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thepanicsquid · 1 year ago
Ok I’m embarrassed to show my face here because Tumblr is where I go to be anonymously obsessive and y’all will know how old I am…BUT I’m working on a Star-lord/Star-Lady cosplay for New York Comiccon and I made a WGA/SAG-AFTRA Strike shirt in Xandarian that I am super proud of.
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firelance2361 · 2 months ago
Nova Logo
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Here's a concept logo I did for the upcoming Nova series for Disney Plus.
Hope you like it!
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artblooger19moon · 2 years ago
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Guardian of the Galaxy Movie Marathon
Guardian of the Galaxy - August 1 2014
Guardian of the Galaxy Volume 2 - May 5 2017
Guardian of the Galaxy Holiday Special - November 25 2022
Guardian of the Galaxy Volume 3 - May 19 2023
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badbcatha · 9 months ago
I absolutely love this moment as part of the story. There is something mythological about it. And visually it is almost antique Black-figure pottery.
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Black-figure pottery
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obfontri · 2 years ago
kraglin being mistaken for a terran by other terrans until something happens and he ends up bleeding in front of them and the absolute betrayal they’d feel when his blood is blue and inky and definitely NOT what they expected is. v good i think.
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musclesandhammering · 5 months ago
I’m curious who/what race you think his mother was?
The problems with all the Loki curly hair theories are a) if it's considered unruly for royalty why does Frigga let hers stay curly and b) if it's uncommon among Asgardians or not the social beauty standards, this Loki is bullied for it, why doesn't Volstag or any other Asgardian with curly hair striaghten it because we've seen quite a few with curly hair.
Here's my new theory. From a young age Loki has been told that his hair looks better straightened, mostly by his mother, and it's easier to maintain if he doesn't bother taking care of the curls and just straightening them out. The real reason is his curly hair makes him look exactly like his mother.
I have a huge personal hc about Loki's mother so that's for a whole other post or a full fic but basically Loki had to get his curly hair from someone and it sure isn't his dad so I think it's from his mother and both Odin and Frigga new her and Loki looks exactly like her, especially with curly hair.
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scrompsmilanodiaries · 6 months ago
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31 flavours
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Of course @happylittleshrub Here you go :D Word count:1K
It was a hot sweltering day on New Xandar, You must've haven't checked in with the weather man as the planet was sweltering in a heat wave. You hovered a portable fan all over your face to rid the sweat, but it only blew more hot air. Meanwhile rocket was scratching his head profusely, The heat was getting under his fur, making his skin hot and itchy under.
"Goddamn it !! I will literally blow up these sun's if i have too !!" He growled.
"And the planet would die" You reasoned even in a distressed state.
"Flark off..." He grumbled.
"Maybe we can just go out for a little bit, The wind looks like it picked up ??" You slowly rose from the chair, Your shirt sticking uncomfortably on your back.
He sighed. "Might as well, let's go humie"
As you left the ship, you were immediately blasted by brief heat, But sweet relief came in via a cool breeze.
"Now this is more like it huh pal ??" Rocket looked up at you as he climbed onto your shoulders.
"D'ast straight" You nodded as you enjoyed the breeze.
You enjoyed the breeze as you walked around, and you and Rocket watched as the Xandarians made the most of the heatwave by cooling down in various ways. Some kids were playing in the water park nearby. Some people were laying down nearby hoping to get a tan.
"I don't even understand why people want a tan, even back on terra" You shook your head.
"Whatcha mean ??" He quizzed you.
"Cause back on Terra, if you stayed out in the sun for too long you end up getting sick later in life" It was hard to explain, but this was the best way to put it for someone who hasn't been to earth.
"Yeah, fair... Don't you go sick on me humie" He flashed the familiar smirk as he noogied your head.
"Hey watch it !!" You chuckled.
Soon, a delicious smell picked up in rocket's nose... It was... so sweet. "hey, come on" He jumped off your shoulders and bolted on all fours to pick up the smell more strongly.
"Hey wait up !!" You rushed through the crowd to try and catch up to him, How was he so damn fast !!
You managed to find him at a nearby marketplace where people were selling all sorts of food, You found him blatantly staring into a window. "What is it..." You turned and your eyes went wide as saucers, the smell that rocket was picking up was ice cream !! But not just any ice cream, Yara root ice cream !! As if they were freshly ripe and ready to go.
"Guess we found a way to cool off." You placed your hands on your hips as you looked at all the flavours. They had the usual Terran flavours too, vanilla, chocolate, and raspberry. Even a few delicate flavours as well. Kree starfruit twist, Of course Yara fruit ripple and sweet zarg nuts.
"Ohohoho now we're talking" Rocket tried to leap for the door handle, which then you opened. "I could've opened it" He scoffed playfully.
"Yeah, sure" You chuckled as you entered the shop to scoop out the flavours, pun intended.
Like anything, it was hard to choose what sort of ice cream you wanted, one scoop, two or three ?? A sundae or a shake ?? Gahh !!
But rocket seemed to know what he wanted already, So without hesitation, he jumped back on your shoulders so he could be able to talk to the clerk.
"Yes hi, Could I be able to get chocolate dirt with some... gummy worms" He asked.
"Certainly, and for you ??" He soon asked you.
"Ummm... I'll get the triple scoop of Blue zazzberry, Yara fruit and vanilla" You nodded.
Rocket leaned over and paid for the two treats. "I could pay for my own" You looked at him.
"Yeah sure" He chuckled, But he wanted to, it was his shout. He may come off as the hardened bounty hunter, but you knew this softie inside and out, hence why he was your best friend.
"Order for Y/n and rocket !!" They called out as they placed the desserts on the counter.
"Thank you" You said as you grabbed them and soon headed outside to a shaded table.
"Oh, this is gonna be so flarkin' good !!" Rocket rubbed his hands together as he grabbed the spoon and began to eat, He was in heaven as the flavours hit his tongue.
Yours as well. "How is this better than the ice cream we have !!"
"Must be the Kantor milk, I ain't complainin'" He smiled as he took another bite.
There was nothing else on this planet that could've been better than this, You, your best friend, and ice cream.
"Let's make a pact to never tell Drax this" He snickered.
"Agreed, He'd eat the whole place"
It was fun while it lasted, with one last bite, your ice creams were gone, it was bittersweet... Rocket let out a burp as did you. "So good." He patted his stomach.
"This was pretty good, Might be the best damn ice cream I've had"
"You reckon ??" He looked at you.
You both shared fond smiles towards each other as you looked out into the crowds, watching them all go by. This was just easily the best day.
You felt your communicator go off in your pocket, Pulling it out and reading a text.
"The air conditioning on the ship has finally been fixed, Some of the parts were missing hence why it wasn't working" You smirked at Rocket.
