#xumin x reader
vernonluver · 7 years
Domestic Minseok
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-this man is Captain Relationship 
-he knows it All 
-he makes you feel like you’re the only person in the world 
-he makes you breakfast almost every morning 
-i need to find an order to this 
-okay so 
-when he first found out he liked you he was actually very confident 
-he knew you knew everyone knew but he. wouldn’t. ask. you. out. 
-so y’all just flirted for months and then one day while y’all were out he out of nowhere asked you to be his girlfriend 
-”listen we’ve been talking for months and I’m getting tired of acting like i don’t wanna be with you, will you please be my girlfriend/boyfriend?”
-you were blushin he was blushin but you agreed 
-not a huge supporter of pda but he likes holding your hand in public because he wants people to know that you two are together 
-he likes grocery shopping in the morning and WILL drag you with him 
-he talks during movies and if you get onto him he only talks louder 
-saturdays are meant for grocery shopping in the morning and cleaning for the rest of the day 
-sundays are for napping and only napping 
-hes a cuddler 
-he nuzzles his face into your neck and will sleep for days 
-he really likes to cook with you 
-you two will sing at the top of your lungs and dance all while trying not to burn the food 
-sometimes he’ll come home to you cooking and his heart melts fifty times over 
-he’ll walk over to you and backhug you and be all cute and shit you know 
-he cooks shirtless almost all the time because he likes it when you kiss between his shoulder blades 
-he gets really sad when he has to leave for tour or he has long schedules but he gets so happy when he comes back because you are always sosososo happy to see him 
-he lives for when you two get up at the same time and brush your teeth and wash your face together 
-that sounds weird but he thinks its Prime couple things 
-when you refuse to kiss him before you brush your teeth he waits outside the bathroom until you come out and then gives you the sweetest kiss 
-if you haven’t noticed he likes kisses 
-this is gonna be a little nsfw
-hes a rough dude 
-he likes biting 
-and scratching 
-you always know when hes turned on
-he bites his lip and sticks his tongue in his cheek 
-probably into light bondage 
-he leaves kisses up and down your body 
-loses his mind when you leave hickeys on him 
-smirks when the other members notice them 
-he can be sweet too 
-but most of the time he gets shit done
-hes a hard worker but he loves to come home and just chill with you 
-when he writes he always writes about you 
-when he works late he likes when you come and visit him and bring him food 
-when you go to the studio and just sit with him he works so much more efficiently 
-sometimes he turns around and he finds you pass out of the couch he smiles and feel his heart grow 1000000 sizes 
-but he also feels a little sad because you’re there with him asleep on the hard ass couch 
-so he shuts down all his work and cuddles with you on the couch 
-those are the nights he sleeps the best even though hes on the hard ass couch 
-one night you went to visit him at the studio and he was having a Mental Breakdown 
-you got really nervous and tried to talk to him 
-he was crying really hard and you could barely understand him but you somewhat understood “the comeback is really challenging” and “i feel so worthless because” and you got nothing else 
-you somehow made your way onto his lap and he had his head in your neck and was just crying his heart out 
-he fell asleep soon and you somehow got him onto the couch 
-yall slept until well into the next morning 
-he woke up first the next day and when he saw you asleep on his chest he knew he wanted to marry you 
-so you two stayed together the whole next day and his urge to propose became stronger 
-so when you went home he RAN to the ring store and bought you the most beautiful ring 
-he spent the next couple days calling your parents to make sure he had their blessings 
-when he proposed it was in the morning when you were cooking him breakfast after he had a long day the day before and he just dropped to his knee and asked you to be his wife while the bacon burned 
-he still ate it because he loves you and your burnt bacon 
-he was so invested in the wedding he helped plan everything except the dress/tux
-he was so excited to see you in a dress/tux
-when the wedding day came he was so excited and all smiles 
-when you walked down the isle he smiled so big 
-he held your hands so gentle and his vows were so softly spoken and beautiful 
-he slid your ring onto your hand and he cried a little 
-when you two walked down the isle everyone had tears in their eyes because everyone could see that you were in love 
-yalls first dance made everyone including you two cry 
-if you wore a dress
-he wanted to do the guarder 
-he spent a little too much time underneath that dress 
