#xenic boy
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lgbtqtext · 4 months ago
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Requested by analog-autistic
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your-bigender-big-brother · 5 months ago
my gender is so confusing rn that its making me feel genuinely distressed and nauseous that i dont have a lable to explain it.
i dont know if there's even a term for it...
but im genderqueer, male, xenic, and agender all at once..
sometimes itll fluctuate in intensity. like ill be 50% boy for example.
other times its all of them at once.
and then sometimes its like im noting.
i like the term gendersatyr but its a mouthfull and hard to explain to people...
i genuinely feel like im about to cry over it, my autism likes to catagorize everything. i dont know what to do, i feel so confused?
should i just say im nonbinary? it doesnt really explain the full picture though.. i dont know.
Hello! I'm sorry to hear you're dealing with this.
Labels can't always encompass the entirety of our experiences, which is why I've started using multiple labels. "Bigender" is only half of what my gender is like and is a very surface-level term. I'm both male and neutrois, which could be called neutramale. But I feel that my malehood is maverine in nature. There isn't really a term for it, but I do call myself transmaverine. I use all of these terms at once to describe my genders, which is a good way to navigate anxiety about labels.
You likely won't find a single label that covers every single aspect but there are some that can help condense your genders into neater terms.
Axenovir describes a genderless and xenic male-related gender. Agendervir is genderless and male-aligned or male-related in some way. It doesn't include the xenic part though. Agender boy is a more specific term. Xenogxnder is genderless and xenogender, so you could say xenogxnder boy. Bxy is also a genderless boy label.
You can add -flux to any one of these labels and add xeno- wherever necessary. So xenobxyflux, axenovirflux, etc. Still, those are a mouthful. Using specific labels could differ depending on where you use them. Like, you can just use agender boy or genderqueer or nonbinary as a broad go-to term when you aren't in a space where you want to explain your gender. The more specific terms can be used in spaces where it's more relevant.
I simply call myself a nonbinary man wherever I go. It's simple, it's short, and it's easy for most people to understand. If someone asks what it means, I can say it means I am a man in a less conventional way. If I'm in generally queer spaces, online or offline, I might say I'm bigender or a bigender man. I can explain that I'm both a man and neutrois. But then I get really into the specific terminology when I'm writing essays that explain my gender in-depth or if someone has very specific questions about my gender. That's where I talk about transmaverinity and the experience of having an abinary manhood (rather than a nonbinary one.) It all depends on where I am and what the conversation is. This could be the same for you.
It's tough to find terms that fit us perfectly, which is why using a bunch of labels works really well. It's not a contradiction, just complexity.
There is also the option of coining your own term! It still requires some explaining, but maybe it's a good thing to have a brand-new word that might spark some curiosity and the chance to explain all the parts that make up your gender.
Also, gendersatyr is good. I like that term. I think it allows a lot of wiggle room. Yes, you will find yourself having to explain what it means. I often find myself having to explain what nonbinary means. That's just the nature of the queer experience sometimes. - 💙💚
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shk0lstun-flagz · 1 year ago
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For any trans achilleans
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hazshit-hotel-hater · 5 months ago
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@braincnancer I DO.
Im going to list them left to right and also provide names so it’s easier to search for these! For any flags stacked ontop of each other, its left, top, bottom. These first are pretty common, but it’ll get crazier as we progress. Let’s go!
Transmasculine: Someone who has transitioned to present as more masculine. This can apply to many people under the transgender umbrella, Moxxie however, is specifically a trans man and is comfortable in the gender binary of only a man.
Biromantic: Feeling romantic attraction to two or more genders.
Demisexual: Only feeling sexual attraction to someone after forming a deep bond with them.
Demiromantic/sexual: The same for Demisexual, however one also only feels romantic attraction after forming a bond with someone.
Straight ally: Straight, but supportive of the LGBTQ+.
Pansexual: Feeling sexual or romantic attraction to people regardless of their sex or gender.
