#xiumin facts
minsoek · 1 year
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minseok during don’t go ♡ exo’ clock  
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baconnotbaekhyun · 1 year
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EXO 'Cream Soda' M/V Teaser Images
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tulsa24 · 1 year
idk if exo is falling apart (like much more than normal) or if exo’s gonna pull a shinhwa and continue as a group independently but good god i pray that exo stays 9.
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gyuhaowoocheol · 2 years
Allow me to present my all time most favourite video and my ults aka the Kings Of Kpop
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kkeomchiz · 2 years
do i already stan them? yes | only for the music | attempting to | no
my bias + bias wrecker: xiumin! maybe kyungsoo or baekhyun 🤨 and jongin but he's on timeout for a bit
first time i heard of them: probably 2015 💀
when i became a fan: 2017 during the war era!!
favorite (and least favorite) title track: favorite: lucky one and overdose.. maybe lotto. least fav: power and dont fight the feeling 😭 sorry
favorite (and least favorite) b-side: favorite: hurt, touch it and playboy (for reasons). least fav: let out the beast and peter pan 🫣
favorite (and least favorite) mv: favorite: love shot, dmumt and lucky one. least fav: power and wolf 😵‍💫
favorite (and least favorite) album: favorite: exodus 🫶🏻 least fav: i dont .. enjoy any of their winter albums sorry
a concept i wished they’d try: whatever love shot was but sluttier
what i like most about them: theyre super talented 👁️👁️ AND FUNNY theyre so funny i always giggle seeing them on variety shows
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1eos · 2 years
leo really is the it boy of introverts. he never talks more than necessary. posts a fraction of his business. has a million friends regardless. is beloved. leaves the house to serve on some new project. touches up on his polycule. goes home and drinks wine. as a fellow introvert he’s my princess diana
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babieken · 2 years
Thanks for the information about Kihyun’s album release. I was going to look at the Monsta X info account but I feel like you are basically a Kihyun/Shownu bible lol. This sounds bad but I feel disappointed the release seems boring?? nothing stands out?? Kihyun has so much potential and sh*tstain is holding him back. Bring back the exciting co*k/sl*tty music .
yeah.... tell me about it
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#i almost feel bad about not being excited abt it bc there's nothing exciting about it#like i see moots rbbing the announcement/poster screaming abt it and I kinda envy them#i wish i could be excited too but it's literally the most boring thing I've ever seen#and the fact that a lot of the scenes and the concept seems to overlap with wonho's cb#the park. the bubbles. (there were more similarities but they're so forgettable I can't remember them)#idk if the bg music in the concept clips are parts of the actual title track (kihyun's) but it sounds like any OST song#i think it's the 'main vocal curse'#idr if i saw a post abt it here or on twt (probably here) but it seems like damn near every main vocal who's released a solo album it was-#-the most boring thing. and usually a ballad.#off the top of my head i can name like 4-5 of the#suho. ken (vixx). ksoo. kihyun#maybe even baekhyun. like i actually liked the song (and the album I think) but he could've gone with something way more exciting#and then kai (who was the member who got made fun of by fans for not being able to sing) released one of the best debut songs and albums#that shit was so good???? the concept. the music. the fashion. the EFFORT that was put into his highlight medly (short film thing)#idk man...#idk if this counts too (cuz idk xiumin's role in the group) but I absolutely hated everything abt his debut song and mv#to the point i didn't even check out the album... like what was that??? a joke???#anyway back to Kihyun. yeah i don't have high hopes for this album at all. at least with the first one we had hopes it would be rock#and we got like some sexy teasers (along with some weird ones like that chicken nugget on the plate...)#but i just know this song is going to be something romantic and cheesy and it will be so boring bc it's just him in some park or an apartme#alone.#bc god forbid any girl got near their oppas in an MV#it would ruin the illusion#anyway siojdflis sorry abt the rant. iam very upset ant Kihyun#Kihyun's* cb so far.#i was excited abt wonho's until yestersay when I found out... just scroll down until u see the vid I posted#ask#anon
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jongbross · 1 year
Exo reaction making their s/o cry??
xiumin: i think he doesn't care at first. like, when he looks at you and sees your eyes tearing up he wouldn't be that fazed. he would bother though as the tears starts to fall, the expression on your face telling him he had gone too far. his heart falters, and he sighs because he knows he screw up. minseok might not apologize right away, but he'll do it the next morning or something, just give him time to also process his feelings.
suho: this is kinda tricky. junmyeon can either react by giving you the cold shoulder and letting you cry because you also hurted him (and he might cry himself), or by pulling you to his chest as soon as the tears starts falling and apologizing straight away. i think it depends on what's the reason why he made you cry - was it something stupid he said? he will apologize in a heartbeat. was it because of an argument that you two had and he still thinks you're being unreasonable? he will let you cry, sorry.
lay: "please, stop crying" is the first thing ypu hear once your eyes get wet - not because yixing is mad at you or anything, but because he can't stand the sight of you crying. it doesn't matter the reason, if you two were fighting, even if he's right about the argument; he hates seeing you cry, and the moment he does, it's all gone for him. he even forgets what he was going to say, what his point was, whatever. can't tell which one is hurting the most, you (who are crying) or yixing (who has the saddest eyes ever as he watches your tears roll down your face).
baekhyun: he has a soft, soooft heart. baekhyun can't stand seeing people cry, it breaks him too, so it wouldn't be different with you. let's say you two had an argument, and things escalated kinda quickly; firstly, baekhyun is the one to start crying, even though he tries to hold back as much as he can. secondly, the moment you start crying as well, he shuts up and reaches for you. he uses his thumbs to caress your tears away, not saying a damn word and fighting the urge to kiss you to make you calm down.
chen: another tricky one. jongdae can be kind of a fucker and not care if you're crying IF what you said back at him hurt him too. as he doesn't cry so often, maybe you won't know that you've hurted him, but if you did... you can cry all you want, he thinks it's only fair (as you don't know the damage you did inside him). but if not, if he messed up something "small" but that it still mattered to you, jongdae will sit beside you and talk about what he can do to show you how sorry he is (and he really is).
