pennywaltzy · 4 months
The Basics -- 2, 8, 9
The Specifics -- 18, 19, 20
2: Are you a pantser or plotter? Pantser. That's probably why I have so many WIPs where I go back to them and I'm all "Where the fuck was I going with this?"
8. Oldest WIP: Oh lord. I think I have some Buffyverse WIPs that I need to dig out of the text file from my old Yahoo Group alternabuffyfic, but the oldest one I have (from when I started writing it) is "Urge To Fight," which is a CSI: NY/Startgate Atlantis fic that I will finish one day. The oldest WIP I have on AO3 chronologically is "When In University..." a Pondlock xfic which I was going to turn into an original fic because I got told Sherlock was too OOC...then series 3 & 4 happened and I was vindicated that he's a soft little meow meow under it all, so fuck all the haters of that fic it's getting finished in the near future.
9. Current WIP: "What Stork Brings," a Star Trek AOS Spirk fic about them adopting twins. It was recently featured on a reblog by the Tumblr user who came up with the original post that inspired it, so I've gotten a lot of kudos and comments on it and, internet and writing time willing, I'm considering doing it for WIPBB this year. So no updates until September, but it would be finished.
18. If you could collaborate with anyone, who would it be, and what would you write about? I wanna write with my personal fic gremlin @strangelock221b! We have a series she drops the occasional fic in (The Best Laid Plans), but that's mostly my baby. I don't know what we'd right about...maybe a new series with her OC Leland and Mary Bennet, or something in the Star Trek AOS verse or the MCU. The possibilities are endless!
19. How do you keep yourself motivated? Honestly? I've been super unmotivated since, like, May of last year, when I got COVID and developed long hauler symptoms. I will probably start working more once I have housing, since it's super hard for me to not write on a table/flat surface, and I'm stuck at the shelter without internet most of the time (plus right now I'm putting most of my energy into finding housing before we need to leave the shelter). But right now I have an Urge to be artistic, so I'm probably going to work on 2023 WIPBB art claims and fanmixes for a bit and work on "What Stork Brings" when I can fully charge my laptop and sit at the dining room table, which is stuff I can do with a minimal need to be online.
20. How many WIPs and story ideas do you have? I have between 65 - 70 published WIPs up on AO3, I think. I haven't checked in a while. I also have a HUGE folder of prompts that I've been trying to whittle down by giving them to Molly Hooper Appreciation week participants in our new December round, though @apromptadaykeepstheblockaway (which is my newest prompt blog) and just to friends of mine who want simple prompts that they can apply to any ship/fandom.
A Writer’s Ask Game
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bandori-imagines · 7 years
how about some cute fluffy himari and her s/o sitting by the fire wrapped up in the same blanket and drinking hot cocoa/tea? and maybe himari like accidentally spills the drink on y'all (but not when it's still hot rip)
Countdown to Christmas with BanG Dream! Day 8: Himari
Ahh I love Himari so much!! Sorry I’ve been feeling so uninspired, no promises but when I’m feeling better I might come back and redo this because Himari deserves the world!! Anyway thanks for requesting! Hope you enjoy~
“It’s ready!” Himari called from the kitchen. She made her way back to the living room with two drinks in her hands, and carefully handed them both to you before she sat down, pulling the blanket back up around her shoulders before taking one of the mugs back. “It’s really hot, so you need to be careful when you drink it, but I put pretty much all the chocolate we had in there, so I hope you like it!” She looked at you expectantly, her eyes glowing, so you slowly raised it to your lips and took a sip.
“Ohhh my gmm,” you moaned into the cup, immediately taking a bigger sip. “It’s so good,” you said, licking your lips. Himari’s face lit up, obviously proud of herself, and you smiled.
“I’m glad you like it!” she giggled, settling herself down on the floor next to you. You and Himari had pushed the couch around so you could lean on it as you sat in front of the fire. Soft music played in the background, and once Himari had gotten comfy, you gave her the other cup of cocoa.
“Mmmm, you’re so comfy~” Himari said as she snuggled further into your side.
“Thanks, I guess,” you snorted, readjusting your arm around her to get more comfortable yourself. It was a picturesque scene, the two lovebirds cuddled up together in front of the fireplace in Himari’s living room, a fluffy comforter draped over you, keeping you nice and toasty in tandem with the fire. Himari was being extra clingy today, not that you didn’t appreciate it.
