I Was Today Year's Old When A Xenophobe Asked For My Signature To Try To Get On The Ballot In November
I had to run out and do some grocery shopping. I needed to do it before my mother’s birthday party this weekend. I live in a blue state and I am currently looking for another blue state to call home because everything is so far a part, especially health care, if you do not live near Boston. Out on the south shore, the part you pass through before going to Cape Cod is made up of many blue-collar…
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toolazytodecide · 2 years
Re: The Smiths song
I mean. There's a reason why everyone hates Morrissey. There's a very long list of reasons, actually. (The music does slap tho.)
I've only heard a handful of them and have no doubt there are many many more. The music really does slap tho which is why I still listen to it so much.
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So antis are now saying Aang should've been celibate as per following monk's culture (despite doing that would literally kill off airbenders for good) but still quibble about how Aang should've killed Ozai??
Lmao okay. Do they just hate airbenders or something cuz its starting to feel like it.
Yes. Genuinely yes. A large portion of them genuinely hate airbenders, hence them claiming they were all totally sexist, racist, homophobic, xenephobic, ableist, etc, etc, etc.
They can be split in three groups:
1 - People that just hate Aang for being "in the way of Zutara" and thus hate EVERYTHING connected to him, including his people and culture (sometimes even the freaking element).
2 - People that are obsessed with "out-smarting" the story by hating on the main character and all they stand for and claiming the villains were better people, had a point, were not that bad, etc, etc.
3 - People that are genuinely prejudiced against the cultures that the air-nomads are clearly based on (mainly Tibet) and thus hate this fictional representation out of hatred for the real thing.
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valacirya · 10 months
So i wanted to send an ask about thingol, especially regarding the "cultural genocide" anon. I in no way want to sound rude, but I do disagree with a lot of points.
Re the quenya ban: while I would not describe it as an act of a cultural genocide, I still do not think Thingol was justified in doing it. There are many ways to enforce consequences besides banning the language of an entire ethnos. It does not bear many consequences asides symbolics at all.
One might say Thingol was protecting the culture of Sindar from assimilation by the Noldor: but by the time he placed the ban the Noldor were in Beleriand for well over sixty years, during which they managed to lay a siege on Angband. Maybe Thingol realises that they will not be able to defeat Morgoth without the Valar: but the alternative is to be killed by Morgoth now, because the Valar won't come, and the Siege of Angband does prevent Morgoth from doing it. Nonetheless, the Noldor have a) proven that they have come to Beleriand to fight Morgoth and b) did not commit any acts of cultural crimes, and the lands they settled on were given to them by Thingol. If anything, if Thingol thinks the language to be that important to the culture, it's he who strives to culturally assimilate the Noldor, not vice versa.
It is also worth noting that the main reason the Noldor came to Beleriand - one of the main reasons Feanor was motivated to come to Beleriand - is because they wanted to fight and defeat Morgoth. "Lands to rule" were one of the motives Fëanor used to persuade the crowd, and they worked - but, again, the lands the Noldor settled in are given to them by Thingol. Besides, Galadriel (whose main motivation were lands to rule) spends most of the First Age ruling nothing and living in Doriath instead; Finrod, who has the biggest kingdom and similar motivations to Galadriel, got his lands by Thingol's will too.
Re: racism; Thingol is known for being racist/xenephobic/discriminating. There's literally no going around that. First, the Sindar (whom Thingols is the leader of) hunt down the Petty Dwarves; then, the humans were not allowed to cross the Girdle, with Beren being the first exception due to the power of Doom or similar forces (and, after Beren, Thingol debates imprisoning Morwen in the CoH, which shows he does not view her as his equal - and, let's be honest, after lifetime in Angband it does not take much to pity Húrin); and, notably, he calls dwarves an "uncouth race" (top ten last words, rip my guy).
Thingol is a great character, and often gets a lot of undeserved hate, but he also has his own flaws, often very serious. I in no way want to sound rude or offensive or "shit on" your posts, as the last anon said, but this has bugged me, so I wanted to state my opinion.
Thank you for the ask, anon, and I appreciate the way you worded it.
