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waybackwanderer · 9 months ago
Elastic Interval Geometry - Struck Nov 1996 Archived Web Page 🧩
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corneke013 · 2 years ago
Supersnel internet.....
De getallen van de internetproviders vliegen om je oren. De een heeft het over het Gigabit-netwerk wat ze kunnen aanbieden en daaroverheen komt er weer eentje met 2 Gigabit snelheid. Maar wat heb je nu aan dat supersnel internet? Continue reading Untitled
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zwartmagazine · 9 months ago
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z\w\a\r\t magazine nr. 27
Can be ordered now!
- 12,50 EUR
- 24 A4 pages
- 20 images in total, 5 of which cover 2 pages
- Weight of the magazine itself: 54 gram
- Coloured, but very subtle
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The Netherlands: 4,95
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Paypal: kidko at xs4all point nl
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nicotenhoor · 7 days ago
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XS4ALL – visual identity, design system
XS4ALL, a sub-brand of KPN, was known for its premium internet services. While the public environment exuded a high-end feel, the interface for private customers prioritized functionality over aesthetics. This discrepancy led to striking style inconsistencies in the brand’s digital presence. I worked with stakeholders on a reset true to the core values and undertook a redesign project in which I harmonized the style, bridging the gap between the public and private interfaces and initiated the start of a design system.
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fransopdefiets · 2 years ago
10-7 Woodhall Spa
Toen ik de campingbaas van het Lindsay Trail Touring Park om tips vroeg voor het avondeten, zei die: Reken er maar niet op dat je iets te eten kunt krijgen, er zijn duizenden mensen en alles is volgeboekt. The horse-races, you know.
En om die mededeling nog eens kracht bij te zetten, trok de ene na de andere onweersbui over. Geen weer om van deur tot deur te gaan in de hoop op een maaltijd. Tussen de buien door maakte ik snel een zak noodvoer klaar, kerrierijst met vruchten heet het. Het gaat om de calorieën hield ik mezelf voor, kom op, een hapje voor pappa, een hapje voor mama, even doorzetten. Na het eten probeerde ik nog een stukje podcast te luisteren, maar het vallen van de regen op de tent overstemde alles.
Om half zes ben ik wakker, de lucht is helder en het is ijskoud. Als ik opsta, blijk ik niet de enige die wakker is. De eerste honden worden al uitgelaten. Het is een echte camping voor wandelaars, in de toiletten kun je allerlei wandelroutes vinden. Die wandelaars verblijven overigens in comfortabele caravans en niet in tenten.
Alles is nog kletsnat natuurlijk, de zon schijnt nu wel weer, maar drogen gaat nog wel even duren in deze kou. Dus ik pak alles in en neem me voor om op tijd te stoppen. De weersverwachting voor vandaag is zon in de ochtend en regen in de middag. Nou, dan maar hopen dat die regen een beetje laat komt
In Lincoln wil ik de kathedraal wel zien. Daarna nog een paar uurtjes fietsen en dan ergens een camping.
In Nettleham, vlak voor Lincoln is een communitybuilding met daarin een goede koffiebar, een bibliotheek en wifi uiteraard. Cappuccino met verse gembercake doet wonderen voor de vermoeide fietser.
In Lincoln fiets je zo naar de kathedraal toe, alle wegen leiden naar het hart van de stad. Het is een enorm gebouw, ik loop er eerst eens omheen en kom in een militaire uitvaart terecht. Allemaal kerels in donkerblauwe uniformen met tritsen gepoetste medailles op de borst.
Nadat ik het hoofdportaal bekeken heb, ga ik naar het visitor’s centre. Daar parkeer ik mijn fiets, maar waar is mijn stuurtas? Ik race terug naar het hoofdportaal en daar staat hij nog. In die stuurtas zit alles, paspoort, portemonnee, telefoon etc.
Het interieur is prachtig, maar niet te fotograferen, veel te groot. Ik richt me maar op de details, overal waar twee bogen samenkomen bijvoorbeeld, is een klein mannenhoofd uitgehakt. En nooit zijn er twee dezelfde. Er is een aparte legerkapel, vol met vaandels, sommige half vergaan en langs de wanden borden met de namen van gesneuvelde soldaten in al lang vergeten campagnes in Azië en Afrika.
Het is bewolkt en de kuur is over, gisterenochtend de laatste pil geslikt. Dus ik denk dat ik niet meer hoef te smeren. Rond de middag heb ik alweer een gloeiende kop. Ik voer wat geïrriteerd een gesprek met de camping, ik wil alleen maar weten of er plek is, maar er is pas plek als je boekt. En om te boeken willen ze al je gegevens hebben, sorry what was the name of the street again? Bravo, Romeo , Echo, Delta, Echo, November, Hotel, October, Foxtrot, Delta, Whisky, Alfa, Romea, Sierra en dan street erachter. Maar goed, die juffrouw kan er natuurlijk ook niks aan doen, dat haar baas dit programma heeft aangeschaft.
Dus ik had nog een bevestiging via de email moeten krijgen, maar volgens mij is dat xs4all.nl niet helemaal goed overgekomen. Want hoe spel je xs4all begrijpelijk voor een engelsman?
Enfin, ik heb hoge verwachtingen van de camping, ze hebben duidelijk een kantoor en ze zijn niet goedkoop. Gelukkig is de rit ernaartoe heerlijk vlak, ik fiets twee uur lang over oude dijkjes langs het water.
Eenmaal aangekomen maak ik mijn excuses voor mijn irritatie aan de telefoon. Nou dat hoeft toch helemaal niet, zeggen de dames glunderend. En ik krijg een mooi veldje tussen de bomen voor mij alleen. Wat nou, we weten niet of er plek is?