“I’m glad we finally got an evening to ourselves, sorry we’ve been practicing so hard, it’s just the concert is coming up and Tsugu’s been nervous, so we’re all putting in 200% effort to try to help her feel better,” Himari said, then took a sip of her drink.
You shook your head, telling her that it was okay.
“It’s just that I’m tired of carrying my base with me to school everyday, since it’s such a hassle to go back home and get it when we’re going to practice right after, and…”
You smiled as she rattled on complaints, hugging her to your side a little tighter. She complained a lot, sure, but at the end of it all you knew it was really because she cared so deeply for her friends and for you. This time, she didn’t complain for very long, instead merging into a story of something Ran did at practice.
“Yeah, and she went to hit Moca, but she accidentally almost dropped her guitar like - ah!”
You jumped when Himari yelped, and then again when you saw the hot chocolate dripping out of Himari’s cup that she had dropped onto the blanket.
“Oh, no! Quick, don’t let it drip on you, I’ll get some towels!” Himari got up in a hurry and ran off to get something to clean it up with. You laughed as you gathered up the comforter. Luckily it was thick enough that it hadn’t dripped onto you.
“Sorry, sorry, sorry! Just throw that in the washing machine, oh my goodness, I’m such a mess,” Himari apologized and laughed as she dropped down with some towels to soak up the liquid.
“I love you, Himari,” you grinned as you did as told.
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Howl at the Moon
Summers in Westchester are hot and sticky, but at the age of four, Sadie Wisdom doesn’t mind.
She likes to lay in the tall grass at the edge of the grounds, and watch as the sun goes down. The moon comes out and the stars start to appear and she smiles.
One of the nice things about people with mutant powers is that nobody worries where she is, because as long as Uncle Nate or Auntie Jean or Auntie Rachel or Quentin or Auntie Betsy can find her, no one is worried about where she is, and she can stay outside for longer than she would if her family were worried.
She hears a rustling in the grass and sits up, pushing raven hair from big blue eyes and squinting to find her grandfather heading toward her. Sadie smiles and waves, and when he gets to her, he settles next to her easily, crossing his legs like he’s going to meditate.
Grampa Logan is a big man; not tall like Uncle Piotr is tall but large. Widely set with big hairy hands and a weathered face.
“Doin okay there, Darlin?”
Sadie nods. “I like the sky when it gets dark.”
“I know,” he grins. He reaches out and brushes some dry grass from her hair and then pokes her nose gently. “Gettin’ late though. Almost time for bed.”
She huffs and flops back down. “I’ll sleep out here.”
“Not gonna fly,” Grampa tells her. “You know how your mom feels about you sleepin outside on your own.”
Sadie pouts a little. She likes the X-Mansion okay, but it’s not like home. It’s too big, and too quiet and her room isn’t like her room back in London. It’s hard to feel comfortable without the noise pollution of the city, and at least outside there are bugs and wildlife to make noise.
“Tell you what,” Grampa Logan says, laying down next to her. “You an’ me, we howl at the moon a little, an’ then we go inside for a bedtime story and a good teeth brushin.”
Sadie smiles at him, unable to help herself. “Okay.”
“Okay,” Grampa Logan grins. He reaches out and wraps an arm around her, bringing her closer. “On the count o’ three, you howl your little heart out. One. Two.”
They howl so loudly at the moon above them that a flock of birds spooks and goes flying, scattering from the trees beyond the grounds, and Sadie giggles.
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Fanfics that changed the way I viewed the X-Files:
1. http://wintersong0.tripod.com/xfic/stories/Games.txt “The Games We Play”
Summary: Mulder and Scully participate in an FBI wargame that raises interesting questions about what game is being played...and the identities of the players.
Okay, so I’m definitely going to touch on some spoilers for these pics, so turn away if you’re interested in reading them.
But, in “The Games We Play” the author explores a very interesting thought that Mulder and Scully are watched/surveilled by everyone and not just the Syndicate. And the idea is compelling because why wouldn’t they be watched by the CIA or the military knowing who they are by name or UFO groups obsessively keeping up with their every move, which is canon via Max Fenig.
That idea has stuck with me for years because there is no way this isn’t true. The type of cases Mulder and Scully investigated and the shit they got into, these two were definitely closely monitored by many parties and not just shadow groups and government agencies. 
