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accidental-spice · 1 year ago
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@monthly-challenge 2024 | Day #11: Bear hugs
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queen-daya · 1 year ago
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@monthly-challenge 2024 | Day 12: “Compliments” | Fluffy Daya
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kanerallels · 1 year ago
A little late but! Some Kanera for @monthly-challenge Februfluff day 16: caretaking
Ever since Malachor, Kanan had spent a lot of time up at odd hours. A combination of nightmares, lingering pain from his wounds, and painkillers had seen him up in the wee hours of the morning while he was recovering. Even now that things were getting back to normal, he still woke up at random hours.
Some nights he went back to sleep. Others he meditated, either in his room or out on the far edge of the base.
And other nights, like tonight, the restless energy was too much for him. So he got up, slipping out of his room quietly so as to not wake any of the others on board the Ghost.
Kanan’s goal was the kitchen, as it usually was. Sometimes he’d make caf or tea, other times he’d make himself something to eat. Ezra had joined him a few times lately, so as he made his way down the hallway, he listened carefully.
He didn’t hear anything immediately. But as he entered the lounge, he sensed a familiar presence, and it wasn’t Ezra.
“Hera?” he asked, keeping his voice low as he frowned.
“Kanan?” Surprise colored her voice, and he heard her set down what sounded like a datapad. “What are you doing up?”
“Couldn’t sleep,” Kanan said, crossing the room to stand in front of the table she was sitting at. Letting his fingertips brush the tabletop, grounding himself, he said, “Is it the same for you, or have you just not gone to sleep yet?”
Her hesitation answered the question for him, and Kanan held back a wince. Hera had always had a habit of working long hours, from the first day he’d met her. It had only grown worse since they’d joined the Rebellion. And these days it had reached a fever pitch. “When was the last time you got a full night’s sleep?” he asked.
“When was the last time you did?” Hera countered, and Kanan couldn’t hold back a grin.
“That’s different,” he said. “I’m at least trying. You’ve been up since crazy early this morning— you need rest, Hera. We need you operating at your best.”
He heard her sigh— a sigh that he recognized well. It was the stubborn one, that meant she had no intentions of listening to him. “What we need is more people in this Rebellion. Until then, I’m what we’ve got. The longer I let these things slide, the worse it’ll get.”
She’s definitely not gonna listen to me. Plan B, then. “Okay,” Kanan said with a sigh. “I’m going to make something to drink. You want something?”
“Yes, please,” Hera murmured, her voice distracting as she tapped at her datapad. Already back to work. Kanan grimaced as he headed into the kitchen. This wasn’t going to be easy.
It took him a few minutes to locate the kettle— someone had moved it from its usual place. Filling it with water, he set it on the stove and started sorting through the tea boxes in the cupboard.
Sabine had recently gone through the cupboards and relabelled everything. She’d used a Morse code inspired system of raised dots and dashes, so Kanan could still read the labels. It was still taking a little getting used to, but it certainly helped with baking. Or, in this case, locating tea.
It wasn’t long before he found the teabags he was looking for— Chandrilan tea, fairly well known for its soothing quality that helped with sleeplessness. Leaving them on the counter, he grabbed two mugs from the cupboard just as the kettle started to whistle. He was pretty certain that he’d gotten the right mugs— he and Hera had drunk caf together enough times that blind or not, Kanan would know the shape and feeling of her favorite one in his hand anywhere.
Setting them down, he carefully filled them with hot water from the kettle, and added the teabags. Leaving them to steep for a while, he went to the other side of the kitchen and started digging through the fridge. While it wasn’t absolutely necessary to his plan, Kanan was pretty sure it had been a while since Hera had eaten— thinking back, he didn’t remember her being there with them at dinner. Internally, he cursed. I’ve been way too distracted lately. That stops now.
He almost got out the ingredients for waffles— but if he did, there was no way Ezra wouldn’t be out here in less than five minutes. His apprentice had an uncanny ability to sense when Kanan was making waffles, and the last thing he needed was more people up right now. The current goal was to get Hera to sleep, not keep her awake longer.
So instead, he pulled out a container of leftover chicken pot pie and heated that up. Filling a bowl with it, he stopped to collect their two mugs and a fork, and headed back out to the lounge.
Hera was still absorbed in her datapad, and didn’t notice as Kanan set the bowl, then the mug in front of her. Kanan paused for a minute, then said, “Hera?”
“Hmm?” Her voice was distracted, and Kanan sighed.
“Sorry about this.” Reaching out, he plucked the datapad out of her hands.
“Wha— Kanan!”
Tucking the pad under his arm, Kanan reached out with the other hand and pushed the bowl in front of her. “Eat,” he said firmly. “And have some tea. I’ll give it back when you’ve finished.”
“Hera,” Kanan said, his voice a little more forceful. “Just do it.”
There was a brief pause, and Kanan could picture the struggle in Hera’s eyes. Finally, she let out a long sigh. “Fine. But I’m getting back to work after that.”
Kanan chose not to comment on that. Instead, he settled next to her with his own mug. Listening to the sound of the fork clinking against the bowl, he sipped his tea, letting the silence settle around them.
It was a little while before Hera spoke. “Thank you,” she said quietly.
Kanan smiled into his mug. “Any time, Hera. Have you drunk your tea yet?”
Letting out a huff, Hera said, “You know, you’re awfully hover-y tonight, Master Jedi.”
“Making up for lost time, Captain Hera.”
“I’m glad.” Her response was softer, a little warmer, and Kanan felt her shift a little closer to him, shoulder bumping against his.
There was a brief silence, then Hera said, “So, what’s it gonna take for me to get that datapad back?”
Kanan laughed. “Tell you what. You drink your tea, and I'll let you have your datapad back.”
“Datapad first,” Hera said. “And don’t think I don’t know what you’re doing, dear. It’s not going to work.”
Handing her the pad, Kanan said innocently, “I don’t know what you mean.”
As Hera leaned forward, picking up the mug of tea, Kanan slid nearer to her, closing the distance between them. She didn’t protest, nestling in the crook of his shoulder with a quiet sigh. Kanan wrapped her arm around her shoulders, and they settled into an easy silence.
The next little while passed by peacefully, with Hera working at her datapad and Kanan keeping her company. However, as time ticked by and Hera finished her tea, he could sense her getting more and more tired. The sound of her tapping at the datapad was less frequent, and he heard her stifle multiple yawns.
Gently, he brushed his fingertips up and down her arm, a repetitive, soothing stroke that was sure to lull her to sleep. It was one of his most surefire tactics, and it didn’t disappoint. Kanan felt her head bump against his shoulder before pulling upwards again. “I know what you’re doing,” she mumbled, her voice heavy with sleepiness.
Silently, Kanan reached out with the Force just in time to catch the datapad that slipped from Hera’s fingers. “I know,” he murmured as her head dropped against his shoulder. “You can yell at me tomorrow.”
“Sounds good.” Her words trailed off into an incomprehensible hum, and Kanan smiled. It was only seconds later that he felt her breathing even out into the slow rhythm of sleep.
“Sleep well, Captain Hera,” he whispered, pressing a kiss against her temple before closing his own eyes. He had a feeling nightmares wouldn’t bother him here.
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ghosts-and-blue-sweaters · 1 year ago
@monthly-challenge 2024 | “first kiss” (but make it platonic)
Hi yes I’m posting another fic no I don’t know how. Enjoying it though. Artham Wingfeather my beloved.
read on A03
When Esben bursts through the doors, Artham shoots to his feet and expects the worst. He’d been daring to hope for hours now, keeping a sturdy faith in the Maker’s goodness, and that hope hadn’t once vanished or lessened—even after the sun set and the stars came alive, long after the moon made its journey across the midnight sky, and all the way up to the gentle but brilliant sunrise. He hadn’t lost his hope. He hadn’t lost his faith. 
But now, all the hope and faith in the world evaporates like water, leaving Artham with a sick, sinking hole splitting his chest apart. Something went wrong. Something went so terribly wrong. One of them didn’t make it. None of them made it. No one could help. No one could do anything. It’s all over now. No more can be done. 
Something went wrong.
Esben spins around, searching wildly. His eyes catch Artham’s and then he stills. His hair is greasy and tangled. There’s tear tracks on his face. 
Artham’s breath stops in his throat.
And then Esben laughs—or cries or sobs or shouts, or maybe all of them at once. And Artham’s breath returns; the sinking hole in his chest begins to mend itself. It’s okay.
“How are things?” He asks, which seems far too refined a question to ask in a situation like this, but it’s all Artham can think to say—and he wants to know. 
“Great! Perfect, just brilliant!” Esben laughs (it’s clearly a laugh this time) and gleefully runs his fingers through his hair. “Nia’s- she’s as bright and beautiful as ever, even- oh Artham, you should’ve seen her. As surely as I stand today, there’s never been a braver woman in all of Anniera—no, in all the world! She’s just- oh, I don’t know. I don’t know how she managed to do that. I could never, certainly… oh, surely not.”
He shakes his head, a somewhat horrified look coming upon his face, before he looks up, brightening. His eyes are shining like the sea. “It’s a girl.”
