vic Hollo (?) Brazilian - youtuber, former viner.
Victoria Brito (?) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - model.
Lorena Maraschi (?) Brazilian  - model.
Bruna Meneghetti (?) Brazilian - model.
Hanne Linhares (?) Brazilian - model.
Sage Galesi (?) Cheyenne, Apache, Lakota Sioux / Brazilian [Unspecified European] - actress and singer.
Gabriella Nunes (?) Brazilian - model.
Thalissa Teixeira (?) Brazilian - actress.
Mariah da Penha (?) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - actress.
Laryssa Dias (?) Brazilian - actress and dancer.
Branca Feres (?) Brazilian - synchronized swimmer, model, and actress.
Bia Feres (?) Brazilian - synchronized swimmer, model, and actress.
Christiana Guinle (?) Brazilian - actress and producer.
Cristina Lark (?) Brazilian - actress.
Nelson Sargento (93) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - singer and actor.
Leonardo Villar (93) Brazilian - actor.
Pedro Farah (91) Brazilian [Unspecified Arab] - actor.
Clementino Kele (89) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - actor.
Tony Tornado (87) Brazilian [Unspecified African] / Guyanese - actor and singer.
Lima Duarte (87) Brazilian [Portuguese] - actor.
Isaac Bardavid (86) Brazilian [Turkish Jewish] - actor.
Mauro Mendonca (86) Brazilian - actor.
Joao Gilberto (86) Brazilian - singer and guitarist.
Silvio Santos (86) Brazilian [Sephardic Jewish, Greek, Turkish] - tv host.
Sergio Ricardo (85) Brazilian [Unspecified Arab] - actor and filmmaker.
Monarco (84) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - singer.
Othon Bastos (84) Brazilian - actor.
Ary Fontoura (84) Brazilian - actor.
Milton Gonçalves (83) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - actor and playwright.
Bira (83) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - musician.
Tarcísio Meira (82) Brazilian - actor.
Ken Kaneko (82) Brazilian [Japanese] - actor.
Jose Mojica Marins (81) Brazilian [Spanish, possibly other] - actor.
Zuzuca do Salgueiro (81) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - musician.
Reginaldo Faria (80) Brazilian - actor and film director.
Wilson Moreira (80) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - singer.
Reginaldo Faria (80) Brazilian - actor and director.
Daniel Filho (80) Brazilian [Catalan] / Argentinian - actor.
Amir Haddad (80) Brazilian [Unspecified Arab] - actor.
Martinho da Vila (79) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - singer.
Dom Salvador (79) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - musician.
Ivan de Almeida (79) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - actor.
Antonio Pitanga (78) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - actor.
Erasmo Carlos (76) Brazilian - singer.
Jorge Mautner (76) Brazilian [Austrian Jewish / Yugoslav] - musician, actor, and filmmaker.
Roberto Carlos (76) Brazilian - singer.
Laerico de Freitas (76) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - actor and musician.
Ney Matogrosso (76) Brazilian - singer.
Gilberto Gil (75) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - singer.
Jorge Ben Jor (75) Brazilian [Ethiopian] - singer.
Caetano Veloso (75) Brazilian - musician.
Nei Lopes (75) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - singer.
Pedro Ortaca (75) Brazilian [Unspecified Indigenous] - singer.
Milton Nascimento (74) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - singer.
Dori Caymmi (74) Brazilian [Italian / Unspecified Other] - musician.
Paulinho da Viola (74) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - musician.
Ney Latorraca (73) Brazilian [Italian, possibly other] - actor.
Chico Buarque (73) Brazilian [Portuguese, Dutch] - musician and writer.
Geraldo Azevedo (72) Brazilian - singer and guitarist.
Lucio Yanel (71) Brazilian / Argentinian - musician.
Jose de Abreu (71) Brazilian - actor.
Joao Bosco (71) Brazilian [Lebanese] - singer and guitarist.
Gaucho da Fronteira (70) Brazilian / Uruguayan - singer.
Gesio Amadeu (70) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - actor.
Gilbert Stein (69) Brazilian [Egyptian Jewish] - singer.
Luis Vagner (69) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - singer.
Tony Ramos (69) Brazilian [Portuguese] - actor.
Paulinho da Costa (69) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - musician.
Luís Melo (69) Brazilian - actor.
Jose Mayer (68) Brazilian [Lebanese] - actor.
Jorge Aragao (68) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - singer.
Antônio Fagundes (68) Brazilian - actor.
Djavan (68) Brazilian [Unspecified Indigenous, Unspecified African, Dutch] - singer.
Raimundo Fagner (68) Brazilian [Lebanese / Unspecified Other] - singer and actor.
Neguinho da Beija-Flor (68) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - singer.
Daniel Benzali (67) Brazilian [Jewish] - actor.
Joao Mulato (67) Brazilian [Unspecified African, Unspecified European] - singer.
José Dumont (67) Brazilian - actor.
Ricardo Blat (66) Brazilian [Unspecified Arab] - actor.
Jose Augusto (64) Brazilian - singer.
Sergio Assad (64) Brazilian [Lebanese] - musician.
Gelson Oliveira (62) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - singer.
Nego (62) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - musician.
Beto Barbosa (62) Brazilian [Unspecified Arab] - singer.
Cosme dos Santos (62) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - actor.
Skowa (61) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - singer.
Walter Salles (61) Brazilian [Portuguese, distant Sephardic Jewish, possibly other] - filmmaker, film producer, and editor.
Romeu Evaristo (61) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - actor.
