#xiaolin showdown headcanons
silentauthor96 · 29 days
Random Xiaolin Showdown Headcanons: Video Games Edition
Kimiko is merciless in 1st-person shooter styles. And she's even more merciless at online trash talk. The first time the gang watches her actually play online (at an internet cafe), Raimundo has to cover Omi's ears after a few minutes.
Raimundo and Kimiko 2-v-2 (or any number, really) are basically unbeatable in all fighting and shooting games. Impeccable teamwork combined with individual skills and actual battle tactics (no that's not cheating Clay. It's using your resources wisely 😝). Their favorite is to play Smash Bros online with the weakest & weirdest character combos and still absolutely wash their opponents.
The other kids thought giving Omi Nintendogs was a good idea... until he tried to stay up playing for 36 hours straight because "he didn't want his new virtual pets to miss him too much".
They've also learned the hard way that Omi gets easily attached to his game avatars, so they no longer let him play any games where his character might "die" (no matter how many extra lives they might have).
Raimundo once pranked Omi by telling him beating pong would be one of the highest video game achievements ever mastered, and would only be possible for someone with exceptional discipline and focus. 12 hours of pong later Master Fung scolded him for allowing Omi to waste so much electricity.
Dojo is a big fan of mobile style cooking/restaurant games like Cooking Mama. It's mostly the aesthetics that drew him in, but he also likes the calm vibes and the feeling of being a homemaker while not actually having to, you know, move around and cook for people. He can get kinda stressed in the restaurant games when customer orders start backing up and the character design start getting angry though.
Clay is unbeatable at Tetris. No one understands why he's so good. (Tetris is universal. Tetris is eternal. Tetris is, most importantly, widely available. Clay first discovered it on his family's NES, and it's just what he always goes back to in arcades or on consoles because it's always an option, so really it's just because he's played a lot of Tetris.)
Raimundo went through a big Pokémon phase. (He's still a big Pokémon fan but he tries to keep it low-key) He prefers the main RPG games, and hopes his siblings still haven't found his secret stash of favorite cards that he hid before he left.
Raimundo loves Civilization but that's a game for nerds so no one's allowed to know. It also runs better on a full desktop, so he hasn't actually been able to play since leaving Brazil. He really misses it. (He always goes for a culture or science win but is not afraid of a military win if someone tries to start something 😤). (okay, one time he did create a set up of a bunch of European countries for a culture and military take over. See how they like being colonized 😏)
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drawnfamiliarfaces · 7 months
Chase’s relationship with First is a strange one. He instigates ‘death battles’ with First but God help anyone else who comes close to killing his “husband”
Strange perhaps. but oh so tantalizing~ (͠≖ ͜ʖ͠≖) It's about that sweet sweet undescribable bond that blooms between people who clashed as opponents and equals, my man. And occasional fights to death and proprietary behaviour is Chase's questionable way of flirting, lol.
also i have a small collection of tumblr posts that kinda fits their ship dynamics in my head ;P
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( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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also extra silly ones;3
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cdartsblog · 4 months
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A character collage of Raimundo Pedrosa in traditional ink and watercolor! I had made this a while ago.
I had drawn Rai’s robes in the traditional “Y” cross to match that of authentic Chinese robes. I’ve heard though that temples may cross the robes in the opposite direction for foreigners, but I’m not sure if that fully true (let me know if you know!).
For Rai’s casual clothes, I’d decided to modernize them while making them more breezy and sporty. Not only does this match his element, but being from Brazil with its warm and humid climate, I thought short sleeves and looser fit clothing would match that as well. ☺️🍃🌪️
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wei-smiler · 10 months
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Dashi has been very tired since he put one of his souls in the box and gave it to omi. But his kung fu is still very powerful.
Chase and Guan both tried to hide their bad deeds in front of dashi.
Since dashi has no memory of chase attacking the town, chase and guan are still his good younger brothers in dashi's mind.
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After wuya realized that the damaged shengongwu could not restore her magic, she decided to go back to the past and bring the master back to modern times, so that he could repair shengongwu. Heylin took dashi to the future with the power of the last jump time of Sands of Time.
I want to try to write the story of xiaolin.
Later, I will introduce some stories about cheas Du Jie, Jack's ability to acquire metal, the damage and repair of shen gong wu, and the new shen gong wu.
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sklepick · 4 months
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IF anyone interested : no, he didn't see a ghost. My headcanon is that he is obsessed with searching for information and one day he found an ancient, evil tome (possibly with something worse than heylin even) and it had a strong negative effect on his twisted mind
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callmecreator · 8 months
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bexmuses · 2 months
Clay being able to manipulate glass, magma and lava. Clay settling the dust part of dust storms. Clay turning sand into stone and vice versa.
Clay "predicting" earthquakes big enough to feel, because he can feel them first. Clay redirecting rock slides, or morphing them into stone bridges overhead. Clay digging massive ditches with a sweep of his hand.