And then Artham does what he should have done the moment Esben opened those doors: he races forward, quick as the wind, and pulls his brother to himself, one hand on the back of his head. Esben cries, returning the embrace with shaking arms. 
Artham holds on tighter. 
He doesn’t know how long they stay like that, hugging in the middle of a hallway. It could’ve been decades or millennia and Artham would have never pulled away. 
But then Esben is bouncing, unfurling his arms from his brother and taking a step back. His eyes are bright like sunlight despite the bags underneath. He looks free. “What are we doing, all the way out here? Come on, you have to meet her! Just think Artham, you have a niece now!” He grins. “How cool is that?”
Artham opens and closes his mouth. Oh. A… a niece. Him. He has a niece now. Oh. 
Esben chuckles. “You’re speechless. Y’know, I can always count on having a kid to shut your mouth for a few blessed minutes.” He winks, clearly joking, but Artham barely hears the words.
I have a niece. She’s a girl. I’m an uncle to a girl.
“Come on!” Esben hurries forward, taking Artham’s hand like a child and rushing through the doors and into the bedroom. Artham blinks, following blindly. 
The lights are low, a quiet and steady dimness that feels comforting. The midwives must have left by this point, because all that remains is Nia, sitting against a tower of pillows in bed. She’s holding something small close to her chest. 
Artham gasps. His feet stumble. 
Nia looks up; she looks tired, with hair sticking to her face and dark spots under her eyes and lines on her forehead, but Esben was right: she’s as bright and beautiful as ever. There’s a glow that seems to radiate from her whole being, happiness and relief and gratitude all rolled into one. She smiles. “Hello, Artham.”
“Congratulations, my lady,” Artham stutters, because that’s the sort of thing he ought to say to someone who just gave birth. Right? He said it for Janner and Kalmar, didn’t he?
Nia dips her head in thanks, and Artham’s nerves are somewhat eased. That’s the sort of thing he ought to say, then. 
“Come on!” Esben urges, dragging Artham forward a few steps. “You have to see her!”
Artham realizes that he and Esben had walked in holding hands, and Nia had said nothing about it. She had only smiled. 
Somehow, Artham’s love for his sister-in-law grows. 
Esben leads him all the way to the edge of the bed, where he stops and grins so wide it seems his mouth will jump right off his face. Artham stands there dumbly. 
“Do you see her?” Esben asks dreamily. “Do you see how perfect she is?”
Artham leans forward slightly, eyes wide as he searches for the tiny thing. Nia smiles and gently tilts the bundle in her arms towards-
“Oh,” Artham breathes. “Oh.”
Because in Nia’s arms, wrapped in a soft blanket, is a baby; an unbelievably small, amazingly delicate baby. 
Artham leans even closer, watching the baby’s nose gently flare with silent breaths. Her eyes are shut, her skin is pink, and Artham thinks she may be the most perfect thing he’s ever laid eyes on. 
“She’s beautiful,” He murmurs, and Nia beams. 
“Do you want to hold her?”
Artham tears his gaze away from the baby, eyes wide. “Excuse me?”
“Our child.” Nia tilts her head meaningfully. “Would you like to hold her?”
“I-” Artham looks to his brother, feeling oddly helpless. 
Esben grins, nodding eagerly. “Hold her. Hold your niece and say hello.”
Artham shuts his mouth, then opens it, then nods. 
There’s no need to ask for instruction on how to properly hold the newborn; Artham learned from Janner and Kalmar, and he doesn’t think he could ever forget the feel of an impossibly tiny human resting in his arms, or the immense responsibility it carries—the knowledge that you are the keeper of a helpless human being, all that stands between them and death. It’s a wonderful and terrifying feeling. 
Nia carefully moves the baby, a motion so smooth that the infant doesn’t stir. In seconds, the baby has passed from her mother’s chest to her uncle’s hands. Artham doesn’t dare look away from her.
She really is small. Smaller than her brothers when they were born.
A flutter of worry erupts in the Throne Warden’s chest. “Is she healthy?”
“Healthy as can be,” Esben answers, placing a cheerful hand over Artham’s shoulder. “We thought she was small as well. But, the midwives assured us that her size isn’t dangerous, and she’s been content as a thwap in a totato patch so far.”
“But we’re keeping a close eye on her,” Nia adds. “Just in case.”
“Just in case,” Esben echoes, quieter. 
Artham swallows. The baby doesn’t even stretch from his hand to his elbow. She is so, unfathomably small. 
She makes an equally small noise, and Artham’s eyes go wide as a (somehow smaller) hand reaches out of the blanket, plaintively waving. 
“It’s alright,” Artham soothes, voice soft like the blanket the newborn rests in. Using the hand that isn’t currently occupied, he holds out his index finger to her. 
She grabs it. Like instinct. 
Just like that, her noises cease, and she relaxes amidst the blanket. Artham suddenly finds that he is unable to move. 
She’s beautiful. She’s perfect. She looks like the Maker painted each and every detail with the softest paintbrush and the calmest colors. She looks like tiny blue waves lapping at a sandy shore, sea-birds gliding and chirping nearby. She looks like the music notes for the most stunning piece of music. 
She looks like a song.
Artham breathes out (though he isn’t sure how) and he thinks he smiles and he knows he cries, because how? How does one experience pure beauty like this, and live unmoved by it? It’s impossible, he believes. It’s impossible. 
The baby opens her eyes for a brief moment, blinking and yawning. They are brilliant. If true could be a color, that would be hers.
Artham pulls the baby closer, gazing deep into her face and attempting to memorize every shape of it, and every line. Every single detail. 
She’s still gripping his index finger with a gentleness he doesn’t think he could ever deserve. He wants to sob. If he did that, though, then he would probably drop her. 
Instead, he dips his head forward and presses his lips to her forehead, wondering at how new the skin feels. She has not yet been weathered and beaten by storms and sun. Artham finds himself grieving the day she will lose this newness, this softness, this remarkable state of being that’s unique to newborns. 
He lingers there. He doesn’t know for how long. She is so perfect.
It is in this moment that Artham Wingfeather’s heart shifts, allowing room for someone else to make a home there; a small space, filled with ocean waves and flapping birds and singing. A space for this innocent child that he holds in his arms. A space he will fight to the death for. He will die before this space becomes empty and overgrown, he decides. 
“As long as I live, I won’t let anything happen to you,” Artham promises, pulling away and staring into her sleeping face. “I promise. I promise by the Maker’s good hand, young…”
He pauses, and a realization strikes him. He looks up—perhaps for the first time in a very long while—and looks to the parents’ faces, which are both glowing and wet. 
“What’s her name?” He asks. 
Esben looks at Nia, and Nia looks at Esben. “We don’t know yet,” He says slowly. 
Nia smiles. “It will come as the Maker wills it. For now, I am content to call her mine—call her ours.” 
Artham looks back to the newborn, taking her in once more; her nose, her ears, her mouth, her cheeks, her eyes, her meager supply of hair. His heart begins to warm like a fire in a hearth. “Leeli.” 
The room quiets. 
“What?” Nia asks softly. 
“Leeli.” Artham smiles, and the fire inside his chest burns brighter. “Leeli Wingfeather. Her name.” 
He swallows, looking up before looking back down. “Leeli.” 
“Leeli,” Nia repeats, soft like the beginning of a song. 
Esben looks from brother to wife, then back again. “Where’s that name from, Artham?”
Artham thinks for a moment. “I’m not sure. It just… sounded like her.” 
“Leeli,” The High King murmurs. He sounds thoughtful. 
The room is quiet. Then: 
“I think it’s lovely.” Nia’s voice is strong through the dimness, and Artham wonders if she has a fire in her chest as well. “Leeli, Song Maiden of Anniera.”
“Leeli Wingfeather.” Esben smiles, nodding his head and shaking water droplets to the floor. “That’s perfect.” 
Artham turns back to the child in his arms, and he feels an odd respect for her, despite her unassuming size. She is the Song Maiden—something the kingdom has not had in many long years. Artham instantly knows that she will fill the land with music, and it will be the most beautiful music anyone has ever heard. 
He smiles once more, watching her sleep peacefully in his arms. “Hello, Leeli Wingfeather. We’ve been waiting for you a long, long time.” 
He smiles wider. “I can’t wait for you to learn to sing.”
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demonbunnii · 1 year ago
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februfluff days 1-3, i plan to color day 2 at a later date and repost it as its own drawing.. the prompts were 1- "first kiss" 2- "long walk" 3- "banter" @monthly-challenge
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ask-missparker · 1 year ago
Say you’ll remember me / Once Upon A Time AU
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Pairing: Snow & Charming, Nikolai & Amelia
Inspired by the episode Snow Fall, Season 1x03
Summary: While on a small school trip, one of the kids notices something similar in their book, as one of patients brings more than just a breath of fresh air to the tale.
Characters mentioned: Rochelle, Riley, George and Georgia, Alexander Hawkins, Belladonna and etc.
Note: Tittle is inspired by one of Taylor Swift’s song, can you guess which one?
The woods were lower, trees were tall, rivers were flowing nicely and the morning was brightly painted darker green. Some trees were knock over the road, turning into stumps and sirens were racing across the path.