Als ik de tent heb opgezet en gedoucht, komen de eerste straaljagers over. Er zit hier ergens een luchtmachtbasis. Nou ja, er moet toch geoefend worden door de Oekraïners, denk ik maar.
Afstand: ca 60 kilometer (de afstanden later nog op te zoeken)
Tijd: 4,5 uur
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whatisonthemoon · 2 years ago
Jeffrey Hadden's Memo on neutralizing anti-cult organizations (on behalf of Eileen Barker and David Bromley)
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▲ Pictured: Eileen Barker, sociologist whose work has been used to defend the Unification Church against its victims in court
Dr. Janja Lilich and Alexandra Stein recently highlighted this 1989 memo from Jeffrey Hadden, explicitly on behalf of David Bromley and Eileen Barker, which reveals cult apologists' plans to attack and demonize those critical of cults. ICSA and Eileen Barker have never commented on this.
Memo was pulled from: https://www.apologeticsindex.org/h14a01.html
Path: xs4all!xs4all!news.replay.com!mail2news-gw From: Anonymous <[email protected]> Newsgroups: alt.religion.scientology,alt.support.ex-cult Subject: Memorandum from Jeffrey K. Hadden on neutralizing AFF Date: 7 Oct 1998 20:40:24 +0200 Organization: [email protected] Lines: 665 Message-ID: <[email protected]> NNTP-Posting-Host: basement.replay.com X-NNTP-Posting-Host: basement.replay.com [] X-XS4ALL-Date: Wed, 07 Oct 1998 20:39:11 CEST Comments: This message did not originate from the Sender address above. It was remailed automatically by anonymizing remailer software. Please report problems or inappropriate use to the remailer administrator at <[email protected]>. X-To: [email protected] X-Mail2News-Info-Url: http://www.replay.com/mail2news/ X-Mail2News-Error-To: [email protected] Xref: xs4all alt.religion.scientology:469319 alt.support.ex-cult:22851 [Editorial notes in brackets. Bracketed numbers indicate page breaks, whether present in the original or not. This document came to me in .tiff format, and appears to be a second or third generation copy. It appears to have been typewritten. Two staple-shaped marks are in the upper left-hand corner of the first page, and handwritten across the top is CONFIDENTIAL, underlined twice, probably with a ballpoint pen. Wherever possible, line-breaks, punctuation and spacing conform to the original. Where clearness demands, I have altered the format, but all text occurs in the original except where noted. If you received this document with the original .tiff file, please continue to distribute it bundled with the .tiff if reasonable, for purposes of establishing authenticity. For purposes of display on the Internet, I use a 25-character tab as an approximation of centering. _Underscores_ preceding and following a word or phrase indicate underlining, whether it existed in the original copy or was introduced in a subsequent copy. I ignore highlighting in this transcription. Where irregularities in format occur, they occur in the original. If typographical errors occur unmarked by [sic] they do not occur in the original. Enclosures referenced do not accompany the copy used for this transcription. The material I have includes two documents, each six pages in length.] MEMORANDUM December 20, 1989 To: Social scientists concerned about forensic and related issues dealing with New Religious Movements. From: Jeffrey K. Hadden (on behalf of Eileen Barker and David Bromley) Re: Developments since our informal meeting in Salt Lake City on October 27, 1989 INTRODUCTION Eileen Barker, David Bromley and I met in New York on December 10-12 to consider further the issues we discussed at our October meeting in Salt Lake City. While in New York we met with the following individuals: Perry London (Dean of the Graduate School of Applied and Professional Psychology at Rutgers University); Mark [sic--Marc] Galanter (Professor of Psychiatry and Director of the Division of Alcoholism and Drug Abuse at the NYU School of Medicine); Eric Lieberman (attorney who has been involved in a number of NRM cases); Dean Kelley (National Council of Churches) and John Biermans, David Hager, and Hugh Spurgen (Unification Church). Our agenda for each meeting varied, but basically we were interested in exploring the issues discussed in Salt Lake with individuals who do not normally operate in our orbit and who, thus, may have different perspectives on these issues. This report will not attempt to summarize each meeting but, rather, will highlight the general conclusions we reached, although in some instances, specific points will be attributed to individuals. In the interest of communicating with you before others gather in California in January, I am sending this report without the benefit of first circulating it to Eileen and David for corrections and additions. We did have a wrap up session in which we attempted to identify the salient issues and summarize what we thought we had learned. This report is based on notes that I made during that session. In general, I believe this report communicates the general sentiment of the three of us. If I stray too far from our collective conclusions or omit some important point, I hope they will follow-up with an addendum to this report. The report is concluded with a suggested agenda for the California meeting. [1] I am also enclosing three documents which I think will also be of interest in preparation for the California meeting. The first is a declaration of Perry London's on the _Fishman_ case. All of us felt this statement was [sic] succinct and helpful summary of the current situation. The second enclosure is a communication from Herbert Rosedale of the American Family Foundation. Note that AFF has launched a "multi-year program of research and education" called Project Recovery. The communication indicates that study group reports are scheduled to be released to the public in a "major conference" scheduled for the summer of 1991. This development will no doubt have relevance for some of you as individuals and it may possibly have implications for tasks that our ad hoc group may wish to pursue. Third, I am enclosing a statement about INFORM which appears in an appendix to a new book that Eileen has just published. GENERAL CONCLUSIONS 1. There is a substantial body of literature on "social influence" that has generally not been cited by sociologists of religion. Studies of intentional communities (see: for example, Benjamin Zablocki's _The Joyful Community_ and _Alienation and Charisma_), therapeutic groups (e.g. _AA Groups investigated by Galanter_ and others); and social psychological studies of group pressure (e.g., Ashe, Heider, Milgram, Zimbardo, etc) are all examples of such literatures. These literatures are not normally identified as part of the general corpus of literature on "brainwashing," "thought control," "coercive persuasion," etc. (see London's Declaration, paragraphs 35-38). 2. The conclusion of our informants is that the literatures they read do not produce findings or theory which constitute a foundation for strengthening the Margaret Singer theory of "Systematic Manipulation of Social and Psychological Influence" (SMSPI). To the contrary, our social science informants tended to dismiss Singer a [sic] "fringe" figure who is not taken seriously by creditable scientists in their disciplines. 