Fernando Meirelles (61) Brazilian - film director, producer and screenwriter.
Gil Brother (60) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - actor.
Patricio Bisso (60) Brazilian / Argentinian - actor.
Ciro Pessoa (60) Brazilian - singer, guitarist, and poet.
Fausto Fawcett (60) Brazilian - rapper, actor, and writer.
Fauzi Beydoun (59) Brazilian [Lebanese, Italian] - singer and guitarist.
Arlindo Cruz (59) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - musician.
Walter Afanasieff (59) Brazilian [Russian] - musician.
Amin Khader (58) Brazilian [Unspecified Arab] - actor.
Guy Ecker (58) Brazilian - actor.
Serginho Meriti (58) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - musician.
Chico Diaz (58) Brazilian / Paraguayan - actor.
Sergio Kato (57) Brazilian - actor.
Carlos Takeshi (57) Brazilian [Japanese] - actor.
Arnaldo Antunes (57) Brazilian - musician.
Leo Jamie (57) Brazilian - musician and actor.
Sergio Kato (57) Brazilian [Japanese] - actor.
Marquinhos de Oswaldo Cruz (56) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - singer.
Andre Mattos (56) Brazilian - actor.
Frejat (55) Brazilian [Unspecified Arab] - singer.
Ze Miguel (55) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - musician.
Ivo Meirelles (55) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - singer.
Dany Roland (55) Brazilian [French, Portuguese, Italian], Argentinian [French, Portuguese, Italian, Egyptian] - musician and actor.
Lenilton (55) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - musician.
Vitor Ramil (55) Brazilian [Unspecified Arab] - singer.
Nasi (55) Brazilian - musician and actor.
Carlinhos Brown (54) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - musician.
Marcos Palmeira (54) Brazilian - actor.
Mauricio Mattar (53) Brazilian [Lebanese] - actor.
Ailton Graca (53) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - actor.
Alexandre Frota (53) Brazilian - actor and former model.
Carlos Sato (53) Brazilian [Japanese] - actor.
Chico Cesar (53) Brazilian [Unspecified African, Unspecified Indigenous] - singer.
Daniel Munduruku (53) Brazilian [Munduruku] - writer.
Claudio Botelho (born in 1964) Brazilian - actor.
Adriano Garib (52) Brazilian [Syrian, Lebanese / Italian] - actor.
Octavio Muller (52) Brazilian - actor.
Alvaro Tito (52) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - singer.
Carlos Saldanha (52) Brazilian [Portuguese, Unspecified Indigenous, possibly other] - director, producer, and animator.
Eduardo Silva (52) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - actor.
Andre Abujamra (52) Brazilian [Lebanese, Italian] - musician.
Maricio Goncalves (51) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - actor.
Marcelo Yuka (51) Brazilian [Japanese, possibly other] - drummer.
Sebastian Soul (51) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - actor and singer.
Flavio Bauraqui (51) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - actor.
Irmao Lazaro (50) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - singer.
Enrique Diaz (50) Brazilian / Paraguayan - actor.
Delicio Luiz (50) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - singer.
Toni Garrido (50) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - singer and actor.
DJ Jamaika (50) Brazilian / Jamaican - rapper.
Sergio Loroza (50) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - actor and singer.
Silvetty Montilla (50) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - drag queen, actor, and singer.
Pit Passarell (49) Brazilian [Argentinian] - musician.
Serginho Procopio (49) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - musician.
Marcelo D2 (49) Brazilian - rapper.
Otto (49) Brazilian [Unspecified Indigenous, Dutch] - singer and actor.
Edi Rock (49) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - singer.
Kleber Lucas (49) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - singer.
Matheus Nachtergaele (49) Brazilian [Belgian] - actor and director.
Thaide (49) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - rapper and actor.
Max Cavalera (48) Brazilian [Italian, other] - musician.
Pericles (48) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - singer.
Ndee Naldinho (48) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - singer.
Vanderlei de Lima (48) Brazilian - pro long distance runner.
Max Cavalera (48) Brazilian [Italian] - singer and guitarist.
Mr. Catra (48) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - singer.
David Brazil (48) Brazilian - actor and promoter.
Ice Blue (48) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - rapper.
X (48) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - rapper.
Luciano Szafir (48) Brazilian [Jewish] - actor and model.
KL Jay (48) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - rapper.
Thogun Teixeira (47) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - rapper and actor.
Anderson Muller (47) Brazilian [Lebanese, German] - actor.
Netinho de Paula (47) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - singer and actor.
Ines Brasil (47) Brazilian [Unspecified African, German] - singer.
Seu Jorge (47) Brazilian [Unspecified Indigenous, Unspecified African] - singer.
Alexandre Nero (47) Brazilian - actor and singer.
Mano Brown (47) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - rapper.
Fabio Lago (47) Brazilian - actor.
Xandre de Pilares (47) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - singer.
Fabio Assuncao (46) Brazilian [Portuguese] - actor.
Marcelo Batista (46) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - actor and rapper.
Gero Camilo (46) Brazilian [Unspecified Indigenous, Unspecified African, Portuguese, Dutch] - actor and singer.
Caco Ciocler (46) Brazilian - actor.
Marquinhos Gomes (46) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - singer.
Andre Matos (46) Brazilian - musician.
Ed Motta (46) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - singer.
Lui Mendes (46) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - actor.
Murilo Benício (45) Brazilian - actor.
Black Alien (45) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - rapper.
Eriberto Leao (45) Brazilian - actor.
Jacare (45) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - actor and dancer.
