#xbaby reader
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Emily Prentiss x Baby Daughter Reader
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Summary: 3 year old Y/N is sick so Mama Emily calls on two people to help her look after her sick child.
Third person pov...
Loud crying wakes up Emily Prentiss, the black haired woman, jumps up form her bed gun in hand, the crying was coming from the room her kid was is, yawning the Mother tucks her gun into her waist band.
She then makes her way out of her room and to the room next to hers, she turns on the night light by the door before walking up to the crib in the middle of the room, the woman does a quick look around before bending down nad picking up the crying child.
"Shh Shh your okay, your okay N/N it's me it's mama" she whispers to the child. Y/N had snot running down her face, so Emily grabbed a tissue and whiped her face, but the snot keep coming which made the child cry even more.
Emily holds the child to her hip and rubs a hand up and down her back trying to calm the three year old down, soon Y/N was only sniffling slightly.
Thw three year old was sucking her thumb with her had leaning against Emily's bare shoudler, she now realised she was only wearing a tank top and short knowonder she felt cold.
"Whats wrong N/N can you tell Mama?" Emily asks the baby in her arms, Y/N shakes her head and cuddles closer into her Mama still sniffling. "head hurt" came the mumbled croaky voice of Y/N.
Emily frowns, "oh no poor baby" she coos as Y/N cuddles more into her,  Y/N is only this cuddly when she isn't feeling well, Emily touches her hand to Y/N forehead, it felt a littler warm, Emily looked closer and saw a red ting to Y/Ns cheeks.
"No need for the hospital yet" mumbles Emily, she then lifts YN head up and listens to her breathing. "Sounds a little chesty" Emily was at a loss at what she should do.
The woman stands rocking Y/N for a minute before remembering who else has kids. "Of course Hotch and JJ" she exclaims grabbing her phone from her room and bringing up her contacts.
She paused, who should she call JJ or Hotch, both have kids ans both should know how to help. She then looks at the baby in her arms.
"Who should I call Y/N?" She asks thr three year old, the E/C eyed baby looks up at her Mama and coughs loudly before she starts bawling again.
Emily comforts her  "Ohhh ohh shhh shhh it's okay N/N, your okay" she whispers kissing her daughters head lovingly, she then clicks on JJs contact, she then put the phone on speaker and waited for JJ to pick up.
As she waited Emily looked at the clock on her desk, it read 3.30am "sorry JJ" she mumbles realising JJ would be a sleep still, then finally said Blonde woman answered the phone. "Emily is everything okay?" came JJs worried voice through the phone.
Emily then grabbed it and held it up to her face. "Hey Jen, sorry for calling so late, its Y/N i think shes ill but im not sure what to do" explained the black haired woman, silence is hear before JJ starts laughting.
"baby troubles, thats what you called me for" laughed the blonde making Emily blush. "well it was either you or Hotch because you both have kids" pouted the Black haired woman as JJs laughter died down.
"okay, so Y/Ns ill, have you checked her forehead for a fever?"
"yep done that she did feel a little warm, also she has quite chesty coughs as well and she complained of a headache. im not sure what to do JJ" whines Emily, she was clueless and hopfully JJ might be able to help her.
"okay okay i get it, Have you given her any medicine?" askes JJ
Emily face palms internal, the one thing she didnt think to give her 3 year old. "no i havent done that it didnt even cross my mind" confessed Emily, she was greeted with JJ laughing at her misery. 
"of course, its natural you're a first time parent, it takes time to learn to be calm during these kinds of situations" JJ says, Emily begins walking to the bathroom to get some nedicine for Y/N. 
"yeah thanks for the help JJ"
"of course Em, good night"
"night Jen" 
Emily then ends the call and puts her phone in her pocket and uses one hand to riffle through the medicine cabinet. she soon finds some paracetamol, she then grabs the right amount for a three year old, the then went to the kitchen and filled a cup of water for Y/N.
Emily then pried her arms away from her neck so she could sit on the counter and have the medicine, Emily crushed the tablets into half and gave them to Y/N, the baby whines but swallows them.
once she was done Emily whiped Y/Ns nose again and picked her up. "hopefully that will help your head ache N/N" she mutters before walking back upstairs and into her room knowing Y/N will want to sleep with her.
once they were both under the covers Emily made sure Y/N was breathing before falling asleep, herself. It was only an hour later she was once again woken up to crying, the mother bouced awake and turned around to see Y/N bawling her eyes out once again.