"Hmm, Now who could've done that ??" He rubbed his neck sheepishly as he looked around.
"Come on, let's head back" You chuckled as you helped him up.
Maybe it wasn't bad this heat wave, you wouldn't mind if it lasted a little longer. If it was an excuse for more ice cream.
A/N: Now i want one.
Taglist: @callofdudes @rogertaylorswift @writings-of-a-demigod
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gunsandspaceships · 1 month ago
MCU Timeline: Guardians of the Galaxy
Before creation - six singularities exist.
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The Big Bang - the remnants of the six singularities are forged into the Infinity Stones.
~1014-2014 - war between the Kree and the Nova Empire.
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Hundreds of years before 2014 - the Tivan Group sends workers to extract organic matter from the skull of a dead celestial being (a place known as Knowhere).
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Few months before Meredith Quill's death - she is diagnosed with terminal brain cancer.
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2:30 am, ~April, 1988 - the death of Meredith Quill. Her son Peter is abducted by The Ravagers.
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Note: based on visual cues, it's either April/May or September. What if? S2 E2 takes place 6 months after the abduction, but still in 1988. It can't be later than September/October, so the match would be April.
1988-2014 - Yondu Udonta raises Peter Quill. Peter becomes the Ravager "known" as Star-Lord.
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The main events take place in 2014.
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The Official Timeline says it's summer, but I can't post that here because I can't confirm or deny that claim with the movie itself, and any statements from Marvel Studios tend to change.
Since we are not on Earth in this film, there will be no dates or time coordinates. The exact number of days that have passed cannot be determined either, since we are talking about interstellar flights, various celestial bodies and extraterrestrial technologies. Seasons, coordinate systems and the length of the earthly day do not apply here.
Shortly before Day 1:
The Kree Empire and the Nova Empire sign a peace treaty.
Thanos lends Gamora and Nebula to Ronan the Accuser to help him find the Power Stone.
Day 1:
Peter Quill steals the Orb containing the Power Stone from the planet Morag. He is attacked by Ronan's men led by Korath, but manages to escape.
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Riots across the Kree Empire protesting the recent peace treaty signed by the Kree Emperor and Xandar's Nova Prime.
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Peter dismisses Yondu's demand to give him the Orb, and Yondu puts a bounty on Peter with the condition that he be brought alive.
Ronan awakens on his ship, the Dark Aster, and kills a Nova Corps officer.
Korath returns to the Dark Astra and tells Ronan about the stolen Orb. Ronan sends Gamora to retrieve the artifact.
~Day 2:
On Xandar, Peter fails to sell the Orb to the Broker. He is attacked by Gamora, Rocket, and Groot. They are all eventually arrested by the Nova Corps.
Ronan destroys Xandarian outposts across the galaxy.
The Kree Empire refuses to respond to Ronan's crimes.
Nova Corps officers process Gamora, Quill, Rocket, and Groot and send them to the Kyln prison to await sentencing.
~Day 3:
The four arrive at the Kyln.
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Night - prisoners attempt to kill Gamora. Drax the Destroyer intervenes, wanting to do it himself. Gamora is saved by Peter, who offers Drax the chance to kill Ronan instead.
Peter, Gamora, Rocket (and Groot) agree on a plan to escape and sell the Orb to the Collector.
~Day 4:
Other tells Ronan about Gamora's real plan and that Thanos demands his presence at his Sanctuary.
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Ronan comes to the Sanctuary and kills Other. Thanos threatens to kill Ronan unless he brings him the Orb. Ronan and Nebula head to the Kyln.
The future Guardians of the Galaxy escape from prison.
They head to the Collector's base on Knowhere.
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Ronan and Co arrive at the Kyln just after GotG has escaped the prison. Ronan orders the Necrocraft to be sent after the escapees and kill the guards and prisoners.
Yondu visits the Broker to get information about the Orb's buyer.
The collector orders his slave Carina to clean the display cases containing his "exhibits".
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~Day 5:
GotG arrive on Knowhere.
The Collector makes them wait. Peter almost kisses Gamora, Drax and Rocket (and Groot) almost kill each other. Drax leaves drunk and challenges Ronan to a fight.
Tivan finally invites Gamora and Co. He tells them about the Infinity Stones and is about to complete the deal, but Carina touches the Power Stone and it explodes, destroying the place and killing her. Tivan, some of his "exhibits", and GotG survive.
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GotG takes the Orb back and finds themselves surrounded by Ronan and Yondu.
Battle of Knowhere.
Ronan's men take the Orb. Quill saves Gamora's life, Groot saves Drax. Quill and Gamora are taken by Yondu.
Ronan learns that the Orb contains the Power Stone and calls Thanos to tell him that he no longer needs his help. Ronan grabs the Stone and places it in his hammer. He then threatens to kill Thanos when he is done with Xandar. Nebula joins him in hopes of revenge.
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Peter makes a deal with Yondu to help save Xandar in exchange for the Stone. GotG reunites on the Ravagers' ship.
Peter convinces the others to try to stop Ronan. They come up with a plan.
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~Day 6:
Gamora and Quill explain the plan to the Ravagers. Everyone prepares for battle. Quill sends a message to Nova Corps officer Rhomann Dey.
GotG+Ravagers and Ronan approach Xandar.
Rhomann Dey informs Nova Prime of Quill's message.
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The Battle of Xandar.
The death of Garthan Saal, a Nova's Denarian, and most of the Nova Corps pilots who participated in the battle.
Drax kills Korath.
Groot sacrifices himself to save his teammates.
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Nebula escapes.
The Dark Aster and Milano are destroyed.
GotG annihilate Ronan with the Power Stone.
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Peter gives Yondu the orb without the Stone, and the Ravagers fly away.
Rocket picks up a twig left from Groot.
GotG hand the Stone over to the Nova Corps.
For a sufficiently long number of days after:
Nova Corps expunges Guardians' criminal records.
Rhomann Dey is promoted to Denarian.
Nova Prime informs Peter that his father is not from Earth.
Nova gives the team a restored Milano.
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Peter finally unwraps his mother's gift with the Awesome Mix vol.2.
From Groot Sr.'s twig grows Groot Jr.
The Guardians leave Xandar.
MCU Phase One Timelines Iron Man 3 Timeline Thor: The Dark World Timeline CA:TWS Timeline
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probablyspooky · 2 years ago
Message Received (Predator X Fem!Reader Guardians Of the Galaxy) Pt. 3
Tag list : @the-official-slasher-fucker
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Groot and Rocket began their descent into the night, Rocket grumbling about how tired he is. Walking sneakily down the halls into the bowels of the arena, they came across the large iron gate, behind it presumably the cells where they keep their prisoners, if you can even call them prisoners, they were really beginning to doubt The Grandmasters word. Before they approached the door, they stopped to take recon of it, as there were two large guards currently chatting about the next gladiator battle.