chanyeol: actually you're the one who's making him cry, shame on you (because i honestly think chanyeol is the most sentimental one out of all the members and he tries to be careful with his words because he knows the damage they can make).
d.o: kyungsoo is very logical about things, i think. i picture him as being the type of person to let you cry as you need to put it all out of your chest, but once you're done he will approach you and hold your hand as he apologizes, probably not for what he said/done but for hurting you, and say that if he's hurting you then maybe you two should think about your relationship because "i love you and it isn't supposed to be this way. are you sure i'm good for you? am i not doing the opposite of what i should?".
kai: it will all depend on what happened, to be honest. jongin is very soft hearted, but he will stomp his feet and not give in if he believes he's right about something. if he's not, then he will try to hug you and apologize, bu he won't like if you push him away because it's eating him up the fact that he was the one who got you messed up like that. jongin will pout and say things like "please, don't do that, i'm really sorry". i don't think it's that healthy, but that's something he has to work on.
sehun: he doesn't know how to react. sehun doesn't know if he should reach for you and take you into his arms, or if he should give you some space to deal with your own feelings. some emotions can make him uncomfortable, and it's not necessarily his fault, he just doesn't know what to do. but sehun is a mature guy - more than we think, actually -, so he will find by himself the balance between respecting your space and trying to apologize, which is actually learning how to read you and your body language. if you're crying silently, then he knows you might want him to make it up for you asap; if you're crying and swearing, not at him, but at the world in general, then he knows that you're just trying to settle your emotions down and that maybe it's better if you two don't speak for the rest of the day.
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dilxcc · 8 months
you and me ᡣ𐭩 byun baekhyun
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fluff, mentions of exo members, established relationshio, secret relationship, grammatical error
idol!baekhyun x reader
a/n this will be the first ever fanfiction that i will write for the fandom ;) i hope its good. likes, comments, reblogs and feedbacks are highly appreciated <3
"hyung, did you see that?" sehun whispered to suho, his eyes not leaving the smiling baekhyun. for the past few minutes, baekhyun had been smiling like an idiot. sehun thought that his smile looks silly. because he looked like someone who's in love.
the other members joined in and watched him discreetly (obviously). the constant glances that they threw however, goes by unnoticed. they wondered what he was doing that got him so engrossed at the phone's screen.
they took note, eyes met whenever they see baekhyung chuckling or blushing slightly. everything was going well until suddenly, chanyeol gave up. "okay, what's so interesting to the point that you're smiling at your phone like an idiot?" chanyeol huffed.
caught off guard, he immediately turned his phone off and put it away. "n-nothing! it was just a funny youtube video," he quickly looked away. "if it's a funny video, then why won't you show it to us?" xiumin butts in. he quickly got up from his seat. "you guys are nosy," he feigned annoyance. they knew that he didn't actually mean it.
because they could see the way his ears turned red as he walked away.
"who do you think is it?" sehun asked, looking at his hyung impatiently. "maybe it was the female idol that he met at the last award show?" suho inquire. "hmm... maybe,"
baekhyun plopped down on his bed, slightly out of breath despite only walking back to his room. his bandmates suspicion made his heart beats fast. he tried as hard as he can to keep you a secret. but then again. why would he need to keep you a secret? it wasn't like he's doing anything wrong. he likes you and you like him too.
the constant buzz from his phone snapped him out of his thoughts. he looked at the notification and realized that you left him multiple text. he smiled slightly, realizing that you were probably worried as he didn't say anything before turning his phone off earlier.
baek? are you okay?
where are you?
is everything alright?
the others were with me
i think they know :(
i'm sorry
let's call.
it's easier to talk
he quickly picked up the call and smiled. "hey," he greeted you nervously. "hey," you greeted him back and get comfortable in your bed. "i don't mind, you know?" you started.
slightly confused, he asked you what you had meant. "i don't mind if people know," you continued, your voice trembling slightly because of the nerve. "in fact, i would like it better if i could show the world that i'm dating you. it's a flex you know?" you hit your lip, trying to suppress your smile.
he was speechless for a moment. before he let out a small chuckle. "i thought it was just me. turns out i was being nervous for no reason," he smiled, turning on his side to get more comfortable. "do you think we should tease the fans?" he asked in a mischievous tone. "as long as you're with me, i don't mind,"
after a few more days of hiding his relationship with you, he was finally ready to tell his bandmates. they were his family after all. they deserve to know.
"oh, we kinda figured it out already," chanyeol shrugged while jongin's mouth were agaped. "huh? you've got a girlfriend?! when???"
the others took turn to tease jongin for being clueless. baekhyun were relieved to see that his bandmates were accepting of his relationship. he wasn't actually worried that they won't accept you. because they would, no matter what.
baekhyun took you out on a date after that. both of you weren't exactly hiding your faces. he was only wearing a cap. and you too. all the while holding each others hand as you walked around in public.
you could smell the videos and pictures that would be up online by now and rumors about you two being together. it was exactly what you had wanted, so you didn't mind.
"i heard that there was a great cafe around here. i want to take you there," he said softly, squeezing your hand slightly. "let's go then," you smiled.
you take your seat by the window after ordering your coffee. "the pastries look so good..." you groaned. "why didn't you order them?" he asked softly, his hand holding yours on top of the table. "i'm on a diet. it's because of our next concert," you pouted. "well, i'll treat you to it. and you can't reject it," he smirked.
"it's fine if you treat yourself once in a while. i know that you haven't been eating anything sweet for a while now," he said softly as the waiter put the pastry in front of you. "i promise i won't tell anyone," he smiled cheekily.
you snorted before taking a bite of the cream puff. "it's really good..." you groaned.
as the two of you enjoy your date, you didn't even notice the constant shuttering noise from a camera.
after your date, both of you took a walk at the park. it was already dark and there was only the two of you. his hand were clasps with yours, not willing to let you go just yet. you walked side by side in silence. it wasn't because he doesn't want to talk to you. it was just that there was no words to say. and it was fine. the silence were comfortable. it engulf you with warmness and aware of his every movement.
and both of you were already happy with that. despite the fact that the internet had been filled with pictures of you two out on a date. you didn't mind. as long as you have each other. that was enough.
