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interest-articles · 10 months ago
The 2024 Africa Twin: A True Adventure Machine
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Honda's iconic Africa Twin receives significant updates for 2024, enhancing its performance and versatility for adventure riders.
The Africa Twin has long been synonymous with adventure riding, capturing the spirit of exploration and offering riders the confidence to venture further. With the release of the 2024 models, Honda has taken this legendary motorcycle to new heights. The standard Africa Twin and Adventure Sports versions have undergone significant updates, making them more specialized and capable than ever before.
From enhanced off-road performance to improved on-road handling, the Africa Twin lineup offers a wide range of options for riders seeking thrilling adventures on any terrain.
Since its in 1988, the Africa Twin has been a symbol of "True Adventure" in the ADV riding world. Inspired by the NXR750 and NXR800 factory racers that dominated the Dakar Rally in the late 1980s, the Africa Twin created a new market and became a global hit. After a hiatus, the Africa Twin made a triumphant return in 2016 with the CRF1000L, and has since garnered a dedicated following of adventure enthusiasts.
A Legacy of Adventure
The Africa Twin's history is steeped in adventure and off-road prowess. The original XRV650, introduced in Europe in 1988, was based on the NXR750 and NXR800 racers that conquered the Dakar Rally. It quickly gained popularity and evolved into the XRV750 in 1990, selling over 73,000 units before being discontinued in 2001.
In 2016, Honda revived the Africa Twin with the CRF1000L, offering it in both European and American markets. The following year, the Adventure Sports version joined the lineup, catering to riders seeking a more touring-focused experience. The Africa Twin has since become a staple in the adventure riding community, known for its rugged durability and versatility.
What's New for 2024
The 2024 Africa Twin models receive a host of updates and refinements, enhancing their performance and capabilities. Adventure Sports versions now feature a 19-inch front wheel and shorter suspension travel, optimizing on-road handling and maneuverability. Tubeless tires, previously exclusive to Adventure Sports versions, are now fitted on the standard versions as well, providing convenient repair options without removing the wheel.
The 1,084cc twin-cylinder engine generates stronger power and torque in the low- to mid-rpm range, thanks to a higher compression ratio and updated ECU settings. The Dual Clutch Transmission (DCT) has also been improved for smoother engagement at low speeds. Both standard and Adventure Sports versions receive updated electronic settings, a redesigned intake/exhaust layout, and revised styling, making them even more capable and appealing to adventure riders.
Design and Styling
The design of the 2024 Africa Twin models has been refined to enhance their performance and aesthetics. The standard Africa Twin features a slim, compact shape with a redesigned front fairing and rear seat, improving its off-road capabilities. The Adventure Sports versions receive a new front fairing that optimizes aerodynamics and wind protection, as well as a thicker and more comfortable seat.
The Adventure Sports versions also come with a smaller 19-inch front wheel and reduced suspension travel, lowering the bike's center of gravity and improving on-road handling. Both versions maintain the Africa Twin's iconic look while incorporating modern design elements.
Electronic Technology
The 2024 Africa Twin models are equipped with advanced electronic technology to enhance the riding experience. Throttle-by-wire and a six-axis Bosch IMU provide precise control and enable features such as cornering ABS and traction control. The Africa Twin's 6.5-inch TFT LCD touch panel display offers customizable screen arrangements and is compatible with Apple CarPlay® and Android Auto™, allowing riders to connect their smartphones for navigation and communication purposes.
The Adventure Sports versions also feature three-stage cornering lighting for optimal illumination during different types of corners. With these technological advancements, the Africa Twin offers riders a seamless and connected riding experience.
Engine and Drivetrain
All versions of the 2024 Africa Twin are powered by a 1,084cc water-cooled, parallel-twin engine that delivers strong power and torque. The engine has undergone improvements, including a higher compression ratio, optimized ECU settings, and an updated muffler design. These enhancements result in increased performance and improved driveability across the rev range.
The Africa Twin is available with either a six-speed manual transmission or Honda's innovative Dual Clutch Transmission (DCT). The DCT version offers seamless gear changes and can be operated in automatic or manual mode, providing riders with the flexibility to choose their preferred shifting style.
Chassis and Suspension
The Africa Twin's chassis and suspension have been designed to handle a wide range of terrains and riding conditions. The steel semi-double-cradle frame provides optimal rigidity and flexibility for challenging situations, while the aluminum swingarm ensures rigidity and lightness. The standard Africa Twin models feature fully adjustable front and rear suspension, with long-travel Showa forks and a Pro-Link® rear suspension system.
