the-rxven-king · 5 months
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dont think i ever posted this even tho i drew it almost a year ago now for my friends birthday gift!!! but i still love it so im gonna
veth (my oc, the elf) and creed (@rosemochii's character creed, the tiefling) having a sweet lil moment together with veth taking creeds hair down for him, smth creed doesnt do v much
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remorseful-fugitive · 5 years
(Starter for @xanorowolfnamekian)
Snowy wandered through the forest, trying to find an friend of hers. Unfortunately for her, it was starting to snow, and the ragged clothes she had on weren’t enough to keep her warm.
Shivering, she continued walking around the forest, not entirely sure where she was at this point.
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potions-and-halos · 6 years
Xanoro's Thoughts
"Mm...getting to run free without a care in the world is a wonderful feeling, just running with your pack as you all instinctively morph and follow the path your feet take you on your unknown adventure. Wonderful feeling."
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Why do you find me so interesting, Xanoro?
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potions-and-halos · 6 years
Earthly Namekians (AU pt 7)
Piccolo blinked in slight surprise but he growled deeply in reply to Xanoro's plea to be taken, moving quicker than most could see and pinning the Wolvae to the ground. An eager whine escaped Xanoro as he was slammed into the ground roughly on his back, Piccolo's fangs nipping along his throat lightly, long tongue flicking out and dragging across his throat ahrd enough to make him shiver and gasp in delight.
Piccolo found his length hard as a rock as it brushed across Xanoro's thigh, the Wolvae's heat affecting him more than it should have. That and the way he was nearly writhing and moaning as he nipped his throat just aroused him more and made him growl lowly as he played with his antenae. Xanoro's body arched lightly with a soft moan as he played with the long bobbing antenae, swiping his tongue across them as he placed a hand down on Xanoro's chest and pinned him there, holding him tight as his nails dug into his broad chest lightly.
Xanoro gasped and shivered as Piccolo's claws dug partially into the patch on his belly, tingles of pleasure radiating out from the points and making him arch his back up lightly in delight, his head tilting back as Piccolo moved in to kiss and bite his throat lightly. Oh gods this was amazing! He couldn't believe how good this felt and they were barely even starting! Maybe he could get Piccolo to pull his tail a little too.
Piccolo caught the tail end of his thoughts, smirking slightly as he quickly flipped Xanoro onto his front, pressing his body down over the other, one massive hand pressing down onto Xanoro's shoulders hard as he opened his jaws and bit the back of Xanoro's neck just hard enough to sink his fangs into the dark green skin. Xanoro jolted slightly as Piccolo's fangs sank into his neck and he gave a soft cry of delight as he wiggled a light under the other's weight, feeling a hand run down his spine and over his firm ass, gripping his tailbtightly and tugging it a little, a sharp howl of shock and pleasure escaping Xanoro.
"Ooh Gods! Do that again!~ Please!~" he begged Piccolo, pressing back against the Namekian as he felt the hand pull his tail again. Xanoro nearly howled as the hand slipped lower to caress his thigh teasingly, body shivering under the light touches, a moan escaping from the fiery tingles of pleasure shooting out from each Piccolo left on his body. He was teasing him! He was teading him and enjoying it, dragging it out!
Piccolo gave a soft sexy growl in his partner's twitching ears, catching sight of the deep purple blush across his cheeks and eartips. He let got of his neck to lick and nip across his back and shoulders, one hand stroking the quivering thighs beneath his hips and the other stroking and pkaying with the bobbing antenae on Xanoror's head. He could see Xanoro's half closed purple eyes glancing at him from where he was pinned down, lips parted as he gasped and moaned softly at the sheer pleasure he was sending throught the Wolvae from his touch alone.
Xanoro shifted and wiggled under Piccolo's weight, stopping as his antenae were being kissed and licked, a hand playing with them gently and making jolts of fiery pleasure shoot through his spine, a mewl of delight escaping his parted lips as he tried asking, begging, for Piccolo to not stop, to do more too him but his words failed him as one of Piccolo's hands drifted higher up his thighs.
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potions-and-halos · 6 years
Earthly Namekians (AU pt 4)
Piccolo brought his head back down to continue reading through the book in his hands, his unease growing with each sentence he read.