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paintingwhiteceilings · 8 months
Can you do Male Reader X EXO?
So, its basically when either Male reader or an EXO member is struggling with his homework.
❃EXO and helping with your school/uni work ❃
A/N: Heyyy, I am so sorry this took as long as it did. I had to take some time off of posting on Tumblr as I am about to start my graduation process for my RMA. In a way, it was super cathartic to write this prompt so it became a bit of a mix between school and uni work, I hope you don't mind :')
Regarding male x-readers: I try to keep my prompt as gender-neutral as possible, mostly so anyone can insert themselves regardless of whether they identify as male, female, non-binary, etc. However, I am totally open to doing any LGBTQIA+-specific prompts, so feel free to do so!
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✾ Considering this man is rumoured to have a PhD (although not specified in what), you would think that he would be an amazing person to have around when you are struggling through your homework/coursework. However, being smart doesn’t always equate to being able to offer understandable explanations.
✾ His brain skips so many steps when he is tackling a problem or working on an essay. He knows why something is right or wrong, but he can’t really explain how he got to his answers. It comes so naturally to him that he struggles to dissect his thought processes and convey them to someone else.
✾ Ultimately, he will convince you to email your teacher/professor; they can explain it much better than he can, anyway. After having corresponded so often with professors during his own studies, he is more than capable of helping you with formulating your email in such a way that they would agree to help you out.
✾ Still, after having studied as much as he has, he understands the struggle of keeping up with homework/coursework. Considering he got his degrees whilst being an idol, he is incredible at planning his work efficiently. Thus, he instead offers to help you with creating a schedule, giving you a more healthy work-life balance.
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✾ Well, considering that he has an MA in Cultural Management and talked at Stanford (plus it has been proven time and time again that Suho is incredibly intelligent), he is one of the best members to go to if you ever struggle with your homework/coursework. He strikes me as someone who, although they are incredibly smart, can explain his inner thoughts very well.
✾ Give him a whiteboard, and he will shine. Don’t ask me why, but I can totally imagine him being one of those people that is convinced that “you have to visualize things. Write it down to have more space in your head to think.” Does that work? Maybe. Is it annoying to be told time and time again to “just draw it”? Yes.
✾ If he isn’t familiar with the topic/class that you are struggling with, he will take time out of his busy schedule to familiarize himself with it. He will find a couple of sources or a handbook so that he can read up on it.
✾ A part of him enjoys studying and learning together, smiling the entire time as you do so. Despite your own stress on why you can’t seem to work through the problem/assignment, you can’t help but return his quiet enthusiasm.
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✾ Another member who went to university to get his degree (although I can’t find out whether he has a BA or MA, sources are so incredibly vague) and is probably used to studying whilst being unbelievably busy. Furthermore, Suho has said before that although Baekhyun tends to be the mood maker of EXO on camera, Baekhyun is a deep thinker and has many philosophical conversations with him in private. Therefore, I can imagine him being another member who would be good at conveying his thoughts very well, offering you a coherent explanation.
✾ He would be an expert on making studying fun. Instead of having to cram a bunch of facts or read a long dry article for your next class, he would find a way to gamify it, turning it from a long boring study session into a fun competition. Although he might not be a huge help regarding the content of your class, he would help you to keep your motivation while studying.
✾ At the same time, I can totally see Baekyhun being a massive distraction while studying. You will be trying to solve a problem or work on that lengthy essay, and Baekhyun keeps trying to get you to pay attention to him, as he is too restless to sit still and study. He strikes me as someone who tries to convince you to do it tomorrow instead.
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✾ He has an MA in Media Advertisement so you can bet that he can sell a story. I am pretty sure Media Advertisement falls under either business or communication studies, so he will probably be not too shabby at statistics either. He will, therefore, not only sell you on why studying this particular subject is fun, but he will also be able to help you actually study the contents of most math-based subjects.
✾ Chen probably is too busy to delve deeply into the subject matter that you are trying to grasp, though. He will try, nonetheless, to work through it with you. He will sit next to you as you try to solve equations, and although he might not have mastered the theory himself, he will try to learn it with you, giving you a fresh set of eyes.
✾ I think rather than being incredible at explaining stuff, he would be an amazing person for emotional support. I can see him prioritize calming you down first and having you take a step back from studying to clear your head. He would make sure that you stay hydrated and fed while studying, preparing a bunch of snacks beforehand that he will hand out as a reward for making it through another chapter.
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✾ Am I tired of repeating myself and saying “This member is smart because they got their degree”? Yes. Am I insanely impressed with most of EXO going to university whilst balancing their studies with a full-time idol career? Yes, and I will never shut up about it. Anyway, yeah Chanyeol went to university bla bla, making him, not just smart, bla  bla, but also hard-working, bla bla. You know the drill.
✾ Regardless of whether Chanyeol is well-studied in the field you are struggling in, nothing will stop him from becoming an expert. He is reading up on it as if his life depended on it, driven by his strong dislike of being bad at something. It doesn't matter whether you tell him it is okay and that you can always ask a fellow student or your teacher/lecturer; he is having none of it.
✾ At this point, he is more frustrated about not grasping a particular part of the theory than you. Even after you two manage to work through your homework/coursework, he will continue to read up on the topic until he fully understands it.
✾ He might be an overachiever and perfectionist who could’ve very well used the time that he spent on a piece of information he will never ever use again more wisely, but if anyone ever needs to know more about that specific theory, he can tell them everything.
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✾ Listen, I love him with every fibre in my body, and I will continue to do so until I turn to dust, but Kyungsoo has admitted, on several occasions, that he is not a big fan of studying. Sure, he got his degree, just like the others, and got his culinary license, indicating that he is more than capable of retaining a ton of information and working through difficult assignments/problems. But, does he enjoy studying? No, not really; he got it over with and seems glad to be done.