Rogerio Flausino (45) Brazilian - singer.
Rappin’ Hood (45) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - rapper.
Nicolas Trevijano (45) Brazilian [Argentinian] - actor.
Max Viana (44) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - singer.
Emanuel Rego (44) Brazilian - pro volleyball player.
Leandro Hassum (44) Brazilian [Unspecified Arab] - actor.
Japinha (44) Brazilian [Japanese, Italian] - musician.
Saulo Vasconcellos (44) Brazilian - actor and singer.
Marcelo Falcao (44) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - singer.
Juliano Son (44) Brazilian [Korean] - singer.
Dexter (44) Brazilian - rapper.
Bukassa Kabengele (44) Brazilian [Congolese, Belgian] - actor and singer.
Xis (44) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - rapper.
Selton Mello (44) Brazilian - actor and director.
Sergio Menezes (44) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - actor.
Robert Scheidt (44) Brazilian [German] - pro sailor.
Felipe Duarte (44) Brazilian - actor.
Reynaldo Gianecchini (44) Brazilian [Italian] - actor.
BNegao (44) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - singer.
Octaviano Costa (44) Brazilian [Lebanese / Unspecified Other] - actor.
Jaime Camil (44) Mexican [Egyptian, possibly other] / Brazilian [Portuguese, possibly other] - actor, singer, and host.
MV Bill (43) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - actor, rapper, and filmmaker.
Adriano Cintra (43) Brazilian [Unspecified Indigenous, German, Portuguese] - musician.
Lino Krizz (43) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - singer, rapper, and actor.
Dudu Nobre (43) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - singer.
Antonio Pedro Tabet (43) Brazilian - actor and youtuber (Porta dos Fundos).
Afro-X (43) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - rapper.
Bruno Campos (43) Brazilian - actor.
Belo (43) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - singer.
Gabriel o Pensador (43) Brazilian [Italian] - rapper.
Criolo (42) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - singer, rapper, and actor.
Anderson Silva (42) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - MMA fighter.
Rodrigo Santoro (42) Brazilian [Portuguese, including Azorean, possibly other] / Italian] - actor.
Alexandre Barillari (42) Brazilian - actor.
DJ Marky (42) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - musician.
Sergio Abreu (42) Brazilian - actor.
Ken Chang (42) Brazilian [Taiwanese-Chinese] - actor and singer.
Buchecha (42) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - singer.
Ferrez (42) Brazilian - rapper and author.
Jair Oliveira (42) Brazilian [Unspecified African, Japanese] - singer.
Gustavo Kuerten (41) Brazilian [German, some Polish and Austrian] - retired tennis player.
Malvino Salvador (41) Brazilian [Unspecified Arab, Portuguese] - model and actor.
Alexandre Pires (41) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - singer.
Vladimir Brichta (41) Brazilian [Russian, German] - actor.
Leo Maia (41) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - singer.
Malvino Salvador (41) Brazilian [Unspecified Arab, Portuguese] - actor and model.
DJ Patife (41) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - musician.
Bob Burnquist (41) Swedish, Brazilian - professional skateboarder.
Pregador Luo (41) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - rapper.
Curumin (41) Brazilian [Japanese, Spanish] - singer.
Kamau (41) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - rapper.
Wagner Moura (41) Brazilian [Portuguese, possibly other] - actor.
Kamau (41) Brazilian [Kenyan] - rapper.
Gustavo Haddad (41) Brazilian [Unspecified Arab] - actor.
Daniel de Oliveira (40) Brazilian - actor.
Andre Sa (40) Brazilian - pro tennis player.
Théo Becker (40) Brazilian [Portuguese] - actor, model and singer.
Daniel Bueno (40) Brazilian  - model, reality television personality and actor.
Leandro Firmino (39) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - actor.
Henri Castelli (39) Brazilian - actor and model.
Ivan Miyazato (39) Brazilian [Japanese] - musician.
Ivo Muller (39) Brazilian - actor.
Mouhamed Harfouch (39) Brazilian [Unspecified Arab] - actor.
Leandro Firmino (39) Brazilian - actor.
Thalles (39) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - singer.
Thiago Lacerda (39) Brazilian [Portuguese] - actor.
Matheus Rocha (38) Brazilian - filmmaker.
Lazaro Ramos (38) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - actor.
Bruno Santos (38) Brazilian - model.
Max B.O. (38) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - rapper.
Marcos Veras (38) Brazilian - actor.
Gustavo Gianetti (38) Brazilian [Portuguese] - actor, model and singer.
Andre Marinho (38) Brazilian - musician (Br’oz).
Anderson Lau (38) Brazilian [Chinese] - actor.
Franco Finato Scornavacca (38) Brazilian - singer (KLB).
Naldo Benny (38) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - singer.
Pedro Andrade (38) Brazilian - actor and model.
Lazaro Ramos (38) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - actor.
Thierre Di Castro Garrito (38) Brazilian - actor and Mister Brazil 1996.
Dan Nakagawa (38) Brazilian [Japanese] - actor and singer.
Marcos Veras (37) Brazilian - actor and filmmaker.
Caio Blat (37) Brazilian [Unspecified Arab, Catalan] - actor.
Fabrizio Moretti (37) Italian / Brazilian - musician and songwriter.
Rocco Pitanga (37) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - actor.
Francimar Barroso (37) Brazilian - MMA fighter.
Dado Dolabella (37) Brazilian / Spanish - actor and singer.
Bibiano Fernandes (37) Brazilian [Unspecified Indigenous Amazonian, possibly other] - MMA fighter.