Masculinx: Where one feels their masculinity is xenic-neutral and nonconforming, anyone can be masc regardless of gender because this describes a type of gnc expression not a gender alignment (taken directly from the flag’s description! Coined by SkhOlstun)
Cassgender: Where one feels their gender is unimportant, or where one is indifferent from the idea of gender. (Not to be confused with agender where people have no gender at all!)
Bisexual: Feeling sexual attraction to two or more genders. In Velvette’s case she’s also biromantic, but putting both felt a little redundant.
Bisexual: Look up at Velvette’s
Cherri Bomb
Agender: Where a person doesn't identify with any gender, or feels their gender identity is neutral or doesn't exist.
Biromantic: Look up at Moxxie’s
Pansexual: Look up at Valentino’s
Angel Dust
Boyfakegirl: Where one is 100% boy but 0% girl. Basically a boy who has a connection to the word "girl" but it’s not related to their gender at all. One might be boy/masc, androgynous, or neutral aligned, however their connection to femininity might feel as though it is fake/xenic somehow or is not the standard way usual femininity is.
MLM/Gay: A masculine person who is only romantically or sexually attracted to other masculine or non feminine identifying people.
Rosegender: A gender that is layered and thorny. Trying to hold onto the gender and pick apart every layer only causes emotional pain and stress.
Pansexual: Look up at Valentino’s
Charlie Morningstar
Biromantic: Look up at Moxxie’s
Agirligirlgender: Where someone identifies as a girl, but also simultaneously subtracted/separate from being a girl. It's not separate from being a girl by social terms, but rather distinct from it entirely, it's almost a paradox. It's not like being a girl in a fem, masc, or neutral way, it's being a girl without being a girl. (This gender was made with specifically neurodivergent people in mind so some people may just not get this one at all and that’s alright!)
Demiromantic: Look up at Moxxie’s
WLW/Lesbian: A feminine person who is only romantically or sexually attracted to other feminine or non masculine identifying people.
Aroflux: Where a person who is on the aromantic spectrum experiences their romantic orientation as fluctuating between experiencing romantic attraction and not experiencing it, and/or experiencing romantic attraction to varying degrees.
Demiromantic: Only feeling romantic attraction to someone after forming a deep bond with them.
Aroace: Experiencing little to no romantic or sexual attraction.
Forestthing: Where one’s gender feels less like a gender and more akin to a thing in a forest. What the “thing” is, is up to the person.
Humanthing: Where one feels like a human but not. As if you know you're human, but you don't feel human. You feel separated from your human identity and you feel comforted/more comfortable being seen as a thing & or non-human better.
Straight Ally: Look up at Millie’s
Sir Pentious
Transmasculine: Look up at Moxxie’s
Non-binary: Where one identifies as a gender partially or wholly outside of the gender binary.
Straight Ally: Look up at Millie’s
Hopefully this was a comprehensive list! A lot of these are a bit odd and I don’t expect everyone to get it, but as someone with a very fluid and odd idea of gender, it’s all just kinda how my head is. Have fun to anyone who enjoys this sort of thing!
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rwuffles · 12 days ago
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pt: boyxenic. end pt.
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⚘   ⌣   definition.
 a queer person who presents their xenininity through the lens of being a boy; presenting their xenininity as a boy, exclusively or not.
pt: description, a queer person who presents their xenininity through the lens of being a boy; presenting their xenininity as a boy, exclusively or not. end pt.
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COINER.  voice of the egocentric.  ➷
⚘   ⌣   boy + xenic.