'Those of the Wolf clan go through a heat cycle every month, sometimes twice a month if they are an extremely fertile individual. If another Namekian is caught around a Wolvae in their heat cycle, then they will end up being courted with gifts and shows of the Wolvae's hunting and battle prowess, as well as trying to prove they would be good mates and parents. If one doesn't want to be the in-heat Wolvae's mate, they need to do a show of ignoring and moving away from the said Wolvae to show their disinterest.'
"W-what?! Once a month? How in HFIL do they manage!" he growled as a purple blush crawled over his ears and his cheeks. "Dealing with my own every few years is bad enough!"
'If one agrees to become the cycling Wolvae's mate, then be prepared to lead a long chase through terrain of your choosing as the Wolvae hunts you and prepares to seal the mating bond. Those who bond into the Wolf Clan often pick up a few of the traits and habits of their bonded partner and vice versa as well as being given a pack status of their mate, if not higher. Wolvae bond for life and create a strong mental bond with their chosen mate or mates if all is agreed upon by the chosen members.'
Piccolo shook his head, pinning his ears to his head in realization that his own cycle was fast approaching and he prayed to Kami that he wouldn't be caught up with Xanoro when that happened.
'If another non-Wolvae Namekian is in heat when around a Wolvae, it will leave said being in a high state of aggression and affection as they try to near the cycling Namekian, protecting them and feeding them, trying to please them with all they have and can give. The Wolvae have a hidden art of being able to pleasure their partners and others to help out if needed or just for the sake of pleasure.'
An even darker blush spread across the Warrior-Dragon Namekian as he continued to read, a snarl escaping him as he read.
'Wolvae are often territorial when it comes to their pack's land and that which they consider theirs. They are more beast by nature than anything else but are capable of civilised thought and actions like the other Clans are. But they are a Primal Clan first and foremost, unable to resist their instincts when they call. Be careful of stumbling across a Wolvae when in their territory. Watch out for the strong scent of cedar and roses mixed together. This will mark the edge of their territory.'
Piccolo remembered smelling that exact scent near his waterfall from earlier. He looked to find that he had gone over everything in the thin book, quickly memorizing everything else and putting the book away. Grim determination crossed his face as he swiftly left the Lookout and headed back to his waterfall to await the other's return. One more fact that he had read rang through his mind.
'Wolvae differ in reproduction than the rest of the Namekian Clans. They often hold the egg within their broad chest for up to a month, sometimes even two months if they need to, before spitting the egg out. The Wolvae 'mother' of said egg will not patrol, hunt, or allow the 'father' to see the egg for a few days until the shell has hardened enough to protect the unborn Namekian inside. Be wary of the sharper than normal claws and canines as the 'mothers' are extremely protective of them.'
Xanoro howled in joy, leading his pack's cry of thanks to the rising moon above as they dug into the bloody body of a smaller dinosaur, snarls and growls ringing out as they all feasted. The dark green Namekian halted as he lifted his bloodied face from his meal, his eyes widening as he realized something. His second cycle was rolling around and fast.
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potions-and-halos · 6 years
Xanoro's Musings
"I have a tail. But I'm namekian. Oooh, tail! It moved, it moved! Oh gods, the tail moved!! ...Oh wait...its my tail moving...my tail's moving!!!"
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potions-and-halos · 6 years
Earthly Namekians (AU pt 6)
The rising sun broke through the slumbering Namekian's sleep, waking him up to see his pack stirring as well. The unmistakable scent of multiple wolves in heat was the first to hit his senses until his own body was washed with heat, his whole body tingling with the cycle's awakening. He growled quietly as he was met by the alpha female nudging him, rising to his hands and feet.
::It's time for you all to run on the mating path. Go Braveheart. Run it with your mate. I must find see if I can find a mate this year as well.:: he rumbled before waving his tail in permission for the others to go on the heat run. ::Eat well and I will see you all when the moon is half-full.::
The multi-colored wolves growled, barked and snarled before setting off for the fighting and mating grounds, leaving the purple-eyed Namekian behind to his thoughts. He started a swift run to his own secluded spot near Piccolo's waterfall to ride out the worst of his heat, making sure to bring a stash of food with him for his stay.