Diego Miguel (37) Brazilian - model.
Caua Reymond (37) Brazilian [Swiss, Portuguese, Unspecified Indigenous] - actor.
Anderson Freire (37) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - singer.
Rodrigo Hilbert (37) Brazilian [Polish, Italian] - actor and model.
Moufid Aziz (born in 1980) Brazilian [Moroccan] - model.
Rafael Verga (36) Brazilian [Portuguese, Italian] - model.
Bruno Belarmino (36) Brazilian - actor.
Maicon (36) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - professional footballer.
Leandro Finato Scornavacca (36) Brazilian - singer (KLB).
Sergio Marone (36) Brazilian [Italian] - actor.
Elano (36) Brazilian [German, Italian, possibly other] - retired footballer.
Juan Manuel Tellategui (36) Brazilian / Argentinian - actor.
Michel Teló (36) Brazilian [Italian] - singer and songwriter.
Jhean Menezes (36) Brazilian - musician (Br’oz).
Andre Ramiro (36) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - actor and rapper.
Hermann Nicoli (35) Brazilian - model.
Vinicius Machado (35) Brazilian - actor.
Rafael Zulu (35) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - actor.
Luis Lobianco (35) Brazilian - actor and youtuber (Porta dos Fundos).
Bruno Gagliasso (35) Brazilian [Italian] - actor.
Ibere Thenorio (35) Brazilian - youtuber (Manual do Mundo).
Fabricio Boliveira (35) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - actor.
Anderson Varejão (35) Brazilian - professional basketball player.
Thiago Frago (35) Brazilian - actor.
Babu Santana (35) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - actor.
Rodiney Santiago (35) Brazilian - model.
Marcos Pitombo (35) Brazilian - actor.
Adriano Bolshi (35) Brazilian [Japanese] - actor.
Marcos Pitombo (35) Brazilian - actor.
Oscar Tintel (35) Brazilian - musician (Br’oz).
Paulo Nagamura (34) Brazilian [Japanese, Italian, possibly other] - retired soccer player.
Bruce Driscoll (34) Brazilian - musician.
Alexandre Rodrigues (34) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - actor.
Rolan Bell (34) Brazilian [Jamaican, possibly other] - actor.
Antonio Campos (34) Brazilian [Portuguese, Sephardic Jewish, possibly other] / Italian/Sicilian - director, screenwriter, and producer.
Akihiro Sato (34) Brazilian [Japanese] - model and actor.
José Carlos Moreira (34) Brazilian - professional sprinter.
Dani Alves (34) Brazilian [Portuguese, Unspecified African, possibly other] - professional footballer.
Fabio Porchat (34) Brazilian - actor and youtuber (Porta dos Fundos).
Alejandro Claveaux (34) Brazilian [French, Spanish] / Uruguayan - actor.
Marcelo Melo (34) Brazilian - pro tennis player.
Thiaguinho (34) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - singer.
Romulo Pires (34) Brazilian - model.
Jonathan Haagensen (34) Brazilian [Unspecified African, Norwegian] - actor and model.
Joao Vicente de Castro (34) Brazilian - actor and youtuber (Porta dos Fundos).
Ryan Hollweg (34) Brazilian [German] / White [Unspecified] - professional hockey player.
Obina (34) Brazilian [Unspecified African, Unspecified Indigenous] - professional footballer.
Fabio Lucindo (33) Brazilian - actor.
Lucas Silveira (33) Brazilian - musician.
Thiago Santos (33) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - model.
Junior Lima (33) Brazilian - musician.
Sergio Hondjakoff (33) Brazilian [Russian, Portuguese] - actor.
Miro Moreira (33) Brazilian - model.
Robinho (33) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - professional footballer.
Bruno Finato Scornavacca (33) Brazilian - singer (KLB).
Richard Brancatisano (33) Brazilian [Italian] / Other Unspecified - actor.
Mateus Verdelho (33) Brazilian - model and rapper.
Yuri Nishida (33) Brazilian [Japanese] - singer.
Lucas Gil (33) Brazilian -  model and Mister Brazil World 2007.
Phellipe Haagensen (33) Brazilian [Unspecified African, Norwegian] - actor.
Gabriel Totoro (33) Brazilian - actor and youtuber (Porta dos Fundos).
Evandro Soldati (32) Brazilian [Italian, possibly other] - model.
Tiago Splitter (32) Brazilian [Ashkenazi Jewish, German, possibly other] - professional basketball player.
Andre Ziehe (32) Brazilian - model.
Jui Huang (32) Brazilian [Taiwanese-Chinese] - actor.
David Correy (32) Brazilian - singer.
Emicida (32) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - rapper.
Rafael Lazzini (32) Brazilian - model.
Taio Cruz (32) Nigerian / Brazilian - singer, songwriter, record producer, rapper, and entrepreneur.
Rafael Infante (32) Brazilian - actor and musician.
J-Son (32) Brazilian / Swedish - rapper.
Rincon Sapiencia (32) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - rapper.
Rodrigo Calazans (32) Brazilian - model.
Ronaldo (32) Brazilian [Unspecified African, Portuguese] - footballer.
Rafael Cardoso (31) Brazilian - actor.
Gregorio Duvivier (31) Brazilian [Belgian, possibly other] - actor and youtuber (Porta dos Fundos).
Edilson Nascimento (31) Brazilian - model.
Projota (31) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - rapper.
Bernado Velasco (31) Brazilian - actor and model.
Rodrigo Massa (31) Brazilian - actor and singer.
