#xenosaga bart
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Today's disabled character of the day is Bartholomew "Bart" Fatima from the Xenosaga series, who is visually impaired
Requested by Anon
[Image Description: Drawing of a man whose left eye is dark blue and his right eye is covered with a black eye patch. He is wearing an orangish red jacket and a black undershirt. He has long blond hair in a braid. He has a medium light skin tone.]
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goro-pancake-akechi · 2 years
Sorry for the long delay again. I lost access to my computer, so I couldn't update the results spreadsheet. I have it back now though. So, finally, here are the results for round 2 of the Xeno Sexyman Poll!
Again, the image is a bit small, so you may need to zoom in or download it.
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We have the next set of awards as well!
Most contested fittingly goes to Shulk and Zanza, who stayed at around 50/50 for the entire time.
Closest vote goes to Z and Akhos, with a final voting spread of 51.2%/48.8%.
Biggest sweep goes to Blade 2 Jin, who won with 81.4% of votes.
Biggest upset goes to Addam, who won with 69.8% of votes, opposing my personal vote for Kenny Rohan.
Best prediction once again goes to Zeke, as the unbiased audience voted entirely in favor of him, and his voting spread was one of the highest.
I would also like to congratulate Nomura, the artist of the Torna members, for his golden touch. We're almost at the semifinals, and every Torna member who was part of the poll is still here!
We also have the start of the definitive answers for each cast. These are the characters from each cast who got the furthest in the poll, and out of those, the character who recieved the most individual votes.
The official Xenogears Sexyman is Bart!
The official Xenosaga Sexyman is Wilhelm!
And the official Xenoblade X Sexyman is Lao!
Anyways, round 3 of voting begins now, 11:00 AM ET on Nov. 14th, and ends in three days, on Nov. 17th at 6:00 PM ET.
This round is only 8 questions long, so it should be much quicker to vote for.
Thank you for voting, and remember to share this wherever you can within the Xeno community!
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sicahyart · 2 years
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Gears & Saga
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jewishgir · 2 years
there is this guy trying to argue with me on my own YouTube video, saying how the only belief system Xenogears and Xenosaga takes inspiration from is Gnosticism and doesn't actually contain any references to Judaism or other religions and when I tell him how Gnosticism is a movement that blends Jewish and Christian beliefs and bring up Soraya Saga's own quote about how there are many religious references in the games but that the Biblical ones are the most prominent, he just writes me a wall of text about the ways Xenogears references Gnosticism.
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lunarbattery · 5 years
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Xenotober :4 Difficult Quest
Bart and Jr.
Pretty sure these two imagine every act they do as an epic quest. Always ready to rescue a certain damsel in distress ;)
I’ve wanted to draw them together for a long time!
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Each Canon NOTP:
Xenogears: Bart/Margie - it's arranged marriage, both hate it, they're cousins, they act like siblings, and Margie's a child.
Xenosaga: Shion/Kevin - Kevin emotionally manipulated Shion with the intent of causing her suffering. He flat out admits to doing it, fully confident that Shion will join him. When she rejects him, he tries to kill the entire party. This is the only well done NOTP.
Xenoblade Chronicles: Reyn/Sharla - most of their romance is Sharla telling Reyn about how he reminds her of Gadolt. She's still mourning and latched onto Reyn for substitute.
Xenoblade Chronicles X: Elma/the guy she pilotted the original Ares with - he was vaguely mentioned by Doug once in a sidequest and, based off In the Forest, is probably floating around in space. The potential romance is hinted at in Xenoblade 2 and we still don't know this guy's name.
Xenoblade Chronicles 2: Pyra/Rex - Pyra's 500, Rex is 15.
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rametarin · 4 years
Xenogears? Based
For real man my love of xenogears is pure.
I have DESTROYED that game’s system, repeatedly. Armor? Fuck it, just buy +speed rings for everybody, grind up everybody’s best attack technique and FUCKING. DESTROY the enemy.
Gears? Just shove three Magnetic Coats onto them. Dodge everything, hit everything, combo everything because you’ve ground your attack techniques all the way to XX.
Even ground up enough money to buy enough Drives to make Chuchu into a max HP, max AP, max stat killing machine, invulnerable to all but the most unfair and ridiculous attacks and capable of healing all damage from 1 to 50,000. Big magical bunny kaiju just destroying anything and everything.
Got Billy Lee Black’s Ether stat to 200 and just equipped him with the right ether ammo. Just tore the opponents up with absolutely mad amounts of damage.
Got the characters capable of doing mad damage Ether Mags on their Gears. Kind of shit where they just do 9999 to everything at every turn. Or in Bart’s case, he’ll destroy the enemy’s accuracy.
And in Emeralda’s case she’ll just obliterate anything and everyone.
