#xanthe writes
voidichor · 2 years
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sticks a big void pit in the city of tears for funsies
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kiragecko · 5 months
@fairy-anon-godmother (since the post is getting really long)
I respectfully disagree. Romances where the authour has never questioned a trope about royalty ever can work. Comedy sword-and-sorcery stories whose understanding of the medieval world is so shallow that it's laughable can work. Deeply introspective explorations of family that technically take place on an generation ship, but that's just there to force them to stay together, can work.
When I was younger, I enjoyed action movies. Not smart, clever, action movies. I wanted the movie to be so soulless and slick that I was unable to emotionally connect with the characters. (I was trying to deal with hyperempathy, and my inability not to get invested in every sidecharacter and mentioned death statistic.) I wanted to watch the cool moves without worrying about the plot.
I also liked musicals. Including the ones where the 'plot' could be summed up in two sentences, while the delightful songs filled two hours.
I've read scifi with no plot or real characters, that just wanted to show us this REALLY COOL idea the authour had thought of. I've read setting manuals that don't actually have a story, but are all about a fascinating world. I currently prefer stories that are mostly about familial/platonic relationships, with very little worldbuilding or action.
I don't want to discourage writers by insisting they all have to create thoughtful, balanced, stories. There's value in things that don't interrogate their world. And I refuse to say that something that's deep in one way is REQUIRED to have the same depth in all others.
Not everything needs worldbuilding.
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dr4core · 1 year
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DEUCE, d.m.
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amidst the tale of sweetest love and bitterest revenge, the heiress to the Ravenclaw throne voweth to avenge her parents’ tragic demise at the hands of the Slytherin empire, even as she finds herself entwined in a forbidden romance with a certain crown prince, the very son of her sworn enemy.
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♱ pairings. draco malfoy, ravenclaw reader
♱ genre. angst, forbidden love, historical, royal au
♱ tags. ooc, tyranny, crown prince!draco, classism, misogyny, violence, war, rebellion, suggestive, smut, double life, explicit language, more to be added
♱ series masterlist -> soon
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thepixelelf · 6 days
i completely get what you mean about the whole 'afab!reader' thing! does it matter what their assigned gender at birth is? i GUESS it makes some sense for smut if you're talking about what kind of body parts are involved but you could always say 'reader has x and y parts' instead of doing that. sorry for jumping on an ask about some personal post you just made but i have so many feelings about this as a trans, especially nonbinary person. you're right, they're just going to write about a cis person anyways so please just cut to the chase so i can avoid reading far enough into a fic to become alienated from the main character's experience before i decide to tap out and thank you
back when i actually had the motivation to write and post writing i wanted to write exclusively gender neutral stories to combat this problem so it's something i've been thinking about probably since i started reading kpop rpf. but uhhh anyway rant over i hope you have a good day ♡♡♡
- @aceofvernons
Exactly!!! Like there's nothing wrong with writing some cis woman fanfiction just call it that 😭😭 there's no point in labeling something as afab reader if it's just cis female reader
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livingfictionsystem · 4 months
do you ever think you will release more books?
The duology on D.I.D. is finished with no sequels planned. I'm currently working on a comedy/horror novel called Decay Ultra that I'm pretty proud of, but I've yet to finish the first draft. Gimme like a year or two on that lol
It's about two maladjusted and dysfunctional queer best friends who have grown up in a small, remote town with a lot of fucked up, cursed history. Their lives were ruined right out of high school when a drug binge went supernaturally bad and all their friends ended up dead with them as the main suspects, so when the last remaining two are reunited years later, they try to solve what went down and why stuff like it is happening again. It involves government conspiracy, a cult, and I had fun naming most of the bad characters after the Faerie House folks lmao. It's very Loosely inspired from the real life crime investigation of the deaths of Kevin Ives and Don Henry in Arkansas and all the fuckery that went down with that. The name is a reference to MK Ultra. I based the character, Dakota very much off my own partner and that's been fun. 🖤🖤 It's the first book I've written since I went dormant at 19 so I'm excited with my growth as a writer.
