#xo runningman xo
minamisconcierge · 7 years
What do you think are the hogwarts houses of everyone?
I FEEL SO BAD FOR TAKING SO LONG TO ANSWER THIS. These are all based on the traits that are shown on the Harry Potter Wikia.
I’ll put them here for those who are too lazy to go look as well as for myself so i don’t have to keep tabbing in and out lmao
Gryffindor: Bravery, nerve, chivalry, courage, daringHufflepuff: Dedication, hard work, fair play, patience, kindness, tolerance, unafraid of toil, loyaltyRavenclaw: Intelligence, wit, wisdom, creativity, originality, individuality, acceptanceSlytherin: Resourcefulness, cunning, ambition, determination, self-preservation, fraternity, cleverness
MC - Hufflepuff.      Read the traits then look at MC. PLEASE TELL ME THIS ISN’T EVERYTHING THAT SHE EXHIBITS. 
Chiaki - Slytherin     He’s all about keeping himself #1 because everything’s about him. Hell, the reason that you end up being his personal concierge is because he wants to use you for a scandal that’d take him away from being the heir so… He’s always described as someone who’s able to do business negotiations without a sweat and he’s just a big charmer. He has to be good at that though lmao. ALSO COME ON, HE BASICALLY DOES HIS BEST TO SOLVE HIS OWN PROBLEMS AND HE’S JUST THINKING ABOUT THAT AND ALL THE OUTCOMES THAT’D STILL BE BENEFICIAL FOR HIM AND MC TOO OKAy
Toma - Hufflepuff     THIS POOR BOY spent his whole life growing up working his ass off to be accepted by his family and just to prove that he was worthy enough to be there and to AT LEAST OWN ONE OF THE BRANCHES OF THE ROYAL SHINING. Like this boy is dedicated as fuck and just did everything that he could and he still feel like it isn’t enough.
Shizuka - Ravenclaw     Honestly though, The Sorting Hat would’ve probably considered putting him into Gryffindor because he’s an IMPULSIVE PIECE OF SHIT and he’s just so moody. I don’t know, Gryffindors tend to be moody and it’s sorta reckless and they just kinda do what they want and that’s exactly what Shizuka does. he does what he wants and doesn’t really take into consideration the consequences which kinda backfires on him in his route lmao. While he’s not a particular genius academically the way he shows his brains is through is knowledge of modeling yaknow
Minami - Ravenclaw     Kinda like the same with Shizuka, Minami would’ve been considered for another house but it would’ve been Slytherin. Minami is so self centered because he always wants your attention and he’s always thinking ahead of what consequences his actions would do (I was scared of someone becoming precious to me and then slipping away through my hands again) LIKE HE THINKING AHEAD AND THINKING OF WAYS TO KEEP HIMSELF SAFE. But he comes out to be a Ravenclaw because this guy is a boy genius and he knows everything, but he’s just a big piece of shit who wants to play games alL THE FUCKING TIME
Mei - Ravenclaw     I think that he’d just be a pure Ravenclaw bc this boy is a literal musical prodigy. Before he was playing because that was all he had to his name, he was playing because he found it fun and because HE ENJOYED IT. Idk, his musical intelligence and prowess wouldn’t put him anywhere else but Ravenclaw. Maybe if The Sorting Hat had doubts, it’d contemplate Slytherin??? I guess? Mostly bc that boy wants to do his own thing and has his own interests in mind and doesn’t usually give a fuck about anyone else lmao
Rei - Slytherin     Cunning. Isn’t that what Slytherins are known for? Snakes are so coy and cunning, and that’s Rei in a nutshell. He’s just that walking enigma that no one really knows except for what he lets others know about him. He’s manipulative, knows how to get what he wants, and although he’s doing none of it for himself (I’M NOT CRYING YOU’RE CRYING KIMI) HE’S PLANNED EVERYTHING DOWN TO A TEE. Slytherins are always thinking ahead and Rei is like 20 steps ahead of the average Wizard.