The royal carriage came to a point, stopping by the logs as close up near one of trees stood a man red leather and a larger made hat grinning. Once the carriage arrives, a women in a cherished red corset and long skirt stepped out as you could hear a man yelling from inside to return back to her seat but she refused to listen.
“Your majesty, it was chopped down.” Said the ride of the horse, “You should return back to your carriage or let us figure out another way.”
That was when the carriage was attack, as the man dropped down from the tree, snatching the bag with a set of jewels and raced off. The women gasps, watching the man go as she ran after him attacking him to the ground. He didn’t notice she was running after him from the horse.
They tackled one another, as he hover over her huffing and puffing. She looked up at him, titled her head seeing his hoodie fall off his forehead and hanging off his ear. She ended up with a cut on her left cheek.
“Do i know you from somewhere?” She asked underneath her breath.
“Possibly princess.” He replied with a light grin.
He leaped off the ground, grabbing her horse with a smirk and jumped onto the trusty steed. She stood up, ruffing dirt of her skirt and touched her cheek huffing.
“Wherever you are, i will find you!” She yelled, looking at her naked hand that held a smudge of blood from her chin.
It was quiet in Fighter-Town, but buzzing with movement it always felt on Friday nights. Inside Grandpa’s Diner, plenty of people seated eating, sharing drinks and or finding a quiet place to study. At one of the booths, Nikolai sat having dinner date with a nurse from the hospital.
He was trying to have a decent conversation with her, as he talked about work and life, wanting to have a simple set plan. The women was only half paying attention, as she was more focused on one of the waiters nodding every couple of moments.
He notice her eye-line.
Nikolai sighs with an eye roll, “A-are you even listening to anything I said?”
The nurse, Robins, looked back at him and nodded, “Y-yeah..you were talking about, um uh, work right...?”
“Not even close but yeah..sure, let’s go with that.”
“Sorry. A little distracted.”
After a few short moments of speaking to one another, there was more of a friendly dynamic as the other didn’t even look interested at all. Melissa gave them both of the check, as Nikolai paid then walked out of the Diner grumbling how he couldn’t believe he listened go on a blind date with some girl.
As he was walking away, pulling down the hood of his jacket to notice the people of the town. He half smiled noticing couples and friends walking down the streets. On the edge of the sidewalk, he noticed a short haired brunette sitting down on the ground drinking a soda and looking at a crumbled newspaper.
“Hey, you okay?” He asked, glancing over at him.
He was startled for a split second but regained his thoughts, “Oh? Uh, yeah..kinda in a tight spot. Appears like the room, I was renting raised the bill and realized I lied about my age..”
“You lied about your age?”
“Mhm hmm..looking for a place to crash now. Got a few days..”
“You got any friends here who can take you in?”
“I don’t think anyone here would want me in their home..and I don’t really got friends.”
Nikolai heard from a couple of people that Ethan, one of new towners, was staying at the Bed & Breakfast until he found an apartment. And from what he learned that it doesn’t seem like the other adults would let him in, he sure as hell wasn’t gonna ask his brother for help either.
He remembered hearing about the younger folk of the town, the teens and kids, talk among themselves. Saying there is a curse, he didn’t believe it whatsoever but thought it was cute they were bonding at least.
He hummed, “What about Belladonna? Maybe she was convinced her mother..”
He shake his head, “I would but she doesn’t seem like the invited for a sleepover kinda person.”
“And you don’t want to give the wrong impression.”
“Right. What you doing up so late?”
“I’m an artist, I tend to be a night owl more than most. And I uh, was out trying a date.”
He winced seeing his face, noticing from the looks of it, none of it went as planned. The older brunette scoffed and shake his head with a shrug muttering how it was a stupid blind date.
“Ah well, if true love was easy, everyone would do it.” Joshua repiled with a half smile.
This time Nikolai chuckled, “Oh definitely. You know..I do have a spear home if you..”
“Oh no, I would be intruding your privacy..”
“Hm uh..well if you like to ever come over for a warm cup of hot chocolate, my door is always open.”
“That…that sounds nice. Thanks.”
“Don’t stay out too late, you hear?”
Joshua roll his eyes, jokes with a mocking tone, “Sure thing dad.”
“Very funny.” Nikolai replied with a grin walking away with a nod, silently chuckling to himself.
The following day, Riley and her friends were volunteering with their class at the hospital. Their teachers Rochelle, and her father Rick were watching over the group helping them hang banners. It was a nice thing to do, Rick lifted Riley up to pin a balloon to a wall.
Rochelle was helping a couple of other students, telling them to be careful and be kind. Some students were coloring, others were chatting with their friends and other hanging up decorations. Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed her son George entering a patients room as she watched for a moment.
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The patient was asleep. George was more of the bookworm, curious about things and one to keep to himself. He hang out with his twin sister, Georgina, and Riley so he read about the story they keep gushing about. He thought it was dumb, that it was girl stuff when it come to fairytales, he was more into comic books like Iron Man and rest of The Avengers.
But as he found a quiet room to place a set of flowers in, the patient caught his eye, a Jane Doe, asleep. She held a scar above her right cheek, similar to the tales he heard his sister talk about. According to Georgina, their mother was Cinderella and that she was friends with all the other charcters in the book. He read too many comic books to know a thing or two about design.
But before he can take a further look—
“Honey?” Said his mother, Rochelle, leaning against the door, “We could really use your help.”
“I’m good.” He replied, glancing at the women, “Is Ms. Doe gonna be okay?”
“I hope so. No one has come to claim her yet but for as long as I can remember, she has been peaceful asleep. She always seemed like a kind soul to me, or so I think.”
“What’s wrong with her? She looks fine.”
“Well sometimes things happen, sweetie, like they fall unconscious and it’s hard not to know what happened.”
“You sure no one knows or claimed him yet?”
“Well, that I know of, not really. I sometimes come with friends on my rounds and they stop by watch if something happens.”
“And does something happen?”
“Nope. But I hope one day it something well.”
George gave his mother a soft smile, “You sure you don’t know her?”
Rochelle smiled, “I think I would remember if I did, come on we’re heading out for lunch soon.”
As soon as lunchtime hits, George went to talk with his sister and Riley about his newfound discover. Riley squealed and Georgina grinned, knowing they have to tell Belladonna and her friend she hasn’t met yet. Riley was thinking about the other people who might be interested in their tale, but then thought it was better to keep it between them. A few short hours later, Belladonna was dragging Joshua to the park bench where the others were bubbling with discovery.
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Georgina couldn’t wait and split the beans on her twins newfound information as Riley pointed to the small hand drawn doodles of the characters. Belladonna listened and nodded as Joshua stayed curious humming to the news as he introduced himself to the twins.
“According to the little monsters, you’re mother is Snow White..or that’s least what i got from Georgina’s sentence.” Belladonna said, referring to the book.
Joshua nods looking at the nicely crafted hand drawn pieces as he tilted his head, “..that’s who she is? Guess Riley was dead on.”
Riley grinned, “Duh! I can sense it.”
Her brother held the book as Georgina added, “The scar is the same as Geo says. In the same place! You need to find her Prince Charming.”
“Who is the tattoo guy! Nik-Nik..” Riley said trying to pronounce his name correctly.
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Joshua smiled and helped her with the name, “Nikolai. That’s her charming..my dad? Uh, telling your possible love is in the hospital won’t be as ideal. It can hurt someone..”
Belladonna heard what he said and thought about it, putting her detective skills to good use. To her, yes it was kinda insane what the others are saying and pretty risky cause the person might not believe it but the again, she risked being grounded to bring her biological father here.
After a moment she spoke up analyzing the idea, “..not unless you read to them. Studies show reading to a patient can held them with brain function and get the neurons to fire up again. It won’t be the worst thing if she at least woke up from her coma.”
Joshua shared a look with her, thinking about for a moment as she was correct and nodded smirking deciding it was worth a shot. He went to go ask find Nikolai working at the coffee shop nearby the grocery store, he confused him for a moment, he thought he was a tattoo artist. But then the man explained before he was working with peoples skin at his shop, he was serving coffee. So he likes to come over and help out his fellow old workers if they are understaffed.
He followed the man out of the coffee shop into his man area of expertise, trying to explain the idea. He started to lean inside the exact words he wanted to say until Nikolai broke into a confused almost awkward chuckle and said, “You want me to read to a coma patient?”
“Yeah pretty much.” Joshua repiled, taking a seat in one of chair inside the shop watching the man clean his tools, “According to Belladonna, and she’s right, that reading will help her wake up. Maybe something will click.”
“She’s not right, I’ll give you that. Uh, out of curiosity, who do you kids think she was in your little book?”
“I uh..”
“Come on, I’m friends with the town’s parents. I heard Rochelle talking my ear off about her daughter’s cute stories while I was piercing her ear.”
“…uh, we..they think that she is Snow White.”
“And…I’m the..Prince Charming..? Well damn..I haven’t seen the girl yet, okay I’ll play, is she pretty?”
“You’ll have to see for yourself then.”