Jonas Sulzbach (31) Brazilian - Mister Brazil 2010 and reality tv star.
Jayme Matarazzo (31) Brazilian [Italian] - actor.
Klebber Toledo (31) Brazilian - actor and model.
Reinaldo Dalcin (31) Brazilian - model, mechanical engineer, and Mister Brazil 2013.
Diego Hypolito (31) Brazilian - pro gymnast.
Harry Louis (30) Brazilian - actor, model, and musician.
Cesar Cielo (30) Brazilian [Italian, Portuguese, possibly other] - competitive swimmer.
Alexandre Cunha (30) Brazilian - model.
Rômulo Arantes Neto (30) Brazilian - actor and model.
Caio Cesar (30) Brazilian - model.
Icaro Silva (30) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - actor and singer.
Joe Penna (30) Brazilian - youtuber.
Franklin David (30) Brazilian - model, reporter and DJ.
Jesus Luz (30) Brazilian - model and DJ.
Marcello Melo Jr. (29) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - actor, singer, songwriter, musician and model.
Willian (29) Brazilian [Unspecified African, possibly other] - professional footballer.
Fabio Audi (29) Brazilian - actor, filmmaker, and musician.
Darlan Cunha (29) Brazilian [Unspecified African, possibly other] - actor.
Kondzilla (29) Brazilian - youtuber.
Leo Santana (29) Brazilian [Unspecified African, possibly other] - singer.
Thomaz Bellucci (29) Brazilian [Italian, possibly other] - professional tennis player.
Tiago Abravanel (29) Brazilian [Sephardic Jewish, Greek, Turkish] - actor and singer.
Wesley Safadao (29) Brazilian - singer-songwriter.
Douglas Silva (29) Brazilian [Unspecified African, possibly other] - actor.
Thomaz Bellucci (29) Brazilian [Italian, possibly other] - professional tennis player.
Felipe Neto (29) Brazilian - youtuber.
Michel Gomes (28) Brazilian [Unspecified African, possibly other] - actor.
Caio Castro (28) Brazilian - actor and model.
Alfred Enoch (28) English / Brazilian [Afro-Barbadian] - actor.
Gui Fedrizzi (28) Brazilian - model.
Daniel Matsunaga (28) Japanese / Brazilian [Unspecified European, possibly other] - model and actor.
Gusttavo Lima (28) Brazilian - singer.
Ian Matos (28) Brazilian - professional diver.
Leo Rodriguez (28) Brazilian - singer.
Micael Borges (28) Brazilian [Unspecified African, possibly other] - actor and singer.
Anderson Tomazini (28) Brazilian - Mister Brazil 2015 and actor.
Marco Pigossi (28) Brazilian [Italian, possibly other] - actor.
George Sauma (28) Brazilian [Palestinian, possibly other] - actor and musician.
Arthur Aguiar (28) Brazilian - actor and singer.
Charles Oliveira (27) Brazilian [Unspecified Indigenous, possibly other] - MMA fighter.
Renato Ferreira (27) Brazilian - model.
Lucas Malvacini (27) Brazilian - model, actor, youtuber, and Mister Brazil 2011.
Arthur Zanetti (27) Brazilian [Italian, Spanish, possibly other] - pro gymnast.
Guilherme Leicam (27) Brazilian - actor and singer.
Vini Uehara (27) Brazilian [Italian, Japanese, possibly other] - singer and model.
Gabriel Burger (27) Brazilian - model.
Lucas Feuerschutte (27) Brazilian - youtuber.
Felipe Martins (27) Brazilian - professional footballer.
Mateus Solano (26) Brazilian [Italian Jewish, possibly other] - actor.
Lucas Bernardini (26) Brazilian - actor.
Marcelo Chierighini (26) Brazilian - pro swimmer.
Peterson dos Santos (26) Brazilian - professional sprinter.
Humberto Carrão (26) Brazilian - actor.
Alok (26) Brazilian [Italian, Lebanese, Portuguese, possibly other] - DJ and producer.
Marlon Teixeira (26) Brazilian [½ Portuguese, ¼ Unspecified Indigenous, ¼ Japanese] - model.
Lucas Montandon (26) Brazilian - Mister Brazil 2014 and actor.
Fiuk (26) Brazilian [Armenian, Spanish, possibly other] - singer and actor.
Luan Santana (26) Brazilian - singer.
Arthur Sales (26) Brazilian [Unspecified European, possibly other] - model.
Jesuita Barbosa (26) Brazilian - actor.
Alok (26) Brazilian [Israeli, Ukrainian Jewish, Latvian Jewish, possibly other] - musician.
Francisco Lachowski (26) Brazilian [Polish / German, Portuguese, possibly other] - model.
Conrado Dess (26) Brazilian - singer and actor.
Mauricio Destri (26) Brazilian [Italian, possibly other] - actor.
Luccas Neto (25) Brazilian - youtuber.
Yudi Tamashiro (25) Brazilian [Japanese, possibly other] - singer.
Jessey Stevens (25) Brazilian - model and instagrammer.
Neymar (25) Brazilian [Unspecified African, Portuguese, possibly other] - professional footballer and actor.
Chay Suede (25) Brazilian - actor.
Nego do Borel (25) Brazilian [Unspecified African, possibly other] - singer.
Rodrigo Simas (25) Brazilian - actor.
Pyong Lee (25) Brazilian [Korean, possibly other] - actor and youtuber.
Lucas Medeiros (25) Brazilian - model.