Xanthe has ghost-written a couple of books over the past year but it's not their plot obviously. It was just for money. I'm not sure have any more in the works currently but the ones they have out now are Zeitstück, Lost Chaos, Living Fiction, and Reviving Reality. Zeitstück even has its own audiobook.
-Sparrow 🧷
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After reading Issue #5 of Spirit World, I foolishly went to the comments section. There I read a comment asking why Cass was included. Short Answer: She's Cool and needs more exposure Long Answer:
The author likes the character is as good a reason as any to place her here, as a fan of Cassandra Cain, I'll take all I can get :D .
But on a less frank/more lore-focused answer, Cass has never been properly engaged in her Mother's Eastern Culture [she was abandoned by Shiva at birth] hence this is a good place to explore that. It can even be said that in her growth as a character, studying or observing Chinatown would be in character. Moreover, she has canonically died for a few seconds hence the author can show her experiencing THIS afterlife briefly and explain what could have happened in those few seconds while tying it to the current plot.
This re-asserts the fact that, in DC, your afterlife is based on your culture; hence, all religions are canon [as shown in the Sandman Comics by Neil]. This, however, raises a strange question. Cassandra has never shown any religious inclinations, probably because it was never introduced to her and because of her difficulty/ lack of language, yet the story presupposes that she still ended up in the afterlife according to Chinese Mythology, WHY? Again, Cass never engaged in any religion in her lifetime so why was she in THIS afterlife? Was this influenced by Shiva being her mom? Was this because Shiva was the one who killed her? She always wanted a sense of normalcy as shown by her befriending Brenda and Zero before the Destructions's Daughter Run was put into motion, did she want to learn about and immerse herself in East Asian/Chinese Culture, thus relegating her to this afterlife? Did the current BBEG yank her soul there so she had no choice [personally, I believe this to be the answer]? This could be explored in the future if the comics are allowed to be extended and the team-up between Xanthe and Cass is kept.
From a more storyteller/ story role perspective, Cass serves as a measuring stick and a foil to Xanthe in terms of martial arts which does not outshine the MC when they are on the same page. We have to remember that Xanthe is still the main character and the comic must mainly revolve around them. Cass does not talk a lot but still bounces off Xanthe quite well when they quip or because of their beliefs. This keeps the attention and interest on Xanthe as Cass can't just magically solve the situation/solve the situation using magic, talk herself out of the situation, or outthink the other characters. She can; however, outfight/outspeed the other members of the cast [Frontline bruiser]. The same goes for Constantine, he's a great support as his skills, in this comic, are focused on magic [Backline Caster]. He is the old gruff veteran of the craft that is juxtaposed against Xanthe's plucky green horn character. They cannot outcast Constantine and it has been shown that John has way more connections and occult knowledge than Xanthe. This highlights what Xanthe can and cannot do. They can fight and cast spells but are outclassed in those fields by specialist characters who are the best at what they do [Flexible Mid-Range Support]. Thus, the comic's combat is more interesting as a result.
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mysteriousbeetle · 20 days
i wrote a small fic for the cfaa biweekly challenge!! it's about cass and xanthe shows up too :)
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icanbeyourgenie · 9 months
[ Achilles singing a moving ballad about a forgotten love ]
From the moment Achilles walked into the room, Nathaniel had not been able to focus on anything else. But when he started singing the song... It was something else entirely.
Nate was vaguely aware that he was in the middle of a conversation with Calypso, and that his sister was still talking to him, but he was unable to shift back his focus on her. He had never been good at controlling where his attention was headed, but for once he didn't care.
His mind was racing - and going nowhere - with thoughts on how to proceed. This time, he knew what was happening. Achilles didn't remember him. Not yet. It was a good thing, because it meant they had time. But it was also a bad thing because it meant the love of his life had no idea who he was. And an even more terrible thing because Nate had to make a good first impression - and judging by the previous times, it was not his forte.
The siren was still debating his strategy when he noticed something that immediately put him in movement: the minute Achilles stopped singing, Aeron went to him. And even from across the room, Nathaniel could clearly see him flirting.
He should probably take some time to breathe and to think. He did not. Instead, he raced to them.