Emily then sits up with Y/N in her arms, Emilys tired to comfort her but nothing will work. "what should i do, i cant call JJ again" mumbled Emily before groaning the only other person she could call would be her Boss.
She looked down at her still crying child and gave in for Y/Ns sake, she turned on her phone and clicked on Hothes number, Emily rubs Y/Ns back comfortingly as the girl cries and coughs, it breaks Emilys heart.
A few rings later and Hotch answers. "Prentiss? is everything okay" he asks as Emily shhhes Y/N. "Hey Hotch sorry for calling so late i jsut really need some advice" she yelled over the crying.
she could practically see Hotch raising an eyebrow. "of course that that would be?" he askes
"Children advice, pacifically when they are ill" she say, Hotch goes silent before he speaks. "it Y/N okay?" he asks worried about the baby.
"thats the thing Hotch, i don't know whats wrong with her, she has a small fever, she complained of a headache, shes coughing alot, runny nose, possible sore thraot" says Emily listening of Y/Ns sy,toms. 
"sounds like she has a cold to me Prentiss" says Hotch
"of course the most simplest thing and it went completely over my head, sorry to bother you with this Hotch" Says Emily now she felt bad waking him up for a cold.
she hears Hotch laugh slightly over the phone "its all okay Prentiss i understand, first time parent is hard especially when your child is sick, you could make a honey and lemon water for her to sooth the sore throat" said the man.
Emily thought about it. "sounds like a good idea, thanks Hotch sorry again" says Emily before ending the call, she looks down at the child who finally stopped crying and fell asleep in her arms.
"finally" she whispers before deciding to stay in her positions she didnt want to wakw up Y/N again.
the end!
i hope you liked this ineshot! and as usual so sorry for the grammar and spelling mistakes.
requests are open!
word count: 1235
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wlwsoccerfics · 5 days ago
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Warnings: mentions of adoption.
Summary: Lia & Mariona watch you so your mommies Viv & Beth could go on a date.
Your mommies were quite thankful that Lia and Mariona offered to watch you for them so they could have a Date night. Which were quite rare because your Momma (Viv) was living in Manchester now while you were in London with your Mommy(Beth). They have adopted you on right after you were born cause they actually were chosen by your birth Mom. She didn't keep you because she didn't want to be a mom. So she decided to give you up for your adoption. That was 5 months ago.
Now you were lying on your auntie Lias chest, sleeping soundly. Letting out some adorable noises. Auntie Mariona was taking a picture of you and auntie Lia.
"she is giving me Baby fever!" Your auntie Lia announced.
"can't blame you!" Your auntie Mariona stated. Smiling softly. "She is so cute." She added.
"indeed she is. And such an easy going Baby!" Auntie Wally answered.
"do you want one?" Auntie Mariona asked.
"yes... but this Is a decision i can't make alone." Auntie Wally replied.
"i have thought about it as well!" Your auntie Mariona admitted.
"good to know!" Auntie Wally stated.
Around an hour later you woke up and started sucking on your tiny fingers so Wally and Mariona figured out you were hungry. So your auntie Mariona held you while your auntie Wally got your bottle ready for you. You were eagerly drinking it. On of your tiny hands holding Auntie marionas Hand who was holding your bottle. Auntie Wally couldn't help but Take a video and a picture cause this was so cute.
A little while after that your mommies picked you up. Your momma scooped you into her arms.
"thank you for watching her for us!" She told your aunties.
"it was a delight honestly!" Auntie Wally said and auntie Mariona agreed.
"we still appreciate it." Your mommy answered.
"indeed we do. Don't we, liefje?" Your momma replied, looking at you. You were smiling at her in return.
"i take that as a yes from, tiny!" Auntie Wally said.
"me too!" Auntie mariona stated. The four adults talked a little bit more but you didn't even knew about that cause you fell asleep in your momma's arms and didn't wake up for the next 4 hours. You didn't even woke up when your Mommy changed you into your pjs to sleep in. No you were out like a light after having such a great time with your aunties.