Naoki Kokonoe - Gryffindor     HE’S THE PERFECT CONCIERGE AND HE’S ALWAYS POLITE AND DOING CONCERGE-LY THINGS, but then you see him when he talks to MC and DO YOU SEE HIS LEVELS OF SASS THAT THOSE TWO EXCHANGE. @kimilers​ am i wrong I feel like Naoki is an impulsive dude who’s got a bit of wit in him too so I guess he’s also KINDA RAVENCLAW TOO????? HELp MAYBE IT’S BACKWARdS
Rintaro Murayama - Gryffindor     This guy is the purest of pure Gryffndor. Like the way that he doesn’t really dote on MC but... he’s always got her back? Like he’s taking care of her, just that older brother role is just... it just screams Gryffindor. Always looking out for MC and just teasing her and just IDK HE’S SO PURE AND WHOLESOME AND HE JUST ALWAYS SEEMS LIKE THE KINDA GUY TO BE THERE TO SAVE YOU AND HERO YOU, YAKNOW?
Alan Mason - Hufflepuff     OKAY SO I don’t know much about Mister Mason except for the fact that he is a pure boy and just super sweet and just AHHHHHHHH. @quippuh will scream about Alan Mason for years I’m sure. But I think he’d be a Hufflepuff because he just seems so... Playful? Like he’s just so open and friendly and the way that he just talks to you in everyones’ routes he’s in, he introduces himself and then he just TALKS TO YOU LIKE YOU’RE GOOD OL’ BUDS. I don’t know, he just is always looking out for EVERYONE REALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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huhwhatyak · 3 years
5 things that make me happy:
tagged by @carryintothegrey in JULY 2020 and I’m only doing it now I’m so sorry,, hope you’re doing well!!
sitting in cafes/ restaurants for hours having brainless conversations with friends <33
late night outings to the airport when all the shops are closed but the mall is still open to walk around
the feeling of achievement when the fruits you picked from the grocery store are sweet haha
those $1 truffle flavoured chips with the black packaging from 7-eleven oh my god the love of my life,, it’s just a dollar, a small price to pay for happiness
good gacha pulls lol
tagging @akashikuroko0411 @xo-runningman-xo @jutsuzuban @juchann @a-wild-inky-boi
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carryintothegrey · 5 years
-Tagged by @claire-de-macarune. ❤
RULES: Bold in what you prefer and tag ten people!
coffee (only as a last resort) or tea
early bird or night owl
spring or fall
silver or gold
pop or alternative classic & instrumental   MUSIC!
freckles or dimples
snakes or sharks
mountains or fields
thunderstorm or lightning
egyptian or greek mythology
ivory or scarlet
flute or lyre
opal or diamond
butterflies or honeybees
macaroons or eclairs
typewritten or handwritten
secret garden or secret library
rooftop or balcony
spicy or mild (a weak Chindian @claire-de-macarune you’re not alone)
opera or ballet
london or paris (I’ve been to both!! love em)
denim or leather
ocean or desert
mermaids or sirens
masquerade ball or cocktail party 
@gut-goat, @alwaysjusttumblinaround, @illusionlovers, @raydorforpresident, @huhwhatyak, @xo-runningman-xo, @frizz22, @nervouspearl, @akachankami, have fun :)
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akashikuroko0411 · 6 years
Ooo it’s this again
Tagged by @darkredlightblue thank you so much!