He arrived sooner than expected but he didn't mind. He set up his den with his items before leaving his gi behind, muscles rippling in the sunlight as he stretched, free of his fabric confines. Another set of tingles raced through his body, centered around his nethers and throat, a quiet groan escaping Xanoro as he moved towards the waterfall. He was farther into paying attention to how his body sang with his heat that he didn't notice Piccolo meditating at the top of the waterfall. Xanoro stretched again and waved his tail for a moment before slipping into the cool clear water with another groan, relishing in the soothing movement of the water across his body.
Piccolo opened his eyes as the earthy cedar smell hit his nose from Xanoro as the Wolvae slid into the water after walking past him naked as a jaybird. He was surprised to find that he highly enjoyed the sight of that muscular body, arousing the tingling heat in his own body. He stifled the growl that rose in his chest and knowing his heat had hit harder than it usually did. Perhaps he wouldn't be too averse to the Wolf Namekian joining him for this week, if the noises Xanoro were making were anything to go by.
The ex-demon pulled his turban and cape off, staying in his gi as he set down by the pool under the waterfall with a small smirk at the other Namekian's cluelessness. "And here I thought I was going to be left alone for my cycle." he growled.
Xanoro growled softly at Piccolo's words, purple eyes locking onto the earth-raised Namekian with a lustful glare. "If you're so adverse to it, then leave. Or come join me and see my Clan's talent of pleasure firsthand."
Piccolo opened his mouth to respond but stopped at the rising heat caused by the Wolvae's words. He growled quietly before deciding t pull off his own gi, revealing his own muscular and well-toned body. A whine of lust startled him, forcing him to look back at Xanoro.
Xanoro had his eyes raking across the other with a heated look, his mouth watering at getting to taste him, to be taken by him with a rough passion. The sheer intensity of being so close to a possible mate and release pulled at him and he climbed from the water in a heartbeat.
"Take me with all you have, Piccolo. I want you to be rough, to treat me like a bad slave, to punish me." he growled, lust dripping from his words as his fangs flashed in excitement. "Treat me like the animal I am."
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potions-and-halos · 6 years
Earthly Namekians (AU pt 5)
Xanoro rumbled as he went back to eating, his thoughts roaming through many things, one of which being the warrior Piccolo. He had a feeling that the warrior would not welcome his advances if he was caught in heat around him so he figured he should probably run the course of the cycle with his pack. His own pack would be driven crazy around him as their own mating season was near but that would be fine as the younger wolves would not be participating in the fighting matches this year.
He shook his head, muscles rippling smoothly  as he laid down in a heap with the rest of his packmates, all of them done eating for now, still some leftovers to the side to eat on later if they got hungry. His pointed ears twitched as his bushy-looking tail waved through the air from where he lay on his stomach, full moon casting eerie light across them. His dark green skin twitched as he heard the noise again form the nearby forest, catching his attention fully now. He rose to his clawed hands and bare feet, purple eyes narrowed to near slits as he watched Piccolo emerge from them.
Piccolo had managed to locate Xanoro after some time of searching. he stepped out of the forest and into a valley like area, blinking in surprise at the pack of multi-colored, and bloody-muzzled, dire wolves laying near a dinosaur carcass. The biggest surprise came from the crouched Namekian in front of the other wolves though.
Piccolo watched as the dark green Wolvae's claws sunk into the ground lightly, green tail raised in a warning even as his head lowered with a menacing growl rumbling dangerously in his deep chest, purple eyes narrowed up at him. He could see the muscles rippling beneath Xanoro's thick skin, his power rising as the Wolvae's mind said that he was either a potential mate or rival.
Piccolo remembered the information in the book from earlier and decided to put it to use. He gave a quiet non-threatening growl as though to say he was no threat but a friend. He watched as the other being relaxed and sprawled back out with his pack as Piccolo approached quietly, getting a few sniffs and huffs from the wolves as they quickly surrounded the two Namekians, much to Piccolo's dismay.
"I wouldn't try escaping once they've accepted you into their sleeping pile." Xanoro's voice rumbled quietly as his head popped up out of a pile of silver and black fur, a sheepish look on his face. "And, uh, sorry about a moment ago. Instincts speak louder than my mind at times."