Also take a wild guess who was next with having a baby...
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bingbongsupremacy · 1 year ago
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The Non-romantic/Platonic/Family stories will all have (xchild!reader), (xbaby!reader), or (Platonic)
Bucky Barnes
Forget Me Not : After an unexpected encounter with HYDRA, Bucky is left without memory of who you are.
Pt. 1 Pt. 2 To Be Continued
Steve Rogers
Gumball Machine : All you want is a gumball. Unfortunately, you're out of change. (Pre Super Soldier)
Peter Parker
Pretend Date: Peter likes MJ. You really like Peter. When Peter asks you to pretend to be his date to a party to make MJ jealous, at first you're hesitant. You end up giving in and agreeing. After all, how bad could it really be?
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widowbitessting · 2 years ago
😄 you said to send it again so headcanons for how long Baby would last in a tickle fight against Nat, Carol, and Wanda please
Tickle Fight Head Cannons
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Am I struggling to find gifs ft our Trio? Yes. Yes I am!
Also for once, I’m not gonna apologise for how short it is; as my life has just been crappy. And I just did this through a bad mental health night sooo.
I’m just happy I’ve actually written something!
Enjoy my loves 
Livvy ❤️
A tickle fight...would end so quickly.
Especially when the Trio! gang up on you.
Which lets be fair; always happens.
They know your weaknesses and they will use it to their advantage.
Especially when you end up letting it slip to them that you have super ticklish feet.
Natasha loves - no adores - tickling your armpits.
It's the cute startled noise you make every time she does.
During a tickle fight, Natasha will pin you first.
Throwing your back into the sofa effortlessly - and to your complete surprise.
She pins your wrists either side of your head and when she smiles, you just know you're in for it.
Carol goes for your sides.
She isn't ashamed that it's mainly because she gets to pin you down as her fingers tickle you.
And maybe the occasional tummy kiss too - only if she can get close enough while you scream and buck.
She's tried it once and nearly ended up with a busted nose.
Now Wanda loves going for your feet.
Tickle fight or not, your feet are just hers.
Purely because you scream or yelp the second her fingers connect with your soles and Wanda just loves to be the one to make you scream.
When they ambush you, it’s just torture. 
One second you’re sitting on the sofa and the next, you’re pinned under Natasha who is happily tickling your armpits with Carol attacking your sides and Wanda tickling your feet.
All cockiness vanishes the second they descend upon you and you writher underneath the Trio! as they lavish their most favourite prize.
You would try to wrestle free but it would be to no avail.
You would squeak.
Have tears streaming down your face and kick your feet ferociously to try and get Wanda away but it would be no use. 
They won’t stop until you’re begging, hiccuping at them to find mercy or if you shout “Red!” 
The longest you’ve lasted in a tickle fight is five minutes.
You hope to one day beat that. 
Until then, you’ll just plot your revenge.
Drabble Tag List:
@marvel-fan-2021 @wandanats-ghost @cosmic-v-1-bes @s1ut4nat @lesbianfornatasha @smuttynattyfanfics @santana1437 @honey-sweet-hiraeth @anchorjdm @darling-dontforgetme @rt--link @lyak12 @creativo10 @wizardofstories @gryffindorkromanoff @wandastan-2 @arandomgaywriter @findmeinthestars
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The Mysterious Case of Baby
Characters: Dean x Reader (sorta) Summary: What happens when Dean’s precious Baby is injured! Word Count:   940 Warning: Baby is smashed a little. FLUFF A/N: I would like to thank @dancing-the-hellfire-rumba for the prompt and @chaos-and-the-calm67 and @girl-next-door-writes for their opinions and their amazing beta skills!
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“Sammy!? SAMMMMMMYYY!” the voice boomed through the bunker, impossible to miss.
Sam had been in the library when he heard the yell and instantly turned on his Hunter mode, his indicts sharpening as he pulled his gun out and stealthily made his way towards the source of the voice. He frowned when he saw Dean standing in the garage with his hand on his hips glaring at the entrance, a look which intensified the moment he saw Sam.
“What’s the one rule, Sam!? “he asked his brother who seemed to be out of the loop on whatever was going on.