-you had a few bruises and he came out from under the dress with the guarder in between his teeth and a HUGE smirk on his face 
-when its time for you two to go you GO 
-yall end up going to Hawaii and its so nice 
-the first day yall dont go anywhere;;;))))
-but AFTER that yall go everywhere and have a great time 
-yall take cute pictures of each other 
-instagram lookin real good for the next couple weeks 
-he wants to have kids soon 
-about six months into the marriage you’re pregnant 
-and hes sososososo happy because hes gonna have a BABY
-your pregnancy goes pretty easy and hes super supportive the entire time 
-whatever you need hes got it 
-when the baby comes hes super calm 
-he holds your hand the entire time and helps with your breathing 
-when he holds the baby for the first time he cries so hard 
-hes such a good dad 
-he makes sure the baby is taken care of 
-has no problem with getting up in the middle of the night to feed the baby or change their diaper 
-wowowow minseok is such a good dad and husband you really lucked out;;)))
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yeoldontknow · 7 years
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Author’s Note: OKAY i know this wasnt meant to go up until some time next month, but i just woke up and felt this prompt down into my soul. ive been SO SOFT, thanks to a mercury in retrograde. so i worked on it today and now im deceased because i love it a lot. as usual, my snapshot style doesnt really lend itself to whole world building. so OP i hope this makes you happy!
Pairing: Minseok x Reader (oc; female)
Summary: It’s winter when you stumble into Minseok’s coffee shop, winter when he’s cold, unfeeling, and disheartened with the seasons. Little does he know, you are the winds of change.
Rating: PG-13
Warning: implied sex
Word Count: 2,247
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The day he met you was the day she left.
He was awake when it happened, the slow gathering of her things into one small duffel and the calm, empty declaration that she would come back later for the rest. The motivation to move eluded him, his muscles opposed to following her, reaching for her, calling out to her in a reckless sort of indignation. It wasn’t that he was angry, wasn’t that he was caught in despair, rather that he couldn’t find it in him to care. Not really, not after everything had been said and felt into ash.
She did not take his heart with her. No, he’d retrieved that long ago somewhere in the changing of the seasons. What she took instead was his empathy, his willingness to give love freely. With her, it had died, withered over the course of many years until all he had was an apathetic sort of affection, the kind he said with words he didn’t mean.
Long after she was gone, when the grey light of the morning spilled through the curtains of his window, he sat upright on his bed and regarded the way the room remained unchanged. As if she had gone on vacation. As if she had gone to visit family. As if she would return. He glanced sidelong at his disenchanted life with a scowl, waiting for colour to return to the walls, the room, his heart, his life. Winter was like that, he supposed, a succubus both of good intentions and the gold of the sun.
A cold rain had spilled over the city, frigid in its intent to cleanse the street, his shop, his memory, perhaps even his heart. The storm looked as he felt, bitter in its deluge and bleak in its sentiments. People bustled in and out, grim and scowling, shaking the rain from their hair and hats, gloved hands clutching warm drinks and placing tips in the jar as thanks. The world was moving and turning, but his world was stopping.
You pushed through the door with a laugh, even though you were alone. Melodic and gleeful, you stumbled through with a light that made him feel as though he was eclipsing the sun. It wasn’t that you blinded him, it was simply that you warmed him, touched something inside him that felt dusty and untouched with your smile. It wasn’t that you blinded him, it was simply that you moved him, however insignificant it had been at the start.
When you ordered your coffee, you told him a lot of things: you told him you were lucky to have found his shop, you told him you were new to the city, you told him you weren’t used to rain in winter. You told him a lot of things but he told you nothing, simply nodded and watched the way you eyed the croissants with a passionate sort of stare. He gave you one for free, though, even now, he is unsure why.
What he remembers most clearly, though, was your yellow hat. Truthfully, it told him more about you than any of the words you had given him. It told him that you rejected black as a winter shade, defying all the rules of the season as though they didn’t pertain to you. It told him that you would stand out in a crowd, easy for him to find and easy for him to see, yet, somehow, you had found him first. It told him that luck came in many shapes and sizes, and on that day, it came in the form of a smile.