Piccolo grunted and crossed his arms as he took a sitting meditation stance. "Yeah, well, keep that temper of yours in check. I'm not afraid to knock some sense into you. Speaking of which, do you know what Namekian Clan you are?"
"Yeah, I'm of the Wolf Clan. Why, what's up?" Xanoro's tail swished through the air slightly in concern.
"Because I learned some rather concerning facts about you Clan that could lead to disaster or good news for either of us. When is your next cycle? Answer honestly." Piccolo nearly growled out.
Xanoro's eyes widened as his highly sensitive nose picked up Piccolo's  swiftly increasing scent. His tail stopped moving as it shot straight up into the air, a slight curl forming in it as he looked at Piccolo. "I can already smell yours fast approaching my friend and mine is a little ahead of yours. Use your senses."
Piccolo stiffened as he realized his companion was right. Both of them would end up in heat within the next day or so. They would have to be careful and stay separated at this point for a week or so until it ended. "S***, you're right. I need to go ahead and set up for the time being then. I'll see you later."
Xanoro watched with growing amusement and lust as the strong Namekian freed himself deftly from his slumbering packmates and leaving silently like a ghost.
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potions-and-halos · 6 years
Earthly Namekians (AU pt 3)
Piccolo arrived at the Lookout in a short amount of time, the sun just starting its descent towards its resting place for the night on the other side of the world, his own mind turning just as dark as the soon to be night. A smaller bright green Namekian in the clothing of a Kami approached with with a smile and bright eyes. 
"Hello Dende. I've need of the Lookout's Library. I have a rather dark subject I need to look into that Kami has informed me of." Piccolo's baritone voice was dark with something the little Namekian couldn't identify.
"Go ahead then Piccolo. Find whatever it is that Kami told you. Mr Popo and I will be nearby if you have need of us."
Piccolo nodded his head and quickly found his way to the library. Kami was quick to direct him to the farthest reaches of the seemingly endless library, straight into a closed room section that had a sign in Namekian above it that said 'Namekian Emergency Use Only.'
-In there is where you'll find a thin book with a blood-red cover and a wolf on the front. Find it and memorize it immediately.- Kami's voice echoed in the Z-Fighter's head with a tone of darkness and defeat. -I never wanted to have to see that book opened ever. But what must be done, must be done.-
Piccolo entered the room with a quiet growl of wariness, his thick green skin seeming to twitch in the dry air of the room. He found a shelf to his left with a book set by itself with the exact cover and color that Kami had described to him. He picked it up with his clawed hands gently, dust falling off the cover as he slowly opened it to begin reading. He folded his legs up beneath him as he settled against a wall near the door, black eyes darting back and forth across the page with growing unease.
'The wolvae are originally native to Namek from the earliest days of our history. They came from a Clan of Namekians, like our Dragon, Demon, Fury, and Warrior Clans, known as the Wolves. They hunted and often had strange body mutations like the Demon Clan often had but were more in tune with Earth's wolven brethren than other Namekians...'
"Oh Kami...I found a member of the Wolf Clan didn't I?" Piccolo's breath hissed between his teeth. This didn't sound so bad bad but he decided to continue reading.
'...But with the Wolf Clan's more Primal harmony came a downside. They were born and bred hunters unlike the other Clans of Namek. They often left as soon as they could to hunt on other worlds, becoming feral and leading or living with packs of predators they took a liking to. Or moving in packs of their own clan as hunting beasts. Their canines and claws were sharper than any other Namekian Clans', especially for their intended use in hunting and killing. They have long, almost bushy-like tails that can be regrown at any point...'
Piccolo's head slammed the wall behind him with a growl. He just had to come across one of the most dangerous types of Namekian didn't he? "F***..."
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potions-and-halos · 6 years
Earthly Namekians (AU pt 1)
The dark green Namekian's long pointed ears twitched as he caught the faint sound of someone approaching his location quickly over the noise of the large waterfall he meditated beside. Piercing purple eyes opened with a bit of irritation and curiousity as he set his feet down to stand from his floating position, muscular arms crossing over his broad bare chest, purple patches on his body an eery color to see on any normal Namekian. His black gi bottoms moved slightly in the light breeze, antennae bobbing as he looked to the sky to spot a white turbaned and caped person landing with a menacing growl.