“Huh?”he asked dumbfoundedly the gun still in his hand as he stared at his brother trying to find the source of his distress. 
“The one fucking rule when you borrow, Baby?”he asked again stepping aside to reveal the smashed front light and the broken bumper which made Sam flinch. “The one fucking rule is you do not hurt my baby! What the fuck is this? “he asked Sam who stared at him in confusion.
“I know the rule. It’s a car that ran into something—baby is hurt,”he said raising his hands defensively, “But I didn’t do it!”he added hastily, “Give me some credit man. If I ever did that I would fix it before you see it.” Sam added trying not to laugh, “Besides what’s the fuss. You can fix that. You have built the car so many times. This shouldn’t be a problem” he said shrugging his shoulder.
“That’s not the point! The point is you don’t smash baby into things! You just lost the rights to drive her.” Dean said gruffly.
“Goddamnit I told you I didn’t do it! I haven’t been out of the bunker since our last grocery run three days back.” Sam said following his brother out of the garage.
“Well, tough, I was with her last night and she was fine so you tell me what happened to her? You aren’t driving her. Also, you are making the next grocery run.” he said with a smug grin as they entered the kitchen.  “Y/N you want to make Sam suffer in anyway…” he trailed off as he was greeted by a screech which made Sam jump and pull out his gun.
“What are you doing, Y/N?”Dean asked as he looked around his kitchen. His messy kitchen before looking at the girl in front of him who he had had a thing for ages who was covered in flour.
“You boys scared me.” she muttered jumping again as the the timer on the oven went off and she huffed.
“You are baking?” Sam asked surprised.
“You know how to use an oven?” Dean asked even more surprised.
“Shut up.” she said with a pout on her lips as she took out the half burnt pie and placed it on the counter looking nervously at Dean. She had heard the whole argument.  It was rather difficult not to hear with how Dean had been shouting. She had just hoped she would have had the pie ready before Dean found the car all banged up. “Ummm, it didn’t turn out as well as I had thought but I thought you’d like it.”she said looking at Dean who shrugged and grabbed a fork not realising what was going on while Sam had caught on and had a smirk on his lips. He wanted to see what his brother do now. “So, last night I got hungry. Like really hungry. Was craving those waffles. You know at Mo’s diner?” She said and Dean nodded along.
“You know this isn’t that bad.”Dean said as he took another bite from it.
“Yeah? Remember that. So anyway, I decided to drive over and get some of those and it started raining while I was coming back and I may have banged baby into a tree.”she said hesitantly, her voice wavering a little. By this point Dean had stopped eating and was staring at her not sure if he heard her right.
“Ha! See. I told you I didn’t do it! So how are you punishing her?” Sam asked with a smirk with y/n now shifting her weight from one foot to another.
“I am so sorry Dean. I just lost control. I didn’t know what to do. I am so sorry. It was just an accident.”She rambled on, only for Dean to wave her off.
“Ehh, I’ll fix her. At least you are okay, right?” he said with a shrug only for Sam to stare at his brother.
“I get my driving privileges revoked and she gets a shrug!? “he asked.
“Well, she baked me a pie and you pointed a gun at me.”Dean said with a smile and took another forkful of pie.
“Eeeeee! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you, Dean!” she exclaimed throwing her arms around him. “I am gonna go take a shower now.” she said pressing a kiss to his cheek.
“Next time you want waffles in the middle of the night just wake me up and I’ll take you. ”he called after her.
“Alright, it’s a date, Winchester!”she called back and then they heard her door slam.
“Finally. Someone took the step.” Sam said with a snort before making his way back to the library while Dean stared at the spot y/n had just been standing. Had she just said that?
@thewhiterabbit42 @girl-next-door-writes @thing-you-do-with-that-thing @percywinchester27 @sis-tafics @dancing-the-hellfire-rumba @but-deans-back-tho @doro7winchester @emilywritesaboutdean @forests-heart @impala-dreamer @dreamingintheimpalawithdean @like-a-bag-of-potatoes @demondean-for-kingofhell @captainemwinchester @chaos-and-the-calm67 @isabellaxcruz-rp @whispersandwhiskerburn @sea040561 @paigeinastory
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bingbongsupremacy · 2 years ago
Stranger Things
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The Non-romantic/Platonic/Family stories will all have (xchild!reader), (xbaby!reader), or (Platonic)
Billy Hargrove
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Steve or Billy (Billy x reader) Summary: You're in love with Steve but he's not in love with you. You end up going home with Billy but was it a mistake?