TAGS.  @radiomogai @rabidbatboy @sevvys @vampitsm @presentationflag-archive @jigumis @angeltism @zoeynovie @sysnarc @wailingclowns.  ➷
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dragonpride17 · 4 months ago
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IDs in alt text
[PT: Pixetunix /end PT]
an umbrella for identities related to pixels and pixelated things, such as pixel art, chiptune music, and retro video games!
pix(e)- / chip(t)- : prefixes
-(tu)nix / -(e)pix : suffixes
pix: gendered noun, equivalent to boy/girl
pixan: gendered noun, equivalent to man/woman (plural: pixen)
chiptek: a word for a pixetunix gender (plural: chiptex)
pixeline: a gender quality, equivalent to feminine/masculine (noun form: pixelinity)
PXIN: pixetunix-in-nature
PXINgender: a term for genders that are pixetunix-in-nature
chipixic: a gender alignment, equivalent to xenic
the symbol on this flag doesn't represent the entire umbrella. the symbol can be anything that fits best for the specific term, as long as it's in pixel art form!
hex codes: #271bb6 #5063fc #00ffff #00dd26 #fffd72 #ffa523 #ff37b7 #ad1b0a
tagging @radiomogai @daybreakthing
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queertranshappiness · 1 month ago
We've been trying to work through body expectations, lately. So, if you need to hear it:
Being AFAB does not mean you have a girl's body, and neither does being AMAB mean you have a boy's body, or however society wants to force you to be. Your body is your own, and therefore, whoever you are: it's yours to define, your body is a valid man's, woman's, nonbinary person's, abinary person's, xenic person's, and all other alignment's body. It is yours, and you are also more than just it.
You are allowed to do what you want to your body that makes you happy. Whether that be haircuts, clothes, medical transition or not, tattoos, cool shoes, anything... be as you as you can be, even if you're not out yet. If there's one small thing you can do right now to feel more at peace in your body, begin there, and work from there. Soon, you'll be proud of yourself at how far you'll have come. And if stuff doesn't work out: that's okay, because you'll now know more about what to try next to make you feel good. In a commonly used metaphor, gender and presentation aren't boxes, like the cisnormative world makes it feel like it must be. They're a playground, so do what you want. That's a good act of resistance, too.
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clowncaraz-journal · 1 month ago
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Mixxe is a xenogender that can be described as being a remix of multiple music genres, concepts, and/or animals all into a distinct being.
a mixxe is someone who:
is xenic in nature and self, choosing to present as xenine as possible with alternative clothing styles and contradictory colors and labels.
is the finished product of the combination of multiple items into a specific person, resulting in a specialized experience of mixxhood that can't be exactly replicated.
may feel as though their sex traits and body needs to be more nonhuman, xenic, or alien in a way.
feel as though they are tied to mixxhood or being remixed in a certain way from their "original" state.
may or may not use mxr., mixis, or other xenic titles.
Terms like mixxe ("man/woman"), mixi (different spelling), xip ("boy/girl"), xui ("baby"), xiamor ("partner/-friend"), and xuive ("lover") are all terms related to xenic/mixxe presentation.
all are pronounced as follows; mix, mix-zi, zip, zoo-ee, zee-a-more, zoo-eve.
Examples of mixxhood:
being euphoric when someone hears a song and is reminded of you.
your gender feeling like a mashup between two songs or concepts.
feeling comfort in being associated with a hybrid species or new combinations.
euphoria when watching or seeing a video edit of a character or object.
experiencing joy when hearing a remixed song, new genre.
taking on the personality of a certain genre/concept and it's associated aesthetic.
a mixxe who embodies a lion/dog hybrid and classical/chopped and screwed genres.
a mixi that embodies spiky and silky textures.
Transitioning to mixxhood:
aesthetic changes
abstract or cluttered clothing
punk attitude and transhumanism
DIY and body modification
personas and cosplay
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enderluna · 11 months ago
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[pt: lepritch]
Lepritch [pt: lepritch] : a neogender/neoidentity umbrella related to eldritch entities/deities/horrors, rabbits/leporidae, carnivorous rabbits/leporidae, cannibalistic creatures, and/or a combination of these.
it can also be connected to being an eldritch entity hiding in a leporidae form, an eldritch entity with a leporidae form, or an eldritch entity with leporidae-like qualities.