✾ So, when you ask him to help you with your homework/coursework, he will remind you, at least seven times, that he isn’t too good at studying and that there are better people to ask for help instead. He will try his best, albeit reluctantly, reminding you continuously to lower your expectations.
✾ In the end, he will try to help out in a different way, either by supplying you with a ton of study snacks or recounting how he worked through tough assignments back when he was in university, with the hope that maybe it works for you as it did for him. He makes sure that you are as comfortable as you can be, convinced he can’t do much more than that.  
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✾ Listen, don’t get me wrong, I adore Kai. However, I have to say that he is not the brightest when it comes to academia (at least compared to the rest of EXO) or, like, his common sense. Yes, he had his moments of genius in New World, and I am sure that when it comes to memorizing dance and lyrics, he is insanely good. However, give him a math problem, and he will cry.
✾ Kai strikes me as someone who was exhilarated to be done with school, not seeing the point of going to university like the rest of his members. When you ask him to help you out with your home/coursework, something inside of him dies as he knows nothing that will be leaving his mouth will be helpful. He is too sweet to say no and will try his hardest to help you with whatever you are struggling with. Nevertheless, he is even more lost than you upon reading your assignment, confused by all the fancy words the assignment seems to be using.  
✾ Nevertheless, Kai would be an amazing person if you need someone to talk to without necessarily needing any advice/answers, just to get your own ideas out of your head. He knows exactly when to nod and say “hmhm”,  aware that you don’t necessarily want to get his input, only needing him to work through your thoughts and ideas on your own.
✾ Honestly, he gets an A for effort for me. Kai is good vibes only, and he would give you a hug for support.
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✾ Another one who is glad he finished school and never has to go back. Again, don’t get me wrong, I love Sehun, but you can’t deny that he isn’t the smartest person in the room. As Suho said during EXO Ladder, “I think, they (the beluga whales) have the same IQ as Sehun” after noting they have an IQ of 60-90.
✾ Where Kai still tries to help out, he flat-out refuses. What do you mean you need his help finishing your work? He is so unapologetic about it too and slightly offended; why did you have to remind him about the horror that is school? He left that behind him and under no circumstances will he ever be dragged back in. He is rich, and he needs no degree.
✾ Such a bad influence on you as he tries to keep you from doing your work. “Well, if you are struggling with your homework you might as well take a break and go to the convenience store with me.” Funnily enough, it actually helps to clear your head. Sometimes the best thing to do is to step away and try again with a clearer mind. Sehun maintains that it was his plan all along; you doubt it.
✾ He will end up asking one of his members to assist you with your homework, calling in a favour with, for instance, Suho. They are all down bad for him, so you end up with the best tutors EXO has to offer.
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ravenbloodshot · 7 months
hey, hongseok from pentagon got into a scandal for gifting his girlfriend the items that fans bought for him and acted like it came out of his pocket: http://netizenbuzz.blogspot.com/2015/07/pann-ex-ikon-trainee-yang-hong-suks.html?utm_medium=twitter&utm_source=twitterfeed&m=1
and last year he asked fans not to spread his weverse dm's because he mentioned that as an idol he didn't make money: https://www.koreaboo.com/news/pentagon-hongseoks-group-not-paid-netizens-defend-criticism/
The first article is surprising (It's dated in 2015 so we can give him SOME grace. It's still weird though). I'm most surprised by how open he was about the fact that he had a girlfriend and how the fans didn't give af either (Universes seem like a pretty chill Fandom. Especially since this all came out when he was a rookie/trainee, and they still allowed him to debut and stay in the group. Even when Dawn and Hyuna went public with their relationship, theirs fans were really chill about it). Respect 🫡
2nd article. I'm not surprised if the group wasn't being paid their worth. You guys should know that even the top idols (Even mentioned in the article like Xiumin, Baekhyun and Chen from Exo) aren't being paid fairly.
I've seen readings done on BTS saying the members aren't being paid fairly as well, and that will later come out to sue their label. They're paid, but not as much as they should be. (I remember Jimin BTS had a foreclosure issue that was quickly covered up by his company). Groups like Stayc and Loona didn't start getting paid until recently/later due to the large debt they owe to their company. Which is the norm.
What can i really say? This is all part of the game of the music industry . Like Hongseok said, "They're paid in experience," aka fame. But what's the point of fame when you have no money???
Couldn't be me. 💅
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aphrodite1288 · 1 year
I noticed you said there are many things you know but can't say be sure you're not sure of it as it is not confirmed. More like a rumor. So kind telling us some rumors you know about Kadi or Exo? It's okay we won't condemn you if they don't end up coming true we promise to take them with a grain of salt. Because I believe you many more are scared to be held accountable for their words and never share rumors and gossip, but they forget the Gossip and Tea is always delicious 😋 even when it's most of the time not even true.
Ok I'm going to blurt out some rumors I just happen to know, again! Take them with a grain of salt. They're just rumors might be baseless might be true.
But to make it more spicy, some here are confirmed Facts. 🤫
1. Exo are not renewing with SM (all of them) Don't confuse it with the group contract, this one still valid (they renewed it) to protect and keep their name " Exo".
2. Baekhyun's having a concert in Hongkong in 2024, his comeback would be lit.
3. Luhan is still in contact with all of Exo especially Xiumin and talks to them quite often, but with Xiumin it's everyday.
4. Tao still in contact with Sehun and Chanyeol.
5. Minseok/Xiumin knows he is not popular in Exo and the members tell him to do more efforts but he's quite depressed from Fans not giving him enough attention and he believes '"he's old and boring unfunny and not handsome enough" and he feels inferior to members in his own group because he is not as handsome or tall or with a bright character or sharp sexy features to attract fans, he thinks he's short and cute and unlike the other members he's not attracting new fans anymore. Which is why you would see he's not active and doesn't do any activities because he knows he won't be supported and you can see his album no one gave a fuck.