I agree that banning Quenya was not a good thing, but I understand why he did it. I'm not sure what other consequences he could have enforced? He didn't have the military force to take on the Noldor (I don't think he would have even if he did since he recognized them as allies against Morgoth). There's no concept of trade sanctions or economic consequences. The Noldor wouldn't let their princes stand trial in Doriath. The ban was also a soft power move to demonstrate that the Sindar were loyal to Thingol above all. Symbolic power is important, and it was a response to the kinslaying.
I disagree with the claim that the Noldor didn't commit any cultural heritage crimes. The theft and burning of the Teleri's swan ships was absolutely a cultural crime. And the Teleri used to be Thingol's people and are his brother's people.
I also agree with his decision to not fight. Like I said, Doriath had to survive. He knew about the Doom and avoided being enmeshed in it (until the business with the Silmaril, which was absolutely a bad move). The Girdle was strong enough to withstand Morgoth, and Thingol had fought and won against him once (though at great cost); multiple times in the Silm he is said to be Morgoth's enemy so I don't think for a second that he abandoned the fight. His decision to stay out of the fight was strategically sound and in Doriath's interest. Not to mention he accepted Sindarin refugees after Bragollach and Noldorin refugees after the fall of Nargothrond.
You have a good point that the Noldor dwelt in the land that Thingol allowed them to. Personally, though, I don't think this or the ban was an attempt to assimilate the Noldor but rather to protect the Sindarin people and culture. Thingol may not have been able to defend those lands, but the Sindar do consider him king of Beleriand as evidenced by their immediate enforcement of his decree.
If I recall correctly, the Finwean grandchildren all wanted to go to Beleriand to rule. I think it was a motivation almost equal to the desire to defeat Morgoth. The language Feanor uses to describe Beleriand I feel has uncomfortable undertones. In my opinion, Galadriel's decision to stay in Doriath was an acknowledgment of that and her complicity in the theft of the swan ships, her decision to continue after the kinslaying and also lying by omission to Thingol and Melian. And for Celeborn of course.
Lastly, I agree that Thingol often acted discriminately. However, he is shown to change his behavior when he learns better. If I recall correctly, the hunting of the Petty Dwarves (which was horrific) stopped when the Sindar learned who they were after establishing contact with Nogrod and Belegost. He changed his attitude towards Men after Beren proved himself, and even before that, he sent aid to the Haladin during Bragollach. I'm not condoning that he didn't allow Men into the Girdle, but that was because he had troubling dreams about them and because Melian prophesized that one with greater power/doom than her would enter. And after Beren and Luthien, Men are allowed in. As for the Dwarves, I absolutely condemn how Thingol insults them and his death was stupid and entirely preventable. However, I think this was a Silmaril and dragon gold-influenced event since we are told that Thingol had a friendship with the Dwarves. They built Menegroth together (I think the exact quote is the "Dwarves labored gladly for him"); the Dwarves came and went freely and adopted the Cirth; they also made weapons for Thingol who paid them fairly with Falathrin pearls. I'm not absolving Thingol of blame (or the Dwarves either), but I don't think this particular scenario was indicative of his actual attitude towards them. If anything, it showed the dangerous power of the Silmaril and the corruption of the dragon gold; and through it, how deeply Morgoth's evil ran through Beleriand.
Ultimately, with all these points everyone has their own opinion/interpretation. I don't expect others to agree with me or like Thingol. I think the Quenya ban was understandable, others might find it unacceptable. We can have engaging and polite conversations about this stuff without changing each others' minds. Really the only thing I would be forceful about is treating fanon as canon. Other than that, you do you boo.
Also, I apologize if I didn't respond to any part of your ask; I'm at work and a bit distracted.