this term is not inherently a xenogender, but can be/used as one or used in a xenic way. This term can also describe more than just one's gender and can be used in whatever way one sees fit. PSD template || symbol
Lepritch Terminology
[pt: lepodritch terminology]
Lepodine : equivalent to feminine/masculine. Lepdinity : equivalent to femininity/masculinity Lepoity : equivalent to fem/masc LEPRIN : lepritch in nature Transleprich or Translepit : transitioning Leporin : refers to a leporitch term Lepus : general referral term Teras : equivalent to man / women Cani : equivalent to girl / boy
Entiouse : equivalent to spouse/husband/wife
Lep/LP : x4x/juvelic abbreviation
[pt: etymology]
Lepritch comes from "Leporidae" and "Eldritch" (as do the terms from the first bit of the Terminology) Lepus comes from "hare" in latin Teras comes from "monster" in greek Cani comes from "cuniculus" Entiouse comes from "entity" and "spouse"
prompt 15: "Neogender umbrella" and prompt 12: "referential language" of @radiomogai 's coining event! (link)
tags: @obscurian @liom-archive @in-nature-archive
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robofox-mogai · 6 months ago
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[image IDs in alt text.]
Retrosette: an umbrella for identities related to cassette futurism and retro-futurism.
Other concepts potentially included under retrosette:
old analogue technology (such as Cassette tapes, CRT monitors, retro gaming consoles like the NES, etc)
retro sci-fi media
the "used future" aesthetic
1970s nostalgia
The term "retrosette" is made of "retro" + "sette" from cassette. It's pronounced "ret-ro-set", with emphasis on the third syllable.
The retrosette symbol is Cassette from this folder (link).
ret- / retro-: prefixes
-sette: suffix
set: gendered noun, equivalent to boy/girl. plural: sets
retran: gendered noun, equivalent to man/woman. plural: retren
retrox: a retrosette gender. plural: retroxi
retrosine: gender quality, equivalent to feminine/masculine
retrosinity: gender quality, equivalent to femininity/masculinity
RETRIN: retrosette-in-nature
RETRINgender: genders that are retrosette in nature
retrosettic: gender alignment, equivalent to xenic
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catboy-autism · 30 days ago
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♡♡ Yaoigirl // Yuriboy ♡♡
[PT: Yaoigirl // Yuriboy /PT End]
Yaoigirl - a term for a girl* who can experience Yaoi attraction/relationship. The user of this may or may not also experience vincian, achillean, mlm, or other such attractions.
Yuriboy - A term for a boy* who can experience Yuri attraction/relationship. The user of this may or may not also experience sapphic, wlw, or other such attractions.
Inspired by mew's experience as a xenic panqueer transmasc who can describe Some of mew's experiences in a similar fashion to yuri, but never as sapphic or lesbian.
tagging: @radiomogai @jiiamp @dixons-identity @the-astropaws @fangpunk @mochitoaster (ask to be added/removed)
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[ID 1: An 11-striped flag. From top to bottom, the colors are dark greenish blue, muted greenish blue, greenish blue, dark teal, muted teal, bright teal, purple, bright violet, grape purple, dark magenta, and deep pink-red. The 2nd, 5th, 7th, and 10th stripes are thinner than the rest. ID End]
[ID 2: An 11-striped flag. From top to bottom, the colors are deep pink-red, muted pink-red, deep hot pink, dark purple, dark indigo, dark blue, blue, bright blue, teal, seafoam green, and bright teal. The 2nd, 5th, 7th, and 10th stripes are thinner than the rest. ID End]
[ID 3: A thin brown line, in the center of it is an orange tabby maine coon mix laying down, staring to the side of the viewer. ID End]
[ID 4: A rectangular banner. The border of it has a gradient of orange to pink. In each corner are 3 strawberries and 4 strawberry flowers. Within the border is a light tan rectangle with text. From top to bottom the different blocks of text read, in all caps: "Do not involve my flags or labels in discourse", this is colored red and underlined; "Anyone can use my flags and labels", this is also red; "But I do block freely", this is colored pink. There is a line of small cartoonish strawberries, each separated by little leaves. On the center bottom is a pink to orange gradient rounded rectangle. Within it is a red text in all caps that reads "This blog loves mspec gays and lesbians". On the left of the rectangle is the mspec lesbian flag and on the right is the mspec gay flag. On the left and right of the main rectangle are drawings of calico cats stretching. There are muddy paw prints scattered across the banner. ID End]
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vulgrados-best · 6 months ago
Intro Post
Hey I'm Miguel. I'm a xenic nonbinary butch dyke, pronouns are they/them + ze/hir. I'm 17. I'm from Vulgrado, an island region off the coast of Paldea. Recently I had to move to Zapapico to take care of my grandparents.