3. Benjamin Zablocki's letter to the ASA Council (8/2/89) would seem to dispute this conclusion. It is possible that the AFF's Project Recovery will seek to cull this literature to bolster the Singer/Ofshe claims. It may be of strategic importance to develope [sic] a strategy for the systematic review of literatures that are not explicitly identified as party of the "brainwashing," etc. corpus. It seems quite likely to me that the AFF's project Recovery will seek to cull this literature to bolster their claims. [2] 4. To the extent that it is appropriate to say that there exists a group of social scientists who are "moderately" positioned in the "brainwashing" controversy, it would appear, as a working hypothesis, that they are not particularly well informed about the social and legal issues that have been of concern to our group. 5. In this respect, our conversations highlighted the fact that the controversy is inappropriately defined as one between sociologists, on the one hand, and psychologists and psychiatrists on the other. It is probably more appropriate to conclude that most sociologists, psychologists and psychiatrists are not very well informed about the issues. Sociologists of religion who study NRMs are fairly informally skeptical of the conclusions of psychologists, psychiatrists, and the few sociologists who are aligned with the anti-cultists. But the large majority of all scholars in all three disciplines are largely uninformed regarding the empirical literature or the controversy. As the controversy heats up, this reality may point to the need to target education to our colleagues in each of these disciplines. 6. Both of our social scientist informants (London and Galanter) were quick to make a _sharp_ distinction between social influence and "brainwashing." Both see social influence to exist in all groups and, in some groups that influence may be "massive." But both see this a [sic] something very different from the kind of "robot-like" behavior that is implicit in "brainwashing" theory. At the same time, we found both informants had difficulty in making clear, crisp distinctions between "normal" social influence and the more severe form of influence the anti- cultists call "brainwashing." Eileen noted that Singer's position is typically couched in the notion that brainwashing is "irresistible, irreversible, and that it takes place subtly without the 'victim' really being aware of what is happening." It seems to us fairly clear that this does not happen. BUT, Singer's testimony weaves back and forth between this proposition and "normal" social influence theory. If she, and/or others, were to back away from the "_irresistible_, _irreversible_ and _subtle_" definition, how does this change the battleground? Would our task be easier or more difficult? Among other things, this suggests the need to pay much more attention to the broader process of social influence. How does it happen? Are there contexts in which [3] social influence may be so massive as to suggest that the state has a role (interest, obligation) to protect the individual? If so, how are the boundaries to be drawn? Who decides? And how would this development square with 1st Amendment free exercise concerns? 7. Our meetings with the members of the Unification Church confirmed our earlier impressions that while they may assent to the value of a long range strategy for dealing with the anti-cultist [sic] and their forensic consulants, their response is very substantially confined to ad hoc responses to crises. I pressed them on the question of whether it might be possible for the UC in collaboration with several other NRMs to raise a significant amount of money that could go--no strings attached--to an independent group, which in turn, would entertain proposals and fund research on NRMs. While the three of us were not of one mind regarding the desirability to such a development, we agree that this is unlikely to materialize for several reasons. First, the NRMs are primarily interested in projects that will be of immediate benefit to them. Second, it seems unlikely that persons such as John Biermans, who clearly are interested in and appreciate social science research, are prepared to deal with the intra-organizational politics of supporting research that they can't control. Third, we conclude from these conversations, as well as others, that there is not a high level of communication and cooperation among NRMs. While the legal staffs of NRMs share information, cooperation for the sake of their common interests is not a high priority. The Movements would appear to be about as far as they are prepared to go at this time. 8. Dean Kelley reports that religious liberty is not a very high priority issue among NCC officials or constituent bodies. This is especially true with respect to NRMs. 9. Kelley and our legal consultant (Lieberman) questioned whether the brainwashing testimony has been as dangerous in the courts has [sic] we have feared. They note that it has had little precedent setting impact as most court decisions have resisted the validity of the brainwashing thesis. If the expert testimony of Singer and Ofshe should be denied in the Fishman case, the "brainwashers" may be on the run and this problem could be self-corrective. I think it was Lieberman who suggested that as Singer extends her brainwashing thesis to more and more bizarre cases, the argument must eventually self-destruct. [4] 10. Kelly [sic] feels that public perceptions about NRMs constitutes a very serious problem. (This concern should not imply that he is not concerned about the forensic testimony of the brainwashers). He made a very significant distinction between identifying and responding to needs and engaging in campaigns to inform people who have little interest in being informed-- or, who don't know that they need to be informed. The former can be highly successful; the latter seldom are. [I believe Hadden has here confused "former" with "latter."] 11. Consistent with this observation, we spent a good bit of time considering whether the time might be right to import Eileen's INFORM or create a US organization that would perform a similar function. I think it is fair to say that we concluded our meetings with a good deal of enthusiasm for further exploring this possibility. I know you all are aware that Eileen organized INFORM (Information Network Focus on Religious Movements) last year, but many of you may not have much information about what she has done. Also enclosed with this report is a statement about INFORM which is taken from the Appendix of her new book, _New Religious Movements: A Practical Introduction_. Just released this month, this book is published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office. In spite of having some bad experiences with the media, Eileen has taken a very significant step in neutralizing anti- cult movements in the UK. I don't think that any of us feel that creating a similar organization in the US would be a substitute for continuing research. But I [sic] we all came away with the feeling that such an organization fits Kelley's criterion of responding to a need. Response to a need is, in fact, the reason that CAN and AFF have been successful. 