"Who are you? What are you doing here?" The lighter green Warrior Namekian spoke in a harsh voice, black eyes narrowed at him with wariness and anger.
"I am Xanoro. And I was meditating before your noisy flight interrupted me." Xanoro's eyes seemed to glow in surprise at seeing another Namekian on Earth.
Then again, Xanoro himself had lived alongside a pack of Direwolves for years, avoiding contact with many of the Earth's human inhabitants, glimpsing and seeing some of the Z-Fighters in passing over the years. But this took the cake! Another Namekian he could talk to or interact with! Maybe they could exchange techniques and train later.
Piccolo scoffed and crossed his arms over his own chest, black eyes never leaving the oddly colored Namekian before him. An oddity to be sure but also a mystery to be figured out. "My flight isn't supposed to be quiet unless I'm being stealthy fool. And you never truly answered my question. Why are you here at my waterfall?"
Xanoro jumped slightly and rubbed his neck sheepishly as he dropped his eyes for a moment. So that's why his scent was all over the area. "I, uh, I'm sorry alright? I didn't think much of it to be honest. I was just looking for a good place to meditate and this place struck me as perfect. Good tastes by the way."
Piccolo nodded and gave a grunt as he moved past the bare-chested Namekian, moving up to float above on of the rocks in front of the waterfall, settling in for a good meditation in the Lotus position. His blacks eyes flickered to Xanoro as he jerked his head for the other Warrior Namekian to join him. "I'm Piccolo."
Xanoro nodded slightly at Piccolo's demanding, no-crap attitude, moving up to settle into a floating Lotus position in front of him. The purple-eyed warrior tilted his head from his position in front of Piccolo as he heard several yips and growls from his pack of Direwolves as they entered the clearing. Piccolo's eyes opened and honed in n the predators, preparing a ki blast to shoo them away. Xanoro's hand shot out with a vice-like grip on Piccolo's hand, stopping him from firing it. The turbaned warrior grunted and snatched his arm back with a look that said 'do that again, I dare you'.
Xanoro let out a series of sharp barks and snarls as he met the pack leader's eyes determinedly, making the pack quiet down and listen to his commands as he spoke in their language. The leader dipped its head slightly before turning to settle down in the clearing with the pack, the pups soon coming out to play quietly among themselves. Xanoro held a smug smirk as he turned to face Piccolo, purple eyes shining with a hidden power. Piccolo just shook his head but a tiny smirk appeared for a split second before he closed his eyes again to meditate.
"Very immpressive. I haven't come across any who could command those unruly beasts yet." the Z-Fighter spoke quietly before he turned quiet again, slipping into meditation with ease.
Xanoro closed his own eyes as he entered his own meditation, knowing his pack had his back whenever he entered such a state. Perhaps he would learn more of this Piccolo later on, but for now, the sweet embrace of a clear mind beckoned him on.
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potions-and-halos · 6 years
ArchangelHuntress’s Rules
So I’m gonna take a shot in the dark and get this part of my blog up and running, hopefully this’ll work for mobile users as well. I’m going to insert a link for where my muses’ bios are fully uploaded and accessible. My OCs are under the user TimeLadySpitfire. Some of the DBZ OCs will be here: https://www.fanfiction.net/topic/217068/175580851/1/OC-s
The rest of my information is under the tab. Please read.
Who my Muses are:
-Huntress (a.k.a. Haedtiel)- Seraph, Archangel, Female (She changes with the Verse she is put in.)
-Smokeheart- Bio-Android, Female
-Tempest Storm- Saiyan-Sphinxian Hybrid, Female
-Sunburst- Sphinxian, Hermaphrodite, Prefers to be called she/her
-Xanoro- Wolf Clan Namekian, Hermaphrodite, prefers He/Him
-Spitfire IceStorm- Icejin, Female
-Phoenix- Icejin, Female
-Silver Ghost- Icejin, Female
-Telgar- Icejin, Female
What to expect from me:
-I’m 22 years old and all my muses are over 18 years old. I am a woman, so I prefer she/her if possible.
-If you want to plot a story or ship a couple muses, send me a message or something, don’t assume please.
-I’m not a shy person and I have a lot of free time on my hands. Don’t be afraid to ask to RP.
