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enterprisewired · 1 year ago
Xpeng says it plans to expand into more European markets next year
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At the IAA Mobility motor show in Munich, Xpeng, the Chinese electric vehicle manufacturer, unveiled plans to expand its presence in several European markets, including Germany, Britain, and France, by 2024, as shared by President Brian Gu during a press briefing on Monday.
Furthermore, the company intends to introduce its G9 and P7 electric vehicles into the Israeli market starting early next year, with the G6 becoming its first right-hand drive model offering.
Having an ambitious strategy to venture into the global market
Brian Gu emphasized, “We have an ambitious strategy to venture into the global market.” Presently, the company already has a presence in the Netherlands and Norway. Chinese electric vehicle manufacturers are actively pursuing expansion in Europe, aiming to achieve improved profit margins and accelerated growth in international markets while competing with European counterparts by offering more affordable vehicle options.
It��s worth noting that Chinese electric vehicle manufacturers have been contending with a challenging domestic price competition environment that has impacted their profitability and limited growth. Although they have experienced rapid sales growth in Southeast Asia and South America, the European market has posed unique difficulties for Chinese automotive brands. These challenges include navigating European regulations, establishing electric vehicle infrastructure, aligning with European consumer preferences, and building brand recognition.
Despite experiencing recent fluctuations in its financial performance that have correlated with company developments, XPeng Motors is actively pursuing an expansion of its global electric vehicle (EV) offerings. As per statements from the Chinese automaker’s president earlier today, XPeng is set to commence sales in three additional European markets starting in the upcoming year.
 Establishing brand recognition and gaining insights
XPeng initially entered the European market through Norway, introducing its P7 sedan and commencing initial deliveries during the summer of 2021. Subsequently, there were indications that the automaker intended to expand its overseas presence by introducing the G9 SUV.
By February 2022, XPeng had solidified retail agreements in new markets such as the Netherlands, Sweden, and Denmark. The objective was to establish brand recognition and gain insights into the unique needs of customers in these markets in preparation for official sales.
Since then, XPeng has unveiled a refreshed version of the P7 for 2023, which joined the G9 in these European markets, with sales commencing earlier this year. Additionally, the company has been establishing a network of service centers in these regions. Brian Gu, the Vice Chairman and President of XPeng, has already promised further expansions on the horizon.
Today, at the IAA Mobility event in Munich, XPeng Motors has disclosed the specific new markets it has in its sights for future expansion.
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teragames · 1 year ago
Xpeng compra la filial de vehículos inteligentes de Didi
La empresa automotriz china @XPengMotors compra la filial vehículos inteligentes de Didi por 688 millones euros
Agencias, Ciudad de México.- El fabricante chino de eléctricos Xpeng, uno de los principales rivales de Tesla en el país asiático, anunció la compra de la filial de desarrollo de coches inteligentes del ‘Uber chino’ Didi por unos 5,835 millones de dólares de Hong Kong (744 millones de dólares, 688 millones de euros). En un comunicado remitido a la Bolsa de Hong Kong -donde cotiza-, Xpeng indicó…
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kilogen · 3 years ago
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XPeng P7 Electric Vehicle For Sale (Xiaopeng)
Announced at the 2019 Auto Shanghai show. The XPeng P7 is a compact luxury BEV, that is considered somewhat comparable to the Tesla Model S, in terms of performance. In terms of sales, the P7 actually outperformed the Model S in 2021, with approximately 60,569 vehicles delivered.
Currently available with 3 different battery configurations, the P7 is mostly rear-wheel drive. However does have a four-wheel drive (4WD) high performance option. Depending on the configuration or battery used. This 5 passenger EV has a range of up to approximately 706 km (439 mi) on a single charge (NEDC).
For further details about the vehicle mentioned, be sure to visit the link below.
🚘@KiloGen_ Photo credit(s): Jengtingchen
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iaskleaders · 4 years ago
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“ I don’t think there is any gap between Elon Musk and I.”——Xiaopeng He founder of Xpeng Motors
Check what he talks about the intellectualization of @XpengMotors https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9TT-qXh-YLw
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ladonegrohumano · 2 years ago
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insurgentepress · 4 years ago
Vaivenes en el debut en Hong Kong de Xpeng
Vaivenes en el debut en Hong Kong de @XPengMotors, uno de los rivales chinos de @Tesla.
