kurogane-redfox · 1 year
There was no judgement on his face at all. Should Lucy be looking at him fully. She'd see that he was concerned more than likely, but for who, and about what? He knew how she often viewed herself but he didn't agree. It didn't matter that he was one of the strongest members of the guild.
She was strong in her own right too.
"Look, I know we don't know one another that well but I want that to change. I wanna get to know ya so I can know the REAL Lucy. Not the 'pretty face' Lucy Heartfilia,"
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"The Lucy of Fairy Tail."
Upon hearing her question if he really thought what he said out loud he'd nod. He was many things but a liar wasn't one of them. He'd never say he believed someone was stronger than they realized unless he was aware of that himself. Lucy was incredibly strong when she stopped limiting herself with her own thoughts. She was like another certain young woman in the guild. Whenever someone thought down of themselves or negatively about their magic power or capabilities, they were putting mental blocks on themselves.
"Yer a hell of a lot more than ya give yerself credit for."
@xcelestial [from this]
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scarlxtleaves · 1 year
He closes his eyes for the moment, taking in what she just said to him..making sure that he’d not get hurt. How was he soo soo lucky? To have met such a brave and strong woman? Heh, somewhere up there must have been a star that shines incredibly bright for the two of them. “You know Lucy, I’ve always wanted to ask this question.” Said the young man leaning against his seat to gaze into her eyes.
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“I’ve always wondered why you’ve never bothered to change my appearance. I mean, as my owner you can make me look like the man of your dreams.” Then he slowly leans himself forward, it had been a question that plagued his mind, the day he opened his gate to save her that day, he was so surprised that he still wore the face that Karen gave him. Not that he disliked it.
continue from here / @xcelestial
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ignis-venenatus · 1 year
@xcelestial [♥]
Natsu would turn his attention to Lucy as she sat down across the table from him. He thought she was on a job so he was kind of surprised to see her. He'd quickly remove his gale-force glasses and tuck them into their case. He'd also tuck a mark into the book he was reading before leveling his gaze at her face.
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"What's wrong, Lucy? I thought you were on a job with Erza and Gray?"
He'd not really spent much time with her recently, mostly due to being busy with his own life and going on solo jobs for Jewel. Mostly so the team would stop blaming him for everything that went wrong even if the issue lay with someone else. He was done being the scapegoat and the one having to give up his Jewel for the others because they wouldn't own up to their own mistakes. He'd never had that issue with Lucy though. Not that he could recall anyway it was mostly Gray and Erza.
"Did you need me for something?"
His head would tilt to the side as he waited for her response. If she said nothing he'd just go back to reading but without his gale-force glasses.
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burningsalamander · 1 year
​          Princess would arrive home to find her personal Dragonslayer neck deep within her fridge,  the sounds of jars being knocked about,  crunching from fire fueled maw,  and subtle giggling could be heard from within said fridge.  Instincts slowly setting in,  emerald hue would soon peek above the open door of said fridge,  innocently enough.  Quickly enough,  talon would swipe away leftover food from boy’s face,  as if to hide the crime that had been committed.  Canines perked into a grin,  shooting right toward Celestial.
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                                                    ❝  Yo,  Luce’ !!  ❞
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ofluminance-a · 1 year
🌟 for Lucy!
🌟 What is my muse’s sexual/romantic orientation? / sex & romance hc's.
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hey! thanks so much for the ask! <3 okay, i am like 99.9% sure i saw you say something the other day about this, but, -- i have always hc'd my lucy to be demi! but also, she's bi! kind of a blend of the two if that makes sense? it's very canon to for her to only open herself up to those she shares her deepest bonds with!
that being said: i believe she leans more into her bi side ( male leaning ) with her energy, and that's where her playfulness & comes in! however, it's strictly friends only until she's formed a bond with someone special. hope that covers it!
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freedthedark · 1 year
continued from [x]
     This confrontation was long overdue and both of them were well aware. Despite the words she was tossing back at him Freed found that his suspicions had been confirmed, to basic extent at the least. Everything about Lucy's posture and facial expression screamed anger and frustration and… disappointment? He would soon learn that truth.
     Not a single attempt was made to interrupt as she was speaking freely from her heart, at last, but his body still tensed on instict. Any sort of confrontation would do that to most human beings even if one's conscious was far more relaxed and the situation could be handled gracefully. Lucy's eyes were practically looking daggers at him, though that was fine. He was able to grasp her anger, it was righteous.
     For her to bring up that subject all of a sudden, however? It was catching him unawares and Freed was unable to keep his gaze from hardening, never letting it swerve away from Lucy. Fingers tensed similar to hers before he'd take a slow breath and relax them again. This was fine. It needed to be addressed even though he despised having to dig up memories of a place he had once falsey called home, he attempted to tell himself in order to soothe his mind and body.
     "All of us are shaped by our environment and our interactions with the world and its people." Not entirely but at times one had to fling oneself into a battle with one's own mind to free oneself of surrounding's influences to be one's own master again. "You accuse me of knowing nothing yet you seem to know so little yourself. None of it is going to excuse any of the harm that I have brought upon other people," brought upon my guild, ",and your anger is nothing if not justified. However, I can assure you that our beloved families were wrong in keeping us caged within their ambitions."
