tendousthoughts · 3 years
Hiii how are you ???
Hey! I am doing great lmao, procrastinating but doing great. How are you doingg?? The SMAU are looking great btw-
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tendousthoughts · 3 years
I just want a boyfie like Akaashi but life said - no, single forever bitch
-This message was brought to you by my Akaashi brainrot I’ve been having for the past few days
Lol but anyway how’s life going lately? I see your blog has been doing great! I read your latest and they were soo good omg
Im so proud of you bb (sorry if the nickname makes you uncomfy I just call all my friends that so it’s like an automatic thing by now)
- 🍍 anon
Ahh hello! Akaashi is hot af- though the only hq boys I want are the ones who I think would bully me. Like not too harsh but you know, like Tsukishima, Iwaizumi or Sakusa. Like cold on the outside but I swear they would be such sweethearts to their partner and I'm all here for it- like that sarcastic but hot attitude. Hot I tell you. <3
It's good! I've been waiting for messages, because I've been quite bored. I've been seeing a lot of gn names and I am excited to try Xic! I saw some people I knew a few days ago, and I swear I haven’t been thinking of anyone I knew before covid. But like now I find myself thinking of one of them. Thats weird.. I know lmao. But bro they liked to tease me with harmless jokes and call me this teasing nickname. I swear they asked me to watch their stream once and I did and god I spent like 20 minutes just watching even though I didn't understand anything. [I don't like them-] Whatever my sibling was saying that i've changed so much that they probably didn't even recognize me. Which made me think, I have like nobody I talk to so what will happen when I have to see them again? Will everything be weird.. Tumblr is my safe spaceee!
Enough about me how are you? You do volleyball right? Hows that going?!
Ahh thank you so much- I was hoping it would come out good so i'm glad you enjoyed. <3333
Awe your so sweet thank you bb >~<
p.s. dont worry about it! I'm all good with it!
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tendousthoughts · 2 years
I SAW YOU IN MY NOTIFS!! how are you? do you still remember me? i hope life is treating you well, love!
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tendousthoughts · 2 years
Thanking the heavens I’m only here for a few more days because not only did I find ANOTHER GODDAMN HOUSE CENTIPEDE I found a lot baby centipedes
Just a centipede update but uh sorry I haven’t checked in in a while I’ve been busy going everywhere and anywhere
As much as I love traveling sometimes I just wanna lie in my room and do nothing all day
Not only did I get my period early and that in itself is horrible, the cramps are worse than ever and more frequent than ever so pills are my lifesavers even though I usually don’t like taking them (idfk why I just don’t. Like they don’t taste like anything, they’re not hard to swallow I just don’t like them)
However I have noticed my mental health has improved significantly since I went on vacation.
I’ve had noticed before a lot symptoms of ADHD but I want to go to a therapist first to get it diagnosed or get something else diagnosed maybe. I think it’s definitely something I just don’t know what and ADHD so far fit the best so…
Enough with gloomy talk
I’ve seen one of my favorite cousins not too long ago and before that haven’t seen her IN YEARS and so was pretty exited to talk to her but turns out we don’t have that many things in common anymore and it was pretty awkward at times but we still had fun chatting and catching up. As boring of subject it seems it was actually pretty interesting to talk about the differences in our educational systems we’ve experienced. But also it’s a given that some tea was also spilled while we also overheard some at a family gathering and Let. Me. Tell. You it was JUICY
Also she has an adorable dog and I love him
Do you have any pets? I don’t know if I mentioned it before I have a horrible memory but I have a dog named Toby and he’s a fluff ball
I have a funny story related to him actually and my stupidity
I was going to walk my precious fluff ball and went outside with the leash
And forgot the fucking dog
The best part? It happened multiple times
So yes, I’m smart academically but not logically at all
In school I’m a straight A student but in life I can’t even walk straight without walking into a wall and claiming it’s a secret passageway because “one rock sticks out so it must be a button”
(Small anecdote from my childhood but funny nonetheless)
This ask is getting quite long so I’m gonna end it here
- 🍍 anon
HELP- 🍍 anon idk if ur gonna see this or even remember sending me this but
Centipedes <<<<< Conan Gray 😔
Im so glad that your mental health has improved, please tell me how you are doing I miss talking to u :((((
Luv hopefully you did go get diagnosed, and found out what was up fr fr <3333 best of luck tell me how that went if you see this okay?
I DO: I have a cat and two dogs they are the sweetest things ever. But yes we love straight A students who forget their doggg djkhfdfjs
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tendousthoughts · 3 years
Im gooood the week is finally nearly over so now I can return to my continuous cycle of doing absolutely nothing 😌 and tysm I’ve only done 3 so far but I enjoy them since I can do them on my phone
I just want these weeks to go by so I can finally get my glasses- I was going to do some more writing but then I went on tiktok and now I can't get off. Anywaysss you have anything planned for the next weeks or anything, or you anything this summer ?