12. It is by no means clear how we would go about creating such an organization. We discussed a variety of possibilities. We recognize that Gordon Melton's Institute is singularly the most important information resource in the US, and we feel that any new organization would need to work closely with him. At the same time, I think we all feel that it is inappropriate to deal with the challenge by dumping it in Gordon's lap. His years of hard work with research and writing is beginning to get the national attention that is deserved. We don't want to deflect that effort. We discussed whether this project might constitute a natural or logical sequence to the Williamsburg Charter Project. (For those who may have missed this, the [5] Williamsburg Charter was [sic] project designed to commemorate and reaffirm the First Amendment religious clauses on the occasion of the bicentennial of the Bill of Rights. A small brochure is enclosed). In the spirit of the Charter, if the religious liberties of some are endangered, then religious liberty itself is endangered. It was suggested that Os Guinness, who conceived and executed the Williamsburg Charter Project, might find this project of sufficient interest that he could lend assistance in putting INFORM, USA (or INFORM International) together. I had a brief telephone conversation with Os after our New York meeting. He expressed interest in learning more. I am going to try to get together with him before the California gathering next month. 13. We agree that there is value in putting together a small monograph (or possibly lengthily [sic] paper) that would explicitly, and in detail, identify a research agenda on NRMs for the next decade. We spent some time brainstorming about how this might be done as well as identifying some specific research projects. We feel that this is a task which should be an important agenda item for the California gathering. I will prepare some notes on this for that occasion. 14. On the issue of the value of research and litigation, our legal consultant (Lieberman) was not particularly sanguine about the prospects of social scentists coming up with findings that would be of great value. In so many words, he told us that the most important think [sic] we could do is prepare a statement that refutes the claim that social science can be helpful. I interpreted this as the agnostic statement we discussed in Salt Lake. Which brings us back to the question of a resolution for ASA Council consideration. 15. A draft resolution, as promised in Salt Lake, has not been forthcoming for two reasons. First, when I sat down to dash one off, I found I was not as prepared to do this as I had assumed. Second, I misunderstood a communication from Bill D'Antonio wherein I thought he was advising me that the resolution idea had [sic] superceded by another development. This task still needs to be done. It would be very nice if someone would call me and advise me that they have (or will) prepared a draft for our agenda in California. 16. We discussed the question of how we, as social scientists might do a better job of communicating our point of view to the press and to the public in general. Substantially we reaffirmed the discussion in Salt Lake. More effective communication is a desirable objective, but we didn't get as far as designing a blueprint for accomplishing this. [6] AGENDA ITEM # 1 - _Development of a research agenda for the 1990s, including a strategy for production and dissemination of same._ We agree that the development and publication of a research agenda for the 1990s could be an important step toward encouraging research and checking the growing influence of CAN, AFF, and the forensic hustlers. The following are seen as specific benefits of such a publication: (1) sharpen our own awareness of the theoretical and methodological strengths and weaknesses of contemporary NRM research; (2) pinpoint critical gaps in knowledge and point to the kinds of research required to fill those gaps and thereby; (3) help sustain the interests and motivation of those who have been active researchers to continue to do research on NRMs; (4) provide an inventory of worthwhile projects and thereby; (5) encourage students and professional scholars with a wide range of backgrounds, interests, training and skills to pursue research on NRMs; and (6) communicate the tenuous and incomplete nature of knowledge about NRMs and thereby help neutralize the unsubstantiated claims of anti-cult groups and individuals. We see this last point as an important way in which we can collectively address the American Family Foundation's Project Recovery. We have no further information regarding their plans for this project than the letter from Herbert Rosedale which was enclosed with the December memorandum on the New York meeting. It seems a reasonable guess that it will involve a significant elaboration and expansion of the content of the 1985 Wingspread conference. [Text in curly brackets {} in the following paragraph is smeared or blurry, and represents the efforts of an intermediate transcriber to interpret the obliterated text. From the images I believe the interpolations to be accurate.] Whatever the content, the Rosedale communication suggests that the project will involve a major effort {to gain media} attention. We believe the publication of a {research agenda} which makes clear the unfinished research task, and which avoids the polemics and presuppositions that are {ever-present} in the anti-cult literature could be a {very effective way for} [1] blunting their media effort. This assumes (1) that our effort is a quality product, and (2) that we put forth our best effort to attract media attention to our project. We agree that the development of this research agenda should be a substantial project, as opposed to an article- length inventory that could only highlight a few issues. Without excluding the possibility of exploring other options, we would propose that this inventory be published as a special issue of the JOURNAL FOR THE SCIENTIFIC STUDY OF RELIGION and, simultaneously, as a SSSR monograph. The former will reach the largest single group of social science scholars of religion and the latter will assure the on going [sic] availability of the inventory [sic] students and scholars who are not members of JSSR. We propose further that this project be presented to the Council of SSSR with the request for (a) allocation of funds for the publication of this special issue and monograph (scheduled for publication in 1991 between the March and June issues of JSSR) and (b) the imprimatur of the Society. The Society has, on at least two previous occasions, granted its imprimatur for scholarly publications (Glock and Hammond, eds., _Beyond the Classics_, 1973; and Hammond, ed., _The Sacred in a Secular Age_, 1985). Accomplishing this task would require a general editor and the cooperation of a number of scholars who would be willing to block out several days of their time to inventory subtopics and identify research needs and ideas. We would need to work out a common presentational format for perhaps 15-25 issues. For opening discussion, this format might include: (1) a short essay overviewing the salient theoretical, methodological and substantive issues for each subtopic; (2) identification of gaping holes in our knowledge base; (3) identification of studies, books, articles that are seminal with ideas for new research; (4) recommendations for replications or reformulations of existing studies; (5) statements of general propositions and the formulation of specific hypotheses; and [2] (6) exploration of how each of the issues of concern in the study of NRMs has underlying theoretical parallels in other fields of inquiry, and suggestions as to how NRM research might benefit from exploring these related areas of research. Under normal circumstances, this would be a task of herculean proportions, especially with a tight time frame. There are two factors which make it an accomplishable task. First, there are several new reference resources that will be invaluable in the completion of the task. The most important is John Saliba's monumental two volume annotated bibliography of cult research. I done [sic] a bit of scanning-- almost at random--and have found hypotheses and ideas for research on virtually every page. Second, there