Agencias, Ciudad de México.- El fabricante chino de vehículos eléctricos Xpeng, rival chino de Tesla, experimentó un vaivén en la cotización de sus t��tulos durante los primeros momentos de su debut hoy en la Bolsa de Hong Kong. Si bien las acciones de la compañía subían en la apertura de la sesión un 1,8 % frente al precio de inicio, de 165 dólares hongkoneses (21.2 dólares, 18 euros), en los…
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alvaromatias1000 · 5 years ago
Xpeng levanta US$ 1,5 bilhão em seu primeiro dia na Wall Street
A marca chinesa Xpeng Motors estreou com o pé direito na Bolsa de Nova Iorque. A marca de carros, apoiada por Xiaomi e Alibaba, superou a previsão do mercado financeiro americano e levantou US$ 1,5 bilhão em seu primeira dia na Wall Street.
Com ações a US$ 15,00, a Xpeng superou a previsão que apontava algo entre US$ 11,00 e US$ 13,00, colocando então 85 milhões de ações. Porém, a empresa emitiu 99 milhões de ações. Em valor de mercado, a marca chinesa alcança US$ 15 bilhões.
O inevitável crescimento dos carros elétricos, puxados pela Tesla com seus quase US$ 400 bilhões de valor de mercado, arrasta consigo todo tipo de investimento em eletrificação de automóveis que pareça minimamente seguro. No caso da Xpeng, dois gigantes chineses apoiam a iniciativa e com até a possibilidade da Xiaomi integrar-se aos carros da marca.
Isso é algo que nem a Tesla conseguiu fazer, embora pareça óbvio que uma união entre Apple e Tesla provocaria um frenesi financeiro de proporções épicas, ainda mais se Elon Musk alcançasse a cabeça da nova companhia.
Na Xpeng, com seu crossover G3, ela não parece empolgar. Contudo, o sedã P7 mostra aquilo que os investidores querem ver no futuro da companhia.
O sofisticado elétrico impressiona não só por suas linhas, mas pela autonomia de 700 km. Com preço de Model 3, promete ir para cima da Tesla em sua casa.
Nos EUA, a primeira ação foi enfeitar a rua mais poderosa do mercado financeiro mundial com temas em azul, assim como os painéis digitais da Times Square.
Em seu primeiro dia de estreia na China, 15 mil pedidos foram feitos para o P7, que é a maior promessa da Xpeng, indo de 0 a 100 km/h em 4,3 segundos.
O sedã é equipado com dois motores elétricos, sendo o dianteiro com 161 cavalos e o traseiro com 263 cavalos. Nem é preciso dizer que aparelhos da Xiaomi e a serviços do Alibaba são bem-vindos a bordo.
.@XpengMotors (NYSE: XPEV) take a virtual drive through Manhattan's Times Square to celebrate their first day as a listed company. pic.twitter.com/AMU1cuFGtM
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(@NYSE) August 27, 2020
[Fonte: FCE]
© Noticias Automotivas. A notícia Xpeng levanta US$ 1,5 bilhão em seu primeiro dia na Wall Street é um conteúdo original do site Notícias Automotivas.
Xpeng levanta US$ 1,5 bilhão em seu primeiro dia na Wall Street publicado primeiro em https://www.noticiasautomotivas.com.br
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autochina · 5 years ago
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Xpeng Motors acquires Guangdong FODAY Auto to obtain production qualification #XpengMotors #XpengP7 The shareholder of Guangdong FODAY Auto has been changed to Zhaoqing Xiaopeng New Energy Investment Co., Ltd., and the company's legal person has also been changed to Xpeng Motors co-founder and president Xia Yi, and the supervisor is of Xpeng Motors He Tao, co-founder and vice president of the automobile, means that Xpeng Motors has obtained automobile production qualification through the acquisition of Guangdong FODAY Automobile Co., Ltd. At present, the industry generally speculates that Xpeng Motors’ 2nd EV, Xpeng P7, will be produced at its own Zhaoqing factory, which invests 4 billion yuan and has an annual production capacity… Link: https://ift.tt/2J6jX5g — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/3abNupY
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kilogen · 3 years ago
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The XPeng P7 EV Pricing & Details
XPeng recently announced their expansion into two additional countries throughout Europe (EU). To compliment Norway. Xiaopeng will be available in the Netherlands and Sweden sometime in the first quarter of 2022.