I did similar with Xenosaga 1-3. One summer I was so bored I just ground up Shion and Kos-Mos in the tutorial area until they had enough T-points to just trailblaze each other enough to make one another 50 stat points ahead of where they should be.
Love them games. Have yet to play Xenoblade, but I totally would if I had the time.
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nihilismbot · 4 years
What are your top 3 ships? Any fandom for curiosity nwn
Only three? I have so many/ I’m gonna cheat and go for top three for multiple fandoms.
Jotaro/Kakyoin - Repressed gay with friendly gay
DIO/Vanilla Ice - The least problematic of the Dio ships
Johnny/Gyro - So I may have not read Part 7 but I read spoilers and they have a dynamic I know I’ll love
Thunderclash/Rodimus - Think of this incredible power couple
Megatron/Soundwave - Megatron’s only weakness is a stereo
Mortal Kombat
Noob/Havik - Make the grumpy shadow kiss the obnoxious skeleton
Jade/Kitana - I don’t care what NRS says, it’s canon
Hanzo/Kuai Liang - Let me be boring
Bart/Billy - What if king kiss priest?
Dominia/Kelvena - I genuinely thought this was canon for years. That Dominia was supposed to have feelings for Ramsus went WAY over my 8-year-old head
Ramsus/Sigurd - They definitely boinked
Allen/Scott - They absolutely boinked in the anime
Ziggy/Juli - I have so many genuine words about how sweet this ship is ;u;
Xenoblade 1
Fiora/Melia - No love triangle, only lesbians
Reyn/Sharla - I knew they were going to end up together so I started to ship them immediately and then their development was crap
Riki/Oka - Riki is a great dad, but don’t forget that Oka is also a great mom!
Xenoblade X
Yelv/Phog - The current ship I won’t shut up about. I want the asocial cowboy to kiss the shy rock nerd
Elma/Irina - If Elma won’t date her, give her the other competent woman
Doug/Hope - Wait this one is almost canon. Whoops
Xenoblade 2
Malos/Jin - Let evil men be husbands
Mythra/Zenobia - After reading some fics for this, I’m fully onboard the rowdy lady ship
Morag/Brighid - THEY. ARE. MARRIED.
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radicaldreamer017 · 6 years
Finished chapter 3 and in the middle of chapter 4 (and things are getting spoilery) :
- found a few more heart to heart. It was quite funny to have Tora laments on feeling useless in battle after I benched him. Guess the game does expect you to bench him for the new character.
- I noticed how these scenes are voiced and involve several characters. In XB1, the scenes are silent and involves only two characters bonding. The voice acting is cool but I think they should have kept the two character bonding thing (group stuff is nice too… but so far, Tora has been starring in all of them… i’m afraid the game may push some characters forward more than others in these heart to heart).
- so, met Zeke (it’s Zek in french apparently) and his blade twice. He’s so over the top lol… i saw people comparing him with Bart from Xenogears, but Bart was down to earth next to him (then again, the over the top shonen humor in XB2 is quite new to Xeno… except maybe when it comes to mascot characters). Bart also had a heavy backstory and duty. That said, eye patch thing, trying to snatch your « weapon » upon the first meeting… I can see why comparaisons are made. I’m waiting to see who Zeke is beyond “comic relief guy” though.
- I don’t know if it’s just me but enemies feel quite spongey compared to previous XB games. In the first game, it was quicker and easier to beat a group of enemies. Not so much here (in fact, I’m dying a lot... and chapter 4 is pissing me off a bit because of this... too many enemies ganging up on you, all spongey... the most annoying thing is getting teleported way back and all enemies getting revived). In the first XB game, I was already going against uniques in the first 10 hours. I never bothered to beat a single one in this one and i’m past 30 hours in. Then again, I was battling uniques in XB1 because it was part of the quests and I knew they were giving capacity points too.
- I really like Uraya overall. The town gives me Skyrim (Solitude) vibe coupled with Baten Kaitos maybe (with a touch of Zora village from Breath of the Wild) ?
- speaking of this town… i’m still clueless where their king or queen even is… where’s the palace ?
- i’m starting to understand maybe why people feel frustrated when exploring in this game. It took me way too much time to understand how to get to Uraya’s main town (and I just quit yesterday playing chapter 4 because a piece of bridge fell while i was walking on it and the only path towards the next main story point I can see is blocked by blade skills i don’t have... that said, maybe this bridge will be whole again when I’ll return to the game... otherwise, that would be bullshit). I also understand why it can feel frustrating to have exploration blocked by requirements that are entirely linked to the blades you managed to get based on pure luck. But I can only encourage Monolith to explore player/environment interactions further. Maybe Zelda’s success will make their next Xeno/jrpg game a lot better on this front (I have lots of gripes about the new Zelda sure… but the way we could interact with the environment, using elements and all, wasn’t one of them).