should be a fairly high level of motivation to do this task. The project addresses an important means for stimulating and enriching the quality of research on this topic of common concern _and_ it represents a strategy for combatting something which we all agree is a pernicious process that is shaping public opinion. If the community of scholars who have been actively researching NRMs will collectively agree to undertake this task, it should not be a great burden for anybody. AGENDA ITEM #2 - _Discussion of the value and need for an American version of INFORM and consideration of how we might be of assistance_. We were in general agreement about the value and need for an organization which would accomplish the objectives of INFORM. Our discussion focused on how such an operation might be accomplished. An American equivalent of INFORM could not be accomplished by merely expanding the scope of ISAR operations. Gordon has personally been involved in providing information to concerned parents, bringing together of parents and NRM members, and making referrals for counseling. However, this was never the primary function of ISAR. To actively invite people [sic] come to ISAR for these types of services would significantly refocus the ISAR focus. Gordon pledged his support and indicated that ISAR resources would be made available if an INFORM-like group is established. ISAR does not have physical space to host a new organization, but it was suggested that it might be located in [3] Santa Barbara in order to facilitate easy access to ISAR resources. We discussed the considerable differences between the U.S. and the U.K. and the implications of these differences for the creation of an INFORM, USA. Of considerable importance is that fact that the U.S. is too large and complex to ever expect the development of the kind of cooperation that Eileen achieved with the government. And, similarly, there is no equivalent of patronage or sponsorship, although it might be possible to enlist the support of a roster of American celebrities (religious and secular). It is immediately apparent that financial support is imperative if an organization of this type is to be created. None of us have any ready ideas as to where to turn for funding, but we are willing to invest some effort in exploring this. It is our recommendation that Eileen draft a proposal to first be circulated among her sociology colleagues and other U.S. friends. Hopefully this will produce some valuable insights regarding the American scene which can be incorporated before it is circulated to prospective funding agencies or persons that could be of help in approaching a funding source. I did not have the opportunity to get into Washington to see Os Guinness prior to meeting, but I hope to do so in the near future. Eileen may wish to contact Os directly. AGENDA ITEM # 3 - _Preparation of the "agnostic" resolution and development of a strategy for encouraging the governing bodies of ASA, APA (or perhaps Sect 38), SSSR, ASR, RRR and CISR to adopt same_. At our Salt Lake City meeting there was broad support for the proposal that we prepare an "agnostic" resolution which could be presented to and, hopefully adopted by ASA, APA and all of the social science organizations specializing in the study of religion. The purpose of said resolution was seen as (1) negating the misstatements that have been (and continue to be) made regarding the reasons for the withdrawal of the APA and ASA support of the Molko brief and, (2) placing on record a statement that would stand against the claim that there exists a consensus regarding the state of the literature. (On this second points, Ofshe's latest declaration in the _USA v. Fishman_ case states that "there is no dispute of substance _within the [4] relevant scientific community_ as to the acceptance of the concept of thought reform...(emphasis added))." It was recommended in Salt Lake City that the resolution be circulated as broadly as possible. My notes from that meeting state that "the more people who look at it, the more likely we are to spot trigger words that might give cause for opposition." The enclosed draft resolution represents the best effort of the five of us who met in Pasadena to state an agnostic position that is free of words that might set off other people's hot buttons. We encourage you all to go over it with care and with an eye toward even further tightening of the agnostic and value-neutral posture. Please send your comments to me by the end of the month. The question of a strategy for taking the resolution to the various organization [sic] remains. I think each organization may require somewhat different strategies. For the sake of opening discussion I propose the following: (1) SSSR, ASR and RRR -- ask the past-presidents of each of these respective organizations to be sponsors of the resolution; (2) ASA -- submit the resolution with sponsorship of as many names as possible among those who are ASA members and who (a) have published research on NRMs and/or (b) are recognized "leaders" in the sociology of religion; (3) CISR -- defer to Eileen Barker and Jim Richardson for recommendations; (4) APA -- defer to Newt Maloney and his psychology colleagues for recommendations. However we do this, it is important that we succeed as there may not be a second opportunity. As Meredith McGuire noted in Salt Lake City, many of our own sociology of religion colleagues do not give this issue great priority. We could lose their support if we keep coming back every year with yet another proposal. So offer your thoughts and volunteer your support to help do it right. AGENDA ITEM # 4 - _Consider whether other collective action is appropriate at this time for dealing with the ongoing forensic battles_. While it is evident that the legal staffs of several NRMs engage in information exchange, and the same is true for those [5] who are most actively involved as expert witnesses, there exists no depository for legal documents. An archive of legal documents from NRM litigation could be of considerable valuable [sic] for both social science research and legal research in conjunction with the preparation for legal cases. The assembly of legal documents for such an archive is not seen as a terribly difficult task because a few individuals privately hold a fairly large proportion of these documents. The immediate start up costs would involve (1) reproduction and shipping, (2) cataloging and (3) the printing of an index. We are proposing the establishment of a Legal Resource Center on New Religions and that same be housed with the American Religion Collection at the University of California at Santa Barbara. Given that the holdings at USCB [sic] are more extensive than any other collection, locating the resource center in Santa Barbara seems like the most logical spot. A draft proposal for the achievement of this objective is attached to this report. Your comments including support or reservations should be addressed to Gordon. AGENDA ITEM # 5 - _Consider what collective action, if any, needs to be developed as an alternative to AFF's Project Recovery_. As noted above (Agenda Item # 1) the development and publication of a research agenda for the 1990s, if accompanied with proper PR work, could constitute an appropriate and effective measure to neutralize Project Recovery. This is our primary recommendation. In addition, we encourage our colleagues to develop other ideas, to communicate with others and, when appropriate, to enlist collective support. [6]
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was-a-mistake · 4 years ago
It was a mistake to Pivot's XS4ALL.