A couple of short hours later, Nikolai sat down in front of the girls bed with a storybook opening the tale. He took in her features, from her long dark brown hair to her lighter skin tone in the lights of the room. Not half bad, he thought to himself…
…in the lowly dark cave, the man collected his items among them being a small bottle of black dust as he smirked, putting on his sleek hat and walked out into the greenery and snow of the forest. After only a mere couple of steps, he was tossed up into a net as he shouted and snarled, quickly reaching for his dagger to cut himself out.
Then he heard. He whipped his head around to see a fair young lady, in cream almost pure white skirt and a corset to match, her hair was shorter as she stepped forward giggling. Her lips were as blushing red as her skin blended nicely within the scenery.
“I told you I’ll find you.” She said looking up at the net with a smile, “Whatever you do, I’ll find you.”
“Is this the only way you can catch a man? By entrapping him?” He replied with a light glare, using his dagger to point at her.
“The only way to find thieves like yourself. I am impressed by your work, though.”
He leaned forward as he smirked, “Well are you real darling princess?”
“I have a name you know..” She replied, crossing her arms.
“Don’t care, surprisingly, darling princess suit you. Now, cut me down, princess!”
“I’ll release you when you give me back my jewels.”
“You don’t look like the jewelry type, I’ve noticed.”
“Ar-what’s that supposed to mean? Are you insulting me?”
“Oh no, how dare i insult a princess? But then again, you don’t look like one.”
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Charming smirked, watching her face turn to smile to a confused frown, as if he got under his skin. He has been around royalty enough to know a princess when he sees one, and her, she was no princess. Or least not like the ones he has encountered before, due to the fact that she went to find him and not a knight.
“I sold them.” He added for good measure, as his smirk grew seeing her face narrow down.
“What?” She asked, as her eyes narrowed not believing what he said and glared, “You’re lying.”
“Nope, i ain’t. Why do you care princess, don’t you have a little ol’ castle filled with them?”
“Theses were special. The jewels in there belonged to someone very important to me, they were a gift for my—”
“The nerdy asshole with the bad attitude, that’s what this is all about? Oh darling, you can do better.”
“..i’m his fiancé..well sorta..”
He snorted loudly, “Good luck, hell i’m a better option than him. You must be getting something impressive to agree to that marriage.”
“If you only knew..” She repiled with a sigh, “Look, it’s complicated enough, that i was picked out for the job but still..”
“Let me guess, he doesn’t want you either but you’re doing it for the good of your little kingdom. It’s cute, but seems like a last stitch effort to avoid war and you came all this way for your jewels back to—”
“Okay! Okay, okay, okay, I get it! Please, take me to where you sold them and get my stuff back.”
He shook his head a couple of time tell her that he won’t do it. There is nothing that would get it to do it. That was when she pulled out a scroll that showed his name, Prince Charming—Nikolai Morozov—wanted for treason and thievery agonist the The Dark Prince.
“So what would it be, sweetheart?” She asked with a smile.
He responded with a grunt and sighed, being impressed by her. He shook his head and agreed to take her.
Soon they were on their merry way, crossing the path fill with some ice and snow, due to the recent fall the path few week. Charming took her hand, crossing a log carefully to not let her slip as Snow stayed close watching for any creatures nearby. It was a decent walk, making small talk as they did, throwing in a little comment here and there.
Charming asked, “So what’s your deal?”
“My deal? Your the one who who is wanted for stealing.” She replied, with a chuckle.
“Yeah well, it’s more than that.”
“Yeah? What made you look bad against the prince?”
“I was born.”
“Oh..sorry about that.”
“It’s fine. He’s just jealous, i guess.”
“Why do i feel like those posters are lies then?”
“Because they are. He says i ruined his life, that I was useless and untrustworthy.”
“You don’t seem useless or untrustworthy to me..yet.” She added smiling, a rather kinder one.
He paused for a moment hearing that bit, letting a smile reach his lips and nodded, “T-thank you. So how did the darling princess end up in this position huh?”
“Long story short, I was sorta hand picked by the prince. I tried to say no after seeing my friend’s sad look on her face..”
“Oh jeez. Why didn’t you? You could’ve said something.”
“It wasn’t the prince who picked but the king. His father, that prince, his name is Fitz loves my friend Jemma, but his father didn’t notice. Now i’m posing as his bride to cover up their romantic relationship.”
“That is..rather kind of you. Taking the time to do that.”
“Thank you. It’s why i need my jewels back, inside is a bracelet.”
“And the chain? I saw a chain with what looks to be a ring in there.”
“My mothers..it belonged to my parents.”
As the two of them made their way, the pair keep talking sharing a couple of laughs and be careful among the woods. They stopped to food and water, Nikolai tried to escape the girl but ended up being chased by 2 Dark Knights, as he used his sword to try and fight him. He was able to take one down easily with a blast of his shadow and his sword. He was dead within a matter of minutes. The other came out of nowhere starling him, fighting him the best he could when a arrow came into the knight’s back.
Out of breath he blinked, “T-thank you. W-why did you—i could’ve handled that. You didn’t have to come and help.”
“Well you ran off and i saw the black horses. I decided to help you.” She repiled with a little smile, shrugging.
“But why? You could’ve ran.”
“It was a good thing to do, i guess.”
They ended in at a troll bridge, 2 trolls came up asking him what exactly did the young prince want. He explained he wanted the jewelry back and he’ll return the money, holding out the coins. One troll was sniffling the girl weirdly, seeing her being seen as royalty by her jewelry. Charming tried to cover for her, saving she was nobody important.
But they didn’t believe him, as one of the troll held her back ready to hurt her as she shouted to let them go. They threw Charming’s bag on the ground along with his sword. Snow watched him being thrown back onto the ground then picked up kicked away. He was fighting one.
She was let go for a moment said sword to hit the troll telling him to run, as he nodded grabbing the pocket of jewelry then rushed off.
He thought she was behind him, looking over his shoulder to see her losing her grip and seemed more than tired. She lost the sword as it was on the ground. He looked at the pocket full of jewels, thinking on his feet as he smirked and pats his own pockets realizing he still had the dark dust.
Just as Snow thought she was toast, in came a gasping sword hitting one of the trolls as the creature turned around.
“Missed me?” Yelled Charming, as he took the dark dust into his hand and thrashed the troll away. He did the same with the others, before holding out a hand to lift the young girl from the ground. He gave her a gentle yet delightful smile.
She gladly took his hand, dusting off herself was still holding it, returning the lovely smile. She thanked him and asked, “Why come back for me?”
“It was the right thing to do.”
“You were right, those poster are all wrong.”
He picked up their things and lead out away from the troll bridge down the exact path they needed to be on. She blushed realizing she was still holding his hand as he grinned brightly at the moment, he rather liked it.
He realized he had to sadly see her go, returning the bag of jewelry to her. He noticed her open it and hold up a chain, with a tiny hoop that could’ve been mistake as a ring.
He grinned, “What’s that for?”
“For you.” She said, handing it over.
“I couldn’t possibly take it. It’s yours.”
“Yes but, you deserve something good for what you did.”
“I never got your name.”
“Some call me Snow White but others like to call me Amara...”
He repeated the names with a nod, “Amara and Snow..I sometimes get called Nicholas instead of Nikolai.”
She grinned this time, “Sir Nicholas..yet, rather Charming.”
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She shrugged playing it off cool as he chuckled, placing the necklace around his neck, bid her goodbye with a wink.
“Wait? Will i see you again?” She asked, shyly.
He thought about and nodded, “Yeah, we might. Hope to meet you here again soon, Snow.”
…as Nikolai closed was about to finished reading the last couple of lines, he noticed the women, Jane Doe fingers twitch as if she was reaching out. His eyebrows raised and asked for a doctor, who came and check but the doctor responded that her status seems normal.
But he knew what he saw.
He walked out with a glare, not without a second look at the Jane Doe, running off to find the kids. Belladonna and Joshua was right.
The next day, he found Belladonna with Ethan sitting outside the Diner, explaining to them what exactly happened. Belladonna kept a neutral face as a small smile played on her lips meanwhile her father tried to understand what was going on, rolling his eyes.
His kid started to roll in the adults into her whole curse theory, asking if Nikolai believed in these tales as he got a semi-shrug in response, all he knew is that he helped in a odd way.
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The trio entered the hospital after a couple of hours only to find Jane Doe went missing. Erik was there looking into it. Even worse, Nikolai found his older brother, Alexander, standing there asking what the heck is he doing here of all places. Belladonna eyed the man, suspicious of his role in this as she watched the brothers speak.
Ethan spoke up, “What is the mayor doing here?”
“I’m one of her emergency contact, Ms St. James’s mother brought her in a few short years ago, I offered to be on her list.” Alexander responded, glanced between the teen and both men.
“Of course Liane did. Well, she’s gone now, where do you think she would’ve gone?”
“As if I know, according to Sheriff Erik, she just left with no contact. I suggest you stay out of this, all of you.”
Nikolai scoffed, “You would like that, won’t you, Alex? Time is precious and if you’re not gonna help just leave. We both know you’re rather busy.”
Alexander looked at his brother, “Busy is not the word I would put it, I’m not going to argue with you right now. You want to play hero, go ahead.”
With that the man left as Belladonna’s eyes followed him out the double doors, whipping out her phone as she listened to the other’s talk.