2. The Iolokus Series: https://archiveofourown.org/series/1545
Although I love the versions of Mulder and Scully that we got (meaning S1-7, beyond that, they’re...inconsistent), what I love about this series is that the writers allowed Mulder and Scully to react to things. They allowed them to feel shit, be dark, not know the answers, and lash out at each other. This isn’t something that I necessarily wanted in canon, but with considering the shit Mulder and Scully dealt with and went through together, the fact that they hadn’t lost their minds was a feat. 
They also have this very fascinating dynamic in the series, but are humanized despite their very real and obvious flaws. Your heart breaks at times because, to a certain degree, this was a possible path for them.
Their relationship was incredibly complicated, which I think the series wonderfully captured!
As I said before in another post, this is/was definitely a controversial fic, but this was written mid way during the original series AND the author’s are reacting to Chris Carter not addressing all of the violations carried out against Scully. Her abduction, her being barren, Emily, etc. But, it also touches on how these things, in addition to their relationship in general, further complicates Scully’s interactions with Mulder. 
I’ll add more when I recall the other fics.
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belovedsky · 6 years
The last day of february, I went to the pier instead of my usual afternoon running to the library and park, where I don’t do much. 
My head is stuffed right now. Last time, I went 5 minutes by 5 minutes. And I was ok. And then I stopped for some reason, fell away even as I found happiness. Before, I started and stopped twice, three times? But maybe this is the spiral towards growth, spiraling towards the sky. Again. and Again.
Instead of going to Col, I went to get pizza for the first time alone. I treated it as something that might have been wrong, an experiment. And it was ok? It wasn’t really completely right or wrong. I went to the other library, the A library, but I only sat in the car and let myself feel the full brunt of whatever anxiety came up, whatever fear. And I realized it was ok. I looked at my phone while doing it. And then I left to go to the art store where I bought luminiscent origami paper, and the pretty pastel paper too, instead of the yuzu chiyo which I actually asked for at first. I didn’t get it, even when I felt obligated to for a moment because I asked. I’m glad I did, it was a moment of small bravery. Also, it was pretty expensive lol.
And then I went to the pier, a different pier from the one I found a year and a half ago. So long. And I wondered if I still had enough time, if I’d run out. I wondered where I was, where I should be going. I was afraid, I watched the waves. Little waves, I imagined my life, all life as the eddies and tiny ripples and all the cacophony of movement I saw in the water, the womb of all life isn’t it? And it wasn’t really a cacophony was it? And I prayed. As I do now. The pier was peaceful. And I thought of starting another fanfic, even though to this day, I have not finished a single one I wanted to, even the ones I loved. I never finished wolf, I never finished mulanAu, I never started the xfics, psyche, pokemon, etc. I never got past the 1st chapter of wnone dragon/magician fic. 
But I think I will start another one. N. I think I will. Because I grew today. In little ways, in big ones. I grew today when I got pizza instead of s. I grew today when I sat in the car and listened to my fears. I grew today when I chose the beautiful origami paper that I wanted, instead of the ones I felt obligated to get. I grew today when I drove to the pier, when I chose to expand my choices beyond the limit that wasn’t real. I grew today when I tried to choose joy.
Choosing to be happy. Choosing. The choice of choosing. I was always so afraid of choice.
I always thought that the right choice was to not choose. Ever. I always thought that the right thing to do was to let God handle it, let some force that can never be wrong handle the choices, not me, when I don’t know what to do, when I could be punished for doing ti wrong, choosing wrong. But now, I’m starting to think that’s not right anymore is it?
MAybe this is me beginning to learn to live. I said to A that sometimes, happiness makes me anxious. I’ve realized that maybe that’s true and it scares me. TO admit that. But maybe, this in itself is a step towards freedom.
Maybe all the things you were afraid of were just steps towards freedom.
Afraid of not having enough time to finish nano, to learn what I want to, maybe I already wasted too much of what could have been.
Or maybe it’s like that wall in acontrej.
Not to restart but to continue. Always to continue. What you had all along, maybe you never understood it, maybe you are still in the middle of understanding.
I asked for help. I asked for guidance. I said that I was scared. I heard, Always.