Dog or cat? Both but cats more
Netflix or YouTube? Youtube all the wayyy
Phone call or text? Text pls
Toast or eggs? 🍳 Eggs
Music or podcasts while walking? Music
iOS or android? iOS 📱
Swimming or sunbathing? Swimming
Big party or small gathering? Smol gathering
What’s worse, laundry or dishes? Laundry
Jogging or hiking? Jogging
Bath or shower? Shower
Online or in-store shopping? In-store
Receive emails or letters? Emails
Passenger or driver? Passenger
Tablet or computer? Tablet
Most important in a partner: intelligent or funny? Intelligent
Car or truck? 🚗
Blue or red? Blue, better if it’s a darker shade
amusement park or beach? Amusement park
Ocean or mountains? Both are alrite cos sg got none
Coke or Pepsi? Coke probably
Coffee cup or thermos? Thermos I guess
Tv or book? If manga is counted as a book then yea book
Coffee or tea? TEAAAA
Honesty or others’ feelings? Others’ feelings
Blinds or curtains? Don’t even use these but blinds
Train or plane? Train
Horror movies or comedies? Comedies...the only horror I watched was It
Manga or anime? MANGA MANGA MANGA
Let’s tag @huhwhatyak @xo-runningman-xo @peanutbutter-cheesecake @gut-goat and anyone else who wants to do it.
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gut-goat · 7 years
Taggedy tag
Tagged by @xo-runningman-xo Rules: answer the questions in a new post and tag 20 blogs (um no) A - age: 16 B - birth place: Singapore C - current time: 5:25pm (I have to leave soon fuck) D - drink you last had: water E - easiest person to talk to: @victorixmxrie F - favourite song: a lot but I really like 童话 nowadays HAHHAH it's so nostalgic G - grossest memory: have a few but they're too embarrassing but once I laughed while eating and got rice up my nose then I sneezed it out HAHAH H - horror yes or horror no?: Manga/book horror yeh but horror movies nooooo I - in love?: nah J - jealous of people?: yep K - killed someone?: my social life L - love at first sight or should I walk by again: just leave me alone HAHHA M - middle name: don't have one hehe N - number of siblings: 1 O - one wish: be happy P - person you called last: my bro I think Q - question you’re always asked: can you explain this to me (I am the designated nerd) R - reason to smile: clouds and the wind S - song you sang last: bohemian rhapsody hahah T - ?? (it wasn’t in the post) U - underwear colour: grey V - vacation: anywhere tbh W - ?? (again not in it) X - x-rays: for my knees Y - your favourite food: chocolate and juice (y'all know which one) Z - zodiac sign: astrological: aquarius- while chinese: dragon I tag: @victorixmxrie @yuzuicecream @moriuhhty @onlycatsshouldexist
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blacklynx14 · 7 years
Sorry everyone who reblogged. The pokemon Egg post ended when I hit 8k reblogs. I hope you all can understand I’m sorry an egg won’t be sent to you. But I hope you all can continue to still love Pokemon. Link below showing I had ended it, thank you for your time. https://blacklynx14.tumblr.com/post/159745700527/blacklynx14-blacklynx14-want-a-pokemon-egg