-I do expect more than a one-liner without run-on sentences. I want to see this story bloom.
-DO NOT start touching my muses inappropriately unless it has been agreed upon by myself and you.
-AUs, NSFW and SFW, multiverses, OCs, canon characters, and crossovers are allowed and accepted.
What to expect from my Muses:
-None of my muses are shy and are usually pretty outgoing.
-Some of them have a tendency to fight first and ask questions later. Others are more peaceful.
-Some are evil and some are good. Please keep this in mind when you ask for them.
-Keep in mind that you can ships my muses with other canon or OC characters if you would like but the Muses have to agree alongside the Mun if its for an RP.
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potions-and-halos · 6 years
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Freshly drawn but not colored yet. My Wolf Clan Namekian, Xanoro. @demoniclovedbz here he is!
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potions-and-halos · 6 years
Earthly Namekians (AU pt 2)
Xanoro shifted from his meditative position several hours later when the leader of the pack nudged him. He opened his eerie purple eyes to see Piccolo still meditating and figured the Namekian would be there for a few hours more. Best time to hunt then. He was indeed odd with the fact that he lived almost like the pack he had been raised in, what with the way he had smelled of the plants and animals he was found in. The pack leader's mate had taken him in after loosing one of her cubs, feeding him and nurturing him like one of her own, giving him strength in the beginning that he wouldn't have had otherwise.
He shook his head as he dropped off the rocks agilely, his clawed hands coming to rest on the ground alongside his bare feet as he was greeted with licks and whines from the pack, the wolves showing their respect to their odd pack leader. ::Yes, yes, I know. Its's time to begin a hunt.:: he growled out happily.
A black wolf with white paws stepped forward, her tail hung low to show respect to Xanoro. ::Then shall I start the run Xan?:: she rumbled quietly, yellow eyes shining.
Xanoro manifested a tail using his regeneration ability, raising it high in a command as the wolves quieted down around him. ::Whitepaw, you know Silver leads the read as lead hunter. Silver take point.:: he rumbled as he allowed the silver gray wolf to take off, quickly following behind with the rest of the hunters.
Soon enough, the pack of variously colored wolves and the dark green Namekian had left behind Piccolo, who had watched the whole spectacle with interest and disbelief. He'd have to talk about this to Dende, maybe even Gohan and Bulma, see what they thought of his Namekian friend's behavior. And with that in mind, the Z-Fighter took off into the sky towards the Lookout with a speed he rarely used in peaceful times.
"Logic just doesn't seem to apply to this situation at all. I mean, a Namekian with a tail? Ooh, wait. My brothers had tails..." Piccolo growled and his fangs flashed as he snapped his jaws in irritation. Was this odd being one of his brothers? No, he couldn't be, otherwise they would have had a link between them showing their relation. So how In Kami's name di a Namekian end up with a tail?
-Perhaps you should look through the scrolls in the Lookout's library Piccolo.- Kami's voice trickled through his mind with a dark tone, surprising the warrior with his seriousness.
-What do you mean Kami? Is there something you didn't tell us?- Nail's younger, but still just as strong voice, came through Piccolo's mind with just as much wariness and curiousity as Piccolo felt.
-Indeed. And I fear what may come next if things aren't properly handled by you Piccolo.- Kami spoke again.
-Then I'll look through the library as soon as I speak to Dende.- Piccolo's strong baritone rang through his mind, resolute determination ringing with each word.
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potions-and-halos · 6 years
Xanoro (DBZ Bio)
Name: Xanoro
Gender: Male
Species: Namekian
Clan: Wolf/Wolvae
Rank: Pack Leader
Alignment: Neutral
Appearrance: Xanoro is a good 7 feet tall and a few hundred pounds with a frame made for power and speed. He has a vibrant green to his skin, making him look like the deep green of a freshly rained on field of meadow grass. The bands on his body are a black color and the muscle patches are a deep royal purple color that contrast beautifully with the rest of his color. His eyes are an unusual purple color and his nails are black as night. He has extended canines like the rest of his race but sharper than normal. He has a few scars across his broad chest from his run-in with Huntress. He has a long bushy wolf-like tail because of his Clan's strange mutation and a large tribal tattoo on his back in Dragon Ball orange.
