#xiao chui tag
geges · 2 years
Avi im at the lake get me out
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go back into the lake im staring at ashuras tits
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ask-jackie-chan · 7 years
Jackie Chan Adventures Mafia AU Part I
Alright, so I have everything perfectly sorted out for this JCA Mafia AU. It’ll involve a lot of JCA characters almost the entire cast from the fillers and plot episodes and such. 
The only issue is that this AU will take me some intense thinking and piece-togethering. It’s more complicated to explain in words, so I won’t be able to release new information about this AU so quickly. Hopefully there won’t be a lot of confusion but if there is, I’m always open to questions.
Behold, the Jackie Chan Adventures Mafia AU Part I!
So there are 4 classes of people in the modern world. You have the Demons, Mage, Norms and Civils. The first three are mafias and the Civils are the regular people of the world.
The Demons, Mages and Norms are the names for the different classes of mafias that exist, like Chinese Sorcerors, Oni, Dark Hand etc.
The Demon syndicates is the highest and the most exclusive crime syndicate of all. All of the different sections of the Demon mafia used to be close. Ever since The Picnic, the sections don’t trust each other and do their best to avoid anyone not like them. They usually do business with other Demons and try not to associate with someone outside of their syndicate, lest the person be an impressive exception. The Demons are the best at covering their tracks when it comes to legal trouble. If you’re one to step up against them, you better hope you’ll be able to make it out alive. Many people have stood up against the Demons, very few lived to tell the tale. 
Notable members: Dai Gui, Shendu, Tso Lan, Xiao Fung, Hsi Wu, Tchang Zu. Po Kong, Bai Tza, Drago, Tarakudo, Oni Generals, Jiangshi, Spring-Heeled Jack, Quetzalcoatl, Monkey King, StrikeMaster Ice, MC Cobra, DJ Fist, Shadowkhan, etc
The Mages come next. They are seperated into two parts; Light and Dark. Altogether, this makes the Mages the biggest of the three classes of mafias. They used to be one, but the main leaders of both groups disagreed with one another. This caused a series of fights that seperated the Mages called The Divorce Courts, the result ending in a stalemate. Afterwards, the Light aligned themselves with the police for a while to help them with arresting mafia members and their organizations. After the Cookout, police are ordered arrest all mafia members, good or bad. 
Notable members: Magister, Lo Pei, Uncle, Tohru, Simon Magus, Simone Magus, Daolon Wong, Gan, Ren, Chui, Zhen, Bartholomew Chang, Ms. Kimber, Chi Master Fong, High Mystic, Mohajah, Monks, Muntabs, Cao Guojiu, Han Xiangzi, He Xiangu, Lan Caihe, Li Tieguai, Lü Dongbin, Zhang Guo Lao, Zhongli Quan, Kuniko Kasahara, Kai Ching, Xu Lin, etc
Then comes the Norms, as in ‘Normal Mafia’. They are those mafia members who don’t deal with magic. This is either because of their hatred for magic or they don’t care for it. This makes them the weakest of mafias, but they still know their own ways of striking fear into Civil hearts. Because Demons and Mages rely most of their power on magic, a Norm has a high chance of winning in a no-magic fair fight against a Demon or a Mage. If a Demon or Wizard becomes interested in a Norm, they must go through many tests to see if they are truly worthy or not. If yes, the Norm is upgraded. If not, a Norm stays a Norm. 
Notable members: Finn, Ratso, Chow, Hak Foo, Valmont, Dark Hand, Helga Sorenson, Tommy Chung, Bob Halfcock, Philip Crane, Dr. Weber, Mr. Jumba, Vanessa Barone, Portia Martindale, Peter Bailey, Karl Nivor, etc
Last but not least, Civils. Civils are mainly left out the syndicate drama. Once one is in a mafia’s drama, it’s hard to get out. Still, people manage to get swept up in mafia activities and can get hurt or get themselves arrested. There’s that or they can find ways to get a personalized ring for themselves to build their own Demon/Mage/Norm syndicate. Out of the Civils, you have the government organizations and police working to stop all mafia from existing. While police and government don’t always see eye-to-eye, they are happy to take down the things scaring other Civils. 
Notable members: Jackie, Jade, Captain Black, Section 13, El Toro, Viper, Mama Tohru, Wing, Ms. Hartman, Drew, Paco, Agent Tag etc.
When the time comes, a mafia member gets a personalized ring in a Ring Ceremony. For a Demon or a Mage, it’s a Chi Ring Ceremony. In A Chi Ring Ceremony, a Demon/Mage and their chi bind with their ring to give them power. This gives the wearer more energy throughtout the day. To hide or reveal in public, the magic words are ‘conceal’ and ‘reveal’. Now of course, if a Demon/Mage is banished/leaves the mafia for whatever reason, their chi can be unjoined with their ring to unpower it. With their chi, a Demon/Mage can find out if their ring’s power is being used by someone else. If a Demon/Mage is not careful, their ring can get them into a lot of trouble.
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geges · 2 years
Omg avi ure back on tumblr hi avi how do you feel about him (yin zheng) look at him
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geges · 2 years
Hi avi i need to be annoying really fast hi
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pplease get this man out of my inbox im having a sexuality crisis i dont need to be confronted by him in lace or the memory of the car racing show gifset 😐😐😐😐😐😐
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