@finemus  -   @evergreenglow  -   @atoyont  -   @natcaptor  -   @sionnachsskulk  -   @who-even-knows-man  -   @niedrigerfett  -   @maxhasnolife  -   @umbrellabean  -   @musicalcakes  -   @inexchangeforyoursoul  -   @adance-with-dragons   -   @masquerading-brambles  -   @galactic-dinosaurs  -   @epicmurdock  -   @secretlifeofeb  -   @greenteakitcat  -   @pixi1314  -   @soursop4  -   @woebegone-vangogh  -   @occasionally-vanillite  -   @kepler-420b  -   @sawara12  -   @drvulpixgrant  -   @diminutive-doodler  -  @karakuripierrot6  -   @werewolfie  -   @americankimchi  -   @tiamatomega  -   @nusuly  -   @thingamajoe  -   @delosbattleborn   -   @portaltowhateverland  -   @knight-kennedy  -   @thebookofmadison  -   @aerefyr  -   @lukeskywalkersbutt  -   @notactuallyherenotreally  -   @junk-x-hog  -   @artsy444  -   @luciencor  -   hotdiggitydagger  -   havpojke  -   cinnamiccutie  -   miles-the-lunatic -  @foreveralonenymphomaniac  -   @demiksmith  -   @callii  -   @zxragnarockxz  -   @bluwingskitty  -   @crushallotherillusions  -   baeng  -   iblicron  -   everyvarietyavailable  -   thatthingwithyoureyes  -   @autisticthatthouknowestthine   -   @cass-darling  -   @13bella  -   @harding-in-hightown  -   @hakusamia  -   @janethepegasus  -   @arcanecelebration  -   @dcummings21  -   @fossilfinding  -   @doctor-whothefuckknows  -   @crazy-fangirl45  -   @dienosaur  -   @dear-chaton  -   @themadamharu  -   @cerelu  -   @lotusfang89  -   @mintypatronus  -   @koganelovesmcclain  -   @mintypatronus  -   @princetins  -   @demonlily1  -   @gaykatsudononice  -   @toxicwaste97  -   @hutbywiredillusions  -   @saveasrielplease  -   @definitely-not-canon  -   @just-plain-aiden  -  @sylviesiren16  -   @littleangelrex  -   @cryinginto  -   @themarlow25  -   @carpediem-tolive-torise   -   @therealkeeshe  -   @memvoir  -   @citrus-room-spray  -   @askaphviennapls  -   @aratcpg  -   @matthewpkjarr  -   @i-ship-a-lot-of-ships  -   @paranoialoser  -   @eseidita5  -   @minimirai  -   @bother-bother  -   @ladyoctopus  -   @badkarma1998  -   @uykgnus  -    @thewolfgodfenrir  -   @serene-galaxy  -   @teacup-trash  -   @les-amis-at-the-4077th  -   @themuffinbaby  -   @kittyyuri  -   @ocholaloco  -   @personalized-radio  -   @wooferdill  -   @niru13  -   @sakujen  -   @another-horny-anon  -   @cheshirekattt666  -   @angelmonster546  -   @the-fantastic-chimichanga  -   @sexygardevoir  -   @lost-in-ideals  -   @aphnetherlandsgooglehistory  -   @canadas-googlesearchhistory  -   @illinoisgooglehistory  -   @flamingfurbysgooglehistory  -   @prucantrashcan  -   @panasauruskaiju  -   @coloursandcurls  -   @alands-google-history  -   @ghostkittie13  -   @willowriverspiritwriter  -   @theawesomepotatogilbert  -   @patowan  -   @higglety  -   @mindofathousandthoughts  -   @olhetti  -   @everything-thats-creepy  -   @lilcroco  -   @gothenburgs-googlehistory  -   @steal-ya-gurl-2p-liechtenstien  -   @senor-mecha  -   @karimakuzuki  -   @ghitatheo  -   @krythewolf  -   @king-blackquill  -   @prettydangace  -   @hexmyex  -   @gaytorboylife  -   @theserpentsnake  -   @flambouyantfanboy  -   @colormemad  -   @memvoir  -   @irunonmusic  -   @outcastcommander  -   @aujumphomepage  -   @phichits-hamsters  -   @superhopefulloser  -   @griffinpuff2009phan  -   @northstarr08  -   @banana-spice  -   @thecombee  -   @doctorjohcoy  -   @blondehaired  -   @kitsuneawakening  -   @meowzebub  -   @exhaustioninducedapathy  -   @yoki-gin  -   @yumpyboii  -   @graythesoul  -   @itslollolinson  -   @kacyl-deadfish  -   @thefandomhoarder2  -   @weaselanator  -   @mimeticeternity  -   @h2o2coolingtubes  -   @thedlcali  -   @outstanding4karli  -   @sushi-snek  -   @gayspacejay  -   @hoopafanlily305  -   @mynippleys  -   @zeesfavgifs  -   @not-the-sharpest-shed  -   @strange-imaginings-of-violets  -   @sneezehq  -   @paperstarfruit  -   @isthatironyorisitjustsad  -   @chara-cat  -   @xo-runningman-xo  -   @whocares-idont  -   @oak-champagne  -   @marlenexworst  -   @espiritdecorp  -   @themisadventuresoffandoms  -   @meeblfallen  -   @mossheadedmisfit  -   @asktealfeferi  -   @galacticunorthodox  -   @legend-triangle  -   @piratepinguin  -   @tehderpehpinkz  -   @ninniana  -   @maddyisherexx  -   @kawaiiome  -   @outspokenindividual  -   @abvfluxing  -   @augustevestreeoflife  -   @thomasecarley  -   @wandering-shepard  -   @roardenasaur  -   @rayray950  -   @at0micgin  -   @anonyony1  -   @smolsickficwriter  -   @amazingleyawesome  -   @daderpypineapple  -   @daderpypineapple  -   @chevnep  -   @sickficlover  -   @sickyaboi  -   sleptthedayaway  -   glitterprinsessa  -   themuseofvoid  -   momenteiman  -   @arcardia  -   @ashermcmillen  -   @notexactlywarmandfuzzy  -   @kushamisukida  -   @yae666  -   @ask-the-workshop-devil  -   @casual-firemonkey  -   @hephaestustestified  -   @wasabikitkat  -   @randomtabletperson-blog  -   @femaleralts  -   @route-117  -   @cemiorva  -   @dorkylittlecrows  -   @animetrash21  -   @shooooodbosnes  -   @heartsy-artsy-pony  -   @freefinancialhugs  -   @omg-i-love-tacos-so-much101  -   @2pbritanniasgooglehistory  -   @ghostkittie13 -  @2pscotlandsgooglehistorys   -   @thatprettyboyhowell  -   @2pnorways-googlehistory  -   @arandompuffin  -   @onedayriot  -   @ainsleyucommon  -   @ghostiibear  -   @2pdenmarks-googlehistory  -   @egyptsgooglehistory  -   @kali-isms  -   @deathbloomslikeroses  -   @jaunearc-isms  -   @darkshadowsnake  -   @crazzy-fandom-chiick  -   @le-reveur-brise  -   @hetalialover11  -   @the-silent-screamer  -   @and-his-name-is-rouge-crimson  -   @soda-rebel  -   @staceysdog  -   @dearest-creature-in-creation  -   @guinevere01  -   @alltheringsofsaturn  -   @crazilyawesomeme  -   @missobsessive98 -   @thisisapseudonym  -   @alecisautistic  -   @thekittycatsofyoutube  -   @007queer  -   @fiestylion  -   @sydneysenpai-chan  -   @lostangelauriel  -   @the-dragonairess  -   @decepticanteven  -   @sashathephoenix  -   @phoenixwarriorrising  -   @galaxia-decima  -   @rhythmic-oceans  -   @bellatheinsane  -   @aardvulf  -   @witchcraft-with-space-lesbean  -   @metallicprince  -   @makeroomfornyoom  -   @cats-have-taken-over  -   @kacethekitten  -   @sassychickwhodontneednoman  -   @writeswithafist  -   @chocolatecoveredturkdurken  -   @poet-the-tinkerer  -   @tardisridetohogwarts  -   @panicatthesysco -   @its-kei-not-hotaru  -   @starfishtsunami  -   @shadowkissedbelle  
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filiphannosquad · 7 years
welcome to filiphannosquad!! these are the wonderful members of this net, it’d be great if y’all follow each other! ✨
@phtl: monique, she/her 
@iblameditonthenargles: zia, she/her
@iisummertimelivinii: kate, they/them
@heavenlyhowell: jamie, she/her
@madelainepetsches: eli, they/them
@etheralpml: kevynne, she/her
@jacelandicho: jace, she/her
@xo-runningman-xo: hannah, she/her
@starmoras-walkman: kiana, she/her
@romeaustria: romana, she/her
@dennietime: denise/dennie, they/them
@daffophils: brianna, she/her
@danielpov: kristin, she/her
@nervouslester: annika, she/he/they
triggers we want this net to be a safe place so we should try not to bring these topics up in the gc:
flesh cuts
the majority of you agreed to have our gc on whatsapp so make sure to download the app then we’ll message you here for your number! we’re excited for the good time and bants we’re about to have, hopefully we can all become good friends!