On you, he decided, winter didn’t look right. It tried to move around you, bend you, and change you, but you were steadfast in your refusal to succumb to the gloom. On you, winter didn’t look right, and so gave you a star in the foam of your coffee instead of the seasonal snowflake. And the look you gave him when you saw it, the way your mouth pulled into a wide, cheshire cat grin, kept his insides warm well past the melting of the last flake on the earth.
The trees were restless in their anticipation of and desire to bloom, similar to the way he had grown restless in his anticipation of seeing you. It took him a week to ask for your name, three realize that yellow hat was a staple of your wardrobe, and only two days for the hope you would become a regular customer to blossom in his chest like a sunflower.
The playfulness in his tone was half serious, perhaps mostly serious, when he asked if you kept coming back to see him. The playfulness in yours was absent when you said you did. That was his Valentine’s gift, two words and a fistful of implication. He clung to it past the Ides of March, too nervous to test the waters again, but when you came through the shop at the start of April, tights and a skirt and the freedom of your skin beneath the spring sun, he stopped thinking of you has a lucky star and more as a beacon.
You never ordered the same thing twice, spent weeks working your way through the menu, and he spent lonely nights coming up with new blends and flavors just for you. He said you were off the menu, and you said it was an odd nickname but you liked it, took ownership of it the way one takes ownership of their dreams. There was no way you could know truly unexpected you were, unpredictable and unplanned, and wholly surprising. There was no way you could know that your ease into the name turned you from someone special into someone remarkable.
He thought you were brave, then, in all the ways he wasn’t. Wild, free, alive.
You never ordered the same thing twice and every week, tucked tightly beneath your arm was a different book. One week was Hemmingway and another was Danielewski, your mind moving between eras and genres as if time was your plaything. Most would be impressed, many would be surprised, but he expected it of you. The laws of the universe were blown apart by you, your uninhibited originality turning them to dust at your feet.
You never ordered the same thing twice and every week had a different book beneath your arm, so when he questioned what your favourite was, for both the book and the coffee, he thought for sure you’d have an answer or an opinion. You did, but your even diplomacy, kind eyes and your soft tongue, made his heart stutter in its rhythm.
How could I choose, you asked, when every work of art is perfect?
With a laugh, he told you to remain subjective, and you said you were, that it was unfair to judge a thing that bent to subjective will. For hours - hours alone and hours in bed - he thought about that, thought about you and what it meant to be perfect, subjective, and inspiring. Days later, he would work up the courage to ask if you thought he was perfect based on your prior argument.
You said he was.
Days after that, he asked if you thought you were perfect. You bit your lip for a long while in thought, remaining humble while also too wise for your young years. Finally, you said, someone must think so. There was a knowing look to your gaze, a fire deep within your irises that emboldened him.
Instead of your name on the cup, he wrote his number.
Instead of a flower in the foam, he made a heart.
Hand holding in the heat of July always made him uncomfortable, made his skin sweat and slick with too many things that were beyond his control. Always, he would pull away with a shake of his fingers, wiping away the sweat, the person, the sensation of being swollen with purpose from his joints. Always, he would say, I know you are mine and affection can wait until we are not damp with the fever. He would never clarify which heat he meant, the weather or his wanting. He never wanted his partner to feel let down.  
With you, it was different. It isn’t that he expected it to be, or even wanted it to be - he had grown into notions of romance, unchanged and unmoved in his age based on the ideas of what he liked, what he wanted, and what he had experienced. The same way you broke the laws of the universe, you broke all the laws he had set for himself.
On your first date, he wanted to kiss you, and you let him. You surrendered to it first with your heart, and then with your mouth, and he swallowed all of it whole.
On the first day of the summer heatwave, he had reached for your hand and shivered the feel of your wet skin. It brought him back to the day you first met, your hand cooling him and pouring over him like a storm.
In the sweltering humidity of July, he layed with you on a blanket and told you he loved you, loved all the parts of you he knew and had yet to discover. The secret parts, he said, were the most exciting and the most beautiful.