Hargrove Series
My Baby Pt. 2 : Billy has a substance abuse problem. He's unpredictable. After a bad fight, he moves away to California without letting you know. Little did he know you were pregnant. It's been five years since he moved away. He's suddenly thrust back into your life when your daughter runs into him. Do you trust he's really changed? Will you allow him into your baby's life?
Steve Harrington
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I'm sorry (Brother Steve x Child!reader) Big brother Steve has a hard time letting go.
Steve or Billy : You're in love with Steve but he's not in love with you. You end up going home with Billy but was it a mistake?
Somebody That I Used To Know : It's been years since you moved away from Hawkins. From your ex. Now that you're back, you run into him while dropping off your kids at school. Memories of the past come flooding your mind.
Strangers: Steve from school is completely different than Steve in the back of his car at 12 in the morning. Why is it that he only talks to you when he wants something from you?
Library MeetCute: You're artsy and chubby. All you were trying to do was study in the library. Why does Steve want to sit with you? Will something come from this? (x plus-sized reader)
Only Her: Steve doesn't look at you the same way he looks at Nancy. Does he really love you?
Harrington Series
Camp Hawkins AU Pt. 2 : It's your third year being a camp counselor at Camp Hawkins and your 7th year knowing Steve. Every year your crush seems to grow stronger and stronger. (x plus-sized reader) *Completed*
Closure Pt. 2 Pt. 3: Request: You never knew Steve could be so shallow. When he leaves you to date Nancy Wheeler, you're left with a pain you thought he'd never leave cause you. Maybe you should've stayed friends. *Completed*
Eddie Munson
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My little Secret : You're scared to tell Eddie you're pregnant.
Incognito : All you wanted was a cup of coffee from the new cafe on Main Street. You definitely didn't expect to spill coffee on the Metal Icon Eddie Munson.
Jacket : The night Chrissy went over to Eddie's trailer, you went to. I mean, you weren't going to let Chrissy just go to a strangers house without back up. Unfortunately, when things go wrong, you end up on the same wanted poster as Eddie. Together, you're forced to run away.
Notice Me: You really want Steve to notice you. What you don't realize is that Eddie's been there all along.
Tell Me You Love Me Again: You've been with Eddie since before he was famous. It used to be a loving relationship. As the years have passed, things have changed. Can you save the dying spark between you?
Surprise Boyfriend: You're in love with Eddie but he doesn't like you back. Right? You're just friends. That's why it's so surprising when he asks to meet your parents. (xplus size reader)
Munson Series
Lonely Pt. 2: A few days after the zombie apocalypse took over Hawkins, you lost everyone. Once you finally run out of supplies, you're forced to venture out into the town, hoping not to run into anyone and make it to safety alive. Unfortunately, life doesn't always go how you want it. (Includes: Steve Harrington, Mention Jason Carver) *Ongoing*
The Nanny Pt. 2 Pt. 3: Years ago, you and Eddie used to be friends. After you graduated, you two fell out of contact. After years of not speaking to each other, Eddie offers you a job you can't resist; be a nanny for his little girl. *Ongoing*
Jonathan Byers
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Heart Breaker : No matter what you do, Jonathan Byers will never be in love with you. Not the way he is with Nancy anyways.
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bingbongsupremacy · 2 years ago
The Last Of Us
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The Non-romantic/Platonic/Family stories will all have (xchild!reader), (xbaby!reader), or (Platonic)
Ellie Williams
Ellie Williams x Fem Reader : Confessing before being separated for an uncertain period of time
Snow Storm : You and Ellie have hated each other for years. Will one snowy night change that?
Ghosts : You meet the ghost of Ellie Williams, a dead high schooler at Jackson High. Strange way to start off a friendship.
Jinxed : A calm day on patrol suddenly goes wrong.
I'd Give You The World: If Ellie could she'd give you the world.
Bar : Ellie defends you from your disrespectful boyfriend.