♡ lo & alex ♡
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watercolourtrees · 7 years
Thanks @abriefoboeview for the tag!! Rules: answer the questions with the first letter of your name, then tag 10 people. if the person who tagged you has the same initial, you must use different answers. you cannot use the same word twice. what is your name? Tara
a four letter word? Test 
a boy’s name? Trevor 
an occupation? Teacher
something you wear? Tank top 
a color? Turquoise 
a food? Tortilla (I've been having a lot of dreams about tortillas and eggs benedict lately is this a sign??)
a place? Tokyo (I rlly want to go to Japan sob😪)
something you shout? TURN THE VOLUME UPPPPPP
a movie title? Tuesdays with Morrie (the book is way better tbvh check it out it's coolios)
something you drink? Tea (lmao I'm a flipping tea queen)
an animal? Tiger
a type of car? Toyota title of a song? To break in a glove (DEAR EVAN HANSEN CHECK IT OUT ITS A GR8 MUSICAL) I nominate: @xo-runningman-xo and @fuckyeahorchestra
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ughryn · 8 years
Tumblr media
guess what i’ve been putting off doing......! ( @look-alive-sunshine & @xo-runningman-xo )
So i’m only gonna list 5 things and not 25 things ashsjkldhf: My gf, the vast majority of tumblr (the tumblr that I see, anyways) , dogs, newish music (you know the words but it’s not overplayed), the feeling you get when you try a new candy and it’s SO good 
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taigakirisame · 7 years
days you made blogs (birthday of your blogs - birthblogs)
@xo-runningman-xo you took over on 23 February 2016 it was made on 10 September 2015 @sevenhottiesalltheirclothes it was created on 13 June 2016 @taigakirisame was conceived on 3 December 2016 note: these are blogs you have total control over rather than group blogs (pst if youre wondering, @huhwhatsthis was birthed on 31 march 2016)
@tortoiseboys when was that made tbc if i ever remember to update
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huhwhatyak · 5 years
Rules of the Game: Answer these questions, and tag 10 blogs you’d like to know better!
Tagged by @carryintothegrey :))
Nickname(s): grapez, poturge (don’t ask...idek how this happened) 
Zodiac: Pisces
Height: 163.5!! cm
Time: 1.37 AM SGT
Favourite Band/Artist: I don’t really have a particular favourite one atm? 
Song Stuck in My Head: “Once and For All” from Newsies
Last Movie I Saw: I’m actually watching Spiderman Into the Spiderverse right now hahaha since it was released on netflix like an hour ago
Last Thing I Googled: Citethisforme lmaooo
Other Blogs: :))) this is the only one I’m active on atm but I used to run quite a number of blogs back in 2017 wink wonk
Do I Get Asks?: nope but pls
Why This Username?: heh I was annoyed because all the users I wanted were already taken so I typed in “huhwhat”, but that was also taken. The first word that came to mind after that was “yak” so here I am
Following: 200! exactly
Average Amount of Sleep: I try for 6-8 hours. It really depends.