"Prince Aeron, I'm sorry to interrupt this conversation" (he was not) "but my sister is requesting your presence."
Nathaniel was fully aware that Calypso had no desire to talk to Aeron more than necessary, and that he brutally cut her mid-sentence to come deal with the situation, but he could deal with an angry Calypso. What he couldn't deal with, however, was Aeron flirting with his man.
The same Aeron who, at the present moment, looked at him like he grew another head.
"I doubt that very much."
"And yet it is the truth." Nathaniel turned his head to look at Achilles. He tried not to let his heart rhythm quickens too much, and he failed. "Good evening. Your song was mesmerizing. Did you write it yourself?"
"I did, actually. It came to me in a dream."
Nathaniel smiled at that. "What a beautiful dream it must have been-"
"Yes, actually..." Aeron cut, and just from the look on his face, Nate understood that he revealed too much of his game, and that Aeron would be more than happy to tease him a little bit. "I invited our new bard to sing more of his mesmerizing songs in the afterwards party I'll be organizing in my private chambers. I would invite you, but I know how you princes of the Sea feel about such parties. Such a shame you'll miss out."
"Oh, are you a prince too?" Achilles asked. "I'm sorry for not greeting you properly, your Highness."
Nate would have found it cute if he didn't see red. Aeron 'innocently' put his arm around Achilles' shoulders and Nathaniel felt a violent urge to detach this arm from Aeron's body.
"I don't find this appropriate considering your engagements towards my sister. You know, your wife."
"Well, what a curious thing for you to say. It's the first time I see you advocate that I should spend more time with her. What seem to be the problem?"
"Maybe I'm just not in a mood to let you disrespect her again tonight."
Nate's anger was fueled by Aeron's nonchalance. The bastard even had the audacity to smile, like he was enjoying himself - which he probably was.
"Now, now. No need to be this hostile. We're all allies here, remember?" He smirked as he got a bit closer to Achilles, making Nate's blood boil. "If you're feeling left out, I'm sure my brother will be more than happy to welcome you in his chamber again. You want me to get him for you?"
Nathaniel couldn't tell what it was exactly that made the urge to wipe Aeron's smile. from his face so strong, but the next thing he knew, he was pushing the fae prince in the extravagant cake the High Queen ordered for the night.
The brutal silence that followed is what brought him back to reality. Silence only broken by Aeron's laugh (that little shit). But a silence that reminded him that he was still in enemy territory, and that he just disrespected the favorite son of the High Queen.
He was in for a big serment from Malachai. His brother was already walking in his direction. Which is why he quickly turned to Achilles, who seemed to have no idea how to react.
"How rude of me, I didn't even properly introduce myself. Hi, I'm Nathaniel. Please stay in the castle. I promise I'm not crazy, and I'd love to discuss about your songs."
As he was dragged away by Malachai, watching the guards try to control the chaotic mess he created and looked at Calypso's shocked expression, he realized one thing: After all these times, after all his meetings with Achilles, he was still terrible at first impressions...
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wolfsbanesparks · 10 months
Besides shazam and batman (including batfamily), what other characters would you want to write about?
Hi anon! Thanks for the ask!
I have been slowly branching out to write about other characters as I get to know more about them and read some of their stuff. There are so many interesting characters to get into and I' be down to write any of them if I could come up with a decent story. So let's see:
I am very excited to write about Lois Lane and Clark Kent and have a story heavily featuring them in the works (though it's still in the early stages). I have also recently written a fic about Kara and would be thrilled to write about her again, both as a main character or as part of a larger cast.
I am also working on some ideas for Marcus Shugel--Shen (aka Monkey Prince) since I was rereading his solo recently. I absolutely adore his character and can't wait to write about him some more.
I'm currently working on a fic with Hal Jordan as one of the main characters so i've been dipping into Green Lantern lore which has been very fun, 10/10 will do again.
Some other characters I'd like to write but don't have specific story ideas for are Diana Prince, Barry Allen, J'onn J'onzz, Booster Gold, Courtney Whitmore (Stargirl), Plastic Man, Victor Stone (Cyborg), Xanthe Zhou (The Envoy) and Kit Freeman (Kid Eternity).