Rael Costa (25) Brazilian [Unspecified African, possibly other] - model.
John Guidetti (25) 5/8 Swedish, ¼ Italian, 1/8 Brazilian - footballer.
Arlindo Neto (25) Brazilian [Unspecified African, possibly other] - singer.
Kim Freire (24) Brazilian - model.
Antonio Carlos (24) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - actor.
Pablo Morais (24) Brazilian - model.
Leo Bruno (24) Brazilian - model.
Sergio Malheiros (24) Brazilian [Unspecified African, possibly other] - actor.
Isaquias Queiroz (23) Brazilian - professional sprint canoeist.
Ricardo de Souza (23) Brazilian - professional sprinter.
Jonathan Couto (23) Brazilian - singer (P9).
Thiago Braz da Silvia (23) Brazilian - professional pole vaulter.
Caique Gama (22) Brazilian - singer.
Whindersson Nunes (22) Brazilian - youtuber.
Ghilherme Lobo (22) Brazilian - actor.
Thiago Modesto (21) Brazilian [Unspecified Indigenous, Unspecified African, Italian, Portuguese, possibly other] - singer.
Matheus Santana (21) Brazilian - professional swimmer.
Lucas Dambros (21) Brazilian - model.
Rafael Vitti (21) Brazilian [Italian, possibly other] - actor and musician.
Pedro Afonso Rezende (21) Brazilian - youtuber (rezendeevil).
Vitor Assan (21) Brazilian [Lebanese, Italian, Portuguese, possibly other] - singer.
Marco Tulio (21) Brazilian - youtuber (AuthenticGames).
Nicolas Prattes (20) Brazilian [Austrian, Portuguese, possibly other] - actor.
Vyni Takahashi (20) Brazilian [Japanese, possibly other] - actor.
Rafael Lange (20) Brazilian - youtuber.
Diego Francisco (20) Brazilian [Unspecified African, possibly other] - actor.
John Klarner (19) Brazilian [German, possibly other] - actor and model.
Lino Facioli (17) Brazilian [Austrian, Italian, Portuguese, German, possibly other] - actor.
Jean Paulo Campos (14) Brazilian [Unspecified African, possibly other] - actor and singer.
Caian Maroni (?) Brazilian - model.
Gabriel Vieira (?) Brazilian - model.
Alexandre Malaquias (?) Brazilian [Unspecified African, possibly other] - singer.
Edilson Ferreira Leite (?) Brazilian - Mister Brazil 1997.
Lucas Facchini (?) Brazilian - model.
David Y.W. Pond (?) Brazilian [Chinese, possibly other] - actor.
Ramilio Zampiron Junior (?) Brazilian - Mister Brazil 2000.
Lucas Cristino (?) Brazilian - model.
Gabriel Loureiro (?) Brazilian - model.
Vinicius Ribeiro (?) Brazilian - Mister Brazil 2008.
Da Ghama (?) Brazilian [Unspecified African, possibly other] - guitarist.
Bruno Endler (?) Brazilian - model.
Gabriel Gomieri (?) Brazilian - model.
Rael da Rima (?) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - singer.
Willian Rech (?) Brazilian - Mister Brazil 2012.
Andre Bona (?) Brazilian - model.
Diego Fragoso (?) Brazilian - model.
Rafael Portugal (?) Brazilian [Portuguese, possibly other] - actor and youtuber (Porta dos Fundos).
Diego Galante (?) Brazilian - instagrammer.
Carlos Franco (?) Brazilian - Mister Brazil 2016.
Davi Sabbag (?) Brazilian - musician (Banda Uo).
Mateus Carrilho (?) Brazilian - musician (Banda Uo).
Dan Rodrigues (?) Brazilian - musician (Banda Vingadora).
Celso Otoniel (?) Brazilian - musician (Banda Vingadora).
Murillo Santos (?) Brazilian - musician (Banda Vingadora).
Davison Lopes (?) Brazilian - musician (Banda Vingadora).
Paulo Victor (?) Brazilian - musician (Banda Vingadora).
Josenel Santos (?) Brazilian - musician (Banda Vingadora).
Manoel Junior (?) Brazilian - musician (Banda Vingadora).
Kew Malta (?) Brazilian - model, actor, dancer, and singer.
Igor Von Adamovich (?) Brazilian - singer (P9).
Guilherme dos Santos (?) Brazilian - musician (P9).
Pe Lu (?) Brazilian - musician (Restart).
Nelson Meirelles (?) Brazilian - musician.
Marcelo Lobato (?) Brazilian - drummer.
Lauro Farias (?) Brazilian - bassist.
Ebel Perrelli (?) Brazilian - musician.
Thales Silveira (?) Brazilian - musician (Mallavoodoo).
Mario Lobo (?) Brazilian - musician (Mallavoodoo).
Alexandre Bicudo (?) Brazilian - musician (Mallavoodoo).
Misael Barros (?) Brazilian - musician (Mallavoodoo).
Aguinaldo Filho (?) Brazilian - actor.
Liniker (22) Brazilian [Unspecified African] - Genderfluid - singer.
Pabllo Vittar (22) Brazilian - Genderfluid - singer.
Alessandra Ambrosio - appropriation.
Hailey Baldwin - appropriation.
Gisele Bündchen - racism.
Henry Zaga - not black but took a black role in New Mutants.
Bruna Marquezine (22) Brazilian - not indigenous but took an indigenous role.
Luis Salem - is a cis man but took a trans woman role in O Cla Das Divorciadas.
Luis Miranda - is a cis man but took a trans woman role in Geracao Brasil.