Erik, Ethan and Nikolai talked trying to figure out how to go about this. Looking between rounds and security footage of the last 12 hours. They noticed that Jane Doe walked out alone, she was alright.
Ethan asked where did the others lead to, as Erik said, “The woods.”
Belladonna looked up from her phone hearing that last part, excusing herself to go home real quick, saying she got some homework to finalize. But what she really did was head back to home grabbing her copy of the book and finding Joshua to let him what happened.
Belladonna explained the story in full to Snow & Charming taking apart the lines to piece things together, as Joshua listening picking up any clues.
She figured it out before he did where Jane Doe was going, grabbing her flashlight and pepper spray. Joshua joked how they were gonna have to owe Riley and The Twins something like sweets for figuring out the story beforehand.
Belladonna lead them into the woods, following the adults trail being quicker than most. Joshua wanted to ask how was she so good at this stuff but decided against it at how impressed he was. He caught her once before she could trip on a log and she thanked him for it.
After a while, Ethan looked over as he was following behind Nikolai and Erik as he noticed the teens.
His eyes widen, “What are you doing here?! Liane is kill me then you, then me again.”
“Relax. Here I know where she is.” She replied calmly, sharing a look with the young brunette.
Joshua got the hint as he added, “It’s right in the details on the story. It’s the bridge.”
Ethan rolled his eyes, “Well, fine, if I lose you both then it be both my fault. Keep walking and don’t break bone while we’re out here.”
The three of them followed the others, as Ethan and Erik found themselves near the tall trees that lead to a Toll Bridge. Before the kids and two men can say a word, Nikolai leaps across the lake to find the women on the ground nearby.
Nikolai and Ethan pulled whatever strength they had, get to Jane Doe laying upright. Erik without a second later, calls an ambulance as Ethan checks for anyone else that could have been near.
As Belladonna shine her flashlight and Joshua checks for any damage to her, it Nikolai who takes charge in bringing the women to wake up. As Joshua was doing started doing CPR, Nikolai did some mouth-to-mouth and as he pulled away, she came up for air.
“Oh, my God!” He said, cupping her face as if naturally pushing hair away from the girl’s face, “Hi there. You gave us all quite a scare.”
“You saved me..” She mutter.
“Do you know your name, sweetheart?”
“..no. Uh Mia…?”
“It’s okay, Mia.” He said, trying to reassure her, “You’re gonna be okay.”
“Thank you..”
“Her name is Amelia Spencer.” Liane St. James explained to the group at the hospital. After the 4 of them found Amelia at the woods, she was brought in to get checked out. She continued, “I remember I found her outside the streets some time back but never found true legal documents for her until later. Alexander helped me with that part.”
Ethan shrugged, “Odd. You just found the legal paperwork now for this woman. Is she married? Somebody we can call?”
“She has a friend who lives here in the town, I can call her. But no she’s not married or anything for that matter.”
“But she entered the woods as if she was looking for something.”
Joshua cleared his throat to catch their attention, nodding for Belladonna to speak up, “Or someone. She woke up and was looking for someone.”
Liane sighed looking at her daughter, “Why were you in the woods anyway? It’s dangerous for you, both of you.”
“I can handle myself, Mom. And I wasn’t alone, I knew what I was doing.”
Ethan looked between both young ladies and nodded, “She was fine. I told her to go home but she rather focused on staying.”
Meanwhile, Nikolai looked at the clear doors that held Amelia Spencer who was being looked at by nurses and doctors. She seemed uncomfortable, but her gaze soften as she looked at him. A nurse was checking her pulse as a tiny hoop played on her middle finger.
He sighed giving her a soft smile, playing with the chain around his neck. He knew she was being taken cared of and that’s what mattered. For a split second he thought of the story he read to her hearing the muttering voice of the teens in the background about the situation.
Nikolai stood there for a few short moments listening to the others before deciding to leave the hospital. Not without looking over his shoulder to see Amelia gaze falling on him once again then back to the nurse.
Joshua looked pleased to hear he helped out today, even if it was something minor, a part of him started to wire the whole idea of the tales and the real world together. It was silly but a little cocky hope wasn’t the worst thing. He patted Belladonna on the shoulder as she gave him a tiny smile, before heading out of the hospital.
As he walked out of the medical wing and onto the streets, he saw Nikolai zipping on his coat. He gave him a soft smile, “Hey.”
“Hi.” He replied turning around to face the young brunette with a similar smile, “Everything alright?”
“Yeah. Uh, by any chance that room is still available?”
“Yeah, yeah it is. Let’s go home.”
Joshua nodded following him to the older dark brunette, listening to him talk about some small rules he will need to be followed. Nikolai lead the way, onto the streets on Fighter-Town to his home—their home.
Ahh okay that’s what I got! Sorry if it was a long read 😅 This is one of my favorites so far, tell me what y’all think? ⚔️
Josh and Bella make quite a interesting team don’t you think? Idk it would be nice to possibly make them friends 🤷‍♀️
📜Tags: @missstrawbs2001 @purpleprincessonfyre @meiramel @gcthvile @rickb-chaos @gaminggirlsstuff @wizzzardofoz @mallowbee4 @thechoooooosenone @luna-d-marsh @rooster-84 @thecavalrywife @yetanotherwells and etc
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acetypeface · 1 year ago
@monthly-challenge 2024 | Day Two: Long Walks
So I'm a few days behind... oops. Anywho, take a Veesha fic!
Here's a brief excerpt!
Vee bolted for the door, tripping over her feet for the few seconds that it took her to remember how to be a human. There were too many limbs on this body; she could never quite understand it. But there wasn’t time for that now. If Hunter got to the door ahead of her… Vee gulped. Forget an embarrassing dad. An embarrassing older brother was ten times worse, especially one with terrible social skills. She skidded sideways into the front hall and nearly crashed into Hunter as he made his way towards the door. She tried to duck around his arm and get ahead of him, but Hunter neatly knocked her feet out from underneath her and sent her tumbling to the floor. “Hunter, don’t you dare!” Vee threatened, pushing herself to her hands and knees. He turned around just long enough to grin at her wickedly before throwing the front door open. An icy breeze whistled through the open doorway, ruffling Vee’s hair and causing goosebumps to erupt across her flesh. Masha stood waiting on the front porch, their dark hair poking out from underneath their cap and a puffy jacket zipped all the way up to their chin. “Hey, Hunter,” they greeted him, looking completely unimpressed. “What are your intentions with my sister?” Hunter growled, crossing his arms. He could’ve been threatening, what with his towering height and the jagged scars criss-crossing his face, but the image was completely destroyed by his Cosmic Frontier themed jammie pants. Masha snorted, shaking their head in exasperation. Leaning around Hunter, they waved at Vee and called, “You ready to go, Häschen?” Häschen. Bunny. One of Masha’s many nicknames for their girlfriend. And so, despite the guilty ache in the pit of Vee’s stomach, she couldn’t help but smile. “Let me get my shoes on,” she told them, picking herself up off of the floor. Hunter leaned back against the wall, looking extremely disappointed, and Vee patted his arm cheerfully as she passed.
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muse-write · 1 year ago
@monthly-challenge Februfluff 2024 (Acts of Devotion)
Fandom: Merlin
Magic Reveal
Arthur had seen it this time; there was absolutely no escaping the fact this time, no lying to himself that he had just caught a flash in the corner of his eye or that Merlin had desperately been muttering prayers to himself. And more importantly, there were no dimwitted lies or weak claims about an especially strong wind that would get Merlin out of it. 
For the first time in five years, Arthur had turned at exactly the right time to look directly at Merlin, had been standing at exactly the right distance to hear the words on his lips, and had seen Merlin shove two burly bandits twice his size halfway across the clearing–crucially, without shoving at all. Undistracted by the adrenaline of battle, Arthur had stared right into Merlin’s eyes as the gold blaze there faded and left only a wild, horrified blue.
A sick feeling was gathering in Arthur’s stomach. Five years he’d been lying to himself; looking the other way; making up excuses and desperately believing that the world really did just work out for him whenever Merlin was around and that it would all go downhill when he wasn’t and that Merlin himself didn’t have a thing to do with it. Merlin–Merlin, a liar, a sorcerer, a–
No, he wasn’t a traitor. Training as a warrior had honed Arthur’s mind to act on logic and strategy even when he was in shock, and if Merlin was a traitor, he wouldn’t have used that same magic to send a bandit flying. For five years, he’d been in close enough quarters—half the time, the same quarters—that he could have harmed or killed Arthur whenever he chose.
He was a sorcerer, but he wasn’t a traitor. Arthur knew that, believed that in the deepest part of himself even if it didn’t seem right. Anything else was his father speaking. 
Merlin was still staring at him, and Arthur didn’t miss the way his eyes–still blue, still shocked and terrified–flicked down to the sword Arthur clenched in one hand. There were too many things swirling around in Arthur’s mind for him to consciously decide which one of them to say when he opened his mouth, but his brain must have defaulted to the easiest route, because what came out was: “Are you really such a girl that you think I’m going to kill you, Merlin? For what, saving my life? Again?”