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justtonto · 15 days
Hello!! Do you have an XS headcannons 💕
Your art is awesome
Glad you asked! (Chronicles canon doesn't count here, I haven't reviewed that yet)
Headcanons for Kimiko
Her parents are divorced
She is very much like her mother in character, which she doesn't like to admit, they very rarely communicate
All those Crazy hairstyles are wigs (because if they're not, her hair is just dead from the dye)
Kimiko once caught Omi wearing one of her wigs and posing in front of a mirror
Kimiko doesn't really like that Omi is always in the same clothes, once she and Omi spent the whole evening trying out new looks on him (Their friendship is so dear to me)
Before Xiaolin, she was thinking of becoming a designer, But actually, she used to be kind of an irresponsible rich girl, but nice.
She gets Clay to repeat Tik Tok trends with her
She's bisexual because I said so
Headcanons for Raimundo
When the whole team first met, Rai made Omi believe that Kimiko's phone needed sun and water to charge, so Omi put Kimiko's phone on the highest point in the temple and then almost drowned it, then Kimiko gave Raimundo a hard time about it
He has a strict father and his relationship with his siblings is the same as with Omi and Clay
Before Xiaolin, he didn't have much plans for the Future
The oldest in the family
he's pretty smart, but because of his behavior and his attitude, In school, he always balanced between a F and a C
Headcanons for Clay
He gave every animal on the farm a name, at night he wishes them all goodnight
When he was little he was afraid of chickens and ran away from them
Very good relationship with his mother, in many ways he is very much like her in appearance
He's just as bad with technology as Omi
He's very good at sewing (and knitted Omi a hat and scarf)
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gravity-what · 3 months
[I don’t know…every single one of these is subject to change based completely on how I’m feeling for any specific story]
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izscha · 2 months
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So I've been studying the Portuguese language with Duolingo for a while and TIL that in most Portuguese-speaking countries like Brazil, it's very common for an individual to have two surnames, taken from both of their parents.
Which means that Raimundo could've had another surname other than "Pedrosa" in the show, and maybe even a longer full name if he was given a middle name as well. Fascinating.
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shinydragon94 · 1 year
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He's bisexual and non-binary, your honor!!!!!!!!!!!
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silentauthor96 · 1 year
Random Xiaolin Showdown Headcanons: Language Edition
Everyone at the temple is multilingual, but they speak English since it's their only common language (at least at the beginning of the series)
Clay speaks Spanish and Raimundo speaks Portuguese, so they end up making a bunch of inside jokes based on their own hybrid of the two, and they are the only ones who understand what any of it means
Kimiko also knows Korean because she keeps up with all the latest pop culture trends. (Side note: Kimiko absolutely has k-pop star style. We love her for that)
Everyone learns Cantonese & Mandarin upon arrival at the temple. Kimiko has the most trouble with reading and writing, and is very much over learning new character systems tyvm
Raimundo learns how to swear in everyone's languages. He also can't spell in any language (he's of the opinion that if you can understand what he wrote, 'correct' spelling is irrelevant)
Omi picks up idioms in other languages much faster than English. He maintains that it's not his fault the English ones just make less sense.
Kimiko and Omi learn some of Clay and Rai's Spanish/Portuguese hybrid, mostly just through listening to random conversations, but then realize they can't communicate in either language on its own. (Of course they realize this after they insisted on going off on their own to collect Wu in Spain, and nothing around them sounded familiar. They completed the mission using a translation app, but they don't tell the guys that part.)
Eventually Jack can more or less understand monkey vocalizations even without holding the staff. No one is surprised by this revelation
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byrdnight · 8 months
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Can you tell my favorite? Haha
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faeriefurryfate · 16 days
Xiaolin Showdown Characters but homestuck classpects (my personal headcannons)
Omi: Heir of Blood
Raimundo: Rogue of Breath
Clay: Knight of Space
Kimiko: Seer of Time
Jack: Thief of Doom or Thief of Rage (I can’t decide which fits him better some help is appreciated)
Chase: Prince of Life
Wuya: Witch of Blood
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I Totally Would Love For Danny Cooksey To Voice Dark Phantom
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I know it already has a dub but one with a union cast because Danny Cooskey totally fits Dark Phantom and could give him some good screams. Just look at Dave from Dave the Barbarian and Jack Spicer. Also again guy looks he would be a scream king.
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writerkatsblog · 7 months
Some of my more niche XS hcs comes in regard to Klofange and his origins
- Klofange's place of origin was the City of Atlantis, where he lived until Dojo consumed it then left it underground/underwater.
- In its heyday, the citizens of Atlantis carried out the self-appointed task of slaying Mermaids to keep the people of land safe.
- Additionally, the Atlanteans used Mermaids as both a food source and a rite of passage. Eating raw Mermaid flesh grants longevity in exchange for physical youth. Klofange is chronologically only a young man in his twenties, between consuming Mermaid flesh and the harshness of his goal to hunt down all mermaids, he just looks physically older.
-- Mermaid meat loses its magical properties if cooked or preserved in some way, then it becomes basically normal fish meat.
- Klofange is the last living Atlantean, because before he went under the ice with Dyris, all the rest were wiped out after they were forced to flee Atlantis and become ocean-dwelling nomads who tried to keep up with their goals of eliminating the dangers of Mermaids.
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