The Adventure Sports versions are equipped with Showa Electronically Equipped Ride Adjustment (EERA™), which adjusts damping based on bike speed, stance, and fork behavior. This high-tech suspension system allows riders to customize their suspension settings for different riding scenarios, ensuring optimal comfort and performance.
Brakes and Safety Features
The 2024 Africa Twin models are equipped with advanced braking systems and safety features to provide riders with confidence and control. Dual front 310mm petal-style floating rotors and radial-mount four-piston calipers deliver consistent stopping power, while the rear rotor features a petal design for efficient braking. The ABS system is designed to adapt to different riding conditions, with separate modes for on-road and off-road performance.
The system utilizes information from the IMU to detect rear-wheel lift and adjust braking pressure accordingly. Riders can also switch off the rear ABS for more precise off-road braking. Additionally, Honda Selectable Torque Control (HSTC) helps optimize acceleration performance by providing smooth slide control and wheelie control.
Accessories and Customization
Honda offers a wide range of accessories for the Africa Twin, allowing riders to customize their motorcycles to suit their preferences and riding style. From aluminum luggage to higher and lower seats, there are options to enhance comfort, storage, and functionality. Honda also offers accessory packs, such as the Rally Pack, Adventure Pack, Urban Pack, and Travel Pack, which provide a combination of accessories tailored to specific riding needs.
Whether riders are looking for added protection, increased storage capacity, or improved touring capabilities, the Africa Twin's accessories allow for endless customization possibilities.
The 2024 Africa Twin lineup represents the pinnacle of adventure riding, combining Honda's rich heritage with cutting-edge technology and performance. With updates and refinements across the board, these motorcycles offer unparalleled versatility and capability on any terrain. Whether riders are tackling off-road trails, exploring remote landscapes, or cruising on scenic highways, the Africa Twin delivers an exhilarating and unforgettable riding experience.
With its legendary status and the latest advancements, the Africa Twin continues to inspire riders to push their boundaries and embark on new adventures.
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fateco-info · 1 month ago
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csajokamotoron · 6 months ago
Esztétikai frissítést kap a 2025-ös Africa Twin
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A Honda zászlóshajójának számító CRF1100L Africa Twin jövőre frissített grafikával, valamint új színekben is elérhetővé válik, ami még vonzóbbá teszi az oly rég óta népszerű kalandmotort. - Új színkombinációban érkezik a 2025-ös modellévű Africa Twin Adventure Sports - Jövőre frissített grafikával róhatja már az utakat a modell-család A 2025-ös frissítés technikailag nem érinti a CRF1100L Africa Twin párosát, hiszen a modell megtartja alapvető terepes képességeit, miközben megjelenésében és vezetési élményben egy karcsú, kompakt raligépre emlékeztet. Az 1084 cm3-es, soros kéthengeres motor legnagyobb forgató nyomatéka 112 Nm, csúcsteljesítménye 102 LE (75 kW), így mind közúton, mind terepen felemelő teljesítményt nyújt. A CRF1100L Africa Twin továbbra is két változatban érhető el: az egyik hagyományos Showa felfüggesztéssel, a másik pedig szabályozású Showa EERA™ (Showa Electronically Equipped Ride Adjustment) futóművel felszerelt, amely menet közben is állítható, így mindig az aktuális útviszonyokhoz igazodhat a csillapítás feszessége és a rugó-előfeszítés. A 2025-ös CRF1100L Africa Twin esetén háromféle fényezés közül választhatnak a vásárlók, melyeket egytől egyig merész grafika díszít. - Grand Prix Red - Matt Ballistic Black Metallic - Pearl Glare White **ÚJ** Pearl Hawkseye Blue Metallic Tricolour fényezéssel, amely kizárólag a CRF1100L Africa Twin ES kivitelnél érhető el. A CRF1100L Africa Twin Adventure Sports változat 24,8 literes üzemanyagtartályának köszönhetően nagyobb túrának vághatunk neki, mint testvérével, és a tavaly bevezetett 19”-os első kerekek esetében sem történt változás, hiszen a visszajelzések alapján ezáltal még jobb lett a motor kezelhetősége országúton. A 2025-ös CRF1100L Africa Twin Adventure Sports-ot az alábbi, kétféle színösszeállításban rendelhetik meg a vásárlók, melyeket nagy és merész