6. No one's ready to hear this but Baekyeon was real, but mostly one sided, Yes Tae queen loved Baekhyun truly with all her heart, but she knew the age difference would be a problem among his fans and her fans and in the industry she quit mostly because they called her grandma who runs behind younger kids. Taeyeon is still so angry when they ask her about Baekhyun, and she blamed him for not taking responsibility of taming his fans who bashed them so hard that time 2014 ( Ps: he was a just rookie who debuted 2 years only he was still shy with fans and has no power and still building his career).
7. Many idols in Kpop hooked up with their members at least once, if they're not a couple they were once! or they at least once fucked up and hooked. Living with the same sex for so many years not seeing the opposite sex at all, many idol rookies and trainees admitted to have fallen in love with some of their bandmates because they were too nice or good at cooking 😅.
8. Chanbaek are a thing.
9. Luhan and Xiaotong are just media play couple that's been going on for so many years, they never even lived together and there's a vocal where Luhan says he's never even kissed her and he wants this to end as he's tired of this media play and that this stopped him from having the love of his life and always stopped potential partners from reaching him, but the media play was good benefiting both of them so they can't quit.
10. Kaisoo never dated any other person, but themselves. The media play with Jennie was Jennie's choice she liked Ji so much she is so much into The "IT Boys" the "TRENDY BOYS OF THE ERA" once you're no longer famous bye bye bitch 👋🏻.
11. Jisoo and Ah Bohyun weren't even dating. They've never even kissed Jisoo said. It's not the schedule! They didn't click.
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exoluxionlove · 1 year
[INFO] EXO Chen, Baekhyun, and Xiumin express intention to continue with EXO activities even if their exclusive contracts are terminated.
230602 Rough Papago translation of EXO-CBX's second legal statement
"This is Lee Jae-hak, a lawyer for Lin, a law firm that acted as legal representatives for Baekhyun, Xiumin, and Chen (Byun Baek-hyun, Kim Min-seok, Kim Jong-dae, hereinafter referred to as "artists"). In the following, the legal representative of this party would like to share the artists' position on SM Entertainment's claim on June 1.
1. SM's claim to intervene in external forces is merely a false fact to evade the essence of artists' legitimate exercise of rights and further mislead public opinion.
The feelings of the artists who heard the official data of SM, which calls for a third external force, are very miserable. I feel even more miserable because SM's perspective on artists seems to have been revealed.
Is it the third force again?
Our artists are definitely adults who can think for themselves and take responsibility for their decisions. And it's an independent thinker and judge. I had doubts for decades, and I had to ask questions that I didn't dare to bring up when I was a rookie, so I had the courage to be so scared and difficult.
Our artists asked and listened to many people around them what was the right thing to do and how to come up with a wise solution. There were family members and acquaintances around him, seniors and juniors in the music industry, colleagues, and even staff members who worked with us.
Some gave us worried stories, some gave us warm encouragement, and some gave us support and support. I have to ask you again whether all of these people are the third forces, the impure forces, the evil forces.
Our artists are strictly personal, able to judge and act on their own.
The decision to find their rights, such as asking for settlement data, was made by our artists themselves after a long period of thinking and agonizing, not by any means intervening.
Furthermore, SM claims that it has signed or attempted a double contract with our artists, and Baekhyun, Chen, and Xiumin have not signed or attempted any other exclusive contracts other than the existing exclusive contracts currently signed with SM. SM should refrain from making false claims.
SM said it would only allow "reading" without "providing" the settlement data because it was feared to be provided to external forces. However, even if artists receive settlement data and receive advice from their legal representatives as well as other accountants around them, it is a legitimate exercise of their rights. In the exclusive contract, there is no provision that the artist must not show the material provided to the artist to others, and therefore must review it alone. Rather, there is only a clause in the contract that requires artists to review the materials received from SM for 30 days and raise objections if necessary.
SM, which does not even provide settlement data, and party legal representatives and entertainers around them who advise of the unfairness of such a situation. I can't help but question who is pointing out the fault to whom.
Again, the artist and his legal representative have consistently requested the provision of settlement data, but SM finally refused to do so, resulting in the cancellation of the exclusive contract.
2. The settlement data is supposed to be "provided" under the exclusive contract, so it cannot be considered that the obligation has been fulfilled by "reading."
The premise of SM's claim is that SM fulfills its obligations by giving it the opportunity to 'read' the settlement data. However, under the exclusive contract, the settlement data is agreed to be 'provided'. Therefore, it cannot be considered that the obligation has been fulfilled simply by "reading."
Article 14 (5) of the exclusive contract signed by SM and artists states, "A (SM) shall provide the following settlement data to B (Artist) at the same time as the payment of the settlement amount. Within 30 days of receiving the settlement data, Party B may object to Party A, such as over-estimated expenses or under-estimated income of Party B, and Party A shall faithfully provide the basis for the settlement. Therefore, the data should be 'provided' rather than 'read', and the objection period of 30 days is also calculated from the date of 'receiving' the data. It doesn't count from the date of 'reading'.
In addition, SM and the artists signed an additional 'agreement' around 2014, Article 4 stipulated that 'A shall provide evidence when paying the settlement amount under Articles 2 and 3 to B (paragraph 1), and 'A shall provide detailed settlement data to B once every June according to the exclusive contract (paragraph 2). It also stipulated that evidence or detailed settlement data should be 'provided'.
There is a huge difference between "providing" the material and "reading" it, which is difficult to compare in terms of the right to know and protect property rights of artists. In particular, the settlement data is in SM's control area, and I would like to ask you again how you can check whether the details are correct or not by simply coming and looking. In addition, Article 14 (5) of the exclusive contract gives a 30-day review period from the date of receipt of the data, and the content of the exclusive contract is that the artist sufficiently reviews the data for this 30-day period and raises objections if there is any objection.
It is the settlement data that we agreed to take a close look for 30 days, but asking them to come and see it with their eyes is only a justification for SM's claim that "we have shown the data, so we have done what we have to do." And because we could guess what SM meant, we couldn't compromise by giving up on being "provided" and responding to "reading."
For this reason, the standard contract announced by the Fair Trade Commission also stipulated that "A will provide settlement data to B at the same time as the settlement payment" and stipulated that "A will provide it."