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nonbinary-weirdo · 5 months
Cats on my hitlist:
Clear Sky (ableist, murderer, hypocrite, liar, dictator)
Breezepelt (not once tried to show any good in him nor likable traits even after the war against the Dark Forest)
Onestar (was going to let sick cats die)
Oakstar (banished literal children before their untimely death, thats against the warrior code)
Tom. (Wife beater, manipulator)
Tigerstar (tried destroying the clans due to unresolved daddy issues)
Hawkfrost. (Daddys lil bitch boy)
Darkstripe. (Simps for a xenephobe and tried to poison a child)
Leopardstar. (Her fault Stonefur died)
Ashfur. (Literally everything. Should have been killed by the dogs in series 1)
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i would love but daddy i love him more if it wasnt about #that man because she made some points some of u bitches think u know her personally she's not your friend !!! but its a racist xenephobe who did the nazi salute we're talking about so i cant stand behind her in this one
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ziracona · 2 years
i dont even mean this to be rude to anyone but ive always genuinely wondered why so many people like/wubbify solas when he is so disagreeable? i would love to hear someone's explanation but im always afraid to seem like im being a dickhead when im rlly just curious. ive just never found him worth disagreeing with all your other party members ; _ ;
Well, almost all your companions have the worst politics on the planet, so I wouldn’t care if he argued with them. Like do I care if he argues with a bunch of xenephobic imperialistic religious oligarchy worshippers who stan war crimes? No. I’d worry if he liked the chantry or anything really to do with it. And the only worthwhile ones he got along with well. I guess he argued with a Bull a lot? But eh 🤷🏻‍♀️ everyone argued with Bull a lot so what’s new. Qunari get a raw deal. And he’s one of the only ones decent to Cole. Like, he’s one of the only ones pro-mage at all, and who cares about elves and other minorities, and generally doing the right things. He likes Blackwall and Cole. As for the others, Cassandra gets better I guess but she’s high key too sold on Chantry cult shit and has some real bad morals especially in regards to any non-human species or Mages. Like she’s /sooo surprised/ the Avvar actually stick to their word and help. She also doesn’t tell Mages how to reverse Tranquility because it ‘might be too dangerous and she had to be sure UwU’. Vivienne is a huge bigot to all non humans and to mages. Sera is a bigot to elves. Dorian is pro slavery. Varric is the world’s most infuriating self-righteous and judgmental centrist and a fake friend who committed 18 atrocities against me personally that’s not hyperbole either except maybe the 18 idk I haven’t actually counted them. Bull is complicated and goes through so much determinate character development it’s hard to comment. And Solas gets along very well with Blackwall and Cole who are the other two most ethically sound characters (he also is fine with both other warriors too weirdly, assuming you don’t sacrifice the Chargers? Idk why he liked Cas so much but 🤷🏻‍♂️). IMO he’s an incredibly likable character till Trespasser threw his entire existing character through a wood chipper to make something horrible instead. If you mean post-Trespasser idk what to tell you though idk who would stan that either.
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She gets it
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jamesharrys · 6 years
I think this week's a jobsearching one for me then
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rassilon-imprimatur · 3 years
I might be getting ahead of myself a little bit with some of what War of the Sontarans reveals and implies about the Time Lords, but for right now I’m leaning hard on more of the Timeless Child’s bite of everything about Gallifrey being built on the suffering of others, their own people or conquered “lessers” alike, and it continues to make the glimpse of Rassilon in The Timeless Children itself a lot of fun? Mark Corden (Omega) going out of his way to cast a Don Warrington lookalike to specifically reference Neverland, Zagreus, the Divergent Universe, and The Next Life is so much fun and accidentally sings with Chibnall’s story so well? Rassilon at his most xenephobic, paranoid, and small, a ghost committing one scientific atrocity after another, all for the glory of Gallifrey and his fellow aristocrats while the truth of his horrible experiments remain hidden behind myth and Time Lord glamour. 
Just like his comrade Tecteun. 
The Timeless Child and Division arc, and where Flux seems to be going, is a lot of familiar ideas and images wrought in such a new and stark way. It’s a little relentless in the extent of the Time Lords’ cruelty and the trauma they’ve left in the wake of their (current) destruction, and the fact that it’s holding hands with a completely different corner of Who, the Divergent Universe and the Eighth Doctor and Charley, with a similar bent is exactly why I’m having such a good time right now?  