I'm a Cyclizar Racer, and a pioneer of new types of races. I'm best known for my Bodyguard Racing (name subject to change) style. My rival is @yveltalreal so sorry boys I'm taken.
As it turns out I'm probably plural! At the moment you can refer to us as Miguel& when referring to us all. My two notable headmates at this moment are Zacian and Asterion:
Zacian - He/Him, They/Them, Swor/Sword
Fuzztive (Factive + Fictive) of the legendary wolf pokemon, Zacian! Speaks very formally and is passionate about human society, pokemon conservation efforts, and swords.
Asterion - Ze/Hir, He/Him (exclusive to friends and headmates)
Fictive of The Minotaur from mythology! Speaks bluntly with lots of ellipses and is passionate about stories.
Our Pokemon are:
-> Celcity - Cyclizar | Male
-> Nyoom - Eulimmun | Nonbinary (it/its)
-> Terrainity - Excadrill | Male
-> Mãesaur (& Meninosaur) - Kangaskhan | Female & Male
-> Reapwing - Scyther | Female (they/them)
-> Ferravis - Skarmory | Female (she/he/it)
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Uh. I tend to swear a lot, yell a lot, and I love the word dyke.
Also I might start religion discourse on accident considerin' Lachrilove is more commonly referred to on Vulgrado than Arceus. So if ya see me say "Lach" its kinda like how you guys say "Arc"
Fuck uuuhhhh. Look at me and my pokemon 👍
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And, no, nothing's wrong with my Cyclizar. It's just a color morph.
// Miguel's universe's pokemon are based more heavily on irl animals. Miguel has and will frequently express distress about other universes' being closer to canon (lack of color morphs, lack of variants, biological workings, etc) or generally unlike theirs.
// Miguel loves to talk about their universe's pokemon and will share knowledge from their universe on other people's posts. They will not understand your universe does not work the same as theirs if you don't explicitly state to them that It Does Not Work Like That for your characters.
// The mun will also not realize discomfort with poke-biology arguments unless it is explicitly stated to them. This goes doubly so for poke-biology about Rapidash as the mun works with horses irl.
(ooc under the cut)
No NSFW (Miguel is a minor.) Keep it PG-13
Any kind of PKMN IRL blog can interact (Miguel is aware of the multiverse)
In Character Anon Hate is acceptable (but at least make it interesting.)
Pelipper Mail/Malice: OFF (unless funny enough)
Musharna Mail/Malice: OFF (unless compelling enough)
Magic Anons: OFF
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Posts Made By Tags:
#riders diary -> Posts made by Miguel
#howling voice -> Posts made by Zacian
#labyrinth lost -> Posts made by Asterion
#rotating cast -> Posts made by headmates who don't have a tag
#flowering garden -> Posts made by [Information Redacted until 9/18/2025]
Posts About Tags:
#rivals feud -> Posts about Maple
#caveboy tag -> Posts about Nick
#miguel family -> Posts about Miguel's family
#saddle up -> Posts about racing
#vulgrado info -> information about the fan region Miguel is from that is based on the Azores Islands of Portugal
#lachrian info -> Information about the religion Miguel is a part of.
Important Tags:
#festering -> something important.