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mocktheright · 6 years
Moronic “Sovereign Citizen/Freeman of the Land” idiots being owned video 3 https://youtu.be/kXjFyW-xfIc -- from Mock the Right on Facebook - https://goo.gl/tYgshr -- November 07, 2018 at 11:01PM
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foodiequeening · 7 years
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dancingqueening · 7 years
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snowedmary · 10 years
I entered :) & could I have a spn story pleasee? (a team free will au but could I be in it too?) idk anything is cool
Sure, hun!(sorry for taking so long!)
Here it goes:
"Cas?" She screamed "Cas?!" She scremed again, louder this time. The girl looked at her hands, covered in blood, trying to make some pressure over Catsiel's wound."C'mon Aerin! DO SOMETHING!" Dean urged, looking at the vanishing expression on the angel's face."I... I can't!" The girl cried, looking helplessly at Cas."What d'you mean you can't?!" Shouted the older of the Winchesters "You're an angel!"The girl looked at him with empty eyes and cheeks covered in tears "I'm broken, Dean! The fell hurt us all! And even if I wasn't... This was made with an angel blade... I-I..." Her voice was shaky and her throat dry.Suddenly, a hand touched her cheek."It's ok, sister. I've accepted my fate already" She looked at him in silence, tears running down her face."You can't be serious!" Dean said, trying to swallow but almost choking."Dean, please don't... Just..." The angel went silent for a little while and then tried to look at his right side "Is Sam alright?""Well, he better be!" Said Dean, looking at the point Castiel was trying to look at. Sam was lying there, on the floor, unconscious but harmless."Then it's alright" The angel said as he closed his eyes."Cas, no, please, no... CAS!" The angel girl cried, getting her face closer to Castiel's."Aerin..." He said in a low voice, only hearable to her. She repressed a little cry and closed her eyes, focusing only on the older angel's voice, trying to percieve every single one of its inflections. Castiel smiled when he noticed the attention she was paying to him. He liked her, she was still young, but she was brave and dedicated. He could trust her, he could ask one last thing to her...
"Please take good care of them"
(Sorry if this was too tragic T_T)
Dude, look! Pie! Only finishing the ones in my ask now!Blacklist “XPromos” to avoid.
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Flower Crowns
Bibi ‘Roro’s garden is amazing. Brightly colored flowers spill out from every corner of the greenhouse, and Sadie Wisdom loves to spend hours smelling and looking and helping, and sometimes Bibi ‘Roro lets her pick some.
Today is one of those sometimes.
She beams at her haul, spread out across a picnic table outside. It’s beautiful out; a little breezy and warm and not at all like the sticky weather they’ve been having, and she knows Bibi is making it that way.
She smiles up at the tall woman sitting across from her. Sadie thinks she’s amazing; beautiful and graceful like royalty, and always ready for anything.
Bibi smiles at her. “What would you like to do with all of our flowers, little one?”
Sadie looks at all of the flowers in front of them, multicolored and waiting.
“I know!”
Pete Wisdom finds his daughter and (sort of) mother-in-law at the picnic table a little while later and takes a seat, pulling the unlit cigarette from his lips and pocketing it quickly (because he swears he quit, he definitely did).
“There you are,” he grins at Sadie. “What have you two been up to?”
Sadie lights up. “Daddy we picked flowers, and now...and now we’re making flower crowns!”
Pete glances at the table, and sure enough, there are five or six ornate flower crowns laying there.
“S’nice,” he nods.
She lifts one with white flowers on it, beaming. “I made this one for you.”
Pete blinks and grins. “Well, that’s very nice of you, Petal, thank you.” Without thinking about it, he ducks down so she can place it on his head, to the delicate snicker of Ororo.
“What?” he asks, looking over at her. “Sadie made it for me.”
Ororo shakes her head and continues to laugh harder.
Sadie giggles. “Daddy looks pretty.”
Behind him, he can hear the sound of a phone camera clicking, and turns quickly to find his wife standing there, shrugging as she grins.
“What?!” Kitty cries. “I’m documenting for Sadie’s memory books! Also I’ll be sending this to Brian. And Meggan. And Kurt. And Moira.”
Pete rolls his eyes. Kitty snaps another picture.
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mocktheright · 6 years
https://youtu.be/kXjFyW-xfIc -- from Mock the Right on Facebook - https://goo.gl/tYgshr -- November 01, 2018 at 07:00PM
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dancingqueening · 7 years
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dancingqueening · 7 years
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dancingqueening · 7 years
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dancingqueening · 7 years
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foodiequeening · 7 years
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