Essentially, refusing to provide data while calling for infringement of trade secrets regarding the performance of the artists themselves cannot justify breaking the exclusive contract.
3. Artists and their legal representatives have consistently requested the provision of settlement data. It is the core and substance of the case that SM finally rejected this and reached a notice of termination of the exclusive contract.
SM claims that it was sufficient to "read" the settlement data, but that the artists did not raise any problems with the data before, but suddenly asked for the provision of settlement data when appointing a legal representative, and then suddenly notified the contract to be terminated.
It is the legitimate right of artists to request the provision of settlement data under the exclusive contract. And SM's claim that "the artists suddenly began to make claims as the legal representative changed" is nothing more than an argument not to exercise their legitimate rights for a long time. Above all, the artists' claim as if they were swayed by someone and demanded the provision of settlement data is a disregard for the artists' own high sense of rights and knowledge. During the consultation process, the legal representative confirmed the artists' high sense of rights and high insight into the realization of the right to know.
And just as the records requested by the content certification remain objectively, the artists and their legal representatives consistently requested the "provide" of settlement data from the beginning. And SM maintained its position that 'reading' the settlement data is not enough. However, as you saw earlier, SM's claim was not acceptable to us as it did not meet the exclusive contract, and the positions of both sides were not narrowed, so the artists and their legal representatives ended the exclusive contract according to the precedent.
In other words, the exclusive contract is based on a high degree of trust, and if the agency fails to provide settlement data, the entertainer will not be properly guaranteed the right to review and dispute the profit settlement.
This is the progress between SM and the artists involved in the settlement data, but it is not true to claim that the artist or his legal representative has changed his or her position, distorting and misleading the core and substance of the case.
4. The problem of the long-term exclusive contract period that is unilaterally disadvantageous to artists beyond the minimum reasonable degree
As I already said in today's first press release, artists have previously signed exclusive contracts with SM for more than 12 to 13 years. This is too different from the standard contract for pop culture artists (singer-centered) announced by the Fair Trade Commission based on the seven-year contract period, and it is unilaterally disadvantageous to artists beyond the minimum reasonable extent.
In addition, SM is trying to claim a minimum contract period of 17 years or 18 years, respectively, by having artists sign a follow-up exclusive contract again, not even enough to sign an exclusive contract for 12 to 13 years as above.
It is pointed out again that such subsequent signing of an exclusive contract constitutes "an act of unfairly using the status of the transaction" in Article 45 (1) 6 of the Monopoly Regulation and Fair Trade Act. In other words, the long-term compulsion using a subsequent exclusive contract is considered to correspond separately to the "compulsory provision of profits" or "unprofitable provision of transaction conditions" in attached Table 2 of the Enforcement Decree of the same Act.
In response, SM argues that when artists signed a follow-up exclusive contract, there was an agent who was a lawyer for a large law firm, but when the agent changed, it is not reasonable to suddenly claim the unfairness of the follow-up exclusive contract.
However, to claim that the appointment of a legal representative is problematic in claiming that an objectively unfair contract is unfair is a blur of the nature of the issue.
Article 5 (1) of the subsequent exclusive contract states, "This contract is… for five years from. However, if the minimum number of albums specified in Article 4 (4) is not released within the same period, the contract period shall be automatically extended until the time of implementation.' There is no upper limit to the period of automatic extension.
In this way, the clause that the contract period is automatically extended without a cap is clearly a slave contract, and the legal representative pointed out that it is an act of "unfairly exploiting the trading position to deal with the other party," and the artists agree.
And with more than a year left of the existing exclusive contract, it is not justifiable to "tie" the artists by signing a follow-up exclusive contract without a limit on the period. SM has never paid artists a down payment for subsequent exclusive contracts.
Baekhyun, Xiumin, and Chen are seriously considering filing a complaint with the Fair Trade Commission against the long-term existing exclusive contract and unfair subsequent exclusive contract signing.
5. About EXO's future activities
Our artists are looking to continue their EXO activities faithfully with other EXO members even if they terminate their exclusive contract with SM. In fact, the artist preemptively suggested a negotiation plan to work with EXO even if Baekhyun, Chen, and Xiumin leave SM.
Apart from solving the legal relationship with SM, the artists are deeply grateful for the great love and support that fans have sent to EXO for a long time. And no matter what form of legal issues are resolved in the future, we will continue to work hard and faithfully as a team called EXO."
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justwritedreams · 2 years
I want to read dad baekhyun and his 3 little daughters. 😭 What will be the fourth one 👀
Ok so why not take advantage of exo as dads series to talk about baekhyun, right? RIGHT!
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Xiumin Ver. | Chen Ver. | Yixing Ver. | Jongin Ver. | Chanyeol Ver. | Kyungsoo Ver. | Suho Ver. | Sehun Ver.
Word count:  Author: Maari Summary: A series of what exo would be like as a parent, from discovery to growth
First of all, good luck to the future s/o because you will be a rabbit!
I can clearly see Baekhyun as a girl's father but trying at all costs to have a boy
And that's how he got to the 4th daughter 🤣
And of course he already knew because after all, they had been trying for another baby for a long time.
In fact, I'm pretty sure he'd be like "Are you sure that you're not pregnant yet?"
"Honey, I already took two pregnancy tests."
"One more reason to make a third."
And then all of a sudden one night his s/o would be throwing up and he would already know it's the baby!
I don't think the daughters would have a big age difference because
I really think he likes having a baby at home
There's something about seeing that tiny baby sleeping soundly in his arms that is 😍
And I think he's the kind of playful father who takes things seriously when he has to much like my father is
But he's the best friend of his little girls!
Seriously, there is nothing they wouldn't say or ask him for
Helping with a school homework he has no idea what it's like? He will learn just to teach them properly.
Daughters want a different hairstyle to go out? He will do it.
Watch Barbie movies and sing along? It's his favorite part of the day!
Talking about where babies come from? … Oh, well, that he probably won't be able to say without laughing from sheer nervousness 🤣
But you got my point, right? Ok
So when he and his wife found out that another baby is on the way, he was ready to tell his little daughters.