The Last Time : No matter how many times say you're gonna stop, you always end up going back.
Patched Up : You patch up Ellie after a long day on patrol.
Hand Holding : You have a crush on Ellie but you're pretty sure she doesn't like you back. Modern AU (They're Teens)
Wedding Bells : You're attending the wedding of your best friend, the girl you're in love with.
Happy Anniversary : An anger filled fight doesn't stop Ellie from Standing up for you.
Don't Let Me Go : After a near death experience, you're afraid for Ellie to leave you alone.
Wish You'd Make Me Cry Pt. 2 Pt. 3 : Summary: From sweethearts to barely talking. Will your relationship survive? Completed
How To Kiss Pt. 1 Pt. 2 Pt. 3: Summary: You and Ellie were each others first kiss. When she moved away, she took a piece of your heart with her. Now that she's back, can you two rebuild what once was there? (Ongoing)
Escape Pt. 2 : Summary: The night of your arranged marriage you make your escape. Little do you know someone has the same idea. Completed
Masquerade : Reader runs into a stranger who makes the boring dance she's forced to attend slightly more tolerable.
Pen Pal Pt. 1 Pt. 2 Pt. 3: Summary: You've finally get to meet Ellie, the girl you've been Pen Pals with since 5th Grade. Will you be able to get over your feelings for her? (Ongoing)
The Letter Pt. 1 Pt. 2 Pt. 3: Summary: Ellie and Y/N are in two very different social groups at school. One day when Y/N's crush is cruelly exposed in front of the whole school, Y/N is brutally shot down. Finally, five years later the two run into each other again.
Knock Knock College AU Pt.2: A simple request to turn the music down turns into a frustrating back and forth battle. Why does your neighbor have to be so damn attractive? Completed
Abby Anderson
Stranger Danger : Abby saves you from a creeper at the bar.
Almonds : Abby shares the last bit of her food with you when times get tough.
Ghosts : You meet the ghost of Ellie Williams, a dead high schooler at Jackson High. Strange way to start off a friendship
Joel Miller
Baby : It's getting harder and harder to spend time with your husband and you have some really important news. (Pre-Outbreak)
Newborn: Joel's nervous about holding your newborn baby.
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bingbongsupremacy · 2 years ago
The Non-romantic/Platonic/Family stories will all have (xchild!reader), (xbaby!reader), or (Platonic)
Tommyinnit (Platonic Only)
Baby Shark (xsister!reader) Y/N walks in while Tommy's streaming.
Little Intruder (xsister!reader) Tommy walks out and you wander in and entertain the stream.
Basket Baby (xbaby!reader) Summary: The Dream Team finds a baby on their doorstep and doesn’t know what to do with it.
Basket Baby (xbaby!reader)
Basket Baby (xbaby!reader)
Newbie (Crush, AU) Summary: Dream and Sapnap defend you when you're being bullied at school.
I Love You (Romance) Summary: Quackity calls you after getting a major injury and says goodbye for the last time.
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wlwsoccerfics · 8 days ago
would you write lia and mariona xbaby/toddler reader??
I think so. Yes.
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bingbongsupremacy · 2 years ago
The 100
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The Non-romantic/Platonic/Family stories will all have (xchild!reader), (xbaby!reader), or (Platonic)
Octavia Blake
The Arena : Ever since Octavia became Blodriena, things have changed.
John Murphy
Drunken Mistakes : It was a one night stand. That's all it was. Little did you know that it'd lead to something else.
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bingbongsupremacy · 1 year ago
Teen Wolf
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The Non-romantic/Platonic/Family stories will all have (xchild!reader), (xbaby!reader), or (Platonic)
Isaac Lahey
Fall Out : Your relationship with Isaac grows more and more strained as the days go by. Will he finally tell you what's going on?
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bingbongsupremacy · 2 years ago
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The Non-romantic/Platonic/Family stories will all have (xchild!reader), (xbaby!reader), or (Platonic)
Jason Todd
The Alter : On the day of your wedding, Jason chooses Robin over you.
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wlwsoccerfics · 6 days ago
LiaWälti/Leah Williamson/LotteWubbenMoy/KimLittle/Lionesses Fic List
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