Lucky Number: 2 or 13
What am I Wearing: a blue shirt that was a freebie from one of those flag day events I volunteered for and comfy shorts bc I’m ready to reunite with my bed soon
Dream Job: idk man
Dream Trips: I’d love to be able to go to Japan and attend a seiyuu live or something. Road trips are fun too
Favourite Food: umm nyonya buah keluak. it looks really weird because it’s all black but it’s so good
Instruments I play: none I’m musically illiterate 
Eye Color: brown
Hair Color: dark brown
Aesthetic: staring out a car window when it’s raining outside, especially if it’s at night
Languages I speak: English, terrible Chinese, vERY BASIC Japanese since I’m taking the JLPT next week whew wish me luck
Most Iconic Song: I want Waving Through a Window played at my funeral thanks
Random Fact: I like how since koi from tsukiuta ages with real time, massu can now sing as koi comfortably with his normal range instead of straining his voice all the time
Tagging @akashikuroko0411 @xo-runningman-xo @anteiquinx @aseria @sevenseasmelody 
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akashikuroko0411 · 7 years
Gdi again in the same day
Tagged by @xo-runningman-xo
Rules: answer the questions in a new post and tag 20 blogs you would like to know better
A - age: 15 going 16
B - birth place: Singapore
C - current time: 17:59 ( supposed to be 16:53 and 17:54 but hey tumblr crashed twice)
D - drink you last had: water
E - easiest person to talk to: grace and hannah
F - favourite song: changes from time to time but as of now, nagare boshi- kamiya hiroshi
G - grossest memory: i don’t think it’s the grossest but just now my pervert cousin who is 5 yrs old was shouting “penis” repeatedly and he took off his pants and underwear in front of me
H - horror yes or horror no?: nah
I - in love?: nope as of now unless fictional
J - jealous of people?: ofc
K - killed someone?: ants and mosquitoes
L - love at first sight or should I walk by again: walk by again
M - middle name: NIL
N - number of siblings: 1
O - one wish: i7,trg, revale and everyone in their companies are alright in story 3
P - person you called last: mum
Q - question you are always asked: are you two siblings? (My mum n me look similar, same height and size too)
R - reason to smile: Tsurugi being safe and alright
S - song you sang last: Sakura message - i7
T- top 3 fictional characters: kamiya tsurugi, osaka sougo, akashi seijuro
U - underwear colour: a mix of colours though, pink white and blue
V - vacation: japan
W - When's your birthday: 29 August
X - x-rays: most recent was for my teeth
Y - your favourite food: beef and cheese
Z - zodiac sign: astrological: virgo while chinese: metal snake
Tagging: @junelynnie @peanutbutter-cheesecake and anyone else who wanna do it
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huhwhatyak · 6 years
Tagged by: @yotsutama :))
Rules: Answer 30 questions and tag 20 people!
Nicknames: huhwhatyak / grapez (from primary school lmao)
Gender: Female
Star Sign: Pieces
Height: 164cm the last time I checked
Time: 11.38 am
Birthday: 13 March
Favorite Bands:
EN: Make Out Monday, Fall Out Boy
JP: IDOLiSH7 (does that count?? haha), Trignal, Oldcodex
Favorite Solo Artists: Ono Kensho, Hosoya Yoshimasa, KENN
Song that is stuck in your head: Wait for it 
Last Movie: Deadpool
Last TV Show: Master of None
Why I Created This Blog: It’s my personal tumblr haha
What Do You Post/Reblog: anything voltron, marvel, idolish7 related? stuff that makes me smile:)) sometimes i make gifsets
Last Thing You Googled: purpose of inserting a glass funnel in the flask during heating (it was for my chem datasheet)
Other Blogs: aaa i have a lot but i recently started a studyblr @chickenricegpa
Why the URL?: the usernames i wanted were taken and i was getting kinda frustrated by “sorry that username has been taken” and so I tried @/ huhwhat but that was also taken. first word that came to mind was yak, thus @/huhwhatyak :)) i’ve also kept to this username in all my social media haha except snapchat since you can’t change users ughh
I Follow: 174 blogs
Followers: 637 :’)
Lucky Numbers: i always put option no. 3 on an mcq i don’t know the answer to?
Instruments: none haha
What Are You Wearing: my lab coat over a marvel shirt from uniqlo and some jeans (yeah i’m doing this in the chem lab)
Dream Job: i actually have no idea, but i’m currently working towards my diploma in biomedical science
Last Book You Read: The Joy Luck Club (my Os literature book lmao), but does Dirty Laundry count??