- so far, town music is definitively more memorable/better than in XB1 (Mitsuda composed them, didn’t he ?).
- while I like towns better in this than XB1, i think it really was a mistake to take the social network thing away. It just makes townies a lot less endearing. It takes away the sense of communities the first two Xenoblade games had. It was really one of Xenoblade’s biggest strength imo.
- returning to Argentum made me realize how nice this place is. A callback to the Thames from Xenogears but with warm Ghibli aesthetics too (love the interior in the upper floors).
- the more I play Tiger Tiger, the more I like it... Dunno if it’s because I was craving for some actual mini games in the modern Xeno games (sick of the hunt/fetch routine) or because the mini game is legit nice. But locking Poppi’s entire upgrade system behind a single mini game probably sucks for anyone who hates playing it.
- I can send blades to expeditions now… between this and the pull to get blades system, the game feels very mobile gacha inspired (by the way, got a rainbow in FFBE the same day I got KOS-MOS). Not that the expedition system was invented by mobile games. It was in FF Tactics on PS1 after all. But the way the characters are sent to missions just remind me of FFBE.
- Also, people sure don’t mind giving command of their military force to a kid they just met lol (old person speaking uhuh).
- this theater thing was nice (and very Baten Kaitos looking).
- the last bosses were brutal… even being higher leveled than them… until I just switched Vandham for Tora (well see, perverted furball… you’re more useful than the big guy with the giant bird after all… crazy).
- speaking of them… I find them quite obnoxious. Maybe it’s the Nomura aesthetics… or the fact they kept wrecking my party… I did feel a bit sorry for Akhos (?) in the end though.
- Malos, or the Sephiroth school of villainy… wearing Gaignun Kukai’s face.
- Giant robot flashback… and a bonus Zohar with a pissy Mithra in it. I love how i’m trying to enjoy this game without comparing it too much to its heavy successors story wise… but the game won’t let me. Oh well…
- hi Mythra… it amused me how she went « fuck off ! I didn’t want to wake up ! I’m out ! » just after being introduced. Also, one of her lines was straight out of Xenosaga 3. As a Xenogears fan, her behavior also reminded me of the « coward ».
- Vandham’s death. I did like the character... but not enough to feel much during this scene apparently (losing the wind bird though... rude... but you get it back quickly anyway). People are not going to feel much when a character they just met dies (unless they’re known to have a close bond with the main character from the get go maybe... which is why killing Alice in Xenogears or Fiora in Xenoblade 1 felt more brutal despite happening very early... because they were introduced as the “childhood friend character/love interest/sister”). Especially if the character is a big bulky guy and the death quite cliché for this kind of character.
- also... did... did they bury him in a freaking concrete/stone ground ?
- I only just remembered Poppi broke at the end of the chapter. But she wasn’t that broken, it seems. They really didn’t make a big fuss about it.
- first time in forever since a character shared a bed with his obvious love interest in a Xeno game. But let’s not expect anything mature here. Mythra was just sleepwalking and happened to end up in Rex’s bed. So, yeah... the whole scene was an entire “you stupid pervert” joke you often see in harem animes (with “omg boobs in front of my face” reaction from Rex). That said, this darn hat that Dromach wears is a thing of glory. Highlight of the scene lol... Ah, and they also acknowledge Mythra/Pyra’s clothing being ridiculous in this scene.
- the whole “thievery” plotline was kind of filler. But still, I guess I’m glad those kids have a place to belong now. Guess I can see the Oliver Twist inspiration here (Takahashi said it was one of the works that made him want to make XB2). And now, the bird is back and Rex can have another 5 stars blade (though, I also managed to get Perceval for him, with a common core crystal).
- Speaking of new rare blade, I also got Boreas for Nia. But controlling Nia with him as her main blade kinda sucks. Boreas is so big that he almost takes the whole screen. But he’s a healer. That’s cool. That’s Nia’s main job.
- Muimui... I’m so glad you’re not the playable mascot character (really, even considering Tora). Seriously, this little guy is like... a nopon version of Peter Pettigrew from Harry Potter (maybe it’s appriopriate, he seems shaddy). But higher pitched. And his name sounds kinda dumb, spoken out loud.
- I like Mor Ardain’s city. Reminds me of Nortune from Xenogears (too bad Mor Ardain’s Titan is a brown wasteland though... but hey, it is dying, after all).
- I really liked the cutscene introducing Mor Ardain’s “emperor”. The music was perfect, Morag and Brighid were there, I generally like child emperor/empress (like say, Larsa from FF12)... and I guess Morag is of royal blood now ?