And I think it would be the best and cutest conversation ever 🥺
He would do it in a natural way that wouldn't make the girls jealous of the attention the baby will receive but rather excited that another baby is coming soon.
And he'll probably have to hear every day when the baby is coming
Because his enthusiasm rubbed off on his daughters 🤣
But I imagine him together with his daughters making drawings for the new baby 😫
They wanting to help the father set up the baby's room
And probably making him give up in the next 15 minutes because they are making him more tired than the crib he has to put together.
And if you thought of them helping to paint the room, then you thought right because so did I!
In the end, everyone knows it would be a paint war and his wife would probably have to arrive to end the game and tell everyone to take a shower because there's even paint in their hair
Family shopping!!!
Him choosing clothes for the baby together with the girls oh my god I'm going to die of cuteness
"Dad, I think this one is prettier."
"But I liked that one, dad"
"Only this one will suit better!"
"You know what, let's take them all!" and that's how he came home with more bags of clothes than he had planned 🤣
But most importantly, he would make sure he was paying attention to all the women in his life.
He would take all the daughters to their beds in one night, when everyone else was already asleep in the living room.
And his s/o too!!
Because there is no more important woman in the world than her 🥺
"Love, I don't think you're going to be able to carry me to the bedroom."
"What kind of husband would I be if I let my tired pregnant wife walk around with those swollen legs?" he would say, while trying to arrange the best position to hold her in his lap… But her belly wouldn't let him. "Yeah, I think that it's better if we just sleep here!"
Would wake up early to prepare breakfast for everyone!
He'd take the girls to school, and he'd probably cry in the car when he realized how big the little girls actually are.
The priority would be his family!
Even though he was working, recording new songs, during breaks he would call his wife or turn on the home camera on his phone to see if everything was alright
Even tired, I'm sure he would make his daughters help put away the toys they spread around the living room or bedroom.
He would teach his daughters to sing to the baby in their mother's belly why am i doing this to myself? 😫
But make no mistake, even though experienced with sudden baby arrivals and births
He would be a nervous wreck for the birth of his fourth daughter!
I would be so nervous that I wouldn't know who to call first, the parents, the in-laws or the members 🤣
He would definitely pass on the view that he is a first-time father
But not fainting during childbirth, as happened with the first daughter
I think he would cry holding his newborn daughter in his arms!
And the wife seeing this would be like "are you crying for real?"
"She's just so beautiful! She has my nose."
But I think the most exciting moment for him would be when his daughters go to the hospital to meet their new sister.
He would probably be able to hold back the tears and look with a twinkle in his eyes with so much pride for the family he has 🥺
Will fight and die for his family!
He will be the attentive, helpful father who will talk to his daughters about how they need to keep their voices down when the baby is sleeping
He will let the daughters help change the diaper, bathe and rock the baby because he also wants to capture these moments with good photos!
I really think he would be an extraordinary father, devoted to his daughters and only thinking about what's best for them.
For example, I'm sure he wouldn't expose any of them to the media or anything like that.
Because he wants to preserve all of them as much as possible and if one day they want to be artists like him, there will be no one who will support more than him!
But deep down he hopes they follow other careers 🤣
One day, when all the daughters are napping together in the afternoon, he would hug his wife and look at her as if she were the most special jewel in the world.
"We are very lucky parents, aren't we?"
"Yes, we are!"but the wife would know that he was going to say something, because that little smile of someone who is going to do something is there "We are not having another baby!"
"How about a dog then?"
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dazz-linglight · 5 days
Exo having long distance relationship
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(OT9 EXO) / I wrote a piece for Chen because this is for entertainment only, it won't interfere into his real life and marriage.
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Suho, approaches the long-distance relationship with responsibility and care. He makes the effort to maintain constant communication, scheduling video calls and exchanging messages throughout the day. Despite the distance, he dedicates himself to planned visits whenever possible with his agenda. Suho also uses his creativity to surprise you, sending handwritten letters and gifts to your house. He believes that trust is key, so he always makes sure to be transparent about his routine and feelings. Even on difficult days, Suho maintains a positive attitude, encouraging you to follow your dreams, showing that distance is not an obstacle, but an opportunity to grow individually.
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Lay is emotional and expressive, and long distance makes him feel even more. He uses music as a way to connect, composing songs to express his feelings for you. He has voice recordings, sharing melodies that he created with you in mind. For him, every call is a chance to strengthen the bond, and he always tries to include special moments, such as virtual dinners. He is very sensitive to your emotions and takes the time to understand how you feel by asking open-ended questions and listening carefully.
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Xiumin is practical and organized, which helps him deal with the distance. He created a calendar to make sure they connect regularly, setting fixed times for calls. For him, routine is important, as it brings comfort in the midst of longing. He also likes to make little surprises, such as sending typical food from the city he is in or products that he knows you love. He makes effort to make you feel loved and valued, even from afar, by sending motivational messages and making plans for the future. Xiumin’s easy-going demeanor helps him stay calm during difficult times.
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Baekhyun is spontaneous and fun, and his approach to long-distance relationships is full of humor. He loves making funny videos to send to you, always trying to make you smile. The calls are filled with laughter, and he strives to create memories even from a distance. Baekhyun often uses social media to share moments from his daily life, including you as a part of his life. He dedicates himself to planning unexpected visits, to show up in your door and making each reunion special. Despite the lightheartedness, he is also honest about his emotions, ensuring that both of you share their fears and insecurities.
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Chanyeol, with his optimistic and creative spirit, approaches the distance with enthusiasm. He uses his passion for photography and videos to document his days, sending you glimpses into his life. Chanyeol tries to make each message a fun experience, using funny filters and effects. He organizes virtual game nights, where you can compete and have fun together, even when apart. Chanyeol is also very kind, always asking how you're coping with the distance, he is a great supporter and never lets you feel lonely.