Top 3 Universes: Voltron, Idolish7, and I’d be lying if I said I wouldn't want to live in the same universe as the avengers
I Tag: @xo-runningman-xo, @akashikuroko0411, @gut-goat, @carryintothegrey @starmyus
Reason Behind the Tags: tagging my irl friends on tumblr bc i miss y’all
if you wanna be tag just let me know! i did this late so almost everyone i wanted to tag has already done it;;
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huhwhatyak · 7 years
tagged by @carefreejules (*^▽^*)
5 things you’ll find on my blog:
“reblog if” posts from @xo-runningman-xo
seiyuu stuff
random posts that i comment on in the tags
5 things you can find in my bedroom: `
a mess
school books. tons of untouched tys and practice papers
stationery and cool art supplies i haven’t used in years (thanks school ://)
lots of my sisters’ bags hahaha
5 things that make me happy:
good wifi
free food
school holidays
5 things on my to do list:
i should be studying?
read the i7 fanbook ;w;
the idolsona stats pentagonal graph i promised to make weeks ago i’m sorry
put up the 2 new clocks we got from ikea months ago
watch that yoi seiyuu event
5 things you might not know about me:
i get hungry really easily
i actually like doing paperwork like filing and admin work lol
i’m probably allergic to more food than the food that i dislike
i’m constantly tired
i want to skip school on wednesday shhh
tagging some buds whom bring me joy when i see the light blue highlight in my notifications and like the trash that i post/ reblog  ヾ(´▽`;)ゝ
@xo-runningman-xo @akashikuroko0411 @iamtheoceansgaywaves @aseria @anteiquinx @shsl-mahou-shoujo-ageha 
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huhwhatyak · 7 years
Rules: answer the questions in a new post and tag 20 blogs as if I have that many friends you would like to know better
tagged by @xo-runningman-xo tagging any bored soul with the time and motivation to do this
A - age: 16
B - birth place: singapore
C - current time: 9.52pm
D - drink you last had: lemon tea
E - easiest person to talk to: unice @akashikuroko0411 and hannah @xo-runningman-xo? and probably my brother (as long as it’s not about i7/seiyuu stuff and school work)
F - favourite song: i don’t have one but monster generation is forever my jam
G - grossest memory: i squished a slug after i woke up from a short nap, sitting upright on the floor by the front door of my house? long story don’t ask. i cried when i reached school lmao
H - horror yes or horror no?: no?
I - in love?: izumi iori
J - jealous of people?: very
K - killed someone?: uh last week my youngest sister made me disect her stained stuffed toy to get the fluff inside for sock puppets ://
L - love at first sight or should I walk by again: walk by again and see if you still have the same reaction (nice one hannah)
M - middle name: —- (not saying because it’s technically my surname) 
N - number of siblings: 5!!!!!i’m the eldest lmao
O - one wish: to get more wishes attending a live concert by the i7 seiyuus
P - person you called last: my grandma~
Q - question you’re always asked: do you play sports? (why?? does this potato look like she wants to go outside??)
R - reason to smile: family, friends and idolish7
S - song you sang last: i yelled the lyrics perfection gimmick after seeing that new visual?
T- top 3 fictional characters: izumi iori, mikleo, kirishima eijirou
U - underwear colour: turquoise (this sounds like a question only ymt would ask)
V - vacation: nihon!!
W- when’s your birthday: 13 march
X - x-rays: none iirc
Y - your favourite food: chocolate coated pretzels
Z - zodiac sign: astrological: pisces ; chinese: metal snake
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huhwhatyak · 7 years
Tagged by @xo-runningman-xo ew
Rules: Answer the questions with the first letter of your name, then tag 10 people. If the person who tagged you has the same initial, you must use different answers. You cannot use the same word twice.
What is your name? grace
A four letter word? gosh
A boy’s name? gaku
An occupation? genius pffft
Something you wear? glasses
A colour? green
A food? grapez
A place? greece
Something you shout? GO AWAYYYY
A movie title? guardians of the galaxy
Something you drink? green tea
A type of car? hmm golf?
Title of a song? uhhh does “Gaku's_humming” count lmao
otherwise it’d be Gradation by onoken and suwabe~
tagging my discord group buddies:))
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