There are more of course, but I figured I'd just put the ones I'm most likely to write about. But like I said, I'm very open to writing new characters!
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nonenosome2 · 4 months
Metria disappeared with a visible pop, and reappeared half a moment later with a loud image.
-Currant Events
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savventeen · 1 year
hihi savv ^^ for the 1 word prompt game can i have vernon + kaleidoscope please? and i hope you're having a good day beloved 💕💕💕💕
Vernon stares at you in awe, mesmerized by swirling, splintering colors reflected in your eyes. But then he starts to feel the tug, knows you can feel it too when your eyes widen.
The world starts to dissolve — “y/n, hold on!” — and he clings to you with everything he has.
[send me a svt member and a one-word prompt and i will write you something 50-words or less]
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mayalaen · 1 year
why did no one tell me about suits?!
It’s like they made the show with people like me in mind who love discipline fic!
I’m only six episodes in but I mean Every. Single. Episode has plenty of scenes that are pretty much platonic D/s between Harvey and Mike!!
And there’s totally room for non-platonic too with the way these guys interact.
Xanthe (one of my all-time favorite writers) wrote in the Suits fandom, and I really should’ve read it back when she first posted them because I probably would’ve realized how much I needed to watch the show.
Now I gotta read Xanth’s Suits fics and check to see if some of my other favorite D/s authors wrote in that fandom too!
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emilyarmadillo · 8 months
EmArma Does Februfluff
This post will be a masterlist of all of my February works, organized by fandom. Please enjoy!
Pipalypso soulmate AU
Jason fix-it
More Pipalypso
Solangelo fluff
Solangelo hurt/comfort
Solangelo caretaking
Cassxanthe cuteness
Gabby & Vault!Laura
Gabby & Tashi
Gabby & Tashi sickfic
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envihellbender · 6 months
Modern au Montauk mischief
Rating: Mature
Fandom: Baldur’s Gate 3
Characters: Montauk (OC), Xanthe (OC)
Content: Modern AU, Band AU
Summary: Montauk pickpockets the wrong drow after one of his gigs.
Montauk knew he was fucked. His system had never gone wrong before, it was pretty simple. After he’d played a gig, he’d find the fans who seemed the most drunk, not the ones who were most desperate to hang out with the band, but they were important so you can always have someone to back you up in case someone feels a hand somewhere they shouldn’t. He’d find a drunk customer who was distracted by someone else they were with or whatever else, slip a hand into their pocket, take their phone, their car keys, and slip out. It worked every time. The venues would get complaints, but no one suspected the charming, respectful flautist in the death metal band that were always so sweet, cleaned up after themselves, and who cost a great deal of money. However, this time he had greatly misinterpreted his target. He mostly blamed Astarion, their beautiful frontman who insisted that the drow, who he’d later learn was Xanthe, near the bar was definitely an easy target. He should’ve listened to Karlach, their drummer who always said he needed to quit the game altogether. She didn’t get it, Montauk owed far too much money to the very people who was making sure he could just play the flute with his friends every night instead of being stuck inside the same four walls with wires stuck into him. Admittedly that seemed preferable to his current situation.
Xanthe had one forearm against his throat as he was slammed against the wall. He felt his pendant carved from bone dig into his chest, and he found he couldn’t even struggle. He momentarily wondered what name would be on his gravestone before he shook that thought from his head. He would apologise, give them their phone and keys back, maybe convince them he’d found them outside.
“Look, mate, I don’t know what this is about but-”
“Phone. Keys. Now,” Xanthe interrupted. Their pale eyes narrowed and their face contorted into a scowl.
“Okay, okay, look,” Montauk began, shrugging as well as he could whilst being crushed against the wall. “I found a phone and some keys by the door. Maybe they’re yours? Their in my pocket so-”
“Do you think I’m stupid?” Xanthe’s voice had darkened into something that made Montauk’s body curl in on itself.