“Did you hear about the sold out show?” one asked the other,
“It’s terrible we have to work, I would have killed to see this fight, at night no less, the grandmaster may be a monster, but he’s honestly a business genius”
“Yeah a sold out night show. free snacks to the first 100 guests”
Groaning at this new info, Rocket pulled out his communicator and typed the info to Gamora and the others, as Groot innocently walked towards the gate and two guards.
“Oh what the hell”
Without missing a beat, Groot sprung out two vines, grabbing the legs of both guards and slamming them unconscious onto the ground.
“Groot?! What am i gonna do with you huh?” Rocket, groaned, grabbing the keys off one of the guards and unlocking the gate.
“I am Groot” said Groot
Entering the cell area, Rocket’s ears were greeting by the shouting and commotion that was coming from the male cells to the left. Striding over with a grin, as Rocket enjoys a good fight, he peered into the cell, watching a large figure beat the hell out of a much smaller fish looking alien.
The little creature begged for mercy, the large figure threw his body down on the ground and roared to the rest of the audience watching this display of dominance.
Rocket interrupted this show of brawns beating brains, taking his blaster and running it along the edges of the bars, causing the sound of metal to vibrate off the walls, gathering everyone's attention.
“Hey freaks! It’s one of you guys lucky day! I'm here to bust you out of here-”
Poor choice of words as almost everyone rushed to the front of the bars, grasping at the air in in front of rocket, begging to be let out.
“Woah woah woah! I’m only here for one of you rodeo clowns, so stand forward if you’re one of these guys” Rocket announced, showing his hologram of the clowns.
Like moths to a flame, an insect, a Yautja, a Xandarian, a  Kronan, and a Kree walked to the front of the cell, the other four moving away from the beast that was causing a ruckus earlier.
“There you are xandar!” Rocket chuckled, unlocking the gate pointing his blaster at the rest to keep the back, “Your wife (y/n) called for us to come find you”
Once your name was spoken the yautja charged at the gate, pushing past Rocket down the hall.
“Not my problem right now”, he groaned, dragging the xandarian along with him filling him in on what’s going to happen to you soon if they don’t get you both off planet soon.
“My-my wife?” the xandarian whos name is Toto asked, following far, but close enough behind
“Yeah yeah, you’ll see your wife soon, let just-”, but before he could finish Gamora sent him a  message to hurry back immediately.
Without hesitation Groot and Rocket began to run down the hall, Groot using his vines to grasp Toto's leg and drag him down the hall like a sack of flour.
A bit earlier before Rocket retrieved your ‘husband’, Gamora had tried to retrieve you herself, but discovered your cell empty. The shocking discovery made Gamora briefly panic, looking into the empty cell, she began to fear the worse and turned to return to the group, she was caught by the guards of the Grandmaster, finding herself captured and bound by cuffs.
“Where is the rest of your crew?” one of them demanded from her.
Gamora simply scoffed and refused to reply to the man who currently held her in cuffs. In a last ditch effort, the Guard called the rest of his men to return to their room, and grabbing Gamora’s communicator, messaged Rocket to come back to their room urgently. setting up an ambush for them.
But where were you currently?
Hours before Gamora could come to your rescue, the Grandmaster himself had come to your cell, and taken you to prepare for your debut.
You were dressed in a fine gown, like seafood on a platter, ready to be fed to the most hungry of beasts. You were currently chained to a large rock in the center of the grand arena, awaiting the champion to come take your life.
Once the grandmaster had Rocket, Groot, and Gamora, he had them cuffed in the viewing box. Toto was there as well, but he was not bound in chains.
“What gives?” Rocket struggled against his constraints
“Well you see my little furry monstrosity of a friend, Toto here is one of my favorite rodeo clowns, he would never betray me,” The Grandmaster chuckled, sipping on some of his expensive wine.
“Argh! What about your wife (y/n)?” Gamora shouted
“Uhm...I like men...” Toto said sheepishly, and like that the Grandmaster clapped his hands, and Toto was taken back to his cell.
“Rocket how could you get the wrong man?!” Gamora scolded, staring at Rocket and Groot with angry eyes
“Well I didn’t have much to go on...But I got a feeling her husband got a head start....”
“What does that even mean?” Gamora hissed
“I think he knows” Rocket smirked, looking at the Grandmaster
The Grandmaster groaned, knowing full well what this meant.
“Do you know how long? How long I looked for a beast like that? How hard it was to even capture him?” the Grandmaster uttered under his breath
The grandmaster recalled the events that led to your capture, it brought him a bit of joy recalling  how he managed to get the both of you.
For days they tracked you two, they tracked and they tracked, unable to find you. Until one day you were tired, you were tired of running, you needed to rest. You didn't know why they kept sending men, they had lost so many already. You collapsed onto the cold ground, your husband, who you called Spike, due to the condition of his mandibles being spiked outward, turned to you, begging you to stand up, it wouldn’t be long until your ship, you could escape. His large rough hand, caressing your face gently, he could carry you if he wanted, but he was also exhausted. Standing to your feet again, you felt motivated to move, but then a grapple gun set off, encasing you in a net and dragging you away, your screaming going faint in the distance that was currently growing between you two. 
Spike charged after you, finding you surrounded by the Grandmasters men, guns pinned to all sides of your body, and then the Grandmaster himself stepping out of the shadows.
“Well well well...we have a bit of a deal to make don’t me?” he said with that evil grin of his.
And here you were, trapped again, your life about to end. You began to sob. 
But you weren’t gonna die, Drax and Quill were all that were left of the guardians, and perhaps your husband resented you. Hated you for getting him caught, for making a mockery of his race.
The lights came on in the arena, and they blinded your for a brief moment. Reopening your eyes, you looked up to see a full house, and that large blue hologram of the Grandmaster appear across all sides of the arena.
“Dearest Patrons! I hope you’ve stocked up on snacks and drinks, I’d like to show you my newest champion! I found him on the desert planet, and I think he’s a little hungry for blood. Our little bird (y/n) will do just nice”
With that the hologram disappeared, and the large gate across the way began to raise up, the champion slithered out with a hiss.
A large serpent like beast appeared, large fangs, at least 60 feet long, full of pure muscle. It hissed, and began to make it’s way towards you. You began to struggle against you constraints, as the beast who I will call snake for the sake of combat story writing began to coil back into a striking pose. You braced yourself for an impact that never came. 
Instead you could hear the sounds of rockets, and blasters, as Quill and Drax charged from the stands into the arena, shooting blasters at snake to gather its attention away from you.
Quill took off his Star lord mask and shouted to Drax
“I’ve got this get her out of those binds!”