Merlin stood frozen for a second, but a tiny shadow of a smile twitched at the corner of his mouth, as though it was something only half-remembered. “Well, you’ve certainly threatened to strangle me enough, even a prat like you can forgive me for being cautious!” It was a bit strained, but the old–no, the same–irreverence that had been irritatingly refreshing in a courtyard five years ago and had become comforting in the time since still struck a chord. This was Merlin. The same Merlin, even if he did have magic and even if he had lied about it since the moment they met.
There wasn’t much to say after that. They picked up their supplies—Merlin hesitating for the slightest second before reaching for Arthur’s knapsack and adding to his own like always—and they continued down the road in a silence that was surprisingly comfortable, given how much had changed in the last five minutes. 
Arthur readily let the subject go until they made camp for the night. “So,” he began, perhaps too casually, “besides saving my life today, how many other acts of devotion have you performed since I’ve known you?” He meant it to be lighthearted, but Merlin’s face turned carefully blank.
“A lot.”
Arthur nudged his shoulder. “Oh, a lot, is it? Like what?”
“Do you want a list? Assassins, enchanted knights, enchanted princesses, evil princesses, poison–poisoning someone, drinking poison for you, there’s been a lot of poison, Arthur–and…”
He trailed off.
Arthur looked at him, at his blank face. Merlin had emotions, and he always showed them; it was one of the things Arthur respected him for, somewhere deep down where he’d never admit it out loud. Merlin was never this blank. “About the only thing you haven’t done is kill people,” he said, and if it was more of an indirect prompt than a jest, an indirect acknowledgement of just how much Merlin had done for him…well, he wouldn’t admit that, either.
“Yeah.” Merlin stared into the fire. “That, too. I really don’t want to talk about that, Arthur.”
Arthur was fine not talking about it. He didn’t really want to know. Not yet. Maybe someday, but… He debated with himself. “I’ve always thought you were the bravest man I’ve ever known,” he admitted. It seemed right to say it now, before he lost his nerve and it became one of the many unspoken things between them. “Now I know just how brave.”
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@monthly-challenge 2024 | 1. First Kiss
I used this prompt for my original characters, Nathan and Patience: the story is under the cut.
Word count: 1,003
Being early February, the days were getting dark earlier, though it was still nothing like as early as it would be once daylight savings lost its grip on Victoria. But the light still lingered, gilding the trees and the flushed faces of Patience and Nathan, who were returning from a walk short in distance but made long by Patience’s inexperienced wielding of a new camera. She held it reverently, pausing to photograph a particularly photogenic piece of moss.
“Isn’t it beautiful?” she asked, pulling away from the camera to glance prettily up at him. “Look at the details! Isn’t God good?” The words came awkwardly to her lips, but she meant them with every fibre of her earnest soul. “What would we do without him?”
“We wouldn’t,” said Nathan, and laughed fondly at her.
“You know what I mean!” Her mock outrage did not shake her boyfriend’s smile.
“Of course,” he agreed, and ran one hand through his hair. “Which is why I have to comment on it, because I’m just that sort of fellow. Obnoxiousness all the way down.” Again Nathan smiled.
Patience grinned in answer. “Don’t knock yourself,” she ordered him with a firm nod, and juggled the camera in her hands. “You’re not obnoxious.”
He looked away, suddenly uncomfortable. “It was a joke, Patience.”
“I know. Doesn’t stop me wanting to make sure you don’t really feel that way,” she said, offering him a hesitant smile. He smiled back, the moment fraught with awkwardness.
“And what if I do?” he asked, with energy that made her blink in surprise. “What would you do then?”
“Do you?” she asked straightforwardly, not meeting his eyes.
“Doesn’t everyone?”
Patience smiled at him. “How would I know? I’m autistic, I don’t know everyone.” She paused, noticing a drop of water on a leaf nearby, and took a moment to take a photograph. She hoped it would come out nicely; the setup was good.
“Nobody knows everyone,” he said calmly. “Whether autistic or not.”
She frowned faintly. “What do you mean?”
“I mean that sometimes the way you talk it’s as if non autistic people know everything, when we don’t.”
“Have you considered the possibility that you’re autistic?” she teased.
Nathan did not take the bait. “That’s irrelevant. I don’t know how to say this nicely, Patience—”
“Then say it anyway,” she said, hands tightening slightly around the camera, but otherwise hiding her emotions under a blank stare.
“—but I think sometimes you’re too prone to look at the problems and assume everyone else has it better than you.”
“Um, what?” she said, after a heartbeat of shock had passed. “What? Listen, I thought I was normal-but-broken for way too long. To find out I’m not broken and I’m just autistic was a game changer. I don’t focus on the negatives.” She hung the camera around her neck carefully so she could tap her fingers, one by one, to try and calm down. “I focus on life, and sometimes there are an awful lot of negatives.” Again Patience picked up the camera and took several more photos, firmly ignoring Nathan until she had finished.
He waited, then sighed. “I’m sorry—I said that wrong, but I don’t know how to say it better. My point still stands.”
“Have you considered your point is wrong?” she retorted.
“Have you considered that sometimes you’re too close to any given issue to know what’s the right next step?” he said. It was gentle, but Patience still winced at his words.
“Can we maybe move on from this conversation?” she said, and followed it up with, “I’m not trying to shut it down entirely. I just—I need to think about it and I don’t think getting into a slap-up argument about it would help.”
Nathan frowned. “‘Slap-up’—do you think I would—?” He left the sentence hanging.
“No! It’s an expression. I didn’t mean to imply that at all.”
“Right, I was just checking,” he said, looking relieved. “Meanwhile, the light is fading and we’d better get home before your dad comes out with a baseball bat.”
“A baseball bat? Nathan, honestly. What do you think my dad is like?”
“Well, I’m hardly being serious,” he said, a smile breaking through. “If I thought he would come after me with a baseball bat I’d think more than twice about dating you.”
“If my dad was a baseball bat wielding maniac would you still date me?” she asked winsomely.
A sigh. “If you asked nicely.”
Patience took off the camera, placed it carefully on the ground and leaned towards him. “This is me asking nicely.”
“This looks like you asking for a kiss,” he riposted, then coloured deeply as if he only just realised what he said. “I mean—”
“That works too,” she agreed, the smile draining away and being replaced by seriousness. As he looked down at her, she nodded. “Seriously, Nathan.”
“I thought we’d wait until we were, I don’t know, engaged or married or something,” he said hesitantly. “I thought that was what your family would want.”
“Listen, if you don’t want to of course we don’t have to, I just—I thought maybe—”
“You thought maybe what?”
“I mean, I’d be open to a kiss or two, just to—to see what the hype’s all about.” She wondered if it was possible to go any redder. “If you were—”
“Sure,” he said, and closed the distance between them.
It was weirdly awkward, standing there in the middle of a worn four wheel drive track for their first kiss. Patience had imagined something magical, but this wasn’t magical. There wasn’t anything wrong with it—it was just different. When they stepped apart again they were both smiling.
“Worth the hype?” he asked mischievously.
Patience glanced at the time, uttered an exclamation and picked up her camera hurriedly. “Worth the hype—but Nathan—!”
“Race you back,” he said, and led the chase the whole way home, where they arrived in the last glimmerings of warm summer light.
tagging @stealingmyplaceinthesun and @pilgrimsofworship
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sweetestlittledarling · 1 year ago
A Different Kind of Love
Part of @monthly-challenge 2024 | "I Love You'
Rating: PG
Pairing: Various
Summary: As a Aromantic I just wanted to examine some different kinds of love other then romantic on this holiday. It took me a bit but I got there...
              “You know it’s funny.”
              “What is?” Sparrow asked, sitting next to her brother in the hot spring.
              Robin smiled as he watched Asra and Nadia laugh as Julian told a funny story. “You would think they hadn’t missed a day of being together,” he mused, “their friendship has transcended all the pain of the past and it’s nice.”
              Sparrow smiled as well. “Yeah, it is, isn’t it? Makes me hopeful that no matter what lays ahead that we will always be able to come back to this, to warm days and happy times.”
              “Yeah,” Robin sighed happily, enjoying the sight of a light and happy Asra.
Student and Teacher
              “What’s this?” Asra asked as Lark held out a little box in his direction.
              “It’s a gift oh mighty Master Asra,” Lark answered with a grin.
              “It’s from the both of us,” Sparrow added standing next to her twin. “We know Heartsong day is meant more for romantic love, but we felt we wanted to get something for you, our teacher.”
              “Yeah, we know Robin is your favorite student for reasons,” Lark joked, wincing a little as his sister elbowed him in the ribs. “But we think of you as family too. I mean you are basically our adopted big brother.”
              “Plus, you have taught us so much and helped us grow that we wanted to show you our thanks,” Sparrow added, smiling.
              Asra opened the box and found a little rainbow crystal snake inside. Faust slithered out and bobbed her head in approval. “Cute!” she announced happily. Asra looked at the two in front of him, and smiling warmly wrapped an arm around their shoulders pulling them close. “I am proud to call you both my students and I am even happier to call you, my family.”
              “I’m glad you and Julian ended up together Sparrow,” Portia said, with sly grin.
              “Oh, and why is that?” Sparrow asked.
              “Well, I always wanted a sister and I have a feeling you feel the same way.”