Mhm of course- I do most of my writing in notes and then I throw it in docs to fix up my mistakes lmao. So like at 12 or smth [when I am about to go to bed] I can just write a paragraph or smth.
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tendousthoughts · 3 years
Hello hello I saw that you responded to my last message QUICK so I’m here at like 1:27 AM writing more cause you’re cool and fun to talk to.
But yeah the doc who was doing the checkup was so confused she looked at me with such an expression words cannot describe and then looked at the board then back at me and was like “okayyy” That mostly happened because I’m a try-hard and tried to get all of them correct like previous years in a short amount of time cause I was also nervous because yk… social interaction and getting it wrong would be embarrassing (boy how I messed up)
My show palette has been taken over by anime lately so that’s why I’ve been looking for normal people shows but genre speaking I love horror, comedy, crime, only some romance if the characters are well developed and not one dimensional and I also enjoy some magic/superpower universes but also, only if it’s well thought out and not so random that just anything goes and rules are only there when it fits the storyline
I’m also reading a book currently that I’m fairly certain is called “perfume” (I’m reading it in my language and that’s what it’s called in it so I’m assuming that’s how it translates but book titles can change with languages so) it’s about a serial killer that has an exceptional sense of smell and the reason he commits crimes is solely to make the perfect fragrance. It’s really interesting actually but in all honesty I chose the book cause the cover is really pretty and an aesthetic.
My asks are just getting longer and longer huh?
Well before I go to bed I’d just like to leave you with this pick up line I saw the other day and let me know how much you blush
“Am I a rollercoaster? Cause it seems the faster I go the more you scream”
Now imagine one of your husbandos saying it and tell me how much you blush
- 🍍 anon
Ahh! Heyo again! lmao I would have responded earlier but I noticed your message when I was out eating so I decided to wait till I got back lmao. But its 1:27 for you??? Whatt?? It is is like 4:50 pm for me lmao. I live in PTD time lmao.
Crime is so good- I don't know if you know the show Criminal Minds but if you don't I seriously recommend it lmao. As well as the show Bones.
Ah that sounds good- I love crime and stuff. Like something that shows some development throughout the characters other wise it gets boring quick. I am not a big reader so I try to find something that isn't to flat of a read [if that makes sense]. Anyways what language do you speak-? I only speak English but it is cool to meet people who speak other languages.
NOOOOO my whole ass face turned red to the point where I had to cover it- just imagining Iwaizumi pulling me close to him, like in front of family or something, and then just whispering that into my ear just to fuck with me. AHh and leaving it with calling me "baby boy" or "baby doll" ughh my dumb ass would just obey anything he says.
Ughhh- I am going to be thinking about that all day now- i am so embarrassed lmao.
thank you bb for the amazing thought <3333
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tendousthoughts · 3 years
Me constantly talking to my anons?? Me w 600 messages in my inbox bdjwndksms help BUT TBH idk where I find the motivation to post every single day and to talk to peopleee Omd I just thought there was a spider in my bed I was very very scared.
BUT NO FR I LOVE UR WORKS I’m going to go re read them rn as we speak 🏃🏽‍♀️
Ah I just sent a ask to you but heres me responding to yours lmao [lucky- I wish I had that many]
Ah your so lucky you have that. Ah good thing it wasn't- I hate spiders with a dying passion. NO BECAUSE I LOVE YOUR WORKS TOO-
Imma go stalk your page now.. [not really but you get the point-]
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tendousthoughts · 3 years
Bro my writing is sooo good? What about urs? I REMEMBER YOU like before I even had the tumblr app and I use to read works on safari sometimes and I just remember ur works and being like “this is the shi I wanna read” and then I eventually started writing stuff like that. SO THANKS TO YOUUU you definitely inspired the way I’ve modelled majority of my works 😌
Did I basically just write you an appreciation post? Yes yes I did
NO way- I swear your works pop up on my home page [or whatever you call it] like all the time. Your writting is so fucking good! That account ascetic- godly I tell you. AH I'm so glad that happened. But I swear i'm so jealous of how amazing you are- like seriously how the hell do you have so much motivation and stuff. Your constantly talking to your anons and stuff and posting and its just so inspirational.
[Imma head to your account and make one right now istg your too amazing]
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tendousthoughts · 3 years
H e l l o
Heyo! How are you?
[your writing is so good- I can't believe we’re moots..]
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tendousthoughts · 3 years
My Tags
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#xics.fics - all my fanfics
#xics.playlist - all my playlists
#xic.answers - answering anons
#xic.chats - chatting with people
#xics.moots - Talking to my moots
​#xics.headcanons - my headcanons
#🎫. - just the retriever of the message
#tendousthoughts - all my things together
#midnight.thoughts - just me randomly talking lmao
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These are all the tags I’m using at the moment! I’ll try to keep this up to date, but tell me if I forget too. Thank you for checking these out! Bye bye! <3
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