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     Now Freed briefly averted his gaze, taking a slow breath before leading his focus back to Lucy. "People and circumstances change and there's always something buried beneath the surface." He had been called a monster before, an abomination. Sometimes rightly so and sometimes out of blind hatred. Hearing that Lucy thought of him as not kind anymore was bearable even if it did sting a little. "I may have been kind and the memories we made together up until our families decided to part ways may even be the only rays of light when reminiscing about this period of the past but I never truly felt as though I belonged. So one event led to another." I was never happy. "You can relate as much, can you not?"
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braveryhearted · 1 year
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Attraction Meme
Inbox me a ‘ღ’ and I’ll rate you with the following:
( accepting from mutuals )
@xcelestial said: ღ (To Gray)
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Romantic attraction: none | very low | low | medium | high | very high | extreme Sexual attraction: none | very low | low | medium | high | very high | extreme Aesthetic attraction: none | very low | low | medium | high | very high | extreme Sensual attraction: none | very low | low | medium | high | very high | extreme
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cpirits · 1 year
(( @xcelestial || ask
His comment nearly made Lucy let out a boisterous laugh, but she held it in. "Oh yeah? What kind of special are you on, Natsu? Maybe I'd like to buy you." She teased, and she knew that he'd play along with her teasing.
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Grinning at her, he scratched the back of his neck, the scales there a little itchy. "I'm on a Fire special! If you let me eat the first fire source we see today, you don't get me at full price, which is a full meal!" He declared and then realized what she said after the fact, scales on his face and neck flushing a deep red, in embarassment.
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ofsavior · 1 year
@xcelestial replied to your post ““ If Lucy wants her first kiss, I'm happy to...”:
"Absolutely not."
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“ No? ” He can be patient. “ Maybe another time then. ”
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kurogane-redfox · 1 year
@xcelestial (from this)
He had been too, the idea of kissing her had been a thought in his mind for a while. He'd wanted to but he'd been patient. Perhaps TOO patient even, but it was worth it. Feeling her pressing against his chest as their lips met for the first of many times. The Dragon's hands would drop from her face to rest on her waist instead.
Her bold move of pulling him closer caused a slight noise to erupt from him but it was NOTHING bad at all. The feeling of her soft curves pressing against his hardened chest just added another layer to the intensity of their lip lock. The moment her tongue brushed against his lip he'd let out a slight growl and part his lips, allowing her tongue in to where they could dance. She'd feel the chill of the enchanted barbell that went through his relatively quickly.
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The hands on her waist would tighten and pull her even CLOSER to himself if at all possible. She tasted so good. He'd never known that kissing someone could feel so fucking good before.
Eventually, the need for air would become apparent and he'd pull away but reluctantly. They were still close enough to one another that more kisses could (and WOULD) be happening, they just needed to catch their breath first. While recovering from the intense kiss, he'd drop his head down slightly and drag his nose along her throat before pressing little kisses as he moved. Once he was back at her face, he'd claim her lips in yet another kiss.
Perhaps it had been the perfect time for them to kiss but if things kept going as they were, they'd likely spend the majority of the night simply making out with one another. Hands could, obviously roam along bodies if they chose, but for the most part his remained on her waist. He was BEHAVING himself despite clearly enjoying their kisses. A hum would come from him as he parted from the second long kiss.
"Lucy, ya taste really good, ya know that?"
Might be a weird way to word it but as a Dragon it made sense to him. She tasted as good as she smelled to him. He'd lean in for another kiss if it were allowed, but before allowing his lips to claim hers once more, he'd speak.
"I think I'm gonna become addicted to ya."
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scarlxtleaves · 1 year
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“If you ask me, that’s what makes the fruit just that much sweeter.” His face rather close to hers for just one moment before pulling away to give her another smile. “But, spending time with you no matter the circumstance is always a win in my book.” That’s when he reverts into his human coil in order to preserve his own magical energy. “So, where’s a good place to go? Lunch? Maybe an amusement park?”
continue from here / @xcelestial​
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Nibiru In The Celestial Copycat Black Hole April 19, 2023
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royleteas · 1 year
@xcelestial moved from ask "In that case what should I start you off with? Have a favorite mix already or are you new to teas?" With a wave of his hand the lacrima powered kettle sparked to life, fire quickly heating up the water without making it whistle.
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xfctes · 1 year
alright i am alive and somewhat here. i'll be over here and @xcelestial tomorrow and the next day but i'm here tonight doing small things
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severedcontracts · 1 year
also if yall ever wanna know where else i am?
@modelofpegasus - jenny realight @xfctes - fairy tail multimuse feat oc's and canon characters @xcelestial - my main blog, for lucy heartfilia
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xcelestial · 1 year
xcelestial - canon divergent lucy heartfilia @modelofpegasus - jenny realight @severedcontracts - canon divergent (obv) karen lilica @xfctes - multimuse of exclusively fairy tail muses
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