Drax shouted something about wanting to be in the fight as well, but grumbled and made his way over to you. Groaning about how he is so useful in combat and how it’s a waste of his time to be here.
Quill was quickly slapped back by Snakes tail, and the attention was back on the two of you, snakes end of his tail, gripping onto Drax, and slamming him back into Quill against the wall/
The monsters eyes turned back towards you, and began to coil up again to attack. He released his muscles to launch himself at you, but was blasted painfully in the face, this time purple blood was visible on the ground.
The crowd began to go rowdy as the action was kicking up, Quill throwing his mask on the ground and tuning to Drax.
“What was that?” he shouted, as there seemed to be no one else in the arena, but you knew. You began to cry happy tears, struggling against you restraints. Hearing that familiar clicking sound of your husbands mandibles, a figure began to appear through the air, as if he wasn’t there before. The Yautja stood tall, as he had run out of the cell to gather his equipment, his plasma rifle stood proud on his shoulder, still hissing the smoke that it produced from firing a single blast towards snake.
He quickly ran over to you, and using his strength, he ripped the chains off the rock wall restraining you. You pulled Spike into a hug, which he quickly reciprocated, but quickly throwing you down to the ground, as another thrust of the snakes tail tried to take a swipe at your heads. Quill now free, started firing at snake again, this time aiming at the wound upon his face. Drax quickly equipping his daggers ran up and charged at his face, using the rock wall that used to hold you as a boost, he managed to stab the side of snakes face, and using his weight he dragged the daggers down his neck, slicing a large chuck of his body off, the blood lost was too grand and snake fell to the ground dead. 
The crowd began to cheer and throw things into the arena, Quill and Drax ran over to you and Spike.
“This guy huh?” Quill asked, “Any particular reason?”
“What do you mean by that?” you asked, holding onto Spikes arm, happy to have your mate back in your reach
“He mans that he is very ugly! I mean you’re very ugly as well, but he! He is a new level of hideous!” Drax laughed, and was quickly silenced by  having his head driven to the ground by Spikes clawed hand.
Before anything else could happen, a loud crash could be heard from the Grandmasters viewing box, as he was thrown from the box. Gamora, Rocket and Groot, sliding down on vines.
Without a word the group and you began to make haste towards their ship. The Grandmaster was caught by one of his hologram drones, and soon enough sent drones to fire at their ship. But failed to stop you as you had managed to escape into the depths of space.
You couldn’t stop thanking Gamora for rescuing you and Spike.
“Please stop thanking me, it’s an honor to help people” she would reply, much to Quills annoyance as it was a group effort to get you out.
The trip back to the planet you called home was about a weeks time. Within that time Spike began to keep you close, as a new level of protection made itself known. On the first rest of the ship, the two of you were given your space in a guest room at the bottom of the ship.
You would sit on the edge of the bed and await to be scolded by him. Yet he never did, he would meet you at the edge and kneel down, and look up into your eyes, taking your hands into his, he would purr into your lap, content and happy that you were once his again. The second night, Drax demanded to learn some hand to hand fighting technique's from Spike, which were often met with Spike demolishing Drax, as he was over confident in his skills. The third night, the group had to make a stop at a small off course planet to fill up, the two of you caused a commotion as no one had seen a Yautja  in their mists in centuries.
Returning to your shares room Spike grabbed your face, and placed his forehead against yours.
“Do you often fear my appearance?” he asked, his communicator buzzed along his chest.
“I do not, why do you ask?” you replied, cupping his face in your small hands, rubbing your thumbs across his jaws.
“You are...very appealing to me”
You smiled and placed a kiss on his forehead.
“You are very handsome to me”
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hibatasblog · 7 months ago
Here’s a sneak peek at Entanglement chapter 15. 🚀 🦝
When Rocket and Lethys entered the lecture hall, a hiss and rumble of voices erupted around them. Lethys walked as if he were a king, proud and tall, but his ears swiveled catching the odd whispered word or snide remark. His upper lip lifted towards one particular humie who quailed at the sight of three-inch long canines.
Tail bristling, and chest so tight even the metal there ached, poor Rocket heard more clearly than his father: “Look at that thing,” “Am I truly to believe that creature is a Tekton,” “I can’t believe these two were even allowed into the building,” and “Let us hope they have had their shots.” It took everything that Rocket had inside of him to keep from either latching onto the rich wool of Lethys pantleg or fleeing the room.
His crimson eyes swept the room, searching for even one friendly face. Just as he began to harden his heart against the whole assembly, a bald, short, and aging man and a willowy tall and thin woman stepped into the aisle. “Rocket, my boy!” the older man smiled in true welcome, and Rocket recognized the jovial voice.
“Professor Stollwizer?” he guessed from the rich baritone of his favorite teacher.
“Yes, indeed! It is a pleasure to finally meet you, young man,” Professor Stollwizer smiled his bushy mustache moving with his lips.
“Nice to meet you, Professor,” Rocket said with his best manners, voice clear and free of accent as he could manage.
The little man shook Rocket’s hand with real affection before offering his hand to Lethys. “Sir, your son is the most brilliant scholar I have ever had the good fortune to teach. You must be so proud of him,” the man enthused.
Lethys guarded expression smoothed into one of beaming pride, “I am most proud of him and his achievements,” he agreed, his massive paw completely engulfing the man’s small hand.
“Ah, Rocket, Mr. Kavashi,” Professor Stollwizer smiled broadly as he gestured at the thin woman next to him, “This is Professor Rikthi. Rocket, you will be the teaching assistant in her introductory physics and mechanical theories classes.”
Professor Rikthi bent down to offer her hand to Rocket. She had an ageless face, a monocle, and a soft, kind voice, “I’ve heard how hard of a worker you are, Rocket. I’m sure we will get along well.”
“I wouldn’t be so certain about that,” interjected a middle-aged Xandarian who eyed Rocket and Lethys with a sneer of derision as he pushed up his glasses and shoved his way past Professor Stollwizer. “It hasn’t yet presented any proof that he is the true author of the paper submitted,” the man continued in an annoyingly nasal voice.
“He,” growled Lethys looming over the man, “My son is a person, a male, he is not an it.”
“It,” the man snarled back, uncowed by Lethys’ size and ferocity, “Is an animal, a sick joke being played on our university by this preposterous creature,” the man indicated to Lethys then and smiled meanly. Every cell in Rocket’s body longed to hide behind his father from this sharp man that reminded him too much of his Sire. “How long did it take you to train it to wear clothes? Stand on its hind legs? There is no possibility of this little monster having authored-”
“Enough-” interrupted Professor Stollwizer in booming voice at odds with his cheerful seeming mien. “I assure you that no one else but Rocket Kivashi could have written the thesis in question,” Professor Stollwizer frowned up at the man, “I advised him extensively during the writing process, his voice has always been the same, writing style the same, intelligence unrivaled by any person I’ve ever met-”
“Shall I tell you how easy it would be to fake a voice, old man? Are you so far into your dotage that you actually believe this preposterous lie?” the angry man hissed. He pointed at Lethys, “The only thing that surprises me, is that you planned this ruse so poorly. Couldn’t you have engineered something that looked more convincing? I can see bolts sticking out of its face.”