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mostlysignssomeportents · 5 years ago
Pluralistic: 16 Mar 2020 (Trump wants a US-only vaccine, Covid at Home, tips for laid-off techies, Tiktok's secret moderation guidelines, Corona Bar Mitzvah, Shmoocon 2020 videos)
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Today's links
Covid At Home: A guide for isolation, illness and recovery
Trump wants a US-only vaccine: Reality has a well-known globalist/collectivist bias.
Folding@Home to beat covid: 23 distcomp projects to give your CPU to.
Italian hospitals fix their ventilators with 3D printed parts: Fablabs to the rescue.
How to prepare for coming layoffs: A guide for techies junior, senior and prickly.
Leaked Tiktok moderation guidelines are a censoring mess: No poors or ugly people welcome.
Canceled Bar Mitzvah is still a mitzvah: Today I am a mensch.
Shmoocon 2020 videos online: Hours of entertainment and infosec funnies.
This day in history:
Colophon: Recent publications, current writing projects, upcoming appearances, current reading
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Covid At Home (permalink)
Dutch hacker and XS4ALL cofounder Rop Gonggrijp and artist Vera Wilde have produced Covid At Home, an open-access guide to staying healthy, treating illness, and general pandemic preparedness.
https://covid-at-home.info/ It's an excellent, sober, accessible guide, produced with help from medical professionals.
They're seeking help to translate it into other languages as well. German edition coming next.
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Trump wants a US-only vaccine (permalink)
The Trump administration has offered "large sums" to a German manufacturer for US-only access to a potential covid-19 vaccine
According to Die Welt, Curevac has made progress on the vaccine, and the Trump admin is seeking access "but for the US only."
The company's recently departed CEO, Daniel Menichella, is a US citizen who recently visited the White House.
The Trump administration's failure to understand our shared collective microbial destiny is emblematic. Trump epitomizes the neoliberal sociopathy of "enlightened self-interest" and "meritocracy" and the belief that "there is no such thing as society." It's a pathology as dangerous as any virus, and could yet kill us all. Immunizing America against coronavirus only works if
The vaccine is perfect (they never are) and
The US blocks all entry into the country by unvaccinated people (which it cannot do).
Instead of figuring out how to orient 100% of US capacity to producing enough vaccine to eliminate the virus worldwide, Trump is engaged in isolationist, superstitious fantasies.
Within hours, Curvac had told Trump to go fuck himself and announced that any vaccine they produce will be available worldwide.
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Folding@Home to beat covid (permalink)
Since the year 2000 (!), Folding@Home has been harnessing the power of idle personal computers to do scientific work on protein folding, using donated cycles to improve science. Now they're running 23 (!!) projects to help improve our scientific understanding of covid-19.
"We're simulating the dynamics of COVID-19 proteins to hunt for new therapeutic opportunities."
They've already used this to locate sites in the Ebola protein that can be targeted by therapeutics.
Download your Folding@Home client here (Mac/Win/Lin)
Then choose your simulation from here. Be prepared to wait for your computer to be given work – they're overwhelmed with cycles at the moment.
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Italian hospitals fix their ventilators with 3D printed parts (permalink)
A Brescia hospital urgenty needed valves for their ventilators. A journalist contacted the local Fablab, who contacted a local 3D printing expert who came to the hospital, redesigned the part, and printed a replacement on the spot.
Within a day, 10 patients were breathing with respirators incorporating 3D printed parts.
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How to prepare for coming layoffs (permalink)
It's not outlandish to prepare for a recession (and hence layoffs) as a result of Covid-19. And while techies have a robust labor-market relative to other sectors, tech-workers are not immune from mass layoffs when their employers contract sharply or shut down altogether.
Jacob Kaplan-Moss has been here before and has some tips for techies to prepare for unemployment. He points out that the highest layoff risk comes to juniors (unprotected and easy to jettison), seniors (highest paid), and prickly people (politically easier to lay off) and underperformers (obvs).
How do you prep for layoffs? First, try to have 1 year's savings in the bank (advice from the 2000 dotcom crash). You probably can't do this, but start saving now. Cancel all nonessential expenses.
Next, update your resume. When layoffs start cascading, being ready to start applying for jobs can give you a head-start over your competition.