Aggro Santos - accused of two counts of rape.
Arthur Mariano - made anti black racist “jokes”.
Fellipe Arakawa - made anti black racist “jokes”.
Henrique Flores - made anti black racist “jokes”.
Pe Lanza - accused of beating own mother.
Giselli Monteiro - not Indian but takes Indian roles in Bollywood.
Bruna Abdullah - not Indian but takes Indian roles in Bollywood.
Izabelle Leite - not Indian but takes Indian roles in Bollywood.
Gabriela Bertante - not Indian but takes Indian roles in Bollywood.
Carol Duarte - is a cis woman but took a trans man role in A Forca Do Querer.
44 notes · View notes
atimefordragons · 5 years ago
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☾♔; May 19, 2020 ☾♔; 2:19am ☾♔; sotd: Man of the World (Takanashi Yasuharu) ☾♔; cotd: Kuruma ☾♔; Elite Highschool ☾♔; Audition
𝐓𝐢𝐭𝐥𝐞: Sailor Moon, the Champion of Justice!
𝐀 𝐋𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐑𝐚𝐦𝐛𝐥𝐞 (𝐌𝐚𝐲 𝟐𝟑, 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟎): Finally done, I'm soz for taking so long! I've just been Narutoing. He's my boy, dattebayo!  
☆──════ ⋆ ☽ ⋆ ☾ ⋆ ════──☆
➤TITLE: S̶p̶o̶r̶t̶y̶ ̶S̶p̶i̶c̶e̶  The Sports Star ➤OC NAME: Katarina Văduva ➤AGE: 16   ➤BIRTHPLACE: Brăila, Romania ➤BIRTHDAY: December 31 ➤FACE CLAIM: Bruna Marquezine ➤USERNAME: @.dracarysbitch
➤LIKES: football (soccer, not the american one), eurovision (obvs), tennis, volleyball, basketball, ice hockey, figure skating, anime, manga (loves shoujo, but would rather die than admit it), a song of ice and fire (of course), russian literature (tolstoy is a fav ofc), winter, blizards, snowstorms, fresh snow, sweet foods, video games (dragon age, assassin's creed, the witcher, until dawn, pokemon), sailor moon, pink, blue, stitch, disney (sleeping beauty is her fave, even though she doesn't really match her personality, it's more that her parents gave her away for her safety, and Kat used to imagine it was the same for herself when she was a kid), space, faberge eggs, sanrio (her favourites are Kuromi and Pandausa)
➤DISLIKES: sasuke uchiha (fucking bitch), supercilious people, the lodge (lol, grow up you fucking losers), shows that go on forever and never end (please, please just end), shows that have shit endings, game of thrones (fucking dumbfucks), americans, right-wing politics (it's so stupid, just grow a heart), religion (what a scam), being alone (either physically or with her thoughts, let's bury that shit), losing, being wrong, having to concede any ground on any matter whatsoever, not knowing things
➤HOBBIES: anything that is physical (fucking jocks, amirite?), she's loves going for jogs (can't relate - secretly naruto runs during night time jogs 'cause no one can see her being lame), and playing streetball, etc. watching anime, reading manga, ranting on the interwebs about her shows and books (in general she avoids the bigger internet drama 'cause it's stupid, but sometimes you gotta put a bitch in their place, 'CAUSE DAENERYS IS THE PRINCE THAT WAS PROMISED, FUCK YOU!), watching reruns of pro-games (can't relate, so boring)  
➤STRENGTHS: determined, perseverant (is that even a word?), passionate, relentless, protective, observant, straightforward (usually ends up insulting people though, so it's more of a weakness tbh), goal-oriented, independent, self-reliant, has enough self-awareness to not go off on weeb/otaku interests in front of most people, but if it's like a "smart" anime, she'll discuss it (like Death Note, she's not gonna fucking admit to still loving Naruto at this age, shut up), diligent, loyal, a bad bitch (lol, not so much, but she likes being perceived as a strong girl who can and will stab you with her stiletto. the image only lasts for a few seconds, she more just comes off as rude).
➤WEAKNESSES: stubborn, very blunt, which tends to come off as brash and rude, though she's not always intending to be mean, despite that rude, blunt nature, she's also a bit tsundere, and struggles admitting her to deeper feelings. Gets flustered when complimented (outside of sports, there she's fine 'cause I'm the best bitches, or so she says), and she just can't admit it when she needs someone, whether it be a friend or romantic interest, especially if it's a romantic interest, 'cause she's also of the mind of who needs a boyfriend when there's food? while she's observant when it comes to changes in people's behaviour, she in general lacks the capacity to act well on her observations, and is awkward when trying to comfort someone or cheer them up. When it comes to her own feels, part from rage, annoyance, or "Jock Mode", she can barely admit to them, let alone discuss them with other. Speaking of "Jock Mode", she is competitive AF, somewhat dismissive (this usually only comes out in games, but she tends to ignore weaker opponents in search of stronger ones who pose a challenge). Also tends to display some arrogance in the sports she's most talented it, particularly volleyball. It's not quite a personality flaw, but she's weak for loving parents, or just a loving family in general (in life and when watching movies, it makes her fucking cry every time, which really puts a damper on her tough girl image, it's not usually a visible one, but she can't hide the longing in her face when she watches a parent and their child being a normal, happy family). Definitely has tunnel-vision, once she has a goal in sight, that's all she sees. Can even be paired down to dumb things, like C-grade trashy alien movies. She tends to notice only the aliens and revel in their destruction, while ignoring everything else, including the plot. Has plenty of issues; abandonment, trust, ptsd - none of which she is dealing with. She's just ignoring it and hopes it goes away once she becomes a cool, reliable adult™️ (lol, good luck that, adult life is a lie).