Rocket barely controlled the instinctive reaction to touch the metal on his cheeks. Heat burned his face, and he wanted to cry, but just as he was about to open his mouth on a silent sob, a memory flickered in his mind.
The evening before he’d stood on the stool in Petra’s bathroom combing his face fur, trying to style it in a way that would cover the metal there. As he grew older, Rocket’s fur grew more and more luxurious, but it still didn’t cover that hateful metal in his face. He sighed and considered using some of Petra’s hair gel, but thought better of it when he remembered that it accentuated her curls but did little to control them.
“Whatcha doin’?” Petra asked appearing behind him in her nightshirt.
“Oh, nothing,” he tried to lie.
“Rocky, you were combing like you wanted to pull out all your fur. What are you doing?” Petra countered as she came up behind him and wrapped her arms around his shoulders. Standing like this, his head was just below her chest; if she leaned forward any closer, she could rest her breasts against the top of his head, a thought that made his embarrassment flare even hotter.
“People will see the metal in my face, see what a freak I am,” he whispered watching Petra’s face in the mirror.
She frowned then and used her hands to turn him to face her. “There is nothing about you that makes you a freak, Rocky. Besides lots of spacers have mods.”
“What will I say if people ask about them?” he asked her, so many things he had to cover for, think of excuses for.
“Tell them to mind their goddamn business, is what you’ll say,” Petra replied with real heat, “Tell those rude motherfuckers to fuck right off.” She searched his face and found him still uncertain and lost. Petra leaned in close and slowly, purposely pressed a kiss right over both protruding metal implants. “You tell those assholes that your girlfriend kisses your beautiful face so much you had to your cheeks reenforced, that you’re just that irresistible to her.”
Rocket’s eyes went wide and he whispered, “No one would ever believe that. I don’t even believe that. I-”
Instead of answering him with words, Petra lowered her face and pressed her lips to the metal collarbones holding his shoulders back, kissed the metal bars that squeezed his chest. “I will kiss any part of you to convince you otherwise,” she whispered against the scarred naked skin around the outer ribs. “So don’t you even care about what anyone thinks about your body but me.”
Inside of Rocket’s chest fear turned to anger, because, the truth was, his appearance didn’t and shouldn’t matter. Lethys and Petra loved and accepted him, and that was all he needed. This fucker’s opinion didn’t matter at all. “It is too my paper,” Rocket found himself declaring loudly enough that the whole hall went still. “I wrote every single word, and in my defense I’ll prove it beyond doubt.”
Every eye was swiveled his way, every human face staring at him in either disbelief or shock except for Professor Stollwizer and Professor Rikthi who smiled warmly. “Ask any question you want about my paper,” Rocket said casually as he walked to the stage. Before he stepped up the first stair, he shot back over his shoulder, “Of course, that’s assuming that you can understand the complexity of the work in question.”
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sarahowritesostucky · 1 year ago
im craving some steve/bucky/reader!
will you ever add to Worth The Wait? pleeese??🌷or maybe write a mfm fic that's set in the mcu? I'm dying for a good stucky/reader endgame fix it, and you write the best m/f sex scenes! 😳
Hi! I will add to Worth the Wait, one day. I have a lot of rotating projects and I'll admit that one isn't at the top of the list.
And I was brainstorming some kind of Endgame fix-it fic idea with an ofc/reader x Stucky pairing, and here's what I came up with:
I wanted to write a fic with more canon elements of the MCU (as I realized that I write very few canon-set fics and almost exclusively AUs). I wanted to write an ofc/reader with a super unique backstory, and hoo-boy, did I ever! I took a lot of inspiration from the galaxy as depicted in the Guardians of the Galaxy movies. This fic will be posted as a one-shot fic, whenever I get around to writing it.
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A Stucky x Reader fic, set in the MCU during and after the events of Endgame:
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Reader is from another planet - yes, literally.
You're a refugee from a planet that didn't want you (The Sovereign--Aka "the gold people" from Guardians 2.)
Long story short, those people disdain sexual (aka uncontrolled) reproduction. Your Mother was banished for becoming naturally pregnant by an inferior genetic (a Xandarian)
You have mixed genes: slightly gold skin from your Sovereign genes, and blue eyes and brown hair from your Xandarian father. (And since the Sovereign control reproduction strictly, there are no other mixed race Sovereign people like you in existance)
You narrowly escape Thanos' destruction of Xandar, and wind up hitching a ride, post-blip, with Nebula and rocket on the Milano. They take you to Terra to meet their friends after completing one of their post-blip scouting missions.
There you meet Steve, a Terran, and the two of you become friends. He suggests that you consider staying, as you have no real homeworld. You accept.
Eventually, you develop romantic feelings for each other. You decide to be brave and you walk up to him one day, asking if he wants to mate.
"Uh ... do you mean date?" he stutters. Then when you repeat yourself, the two of you proceed to have a long conversation about male-female relationships in Terran culture.
There's a lot to learn about the differences between Terrans and your own kind. For instance: Terrans don't have genders! ("gender" means something completely different on Terra).
Steve has to learn all about what it means for him, as the boyfriend of an omega-gendered woman. (update: he's a fast learner😉)
Steve loves that you're omega. Your nesting and scenting and purring instincts always make him smile. He loves how submissive and touch-focused you are with him, that he can make you melt into a puddle just by gripping your neck.
And he loves your heats. He's fascinated by the way your body changes and the way you start behaving. You can tell it turns him on, to see you getting needy and aroused, and he is very good at helping you through your heat.
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He doesn't have a knot, but aside from that part of anatomy, his genitals are a very pleasing size compared to the Xandarian males you've been with in the past. Plus: he has the serum, so he's able to keep pace with the demands of your heat!
When you were at the peak of your heat that first time, half-delirious and begging for a knot, Steve got creative and tried the only thing he could think of: his hand! (fun fact: it's bigger than a knot😉). You now joke that you're a "size queen" in every sense of the word
Your romance with Steve is going well, when Steve and the others figure out a way to potentially reverse the blip: time travel.
You're conflicted, because it's all very dangerous and you're scared of losing Steve and the family and home you've found on Terra. But you know they have to try.
It works. And after the final battle, after you've been scraped out of the wreckage and laid Tony Stark to rest, you finally get to meet the man you've heard so much about: Bucky Barnes.