“Absolutely not. But don’t you think that it seems more likely that someone from the band just found them when he went out for a smoke?” Montauk bullshitted through his teeth, the scar tissue on his cheek tingling like it always did when he felt panicked.
“I’m actually impressed,” Xanthe said as if Montauk hadn’t spoken. “I’ve seen you do this trick every concert of yours I’ve been to. Expertly done. How much do you make from your little scam?”
“I don’t know what-”
“If you give me my things back, this conversation remains a hypothetical. I won’t say a thing and I’ll let you tell your band mates this was just a conversation between you and a fan. You can even paint me as a groupie, if you like.” The disgust in at the suggestion in Xanthe’s voice was obvious but Montauk saw something curious in their expression.
“So. What, I give you your stuff back and we call it quits?” Montauk pressed.
“Not quite. We have some negotiating to make.”
“If we’re negotiating can you get your arm off my neck?”
“Fine,” Xanthe sighed. They pulled their arm back, Montauk exhaled in relief which turned into a small yelp as a hand slammed into their chest and held them up that way.
“Dick,” Montauk spat as the movement winded them.
“Anyway, where was I?” Xanthe stopped for a moment, Montauk assumed for dramatic effect. “You give me my things back, and I’ll give you a job.”
“I have a job.” It was a non-answer, one to pretend that Montauk wasn’t interested. It was obvious he passions were resulting in him barely getting by.
“How about where you don’t have to steal in order to pay the thugs you hire to watch your back?” That wasn’t the only ace in the deck Xanthe had, and Montauk knew it. He narrowed his eyes and tensed his shoulders, no one knew about their life before the band. No one.
“How’d you know about that?” He asked, barely able to hide his anxiety.
“Doesn’t matter,” Xanthe answered, a small smirk on their lips. Montauk briefly thought about what a good poker player they’d make. “Point is, I know. I also know your very, very talented and your underutilising your talents.”
“Yeah? And what are my talents?”
“Don’t play dumb,” Xanthe snorted. “Decent thief, and the best liar I’ve ever seen. I bet people would tell you anything, they wouldn’t even have to be a fan. Those are two difficult things to find.”
“Dunno how good I am, you caught me-”
“How long have you been doing this?”
“Three years.”
“At every gig? And you’ve never been caught?”
“Have now,” Montauk mumbled with a shrug
“I was looking at you. For you. Analysing you,” Xanthe said with a harsh, cold voice.
“Who are you?”
“You can call me Xanthe.”
“Kay. And what do you do? Why have you been stalking me?”
“I run a very discreet business. One that needs people like you. And will pay them very well.”
“What would you pay me for?”
“What you’re doing now but more subtle and on a much bigger scale.”
“Alright. Alright. Will you let go of me,” Montauk said, trying to sound harassed and irritated but far more curious than he expected he would be. He didn’t thank Xanthe, he simply brushed off the front of his black vest despite there being no dirt or dust on it.
“Give me them back,” Xanthe pressed. Montauk dug into his pockets, he searched through his combat trousers for a moment. Their wallet was in one pocket, phone, and keys were somewhere completely different. Eventually he had dropped them all in Xanthe’s hand who stared in surprised for moment, or at least Montauk thought it was. Drow’s were hard to read. “When did you- I thought you just took my keys and phone. When did you get my wallet?” Montauk shrugged, a smirk filling his skinny face. “Do we have a deal?”
“I guess. I’d have to discuss it with the band-”
“Why? Do they often take part in your post performance robbery?”
“I- Fine. Good point,” Montauk said finally. “Fuck. Who the hell are you?”
“You’ll find out. For now all you need to know is, that I basically own the bar you played tonight,” Xanthe said smoothly, before turning around and walking towards the entrance. “I’ll be in touch,” they called over their shoulder leaving Montauk to regain the composure.
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xanthezhoupropaganda · 7 months
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Xanthe is invited to a beach party for queer superheroes. They aren't exactly sure they fall into the hero camp, but it sounds like a fun event, so they go anyway. There they run into fellow trans superhero Jules Jourdain, and quickly make friends.
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grollow · 2 years
My ear stopped hurting and I immediately used my powers for evil. :>
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