Kaplan-Moss suggests setting aside an hour every quarter to update your CV – this is good advice generally, as you never know when someone will ask for your resume (periodically I have to produce one for a visa or a grant, for example).
Practice interviews, using online resources, like this one:
In addition, contact your "professional network" and start feeling them out;Tb and brush up on your tech skills.
Leaked Tiktok moderation guidelines are a censoring mess (permalink)
There's a lot going on in The Intercept's deep dive into two leaked set of moderation guidelines from Bytedance, parent company of Tiktok, ably reported (as ever) by Sam Biddle.
First is a confirmaton of Tiktok's policy of telling moderators to downrank videos from unattractive, fat, old or poor people, and signs of poverty. Homes need to have "no obvious slummy charactor" (sic), without a "crack on the wall" or "old and disreputable decorations."
The reasoning is clear "This kind of environment is not that suitable for new users for being less fancy and appealing" (overweight, poor, old or unattractive users lower the tone). Tiktok spox Josh Gartner said these were to prevent bullying, (but they don't mention bullying).
The leaks are pretty frank about their ableism and lookism, banning "low quality" traits including "abnormal body shape," "ugly facial looks," dwarfism, "obvious beer belly," "too many wrinkles," and "eye disorders."
They also ban "slums, rural fields" and "dilapidated housing."
The flipside of this is that Tiktok mods secretly contacting influencers to clue them in on secret moderation criteria that might get them downranked or banned, creating a group of insiders who are protected from the arbitrary, shadow regulation regime other Tiktokers never see.
That shadow regime is documented in a second set of leaks, which details the subjects and views that can get you kicked, suspended or downranked from the platform. Anything that embarrasses or upsets China is obviously out, like Falun Gong or Tiananmen.
Beyond that, livestreams of encounters with cops, videos that criticize the military, or criticism Tiktok itself are all lifetime bannable offenses – while racism and hate speech get you a one-month suspension.
Also revealed: Tiktok has a bunch of fake accounts maintained by its own staff, who gank influencer videos from Instagram that look classy and fun, as a way of shifting the content mix on the platform.
But even as these accounts were focusing on tags like "#BeachGirl," actual Tiktok users who posted pictures of themselves in swimwear faced temporary or permanent bans.
(You can get a permanent ban for wearing a garment that reveals "outline of female nipples").
There's also a "voice vulgarity" category of guidelines, including bans for "Singing or playing music pornography contents, sexual cues, etc," or "discussing the topic of sexual reproduction." You can also get banned for flipping the bird – but only if you do it more than twice.
Tiktok's appeal is that they use secret sauce to elevate accounts with few followers and share them with millions of viewers. The legend is that this is a way to rocket the humble but meretricious to fame, but the leaks reveal that no olds, fats, or poors need apply.
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Canceled Bar Mitzvah is still a mitzvah (permalink)
A heartwarming story of "Covered Dish" behavior in the time of coronavirus! "Friends canceled their son's Bar Mitzvah this weekend but decided to keep the contract with their caterer, a tiny Hmong-owned business. They delivered the food to friends in quarantine & sent pans home with others."
(Image: Eli, CC BY)
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Shmoocon 2020 videos online (permalink)
It's been years since I last attended a Shmoocon, but holy moly, is it ever a great annual infosec con. They've just put the 2020 videos online, which affords you plenty of viewing for your lockdown pleasure.
You might have already heard about Samantha Mosely's presentation about how she and her teen friends defeat Instagram's privacy invasions:
Here's some gnarly stuff: securing satellites and space-base comms, presented by three researchers styling themselves Yakko, Wakko and Dot (swoon!).
Feed your inner technothriller writer with this one, on "anti-forensics" ("the practice of modifying or removing data so that others cannot find it later during an investigation").
How NGOs – and you at home – can use "open source intelligence" to help support human rights and survivors of human rights abuses.
A Choose-Your-Own-Adventure guide to surviving ransomware attacks, using data gleaned from real attacks and recoveries.
Analyzing the effects of 200 data-breaches on public companies' share prices (shareholder capitalism won't save us from overcollection, overretention and bad security).
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This day in history (permalink)
#15yrsago Apple steals iTunes customers' paid-for rights to stream https://web.archive.org/web/20050405225837/http://www.theinquirer.net/?article=21866
#15yrago My talk from ETECH: All Complex Ecosystems Have Parasites https://craphound.com/complexecosystems.txt
#15yrsago ETECH Notes: Folksonomy, or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Mess (Schachter, Wales, Shirky and Butterfield) https://craphound.com/etech2005-folksonomy.txt
#15yrsago ETECH Notes: Feral Robotics and Some Other Quacking, Shaking, Bubbling Robots (Natalie Jeremijenko) https://craphound.com/etech05-feral.txt
#10yrsago Downloadable 3D cover for MAKERS is now also an article of commerce https://www.shapeways.com/product/Z55YYHW5P/cory-doctorow-makers-cover-3d-print
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Colophon (permalink)
Today's top sources: Geoff MacDougall (https://twitter.com/taliesan), Bleeping Computer (https://www.bleepingcomputer.com), Javier Candiera (https://twitter.com/candeira), Four Short Links (https://www.oreilly.com/feed/four-short-links), Naked Capitalism (https://nakedcapitalism.com/).
Currently writing: I've just finished rewrites on a short story, "The Canadian Miracle," for MIT Tech Review. It's a story set in the world of my next novel, "The Lost Cause," a post-GND novel about truth and reconciliation. I've also just completed "Baby Twitter," a piece of design fiction also set in The Lost Cause's prehistory, for a British think-tank. I'm getting geared up to start work on the novel next.