You can see the change in Steve, with his best friend back. He's happier, lighter, his full self in a way he wasn't before.
Over the course of a few months, you become close friends with Bucky as well. You and Steve don't even have to have a discussion about where Bucky will be staying: It's with you.
The three of you decide to go to Wakanda for a time. You're excited because you hear that the African Terrans' culture is very different from the Terrans in New York.
In Wakanda, you grow even closer with Bucky, and you decide to bring up the idea of partnering with Bucky at dinner one night.
Bucky just about spits his mouthful of wine across the table.
Apparently, three-way relationships are not the norm in Terran culture. Bucky and Steve get very pink in the cheeks at first about it (something you've learned means they are aroused, embarrassed, or both).
Steve splutters and stumbles a lot, but once Bucky shrugs and suggests that the three of you spend a night in bed together, Steve gets very quiet and won't stop looking at Bucky for a long time. (You grin, because you think he looks at Bucky like he want to mate him😉)
Later, after the three of you spend your first (amazing) night together, Bucky privately explains to you that he and Steve have never been intimate before, and that back in "their time" two males weren't allowed to be together like that.
You're astounded by these things about Terran culture and history that you're constantly learning, but you have two very good teachers in your mates boyfriends Bucky and Steve.
Terrans can't bond, but they do hold ceremonies to commit to life partners. So, after a year of living in Wakanda together, you, Steve and Bucky decide to have a "wedding." You are mated married on the palace's grand terrace, under the Wakandan sunset.
That night, you consummate the marriage, and that's the first time that you take both Bucky and Steve inside of your body at the same time. (spoiler: it's amazing😉)
You've already told them about bonding. They don't have glands in their neck like you do, but they've agreed to honor your traditions as well, and they both bite you that night.
You thought it would be purely symbolic, since they're both Terran, but it turns out that Terrans do have pheromones to some degree, and so shockingly, you can feel a euphoric rush when it happens.
You experience that intense closeness and intimacy of a bond with them, and even though it's not the same for them, over time, both Bucky and Steve confide that they feel a change as well.
Maybe it's a bond, and maybe it isn't. Who knows? Who cares? It's love, of that much you're certain. And that's all you need to know.
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Yeah, so. This'll get written somewhere down the line. Hope it wasn't too far out there for ya 😆
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starlxghtss · 6 months ago
The Bite
Anyone remembers that gory scene in Stranger Things 3 where Jonathan cuts into Eleven's leg with a burning knife? This but with Peter & Yondu :D
CW: Blood, Gore, Whump, Child whumpee, Open wound
It all didn’t exactly go the way it was planned. Not only that the stuff the Ravagers wanted to get for their own, was guarded by some tentacle alien monsters but also that they were outnumbered and thus had no chance against them.
More risk, more fun, Peter guessed when they were attacked by the critters that weren’t really satisfied with someone entering their nest.
The things weren’t too nice to look at. They appeared like huge spiders, only with living tentacles and faceless. Instead, they had wide open mouths with hundreds of sharp teeth. 
Pure nightmare fuel. 
But Peter tried to play it cool, acting all brave and 'manly' in front of the Ravagers, especially Yondu. 
He wasn't a little kid anymore, no, he's twelve now! 
Which means, he'll soon be old enough to fly the Milano all by himself, without Yondu or Kraglin or Tullk looking over his shoulder.
And although he still suffered from terrible nightmares, the boy hid his fears from the Ravagers. Or else they would never take him seriously if he would start talking about it and make it obvious that he was afraid of every mission. 
So Peter held his small blasters in his hand, shooting one of the beasts in the head as it was about to attack Gef. He's gotten a lot better since his training with Yondu and today would be the day where he could show him what he learned. 
"Cap'n, 's too many of 'em!" Oblo shouted to Yondu while fighting the alien monsters. 
Not even the skilled Ravager captain's arrow could kill all of them as they kept splitting into more over and over again, making it almost impossible for the others to defend themselves. 
"Gef, Tullk! Go get 'm ships ready for backin' off!" Yondu ordered, killing the thing in front of him with one whistle. "Kraglin, Peter, yer comin' with me!" 
"Yes sir!" 
Peter briefly glanced over to the others when, in this moment of distraction, one of the monsters knocked him over by stabbing a tentacle right into his left leg. The boy squinted his teeth in pain as the thing pulled him by his leg. It felt just like someone had rammed many knife blades into his skin, all at the same time. But to his luck, Oblo was there and cut through the tentacle, so that it let go off Peter’s leg. 
The part that got stuck in his leg, was still moving in an ache until he had pulled it out in an instant, letting out a shriek as he did so. The boy felt warm blood running down his leg underneath his dark leather pants while the wound started to sting. 
But the kid had pulled himself up and continued to shoot the monsters to help the others, trying to ignore the awful pain.
Kraglin, seeing the blood streaming down his leg, shouted over to him.
"Quill! Ya losin' blood!"
The Xandarian came over to the boy who stood there on shaky legs trying to still fight although every further step hurt even more. 
But the boy immediately waved off. "I-it's nothing! Just a small scratch!" He panted, his heart hammering in his chest.
Kraglin raised an eyebrow in disbelief but at the same time, he didn’t really have the time to ask himself about the kid's strange behavior. Soon, the hopeless situation came to an end. The Ravagers fled back to their ships, leaving the loot behind. 
"Hey, we're headin' off!" Peter heard one of the Ravagers yell as he was also making his way to the M-ship standing in the woods nearby. 
Of course, running with the wounded leg wasn’t that pleasant but in the last seconds the boy had made his way to the ship as few of the men had pulled him inside before the hatch closed. Peter held himself up to one of the rocket seats, almost losing balance when the ship left the planet behind. From second to second his breathing became heavier, his leg was burning. 
"Damn it! We was so close!" Peter heard one of the Ravagers complain about the failed mission. The man gnashed his teeth in anger. 
They all stood in the ship’s cockpit, heavily breathing. Right after, another snapped back, turning with a scowled face.
"Yeah, if ya ain’t lazed away that one transmitter, buttock!" 
"Ugh, shut'cher mouth, Halfnut! Ye ain't allowed sayin' anythin' after 'em last job on Contraxia!" 
The rest of the conversation Peter didn’t notice. His head suddenly got dizzy and he felt like everything was spinning around him. The boy tried to walk towards the exit of the cockpit while he only heard a ringing sound in his ears along with his own heavy breathing. Trying to look up to the lights on the ship’s ceiling, he saw them spinning before his eyes when his vision became blurry. 
In the distance, he only heard muffled talking from the others.
 "...'s up...with 'm?" 
Peter closed his eyes before he fainted, losing his balance. 
