#besides yazu pretty much tagged everyone i wanted to tag haha
huhwhatyak · 6 years
Tagged by: @yotsutama :))
Rules: Answer 30 questions and tag 20 people!
Nicknames: huhwhatyak / grapez (from primary school lmao)
Gender: Female
Star Sign: Pieces
Height: 164cm the last time I checked
Time: 11.38 am
Birthday: 13 March
Favorite Bands:
EN: Make Out Monday, Fall Out Boy
JP: IDOLiSH7 (does that count?? haha), Trignal, Oldcodex
Favorite Solo Artists: Ono Kensho, Hosoya Yoshimasa, KENN
Song that is stuck in your head: Wait for it 
Last Movie: Deadpool
Last TV Show: Master of None
Why I Created This Blog: It’s my personal tumblr haha
What Do You Post/Reblog: anything voltron, marvel, idolish7 related? stuff that makes me smile:)) sometimes i make gifsets
Last Thing You Googled: purpose of inserting a glass funnel in the flask during heating (it was for my chem datasheet)
Other Blogs: aaa i have a lot but i recently started a studyblr @chickenricegpa
Why the URL?: the usernames i wanted were taken and i was getting kinda frustrated by “sorry that username has been taken” and so I tried @/ huhwhat but that was also taken. first word that came to mind was yak, thus @/huhwhatyak :)) i’ve also kept to this username in all my social media haha except snapchat since you can’t change users ughh
I Follow: 174 blogs
Followers: 637 :’)
Lucky Numbers: i always put option no. 3 on an mcq i don’t know the answer to?
Instruments: none haha
What Are You Wearing: my lab coat over a marvel shirt from uniqlo and some jeans (yeah i’m doing this in the chem lab)
Dream Job: i actually have no idea, but i’m currently working towards my diploma in biomedical science
Last Book You Read: The Joy Luck Club (my Os literature book lmao), but does Dirty Laundry count??
Top 3 Universes: Voltron, Idolish7, and I’d be lying if I said I wouldn't want to live in the same universe as the avengers
I Tag: @xo-runningman-xo, @akashikuroko0411, @gut-goat, @carryintothegrey @starmyus
Reason Behind the Tags: tagging my irl friends on tumblr bc i miss y’all
if you wanna be tag just let me know! i did this late so almost everyone i wanted to tag has already done it;;
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