#unseen watcher -> signifies that post is invisible to blogs linked to this one (@yveltalreal , @espers-n-espurrs, @jaimemes, @aspens-dragons, @victoria-vd, @rock-n-rolycoly @estranger-and-stranger-still) [works the same as blindspot]
Misc. Tags:
#answered best -> ask tag
#sysposting -> System related posts
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Story Arcs:
Minor Arcs:
🏇Neighborhood Arc 1: Riders (Finished) -> 4 Cyclizar Riders get territorial when Nick and Miguel explore a junkyard. Nick mentions to Miguel they had previously driven him and his friends out of the Junkyard.
A couple days later Miguel challenges and beats the Riders in a 4 on 1 Capture the Flag Battle Race, and the 4 Riders invite Miguel to join up with them. A week later there is a sort of rematch and Miguel is betrayed and beat up by the Riders.
A revenge plan is made by Miguel and Nick, this involved getting the Rolycoly Racers (who had been pushed out of the junkyard earlier in the year) to play a prank with Paintball Guns on the Cyclizar Riders. This goes badly as Nick is nearly run over and Miguel beats the shit out of the rider who attempted to do so. Miguel is then arrested.
Major Arcs:
🪼Trouble in Paradise (Finished) -> Miguel joins the Alola trip! Miguel joins Flynn and Maple on their Island Challenge, acting as a bodyguard against dogmon for Maple. Over the course of the trip they go through some mishaps (such as getting beaten up by an angry Buneary, and Maple jumping into the ocean to rescue a baby Vulpix) that cause the trio to get closer.
During the Electric Trial, Miguel was hiking and came across a dead Mother Skarmory, killed by a Tinkaton. Miguel rescues the baby Skarmory that is in danger and runs for their life with the little guy in their arms. They decide to keep the Skarmory who is named Santo Ferravis (a name recommended by Nick).
At one point Maple and Aspen break into the Aether Foundation Lab and Aspen gets kidnapped. It turns out that Aspen was taken by Nihilego and the gang, after some deliberation and preparation (such as Miguel being trained by Victoria), goes into an Ultra Wormhole to rescue Aspen. During the rescue, Miguel is injured by Aspen's Kommo-o, Hibiscus, and is left with a scar.
Afterwards things go... mostly smoothly (except for Maple disappearing for a couple days, and Maple getting attacked by a different Kommo-o) and they finish the Island Challenge. The gang returns home in one piece.
☠️Revenant (In Progress) -> Something's not right with Maple.
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[all mentions of dyke will be tagged #d slur tw for filtering.
Mun identifies with the label and feels uncomfortable describing their character as simply sapphic.]
Main is @werewolfcave
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daybreakthing · 5 months ago
(pt: Crispaboy /end pt)
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Crispaboy; a term for boys who are female in a nonbinary & xenic way!
crispa- can be used as a prefix for other terms like this!
etymology; crispa, boy!
for anon!
tagging; @radiomogai!
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scr-ppup · 11 months ago
Lurkerian — Reworked
[PT/Lurkerian — Reworked/end PT]
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[ID/A dark red line with gold lining and a repeating star and half moon pattern./end ID]
Reworking and expanding on my Lurkerian gender umbrella I made a year or so ago as a system (decided to make it into an official umbrella, don't mind that.). Wasn't really that happy with it and I wanted to remake it. So, here, enjoy?
Lurkerian is an gender umbrella that consists of apocalyptic world and ferity themes related to being a lurking creature in short; however, it's also related to...
The primal fear one gets within the darkness, not knowing or seeing what's out there.
Lurking and hunting, being a predator, to adrenaline and danger.
Being a creature of some kind, maybe something not entirely human, to nonhuman concepts.
the concepts of night, darkness, and the twilight.
Solar & lunar eclipse symbolism; new beginnings and opportunities of renewal. Solar eclipses specifically also being treated as a sign of a doomsday and at the same time as the day of renewal and new beginning for humanity and general life on earth.
The animalistic concepts, ferality in both humans and creatures, and general ferity and animality.
And the concept of doing anything for survival, to adaptive behavior and forgotten morale and ethics because they don't apply to the world around you anymore.