logó tesz még látványosabbá. A trikolór fényezés nem mellesleg az ikonikus XRV750 színei előtt tiszteleg. - **ÚJ** Matt Iridium Gray Metallic - Pearl Glare White (gyöngyházfehér, trikolór) Tudtad? - 2016-os újbóli bevezetése óta több mint 104 000 db Africa Twint adtak el Európa-szerte. - Visszatérése óta mindig ott volt a Honda három legkelendőbb motorkerékpárja között, de 2016-2023 közötti nyolcból 6 évben az elsőséget tudhatta magáénak. - Az Africa Twin 2017-ben megdöntötte a kéthengeres motorkerékpár által elért legnagyobb magassági rekordot (5965 m tengerszint feletti magasság) az Argentína és Chile között található Nevado Ojos del Salado vulkánon járt. - 2023-ban az Africa Twin Adventure Sports vásárlóinak 63%-a DCT változatot választotta. - Az Africa Twin volt a főszereplője négy rendkívül sikeres, „egyszer az életben ki kell próbálnom” Honda Adventure Roads expedíciónak, ahol amatőr motoros próbálhatták ki mind a CRF1100, mind a saját állóképességét több ezer kilométeren keresztül, Dél-Afrikában, Norvégiában, Izlandon és Marokkóban. - Az Africa Twin névtábla 1988-ban debütált a Honda XRV650 Africa Twinen, egy olyan országúti motorkerékpáron, amely közvetlen hatást gyakorolt az NXR750-re; a Dakar-rali négyszeres, egymást követő győztesére (1986, 1987, 1988, 1989). - Franciaországban, Olaszországban és az Egyesült Királyságban külön erre a célra kialakított off-road kalandközpontok találhatók, amelyek ideális helyszínt biztosítanak a vásárlók számára, hogy az Africa Twint természetes környezetében próbálhassák ki. Read the full article
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fuckyeahmotorbike · 6 years ago
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Honda XRV750 (RD04/07) Africa Twin (1990-2003)
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egybiker · 5 years ago
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نازل ولا تحصلني؟ #xrv750 #saturday #morning #ride https://www.instagram.com/p/B6DoJ9OH0uBBDcNVRKprFE2aZEtqzB6tfy-deY0/?igshid=160yyhf3l5eha
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aldsc1988 · 2 years ago
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motorradankauf · 3 years ago
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#honda #motorrad #hondamotorrad #motorradankauf #africatwin #hondaafrica #hondaxrv #xrv750 #honda750 #hondaafricatwin #hondaafricatwin750 https://www.instagram.com/p/CZ3es4DtacB/?utm_medium=tumblr
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advpulse · 4 years ago
A look back at the rich history of Honda's race-born adventure bike. Follow the link for details!
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driftmasterteam · 6 years ago
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Garage goals. #jeep #wrangler #jku #honda #xrv750 #africatwin #garage https://www.instagram.com/p/BzKbMx8iqRccK4zQjqNSUd0nMaCITJRHxsUqlU0/?igshid=1v6dou595f9lq
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wetsteve3 · 4 years ago
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🔵 XRV750
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dougaridercomstuff · 6 years ago
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フランスホンダが制作<AFRICA TWIN>プロモーションビデオ。 新旧アフリカツインが出演するプロモーションビデオ。<HONDA AFRICA TWIN>オシャレな男女が織りなすホンダ好き必見のプロモーションビデオなのです。
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bakkermotorszaandam · 5 years ago
Africa Twin 1 naam 2 motoren
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Met de introductie van de Adventure Sports in 2018 zijn er 2 verschillende Africa Twin modellen ontstaan. Ze delen heel veel dezelfde onderdelen maar zijn toch verschillende motoren. De dit jaar geïntroduceerde CRF1100 maakt de verschillen veel groter en kun je echt over 2 verschillende motoren spreken. We gaan het hebben over de AT en de ATAS, want Honda Africa Twin Adventure Sports met of zonder de toevoeging CRF1100 is gewoon te lang.
Klein stukje historie
30 jaar geleden kwam de eerste, op de Parijs-Dakar rally geïnspireerde, Africa Twin XRV650 op de markt. 2 jaar later werd de 650cc v-twin ge-upgrade naar de XRV750 die het, zeer succesvol, volhield tot 2003. Pas in 2016 werd er nieuw leven geblazen in de iconische naam Africa Twin en kwam de nieuwe AT met een vloeistofgekoelde 998 cc parallel twin motorblok. En ook nu was de motor een succes. XRV was niet meer de benaming maar kreeg het de letters CRF naar de in de motorcross zeer gewaardeerde en succesvolle Honda CRF450. En nu in 2020 is het motorblok gegroeid naar 1084cc met 102pk, waar dat in 1998 57pk’s waren.