Currently reading: Just started Lauren Beukes's forthcoming Afterland: it's Y the Last Man plus plus, and two chapters in, it's amazeballs. Last month, I finished Andrea Bernstein's "American Oligarchs"; it's a magnificent history of the Kushner and Trump families, showing how they cheated, stole and lied their way into power. I'm getting really into Anna Weiner's memoir about tech, "Uncanny Valley." I just loaded Matt Stoller's "Goliath" onto my underwater MP3 player and I'm listening to it as I swim laps.
Latest podcast: When Sysadmins Ruled the Earth https://craphound.com/podcast/2020/03/13/when-sysadmins-ruled-the-earth-2/
Upcoming books: "Poesy the Monster Slayer" (Jul 2020), a picture book about monsters, bedtime, gender, and kicking ass. Pre-order here: https://us.macmillan.com/books/9781626723627?utm_source=socialmedia&utm_medium=socialpost&utm_term=na-poesycorypreorder&utm_content=na-preorder-buynow&utm_campaign=9781626723627
(we're having a launch for it in Burbank on July 11 at Dark Delicacies and you can get me AND Poesy to sign it and Dark Del will ship it to the monster kids in your life in time for the release date).
"Attack Surface": The third Little Brother book, Oct 20, 2020. https://us.macmillan.com/books/9781250757531
"Little Brother/Homeland": A reissue omnibus edition with a new introduction by Edward Snowden: https://us.macmillan.com/books/9781250774583
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leshorriblestravailleurs · 5 years ago
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Sterile Garden/Les Horribles Travailleurs: 'Sound and City' samples: soundcloud.com/horriblestravailleurs/lht-sg-split-sound-and-city SPLIT C31 cassettetape Released by Basement Tapes (Maine, US) as BT83: Recordings of city sounds (from the growing Archive of 'Sound and City Project') reworked by American/Dutch projects. Comes with detailed liner notes and 2 panel full color J card. Edition of 50. 5,50 EUR Europe: Total with shipping: NED: 7,99 EUR EUROPE: 9,85 Paypal: kidko at xs4all point nl US: basementtapes.bigcartel.com/product/sterile-garden-les-horribles-travailleurs-sound-and-city-c31
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corneke013 · 2 years ago
Waar is de waardering?
Waar is de waardering?
We zitten weer in de tijd van het jaar dat bedrijven hun waarderingen gaan uiten naar hun vaste klanten en naar het personeel. De cadeaus en promoties vliegen om je oren of zijn het juist zoethoudertjes in de hoop dat je het accepteert en blijft? (more…)
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zwartmagazine · 5 years ago
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z\w\a\r\t magazine nr 22
Now released in a limited edition
Photo: arrangement of pages of z\w\a\r\t magazine nr 22
photocopies\black tape\paint (backsides)
4 'spreads'\ pages, each consisting of 5 – 6 A4 sheets.
In total 23 A4 copies.
 Almost all works date back to late 70's\early and mid 80's. collage \ photography \ found and reworked images
\ The magazine was on display in march, in Portland, Maine, USA, in DeRaadt Gallery in The Apohadion Theater, curated by Jacob DeRaadt.
 22 EUR + Shipping costs: The Netherlands: 3,48 \ total = 25,48 EUR Outside The Netherlands: 8,70 \ total = 30,70 EUR
  Paypal to: kidko at xs4all point nl
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vdf360dp · 5 years ago
Het begin van Xs4all-variant Freedom Internet
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neodebono · 5 years ago
Geen XS4ALL maar wel Freedom for all
Geen XS4ALL maar wel Freedom for all. Ik kies voor meer vrijheid en stap over, jij ook? #xs4all #freedom4all #ISP #privacy
Ik kies voor meer vrijheid en stap over, jij ook?
Freedom Internet staat voor een vrij, open en toegankelijk internet voor iedereen, waarbij veiligheid, privacy en kwaliteit onze kernwaarden zijn. Zoals XS4ALL dat eerst aanbood
Freedom staat voor:
Vrijheid – we staan voor een vrij en open internet. Dat doen we door ons in het maatschappelijk debat te mengen en actief op te komen voor digitale…
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jordanvanbergen · 6 years ago
KPN schenkt de merknaam XS4ALL niet aan de Nederlandse Stichting voor het Gehandicapte Kind
#KPN schenkt de merknaam #XS4ALL niet aan de Nederlandse Stichting voor het Gehandicapte Kind (#NSGK). Het telecombedrijf laat in een reactie weten niet aan het verzoek tegemoet te komen. “Het merk is helaas niet beschikbaar voor de NSGK”, aldus KPN https://t.co/GTPSbniZKI pic.twitter.com/mwIRrXdz5a
— Jordan van Bergen (@geefgratis) July 23, 2019
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saulsplace · 6 years ago
Beluister nu Saul’s Place Podcast #232 met daarin het volgende:
- Het einde van XS4ALL
Teksten met dank aan Parool, Bits of Freedom & Medium
Neem deel aan ons luisteronderzoek, plaats een reactie en misschien maak jij wel kans op een Apple Music-cadeaubon!
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telecomnieuwsnet · 6 years ago
KPN zet volledig in op eigen merk
KPN zet volledig in op eigen merk
KPN gaat zijn producten in de nabije toekomst onder een enkel merk op de markt brengen. Dit maakte de operator bekend. Belangrijkste conclusie uit deze nieuwe strategie is dat de verschillende dochtermerken voor consumenten, zoals Telfort en XS4ALL, maar ook het zakelijke merk Yes Telecom gaat verdwijnen.
  Als reden voor het opdoeken van de dochtermerken geeft de operator aandat het de…
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