➤SHORT BIO: Katarina is half-Brazillian, half-Russian, though she is under the assumption that she is Romanian, she is biological the daughter of Vasily Raevsky, a Russian Oligarch, and Xuxa Amalia Reis Moreno, a Brazilian businesswoman and all round bad bitch. For reasons unknown to her, Katarina was in effect abandoned at birth and placed in a Romanian orphanage in Brăila, which is also presumed to be her birthplace. Her birth certificate lists both parents as unknown, the orphanage named her. Having no parents or known family, and raised in an orphanage has given Kat many self-reliant skills, and allows her to live independently, but it has also left her with a deep sense of loneliness (not to mention PTSD 'cause Romanian Orphan life is a nightmare). She recognizes that much of her yearning is still childish fantasy, and often covers up that desire with her brash nature or jock hobbies.
Growing up in the orphanage was... not easy. The Brăila Home for Children was not the best, to say the least. Though it could've been worse (*shudders at the case of the Sighetu Marmației institution for disabled children* - do better Romania, oh my god). The orphanage was under and poorly staffed. They would often neglect and abuse the children, one year shaving every childs head so they all looked the same, and often chaining rowdy children to their beds. During Katarina's time, many of her fellow orphans died from minor illness or injuries such as cataracts or anemia, which were treated poorly or simply ignored, and a number also starved to death. Because of this, Katarina has a habit of hoarding food, and keeping snacks under her pillow. She also has difficulty sharing, and despises headboards that are railed(? the ones with gaps, idk what to call them).
When she was around eleven, the orphanage received ample anonymous donations, leading to much improvement, and the arrival of a new Director, Ileana Cojocaru, who, over time, earned the trust of Kat and her fellow orphans, and became something of a surrogate mother. Ileana did a nearly complete staff overturn (fun side note, some of the staff, especially those who harmed Kat have gone missing in the past few years, coincidence? no), as well as hiring accomplished childcare professionals from all over the world to help the children. It was Ileana who sparked Kat's, or rather Rina as Ileana called her,  interest in sports, though Ileana was more into football herself, she encourage Kat to explore whatever she wanted, though particularly team sports so that Kat could foster dependent relations. Kat herself particularly enjoyed volleyball, joining a little league team and winning a number of competitions. Due to her skill both in setting and spiking, she usually plays in the Opposite Hitter position.
Katarina entered EHS in Highschool, on what she assumed to be the Elite's scholarship program, arranged by Ileana, who even said as such, though in truth, her entry and tuition are all being handled by an anonymous benefactor. This fact was revealed to Kat last summer after Ileana died (of p̶l̶o̶t̶ ̶d̶i̶s̶e̶a̶s̶e̶ cancer), whose lawyer was put in charge of the bank accounts meant to pay for all of Kat's needs. The lawyer refused to divulge whom the anonymous benefactor is, citing a non-disclosure clause, though the need to discover who has given Kat a whole new mission in life.
➤FAMILY: On Katarina's part, she doesn't believe she has one, though she does consider Ileana to be her family, and has grown to care somewhat about her fellow orphans from the Brăila Home, while growing up they were rivals struggling to survive. Ileana's death devastated her, and she's dealing with it by straight up ignoring it. Lol, I'm not sad, my eyes are just glistening with the ghosts of my past.
Biologically, despite her complete lack of knowledge of it, Kat comes from rather a rather illustrious family. Her mother, Xuxa Amalia Reis Moreno, is a Brazilian Businesswoman, herself the daughter of a self-made millionaire, Xuxa is expanded the Moreno parent company, MC Inc., an oil and mineral company in origin, into numerous side ventures, owning and operating businesses ranging from restaurants to magazines and clothing lines. Her father meanwhile, Vasily Raevsky, is of the (former) noble House of Raevsky, now oligarchs in modern-day Russia, who virtually control Russia's diamond and precious stone industry, currently owning controlling shares of ALROSA, the largest diamond mining company in Russia, and accounting for 95% of the countries diamond production, as well as 27% of the global diamond extraction, and the House of Fabergé, which they purchased after the fall of the Soviet Union. If she remained in the care of either of her parents, her name would technically be Katarina Vasilyevna Moreno Raevskaya, which is a fun and utterly useless fact.
Her parents met at a rich people conference (idk, Davos or some shit like that) and engaged in a short lived affair. Her father was already married and could not accept her, and her mother had no interest in being a mother at all, let alone a single one, leading to them choosing to give her up in Romania, an arbitrary choice that fucked her up, lol.
Via her father, she has an elder brother, Viktor Vasilyevich Raevsky, who is in fact her anonymous benefactor. Viktor discovered her existence after Vasily had an accident and was close to death, so he confessed his sins and what not. Viktor eventually tracked her down and sought to improve her life. Though he wants to bring her into the family, he doesn't for the sake of his mother who cannot deal with the affair, though she refuses to divorce Vasily for appearances sake.
➤MOODBOARD: https://tinyurl.com/y8a2gjy8 ➤SCHOOL WARDROBE/AESTHETICS: https://tinyurl.com/ycodubrb ➤PLAYLIST: https://tinyurl.com/y6wwmp74
➤TOP 3 CHARACTER PICKS: the Sports Star, the Princess, The Rebel(de) <-- lol, see what I did there? I'm so funny.
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