In the sweltering humidity of July, you told him you loved him too.
That night, his air conditioner broke. It rumbled to a halt and let the evening sun pour into the bedroom, turning the walls into a greenhouse that blossomed with orange, red, and devotion. He thought of it that way, as he made love to you, sweating into the sheets as he held your hand, tasted your skin, licked the perspiration from your brow. He thought of it that way, as he moved within you and let you move within him, filling all the empty parts of him that had been temporarily sealed until he could feel again. Until he could feel you.
Hand holding in the heat of July made him uncomfortable, but with you, he didn’t think there was ever a time when he’d get enough of your skin. It wasn’t that he wanted to hold your hand, he wanted to hold all of you, completely, with all of him until there was no way to tell where he ended and you began.
Some time in May you stopped ordering hot coffee, switching instead to iced drinks, drinks in which he couldn’t leave images in the foam.
Not that it mattered. He’d started leaving marks of his love on your skin well before the season, and those were far less transient.
Autumn was unprecedented, simply because you were in it. True, it was always his favourite and always took him by surprise, how brilliant the world became, but watching you move through the death of the world made him start to believe in magic. He’d spent seasons with you thinking this was it, that there was no way he could love you any more than he already did. That there was no way you could look better in a season than the one that came before it. But always, you did.
Always, you did.
Two weeks into October, he decided that Autumn looked best on you, your hair, your skin, your lips. Still, the yellow had remained but it made all the world around you gold. Brown didn’t exist in this new world, instead you turned it burgundy, plum, and bronze. For him you made the world into all the best shades, made apples more crimson, made the night more purple than black. That was the trick, he thought, your magic was the slow making and taking of the world, the giving of life and the taking away to leave behind something more profound, something more desirable in its wake.
Cinnamon was how he came to describe the season, the smell of it in the air as you baked and the taste of it on your skin as he kissed you, hungry for the light that splayed across your shoulders, your back, your neck. Cinnamon was what he started to call you, changing your name each season to match your whim. It lingered in his bones, even when the cold wind threatened to steal it from his tongue. It lingered in his heart, even when the days grew shorter and the frost grew stronger.
He started brewing his coffee with cinnamon, feasting on you even when you weren’t there, gone from him to move throughout your day, until he could have you at night. As a consequence, the shop smelled like you, long into the day, until the first customers of the evening rush arrived. Drunk on the memory you, he would serve and laugh easier, smile brighter, feel more like the man he left behind in winter.
Always, you would come to him before the end of his shift, making you the last coffee he would serve.
Always, you would order something different, something to keep him on his toes.
Always he made you a snowflake in the foam, his way of letting you know he was ready. Ready to see what you could make of destruction. Ready to see how you would make a rainbow of the white.
Always, you were the changing tide of the seasons of his heart.
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The Red String of Fate (part 7)
Yoongi x Reader (slight Hoseok x Reader)
Genre: Angst (soon fluff and possible smut)
Word Count: 1417
Notes: I actually think I’m really happy with this part. Also, its out earlier than I thought it would be
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7
Your heart has finally started to slow down when you reach a small room at the back of the building, away from all the prying eyes. You have started to hum: a little trick you learned to help your anxiety. Hoseok recognizes your tune as a song you both used to sing as children and hums with you. You immediately stop, knowing the memories the song will bring forth. Everyone gets situated and looks at you expectantly.
Hobi reaches for your hand, but you shy away, trying to find the right place to start. Your eyes dart around the room before catching Yoongi’s. You calm down a bit, knowing that things can’t really get worse than a few months ago.
“I know. I know. I just… wasn’t exactly ready for this.”
“Then why were you here?”
“I just came here to think. I’ve been looking for a job and haven’t had any luck-“
“That is besides the point. You’re here now. Can we please get on with it?”
“I guess I should start with when I first met Hoseok. We were both very young and didn’t have a lot of friends, but we clicked instantly. We had only been friends for a few months when I realized that I could see the strings.”
“Wait, you can see the strings? I heard that was a myth.” Everyone turns to stare at Namjoon. “Ignore me.”
“Yes, I can. It took me a long time to figure out what it meant or why I could see them, but I did. I was connected to my best friend, Hobi.”