Personality: He's a rather peaceful and laid-back Namekian, intelligent and clever in whatever he does. He's often quiet until someone gets him angry and that usually takes a lot to get him angry. Being peaceful is more or less his thing and he'll only fight if he has too or if he's training.
History: Xanoro is a strange Namekian with the fact that he grew up on Earth likke Piccolo, never knowing Namek's beauty. He studied a lot of nature related things and martial arts styles growing up but decided to be a neutral unless the world or someone needed his help that he could give. He mainly lived in heavily untouched areas of the world with plenty of nature, keeping to himself at times but often seeking company from other like-minded individuals as he grew older. He turned to a pack of Dire wolves and was acxepted because of his knowledge of pack matters and natural leading abilities. He now leads regularly on hunts and other things, keeping to the areas between Mt Paozu and the wastelands.
A few years after reaching adulthood, Xanoro was ripped from a rather deep meditation, throwing his mind into full disarray and scrambling his usually calm demeanor, striking out as a highly hostile and aggressive being, messing Huntress up for disrupting him but also sending him into an instinctive panic. He's been ashamed since that day and has kept a relatively low profile to keep out of such trouble. He moved farther out into an unnamed forest, venturing out very few times to get a few luxuries from nearby villages, butn always returning to his solitude that he had imposed upon himself in his guilt for attacking Huntress like he had.
Relationships: None
-Rising Storm-A massive amount of ki balls are created around him and explode in a rising burst of energy, blasting back those who are caught in the middle of it.
-Dragon Blast-He poweres up with ki and springs to his opponent, driving an axe chop to the head and following up with his claws spread to smash a dragon-like ki blast into the opponent's chest.
-Break Cannon-A full force large ki beam that pours out of his mouth in a fast line into the opponent with devastating power.
-Flamespitter-He powers up to a point of immense strength and creates a wave of fire-like ki, bathing the enemy in it as he breathes it out through his mouth soundinng like adragon as he does so.
Other: He trains at a constant pace and Meditates the rest of the time, keeping his mind and ki in a harmonious balance. If someone interupts him from a deep meditation, it leaves him in an aggressive and very discordant state of mind for a while.
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potions-and-halos · 6 years
Hatching Family (Xanoro Egg AU)
Xanoro watched the egg he had had a few months back rocking and shaking in the green grass of his glade, willow branches trailing around them like a curtain of safety and magic. His muscles rippled as he hovered near the pale shimmering egg excitedly, his tail waving back and forth, his pack of Direwolves hovering close with him as they too sensed the impending birth of a new cub. Several of the females with pups of their own laid around Xanoro, sharing inbhis excitement of being a mother. It was a part of his mindlink with his pack that he knew what they were saying and thinking to one another and he reveled in the sense of community and protection of his family.
A sharp crack brought everyone's attention to the now cracked egg in the center of the pile of furry bodies, Xanoro creeping closer with hands tearing at the grass anxiously, wanting to help but instincts telling him to let the cub work its way out on its own.
A large spiderweb crack appeared and grew larger with each subsequent hit from the baby on the inside until a huge chunk of shell fell away, a pair of tiny green hands waving about cutely appeared followed by a head, a pair of antenae and bright purple eyes peering blearily up at Xanoro before a squeak escaped the tiny being.
Xanoro melted with joy as he gave a low crooning purr as he gently lifted the baby namekian frombits shell and cradling the goop-covered baby against his broad bare chest in his arms. He helped clean theblittle one up with a soft blanket he had brought with him from the pack den, getting a couple squeals of indignation feom the cub in his hands.
Joy, worry, excitement, and absolute love filled and raced through the Namekian as he purred to his newborn cub, letting his son bond with him as he laid against his chest, forming a lifelong link with him. The rest of the pack shuffled closer to offer warmth and comfort as the large namekian laid on his back to cuddle and hold his son, furry bodies pressing in from all sides as sounds and thoughts of joy and pride filled the mindlink.
'You did it alpha!'
'You did wonderful! What is his name?'
Xanoro rumbled happily as he gave a name. 'His name is...'
The tiny almost replica of his father yawned with a tiny growl before dozing off cutely.
'His name is...Vortak.'
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