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i want to study your anons and their brains fr 😭😭 wtf was the messi / masi one actually
Sometimes it feels like they're playing an eleborate game of acting stupid just to see my reaction. But then I remember the Euro 2020 asks were people were telling me that I was xenephobic for rooting against England and I realize some people are just that stupid.
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the-wild-candy · 3 years
Rules and Guidelines
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Ask game rules -
~Be respectful and patient.
~I need a feedback.
~Follow me.
~Like and reblog the post.
~Add your initials
♧ follow any other rules (if mentioned in the post) in order to participate in the game.
General guidelines -
I am usually comfortable with any type of questions but don't go overboard with this since I can turn down any request if I am not comfortable enough in answering your ask (including health, death and third party related questions). Respect that I am putting in my time and effort for you. If you can't do that then don't interact with my blog.
I don't want racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, xenephobic, ableist, pedophile, etc etc people here. If you're any of these or tolerate any of such things, leave. Constructive Criticism is allowed.
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kreideprinzzessin · 3 years
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↳ ❝ GENERAL DNI ¡! ❞
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> homophobic, biphobic, transphobic, lesbophobic, panphobic ++ etc.
> think there are only 2 genders
> invalidates ppl's pronouns
> islamophobic
> xenephobic
> misogynistic
> sexist
> racist
> ableist
> pedophile
... supports & tolerates all of the above ^^
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akajustmerry · 4 years
Bruh it wasn’t stolen. There have been Muslims and Arabic people in the fandom that have stated they felt they were understood in this book, could relate to the book in ways media today can’t even touch. That jihad was actually used appropriately in this book, as struggle and not just what everyone assumes it means today. If you’re gonna knock the book, hit it for the sexism and gay bashing it provides. The weird introduction of Jewish culture. Stop looking for the woke points.
i am not looking for woke points i’m expressing my views on a xenephobic book as a critic and academic of arab descent. i do not care what some arabs in the fandom may feel and my op wasn’t even about the feelings of the fandom, it was calling out a studio for populating a racist xenophobic, orientalist story with non-arab poc in a pathetic effort to duck criticism. ftr even the fact there are arab/muslim people in the fandom means nothing. this is a story written by a white man, being adapted by white men who do not care how islamic cultures are being bastardised into “alien” culture and that's what i was criticizing. the fandom, in this case, is immaterial. pointing out the book is also sexist and antisemitic just builds a further case of why this story should be left behind!!
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brazilianasf · 5 years
i really dont understand what they and u talking abt, what is happening/happened, i am a neutral fan (i mean, i have the same attitude to the nt of brazil and france) but hell, i just understand how most people feel abt my country, i suffer cause of it and when i read that there are people who think like person=country, it makes me even sadder. im not responsible for all the shit thats going on, it's not my fault. idk just saw ur answer in dash and decided to speak out ily 💕
Yep, but it’s nothing to be sad (in the way of feel oppressed) we just have to learn from it, and accept our historical things, that’s include the bad ones, it’s just not the same as if ppl being racist with you or xenephobic bc of what you came from, this is really different, anyway moved on...love you too (i’m just tired to answer jkdsajd but i hope you see my point)
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miss-moradas-art · 6 years
Wip Themes!
I was tagged by @b-rainlet (thanks!) so here we go! :)
But before we begin, here are the RULES
Bold major themes, Ilalize minor themes(he ones that are losely touched on) and Optional: **star top three**
Wip: Magi & Magic
Racism/Xenephobic, **Family**, Fantasy, Adventure, Religion, Athiesim, Classism Society, Death, Good vs. Evil, Poverty, Wealth, Love, Man vs. Society, Man vs. Man, Man vs. Self, Opression, Discrimination, Motherhood, Fatherhood, **Quest**, Sexuality, LGBT, Self-Improvement, Royalty, Prejudice, Grief, Crime, Government, Conspiracy, Treason, Terrorism, Mental Illness, **Coming of age**, The Chosen One
Jesus, that was a lot! I probably missed a few but that was all I could think off the top of my head. Anyone's open to fo this but I'm tagging @elderkevinmckinley, @genderfluid-whizzvin, and @transconstellation
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