Only a few minutes passed when the boy had slowly gained back his eyesight. The first thing he saw was the blurred face of Kraglin, who called his name, slightly smacking his cheek so that he would return to reality. 
"Hey, Pete!"
Peter blinked his eyes, trying to understand what happened to him. As his consciousness kicked in again, he felt such a tormenting pain from his wounded leg which he had never experienced before. He squeezed his eyes shut, letting out a cry in pain. 
"Pete, what's wrong?!" Kraglin repeated in shock with widened eyes, staring at the kid, whose head he had shored on his knees.
In an instant, his glance fell on Peter's leg, where his dark pants were covered in dried blood. Slightly, he shoved up the fabric so that he could look at the wound. And to his horror, the wound wasn’t only infected and suppurated but swollen and it looked like something was moving underneath the skin. Everyone else standing beside seeing this was flinching back and gritting their teeth in disgust. 
"Oh shit!"
Peter lifted up his head a bit to look at the wound himself when he saw what made the others gagging. He screwed up his face in terror of what he was looking at while at the same time, the pain was still unbearable.
"'s that yer small scratch?" Kraglin frowned with a bit of sarcasm in his voice.
The boy ignored the comment, as he still stared at the wound with widened eyes, whimpering, pressing his lips together. Eventually, Yondu pushed away the others blocking the way while hissing at them.
"Out of the way!"
He hesitated when he saw the Terran laying there with tears running down his cheeks. Glancing at the wound the captain knew what to do immediately. In the same moment, he remembered the story about the same parasite monsters he used to scare the boy with when he didn't want to sleep. How ironic.
"Kraglin, keep 'm awake!" The Centaurian hollered, rushing to the back of the ship. 
Kraglin briefly looked up to his captain, then again turned back to Peter as ordered. He placed both hands on the boy's cheeks in tension about the whole situation. 
"Okay, kid, stay 'ere! Hey, look at me! Don't'cha close yer eyes, ye hear me?!" He sputtered nervously, moving Peter’s head while his eyelids became heavier from every second passing. 
In the meantime, Yondu went to the makeshift 'kitchen' of the small ship, which consisted only of a few drawers full of cutlery. He opened them in a rush, searching for something useful like a knife. In it, he finally found a huge one, holding the tip over the flame of a burner. Finally, the Centaurian took an old towel, ripping off a piece of it. 
Coming back to the cockpit with the knife and cloth, Yondu said to Peter briefly, "This'll gonna hurt as hell now, boy. 'ere, bite on that." 
He kneeled beside the terrified child and put the piece of cloth between Peter's teeth so that it would prevent him from screaming, because what now would follow, would be awfully painful. And although the Centaurian would really like to renounce doing that, it was the only way to save Peter’s life. He took the knife into one hand and looked at the Terran, who stared at him with widened eyes, clenching his jaw to bite on the piece of cloth. 
Without further ado, Yondu then started cutting with the burning knife into the flesh where the thing was moving. Blood and pus flowed out of the infected wound and Peter’s jaw tightened even more, he shut his eyes while he was screaming in pain, what through the rag in his mouth sounded more like a loud whine. 
The pain was so unbearable, that the poor boy was squirming and wailing but Kraglin held him tight in his grip. Every second felt like an entirety, pure torture. After the cut, now followed something more grievous than it already was. So Yondu didn’t hesitate to not torment Peter even more. The Centaurian reached his hand into the opened cut, to take out the parasite, making the Terran shriek louder while his eyes were flooded with tears. Yet, he didn’t dare to look, what, for his own sake, probably was better. 
"Just 'bout havin' it! Keep 'm still!" The captain growled to Kraglin, who tried to prevent Peter from moving around during the process. 
The Centaurian clenched his teeth and dug deeper into the wound, until he finally grabbed the slimy disgusting thing and tore it out of Peter’s leg. Throwing it away, the crowd of Ravagers behind them stepped aside in fear mixed with disgust of what they just witnessed. Peter tore the cloth out of his mouth, heavily breathing and crying when it was finally over.
"Hey, ya did it, Pete. It’s over." Kraglin said softly to him, placing a hand on the boy's back to calm him down.
Yondu put away the blood soaked knife and sighed in relief while more blood ran down his left hand. 
Just in time, he thought. Any moments later and he would’ve lost the boy.  
"That'll leave one huge scar, boy." Yondu said after he was finished bandaging Peter’s leg and knotted it up all tightly. 
The boy let out a small whimper and flinched as it still hurt but kept himself from crying. He didn't even shed another tear as the Centaurian had cleaned the wound with some alcohol, bravely swallowing his pain.
"But scars are cool, aren’t they?" Peter raised his head to look into the man's face. "They make me a real Ravager now!" 
Yondu snickered softly about the boy's words, tapping his blue fingers on Peter's leg. He grinned slightly at the kid, but instead of answering his question, he took him to task.
"Now ya tell me what'chu were plannin' with this." 
Peter felt his stomach tighten. He probably meant his behavior down there on the planet, Kraglin had told him for sure about that. 
"Why didn't 'cha tell Kraglin ye was wounded, heh?" Yondu dug deeper, sensing that Peter felt more uncomfortable now. He raised an eyebrow, expecting an answer. "So?" 
The boy gulbed, trying to avoid the captain's piercing look on him. Peter looked down, nervously fiddling his fingers. 
"I...uhm, I didn't want the others to know..." He mumbled under his breath, still with his head downcast. "Halfnut and Taserface just would've laughed at me again..." 
Great, now he could forget about flying the Milano for sure, Peter thought, ready for every punishment Yondu was about to give him. But then the boy felt a finger tucking under his chin, raising it and his eyes met the Centaurian's again. 
"Boy" Yondu said gently "Ya shouldn't listen to these jerks out there, they don't know shit. What'chu did was hella dangerous and stupid, ye could've died if I ain't saved ya." 
Peter opened his mouth but closed it again as the Ravager gave him a warning look. That's it, there comes his lecture about how he screwed up, he thought. 
"But ya also did good down there." 
Huh? Did he just praise him?
"I did... good?" Peter repeated in disbelief. 
"Don't 'chu think I ain't seen ya shootin' these parasites." Yondu smiled, pointing at his leg. "An' as for this, ya was really brave, boy. Had one of 'em too, when I was a young lad. And if my captain then ain't come to save me, I wouldn't be alive t'day. See?" 
The Centaurian shoved up his sleeve to reveal a long scar on his blue forearm, a similar one to Peter's. The boy gasped in surprise, realizing that the Ravager captain had been through the same pain as him. Still, it's weird to be praised when you expect to be scolded and such praise coming from Yondu is even weirder.
"So you're not mad?" Peter asked carefully, to make sure that there was not anything else behind all of this. Yondu was very unpredictable when it came down to things like these. 