“Wait, was?” This time it’s Yoongi. I clear my throat, forcing myself to continue.
“Yes, was. You know, it’s not like the fairytales say. They say that everything is peaches and cream when you meet your soulmate. They say that everything is fine, and everyone ends up together in the end. Well, that’s not how it works!” You continually get more heated. You’re angry with yourself and at the world. It’s a cruel place to live in. Everyone is taken aback. You breath and continue.
“I sat on the sidelines for years as I watched my soulmate fall in and out of love with other people. I just trusted the strings- believing that, no matter what, we would end up together like the fairytales said. Only one time, he didn’t fall out put of love. He just fell more in love with this girl as she fell more in love with him. Xumin was her name, and eventually they decided to get married. They knew they were not soulmates, but they didn’t care. They loved each other. I couldn’t lose hope, though. I refused. That was when they came to me.” Your eyes are tearing up at this point. It hurts to tell this part of the story. Hoseok reaches for me once again. This time I get up and walk across the room, unable to face any of them.
“They knew I could see and manipulate the strings. They wanted me to change their fate… so I did, unable to say no to Hobi. You know it’s funny. When you manipulate the strings, they manifest themselves into reality. That was when they found out I was his soulmate. They gave me a second chance, though, making me tie my string to Xumin’s soulmate, but I was already shattered. I didn’t know if I could ever truly love someone else. I also couldn’t look Hobi in the eyes. I avoided him for the days leading up to his wedding. I almost didn’t even go.”
“There was no way you weren’t coming. Jimin said you were dressed when he showed up. I wouldn’t have started without you either.” A small smile plays on your lips.
“Yea. Yea. Whatever. Anyway, I had decided to come to Seoul to get away from, well, everything. I was so utterly lost. So, I flew here to stay with my sister to screw my head on straight and maybe make plans to go out of the country. That’s when the airport incident happened. Most of you already know that, but the abridged version is that I got trampled by some fans because lucky me: I decided to travel the same day as famous rapper, Agust D. He graciously helped me up, and here’s what you all don’t know. I noticed something weird. Yoongi’s string was altered. Haha funny ‘cause mine is altered too, right. So I follow the string with my eyes and bam! Who is he tied to? Me! The no good, broken soulmate. Someone who loves another and is not ready to love anyone else. Literally the worst person. Maybe if had been a little later it would have been better, you know, but at that point in time, all I knew was that I had to go. I couldn’t tell him. I wouldn’t put him through that. I couldn’t.”
“That’s why I had to leave you, Yoongi. I had to speak with her and find out her intentions. I also had to see if she wanted to let you know of the situation.”
“So of course I was like, NO! Not that he was any help. He didn’t want you to know, but anyway, I decided that I would tell you when I was ready to try. Though, you see I’ve been kind of busy trying to find a job, so I haven’t put much thought to it. Actually, that’s a lie. I think about it every day. I sit outside this building wondering what it would be like if things were different, never able to push myself through the doors, cursing myself for giving someone such a terrible soulmate.” I turn to look at Yoongi.
“I do want to try, though, if you want. I may not be your original soulmate, but you’re kind of stuck with me now. I don’t know your opinions on soulmates but I really think I just need to do something at this point. So…”
“I need a second to take all of this in.” He steps out of the room. You watch him leave, collapsing in a chair.
“Why didn’t you tell me, (Y/N)?” You turn to Hoseok.
“I didn’t know how.” He hugs you.
“It’s okay. I understand.” Everyone has cleared out now.
“I could really use a nap. I was actually about to head home when I spotted you.” You stretch a little in your seat.
“Maybe I should get you back to your sister.”
“I think she’s actually on a date right now, but you can walk me to the apartment.”
“Sounds good to me. I’ll let the others know I’m heading out.” You move to grab your things as he leaves. Your eyes scan the room before you step out of the door. You are stopped by the dreadful manager. He tells you that when Yoongi is ready to discuss things he will contact you. You wait for Hobi in the lobby.
“So, do you wanna stop and pick up some dinner on the way back?”
“Not really in the mood, Hobi. Just tired. You ready?”