For more details and specs on the XPeng P7 electric vehicle. Visit the link below:
🚘@KiloGen_ Photo credit(s): Jengtingchen
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elektrikliaracteknolojisi · 5 years ago
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Xpeng Motors, G3 2020 Edition’ın Teslimatını Başlattı⚡️⚡️ . Xpeng G3 2020 Edition’ın müşteri teslimatı çoktan başladı. P7 2020 baharında geliyor. Xpeng Motors 2019 Chengdu Motor Show’da görüntülenecek. G3 2020 Sürümü’nün teslimatı bu ay başlamıştı, önceki sürüm Haziran’da 10.000’den fazla bir dönüm noktasına ulaştı. G3, Çin’de 200’den fazla şehirde satılmaktadır. “G3 2019 modeli, Çin Binek Otomobil Birliği’nden (CPCA) alınan verilere göre, Ocak-Temmuz 2019 için yeni bir üreticiden sigortalanan araçların yanı sıra satış sayısı bakımından zaten Çin’in en popüler EV’si.” 2020 Sürümü iki versiyonda mevcuttur – sırasıyla NEDC ile 520 km (323 mil) ve 401 km (249 mil) ile G3 520 ve G3 400. Daha fazla enerji yoğunluğu (180 Wh / kg) CATL pil kullanımı sayesinde ürün gamını ​​arttırıldı. ===================================== ➡️ Ayrıntılı bilgi için BIO LINK’teki sitemizi ziyaret edebilirsiniz!!! ⬆️⬆️ ===================================== #electricvehicles #electricvehicle #tesla #ebikes #electriccars #electric #xpeng #electriccar #teslamotors #zeroemissions #teslamodels #teslamodelx #ebike #energy #cleanenergy #elon #supercar #teslalife #electricbike #teslacars #evs #cars #teslaclub #vw #xpengmotors #teslaenergy #teslas #elektrikliaraba #thefutureisgreen #arabalar ===================================== ➡️ https://www.eatechsblog.com ===================================== https://www.instagram.com/p/B2f7DergWfU/?igshid=ijzgtmqxfkfe
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host24space · 5 years ago
Xpeng Design Challenge 2019
Xpeng Design Challenge 2019
Think out of the box Break the boundaries Drive change
We build intelligently connected all-electric cars for a new generation. Learn more here: https://en.xiaopeng.com/
Follow us on social media for all the latest Xpeng news: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/XpengMotorsGlobal/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/XpengMotors LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/xiaopeng-motors/ YouTube: https:/…
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thetunafo · 6 years ago
#XpengMotors #China: He #Xiaopeng is a Chinese entrepreneur, best known for co-founding companies including, #XPENGMotors, an #intelligent electric vehicle startup and #UCWeb Inc., the… https://t.co/ilp5xEyD3Y
— Tunafo (@TheTunafo) April 3, 2019
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kilogen · 3 years ago
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The XPeng G3 BEV For Sale
Manufactured by Xiaopeng Motors. The XPeng G3 is a subcompact luxury crossover SUV, which began production sometime in 2018. It is known as a battery electric vehicle. Which ranks in top quality among the BEV segment, according to the J.D. Power 2021 Study. As a new car manufacturer in China, the G3 is the first model to obtain this top rating.
With heavy inspiration from Tesla and their open source patents. The XPeng G3 is able to travel up to 520 km (323 mi) on a single charge (NEDC). Also, it is able go from 0 to 60 in approximately 8.4 seconds.
For further details about the vehicle mentioned, be sure to visit the link below.
🚘@KiloGen_ Photo credit(s): Anonymousfox36
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qjawe · 4 years ago
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@xpengmotors (at Xipeng Motors Showroom 小鹏汽车) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGG95-oFs1Z/?igshid=64stvud8wavn
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autochina · 5 years ago
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CCIC Capital and Utrust Exit from Xpeng Motors Shareholders #NIO #XpengMotors The first few months of 2020 reflect a changing attitude among Chinese emerging car manufacturers, showing less optimism about the capital market as can be gleaned from recent developments. For starters, Guangzhou Chengxing Zhidong Automobile Technology Co., Ltd, the main operating company of Xpeng Motors, reduced its registered capital from 383.6337 million yuan to 25.295048 million yuan on February 19, a dramatic 34.06% decrease. Another significant development within Xpeng was the withdrawal of Henan Zhanxin Industrial Investment Fund (Limited Partnership) (one of CICC Capital's investment entities) and Zhaoqing High-tech Zone Construction Investment Development Co., Ltd. (Yuecai Venture Capital Holdings –… Link: https://ift.tt/32ozK8l — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/38XNY2x
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autochina · 5 years ago
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CCIC Capital and Utrust Exit from Xpeng Motors Shareholders #NIO #XpengMotors The first few months of 2020 reflect a changing attitude among Chinese emerging car manufacturers, showing less optimism about the capital market as can be gleaned from recent developments. For starters, Guangzhou Chengxing Zhidong Automobile Technology Co., Ltd, the main operating company of Xpeng Motors, reduced its registered capital from 383.6337 million yuan to 25.295048 million yuan on February 19, a dramatic 34.06% decrease. Another significant development within Xpeng was the withdrawal of Henan Zhanxin Industrial Investment Fund (Limited Partnership) (one of CICC Capital's investment entities) and Zhaoqing High-tech Zone Construction Investment Development Co., Ltd. (Yuecai Venture Capital Holdings –… Link: https://ift.tt/32ozK8l — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/38WFvwl
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