              “Well, there were times,” Sparrow laughed. “Are you saying you consider me a sister Portia?”
              “Yep, and as my sister I hope that you will help me in pranking my brother at least a few times.”
              Sparrow’s eyes narrowed evilly. “Oh, I am so in.”
              Somewhere else Julian felt a chill run down his spine.
              “Wait I did what?”
              “You yelled at me,” Julian explained, smiling sadly. “Back during the plague, you came to my clinic to yell at me about how I let your sister down, how she was gone because of me.”
              Lark blinked a few times. “I’m sorry Julian, I don’t remember any of that.”
              “It’s okay. I actually think it was good, like a wake-up call that I needed. I hadn’t even realized that she had gotten sick and you yelling at me made me realize that I had forgotten my responsibility to those around me, though it took me a little while more to actually wake up.”
              “Well, if it helps any,” Lark said, rubbing the back of his head in a guilty way, “I don’t blame you for any of it, not any more anyway. I actually think of you like a cool big brother now, well brother-in-law.”
              Now it was Julian’s turn to blink. “You do?”
              “Yeah, of course you did make my sister cry, which is not cool, but if don’t do that again then we will be square.”
              Julian grinned. “If I do, I give you every right to punch me in the face.”
              Lark looked thoughtful. “Nah, though I think I might throw some rotten eggs at you just so you get the message.”
Brother and Sister
              “You’re staring,” Robin said, making Julian jump.
              “Sparrow said you were quiet, but I didn’t realize just how quiet,” the doctor chuckled, putting a hand to his heart.
              Robin grinned wide. “Makes me all the more deadly a foe, or the more able to catch my siblings doing something they shouldn’t. Speaking of siblings though- “He looked out to the garden where Sparrow was helping Portia with some gardening. “It’s funny, isn’t it? I mean as a big brother you must feel it to.”
              Julian nodded. “One minute they are little girls, and suddenly they are capable women able to do some amazing things?”
              “It’s nice and a little sad,” Robin sighed, “but I figure they still need their big brothers now and again.”
              “If only to have someone to get angry at,” Julian laughed.
              After the fall of Lucio there was much to do. The city was in need of desperate need of fixing. People from all walks of life came together to fix what had been broken, making sure everyone had what they needed. Muriel watched and a small part of him healed as he realized that the city, he had come to despise was starting to feel a little bit more like home.
Parent to Child
              “I don’t know what I can’t believe more,” Lark said, as they all sat around the table in the magic shop, “that we are having dinner with Asra’s parents or that Asra was actually a baby once and didn’t just pop out of magical thin air.”
              “Lark!” Sparrow warned but Salim laughed.
              “No, I can assure you that Asra was conceived by very normal means,” he said, taking his wife’s hand. “In fact, we can show you some images of Asra as a baby if you like.”
              It was one of the few times any of his apprentices had seen Asra flustered, as when his parents showed them his magical baby pictures.
Between Pet and Owner
              Faust was spoiled for choice when everyone was home at the magic shop. She always could hang with Robin, or get head pats from Sparrow, or curl up with Lark. And of course, there were treats and snacks. But the best part was that it made Asra happy and that made Faust happy. “Family!” she hissed as she basked in love.
Found Family
              After making the deal with the magician Asra found himself listening more. It had been quiet for far too long in the shop and he just needed to take in all the noise three other people could make. There was never a moment where there wasn’t some kind of noise and while to some that might have been bothersome, it meant that life had literally returned to the magic shop. He closed his eyes, and just took it in. When he opened his eyes, he found Robin looking at him with some concern. “You okay Asra?”
              Asra smiled. “Yes, better than I have been in a long time.”
Work Love
              Sparrow enjoyed watching Julian work. When things weren’t too stressful, and he was really in his element it was like poetry in motion. He was so skilled with his hands and his words, able to help each patient deduce exactly what the matter was and how to proceed. She wondered if she had felt this enamored with the man when she was his assistant, figuring that she must have had at least a crush on him because he really was a good doctor, even if he didn’t see it sometimes. Sometimes he would catch her watching and there would be a wink, or a flash of a smile and she knew things were good.
              There weren’t many mirrors in the hut, which Lark had assumed was because of…reasons. But at some point, he did manage to convince Muriel to allow him to bring a hand mirror over from the shop. Muriel even let Lark show him what he looked like now. For a moment Muriel just looked in shock. “What do you think big guy?” Lark asked. “If you ask my opinion, I think you look pretty good but then again I’m pretty biased.”
              Muriel hesitated and then his lips turned up a little. “I look…better.
Love of an Object
              “You know there are better things to tie your hair up with,” Sparrow told her brother as Robin went to tie up his hair with the little red ribbon.
              “I know,” Robin said with a little smile, “but it was one of the first thing Asra ever gave me and I would hate to part with it.”
Love for a Rival
              “I should have guessed that it be you who would stab me in the back,” Julian said, voice dramatic as he glared. “You who would steal away the heart of the one who I loved the most.”
              Sparrow couldn’t help but roll her eyes as she continued to pet Malak who just eyed Julian as he puffed up happily (and a bit smugly).
Love for a Teammate
              “You ready Faust?” Robin asked.
              “Ready!” the snake said, bobbing her head as she settled around Robin’s shoulders.
              “Two against one,” Asra laughed looking at them over his cards, “hardly seems fair.”
              “I will take any advantage in order to finally beat you at this game!” Robin said, eyes focused. “I refuse to be the loser at strip poker for a third time. I will see you in your underwear in this game so help me.”
              No surprise, he later lost.
              (Robin has the worst tells ever which all the better for Asra.)
Love for a Supporter
              Lark really enjoyed starting up a sports club for some of the orphans, especially since he could see the pride in their eyes as they played. He even got Muriel to come and watch. The big guy wasn’t exactly the most ecstatic cheer section, but everyone could tell he was really into the game, making sure that all the kids were supported. He didn’t even complain when by the end he became a jungle gym for some of the younger ones.
Love for Motivation
              This is what Asra lived for. They were all seated around the veranda after dinner, just chatting and laughing. All of them, everyone he had come to love and cherish in his life was here safe and happy. He realized that it really had been all worth it in the end, this gift of a life where he could have them all with him. There would still be bumps ahead as life never ran that smoothly but honestly, he could weather it all for all of them.
(The last one was inspired by the ending of the Heartsong tale, because I love how Asra loves everyone just to be happy!)
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dinossaurz · 1 year ago
@monthly-challenge 2024 | First kiss
Pairing: Non-idol!Wooyoung; Fem.!reader
Genre: Best friends to lovers, au, comforting, fluffy
Summary: Wooyoung feels more than he wished towards his bestfriend, he didn't want to tell you yet, but something happened
Y/N loves being around her bestfriend and he happens to be your safe place in storm days;
Warning: Panic attack due to a storm, cute Wooyoung dealing with scared reader, cute kiss in some points, not romanticizing PA (I have some crisis due to storms and loud sound, so I'm writing what I feel).
Word count:
A/N: Monthly prompt Challenge it's here and I'm soooo happy to be a part of it 🥺
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He's just as moody as a stormy day — and that's why I hate loving him that much.
"Hey, Wooyoung!" You said surprised, as you exit on your front door and finds your bestfriend just laying there.
"Oh, Y/N. What's up? I thought you were going to stay home today. Y'know, due to the storm alarm." He seemed worried and it just clicked your curiosity. He remembered you're afraid of thunderstorms?
"Nah, I'm fine, boo. Just going to shop some things to survive those stormy days." He nodded, not trusting you at all.
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"Are you sure you don't want me to sta—" He tried to say something, but he was harshly interrupted by a loud thunder all of a sudden, thing that made you shrug your shoulders in fear. "I'll stay." He said, never waiting for a reaction on you.
He enters your house, leaving the supermarket bags on the ground. He holds your wrist in such delicate way it feels like a feather touching your skin, and then he closes the front door, locking it up while he still holds you.
Just as he was dealing with a little kid, he give you little pat on the top of your head and try to smile to your scared features.
"Here, let me help you to go to your safe place."
He knew everything about you and your fear, what you usually make to deal with your trembling fears. He take you to your bed, already full of plushies, and when he finally sits you on the soft mattress, the power turn off and another thunder came so loud that made you close your eyes.
"Hey..." he tried to calm you down, rubbing in a lovingly way his hot hand on your arm, finally leaving your wrist.
"Wooyoung..." You finally whispered, your voice clearly shaking, showing him the way you were crying so hard.
You could feel his hot presence when he approached you, passing his arms through your waist. Immediately you put your face among his shoulder and neck. He could feel your wet skin rubbing against his own.
Wooyoung started to rub his hand on your back. You could feel his breath against your shoulder, where he placed a soft kiss, a thing that you were totally used to in stormy days, because he used to pass those days with you in the past, and he always took good care of you.
"Y/N?" He called you, his voice barely a whisper to your ears, that paid attention in the storm outside.
He poked your waist, and you laid your head in him even more, listening to his small laugh for your clumsiness. He loved the way you act when you were with him, so he just tight his arms, but you could feel one of his arms leaving the place, and felt his hand on you chin.
"Can you look at me?" He asked, his voice still a whisper, but he had his voice full of something you never listened to.