“Yea. I guess.” As you start to walk you make light conversation.
“Is Xumin with you?”
“No. She is settling everything because we are moving to Seoul for work.”
“Oh. Sounds nice.”
“What about you? Planning your escape anytime soon?”
“You know, with this whole soulmate thing, you would think I would be running for the hills, but it’s kind of nice here. It’s like I’m building myself up again from scratch, making new friends, you know?”
“I get it.”
“Maybe we could be friends.”
“What do you mean?” You turn to him.
“Things haven’t been the same. You know that, Hoseok. With everything that’s happened, I don’t know if we can ever be the same but maybe same isn’t what we need.”
“I don’t think I’m following.”
“We can be similar without being the same. I’m saying we should start over. I’m a new person. You can’t keep treating me like I’m the same girl I was a year ago because I’m not. We need to see each other for who we are now. That means starting over.”
“I think I understand.”
“We could start over without all of the soulmate drama. Just you and me. As friends. Just guys being dudes.” He laughs, nodding his head.
“It’s a deal.” We shake on it. This is the first step towards the rest of your life.
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The Red String of Fate (Part 5)
Pairing: Yoongi x Reader (slight Hoseok x Reader)
Genre: Angst, (soon fluff and possible smut)
Word Count:1476
Warnings: None...I mean I use the word ass once but...whatever 
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7
Author’s note: I’m SOOOO sorry I have been gone for so long. If you want more information click here. Also some stuff might not be italicized that should be because Tumblr but anyway.But without further ado. Here you go.
When you open your eyes, your head is pounding. Your sister is hovering over you, eyes wide and worried. You move to sit up, and your sister rushes to help you. You just wave her away, looking around at the few strangers loitering around you. You pick out a familiar face, catching the eye of one of Yoongi’s managers. He moves to greet you as you finally pull yourself off of the ground.
“May I speak with you?” he asks. You nod, tell your sister you won’t be long, and ask her to load the car for you. He leads you away from the crowd, and before he can speak, you cut him off.
“I would like to thank you all once again for helping me.” He looks surprised but nods.
“It was really no problem, but that is not what I wanted to speak to you about.”
“I figured after the little scene I made.” You smile at him, trying to look innocent. He hesitates but continues anyway.
“Do you believe that the Red String of Fate connects two people who are meant to be together romantically?” You are taken aback. You pause to think for a second, trying to find the right words.
“I do believe that the string connects you to a person who is meant to love you forever,” he nods, “but sometimes, you are not meant to be together. Romantically I mean.” All of a sudden, there is a slight ache in your chest. You struggle to push it away. The manager hums in response, noticing your slight change in attitude. He wants to press further but decides against it.
“Agust D believes the same thing, but he is at the peak of his career. He shouldn’t be bothered with the idea of soulmates.” You feel very threatened in that moment. You can only wonder, Is he trying to chase me away? You don’t even need an answer. You know he is. You can’t help but lash out at the man.
“Are you telling me to stay away from him?”
“I am politely asking you to evaluate what meeting him as his soulmate would mean for both you and him. I am formally required, though, to tell you that you may meet him.” Your head begins to hurt. You can’t deal with a soulmate right now. You politely decline.
He freezes. Most girls would jump at the chance you have been given: meet their soulmate plus a celebrity. The offer seems perfect, but you just can’t.
“Are you sure?” He is unable to keep the surprise out of his voice.
“I mean...yes? If he wants to meet me, I’d be down, but I honestly don’t know if I can handle it at this point in time.”
“Alright, I guess. It was nice meeting you, Ms…”
“Ms. (Y/N). If you ever change your mind, drop by the Big Hit building. I’m sure you can find it. I’m sure we can arrange something.” You nod as he walks away.
The minute he is out of sight, you slump against the wall. Your heart is pounding loudly in your ears, and you just want to hug Hoseok, tell him what happened, and laugh about it together. You pull out your phone, hesitate for only a moment, and dial Jimin. He isn’t Hobi, but you don’t have the heart to call him. You need to tell someone back home you are okay- the drama that ensued upon your arrival being only an add-on. Jimin is the next best thing. A familiar voice picks up the phone on the third ring, and once again you find yourself unable to breathe or move. This was not Jimin.