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De in 2018 verschenen Adventure Sports was een eerbetoon aan de eerste Africa Twin, kreeg ook een vergelijkbaar tricolor kleurschema en een speciale editie logo op de tank. Maar deze ATAS verschilde ook op andere punten van de AT, zoals hier al eens beschreven.
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De AT 2020
In de 2020 modellen zijn echt zeer veel verbeteringen doorgevoerd, dit is eigenlijk geen upgrade maar een compleet nieuwe motor. En door zeer veel technische hulpmiddelen niet alleen bij de tijd maar zeker klaar voor de toekomst. Honda heeft het weer geflikt om een nieuwe referentie voor de concurrentie neer te zetten.
De verschillen
Beide motoren zitten vol moderne techniek en hulpmiddelen. Het frame, motorblok, uitlaat (met gruwelijk goed geluid) en interactieve dashboard met veel rij-instellingen zijn identiek maar daarna komen flink wat verschillen:
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CRF1100 AT
Off-road gericht Tankinhoud 18,8L Rijklaargewicht 226kg (DCT 236kg) Afmetingen (LxBxH) 2.334 mm x 961 mm x 1.391 mm Niet verstelbaar windscherm Smaller kuipwerk Smaller zadel Spaakwielen met binnenband Showa handm. instelbaar ophanging Ook in DCT versie leverbaar
€16.858,- / DCT €18.158 BROCHURE
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Touring gericht Tankinhoud 24,8L Rijklaargewicht 238kg (DCT 248kg) Afmetingen (LxBxH) 2.330 mm x 960 mm x 1.560/1620 mm Elektronisch windscherm (5 standen) Verwarmde handvatten Spaakwielen tubeless banden 12V aansluiting Showa EERA elektronisch ophanging (optie) Bochten verlichting met drie niveaus Draagrek achter ESS technologie Grotere bodemplaat Valbescherming beugels Ook in DCT versie leverbaar €21.058,- / DCT €22.358,- BROCHURE
De AT is zo belangrijk voor Honda geworden dat dit model een eigen Honda website heeft gekregen: africa-twin.nl
En er zijn prachtige foto rapportages en filmpjes van de motoren gemaakt. Lekker wegdromen met de beelden van de AT of ATAS en dan toch wel even op het verlanglijstje zetten danwel je spaardoel definiëren.
Bakker Motors Zaandam
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giantloop · 6 years ago
Check out this Honda Africa Twin build by @africatwin_by_boano ! We worked with Boano several years at the EICMA Show in Milan. Great people.beautiful products. The senior Boano raced the XR750 Africa Twin in the original Dakar Rally. Repost from @moto_travellers - 🎥 @africatwin_by_boano CORRECT USE OF AFRICA TWIN RD07 Tutorial from @boanoraceparts 👉 @moto_travellers 🌎 #honda #hondaafricatwin #africatwin #africatwin750 #xrv750 #africatwinclub #travel #hondacrf #dakar #parisdakar #rallydakar #mototravel #mototraveler #africatwinadventuresports #travelgram #mototraveller #travelphotography #xrv650 #africatwinclub #africatwinclubitalia #africatwin1000 #mototurismo #motorbike #mototube #motociclismo #alltravellers#passion #mototouring (at Giant Loop) https://www.instagram.com/p/BoReSiCgEco/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=19wq8hu5lou46
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adventurouschinaman · 7 years ago
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Found a safe place for Christmas 🎄 #adventurous #adventuretouring #adventure #adventurelife #honda #travel #xrv750 #africatwin #worldtour #motorcycle #instamoto #england #uk #Britain #bath (at Bath Christmas Market)
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egybiker · 8 years ago
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#XRV750 #Vulcan1500 #Honda #Kawasaki (at Al Rehab City - مدينة الرحاب)
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bike-exif · 6 years ago
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Honda's legendary adventure sport bike gets a touch of the retro Dakar vibe. Inspired work from one of Portugal's finest custom shops, @maria_riding_company . Hit the link in our bio for more images, or visit http://www.bikeexif.com/africa-twin-adventure-sports-custom . #mariamotorcycles #honda #hondaafricatwin #africatwin #africatwin750 #xrv750 #africatwinclub #dualsport #RideRed #DakarRally #bikeexif
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