But the Ravager just chuckled, ruffling Peter's hair. 
"I ain't, boy. But don't 'cha get used to it, yer lucky I'm in such a good mood today!" 
A little giggle escaped the boy's throat as the Centaurian stood up, making his way to the door of Peter's quartier. Outside in the hallway the boy already heard him yelling at his crew for screwing up the job and Peter could help but grin as Yondu returned back to his usual tough demeanor as Ravager captain.
But sometimes, in moments like these, he knew that there's this other side of him, a way softer one only Peter gets to see.
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puppylv · 2 years ago
peter's translator implant messing up and having to teach him english again until he can get it fixed... cute 🥹 he keeps substituting english words he doesn't know with the xandarian equivalent and he doesn't even realize he's doing it because he's so used to the translator
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starsstripesandstark · 1 year ago
The lights were hot and beat down on Carol as she stepped inside the club. There was a ringing -- so loud Carol wasn't sure if it came from somewhere deep inside the crowd on from the gash throbbing in time with her heart on the side of her face.
It was a bloody fight; Dirty, brutal, and so painful that Carol's insides sung for the violence. (Like Maria right before she died. Gorgeous and fierce as her illness tore her apart from the inside, pulling and twisting within her.)
Carol swayed with the room as she shouldered her way to the bar. She looked around, trying to spot a familiar face as her pager beeped against her hip.
Carol rubbed at the bridge of her nose in a tempt to subside the formidable ache collecting behind her eyes. It pushed against her skull like enemy soldiers against weak territory.
It reminded her of her days with the Kree. The ache that the suppressants built would sometimes spread from limb to limb, sitting heavy on her bones. Sometimes it would keep her thoughts muddy, other times it would keep her condemned to her bed.
Carol lifted a hand to the bartender as she found herself a seat at his bar. She looked down at her side; a deep cut from those holographic knifes. That was what was so cheap about the fight. She knew shady stuff could be found in these parts of the universe, but seeing Stark tech was a surprise. Tony was a friend, God rest his soul, and being stabbed and ripped open in such a quick and unkind way made it hurt even more. Carol didn't have much time to tend to the wound at the time, but now was one of the few moments of rest she had between saving and fixing the universe post-Thanos.
"One shot of whatever's strongest, and one bottle of whatever's stronger than that." She implored the bartender when he gave her a waiting look.
The moment the bartender turned away to start putting together her drinks, Carol returned to her wounds: this time the open wound on her knee.
Not only had the bastard used claws to rip open her (brand new, mind you) suit, but also the skin and muscle surrounding her knee cap. Carol didn't often find herself twisting in her seat over a injury, but something about this made the acid in her empty stomach rise high enough to burn the back of her throat.
Carol looked up, catching the bartender's grimace before he fixed his features back to the passive "I don't care" expression Carol supposed his sported every shift.
"Thank you," Carol murmured, reaching out for the shot and the bottle he set in front of her.
Carol took the shot and unceremoniously poured half onto her knee. She hissed at the burn. It must have been a liquor Xandar because not only did it smell like a mix of Terran body odor and passion fruit that the Xandarians oddly loved, but it also started eating away at her clothes like acid in a cloud of steam.
"Jesus." Carol hissed at the pain, took a deep breath, and poured the rest over the wound on her side.
She got a look from the alien sitting next to her, and she bared her teeth at him. He quickly looked away, making himself busy by starring at the incredibly informative concrete countertop.
Carol held back her smirk, but felt her eyebrow raise disobediently. Carol turned back to her task at hand.
Next step: drink herself into a undisturbed slumber with whatever drink the bartender chose to give her.
Based on the label it oddly looked like something found in Wakanda. Carol had only had one chance to try Wakandan booze. After being enlightened by the Wakandan's ancient fermentation process, by the wonderful Nakia, Carol had the pleasure of learning that a couple of glasses managed to get even her slightly inebriated.
Carol settled into her seat, preparing herself for the long night ahead and used her powers to whisk off the cap. It went flying across the bar, landing into some unsuspecting alien's drink.
She took one last scan of the club, seeing if she could spot a companion. Her shoulders drooped slightly when there was no sign who she was looking for.
The other must have been busy. That was probably why her pager was buzzing practically every other second, begging for her attention. If she looked, among the floods of calls for Carol to fix this next thing, would be one of the only numbers Carol had memorized. She would call it and there would be a firm and distant apology-- like an email from a friendly acquaintance. And that would be the night. It would end just the same as it would if Carol didn't.
So, Carol lifted the bottle in a silent cheers with God and took a swig.
"Long night?" The bottle slipped from Carol's fingers, and she just barley caught it in her shock before it crashed on the ground. She looked around at the sound of the familiar voice before, spinning around in her chair and to come face to face with Valkyrie.
She glowed in the club's harsh lighting -- like a beacon.
"Oh, Captain, my Captain." Valkyrie smiled, just enough for her lips to part and her teeth to shine through.
Carol found herself beaming in return and lifted the bottle to Valkyrie.
"I hoped to find you here."
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darthkvznblogs · 2 months ago
I mean, that Terran is the boogeywoman of the entire Kree Empire, but I suppose it's the principle of the thing... ok, so now I'm just curious about what's up with the rest of the db villains. Does Buu exist? Is Cell some secret project from the people who mailed Krillin his wife? Whatever happened to Demon King Piccolo? Actually, just checked, he was mentioned in the Kefla story, so better question: what was their story?
That, and I do think the Frieza clan is just that arrogant. I'd like to write the confrontation between Frieza and Carol sometime, but you can bet he was just as confident about beating her as he was with Goku (until it became clear that he couldn't, and even then his pride is just way too powerful to let him surrender)
Most of DB's story is relatively unchanged, just streamlined, reduced in scope, and shifted over to have mostly happened on Xandar. Given how much of it touches on magic or some form of non-mundane elements, many of the events are unknown or were differently perceived by the general public, same as it's happened on Earth with stuff like the second Titanomachy - as a much more advanced world than ours, Xandar's magical side is much reduced, but it definitely still exists. Most Xandarians don't know that the Dragon Balls or the wish-granting Dragon God Shenron exist, for example, but Piccolo Sr.'s rampage and attempted takeover would've been A Whole Thing (TM).
As to the specific examples you mention: Buu is a figure in Saiyan mythology (but may have existed in the distant past), Cell is [REDACTED] (sorry), and Demon King Piccolo was slain by Goku.
(It's handwavy, I admit, because I'm mostly interested in the characters and where they're at circa the events of the fic I wrote, and their participation on wider scale event afterwards)
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justdealingwithsomeissues · 3 months ago
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Firelord and Airwalker, both also Xandarians, show up looking for Supernova, only to drop a bomb in the Warriors lap that apparently Nova is dead.
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