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Chen is the romantic one of the group, and the distance makes him express his feelings even more. He sends songs that he composes or that have a special meaning for them, using art as a way of connecting to you. Chen dedicates time to writing composed letters, full of emotions and promises. He makes a point of remembering important facts and always planning celebrations. Conversations with Chen are deep and meaningful, allowing both of you to share fears and hopes. He believes that each challenge brings a new opportunity to strengthen the relationship and never fails to express his love, even from afar.
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Kyungsoo is practical and introspective, and the distance brings out his more reflective side. He prefers calmer and deeper conversations, focusing on the quality of communication. For him, the most important thing is sincerity, so he doesn't hesitate to share his concerns about the relationship with you. Kyungsoo creates small rituals, such as reading the same book at the same time, to feel like you are together, even if virtually. He is also quite attentive, always making a point of asking about your day and offering emotional support. Distance, for Kyungsoo, is a test that he believes you will overcome together.
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Kai is intense and passionate, and his approach to the long-distance relationship reflects this. He often expresses his feelings visually, sending artistic photos of his routine and videos of dances that he has done. Kai loves surprises, so whenever he can, he sends gifts that capture special moments. He is quite a romantic, often writing poems dedicated to you. Even when missing you is difficult, Kai tries to keep the relationship light, making jokes and creating fun moments during calls.
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Sehun, with his easygoing personality, tries not to let the distance weight him down. He uses humor and sarcasm in his conversations, making calls light and fun. Sehun likes to catch you off guard you with unexpected messages and memes, creating a relaxed atmosphere. He makes an effort to show that he is always present, even if it is virtually, by participating in online activities together, such as binge-watching series. Sehun is also quite protective, always asking how you're dealing with the longing. Despite the jokes, he is honest about his feelings and is committed to making the relationship work.
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happykjd · 1 year
CBX recent response to SM
Released June 6
1) Re the 2018 Supreme Court decision. This case was different from the beginning as it related to Tao, a Chinese trainee. He was expected to be active overseas when he signed an exclusive contract.
CBX are all Korean and when they were trainees, it was not determined that they would work abroad at the time of the signing of the exclusive contract. While the members were trainees, SM uniformly had all three artists sign an annexation agreement to extend the contract by three years citing the intention of overseas expansion. In the case of Baekhyun, he was assigned to EXO-K (K stands for Korea) and was active in the domestic unit of EXO so it is really unfair that his contract was extended three years for overseas activities.
In the case of Xiumin and Chen, they were not assigned to unit activities in Korea or overseas at the time of the contract signing but were assigned to Chinese activities after the contract was signed.so the unfair practice of extending contracts for trainees who had not decided to work overseas still exists. In 2011, the KFTC ordered SM to refrain from engaging in acts against its trainees by applying an extended contract period to all trainees uniformly without considering individual circumstances of the trainee…SM signs contracts with trainees in advance of their debut even though the contract period starts with the debut. it is not permissible to extend the contract for an additional three years when it is not clear when the debut takes place, what subunit group they will participate in, and whether they will perform overseas. The continued behavior of SM after being ordered to correct themselves twice is baffling and is why KFTC should make a full investigation of all of SM’s trainee and artist contracts.
2) Contrary to SM’s press release, the lawyers and artists have not been provided with settlement documents. On 8 AM on 5 Jun, SM distributed a press release saying it would provide a copy of the settlement data. However, as of the close of business at 6 PM, SM has not provided any settlement data saying that the reports are not ready yet.
3) To the EXO fans, CBX would explain the negotiation process in detail 
A) Signed agency contracts in June 2010 and May 2011 and around Dec of last year, received a renewal letter from SM that added five years to the existing contracts, totaling 17-18 years. during the process, hired a lawyer and because the contract was unreasonable, requested adjustments 8 times but SM did not accept them. There was a steadfast refusal to accept any change and in the end, almost none of the requests were included. We felt the contract was unfair but had no choice but to sign. We heard stories that refusal to re-sign could hurt the members or team as a whole. At the time, SM said that they wanted everyone to make the choice to renew together but said to Bakehyun, you need to sign so other members can get paid. He was told he could cancel the contract at any time since the renewal hadn’t taken effect. At this time, Baekhyun was serving in the military. In order to keep EXO’s activities continuing without interruption, Baekhyun had no choice to renew even though he had a year left on his exiting contract. Baekhyun signed the contract out of loyalty to his members and to protect the team EXO.
B) Despite the fact that the contract was supplied to be delivered immediately upon signing, SM did not provide a copy until CBX requested it…We were puzzled by the suddenness and the haste at which the contract was renewed when there was more than a year left. After the renewal, there were several stores in the media over the SM takeover battle and we couldn’t help but wonder is that why they pulled out the contract and had us renew with a year left. 
C) SM did not give any explanation to the artists regarding (its buy out with Kakao). We had to figure out what was going on from the company’s press releases, as if we were outsiders. It was dumbfounding. During the acquisition process, it felt like the company didn’t value us at all. We were just a cog in the wheel who were just there to to do whatever the company ordered. 
D) While the company and the shareholders described as victims of long time problems such as Like Planning filled the media, no one talked about that the work of artists/staff who worked at SM were also violated for a long time before that. Over the past 12-13 years, its likely a significant portion of profits has been siphoned off inappropriately. Before we can believe SM’s promise that it won’t be like that from now on, there has to be a reckoning with the past that explains it all to the artists, fans, etc, only then can a fresh start be possible. The company was in disarray but the artists were even more confused. Everyone had doubts, but the artists were the ones who couldn’t take any chances. 
E) Seven requests for settlement data. Never imagined this would be such a difficult task for the company…it’s basic right of an artist. ‘Provision of materials’ is clearly stated in the contract but SM insists this is only ‘right of access’. Only a few news outlets and youtubers sympathetic to SM buy this argument.
F) For the fans. If someone is taking advantage of the memories, love, youth, hard work, passion that the members and fans have shared for 11 years, this should be corrected. If the SM community is forcing artists to put up with injustice, we think we should speak out. We value EXO more than anything. We love them and would never betray them, always put them first. Above all, we are not afraid of anything as long as we have our fans.
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