To injustice and anarchism, chaos within the world as everything unfolds.
to rundown cities and dystopian societies, to apocalyptic settings and worlds where the world is rundown for different reasons, including but not limited to a plague or different types of wars.
The utter madness and paranoia one may succumb to after/during extreme stress situations.
To lure prey and possible hostiles around, being a runner or lurer.
To foraging and living off the land. To simple survival. To being resourceful.
The horror and gorey themes, grotesque aesthetics and macabre themes, the slaughter of innocence and hunting of survival whether that is creatures or humans (thus could have cannibalistic themes).
To cryptology and the aesthetics of cryptidcore, apocalypses, salvagepunk, biopunk, the concept of hopepunk, visuals of grime arts, and possibly to mythpunk.
Might have a connection to some whump media themes but does not specifically need to.
This is more or less made with alterhumans in mind, but can be used in any way the user wishes.
This is an neogender umbrella, it is not specifically related to any other gender umbrellas however it may overlap with themes and such, and it could be classified under the Dystrofare umbrella but a bit to the left in some way. However, this gender umbrella is somewhat horrorgender-adjacent, and may have in common things with the Feruvel umbrella.
You can find the Lurkerian flag & symbol from this link here!(link)
masterlist list of terms underneath & relevant to this umbrella(link to be added)
Luren-/ Lurke-: prefixes
-lur- / Keri: infix
-lerin / -erian / -lurken; suffixes
LURIN; Lurkerian-in-nature
Lure(hood); (gender) neutral/non-gendered term
Lurix(hood); woman/girl
Lutor(hood); man/boy
Trans-lure(lurinite); transneutral
Trans luter(luterine); transman/-masculine
Trans lutrix(/lutrixine); transwoman/feminine
Lurenic; Lurkerian gender alignment term, (used in the same vein as xenic, kenic etc.)
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eparchclass · 1 year ago
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Exulancian [ex-u-lan-see-an]
Pt: Exulancian [ex-u-lan-see-an] /end pt
A neogender umbrella which is based on the concept of anomalies and being anomalous in the context of the SCP Universe's depiction of anomalies - being anything that cannot be explained through traditional means or could be considered 'magical', such as animals with human intellegence or reality benders.
Pt: Symbol /end pt
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Pt: Terminology /end pt
Exulancine - The Exulancian equivalent of feminine or masculine
Exulancity - The Exulancian equivalent of masculinity or femininity
Exulity - The Exulancian equivalent of masc or fem
Exulanic - Exulancian gender alignment, similar to xenic or kenic
ExIN - Exulancian in Nature
Transpecul / Transariti / Translanci - Someone transitioning to exulancity
Exulanord - Refers to a Exulanix term
Pecul - The Exulancian equivalent of man or woman, plural form is Pecules
Ariti - The Exulancian equivalent of boy or girl, plural form is Aritis
Lanci - General term for anyone who is Exulancian, plural form is Lancis
Pt: Etymology /end pt
Stems from the word "exulansis" from the dictonary of obscure sorrows, meaning "the tendency to give up trying to talk about an experience because people are unable to relate to it—whether through envy or pity or simple foreignness—which allows it to drift away from the rest of your life story, until the memory itself feels out of place, almost mythical, wandering restlessly in the fog, no longer even looking for a place to land."
Pecul abd Ariti are based on the word "peculiarly", meaning "an odd or unusual feature or habit"
Pt: Misc /end pt
This term is not inherently a xenogender, though certain terms can overlap with xenogenders
Please tag us if you coin anything under this!
Tagging @radiomogai
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gendernivata · 7 months ago
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Gendercauchemars (Gender-, Boy-, Girl-, & Enbycauchemar) 🍂🍂-🥧🥧-🍂🍂
Gendercauchemar - a gender that feels as if it is pulled from a nightmare, or is best experienced or understood to be a nightmare that the user must deal with. It can have a xenic alignment to feelings of terror or horror, but doesn't have to. Derivation: Derived from French, “cauchemar" meaning "nightmare"
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some gendies for my early halloweenies :)
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