Still full of fear, you lifted your head up to look at him even with the place all darkened. His hand left your chin in the moment one more thunder could be listened, and you held yourself even more close to him, but you happened to sit on his lap not noticing it, because you're too scared of the sounds that shaked all your house.
"I'm here for you, baby. Nothing will hurt you, okay? And even if it happens, I'll take care of you, as I always did, because..." he took your chin again, lifting it to try to look at your eyes through the dark.
"Because... I fell in love, Y/N... With you." He declares, his voice now sounding clear than the storm. Your heart stops for a few seconds and then he feels just like butterfly wings.
"Wooyoung..." you tried to say something, but your mouth was too dry for it. You cleared your throat, putting both your hands to cup his cheeks on their palms. "I... I have this strange feeling in my chest for a few months for now, but I thought I was sick, so..." you sighed, holding a little laugh. "The doctor called me dumb and said I was in love." You could feel his dimples, signaling he was smiling to you.
"So... I assume you fell in love too, right?" He now laughed, his hand rested on tour waist by now, and he was rubbing there with his thumb in such a lovingly way, that melted your heart.
You nodded, caressing his cheek.
"Can..." you both started together, which made both laugh in a unison that warmed you.
Wooyoung's left your chin that was just ghosting your skin, and then put it on your nape, putting you close to him. You could feel his breath close to your skin, and it made goosebumps up your back.
"Can I kiss your fear out?" He asked in a cute way. You didn't remembered that it was raining until he said that, and then you noded, practically killing the gap between both of you, feeling his lips hitting on yours, and then it feels like everything was bright and safe for you.
His lips feels so soft and tasted like strawberry, just like the drink he had earlier because you said it was good (he secretly hated it, but will never said it to the love of his life). The kiss felt just so right, that you asked yourself why you'd never asked him that, or he asked you.
You were incapable to separate your lips from his even with the air privacy your lungs were now.
"I'm..." he had the courage that you hadn't, your lips feeling so different that he touched it. "I'm going to kiss you whenever I want, okay?" He asked, making you blush instantly. Lucky on you that the power was totally off right now.
"Oh, and... you feel so nice in my lap." He said, making you so confused with his words. That's when you realized where were you sitting.
"OH MY GOD, JUNG WOOYOUNG. WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME?" You almost screamed, trying to get off his lap. Your face turned red like strawberries.
"Nope. You're not going to get out of my lap. I won't let you." He said, holding you close to him, hiding his face in your chest covered by a hoodie.
"I hate you. Y'know?" You just quit your task, putting your hand in his soft hair, playing with it amongst your fingers.
"And I love you. Is that considered a cat and dog love?" He asked and you just rolled your eyes, laughing soundless form him not to listen.
"It's more like a cat and a cat love. But you're the orange one and I'm the black one." You said, laying your mouth on his head, kissing right there.
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accidental-spice · 1 year ago
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@monthly-challenge 2024 | Day #15: Dancing
Some of my favorite dance scenes in fiction
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queen-daya · 1 year ago
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@monthly-challenge 2024 | Day 28: Forehead Touch | Fluffy Daya
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kanerallels · 1 year ago
For @monthly-challenge's Februfluff, day 15: dancing! My prompt is pretty short, but I still like it. Also it's one of the few times I've actually written Chenford (though that has definitely changed)
Their first dance wasn’t actually a dance, technically speaking. But Lucy would never forget the first time Tim asked her to dance. It was right after her first proper UC assignment, and she was still riding the high of it. She’d gone to Angela and Wesley’s wedding, and Tim had been there, like he always was.
That was the first time, looking back, that she could think of him looking at her like she was more than his rookie, more than even a friend. He’d looked handsome in his suit, and they’d talked about the op she’d just finished.
She’d been starting to walk away when he asked her to save him a dance, and Lucy could still remember the pleased surprise bubbling up in her chest.
It hadn’t worked out, obviously. Nolan had discovered that Angela and Jackson were missing, and the whole wedding had fallen to pieces in a matter of minutes. It was way, way too long before any of their group felt like dancing after that, even if things ended happily enough.
Their real first dance was months later, at James and Nyla’s wedding reception. Tim wasn’t wearing a suit, but he’d still looked good, like he always had. And he’d held out his hand, reminding her that she owed him a dance, and Lucy couldn’t swear her heart didn’t beat a little faster when she took his hand.
They’d talked as they danced, making up for some fight they’d had earlier, his hand curled around hers. Then he’d spun her around, and she’d laughed with the sheer exhilaration of it, and he’d been smiling, too. Lucy would never have guessed that Tim Bradford could smile like that when she’d first met him, grim and stern as he’d been.
But that had changed. So much had changed since then— their lives, both apart and together. The people they had in their lives. The way they felt about each other most of all, although that had definitely changed for the best.
And now, a little over two years after that dance at James and Nyla’s wedding, they were dancing again. But this time, Tim was wearing a suit. And Lucy was wearing white.
She felt a smile crossing her face as they spun around the dance floor slowly. The events leading up to this day had been nothing short of crazy, with moments of sweetness mixed in.
It had started with the proposal. Tim wasn’t usually one for speeches. Lucy had always known that he was more of one to show his love, not say it. But his proposal had brought tears to her eyes, and saying yes was the best decision she’d ever made. 
Life had started to get a little crazy after that— one of the UC cases she’d been working had gone south, and things had gotten seriously dangerous. She’d ended up in a safe house while the others had worked the case, trying to bring in the man who was threatening her life.
Tim had been her rock during the whole thing. She’d known he was scared too, but he’d stayed calm, giving her updates and distracting her with a thousand different things, including wedding planning.
Eventually— after a few near deaths and a stand off at the safe house— the threat was handled and the criminal was behind bars. From there, the past week or so was a blur of wedding plans and dress fittings and cake tastings until finally, finally, the day itself was here.
And now? With the man she loved holding her, Lucy couldn’t be happier. 
“Hey.” Lucy glanced up at the sound of Tim’s voice. Her boyfriend— no, her husband, she internally corrected herself with a little shiver of joy— was watching her with a half-smile on his face. “You good?”
“Yeah,” Lucy said, looking around her. She saw Grey and Luna dancing nearby, along with Nyla and James. Angela was sitting at a table with Nolan, Celina, and both of her kids, and she could even see Talia coming back from getting drinks to sit with them.
She was surrounded by her family, the people who loved her. And the one who loved her most was dancing with her, with no intentions of letting go. Looking back at Tim, Lucy smiled at him. “I’m good. I’m with you.”
His smile widened, and he bent down to kiss her. “Yeah,” he murmured against her lips. “I love you, you know that?”
“I know,” Lucy said, grinning, and he laughed. “And I love you, too.”
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thehappybaker · 1 year ago
@monthly-challenge 2024 | holding hands
This work features my original characters Dawn and Mikayla!
It had been a fun sleepover, Mikayla thought sleepily.
Mikayla had never hosted a sleepover before, she had been to one before in elementary school, but she had always felt left out. The girls talking amongst themselves and laughing together while she would just stand around not knowing what to do. Any attempt to interact was met with weird stares and murmers.
They never liked her and the only reason she would be invited was because her mom was friends with one of the girl's parents so of course she had to come. Not that she ever wanted to of course, none of the girls in her class liked her and would always make fun of her when they could.
She would always be along.
Until she met Dawn.
She had brightened her world with her love and laughter. Suddenly she wasn't along anymore.
She was happy for that.
So when Dawn asked if they could have a sleepover that night, Mikayla couldn't say no.
She prepared everything for that night, and had waited in anticipation.
Her first sleepover with a actual friend, it was gonna be great!
And the night was great, full of fun and laughter.
They had played games such as uno, twister, tick tack toe, did arts and crafts, and played trivia.
It was so much fun. Mikayla had even made snacks and while not perfect they were certainly delicious judging by Dawn's reaction to them.
(These are delicious! The marshmallow popcorn is so good!)
They had sat down to watch a Disney movie and had fallen asleep.
Now she found herself awake, while Dawn was still asleep. She looked so peaceful.
Mikayla reached a hand out to brush a piece of hair out of her face, Dawn stirring a bit but remained asleep.
Yup still peaceful, she thought.
Mikayla was great full for everything Dawn had done for her, from being her friend to helping her socialize more. It was helping her gain more confidence to go out more and for her to help her own relationship with her mom. Things weren't perfect but they felt better than they were before.
Mikayla reached her hand out and held Dawn's hand in her own, gripping it slightly.
Dawn gripped back, making Mikayla smile in joy.
*I don't want things between us to change. I'm happy with you. Thank you for being in my life.* Mikayla thought suddenly becoming sleepy.
Mikayla then pulled the blanket up around them, then started to grift of to sleep.
Dawn, thank you she thought before sleep took her.
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emilyarmadillo · 1 year ago
EmArma Does Februfluff
This post will be a masterlist of all of my February works, organized by fandom. Please enjoy!
Pipalypso soulmate AU
Jason fix-it
More Pipalypso
Solangelo fluff
Solangelo hurt/comfort
Solangelo caretaking
Cassxanthe cuteness
Gabby & Vault!Laura
Gabby & Tashi
Gabby & Tashi sickfic
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