- Tora’s background story unvealed... and I’m sure it was dramatic... but holy shit, I just wanted to laugh when seeing this small nopon holding a huge gun. Tora is like... Maria Balthasar as a male perverted Chuchu. It’s weird. Now, off to retrieve his giant rob... I mean, gothic lolita robot.
- Hot spring naked time... with convenient censor fog. I knew something like this was in ever since the first trailer. Some people managed to spot a keyword for a bath scene or something. Sigh... What should I say ? I like Persona and they did much worse with this kind of stuff. But it’s still pandering. I don’t even remember what the heck the girls were talking about (expect Poppi maybe... something about being waterproof ?).
- Second battle transition against Zeke was kind of funny. Rex gets bitchslapped by Mythra and the screen breaks, FF10 style.
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Accepted Characters 6/18/2024
Jonesy Garcia from 6teen
Remember Dippy (Mem) from Remember Dippy
Dr. James Palmer (Jimmy) from NCIS
Tino Tonitini from The Weekenders
Marvin from Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
TBH creature (Yippee) by @princestarangel
Bartholomew "Bart" Fatima from the Xenosaga series
Flick from PB and J Otter
Seong-un Ma from I Was the Final Boss
Donatello from Rise of the TMNT
Kai from Elebits
unnamed pit bull from Kitbull
Lily Longleat from Law & Order SVU
Stark from Frieren
Haru from My Roommate is a Cat
Spencer from House
Rixis from Monster Pulse
Sophie from Monster Pulse
Squirrelly Nut from The Nut Family
Roger Maugras Sr. from Monster Pulse
2023 requests remain
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radicaldreamer017 · 7 years
1, 2, 4 & 5
1. What OTPs in your fandom(s) do you just not get?
In general, pedo ships, real people shipping, cutesy shipping a good character with his/her abuser/bad guy who killed/abused his/her loved one/s. etc…
2. Are there any popular fandom OTPs you only BroTP?
Fran/Balthier in FF12. Sharla/Reyn in Xenoblade. Rude/Reno in FF7. Sam/Daniel, Sam/Janet and Sam/Cam in SG1 (I could add Jack/Daniel here, especially as they’re more popular than the ships I mentioned… except i vastly prefer the Jack/Teal’c brOTP lol). MC/Yosuke in P4. Ed/Al in FMA (well, duhh, they’re actual brothers… but it was a popular ship anyway back then). Maybe Bart/Margie in Xenogears (i have many feels over them… but they’re mostly familial… I guess same with Bart/Sigurd). I also never shipped Jr/Momo from Xenosaga. Bart/Fei too. And Harry/Ron in HP I guess (never saw a hint of possible romance there… but I guess i’m not alone… since the main ship war was about Harry/Hermione versus Ron/Hermione). There are more, i’m sure.
4. Do you have a NoTP in your fandom? Are they a popular OTP?
Jack/Daniel from SG1… even if I understand its “appeal”. I just can’t stand it. And yeah, they were massively popular back then. The fandom is partly responsible for my emotional response to this ship, though. I also hated Jack/Laira and Sam/Pete (the latter being the most embarrassing “obstacle to the main romance” type of ship I have ever seen)… but those were never popular. Also, I remember hating Hachi/Takumi (abusive crap) from Nana and Allen/Hitomi from Escaflowne (Kevin/Shion from Xenosaga is also terribly abusive… ugh… but I guess it was more or less acknowledged when she rejected his “help” in the end). Oh… and Haruhi/Kyon from The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya (she’s an insufferable bully and Kyon almost punched her in the face for it… instant nOTP for those reasons). That said, I don’t remember any recent nOTPs… then again, I don’t play or watch new things these days (save for Persona 5… but I don’t have a clear nOTP… maybe MC/Ryoji or MC/Futaba ? Because I dislike Ryoji… and Futaba feels like a sister… I think Futaba, much like me, also needs personal time to feel more comfortable in life). Ohhhh, wait… Dojima/Adachi from P4… this one ship can BURN. I don’t get why it was still a thing in the fandom after what happened to Dojima’s daughter. And i remember being irritated by the Hot Fuzz ship/duo too (though it wasn’t abusive… guess I just couldn’t stand Danny’s character or something).
5. Has fandom ever ruined a pairing for you?
The FF7 fandom can sometimes sour me on Cloti and Zerith (the latter being already a bit hit and miss because of Crisis Core’s writing… did they really need to copy most Clerith moments and strip Aerith of her original independant characterization to make Zerith “work” ?). Thankfully, replaying the game without thinking too much about the fandom and compilation helps to enjoy FF7 fully all over again. But damn… it sucks how much fandom can ruin your feelings about ships, characters or entire shows/games/movies… Communities are nice in theory but your feelings are never as pure and true as when you experience shows/movies/games on your own. And i’m not going to talk about SG1 again. Same thing here… only worse since I can’t even bring myself to rewatch the series.
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