“(Y/N)? (Y/N)? Can you hear me?”
“I can hear you loud and clear, Hoseok.” You begin to make your way to the car. His relief that you didn’t hang up is audible.
“I guess you had a safe flight?” You keep your answer brief, keeping tears from your eyes.
“I did.”
“Why did you call Jimin?” The relief is gone. Now, he only sounds hurt. You want to cry. You didn’t want to hurt him or yourself, but in your attempt to prevent your own hurt, you ended up hurting him. You spot your sister and climb in next to her.
“You know why.” The first tears come.
“Oh don’t cry. I didn’t mean it. I just want things to be okay between us. You are my best friend. I can’t live without you. So don’t cry, (Y/N). Please don’t cry. I’ll start crying if you cry.”He begins to sniffle. You laugh, brushing away the wetness from your eyes. Your sister ignores you and pulls off.
“I won’t, Hobi.” You hear his excitement when you use his nickname. “Anyway, something interesting happened at the airport.”
“Do tell.” You tell him about meeting Agust D by pure chance but pause when you get to passing out. You question if you should tell him. He notices your hesitation.
“What’s wrong?” You decide against telling him.
“Nothing. My sister just asked me a question.” He knows that something is fishy but decides to drop it anyway. You would tell him when you were ready.
“Oh. Tell her I said hello.” After relaying his message, I put him on speaker. They go back and forth for a while. You stay quiet, feeling a bit guilty for not telling Hoseok about your pseudo- soulmate.
“Ok. I have to go now. Jimin is about to get out of the shower.” You both chuckle at him.
“Love you.” You pause.
“Love you, too, Hobi.” He doesn’t hang up right away. You hear movement on the other end, then the line goes dead. You realize that your sister is parked in the parking lot of her apartment complex. You wonder how long you have been sitting there.you climb out and head up to her apartment. When you get there, your sister leads you to the spare room. She begins to ask you questions, but you tune her out, collapsing on the bed.
You don’t move until she slaps your ass, asking what was wrong. You tell her everything: from Hobi’s marriage to meeting Xumin’s soulmate. She doesn’t say anything until you are completely finished, then she pulls you into her arms, letting you cry on her shoulder. She tells you it will all be alright.
“Why didn’t you want to meet him, though? You have a second chance! Do something about it!” Your sister was never one to beat around the bush.
“I can’t. You don’t understand.”
“I would if you would give me a solid answer.”
“I just...I’m not ready. I’m still not over Hoseok. I just don’t want to drag someone down, especially my idol.”
“Who said you would drag him down?”
“There is always the possibility that I won’t fall for him. He isn’t my soulmate. He is Xumin’s. I’m just the lousy substitute. I don’t want to drag someone into a relationship that has no future.”
“First, you are not lousy. Secondly, who says you won’t fall for him?”
“I still-”
“I don’t care that you still love Hoseok. You need someone to smack some sense into you. Just because you love one person doesn’t mean that you can’t love another. Obviously, you and Hoseok were meant to be together, to love each other, it just wasn’t in the way you might have wanted. Here is your second chance to love someone and you are blowing it on the premise of what? Love for someone else? Love that is clearly platonic. You created this delusion in your head that you and Hoseok were going to be together forever. You tricked yourself into believing it was romantic love because you can see the strings. You wanted it to be romantic love because that is what you grew up knowing. You knew that the Red String of Fate was supposed to mean ‘love’ and you automatically associated that with romance. There are many different types of love. We have family love. You love your friends. And you will find romantic love, if you let yourself. Just give him a chance. Maybe he will help you out of your funk.” Your head is spinning. When did she get so smart? I was always the smart one. Maybe that barista has straightened her life out.
All you can find yourself saying is, “Maybe…” She takes a deep breath.
“Sleep on it. You don’t have to decide right now. He said you can come back at any time right? Take your time.” You nod, pulling away from her. You lie down as she gets up. Before she leaves, you call out to her.
“Sam, I love you.”
“I love you, too.” As she walks out, you sleep on it.
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